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The benefits and harms of black cumin oil. Methods of application. Beneficial properties of black cumin oil, recipes for use, contraindications

The material in the brochure does not claim to be a complete coverage of treatment methods, but will fill the gap of the Russian-speaking reader in this area of ​​medicine, which was kept silent about, just as knowledge about

The Almighty Creator by supporters of the ideas of the pseudoscientific theory of evolution.


Chemical drugs, if we talk about modern medicine, then in rare cases you can find mention of medicinal herbs in it. At several pharmaceutical congresses, it has been stated that the use of modern chemical-based drugs for many years has produced appalling results. side effects, and the World Health Organization has declared the need to return to natural medicines and limit the use of chemical medicines as much as possible. The results of research from some laboratories also caused a lot of noise, the reports of which stated that the same side effects of a number of chemical drugs are to blame for the spread of cancer. Warnings regarding some types of drugs created earlier, the harm from the use of which have been confirmed in laboratories and as time passes, are heard more and more often every year.

In a number of European countries, America and Russia, hospitals based on natural medicinal herbs have appeared. After successes and repeated approvals, the number of such hospitals in the world is increasing every year.


Medicine of Islam.

Medicine in Islam is entirely based on the Koran and the authentic sayings of the Messenger of Allah.

In the collections of hadiths of al-Bukhari (sayings of the Prophet*), it is reported from the words of Abu Hurayrah, may Allah be pleased with them, that the Prophet* said: “Whatever disease Allah sends down, He will certainly send down a means of healing it.”

Allah Almighty said in the Quran: “... comes from the belly (of bees) drinks of various kinds, in which there is healing for people. Verily, in this is a sign for a people who reflect!” (Surah Bees, verse 69).

It is also reported by al-Bukhari from the words of Ibn 'Abbas, may Allah be pleased with them, that the Messenger of Allah * said: “Three things bring healing: a sip of honey, the use of cups and cauterization, but I forbid (meaning undesirable) the members of my communities to do cauterizations.”

And also in reliable hadiths transmitted by Bukhari and Muslim, it is said: “...Truly, black cumin is a remedy for all diseases except death.”

Prophet Muhammad* said: “Make black cumin obligatory for yourself (i.e. for use with medical point vision), since it contains healing from all diseases except “Sami”. Then someone asked: “What is a Sami?” To which the Prophet* replied: “Death.” The hadith was narrated by 'Aisha (may Allah be pleased with her) in the collection of hadiths of Masnad Ahmad, Abdullah bin Umar Huraira (may Allah be pleased with him) in the collection of hadiths from Ibn Majah, and also by Abu Huraira (may Allah be pleased with him) in the collection of hadiths from Tirmidhi.

Prophet Muhammad* said: “Black cumin contains healing from all diseases except death.” Narrated by Burda, to Ahmad's Masnad.

Prophet Muhammad* said: “Black cumin is a cure for all diseases except “saam” (death).” The hadith was narrated by Abu Hurayrah (may Allah be pleased with him), in the collection of hadiths from Bukhari, Muslim, Ibn Majah and Masnad Ahmad.

Narrated Khalid bin Saad (in the hadiths of Bukhari and Ibn Majah): “I arrived in Medina with Ghalib ibn Ajar. On the way, Galib fell ill. Ibn Atik came to visit him and said that from the words of ‘Aisha (may Allah be pleased with her), the Prophet Muhammad* said: “Black cumin contains healing from all diseases.” And he advised treating him with black cumin, saying: “Treat him with black cumin. Add oil to the ground five or seven seeds and place a few drops in each nostril into his nose.” We crushed black cumin into powder, mixed it with olive oil and dropped the resulting mixture into both of Ghalib's nostrils. And he recovered."

Imam Al-Bukhari reported that the Prophet Muhammad* ordered the use of black cumin, since this plant contains enormous healing power against any disease.

Ibn Abi Atiq testified that ‘Aisha, the wife of the Prophet, told him that she heard from the Prophet* that black cumin is a cure for all diseases except death.

Abu Latif said that black cumin has various medicinal properties.

These hadiths of the Prophet* have received much attention and there are many opinions expressed by scientists about black cumin. For example, Al-Manawi said: “It (black cumin) contains a cure for all diseases, but the ways of using black cumin are different (with or without mixing it with anything), it depends on the type of disease.”

Black cumin has been used and widely recommended by Muslims for centuries, and hundreds of articles have been written on the topic. Black cumin is a kind of plant of the Prophet*, as it occupies a special, unique place in the medicine of the Prophet*, referred to as a “remedy for all diseases.”



Short description.

Black cumin (Nigella Sativa).

Black cumin, also known as nigella sativum, Roman coriander and nigella, grows wild in East Asia, Southern Europe and Northern Africa. Cultivated in the countries of Central and Southeast Asia, North America, mainly in Egypt and the Middle East. The Mediterranean is considered to be the birthplace of the plant.

Black cumin is an annual plant that belongs to the ranunculaceae family. The stem is erect, branched, up to 60 cm high. The leaves are pinnate and grayish-green. The flowers are large, single, white or blue, on long stalks. After pollination, the carpels grow together into seed-pod-like multileaflets, containing black, triangular, wrinkled seeds when ripe. It can be compared to a long stem with a top similar to the top of a poppy. In the middle there is a fruit, hollow, with black seeds that have a specific taste and smell. The taste is herbaceous, with a slight nutty tint, slightly reminiscent of oregano. Its seeds contain essential oil, flavonoids, tannins, mineral salts.

Black cumin is used for diseases of the nervous system, abnormal menstruation and even cancer diseases.

It is an effective remedy that helps strengthen the immune system, reduces blood pressure, lowers cholesterol levels in the blood, and increases appetite.

Optimizes intestinal function by eliminating the phenomena of desbacteriosis, promotes the removal of worms and worms from the body.

Black cumin oil has many forms and applications: as a highly effective diuretic, choleretic, mild laxative, as an immunostimulating agent, and it also gives excellent results in the treatment of various dermatological diseases associated with neuro-humoral and histamine disorders of the body.

It can be taken continuously by nursing mothers to enhance lactation.

Prevents obesity and promotes weight loss.

Steam from warm bread, baked with cumin, relieves headaches and migraines.

It is also successfully used in the treatment of sclerosis, stroke and other vascular diseases.

Al-Intaqi said that if you fry cumin and put it in a cloth bag, it can be used for a runny nose as an inhalation.

If cumin seeds are soaked for an hour in mother's milk, and then give it to a hepatitis patient to smell, you can get a good healing effect due to the fact that this opens the excretory ducts of the liver and gall bladder.

It is known that one of the rulers of Turkestan said that to improve vision one should sniff crushed cumin mixed with iris oil. And also that it is used in vinegar dressings for the treatment of skin diseases: purulent scabies, leprosy, as well as for old solid tumors.

By lubricating the anus with cumin oil, you can get rid of worms. Cumin cures phlegm during fever.

Cumin, soaked overnight in vinegar and then ground, should be snorted for chronic headaches and facial paralysis; is one of the most reliable means in the treatment of vascular blockage; has a calming effect, has a beneficial effect on the nervous system, improves blood circulation and skin color (in this case it should be taken in the morning).

Cumin oil has a strong effect in the treatment of vascular diseases, in particular cerebral vascular sclerosis.

Black Cumin Oil is an excellent healer, both when used internally - prevention and treatment of various diseases internal organs, and in the field of applied use in external skin care (psoriasis, eczema, dry skin, massage of joints and scalp).

Black cumin oil is used as an indispensable tool for care problem skin any type with acute and congestive inflammatory elements, with allergic dermatitis, neurodermatitis, and also has a resolving, tonic and regenerating effect. Masks are made from it to deeply cleanse the skin and pores.

Used in hair care for seborrhea. Increases bust elasticity. Has anti-cellulite, anti-edematous effect. Effective antifungal, antibacterial, antiviral agent: eliminates itching, regenerates inflamed skin areas.

Cumin oil is a good antidote for snake bites. It has a beneficial effect on enlarged lymph nodes, helping to reduce them.


Scientific data.

Since 1959, over 200 studies have been conducted at international universities, the stunning results of which have been published in articles and reports in various media. This in a wonderful way confirmed the critical importance of black cumin, which was discussed over 1400 years ago.

In 1989, an article appeared in the Pakistan Medical Journal about the phenomenal properties of black seed oil. And in 1992, the medical department of the University of Dhaka (Bangladesh) conducted a study on the antibacterial properties of black cumin oil in comparison with five strong antibiotics: ampicillin, tetracycline, cotrimoxazole, gentamicin and nalidixic acid. The facts undoubtedly lead to admiration - black cumin oil has shown itself to be more effective remedy against many bacteria, including even those that have the strongest resistance to medications.

In light of the above studies, it is interesting to note that homeopaths have long used black cumin tincture as an excellent remedy for problems of the digestive tract.

A study by Agarwal (1979) proved that black seed oil is excellent in increasing milk supply in nursing mothers.

In the USA, an analysis of the substances contained in black cumin oil and their effect on the human body was carried out. These studies have shown that this plant, tested for thousands of years, is a real all-healing remedy. Evidence of this is its strong antibacterial and antidote effects. In addition, the oil acts against inflammatory and allergic processes.

American scientists have made the first scientific report on the antitumor (cancer) effects of black seed oil. A significant effect of lowering blood sugar has also been established.

In one of research work Professor of Medical Sciences Ahmad Qada mentions the following interesting fact. In his hospital in Florida, AIDS patients were encouraged to consume black cumin. The positive effect of using black cumin was practically visible in a short time. However, nothing was said about the methods of use and dosage. The reports only say that the research has not yet been completed.

It is also known about the results of scientific research conducted in Germany, carried out by Peter Schleicher, on the therapeutic effects of black cumin oil. 70% of those who participated in the experiment, and there were more than 600 people, were cured of allergic diseases. Among them are patients with allergies to pollen and dust, asthmatics, and neurodermatism. The use of black cumin oil against influenza diseases was also effective.

Scientific research have shown that black cumin strengthens the immune system, thereby being a remedy for any disease, because the strength of the immune system is a necessary condition for getting rid of any disease, no matter what its nature; in addition, it has been found that black cumin oil improves hair growth and even prevents premature greying.

The value of the enzymatic and lipolytic qualities of black cumin is so high that the drug “Nigedase” is produced from it for the treatment of chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (cholecystitis, enterocolitis, enteritis, hepatitis, pancreatitis). Lipotropic substances of black cumin provide a stable reduction in cholesterol and are an antidote to alcohol, eliminating the effects of alcohol intoxication.

Black cumin is a classic lipolytic that hydrolyzes vegetable and animal fats and promotes their digestion, utilization and restoration fat metabolism. Beauties of different nations used this natural remedy as food additives to maintain harmony and canonize body contours.

Black cumin oil is a therapeutic textbook for restoring the immune and hormonal systems, eliminating hypersecretion of aggressive hormones (adrenaline, norepinephrine) and biogenic amines (histamine and serotonin). Due to the presence of a number of mediator substances, this oil stimulates the secretion of histaminase (an antagonist of biogenic amines) and the production of antihistamine antibodies. In addition, the supply of cyclooxygenase to the tissue provides a high coefficient of antiserotonin activity of black cumin. Therefore this natural preparation recognized by allergists from all countries as an effective means of combating any form of allergy at the local and systemic level.

Black cumin transports essential fatty acids (arachidonic, dihomolinolenic, etc.) and microsomal enzymes into the cells of the human body, from which the membranes of the cells of our body produce important nutrients that regulate local tissue reactions - prostaglandins. These substances improve the secretory functions of the body, stimulate microcirculation, take part in restoring neurotransmitter balance and normalizing excitation-inhibition processes. The content of the cyclooxygenase enzyme stimulates vascular endothelial cells to synthesize prostocyclins and thromboxanes, which prevent platelet aggregation and adhesion. Thus, black cumin oil has an anti-sclerotic, vasodilating effect, forms hemostatic balance, plus restores natural symbiosis intestinal flora, eliminating the phenomena of dysbiosis and supplying active antifungal, antibacterial and antiviral enzymes.



Black cumin seeds contain fatty oil in the amount of 30%-35% and 1%-1.5% essential oil. The Nigellone element contained in the essential oil has very valuable medicinal properties

Black cumin oil is extracted by cooling from the black cumin herb or by cold pressing the black cumin fruit. The oil obtained from the herb contains the following components: volatile oil 1%, persistent oil 84.6%, black seed particles 14.4%.

Usually cumin oil is filtered after production, in this case the oil has a uniform color, unfiltered oil has a black precipitate of tiny seed particles.

Black cumin oil contains more than 100 active ingredients and about 50 catalysts for natural cell biosynthesis: saturated and unsaturated fatty acids, lipase, tocopherols, multivitamins A, B, P, essential oil, alkaloids (in particular, damascenen), acetylcholines, catechins, cytokinins , enzymes, etc., some of which are still unexplored, and work in this area through joint efforts seems to be fruitful.

This oil is a rich source of "polyneactane" fatty acids, also known as "vital fatty acids" - which are the building blocks of cells and help the organ (body) produce "prostaglandin" E1.

The “fatty acids” that make up the oil contain:
. myristinic acid - 0.5%;
. palmitic acid - 13.7%;
. palmitoleic acid - 0.1%;
. stearic acid - 2.6%;
. oleic acid - 23.7%;
. linoleic acid (linoleic acid - 57.9%, linoleic acid - 0.2%);
. arachidic acid - 1.3%;

Also, the oil contains the following components (mg/l):
Calcium 64
Sulfate 48
Magnesium 24
Chloride 34
Sodium 47
Silica 26
Potassium 5
Bicarbonate 305
TDS 430

In addition, it contains protein, iron, copper, zinc, phosphorus, thiamine, riboflavin, pyridoxine, niacin, etc.


Indications for use and pharmacological properties of the drug.

In general, cumin oil can be used against various categories of diseases in the following form:

Category one.
For indigestion, bloating with insufficient bile secretion, to stimulate the production of bile, the secretion of uric acid by the kidneys (for the treatment of gout), functional liver failure, migraine, exhaustion of the body, to increase vigor and vitality, to strengthen the immune system, especially during treatment and recovery, as an anti-inflammatory, stimulating digestion, improving appetite, antipyretic and diaphoretic, against diarrhea, anthelmintic, antibacterial, antifungal, antiviral, for headaches, high blood pressure, bleeding (nasal mucosa), hemophilia, cancerous tumors, cestodes ( tapeworms), diabetes mellitus, as a diuretic, to enhance secretion of the mammary glands, increased uterine bleeding, as a regulator of growth hormones, involuntary urination, stomach and duodenal ulcers, to reduce cholesterol levels in the blood, to enhance sexual potency:
Take one teaspoon of black cumin oil in the morning and evening, 15 minutes before meals, then wash it down with a glass of water and a tablespoon of natural honey dissolved in it.

Category two.
Sinusitis (inflammation of the paranasal sinuses), as an expectorant, for dry cough, bronchial asthma, asthmatic bronchitis, colds:
Directions for use and dosage:
1. Lubricate the inside of the nostril openings with oil, inhale strongly and expectorate the mucus.
2. Inhalation - 1 tbsp. a spoonful of black cumin oil in half a glass of boiling water.
3. Take one teaspoon of black cumin oil in the morning and evening, 15 minutes before meals, then wash it down with a glass of water and a tablespoon of natural honey dissolved in it.

Category three.
Dermatophyte with localization of lesions of the nails and feet, rheumatism and musculoskeletal diseases, dermatitis (eczema), baldness and alopecia areata, psoriasis ( scaly lichen).
Directions for use and dosage:
1. Gently rub black cumin oil on the affected areas of the body.
2. Take one teaspoon of black cumin oil in the morning and evening, 15 minutes before meals, then wash it down with a glass of water and a tablespoon of natural honey dissolved in it.




1. Diseases respiratory tract:
A. Asthma, cough, pneumonia:

. rub the chest with black cumin oil diluted with olive oil (in a ratio of 1:5);
. It is recommended to inhale the vapors of black cumin oil, and also keep 1/4 teaspoon under the tongue;
. Take 1 teaspoon orally in the morning and evening;
. chest and back massage with black cumin oil and inhalation (tbsp. per 1 liter of water);
. drink a cup of a mixture of honey and onion juice in the morning and evening (for asthma). The course of treatment is 1 month.

b. Chest pain and colds:
. add 1 tablespoon of black cumin to boiling water and inhale the vapors, covering your head (before going to bed).

V. Cough and nosebleed:
. 3 teaspoons every day for a week, rubbing the sore spot, inhalation.

. Stir black cumin in olive oil and drop it into your nose 3-4 times a day. The flu and cough will pass.

d. Fever:
. add 7 drops of cumin to a glass of tea, mint, anise, parsley or coriander and drink after meals (3 times a day) for a week. You can also rub your body with oil before going to bed or before sunbathing.

e. Runny nose:
. Place a cotton ball in the nostrils soaked in pure black cumin oil for 15-20 minutes. You will immediately feel relief. At severe runny nose this procedure can be repeated.

and. When treating inflammation of the nasal passages, the drug is recommended to be used as follows:
. steam baths(pour 1 tablespoon of black cumin into a glass boiled water and inhale steam);
. lubricating the walls of the nose from the outside;

2. Ulcers:
. Mix 10 drops of black cumin oil with 1 cup of honey. Every morning on an empty stomach, eat 1 spoon of the mixture. Then drink 1 glass of milk. Continue without breaks for 2 months.

A. Stomach ulcer:
. In the morning and evening, 1 teaspoon of black cumin oil, washed down with a solution of flaxseeds (a tablespoon of flaxseed in a large glass of water), boiled for 2 minutes, then infused. Drink 1 glass daily (it is not recommended to eat sweets and citrus fruits).

3. Various diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.
A. To cleanse the stomach:

. Cut the garlic clove into small pieces and swallow. Mix ground dill with a glass of honey and take orally immediately after garlic. All this on an empty stomach. Dill after grinding 2 tablespoons. Continue the procedure daily for one week.

b. Diarrhea:
. Mix 1 tbsp. l. black cumin oil with a cup of yogurt. Drink the resulting mixture 2 times a day for 3 days.

4. Hemorrhoids:
. Dilute black cumin oil in olive oil in a 1:1 ratio, take 3 tablespoons daily for 10 days. Massage sore spot black cumin oil to avoid constipation.

5. Cancer:
. Apply black seed oil to the affected area. Drink a drink 3 times a day consisting of 1 teaspoon of black cumin oil and 1 glass of freshly squeezed carrot juice (shake before use). Continue taking this drink for 3 months.
. For throat cancer, it is also recommended to drink black cumin oil with honey every day and constantly.
. It is also recommended to drink the juice of one medium onion every morning on an empty stomach before dawn. Continue this way for 1 month.

6. Diseases of the spleen:
A. Spleen swelling:

. Add 7 drops of oil to the radish brew, sweetened with honey. 1 glass on an empty stomach before bed for a week.

b. Inflammation of the spleen:
. Drink oil with dill infusion for a week (5 drops per glass). You can also use willow as in the case of liver inflammation.

V. Splenic sluggishness:
. Mix a tablespoon of fig jam with a spoon of honey in a glass of hot water and add 7 drops of cumin oil. Drink morning and evening for 5 days.

7. Liver diseases:
A. Liver inflammation:

.Add 5 drops of cumin oil to a glass of brewed willow leaves. Use within a week.

b. Many liver diseases:
. Add the previous dose of cumin and 1 tablespoon of ground oak bark to a cup of honey. Take this portion on an empty stomach every day for a month without a break.

8. Gallbladder disease:
. Taking the oil is similar to the case of liver inflammation.

9. For diuresis and cleansing of the entire urinary tract:
A. Stones in the kidneys and bladder.

. Boil 1 cup of barley thoroughly in 1 liter of water until about a cup of water remains. After cooling, grind 3 cloves of garlic with a mixer and add to this water. Drink on an empty stomach every day (before meals) and wash down with lemon or other juices. Avoid sodas.

10. Bloating and gas formation:
. Apply a compress with apple cider vinegar and black cumin to your stomach.
. Add 3 drops of black cumin oil to tea or coffee.

11. Inflammation of the genital organs:
A. Prostate:

. Rub cumin oil on the base of the back ( bottom part) and massage, wipe the groin. Stir in? glass warm water one spoon of honey, 1 spoon of black cumin and a teaspoon of chamomile and take it at any time.
. After chopping, leave the onion in apple cider vinegar for 3 days and then drink 1 cup on an empty stomach. The course of treatment is 10 days.

b. Inflammation of the genital organs:
. Wash the area well with water and soap, then rub black cumin oil on the inflamed areas. Do this in the evening and leave until the morning. The course of treatment is 3 days, the result is visible on the first day.

12. Women's diseases:

A. During childbirth:
. One of the best remedies for relieving pain during childbirth: heat black cumin with honey and drink.

b. Gynecological diseases and for the preservation of the child’s fetus:
. consume black cumin oil boiled with anise, sweetened with honey, five times daily.

13. Heart diseases:
A. With a burning heart:

. Add a few drops of black cumin oil and 1 teaspoon of honey to a cup of hot milk. Drink hot. It is also recommended to eat a lot of salad.

b. Narrowing of the heart valves:
. Mix a teaspoon of cumin with a large spoon of honey and drink with a glass of hot tea. Preferably on an empty stomach and before bedtime.

V. High blood pressure:
. Mix black cumin with a hot drink (tea, etc.) and rub the body with black cumin oil.

d. To increase blood pressure:
. It is necessary to add a few drops of black cumin oil to all hot drinks (tea, milk, coffee).

14. Diseases circulatory system:
. Mix a teaspoon of cumin with a tablespoon of honey and a clove of crushed garlic. Take on an empty stomach for 5 days. You can also regularly take 5 drops of oil with a glass of thyme or mint.

A. Reducing blood cholesterol:
. Add 7 drops of oil to the mint brew and sweeten with honey. Drink hot on an empty stomach once a day; eating with beef fat.

b. Heart disease, narrowing blood vessels:
.Drink black cumin oil. Promotes the expansion of blood vessels, dissolves fatty deposits in them.

15. Headaches:
. Take one teaspoon of black cumin oil 2-3 times a day.
. Take a teaspoon and rub the sore spot and the front of the head (without eating sweets, chocolate, etc.)
. Rub black cumin oil onto your forehead and sides of your face near your ears. Drink a small spoon of black cumin oil on an empty stomach. After this, the headache stops completely. Treatment period is 3 days.

A. Dizziness:
. Add black cumin oil to tea and drink;
. Wipe the temples and the back of the head.

b. Meningitis:
.Take ground black cumin with natural mulberry juice. Daily.

16. Ear pain:
. It is necessary to drop one drop of cumin oil into the ear - it will cleanse the ear and relieve pain, take 1 spoon per day orally;
. For 3 days, soak 1 clove of fresh garlic in 28.35 g of black cumin oil. Place a few drops of the mixture directly into the ear and rub the oil around the ear.
. Place small pieces of cotton wool soaked in black cumin oil in your ears and do not remove them for 1 hour. The result will not be long in coming.

17. Eye diseases:
. Rub black cumin oil around your eye(s) before going to bed and drink a hot drink mixed with a few drops of black cumin oil.
. Rub whiskey with black cumin oil before bed.
. Wipe your temples and eyelids with cumin oil before going to bed. At the same time, apply 7 drops orally with a hot drink, preferably with carrot juice.

A. For many eye diseases:
. Drop honey into your eyes in the morning and evening before bed, take a tablespoon orally with honey after this procedure.

b. A very effective remedy against eye diseases:
. Chew the leaves of young garlic thoroughly and place it on your eyelids in the morning and evening.

18. Toothache:
. Boil 8 ounces (226.80g) apple cider vinegar with 2 tablespoons ground black cumin. Strain. Rinse your teeth with the resulting liquid for several days.
. Rub the sore spot (tooth) with 1-2 drops of black cumin oil.
. Mix black cumin in olive oil and drip into the ear.

19. Insomnia:
. Mix 1 teaspoon of black cumin with honey or tea and drink before dinner.

20. Nervous tension:
.To reduce nervous tension you can add 5 drops of oil to a cup of coffee.

21. For active functioning of the brain and body:
. Grind 3 cloves of garlic with three tomatoes with a mixer and add a little salt. Drink chilled.

A. To improve memory:
. Bring mint to a boil and mix it with honey and 7 drops of black cumin. Drink hot anytime. You should also stop drinking coffee and tea.

22. Laziness:
. Mix 10 drops of black cumin oil with a glass orange juice and take the resulting drink for 10 days immediately after waking up.

23. Rheumatism (muscle pain):
. Heat a small amount of black cumin mixed with olive oil and rub the sore area vigorously. Also, before going to bed, drink a drink of boiled black cumin mixed with honey.
. Eat 5 cloves of garlic on an empty stomach. After an hour, drink a glass of cinnamon infusion, adding 5 drops of cumin oil to it.

24. Bruises:
. Mix a teaspoon of cumin with a large spoon of honey and drink with a glass of hot tea. Preferably on an empty stomach and before bedtime;
. rubbing the sore spot 3 times.

25. Hair loss:
. In the morning and evening, 1 teaspoon of black cumin oil, massage the scalp with a mixture of black cumin oil and olive oil in a 1:1 ratio, 3 times a week, do not wash off the mixture for 10 minutes (after which you can rinse your hair with shampoo).
. Drink a teaspoon of black cumin and a glass of honey diluted in water and take 15 minutes before breakfast and dinner.
. Before going to bed, moisten your head and hair with onion juice (or an onion cut in half, rubbing internal part). In the morning, wash your hair with warm water.
. For dry skin, wash your hair with warm water without soap, then, gently massaging the scalp, rub table salt. The duration of the procedure is 10-15 minutes, after which rinse the hair. Repeat the procedure 6 times. This remedy has saved many from baldness with dry scalp.

A. For hair loss and profuse dandruff with itchy scalp:
. Wash your hair with a decoction of mother and stepmother leaves and nettle, 2 tablespoons of both per glass of boiling water.

b. Hair loss mixture:
. Calamus rhizome - 20 g, burdock root - 20 g, marigold flowers - 10 g, hop cones - 15 g. Mix all this, brew in 1 liter of boiling water and use to wet your head overnight.

26. Skin diseases:
. Drink a teaspoon of black cumin and a glass of honey diluted in water and take 15 minutes before breakfast and dinner.
. Mix 1.5 teaspoons of black cumin oil with 1 tbsp. spoon of olive oil. Rub the resulting mixture onto your face and leave for 1 hour. Then wash off with water and soap.
. Lubricating the affected area with black cumin oil.
. Mix a small portion of black seed oil with an equal portion of rose water and 2 portions of brown flour. Rub the sore (affected) area with a cloth soaked in vinegar, then immediately apply the above mixture to the skin and try to stay in the sun.

A. Ringworm, eczema:
. It is necessary to wipe the disease areas three times a day with black cumin oil.

b. Skin growths:
. Morning and evening, 1 teaspoon, massage the sore spot 3 times a day.

V. Allergies, skin inflammations, chronic inflammation:
. Morning and evening, 1 teaspoon, rubbing the sore spot.

and. Fistula:
. Use in the evening a dough made from gum arabic (acacia), black cumin or its oil, olive oil.

27. Anti-aging face cream:
. mix a spoonful of black cumin oil with a spoonful of olive oil and rub it on your face. Leave the mask on for an hour, then wash your face with water and soap, and very soon you will see the result.
. For burns, it is also recommended to use the following recipe:
Hard boil 10 eggs, maybe more. Separate the yolks and chop them finely. Pour the crushed yolks into a frying pan and place on low heat, stirring until the yolk turns black. Oil will appear on top, which should be separated from the blackened yolks. Cool the oil and lubricate the burned areas of the body. The burns will go away very quickly.
The action of this oil leaves no burns, no redness, no scars.

28. Diseases of the musculoskeletal system:
A. Bone pain:

. Eat boiled onions mixed with cumin oil 2 times a day. At the same time, rub the areas of pain with cumin oil and mint oil.

29. Boosting immunity:
. Take a teaspoon of black cumin with a glass of water with a tablespoon of honey dissolved in it, take it 15 minutes before breakfast and 15 minutes before dinner in the evening.



Many people wonder what is more effective - black cumin seeds or oil? Both are effective, but although the oil is more concentrated, many still prefer to take the seeds (the cost of the oil is higher).

The most useful are the fresh grains of this plant. It is recommended to collect them early in the morning or late in the evening along with umbrellas, when they are damp from dew and less likely to crumble.


Shake the contents of the bottle before each use (especially unfiltered oil).

When consumed, it is possible to exacerbate chronic diseases that a person suffers from. This normal reaction because black cumin is an immunostimulant and when the immune system is strengthened, the body begins to counteract diseases that have not been completely cured in the human body.

Black seed oil is even better when it is obtained through the so-called cold pressing method.

Black cumin has no side effects, as this would contradict the words of the Messenger of Allah.


It is prohibited to use the drug in patients with transplanted body organs (liver, kidneys, heart), because The body’s immunity is enhanced, which may result in organ rejection.

Not all cumin is black cumin. There are also poisonous varieties of caraway seeds.

It is important to remember the following:

Healing from any disease comes only from the Almighty and Great Allah, and He made medicines and remedies the causes through which the Almighty sends healing, and black cumin is one of the most powerful of them.

It is necessary to take reasons in the hope that Allah will provide a cure and be patient.

* - May Allah bless him and greet him.




CASSIA, a genus of perennial herbs, shrubs or small trees of the legume family. 500-600 species, mainly in the tropics and subtropics. 2 species are widely cultivated as medicinal plants, giving the so-called alexandria leaf, or senna leaf, which has a laxative effect

The best is considered to be the one that grows in Holy Mecca, to which doctors of ancient and modern medicine gave their preference, which was reflected in its Arabic name (sana makkiy). In modern medicine, cassia is used to make medicines, in particular the famous Puisennid.

Anas ibn Malik reported that the Prophet said: “In three things you will find a cure for many diseases,” among which he mentioned cassia plants. Also, it was narrated from Abdullah ibn Umm Haram that the Prophet* said: “Use cassia plants, as in them you will find a cure for all diseases except death.” “If there was something that would save you from death, it would certainly be cassia plants,” Asma bint Amis said from the words of the Prophet*. Imam al-Manawi, commenting on the above, wrote: “Cassia plants significantly alleviate diseases such as jaundice and black bile, and strengthen the cardiovascular system. They are especially effective in the treatment of stick abscesses, convulsions, excessive body hair, migraines, scabies, lichen - for the treatment and prevention of lice. Cassia leaves boiled in oil are good for osteochondrosis and diseases of the hip bone...”

From the book “Treatment with Cassia Leaves”, owned by Dr. Muhammad al-Barr, we also learn that treatment with this natural medicinal component is effective for:
1. hemorrhoids;
2. headaches;
3. gout;
4. arthritis;
5. sciatica (inflammation of the sciatic nerve);
6. joint diseases;
7. acute respiratory infections;
8. baldness;
9. constipation;
10. as an expectorant.

The author also notes that cassia plants during the period of treatment by the mother do not affect the intrauterine development of her child or her infants; They are an antimicrobial and antiviral device, preventing the development of fungal diseases.

However, before you start taking this plant as a medicine yourself, you should consult with specialists to choose individual mode and dosage in accordance with your body characteristics and the course of the disease. The general method is approximately the following.

Method one. Take 3 to 10 grams of ground cassia leaves internally.

Method two. Boil from 21 to 33 gr. and drink.

Method three. Heat in vegetable oil from 21 to 33 g. and drink.

Method four. Similar to the first, but with the addition of about 40 grams. honey and 40 gr. fat Take in small doses - just lick the spoon - once a day.

Shihab al-Badri

* - May Allah bless him and greet him.


In addition to recipes.

In the spring, in the absence of vegetables and with a small amount of vitamins, it is good to eat sprouted cereal grains (malt), which have biologically active properties. This gives very good results results: coordination of movements is restored, visual acuity increases, hair grows better, its natural color and shine are restored; teeth are strengthened, caries stops and periodontal disease is cured. Almost complete immunity to colds appears; the health status improves in diseases such as tuberculosis, pneumonia, eczema, stomach ulcers, disease of the bronchial nodes, impotence.

People of any age can eat sprouted wheat. A clear improvement in health usually occurs within 1-2 weeks. Malt is best consumed in the morning or after lunch. Recommended dose: 50-100 grams per day per person for 1-2 weeks.

To prepare malt, you need to take grain, pour it into a bowl, pour water on top at a temperature no higher than 25 degrees and put it in a warm place. The container in which the grain is placed should not be deep; it should be covered with a cloth or paper napkin. After 12 hours (a day for wheat), sprouts 1 mm long appear. The sprouted grains are washed again, after which they are ready for consumption. For better absorption they can be crushed. It is better to use it raw.


Components of dietary supplements (BAA) that are particularly hazardous to health.

In conclusion, I would like to present the following material without comment.

From the newspaper "Izvestia-Expertiza" No. 47 (25147), p.4

Plants and herbs.

Often called ma huang, epitonin and sida cordifolia. This plant contains ephedrine and related stimulants. The FDA (Food and Drug Administration) has approximately 900 reports of side effects from ephedra supplements. Among them are cardiac arrhythmias and psychoses, heart attacks and strokes. Some states have banned ephedrine supplements. Federal restrictions on such additives have not yet been finalized.

Chaparral, or dwarf oak (Chaparral).
Supplements containing this plant are sold in the form of teas or tablets. They promise to prevent cancer and “cleanse the blood,” but they are associated with serious liver damage. The FDA reported two deaths and 10 cases of hepatitis or other liver damage.

The use of supplements and medications with this plant is prohibited in Canada and highly restricted in Germany. Comfrey root has long been used externally to reduce swelling, but was later used internally. It contains alkaloids that are toxic to the liver, and animal studies have shown that they are likely carcinogenic. So says Professor Varro Tyler, author of the book “Honest Herbs.” There has been one death reported by the FDA from this supplement.

DHEA (dehydroandroepisterone).
A hormone that is converted in the body into the sex hormones estrogen and testosterone. Labels for this supplement indicate that it may fight aging. The US National Institutes of Health reports that there is no data to support this ability of DHEA. But DHEA can increase the risk of cancer or lead to liver damage, even when taken for a short time. The FDA reports 31 cases of possible side effects of DHEA - from general weakness to hepatitis.

Diet teas.
This is what is usually called in the USA for herbal mixtures containing components such as senna, aloe, rhubarb, buckthorn, joster and castor oil. All of them have a laxative effect, and when used in excess, they can reduce the amount of potassium in the blood and put the heart at risk. Side effects associated with teas include diarrhea, nausea, chronic constipation, intestinal weakness. The FDA is aware of four young women who died as a result of excessive consumption of such teas.

Sometimes leads to abortions. The FDA is aware of one fatal case in which a woman tried to abort herself using this plant.

Previously used as a flavoring additive in the production of beer and oils, but now banned in the United States. However, sassafras is still sold as a dietary supplement for making "tonics" and teas. Professor Tyler believes that sassafras has never been beneficial, moreover, there is evidence that it causes liver cancer in animals.
Combination with medications is not recommended.

Licorice, or licorice root.
Popular medicinal herb, sometimes even included in candy, significantly increases potassium loss when taken simultaneously with laxatives.

Flax-seed may delay the absorption of many medications.

Kava kava (a type of pepper) may enhance the effects of alcohol and some psychoactive drugs.

Vitamins and minerals.
High doses of vitamins and minerals in some biologically active additives may also cause serious side effects.

Vitamin A.
High doses during pregnancy may cause birth defects in the fetus. A dose of 25,000 IU per day can lead to serious liver damage, headaches, and joint pain.

Vitamin D
Ingesting doses over several months that exceed the recommended daily allowance of 10 micrograms can cause dangerous calcium levels and result in kidney damage. Early symptoms of this are nausea and thirst.

Vitamin C.
Doses higher than 1,000 milligrams per day can cause diarrhea and, in some, kidney stones.

Vitamin E
High doses cause bleeding in people taking medications that reduce blood clotting. Bromelain, an enzyme from pineapple used to improve digestion, may do the same.

One of the most common causes of fatal poisoning in children is taking iron supplements intended for adults. High doses of iron have also been linked to heart disease.

Taking 5-50 milligrams of selenium per day can cause nausea, hair and nail loss, and nerve damage.


The history of people's use of black cumin oil goes back thousands of years. The healing properties of this healing agent were mentioned by the philosopher Hippocrates, widely known for his fundamental treatises on medicine. In Ancient Egypt, black cumin was used not only for for cosmetic purposes, it was massively added to food. He helped in the most various cases: from preserving and prolonging life to treating burns and infertility.

Avicenna also wrote that black cumin not only fights diseases, but also increases “vital forces” and is an elixir of eternal youth and longevity. Therefore, not only treatment is no less popular, but also constant prevention. Then you can safely forget about weakness, overwork, and decreased tone and enjoy a full life.

Why is black cumin oil so beneficial?

What is black cumin, oil production

Black cumin (chernukha, kalindzhi, black coriander, cumin) is a herbaceous plant up to 40 cm in height. The homeland of the plant is the Mediterranean and Southeast Asia. At the moment it is more widespread and grows even in Europe. The seeds are of practical interest. They are obtained by crushing and subsequent cleaning of the collected unripe fruits.

Technology is used to obtain oil cold pressed from seeds. Only with this technology, all vitamins and microelements are preserved as much as possible, and the structure of polyunsaturated fatty acids is not destroyed. Therefore, unrefined cold-pressed oil has significantly superior healing properties to others. Egypt is rightfully considered the best producer of black cumin oil. The quality of Al Khawaj's products has gained many fans far beyond the country's borders.

Chemical composition, nutritional value of oil

Many people are interested in the composition of this unique product. Let’s say right away that black cumin oil is noticeably different from other types of organic oils due to its more balanced quantitative indicators of fatty acid content.

Comparison table:

fatty acidtype of oil
black cumin olivesunflowerlinen
myristic0,1 - 0,2 -
palmitic13,0 11,0 6,0 5,4-11,3
palmetoleic0,03 - - 0,1
heptodecane0,05 - - -
heptodecene0,02 - - -
stearic3,00 4,0 4,0 0,5-8,0
oleic26,7 75,0 63,0 13,0-36,0
lenolic acid56,0 7,0 16,0-63,0 8,3-30,0
linolenic0,1 0,2 - 30,0-67,0
arachine0,1 0,2-0,4 - 0,4-1,0
eicosene0,1 - - -
eicosadiene1,0 - - -

In addition, the oil contains:

  • fatty acids of the Omega 3, Omega 6 (share 58%) and Omega 9 (share 24%) groups;
  • phospholipids;
  • amino acids;
  • carotenoids;
  • vitamins A, B, C, D, E and K;
  • minerals (potassium, sodium, phosphorus, iron, selenium, zinc);
  • phytosterols;
  • tannins.

Black cumin oil consists of more than 80% unsaturated fatty acids, which are responsible for normal metabolism and have a beneficial effect on the entire body. Nutritional value (calorie content) is 899 Kcal per 100 grams.

Use of black cumin oil - beneficial properties

Cumin, also known as black coriander, has such unique beneficial properties that it can be used for the treatment and prevention of many dozens of diseases, as well as for health and cosmetic purposes.

Application in medicine:

For diabetes mellitus (pacreatitis). The most important advantage of the product is its reduction in blood sugar levels. Moreover, it is worth noting that for diabetics, regulating glucose levels becomes the main task in the fight against the disease. In addition, the microelements contained in black cumin oil also contribute to the synthesis of insulin.

For diseases of the respiratory system. Black cumin has anti-inflammatory, antipyretic, bactericidal, antiviral and expectorant effects on the respiratory tract. Therefore, it is very successfully used to eliminate problems in the nasopharynx and treat ARVI, tonsillitis, sinusitis, bronchial asthma, bronchitis, rhinitis, pneumonia and seasonal allergies. The use of oil is effective in the treatment of dry and wet cough, which is inextricably linked with diseases of the respiratory system. Can be used in the form of inhalations.

For oncology and cancer prevention. Oncological diseases have long been the scourge of our time. Poor ecology, deteriorating quality of products, increasing radiation doses and simply stressful situations are making themselves felt. The solution lies in timely prevention of the disease. Antioxidants and selenium included in the composition caraway oil, strengthen the immune system and neutralize growth cancer cells. However, according to doctors, you should start using black cumin as early as possible, since use is prohibited during the period of intensive chemotherapy.

For hemorrhoids. Already ancient healers knew and used cumin oil to treat hemorrhoids, constipation and anal itching. Often it was possible to quickly and completely rid a person of this disease of the intestines and, in particular, the rectum.

With high blood pressure. 70% of the world's inhabitants die from a heart attack, which is a consequence of chronic hypertension. Reduce high blood pressure pharmacological drugs gives a temporary effect. Then the nigella comes to the rescue. The effectiveness of the treatment speaks for itself: in 97 out of 100 people, blood pressure normalizes. You can also successfully buy and use black cumin seeds for this.

For varicose veins. Cold-pressed black cumin essential oil is an excellent remedy for the prevention of varicose veins. It strengthens the walls of blood vessels and prevents blood clots.

For skin diseases. Kalinja seed oil can be successfully used for skin diseases such as dermatitis, psoriasis, eczema, vitiligo, acne and various fungal infections. Moreover, as a result of tests, this natural remedy turned out to be much more effective than steroid cream. It is worth further noting that fungal infections like mycosis and ringworm, it is also recommended to treat natural ingredients for long-term effect and minimization of side effects.

For gout and joint diseases . The healing properties of black cumin oil allow it to fight inflammatory diseases joints, for example, with arthrosis and osteochondrosis. It can also be used as an additional remedy in the treatment of gout and purine metabolism, but only in combination with medications.

For gastritis. This is perhaps one of the most ancient uses of black seed oil. Its origins date back more than 3 thousand years ago. As you know, gastritis is mainly formed as a result of poor nutrition and acid balance in the stomach. The oil has a healing effect not only on the stomach, but also gastrointestinal tract generally. The functioning of the digestive system improves, intestinal motility increases, and PH balance is restored.
In addition, the oil eliminates the consequences of gastritis: heartburn, nausea, constipation and colic. Phospholipids and tannins have a beneficial effect on the gastrointestinal tract and activate cell regeneration. Therefore, black cumin oil is able to heal lesions of the gastric mucosa at any stage of the disease, and the manganese and zinc in the composition prevent the emergence of new foci of inflammation.

For infectious diseases of the nasopharynx. To the ability to heal respiratory system It is worth noting the healing effect in the treatment of others infectious diseases, for example, sore throat, otitis and sinusitis. For otitis, caraway oil is used like camphor alcohol or boric acid.

For herpes and HIV. Even such complex and serious illnesses, how herpes and immunodeficiency virus can be treated with black cumin oil. Of course, it would be wrong to say that oil can completely cure such diseases, however, it can slow down the course and make the patient’s life more predictable. If herpes recurs, the product is applied to the rash. But the most big influence provides oral administration. Thanks to the powerful strengthening of the immune system, the course of the disease becomes more stable and the number and quality of relapses gradually decreases.

For urolithiasis. Black cumin oil is known for its diuretic properties. It gives an excellent effect in treating the kidneys, painlessly removes sand and stones from them and restores normal work organs. It is worth noting that consuming the product with honey in this case greatly increases the effectiveness of treatment.

Nigella oppresses not only adults, but also the larvae and eggs of worms, destroying the protective layer. While killing pathogens, black cumin oil does not affect the natural intestinal microflora, which usually happens when using traditional antibiotics. On the contrary, when cleansing, the functioning of the digestive system is normalized.

Application in cosmetology:

For strengthening and growth of hair. Fatty acids in the oil have an antiseptic and strengthening effect, vitamins prevent hair loss and reduce hair fragility. Zinc, manganese and phosphorus narrow pores and normalize function sebaceous glands. Phytosterols are involved in hormonal metabolism and have a significant effect on reducing hair loss. At the same time, it strengthens hair follicle, dandruff goes away, brittleness, dryness and split ends cease to be a problem.

For weight loss. To lose weight, drinking oil alone is not enough. It is necessary to reduce the consumption of fats and carbohydrates in combination; the total calorie content per day should not exceed 1300-1500 Kcal. In this case, the oil, as a metabolic regulator, will most effectively prevent the deposition of new fat.

For cellulite. Anti-cellulite massage with wrap and cumin oil is an excellent remedy for combating cellulite. Fat deposits They will resolve faster if you do it regularly and follow simple rules. The standard course is 20-30 days. Massage is not recommended if there is damage to the skin or during pregnancy.

For papillomas, warts. The peoples of the East have long used cold-pressed black cumin oil to remove papillomas and warts. Activation of the papilloma virus usually occurs when the immune system is weakened. Therefore, in addition to oil lotions, it is advisable to use oil internally to prevent recurrence.

For acne, wrinkles, boils. Cosmetic procedures using cumin oil will help restore your skin to a healthy appearance. Wellness face masks are very popular. However, it is worth remembering that applying masks alone will not completely solve the problem. Pimples and boils form when hormonal levels are disrupted, so it is much more effective to influence the cause rather than the effect. But to rejuvenate the skin and eliminate dryness, a mask containing black cumin oil will come in handy.

Benefits for women

For women, black cumin oil will help solve a lot of “female” problems:

According to statistics, at least 60% of the female population suffers from gynecological problems. They can be infectious, endocrine, tumor and fungal in nature. For example, black cumin is widely used in diagnosing women uterine fibroids. The effect of beneficial substances on the thymus gland leads to activation of the lymphatic system, against this background the myomatous nodes decrease. The general hormonal background of a woman is also corrected, pain sensations during premenstrual syndrome become less pronounced and sometimes disappear altogether.

Many women who do not have children and regularly take black seed oil have managed to become pregnant within 1-2 months. And this despite the fact that they were officially given a preliminary diagnosis - infertility. It is, of course, impossible to guarantee 100% conception, but the available facts speak for themselves.

Oil works well to reduce visibility stretch marks after childbirth. The sooner you start using oil, the greater effect can be achieved. But old stretch marks (stretch marks) will also decrease significantly with regular use for at least 2-3 months. Improving the elasticity of all layers of the epidermis and saturating it with nutrients is guaranteed to make the skin more toned and postpartum stretch marks less noticeable.

Benefits for men

For males, black cumin oil is a must. That's why:

Black cumin for increasing potency- one of the best natural remedies for men. It is a powerful natural aphrodosiac. In addition to increasing potency, cumin oil enhances libido, improves the quality of seminal fluid, increases sperm motility, and normalizes prostate function. All this has an extremely beneficial effect on a man’s sexual health, especially in adulthood and old age.

Prostatitis and erectile dysfunction plagues half of men over 40 years of age. Black cumin oil will help relieve pain, destroy pathogenic bacteria, thereby gently influencing the cause of the disease. Unlike medications, the speed of treatment is less, but this is compensated by the absence of contraindications and side effects.

Benefits for children

Black cumin oil is useful for children in the following cases:

  • colic and increased gas formation;
  • heat rash and allergies;
  • sore throat, tonsillitis and rhinitis;
  • helminthic infestations;
  • dry and wet cough, bronchial asthma;
  • weakened immune system;
  • food poisoning;
  • painful teething.

How to drink black cumin oil - instructions

You can drink “Royal” black cumin oil for treatment and as a preventive measure without any special conditions.

People with liver disease should reduce the dosage to half the usual dose. The standard preventive dosage is 1 tablespoon per day for an adult and 1 teaspoon for a child from 5 years old, half a teaspoon for a child from 1-5 years old.

The therapeutic dosage for an adult should be no more than 5 tablespoons per day, and for a child - no more than 3 teaspoons per day.

“Ethiopian” black cumin oil must be diluted due to its higher concentration. If you drink it neat, you can get a burn to the mucous membranes. It is recommended to dilute it with olive or linseed oil in the following proportions: 1 part black cumin oil to 1 part olive or linseed oil.

The proportions below should be observed in all recipes with caraway oil:

Preventive dosage - 1 tablespoon per day for an adult and 1 teaspoon for a child over 6 years old.

It is advisable for children under six years of age to drink black cumin oil either of the “Royal” variety or in capsules. Dissolving in the stomach, the capsules do not allow the child to smell the sharp smell of oil and bitterness in the mouth.

The maximum therapeutic dosage without harm to health is: for an adult - no more than 4 tablespoons per day, for a child - no more than 2 teaspoons per day.

Contraindications, harm and side effects

Black cumin oil can only be harmful if taken incorrectly and if there are certain contraindications.

There are few of them:

  • pregnancy;
  • the presence of implants of internal organs, pins and the like;
  • preparation for transplantation and availability of transplanted organs;
  • autoimmune diseases.

Side effects when taking nigella oils can include dermatitis in the form of redness of the skin and food allergies.

Since black coriander lowers blood pressure, people with normal or low blood pressure may feel tired, dizzy, and distracted.

How to store black cumin oil

Storing black cumin oil after opening is permissible at a temperature of 7-25 degrees Celsius in a place protected from light. Do not store the container in the refrigerator or expose it to direct sunlight. If exposed to the sun, the oil oxidizes, releasing toxins; if exposed for a long time, they replace the beneficial substances, and the oil can only cause harm. A similar effect occurs when heated, so it is extremely important to observe the specified temperature regime.

Oil spoils in direct sunlight!

The oil does not deteriorate under diffused daylight!

Black cumin oil, the use of which can help with almost any disease, should be taken following certain rules:

  • Oil is not a medicine, so it can be used with medications.
  • Treatment with black cumin oil has a cumulative effect. Usually black cumin oil is drunk for 1-2 months to prevent diseases. Treatment with black cumin oil is carried out for 3-6 months, in certain cases for a year or more.
  • When taking the oil, you should not take alcohol, as it is an antidote. That is, if you drink on the day of administration, you risk experiencing a severe reaction. It is best not to drink black seed oil on the day you plan to drink alcohol, or the next day.
  • Any natural product at the beginning of administration it can cause an exacerbation of the disease. Your task is to endure this period; it usually lasts for a week. If the pain becomes unbearable, use should be discontinued.
  • It is better to start treatment with black cumin oil with a couple of drops to check the body’s reaction. Gradually work your way up to a teaspoon (if you are using the universal method), and then introduce the second one before bed.

How to take and drink black cumin oil - a universal way

How to take black cumin oil?

Take a teaspoon of oil, put it in your mouth, do not swallow. Then add a spoonful of honey without swallowing. Take a glass of warm water and wash it all down with large sips. Thus, the oil quickly ends up in the stomach without leaving an unpleasant sensation in the throat (those who tried to take it without drinking it understand what we are talking about, and there is also no burning sensation), honey remains on your teeth, leaving a taste of sweetness in your mouth.

Some people still feel discomfort despite this, in which case you can change the oil in the bottle to capsules. Then there is no contact with taste buds, no unpleasant sensations.

How to drink black cumin oil?

Universal dosages are adjusted individually:

  • from one year to 3 years 1/2 tsp. in a day;
  • from 3 years to 6 years, 1 tsp. in a day;
  • from 6 years to 12 years, 1-2 tsp. in a day;
  • from 12 years and over 2 tsp. in a day.

Consuming with honey or juice enhances the healing properties.

How to choose and take black cumin oil correctly?

Black cumin oil: what diseases it treats, use and methods of administration for various diseases

Category one

Black cumin oil, what diseases does it treat?

gout, functional liver failure (hepatitis, cirrhosis), migraine, increased immunity, anthelmintic, antibacterial, antifungal, antiviral effects, pain: headaches, ears, dental (inflammation of the gums and teeth), high blood pressure, bleeding (nasal mucosa), hemophilia, cancerous tumors, hemorrhoids, diabetes mellitus, increased secretion of the mammary glands, normalization uterine bleeding, regulation of growth hormones, involuntary urination, stomach and duodenal ulcers, lowering blood cholesterol levels, enhancing sexual function, urethritis.

Take one teaspoon in the morning 15 minutes before meals.

Category two

What diseases does black cumin oil treat?

Sinusitis (inflammation of the paranasal sinuses), expectorant, dry cough, bronchial asthma, asthmatic bronchitis, colds, sinusitis, tonsillitis (inflammation of the upper respiratory tract).

Directions for use and dosage:

Lubricate the inside of the nostril openings with oil, inhale strongly and cough up mucus. Inhalation. 1 tbsp. a spoonful of oil in half a glass of boiling water. Take one teaspoon in the morning 15 minutes before meals, followed by a tablespoon natural honey, diluted in half a glass of warm water.

Category three

What diseases does black cumin oil treat?

Dermatophyte with localization of damage to the nails and feet, rheumatism and musculoskeletal diseases, dermatitis (eczema), baldness and alopecia areata, psoriasis (squamosal lichen), leprosy, scab, acne, chronic and allergic skin inflammation.

Directions for use and dosage:

Apply black cumin oil to affected areas of the body. Take one teaspoon in the morning 15 minutes before meals. You should wash it down with a tablespoon of natural honey diluted in half a glass of warm water.

Additional Recipes

black cumin oil, use for asthma, pneumonia:

1 teaspoon plus chest and back massage with black cumin oil and inhalation (tbsp per 1 liter of water);

for eye disease:

wipe your temples and eyelids with cumin oil before going to bed. At the same time, take 7 drops orally with a hot drink, preferably with carrot juice;

for diseases of the circulatory system:

mix a teaspoon of cumin with a tablespoon of honey and a clove of crushed garlic. Take on an empty stomach for 5 days.

black cumin oil, treatment of gallbladder disease:

add 5 drops of cumin oil to a glass of brewed willow leaves. Use within a week. - for bone pain: eat boiled onions mixed with cumin oil 2 times a day. At the same time, rub the areas of pain with cumin oil and mint oil.

with swollen spleen:

Add 7 drops of oil to the radish decoction, sweetened with honey. 1 glass on an empty stomach before bed for a week.

for liver diseases:

add the previous dose of cumin and 1 tablespoon of ground oak bark to a cup of honey. Take this portion on an empty stomach every day for a month without a break.

for liver inflammation:

add 5 drops of cumin oil to a glass of brewed willow leaves. Use within a week.

with inflammation of the spleen:

Drink oil with dill infusion for a week (5 drops per glass). You can also use willow as in the case of liver inflammation.

black cumin oil, use for hair loss:

in the morning 1 teaspoon, plus a head massage with a mixture of black cumin and olive oils 1:1, 3 times a week, do not rinse the mixture for 10 minutes (after which the head can be washed with shampoo).

for hemorrhoids:

diluted black cumin oil + olive oil 1:1, take 2 tablespoons daily for 10 days. Massage the sore area with black cumin oil to avoid constipation.

black cumin oil for headaches:

take a teaspoon and rub the sore spot and the front of the head (without eating sweets, chocolate, etc.)

for dizziness and ear pain:

you need to put one drop of cumin oil in your ear

for the flu:

Stir cumin tincture with olive oil and drop into the nose 3-4 times a day (for flu and cough).

to normalize blood pressure:

You need to add a few drops of black cumin oil to all hot drinks (tea, milk, coffee).

for cough and nasal hemorrhage:

2 teaspoons every day for a week, rubbing the sore spot, inhalation.

at elevated temperatures:

add 7 drops of cumin to a glass of tea, mint, anise, parsley or coriander and drink after meals (3 times a day) for a week. You can also rub your body with oil before going to bed.

black cumin oil, treatment and prevention of sexual weakness, prostate diseases:

wipe the base of the back (lower part) with cumin oil and massage, wipe the groin. Mix one spoon of honey, 1 spoon of black cumin and a teaspoon of chamomile in a glass of warm water and take it at any time.

for toothaches:

rinse your mouth with a mixture of cumin and apple cider vinegar.

with weakening and ability to memorize:

add 7 drops of oil to the mint brew and sweeten with honey. Drink hot on an empty stomach once a day.

black cumin oil to lower blood cholesterol:

previous dose, food intake with beef fat is prohibited.

with narrowing of the heart valves:

mix a teaspoon of cumin with a large spoon of honey and drink with a glass of hot tea. Preferably on an empty stomach and before bedtime.

ATTENTION! Strong oils should not be used externally! For liver diseases, strong varieties are also contraindicated.

Black cumin seeds, which are cultivated in Ethiopia, Saudi Arabia, Egypt, the States, India, Central Asia, Transcaucasia, the Mediterranean and the North Caucasus, have long been used as a spicy and aromatic seasoning. Due to its widespread use in different countries the spice goes by a number of names, including “ Indian cumin», « nigella», « cumin», « roman coriander», « cumin», « jira», « Chabreuil», « kmin».

But no less famous are the seeds of such cumin and the resulting oil as a unique healing power for the complex treatment of various diseases.

According to research, the history of use in folk medicine black cumin oil dates back more than 3 thousand years. The amazing properties of this product were mentioned in medical treatises by Hippocrates and the pharmacologist Ancient Greece Dioscorides. The inhabitants of Ancient Egypt used this oil as a cosmetic and as an antidote component for snake bites. In addition, this healthy product was consumed as food to get rid of worms, improve digestion and liver function, kidneys and lungs.

In ancient Eastern medicine, caraway oil gained the greatest popularity due to mentions of it in the Koran (the Prophet Muhammad called it “ cure for all ailments except death") and the glorification of this product in the works of Avicenna. He said that black cumin not only helps fight diseases, but also increases “vitality” and overcomes fatigue and overwork. It is worth noting that the oil, which has various medicinal properties, is still quite popular, just like many centuries ago. wide application in Ayurveda.

Today, many pharmaceutical companies in different countries of the world add cumin seeds and oil to various preparations (black cumin is most actively used as a raw material in Arab countries and countries such as France, Italy, Germany, Great Britain, and America).

The highest quality oil containing the maximum amount of beneficial vitamins, biologically active substances and minerals, are produced by cold pressing (pressing) seeds containing about 36% of this vegetable fat. Raw materials for cumin oil are grown in environmentally friendly places without the use of harmful substances during cultivation. chemical substances. This product has a greenish-brown tint, has a rich spicy aroma and a characteristic astringent, tart taste.

How to choose

You should only buy black cumin oil that is obtained by cold pressing. It is better to buy the product in a small bottle, because after opening the container and the first contact with air, this oil’s shelf life sharply decreases.

How to store

After the first use, it is recommended to store caraway oil exclusively in the refrigerator in a bottle tightly closed with a lid.

In cooking

Black cumin oil is mainly used for the prevention and treatment of various ailments. In small quantities, this product can be added to a variety of salads, mixed with other oils and used as a dressing. For example, it is used in cereals, soups and vegetable dishes.

Cumin oil contains a fairly high concentration of various biologically active substances, for which reason it is recommended to use it in doses. To prevent various kinds of diseases and to strengthen the immune system, it is recommended to take a teaspoon of black cumin oil in the morning 15 minutes before the first meal, washed down with water in which you need to dilute a little honey. The course of prophylaxis can reach 3-4 months.

Please remember that when using this product for culinary purposes, do not allow it to come into contact with metal.

Calorie content

The calorie content of black cumin oil reaches 899 kcal, therefore, you should not consume it in large quantities.

Nutritional value per 100 grams:

Beneficial properties of black cumin oil

Composition and presence of nutrients

Black cumin oil contains as many as 26 fatty acids - 18 of them are unsaturated and 8 are saturated. The main ones are linoleic Omega-6 (almost 43%), oleic Omega-9 (about 17%), linolenic Omega-3 (about 1%), palmitic (about 8.5%) and stearic (just over 2% ).

Caraway oil, among other things, contains phospholipids, phytosterols, vitamins E and D, A, C, B, phosphorus, calcium and iron.

The oil contains 15 amino acids (including arginine), 8 of which are essential, carotenoids, various micro- and macroelements, flavonoids, polysaccharides and monosaccharides, tannins, alkaloids, saponins, enzymes, essential oils (about 1.3% ).

Useful and healing properties

Caraway oil is considered a unique healing product that is used in the treatment of many diseases. The range of its use is so wide that this oil is even called “ a cure for all diseases" Regular consumption of this product helps improve the functioning of many internal organs and systems.

Regular use of this oil improves the functioning of the brain and central nervous system. It helps improve physical and mental performance. A plant product rich in antioxidants strengthens the immune system and reduces the risk of the occurrence and development of various cancers. Scientists have proven that black cumin oil has the ability to stimulate the activity of the thymus gland, which is responsible for immune defense.

Black cumin oil significantly improves the functioning of the digestive system. It can increase appetite, normalize the acidity of gastric juice, improve the functioning of the intestines and stomach, restore the balance of beneficial intestinal flora and have a good choleretic effect. In addition, the black cumin product helps eliminate possible dyspeptic symptoms that are associated with digestive disorders (nausea, belching, vomiting, diarrhea, flatulence). This oil is useful in the diet for the prevention of peptic ulcers, gastritis, colitis, pancreatitis, cholelithiasis, hepatitis, cirrhosis, cholecystitis, helminthiasis, dysbacteriosis and other gastrointestinal diseases.

Black cumin oil is a natural antibiotic, and therefore it is effective in the fight against various types of pathogenic microorganisms. This product fights bacteria harmful to the human body selectively, and does not upset the balance of beneficial intestinal microflora and does not lead to dysbacteriosis, unlike all kinds of antibiotics of synthetic origin.

Caraway oil is very useful for various diseases of cardio-vascular system. It can strengthen and increase the elasticity of the walls of blood vessels, also preventing the formation of plaques and blood clots, helping to reduce cholesterol and blood pressure. This product relieves vascular spasms and prevents the development of inflammation. Caraway oil, which has a beneficial effect on the heart and blood vessels, can be beneficial in the prevention and treatment of atherosclerosis, hypertension, coronary artery disease, vegetative-vascular dystonia, cerebrovascular accidents, inflammatory diseases of the heart and blood vessels, varicose veins, thrombophlebitis, thrombosis.

For a variety of respiratory diseases, black cumin product has an antipyretic and expectorant effect. This oil is effective in the treatment of colds, bronchitis, flu, pneumonia, sinusitis, sinusitis, and bronchial asthma.

Regular consumption of cumin oil is beneficial for people suffering from diabetes, obesity, and diseases of the urinary system (cystitis, nephritis, urethritis and other diseases of the excretory system).

This oil is very useful for young mothers during breastfeeding, as it significantly enhances lactation. This product also effectively heals cracked nipples, which often occur in nursing mothers. Cumin oil can even overcome stretch marks after childbirth. In addition, it can be beneficial in cases of menstrual irregularities, infertility, mastopathy, as well as inflammatory, infectious and oncological diseases reproductive system.

Men are advised to introduce this product into their diet to prevent prostatitis, infertility, prostate adenoma, and if erectile dysfunction is observed.

When used externally, cumin oil is effectively used to treat various skin diseases. It can not only disinfect the skin, killing bacteria, fungi and viruses, but also fight other skin diseases and deficiencies: herpes, warts, mycoses, allergies and acne, lichen, manifestations of dermatitis, urticaria, psoriasis, various eczemas.

When used externally, cumin oil can relieve joint and muscle pain.

Use in cosmetology

Black cumin oil has been used in cosmetology for thousands of years. It saturates the skin with essential beneficial substances, promoting them better growth and update. After using cumin oil, the skin becomes smooth, moisturized, soft and elastic. It also stimulates collagen production and improves elasticity. This oil is recommended for use both for flaking and dry skin, and for improving the condition of problematic and oily skin.

Caraway oil deeply and effectively cleanses pores of impurities, normalizing the secretion of the sebaceous glands, preventing inflammation and the appearance of acne.

This product helps smooth out wrinkles and eliminate the appearance of cellulite. It refreshes, tones, rejuvenates the skin and normalizes blood and lymph circulation in the subcutaneous layer, helping to remove excess fluid from the subcutaneous layers and thereby eliminating the manifestations of swelling.

This oil is recommended as an effective remedy for preserving beauty and prolonging youth. It can prevent aging, protects the skin from the negative effects of UV rays and smoothes out the effects of hormonal imbalance, in particular during menopause, when a woman’s skin rapidly fades.

With regular use, the oil can prevent the appearance of seborrhea, dandruff, itching, flaking of the scalp, as well as prevent hair loss and early graying. Caraway oil perfectly moisturizes and nourishes hair, gives it softness, smoothness, shine, takes care of the ends, preventing their fragility and split ends.

Most elementary way self-care using cumin oil - adding a few drops to creams, shampoos, balms, all kinds of masks for hair and skin.

In its pure form, this product is not recommended for use due to the intense effect on the skin, except for applying a minimal amount of oil to areas of affected or inflamed skin, severe peeling or the formation of wrinkles (in particular in the nasolabial triangle).

In connection with all of the above properties, cumin oil is most often used in masks and creams for the care of oily and problem skin, hair care masks, as a component of skin cleansers, an ingredient in products intended for delicate skin of the décolleté and bust area, in composition of massage oils and anti-cellulite wraps.

Dangerous properties of black cumin oil

Black seed oil may cause allergic reactions and other intolerances. When used externally, in some cases it can cause redness, irritation, itching, rash or burning.

This product is contraindicated for use by pregnant women, as well as people who have recently undergone organ transplantation, since an increased immune response can lead to tissue rejection.

Caraway oil should not be used simultaneously with drugs that lower blood glucose levels due to the risk of developing such a case hypoglycemia.

If you are interested in how to choose black seed oil and what points to consider, we suggest watching this video.

Cumin is a seasoning known to most. But not everyone likes to use it. People can be divided into two groups: some like it, while others cannot stand its smell and taste at all. But this does not mean that this plant loses its beneficial properties. And it has many of them.

Archaeological research proves that cumin oil was used for health 3 thousand years ago. Hippocrates mentioned the properties of this substance in his written works. Even then, oil was used to restore digestion, fight worms, and also be used to restore the functions of organs such as kidneys, liver, and lungs. Cumin oil is even mentioned in the Koran, where it is called a medicine that helps to cure all diseases, except perhaps death. Avicenna also wrote about this substance. Today the oil is used both by our medicine, traditional and popular, as well as by Indian Ayurveda.

Cumin is cultivated in northern Africa and also in eastern Asia. In these countries, the seeds of this plant are a traditional food additive and are used very widely. But cooking is not the only thing that needs cumin. Muslim countries have long seen beneficial properties in this plant. They began to use caraway oil in medical purposes. Today we will try to find out exactly what properties cumin has, as well as what causes them.

Let's start with the plant. Cumin belongs to the Apiaceae family. The plant is biennial, it has a very powerful root and can grow up to 1 m high. This plant blooms with small flowers. They are white in color and consist of 5 petals. The flowering period begins in summer and lasts until about the middle of it. You can find caraway in meadows, forests, as well as on roadsides and forest edges. Cumin grows almost throughout Russia, as well as in Siberia, the Caucasus, and Central Asia.

Vegetable oil is made from the seeds of this plant. It has long been used not only in cooking, but also for medicinal purposes. This substance has the following external characteristics:

  • Liquid form;
  • Greenish-brown color;
  • Spicy aroma;
  • Tart taste.

The quality of taste depends on the country of origin; consumers have long noticed this. For example, caraway oil, originally from Turkey or Syria, has a lighter taste and a more delicate aroma. But the oil, which is brought from Egypt, Ethiopia, and also Saudi Arabia, has a deep taste. Its aroma is more noticeable and rich.

Cumin includes about 100 components, which indicates its rich content. Among other components it contains:

  • Substances that stimulate natural cellular biosynthesis. These include enzymes, alkaloids, as well as flavonoids and tannins.
  • Fatty oils, their amount reaches 35%.
  • Essential oils (about 0.5%).
  • Vitamins, microelements (copper, phosphorus, as well as zinc, iron, etc.)

Cumin oil boasts an equally rich composition. The following substances were found in it:

  1. Fatty acid;
  2. Phospholipids;
  3. Amino acids;
  4. Various vitamins;
  5. Micro and macroelements;
  6. Flavonoids;
  7. Polysaccharides;
  8. Essential oils, etc.

Each component has its own effect on the body. For example, fatty acids are very good remedy for the functions of the cardiovascular, digestive and, very important, nervous systems. They also help restore hormonal levels and normalize lipid metabolism. These substances prevent inflammatory processes from growing. They provide positive effect on the skin, help improve the body's resistance. Another ability they have is to cleanse the body of various “garbage”.

Another component of cumin oil has an anti-inflammatory effect - vitamin E. It is useful for water balance human skin, helps build strong immune defense. Vitamin E has a good effect on blood vessels and the heart. The substance is considered a powerful antioxidant, which is also beneficial for muscles, increases endurance, and increases physical strength. The benefits of vitamin E for reproductive system, embryo development.

Carotonoids are also found in cumin oil. They begin to be converted into vitamin A in the body. It is an excellent antioxidant. This substance perfectly promotes the restoration of not only the skin, but also various mucous membranes when damaged. The vitamin takes part in the production of collagen and also stabilizes the glucose level in human blood. You can also name the following positive functions of this substance in the body:

  • Participation in the formation of tissues that make up bones and teeth;
  • Stimulation of natural production of sex hormones;
  • Boosting immunity.

A large amount of phytosterols was also found in caraway oil. They are considered so-called “plant” hormones and help normal production of bile acids. In addition, they promote the synthesis of provitamin D, as well as hormones in the body. These phytosterols have the following properties:

  1. Anti-inflammatory;
  2. Immunostimulating;
  3. Bactericidal;
  4. Reducing cholesterol;
  5. Reduced sugar levels.

Based on this, the product is used in the preparation of drugs used to treat diseases of the prostate gland, as well as heart, vascular and endocrine diseases.

A few decades ago, studies were carried out that proved the fact that cumin oil can be successfully used to destroy pathogenic microorganisms. In this area, this substance is even superior to synthetic antibiotics, such as ampicillin, tetracycline, etc. If the latter kill not only pathogenic bacteria, but also beneficial ones, then cumin oil has a selective effect. That is, the microflora in the intestines is not disturbed when consumed.

A whole complex of components takes part in eliminating problems with blood vessels and the heart. Together they strengthen the blood vessels, their walls become more elastic. They make the capillaries more powerful and less brittle. The use of this substance helps reduce cholesterol levels and stops the formation of blood clots. Reducing inflammation of the heart and blood vessels, blood pressure- another one useful feature black cumin oil.

Regular and correct use of cumin oil is suitable for prevention. But, in addition, it is indispensable for the treatment of a large number of diseases. Among them it is worth mentioning hypertension and atherosclerosis, vegetative-vascular dystonia and coronary heart disease, as well as inflammation in the heart and blood vessels. This oil is also used to treat diseases caused by varicose veins, cerebral circulatory disorders, thrombosis and thrombophlebitis.

It is important to mention the benefits of cumin for the digestive system. The product will help increase appetite and improve intestinal motility, and has a choleretic effect. The oil also has the following abilities:

  1. Restoration of microflora in the intestines;
  2. Normalization of the amount of gastric juice;
  3. Elimination unpleasant symptoms digestive disorders;
  4. Stopping ulcerative and erosive processes in the digestive organs;
  5. Antihelminthic;

Black cumin oil is suitable for the diet of people who need the prevention and treatment of ulcers, as well as other diseases.

Black cumin oil: video

It's hard to argue with the fact that cumin oil is very useful substance, proven over the years. But it also has its contraindications. These include:

  • Incompatibility with other drugs that lower blood sugar levels;
  • Transplantation of any organs. The fact is that cumin oil greatly improves the body's immune forces. Any transplantation is the introduction of foreign tissue. The use of this oil during transplantation may lead to transplant rejection.
  • Pregnancy. Black cumin oil is prohibited for pregnant women for the same reasons as in the previous paragraph. But this means internal use. But external use is allowed, for example, to improve the skin. Nursing mothers can also use the oil, as it has a positive effect on lactation and also increases the immunity of the baby and his mother.
  • Post-infarction state;
  • Ischemia;
  • Thrombophlebitis;
  • Individual intolerance. It should never be ruled out. An allergy to caraway oil is a direct contraindication to its use.
  • Do not use oil on damaged areas of the skin.
  • Chemo- and radiation therapy.

You should always remember about a possible overdose. In the case of caraway oil, it overuse may cause intoxication and symptoms similar to poisoning.

For men

This oil is used in the fight against some male problems, such as infertility and prostatitis. The substance helps to increase sperm activity and improve spermatogenetic processes. As a result, the total amount of seminal fluid increases. Improved blood circulation in the reproductive system of men who used cumin oil reduces the risk inflammatory processes in this domain.

There are several recipes with this oil for men's health:

  1. You need to combine cumin oil with honey in equal quantities, about 1 tbsp. l. Dried and crushed chamomile is also added there. All this is poured with 0.5 cups of hot water. The infusion must cool, after which it must be strained. Take 2-3 sips per day.
  2. External use. The oil is applied with massage movements to the lower back, as well as the scrotum, until it is completely absorbed.

An ointment is made from cumin oil to eliminate hemorrhoids in men. To do this, 15 g of the finished substance is mixed with 30 g of ground roasted cumin seeds. The ointment is applied to the anus twice a day after defecation and thorough cleansing.

Representatives of the fair sex also actively use the substance we described. It helps to get rid of excess weight, improve beauty and maintain youth, and also normalizes the balance of hormones and helps restore the cycle.

In gynecology, the oil can be used to treat irritation and inflammation of the external genitalia. The affected areas are rubbed after thorough cleansing. The course lasts about 4 days, after which you can notice a significant improvement in your condition. The product is also taken orally for 10 days, 0.5 tsp.

For cervical erosion, cumin oil is mixed with olive oil in equal quantities. For up to 10 days, tampons soaked in this mixture are left overnight. If you violate the proportions, the situation can be aggravated.

Another area of ​​using cumin oil for women is cosmetology. The product helps eliminate rashes, impaired skin lipid barrier, signs of aging, etc.

To cleanse the skin, you can prepare a mask from equal amounts of cumin oil and olive oil. N Apply the product to the T-zone for about 25 minutes, no more. After this, it is removed using a dry cloth.

For dry skin, make a mask from a mixture of 1 part cumin oil and 2 parts grape seed oil. The product is kept on the face for 40 minutes, after this time it is removed with a dry cloth.

The immunomodulatory property of cumin oil has led to its use for children. But the question remains open at what age you can start using it. We can definitely say that this cannot be done before 1 year of age. Many people start giving cumin oil at the age of 6, but it can also be used from 3 years of age. The main thing is to monitor the reaction of the child’s body, since allergies may occur.

For coughs and bronchitis, as well as asthma, children under 3 years old can be given 0.5 tsp. oil, and for older children - 1 tsp. in a day. If diarrhea occurs, you can add 1 tbsp to kefir or yogurt. l. caraway oil. Headache for children it will take 0.5 tsp. oils 3 times a day, only for those who are already 6 years old. Heat rashes and skin rashes are treated with a mixture of caraway and olive oil. It is applied to the affected areas.

It is important to strictly follow the recipe and dosage, and also carefully monitor the child’s reaction.

For diabetes

Because of its ability to reduce sugar levels, caraway oil is used by people who are sick diabetes mellitus. You can drink it 20-24 drops 2-3 times a day for a month. After a break of 4-5 weeks, the course is repeated.

The fight against extra pounds is another area in which black cumin oil is used. But it is not some miracle substance that makes kilograms evaporate. The substance is used as an additional remedy for a properly balanced diet. You can use 1 tsp. in a day. This will lower your sugar levels, speed up your metabolism, and also significantly reduce the desire to eat something fatty or sweet.

Price, where to buy

Black cumin oil can be purchased in pharmacies, online stores, and mosque stores. Some sellers offer the oil itself and products made from it. Depending on the size of the package and the manufacturer, the cost of caraway oil can range from 300 to 3000 rubles. The product is sold in 500 ml containers, which is often used in cooking as vegetable oil. In pharmacies, black cumin oil is found in smaller packages - 100, 125, 200 ml.