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What promotes milk lactation. Nutrition while breastfeeding

IN There are 3 critical periods: 3–10 days from the birth of the child, 20–30 days and 3 months. Happening these days hormonal changes in the maternal body and secretion breast milk under particular threat.
Sometimes nursing mothers experience periods of decreased lactation, which causes concern and a desire to supplement the baby with formula. This will require patience, perseverance and faith that everything will work out. You have to fight for every drop of milk.

Some general advice For mothers who want to preserve breast milk:

Attach the baby as soon as required.
If you feed your baby 6 times a day and don’t pump, the milk can actually disappear very quickly. If you express after each feeding, you can maintain lactation for some time. The duration varies, but rarely it is more than six months; cases of feeding on such behavior for more than a year are rare. At on demand, the mother always has as much milk as the baby needs and there is no need to express after each application. In order for the newborn to completely suck the breast, he is applied to one breast for 2-3 hours, and for the next 2-3 hours to the other. Somewhere after 3 months, when the child is already attached relatively rarely, he may need the second breast in one attachment, then the next time he is attached to the one that was the last.

Put the baby to the breast more often (up to 12 times a day), night feedings are required. They are important both for the child’s nutrition and for his nervous system. In addition, the hormone prolactin, which is responsible for lactation, is more actively produced at night, so night feedings usually contribute to longer and better-quality lactation. Some children gradually stop night feedings on their own after a few months of age. However, it is quite normal to resume night feedings in the second half of the year, when the baby begins to move more actively and his body requires more food.

During periods of decreased lactation, it is necessary to feed both breasts at one feeding.
But with a normal amount of milk, there is no need to give two breasts. A newborn baby is applied to one breast for 2-3 hours. Then 2-3 hours to the other (for example, 5 times in 3 hours - to the right one, sucked it all out - now to the left one). We need this so that the baby sucks the breast to the end and receives “front” and “hind” milk in a balanced amount. If the baby is transferred to the other breast in the middle of feeding, he will not receive enough hindmilk, rich in fat. He will suck mostly the front portion from one breast and add the same from the other. Foremilk rich in lactose, after some time the child can no longer cope with the lactose load. Lactose intolerance develops.

Do not leave milk in reserve, but be sure to express it to the last drop.
There is one unpleasant pitfall in regular pumping after feeding, which even most doctors are not aware of. It's called lactase deficiency. When a mother expresses after feeding, she expresses the “hind” fatty milk, which is relatively poor in milk sugar and lactose. She feeds the baby mainly with the anterior portion, which accumulates in the breast between rare feedings. There is a lot of lactose in the front portion. The child is fed “only lactose”, gastrointestinal tract After some time, the child ceases to cope with such volumes of lactose. Lactase deficiency develops ( Lactase is an enzyme, which breaks down lactose - milk sugar, it is missing). This is one of the reasons for the development of lactase deficiency; the second, for example, this: the mother gives the baby two breasts in one feeding. But more on that separately.

Increase the frequency of feedings.

Don't skip night feedings.

Take your baby to your bed. Milk is produced better if you nap together and sleep in the same bed.

Apilak (royal jelly of bees) 1 tablet 3 times a day under the tongue until completely absorbed within 15 days.

Shower massage according to R.N. Seitz: after feeding the baby and expressing milk (if you do this), mammary gland which they fed, pour over hot water(45 degrees) from the shower while simultaneously performing a massage in a circular motion from the nipple to the periphery and from top to bottom, while expressing milk. Duration 5-10 minutes. Carry out the procedure 2 times for the left and 2 times for the right mammary gland during the day.

Multivitamins for nursing mothers - taken regularly.

If your baby sleeps for a long time, you need to express milk without waiting for him to wake up.

Eat cumin bread and brown rice dishes regularly, and eat a serving of seed lettuce (also known as lettuce) with sour cream every day.

Offer both breasts at one feeding and end with the breast you started with.

Stay with the child for as long as possible, ensuring close contact with him.

You need a calm environment at home, help and psychological support from your husband and relatives. And the main thing is to remember that the baby needs your support now and concentrate all your efforts on restoring the milk supply.

Sufficient in duration night sleep(6 - 8 hours) and rest during the day (1 - 2 hours)

Correct and balanced diet using special food products for nursing mothers (increasing calorie intake by 700 - 1000 kcal, fluid volume of at least 2 liters per day).

Visit therapeutic measures prescribed by a doctor: physiotherapy (ultraviolet irradiation of the mammary glands, acupuncture,).

10-15 minutes before feeding, drink a glass of tea with condensed milk, rosehip decoction, fermented milk product or any juice. Juices of black currants, carrots, radishes and drinks made from fennel, dandelions, nettles, oregano, and lemon balm improve milk secretion.

You can take tocopherol (vitamin E) - 10-15 mg 2 times a day for 15 days. - you can try appilac (royal jelly of bees) 10 g (1 tablet) 3 times a day under the tongue until completely absorbed within 10- 15 days.

Also, to improve lactation, you can prepare a paste from baker's yeast and dried brewer's yeast hydrolyzate; they improve the quality of breast milk, increasing the content of protein, fat, and lysozyme. (Beer intake has an adverse effect on the child’s body, affecting the central nervous system, even to the point of mental retardation!)

It is useful to eat table salad, radish, dill, fennel, cumin, nettle, hazelnut, dandelion, oregano, lemon balm, anise, sea buckthorn, carrots, honey, angelica. These plants can be used in natural form, for example - lettuce or hazelnuts.

Learn how to apply correctly. Babies who have experience sucking bottles and pacifiers very often hold their breasts incorrectly and do not take the areola deep enough into their mouths. Mom may not be in pain, because... There is no extreme variant of incorrect attachment (when the child closes his jaws on the nipple), but the breast is poorly stimulated, because the nipple and a small part of the areola lie on the tongue, and the child “expresses” them... It is difficult for a mother who has never observed breastfeeding to determine how correctly her child is sucking. The best option– contact a lactation consultant. If there is no such thing in your area, you need to find a mother who is breastfeeding a child, preferably not the first, and the child must be really breastfeeding, without experience of sucking foreign objects (pacifier, pacifier), and the mother should not have problems with the nipples - abrasions, cracks, neither now nor previously. It is impossible to learn how to apply from books and brochures! There is little hope for photographs in parenting magazines, because very often in parenting magazines you can find photographs of children holding their breasts incorrectly. This is the most important point in restoring normal lactation. If the mother cannot correct the attachment, or considers the painless option of incorrect attachment to be good, neither frequent attachments nor night feedings will bring the desired result.
If you haven't stopped doing this yet, stop using a pacifier. The baby must forget that he can suck on anything other than his mother’s breast. (You can also suck your fist or fingers, but if you see that the baby is sucking very intensely for more than 5 minutes, offer him the breast).

First of all, you should analyze the quality of the mother’s diet and try to rationalize it, since numerous studies have proven the direct dependence of the quality of breast milk on the composition of the mother’s diet. With poor nutrition, not only milk production suffers, but also its chemical composition. During breastfeeding, the calorie content of the mother's diet should be 700-1000 kcal. higher than usual. The approximate daily diet of a wet nurse should consist of 200 g of meat, poultry or fish, 1 liter of milk or fermented milk drinks, 100-150 g of cottage cheese, 20-30 g of cheese, 500-600 g of vegetables, 200-300 g of fruit. Of the fats, it is better to consume butter (15-20 g) and vegetable oil (25-30 g). To correct the nutrition of a nursing woman, we can recommend a special dry milk product “Femilak-2”, enriched with protein, vitamins and minerals.

Decoctions and recipes to increase lactation

Collection to improve lactation No. 1

Brew a teaspoon of crushed lettuce seeds, cumin, dill, anise, fennel with a glass of boiling water, and when it cools down, drink 2 tablespoons 6 times a day.

Means for improving lactation No. 2

An excellent remedy is carrots. It contains beta-carotene, which is very beneficial for breastfeeding women. Grate the carrots, put 3-4 tablespoons of it in a glass of milk or cream, add one teaspoon of honey. You need to drink three such “cocktails” a day. A good remedy is honey! It is loved by cells that produce human milk. You can also drink 1/2 cup carrot juice, 1 teaspoon honey, and 1 tablespoon cream. Take 3 times a day.

Means for improving lactation No. 3

Take 8 parts of regular long tea and mix with two parts of lemon balm or oregano, angelica, and nettle. You can brew tea with a mixture of these herbs. You need to drink as regular tea. Maybe with bagels. And it’s better with Borodino bread - it contains very healthy cumin. You should be aware that each woman has her own individual situation and should consult a specialist before applying these tips.

Means for improving lactation No. 4

Dandelion roots - 5 g. Anise fruits - 10 g. Fennel fruits - 10 g. Oregano herb - 10 g. Pour 1 teaspoon of the mixture (pre-grind the fruits thoroughly in a mortar) with 1 glass of boiling water and leave in a thermos for 30 minutes, strain. Drink 1 glass of infusion 2-3 times a day.

Means for improving lactation No. 5

Collection: anise - 1 part, dandelion roots - 1 part, cumin - 1 part, nettle - 1 part. 2 tbsp. l. pour 2 cups of boiling water over the mixture, leave for 20 minutes, strain and take 1/2 cup 2 times a day an hour after meals. Take 7-10 days.

Means for improving lactation No. 6

Dilute half a glass of freshly squeezed radish juice with the same amount of boiled water, add a little salt, add 1 tablespoon of honey - take 1/2 glass 2-3 times a day.

Means for improving lactation No. 7

Crush 40 tablets of dry brewer's yeast, dilute in 50 ml of boiled water and leave for 16-20 hours at room temperature. then put on the fire, stirring and bringing to a boil. Store in a cool place. Take 1 teaspoon 2 times a day for 2-3 months. Before use, add sugar to taste. (But it is not recommended to drink beer! The alcohol contained in beer easily passes into breast milk and negatively affects the mental and physical development And nervous condition child.)

Means for improving lactation No. 8

Grind 100 g of yeast with a small amount of water to the consistency of thick sour cream, add 70 ml of water and, stirring, bring to a boil over low heat. Close the lid and keep in a water bath for 2 hours. Add sugar to taste and transfer to a glass bowl. Store in a cool, dry place for no more than 2 days.

Means for improving lactation No. 9

Dill fruits - 1 part, sweet clover herb - 1 part, nettle leaf - 1 part, dill fruits - 1 part. Pour 2 tablespoons of the mixture into two glasses of water, bring to a boil, cool, strain, drink 1/2 cup 2 times a day 1 hour after meals.

Means for improving lactation No. 10

Beautiful folk remedy to improve lactation - cumin in sour cream. It is not difficult to prepare this remedy: 5-6 g of cumin fruits, slightly mashed in a mortar, stir in 200 g of sour cream, bring the sour cream to a boil and, stirring constantly, simmer over low heat for about 3 minutes, let the product cool. Take cumin in sour cream one tablespoon 3 times a day before meals.

Means for improving lactation No. 11

Dandelion root, cumin fruits, dill fruits, nettle lit - equal parts. Preparation - pour 2 tablespoons of the mixture into two glasses of water, bring to a boil, cool, strain, drink 1/2 glass 2 times a day 1 hour after meals.

Means for improving lactation No. 12

Nettle leaf - 2 parts, dill seed - 1 part, anise seed - 1 part. Brew two tablespoons of the mixture with 0.5 liters of boiling water, leave for 2 hours. drink in sips throughout the day.

Means for improving lactation No. 13

“Industrial” herbal teas - “Laktavit” (contains fennel, cumin, anise, nettle), Dr. Selezneva teas to improve lactation. Means for improving lactation No. 144-5 pcs. crushed walnut 0.5 liters in a thermos, pour boiled milk and leave for 2-4 hours. You can add 1 teaspoon of green tea and 1 tbsp. l. oatmeal.

Means for improving lactation No. 15

Vitamin E 0.1 - 0.2 - 2 times a day. Take 7-10 days. Ascorbic acid up to 1.0 g per day. Take 7-10 days.

Means for improving lactation No. 16

Ginger. 1 tablespoon of ground ginger per _ liter of water. Boil for about 5 minutes. Drink 3 times a day, 1/3 cup.

Means for improving lactation No. 17

Nicotinic acid. 2 times a day before feeding 30 minutes. (sensation of redness and slight burning of the face and chest). The dose is selected individually to 1 and 1/2 x 2 r. or 1 t.x3r.

Means for improving lactation No. 18

100 g dried apricots, 100 g raisins, 100 g figs, a glass of kernels walnuts pass through a meat grinder and mix with 100 g of honey and 100 g of butter. Eat 1 tablespoon 15-20 minutes before each feeding. Just, of course, start with caution, because there are allergens.

Means for improving lactation No. 19

Gendevit 1 t. 3 times a day after meals for women under 30 years old. For women over 30 - Undevit. Vitamin E (dragées) 3 times a day with a weight up to 60 kg - 0.1g, over 60 - 0.2g. Calcium glycerophosphate or Phytin 1 t. 3 times a day. Take the complex for 7-10 days. Used in combination with complex No. 2 or 5-7 days after it.

Means for improving lactation No. 20

Caraway tea - Rye bread cut into pieces, dry, lightly fry, add boiled water, leave for 3-4 hours, then strain, add yeast, sugar, cumin and put in a warm place to ferment for 10-12 hours, take half a glass or a glass 2 times a day . Recipe: rye bread - 1 kg, min - 40 g, sugar - 500 g, yeast - 25 g, water - 10 l.

Means for improving lactation No. 21

Anise infusion - Pour boiling water over the anise seeds and leave for 1 hour. Take 2 tablespoons chilled 3-4 times a day. Dandelion and lemon flower syrup. Pour dandelion flowers, collected in the morning in sunny weather, with water, add peeled and chopped lemon, simmer for 1 hour over low heat, add sugar syrup, bring to a boil, strain, pour into bottles. Use for flavoring tea, water, soft drinks. Keep refrigerated. Recipe: dandelion flowers - 4 cups, water - 2 cups, lemon - 1 piece, sugar - 800 g, water for sugar syrup - 0.5 l.

Means for improving lactation No. 22

Bertholet's salt. Very good remedy to enhance lactation. Dilute 28 g of Bertholet salt in 600 ml of water and drink two tablespoons 3 times a day, before meals. The result will appear in 1-2 days.

Means for improving lactation No. 23

Mix 20 g of hop cones, 25 g of dill seeds, 25 g of caraway seeds, 25 g of dry nettle leaves, 50 g of beans. Brew 30-40 g of the mixture per 1 liter of boiling water, infuse for 5-7 minutes and take 50 ml before or during meals.

Means for improving lactation No. 24

Lettuce seed drink. Crush the lettuce seeds (20 g) in a porcelain mortar, pour boiling water (1 cup), leave for 2-3 hours, strain. Take 1/2 cup 2-3 times a day.

Means for improving lactation No. 25 WITH

Dandelion leaf juice. Rinse fresh young dandelion leaves well, mince, squeeze out the juice, add salt to taste, and let stand for 30-40 minutes. Take 1/2 cup 1-2 times a day in small sips. To improve the taste, you can add lemon juice and sugar.

What is proper latching of a baby to the breast?
The baby should grasp the nipple and areola with an energetic “butting” movement of the head, lifting the breast, and then, as if placing it as the breast moves down, onto a wide-open mouth, with the tongue lowered but not protruding under the breast. It is necessary that this grip be full and deep so that the nipple is almost at the level of the baby's mouth. soft palate, i.e. The nipple and the areola should actually fill the entire oral cavity of the child. For such a grip, a very wide-open mouth is required, and if the baby is unable to immediately open his mouth correctly, then you can help the child by running the nipple along his lower lip, causing a reflex movement of the lips and opening of the mouth. Often the baby's first reaction to the mother's breast will be to lick it and only then grab it. With correct latching on the breast, the baby's mouth remains wide open; from the side it is visible that underlip completely everted (it is pushed out by the front edge of the tongue, lying on the lower jaw). The areola fits completely into the child's mouth if she is small. If the areola is large, then its capture is almost complete, asymmetrical. From below, the child captures the areolas more than from above.
The effectiveness of sucking is determined not through the creation of negative pressure, but through a rhythmic massage of the areola, carried out by the movements of the child’s tongue.
A child sucks a bottle of any shape and with any hole size in the same way as an adult sucks from a straw: by creating negative pressure. The tongue is not involved in sucking from a bottle. There are no milking movements of the tongue. The tongue is usually behind lower jaw. Therefore, when a baby who is accustomed to sucking a bottle gets into his mouth, he does not know what to do with it. In the extreme case of improper attachment, the nipple gets caught between the jaws, and the baby sucks on the breast just like a bottle. If the nipple is between the jaws, the mother usually experiences quite strong discomfort. Expressiveness pain depends on the thickness of the skin of the areola and the individual sensitivity of the woman. But in any case, the nipple is injured very quickly and often already on the second day after birth, if the attachment is incorrect, abrasions appear, which turn into cracks if the attachment is not corrected. This situation is so common that many women consider cracking to be a necessary evil that comes with breastfeeding.
The painless option of incorrect application turns out to be very “insidious”. In this case, the nipple itself falls behind the jaw and lies on the tongue along with a small part of the areola. The child expresses it... In this case, it does not hurt the mother, because the child does not bite the nipple. The baby even gets some milk. But the breasts do not receive enough stimulation and do not empty well. This gradually leads to a decrease in milk supply. Usually the child in this case does not gain weight very well. Or there is a gradual decrease in the increase. For example, in the first month the child gained 900 g, in the second - 600, in the third - 450. If the child is somatically healthy, feeds on demand, does not suck on anything except the breast, then most likely there is a painless variant of improper attachment.
If a woman has never seen how a baby should suck, if no one has shown her how to properly give the baby the breast and how he should suck, how to control the quality of attachment during sucking, there is a very high probability that she herself will not attach the baby quite correctly and not can teach him correct behavior at the chest. She doesn’t know that she needs to learn something here...
In those distant times, when breastfeeding in our society was commonplace, and not a rare exception, every woman could help a mother who was starting to breastfeed, correct her mistakes, and show her the necessary techniques.
Currently, most women do not have the opportunity to learn motherhood practically. Many people read various magazines or books for parents, and then try to care for and feed their baby based on the theoretical knowledge they have acquired.
Unfortunately, it is impossible to learn how to properly attach a baby to the breast from books, magazines and pictures. Necessary practical training. In maternity hospitals, where most modern babies are born in industrialized countries, no one is engaged in such training. The vast majority of health workers do not have the necessary knowledge for this. What is needed for successful learning another woman is primarily a personal positive experience of breastfeeding. Nurses and midwives, like most modern women, do not have such experience. Incorrect attachment, being widespread, does not cause any concern on the part of medical staff. Women are given only routine recommendations for healing abrasions or cracks, if any. If the baby and mother have a painless incorrect attachment and the associated lack of milk, then the problem is solved by prescribing supplementary feeding and ends with a rapid transition to artificial feeding, because supplementary feeding is given from a bottle with a nipple. The problem of improper attachment is accompanied by breast refusal.

When latching your baby, try to follow the general recommendations:
1. Place your breast into your baby's MOUTH WIDELY OPEN ONLY! Do not try to push the nipple into the half-open mouth; most likely, the child will clamp it with his jaws or he will not take it deep enough.
2. Try to act quickly, because... wide open child holds his mouth for a second or two. If you didn't have time, wait until next time. Help your baby open his mouth by running the nipple along his lower lip several times in a row.
3. Be patient. Very often I observe such mother actions: the mother takes the baby, tries to attach him, the child displays active searching behavior, turns his head. Mom says: “He doesn’t want to!” The mother perceives the child’s instinctive behavior aimed at searching for a nipple as a negative response from an adult! Or, for example, it very often happens that when a mother touches the child’s lower lip with her nipple, he squeezes his mouth. Mom again immediately says that the baby does not want to suck. Meanwhile, if she continued the sentence, the baby would definitely open his mouth. After all, the child does not yet understand what they want from him. He doesn't know that he is expected to open his mouth. For most children, it takes at least two weeks to develop a stable skill of correctly latching onto the nipple, in response to their mother’s suggestion!
4. Very often, having grabbed the breast correctly, the baby, while sucking, slides to the tip of the nipple and begins to bite it. Mom appears painful sensations, but she tolerates them. Painful sucking is unacceptable! The baby does not know that he is sucking incorrectly! He needs to be taught how to suck properly. If the baby begins to slide onto the tip of the nipple, the breast must be correctly picked up (opening the baby's jaws, quickly putting the tip of the finger in the corner of the mouth) and re-introduced.
5. Usually the baby slides onto the tip of the nipple if, while sucking, it does not touch the breast with its nose. Most maternity hospitals recommend holding your breast above the nose with your finger to make breathing easier. But the baby feels the breast with his face! He should touch the breast with his nose while sucking. This position should be maintained throughout sucking and at any age of the baby. If he does not touch his nose to the breast, the newborn does not know that he is already in “place”, and may make searching movements with the nipple in his mouth! His mother immediately says that the baby does not want to suck. The baby’s nose is designed in such a way that the tip makes a “hole” in the chest and breathes through small triangular slits at the wings of the nose. Therefore, there is no need to hold the breast with your finger above the spout. Not only does this maneuver spoil the application, it also contributes to the occurrence of lactostasis in the upper lobes of the gland, because Mom pinches the ducts with her finger and makes it difficult for milk to flow out.
The baby should not be allowed to pull back the nipple or pass it back and forth between the jaws. It is necessary to hold the head when trying to retract the nipple. And take away the breast if the baby begins to “play around”, causing pain to the mother. An older child should not be allowed to turn his head with the nipple in his mouth if he wants to look at some object. The baby should follow the object of interest only with his eyes. Or he should let go of his chest and turn his head if he needs it.
6. I would especially like to note the “inconvenient” shapes of the nipple - flat nipples, inverted, long, thick. Any newborn who is able to suck can adapt to any shape of his mother's nipple. A mother who has a nipple of an “unconventional” shape should show more patience and persistence in teaching her child to suck properly. And she should try to ensure that her baby never receives other “oral objects”, because... In any case, they will seem more convenient for sucking than the mother's breast.
7. For mothers with flat and inverted nipples The moment the baby draws the breast into his mouth is very important. If a baby gets a bottle, pacifier or pacifier in his mouth, he stops making a retracting movement. Both the nipple and the pacifier are already extended, they do not need to be retracted further. Therefore, when the baby gets his mother’s flat nipple in his mouth, he simply opens his mouth and waits, without trying to suck it in. A mother with flat or inverted nipples should try to prevent other sucking objects from getting into the baby's mouth. If necessary, you can give pre-feed or your own expressed milk from a spoon, syringe or pipette.
If a mother has long and/or large nipples, it is very important for her to place them in her mouth as deeply as possible, bringing the nipple itself past her jaws. In the case of a long nipple, the child very often closes his jaws on the nipple or immediately behind the nipple. The aureole practically does not get into the mouth, the baby does not express it, it turns out that he is simply licking the nipple. He cannot express milk this way; the breasts are not emptied or stimulated. There is a shortage of milk. A large nipple cannot be placed in an insufficiently open mouth. The baby, after sucking a pacifier or pacifier, stops opening his mouth wide, because to suck these objects it is absolutely not necessary to open his mouth wide.
A child with the smallest mouth can suck on his mother’s breast with the largest or longest, or any other “inconvenient”, from our point of view, nipple. You just need to place the breast in your mouth correctly, be patient and persistent. Just everything.

In conclusion, I would like to say that by teaching a child to breastfeed correctly, the mother provides him with complete, ideal nutrition in the future, and for herself long-term stable lactation.

Basic rules for successful breastfeeding. Complies with WHO/UNICEF recommendations

Every woman should know that her milk is the most complete food for her child in the first 6 months, and according to some observations, during the first year of life. Therefore, she must follow the rules of successful breastfeeding to ensure the health of her baby, as well as Better conditions for the growth and development of his body:

Early breastfeeding within the first hour after birth.

Exception before breastfeeding from a bottle or in another way to avoid unwanted imprinting and not to form a child’s attitude towards any other feeding other than breastfeeding.

Keeping mother and child together in the same room.

The correct position of the baby at the breast, which allows the mother to avoid many problems and complications with the breast. If the mother was not taught this in the maternity hospital, she should invite a specialist and learn this specifically.

Feeding on baby's demand. It is necessary to attach him to the breast for any reason, giving him the opportunity to suckle when he wants and as much as he wants. This is very important not only for satiating the child, but also for his feeling of comfort and security. In addition, the mother can offer the baby the breast up to 4 times per hour. There will be nothing bad in the fact that the baby latches on to the breast one more time. Both he and his mother will benefit from this.

The duration of feeding is regulated by the child. You should not take your baby off the breast before he releases the nipple on his own.

Night feedings of the baby will ensure stable lactation and protect the woman from next pregnancy. In addition, night milk is the most complete.

Absence of soldering and administration of any liquids. If the baby is thirsty, he should be put to the breast more often.

Complete refusal of pacifiers and bottle feeding. If it is necessary to administer before food, it should only be given from a cup, spoon or pipette.

The baby should not be transferred to the second breast before he has suckled the first breast. If the mother rushes to offer the baby the second breast, he will not receive late milk, rich in fats.

Avoid washing nipples before and after feeding. Frequent washing breast surgery leads to the removal of the protective layer of fat from the areola and nipple, which leads to the formation of cracks. Breasts should be washed no more than once a day during a hygienic shower. If a woman showers less often, then in this case there is no need for additional breast washing.

Refusal of frequent control weighing of the child. This procedure does not give objective information about the nutritional value of the baby. It only irritates the mother, leads to decreased lactation and unreasonable introduction before feeding.

Elimination of additional milk expression. When properly organized breastfeeding Milk is produced exactly as much as the baby needs, so there is no need to pump after each feeding.

A child up to 6 months is exclusively breastfed and does not need additional nutrition and administration with feed. According to some studies, he can be breastfed until he is 1 year old without harming his health.

Support for mothers who breastfed their children up to 1-2 years of age. Communication with women who have had positive experiences with breastfeeding helps a young mother gain confidence in her abilities and receive practical advice, helping to establish breastfeeding.

With the birth of a baby, the question of how to increase lactation worries every mother. Indeed, despite the fact that there are many different mixtures, mother's milk is not only the most the best food, but also contributes to the development of the newborn.

Unfortunately, young mothers sometimes face problems. What to do in such a situation? Some try to combat this problem using everything possible ways stimulation of lactation. And others believe that this is simply not given to them by nature. However, this is a misconception. Only in 1% of all cases a woman really cannot feed her baby. In the rest, lactation can be restored, but this will require a lot of strength and patience. Moreover, it is even possible to resume breast milk production after a break of several weeks.

You can increase lactation in a nursing mother different ways, and it is best to use them in combination. First of all, you need to establish a daily routine for mother and baby. Organize a complete and balanced diet and sufficient drinking regimen. Lactation can also be improved using special pharmacological drugs, teas and other folk methods. The main thing is to be patient and not to lose heart. You will definitely succeed!

Feeding the baby

How to increase lactation while breastfeeding? First of all, you should put your baby to the breast as much as possible. During sucking, even in the absence of milk, prolactin and oxytocin are released. These hormones play important role in establishing lactation, as they stimulate this process.

It is necessary to put the baby to the breast upon request. Feeding should not be strictly timed. In order for the baby to take the breast more actively, you should not give him a pacifier, which can partially satisfy the sucking reflex.

If the baby falls asleep during feeding, you need to rouse him a little so that he sucks more actively. And if it is difficult for a baby to feed on his own, you can help by massaging the mammary gland to increase the flow of milk. Or pump a little before applying to the breast to make it easier for your baby to latch onto the nipple correctly.

Lactation is also stimulated through pumping. This can be done manually or with a breast pump. A woman’s body produces milk in response to need - the more the baby eats, the faster its production goes.

Night application gives good results for increasing lactation. It is advisable to feed the baby at least 2-3 times a night. This will keep prolactin levels at high levels. However, there is no need to specifically wake up the child.

If your baby doesn't have enough milk, you shouldn't give him a bottle of formula. The baby may simply refuse the breast, preferring the bottle. After all, sucking from it is much easier than getting food yourself. Therefore, you just need to survive this moment, putting the baby to your breast as often as possible.

Sufficient fluid intake will help improve lactation - at least 2 liters per day. You need to drink 1 hour before feeding and 30-40 after it. The best option drinking regime- so that the woman does not feel thirsty. At the same time, you do not need to drink forcefully. The liquid should be warm, but not too hot. This provokes the release of oxytocin, which is responsible for milk production. You can drink green or black tea, uzvar, rosehip decoction, compote.

It is necessary to exclude sweet carbonated drinks and juices from potentially allergenic fruits - orange, tomato.

Special teas to stimulate milk production

Very popular teas to increase lactation based on medicinal herbs. They are easy to use, their choice is so large that every woman is sure to find something to her taste. You can improve lactation with fennel, cumin, lemon balm, anise and many other herbs. There are also special fees consisting of several components. Most Popular:

  • Humana granulated tea. It contains extracts of fennel, rooibos and fenugreek. Enriched with ascorbic acid. It is used not only to enhance lactation, but also for speedy recovery a woman's body after childbirth.
  • HiPP granulated tea. Consists of fennel, anise, caraway, lemon balm, nettle extract and galega herb. It has complex action- stimulates milk production and has a calming effect.
  • Tea Lactavit. Available in filter bags that are brewed in boiling water. Contains exclusively natural ingredients- chopped herbs. The composition includes fennel, cumin, anise, nettle leaves.

The tea method does not exert its lactogenic effect instantly. Herbal remedies Gently but steadily stimulate milk production.

Traditional methods of increasing lactation

How to increase lactation traditional methods? Can they really help? Some foods can actually enhance the functioning of the mammary glands. The main thing is to prepare them correctly to get the expected result:

  • Freshly prepared carrot juice. Should be taken 100 ml 2-3 times a day. To improve the taste, you can add 1 tsp. honey, cream or milk.
  • Radish with . Grate, squeeze out the juice and add 1 tsp. honey The drink should be drunk 100 ml 2-3 times a day.
  • Carrots with milk. 3-4 tbsp. l. Pour milk over finely grated carrots. For lactation, the product should be taken 200 ml 2-3 times a day.
  • Caraway drink. 1 tbsp. l. pour 1 liter of seeds boiled water, add lemon or 2 g citric acid and 100 g sugar. Boil the mixture for 5-10 minutes over low heat, cool and strain. Drink 100 ml several times a day.
  • Dandelion juice. Helps effectively improve lactation. The juice can be obtained from fresh, washed leaves of the plant, which must be passed through a meat grinder. To improve the taste, you can add a little salt and leave for 30-40 minutes. You need to drink 100 ml 1-2 times a day.
  • . Increases lactation provided correct reception- 1 tbsp. l. seeds need to be poured with a glass of boiling water, leave for 2 hours and drink 1 tbsp. l. 5-8 times a day.

To increase lactation, herbs have a stimulating effect, resulting in an increase in the volume of milk produced. You can prepare the herbal collection yourself at home. The most effective ingredients are fennel, cumin and oregano. They need to be mixed in equal proportions, 1 tbsp. l. collection, pour 200 ml of water, leave and strain. The drink should be drunk 100 ml 2-3 times a day.

Biologically active additives

With absence positive results If you are using all possible methods of breastfeeding, you should consult a doctor. In some cases, lactation for a nursing mother can be restored and improved with the help of dietary supplements.

However, in order to quickly achieve good results, pills alone will not be enough. Must be used simultaneously different methods- feeding regimen, mother's nutrition, physical activity and etc.

The most popular products with lactogenic properties are Apilak, Mlekoin and Laktogon:

  • Apilak. Natural preparation, The main thing active substance whose - bee royal jelly. Causes increased lactation due to natural properties. It has no contraindications other than individual intolerance to bee products. The course of treatment is 15 days.
  • Mlekoin. This homeopathic medicine, increasing breast milk production. It contains stinging nettle, meadow lumbago and agnus cactus.
  • Lactogone. Complex drug, increasing lactation due to the therapeutic effect of the components - carrot juice, ginger, ascorbic acid, dill, nettle and royal jelly.

Breastfeeding women may periodically experience lactation crises. They are characterized by a sharp decrease in the amount of milk, the baby becomes restless, constantly asks for food, and hangs on the chest for a long time. As a rule, the period lasts up to 5 days. Therefore, you should not panic and supplement your baby with formula; it is better to use safe and effective methods to increase lactation, and everything will work out.

Sometimes women are so afraid of the lack of breast milk that they strive with all their might to increase their quantity. Even if the little one has enough of what he has. How to determine whether the baby is getting enough nutrition from the mother's breast? And how to properly increase lactation if necessary?

Watching the baby

If a mother is overzealous in her efforts to increase milk production, the consequences can be very unpleasant, including mastitis. But a shortage of milk often forces the baby to be transferred to artificial nutrition. Therefore, it is necessary to strive to increase lactation only in cases where it is reliably known that insufficient milk is being produced. This condition is called hypolactia. How to determine it? According to the baby's behavior.

  • the baby does not fall asleep at the end of feeding, but shows dissatisfaction;
  • he cannot withstand the usual intervals between feedings and wakes up earlier;
  • he may have “hungry” stools - less frequent, denser in consistency, darker (usually brownish).

All of the above signs are important, but the most reliable are these: the baby begins to urinate less than 6-8 times a day (in the absence of other causes of dehydration - for example, intestinal infection, increased body temperature or significant overheating) and ceases to gain weight satisfactorily (2 weeks are considered the shortest “effective” period for assessing weight gain). If the baby exhibits two or more of the above signs, it is perhaps worth thinking about ways to stimulate lactation.

Where does milk come from?

First you need to figure out what mechanisms in the body are responsible for milk production. Milk is produced in the end sections of the mammary glands under the influence of a hormone prolactin, which is produced by the anterior lobe of the pituitary gland - a part of the brain. When the baby suckles on the mother's breast, stimulation occurs nerve endings(receptors) of the areola - areola. As a result, the pituitary gland begins to produce two hormones: oxytocin, contractile milk ducts of the mammary gland and, as it were, injecting milk into the child’s mouth (at the same time, the mother feels a “rush” of milk in the chest), and prolactin, already known to us, causing further production of milk by the glands. An increase in pressure in the end parts of the mammary glands when they are full is a signal to suppress the production of prolactin, and further lactation is reduced. It is important that the production of prolactin by the pituitary gland occurs more intensely at night and during nap. Understanding the natural mechanisms of regulation of this process provides the key to some control over it. To increase lactation necessary measures are those that imitate it natural stimulation. Let's look at each of them. For sufficient production of prolactin, two factors are important: the mother’s psychological attitude towards breastfeeding and proper stimulation of the areolas during feeding. Perhaps, psychological aspect, a woman’s desire to breastfeed at all costs, and self-confidence plays a major role in the whole process. There are many cases in history where mothers breastfed their babies extreme conditions life, because they knew that only their milk would help the children survive. But the ideal option is one in which the mother does not pose the question at all: “whether it will work or not,” but treats breastfeeding as a completely natural process. Stress can disrupt the production of prolactin in the pituitary gland, and the mother's doubts about adequate milk production often turn out to be similar stress.

Feeding correctly

Now let’s deal with the “physical” component, namely, the correct stimulation of prolactin production. 1. Feeding should occur at the baby’s first request. Pediatricians are convinced that in all cases when breastfeeding helps the baby calm down, this particular remedy should be used, regardless of the reason for the little person’s dissatisfaction. It is impossible to overfeed a baby with mother's milk! Even if the baby does not eat this time, but simply smacks for his own pleasure, the brain will still receive a signal from the areola receptors that will turn on the prolactin production system. Babies who are familiar with pacifiers may ask for the breast less often, leading to understimulation of this system. It cannot be said that pacifiers are definitely bad, but in cases of insufficient milk production, it is perhaps worth abandoning them. 2. Feeding should last as long as the baby wishes. When children are full, they release their mother's nipple on their own. In addition, we should not forget that the child needs not only to fill his stomach, but also to satisfy his sucking reflex (it is known that sucking triggers inhibition processes in the central nervous system and, therefore, children calm down from the breast or pacifier) ​​and spend plenty of time with their mother. In this case, the baby will be physically and psychologically satisfied, and the mother’s lactation will be well stimulated. If the mother has little milk, the baby, having emptied one breast, will still be dissatisfied. You definitely need to transfer it to the other breast. This will allow the baby to be full and will stimulate the production of prolactin to a greater extent. 3. To stimulate lactation, night feedings are most important. Since this is the case, prolactin production occurs mainly at night or during daytime sleep. It is during these hours that nipple irritation during feeding is most effective for hormone production and further milk production. 4. Correct grip of the nipple by the baby during sucking is very important. The baby should be picked up so that he is turned towards his mother with his whole body, and not just his head. With the correct grip, the baby's mouth is wide open, the chin is pressed to the mother's breast, the lower lip is turned outward, it captures not only the nipple, but also a significant part of the areola. Sometimes bottles and pacifiers interfere with proper latching, which leads to insufficient stimulation of the nerve endings of the breast and reduces the effectiveness of sucking. In this case, the baby will simply have to be retrained.

What else will help?

On the one hand, to increase milk production, it is enough to eliminate psychological difficulties and stress and follow the correct feeding technique. On the other hand, this process can be supported by additional actions that help increase lactation.

  1. Pump and stimulate your nipples between feedings. Most likely, expressing milk, if there is already little of it for feeding, will be unnecessary, but independent stimulation of the nipples can do a good job. The fact is that feeding on demand very quickly leads to a complete correspondence between the amount of milk produced and the needs of the baby. This is a conscious “deception” of the body, simulating an increase in these needs and causing an increase in milk production. An effective method is to irritate the nipples with your fingers, which replicates the baby’s sucking and causes a feeling of “tide” in the chest.
  2. Drink about 2 liters of fluid per day(this amount includes first courses and fruits). An increase in fluid intake will involuntarily lead to an increase in milk production. However, a further increase in this volume will no longer affect lactation or make the milk too diluted. You should not consume large quantities cow's milk: it in no way causes an increase in lactation, but it is quite capable of causing colic or allergies in the baby. It is better to add milk to tea. If tea with milk is not one of your mother’s favorite drinks, you can completely give up milk and eat only lactic acid products.
  3. Nutrition should be healthy: as varied and balanced as possible. This will help the body perform its functions better. natural functions, and will also enrich the milk with vitamins and minerals necessary for the baby. The diet of a nursing mother must contain proteins (meat and fish, if the child tolerates the latter, buckwheat dishes), fats (half animal, for example butter) and slowly broken down carbohydrates (cereals, pasta made from durum flour). It is necessary, if possible, to expand your diet with foods rich in vitamins and minerals (fruits and vegetables). Smoked meats, canned foods, and hot seasonings retain water in the mother's body and thereby somewhat reduce milk production; moreover, they can cause allergies in the baby.
  4. Take advantage of natural lactation stimulants. These include special teas to increase lactation (“Laktavit”), as well as numerous food products and drinks for nursing mothers. On the one hand, these dishes will fill your diet essential vitamins and minerals, on the other hand, they are enriched with natural lactation stimulants - fennel, lemon balm, mint. Many experienced mothers note similar properties in walnuts, but this has not been proven and is unsafe in terms of allergic manifestations in the baby. You can resort to homeopathic remedies: they often give very good effect. Ideally, these remedies should be selected by a homeopathic doctor, but many, from their own experience, speak well of drugs available on the market, such as, for example, MLECAINE. Acupuncture also helps stimulate lactation, of course, if it is performed by a professional. It may seem that successful lactation is a very troublesome task, but in fact there is nothing more pleasant than giving your baby the best. Even if it takes a little work...

Every mother knows how beneficial breastfeeding is for a newborn. Poor nutrition is one of the main reasons why there is a shortage of milk. There is no need to rush to transfer the baby to artificial feeding, hurry up with connecting mixtures. Products that increase lactation and make the menu balanced and varied help combat the problem.

Drinking regime

Products that increase lactation in the first days after childbirth and beyond are primarily liquid (milk, juices, teas, water). Many young mothers are convinced that there should be as much fluid as possible, this stimulates milk production. This is partly true, but the quality of this baby’s main dish will be significantly worse. Excess water has a diluting effect on milk, depriving it of valuable vitamins, minerals, fat and protein.

The mammary glands produce approximately 800-900 ml of milk per day. To “support” their work, it is enough to consume about 2 liters of liquid per day. You should take into account not only drinks, but all liquid foods (for example, soups).

Herbal infusions, teas

When choosing products that increase lactation in women, we must not forget about the healing properties herbal teas, collections, infusions. There are three groups of herbs that not only “encourage” milk production, but also solve certain health problems.

  1. Nettle. It is useful for physical exhaustion, chronic weakness, low hemoglobin, anemia.
  2. Melissa, mint and oregano. These herbs perfectly relieve stress and tension, which often cause negative impact on lactation processes.
  3. Dill, fennel and cumin. Teas based on these herbs effectively solve problems associated with the digestive tract.

The number one recipe for solving problems with milk, proven over centuries, is a decoction made from dill seeds. 1 tbsp. l. seeds are poured with a glass of boiling water, infused for 1.5-2 hours, cooled. It is enough to drink half a glass twice a day. Alternatives to dill that produce the same effect are anise, cumin.

Drinks, juices

When listing products that increase breast milk lactation, first of all, the following drinks and juices should be mentioned.

  1. Carrot drink is one of the best stimulants for milk production. It is prepared from finely grated carrots. 3-4 tablespoons (tablespoons) of the product are poured into a glass of boiled, slightly cooled milk. The mixture is drunk immediately. Honey is an excellent alternative to carrots.
  2. Improves production " baby food"and nut milk. Add 100 g of walnuts to 500 ml and cook until thickened. If desired, you can add a little sugar. It is recommended to take this drink 30 minutes before breastfeeding, the recommended volume is a third of a glass.

Fruits and vegetables

Carrots and onions are products that increase milk lactation, which are recommended to be added as often as possible to first and second courses, salads, as they are very useful for nursing women. Radish and pumpkin are practically not inferior to them. Carrots should definitely be included regularly in your diet and in the form of freshly squeezed juice.

Fruits should be added to porridge; oatmeal and buckwheat are recommended for new mothers during the feeding period. It is also worth using apples, plums, and pears to prepare compote, which supplies the body with vitamins.

Nuts, honey

Mushrooms also have a positive effect on lactation processes, activate blood flow, cause dilation of capillaries, improving the process of delivery of hormones and vitamins to the mammary glands. It is best to add them to the menu in the form of soups, scrupulously adhering to the basic rules of preparation.

What products are not allowed?

Which foods increase lactation is not the only important question. First of all, you need to exclude from your diet foods that inhibit this natural process. On the prohibited list:

  • mint, sage;
  • hop cones;
  • walnut leaf;
  • basil, horsetail;
  • parsley, lingonberry.

The menu of a new mother breastfeeding should not include smoked, fried, or spicy foods. The category of prohibited elements includes seasonings that retain salt and mayonnaise in the body. It is worth giving up canned food and sausages, minimizing flour foods, and foods that have become known as potential allergens, for example, chocolate, mackerel, and crayfish.

Sticking to proper diet By consuming enough foods that increase lactation, a woman will solve her problems with a lack of milk.

Breastfeeding is one of the most important processes necessary for a baby in the first months of life. After all, mother's milk is best product nutrition that cannot be replaced by anything. But it often happens that the amount of milk for some reason decreases and the baby begins to lack food.

To avoid asking for help artificial mixtures, it is urgent to establish lactation. For this there are many different medicines, but first you need to pay attention to the nutrition of the nursing mother. Let's look at some drinks and foods that increase lactation.


Proteins are construction material throughout the human body, therefore in the diet little baby they must be present. To fully supply the child with them, a young mother needs to eat food rich in these proteins. It can be meat, cheese, chicken, cottage cheese, kefir or fermented baked milk.

When properly combined with fruits, vegetables and whole grain bread, these products will not only provide the mother and baby with the necessary nutrients, but will also promote better breast milk production.


To improve lactation, many women are addicted to eating nuts, as they contain a lot of potassium and magnesium. Yes, they help very well to cope with the problem of lack of milk, but everything should be in moderation.

Nuts (especially walnuts) are fatty product and is not very well absorbed by the baby’s still fragile body. The exception is almonds - they contain less fat. But you can only eat a few pieces of it per day - consumption large quantity may cause increased gas formation in the baby. And from pine nuts you can make a cocktail – 1 tbsp. pour a glass of water over the kernels overnight. In the morning, boil everything, cool and drink. For sweetness you can add a little honey.

Vegetables and fruits

About the benefits fresh vegetables and fruits, many have already heard. But not everyone knows that they help improve lactation. To increase breast milk production, the following are recommended:

  • carrot;
  • radish;
  • watermelon;
  • lettuce;
  • dill;
  • fennel leaves;
  • sunflower seeds, cumin, sesame seeds;
  • black and white currants;
  • blueberry;
  • gooseberry;
  • blackberry.

It should be taken into account that many of the products that increase lactation do not combine with each other and you should not use them at the same time - the baby will have a tummy ache due to increased gas formation.


Despite the fact that honey is an allergen, a nursing mother should still consume it. It contains many microelements that have a positive effect on the formation of blood cells.

Honey has a calming effect, improves bowel function, and prevents constipation. And the most important thing is this excellent remedy to improve lactation, helping to increase the amount of breast milk. Naturally, you don’t need to lean heavily on it, but you shouldn’t give up one teaspoon a day. If the child has an allergy, then you will have to look for other products to increase lactation.

Dairy products

To improve lactation, a nursing mother is recommended to consume at least 1 glass of fermented milk products per day. It could be fermented baked milk or kefir. But whole milk is still contraindicated for her - it can cause allergic reactions in an infant and upset digestion.


Violation of the drinking regime and a decrease in the amount of fluid consumed contributes to the deterioration of lactation. A nursing mother should drink at least 2-2.5 liters of liquid per day. Drinking warm teas helps increase the amount of breast milk. herbal infusions, juices The most proven method is warm tea with milk or honey, drunk 20 minutes before feeding the baby.

Also, to improve lactation, mother can drink:

  • dried fruits compote;
  • dill tea. Preparation: pour a spoonful of dill (seeds) with boiling water (200 ml), leave everything in a thermos for several hours. The infusion is divided into 2 doses. A decoction of anise or caraway seeds has the same property;
  • milkshake with dill – chop the dill seeds and mix with a glass of kefir, a pinch of salt and nutmeg. Strain and drink in the morning before meals;
  • teas with the addition of lemon balm or simple mint increase the amount of breast milk and calm the nerves. You can brew only the leaves of the plant, you can mix it with black or green tea;
  • freshly squeezed juices from carrots or currants. It is recommended to dilute them slightly with water;
  • ginger tea. Grind 1 ginger root, add water (1 liter), boil. Add lemon or honey, drink 50 ml 3 times;
  • Barley decoction or barley drinks are excellent lactogonics. Drinks can be purchased in departments dietary nutrition. The decoction is made at home;
  • dandelion infusion. Add chopped dandelion root and leaves (about 1 teaspoon) to a glass of boiling water. Infuse, strain, drink ¼ cup before meals 3-4 times a day;
  • juice from dandelion leaves. Grind the young leaves of this flower with a blender or meat grinder, squeeze out the resulting pulp, and add salt to the juice. Leave for half an hour, add a little honey, sugar or lemon juice, drink in small sips 2 times a day.

Even if a nursing mother knows which foods increase lactation, and she adheres to proper nutrition and drinking regime, she must remember about her rest regime. She shouldn’t overwork herself, overload herself physically, or expose herself to stress. Also, do not forget about night feedings - very often they are the key to successful breastfeeding.