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The product with the highest protein content. What foods contain more protein

Now more and more people talk about the need for protein for the body. Today we will analyze what proteins are, what they are for, and what foods contain them in large quantities.

Brief information about proteins

Proteins (another name - protein) - the main substance that is responsible for building the body. Based on this, it should be understood that without proteins it is impossible to build a beautiful and inflated body, and even maintain good physical shape.

Everyone who has ever tried to lose weight sat on a vegetable and fruit diet. It seems that everything is going fine, in a few days you can lose a decent amount of kilograms. What's next? After a while, progress stops, and the reflection in the mirror does not improve at all, but even vice versa. Due to the lack of protein in the body, the muscles are depleted and lose their natural shape. In addition, the lost kilograms affect physical indicators- they also worsen if you do not eat the required amount of protein.

Why is this happening? When the body feels a lack of protein food, it begins to draw on internal reserves. Thus, when inside is formed acute insufficiency protein and amino acids, he begins to consume himself. In a literal sense, the internal reserves of protein from muscle fibers and fabrics. Thus, the muscles become smaller in volume and the physical form deteriorates.

Based on the foregoing, it can be emphasized undeniable benefit and the need for protein in the body. Without it, it is impossible not to build beautiful body nor properly lose weight. But, like a lack, an excess of protein negatively affects the body. The daily rate is calculated, as a rule, for each kilogram of your own weight, and this amount is based on your goals: losing weight, gaining weight, working on relief, or simply maintaining physical fitness.

What are proteins

All protein sources by origin, can be divided into two categories:

  • animals;
  • vegetable.

As you may have guessed, the difference is only in their origin. Experts advise to consume as much animal protein as possible, as it is better absorbed and such products contain a large number of pure protein. But do not forget about plant foods. For example, legume foods contain a large amount of protein, and in terms of efficiency they are no worse - this has been proven by athletes who consume only plant foods.

In addition, all proteins share by speed of assimilation:

  • fast. main feature this type - fast speed assimilation, which does not exceed 60-80 minutes. fast squirrels suitable for gaining muscle mass, quick recovery body and internal reserves, increasing strength indicators. As a rule, they are eaten immediately after training.
  • slow. The rate of assimilation of such proteins reaches 6-8 hours. Long enough, and great for you. This type of product is ideal for those who want to lose weight and maintain muscle volume. Eating such products, you prevent catabolism, help to nourish the muscles with useful substances throughout the day. An example of such a product is skim cheese.

What foods contain more healthy protein

Not all protein-rich foods are the same. The problem is that if there is a large amount of protein in its composition, the food may contain a large amount of carbohydrates or fats, or have a high glycemic index (quickly replenish the body with glucose). This means that fat-free cottage cheese, which does not contain fats and carbohydrates, and cheese, which contains 22 grams of fat per 100 grams of product, are significantly different.

There are several main products that contain the most useful protein for the body.

The first of these is egg white. It so happened that eggs are the favorite product of all athletes, and for good reason. Firstly, it is a low-calorie food product that contains virtually no fat. Secondly, egg white is perfectly absorbed by the body and brings only benefits. If you are actively involved in sports, you can eat 5-6 eggs a day and not be afraid. But there is only one thing - you can eat only 1-2 yolks per day, the rest should be thrown away.

The second product, which is not inferior in popularity - lean meat. It could be beef chicken fillet or turkey meat. All of these products perfectly saturate the body with protein, and do not harm. In addition, beef also contains healthy animal fats, so you can even eat it dried. You should know that the meat must be steamed, grilled or boiled. The preparation process must be vegetable oil so that the meat retains its properties.

The third product is everyone's favorite cottage cheese. It's hard to imagine your diet without delicious cheese which goes well with fruits. People who do not have problems with lactose are advised to eat 200 grams of fat-free cottage cheese per day. With low calorie content and practically total absence carbohydrates and fats, a serving of cottage cheese in 200 grams contains 33 grams of protein.

The last product, and one of the most useful, on our list is oatmeal. It is she who contains, albeit in small sizes, slow proteins. Combining delicious porridge made on water or steam, with fruits and berries, you saturate the body slow carbohydrates and protein, which will be absorbed within 6-8 hours.

Table of protein content in products

The product's name The amount of protein per 100 grams
Brynza 18
Kefir 3
Milk 3
Cream 2,8
Sour cream 1,5
Cheeses, hard 20-30
Dutch 26
Kostroma 25,2
Poshekhonsky 26
Lithuanian 29
Curd 0.6% 16
Curd 20% 14
Fish and seafood
Beluga 24
Pink salmon 21
Flounder 18,2
Crabs 18,7
Shrimps 20
Bream 21
Pollock 17
Lamprey 15
sea ​​bass 20
saury 18
herring 18
Sardine 23,7
Herring 15,5
Salmon 16,3
Mackerel 18
catfish 17
Zander 21
Cod 17
Tuna 23
Trout 15,5
Hake 16,6
Pike 18
Meat and animal products
Mutton 24
Lean beef 20,2
Goose 29
Turkey 24
Chicken 25
Chicken gizzards 20-22
Lean pork 25
Duck 17,6
whole chicken egg 6,7

Quite often, foods high in protein are used for weight loss, and such diets are gaining more and more popularity. This is due to the fact that food with proteins contains few calories and saturates well. For example, for a daily calorie intake, a woman with a weight of 50 kg, 1350 kcal, can eat 1.9 kg of cottage cheese per day. Of course, such an amount of one food product is too large and we do not recommend anyone to eat it. You can eat plentifully, eat enough meat, cottage cheese and fruits, and at the same time noticeably lose weight.

Human beings need proteins for a healthy diet. Protein products can be animal or plant origin, but the ratio of proteins with the rest of the food elements is preferably at least 25-30%.

list of protein foods

Top 5 protein foods

We all know that protein is main material to build our muscles. Many foods contain protein, but not everyone can distinguish the “right” foods in which the protein will be most useful and easily digestible. We often use these products, but together with them we use absolutely unnecessary and ineffective products. These include sandwiches with sausage or ham, potato casserole, Japanese cuisine, etc. The list of the healthiest protein foods is as follows:

1. Chicken breast. This is real "gold" for a bodybuilder. In 180 grams of product (average chicken breast) contains 200 kcal, 40 g of protein and only 2 g of fat. Chicken breasts are best boiled or grilled to avoid the use of frying oil. Rice or boiled vegetables are best combined with this type of meat.

2. beef burger. For 200g of product there are 340 kcal, 40g of protein and 15g of fat. We need a similar type of meat for a change. Few people can eat only chicken breast for a long time. Beef contains a large amount of calcium and zinc, which are so necessary for our bones.

3. Chicken eggs. Seven chicken eggs contain 520kcal, 40g of protein, 35g of fat. It should be borne in mind that proteins are valuable. Yolks help us digest protein better. Therefore, I would advise taking 4 whole eggs and 3 proteins. Their main value is that eggs are very easy to cook. It is enough just to throw them in boiling water for 5-10 minutes.

4. Salmon fillets. Two hundred grams of salmon contains 368kcal, 40g of protein and 28g of fat. Undoubtedly, a bodybuilder needs fish. After all, fish provides us with such important omega-3 fats. The dish is very tasty and healthy, but quite expensive. Force yourself to eat fish for dinner at least 2 times a week.

5. Protein powder. In 2 scoops 170kcal, 40g protein and 0 fat. Of course, this type of protein is digested instantly, in addition to everything, it does not contain fat. Many athletes are skeptical white powder, believing that nutrition should be natural. But I hasten to dispel their doubts. Protein powder is the same dish as chicken eggs, only in crushed form. Don't be afraid to take protein before and after your workout. You will not find such an affordable type of protein.

The average amount of protein in daily diet an adult is 100-120 g.

The table shows the protein content in 100 grams of the product.

Protein products Proteins, g Protein products Proteins, g
Beef liver 17,4 sunflower seed 20,7
Lamb Liver 18,7 Hazelnut 16,1
Pork liver 18,8 Almond 18,6
Heart 15 Walnut 13,8
Turkey 21,6 Rye bread 4,7
chickens 18,7 Wheat bread from 1 grade flour 7,7
chickens 20,8 Sweet pastries 7,6
Rabbit 20,7 Buckwheat 12,6
Beef 18,9 Rice 7
Lean pork 16,4 Millet 12,0
Pork fat 11,4 oatmeal 11,9
Veal 19,7 Whole peas 23
diabetic boiled sausage 12,1 Soya 34,9
Diet boiled sausage 12,1 Beans 22,3
Doctor's boiled sausage 13,7 Soy meat 52
Krakow smoked sausage 16,2 Milk 2,8
Minsk raw smoked sausage 23 Whole milk powder 25,6
Boiled-smoked Servelat 28,2 Yogurt natural 1.5% fat 5
Far Eastern shrimp 28,7 Kefir low fat 3
Tuna 22,7 Low-fat cottage cheese 18
Keta 22 Cheese from cow's milk 17,9
Pink salmon 21 Dutch cheese 26,8
Salmon 20,8 Poshekhonskiy cheese 26,0
small saury 20,4 Peanut 26,3
Halibut 18,9 Pollock caviar punched 28,4
Squid 18 Sturgeon caviar granular 28,9
Herring 17,7 Mackerel 18
Pollock 15,9

Beef contains the most complete proteins, which include almost all necessary for the body essential and non-essential amino acids.

Veal, more tender than beef, contains more complete proteins and is more easily absorbed by the body. Veal of the 1st and 2nd category contains about 20% protein and 1-2% fat.

Pork contains less connective tissue than beef, which makes it more soft and delicate taste. According to the varieties, pork is divided into bacon, meat and fatty; the latter contains up to 50% fat and only 12% protein. In the nutrition of athletes, it is better to use meat pork, which contains an average of 14% protein and 33% fat. It is important to take into account that the pork tenderloin contains 19% protein and 7% fat, and the brisket contains 8% and 63%, respectively.

Mutton contains more connective tissue compared to beef, so it is tougher. By chemical composition mutton of the 2nd category roughly corresponds to beef of the same category. However, mutton contains slightly less salts of potassium, phosphorus and iron.

horsemeat 2nd category rich complete proteins(21%), salts of potassium, iron, while it contains relatively little fat (4%). In terms of biological value, horse meat proteins are not inferior to beef proteins.

Rabbit meat- an excellent dietary product, characterized by a high content of protein (21%), iron, B vitamins. It contains a sufficient amount of potassium, phosphorus, magnesium and other minerals.

by-products are of particular value for the nutrition of athletes. Many of them are high in minerals, especially iron, vitamins, and therefore are recommended for people with lagging body weight, anemia. The liver is especially rich in iron, vitamins A and group B; unlike others meat products it contains a large amount ascorbic acid(vitamin C). The tongue is a dietary product. It contains little connective tissue, which ensures its high digestibility. The heart is rich mineral salts, including iron, has a low percentage of fat, a sufficient amount of protein. Brains contain less protein (12%) and quite a lot of fat (8.6%), but they contain valuable compounds rich in phosphorus and essential unsaturated fatty acids, and this significantly increases their biological value. The lung is especially rich in iron (10%), but otherwise the nutritional value this product is small.

Sausages mainly made from beef and pork. Many of these are high fat foods; the amount of fat in them ranges from 13.5% (dietary sausage) to 40% or more ( different kinds smoked and semi-smoked sausages). The latter, especially those with a high fat content, are not recommended for use in sports nutrition. Sausages and sausages differ from sausages in a more delicate texture and the absence of bacon. For the preparation of sausages and sausages of the highest grade, meat (beef, pork) of young animals is used, which is easily digested and assimilated, therefore this type meat products preferable to sausages.

Along with a wide range of sausage products, the industry produces meat products from pork (ham, brisket, loin, ham, etc.). They are distinguished, as a rule, by a very high fat content (up to 50-60%) and therefore are not recommended for systematic use.

Canned meat, especially pork, are also characterized by a high fat content. Their nutritional and biological value is lower than fresh meat dishes, since in the process of preparing canned food such technological methods are often used as long-term cooking at high temperature, autoclaving, etc. Many canned foods are prepared from lower grades of meat, therefore, they often contain a significant amount of connective tissue fibers. There are fewer vitamins in canned meat than in fresh produce. However, in the absence of natural meat, canned food can be used in nutrition, mainly for the preparation of first and second courses. When used canned meat need to pay Special attention on the terms of their manufacture and not to use products with expired storage.

Meat of chickens and broiler chickens contains more complete and better digestible proteins than beef. Squirrels chicken meat have an optimal set essential amino acids. The amount of fat in the meat of chickens and chickens is quite large (on average - 16-18%), however, this fat is easily absorbed by the body, as it includes a certain amount of unsaturated fatty acids. fatty acids and has a relatively low melting point. Chicken meat contains the necessary set of minerals and vitamins. Extractive substances give it a pleasant smell and taste.

Fish along with meat is one of the the best sources high quality protein. Fish proteins contain all essential amino acids necessary for the body. Unlike meat, fish proteins contain such an important essential amino acid as methionine in large quantities. The advantage of fish proteins is the low content of connective tissue formations. In addition, the proteins of the connective tissue of fish are mainly represented by collagen, which is more easily converted into a soluble form - gelatin (glutin). Thanks to this, the fish is quickly boiled soft, its tissues become loose, easily amenable to the action of digestive juices, which ensures a more complete assimilation. nutrients. Fish proteins are digested by 93-98%, while meat proteins - by 87-89%.

Fish fat it has a significant content of polyunsaturated fatty acids, the total amount of which in most fish species ranges from 1 to 5%, while beef and lamb have these acids in small quantities - from 0.2 to 0.5%. Due to the high content of polyunsaturated fatty acids, fish oil is easily absorbed by the body. Fat also contains various fatty substances(phospholipids, lecithin) with high physiological activity. Fish fat is located mainly in the liver (in fish belonging to the cod species) and in subcutaneous tissue(in herring and salmon). It's important to know that fish fat oxidizes rapidly, and its nutritional value is reduced.

The meat of almost all types of fish is rich mineral elements: potassium, magnesium and especially phosphorus, the amount of which reaches 400 mg per 100 g (flounder). Separate types contain sufficient amounts of calcium and iron. Fish is an important source of B vitamins; the liver of many fish is high in vitamins A, D, E. Sea fish rich in such rare elements as iodine and fluorine.

Fish caviar is a valuable food product with a high content of protein (up to 30% or more) and fat (about 15%). Caviar is rich in phosphorus and potassium, water- and fat-soluble vitamins. Fish milt is rich in essential amino acids and low in fat.

Salted and smoked fish products- less valuable products. As a rule, proteins in these products, due to the peculiarities of their processing, are much worse digested and absorbed. Many smoked and salted fish contain a large amount of fat, excess sodium, and are poor in vitamins. Herring and other fish gastronomic products can be used as snacks to stimulate the appetite. They should be given before the main meal and during large quantities.

Canned fish not recommended for widespread use in nutrition. In the process of preparing canned food, many valuable qualities of fish are lost. This also leads to long-term storage of the product. Some types of canned fish can be used, like fish gastronomy, as snacks and delicacies (herring, sprat, sprats, caviar).

egg products are complete sources of all the essential nutrients needed for normal life human body. It is allowed to use only chicken eggs in food, since the eggs of waterfowl (geese, ducks) are often infected with pathogens of severe intestinal infections(salmonellosis, etc.).

Egg Compared to other animal products, it contains the most complete protein, almost completely absorbed by the body. Egg protein contains all the essential amino acids in the most optimal ratios. Egg fat consists of fatty acids, mostly polyunsaturated, and phospholipids, mainly lecithin (1/3 of the total fat), which has a beneficial effect on cholesterol metabolism. Eggs are rich in minerals, especially phosphorus, sulfur, iron, zinc. They have enough fat soluble vitamins(vitamin A is the same as in butter, and vitamin D - 3.5 times more). In addition, the egg is quite high in B vitamins.

Protein delusions

A typical example is sausage. In addition to meat, sausage contains fat, milk, soy and water. To get 20 grams of pure protein, you will have to eat 200 grams of smoked or half a kilo of boiled sausage, while the amount of fat will be critically high or even dangerous for the health of blood vessels and the heart. The same goes for substitute products. These can be milk drinks, "curds", sweet yoghurts, mayonnaises and sauces that do not have direct relationship to the products they imitate. Accordingly, the protein in them is critically small or not at all.

The choice of protein products is great, and its variety will allow you to indulge in good nutrition. More protein sources will protect against deficiency important elements contained in various foods, whether it be meat, fish, milk, cereals or beans. Eat quality fresh protein products and be healthy!

The result will not keep you waiting, especially if you combine diet with exercise, so it is ideal not only for women, but also for men...

Each product contains three important components. These are proteins, fats and carbohydrates. A person who thinks about his health should highlight special place in your diet for the most useful of them - proteins. By eating foods with the highest protein content, you can improve your health, make your appearance more attractive, and even lose weight. This nutrient is the basis of life and the building material of the body.

Why is it important to eat high protein foods?

Enriching your diet with protein-rich foods is important for a number of reasons. One of them is the fact that protein (or protein, as it is also called) is involved in the structure of muscle tissue. It is for this reason that high-protein nutrition is recommended for professional athletes, fitness enthusiasts, and children.

Supporters healthy lifestyle life and quality nutrition should know that their daily requirement in proteins is calculated based on weight. For every kilogram of human weight per day, there should be 2 grams of protein. That is, if a person weighs 70 kilograms, then a day he should include about 140 grams of protein in his food. Studying the list of foods that contain a lot of proteins, you can see that some of them are quite high in calories, while others, on the contrary, provide very little energy. This fact should also be taken into account when choosing the right diet.

On the other hand, according to experts, the daily requirement for proteins should generally be 40% of the total food intake. This is one of the keys to good nutrition.

Protein is very important to eat physically active people, because it is able to restore the expended energy of a person. When an excess of protein occurs in the body, it does not turn into fat and does not lead to the appearance of extra pounds as opposed to carbohydrate foods.

Before the main table of proteins in products is described, it is worth paying attention to negative qualities protein food.

Harm from protein foods

As you know, fats, carbohydrates, and proteins can harm the human body if consumed in excess. Therefore, harm to the body is possible only in the case of the formation of excess protein in the body. This is due to the fact that only the necessary need for proteins is easily absorbed by the body. The rest needs to be recycled. This process requires the participation of calcium. If it is not enough in the body, it will be drawn from the bones. Constantly exceeding the norm of protein can lead to a number of unpleasant diseases. For example, osteoporosis.

It is very important to study the composition of proteins in foods for another reason. Their excess leads to unnecessary stress on the kidneys. When eating food with a high content of animal protein, it is worth remembering that cholesterol enters the body along with it, which adversely affects the human body.

To avoid all of the above side effects, you need to add proteins to the diet, depending on the needs of your body. It is worth paying attention to the total calorie content of a product containing a lot of protein. It is found in large quantities in meat products, eggs, cheese and cottage cheese, cereals and some other products.

It is very important for the body and the animal, and vegetable protein. The list of products containing it should start from the first. Animal protein is also called a complete protein. This is due to the content of a complete amino acid complex in it.

Products containing protein in large quantities of animal origin are meat products. Their list starts with chicken and turkey. Every 100 grams of chicken or turkey meat contains about 20 grams of protein. From these products, it is easily digestible. In addition, these two types of meat are considered dietary due to their low calorie content. They must be added to balanced diet.

Products with the highest protein content can also include another type of meat - beef. There are about 25 grams of protein per 100 grams of beef meat. But it is much more difficult for the body to digest. That is why it is better to eat it boiled.

A large amount of protein is found in beef, pork or lamb liver. About 18 grams per 100 grams of product. It is recommended to use it in a stew.

There are other foods that contain large amounts of animal proteins. It's fish and seafood. This is a storehouse of protein and others beneficial trace elements. Any fish is easily digested by an organism that assimilates everything useful material. Supporters of a healthy diet should definitely include this type of protein-containing food in their diet.

Protein in cereals

Protein is found in a number of cereals. In addition, each of them is useful for the good functioning of the digestive system. Protein in foods, that is, in cereals in this case, is contained in different quantities. But it is absorbed equally well.

Buckwheat groats contain 12% vegetable proteins. It is very beneficial for the body. Oatmeal is no less useful and comes second on the list in terms of protein content. It has 11 grams of protein per 100 grams of cereal. Wheat groats are on the same position as oatmeal. It also contains 11 grams of protein.

Completing the list of cereals rich in protein is rice and corn. They have 7-8% protein content.

Porridges are very useful for the human body, but when adding them to the diet, it is worth remembering that carbohydrates are the main part of them.

Protein in eggs

When we are talking about protein-containing products, the question of how much protein is in one egg is considered natural.

Chicken eggs can be different sizes and weight, but on average two eggs make up 100 grams of total weight. Accordingly, one egg can contain about 50 grams of mass. 100 grams of such a product accounts for 17% of proteins. This means that one egg contains about 8.5 grams of protein.

It is from this product that protein is absorbed best. Its calorie content is quite low. Chicken eggs contain many beneficial acids, which are involved in important metabolic processes of the human body.

Protein in cheese, cottage cheese and milk

Foods with the highest protein content are also cheese and cottage cheese. Each of them is worth considering separately.

Cottage cheese contains about 14% protein. It is very beneficial for the body. It is high in calcium, which in some cases may be required for protein processing. Depending on the fat content of the cottage cheese and the protein content in it may vary slightly. It is recommended to add fat-free cottage cheese to the diet.

Hard cheese is made from cottage cheese. But the protein content in it is twice as much. So, on average, 100 grams of cheese contains about 30 grams of protein. It is worth noting that hard cheese is very high in calories, and you need to add it to the diet in small quantities.

The table of proteins in products contains information that milk consists of only 5% of them, despite the fact that cottage cheese and cheese are its derivatives.

Other High Protein Foods

There are other favorites in terms of protein content. What foods are high in protein? First of all, it is soy, lentils and Brussels sprouts.

Knowing how much protein is in one egg, 100 grams of meat, cottage cheese, cheese, various cereals, you can easily create a balanced diet that will help the body effectively build muscle tissue, lose overweight and restore energy after exercise.

Proteins are chemical compounds, without which human life is impossible, since they produce energy, actively participate in transport, metabolism and many important processes occurring in human body. What foods have a lot of protein, how much a person needs and why, we will analyze in detail in this article.

Basic functions of proteins

  • plastic, supplies the body with plastic material, therefore all cells, organic tissues, enzymes and many hormones are characterized by the composition of the protein;
  • hormonal function regulates the system of biochemical reactions of the human body;
  • the catalytic function delivers energy to cells, since the enzymes consisting of this substance are involved in the breakdown of food into simple components;
  • the transport function is responsible for transporting oxygen from the lungs to the organs and tissues of the body;
  • protective function consists in the work of proteins immune system, which are called antibodies and guard the health of the body, giving it the strength to fight bacteria, viruses and other harmful substances;
  • the contractile function is in the presence of special proteins myosin and actin, which provide complex work and coordinated muscle contraction;
  • the regulatory function strengthens the nerves and speeds up the production of conditioned reflexes.

The lack of this substance in food can provoke a number of pathological changes, such as growth and development retardation, lowering of the body's defenses, insufficiency of digestive enzymes. That is why a person should eat foods containing proteins.

In turn, healthy food can improve health, make the appearance attractive and even help in losing weight. Protein in the nutrition program is relevant for people who are physically active image life, as it quickly replenishes the expended energy of a person.

What foods are high in protein: tables and description

Protein is found in products of plant and animal origin, and naturally, the second group is the leader in its content.

Animal Products


Meat is well absorbed by the body because it contains protein and full complex amino acids. A huge advantage over other products is considered big choice cooking methods and ease of use in large volumes. This is important if you need to quickly replenish the protein resources in the body.

poultry meat contains a protein that lower rates calorie content and is easily digestible compared to other types of meat.

Beef characterized by the most complete proteins, since the meat is rich in amino acids, vitamins, iron. For more useful action product is advised to stew or boil the product.

in pork contains a large amount of proteins. The dry weight of lean pork contains the nutrient, which is why it is considered one of the main dietary sources of protein.

Table of meat products that are high in protein

The product's name Amount of protein per 100g. The product's name Amount of protein per 100g
Goose 28 Beef liver 17
Chicken 26 pork liver 18
Turkey 25 Lamb liver 18
Mutton 20 beef tongue 13
Beef 20 Beef kidneys 12
Duck 19 Pork tongue 14
Pork 17

List of protein products from fish and seafood

Fish recipes are presented with dietary, healthy and delicious dishes. By the presence of proteins, fish is similar to meat. Its largest amount is in lobster, mullet, anchovies, tuna, salmon. Also in the fish there are many different amino acids and minerals such as: iodine, potassium, phosphorus, vitamins A, B, E, D.

Its main advantage is the minimum composition of structural fibers, represented by collagen. The meat of boiled fish is tender and soft, and the protein is perfectly absorbed by the body. Only you should refrain from eating smoked meats, both fish and meat.

Name Amount of protein per 100g. Name Amount of protein per 100g
Lobster 26 Caviar caviar 27
Mullet 26 Cod liver 24
Anchovies 24 Shrimps 20
Tuna 24 Squid fillet 18
Salmon 21 Crabs 18
Pink salmon 21 oysters 14
Salmon 21
Cod 20
Halibut 19
sardines 19
Herring 18
Pollock 16
Hake 15


Bird eggs are dietary products which are high in protein. The yolk contains a significant amount of proteins, fat-soluble vitamins, minerals, and, of course, pepsin. Egg protein contains substances necessary for building muscle, nervous and skeletal tissue.

Which dairy products contain the most protein

In the composition of dairy products, in addition to minerals, there is an easily digestible protein.


Cow's milk, kefir, cottage cheese - suppliers of protein such as casein. It evenly distributes amino acids in the blood, which is why the feeling of satiety persists for a long period of time. This group of products should be consumed by people who restrict themselves in nutrition for a long time in order to lose weight.

Albumin and globulin

Serum, especially its concentrate, is rich in such beneficial proteins like albumin and globulin. They will help lower blood cholesterol, increase the metabolic rate, which will contribute to the rapid breakdown of fats. They are extremely similar in composition of amino acids to the proteins of human muscle tissue. They are also considered sources of essential amino acids. Whey proteins also have a beneficial effect on nervous system because it reduces the stress hormone cortisol in the body.

Cheese- this is a protein-rich product, if only it is prepared from natural ingredients in accordance with all the rules (not a cheese product!). For weight loss, when choosing cheese, it is necessary to give preference to less high-calorie varieties, for example, cheese. If enhanced nutrition is required to gain body weight, then fatty high-calorie cheeses are introduced into the diet.

What dairy products have a lot of protein: table

Product name Amount of protein per 100g.
Cow's milk 3,2
Sheep milk 4
Goat milk 3
Condensed milk 7
Sour cream 3,3
Cream 3
Yogurt 5
Kefir 3
curdled milk 2,8
Fat cottage cheese 14
Low-fat cottage cheese 18
Parmesan cheese 22
Cheddar cheese 23
Chees Feta 16
processed cheese 4
Brie cheese 19

Protein in plant foods

Vegetable protein helps to strengthen the immune system, prevent colds, saturation of the body with fiber, restoration of natural microflora, improvement of metabolism, helps to normalize digestion, protect against obesity, energize, add strength and improve skin, hair and nails.

Plant protein is found in legumes, nuts, seeds, dried fruits, raw vegetables and fruits. What plant foods have a lot of protein - in detail.

Protein in legumes

Modern directions for consumption wholesome food consist of a huge group of leguminous plants. They are varied and include significant amounts of protein, plant fiber, B vitamins, and minerals.

Legumes are characterized affordable price, many of them can be prepared delicious meals which makes the fruit popular among vegetarians. Legumes are also useful for people during fasting or when observing plant based diet to cleanse the body, as they are able to satisfy the feeling of hunger, and provide the body's need for proteins.

Nuts are the real leaders among herbal products which are high in protein.

Peanut relieve hunger for a long time. This nut is best excluded from the diet for people who have problems with the stomach and intestines, kidney disease, and are also prone to allergic reactions.

Cashew, in addition to protein, it also contains a lot of carbohydrates, so you should not get carried away with it. Mostly consumed fried.

pistachios consist of fiber, antioxidants, which are the first helpers for the skin, slow down the aging process, thereby prolonging youth and setting the body for longevity. Pistachios are recommended for those who are exposed to significant physical activity and people prone to thinness.

Almond contains a sufficient amount of protein, but has almost no carbohydrates, therefore, it helps to remove “bad” cholesterol from the body, normalizes blood sugar levels. Significantly satisfy hunger due to high calorie content.

Advantage hazelnuts is a combination of protein and vitamin E, which has a positive effect on muscle tissues. When choosing hazelnuts, you should be aware that peeled nuts lose their properties during storage. valuable properties therefore it is necessary to give preference to unpeeled fruits.

walnut nuts are very popular and sought-after fruits. There are many various recipes using this nut. Lowers arterial pressure, soothes and promotes brain activity.

Fruits and vegetables

Fruits and vegetables contain a small amount of protein, so it is not advisable to consider them as a source of protein. Consist of fiber, vitamins and carbohydrates that the body needs for normal functioning.

Product name Amount of protein per 100 gr.
Garlic 6,5
Brussels sprouts 4,8
figs 3,1
Broccoli 2,8
Dates 2,8
Avocado 2
Potato 2
Leek 2
Banana 1,5
Beet 1,5
Bulb onions 1,4
Sweet pepper 1,3
Green onion 1,3
Carrot 1,3
Radish 1,2
eggplant 1,2

Protein products for weight loss

When protein is consumed, the body is enriched with proteins and there is a shortage of such an energy source as carbohydrate. When losing weight, the body has to burn what is more available to it, namely reserves of fat. In this case, there is a change in metabolism. In addition, the protein that comes with food needs significant energy costs for splitting.

The list of products that are advisable to add to a weight loss nutrition program includes:

  • milk
  • low-fat cottage cheese
  • soy cheese
  • lean meat
  • buckwheat
  • beans and nuts.

Foods high in protein are essential ingredients healthy diet nutrition. When designing the menu, the presence of all groups should be taken into account. food products, in which the protein is located, to ensure the supply of all types of amino acids. It is also necessary to control the protein content - its deficiency, as well as an excess, can provoke negative consequences for a person.

Protein is construction material for all the cells of our body, so it is extremely important to optimize your diet so that it has enough protein. Protein products are of high biological value, and they also stimulate metabolism. Only when a sufficient amount of protein enters the body will your muscles be in good shape, all metabolic processes will begin to flow normally, and the hair will become shiny and beautiful. A table of protein content in foods will help you calculate your diet. With it, you can easily take stock of the day and determine how optimal your menu was.

Who Should Eat Lots of Protein

There is an opinion that protein is important only for athletes, weightlifters who disappear for days in gym. Actually it is not. A newborn child, a schoolboy or a pensioner, a housewife and a builder engaged in physical labor - we all need enough protein. With its shortage, the body has to spend its own muscle mass. It may seem surprising, but for those who are trying to lose weight, it is also necessary to increase the amount in the diet, respectively, reducing the intake of fats and carbohydrates. The table of protein content in products will help you navigate the choice.

Protein for our body

Today there is so much information about healthy eating that it is already clear to everyone that food can be both a source of life and energy, and the cause serious illnesses. Therefore, the task of each person is to learn how to eat right, and not vice versa, to live in order to eat. If your metabolism is not too disturbed, then this is usually intuitive, the body itself gives signals as needed in certain substances. And we understand these signals as a desire to eat cheese or meat, nuts and cottage cheese. If you find it difficult to understand your body signals, then a table of protein content in products will be very useful to you.

Why do we focus on proteins, not taking into account fats and carbohydrates? Everything is important for our body nutrients, therefore, building your diet solely on one thing is not worth it. But the most important thing for us is proteins, and first of all, their function is not nutrition, but construction, all the tissues of our body consist of them. But they can also be oxidized, becoming a source of energy, just like carbohydrates and fats. However, what is very important, their cleavage products do not accumulate, but are subject to excretion from the body.

Protein intake norms

In total, there are 22 amino acids in the protein, and eight of them are essential. It is these elements that the body needs every day and every hour to maintain normal condition all tissues and organs. From the above, it is already clear that, unlike fats and carbohydrates, protein is mainly necessary for the construction and repair of cells and tissues. At the same time, it is possible to determine the norms of its consumption only very approximately, because it is necessary to take into account individual characteristics. At the same time, we are well aware that the table of protein content in products reflects only one side, because in addition to protein, they contain other nutrients. Experts say that in the overall energy balance, proteins should account for 15-18%, or 105-125 grams, fats should be 32%, and carbohydrates should be at least 50%.

It is very important, especially for those who are watching their weight, that the breakdown of protein requires more energy than the body receives as a result. That is why during the diet it is recommended to consume more clean sources of protein: chicken breast. But whole milk or cottage cheese, despite the large amount of protein, will not give such an effect, since they contain a lot of fat.

Complete Protein Sources

As we said before, proteins are made up of amino acids. These are not just nutrients, but real building blocks. In turn, some of these amino acids are essential. It is very important that nutrition provides the body with all the amino acids. The protein content in products (the table quite fully reflects the numbers, we will not rewrite them again) is not the same, but if we divide them into groups, we get the following. Protein sources are primarily classified by how many essential amino acids they provide.

Now we are talking about complete sources of protein. They provide the body with a complete set of amino acids. You can sometimes hear them referred to as high quality protein sources. This group includes products of animal origin, such as meat, poultry, fish, milk, cheese and eggs. It is very important for us to know the protein content of foods. The table will give us comprehensive data.

Sources of High Quality Proteins

I would like to consider this group in a little more detail, because these are the most important products that should be on your desk every day. Below we will give the content of proteins in food. The table can be printed and placed on the refrigerator to always be at hand. So, the record holder and standard of a quality food product in terms of balance, value and degree of assimilation is egg white, its nutritional value is estimated at 100%. It should be noted that the yolk is also good, but contains too much fat. If you are looking for a product with a higher nutritional value than egg white then you are wasting your time. The only option is a protein shake.

Eggs are followed by tuna and chicken breast. Compare the content will show you that they are only slightly inferior in protein content, which means they are valuable food products. And from dairy products it is best to choose fat-free cottage cheese and kefir. Excess fat in whole dairy products can be detrimental to your figure. Below you can view other products from high content squirrel. The table will be a great help.

Incomplete Protein Sources

These are useful and valuable foods, but they are low in content or do not contain one or more of the essential amino acids. That is, they are not suitable as the main food, but as an addition high protein foods or garnish are great. For example, rice practically does not contain some amino acids, but they are contained in sufficient quantities in dry beans. That is, together they can provide a normal diet. It is very important to keep track of the balance of your diet, that is, to adjust the content of proteins, fats, carbohydrates in foods. The table will allow you to create balanced diet, and therefore, significantly improve your body.

Other foods rich in protein

We've already said that chicken breast is a valuable source of protein, but don't go exclusively for chicken. Indeed, the bird gives the body about 20% of the protein of the total mass, but beef is not inferior to it. It is best to eat red meat in boiled form. An excellent choice would be rabbit meat with rice for a side dish. In this variant, the content of proteins and carbohydrates in products is optimal. The table will help you find other useful combinations for yourself.

Vegetables and fruits

It would seem, well, what kind of protein is in them? It turns out that these are valuable sources that are very important for our body. The daily menu should include fresh fruits. These are apples and pears, mangoes and kiwis, pineapples and oranges, as well as cherries and apricots. Vegetables are not left out. For example, Brussels sprouts are very rich in protein, so it will be extremely beneficial for your health and appearance. The calorie content of these products is almost zero, that is, the more you eat them, the slimmer and healthier you will become.

Cereals and grain crops

These are wonderful and very healthy foods high in protein. The table will tell about them in more detail, but for now we will inform you that all cereals are very well absorbed by the body and contribute to excellent digestion. For example, regular lentils contain 18% protein and only 1% fat. And what are buckwheat and millet worth! This is a real storehouse of protein, and in parallel also vitamins, trace elements and fiber.

As you can see, filling your diet with protein sources is not difficult, you just need to put in a little effort. Additionally, I would like to say that you should not limit your diet to one or more protein foods. Each of them is important in its own way, which means that it is best to combine them with each other during the day.