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Structural chemical formula of ascorbic acid. Ascorbic acid is a vitamin familiar to everyone - how to get rid of stress

Healing properties vitamin C were discovered back in the 18th century, when a student at Edinburgh medical university noticed that citrus fruits can quickly cure patients with scurvy. Only two centuries later, scientists were able to prove that the substance that has such properties is vitamin C. In its free form, the compound was first obtained from lemon juice in the first half of the 20th century.

The substance has been proven to have a powerful therapeutic effect in the treatment of diseases infectious nature, restoration of skin and mucous tissues, blood vessels and capillaries, bones and gums. Ascorbic acid increases the absorption of iron in the body and stimulates immune resistance against diseases.

Physical chemical parameters of the substance

The substance is registered as biological active additive to food. According to its structure, ascorbic acid is a substance highly soluble in water and alcohol.

Vitamin C has an organic structure, similar in structure and chemical parameters to the glucose molecule. The connection is presented in the form white powder crystalline structure with a pronounced sour taste. Participates in metabolic processes as a coenzyme and antioxidant agent.

The ascorbic molecule is quite unstable, so even with not very strong heat treatment it is destroyed. The substance is unstable in the light. It is also undesirable for open ascorbic acid powder to come into contact with smoke or smog - the components may oxidize and react: in this case, the acid will lose its valuable properties.

To avoid the destruction of vitamin C in food, the product must be properly processed and not stored for long periods of time. Vegetables should not be kept outdoors in peeled or cut form. long time. If it is expected heat treatment, especially when cooking, the vegetable should be placed in boiling water immediately after cleaning and preparation.

If the vegetables were deep frozen, to preserve vitamin C, you need to quickly defrost them by dipping them in boiling water. Prolonged cooling is considered softer and gentler, but in this case significant losses of vitamin C can occur.


Foods containing vitamin C

Among the products with the maximum content of ascorbic acid are:

  • red pepper,
  • liver,
  • kidneys,
  • kiwi,
  • citrus,
  • tomatoes,
  • bulb onions,
  • rose hip,
  • black currant,
  • cabbage (any type),
  • salad;
  • potato.

Rich in vitamin C also sea buckthorn, parsley, viburnum.

Vitamin preparations

The substance is produced both as part of vitamin-mineral complexes and separately under trade name"Ascorbic acid". Vitamin C is often included in mixtures for treatment colds, such as Teraflu or Fervex. Present in almost all vitamin complexes.

pharmachologic effect active substance lies in the participation of vitamin C in many biochemical processes in the body. The substance stimulates the synthesis of collagen, proteins, lipids, carbohydrate metabolism and metabolic processes. Participates in the process of cellular respiration. Completely absorbed upon entering the intestines. A quarter of the resulting mass is bound to proteins.

Indications for additional intake of vitamin C are the following conditions:

  • prevention and treatment of vitamin deficiencies;
  • pregnancy, breastfeeding;
  • in childhood - body growth;
  • overwork;
  • heavy physical activity;
  • recovery period after serious illnesses;
  • prevention and treatment of infectious diseases.

There is only one contraindication - increased sensitivity to ascorbic acid. As side effects Sometimes headaches, insomnia, formation of oxalate stones in the kidneys, vomiting, spasms, rashes, a feeling of heat, burning and itching of the mucous membranes are observed. In these situations, it is recommended to consult a doctor and stop taking the drug.

Average daily dosages of ascorbic acid

For people of different genders, ages and physical condition recommended doses vitamin C may vary significantly. On average, no more than 100 mg is needed to fully cover the daily requirement. substances.

Status Age Recommended Quantity
babies up to six months 28
up to a year 35
children up to 3 years 42
up to 6 years 45
up to 10 years 47
men up to 15 years 52
up to 18 years old 59
up to 25 years 60
up to 50 years 74
over 50 years old 89
women up to 15 years 50
up to 18 years old 59
up to 25 years 60
up to 50 years 62
over 50 years old 76
pregnant women 85
nursing 95

People with tobacco addiction, since one cigarette can destroy a quarter of the maximum allowed daily dose of vitamin C.

The benefits of ascorbic acid for the body

Vitamin C has powerful antioxidant properties that contribute to its beneficial effect on the body. Ascorbic acid significantly increases the immune system's resistance to infections, which minimizes the risk of consequences from viruses or bacteria entering the body. The substance also heals wounds and scratches on the skin and mucous membranes well.

The main functions of vitamin C in the body include:

  • activation of hematopoietic processes;
  • stimulation of hormonal synthesis;
  • increasing the permeability of capillary vessels;
  • acceleration of collagen formation;
  • normalization of metabolic processes;
  • cleansing the body of waste and toxins;
  • stimulation of bile secretion;
  • recovery normal operation thyroid gland(as well as pancreas);
  • accelerating the growth of new tissues and cells.

Ascorbic acid also improves vision, slows down the processes of decline in the body and reduces the toxic effect of alcohol or drugs.

Negative properties of ascorbic acid

Vitamin C, when consumed in doses, does not cause any serious deviations in the functioning of the body. If you consume vitamin C in quantities significantly exceeding the recommended daily dosage, you may experience an allergic response in the form of itching, hives, frequent small rash on the skin.

People who have been diagnosed with stomach diseases (gastritis or ulcers) should take vitamin C with particular caution, since vitamin C can worsen the condition or cause complications.

Taking too much vitamin C can cause:

  • pain in the gastrointestinal tract;
  • stool disorder;
  • improper functioning of the stomach;
  • convulsive phenomena.

Complications are usually not observed with normal consumption of ascorbic acid.

Vitamin C Absorption

Increasing the digestibility of ascorbic acid is facilitated by its combined use with magnesium or calcium.

Insufficient vitamin C content in the body

The most common symptoms of a lack of ascorbic acid in the body include:

  • weakness of cardiac activity;
  • increased fatigue;
  • weakening of immune forces;
  • frequent colds;
  • eye diseases;
  • scurvy (develops with a critical lack of vitamin in the body);
  • dyspnea;
  • delayed ossification in childhood.

Scurvy has many symptoms, so it is easy to distinguish it from other diseases:

  • gums become swollen and bleed;
  • gradual loosening and loss of teeth occurs;
  • a person constantly catches colds and gets sick;
  • observed varicose veins veins;
  • hemorrhoids appear;
  • You may become overweight;
  • a person becomes quickly tired and irritable;
  • concentration decreases;
  • depressive states occur;
  • insomnia may occur;
  • wrinkles form early;
  • vision decreases;
  • the condition of the hairline worsens;
  • microhemorrhages occur in the muscles;
  • bruising occurs on the surface of the epidermis and in the joints.

Increased content of ascorbic acid in the body

With infrequent intake of vitamin C in increased dosages, no negative changes are observed, since the substance is easily excreted from the body with water.

With prolonged overdoses of the compound, the following may occur:

  • heartburn;
  • vomiting or nausea;
  • diarrhea;
  • insomnia;
  • kidney stones;
  • headache;
  • bloating in the abdomen;
  • stomach cramps.

Use of ascorbic acid for cosmetic purposes

Often included cosmetics you can find vitamin C. The component protects the skin from premature aging, gives the epidermis required level hydration and elasticity. Also, ascorbic acid effectively restores the skin surface, especially after long stay in the sun.

Interaction between ascorbic acid and other substances

If ascorbic acid is taken together with carotene and tocopherol, its effectiveness increases several times.

Vitamin C can partially replace some B vitamins - vitamins A, E and.

Ascorbic acidimportant substance to maintain human health. Ascorbic acid has a restorative, hematopoietic, healing and immunostimulating effect. The substance is especially indicated for people who have alcohol, tobacco or drug addiction. The substance has also found application in cosmetology, as the acid effectively restores and moisturizes the skin. It is important to comply the compatibility of vitamins when taking ascorbic acid, as well as the rules for processing foods rich in vitamin C, since otherwise significant losses of the substance cannot be ruled out.

In Edinburgh in the 18th century, a medical student discovered that citrus fruits were effective in treating scurvy. Only 2 centuries later they found out that the substance that treats the painful disease is ascorbic acid or vitamin C. It was possible to synthesize it only in 1928 from.

Vitamin C (ascorbic acid) is a water-soluble vitamin. Vitamin C is important for the growth and repair of tissue cells, gums, blood vessels, bones and teeth, promotes absorption by the body, accelerates recovery (calorizer). Its benefits and value are very great for protection against infections. It acts as a stimulator for the launch of immune processes.

As food additives denoted as .

Ascorbic acid is an organic compound related to glucose in the form of a white crystalline powder with a sour taste. Performs the biological functions of a reducing agent and coenzyme of some metabolic processes, and is an antioxidant.

Vitamin C is easily destroyed by cooking foods, light and smog.

Loss of vitamin C can occur due to improper food processing and long-term storage of prepared foods. food products. The preservation of vitamin C is ensured by proper culinary processing of vegetables and fruits. Vegetables should not be left peeled and cut in the air for a long time; when cooking, they should be placed in boiling water immediately after peeling. Frozen vegetables should be immersed in boiling water, as slow thawing increases the loss of vitamin C.

With hypovitaminosis (deficiency) C, the following symptoms appear: heart weakness, fatigue, shortness of breath, decreased resistance to various diseases(calorizer). In childhood, ossification processes are delayed.

With an acute deficiency of vitamin C, scurvy develops.

Scurvy is characterized by: swelling and bleeding of the gums, loosening and loss of teeth, frequent colds, varicose veins, hemorrhoids, excess weight, increased fatigue, irritability, poor concentration, depression, insomnia, early formation of wrinkles, hair loss, blurred vision, hemorrhages in muscles, skin, joints.

Excess vitamin C in the body

Vitamin C is considered safe even in large quantities, since the body easily removes unused vitamin residues.

But still overuse vitamin C can lead to.

Structural formula

True, empirical, or gross formula: C6H8O6

Chemical composition of Ascorbic acid

Molecular weight: 176.124

Ascorbic acid (from ancient Greek ἀ - non- + lat. scorbutus - scurvy) is an organic compound with the formula C6H8O6, is one of the main substances in the human diet that is necessary for normal functioning connecting and bone tissue. Performs the biological functions of a reducing agent and coenzyme of some metabolic processes, and is an antioxidant. Only one of the isomers is biologically active - L-ascorbic acid, which is called vitamin C. Ascorbic acid is naturally found in many fruits and vegetables. Vitamin deficiency of ascorbic acid leads to scurvy.

By physical properties Ascorbic acid is a white crystalline powder with a sour taste. Easily soluble in water, soluble in alcohol. Due to the presence of two asymmetric atoms, there are four diastereomers of ascorbic acid. The two conventionally called L- and D-forms are chiral with respect to the carbon atom in the furan ring, and the isoform is a D-isomer at the carbon atom in the side ethyl chain. L-isoascorbic acid, or erythorbic acid, is used as a food additive E315.

Synthetically obtained from glucose. Synthesized by plants from various hexoses (glucose, galactose) and by most animals (from galactose), with the exception of primates and some other animals (for example, guinea pigs), who get it from food.


  • Pharmacology. Ascorbic acid is administered for poisoning carbon monoxide, methemoglobin formers in large doses ah - up to 0.25 ml/kg of 5% solution per day. The drug is a powerful antioxidant and normalizes redox processes.
  • Food industry. Ascorbic acid and its sodium (sodium ascorbate), calcium and potassium salts are used in Food Industry as antioxidants E300 - E305, preventing oxidation of the product.
  • Cosmetology. Vitamin C is used in cosmetic preparations to slow down aging, heal and restore protective functions skin, in particular, restoration of skin moisture and elasticity after exposure sun rays. It is also added to creams to lighten the skin and combat age spots.
  • Photo. One of the not food applications ascorbic acid is its use as a developing substance in photography, both in industrial and homemade developers. Currently, most photochemical manufacturers have in their product lines developers for photographic films and photographic papers, which contain ascorbic acid or sodium ascorbate. The main advantage of such developers is the absence of any harmful effects on human health upon contact with the solution, since many synthetic developing substances are toxic to one degree or another.

Ascorbic acid performs very important functions in the body important functions both biological and biochemical.

Externally, vitamin C appears as white crystals with a lemon flavor (sour).

History of discovery

The history of the discovery begins with a disease such as scurvy. It has been observed that the disease most often develops in sailors. In some cases, the symptoms have even been fatal.

It was characterized by such signs as:

  • Marked general weakness
  • Bleeding gums
  • Tooth loss
  • The appearance of petechiae ( spider veins, denoting subcutaneous hemorrhages) on the skin.

The history of the discovery is closely connected with the diseases of sailors. After some time, the sailors managed to find a means to combat scurvy and the shortage was filled. This remedy was recognized as pine needle extract in water. At that time, they did not yet know that it contained vitamin C in concentrated quantities, and the extract did not provoke hypervitaminosis.

In the 18th century (more precisely, in 1753), English doctor navy Lind proposed limes and lemons as an antiscorbutic remedy, publishing these bold thoughts for that time in his “Treatise on Scurvy.” The doctor concluded that sailors whose diet is rich in fruits and vegetables (containing ascorbic acid with glucose) do not suffer from this disease. If hypovitaminosis has appeared and scurvy has already developed, then by introducing vegetables and fruits (and therefore vitamin C) into the diet, you can completely cure it without waiting for complications to develop.

The discoverer of this vitamin is Albert von Szent-Gyorgy. Then in pure form ascorbic acid was not isolated; it was in combination with other substances. The solved formula made it possible to synthesize ascorbic acid in laboratory conditions, so that it is very important for the pharmaceutical industry and modern medicine.

Main characteristics

In nature, vitamin C (or its groups) has 4 spatial forms (stereoisomers), which have absolutely identical chemical formula. Each of these spatial forms performs specific functions in the body, so the presence of all four stereoisomers is extremely important.

Vitamins of group C are rightfully considered the most powerful antioxidants, allow you to neutralize free oxygen atoms, which can negatively affect the body’s cells, and prevent their destruction.


Substances with collagen that a person takes to improve skin condition and vitamins C hyaluronic acid, always contain ascorbic acid. This is explained by the fact that vitamin C is a strong stimulator for fibroblasts - cells that synthesize connective tissue, including collagen, as well as its predecessor – procollagen.

Normal iron metabolism and folic acid without the participation of vitamin C is impossible. This is especially important for oxygen-carrying red blood cells. Therefore, the lack of “ascorbic acid” in the body develops different kinds anemia – both folate deficiency and iron deficiency. The complex contains vitamins with hyaluronic acid, zinc and collagen.


Ascorbic acid is involved in the synthesis of the group of catecholamines and steroid hormones. The former are the main mediators of the adrenergic regulatory system. The latter include sex hormones and hormones of the adrenal cortex. In this regard, vitamin C is essential for the functioning of the nervous and endocrine systems.


Among other things, vitamin C is important factor in the hematopoietic system. It strengthens the walls of blood vessels, making them less permeable and prevents the development of edema (a beneficial effect on menstruation). Ascorbic acid also accelerates blood clotting, eliminates the symptoms of edema, resulting in a reduced risk of bleeding. Using it with collagen practically eliminates hypovitaminosis.


Vitamin C suppresses or reduces the severity of inflammatory reaction(if the norm is used), which can cause harm to the body. This chemical compound reduces the synthesis of mediators responsible for the development of allergies (histamine, bradykinin). Therefore, it is widely used in allergology as a means of nonspecific desensitization of the body.


The beneficial properties of vitamin C (if the consumption rate is met) also lie in its anti-stress effect on the body. Thanks to this substance, it is possible to reduce the impact of stress factors and level them out Negative influence. This is especially true for infections, which, with an optimal level of ascorbic acid in the body, develop much less frequently. Frequency of development cancer diseases is also directly related to vitamin C levels.

These substances, together with microelements (for example, zinc), also interact, affecting their general level. The optimal content of ascorbic acid in the body will eliminate hypovitaminosis and improve the absorption of calcium and iron. The first is essential for strengthening bones, and the second is for the normal synthesis of hemoglobin, which is part of red blood cells.

Ascorbic acid prevents symptoms characterizing copper, mercury or lead intoxication, enhancing the removal of the corresponding ions from the body. Also, the chemical formula with zinc stabilizes other vitamins, protecting them from harmful free radicals oxygen. This applies to riboflavin, thiamine, tocopherol, retinol, vitamins with hyaluronic acid.

The benefit of ascorbic acid also lies in its anti-atherosclerotic effect, by preventing oxidative reactions in low-density lipoproteins. In this regard, they do not acquire atherogenic properties. Therefore, if used normal amount vitamin, then inner shell vessels are not damaged, and atherosclerotic plaques do not form.


Ascorbic acid in the body controls the following processes:

  • Immune reactions
  • State vascular wall(she gets stronger)
  • Stability of the neuropsychic system
  • Gum health
  • Metabolic transformations of lipids
  • Smooth and clean skin
  • Hair elasticity
  • Visual functions
  • Cognitive functions
  • Normal sleep
  • The body's resistance to stress.

“Ascorbic acid” and normal ovarian course - menstrual cycle(menstruation) are also inextricably linked. The optimal level of vitamin C in the body can reduce or completely suppress pain, so menstruation is painless if the norm of this substance in the woman’s body is sufficient. This is due to the antioxidant properties of the vitamin. Symptoms such as painful periods (algodysmenorrhea) may indicate that a woman has...

It is important to emphasize that the calorie content of the vitamin in its pure form is zero. This fact is important for people who control the calorie content of foods and their own weight, as well as for patients on a diet. This calorie content gives possible use even with obesity.


The daily norm may vary. This depends on the following factors:

  • Person's age
  • Gender – male or female (painful periods)
  • Nature of work and physical activity
  • Breastfeeding period or pregnancy period
  • Climate
  • Having bad habits.

The amount of vitamin C consumed in food should be increased when elevated temperature, diseases (both acute and chronic), stressful situations and upon admission toxic substances into the body. The daily requirement should also be increased in situations such as:

  • Tropical and subtropical climate with high temperature air
  • Conditions of the Far North (preferably with zinc)
  • Young age
  • Reception oral contraceptives which reduce vitamin absorption
  • Smoking and alcoholism
  • Painful periods.

Average daily requirement(norm) in ascorbic acid ranges from 60 to 100 mg. If you need to compensate for the deficiency of vitamin C, it is recommended to consume it in an amount of 500–1500 mg every day; if hypervitaminosis is present, then the amount must be reduced.

Interesting fact! It has been proven that each cigarette smoked is accompanied by a loss of 30 mg of ascorbic acid. And negative emotions for 20 minutes mean a loss of 300 mg of this vitamin.

The most optimal way for this substance to enter the body, preventing hypervitaminosis, is the fractional route. Daily dose divided into several doses, since with a single intake of “ascorbic acid” it is immediately consumed, and all subsequent time the body is in a state of vitamin starvation. In addition, to compensate for the deficiency, the amount of ascorbic acid intake must be increased gradually, otherwise symptoms of stress will develop in the body.

It should be noted that cooking significantly reduces the amount. So, in boiled cabbage there is already 50% less of it, in stewed cabbage - by 85%, in potato soup - by 50%, etc.

Symptoms of hypovitaminosis

Vitamin C deficiency most often develops in spring and winter. However, in children, vitamin deficiency can occur in spring and summer, which is associated with an increased need child's body in these substances.

Epidemiological studies have found that the lack of ascorbic acid in school age significantly increases the incidence of acute respiratory infections. This is due to the fact that the function of immune cells (leukocytes) decreases by 2 times compared to the norm, so microorganisms that enter the body are not destroyed. It is noteworthy that the reception therapeutic doses Vitamin C can significantly increase a child’s immunity, and in girls, prevent the occurrence of painful periods.

History proves that hypovitaminosis can develop as a result of two main factors:

  • Insufficient intake of the vitamin from food (nutritional factor) provokes hypovitaminosis at any age.
  • Impaired absorption of the vitamin in the intestine and impaired digestibility also cause unwanted hypovitaminosis.

Hypovitaminosis has corresponding symptoms, and they are not always specific, which makes diagnosing the condition difficult.

They may be as follows:

  • Increased bleeding from the gums
  • Loose teeth and tooth loss
  • Mild or spontaneous bruising (second degree hypovitaminosis)
  • Slow wound healing with possible complications
  • General weakness
  • Lethargy
  • Increased hair loss
  • Dry and flaky skin
  • Increased irritability
  • Frequent infectious diseases(most often accompanied by hypovitaminosis)
  • Joint pain
  • Depressed mood
  • Feeling of discomfort.


Hypervitaminosis is especially dangerous for people with a family history of gallstones and urolithiasis. An increased intake of this vitamin (hypervitaminosis) promotes the formation of oxalate stones. Typically, this situation occurs with 3 grams of ascorbic acid each day and leads to a twofold increase in the level of oxalic acid passing through urinary tract, causing hypervitaminosis in humans.

The benefits and harms of ascorbic acid primarily depend on the amount of this substance entering the body. Other symptoms of overdose (hypervitaminosis) are immunosuppression (immune suppression) and osteoporosis (increased bone fragility). Besides high doses consumption and hypervitaminosis can lead to genetic mutations and reduce human reproductive potential.


The modern pharmaceutical industry produces various shapes and vitamin C combinations.

For example:

  • Ascorbic acid with glucose
  • Vitamins with hyaluronic acid, specially developed for use in dermatology
  • With zinc
  • Effervescent tablets
  • Solution for injection (prevents painful periods).

Contraindications for use

Ascorbic acid is extremely important for the body. But doctors have clearly proven that there are still contraindications for taking it and this should not be forgotten. During pregnancy (when there are no periods at all), high doses of vitamin C are prohibited, which is associated with possible development disorders in the fetus.

The substance is also contraindicated in the following situations:

  • Individual intolerance, including the development of allergic reactions
  • Effervescent (should not be taken by children and adolescents under 18 years of age).

Should not be taken by patients with diseases such as.

Vitamin C is a water-soluble vitamin. In fact, under this common name several forms of this substance are combined - ascorbigen, isoascorbic acid, ascorbyl palmitate, calcium ascorbate, etc.

In the old days, during long journeys, with a lack of vitamin C in the diet, people developed a disease called scurvy, and translated into Latin as “sorrow.” The name “ascorbic acid” comes precisely from this word, which means “anti-scurvy.”

Vitamin C is highly soluble in water, alcohol solutions, is inactivated in alkaline and neutral environments, quite stable in slightly acidic environments. In general, this is a very unstable substance that quickly breaks down at elevated temperatures upon contact with metals. Prolonged soaking of products leads to the transfer of most of the ascorbic acid into water, and after 2-3 months of storage fresh vegetables and fruits, half of the vitamin they contain is destroyed.

Foods contain the most vitamin C plant origin– fruits, berries, vegetables and herbs. They can contain it in oxidized, free and bound forms. IN bound state ascorbic acid is absorbed much less well, and in its oxidized form its activity is the same as in its free form.

  • Brussels sprouts – 120;
  • Sweet green pepper – 150;
  • Ground tomatoes – 100;
  • Orange – 60;
  • Fresh rose hips – 470;
  • Black currant – 200;
  • Horseradish – 55;
  • Cranberry – 15;
  • Sea buckthorn – 200;
  • Spinach – 55;
  • Parsley greens – 150;
  • Sauerkraut – 30;
  • Garden strawberries – 60;
  • White cabbage – 45;
  • Antonovka apples – 30;
  • Lemon – 40;
  • Mandarin – 38;
  • Parsley root – 35;
  • Fresh chanterelles – 34;
  • Rutabaga – 30;
  • Cherry – 15;
  • Gooseberries – 30;
  • Radish – 29;
  • Full-fat kefir – 0.7;
  • Fresh green peas – 25;
  • Raspberries – 25;
  • Radish – 25;
  • Quince – 23;
  • Potatoes – 20;
  • Bean pods – 20;
  • Lingonberry – 15;
  • Salad –15;
  • Apricots – 10;
  • Bananas – 10;
  • Onions – 10;
  • Watermelon – 7.

Heat treatment destroys up to 90% of vitamin C in foods. During long-term transportation of fruits and vegetables from their place of growth, the vitamin C content in them also decreases. This does not happen if the food is quickly frozen before transportation. To preserve ascorbic acid in them for as long as possible, you should store them in a cool and dark place.

Vitamin C intake standards

Requirement for ascorbic acid in different periods life is different, it is higher in living conditions in the Far North during pregnancy and breastfeeding, under stress and physical activity, if you have bad habits.

Children in the first six months of life require 30 mg/day of ascorbic acid, from 6 to 12 months – 35 mg/day, from 1 to 3 years – 40 mg/day, from 4 to 10 years – 45 mg/day.

Boys from 11 to 14 years old need 50 mg of ascorbic acid per day, men under 50 years old 60 mg/day, over 50 years old - 70 mg/day.

For girls aged 11-14 years, 50 mg/day of ascorbic acid is enough, for women under 60 years old, 60 mg/day; during pregnancy, the need increases to 100 mg/day, during lactation up to 120 mg/day.

The role of ascorbic acid in the body

The role of vitamin C in the body can hardly be overestimated; it is involved in many important processes in the body:

  • Takes part in the formation of collagen - the main component of connective tissue;
  • Makes the walls of blood vessels stronger;
  • Increases immune defense;
  • Reduces cholesterol levels;
  • Participates in the synthesis of adrenaline, in the metabolism of folic acid;
  • Protects the body from oxygen free radicals;
  • Reduces harmful effects excess sugar;
  • Improves tissue regeneration;
  • Increases resistance to stress;
  • Stimulates the conversion of ferrous iron into trivalent iron, which is better absorbed by the body.

Signs of Vitamin C Deficiency

In case of hypovitaminosis, the body's resistance to infectious diseases, getting worse appearance skin and hair - the skin becomes excessively dry, flabby, wrinkles appear, pinpoint hemorrhages in the area hair follicles, hair falls out easily and becomes dull.

Vitamin C deficiency can be recognized by the following symptoms:

  • Increased bleeding of gums, hemorrhages in subcutaneous tissue(“bruises”);
  • Pain in joints and muscles;
  • Apathy, irritability, fatigue;
  • Poor healing of wounds and cuts;
  • Reduced blood pressure.

Hypovitaminosis predisposes to obesity.

Signs of excess vitamin C

Ingestion of large doses of ascorbic acid causes its overdose, which manifests itself in a deterioration in neuromuscular transmission, and hence increased fatigue. Coordination of movements and their consistency with visual analyzer. Malfunctions of the pancreas and liver occur, which provokes digestive disorders. Excess ascorbic acid acidifies the urine and can cause precipitation of urates and oxalates.

Use of vitamin C for medicinal purposes

Ascorbic acid is used in treatment regimens allergic diseases, ARVI and colds, herpes, obesity, depression, increased anxiety, hyperactivity syndrome, atherosclerosis, osteochondrosis, osteoarthrosis, anemia, alcoholism and others.

It is known that a lack of vitamin C provokes the development of cancer. The vitamin is taken to increase physical and emotional stability. Its doses are individual depending on age and disease. For prevention, adults take 50-100 mg of ascorbic acid after meals once a day. Treatment dose the average dose is 50-100 mg 3-5 times a day. Preparations based on ascorbic acid for oral administration and solutions for intravenous and intramuscular administration have been created.

Contraindications to vitamin C