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What is the difference between a dentist and a dental therapist and what does therapeutic dentistry do? Dental surgeon - main tasks and features of work

Maintaining dental health for modern man– the task is much simpler than even a couple of decades ago. The quality of chewing food depends on the condition of the teeth, and their aesthetic qualities (color, shape, correct location, etc.) are one of the required attributes beauty necessary for successful communication with other people.

Thanks to the dentist, even the most unsightly and neglected teeth can be restored and put in order. The only problem (besides, of course, the cost of dental services) standing in the way of a radiant smile is specific tooth pain.

Dentist is one of the most ancient medical specialties. Evidence of dental treatment has been found in the remains of people buried 9,000 years ago. Since then, dental methods have become more gentle, and the range of problems solved has become even wider. For successful implementation There are several areas of dentistry for the treatment of all existing pathologies of the maxillofacial apparatus. And although each doctor in this specialty is generally called a dentist or dentist, their responsibilities differ.

  • Dentist-therapist
  • Dental surgeon
  • Dentist-orthodontist


The dentist-therapist has the broadest specialization and conducts primary diagnostics of the patient, referring him to other specialists or providing treatment independently, depending on the detected pathology. An annual visit to the dentist is a necessary preventive measure to prevent the development of caries and other dental diseases. What is the competence of a dental therapist?

First of all, the specialist conducts an examination oral cavity, identifying the presence of caries, damage to tooth enamel, inflammatory processes of the gums.

Preventive procedures that prevent the development of caries, periodontitis, periodontal disease and other diseases are also carried out by a dentist-therapist. It removes tartar and plaque, whitens teeth and remineralizes them.

A dental therapist treats the tooth and its root, cleans carious cavities and restores the tooth using fillings made of various materials.

And inflammatory processes In the dental nerve, the dentist performs tooth depulpation, removal of the nerve, followed by cleaning and filling of the canals. A doctor who treats tooth canals - an endodontist - has a narrower specialization than a therapist. First of all, the canals are washed antiseptics, in order to prevent the spread of infection, after which the channels are sealed with a special compound.

In addition, the dentist-therapist treats and prevents caries complications such as pulpitis and gingivitis. (read also: causes and symptoms of gingivitis)

Dental surgeon

If a tooth is so damaged that it cannot be saved, it must be removed. This is within the competence of the dental surgeon. In addition, the surgeon removes teeth that grow incorrectly, disrupting the bite, and also performs tooth-preserving operations, in which it is necessary to remove only part of the tooth and its root in order to subsequently restore it, preserving it. appearance and functionality.

Oral and maxillofacial surgeons can also perform dental prosthetics and place implants. The preparation of the oral cavity for implantation is carried out jointly by a dental surgeon and an orthodontist. Other diseases that are treated by a dentist surgeon are pathologies of the temporal mandibular joint, damage trigeminal nerve, dysfunction salivary glands.


An orthodontist deals with the correction of bite and aesthetic defects in the location of teeth. If the teeth are incorrectly positioned, the bite is disrupted and problems with chewing arise; the load is unevenly distributed on the teeth, which increases the risk of developing caries, and can also cause pathology of the temporomandibular joint. Therefore, correcting the bite is necessary not only from an aesthetic point of view, but is also a mandatory measure for the prevention of dental diseases.

Dental alignment is carried out using brace systems of various designs. The first visit to an orthodontist in children is made at 7-8 years old, when teething begins. permanent teeth. The specialist determines the direction of their growth, identifies and corrects possible violations. At the age of 12, a complete replacement of baby teeth with molars usually occurs; if there is a malocclusion at this age, it is best to install a braces system, since then the correction occurs much easier and faster than in adults.

To correct the bite, the dentist installs trainers and orthodontic plates for children, and permanent braces for adults, the best of which are self-ligating braces.

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The most common diseases of teeth and periodontal tissues treated by a dentist:

    Caries is present to one degree or another in 95% of the population; its development is provoked by acid-forming streptococci. These bacteria feed on leftover carbohydrate foods, releasing acid that destroys tooth enamel. When they reach the soft tissues of the tooth (pulp, dentin), inflammation occurs (pulpitis), which irritates the dental nerve and causes pain that can radiate to several teeth at once.

    Periodontitis – inflammation connective tissue tooth socket, which without proper treatment ends in tooth loss. (read also: causes and symptoms of acute and chronic periodontitis)

    Gingivitis is a disease that occurs due to inflammation of the mucous membrane of the gums. A characteristic symptom is bad breath. If left untreated, gingivitis develops as a complication in the form of periodontitis, which provokes gum abscess and tooth loss.

    A benign tumor in the gum – for example, a granuloma belongs to this category.

    Maxillofacial injuries that affect the teeth and gums.

    Stomatitis – acute infection, causing inflammation of the oral mucosa. The disease may become chronic nature. Although stomatitis does not pose a particular health hazard, it brings significant inconvenience to the patient.

    Mumps in non-epidemic form - inflammation of the parotid salivary gland, which is provoked by dental diseases.

    Advanced forms and complications - tongue abscess, periostitis and others severe forms lesions of the maxillofacial apparatus.

Many people are afraid of dental diseases, which is why they become patients with aggravated forms of these diseases. In fact, with regular visits to the dentist, most oral problems are resolved in the early stages without painful procedures, and modern methods Treatments must include pain relief. Of course, if the same caries progresses to pulpitis, you cannot do without cleaning the canals and treating (or removing) the nerve.

Services you can get from a dentist

Any visit to the dental office begins with a mandatory initial examination, implying the following procedures:

    Anamnesis collection, which consists of brief history illness, a statement of the patient’s complaints and his own wishes, if they differ from medical prescriptions (this can happen, for example, when adjusting the shape of teeth);

    Visual inspection using special tools such as a mirror and additional light sources.

    Palpation, tapping and spot testing pain syndrome in places where teeth are damaged.

    Carrying out additional diagnostics using a probe to examine periodontal pockets;

    Anthropometric study;


    Testing the sensitivity of teeth to temperature changes;

    Panoramic X-ray jaws and separate images for each of the teeth that require clarification of the spatial structure of the lesion;

    Teeth whitening using vital staining methods, removing the top layer of enamel and others;

    Treatment of dental diseases, a huge list of procedures which includes: anesthesia of gums, cleaning out carious lesions with removal of the inflamed root and subsequent installation of fillings, installation of dentures in the form of implants or bridges, etc.


Dentist therapist

Over time, three areas have emerged in dentistry - therapeutic, surgical, orthopedic. Later, the first began to be divided into the following types:

  • Diagnosis of oral diseases.
  • Prevention.
  • Treatment of diseases of the mucous membrane.
  • Periodontology.
  • Children's dentistry.

However, the listed specializations are only a theory; in practice, one dentist therapist is sufficient, who has the knowledge and practical skills to provide assistance to patients with diseases of the periodontium, mucous membrane, tongue, lips and others. To be precise, then there is no difference between a dentist and a dental therapist. A dental therapist treats diseases of the oral cavity, like other specialists.

The main purpose of the dental therapist specialty is the prevention and treatment of caries with its complications. This dentist has a wider range of knowledge within the profession, in contrast to the dental surgeon and orthodontist. The specialization of a dental therapist involves the prevention and treatment of diseases related to the oral cavity. Some dentists have narrower specializations that expand their field of activity, for example, endontology is responsible for internal state tooth and its root canals. The dentist, in addition to caries, also treats other pathological conditions of tooth enamel:

  • Wedge-shaped defect.
  • Increased abrasion of enamel.
  • Fluorosis.
  • Hypoplasia.
  • Disturbance in the shape and color of teeth.

Beauty services

Today, some dental technologies that are aimed at improving the aesthetic condition of the teeth and oral cavity belong to a separate area - cosmetic dentistry. To the list of their services For example, these procedures include:

  • Bleaching.
  • Restoration of teeth using composite materials with light-curing properties.
  • Fixing various decorations on enamel.

This is not the entire list of services that can be obtained these days. This list of cosmetic dentistry also includes the fight against halitosis - unpleasant smell from mouth. Based on this, we can conclude that dental therapists are welcome employees of many large cosmetology clinics, who are valued no less than cosmetologists and plastic surgeons.

Who instead of a periodontist?

Moreover, the dentist able to do the work of a periodontist, treating periodontal and gums, if in the state medical institution he is not listed. The dentist will remove dental plaque, carry out anti-inflammatory measures, and provide other types of assistance. This doctor will also cure cheilitis - diseases of the lips, glossitis - tongue, and help get rid of the pathology of the salivary glands.

Approximately 1% of all activities of a dentist are involved in the treatment of pathologies of the oral mucosa. Especially important given to the diagnosis of precancer and malignant neoplasms.

Who is a dental surgeon?

If the tooth cannot be treated, then all that remains is to remove it. This operation is performed by a dental surgeon. This doctor can also remove healthy teeth if they have grown incorrectly and are causing any problems in the oral cavity. However, the work of a dental surgeon does not end there. For example, an oral and maxillofacial surgeon performs dental prosthetics and implantation, starting with the preparation of the oral cavity and ending with the installation of implants. A dental surgeon also treats diseases that are not related to the condition of teeth. For example, he treats diseases of the trigeminal nerve, temporomandibular joint, salivary glands and others.

Who is an orthodontist?

The patient comes to the orthodontist when it is necessary to eliminate aesthetic defects. He will help correct anomalies that have arisen due to incorrect position of the teeth, and will also take measures to achieve results in correcting a row of malocclusions. This doctor will make your smile more attractive, trying to bring the condition of the dentition to the most even position.

When the teeth are incorrectly positioned, as well as to correct the bite, various types of braces are used. Usually, children are brought to the orthodontist for such manipulations, since it is almost impossible to correct the position of the teeth after 15 years. Therefore, the sooner you contact an orthodontist, the faster and more effective the result.

We have considered the main specifics of the activities of each doctor, now let's move on to diseases that require dental intervention:

  • Caries. With this disease, the process of enamel mineralization is disrupted, which inevitably leads to pulpitis - inflammatory processes localized in the area of ​​the neurovascular bundles that nourish each tooth individually.
  • Periodontitis or periodontitis. It causes inflammation of the connective tissue connecting the tooth socket to the tooth.
  • Gingivitis. Inflammation of the gum mucosa, which is accompanied by bad breath. If this disease is not treated, it will develop into periodontitis, after which a gum abscess will occur and the patient will lose a tooth or teeth.
  • Benign gum formations. For example, granulomas.
  • Injuries leading to damage to the jaws.
  • Stomatitis. This disease is acute infectious nature. It affects the mucous membrane of the mouth. This disease is not particularly dangerous, but the processes that occur in the oral cavity can cause significant discomfort. The onset of stomatitis in young children can cause weight loss.
  • Periostitis, abscesses of the tongue and oral cavity.
  • Mumps is non-epidemic. It occurs against the background of dental diseases and is expressed in inflammation of the parotid gland.

How are teeth treated?

If a patient comes to the dentist's office for a routine examination and the doctor identifies a problem early stage, That the treatment is painless. But when dealing with pain, you definitely can’t do without a drill. It will help remove the affected tissue and reach the dental canal if, for example, pulpitis is detected. The patient is offered to use painkillers if the procedure is quite painful. This occurs when inflammation touches the dental nerve.

If the patient is very afraid of the drill, you can use the achievement modern medicine- laser device. This treatment involves cleansing healthy tissue from damaged tissue or removing plaque. This procedure is quite long-lasting, but if you come across good doctor, she will be almost for you painless and completely safe.

A drill, like a laser, is used to treat teeth followed by filling and drug treatment. The latter usually comes down to rinsing the mouth and taking pills, and sometimes physiotherapy is prescribed.

Therapeutic dentistry - modern high-tech direction medicine. Doctors use a variety of advanced equipment, in particular laser, ultrasound, and x-rays, which make it possible to conduct high-quality diagnostics to solve oral problems.


Problems solved by a dental surgeon

A doctor of this specialization is a narrow specialist who has professional knowledge and knowledge of all the nuances of dentistry and maxillofacial surgery. When all attempts conservative treatment were not successful, a dental surgeon saves the situation. What does a dental surgeon do in his practice? A specialist in this category has high qualifications and practical skills. As a professional, this specialist is attentive and collected, ready to work with full dedication with maximum psychological and physical activity. After all, his field of activity is facial and dental surgery, which should not leave the slightest trace of intervention.

The dental surgeon directly deals with implantation or removal of teeth, implants new bone tissue, and treats infectious diseases oral cavity, in a word, gives patients not only health, but also beauty and an attractive appearance. This makes this profession in demand and attractive. The methods that a dental surgeon resorts to in his practice require not only a scrupulous knowledge of anatomy, but also skillful anesthesia. The task he sets for himself is extremely relevant today: salvation natural organs person, and only as a last resort - replacing them with high-quality prostheses or implants. In addition, the dentist performs face and neck surgery and eliminates congenital defects of the maxillofacial area. If you are worried about an erupting wisdom tooth, your doctor will help by making an incision in the gum and making way for it. Everything related to activities nervous system in the face and neck area, lymph nodes and salivary glands, the dental surgeon controls and adjusts his activities. This profession is extremely relevant today, because it gives people not only health, but also such a desirable attractive appearance.

If you find yourself at an appointment with this specialist, means that you had to resort to radical methods treatment. More often than others, periodontitis or periodontitis forces people to visit a dental surgeon. If your oral hygiene is not at the proper level, then, naturally, you have developed similar diseases. The specialist will do everything possible to save your natural tooth, but if this is not possible and extraction has been performed, the surgeon will subsequently provide competent prosthetics. To avoid such radical measures, the doctor will recommend that you eat calcium-rich and phosphorus-containing foods, such as fish, buckwheat, cottage cheese, and milk. To cleanse your teeth naturally, you need to chew apples, carrots, and radishes more often. They will help get rid of plaque, massage the gums and saturate the body with vitamins. So, a dental surgeon is the best solution to advanced diseases or birth defects jaws, joints and face. It would be better, of course, if you never have to resort to his professional help.


Who is a dental surgeon?

Dentistry has many branches, and when a patient receives a referral to a dental surgeon, he may find himself slightly confused: who is this, a dental surgeon? We have already talked about such specializations as orthodontist, dental therapist, periodontist and hygienist. To understand what problems a dental surgeon has to deal with, it’s worth talking a little about these specialized specialists.

Each of us, while still a child, could meet with a pediatric dental surgeon. This could happen if, when changing milk teeth to permanent ones, some of them did not want to leave their homes by “pulling the string.” Or if the baby tooth was sitting very tightly, and the radical “change” was already on the way and “threatened” to find a comfortable place outside the dentition, pediatric surgeon The dentist removed a temporary tooth. In addition to this specialist, childhood You can meet with a pediatric dentist-therapist who treats baby teeth for caries, and an orthodontist who corrects the bite.

In adulthood, if it is necessary to treat dental diseases, a person goes to a dentist-therapist. To maintain oral health, remove tartar and restore the natural whiteness of teeth, he consults a dental hygienist. If bite problems were not solved in childhood, it is never too late to have your teeth straightened by an orthodontist. When problems with gums appear, you have to visit a periodontist; by the way, most often this happens due to poor oral hygiene. Well, if hygiene is “lame on both legs,” sooner or later a person has to become a patient of an orthopedist and surgeon. The first specialist deals with dental prosthetics, and the dentist-surgeon is the one who can remove all the destroyed teeth so that dentures can appear in their place. But pulling out a problematic tooth is far from the only thing this specialist can do. Let's take a closer look.

Responsibilities of a dental surgeon

The main task of dental surgery, like all dentistry in general, is, first of all, to preserve the patient’s teeth. Removal is resorted to only in the most extreme cases, trying to preserve the “life” of the tooth for as long as possible. Surgeons can perform the following manipulations:

  • gum surgery;
  • cystectomy – removal of a cyst at the apex of a tooth root;
  • resection (cutting off) of the apex of the tooth root;
  • removal of “eights” called wisdom teeth, abnormal growth which can lead to displacement of the entire dentition;
  • curettage – scraping out the contents of periodontal pockets;
  • removal of part of a tooth;
  • replanting bone tissue.

Most of dental procedures painful. Find out when it is used in dentistry local anesthesia and general anesthesia.

How to calm down toothache folk remedies And acupressure, can be read here.

Surgical dentistry, in turn, is divided into maxillofacial and implant surgery. An implant surgeon places an implant in place of a missing tooth, which allows for the subsequent installation of a prosthesis.

Fractures and deformities of the jaw and facial bones, congenital anomalies and inflammations that reached purulent stage, deals with maxillofacial surgery and specialists – maxillofacial surgeons. Such doctors can work with both planned and emergency patients. Emergency patients include those patients who are admitted to the Center for Dentistry and Maxillofacial Surgery as a result of accidents, car accidents, terrorist attacks.

Such patients may need help at any time of the day, so maxillofacial surgeons work around the clock, including pediatric maxillofacial surgery. As you can see, although this profession is in direct “kinship” with dentistry, the responsibilities of maxillofacial dental surgeons go far beyond its limits. A dental surgeon must understand not only the intricacies of dentistry, but also aesthetic surgery, orthodontics and implantology.

If the qualifications of a specialist allow this, a dental surgeon can treat diseases not related to teeth, for example:

  • inflammation of the trigeminal nerve;
  • temporomandibular joint problems;
  • dysfunction of the salivary glands.

Cosmetic operations in dental surgery

Recently, cosmetic surgeries performed in the oral cavity by dental surgeons have gained wide popularity. Among them:

  • gingivoplasty – correction of the contour of the gingival margin;
  • vestibuloplasty – expansion of the vestibule of the oral cavity;
  • frenuloplasty - trimming the frenulum located under upper lip and tongue, to avoid the appearance of gaps between teeth and speech defects;
  • elimination of gum recession - a disease in which a decrease in its height occurs.

Find out what first aid should be for toothache.

You can read how children get their fangs here.

How to perform oral sanitation: http://stopparodontoz.ru/sanatsiya-polosti-rta/.

Features of pediatric surgical dentistry

Many children are afraid of dentists, and a pediatric dental surgeon is no exception. Therefore, to work with young patients, a specialist needs to undergo additional training so that he can find an approach to young children. In addition, dental treatment for children has its own characteristics.

After receiving training as a pediatric dental surgeon, the doctor can treat young patients. Sometimes a dental surgeon may need the help of specialists such as an orthodontist and a pediatric dentist. For example, if a child’s tooth is so badly damaged that removal is unavoidable, it may be necessary to make and install a prosthesis; this is done by an orthodontist. Without such collaboration several specialists at the same time, the child may in the future experience malocclusion due to a missing tooth.

If until recently surgical dentistry was associated primarily with tooth extraction, then the possibilities modern specialists have become much wider. The activities of dental surgeons are aimed more at preserving rather than removing own teeth patient. Now you know what a dental surgeon does and how important surgery is in dentistry.



Contacting this specialist implies that he has the most extensive specialization of the available options. Accordingly, a dentist-therapist deals with both the prevention and treatment of diseases that are relevant to the teeth and the oral cavity in general. It is important to visit the dentist at least once a year - such a schedule will ensure the preservation of dental health, as well as the prevention of dental diseases. What does a dentist-therapist do with the specified schedule of visiting him once a year?

First of all, they perform a direct examination of the oral cavity, as a result of which it is possible to identify the first signs indicating caries, as well as signs indicating damage to tooth enamel. In fact, it is during this visit that the specialist will be able to immediately eliminate them. In addition, the dentist implements such preventive actions, such as removing plaque/tartar, teeth whitening, etc.

Naturally, the dentist also deals with dental treatment. Tooth decay, as you probably know, causes the destruction of the enamel and deep structures that support the teeth. Accordingly, the dentist removes the damaged areas, after which the tooth is filled. In addition to the above actions, the dentist-therapist also deals with treatment various types complications of caries (in the form of pulpitis, gingivitis, etc.).

Dental surgeon

If there is such significant damage to a tooth that it is simply impossible to preserve it, its removal is required, which, in fact, answers the question of what a dental surgeon does. In addition, surgeons also remove those teeth that are growing incorrectly, thereby causing some anxiety in the patient.

It should be noted that a dental surgeon is not limited in his activities exclusively to tooth extraction. Thus, an oral and maxillofacial surgeon can also deal with dental prosthetics and their implantation, starting with preparation for these oral procedures and ending with the actual installation of implants. A dental surgeon can also treat a number of diseases that are not related to the condition of the dentition. These include, in particular, diseases of the trigeminal nerve, diseases of the temporomandibular joint, diseases of the salivary glands, etc.


An orthodontist is a specialist whom most patients turn to to eliminate aesthetic defects. In particular, the orthodontist will help you correct those anomalies that have arisen due to incorrect position of the teeth, as well as implement necessary measures for correcting malocclusion. An orthodontist will help make your smile even more attractive by bringing your teeth to their ideal state.

Correction of the bite, as well as incorrect position of the teeth, is achieved through the use of various options bracket systems. As a rule, children are brought to the orthodontist for manipulations aimed at correcting the bite. Meanwhile, the conditions available to modern dentistry make it possible to successfully implement these manipulations to eliminate this problem at almost any age of patients.

We have looked at the main specifics of each specific specialist in dentistry, but now we will focus on what exactly the dentist treats. In particular, the most obvious reasons requiring an appointment with a dentist are the following conditions:

  • Caries. In this case, the process of mineralization of tooth enamel is disrupted, which subsequently leads to pulpitis, that is, to inflammatory processes that are activated in the area of ​​the neurovascular bundles that feed each tooth individually.
  • Periodontitis/periodontitis. In this case, we are talking about inflammation of the connective tissue that connects the tooth socket to the tooth itself.
  • Gingivitis. The mucous membranes of the gums become inflamed, which occurs in combination with a pronounced bad breath. Subsequently, without proper treatment, this disease develops into periodontitis, leading to loss of tooth/teeth and gum abscess.
  • Benign tumors in the gum area. For example, these could be granulomas.
  • Traumatic injuries affecting the jaw area.
  • Stomatitis. This disease consists of acute infectious lesion oral mucosa. The processes that are relevant to him do not pose any particular danger, but they can cause considerable discomfort to the patient. It is noteworthy that weight loss in young children is often provoked by stomatitis.
  • Periostitis, abscesses of the tongue and oral cavity.
  • Non-epidemic form of mumps. It consists of inflammation of the parotid gland, which occurs against the background of certain dental diseases.
Dentist's office: how are teeth treated?

This is perhaps the most frightening section for patients, but it should immediately be noted that these fears are often unfounded. The reason for this is the specificity of treatment, determined based on the nature of the disease and the degree of its neglect. Accordingly, in the early and unlaunched stages you can get by, as they say, “ little blood" In the same case, if the dentist’s request provoked not a desire for a preventive examination from this specialist, but, say, strong pain, then most likely you can’t do without a drill. With its help, the dentist will be able to clean the tooth from damaged tissues, as well as reach the dental canal (which may require treatment, for example, of pulpitis).

The use of anesthesia is carried out at the request of the patient. The fact is that in the absence of inflammation of the dental nerve, the sensations, although not very pleasant, are quite tolerable. A modern and increasingly used alternative traditional method treatment using the daunting many drills, is laser treatment. At its core, this treatment involves cleansing healthy areas of the tooth from damaged tissue (or plaque) using, you guessed it, a laser. This procedure It is quite slow in terms of implementation, but in itself is practically painless, and if you are lucky enough to find a good dentist, then, among other things, it will turn out to be completely safe for you.

Both the drill and the laser are suitable for treating teeth for subsequent drug treatment in combination with filling. Drug treatment mainly comes down to rinsing and using tablets; in addition, physiotherapy procedures can also be used.

List of dentist services

Mandatory services that include visiting a dentist include the following:

  • Collecting a medical history (or anamnesis), studying patient complaints regarding pathological conditions relating to the oral cavity;
  • Feeling and tapping areas in the mouth;
  • Visual examination and examination of the oral cavity, including application additional mirrors and light sources.

An additional range of current dental services is as follows:

  • conducting a study using a special probe focused in the area of ​​carious cavities;
  • anthropometric study;
  • using a probe to examine periodontal pockets;
  • electrodontometry;
  • thermal diagnostics;
  • vital staining performed on hard dental tissues;
  • Sores in the mouth


If you treat your teeth in a timely manner and monitor their condition, then for a long time you will not personally know what the dental surgeon is doing. Meanwhile, it is he who comes to the rescue when it is no longer possible to help.

What does a dental surgeon do and how does he differ from a dentist? Let's try to figure it out.

In addition to the usual prevention, treatment of caries and installation of fillings - all those tasks that a dentist-therapist deals with, there are cases when such treatment is not enough. People are often afraid, delay going to the doctor, neglect the condition of their teeth, and then they have to resort to the help of a dental surgeon. But not only in such cases do they go to the surgeon. Often, they are referred to him preventively in order to avoid further complications or further development of the inflammatory process.

Who is a dental surgeon?

Who is a dentist surgeon, what does this specialist do? Now dentistry has made a tremendous leap forward and its capabilities in restoring and treating teeth are wider than ever. The surgeon must be aware of the latest developments in surgery. Surgical dentistry will require constant practice from the doctor. A surgeon needs to be able to concentrate well.

What does a dentist surgeon do first? He is removing teeth. This in itself is quite difficult, since the cases are different. Sometimes removing a tooth is no easier than removing an appendix. Tooth extraction is often a full-fledged operation. The surgeon performs manipulations designed to eliminate the appearance and development of the inflammatory process. Also, the most popular layer of dentistry, which is now very popular, is dental implantation.

It is impossible to perform this operation without the participation of a dental surgeon. Implantation is a complex set of measures that is carried out by this specialist. In addition, the surgeon can help restore after injury or change the proportions of the jaw, according to medical indications, eliminating surgically significant jaw defects.

If a patient is referred to a surgeon, it means that his problem is truly serious and requires prompt intervention.

What else does a dental surgeon do?

What tasks does a dental surgeon set for himself? His primary task is to save teeth. If it is impossible to save the tooth, then the dental surgeon does what a specialist in this profile is most often associated with - he removes the tooth and eliminates the source of the disease. Also, his tasks include restoring teeth.

A dental surgeon must be able to correctly diagnose, perform implantation, be able to cure inflammatory processes in the patient’s mouth, prepare the jaw for prosthetics, perform jaw plastic surgery, and surgically eliminate congenital and acquired defects.

Yes, this is also done by a dental surgeon. He also works and cosmetic surgeries for patients who do not have diseases, but have some abnormalities. Such operations are very popular today.

Oral and maxillofacial surgeons perform corrective surgeries irregular structure jaws, prepare the oral cavity for implantation and install implants. The dental surgeon also trims the tongue and lips to prevent periodontitis, diastema or distorted speech.

Dental surgeons treat diseases such as diseases of the salivary glands, adentia, trigeminal nerve, temporomandibular joint and the like. They perform patchwork operations, gum surgery, curage.

Such operations are also performed by a dental surgeon, which makes this profession very necessary, complex and incredibly responsible.

So, let's organize the information. Removes teeth, makes incisions, various operations in the oral cavity - a surgeon-dentist, deals with the implantation of dental implants into the jawbone for installation of a prosthesis on them - a surgeon-implantologist, restores the jaw after fractures, performs operations to correct facial deformities - maxillofacial facial dentist-surgeon. But all this, in general, is done by dental surgery.

A good dentist is characterized by professionalism, attentiveness, and sensitivity. He has a solid theoretical background and a wealth of medical experience. practical experience. He constantly improves his qualifications by taking courses and seminars. The dentist knows how to concentrate well, he is stress-resistant, he can multitask, he sympathizes with his patients and knows how to find mutual understanding with them.

In case of caries or constant toothache, a visit to a dental surgeon is inevitable. And, although the dental surgeon is a real specialist and will try to avoid tooth extraction if possible, you should not, nevertheless, bring your teeth to this. You need to properly care for your mouth and jaws, brush your teeth regularly, and it will take you a long time to personally learn about everything that a dental surgeon does.

The portal contains Moscow dental clinics that provide consultation with a dentist and surgeon and perform jaw surgeries. The tables show prices for the most popular destination services. Additionally, we collected reviews from patients who have already applied for dental surgery services.

Surgical dentistry and services of maxillofacial surgeons in Moscow

A dental surgeon and an oral and maxillofacial surgeon are often considered specialists in the same field, but their areas of activity have significant differences. There are quite a lot of professionals offering their services in Moscow clinics, but before you call the dentist and make an appointment with the doctor, you need to understand what problems he can help with.

A dental surgeon directly deals with procedures related to the removal of hopelessly damaged teeth, implantation, removal of small tumors of the face and neck, and treatment of periodontal tissue damage. Enough large list also complemented by services such as aesthetic bone grafting, treatment of inflammation facial nerves and diseases of the salivary glands. Dental surgeons deal not only with purely tooth extraction or gum surgery, but also with diseases affecting the entire oral cavity and facial area.

The doctor not only performs routine operations and procedures, but also guides the patient through the entire recovery period after them, prescribes additional treatment medicines, working closely with various methods regular diagnostics: x-rays, MRI, blood tests.

When is oral and maxillofacial surgery needed?

An oral and maxillofacial surgeon has very similar responsibilities and capabilities to a dental surgeon, and also performs minor plastic surgery in the oral cavity, works with injuries and directly with the bone skeleton. The difference is that an oral and maxillofacial surgeon provides care mainly in hospitals and special clinics, working more with injuries, anomalies and deformations of facial tissue, restoring integrity damaged areas. It can also help with inflammatory diseases such as abscesses, sinusitis and lymphadenitis.

The main profile of the work of a maxillofacial surgeon remains trauma:

  • jaw fractures;
  • gunshot injuries to the face;
  • dislocations and combined injuries of the jaws;
  • removal of cysts and malignant tumors of the face and neck.

Surgeons perform complex multi-stage operations on both children and adults. It should be remembered that the head and neck area is one of the most difficult for invasive procedures due to the huge number of blood vessels, nerves and the danger of their damage during surgery performed under local or general anesthesia.

How to choose a good specialist in the field of dental surgery?

A surgical office in dentistry must meet all modern requirements for equipment with special instruments, sterility, and convenience for the surgeon. The patient may present to the specialist unconscious or so traumatized that he is unable to speak, and then the doctor must diagnose the injury and determine his further actions, based on inspection only. This requires professionalism, attention to detail and extensive experience in the medical field. Customer reviews help you learn more about a specialist.

A good specialist is able to carry out a complex operation to restore facial tissue, ultimately avoiding the appearance of scars and scars that disfigure the patient’s appearance even with the most serious injury. To achieve this, the maxillofacial surgeon works closely with other narrow specialists, such as ENT, plastic surgeon. It is better if doctors of other narrow specialties work in the clinic chosen by the patient.

Most people who are not directly involved in dentistry believe that dentist and dentist are the same profession, just called differently. However, this is a big misconception. To know which specialist to contact if a problem arises, you should understand the difference between a dentist and a dentist.

Dentist and dentist: what is the difference

Let's figure it out. What is the difference between a dentist and a dentist?

Dentist is a profession that requires secondary education. After graduation medical school, a newly minted dentist specializes only in the treatment of hard tooth tissues, namely dentin and enamel. Consequently, he will not be able to help a patient who comes with acute pain. His narrow specialization is based on the treatment of common caries.

Dentist is medical specialist, who has 6 years of university education and a year of internship behind him. He is endowed with a wide medical specialization and is able to perform various manipulations in the oral cavity: treatment and extraction of teeth, insertion of dental implants, bite straightening and much more.

The difference between a dentist and a dentist is obvious and quite significant. In this case, the question arises: why is a dentist needed if his powers are not as broad as those of a dentist?

In dental clinics there is no profession of “dentist” as such. There are quite a few highly specialized dentists of various specialties there. In addition, the dentist cannot be left as an on-duty specialist, since, if necessary, the help you need he will not be able to provide assistance to the patient.

Having found out the difference between a dentist and a dentist, the advantage of the second specialist becomes obvious. That is why oral health should be entrusted to a doctor with a full university education.

Dentistry. Is it necessary?

The dentist deals exclusively with simple manipulations in the field of dental treatment. Provide more complex views dental services he has no rights.

Is this profession necessary then? The dentist performs the following list of works:

1. Examines the oral cavity and assesses the condition of the teeth.

2. Determines the cause of concern.

3. Treats gum diseases.

4. Engaged in filling small areas of damaged dental tissue.

5. Clarifies the rules correct observance oral hygiene.

6. Consults on the choice of dental accessories, selects them based on the condition of the teeth.

7. When identified serious problems with the condition of the teeth, refers the patient to an appointment with a competent specialist.

From the list of responsibilities, the need for the profession of a dentist is obvious, which makes it relevant.

However, this profession also has its downside: the lack of career prospects. Unfortunately, a dentist is not appointed to the position of head of the department.

Categories of dentists

To improve his specialization, after a certain amount of time, the dentist must upgrade his category.

Children's doctor

A pediatric dentist treats simple dental problems that arise in children. As a rule, this is caries that develops in young patients due to a sweet tooth.

However, there are often cases when a pediatric dentist is not able to provide qualified assistance to a child, and he has to refuse to treat the patient. There are several reasons for this:

Problems in the treatment of children's teeth due to the differences that a child's jaw has compared to an adult's.

Dental treatment may require special equipment and a different approach that the dentist does not have.

Lack of drugs suitable for children.

Inability to find an approach to a small patient.

If the pediatric dentist is unable to provide necessary help child, you must make an appointment with a pediatric dentist.

In most cases, a pediatric dentist is able to help a small patient, since the oral cavity of children is more often susceptible to ordinary caries, which requires simple treatment. Also, do not forget to take your child for a preventive examination twice a year.


A dentist is endowed with more wide range powers in the field of dental treatment than a dentist. During 6 years of university training, in addition to studying “dental” topics, dentists master a number of other important disciplines that improve the training of a future specialist.

Upon completion of training, doctors are invited to choose one of several specializations in dentistry:




Dental surgeon.


Pediatric dentist.


The activities of this specialist are the same as those of a dentist, but the dentist-therapist is vested with a wider range of powers:

Treatment more acute problems related to the condition of teeth.

Filling of teeth with severe destruction.

Treatment inflammatory diseases gums, oral mucosa, tongue.

Teeth whitening.

Ultrasound cleaning.

Conducting preventive examinations, followed by recommendations.


Periodontists deal exclusively with the treatment of periodontal disease, that is, the soft tissues surrounding the tooth (gums, periodontium, cementum and alveolar processes).


An orthodontist specializes in correcting malocclusions:

Alignment of teeth.

Elimination of interdental spaces, “gaps”.

Stabilization of proper growth of primary and permanent teeth.

Tracking proper development jaws in childhood.

Dental surgeon

Dental surgeons are competent in the following matters:

Removal of diseased teeth that cannot be restored.

Removal of healthy teeth that are interfering with the growth of adjacent units.

Implantation, prosthetics.

Correction of the dentition.

Carrying out a number of operations, for example, incision of the gums, resection of tooth roots.

The difference between a dentist and a dentist is worth knowing for those who have decided to devote themselves to this profession.

A dentist, endowed with a minimum set of medical powers, still remains a sought-after specialist. It is especially in demand in small provincial towns or villages, where, in the absence of dentists, the dentist copes with the treatment of various diseases.

Who are dentists?

In the field of dentistry, there is another concept - dentist. How is he different from a dentist and a dentist?

Essentially, a dentist is a dentist (corresponding to a medical assistant). This concept applies to dental professionals working abroad. It has not taken root in our country. And many people have heard the word “dentist” only in foreign films, in Everyday life it is “not heard of.”

Since a dentist is the same dental doctor, therefore, dentists are mid-level doctors, that is, without full higher education and with a limited range of services provided.

So, having figured out who a dentist and a dentist are and realizing that these are specialists in the same medical specialization, but with different tasks, you can easily contact dental clinic for help if necessary.

It is worth considering that there is also a difference between a dentist and a dentist in the prices for services. Dentists' prices will be significantly higher than the price for dentists' work.

Now we know who a dentist is. We also looked at what it does and its relevance, so you can safely contact any clinic, having the right concepts about dentists and dentists.

Who is a dental surgeon?

A dental surgeon is a specialist in the field of dentistry who receives special training to carry out prevention, diagnosis and treatment. surgical methods pathologies and damage to all organs of the oral cavity, as well as the maxillofacial area.

What do dental surgeons do?

Dental surgeons treat teeth and gums. Surgical interventions allow the doctor to remove teeth, as well as make incisions during inflammatory processes and any operations in the maxillofacial area. In addition, the scope of activity of a dental surgeon includes:

  • treatment of congenital and acquired pathologies;
  • elimination of defects of the face, oral cavity, jaw;
  • removal of benign and malignant tumors.

The doctor deals with diseases such as:

  • perimaxillary abscess;
  • temporomandibular arthritis;
  • dislocations of joints and teeth;
  • gingivitis;
  • dental hyperesthesia and enamel hypoplasia;
  • dental defects;
  • infectious diseases of the teeth, gums, and entire oral cavity;
  • caries;
  • cysts;
  • leukoplakia;
  • periodontitis and periodontal disease;
  • osteomyelitis of the jaws;
  • fractures of teeth, jaws;
  • pulpitis, stomatitis;
  • fluxes and so on.

What symptoms are referred to a dental surgeon?

In Moscow, doctors of other medical specializations refer to dental surgeons when indications for dental treatment are identified. surgical interventions, in particular for tooth extraction. This occurs in the following situations:

  • impossibility therapeutic treatment exacerbation of chronic periodontitis;
  • lack of possibilities to restore the destroyed crown part of the tooth;
  • the need to remove one tooth for the growth of other teeth;
  • indications for wisdom teeth removal;
  • transition of periodontitis to the III degree of tooth mobility;
  • finding a tooth on the line of a jaw fracture and in other situations.

To make a diagnosis in Moscow, dental radiologists use only X-ray machines.

Where in Moscow can you get this specialty?

Departments of surgical dentistry, which train professional dental surgeons, are represented in such large universities in Moscow as:

  • MGMSU;
  • MMA im. Sechenov;
  • RNIMU named after. Pirogov;
  • RUDN University and others.

Famous Moscow specialists

Operations to remove teeth, immobilize jaws in case of damage, and open inflammations in the oral cavity were performed in ancient times. Even in the works of Hippocrates, Galen, and Celsus, lead forceps are mentioned that were used for such operations. Oral and maxillofacial surgery flourished in ancient India and Egypt, as evidenced by manuscript evidence found.

In Russia, great attention was also paid to such surgical operations. In Moscow alone in the 15th century there were 18 monasteries where monks removed teeth and treated wounds and facial injuries. Under Ivan III Kalita appeared professional doctors, who can safely be called dental surgeons. Ivan the Terrible created a special Pharmacy order for the treatment of dental diseases and facial wounds. The development of dentistry in Russia actively developed under Peter I, who ordered the construction of a factory for the production of surgical instruments for dental surgeons. The legendary master Potapov designed a set of tools with which doctors could easily remove teeth.

In 1808, Professor Bush performed the first operation on a cleft lip. His student Paul in 1820 developed methods for performing various operations, including resection lower jaw, and Buyalsky in 1843 simplified the process by performing resection of the lower jaw.

The founder of many surgical techniques was Pirogov. A real school Oral and maxillofacial surgery became the surgical clinic of the Faculty of Medicine of Moscow State University. Znamensky worked at the Department of Hospital Surgery at Moscow State University. Since 1920, the Department of Odontology and Maxillofacial Surgery, where Govseev worked, developed at Moscow State University. A huge role in the development of surgical dentistry belongs to Limberg, Evdokimov, Rauer, Vasiliev, Mukhin, Lukomsky, Mikhelson, Weisblat and many others.