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Acetylsalicylic acid. Chemistry Research Paper Is Aspirin Safe

Medicine based on gender. A couple of years ago, scientists began to examine the studies that had already been conducted. We took 23 tests relating to acetylsalicylic acid. It is popularly known as “Aspirin”.

The studies involved 113,000 people. Scientists set out to find out the dependence of test results on the ratio of men and women in groups of subjects.

It turned out that the effectiveness of the action was higher in male teams. Why? For now, it's a mystery. Let's talk about what acetylsalicylic acid understandable. Let's start with the studied properties of the substance.

Properties of acetyl salicylic acid

Formula acetylsalicylic acid – C 9 H 8 O 4 . The second name of the substance is 2-hydroxybenzoic. The prefix “hydroxy” is given for the presence of hydroxyl OH. , to which it is attached, is the simplest in the class.

Structural formula of acetylsalicylic acid

They have carboxyl groups COOH. In benzoin, like acetylsalicylic acid, there is only one. This is a prerequisite not only for simple ones, but also for fatty ones. For the latter there is one more condition - an open circuit.

This is exactly what the heroine of the article has. In esterified form, that is, the form of ether, fatty acids are present in fats. Acetylsalicylic compound is no exception.

Knowing that acetylsalicylic acid is "Aspirin" It’s easy to guess what she looks like. The substance is crystalline, colorless. It is also known that the compound dissociates in water. The heroine also dissolves easily in ethanol and diester.

The heroine of the article is also identified by its melting point. It is 156 degrees. The substance boils at 211 Celsius. The reaction for determining acetylsalicylic acid takes place in its solution. If chloride is added, the liquid becomes colored.

The heroine of the article may precipitate from solutions. This occurs when the environment becomes acidic. It is at this moment that it is convenient to determine the compound by its melting point, because the experiment requires a crystalline temperature.

By the way, the form is also an identifier for acetylsalicylic acid. Its units are monoclinic, that is, they are built on 3 vectors. They have different lengths. There are 2 right angles between the vectors and one that is not.

Crystals are stable only in dry air. In a humid environment, the powder absorbs water. In this case, two are formed - and salicylic. The first one has a familiar smell.

When he appears, you can understand that the heroine of the article began to fall apart. Chemists call the process hydrolysis. Acetylsalicylic acid itself has almost no smell.

The acetylsalicylic compound is amenable to esterification. This is what chemists call the formation of esters. To form them, they are exposed to alkaline bicarbonates and hydroxides.

The reaction starts in boiling water. By the way, the solubility of aspirin in it depends on the Ph of the liquid. The heroine of the article disintegrates best in alkaline water.

Preparation of acetylsalicylic acid

"Aspirin" is produced by carboxylation of the phenolate. It is taken dry. The phenolate is affected by carbon dioxide. The method is called "Kolbe-Schmitt". You need to withstand a pressure of 0.6 megapascals and a temperature of 185 degrees Celsius. Under these conditions, the reaction proceeds from 8 to 10.

Chemical formula of acetylsalicylic acid

An alternative method for the industrial synthesis of the heroine of the article is the oxidation of o-cresol, that is, crude carbolic acid. They act on it with oxide. The reaction occurs when heated. Sometimes, pre-sulfonated cresol is oxidized. In this case, the yield of acetylsalicylic acid increases.

Application of acetylsalicylic acid

“And a painful sip of aspirin gives you ease of spirit, the good benefits of illness and courage, an unkind chill.” These lines are from a poem by Bella Akhmadulina.

Poetess Silver Age included them in “Introduction to the Cold.” We conclude: acetylsalicylic acid has been used in pharmacology for about a century and has been significant from the very beginning.

Aspirin has been proven to block the production of prostaglandins. These are lipids. They are formed in the body enzymatically from fatty acids. Prostaglandins lower blood pressure.

The second action is stimulation of myometrial contractions. This is a layer of cells lining the uterus. We conclude What does acetylsalicylic acid help with?, - from premature labor.

Acetylsalicylic acid is used for colds and headaches

Obstetricians-gynecologists prescribe a quarter of Aspirin to women with a threat of miscarriage or uterine hypertonicity. But, acetylsalicylic acid is known to the general public as an antipyretic.

In this capacity, the drug is approved from the age of 12. In adolescents and adults, the medicine not only reduces fever, but also relieves pain. Respectively, acetylsalicylic acid instructions for use contains a recommended remedy for menstrual cramps, headaches, and aching sensations in the oral cavity.

Aspirin also relieves pain in muscles and joints. Note that Aspirin is available in several forms. Their action varies. Effervescent tablets, for example, are used exclusively for migraines and other pain in.

Acetylsalicylic acid is also recommended for a number of cancer diseases, as well as for their prevention. Patients regularly taking aspirin are less likely to be diagnosed with malignant tumors bladder, prostate, esophagus.

Aspirin is not included in anticancer drugs. While doctors cannot explain the mechanism of action of the drug, they do not exclude a random factor in the statistics.

At the beginning of the article, we talked about another phenomenon not explained by scientists. We are talking about the different effectiveness of acetylsalicylic acid in relation to the bodies of men and women. There is an exception to the rule.

The heroine of the article blocks Alzheimer's disease mainly in the fairer sex. In theory, the effect of the drug should be the same for everyone. Aspirin thins.

Accordingly, the difficult blood supply to the brain improves. This is the main help in the fight against an illness that takes away memory. Why the method does not work for men with Alzheimer's remains a mystery.

Outside of pharmacology, acetylsalicylic acid is used in everyday life and agriculture. The recommendation is passed on from mouth to mouth to dissolve an Aspirin tablet in a vase of cut flowers.

IN medicinal solution, as in water with potassium permanganate, plants remain fresh longer. In the fields, acid is used to combat fungal infections of the soil. Problematic beds are shed with Aspirin solution at the rate of one tablet per liter of water.

Motorists use the heroine of the article when starting their cars. Aspirin tablets help with dead batteries. The drug reacts with the electrolyte, giving a short-term charge.

The method is relevant for an unexpectedly dead device. Usually, it malfunctions in cold weather. Aspirin, of course, is not suitable as a permanent battery starter.

Housewives know the heroine of the article as a means to remove sweat stains. They remain whitish streaks on clothes. Soaking in a solution for 2 hours helps remove them. acetylsalicylic acid. Price stain remover from the store is many times more expensive. Take 4 Aspirin tablets per glass of water.

The anti-inflammatory effect of Aspirin has made it an acne fighter. used in paste form. The tablets are crushed and mixed with water.

The paste is applied pointwise to inflammation. The drug dries out the lesions and relieves redness. 2-3 minutes is enough. Afterwards, the ointment is washed off with warm, soapy water.

Acetylsalicylic acid for face can also act as an exfoliating agent. True, given the tenderness of the skin on the forehead, cheeks, and near the eyes, the heroine of the article is more often used for the heels.

Acetylsalicylic acid for acne

There the corrosive effect is in place, fights corns. Crushed Aspirin tablets are mixed with juice. Take 5 tablets per teaspoon. You will also need a couple of drops of water.

The mixture is smeared onto rough areas and wrapped with cloth napkins. Afterwards, the feet are wrapped in polyethylene. Remove it after 10-15 minutes. All that remains is to follow in the footsteps of pumice. It will easily remove softened tissue.

Acetylsalicylic acid for children and is useful for adults against bee stings. The skin puncture sites are moistened with clean water and rubbed with an Aspirin tablet. You can also rub your hair with the hero of the article.

The product is useful for those who have been painted and have been in contact with bleach. A typical situation for those who go to the pool. Dilute 6 Aspirin tablets into a glass of water, wipe the curls, and after 15 minutes wash off with shampoo.

Dyed hair does not lose color and there is no porosity to speak of. So, acetylsalicylic acid from temperature– just the tip of the iceberg of its application.

The benefits and harms of acetylsalicylic acid

Is it possible to take acetylsalicylic acid? take without a doctor's prescription? It is not allowed inside, and it is not advisable to go outside. Aspirin is still an acid. Having a corrosive effect on the skin, the substance does the same to the mucous membranes. Accordingly, long-term intake of acetylsalicylic compounds orally can lead to gastritis and stomach ulcers.

The irritating effect of the heroine of the article on the stomach is called acedosis. Monitoring by a gastroenterologist is recommended. Internal bleeding may occur.

If you need to constantly take Aspirin, following the instructions will help minimize the risks. The tablets are washed down with a small amount of water and, most importantly, taken with meals.

Acetylsalicylic acid is contraindicated for children under 12 years of age due to the risk of Reye's syndrome. It is also called white liver disease. The disease is rare, but deadly, and occurs specifically in children and adolescents.

The syndrome develops during treatment of febrile illnesses such as acute respiratory viral infections, measles or chicken pox. Not only the liver is affected, but also the brain. Moreover, Reye occurs exclusively in parallel with treatment with Aspirin.

An overdose of acetylsalicylic acid in adults sometimes leads to deafness, skin rashes, prolonged bleeding from wounds. Actually, circulatory disorders are not only the result of the use of the heroine of the article, but also a contraindication to its use, like hypertension, asthma, chronic diseases liver.

However, in uncontrolled doses everything can be fatal. The newspaper “ZOZH”, for example, describes the death of a man who drank 2 liters daily carrot juice. What is considered an elixir became the reason only because of the volume of alcohol consumed and the consistency of intake.

  • What is another name for Aspirin?

    Properties of Aspirin

    In medicine, willow bark was famous as effective remedy, which helps relieve fever. However, medications based on it led to unpleasant consequences, which manifested themselves in nausea and unbearable pain in the abdominal cavity.

    Acetylsalicylic acid (ASA), another name for Aspirin, was first obtained from willow bark in the early 19th century. By the middle of the century it was revealed chemical formula salicylic acid. For the first time, samples of ASA that became suitable for use in medical purposes, received by Bayer employees. This company began selling the drug under the trade name “Aspirin”.

    A little later, other companies also received the right to sell the drug, which allowed the medicine to reach the shelves of all world pharmacies.

    Acetylsalicylic acid, or Acidum acetylsalicylicum (Latin name for Aspirin), became the only one at that time medication, belonging to the group of non-steroidal drugs that have anti-inflammatory effects. The drug was a real breakthrough in medicine. With its help, the number of deaths from fever significantly decreased, and after Aspirin’s ability to resist blood clots was discovered, people were able to live a normal life after suffering a heart attack, stroke, etc.

    Acetylsalicylic acid (the second name for Aspirin) actually has unique properties. In the 70s, it was discovered that it can suppress the activity of prostaglandins. Thanks to this property, Aspirin eliminates inflammation by influencing the processes occurring at its source.

    The analgesic effect and elimination of fever are due to the deactivation of areas of the brain that are responsible for the sensation of pain and thermoregulation.

    Another indication for use is increased intracranial pressure and headaches. At systematic reception Aspirin thins the blood, and the gaps in the vessels become larger, which prevents the development of heart attacks and strokes in patients with a tendency to form blood clots.

    Salicylic ester acetic acid(Aspirin is called differently) is widely used in everyday life. One tablet will alleviate the condition after alcohol poisoning. Especially for this you need to purchase the drug Alka-Seltzer or Aspirin UPSA (the name of the hangover medicine, which contains acetylsalicylic acid).

    It is worth noting that, according to research conducted at Oxford University, systematic use of Aspirin will reduce the risk of developing cancer in the breast, prostate, esophagus, lungs and throat.

    You can use acetylsalicylic acid (called Aspirin) alone or in combination with other medications. Today there are many products that contain it - Citramon, Askofen, Asphen, Coficil, Acelizin. Take the drug alone and in combination with other medications.

    Aspirin for colds

    Aspirin, or acetylsalicylic acid, is a drug that quickly relieves even the most severe pain of various origins and has a detrimental effect on the inflammatory focus. In addition to these properties, this medicine often prescribed to thin thick blood for people prone to the formation of blood clots in the vascular bed. Aspirin is also often used for colds because it can eliminate fever, quickly reducing temperature readings.

    In what dosages should acetylsalicylic acid be used for colds, and are there any contraindications for use, we will find out further.

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    Is acetylsalicylic acid "Aspirin"? What does acetylsalicylic acid help with?

    Every family always has a medicine such as acetylsalicylic acid in their medicine cabinet. But every second person is interested in the following question: “Is acetylsalicylic acid “Aspirin” or not?” This is what we will discuss in our article, and we will also tell you about the properties and uses of this drug.

    A little history

    Acetylsalicylic acid was first discovered at the end of the 19th century by the young chemist Felix Hoffman, who at that time worked at Bayer. He really wanted to develop a remedy that would help his father relieve joint pain. The idea of ​​where to look for the required composition was suggested to him by his father’s attending physician. He prescribed sodium salicylate to his patient, but the patient could not take it, as it severely irritated the gastric mucosa.

    After two years, a drug such as “Aspirin” was patented in Berlin, so acetylsalicylic acid is “Aspirin”. This is a shortened name: the prefix "a" is an acetyl group that is attached to salicylic acid, the root "spire" indicates spiraic acid (this type of acid is present in the form of an ester in plants, one of them is spirea), and the ending "in" in those distant times, they were often used in the names of medicines.

    "Aspirin": chemical composition

    It turns out that acetylsalicylic acid is “Aspirin”, and its molecule contains two active acids: salicylic and acetic. If you store the drug at room temperature, then at high humidity it quickly decomposes into two acidic compounds.

    That is why Aspirin always contains acetic and salicylic acids; after a short period of time, the main component becomes much smaller. The shelf life of the drug depends on this.

    Taking a pill

    After Aspirin enters the stomach, and then into the duodenum, the juice from the stomach does not affect it, since the acid dissolves best in an alkaline environment. After the duodenum, it is absorbed into the blood, and only there does its transformation occur and salicylic acid is released. While the substance reaches the liver, the amount of acids decreases, but their water-soluble derivatives become much larger.

    And already passing through the vessels of the body, they reach the kidneys, from where they are excreted along with urine. At the exit from Aspirin, a tiny dose remains - 0.5%, and the remaining amount is metabolites. They are the medicinal ingredients. I would also like to say that the drug has 4 therapeutic effects:

    • Preventing blood clots.
    • Anti-inflammatory properties.
    • Antipyretic effect.
    • Relieves pain syndrome.

    Acetylsalicylic acid has a large scope, the instruction contains detailed recommendations by use. You should definitely read it or consult a doctor.

    "Aspirin": application

    We found out how acetylsalicylic acid works. What it helps with, we’ll figure out further.

    1. Used for pain.
    2. At high temperature.
    3. At various kinds inflammatory processes.
    4. In the treatment and prevention of rheumatism.
    5. For the prevention of thrombosis.
    6. Prevention of stroke and heart attack.

    An excellent drug is acetylsalicylic acid, the price for it will also please everyone, because it is low and varies within rubles, depending on the manufacturer and dosage.

    "Aspirin": the fight against blood clots

    Thrombi form in those places of the blood vessel where there is any damage to the walls. In these places, fibers are exposed, which hold the cells together. Blood platelets linger on them, which secrete a substance that helps to increase adhesion, and in such places the vessel narrows.

    Most often in healthy body thromboxane is opposed by another substance - prostacyclin, it does not allow platelets to stick together and, conversely, dilates blood vessels. At a time when the vessel is damaged, the balance between these two substances is shifted, and prostacyclin simply ceases to be produced. Thromboxane is produced in excess, and the platelet clump grows. Thus, blood flows through the vessel more and more slowly every day. This can later lead to a stroke or heart attack. If acetylsalicylic acid is constantly taken (the price of the drug, as already noted, is more than affordable), then everything changes dramatically.

    The acids contained in Aspirin prevent fast growth thromboxane, help remove it from the body. Thus, the drug protects blood vessels from blood clots, but it is worth taking the medicine for at least 10 days, since only after this time do platelets restore their ability to stick together.

    Acetylsalicylic acid as an antipyretic agent

    Due to the fact that this drug has the ability to dilate blood vessels, the secretion human body heat is removed much better - the temperature drops. Acetylsalicylic acid is considered the best drug for fever. In addition, this drug also acts on the thermoregulatory centers of the brain, giving it a signal to reduce the temperature.

    It is not advisable to give this medicine to children as an antipyretic because of its strong irritant effect on the stomach.

    Aspirin as an anti-inflammatory and pain reliever

    This drug also interferes with the inflammatory processes of the body, it prevents the release of blood to the sites of inflammation, as well as those substances that cause pain. It has the ability to enhance the production of the hormone histamine, which dilates blood vessels and increases blood flow to the site of the inflammatory process. It also helps strengthen the walls of thin blood vessels. All this creates an anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect.

    As we found out, acetylsalicylic acid is effective against temperature. However, this is not its only advantage. It is effective for all types of inflammation and pain occurring in the human body. That is why this drug is most often found in home medicine cabinets.

    "Aspirin" for children

    Acetylsalicylic acid is prescribed to children for fever, infectious and inflammatory diseases and severe pain. It should be taken with caution by children under 14 years of age. But for those who have reached the age of 14, you can take half a tablet (250 mg) in the morning and evening.

    Aspirin is taken only after meals, and children should definitely crush the tablet well and wash it down with plenty of water.


    Acetylsalicylic acid (this is “Aspirin”, as most people call it) can not only benefit the body, but also harm it. It is considered a very aggressive agent.

    The first thing you should not do is to use an expired drug, since Aspirin can irritate the gastric mucosa, which will ultimately lead to an ulcer. In addition, those who have gastrointestinal diseases should take the drug only as prescribed by a doctor and it is best to take the medicine with milk. People with kidney and liver diseases should also take it with extreme caution.

    Women during pregnancy are not recommended to take the drug, as there is evidence that it can adversely affect the development of the fetus. And you should not use it before childbirth, as this will weaken contractions or may cause prolonged bleeding.

    If you think that acetylsalicylic acid is completely harmless, the instructions say something completely different. It has a lot of contraindications and side effects. Before use, you need to weigh all the pros and cons.


    So, let's summarize. What does acetylsalicylic acid help with? This drug helps with elevated temperature, from the formation of blood clots, it is an excellent anti-inflammatory and analgesic.

    Even though the drug has serious contraindications for use, it is promised a bright future. Currently, most scientists are looking for supplements that could reduce the harmful effects of the drug on individual organs. There is also an opinion that other drugs will not be able to displace Aspirin, but, on the contrary, it will have new areas of application.

    Aspirin (Acetylsalicylic acid)

    Varieties, names and forms of release


  • Aspirin – special instructions Aspirin is considered one of the safe drugs, however, do not forget that this is a pharmaceutical.
  • Aspirin - indications and. Aspirin is a drug that today has earned the recognition of millions of people. Given.
  • Carefully! Aspirin! Aspirin can be deadly! Numerous commercials shown on television are given to patients.
  • Types, names and forms of release of Aspirin

    1. Tablets for oral administration;

    2. Effervescent tablets for dissolution in water.


    • Effervescent tablets Aspirin 1000 and Aspirin Express - 500 mg of acetylsalicylic acid;
    • Effervescent tablets Aspirin C – 400 mg of acetylsalicylic acid and 240 mg of vitamin C;
    • Tablets for oral administration Aspirin – 500 mg;
    • Aspirin Cardio tablets – 100 mg and 300 mg.

    As excipients The various types and forms of Aspirin include the following components:

    • Effervescent tablets Aspirin 1000, Aspirin Express and Aspirin C – sodium citrate, sodium carbonate, sodium bicarbonate, citric acid;
    • Tablets for oral administration Aspirin - microcrystalline cellulose, corn starch;
    • Aspirin Cardio tablets - cellulose, corn starch, methacrylic acid and ethyl acrylate copolymer 1:1, polysorbate, sodium lauryl sulfate, talc, triethyl citrate.

    The composition of all other synonyms and generics, which are also meant when pronouncing the name “Aspirin”, is approximately the same as the one given above. However, people who suffer from allergies or intolerance to any substances should always carefully read the composition of a particular Aspirin, indicated on the package insert included with the drug.

    Aspirin - recipe

    Rp:Tab. “Aspirin” 500 mg

    S. take one tablet orally 3 times a day.

    Therapeutic effect

    • Analgesic effect;
    • Antipyretic effect;
    • Anti-inflammatory effect;
    • Antiplatelet action.

    The listed effects of acetylsalicylic acid are due to its ability to block the enzyme. cyclooxygenase, which ensures the production of biologically active substances responsible for the development of the pain impulse, inflammatory reaction and increased body temperature. By blocking the enzyme, Aspirin stops the synthesis of substances, causing inflammation, temperature and pain, thereby eliminating these symptoms. Moreover, the drug eliminates symptoms regardless of in which organ or part of the body they are localized. Since Aspirin has no effect on central systems perception of pain, then it is classified as a non-narcotic painkiller.

    Indications for use

    Aspirin tablets, effervescent and for oral administration - indications for use

    1. Symptomatic use to relieve pain various localizations and reasons:

    3. Rheumatic diseases(rheumatism, rheumatic chorea, rheumatoid arthritis, myocarditis, myositis).

    4. Collagenoses (progressive systemic sclerosis, scleroderma, systemic lupus erythematosus, etc.).

    5. In the practice of allergists and immunologists to reduce the level of sensitization and the formation of stable tolerance in people suffering from “aspirin asthma” or “aspirin triad”.

    Aspirin Cardio - indications for use

    • Primary prevention of myocardial infarction in people at high risk of developing it (for example, with diabetes mellitus, hypertension, high blood cholesterol, obesity, smoking, old age over 65 years);
    • Prevention of recurrent myocardial infarction;
    • Prevention of strokes;
    • Prevention of periodic cerebrovascular accidents;
    • Prevention of thromboembolism after surgical interventions on blood vessels(For example, coronary artery bypass surgery, arteriovenous bypass, angioplasty, stenting and endarterectomy of the carotid arteries);
    • Prevention of deep vein thrombosis;
    • Prevention of thromboembolism pulmonary artery and its branches;
    • Prevention of thrombosis and thromboembolism during long stay in a state of immobility;
    • Unstable and stable angina;
    • Non-atherosclerotic lesion coronary arteries(Kawasaki disease);
    • Aortoarteritis (Takayasu's disease).

    Instructions for use

    Aspirin tablets for oral administration - instructions for use

    Aspirin effervescent tablets - instructions for use

    Aspirin Cardio for blood thinning - instructions for use

    special instructions

    Influence on the ability to control mechanisms


    Treatment of mild and moderate overdose of Aspirin consists of repeated use of sorbents (activated carbon, Polysorb, Polyphepan, etc.), performing gastric lavage and taking diuretics with parallel replenishment of the volume of lost fluid and salts.

    • Very heat bodies;
    • Respiratory depression;
    • Pulmonary edema;
    • Asphyxia;
    • Arrhythmia;
    • Drop in blood pressure;
    • Depression of the heart;
    • Violation of water and electrolyte balance;
    • Dehydration;
    • Impaired kidney function up to failure;
    • Increased or decreased blood glucose levels;
    • Ketoacidosis;
    • Noise in ears;
    • Deafness;
    • Gastrointestinal bleeding;
    • Bleeding disorders from prolongation of bleeding time to complete absence blood clot formation;
    • Encephalopathy;
    • CNS depression (drowsiness, confusion, coma and convulsions).

    A severe overdose of Aspirin should be treated exclusively in a hospital intensive care unit. In this case, the same manipulations are performed as with moderate and mild intoxication, but with simultaneous maintenance of work vital organs and systems.

    Interaction with other drugs

    • Methotrexate;
    • Heparin and indirect anticoagulants (for example, Warfarin, Thrombostop, etc.);
    • Thrombolytics (drugs that dissolve blood clots), anticoagulants (drugs to reduce blood clotting) and antiplatelet agents (drugs that prevent blood clots by preventing platelets from sticking together);
    • Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (for example, Fluoxetine, Sertraline, Paroxetine, Citalopram, Escitalopram, etc.);
    • Digoxin;
    • Medicines to lower blood glucose levels (hypoglycemic agents) for oral administration;
    • Insulin;
    • Valproic acid;
    • Preparations from NSAID groups(Ibuprofen, Nimesulide, Diclofenac, Ketonal, Indomethacin, etc.);
    • Ethanol.

    Considering enhanced effects of the listed drugs, with simultaneous reception with Aspirin, it is necessary to reduce their therapeutic dosage.

    • Diuretics;
    • ACE inhibitors (Berlipril, Captopril, Lisinopril, Perindopril, etc.);
    • Drugs that have the ability to remove uric acid from the body (Probenecid, Benzbromarone, etc.).

    The effects of Aspirin are weakened when taken simultaneously with drugs containing ibuprofen, as well as glucocorticosteroid hormones.

    Aspirin for the prevention of cardiovascular diseases and cancer - video

    Aspirin for children

    Use during pregnancy

    Aspirin for face against acne (mask with Aspirin)

    • Cleanses the skin and removes blackheads;
    • Reduces sebum production by skin glands;
    • Tightens pores;
    • Reduces inflammation on the skin;
    • Prevents the formation of acne and pimples;
    • Eliminates swelling;
    • Eliminates acne marks;
    • Exfoliates dead epidermal cells;
    • Maintains skin elasticity.

    At home, the simplest and most effective method of using Aspirin to improve the structure of the skin and eliminate acne are masks with this drug. To prepare them, you can use ordinary uncoated tablets purchased at a pharmacy. A face mask with Aspirin is a mild version of chemical peeling, so it is recommended to do it no more than 2-3 times a week, and during the day after applying the cosmetic procedure, do not be in direct sunlight.

    1. For oily and very oily skin. The mask cleanses pores, soothes the skin and reduces inflammation. Grind 4 Aspirin tablets into powder and mix it with a tablespoon of water, add a teaspoon of honey and vegetable oil(olive, sunflower, etc.). Apply the resulting mixture to your face and rub in with massaging movements for 10 minutes, then rinse with warm water.

    2. For normal to dry skin. The mask reduces inflammation and soothes the skin. Grind 3 Aspirin tablets and mix with a tablespoon of yogurt. Apply the finished mixture to your face, leave for 20 minutes and rinse with warm water.

    3. For problematic skin with a lot of inflammation. The mask effectively reduces inflammation and prevents the appearance of new acne. To prepare the mask, several Aspirin tablets are crushed and poured with water to form a thick paste, which is applied directly to acne or pimples and left for 20 minutes, after which it is washed off.

    Side effects

    1. Digestive system:

    • Abdominal pain;
    • Nausea;
    • Vomit;
    • Heartburn;
    • Gastrointestinal bleeding (black stools, vomiting blood, hidden blood in feces);
    • Anemia due to bleeding;
    • Erosive and ulcerative lesions of the gastrointestinal tract;
    • Increased activity of liver enzymes (AST, ALT, etc.).

    2. Central nervous system:

    • Increased bleeding;
    • Bleeding of various locations (nasal, gingival, uterine, etc.);
    • Hemorrhagic purpura;
    • Formation of hematomas.

    4. Allergic reactions:

    The benefits and harms of aspirin - video

    Contraindications for use

    • Ulcer of the stomach, intestines or esophagus;
    • Hemorrhagic diathesis;
    • Bronchial asthma provoked by taking other drugs from the NSAID group (Paracetamol, Indomethacin, Ibuprofen, Nimesulide, etc.);
    • Hemophilia;
    • Thrombocytopenia (decreased level of platelets in the blood);
    • Taking methotrexate at a dosage of more than 15 mg per week;
    • Severe renal or liver failure;
    • Heart failure in the stage of decompensation;
    • I and III trimesters of pregnancy;
    • The period of breastfeeding;
    • Age under 15 years;
    • Hypersensitivity to the components of Aspirin.

    Aspirin analogues

    • Aspivatrin effervescent tablets;
    • Aspinat tablets and effervescent tablets;
    • Aspitrin tablets;
    • Asprovit effervescent tablets;
    • Acetylsalicylic acid tablets;
    • Acsbirin effervescent tablets;
    • Nextrim Fast tablets;
    • Taspir effervescent tablets;
    • Upsarin Upsa effervescent tablets;
    • Fluspirin effervescent tablets.

    The following drugs are synonyms of Aspirin C:

    • Aspivit effervescent tablets;
    • Aspinat C effervescent tablets;
    • Asprovit C effervescent tablets;
    • Upsarin Upsa with vitamin C effervescent tablets.

    The following drugs are synonymous with Aspirin Cardio:

    Aspirin - reviews

    Paracetamol or Aspirin?

    Which antipyretic is better for a child: aspirin or paracetamol - video

    Joint use of Aspirin and Analgin for colds and flu

    Cardiomagnyl and Aspirin Cardio - what's the difference?

    Aspirin and Aspirin Cardio – price

    • Aspirin C effervescent tablets 10 pieces – 165 – 241 rubles;
    • Aspirin Express 500 mg 12 pieces – 178 – 221 rubles;
    • Aspirin tablets for oral administration, 500 mg, 20 pieces – 174 – 229 rubles;
    • Aspirin Cardio 100 mg 28 tablets – 127 – 147 rubles;
    • Aspirin Cardio 100 mg 56 tablets – 225 – 242 rubles;
    • Aspirin Cardio 300 mg 20 tablets - 82 - 90 rubles.

    Acetylsalicylic acid (Acetylsalicylic acid)

    Structural formula

    Russian name

    Latin name of the substance Acetylsalicylic acid

    chemical name

    Gross formula

    Pharmacological group of the substance Acetylsalicylic acid

    Nosological classification (ICD-10)

    CAS code

    Characteristics of the substance Acetylsalicylic acid

    White small needle-shaped crystals or light crystalline powder, odorless or with a faint odor, slightly acidic taste. Slightly soluble in water at room temperature, soluble in hot water, easily soluble in ethanol, solutions of caustic and carbonic alkalis.


    Inhibits cyclooxygenase (COX-1 and COX-2) and irreversibly inhibits the cyclooxygenase pathway of arachidonic acid metabolism, blocks the synthesis of PG (PGA 2, PGD 2, PGF 2alpha, PGE 1, PGE 2, etc.) and thromboxane. Reduces hyperemia, exudation, capillary permeability, hyaluronidase activity, limits the energy supply of the inflammatory process by inhibiting ATP production. Affects the subcortical centers of thermoregulation and pain sensitivity. A decrease in the content of PG (mainly PGE 1) in the thermoregulation center leads to a decrease in body temperature due to dilation of skin vessels and increased sweating. The analgesic effect is due to the effect on pain sensitivity centers, as well as the peripheral anti-inflammatory effect and the ability of salicylates to reduce the algogenic effect of bradykinin. A decrease in the content of thromboxane A 2 in platelets leads to irreversible suppression of aggregation and slightly dilates blood vessels. The antiplatelet effect lasts for 7 days after a single dose. During the series clinical trials it has been shown that significant inhibition of adhesion blood platelets achieved at doses up to 30 mg. Increases fibrinolytic activity of plasma and reduces the concentration of vitamin K-dependent coagulation factors (II, VII, IX, X). Stimulates the excretion of uric acid, since its reabsorption in the kidney tubules is disrupted.

    After oral administration, it is absorbed quite completely. In the presence of an enteric coating (resistant to the action of gastric juice and does not allow the absorption of acetylsalicylic acid in the stomach) it is absorbed into upper section small intestine. During absorption, it undergoes presystemic elimination in the intestinal wall and in the liver (deacetylated). The absorbed part is very quickly hydrolyzed by special esterases, so T1/2 of acetylsalicylic acid is no more than 15–20 minutes. It circulates in the body (75–90% in connection with albumin) and is distributed in tissues in the form of salicylic acid anion. Cmax is reached after approximately 2 hours. Acetylsalicylic acid practically does not bind to blood plasma proteins. During biotransformation in the liver, metabolites are formed that are found in many tissues and urine. Excretion of salicylates occurs primarily through active secretion in the renal tubules in unchanged form and in the form of metabolites. The excretion of unchanged substance and metabolites depends on the pH of the urine (with alkalinization of urine, the ionization of salicylates increases, their reabsorption worsens and excretion increases significantly).

    Application of the substance Acetylsalicylic acid

    IHD, the presence of several risk factors for IHD, silent myocardial ischemia, unstable angina, myocardial infarction (to reduce the risk of recurrent myocardial infarction and death after myocardial infarction), repeated transient cerebral ischemia and ischemic stroke in men, heart valve replacement (prevention and treatment of thromboembolism), balloon coronary angioplasty and stent installation (reducing the risk of re-stenosis and treatment of secondary coronary artery dissection), as well as for non-atherosclerotic lesions of the coronary arteries (Kawasaki disease), aortoarteritis (Takayasu disease), valvular mitral heart disease and atrial fibrillation, prolapse mitral valve(prevention of thromboembolism), recurrent pulmonary embolism, Dressler's syndrome, pulmonary infarction, acute thrombophlebitis. Fever in infectious and inflammatory diseases. Pain syndrome of mild to moderate intensity various genesis, incl. chest radicular syndrome, lumbago, migraine, headache, neuralgia, toothache, myalgia, arthralgia, algodismenorrhea. In clinical immunology and allergology, it is used in gradually increasing doses for long-term “aspirin” desensitization and the formation of stable tolerance to NSAIDs in patients with “aspirin” asthma and the “aspirin” triad.

    According to indications: rheumatism, rheumatic chorea, rheumatoid arthritis, infectious-allergic myocarditis, pericarditis - currently used very rarely.


    Hypersensitivity, incl. “aspirin” triad, “aspirin” asthma; hemorrhagic diathesis(hemophilia, von Willebrand disease, telangiectasia), dissecting aortic aneurysm, heart failure, acute and recurrent erosive and ulcerative diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, gastrointestinal bleeding, acute renal or liver failure, initial hypoprothrombinemia, vitamin K deficiency, thrombocytopenia, thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura, glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase deficiency, pregnancy (I and III trimester), breastfeeding, children and adolescents under 15 years of age when used as an antipyretic remedies (risk of developing Reye's syndrome in children with fever due to viral diseases).

    Restrictions on use

    Hyperuricemia, nephrolithiasis, gout, peptic ulcer stomach and duodenum (history), severe liver and kidney dysfunction, bronchial asthma, COPD, nasal polyposis, uncontrolled arterial hypertension.

    Use during pregnancy and breastfeeding

    The use of large doses of salicylates in the first trimester of pregnancy is associated with an increased incidence of fetal defects (cleft palate, heart defects). In the second trimester of pregnancy, salicylates can be prescribed only after assessing the risks and benefits. The administration of salicylates in the third trimester of pregnancy is contraindicated.

    Salicylates and their metabolites pass into breast milk in small quantities. Accidental intake of salicylates during lactation is not accompanied by the development of adverse reactions in the child and does not require cessation of breastfeeding. However, when long-term use or appointment in high doses ah breastfeeding should be stopped.

    Side effects of the substance Acetylsalicylic acid

    From the cardiovascular system and blood (hematopoiesis, hemostasis): thrombocytopenia, anemia, leukopenia.

    From the gastrointestinal tract: NSAIDs - gastropathy (dyspepsia, pain in the epigastric region, heartburn, nausea and vomiting, severe bleeding in the gastrointestinal tract), loss of appetite.

    Allergic reactions: hypersensitivity reactions (bronchospasm, laryngeal edema and urticaria), the formation of “aspirin” bronchial asthma and the “aspirin” triad (eosinophilic rhinitis, recurrent nasal polyposis, hyperplastic sinusitis) based on the hapten mechanism.

    Others: impaired liver and/or kidney function, Reye's syndrome in children (encephalopathy and acute fatty liver with rapid development of liver failure).

    With prolonged use - dizziness, headache, tinnitus, decreased hearing acuity, blurred vision, interstitial nephritis, prerenal azotemia with increased blood creatinine levels and hypercalcemia, papillary necrosis, acute renal failure, nephrotic syndrome, blood diseases, aseptic meningitis, increased symptoms of congestive heart failure, edema, increased levels of aminotransferases in the blood.


    Increases the toxicity of methotrexate, reducing its renal clearance, the effects of narcotic analgesics (codeine), oral antidiabetic drugs, heparin, indirect anticoagulants, thrombolytics and platelet aggregation inhibitors, reduces the effect of uricosuric drugs (benzbromarone, sulfinpyrazone), antihypertensive drugs, diuretics (spironolactone, furosemide). Paracetamol and caffeine increase the risk of side effects. Glucocorticoids, ethanol and ethanol-containing drugs enhance the negative effect on the gastrointestinal mucosa and increase clearance. Increases the concentration of digoxin, barbiturates, lithium salts in plasma. Antacids containing magnesium and/or aluminum slow down and impair the absorption of acetylsalicylic acid. Myelotoxic drugs enhance the manifestations of hematotoxicity of acetylsalicylic acid.


    May occur after a single large dose or when long-term use. If a single dose is less than 150 mg/kg, acute poisoning is considered mild, 150–300 mg/kg - moderate, when using higher doses - severe.

    Symptoms: salicylic syndrome (nausea, vomiting, tinnitus, blurred vision, dizziness, severe headache, general malaise, fever - a poor prognostic sign in adults). More severe poisoning includes stupor, convulsions and coma, non-cardiogenic pulmonary edema, severe dehydration, acid-base balance disorders (first respiratory alkalosis, then metabolic acidosis), renal failure and shock.

    In chronic overdose, the concentration determined in plasma does not correlate well with the severity of intoxication. The greatest risk of developing chronic intoxication is observed in elderly people when taking more than 100 mg/kg/day for several days. In children and elderly patients, the initial signs of salicylicism are not always noticeable, so it is advisable to periodically determine the concentration of salicylates in the blood. Levels above 70 mg% indicate moderate or severe poisoning; above 100 mg% - extremely severe, prognostically unfavorable. In case of poisoning moderate severity hospitalization required at least for 24 hours

    Treatment: provocation of vomiting, administration of activated carbon and laxatives, monitoring of acid-base balance and electrolyte balance; depending on the state of metabolism - the introduction of sodium bicarbonate, sodium citrate solution or sodium lactate. Increasing reserve alkalinity enhances the excretion of acetylsalicylic acid due to alkalinization of urine. Alkalinization of urine is indicated when the level of salicylates is above 40 mg%, provided by intravenous infusion of sodium bicarbonate - 88 mEq in 1 liter of 5% glucose solution, at a rate of 10–15 ml/kg/h. Restoration of bcc and induction of diuresis (achieved by administering bicarbonate in the same dose and dilution, repeat 2-3 times); It should be borne in mind that intensive fluid infusion in elderly patients can lead to pulmonary edema. The use of acetazolamide for alkalinization of urine is not recommended (may cause acidemia and increase toxic effect salicylates). Hemodialysis is indicated when the level of salicylates is more than 100–130 mg%, and in patients with chronic poisoning- 40 mg% and lower if indicated (refractory acidosis, progressive deterioration, severe central nervous system damage, pulmonary edema and renal failure). For pulmonary edema - mechanical ventilation with an oxygen-enriched mixture in positive end-expiratory pressure mode; hyperventilation and osmotic diuresis are used to treat cerebral edema.

    Routes of administration

    Substance precautions Acetylsalicylic acid

    Concomitant use with other NSAIDs and glucocorticoids is undesirable. 5-7 days before surgical intervention it is necessary to stop taking it (to reduce bleeding during surgery and in the postoperative period).

    The likelihood of developing NSAID gastropathy is reduced when prescribed after meals, using tablets with buffer additives or coated with a special enteric coating. The risk of hemorrhagic complications is considered to be lowest when used in doses<100 мг/ сут.

    It should be borne in mind that in predisposed patients, acetylsalicylic acid (even in small doses) reduces the excretion of uric acid from the body and can cause the development of an acute attack of gout.

    During long-term therapy, it is recommended to regularly perform blood tests and examine stool for occult blood. Due to observed cases of hepatogenic encephalopathy, it is not recommended for the relief of febrile syndrome in children.

    Aspirin is a dangerous but faithful friend

    Perhaps, if you ask any of us to name the most famous medicine, everyone will remember the same drug. This amazing pill saved us from high fever in childhood, and grown-up children thank it for the effect that brings them back to life - in the morning, after parties and other cases of reckless drinking. Some people know that doctors also often prescribe this drug to older people - in small doses, but for daily use. Are there too many functions for one tablet that costs a penny?

    This miracle medicine also has a bad reputation - they say it can cause stomach ache, and it is generally not recommended to give this to children. Everyone remembers the TV commercials about effervescent tablets, which are supposedly better than regular tablets, but there is an opinion that they cause even more harm.

    What kind of drug is this? Of course, aspirin.

    Acetylsalicylic acid

    Acetylsalicylic acid (which is what the original name of aspirin sounds like) actually has not only antipyretic, but also analgesic, anti-inflammatory and antiaggregation effects. It was synthesized at the end of the 19th century by employees of the Bayer pharmaceutical corporation and began selling under the brand name “Aspirin”. Later, other companies were also able to buy the right to produce this medicine, and it spread everywhere. Now every year humanity consumes - just think about it! - more than 80 billion aspirin tablets.

    Aspirin at one time became the first drug from the group of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (abbreviated as NSAIDs). This was a real revolution in medicine - with its advent, death from a feverish state ceased to be common. Later, when aspirin’s ability to slow down the formation of blood clots in the vascular bed was discovered, people were able to prolong their lives after suffering myocardial infarctions, strokes, with prosthetic heart valves, etc.

    Properties of aspirin

    How can the same pill help simultaneously with infectious diseases, rheumatism, migraines and heart disease?

    Acetylsalicylic acid truly has unique properties. It is able to suppress the activity of cyclooxygenase enzymes (COX-1, COX-2, etc.), responsible for the synthesis of inflammatory mediators - prostaglandins. As a result of the action of aspirin, the energy supply to the inflammation process is reduced, which leads to its attenuation. This is especially important in cases where inflammation harms the body - for example, in rheumatic diseases.

    The antipyretic and analgesic effect of aspirin is associated with an inhibitory effect on the centers of the brain that are responsible for thermoregulation and pain sensitivity. Therefore, at high temperatures, when the fever no longer helps, but only harms the body, it is recommended to take this pill.

    Aspirin affects blood cells - platelets, it reduces their ability to stick together and form blood clots. With regular use of the drug, the blood is somewhat “thinned” and the blood vessels dilate slightly, which causes the effect of relief from increased intracranial pressure and headaches, and also helps in the prevention of heart attacks, strokes and thromboembolism in patients with a tendency to thrombus formation.

    Negative effects

    Unfortunately, aspirin also has a bad reputation. The fact is that suppressing the activity of cyclooxygenases (enzymes) also has a negative effect - one of these enzymes, COX-1, is responsible for the normal functioning of the cells of the gastric mucosa. Its blocking leads to disruption of the integrity of the gastric wall and is a factor in the development of ulcers.

    When this side effect of aspirin was identified, the number of indications for its use narrowed somewhat: according to modern rules, it is not prescribed to people with peptic ulcers. In addition, bronchial asthma is a contraindication to the use of acetylsalicylic acid. the age of children under 12 years of age in the presence of viral diseases (due to the likelihood of developing Reye's Syndrome).


    Aspirin manufacturers have tried to reduce the negative effect on the gastric mucosa by starting the production of effervescent tablet forms that dissolve in water before use. However, the systemic effect of the drug after absorption and the harmful effect of the main component of such tablets - citric acid - on tooth enamel, the advantages of the new form were neutralized by its disadvantages.

    Descendants of aspirin

    But there is no reason for the disorders - by now, pharmacologists have learned to separate the effects of suppressing the activity of COX of various types. Drugs have appeared on the market that can, without harming the stomach, selectively suppress only those enzymes that cause the inflammatory process. These drugs formed a subgroup of selective COX-2 inhibitors, and are now widely available on the market under various trade names.

    Other effects of aspirin have also been taken as the basis for modern anti-inflammatory drugs, painkillers and antiplatelet agents. But acetylsalicylic acid, although it has partially given way to its “more advanced descendants,” still remains on pharmacy shelves and in the arsenal of drugs prescribed in medical institutions. I would like to say - as a tribute, but the reason is much more prosaic - this is still the cheapest way to lower the temperature, relieve pain and prevent the development of cardiovascular diseases.

    Why are aspirin and acetylsalicylic acid not entirely synonymous?

    Acetylsalicylic acid (Acidum acetylsalicylicum) is a salicylic ester of acetic acid C6H4(OCOCH3)COOH.

    It also has other synonyms, some with other fillers and/or additives, while the active ingredient should always be the same - acetylsalicylic acid, but may differ in quality, depending on the manufacturer, therefore “not quite synonyms”: “Aspirin, Aspro , Acesal, Aceticyl, Acetol, Acetophen, Acetosal, Acetylin, Acetylsal, Acetysal, Acylpyrin, Aspirin, Aspisol, Asposal, Aspro, Astrin, Ataspin, Bayaspirin, Bebaspin, Benaspir, Bispirine, Caprin, Cetasal, Citopyrine, Clariprin, Darosal, Durasal , Easprin, Endosalil, Endospirin, Eutosal, Genasprine, Helicon, Isopirin, Istopirin, Monasalyl, Novosprin, Panspiril, Polopiryna, Prodol, Rodopyrin, Ruspirin, Salacetin, Saletin, Temperal, Vicapirine, Zorprin, etc. "

    “ASPIRIN, the common name for acetylsalicylic acid, is the most common analgesic, antipyretic and anti-inflammatory drug. Acetylsalicylic acid and a number of other chemical derivatives of salicylic acid are known collectively as salicylates. Salicylates are one of the oldest medicines. Even in ancient times, various kinds of willow bark extracts were used to treat infectious diseases and gout, to relieve pain and reduce fever. In 1838 it was shown that its active component is salicylic acid. In 1860, this acid was first obtained artificially, and in 1875 its sodium salt began to be used.

    The search for substances comparable in effectiveness, but less toxic than salicylic acid, was crowned with success when S. Gerhardt in France obtained acetylsalicylic acid. The salicylic acid molecule consists of six carbon atoms connected in a ring to which functional groups are attached, such as hydroxyl (a combination of oxygen and hydrogen: OH). Gerhardt replaced the hydrogen atom (H) of the hydroxyl group with acetyl (COCH3) and thus converted salicylic acid into acetylsalicylic acid. In 1893, F. Hofmann, an employee of the Bayer company (Germany), developed a technology for the production of acetylsalicylic acid. The commercial name of the product “aspirin”, according to its first manufacturers, is made up of two parts: “a” from acetyl and “spira” from Spiraea, the Latin name for meadowsweet, the plant from which salicylic acid was first chemically isolated.

    Aspirin immediately and for a long time gained popularity. It and closely related substances are now included in more than 400 over-the-counter medications used to treat headaches and arthritis. In the United States, up to 20 tons of aspirin are consumed annually.

    Recent clinical studies have shown that taking small doses of aspirin daily prevents insufficient blood supply to the heart (coronary artery occlusion) and brain (stroke). Such insufficiency is caused by fatty deposits that narrow the lumen of the arteries - as a result, blood flow in these vessels decreases and the risk of blockage by blood clots increases.

    Unfortunately, aspirin remains a common cause of poisoning in young children. In addition, according to some data, treating children with aspirin for influenza or chickenpox increases the risk of developing Reye's syndrome, a disease that is fatal in 20-40% of cases. "

    Good health to you and no need to take any medications so as not to disturb the internal balance of the body as a system. And if necessary only


    Description current as of 03/15/2016

    • Latin name: Aspirin
    • ATX code: N02BA01
    • Active ingredient: Acetylsalicylic acid
    • Manufacturer: Bayer Bitterfeld GmbH (Germany)

    Composition of Aspirin

    The tablets contain 500 mg of acetylsalicylic acid (ASA), as well as corn starch and microcrystalline cellulose.

    Release form

    The release form of the drug is tablets.

    pharmachologic effect

    The drug relieves inflammation and pain, and also acts as an antipyretic and disaggregant.

    Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics

    What is Aspirin?

    The active substance of the drug - acetylsalicylic acid (sometimes mistakenly called “acetylic acid”) - belongs to the group of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, the mechanism of action of which is realized through the irreversible inactivation of the COX enzyme, which plays an important role in the synthesis of thromboxanes and Pg.

    Thus, to the question of acetylsalicylic acid - is it aspirin or not, it can be answered with certainty that Aspirin and acetylsalicylic acid are one and the same.

    Natural source of Aspirin: Salix alba (white willow) bark.

    Chemical formula of Aspirin: C₉H₈O₄.


    Oral administration of ASA at doses of 300 mg to 1 g has been shown to relieve pain (including muscle and joint pain) and conditions associated with mild fever (eg, colds or flu). Similar doses of ASA are prescribed for temperature.

    The properties of ASA make it possible to use the drug also in acute and chronic inflammatory diseases. In the list of indications, from which Aspirin helps, osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, ankylosing spondylitis are listed.

    For these diseases, as a rule, higher doses are used than, for example, at a temperature or with a cold. To alleviate the condition of an adult, depending on the characteristics of the course of the disease, appoint from 4 to 8 g of ASA per day.

    By blocking the synthesis of thromboxane A2, ASA inhibits platelet aggregation. This makes it appropriate to use it in a large number of vascular diseases. The daily dose for this type of pathology varies from 75 to 300 mg.


    After taking an Aspirin tablet, ASA is quickly and completely absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract. During and after absorption, it is biotransformed into salicylic acid (SA) - the main, pharmacologically active metabolite.

    TSmax ASA - minutes, salicylates - from 20 minutes to 2 hours. ASA and SA are completely bound to plasma proteins in the blood and are quickly distributed in the body. SA crosses the placenta and passes into breast milk.

    The liver is involved in SC metabolism. The products of metabolism of the substance are: gentisic, gentisin-uric, salicylic uric acids, as well as salicylacyl and salicylphenol glucuronides.

    The kinetics of SA elimination depends on the dose, since metabolism is limited by the activity of liver enzymes. T1/2 is also a dose-dependent value: in the case of low doses, T1/2 is from 2 to 3 hours, in the case of high doses, it increases to 15 hours.

    SC and its metabolic products are excreted mainly by the kidneys.

    Indications for the use of Aspirin

    Aspirin (ASA) is a symptomatic drug used for conditions involving pain, inflammation and fever.

    Indications for use:

    Contraindications for aspirin

    Contraindications are divided into absolute and relative.

    Taking the drug is strictly prohibited if you are allergic to ASA or any other non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (Analgin, Paracetamol, etc.), as well as in conditions that are characterized by an increased tendency to bleeding.

    The following contraindications are relative:

    If there are relative contraindications, Aspirin Bayer can be taken only after the doctor approves it.

    Side effects

    Frequent and long-term use of ASA in some cases may be accompanied by the development of bleeding from the gastrointestinal tract, the signs of which are:

    The appearance of such symptoms requires stopping taking Aspirin and immediately contacting a doctor.

    Long-term treatment with high doses of ASA can also provoke:

    • damage to the juxtaglomerular apparatus (periglomerular complex) of the kidneys;
    • formation of oxalate and/or urate stones in the urinary tract and kidneys;
    • renal failure;
    • damage to the pancreatic insular apparatus;
    • impaired glycogen synthesis (in some cases, even leading to the development of diabetes mellitus);
    • thrombocytosis;
    • myocardial dystrophy;
    • hemolytic anemia, erythrocytopenia, hyperprothrombinemia, neutrophilic leukocytosis;
    • decreased capillary permeability (possibly increased blood pressure and deterioration of tissue trophism);
    • hemolysis of erythrocytes (in patients with G6PD deficiency);
    • violation of copper and zinc metabolism;
    • dysbacteriosis of the oral cavity.

    Aspirin tablets, instructions for use

    The instructions for use of Aspirin indicate that the tablets should be taken orally after meals with a sufficient amount of liquid.

    The maximum duration of treatment with the drug without consulting a doctor is 5 days.

    As a single dose, adults are prescribed from 300 mg to 1 g of ASA. Repeated use is possible after 4-8 hours. The permissible upper limit of the daily dose is 4 g.

    Aspirin: how to drink to prevent heart and vascular diseases?

    A systematic review of various studies showed that the use of Aspirin after myocardial infarction can reduce the incidence of non-fatal heart attacks by 31%, the incidence of non-fatal strokes by 39%, the incidence of recurrent strokes and heart attacks by 25%, and vascular death by 15%.

    Moreover, the positive effect of ASA does not depend on gender, age, the presence of diabetes mellitus, and blood pressure levels.

    Studies have found that after myocardial infarction, ASA should be prescribed immediately, and treatment should continue until specific contraindications are identified. The optimal dosage for the prevention of blood vessels is mg/day.

    What to take with Aspirin?

    Aspirin for blood thinning: does ASA thin the blood?

    ASA is a disaggregant. This property of the drug allows it to be used in conditions where it is necessary to create obstacles to induced or spontaneous platelet aggregation.

    There are 2 groups of blood thinning drugs: without ASA and based on this substance. Blood thinners without ASA are anticoagulants. Medicines based on ASA belong to the group of antiplatelet agents.

    When asked whether Aspirin thins the blood or not, doctors answer that the point of the effect of antiplatelet agents (and, in particular, ASA) is that they reduce the ability of platelets to stick together, and this in turn reduces the risk of blood clots.

    What is Aspirin used for? The instructions and Wikipedia provide the following recommendations in this regard: the drug should be prescribed to patients with high cardiovascular risk, people who have had a myocardial infarction, and also in acute period ischemic stroke, with circulatory disorders in the brain and other manifestations of atherosclerosis.

    Elena Malysheva says the following about the drug: “A cure for old age. There are no blood clots in the vessels, good blood flow in the brain, heart, legs, arms. In leather! She also notes that the product reduces the risk of atherosclerosis and protects the body from cancer.

    Tips on how to take Aspirin for blood thinning correctly are as follows: the optimal dose of the drug when used to prevent vascular complications is a dose equal to 1 mg/day. This is the dose that is considered the most well balanced in terms of safety/efficacy.

    Western doctors do not practice using Aspirin to thin the blood, however, in Russia it is recommended quite often for these purposes. Knowing the benefits of ASA for blood vessels, some people begin to take the drug uncontrollably.

    Doctors never tire of reminding you that before taking Aspirin to cleanse the vascular walls of cholesterol and “soften” the blood, you must obtain a doctor’s approval.

    How is Aspirin harmful? Studies conducted by scientists in the 70s of the 20th century showed that ASA drugs affect blood viscosity, thereby helping to reduce the load on the heart muscle and preventing an increase in blood pressure.

    However, to achieve these effects, a mg of the substance per day is usually sufficient. Regularly exceeding the recommended preventive dose can give exactly the opposite results and cause harm to the body.

    In other words, taking ASA to thin the blood, if there are no signs of heart disease, has a negative effect on the body.

    How to replace ASA?

    Patients often wonder what thins the blood other than Aspirin. As an alternative to medications, you can use individual blood thinning products - analogues of antiplatelet agents.

    The main ones are those that contain salicylic acid, vitamin E and iodine. Herbal substitutes for Aspirin include licorice, sage, aloe, and horse chestnut. Also, to thin the blood, it is good to include cherries, oranges, cranberries, raisins, grapes, tangerines, blueberries, thyme, mint, ginger and curry in your diet.

    Meat, fish and dairy products do not thin the blood, but regular consumption of fish helps improve the blood count. The blood also becomes less viscous when the body receives a sufficient amount of vitamin D.

    Does Aspirin Lower or Increase Blood Pressure? Aspirin for headaches

    Aspirin for headaches is especially effective if the pain is caused by increased intracranial pressure (ICP). This is due to the fact that ASA has a blood-thinning effect and thus helps reduce ICP.

    For headaches (depending on its intensity), adults are usually prescribed to take from 0.25 to 1 g of ASA every 6-8 hours.

    How to take Aspirin for varicose veins for prevention?

    The action of ASA is aimed at suppressing platelet function. As a result, for varicose veins, regular use of the drug helps reduce the risk of thrombosis.

    However, doctors answer the question “Can I take Aspirin every day?” They answer that it is still not worth abusing this drug for varicose veins. The optimal way to use the product is with special medicinal compresses.

    To prepare a compress, it is recommended to pour 200 ml of alcohol (vodka) into crushed Aspirin tablets (10 pieces) and leave the medicine for 48 hours. Compresses are applied to the area of ​​dilated veins daily, at night. This procedure for varicose veins helps eliminate pain.

    How is Aspirin useful in cosmetology?

    In cosmetology, ASA is used for hair (in particular, as a remedy for dandruff), to treat acne and improve skin. The effectiveness of the product is confirmed by a large number of positive reviews and pictures in which you can evaluate the appearance of the face before and after using Aspirin.

    For facial skin, ASA is used in creams for daily care, as well as in masks. The benefit of this treatment for the face is that inflammation and redness disappear from the skin quite quickly - within a few hours - and tissue swelling subsides.

    In addition, face masks with Aspirin help exfoliate the layer of dead cells and cleanse the pores of subcutaneous sebum.

    When asked how Aspirin helps with acne on the face, cosmetologists answer that the ability to cleanse pores is due to its drying effect and good solubility in fats, thanks to which ASA can penetrate deep enough into pores clogged with sebum.

    Light peeling is guaranteed due to the granular structure of the dissolved drug. At the same time, the product does not injure healthy areas of the skin. This is due to the fact that ASA works somewhat differently than abrasive scrubs, the exfoliating effect of which is realized due to the presence of coarse particles in their composition.

    The action of ASA, unlike such agents, is aimed at weakening the adhesive bonds between cells, which in turn helps remove dead cells from the surface of the skin without damaging young healthy cells in the deeper layers.

    The simplest recipe against acne is to put half a tablet of the drug on the inflamed area.

    You can also add crushed aspirin tablets to the cream. To prepare the composition, 4 tablets of the drug are placed in a bowl and water is dripped onto them. When the medicine begins to dissolve, rub it with your fingers to a pasty consistency and then mix it with 2 tbsp using a spatula. spoons of cream.

    To make the acne remedy have a finer texture, you can add up to 1 tbsp to the mixture. spoons of warm water. The cream is applied to the face, and after 15 minutes, washed off with warm water.

    Aspirin for acne can also be used in combination with freshly squeezed lemon juice.

    The recipe for such an anti-acne Aspirin mask is simple: 6 tablets of the drug are ground with lemon juice until a homogeneous mass is obtained (reviews suggest that the process of dissolving the tablets can take 10 minutes), and then the resulting paste is applied pointwise to the pimples and left to dry.

    It is recommended to remove the paste from the skin with a solution of baking soda to neutralize the acid.

    Good reviews about the face mask with Aspirin and honey. To prepare the medicinal composition, you need to place 3 tablets in a bowl (you do not use effervescent Aspirin UPSA, but regular tablets) and drop water on them. When the tablets become loose, add 0.5-1 teaspoon of honey to them and mix thoroughly.

    If the honey is too thick, you can add a few drops of water to the mixture. The mask is applied to dry skin for 15 minutes, and then gently, in a circular motion, wash your face with warm water.

    A mask made of honey and Aspirin is most suitable for aging, oily and porous skin, but cosmetologists say that you can use such a mask with honey for acne.

    A good acne mask with Aspirin and clay. To prepare it, you need to take 6 ASA tablets, 2 teaspoons of cosmetic clay (blue or white) and a small amount of warm water.

    All ingredients are stirred in a convenient container until a paste is obtained, after which the composition is applied to the face with a cotton pad for 15 minutes. If discomfort (burning, itching) occurs, the mask can be washed off earlier. After the procedure, it is recommended to wipe the skin with a sponge soaked in chamomile or chamomile decoction.

    To eliminate small acne and blackheads, Aspirin is used in combination with carbonated mineral water and black cosmetic clay. For 1 tbsp. a spoonful of clay you need to take 1 tablet of ASA. First, the clay is diluted with mineral water, then Aspirin is added to the resulting slurry.

    The composition is applied to the skin in a thin layer. Exposure time is 20 minutes. It is recommended to apply the cream no earlier than a few minutes after the procedure (this will allow the skin to “breathe”).

    Levomycetin, calendula and Aspirin in the form of a talker are effective against acne. To prepare the product, add 4 tablets of each drug to 40 ml of calendula tincture and shake the bottle well. The solution is used to wipe the face.

    Facial cleansing with Aspirin is carried out using only tablets in their pure form. It should be remembered that there are different types of ASA on sale. However, tablets without additional coating should be used for peeling; coated aspirin is not used for these purposes.

    The soaked tablet of the drug is placed on a cotton pad, and then applied to the skin of the face in a circular motion for 3 minutes and then washed off with warm water.

    For blackheads, against pimples (comedones) and to prevent the appearance of acne, you can use Aspirin as part of a mask with coffee and clay. At 2 tbsp. spoons of white or blue cosmetic clay, it is recommended to use 1 teaspoon of natural medium-ground coffee and 4 ASA tablets.

    Carbonated mineral water is poured into the finished mixture in small portions in the amount necessary to obtain a thick slurry. The product is applied to the skin with slow massaging movements, covering all areas except the area of ​​the upper and lower eyelids. Exposure time is 20 minutes, after which the mask is washed off. To enhance the effect, problem areas can be wiped with an ice cube.

    Aspirin for hair is used mainly as a remedy for dandruff. The easiest way to treat hair diseases is to use shampoo with ASA.

    To prepare the healing composition, measure out the amount of shampoo required for one hair wash into a separate container (it is better if it contains a minimum of dyes and fragrances), and then add 2 crushed ASA tablets (uncoated) to it.


    Symptoms of a moderate overdose are: tinnitus, nausea, hearing loss, vomiting, confusion, dizziness, headache. These phenomena disappear when the dose of the drug is reduced.

    Severe overdose of Aspirin is accompanied by hyperventilation, fever, metabolic acidosis, respiratory alkalosis, ketosis, cardiogenic shock, coma, severe hypoglycemia, and respiratory failure.

    In such cases, the patient is hospitalized. Treatment includes the use of activated carbon, lavage, control of acid-correct reaction, forced alkaline diuresis to obtain urine pH values ​​within 7.5-8.0, compensation for fluid loss, hemodialysis, and symptomatic therapy.


    ASA enhances the effects of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (for this reason, doctors do not recommend taking Aspirin with other drugs in this group, for example, simultaneously with Paracetamol), non-narcotic analgesics, oral hypoglycemic drugs, indirect anticoagulants, Heparin, thrombolytics that suppress platelet aggregation, triiodothyronine, sulfonamides.

    GCS, alcohol and drugs containing ethanol enhance the damaging effect of ASA on the mucous membrane of the digestive canal, increasing the risk of developing gastric and intestinal bleeding.

    ASA increases the plasma concentration of Li drugs, barbiturates and digoxin.

    Absorption of ASA worsens and slows down when taking the drug simultaneously with antacids containing Al and/or Mg hydroxide.

    Terms of sale

    Recipe in Latin for the drug (sample): Rp.: Tab. Acidi acetylsalicylici 0.1 No. 10 D. S. If AMI is suspected, take 1 tablet 2 times a day.

    Storage conditions

    Tablets should be stored out of the reach of children, protected from light and moisture.

    Best before date

    special instructions

    ASA may cause reactions hypersensitivity(for example, an attack of bronchial asthma (BA) or bronchospasm). Risk factors include a history of asthma, nasal polyps, fever, chronic bronchopulmonary diseases, and cases of allergies (skin manifestations of allergies, allergic rhinitis).

    ASA can increase the tendency to bleeding, which is due to its inhibitory effect on platelet aggregation. This must be taken into account when prescribing the drug to patients who are undergoing surgery (including minor surgery, such as tooth extraction).

    The drug is stopped 5-7 days before surgery. The physician should be informed that the patient was taking Aspirin before surgery.

    ASA reduces the excretion of uric acid from the body, which can provoke an acute attack of gout in predisposed patients.

    Aspirin - benefit or harm?

    ASA is widely used as an analgesic, antipyretic and anti-inflammatory agent. In lower doses it is used to prevent the development of vascular complications.

    Today, ASA is the only disaggregant whose effectiveness when used in the acute period of ischemic stroke (cerebral infarction) is supported by data evidence-based medicine.

    With regular use of ASA, the risk of colorectal cancer, as well as prostate, lung, esophagus and throat cancers, is significantly reduced.

    An important feature of ASA is that it irreversibly inhibits COX, an enzyme that is involved in the synthesis of thromboxanes and Pg. Acting as an acetylating agent, ASA attaches an acetyl group to the serine residue in the active site of COX. This distinguishes the drug from other NSAIDs (in particular, ibuprofen and diclofenac), which belong to the group of reversible COX inhibitors.

    Bodybuilders use the combination “Aspirin-Caffeine-Broncholitin” as a fat burner (this mixture is considered the progenitor of all fat burners). Housewives have also found use of ASA in everyday life: the product is often used to remove sweat stains from white clothes and to water fungus-affected soil.

    You can also use ASA for flowers: a crushed Aspirin tablet is added to water when you want to preserve cut plants longer.

    Some women use Aspirin tablets as a contraceptive: the tablet is administered intravaginally a minute before PA or dissolved in water and then douched with the resulting solution.

    The effectiveness of this method of birth control has not been studied, however, gynecologists do not deny the right to its existence. At the same time, doctors note that the effectiveness of contraception using ASA is only about 10%.

    There is also an opinion that using Aspirin can terminate a pregnancy. Doctors, of course, do not welcome such methods, but advise that if pregnancy is not planned and unwanted, you should still seek help from medical institutions in a timely manner.

    Despite the large number of beneficial properties, the drug also has a bad reputation. Suppression of COX activity provokes a violation of the integrity of the walls of the digestive canal and is a factor in the development of peptic ulcer disease.

    ASA can also be dangerous for children under 12 years of age. If used when a child has a viral infection, the drug can cause Reye's syndrome, a disease that poses a threat to the life of young patients.

    Every family always has a medicine such as acetylsalicylic acid in their medicine cabinet. But every second person is interested in the following question: “Is acetylsalicylic acid “Aspirin” or not?” This is what we will discuss in our article, and we will also tell you about the properties and uses of this drug.

    A little history

    Acetylsalicylic acid was first discovered at the end of the 19th century by the young chemist Felix Hoffman, who at that time worked at Bayer. He really wanted to develop a remedy that would help his father relieve joint pain. The idea of ​​where to look for the required composition was suggested to him by his father’s attending physician. He prescribed sodium salicylate to his patient, but the patient could not take it, as it severely irritated the gastric mucosa.

    After two years, a drug such as “Aspirin” was patented in Berlin, so acetylsalicylic acid is “Aspirin”. This is a shortened name: the prefix "a" is an acetyl group that is attached to salicylic acid, the root "spire" indicates spiraic acid (this type of acid is present in the form of an ester in plants, one of them is spirea), and the ending "in" in those distant times, they were often used in the names of medicines.

    "Aspirin": chemical composition

    It turns out that acetylsalicylic acid is “Aspirin”, and its molecule contains two active acids: salicylic and acetic. If you store the drug at room temperature, then at high humidity it quickly decomposes into two acidic compounds.

    That is why Aspirin always contains acetic and salicylic acids; after a short period of time, the main component becomes much smaller. The shelf life of the drug depends on this.

    Taking a pill

    After Aspirin enters the stomach, and then into the duodenum, the juice from the stomach does not affect it, since the acid dissolves best in an alkaline environment. After the duodenum, it is absorbed into the blood, and only there does its transformation occur and salicylic acid is released. While the substance reaches the liver, the amount of acids decreases, but their water-soluble derivatives become much larger.

    And already passing through the vessels of the body, they reach the kidneys, from where they are excreted along with urine. At the exit from Aspirin, a tiny dose remains - 0.5%, and the remaining amount is metabolites. They are the medicinal ingredients. I would also like to say that the drug has 4 therapeutic effects:

    • Preventing blood clots.
    • Anti-inflammatory properties.
    • Antipyretic effect.
    • Relieves pain syndrome.

    Acetylsalicylic acid has a wide range of applications; the instructions contain detailed recommendations for use. You should definitely read it or consult a doctor.

    "Aspirin": application

    We found out how acetylsalicylic acid works. What it helps with, we’ll figure out further.

    1. Used for pain.
    2. At high temperature.
    3. For various types of inflammatory processes.
    4. In the treatment and prevention of rheumatism.
    5. For the prevention of thrombosis.
    6. Prevention of stroke and heart attack.

    An excellent drug is acetylsalicylic acid, the price of it will also please everyone, because it is low and ranges from 4-100 rubles, depending on the manufacturer and dosage.

    "Aspirin": the fight against blood clots

    Thrombi form in those places of the blood vessel where there is any damage to the walls. In these places, fibers are exposed, which hold the cells together. Blood platelets linger on them, which secrete a substance that helps to increase adhesion, and in such places the vessel narrows.

    Most often, in a healthy body, thromboxane is opposed by another substance - prostacyclin; it does not allow platelets to stick together and, on the contrary, dilates blood vessels. At a time when the vessel is damaged, the balance between these two substances is shifted, and prostacyclin simply ceases to be produced. Thromboxane is produced in excess, and the platelet clump grows. Thus, blood flows through the vessel more and more slowly every day. This can later lead to a stroke or heart attack. If acetylsalicylic acid is constantly taken (the price of the drug, as already noted, is more than affordable), then everything changes dramatically.

    The acids contained in Aspirin prevent the rapid growth of thromboxane and help remove it from the body. Thus, the drug protects blood vessels from blood clots, but it is worth taking the medicine for at least 10 days, since only after this time do platelets restore their ability to stick together.

    Acetylsalicylic acid as an antipyretic agent

    Due to the fact that this drug has the ability to dilate blood vessels, the heat generated by the human body is removed much better - the temperature drops. Acetylsalicylic acid is considered the best drug for fever. In addition, this drug also acts on the thermoregulatory centers of the brain, giving it a signal to reduce the temperature.

    It is not advisable to give this medicine to children as an antipyretic because of its strong irritant effect on the stomach.

    Aspirin as an anti-inflammatory and pain reliever

    This drug also interferes with the inflammatory processes of the body, it prevents the release of blood to the sites of inflammation, as well as those substances that cause pain. It has the ability to enhance the production of the hormone histamine, which dilates blood vessels and increases blood flow to the site of the inflammatory process. It also helps strengthen the walls of thin blood vessels. All this creates an anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect.

    As we found out, acetylsalicylic acid is effective against temperature. However, this is not its only advantage. It is effective for all types of inflammation and pain occurring in the human body. That is why this drug is most often found in home medicine cabinets.

    "Aspirin" for children

    Acetylsalicylic acid is prescribed to children for fever, infectious and inflammatory diseases and severe pain. It should be taken with caution by children under 14 years of age. But for those who have reached the age of 14, you can take half a tablet (250 mg) in the morning and evening.

    Aspirin is taken only after meals, and children should definitely crush the tablet well and wash it down with plenty of water.


    Acetylsalicylic acid (this is “Aspirin”, as most people call it) can not only benefit the body, but also harm it. It is considered a very aggressive agent.

    The first thing you should not do is to use an expired drug, since Aspirin can irritate the gastric mucosa, which will ultimately lead to an ulcer. In addition, those who have gastrointestinal diseases should take the drug only as prescribed by a doctor and it is best to take the medicine with milk. People with kidney and liver diseases should also take it with extreme caution.

    Women during pregnancy are not recommended to take the drug, as there is evidence that it can adversely affect the development of the fetus. And you should not use it before childbirth, as this will weaken contractions or may cause prolonged bleeding.

    If you think that acetylsalicylic acid is completely harmless, the instructions say something completely different. It has a lot of contraindications and side effects. Before use, you need to weigh all the pros and cons.


    So, let's summarize. What does acetylsalicylic acid help with? This drug helps with fever, the formation of blood clots, it is an excellent anti-inflammatory and analgesic.

    Even though the drug has serious contraindications for use, it is promised a bright future. Currently, most scientists are looking for supplements that could reduce the harmful effects of the drug on individual organs. There is also an opinion that other drugs will not be able to displace Aspirin, but, on the contrary, it will have new areas of application.

    Structural formula

    True, empirical, or gross formula: C9H8O4

    Chemical composition of Acetylsalicylic acid

    Molecular weight: 180.159

    Acetylsalicylic acid(colloquial aspirin; lat. Acidum acetylsalicylicum, salicylic ester of acetic acid) is a drug that has an analgesic (pain reliever), antipyretic, anti-inflammatory and antiplatelet effect. The mechanism of action and safety profile of acetylsalicylic acid have been well studied, its effectiveness has been clinically tested, and therefore this drug is included in the list of essential medicines of the World Health Organization, as well as in the list of vital and essential medicines Russian Federation. Acetylsalicylic acid is also widely known under the brand name Aspirin, patented by Bayer.


    ethnoscience has long recommended the bark of young branches of white willow as an antipyretic, for example, for preparing a decoction. The bark has also received recognition from doctors under the name Salicis cortex. However, all existing therapeutic agents from willow bark had a very serious side effect - they caused severe abdominal pain and nausea. Salicylic acid was first isolated in a stable form suitable for purification from willow bark by the Italian chemist Rafel Piria in 1838. It was first synthesized by Charles Frederic Gerard in 1853. In 1859, chemistry professor Hermann Kolbe from the University of Marburg discovered chemical structure salicylic acid, which made it possible to open the first factory for its production in Dresden in 1874. In 1875, sodium salicylate was used to treat rheumatism and as an antipyretic. Soon its glucosuric effect was established, and salicin began to be prescribed for gout. On August 10, 1897, Felix Hoffman, who worked in the laboratories of Bayer AG, first obtained samples of acetylsalicylic acid in a form possible for medical use; Using the acetylation method, he became the first chemist in history to obtain salicylic acid in chemically pure and stable form. Along with Hoffman, Arthur Eichengrün is also called the inventor of aspirin. The raw material for the production of acetylsalicylic acid was the bark of the willow tree. Bayer has registered a new drug under the brand name aspirin. Hoffman discovered the healing properties of acetylsalicylic acid while trying to find a cure for his father, who suffered from rheumatism. In 1971, pharmacologist John Wayne demonstrated that acetylsalicylic acid inhibits the synthesis of prostaglandins and thromboxanes. For this discovery, he, along with Suna Bergström and Bengt Samuelsson, were awarded the Nobel Prize in Medicine in 1982; in 1984 he was awarded the title of Knight Bachelor.

    Brand name Aspirin

    After much debate, they decided to take as a basis the already mentioned Latin name of the plant from which the Berlin scientist Karl Jakob Lovig first isolated salicylic acid - Spiraea ulmaria. “a” was added to the four letters “spir” to emphasize the special role of the acetylation reaction, and “in” was added to the right for euphony and in accordance with established tradition. The result is an easy-to-pronounce and easy-to-remember name, Aspirin. Already in 1899, the first batch of this medicine went on sale. Initially, only the antipyretic effect of aspirin was known, but later its analgesic and anti-inflammatory properties were also discovered. In the early years, aspirin was sold as a powder, and since 1904 in tablet form. In 1983, the New England Journal of Medicine published a study that proved a new important property of the drug - when used during unstable angina, the risk of such an outcome as myocardial infarction or death is halved. Acetylsalicylic acid also reduces the risk of cancer, particularly of the breast and colon.

    Mechanism of action

    Suppression of the synthesis of prostaglandins and thromboxanes. Acetylsalicylic acid is an inhibitor of cyclooxygenase (PTGS), an enzyme involved in the synthesis of prostaglandins and thromboxanes. Acetylsalicylic acid acts in the same way as other non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (in particular, diclofenac and ibuprofen), which are reversible inhibitors. Thanks to the remark of Nobel laureate John Wayne, which he expressed as a hypothesis in one of his articles, for a long time It was believed that acetylsalicylic acid acts as a suicide inhibitor of cyclooxygenase by acetylating the hydroxyl group in the active site of the enzyme. Further research showed that this is not the case.

    pharmachologic effect

    Acetylsalicylic acid has anti-inflammatory, antipyretic and analgesic effects, and is widely used for feverish conditions, headaches, neuralgia, etc. and as an antirheumatic agent. The anti-inflammatory effect of acetylsalicylic acid (and other salicylates) is explained by its influence on the processes occurring at the site of inflammation: a decrease in capillary permeability, a decrease in hyaluronidase activity, limiting the energy supply of the inflammatory process by inhibiting the formation of ATP, etc. In the mechanism of anti-inflammatory action, inhibition of prostaglandin biosynthesis is important. The antipyretic effect is also associated with the effect on the hypothalamic thermoregulation centers. The analgesic effect is due to the effect on pain sensitivity centers, as well as the ability of salicylates to reduce the algogenic effect of bradykinin. The blood-thinning effect of acetylsalicylic acid allows it to be used to reduce intracranial pressure during headaches. Salicylic acid served as the basis for a whole class of medicinal substances called salicylates, an example of such a drug is dihydroxybenzoic acid.


    Acetylsalicylic acid has wide application as an anti-inflammatory, antipyretic and analgesic agent. It is used independently and in combination with other medications. There are a number of ready-made medicines containing acetylsalicylic acid (tablets “Citramon”, “Coficil”, “Asphen”, “Askofen”, “Acelysin”, etc.). Recently received injectables, main active principle which is acetylsalicylic acid (see Acelizin, Aspisol). Acetylsalicylic acid is prescribed orally after meals in tablet form. Usual doses for adults as an analgesic and antipyretic (for febrile illnesses, headaches, migraines, neuralgia, etc.) 0.25-0.5-1 g 3-4 times a day; for children, depending on age, from 0.1 to 0.3 g per dose. For rheumatism, infectious-allergic myocarditis, rheumatoid polyarthritis, adults are prescribed 2-3 g (less often 4 g) per day for a long time, children 0.2 g per year of life per day. A single dose for children aged 1 year is 0.05 g, 2 years - 0.1 g, 3 years - 0.15 g, 4 years - 0.2 g. Starting from the age of 5, it can be prescribed in tablets of 0 .25 g per appointment. Acetylsalicylic acid is an effective, quite affordable drug that is widely used in outpatient practice. It must be taken into account that the use of the drug must be carried out with precautions due to the possibility of a number of side effects. Many cases have been described when ingestion of even 40 grams of ethanol (100 grams of vodka) in combination with such conventional drugs as aspirin or amidopyrine was accompanied by severe allergic reactions, as well as gastric bleeding. The use of acetylsalicylic acid in everyday life is widespread as a means to alleviate suffering the morning after alcohol poisoning(relieve hangover). She comes in integral component in wide famous drug Alka-Seltzer. According to research by Professor Peter Rothwell (University of Oxford), based on an analysis of the health status of 25,570 patients, regular use of acetylsalicylic acid reduces the 20-year risk of developing prostate cancer by approximately 10%, lung cancer by 30%, and bowel cancer by 30%. by 40%, cancer of the esophagus and throat - by 60%. Regular use of acetylsalicylic acid for more than 5 years at a dose of 75 to 100 mg reduces the risk of colorectal cancer by up to 16%.

    Antiplatelet effect

    An important feature of acetylsalicylic acid is its ability to have an antiplatelet effect, that is, to prevent spontaneous and induced platelet aggregation. Substances that have an antiplatelet effect have received wide use in medicine to prevent the formation of blood clots in people who have suffered a myocardial infarction, cerebrovascular accident, who have other manifestations of atherosclerosis (for example, exertional angina, intermittent claudication), as well as with high cardiovascular risk. Risk is considered “high” when the risk of developing a nonfatal myocardial infarction or death due to heart disease in the next 10 years is greater than 20%, or the risk of death from any cardiovascular disease (including stroke) in the next 10 years is greater than 5%. Bleeding disorders such as hemophilia increase the risk of bleeding. Acetylsalicylic acid, as a means of primary prevention of complications of atherosclerosis, can be effectively used at a dose of 75-100 mg/day; this dose is well balanced in the effectiveness/safety ratio. Acetylsalicylic acid is the only antiplatelet drug, the effectiveness of which, when prescribed in the acute period of ischemic stroke, is supported by evidence-based medicine. Studies have demonstrated a tendency to reduce mortality both during the first 10 days and within 6 months after ischemic stroke, in the absence of significant hemorrhagic complications.

    Side effect

    Safe daily dose of acetylsalicylic acid: 4 g. Overdose leads to severe pathologies of the kidneys, brain, lungs and liver. Medical historians believe that the massive use of acetylsalicylic acid (10-30 g each) significantly increased mortality during the 1918 influenza pandemic. When using the drug, profuse sweating may also develop, tinnitus and hearing loss, angioedema, skin and other allergic reactions may appear. The so-called ulcerogenic ( causing appearance or exacerbation of a stomach and/or duodenal ulcer), the effect is characteristic to one degree or another of all groups of anti-inflammatory drugs: both corticosteroid and non-steroidal (for example, butadione, indomethacin, etc.). The appearance of stomach ulcers and gastric bleeding when using acetylsalicylic acid is explained not only by the resorptive effect (inhibition of blood clotting factors, etc.), but also by its direct irritating effect on the gastric mucosa, especially if the drug is taken in the form of uncrushed tablets. This also applies to sodium salicylate. With prolonged use of acetylsalicylic acid without medical supervision, side effects such as dyspeptic disorders and gastric bleeding may occur. To reduce the ulcerogenic effect and gastric bleeding, you should take acetylsalicylic acid (and sodium salicylate) only after meals; it is recommended to crush the tablets thoroughly and wash them down with plenty of liquid (preferably milk). There is, however, evidence that gastric bleeding may also occur when taking acetylsalicylic acid after meals. Sodium bicarbonate promotes a more rapid release of salicylates from the body, however, to reduce the irritating effect on the stomach, they resort to taking minerals after acetylsalicylic acid alkaline waters or sodium bicarbonate solution. Abroad, acetylsalicylic acid tablets are produced in an enteric (acid-resistant) shell in order to avoid direct contact of ASA with the stomach wall. With prolonged use of salicylates, the possibility of developing anemia should be considered and systematically perform blood tests and check for the presence of blood in the feces. Due to the possibility of allergic reactions, caution should be exercised when prescribing acetylsalicylic acid (and other salicylates) to persons with hypersensitivity to penicillins and other “allergenic” drugs. With increased sensitivity to acetylsalicylic acid, aspirin asthma may develop, for the prevention and treatment of which methods of desensitizing therapy using increasing doses of acetylsalicylic acid have been developed. It should be taken into account that under the influence of acetylsalicylic acid, the effect of anticoagulants (coumarin derivatives, heparin, etc.), hypoglycemic drugs (sulfonylurea derivatives) increases, the risk of gastric bleeding increases with the simultaneous use of corticosteroids and nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), increases side effects methotrexate. The effect of furosemide, uricosuric drugs, and spironolactone is somewhat weakened.

    In children and pregnant women

    Due to the available experimental data on the teratogenic effect of acetylsalicylic acid, it is not recommended to prescribe it and preparations containing it to women in the first 3 months of pregnancy. Taking non-narcotic painkillers (aspirin, ibuprofen and paracetamol) during pregnancy increases the risk of developmental disorders of the genital organs in newborn boys in the form of cryptorchidism. The results of the study showed that the simultaneous use of two of the three listed drugs during pregnancy increases the risk of having a child with cryptorchidism up to 16 times compared with women who did not take these drugs. Currently there is data on possible danger the use of acetylsalicylic acid in children to reduce the temperature in influenza, acute respiratory and other febrile diseases in connection with the observed cases of the development of Reye's syndrome (Reye) (hepatogenic encephalopathy). The pathogenesis of the development of Reye's syndrome is unknown. The disease progresses with the development of acute liver failure. The incidence of Reye's syndrome among children under 18 years of age in the United States is approximately 1:100,000, while the mortality rate exceeds 36%.


    Peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum and bleeding are contraindications to the use of acetylsalicylic acid and sodium salicylate. The use of acetylsalicylic acid is also contraindicated in case of a history of peptic ulcer disease, portal hypertension, venous stagnation (due to decreased resistance of the gastric mucosa), and blood clotting disorders. Acetylsalicylic acid preparations should not be prescribed to children under 12 years of age to reduce body temperature in viral diseases due to the possibility of developing Reye's syndrome. It is recommended to replace acetylsalicylic acid with paracetamol or ibuprofen. Some people may experience what is called aspirin asthma.

    Properties of matter

    Acetylsalicylic acid is white small needle-shaped crystals or light crystalline powder with a slightly acidic taste, slightly soluble in water at room temperature, soluble in hot water within 30 minutes. After cooling. Acetylsalicylic acid, when heated above 200 degrees Celsius, becomes an extremely active flux that dissolves oxides of copper, iron and other metals. in the presence of sulfuric acid. For purification, the product is recrystallized. The yield is about 80%.


    • In Russia, the traditional household name for acetylsalicylic acid is aspirin. Based on the traditional nature of the term, Bayer was denied registration of the “aspirin” brand in Russia.
    • More than 80 billion aspirin tablets are consumed annually.
    • In 2009, researchers discovered that salicylic acid, of which acetylsalicylic acid is a derivative, can be produced by the human body.
    • Acetylsalicylic acid is used as an active acid flux for soldering and tinning with low-melting solders.
    • Scientists have found that aspirin can help treat many cases of infertility in women, because it counteracts the inflammation caused by the protein, the increased content of which is the cause of miscarriages. Women can increase their chances of getting pregnant by taking limited doses of aspirin.