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Why do tomatoes make you swell? Causes of increased gas formation and flatulence in women. Sample menu for bloating

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Increased gas formation in the intestinal tract can become a serious problem. Most often, flatulence only causes discomfort, but is not dangerous to the body. This statement is true if the causes of bloating are not diseases. At the same time, most often increased gas formation is associated with an ill-organized nutrition program. Today we will look at products causing bloating belly.

Main factors causing bloating

We have already said that flatulence is mainly caused by poor diet. You may be eating too much food or foods that cause bloating. In the first case, if problems arise, you should switch to a fractional power system, and the problem can be solved.

If you like foods that cause bloating, of which there are quite a lot, then the matter is different. To be fair, we note that the reasons increased gas formation maybe a lot. Even ordinary conversation during a meal or drinking drinks through a straw can cause flatulence. This is due to the fact that you swallow air, which enters the intestinal tract and accumulates there along with other gaseous substances.

Some foods are difficult to process, causing them to ferment and increase the production of gases. Most often problems with work digestive system caused by insufficient enzymes. Almost everything in our body cellular structures synthesize substances of this group, and their main task is to accelerate one or another process.

Let's say, everyone knows that with age, some people digest dairy products much worse. However, such a problem can arise at a young age. The reason for this lies in the body’s weak ability to synthesize the enzyme lactase. This substance is necessary for the breakdown milk sugar. It is quite obvious that in such a situation it will not be possible to consume dairy products, otherwise bloating and other problems may occur.

You must understand that each of us has an individual body. Some people can safely eat foods that cause bloating and not experience problems. Other people often suffer from constant flatulence, although they eat right. We say this because there can be quite a few reasons for increased gas formation. Nutrition can be only one of the factors in the occurrence of flatulence. It is possible that one of the following diseases is to blame:

  1. Dysbacteriosis - imbalance of microflora intestinal tract.
  2. Obstruction of the intestinal tract - the process of stool exit is difficult.
  3. Pancreatitis is a malfunction of the pancreas, which leads to a decrease in the amount of digestive enzymes.
  4. Irritable bowel syndrome - manifests itself in the form of cramps, intestinal upset or constipation and bloating.
It is also necessary to say about those bad habits that can cause flatulence:
  • Conversations during a meal - when a person opens his mouth during a conversation, he does not swallow a large number of air, which then accumulates in the intestinal tract.
  • Eating a large amount of food at once makes the digestion process more difficult, which causes the development of flatulence. The optimal portion of food for an adult is from 300 to 400 grams.
  • Eating a quick snack on the go can also lead to air swallowing.
  • Drinking carbonated, sweet or cold drinks during meals.
  • Chewing gum promotes air swallowing.
  • Smoking.

Foods that cause bloating

We have already noted that flatulence can be caused by a large amount of food. First of all we're talking about about foods high in carbohydrates, coarse plant fibers, sugar, lactose, sorbitol and raffinose. Let's look at foods that cause bloating:
  1. All types of cabbage- First of all, this applies to white cabbage, since it contains a large amount of coarse plant fibers and sulfur. As a result, the fermentation process begins in the intestinal tract, accompanied by copious discharge gases Thanks to heat treatment, the product is absorbed faster.
  2. Legumes- are poorly processed in the stomach and in the intestinal tract are subject to a massive attack of microflora. To make it easier for the body to work before cooking, it is recommended to pre-soak the legumes.
  3. Fresh dairy products- It was already mentioned above that lactose can be poorly digested by the body. Remember that lactic acid products help normalize the functioning of the digestive system.
  4. Raw vegetables and fruits- almost all types of greens, apples, tomatoes, radishes, cucumbers, radishes, pears, peaches, grapes, are crops that can cause flatulence. The same applies to prunes, which are extremely beneficial for the body, but in large quantities can cause bloating.
  5. Fresh bakery- this is due to the presence of yeast in the composition, which accelerates the fermentation process.
  6. Drinks containing yeast- beer and kvass.
  7. Sweet carbonated drinks- contain carbon dioxide and sugar.
  8. Eggs and meat dishes - strong sources of protein compounds that are difficult to process and can rot in the intestinal tract.
We noted that each person’s body is individual and all of the products described above that cause bloating can be consumed by some people without problems. If you have digestive problems, then carefully approach your diet.

In addition, combinations of certain food products can also become a problem in terms of flatulence:

  • Eggs with fish.
  • Milk (kefir) with baked goods.
  • Milk with some cereals.
  • Fresh vegetables and fruits with past heat treatment.
  • Multi-component dishes.

What foods cannot cause bloating?

We found out which foods that cause bloating should be consumed with caution. However, there are those that can improve food processing processes:
  • Rice and buckwheat porridge.
  • Vegetable soups.
  • Bread made from first and second grade wheat.
  • Dietary meats, steamed or baked.
  • Omelette.
  • Low-fat cottage cheese.
  • Dairy products.
  • Heat-treated fruits.
  • Green tea without sugar.
  • Decoctions of rose hips and chamomile.
Some spices and seasonings also have a positive effect on the digestive processes, for example, marjoram, dill, cumin, ginger, fennel, etc. These products are natural antispasmodics and have carminative and choleretic properties. It should be remembered that when eating dishes with spices, they should not be washed down with water. Otherwise positive impact on the digestive organs will decrease.

To maintain the normal functioning of the digestive system, it is necessary to properly compose a diet. By now you already know all the foods that cause bloating. If you often have problems with flatulence, we recommend limiting their use. You can also give several useful tips that will help solve the problem with flatulence:
  1. Fruits and vegetables are best consumed after heat treatment.
  2. Dress salads with vegetable oils.
  3. Limit your intake fried foods or eliminate them from your diet altogether.
  4. Do not drink drinks containing sugar with food.
  5. Before preparing dishes from legumes, they should first be soaked until they swell.
  6. Avoid eating foods that are difficult to digest before bed.
  7. It is recommended to drink water half an hour before meals and 30 minutes after finishing the meal.
  8. Eat food in small portions, chewing thoroughly.
  9. Quit smoking and don't use chewing gum.
  10. Do not drink drinks with straws.
  11. Try to minimize stress.
  12. Start keeping a food diary to identify foods that contribute to the development of increased gas formation.
  13. Lead active image life.
There are also special drugs that will help you get rid of flatulence. However, it should be remembered that any medication can not only be useful, but also cause harm to the body. It is better to consult a doctor before using them.

How to organize nutrition when you have a bloated stomach?

If bloating occurs frequently, it is recommended to use special dietary nutrition programs. With their help, gas formation processes will slow down. Here are the main tasks. Which such diets solve:
  • Creating a balanced nutrition program that allows you to provide the body with all nutrients.
  • Improving intestinal motility.
  • Restoring the balance of microflora.
  • Prevention of fermentation and putrefaction processes in the intestinal tract.
  • Reducing the risk of developing inflammatory processes.
In dietetics, to solve this problem, treatment table No. 5 from Pevzner is used. However, you should not blindly follow all the recommendations, because each person is individual. It is extremely important to maintain a balance of nutrients when creating a nutrition program.

Your diet should contain about 120 grams of protein compounds, about 50 grams of fat and no more than 200 grams complex carbohydrates. It is also important not to convey the indicator for most women energy value The diet should not exceed 1600 calories. For men, this parameter will be somewhat larger and will be about 2500 calories. However, you need to select the calorie content of your nutrition program individually.

I would also like to remind you that the speed of food processing big influence its temperature does. People suffering from flatulence need to eat only warm food. If it is too hot or cold, it may irritate the intestinal tract. Knowing about foods that cause bloating will make it much easier for you to make up your mind. the right program nutrition.

Undoubtedly, best choice will be a consultation with an experienced nutritionist. However, you can create a high-quality one yourself balanced diet. Thanks to a thoughtful and healthy diet, you can eliminate flatulence and improve your body's health. The main thing is not to let the situation get worse so that bloating does not become chronic. If this happens, then you will no longer be able to do without the help of a doctor. Any disease is easier to prevent than to treat.

What foods cause bloating, see below:

The accumulation of gases inside the intestines is a common and at the same time delicate problem. When their volume corresponds to the norm, a person does not feel any significant problems with his health, and the process of their removal occurs on an ongoing basis, without a tendency to stagnation.

If intestinal gases are retained, causing a person a lot of inconvenience - both physical and psychological, it is possible that a violation of the diet or its quality is important. In this case, you need to know which foods cause gas and carefully plan your diet.

You can find out what foods make your stomach swell from a therapist or gastroenterologist. If a child falls ill, extensive consultation regarding the rules healthy eating will be provided by the pediatrician.
List of foods that negatively affect the quality of digestion:

  1. Legumes (beans, peas).
  2. Potatoes (in any form).
  3. Low-fat kefir, fermented baked milk (products that cause fermentation).
  4. Beetroot (in any form, especially beet juice, drunk on an empty stomach).
  5. Pickles (cucumbers, zucchini).
  6. Raw vegetables, fruits.
  7. Coffee or strong tea, drunk on an empty stomach (usually in the morning, after waking up). The exception is green tea.
  8. Whole grain cereals.
  9. Egg yolk (if a person suffers from diseases of the pancreas, liver, gall bladder).
  10. Excess bakery products(due to the yeast they contain, which increases gas production).
  11. Carbonated drinks, low-quality fruit or vegetable juices(factory production), red wine.

Attention! Regardless of the quality of the food, eating it on an empty stomach or after an excessively long break is unacceptable. A single meal will cause indigestion.

In this case, it does not matter which foods cause fermentation. The mucous membrane is “not ready” to accept nutrients in large portions if the interval is too long.
When considering which foods cause bloating, it takes into account whether a person has chronic or acute diseases gastrointestinal organs. For example, fried and fatty foods, which are normally digested by some people, cause digestive problems in others due to associated pathologies.

Diseases that worsen the effect of food on the gastrointestinal tract

Pathologies that cause inflammation and bloating abdominal wall, are divided into acute and chronic. With damage only to the mucous membrane or accompanied by damage to the tissue of internal organs.
The main diseases in which gas production increases:

  • gastritis,
  • pancreatitis,
  • colitis,
  • hepatitis,
  • dysbiosis.

Initially, the specialist examines the patient’s abdomen and clarifies whether he or she ate foods that increase gas formation the day before. If the answer is negative, a thorough diagnosis of the gastrointestinal tract will be required.
When abdominal bloating is only short-term episodes, a thorough and large-scale examination is not necessary. Correcting your diet usually solves this problem. To prevent bloating, you should not consume processed foods such as smoked and fried foods. It is recommended to avoid spicy, overly salty and sour foods.
If deterioration in health occurs on an ongoing basis, an examination will be required - both laboratory and instrumental.

The abdomen is often swollen in children: the phenomenon is accompanied by pain, accumulation of gases, and lack of appetite. A child is depressed if he infancy– refuses breastfeeding. In this case, a consultation will be required, as well as an examination by a pediatrician. It is possible that lactose intolerance has developed. The specialist will prescribe infant formulas that do not cause such a reaction, but the need for nutrients ah will be compensated.
Also, children have a bloated stomach due to incorrectly introduced first complementary foods. Disruption of the intestinal reaction occurs when parents give it a try Apple juice and puree early or in excessively large quantities.

Alternative nutrition for flatulence

You can avoid foods that cause increased gas formation without compromising the taste of a healthy diet. Without harm to health, but with maximum benefit for the body is introduced into the diet:

  1. Porridges made from rice and buckwheat. Advantages - they are maximally absorbed by the intestines, metabolic products are quickly broken down for excretion. Provides a feeling of satiety, has a positive effect on mucous membrane Gastrointestinal tract. Considering the enveloping effect on the irritated mucous epithelium of the intestine, rice, buckwheat, oatmeal porridgebest products from gas formation.
  2. Fruits vegetables. Acceptable types of culinary processing are steaming, grilling, and oven cooking. Since fruits also contain many gastrointestinal irritants, it is important to understand which foods cause gas formation in the intestines: this sour apples and citrus fruits. Therefore, oranges and lemons are prohibited.
  3. Apricot. Can be used as fresh, and baked. Pectin, an ingredient in this fruit, will help eliminate flatulence.
  4. Eggplant. It has a stimulating effect on the functional activity of the gastrointestinal tract. It is advisable to eat baked.
  5. Crackers. If they are factory-produced, these are products that promote fermentation and increased gas formation due to the high content of artificial fats. Therefore, it is better to prepare crackers yourself.
  6. Asparagus. Does not allow stagnation digestive tract, bloating. The enhancing ability of this plant to remove gases is explained by its high fiber content.
  7. Nuts. Almond, Walnut– healthy, therefore acceptable for consumption. But sometimes the doctor diagnoses that bloating of the abdominal wall and worsening of the condition are caused by foods that bloat the stomach. In this case, you should remember whether you ate peanuts the day before. This is the most fatty variety nut, which can impair the quality of digestion.

Having eaten potentially gas-forming products meals, you can wash them down with chamomile or mint tea, which stops the development of an unpleasant phenomenon already at the initial stage.

Important! Drink herbal teas without the permission of a gastroenterologist or therapist - prohibited! Extracts and active ingredients plants may cause complications if the patient has chronic diseases hearts, thyroid gland, bronchi. Diabetes mellitus may also be a reason for restriction.

If you can’t create a diet on your own, a specialist will help you choose the optimal diet, as well as its composition. Knowing which foods cause strong gas formation and persistent bloating, it is easier to plan a menu, receiving only benefits from nutrition.

Excessive gas formation or flatulence is a rather unpleasant sensation caused by gases accumulated in the intestines.

At first sight, harmless symptom may also indicate the development of the disease. It should be noted that you should not ignore gases, namely their frequent accumulation. Therefore, in order to prevent the development of various pathologies, this problem needs to be decided.

What can cause a swollen stomach?

For effective fight with flatulence, it is necessary to understand why the stomach swells and gases often pass. Common reasons for a swollen belly are:

Other causes of pathology

Most people are interested in why their stomach is constantly swollen if their body is healthy. Usually, excessive gas formation, sometimes even with an unpleasant odor, occurs due to the consumption of products that can provoke this phenomenon. Many people wonder what to do if their stomach is very swollen? First of all, you need to familiarize yourself with the list of products that provoke excess gas formation. Quite often, in an adult, bloating can occur from milk. Typically, dairy products can cause stool upset.

Foods rich in fiber and carbohydrates provoke bloating. If annoying symptoms occur, the question arises of what to do when the stomach swells and gas occurs. To eliminate the problem, it is necessary to review the diet and eliminate foods that cause gas formation. But it should be noted that you should not completely give up carbohydrate foods, as this can be harmful to the body.

The stomach may swell due to overconsumption legumes, cabbage, especially in pickled form. Fruits that can cause bloating include apples, plums, and peaches. Many people naturally ask why apples make their stomach swell. A person experiences unpleasant symptoms after excessive consumption of apples. Since apple fiber is practically not digestible, it acts as a kind of sponge that perfectly absorbs waste and toxins.

You also need to reduce your consumption of fermented milk. A significant part of experts believe that dairy products cannot cause harm, but only have a beneficial effect on the gastrointestinal tract. But some people experience problems with kefir painful sensations and puffs up. Kefir makes you bloated when you have individual lactose intolerance. The source of bloating can be oats, corn, wheat.

Why does it swell during menstruation?

In women, menstruation is sometimes accompanied by weakness, sometimes the lower abdomen hurts, it becomes swollen and swollen. It must be taken into account that menstrual pain may be triggered by incipient pregnancy. What causes it and what to do if your stomach swells before menstrual cycle, only a specialist can answer. Some representatives of the fair sex notice that they have appeared overweight. Weight gain may occur due to fluid accumulation. Because before menstruation, such processes occur due to hormones, namely changes in their levels.

Weight gain can cause constipation. Such phenomena are also triggered by an increase in hormones. Since hormones are aimed at directly relaxing the muscles of the colon, as a result of which it is not released as effectively as on normal days. Therefore, weight gain during menstruation should be accepted as natural changes.

If your stomach is swollen before your period, first of all you need to adjust your diet. It is necessary to eat less foods that contain starch and refined sugar. It is preferable to eat fruits and vegetables, foods rich in potassium.

The birth of a child is an exciting moment for every woman. But at the same time, it is a test of the body’s strength. Because during motherhood female body aggravates many ailments, malaise appears. Quite often during pregnancy, the stomach becomes swollen. So that a woman does not feel unnecessary discomfort, it is necessary to understand what causes her stomach to swell. early stages pregnancy.

During motherhood, pregnant women always produce progesterone, the task of which is to weaken the smooth muscles of the organs. Thanks to such changes, the fetus will not be born prematurely. But progesterone relaxes not only the uterus, but also the intestines. These changes contribute to the disruption of the release of gases, resulting in their accumulation. This means that the stomach swells during pregnancy due to a disruption in the process of gas discharge.

Also the cause of bloating during motherhood is poor nutrition. Swelling of the stomach during pregnancy due to improper consumption of foods. If the manifestation of such a symptom worries a pregnant woman, then some measures will still have to be taken. Treatment can begin with the simplest - following a diet and correct reception food. To prevent accumulation of gases in the stomach once again, you should eliminate as much as possible the foods that provoke their occurrence, and problems with excessive gas formation will fade into the background.

Much depends on how you eat, for example, if during the period of motherhood you cannot eat normally and follow a routine, then in this case you are forced to eat for future use, but this cannot be done. First of all you need to do correct mode, a pregnant woman should eat often, but in small portions. You also need to monitor the correct process of consuming products. You need to eat slowly and chew your food thoroughly. To prevent constipation, drink more water.

Important! It is not recommended to treat bloating in the early stages on your own. Since in this period All medications are practically prohibited.

Nutrition for bloating during motherhood

Also, a pregnant woman may suffer from belching, the occurrence of which is provoked by gases accumulated in the body. To prevent belching from occurring, it is necessary to control your diet. Since belching and gases can be caused by foods that contain starch. In order not to provoke the occurrence of such a symptom, you should renounce the use of carbonated drinks.

In order to improve digestion during motherhood, you can drink 1 tbsp at home 30 minutes before a meal. light broth. There are many recipes traditional medicine, which help eliminate symptoms such as belching. Treat burning sensation in upper areas chest recommended with mint, raspberry, chamomile. You can make tea using herbs. Such folk remedies help saturate the body with vitamins.

Some traditional healers They claim that belching will go away if you take water with soda. But such treatment is best done after consultation with a specialist. In addition to belching and bloating, a pregnant woman may experience back pain in the evening. To improve your condition, it is recommended to lie on your side, allowing your back to rest.

Treatment for bloating

In any pharmacy It is possible to purchase products that will help with severe and obvious bloating. These medications include:

Experts say that spasms can be eliminated without the use of medications at home. For such treatment it is necessary to take a number of measures:

  • Free the disturbing area from constricting clothing.
  • Lie on your stomach or either on your side and bend your legs.
  • Massage the abdominal area clockwise.
  • Minor physical activity will help relieve cramps.

Important! It should be remembered that treatment should be carried out exclusively by a specialist. Because it is necessary to determine the root cause of the disturbing symptoms, and this cannot be done without an examination. To avoid negative consequences, you should not experiment and self-medicate, especially during motherhood.

Frequent gas formation, normal for any person physiological process, for some reason acquires pathological notes. A huge number of people suffer from intestinal discomfort associated with metabolic disorders. The manifestations of this negative process bring not only physiological, but also moral torment. A delicate problem is associated with the fact that constant gases accumulating in the intestines flow through it with loud rumbling sounds, as well as with noise and an unpleasant aroma for others, coming out naturally from the rectum at the most inopportune moment.

General provisions

Gas formation in the intestines is usually not a cause for concern. This is a normal physiological process that occurs in the digestive tract. Only an incorrect diet or pathological changes developing in the gastrointestinal tract can provoke an increase in it, which can cause significant discomfort to a person. The picture of the normal process of gas formation looks like this:

  • Aerophagia (swallowing air while eating or drinking). Each swallowing movement allows 2–3 ml of a mixture of oxygen, hydrogen and nitrogen to enter the stomach. A small part of them is excreted through belching, and the rest enters the intestines. Swallowed air healthy person makes up approximately 70% in the digestive organ.
  • Diffusion of a gas mixture from the bloodstream. As a result natural process nitrogen may appear in the intestines.
  • The appearance of carbon dioxide, methane, ammonia and hydrogen sulfide in the digestive organs is explained by the vital activity of the microflora that inhabits them and is directly involved in the process of food digestion.
  • With normal metabolism, gas formation does not increase, and the gas mixture, without any odor, is removed from the gastrointestinal tract naturally, directly through the anus, by absorption into the blood and through belching, without causing any discomfort in a person.

Causes of a delicate problem

Many people constantly or occasionally suffer from metabolic disorders. For some reason, the formation of gases in the intestines increases or preconditions arise that interfere with their normal discharge. Why can such a situation arise for patients with a delicate problem? severe flatulence gastroenterologists tell us at the appointment. They also give advice on how a specific person can cope with the unpleasant situation of constant bloating and how to get rid of gases with an unpleasant odor.

The intestines can become swollen due to many reasons. A short-term phenomenon is provoked by drinking large amounts of soda, talking at the table while eating, or having it on the daily menu. Frequent bloating abdominal pain is also observed in those people who smoke a lot or constantly chew chewing gum.

Also common reasons The reasons why the stomach swells and gases constantly pass may be the following:

  • consuming large quantities of baked goods and sweets containing easily digestible carbohydrates;
  • poorly washed or insufficiently heat-treated food products;
  • raw water from open sources containing a large number of pathogenic microorganisms;
  • predominance of foods in the diet, causing fermentation in the intestines;
  • vegetable diets.

Gas can also form in women during pregnancy. This is facilitated by change hormonal levels, And high blood pressure on the intestines by the increasing size of the uterus. Often, such a problem as constant bloating and gas occurs in those people who suffer from it and prefer to get rid of it with soda, which is not recommended by experts.

But to the question of why flatulence is constantly present in older people, experts give the following explanation. With age, the muscles in the digestive organs naturally weaken, causing disturbances in peristalsis. This causes gas discomfort.

Pathological factors

The causes of constant flatulence may be more serious than nutritional ones eating disorders. The abdomen is always swollen and during development pathological changes in the gastrointestinal tract. The following diseases are the prerequisites for such discomfort:

Young children, just like adults, may experience a problem in which their stomach is constantly swollen and gassy. In newborns, its appearance is preceded by disorders gastrointestinal tract or permeability Bladder, causing fluid accumulation.

This negative phenomenon is also greatly influenced by fermentopathy, which is birth defect. This pathology is characterized by a deficiency of any enzyme that helps in the absorption of nutrients.

If a person constantly experiences bloating, he needs to seek advice from a specialist. Only a doctor can reveal the real reason dysfunction and choose the best option to get rid of it. It is strictly not recommended to take any measures on your own, since constant flatulence often is not an independent pathology, but a consequence of a serious illness occurring in the gastrointestinal tract.

Signs of dysfunction

Although the process of formation of gases in the intestines is natural and does not cause a person any discomfort, its increase or decrease in the function of removing the gas mixture leads to the appearance of very unpleasant symptoms. First of all, this pathology is characterized by the appearance of a feeling of fullness and heaviness in the abdomen.

Also, this unpleasant sensation is constantly accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • the occurrence of cramping pain, in most cases, disappearing after the passage of gas. They wear stabbing or aching character and can be localized in different parts belly;
  • lack of appetite;
  • gurgling or rumbling sounds in abdominal cavity. They are usually harbingers of swelling.

Often pathological condition accompanied by stool disorders, appearance in the mouth bad taste, belching and constant nausea. It is also accompanied by headache, weakness, nervous disorders and feelings of self-doubt. All these negative manifestations arise both in aggregate, in blocks, and individually.

Basic treatment methods

If negative symptoms are regularly present, a specialist examination is necessary. It is especially urgent to take a trip to the doctor when the swelling begins to be accompanied by severe epigastric pain, high temperature, the appearance unpleasant odor from the mouth and tachycardia. Such symptoms may indicate a very serious pathology of the digestive tract.

But even in cases where a person knows for certain that a delicate problem is caused by nutritional disorders of the diet, one should consult a specialist about getting rid of it.

Patients are usually offered the following preventive actions to help avoid embarrassment:

  • Correcting your daily routine will quickly save you from constant appearance negative signs and will reduce discomfort in the stomach to a minimum. This is due to the fact that snacks are “on the go”, as well as chronic lack of sleep are direct prerequisites for the appearance of gas dysfunction in the intestines, therefore changing the daily routine can normalize work digestive organs and decide delicate issue.
  • Restoration of disturbed microflora is recommended in cases where the pathological condition is provoked by dysbacteriosis. Any pharmacy has a wide selection of probiotics and prebiotics that correct the number of normal and opportunistic bacteria.
  • Replacement therapy is prescribed if the patient has a history of enzyme deficiency. Medications for this purpose are selected exclusively by a specialist.
  • Normalization of gastrointestinal motility, which provokes the appearance of bloating and flatulence, is treated with antispasmodic drugs.
  • Increased formation of gases can be effectively stopped by the use of enterosorbents, but they frequent use leads to a deficiency of vitamins and microelements, as well as constipation.
  • But the main method of getting rid of the disease is still diet. Its basis is that all gas-forming foods and drinks are excluded from the diet. In addition, the consumption of protein foods (goose, lamb, pork and mushrooms), as well as easily digestible carbohydrates contained in sugar and baked goods, is significantly reduced.

In the case when flatulence becomes a persistent phenomenon, disturbing not only after eating, this is serious reason to contact a specialist, since it is likely that the affected person is developing intestinal obstruction, provoked helminthic infestations, tumor or polyps. Self-medicate or ignore pathological process is strictly not recommended to avoid the development serious complications, which can result not only in loss of health, but in some cases in death.

Stomach swelling - what to do? Who is to blame for a swollen belly? Every person, regardless of gender, age and social status, has probably more than once encountered such a delicate problem as flatulence. Here's a pretty good article about why your stomach is swollen. It is impossible to be constantly focused on the processes occurring inside, it is unimaginably difficult to constantly restrain yourself, and besides, at the same time, the stomach swells so unpleasantly and painfully. What to do, how to get rid of flatulence?

What to do when your stomach is swollen or bloated

I have been bothered by bloating for many years; it is constantly swelling. Advise me how to get rid of this disease.

Best regards, Christina B.

It is quite obvious that there is nothing shameful in human physiology, but, nevertheless, such beautiful word“flatulence,” meaning bloating due to increased gas production, is in the untouchable category: it is taboo to discuss. By sharing that you are “suffering from a migraine” or “your blood pressure is up,” you can certainly get a good dose of sympathy, but revelations that your “stomach is swelling” will cause, at a minimum, bewilderment. But the problem is very common!

What do, if very strong puffs up stomach. Harmony in the intestines is the key healthy body. However, each of us has more than once encountered such a problem as flatulence or bloating. Often the reason that caused bloating is the consumption of certain foods, which cause the stomach to swell almost immediately after eating.

Why does my stomach swell? Causes of bloating

If you nevertheless decide to bring this delicate problem to public discussion, the verdict will be unequivocal - “Something was eaten wrong!”

Is it so? Yes and no - indeed, a lot depends on the food you eat, but not everything. If the reason for concern has recently appeared and flatulence is a fleeting phenomenon in your life, it is quite possible that the culprit is precisely what got into the stomach.

But causes long-term tormenting flatulence is much more varied:

1. Insufficient enzyme activity.
Because of this, food is not digested as successfully as it should, so lower parts the intestines accumulate a large amount of undigested residues. The processes of fermentation and decay are activated, accompanied by the release of gases in increased quantity. Usually this problem is a consequence of diseases upper sections digestive tract (gastritis, duodenitis, cholecystitis, pancreatitis).

2. Impaired intestinal motility.
This happens after operations on the abdominal organs. Due to the fact that the movement of food masses is slowed down, fermentation and putrefactive processes intensify, and more gases are formed.

3. Stress, nervous overload.
We got nervous and got a stomach ache - a familiar situation, isn’t it? And flatulence is to blame for this. Due to overexcitement nervous system spasm of the intestinal muscles occurs. Gases accumulate, the intestines stretch unnecessarily, which is felt as pain.

4. Bad habits.
When eating in a hurry, what is called “on the go”, talking during a meal, prolonged chewing chewing gum much enters the stomach large quantity air than permissible. Unfortunately, this does not pass without a trace: the air will wander through all parts of the digestive tract, causing rumbling in the stomach, sometimes pain, until it leaves the body. In addition, in the presence of air, the optimal ratio of microorganisms, which should normally be in the intestines, changes. Therefore, the digestion process is disrupted even more, and the manifestations of flatulence are aggravated.

What does this all mean?

Unfortunately, it is not always possible to get rid of flatulence through dietary changes alone. You will have to be examined by a gastroenterologist to find out whether any parts of the digestive tract are seriously affected. If this is so, it’s worth saying “thank you” to flatulence - after all, it was he who initiated the examination: with accurate diagnosis, after which full treatment is possible, which means getting rid of not only flatulence, but also many other problems that would sooner or later develop in the case of an advanced course of the disease.

Diet to prevent stomach bloating

But if no serious diseases requiring medical intervention are identified, then nutrition correction is a really big and effective step towards getting rid of flatulence.

It would be good to follow the same principle that we teach children: “When I eat, I am deaf and dumb.” From products that lead to advanced education gases, legumes (peas, beans, beans), cabbage, onions and fresh bread. This means that we will have to say goodbye to them. The same as with carbonated drinks and products in which fermentation reactions occur spontaneously (kvass). It's worth reducing your consumption flour products and sweets, especially in the evening - at this time of day, food should be easily digestible.

Exercises for bloating

The following exercises stimulate the intestines and facilitate the passage of gases:
- “Bicycle”: scrolling with your legs while lying on your back.
- Lying on your back, legs slightly bent at the knees: quickly pull in and relax your stomach. 15-20 times daily.
- Abdominal massage. It is important to do it in a clockwise direction so that it coincides with intestinal peristalsis. Start movements with light superficial ones, moving on to deeper pressures.
- Training the muscles of the perineum and anus: squeeze and unclench the anus up to 50 times daily.

Treating bloating with medications

Is it possible to take a pill and make everything go away immediately?

Drugs that act not on the causes of flatulence, but on reducing the amount of gases in the intestines, are divided into adsorbents and defoamers.

When starting to solve the problem, first of all you need to find out whether gas formation is associated with dysbiosis: as a rule, dysbiosis is the main cause of abdominal discomfort and gas formation, so dysbiosis must be eliminated comprehensively. Firstly, it is necessary to eliminate the symptoms, and secondly, to restore and maintain balance intestinal microflora. Among the agents that have both of these actions at once, Redugaz is distinguished. Simethicone, one of the components contained in the composition, fights abdominal discomfort and delicately frees the intestines from gas bubbles, weakening their surface tension throughout the intestines. The second component, the prebiotic Inulin, helps avoid the re-formation of gases and restores balance beneficial bacteria necessary for normal digestion. Inulin inhibits the growth of bacteria that cause gas, so re-bloating does not occur. Another plus is that the product is available in a convenient form in the form chewable tablets and has a pleasant minty taste.

Adsorbents absorb gases and are removed from the body along with them. It would seem that the issue is resolved! But along with unnecessary and inconvenient gases, they remove everything else that they can absorb. And adsorbents are capable of a lot, since they are completely non-selective - they work only due to their porous structure... Therefore, vitamins and minerals, and microorganisms that are normal inhabitants of the intestines.

Defoamers work differently: they release gases from mucous bubbles, precipitating foam, which interferes with the absorption of nutrients and reduces enzyme activity.

Their action does not bring those side effects, which are described in adsorbents, but it also develops more slowly. Therefore for emergency assistance as short courses take adsorbents, and for longer use - defoamers.

Carminative tea is a good traditional medicine. It is made from equal parts of fennel fruit, valerian root and mint leaves. Pour a tablespoon of the mixture into a glass of boiling water, leave for 30 minutes and take a third of a glass 3 times a day.

There is a point in fighting flatulence - the reward will not just be getting rid of unpleasant symptoms, but also improving the digestion process as a whole, the quality of which, as is known, depends on longevity, appearance, and the general perception of life.

AND little advice: Try to regurgitate excess air from the stomach. It is not necessary to give out operatic trills - you can do it quietly and unnoticed by others.