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Metformin and alcohol - consequences of combination. Impaired kidney and liver function. How does alcohol affect people with diabetes?

Metformin and alcohol are long-standing and irreconcilable enemies. The thing is that this medicine is on the list of those drugs that cannot be combined with alcohol.

Moreover, if you take Metmorphine together with alcohol, you can get severe poisoning. Unfortunately, not everyone knows about this, which is why cases of death of patients who are prescribed this medicine are periodically recorded while drinking alcoholic beverages.

What is Metformin?

Metformin is a drug used in the treatment of diabetes mellitus. Its main purpose is to reduce the level of insulin dependence in the patient, as well as to prevent the development of obesity.

Despite the fact that when taking Metformin the level of the hormone insulin in the blood does not change, the drug is quite capable of changing the mechanism of its effect on the patient’s body. For example, its active ingredient helps slow down the formation process fatty acids, resulting in the process of converting glucose into other necessary for the body substances accelerates.

As a result, the patient’s blood composition improves, and the level of sugar in his blood decreases. It is worth noting the fact that this drug can reach its maximum concentration in the patient’s blood only after six hours after taking it. Then his concentration wanes.

There are several drugs created on the basis of Metformin, all of which belong to the biguanide group. Among the drugs in this series, for example, we can name Phenformin, Buformin, and Metformin itself. Nowadays, the first two fell out of use, since their side effect was poisoning the patient’s body with lactic acid.

As for Metformin, there are several names of this drug, for example, Giliformin or Formin Pliva. Most often, patients with diabetes are prescribed a drug such as Siofor. The thing is that it irritates the patient’s gastrointestinal tract the least and is cheaper than other types of Metformin.

It is also worth noting the fact that all of the listed drugs have a similar composition, while differing from each other only in the degree of purification of the drugs, as well as the composition of the auxiliary components. In any case, all drugs in this group should be taken only as prescribed by a doctor. Otherwise, his blood glucose level may drop sharply, which will cause coma and subsequent death of the patient.

If you adhere to the doctor’s prescription, as well as the instructions for the drug, there are usually no negative consequences. At the same time, it quickly stabilizes the patient’s position, which helps to improve general indicators characteristic of diabetes mellitus.

As a result, it is possible to achieve stable remission of this serious disease.

Frequency of administration and side effects

Sugar level

Metformin, like any medicine, has its side effects. For example, usually the patient may experience general discomfort and a feeling of nausea. In some cases, diarrhea may be detected, as well as such negative phenomena as anemia and hypoglycemia. The most dangerous side effect can be lactic acidosis, while many patients think: “if I drink a little alcohol, then I can take Metformin at the same time.” This is far from true, because even a small dose of alcohol can sharply aggravate the development of lactic acidosis.

When taken by patients with diabetes, Metformin is usually absorbed into the blood through the gastrointestinal tract. Since its effect lasts from two to seven hours, this medicinal product must take at least three times in a day. If you have to skip taking this medicine, its effectiveness is significantly reduced. This is why drinking alcohol should not be allowed during treatment with this medicine.

If we talk about a drink like vodka, then alcohol enters the blood almost instantly. As a result, during contact of the described medicine with alcohol, lactic acid can develop, and lactic acidosis can develop. It is worth keeping in mind that, theoretically, alcohol can be consumed six to seven hours after finishing taking this medication. However, alcoholic drinks block the work of certain liver enzymes, and this, in turn, can lead to glycemia.

Thus, it is impossible to drink alcohol together with Metformin, if only because a patient with diabetes mellitus will have to interrupt treatment and skip one dose of this drug. In most cases, not one, but two doses of this drug are missed. As a result, the effectiveness of treatment drops sharply and the patient may feel a deterioration in his health.

In any case, the described drug must be taken under the strict supervision of a doctor. The fact is that any treatment must be adjusted during its course, depending on the expected results.

If you self-medicate, its effectiveness will be zero, and in some cases very serious harm can be caused to the patient.

What is lactic acidosis?

Since the described medicinal product has enough complex composition, during the period of treatment it may cause metabolic disorders. Especially when it is taken with alcohol.

In this case, many drinking people are poisoned because they develop metabolic disorders. The thing is that after an alcoholic takes the drug described, washed down with alcohol, his body can begin to produce a huge amount of lactic acid.

Thus, a patient who drinks another dose of alcohol gets poisoned, which can result in low blood pressure, kidney, heart or liver failure, and lung problems. Symptoms of lactic acidosis are:

  1. Availability severe nausea, increasing, profuse vomiting.
  2. Weakness and apathy.
  3. Sharp pain behind the sternum and in the muscles.
  4. The appearance of noisy and deep breathing.
  5. Strong.

In the most severe case the consequences of taking Metformin can manifest themselves in the form of a state of collapse. By it is meant sharp drop pressure at which skin they become very pale, the face becomes pointed, and the hands and feet may become “ice-cold.” The consequences of poisoning can be quite severe, for example, it can be a disruption in the functioning of organs cardiovascular systems s

Further, the situation may begin to become more and more complicated as the blood in the patient’s body will circulate worse and worse, thereby aggravating the patient’s condition. On last stage of this disease Brain hypoxia may develop. As a result, the patient faces loss of consciousness and early death.

If as a result joint reception of this medicine and alcohol poisoning, the person is poisoned, he needs to immediately call an ambulance, as well as further inpatient treatment.

Naturally, it is better not to allow this, so first of all it will be necessary to learn the rules for taking Metformin, which state that it should absolutely not be taken if the patient has drunk alcohol before. Those citizens who neglect this rule are poisoned in the described way, further undermining their health.

Such poisoning is especially dangerous when the patient also made a mistake with the dosage of the medicine. In this case, death can occur within a few hours.

Therefore, diabetics undergoing such treatment are advised to stop drinking altogether.

First aid for poisoning

In any case, every diabetic patient and his relatives should know what to do in case of poisoning. The fact is that its consequences are very serious, so the first thing that needs to be done is to deliver the injured citizen to medical institution. In the same case, when respiratory arrest has been established, as well as a slowdown in blood circulation, it will be necessary not only to call an ambulance, but also to carry out resuscitation measures on the spot.

Before the ambulance arrives, in any case, it will be necessary to provide the victim with an influx of fresh air. So, in the case of poisoning as a result of recently taking medicine and alcohol, he will definitely need to urgently provide a flow of fresh air.

In addition, even before the doctor arrives at the patient, it is necessary to urgently begin to rinse the stomach in order to prevent further absorption of alcohol and medicine into the patient’s blood. For the same purpose, you can give the victim about five liters to drink. warm water at 38-40°C. It will also be necessary to induce vomiting by irritating the root of the tongue and the bottom of the pharynx. After vomiting begins, you will need to give a second warm drink and repeat this procedure four to six times.

As for specific treatment Metformin poisoning, then it primarily refers to the active ridding of the patient’s body from poisons and toxins. For this purpose, forced diuresis is usually used with simultaneous alkalization of the blood. In addition, it gives a positive and lasting effect antidote treatment which includes the injection of a 20% glucose solution into the patient’s vein in order to restore its normal level in the blood. Also in such cases, glycogen is administered intramuscularly.

Because of pharmacological properties The use of Metformin and alcohol is strictly prohibited. Simultaneous use the drug with alcoholic beverages may be hazardous to health. It is connected with the pharmacological ability of the drug to influence metabolism and change the composition of hormones. And this can lead to the development of lactic acidosis, hypoclimia and renal failure. Under the influence of medication and alcohol, the patient sharply loses glucose levels, which contributes to disorders in the central nervous system and cardiovascular system.

Metformin breaks down fats, prevents obesity, reduces insulin dependence and is effectively used in the treatment of diabetes. The medicine does not lower insulin levels, but successfully affects its production and activity in the blood plasma. The composition contains the active substance metformin, which inhibits the production of fats, enhances sugar metabolism, promotes weight loss and improves blood composition.

The influence of alcohol is always harmful to the body; it poses a particular danger to people suffering from diabetes. After drinking alcohol, the release of glycogen in the liver is almost immediately inhibited, and the production of insulin, on the contrary, increases, the metabolism is disrupted and the disease develops - hypoglycemia. Moreover, under the influence of alcohol, the protective barriers in cells are completely destroyed. This leads to the fact that sugar directly enters the cells, bypassing the protective mechanisms, glucose decreases and the body feels constant hunger. You can avoid the risk of hypoglycemia only by including carbohydrates in your diet. But better reception exclude alcohol altogether, because real facts from medical practice they say that 25 ml. vodka can affect metabolism and provoke diabetes.

Metformin, lactic acidosis and alcohol

Metformin is a drug that affects the body's metabolism, enhancing the processes of hormone production. The drug is especially dangerous for people who drink alcohol-containing drinks. Lactic acidosis or lactic acidosis - dangerous disease, which occurs due to uncontrolled production of lactic acid. The disease can be fatal. Alcoholics are most often susceptible to it, in rare cases diabetics. If a patient combines taking Metformin with alcohol, the production of lactic acid increases significantly. Ethanol or methanol products in combination with metformin affect the body in such a way that the amount of lactic acid may exceed permissible norm 13 (!) times.

Signs of lactic acidosis:

  • Nausea, vomiting;
  • Apathy and general weakness of the body;
  • Muscle pain accompanied by chest spasms;
  • Heavy, intermittent breathing;
  • Strong and sudden drop in pressure;
  • Paleness of the skin;
  • Coldness of the lower and upper extremities.

Also, simultaneous use of the drug with alcohol has a detrimental effect on the group of B vitamins, thereby forming a gradual vitamin deficiency, which also contributes to the appearance of lactic acidosis.

Development of hypoxia

Metformin, interacting with alcohol, has a detrimental effect on the cells and blood vessels of the brain, which leads to oxygen starvation - this is how hypoxia develops. In other words, hypoxia is an improper supply of oxygen to brain cells. This happens as follows: after drinking ethyl-containing drinks, blood rushes into the brain and blood vessels become blocked there. This applies not only to spirits, but also to wine and cider; even non-alcoholic beer contains a small amount of ethyl.

Disorders of the kidneys and liver

Compatibility of Metformin and alcoholic beverages is impossible; the consequences are severe, especially for people with renal failure. Under the influence of ethanol and Metformin, the kidneys may fail and instant death will occur. Ethanol, entering the body, completely or partially inhibits the liver, enzymes stop being produced. In combination with the drug, this leads to hypoglycemic coma.

If a person faints, then he should be given sweet tea to drink and call ambulance to avoid complications.

Other complications when combining ethyl and Metformin

In addition to the development of lactic acidosis and hypoxia, there are also side effects of simultaneous use of ethyl and Metformin, which are no less dangerous, namely:

  • From the gastrointestinal tract: severe intoxication occurs due to the production of toxins after the absorption of alcohol. It leads to inflammatory processes in the pancreas, mucous membranes or spleen.
  • From the side of the central nervous system: hallucinations, loss of coordination of movements, fainting are possible. Loss of space and a state of panic may occur;
  • From the cardiovascular system: sudden and chaotic changes in pressure, arrhythmia, rapid heartbeat, heart attack and stroke are observed.

Alcohol after Metformin: when can you take it?

The active substance of the drug remains in the blood for 7 hours, after which gradual elimination begins. The course of treatment lasts about a month when taken three times a day. Adsorption of ethyl-containing substances occurs almost instantly. Compatibility is difficult, leading to the development of lactic acidosis or other disorders of the body. With great risk, you can drink alcohol after your last dose of Metformin, but not earlier than 7 hours after using the drug. However, it should be remembered that in clinical practice There are precedents when patients fell into a coma or died after taking alcohol and the drug simultaneously.

If you cannot limit yourself in consumption, then you can take alcohol 7 hours after the last dose of Metformin, but not earlier. This applies not only to strong alcohol, but also to beer and wine. And it’s better not earlier than 2 days after the last dose of the medicine.

Analogues of the drug

Medicines for diabetes have long been available medical practice, however, the “first” of them led to lactic acidosis, the subsequent ones gave a weak therapeutic result. Only drugs based on metformin developed persistent medicinal effects without negative consequences. All of these medications have similar indications and can help you lose weight. Metformin is made from goat rue and French lilac. Analogs are: Mefarmil, Glibofor, Siofor, Metfogamma, Formin Pliva and others.

You cannot prescribe such drugs on your own - this can lead to lactic acidosis, coma and death.

Metformin and weight loss

Due to the characteristics of pharmacodynamics, the drug is widely used by healthy people for losing weight or gaining weight. muscle mass(bodybuilding or fitness). And even among athletes, the combination of alcohol and Metformin is not welcome. It is believed that drinking man It’s worth deciding whether it’s alcohol or treatment.

Metformin is a drug against diabetes mellitus types 1 and 2. One of his lungs side effects is weight loss, so it is often used in the fight against extra pounds. The drug has practically no negative consequences from use, which leads to incorrect interpretation regarding combination with alcohol. Both patients and those trying to lose weight often ignore doctors’ warnings. ABOUT possible consequences It is better to know such a combination in advance.

Metformin with alcohol for diabetes

Diabetes mellitus develops due to a complete or partial lack of insulin in the blood. This hormone is responsible for the processing of glucose and its communication with cells internal organs. Glucose is an extremely important source of energy for many organs. For example, the brain is powered exclusively by glucose energy. Many tissues and organs can process it only with the help of insulin - these are insulin dependent. Some people cope without it – they are insulin-independent. With a lack of insulin, type 1 diabetes develops. Type 2 occurs when insulin does not interact with the body's cells. In both the first and second cases, the situation is life-threatening, since glucose simply accumulates, and the organs do not receive vital energy. Types 1 and 2 diabetes are treated with Metformin; in the second case, Metformin Richter is most often used.

The active components of the drug stimulate the process of glycolysis (breakdown of glucose with the release of energy), improve the interaction between insulin and cells. Taking Metformin without a doctor's prescription is strictly contraindicated, since the drug has many contraindications.

Drinking alcohol while you have diabetes can be dangerous in itself. Many alcoholic drinks contain carbohydrates, which further increase your blood sugar levels. And this should be strictly avoided. We can immediately say that drinking while suffering from diabetes is not completely prohibited; the main thing is to choose the right drinks. So, you need to give up sweet wines, cocktails, and dark beer. Any new drink should be measured with a glucometer. Dry wines contain too few carbohydrates, so they are not dangerous. The same goes for strong drinks with a strength of 380 and above.

We're talking here, of course, about reasonable amounts of alcohol. Getting drunk with dry wine or, especially, vodka is not recommended even for healthy people. If diabetics abuse alcohol, hypoglycemia (lack of blood sugar) may occur. Ethyl alcohol blocks the supply of glucose to the liver; this phenomenon in itself is not very dangerous; the consequences of eliminating it can be much worse. As a rule, sugar is restored as soon as the patient takes glucose. However, this provokes sudden jump indicators and threatens the same excess sugar. The main danger lies in the symptoms of hypoglycemia, since the consequences of ordinary intoxication are very similar to them. In this case, a person often experiences:

  • impaired coordination and speech;
  • dizziness;
  • nausea and vomiting;
  • flushed face.

Due to the similarity of symptoms, the patient rarely receives necessary help, which greatly aggravates the disease itself. Glucometers, by the way, were invented in the 1970s precisely in order to distinguish between patients with low sugar and ordinary drunks.

Metformin and alcohol are contraindicated for simultaneous use. Medicine does not know exactly their compatibility and mechanism of interaction. However, real facts indicate that in patients combining this drug and frequent use alcohol, increases the risk of lactic acidosis. IN severe forms this disease leads to coma and has also been reported deaths. If the patient’s blood pressure drops significantly, the skin turns pale, and facial features become sharpened, it is necessary to consult a doctor as soon as possible.

The drug "Alcobarrier"

How long after you can drink depends on how long ago the drug was taken. Metformin must be completely eliminated from the body, this process takes approximately 7 hours. If you have drunk alcohol, you should not take the tablets for at least another 12 hours. The patient must be aware that skipping medication can worsen the disease. But in this case it is better not to risk mixing chemical substances. The consequences can be either subtle or extremely severe.

From small doses of alcohol and medicine taken, a deterioration in health is rarely observed. One serving of low-carbohydrate alcohol (no more than 20 ml of ethanol) will not cause severe consequences. It is important to remember when you drink Metformin you need to be extremely attentive to both the quantity of alcohol and its quality.

Metformin for weight loss: combination with alcohol

In addition to its direct use, Metformin is used for weight loss. It stimulates the oxidation of fatty acids, reduces appetite and the absorption of carbohydrates. However, reviews from those losing weight show that the results of such figure correction may be different. Often those who want to lose weight quickly are overdosed on medication or simply use it incorrectly.

Using any medication without a doctor's approval is extremely dangerous. There are plenty of ways to lose weight without the risk of side effects. Among them:

  • stomach ache;
  • indigestion;
  • nausea and vomiting;
  • dizziness and loss of consciousness;
  • acidosis (in extreme cases).

It is best for a healthy person to consult a nutritionist before using this drug and find out if you can take it.

In people who are obese as a result of diabetes, the drug lowers blood glucose levels. In a healthy person, this indicator does not change in any way. Under no circumstances should Metformin be used by people with:

  • infectious diseases;
  • liver failure;
  • intolerance to the components of the drug;
  • disorders of the heart.

Also, it should be avoided during breastfeeding and pregnancy.

The drug itself does not burn fat in any way. This remedy is popular among athletes and bodybuilders because it helps them use energy from fat reserves, and not from muscle tissue. Thus, Metformin is only auxiliary for weight loss. For those who do not bother with physical exercise, this drug will not help. The list of sports activities may include heavy physical labor, in which case its use will also be justified.

Those who are least satisfied with the “metformin diet” are those who believe that taking the medication is enough for weight loss. Weight loss mainly occurs due to the right products and complex exercises. If you continue to eat high-calorie foods while taking Metformin, there will be no talk of any results. But fasting for quick results is contraindicated. The instructions for the drug indicate that daily norm calories should be at least 1000 kcal.

To lose weight, foods containing sugar are completely excluded from your diet. Prohibited: grapes, bananas, beets, carrots, etc. Drinks must also be unsweetened. In addition, you need to give up potatoes, flour products, oatmeal and white polished rice.

Tablets are taken before meals, 500 mg three times a day. The program can last no more than 20 days. After this you should take a break for 2 months. Combining diet with alcohol is, of course, not recommended.

Alcohol - no best helper in the fight for beautiful figure. Once in the body, ethyl alcohol appears to be a priority. The body perceives it as a potential threat and tries to process it and eliminate it as quickly as possible. The “eaten” carbohydrates, instead of being broken down into energy, are stored for later, in adipose tissue. That is, drinking alcohol contributes to the accumulation of weight and all diets turn out to be meaningless.

Combination of Metformin with alcoholic drinks It is highly not recommended even for healthy people. As already stated, the compatibility of these components is not fully understood, so the results may be unpredictable. The instructions for the drug indicate that this medicine should be taken after alcohol poisoning is strictly contraindicated. That is, if the day before there was a feast with a large amount of alcohol, you need to wait until ethanol is completely removed from the body. For women – 2 days. For men – 3 days. After the weight loss course is over, you can drink it no less than 3-5 days later.

For quick and reliable relief from alcoholism, our readers recommend the drug "Alcobarrier". This natural remedy, which blocks cravings for alcohol, causing persistent disgust to alcohol. In addition, Alcobarrier triggers restoration processes in organs that alcohol has begun to destroy. The product has no contraindications, the effectiveness and safety of the drug has been proven clinical studies at the Research Institute of Narcology.

Conclusions: is it possible to combine Metformin and alcohol?

The interaction between the drug and alcohol remains unclear. However, doctors strongly do not recommend mixing these substances. For patients with stage 1 and 2 diabetes mellitus, drinking strong alcohol can be fatal. And, when combined with medications in such patients, the risk of lactic acidosis increases. For diabetics, it is important to know the limit of alcohol and drink only sugar-free drinks; in this case, taking the medicine is skipped for at least 12 hours.

Those who are simply trying to lose weight should also not conduct experiments on their body by combining Metformin and alcohol. The result of this could simply be bad feeling or the development of previously absent diseases. In the latter case, the person losing weight will be forced to deal with a more serious problem than body correction. If you drink small doses of alcohol, you should skip taking the tablets.

So, you should not drink alcohol with medications (any kind at all) for the sake of your own health. After violent “libations” and severe intoxication, you should not take Metformin for another day or two. After taking this medicine, you can drink it 7 hours later. When drinking alcohol, it is important to know when to stop, then unpleasant consequences will be bypassed.

To counteract type 2 diabetes mellitus, which does not require insulin therapy, one of the most popular drugs is used - Metformin. It is well tolerated and has few side effects, unlike similar drugs. The drug is designed for long-term use, which is why patients are especially concerned about the possibility of combining it with alcohol, which many are partial to, even though it is one of the causes of diabetes.

A little about the drug

It goes on sale in the form of milky tablets in blisters of 10 pieces. The drug is produced by several manufacturers under different names, But active substance Metformin hydrochloride appears everywhere. Tablets with concentration active substance at 500, 850 and 1000 mg.

Metformin reduces both the initial level of glucose in the blood and its amount after meals. It affects the body in several ways:

  1. Reduces the formation of glucose in the liver, suppressing its synthesis, as well as the breakdown of glycogen into glucose.
  2. Metformin inhibits the absorption of glucose in the intestine.
  3. Increases muscle sensitivity to insulin, which leads to improved uptake and processing of glucose.

Metformin is prescribed to type 2 diabetics, especially for obesity, when diets and physical exercise do not lead to the desired result. Metformin is used both as monotherapy and for complex treatment. Most often - with insulin. Metformin can be used by both adults and children.

Does not cause hypoglycemia due to the lack of effect on insulin formation. Metformin helps increase glycogen production in body tissues and improves glucose transport. The drug has a stable effect positive impact on lipid metabolism. Reduces the total concentration of cholesterol in the blood and the percentage of low-density lipoproteins (the most dangerous cholesterol carriers that increase the risk of atherosclerosis).

Interaction with alcohol

Metformin has low compatibility with alcohol. Concomitant use with alcohol can lead to severe consequences for the body, including coma and death. It turns out directly negative impact to the kidneys, liver and gastrointestinal tract person. Serious problems may arise from cardiovascular and nervous systems. The risk of malignant tumors increases significantly.

Transformations in lactic acidosis

Metformin is not common, but it turns out to be the cause of lactic acidosis, which occurs as a result of a critical accumulation of lactic acid in the patient’s blood. It leads to sharp increase its acidity – “souring” and can cause death.

If a diabetic drinks alcohol, mixing Metformin and ethanol greatly increases the risk of lactic acidosis. This happens because the body has to stop processing lactate in the plasma to convert alcohol into acetaldehyde. After the intake of alcohol in a ratio of 1 g per kilogram of body weight, while using the drug, the lactate concentration increases up to one and a half dozen times.

As a result of alcohol abuse, acute alcohol intoxication. In a state of hangover, especially in the case of an existing liver failure, the risk of lactic acidosis increases.

The accumulation of lactate leads to severe muscle pain (as after serious exercise), nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, low blood pressure and coma. The consequences develop over several hours.

Lack of vitamins

Alcohol often causes vitamin B1 deficiency in the body. This happens as a result of a violation of its absorption in the intestines. Vitamin B1 deficiency is also at the origins of the development of lactic acidosis. In the end it turns out additional factor, which is dangerous when the effects of Metformin and alcohol-containing drinks are combined, significantly increasing the likelihood of complications.


Another factor that provokes lactic acidosis is hypoxia (impaired oxygen supply) to skeletal muscles. In a normal situation, this can happen as a result of significant physical activity on the muscles. Alcohol thickens the blood and promotes the formation of microthrombi that clog blood vessels. These clots prevent the normal flow of oxygen to all parts of the body. Consequently, alcohol also enhances this factor in the manifestation of lactic acidosis.

Renal dysfunction

The combination of alcohol and Metformin is contraindicated in the presence of renal failure and functional disorders. Alcohol even healthy people causes disruptions in the functioning of these organs, exposing them to significant effects. In combination with Metformin, its metabolites are delayed in the body, which can lead to an overdose and increased side effects.

Effect on liver enzymes

Alcohol has a depressing effect on the liver enzyme system, reducing glucose levels. The simultaneous presence of Metformin in the body will cause an even greater decrease in this indicator. As a result, a hypoglycemic coma may develop - an acute reaction of the central nervous system to a sharp drop in the concentration of carbohydrates in the blood plasma. This pathological condition forms suddenly, sometimes in a few minutes. In the final stage, loss of consciousness and even paralysis of the centers in the medulla oblongata are observed, which can result in death.

Consequences of combination

Strong drinks and Metformin carry real danger for health and life, if they act together. Side effects appear as:

  1. Rapid drop in blood pressure.
  2. Weakness, retardation of consciousness.
  3. Indifference to external factors, sluggish response to stimuli.
  4. Frequent shallow breathing leading to hyperventilation.

The latter causes oversaturation of the blood with oxygen due to the binding of all hemoglobin molecules. Content carbon dioxide in the alveoli decreases critically, leading to changes in the activity of enzymes and vitamins, disrupting metabolic processes in cells and causing their death. The body begins to fight this phenomenon, including specific elements of protection:

  1. Spasm of blood vessels and bronchi occurs.
  2. The production of cholesterol in the liver increases, which contributes to the compaction of the membranes of lung and vascular cells.
  3. Blood pressure decreases to reduce the outflow of carbon dioxide.

The consequences of this: spasmodic vessels impede the access of oxygen to all organs, including the brain. A decrease in oxygen flow causes hypoxia, ultimately ending in loss of consciousness and death.

How to combine correctly without harm

Metformin can be taken no less than two days after alcohol enters the body. All alcohol-containing drinks and drugs are taken into account. ethyl alcohol. This precaution is necessary to restore kidney function.

Young people are allowed to use it 18 hours after Metformin. In the case of serious kidney pathologies and in old age, it is difficult to determine the time of safe drinking of alcohol due to the difficulty of establishing the half-life of the drug.

In case of heavy drinking, the drug must be discontinued. When treating people suffering alcohol addiction, special care must be taken.

Given that Metformin is intended for long-term use in the treatment of hyperglycemia with daily dosing 2-3 times a day, there is no way to safely combine it with any doses of alcohol. Alcoholism in diabetics makes them especially careful when choosing treatment options. You need to make a choice - either alcohol or life. They have no other way out of this situation.

People who have been diagnosed with diabetes mellitus are prescribed a number of different medications, with the help of which they minimize Negative influence illness throughout the entire body. In this case, exceeding the dosage or refusing to take medications can lead to extremely undesirable consequences. In addition, diabetics are forced to strictly follow a specific diet, which excludes the consumption of various foods, including alcoholic beverages. Despite doctors' prohibitions, a person may have the desire to drink several glasses of alcohol. But is it possible to do this, and what will the combination of medicine with ethanol lead to?

What is Metformin?

This drug is made in the form of small tablets white, covered with a thin shell. They are sold in packs of thirty pieces in ordinary cardboard packages. Metformin is used as the active substance, and in addition to it, the composition contains talc, magnesium stearate, crospovidone and corn starch. The shell, in turn, includes titanium dioxide, macrogol and methacrylic acid. The dosage is selected exclusively by the doctor, based on the patient’s condition. Wherein permissible quantity daily doses cannot exceed six tablets. It should also be said that the product can only be purchased with a prescription.

Metformin is a fairly popular drug, as it helps to gradually reduce insulin dependence, normalize cholesterol levels, and also accelerates the elimination of excess glucose, which large quantities accumulates in the body of patients. As you know, diabetics often suffer from extra pounds, and this has a negative impact on health. And with regular use of this medication the person begins to gradually lose weight.

Despite the fact that the drug is very effective, it is not prescribed to all patients. It is strictly forbidden to take tablets if there are serious disorders in the functioning of the liver and respiratory system and also after a heart attack. The medicine is not prescribed to expectant and nursing mothers, because some substances enter the blood and can penetrate to the fetus through the placenta or into the baby’s body along with milk. Lactic acidosis may also be a contraindication. This disorder is often observed in diabetics and is accompanied by an increase in the level of lactic acid in the blood.

It is also necessary to pay attention to a number of side effects. Since Metformin significantly accelerates the process of losing weight, this can ultimately lead to the development of anorexia. Often, after taking the medication, patients experience bowel dysfunction, which is accompanied by increased flatulence. In addition, vomiting may occur. It should be said that the product negatively affects the body’s absorption of vitamin B12 and often provokes a serious disruption in metabolic processes.

Is it acceptable to combine alcohol with Metformin?

This drug is strictly prohibited to be used along with alcoholic beverages. The risk of lactic acidosis in patients is quite small, but if you drink regularly even small dose alcohol, it increases several times. And this condition is extremely dangerous not only for the main organs and systems, but also for life.

Everything can be explained by the fact that ethanol, after entering the blood, literally immediately disrupts the breakdown of vitamin B1, and this leads to its serious deficiency. Moreover, sufficient oxygen does not reach the brain cells, and this phenomenon provokes the development of hypoxia.

Thus, we can say that alcoholic beverages are absolutely incompatible with Metformin. This is clearly stated in the instructions for the medication.

What consequences?

First of all, it is necessary to take into account that ethanol has an extremely negative effect on the functioning of such important organs like kidneys and liver. Against this background, it develops oxygen starvation tissues and cells, which as a result can lead to a hypoglycemic coma, and others may mistake it for simple intoxication and not provide assistance to the patient. Also, when drinking alcohol and Metformin, it often develops ischemic disease, disturbance in coordination of movements and speech.

But the most dangerous for life is lactic acidosis, which is accompanied by low blood pressure, severe weakness and periodic loss of consciousness, apathy, and difficulty breathing. It should be emphasized that in the absence of medical care death may occur. That is why, if you have diabetes, it is better to follow a diet and completely eliminate alcohol from your life.