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When does menstruation begin after a frozen pregnancy? Menstruation after a frozen pregnancy: when to be wary

A gynecological operation such as curettage is an indispensable procedure in obstetrics. There are three main reasons in this area why uterine endometrial curettage is prescribed:

  • To eliminate unwanted pregnancy;
  • To cleanse the uterine cavity after an incomplete abortion or miscarriage;
  • To eliminate the fetus during a frozen pregnancy.

Although endometrial scraping is not considered serious surgical intervention, but complications may still arise after it is performed. That's why, this procedure recommended to be performed in a hospital setting under general anesthesia.

What is curettage?

Scraping involves the removal of the top layer of the mucosa, during which the fertilized egg or pathology is removed from the uterine cavity along with the endometrium. As a rule, the fetus dies in the first trimester of pregnancy, so most often the curettage procedure to remove a frozen pregnancy is carried out from 5 to 12 weeks of pregnancy. But there are also later periods at which the uterus is “cleaned”.

How to prepare for this operation?

Before curettage, the woman must take a shower and do a cleansing enema. It is also necessary to remove pubic hair. Curettage is carried out on the emptied bladder. Immediately before the operation, the patient is examined by a gynecologist and an anesthesiologist. Gynecological examination will help determine the location of the uterus and eliminate contraindications for curettage.

How is surgery to remove a frozen pregnancy performed?

Instrumental abortion, as this procedure is commonly called in gynecology, performed under general anesthesia in a sterile room. The patient is on the gynecological chair, and the doctor, using a curette, carefully removes the endometrium and the frozen fetus.

The entire scraping procedure lasts approximately 20-40 minutes. After which the woman is transferred to the ward and her condition is monitored for another couple of hours. If there are no complaints or complications, then she goes home the same day.

Postoperative recovery

Menstruation after curettage of a frozen pregnancy should begin in 24-60 days. The beginning of the cycle is considered to be the day on which the curettage procedure was performed. Normally, menstruation should occur after as many days as the cycle lasted before the operation, because curettage should not be the cause of a disruption in the menstrual cycle. A cycle disruption indicates that a hormonal imbalance has occurred in a woman’s body. Hormonal background can be without additional treatment, return to normal within a month and within 60 days after curettage your period will begin. The shortest monthly cycle(norm) is considered to be 24 days, so menstruation should not begin before 24 days after curettage. If, after the procedure for removing a frozen pregnancy, menstruation does not occur for more than two months, or, conversely, it began too early, you should immediately seek help from medical Center.

Pregnancy is a long-awaited and wonderful period in a woman’s life; it fills her with the thrill of anticipation for the birth of a small miracle. Unfortunately, pregnancy does not always end in childbirth; for one reason or another, the fetus may freeze in the womb. In such a situation, a woman needs timely relief from the disease, a proper recovery period to maintain reproductive function. A woman should know how long it takes for her period to begin after curettage of a frozen pregnancy, whether the cycle can change, and what condition is considered normal, and what discharge should be alarming.

About frozen pregnancy

Experts still cannot determine the exact causes of fetal death. They highlighted common factors, which may be indirectly involved in this:

  1. Taking a large number of medications.
  2. Infectious diseases.
  3. Bad habits.
  4. Constant nervous tension, stress.

Unfortunately, the fetus can also freeze in a woman whose life does not have these negative factors. It is not always possible to understand on your own that problems have begun with the development of the fetus, it has frozen. Important role The presence of menstruation, which should not occur during a normal pregnancy, plays into this.

When the fetus stops developing, the level of progesterone in the body decreases, partial rejection of the endometrium resumes, and spotting is observed, accompanied by pain. If the disease is not detected in time, the consequences for the body can be very traumatic, and it will be difficult for the woman to fully recover.

After diagnosing the cessation of fetal development, curettage is necessary; the procedure is carried out in a hospital setting and after this the woman undergoes a period of rehabilitation. Doctors do everything to preserve reproductive health.

What to do?

Doctors do not have the ability to restore embryonic development; they must get rid of the fetus to preserve the woman’s health. If fading occurs on early stages, when the woman herself did not suspect that she was pregnant, the embryo can come out on its own. This may be perceived as a late menstruation. To make sure that the miscarriage was complete, you should undergo an ultrasound.

If the doctor is not sure what will happen spontaneous miscarriage, curettage is performed in a hospital setting.

An ultrasound scan after the procedure is performed 1-2 weeks later. This way the doctor has the opportunity to control the situation and the patient’s condition. To speed up the recovery process, a course of taking hormonal, antibacterial drugs. The treatment regimen is individual in each case.

Menstruation after curettage of a frozen pregnancy may change in character, with scanty or profuse discharge observed. This process is influenced by a combination of internal, external reasons. A woman should closely monitor her cycle and regularly visit a gynecologist to normalize her condition.

When does your period start after surgery?

Scraping is a shock for the woman and the body. It is important that the opportunity to become pregnant and give birth to a child was preserved. Doctors cannot say exactly when your period will start.

The first day of a new cycle is considered to be the day of curettage. The first menstruation after curettage of a frozen pregnancy will begin when the upper uterine layer is completely restored and the normal process of rejection occurs, menstruation begins. On average, your period should begin 28-35 days after surgery.

Doctors warn when they begin not to perceive them as menstruation. This may be a sign that the organ whose surface was scraped is beginning to recover. The time when your period comes depends on the duration of pregnancy; the longer it was, the longer you have to wait for a new menstruation. The age of the woman influences the timing of their appearance. general state body. When they begin, a woman should carefully monitor the nature of the discharge. There should be no increased discomfort, severe pain, and there should be no discharge from bad smell. These signs indicate the development of an infection in the uterus; this condition requires timely treatment.

Reasons for delay

The situation when there is no menstruation after a frozen pregnancy is a common consequence of the condition that has arisen. on average is about 2 months. Experts have identified the main causes of this condition:

  1. Violation hormonal balance, arising as a result of interruption of the ST, incorrect selection hormonal drugs during the recovery period. A woman's refusal to take COCs can also be the cause of hormonal imbalance.
  2. An inflammatory process resulting from surgery or a woman’s neglect of the rules of rehabilitation. Inflammation can occur in the ovaries, tubes and is accompanied by pain and fever.
  3. Severe stress can interfere with the production of necessary hormones, as a result of which menstruation is delayed.

How many days does menstruation last?

Menstruation after a frozen pregnancy occurs approximately 28-35 days. Their course of action may differ. This is explained by surgical intervention, stress on the body, and hormonal imbalance. A woman definitely needs to know how many days her period lasts in order to understand whether there is cause for concern.

The norm for healthy woman Menstruation lasts 3-7 days; after curettage, this period may increase by a couple of days, but gradually the cycle will return to normal.

If after the procedure there are bloody issues, lasting 2 weeks or more, you need to inform your doctor - this is not menstruation, but a sign of recovery of an injured organ or evidence of the presence of internal inflammatory processes or diseases.

How do menstruation behave after the intervention?

The nature of menstruation after curettage may change briefly. This is influenced by the woman’s age and the professionalism of the doctor who performed the curettage. The general condition of the woman and the period at which the fetus died should be taken into account.

The cycle can resume in 3-4 months in a woman who has previously given birth. If there was no birth, the process can take up to 7 months. During this period, it is necessary to undergo preventive examinations and follow the doctor’s recommendations for recovery.


Many people experience heavy periods after cleansing a frozen pregnancy. The woman changes her hygiene products after about 3 hours; at night, the discharge does not become less abundant. After scraping, this is alarming symptom, which can be provoked: after curettage - this is a common occurrence in most cases and should not cause alarm. The inner layer of the endometrium cannot recover immediately; sometimes ovulation does not even occur in the first cycle, hence the scarcity of discharge.

You should consult a doctor when your periods begin with a strong delay and they are very scanty. Often this is a sign of an inflammatory process in the ovaries, stenosis of the uterine cervix. Blood cannot escape due to constriction cervical canal, the process is accompanied by pain.

Is pain possible?

Full restoration of the cycle after a frozen pregnancy requires some time. Severe pain may accompany menstruation for the first 1-3 cycles. During this period, the uterus is especially sensitive to contractions. Severe pain also occurs due to hormonal imbalances. A large number of dopamine and adrenaline cause a sharp contraction of the smooth muscles of the uterus. Gradually the condition returns to normal.

After scraping normal menstruation returns after several cycles. A woman should strictly follow the doctor's recommendations recovery period to maintain reproductive health.

Usually, menstruation during such a pregnancy goes away after a month and a half. A delay in menstruation can most often be associated with hormonal stress. Causes of frozen pregnancy - long-term use antidepressants, as a result hormonal disorders when there is an imbalance between progesterone and estrogen) with infectious diseases(toxoplasmosis, ureaplasmosis, rubella, influenza, herpes). Frozen pregnancy occurs after taking drugs, tobacco, or alcoholic beverages.

During the entire period of pregnancy, a frozen pregnancy may occur. To date, experts have found out at what stage pregnancy fading can occur. The 8th week is the most dangerous. The child is most vulnerable from 3 to 4 weeks, from 8 to 11 weeks and from 16 weeks to 18 weeks. There are rare cases, when the pregnancy stops in its final stages. In the early stages, the signs of fetal death are unclear and a woman most often consults a doctor at the stage of intoxication. Menstruation after such a pregnancy is irregular. And to restore normal cycle it will take some time.

Symptoms of frozen pregnancy

A pregnant woman in the early stages of pregnancy may not feel that the fetus has stopped developing. Signs of a frozen pregnancy can be the disappearance of symptoms of pregnancy - vomiting, nausea, swelling of the glands. There may be pain in lumbar region, in the lower abdomen, there may be bloody or bloody discharge. But in the 2nd trimester and later pregnancies appear more severe symptoms when it gets worse general health, the child stops moving. A frozen pregnancy, as a rule, ends in miscarriage, but if the fetus is not removed, intoxication will occur, which will affect the general condition of the woman.

Periods after cleaning

Do not confuse the spotting that occurs for several days after surgery with your period. Ideally, menstruation should occur within normal term, for example, with a 28-day cycle, you need to wait for your period four weeks after the postoperative discharge ends.

Don't forget that every woman's body is different. In addition, deviations in the timing of menstruation depend on the week in which the curettage was performed and on the medications prescribed by the doctor. But in most cases, be guided by the specified deadlines.

Reasons for deviations

  • A change in menstruation leads to a delay in hormonal levels. After surgery, for a long period, gynecologists prescribe hormonal hormones. contraceptive drugs. This is necessary to restore the body and to prevent pregnancy, next conception It is recommended to postpone it for six months. If a woman refuses to take the medications, the cycle will be disrupted.
  • Internal inflammation occurs when an infection enters the uterus during sexual intercourse after interrupting the prescribed course of antibiotics. Whenever inflammatory diseases, menstruation may be on time or later, but it will be dark, with an unpleasant odor, and scanty.
  • Too heavy periods indicate that fetal particles remain on the uterus. This happens when a woman does not undergo an ultrasound 2 weeks after surgery. In this case, you need to carry out repeated cleaning followed by treatment and you will have to stay in the hospital for some time.

To avoid the consequences of the disease, if you feel unwell or have any deviations, even minor ones, you should consult a gynecologist.

To understand when your period comes after a frozen pregnancy and cleansing, you should listen carefully to your body. The main signs are normal health with completely restored ovarian function. Heavy bleeding with the presence of clots or elevated temperature against the background of pain in the lower abdomen should be absent.

Frozen pregnancy and cleansing

Curettage according to indications during a frozen pregnancy or after an abortion always negatively affects the woman’s health, damaging the cervix and uterine cavity. Therefore, it is necessary to understand when menstruation begins after cleansing and how to determine that it is not bleeding.

First of all, if you suspect fetal freezing, you need to pay attention to the following signs:

  • vaginal discharge mixed with blood;
  • elevated temperature body against a background of general malaise;
  • painful sensations along the lower abdomen;
  • in the second trimester there is no movement from the fetus.
Consultation with a doctor is required for any of the suspicious symptoms; this will help to diagnose the pathology in time and avoid significant complications. If there are no symptoms, then during a routine ultrasound examination, specialists can determine a frozen pregnancy and provide timely assistance. In the early stages, a blood test for hCG, with reduced rates, will allow one to suspect pathological process.

In the first trimester, the body can independently reject the fetus; up to the 8th week of gestation, a planned abortion is possible; in a later period, curettage will be required. The situation is associated with the fact that death and decomposition inside the womb lead to intoxication and blood poisoning.

Recovery after curettage takes a long period, since the uterine cavity is injured, and at least three months must pass before the woman can bear and conceive a child. Doctors recommend for absolute recovery reproductive organs use protection during sexual intercourse for 6 to 12 months.

Menstruation after a frozen pregnancy

After a frozen pregnancy, when menstruation arrives, it is necessary to pay attention to the quality and quantity of discharge, as well as the period between cleansing and the onset of menstruation. As a rule, the first menstruation occurs after 1-2 months, but restoration of the cycle may also be caused by individual characteristics female body.

A delay in menstruation for a period of just over 2 months is considered normal and does not require special treatment. But still, in such a situation, you should not postpone visiting your doctor. Because the pathological process can be caused by the accumulation of blood in the uterine cavity and cervical spasm, in which the fluid is unable to exit through the vagina.

In the first few days after the procedure, scant spotting is possible, which indicates healing of the uterus and the operation performed.

If after a month there are heavy bleeding with clots, pain syndrome and possibly an unpleasant odor, this indicates the development of sepsis and the presence of fetal fragments in the uterine cavity, you should immediately seek medical attention emergency assistance. In a hospital setting, an ultrasound examination will be performed and tests for hormone levels will be required. The decision to conduct re-cleaning accepted by a doctor after a thorough diagnosis.

The first menstruation is no different from previous ones normal discharge, hormonal levels and menstrual cycle must stabilize on their own.

You should abstain from sexual intercourse for 2 weeks. When vacuum cleaning on long term gestation, begin to lead sex life better after one month.

The psychological component after a missed pregnancy is an important aspect for restoring hormonal levels and the subsequent onset of menstruation. Therefore it is necessary positive emotions and long rest so that the body quickly returns to its normal state.

Fading pregnancy is a terrible experience for couples who are expecting a baby. This tragedy can happen, alas, to anyone - no one is immune. After all, there are many factors that can provoke this condition.

Frozen pregnancy sometimes occurs in completely healthy partners, only due to genetic disorders in the fetus itself. Of course. Life after the experience is not easy.

Very often, a frozen pregnancy is completely asymptomatic, so all women need to know about this condition. What to do after curettage? And when can you get pregnant again after such a procedure?

After curettage surgery, women often experience an elevated temperature. Usually it exceeds 37.5 degrees. This is how the body reacts to surgery. In this case, high temperature indicates that the body's resistance process has been activated.

It is important to know that the temperature should return to normal the very next day after the operation. If this does not happen, then most likely there is an inflammatory process in the body.

If the value continues to increase further, and at the same time the woman feels pain in the lower abdomen, then this is a clear alarm signal. Most likely, this indicates the presence infectious process. In this case, you should not hesitate, you need to urgently go to the doctor.

Therapy after eliminating a pathology such as a frozen pregnancy is initially aimed at removing the dead fetus from the uterine cavity. On early stages Mechanical cleaning can be used or, at a later stage, artificial birth can be caused.

The woman must be given antibiotics. The doctor can also prescribe a course hormone therapy. Such drugs are needed in order to restore the disturbed balance of hormones. Taking vitamin complexes is also a mandatory component of treatment.

The most commonly used antibiotics in the presence of frozen pregnancy are antibiotics that have wide range impact.

Gentamicin is one such drug. If the pregnancy is frozen, then this medication is administered intramuscularly. The recommended dose per day is 3 mg per kg of weight. Frequency of use - two to three times.

Therapy should be continued for one to two weeks. The medicine can cause certain side effects, which manifest themselves in the form of nausea, itchy skin, rash on skin, muscle twitching, vomiting. If the patient simultaneously has renal failure, renal necrosis may occur.

Hormones are prescribed if, after curettage surgery, menstruation does not appear within a 60-day period. It should also be taken into account that there is no need to become pregnant in the first year after the operation. These funds can act as a good contraceptive.

Histology after such a condition helps to establish what disorders there were in the development of the fetus. Usually these are genetic disorders, also infections viral etiology, most often - herpes. Through the histology procedure, it is possible to prevent various pathologies during subsequent pregnancies.

A woman must be thoroughly examined after such an operation so that all errors that provoked the violation are eliminated. The following tests will be required:

  • Ultrasonography pelvic organs;
  • Genetic research;
  • Immunogram;
  • Analysis for the presence of sex hormones - male and female;
  • Tests for gonorrhea, herpes, papilloma, chlamydia, mycoplasma.

What kind of discharge can there be after curettage?

When removing the fetus from the uterine cavity, a certain endometrial layer is removed. Naturally, the uterus becomes bruised, so it is only natural that it will bleed for a period of time.

After the procedure in question, the condition is similar to menstruation, because it is during menstruation that this layer is rejected.

Normal discharge does not have bad smell, lasts approximately five days. Then it decreases, becomes scanty and spotty, and soon disappears completely. Their duration should not be longer than ten days.

Not severe pain in the lower back and lower abdomen, which have a pulling nature and are accompanied by uterine contractions - this is a normal option.

But there are discharges that are pathological. They are characterized by the following features:

  • Very long discharge(lasting more than ten days) may indicate that a hormonal imbalance has occurred.
  • an unpleasant smell of discharge, which has the color of slop, may indicate the presence of infection.
  • a sharp cessation of discharge, which indicates the formation of blood clots in the uterine cavity.

In addition to the characteristic discharge for diseases of infectious etiology, the patient may experience increased temperature and pain in the lower abdomen. The same thing happens in case sudden cessation discharge, because blood clots that have arisen in the uterine cavity can provoke an inflammatory process there.

Prolonged discharge indicates that the patient’s hormonal levels are not stable. Such women need to be observed by a gynecologist-endocrinologist.

In addition, if there is prolonged and prolonged bleeding, this can cause the development of anemia, and therefore, in addition to using medications V this period the patient should eat foods that have a positive effect on hematopoiesis - beef liver, red meat, buckwheat, pomegranate.

Discharge Brown that occur later than 14 days after curettage is an alarming sign. They may indicate the presence of an inflammatory process. If copious discharge of this color flow together with high temperature, then you urgently need to go to the doctor.

Discharge yellow color indicate inflammatory process which needs to be treated with medications.

Menstruation after curettage of a frozen pregnancy

After such a problem, menstruation should begin in a timely manner. A delay of 45 days is considered normal. It can be triggered by the stress that the woman has experienced. It takes a certain amount of time for the cycle to return to normal. It differs in each individual case. Until the first period appears, it is recommended to exclude sexual activity.

Deviations from the usual deadlines can be caused by internal inflammation, changes in hormonal levels, as well as if fetal particles remain in the uterine cavity. On the tenth day of curettage, you should definitely undergo an ultrasound.

It should also be noted that after a frozen pregnancy, many women experience severe pregnancy loss. This is explained by what happened hormonal breakdown. The doctor can correct this condition by prescribing the patient oral contraceptives for therapy purposes.

How long after cleansing can you get pregnant?

If an artificial termination of pregnancy was carried out, consisting in removing ovum with scraping, then next pregnancy should be planned taking into account many factors. For example, the longer the gestation period, the more serious the pathology will be caused to the body.

Usually the body needs from six months to a year so that it can fully recover. It was during this time female body can rest, and this period is enough to do all the tests recommended by the doctor.

Planning a pregnancy after a missed pregnancy

A woman who carefully monitors her own health and who wants to give birth to healthy children in the future needs to pay close attention to what happened.

There is no need to panic; you need to take planning for a new conception very seriously. To do this, you first need to establish the reason why the fetus died. Both one and the other partner need to be thoroughly examined.

After the cause that provoked such a pathology is established, the specialist prescribes suitable therapy, during which it is necessary to take precautions so that the body is fully restored.

You can also reduce the risk of recurrence of this outcome by changing your lifestyle:

  • Initially, those who do this need to quit smoking and completely stop drinking alcohol, which significantly increases the risk of complications;
  • Negative influence may work in contact with chemical components, drugs of strong influence. This applies not only to those who work in hazardous industries, but also to patients with professions such as hairdresser, radiologist, manicurist, doctor. Any active physical labor, including shift work or flights, can also provoke disturbances in the functioning of a woman’s body.
  • Need to provide proper nutrition. Use multivitamin preparations up to the doctor's recommendation, and also ensure moderate physical activity and normal, good rest. All these tips are really very important.

It is worth noting that in some cases it happens that the parents are 100% healthy, but the pregnancy stalls because the fetus has genetic disorders. And no matter how cruel it may sound, this is natural selection.

Carrying a pregnancy after a frozen pregnancy is a very difficult test for both women and men. It is important that the approach to a new conception be without any fear or worry, since nervous tension and the stress of waiting for a new interruption can itself provoke a new pathology.