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How much time should you walk outdoors? Real experience and small tips. Why is it good to walk and breathe fresh air?

Agree, I don’t really want to go for a walk when it’s cloudy outside. Everyone knows that thanks to the sun we get vitamin D, but few people know that this happens even when the sun is not visible behind the clouds. We have collected as many as 6 benefits of walking in the fresh air that literally push you to go for a walk.!

First let's figure out what happens when you for a long time you are indoors. Firstly, you breathe the same air, which reduces the amount of oxygen. Breathing in this stale air does not provide your body with enough oxygen. This can lead to problems with physical and psychological health, for example, dizziness, nausea, headaches, fatigue and mental exhaustion, irritability, anxiety, depression, colds and lung diseases. Not a particularly attractive set, right?

Fresh air is good for digestion

You've probably often heard that after eating it's good to go for a light walk. Not only movement, but also oxygen helps the body digest food better. This benefit of fresh air is really important if you're trying to lose weight or improve your digestion.

Improves blood pressure and heart rate

If you have problems with blood pressure, you should avoid polluted environments and try to stay in a place with clean and fresh air. A dirty environment forces the body to work harder to get the oxygen it needs, so blood pressure may rise. Of course, it is difficult for residents of megacities to find clean air, but try to get out into nature at least once or twice a week.

Fresh air makes you happier

The amount of serotonin (or the happy hormone) depends on the amount of oxygen you inhale. Serotonin can significantly improve your mood and promote feelings of happiness and well-being. Fresh air helps you feel more relaxed. This is especially important for those who are used to lifting their mood with sweets. The next time you feel depressed, just go for a walk in the park or forest and see how it affects your mood.

Strengthens the immune system

This is especially important in the spring, when immunity is significantly reduced. Dirt, grayness, and rain are not particularly attractive for a walk, so at this time of year we go for a walk less often. However, white blood cells, which fight bacteria and germs, need enough oxygen to do their job properly. Therefore, get into the habit of going out for at least a half-hour walk to help your immunity strengthen.

Cleanses the lungs

When you inhale and exhale through your lungs, you release toxins from your body along with the air. Of course, it is important to really inhale Fresh air to avoid absorbing additional toxins. Therefore, we again advise you to go out into nature as often as possible to restore lung function.

Increased Energy

Fresh air helps you think better and increases your energy levels. The human brain needs 20% of the body's oxygen, can you imagine? More oxygen gives greater brain clarity, improves concentration, helps you think more clearly and has a positive effect on energy levels.

And now we give specific tips on how to absorb more fresh air, and some of them can be done without leaving the city.

Try running in the fresh air. Find a wooded area or park in your city with a lot of trees and go for a run there. The combination of cardio and oxygen has a good effect on the respiratory system and increases the body's endurance.

Once every week or two, go hiking in the forest. In addition to providing your body with oxygen, it can also become an enjoyable pastime and even a family tradition. And combining business with pleasure is always good!

Keep plenty of plants in your home and workplace to improve air quality. Plants produce oxygen and absorb carbon dioxide(remember school curriculum?), and some can even remove toxic pollutants from the air.

Do it every day physical exercise. If possible, do this outside. Sports help to boost blood circulation and supply the body with oxygen.

Ventilate your bedroom before going to bed and, if possible, sleep with an open window. But this point should only be followed by those who do not live in the center of a metropolis.

Ekaterina Romanova

For the human body, nothing is more important than oxygen. Therefore, young children are often sent for a walk. But as a person grows up, he begins to spend less and less time outside of home and work, limiting himself to the road to the store, bus stop or car. And walks in the fresh air are extremely beneficial. Setting aside some time for this is important at any age. And if it’s difficult to force yourself, then the incentive will appear after reading information about how fresh air affects the body.

IN modern conditions life, when a person is surrounded by endless stress and thoughts about problems, and everyone has to rush somewhere, many people completely forget about their health. And maintaining it is not that difficult. To do this, it is enough to spend a little more time in fresh, unpolluted air. It will help improve not only your health, but also influence many areas of your life. The importance of fresh air is much greater than many people think. So what are the benefits of walking outdoors? How do they affect a person?

Improves mood and relieves stress

Walking in the fresh air is very useful when you are in a bad mood, severe stress, fatigue. This is very important for modern man. A pleasant clean smell promotes relaxation and improves mood, and the smell of trees reduces fatigue and stress. When walking slowly, a person begins to feel calm and happy. He remains alone with the beauty of nature and his thoughts, which allows him to extract maximum benefits for the nervous system. A park is best for walking in the fresh, clean air.

interesting fact

Stanford University conducted research that proved that an hour and a half walk in nature reduces the activity of the area of ​​​​the brain that is responsible for negative emotions. Scientists have noted that people living in the countryside are less prone to negativity and depression.

Improve health

The main benefit of walking in the fresh air is positive impact on health in general. Physical activity combined with a walk in nature helps strengthen the immune system, even during cold periods. Daily walks improve the functioning of the heart and blood vessels, reduce arterial pressure. Metabolism accelerates, which cannot be achieved by visiting a regular gym. Fresh atmospheric air helps plants produce phytoncides, which destroy tumor cells and reduce the risk of developing cancer diseases if a person inhales them.

Fill with energy

If you regularly walk in the fresh air, the need for energy drinks will disappear. A person’s energy in conditions of the pure pleasant smell of nature and a beautiful view increases by 90% . If you want to drink another cup of coffee, you should try walking a little - the effect will be amazing. In addition, frequent physical activity tones the muscles, which also gives an additional boost of energy.

Improve sleep

Most people don't even consider the importance of fresh air for quality sleep. Those who spend more time outside the home sleep approximately ¾ hour longer than others. Their sleep is much stronger, and when they wake up, they feel much happier and more active. Walking in the fresh, cool air before bed is also important.

Improve brain function

If you want to become smarter and increase your productivity, then you need to spend more time outdoors. Short walks in parks or forests improve memory and increase concentration by about 20% . And fresh air is generally required for children with hyperactivity and attention deficit disorder, because... this is the best way to get them to focus.

interesting fact

American scientists compared the effects of walking and stretching exercises on brain function. For this purpose, two groups of people from 50 to 80 years old were selected. One had to do stretching exercises, the second had to spend the same amount of time in the fresh street air as the first ones spend doing exercises. A year later, the results were summed up using special diagnostics: for those who walked, the brain increased in volume by 2% , which fell on areas responsible for memory and activity planning.

Makes a person more attractive

Walking in the fresh air allows you to get enough oxygen, which is extremely beneficial for the entire circulatory system. This results in a light blush, with which the skin looks more beautiful and the person takes on a rested appearance. Improving metabolism and removing toxins can also change your appearance in a positive direction, which makes fresh air even more beneficial. Regular walks burn calories, and a person begins to lose weight. overweight. The benefits of walking are invaluable.

Strengthens family relationships

Walking does not have a direct impact on social life. However psychological condition, which is strongly influenced, is very important for relationships with others. If you spend more time in the fresh air, it will become much easier for a person to communicate with loved ones. You can do this together. Then the health benefits of fresh air will be complemented by even more pleasant time with loved ones.

Features of the winter period

In winter, people experience even more stress than usual. New Year's bustle, cold, lack of vitamins - all this leads to unpleasant problems with health. To correct this, you need to walk in fresh, cool air every day. There is no need to worry that you can catch a cold from a low temperature. Winter air has its own characteristics that are especially useful. And people usually get colds in transition periods between summer and winter, and not in the cold. Frost destroys all viruses, which reduces the risk of getting sick. What are the benefits of walking in the fresh, cold air in winter:

  1. Fresh frosty air contains increased levels of oxygen. This improves: health, brain function, mood, appearance.
  2. Severe cold hardens a person. If you walk more, your immune system will noticeably become stronger.
  3. Walking in cold weather helps fight headaches and strengthens the heart.
  4. Winter air in evening time guarantees even more sound sleep.
  5. Low temperature maintains the tone of the nervous system, which enhances resistance to stress.
  6. The air in winter cools the skin and saturates it with plenty of oxygen. This makes it smooth, elastic, beautiful, and also acquires a pink blush.

Spending some time outside during the winter is important. This will improve health and make a person happier.

interesting fact

Harvard researchers have proven that girls seem more attractive to men in the winter, even taking into account a large amount of warm clothing. The reason is that in winter, men produce more sex hormones, and therefore they become more attentive to the appearance of the opposite sex.

Shinrin-yoku (forest bathing)

Shinrin-yoku- a way to prevent your health. It is also called "forest bathing" and translates as “bathing among the forests.” The homeland of Shinrin-yoku is Japan, whose inhabitants have always been very concerned about their health. This method of improving health involves slow walks in the forest, calm breathing and maximum relaxation while opening yourself to nature.

Why such walks through the forests are useful:

  • getting rid of depression;
  • decreased cortisol;
  • relieving irritability;
  • restoration of strength;
  • decrease in blood pressure and pulse.

This is something that has been scientifically proven. But there is another reason why it is useful to walk in the forest according to the Japanese method: the phytoncides, which were already mentioned above, are present in the highest concentrations in the forest, which is why the risk of developing tumors from such walks is reduced to almost zero.

How long to walk?

How much time do you need to spend in the park walking for it to be beneficial? You can start with short 10 minute walks, and only then gradually increase this time. When the body gets used to it, the minimum time should be 30 minutes. Walking is recommended from 1 to 2 hours, but exactly how much time to spend on the street is up to the person to decide - you can even allocate 6 hours. It is important to do this daily. Morning or evening – it doesn’t matter.

The purpose of the walk is an opportunity to breathe calmly and relax. Therefore, it is best to walk slowly, sometimes speeding up your step to increase physical activity, but under no circumstances run. At the same time, you need to be as relaxed and calm as possible. The path should pass through places least polluted by cars and factories, i.e. parks or forests.

interesting fact

Scientists from the USA have come to the conclusion that a person needs to go for a walk every day for one hour. This means that you need to go through at least 5 km. They believe this is the best way to maintain heart health even in old age.


Fresh air is good for your health – there’s no arguing with that. Every self-care person should set aside some time for a walk each day to get through their minimum distance and get a boost of energy, while also improving your health. And the best incentive is knowing why it’s good to walk outside every day. All that remains is to start.

Many people spend their workdays under fluorescent lights, in front of the computer, and then go home to spend the evening in front of the TV. Spending too much time indoors is not very beneficial. To improve your health, you need to be in nature. Psychologists and doctors have found many reasons why fresh air is of great importance. You don't have to completely give up gadgets or move away from civilization. All you need to do is take a walk in the park and breathe! Here are the reasons why this is so important.

It may improve your short-term memory

A variety of studies have shown that walking in nature has a positive effect on memory. Students were given memory tests, then they were divided into two groups. One group walked through the park, and the other through the city streets. When the participants returned and repeated the tests, they found that those walking among the trees performed twenty percent better. Those walking along the street did not experience any changes. Similar studies have been conducted with people suffering from depression. If you notice that you have difficulty remembering information, try spending more time in the park - enough a short walk after work.

Walking reduces stress

Something about being in nature helps reduce the effects of stress in the body. Research shows that spending time in nature reduces levels of cortisol, the stress hormone. In addition, the heart rate also decreases. Therefore, you can get rid of tension through walking. Even a view of nature from a window leads to less stress and greater job satisfaction. Get in touch with nature more to neutralize the impact of this negative factor on your health.

Time spent in nature reduces inflammation

Inflammatory processes can lead to a variety of problems, from autoimmune disorders to depression. Time spent in nature will help you cope with these processes. People who spent time in the forest had reduced levels of inflammatory processes. In addition, older people who spend time outdoors note an improvement in their blood pressure. A walk in the park may be the best treatment option without any side effects.

Nature helps you get rid of fatigue

You probably know the feeling when your thoughts are simply confused - this is psychological fatigue. You can regain your former mental alertness by spending time in a restorative environment - nature. Studies have shown that a person's psychological strength is restored even when he simply looks at photographs of nature. City landscapes do not have this effect. Nature evokes a feeling of admiration, which immediately increases your energy levels and helps you feel significantly better. This is why walking is an effective remedy for fatigue.

Walking can help fight anxiety and depression

Anxiety, depression and other mental problems can be combated through walking. Their combination with physical activity works especially effectively. Walking in the forest reduces anxiety and improves mood, and can even be used as an addition to treatment depressive disorder. Nature increases self-esteem and improves the patient's condition. If you walk near a pond, positive effect becomes even more obvious. Do you find yourself prone to constant worry? Try spending more time in nature!

Spending time in nature protects your eyesight

There is quite a lot of information that spending time in nature can have a positive effect on the eyes of children, reducing the risk of developing myopia. Increasing your walking time may be the simplest strategy to reduce the risk of myopia in children and adolescents. Take your child for walks as often as possible to improve his eye health.

Walking helps you focus better

So, it is clear that the natural environment has a restorative effect. Among other things, the ability to perceive information is also restored. After a walk in nature, mindfulness increases noticeably. This effect is so obvious that children with hyperactivity feel better after just twenty minutes in the park. Walking can be a safe and in an accessible way improving the condition of children. The same applies to adults who need to constantly concentrate their attention.

You will be able to express your imagination more after a walk in the park

Imagine a therapy with no side effects, available to everyone, and improving cognitive performance at no cost. There is such a thing - this is time spent in nature. Studies have even shown that people who regularly take walks in the park at lunchtime are more creative in solving problems. If your work requires a constant flow of new ideas and imagination, try walking more often - it will inspire you!

Walking in nature lowers blood pressure

It's not surprising that time spent in nature also leads to lower blood pressure - this is confirmed by numerous studies. The concentration of stress hormones decreases, and the heart rate drops by four percent. Blood pressure drops by two percent.

Spending time in nature may even prevent cancer

Research on this subject is still underway, however, some conclusion can already be drawn: walks in the forest can stimulate the production of anti-cancer components in the body. Increased level such substances remain noticeable for seven days after a relaxing trip to the forest. Research in Japan shows that regions with more forests have lower mortality rates from a variety of cancers. There are too many factors influencing this result to make a clear conclusion, but it is a promising area for further research. One way or another, we can say with confidence that nature acts very beneficially.

Forests can strengthen the immune system

The cellular activity associated with the anti-cancer effects of a walk in the woods may also boost your overall immunity—you'll be better able to fight off colds and flu. Scientific evidence suggests that forests have a positive effect on the immune system. However, more detailed studies are required to obtain a reasonable understanding of this effect.

Time spent in nature reduces the likelihood of premature death

Closeness to nature is very important for city residents. Dutch researchers have found a strong connection between parks and the health of people living nearby. A wide range of diseases appears to be less pronounced in people living near a park or forest. Other studies have found a direct link between time spent in nature and general indicators health. Recent studies have found a similar link: people living in green regions have a twelve percent lower mortality rate. The likelihood of death from cancer, lung or kidney disease is reduced.

Tatyana Zamaraeva
About the benefits of walking with children. Consultation for parents

Consultation for parents

ABOUT benefits of walking with children

Prepared by T. A. Zamaraeva

Walk occupies an important place in a child’s life. During walks knowledge of the surrounding world occurs, the child learns to communicate with peers, and walk has health benefits.

Parents understand that the child needs to walk as much as possible. However, not everyone knows about the meaning walks for children. Walks outdoor activities are important for every person, and especially for children. They have a positive effect on health and emotional condition crumbs. With their help, you can improve the condition of the body as a whole. First of all, while staying in the fresh air, the lungs are cleared of allergens and dust, thereby improving the functions of the upper respiratory tract and nasal mucosa.

Walk is a reliable means of promoting health and preventing fatigue. Staying in the fresh air has a positive effect on metabolism, increases appetite and digestibility nutrients, especially the protein component of food. Exposing children to the fresh air is of great importance for physical development. Walk is the first and most accessible means hardening of the child's body. It helps to increase its endurance and resistance to adverse environmental influences, especially colds.

Finally, walk- this is an element of the regime that gives children the opportunity to satisfy their needs for movement in outdoor games, work processes, and various physical exercises. If walk If it is well and correctly organized, if it is of sufficient duration, children realize in it about 50% of the daily need for active movements. Reducing the time spent in the air creates a lack of movement.

The duration of stay in the fresh air varies significantly in different seasons of the year, but even in cold times and inclement weather it should not be canceled. The daily routine in day care groups includes 2 walks, lasting about 4-4.5 hours.

in winter walks with younger preschoolers it is allowed to carry out at an air temperature of no lower than -15°, with older children - no lower than -22°. At the same temperatures, but strong wind it is recommended to shorten the duration walks, if it is not possible to protect children from the wind with a specially constructed canopy.

Also walk promotes mental education. While staying on the site or on the street, children gain a lot of new impressions and knowledge about surrounding: about the work of adults, about transport, about traffic rules, etc. From observations, they learn about the features of seasonal changes in nature, notice connections between various phenomena, and establish elementary dependencies. Observations arouse their interest and a number of questions to which they strive to find an answer. All this develops observation, expands ideas about the environment, awakens the thoughts and imagination of children.

Walks solve not only educational, but also health-improving problems. On them, the teacher conducts individual work on the development of movements, outdoor activities, sports games, entertainment and physical exercises. Special time is allocated for labor and independent activity children. Reasonable alternation and combination of these various activities makes interesting walk, attractive. Such walk provides good vacation, creates a joyful mood in children.

It seems to most that in winter walk the child will freeze and will certainly get sick. And tied up colds children with walks in winter.

Walks You should be with your child every day and in any weather. You should not be afraid of wind, rain, cold or heat. The child must face all this so that in the future it does not arise. "surprises" in the form of a cold at the first wind and other things.

How to dress a child walk?

To walk brought only joy, you need to know how to dress a child according to the weather. Otherwise, overheating or hypothermia can lead to various diseases, and the child’s immunity will be constantly tested.

In summer, clothing should be made of light fabrics that absorb moisture well and easily release moisture.

A child easily overheats and becomes hypothermic, so he needs to create a state of thermal balance, which is achieved by properly selected clothing. The latter is especially important if the child moves a lot while walking.

Don't forget that physical activity children for walk much higher than in adults. Therefore, dress your child so that if it’s hot, you can take something off, or if, on the contrary, it’s cool, take some kind of blouse with you.

When choosing children's clothing, be guided by the fact that the child walk his movements were not restricted so that he could run, jump, get up after falling, and turn his head comfortably. Children's clothing should not only be beautiful, but also comfortable and practical! How to dress a child in summer, autumn, winter? There is a very simple system, but not many people know about it. It's called "one two Three". It deciphers enough Just: walks with children in summer they are accompanied by one layer of clothing, in spring and autumn by two, and in winter they wear three layers of clothing. Walking with children In summer, try to arrange it not when it’s too hot, but when you go outside in the morning and evening, it’s quite hot outside. Therefore, choose breathable fabrics, preferably cotton. Do not pull up your T-shirt; a thin T-shirt or sundress will suffice. Wear thin linen socks under your sandals. Without socks, the child may chafe his feet.

Isn't the child cold?

First, you need to pay attention to the behavior of the child himself. The child reacts very violently to the cold - screams loudly, moves. The skin becomes pale.

Secondly, along the neck, bridge of the nose and arm above the hand.

Third, icy feet(check to see if your shoes are too small or too tight, this will contribute to hypothermia).

Fourthly, a child will not remain silent if he is cold. If he "does not notice"- this means that he feels good.

Signs of a child overheating.

The first sign of overheating is thirst, that is, the child asks for a drink;

On walk a constantly warm face, and it’s below -8° outside;

Too warm, almost hot back and neck;

Very warm hands (arms and legs, these are special parts of the body that should be, due to the characteristics of blood circulation, "room" temperature).

You can't walk!

You can't go for a walk when your child is sick ( heat, weakness, pain, especially if the disease is contagious, so as not to infect other people.

But during the recovery period, you can and should go for a walk. Fresh cool air promotes healing. Especially for respiratory diseases. Since it helps to liquefy mucus. On the street, the child will cough effectively, expectorating phlegm. This is good and is not a sign of a deterioration in his condition!

pros walks:

Increases the adaptability and performance of organisms and systems of a growing organism;

Helps harden the body and prevent colds;

Forms health-saving and health-enhancing motor behavior;

Forms correct skills for performing basic movements, important elements complex movements;

There is an accelerated development of speech through movement;

Fosters a positive attitude towards nature, a sense of responsibility for the state of the environment and nature in general;

Develops the ability to note and make a primary analysis of seasonal changes in environmental life.

Every child should be in the fresh air as much as possible - this is absolutely necessary for his health. Walk- this is a wonderful time when an adult can gradually introduce a child to the secrets of nature - living and inanimate, and talk about the life of a wide variety of plants and animals. This can be done anywhere and at any time of the year - in the courtyard of a city or country house, in a park, in a forest or clearing, near a river, lake or sea. Take more walks with your friends children and gain from walks as much fun as possible.