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Succinic acid tablets instructions. Acute respiratory infections, colds. Succinic acid: application for weight loss, in cosmetology

Mosbiopharm succinic acid tablets contain 100 mg of succinic acid, as well as potato starch, sugar, calcium stearate, talc, aerosil.

The tablets produced by Elit-Pharm contain 150 mg of succinic and 10 mg of ascorbic acid.

Release form

The supplement is available in tablets of 0.1 and 0.25 g in packages No. 40, No. 80 and No. 100 tablets per package.

pharmachologic effect

Antihypoxic, metabolic, antioxidant .

Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics

Succinic acid (SA) is intracellular metabolite of the citrate cycle (Krebs cycle). In the cells of the body performs a universal energy-synthesizing function .

With the participation of the coenzyme FAD (flavin adenine dinucleotide) and under the influence of succinate dehydrogenase (mitochondrial enzyme of the oxidoreductase class), it is rapidly biotransformed into fumaric acid and further into other metabolic products of the Krebs cycle (the end products of UC metabolism are carbon dioxide and water).

Stimulates the breakdown of glucose through the aerobic pathway and the synthesis of ATP, which plays important role in energy metabolism in the body; due to the activation of electron transport in mitochondria, it improves tissue respiration.

The substance has strong antioxidant properties directed mitochondrial action, which contributes to the rejuvenation of the body at the cellular level.

Widespread use in medicine is due to the ability to stimulate the compensatory-protective and adaptive capabilities of the body; increase the formation of hydrochloric acid and the secretory function of the glands of the stomach, improve appetite and contractile function of smooth and striated muscles, increase diastolic blood pressure and physical performance.

In addition, by activating intracellular metabolism and cellular respiration, UC promotes the elimination of toxic substances from the body and reduces toxic effect alcohol.

When taken orally, UC penetrates from digestive tract in tissues and blood, takes part in catabolic reactions and after half an hour it is completely broken down to final products metabolism. The substance does not accumulate in the body. T1 / 2 - about 26 minutes.

Indications for use: what are the tablets of Succinic acid for?

The use of succinic acid in tablets is indicated as a dietary supplement - a source of succinic acid.

The remedy is prescribed for functional asthenic conditions . Its effect is especially strong in age-related ailments and in extreme conditions(including under conditions of oxygen starvation).

Preparations of succinic acid (SA) help to reduce the manifestations sclerotic changes (forgetfulness, increased fatigue, etc.) and effectively remove headache caused by malnutrition of brain cells.

These properties of YaK make it expedient to use it in ischemic conditions , muscle contractures (muscle stiffness), vasospasm.

Doctors recommend administering UC preparations as an addition to the main therapy for diseases of the heart and blood vessels. Indications for the use of the supplement include: atherosclerotic lesions vessels lower limbs, .

With all of these diseases, the patient is forced to take long-term (sometimes for life) a large number of drugs: normalizing heart rate, antisclerotic, hypotensive, anticoagulant, vasodilating, potassium-containing, maintaining cholesterol balance, diuretic.

Introduction to the treatment regimen for UC can significantly reduce both the number of medicines and the duration of their intake. The effect is achieved through pharmacological properties UC and due to its ability to enhance the effectiveness of primary therapy drugs.

The use of YAK at a dose of up to 1 g / day. provides a distinct potassium-sparing and diuretic effect, which contributes to an increase in daily diuresis and a rapid decrease in edema in patients with various diseases circulatory systems ( rheumatic defects , ischemic heart disease etc.), and also allows you to significantly reduce the dose cardiac glycosides And diuretic drugs .

The research results are confirmed by ECG dynamics. In all patients who participated in the experiment, after the course use of UC preparations, blood circulation improved in coronary vessels , the heart rate returned to normal, the levels of PTI and in the blood and normalized fraction β-lipoproteins .

A positive effect is also noted in the case of the use of UC preparations in combination with drugs for the treatment dyscirculatory encephalopathy And cerebral atherosclerosis .

Moreover, it becomes noticeable after 3-5 days, and after 2-2.5 months, the manifestations of sclerotic symptoms significantly decrease in patients: dizziness decreases, as well as the intensity and frequency of headaches; improves memory, mood and sleep; increased concentration.

In diseases of the musculoskeletal system (for example, with a deforming or ) in patients taking YaK, pain, swelling and deformity of the joints decrease, their mobility increases and, in addition, the concentration of uric acid in blood.

Studies on the use of the supplement in patients with bronchopulmonary pathologies showed that the appointment of a patient from 0.5 to 1.5 g of UC per day improves general well-being and extend the remission period. Changes are also noted in the status indicators immune status, both in the cellular and in the humoral link.

Prophylactic use of UC preparations in a 2-3-week course during periods of seasonal exacerbations chronic diseases allows you to ensure that even if the patient does get sick, the disease proceeds in a more mild form and recovery is much faster.

Reception high doses YAK during ARVI and influenza prevents the development of the disease and allows you to restore working capacity within a few days.

Succinates regulate the production , which contributes to the restoration of the metabolism of saccharides. This property allows the use of UC for the prevention and treatment non-insulin dependent diabetes .

Increased secretion insulin due to the fact that YAK activates enzymes independent of the level of dextrose in the body.

UC prevents genetic disorders that are a consequence of the influence of carcinogens and lead to uncontrolled cell division. The use of supplements with succinates allows several times to reduce the mortality of cancer patients and improve their quality of life.

It has been experimentally proven that succinates inhibit the growth of neoplasms. Accumulating mainly at the site of tumor formation, UC prevents reproduction malignant cells .

In addition, the drug helps to reduce the severity side effects chemotherapy: loss of strength, depression, nausea.

The positive effect of the use of UC is most pronounced when , , cysts and others benign tumors .

Special attention deserves the use of YaK in geriatric patients , which in the vast majority of cases have a complex pathology.

The benefit for the body of an elderly person is that taking UC tablets can reduce the severity of symptoms. age-related diseases and at the same time to reduce the amount and dose of pharmacological preparations they need.

The greatest efficiency is noted when using UC in combination with agents that restore intestinal microflora . This combination improves immune status , while in patients there is a clear trend towards normalization of the serum concentration of malondialdehyde and the severity of endogenous intoxication decreases.

IN preventive purposes YAK can be taken and healthy people. The introduction of supplements into the diet of athletes makes it easier to adapt to ever-increasing loads and stop pain in muscles after intense training.

Also, the remedy is used for intoxications of various etiologies (including alcohol and drugs).

Contraindications for succinic acid

Succinates are natural human body substances, therefore, even with prolonged use, they do not cause side effects and dependence.

However, UC preparations have contraindications. Tablets are not prescribed for:

  • during its exacerbation (succinates strongly irritate the mucous membrane of the digestive tract);
  • gastritis with hypersecretion ;
  • high blood pressure ;
  • urolithiasis (YAK stimulates metabolism, which leads to more intense formation of oxalate stones);
  • severe form of gestosis of pregnant women ;

YaK excites the brain (the drug has an effect opposite to the action of tranquilizers and glycine), so you should not take pills at night.

Side effects

hypersensitivity reactions, gastralgia , hypersecretion gastric juice . Those prone to arterial hypertension people against the background of the systematic use of UC drugs, it is possible increase in blood pressure .

Succinic acid tablets: instructions for use

In accordance with the instructions for use, succinic acid is taken before meals, previously dissolved in fruit / berry juice or mineral water.

The daily dose for an adult is 0.5-3 tablets. The duration of the course is 4 weeks.

During pregnancy, the dose depends on the period. For a period of 12-14 weeks, pregnant women are prescribed the supplement to take 0.25 g per day for a ten-day course. In the second trimester, it is advisable to drink the drug between 24 and 26 weeks, in the third - about 10-25 days before delivery. During the entire period of pregnancy, it is allowed to take no more than 7.5 grams of UC.

For the prevention of poisoning with alcohol decay products, it is recommended to take 0.25 g of YaK half an hour or an hour before drinking alcohol. At alcohol withdrawal treatment is continued from 4 to 10 days. The daily dose is 0.75-1 g of UC divided into 3-4 doses. The supplement can be taken as an independent agent, or in combination with other pharmacological preparations.

To improve appetite, it is indicated to take 0.25 g of YaK from 1 to 3 times a day, before meals. If the supplement is accompanied by a feeling of heaviness in the epigastric region, the tablets are drunk after meals. The duration of the course is from 3 to 5 days.

As an irritant of the gastric glands, before examining the secretory capacity of the stomach, UC is taken on an empty stomach, 1 tablet, after dissolving it in a dessert or a tablespoon of water. The study is carried out at standard time intervals using conventional methods of analysis.

Cancer patients for preventive purposes, a daily intake of 2-3 tablets of 0.1 g is indicated. If necessary, the dose is increased to 5-10, and in particular severe cases- up to 20 tablets per day.

During periods of exacerbation of seasonal diseases, UC is taken for prophylaxis twice a day, 0.5 g each, for a course of 2-3 weeks. With influenza and SARS at the initial stages of the development of the disease, tablets are taken 1 or 2 times a day, 3-4 pieces per dose. With hyperthermia, UC should be drunk in combination with .

The use of YaK in cosmetology allows you to slow down the aging of the skin, cleanse it at the cellular level and whiten it, remove scars, acne and swelling, remove toxins and saturate it with oxygen.

For the skin of the face, neck, décolleté and skin around the eyes, it is used in serums, masks, lotions, creams, peels. Cosmetics with the addition of YaK is used in almost all anti-aging programs.

To prepare a cream with YAK, it is enough to add a tablet dissolved in a teaspoon of flower water to 20 ml of a cream suitable for your skin type. To completely dissolve the tablet, it is left in water for several hours.

To make a mask, you just need to apply on the skin crushed into powder and mixed with flower water to the consistency of thick sour cream, YAK tablets. After 15-20 minutes, the mixture is washed off and a cream is applied to the skin. For women with dry skin, the procedure can be repeated no more than once a week, with oily skin the mask is allowed to be done three times a week.

To prepare the tonic, mix the following components: fragrant water (50 ml), 10 drops of ylang-ylang and rosemary oils, 2 YAK tablets, crushed into powder, benzyl alcohol (0.5 ml). Alcohol acts as a preservative. If the tonic will be stored for a short time (no more than 7 days) and in the refrigerator, you can not add it.

To make scars and stretch marks less noticeable, you should prepare thick mixture from flower water and YaK, apply it to the problem area and massage for 1-2 minutes. After 15 minutes, you can wash off the remnants of the peeling mass and apply cream or milk to the skin.

No less useful for stretch marks and a mask with mummy. To prepare it, several tablets and several tablets of YAK are dissolved in a small amount of olive or almond oil. When the mass becomes homogeneous, it is applied to problem areas and the skin is massaged well. After an hour, the mask is washed off with cool water.

The result is noticeable with systematic use. It is considered optimal to do the procedures daily for 3 weeks, then take a break and, if necessary, repeat the course.

The use of YAK for hair helps to increase blood flow to the scalp, strengthens the hair, makes it more hydrated, shiny and manageable.

The product can be added to regular shampoos and masks, or it can be rubbed into the scalp, after soaking in a small amount of water / hydrolat. After applying the gruel to the hair, wrap the head with a towel for 2 hours (you can leave the mask for longer). The procedures are repeated daily for a month.


An overdose of succinic acid is impossible.


Succinic acid is compatible with most pharmacological agents. The exception is anxiolytics And barbiturates (succinates reduce their effectiveness).

Can be used as an adjuvant in complex therapy infectious diseases to reduce the toxic effects of other drugs, including antibiotics , antihelminthic, tuberculosis And anti-inflammatory drugs .

Terms of sale

The tool is sold without a prescription.

Storage conditions

Keep the drug out of the reach of children, protected from moisture at temperatures up to 25 ° C.

Best before date

Tablets are suitable for use within 4 years after the date of issue.

special instructions

What is succinic acid and why does the body need succinates?

Succinic or butanedioic acid is a dibasic carboxylic acid, which has the appearance of colorless crystals and is highly soluble in alcohol and water.

In small quantities, this organic compound is found in some vegetables and fruits, but its main source for medicine, food and chemical industries is natural amber.

The chemical formula of the substance is HOOC-CH2-CH2-COOH.

According to Wikipedia, succinate is involved in tissue respiration in oxygen-breathing organisms.

The benefits and harms of succinic acid

Most valuable properties YaK are its ability to facilitate the adaptation of the body to stressful situations and protect it from various kinds of toxic poisoning.

This allows you to effectively use the supplement as an addition to the main therapy for a fairly wide range of diseases.

However, with uncontrolled use of YaK can harm the body. The tool has a number of contraindications and is not intended for systematic daily use. As a rule, the supplement is drunk for no more than 4 weeks.

The use of succinic acid in crop production

For plants, succinic acid is an antistress agent and a growth stimulator.

The use of succinic acid for plants is possible in several ways. For seedlings, spraying of all parts of the plant (roots, leaves, stems) is shown, as well as soaking the roots before planting for 0.5-4 hours (after soaking, the roots are dried for half an hour, and then the plants are planted in the ground).

For flowers, the solution is an intensive care agent: they are watered with the roots of the plant and sprayed with the aerial parts of the plant.

In case of problems with the turgor of the tops for flowers (and, in particular, for orchids), a solution of succinic acid with glucose is used, nicotinic acid and vitamin B1 (1 tablet of each component per 1 liter of water).

To prepare a solution for irrigation, 1-2 tablets (sometimes 4) are poured with a liter of hot water, and then cooled. For indoor plants treatment with such a “medicine” should be carried out no more than once a month.


Amber antitox , Succinic acid-Elit-pharm , Complex “Inosine + Nicotinamide + Riboflavin + Succinic Acid” , Amber , Mitomin , Yantavit , Brewer's yeast with succinic acid .

Succinic acid and alcohol

Accepted alcohol in the liver very quickly turns into acetaldehyde. The intake of succinic acid accelerates the breakdown of acetaldehyde into substances less harmful to the body, accelerates detoxification and improves overall well-being.

The supplement can be taken:

  • before drinking alcohol;
  • with a hangover syndrome;
  • for treatment alcohol withdrawal .

As part of complex therapy, it is possible to use it for alcoholism. Course use for several months is allowed only as directed by a doctor and only after the patient has undergone a comprehensive examination.

The use of succinic acid for a hangover

Many toxicologists tend to consider succinic acid the #1 hangover remedy. Influencing the tricarboxylic acid cycle, which is a key link energy metabolism substances, succinate stimulates it in accordance with the principle of mobile balance and promotes the removal of under-oxidized metabolic products.

If drinking alcohol was accompanied by a plentiful snack, it is recommended to supplement the use of YAK with enema.

To prevent a hangover, about an hour before the planned feast, you should take 2 tablets of the supplement. The action develops in half an hour and lasts from 2 to 3 hours.

Succinic acid for weight loss

The positive effect of the use of succinic acid for weight loss is primarily due to the ability of the substance to cleanse the body of accumulated toxins, activate the function digestive system and remove excess water from the body.

Analyzing the reviews of nutritionists about the effectiveness of the remedy, we can conclude that for weight loss it should be used only as an additional stimulant of metabolic processes. No dietary adjustments exercise it will not be possible to get rid of reserves of subcutaneous fat.

The second option involves taking 1 gram of succinic acid daily for 30 days. The entire dose is taken at one time before breakfast.

Application during pregnancy

The use of succinates during pregnancy facilitates hormonal changes. female body, contributes to strengthening immune system , as well as a decrease in the frequency and severity , prevents loss of strength and complications of pregnancy, helps to compensate for increased energy costs, ensures the creation of an environment that is optimal for the development of the fetus, in which the latter is sufficiently provided nutrients and oxygen.

Yak acid helps to strengthen histohematic barrier between the blood and the fetus, which in turn helps protect the fetus from exposure pathogens and toxins.

Thus, the risk of having a child with congenital diseases or malformations is significantly reduced.

It is important to remember that during the entire period of pregnancy it is contraindicated to take more than 7.5 g of YaK.

succinic acid(succinates) is a substance obtained in the process of processing natural amber. It's completely safe product, which has a number of useful qualities. It is obtained in the form of a white crystalline powder, tasting similar to citric acid.

In the body, succinic acid is active in the form of anions and salts called succinates.
Succinates are natural regulators of the body. We feel the need for them with increased physical, psycho-emotional, intellectual stress, with various diseases.

Succinic acid has a unique effect: it accumulates exactly in those areas that need it, ignoring healthy tissues.

Origin of succinic acid

In the process of natural selection, a variety of simple and complex substances have been tested for usefulness. By their own biochemical properties succinic acid turned out to be quite suitable for living organisms, and has been involved in biological processes for many millions of years. Many millions of years ago, it took part in the metabolism of living organisms, and in large quantities has survived to this day in the form of amber. Today, many living organisms in extreme conditions begin to intensively synthesize succinic acid, which helps them successfully defend themselves from adverse factors. external environment.

Approximately 50 million years ago, as a result of cosmic cataclysms, the climatic conditions on the planet changed dramatically, in particular, increased average temperature. The trees of those times, being on the verge of survival, began to produce large quantities of succinic acid, which was released into tree resin. Other, more perfect living beings, not only synthesized succinic acid, but also made up for its deficiency from external sources. Probably, this attracted small animals of those times to tree resin. Some drowned in it and died, and their bodies in preserved form have survived to this day. This made it possible for biologists to study more than 3 thousand species of insects, reptiles and plants that lived on the planet at that time.

Being in nature

Free succinic acid is found in subbitominous coal, resins and amber. It is found in large quantities in unripe berries, beets, sugar cane, turnips, etc.

Content in products
Succinic acid is part of many products. Its content is increased in kefir and curdled milk, aged wines, cheeses, rye products, brewer's yeast, oysters, etc. In large quantities, succinic acid is found in unripe gooseberries and grapes, beet juice, etc. The content of succinic acid in barley and sunflower seeds is 5%. Most of the succinic acid contains alfalfa. However, most of the products consumed by the citizens of our country do not contain succinic acid. Therefore, in many states and Russian Federation in particular, succinic acid is approved for use in the food industry. The addition of succinic acid to food products not only makes them more valuable, but also extends their shelf life due to their antioxidant and filtering properties.

Mechanism of action

Succinic acid serves as a universal metabolic intermediate released during the interaction of saccharides, proteins and fats in living cells. The activity of succinates in the body is associated with the production of energy spent on the vital activity of all organs and systems. With an increase in the load on any organ or system of the body, the energy for their work is mainly provided as a result of the oxidation of succinates. The energy production mechanism using succinates is hundreds of times more efficient than all other energy production mechanisms in the body. It is due to this that succinic acid has a non-specific therapeutic effect in a number of diseases of various etiologies. Succinic acid also has an antiviral and antihypoxic effect.

Laboratory research demonstrated that the use of succinic acid caused more intensive oxygen uptake by living cells. Oxidation of succinic acid is a necessary step in the process of assimilation of diatomic oxygen by cells. Therapeutic effect succinates is based on the modifying effect on cell metabolism substances - cellular respiration, transport of microelements, production of proteins. In this case, the degree and specificity of modifications depend on the initial state of the tissues. As a result of such modifications, the parameters of tissue performance are optimized.

Scientists have proven that succinic acid and succinates are adaptogens (increase the body's resistance to adverse environmental factors). Succinic acid stimulates the process of oxygen supply to cells, relieves stress, restores energy metabolism, normalizes the production of new cells, has general strengthening and restorative properties. The activity of succinic acid in the human body is regulated by the hypothalamus and adrenal glands.

By restoring the balance of biochemical reactions in the body, succinates normalize the functions of all organs and tissues. Especially significant is their effect on the brain, which most of all needs an uninterrupted supply of oxygen and energy. Therefore, succinic acid is used to prevent brain pathologies that develop during the aging process. In addition, it restores the functions of the entire nervous system and prevents stress.

Additional consumption of succinic acid contributes to the normalization of the work of other organs and systems. The heart needs a constant supply of energy, otherwise its contractility decreases, which invariably leads to impaired blood circulation, edema and dysfunction of all organs and systems - i.e. to heart failure.

As a result of stimulation of the liver and kidneys, the body is more effectively cleansed of toxic metabolites and other harmful agents.

Succinic acid normalizes the overall metabolism in the body. This helps to strengthen the immune system due to more efficient synthesis of immune system cells. Due to their antioxidant action, succinates inhibit the growth and development of tumors and prevent the division of malignant cells. Succinic acid reduces the production of the main mediator of inflammation and allergic reactions - histamine, which means symptoms inflammatory reactions and allergy attacks. Its preparations are often prescribed to neutralize certain toxins (for example, ethanol, nicotine, etc.).

Succinic acid is recognized as a completely harmless substance. It is able to have a therapeutic effect even in small quantities. It also increases the nutritional value of the main food components and enhances the effect of medicines. These properties define it as a very useful nutritional supplement that helps to restore the functioning of all organs and systems of the body, self-regulate its functioning, accelerate recovery and maintain natural balance his life activity.


In diseases of the joints, succinates stimulate local blood circulation, which contributes to the leaching of salts. They also inhibit inflammation. With varicose veins, succinic acid eliminates inflammation and normalizes the function of venous valves. Normal local blood circulation is restored, as a result of which the inflammation disappears and the veins are restored. The anti-inflammatory effect of succinic acid is observed in bronchial asthma, inflammation of the palatine tonsils, renal inflammation, fatty liver and cirrhosis. Also, succinic acid has healing effect with cholelithiasis, stimulating the excretion of salts, destroying stones and helping to cleanse the liver.

Succinates prevent ischemia of internal organs, contribute to the restoration of their functions after ischemic damage. Succinates are also useful for sclerosis. blood vessels, diseases of the kidneys, lungs, etc. With a sufficient level of succinates in the mother's body, the likelihood of oxygen starvation of tissues and viral damage to the fetus during pregnancy-related diseases is significantly reduced.

In clinical practice, succinic acid preparations are used in the treatment of cardiovascular pathologies, in violation of the blood circulation of the brain, to stimulate the secretion of digestive juices, as an antidote for intoxication with arsenic, lead, mercury, and in many other situations. Succinic acid helps maintain active image life at any age.

Succinic acid is used in the complex treatment of coronary heart disease. This is mainly due to the activation of the oxidation of enzymes, including those that play a role in providing oxygen to mitochondria. Normalization of metabolism in the heart and restoration of coronary blood flow determines the antiarrhythmic effect of succinates.

Before using succinic acid preparations, it is strongly recommended to get medical advice.

Dosage and administration

It is recommended to start the course with 500 mg of succinates every day in the morning after breakfast. With the improvement of well-being and normalization of sleep, the dose should be reduced to 250-100 mg. In this case, you can break the reception into 2-3 times (although it is recommended to use succinic acid in the minimum required dose). Often patients can, by evaluating their emotional status, choose an individual dose of succinates required to maintain alertness and well-being.

During the course of using succinic acid on certain days, it is necessary to take breaks (for example, 1-2 days of break every 3 days of taking). This method of using the drug allows you to extend the course, and hence the effect, while with daily use increased doses, the duration of treatment should not exceed 10 days.

In the absence of subjective signs of the action of succinates, the dosage should be increased by taking 500 mg in 2 divided doses (in the morning). In special cases, the dose can be increased to 700-1500 mg per day. Similar cases occur when succinic acid is used in combination with other drugs.

After high physical activity, it is recommended to take 3000 mg of the drug once. Increasing the dosage of succinates is advisable for colds and inflammation of skeletal muscles (1000 mg 3-4 times a day, 3-7 days).

With exacerbation of heart failure, it is advisable intravenous administration succinic acid. 30-40 mg per kilogram of body weight is administered through a dropper within an hour. In this case, it is necessary to monitor the pH value.

Succinates can enter the body different ways. When amber comes in contact with skin particles of succinates enter the body through the pores. Succinic acid, which enters the body through the skin, acts identically to succinates in the form of tablets.


Succinates are natural substances for the human body, and even prolonged use of succinic acid preparations does not cause dependence and side effects. However, succinic acid preparations should not be used for urolithiasis (stimulation of metabolism leads to more intense stone formation), acute gastric and duodenal ulcers (gastric acid secretion may increase), high blood pressure (like any stimulant agent, succinates can slightly increase blood pressure ). It is not recommended to use succinic acid preparations before bedtime.


Succinic acid is also used in combination with various medicines to enhance their effect or reduce their toxicity, since succinic acid is a natural, non-toxic and non-accumulative substance.

Eliminating the deficiency of succinic acid by using its preparations enhances the adaptive abilities of the body in environment, which means prolonging youth and improving well-being.

Succinic acid deficiency

Environmental problems put our body in more stringent conditions. Therefore, to maintain health and prevent early aging, succinates are needed in large quantities. Persons living in ecologically unfavorable areas are strongly recommended to additionally take succinic acid preparations.

Every day, the human body produces approximately 200 mg of succinic acid, which is used in various processes. A healthy body has enough succinates that it synthesizes or absorbs from food. However, as a result of the influence of adverse factors, when due to stress or a sharp increase physical activity, tension appears in the metabolic chain, the costs of succinic acid increase, its deficiency develops, and subsequently - a breakdown and loss of tone.

At the same time, a person begins to feel unwell, the body's defense mechanisms weaken, an imbalance and dysfunctions of its various systems occur. Subsequently, the person begins to get sick.

Succinic acid and aging

Receptivity to change atmospheric pressure and weather, a feeling of physical and emotional weakness, inability to concentrate, memory impairment - this is not yet a pathology and not signs premature aging, but only symptoms of a lack of succinates. The aging process is complex and difficult to study. However, aging is mainly due to a slowdown in the processes of energy supply of vital processes in the body. Succinate preparations prevent health-threatening lipid peroxidation, for a short time improve memory and physical endurance, optimize regulatory mechanisms and metabolism, eliminate insomnia. Thus, they serve as a prophylactic against senile diseases. In addition, when taking other drugs, succinic acid eliminates their side effects.

At the cellular level, succinic acid serves as a source of energy, taking part in a number of biological processes. Over the years, the ability of cells to produce energy decreases, an imbalance occurs in most vital systems, which causes aging of the body. Regular intake of succinic acid by the body from external sources can significantly slow down aging.

Succinic acid also takes part in cell respiration, contributing to more efficient oxygen uptake. Therefore, the use of succinic acid can significantly speed up the metabolism in the body, which also has a healing effect and prevents aging.

Among other things, succinic acid is an antioxidant, i. blocks activity free radicals- particles released during internal redox reactions, and destroying everything they come into contact with. Free radical oxidation is considered one of the main factors in aging. They introduce a biochemical imbalance in all processes, causing dangerous diseases (for example, cancer).

Succinic acid has a rejuvenating effect, especially when used simultaneously with mumiyo.

Clinical studies on the use of succinic acid in elderly patients
Clinical studies have shown positive action succinic acid in combination with glucose preparations in the treatment of 18 elderly patients (65-80 years old) with various pathologies.

Some of these patients were treated on an outpatient basis, and some were treated in a hospital for decreased motor activity and chronic pathologies circulatory system (myocardial infarction in history and atherosclerotic coronary insufficiency). Previously, patients received standard medical treatment.

Succinic acid was prescribed 300-500 mg orally for 20 days. Attending physicians in some cases prescribed anesthetics, mainly papaverine.

After a 20-day course, all patients showed an increase in activity and an improvement in their condition. All patients showed an improvement in well-being, a surge of strength, the disappearance of insomnia, malaise in the region of the heart and tachycardia. A decrease in heart rate was recorded (from 103 to 69). Blood pressure also normalized. During the tests, heart sounds became more distinct and pronounced. Side effects in relation to the lungs and internal organs not registered.

Insignificant changes - edema that occurred earlier disappeared with the abolition of diuretic and cardiological drugs. Subsequent observations showed that the above improvements were noted for the next 6-9 months.

It should be noted that the course of succinates was received by convalescent patients after severe pathologies of the heart. Therefore, on this moment it is difficult to judge their effectiveness. However, clinical trials have shown that the effect of succinic acid is easily tolerated by patients without any side effects and can be used in clinics with a positive general strengthening effect.


Succinic acid regulates insulin secretion, which restores saccharide metabolism. Therefore, it can be used to prevent type 2 diabetes.

Succinic acid can be used for prevention and treatment diabetes the second type, to which the elderly are most susceptible. The latest research has proven that succinates activate insulin secretion in the body, while restoring and optimizing metabolic processes.

The formation of insulin under the influence of succinates is provided by the acceleration of metabolism in the islets of the pancreas, and the stimulation of insulin secretion is due to the activation of enzymes that do not depend on the level of dextrose in the body.

Thyroid diseases

Succinates have a positive effect on the condition of people with thyroiditis. Most effective method the use of the drug in this case is rubbing amber oil into the area of ​​​​the gland (obtained by melting amber). However, amber oil has an unpleasant odor. Therefore, with thyroiditis, it is recommended to wear amber beads while taking a solution of succinates orally.

hangover syndrome

After drinking alcohol, the content of ethanol in the blood increases, which leads to a redox imbalance in the body. Cells lose the ability to oxidize a number of substances that accumulate in the body, leading to intoxication (hangover syndrome).

When using succinates, both before and during the use of alcoholic beverages, their supply in the body is replenished, which helps to neutralize and remove toxins, including ethanal (succinates convert it into ethanoic acid).

Succinates can be used both for accidental, single use of alcohol, and for the prevention of complications and the treatment of alcohol dependence.

The use of succinic acid in oncology

Succinic acid serves as a prophylactic, preventing genetic disorders caused by the action of various carcinogens, and leading to uncontrolled cell division.

Succinic acid several times reduces the mortality of cancer patients, significantly improves their well-being, increases their ability to work.

Clinical trials for the treatment of cancer patients with the use of succinic acid preparations and others natural products continued for several years. The results showed the feasibility and prospects of this product.

The patients were divided into two groups - the first group received succinic acid as part of the main therapy, the second did not.

In the first group, among those suffering from a malignant tumor of the ovaries, who received succinates, the mortality rate was 10%, in the second group - 90%. For a malignant tumor of the colon and rectum, the corresponding figures are 10 and 80%, for a malignant tumor of the cervix, 10 and 80%, and for breast cancer, 10 and 60%.

Succinates inhibit the growth of tumors, and a variety of them. This has been experimentally proven and does not contradict the modern concept of the pathogenesis of tumors. Accumulating mainly in the localization of malignant cells, succinic acid prevents their reproduction. Also, succinic acid reduces the side effects from the use of many chemotherapy drugs (especially nausea, loss of strength and depressive states).

In some diseases, succinic acid has a particularly high positive effect. Most pronounced action succinates have with fibrocystic disease, fibroids, cysts and other benign tumors, as well as with malignant tumors and struma. This is most likely due to inhibition of respiration of tumor cells, as a result of which these cells die, and the tumor resolves over time.

Recommendations for the use of succinic acid in oncological diseases
For prevention, 2-3 tablets of 0.1 g each day are indicated. If necessary, you can take 5-8 tablets per day. For oncological diseases, take 5-10 tablets per day, with severe conditions- up to 20 tablets.
Succinic acid preparations are recommended to be used together with fresh berry and fruit juices.

If you take succinic acid in combination with drugs that activate the elimination of toxins, you can significantly reduce the consequences of poisoning the body, increase its resistance to the toxic effects of a number of compounds and free radicals. Therefore, succinic acid preparations should be used before chemotherapy, during and after it, in combination with alkaline calcium preparations, which help reduce pain and eliminate toxins from the body secreted by malignant cells.

In some situations, chlorophyll preparations must be taken in higher doses. However, this is often not possible, since chlorophyll has a toxic effect on Bone marrow and also causes allergy attacks. Therefore, many experts recommend using succinic acid preparations as part of complex treatment with chlorophyll agents to reduce the toxic effects of high doses of chlorophyll on healthy cells. As a result, neither catabolism nor anabolism is enhanced, but at the same time, the purification of all body fluids is accelerated.

The use of succinic acid in gynecology

The most common female diseases are of an inflammatory nature. Known inflammatory pathology of the external genitalia and vagina.

During the treatment, a factor that provokes the inflammatory process is established, as well as the immune system and the overall resistance of the body are strengthened. Succinates, being one of the most effective biostimulants, provide significant support during treatment.

In general, succinates have a stabilizing and strengthening effect on all metabolic processes. The property of succinic acid to protect the embryo from all harmful factors has been confirmed by many observations around the world. One way or another, upon discovery of such serious illness during pregnancy, a woman must be examined and receive adequate treatment. At the same time, the use of nutritional supplements containing succinates can significantly support the body and speed up recovery time.

Succinic acid preparations are also recommended to be taken during pregnancy planning. Using succinate preparations, future parents not only strengthen their own health and improve well-being, but also provide the basis for the health of their unborn baby. During pregnancy, succinates prevent loss of strength and reduce the frequency and severity of toxicosis. Therefore, the expected pregnancy will bring only joy.

Succinic acid preparations

In the network of the Russian Federation, succinic acid is produced in the form of tablets of 0.1 g. There are 100 tablets in a package.

Amberite is a dietary supplement in the form of tablets, which contains succinates, vitamin C and glucose. In comparison with succinic acid tablets, succinic acid has a number of advantages: it does not irritate the oral mucosa, has better taste and a wider range of effects. In combination with succinates, vitamin C is involved in the transport of oxygen to tissues. Ascorbic acid accelerates the formation of precollagen, converting it into collagen. Thus, it maintains the normal state of the walls of blood vessels and strengthens the musculoskeletal system. Glucose serves as an energy substrate for succinic acid, and helps prolong its effect.

In the dietary supplement Yantarit, such a ratio of succinates with vitamin C and glucose is given, which in the best way activates the energy metabolism in the body.

An athlete who receives succinates in combination with glucose adapts faster and easier to increased physical activity, and also tolerates muscle pain more easily. Before the competition, succinates contribute to the energy mobilization of the athlete, and also prevent nervous strain. After the competition, there is no loss of strength and nervous exhaustion. After the abolition of succinates, sports skills are preserved.

The food supplement Yantarite contains succinate obtained by processing natural amber. Succinate obtained from amber is several times more expensive than succinic acid obtained by other methods, however, it has a more pronounced positive effect. Amber does not have side effects. An overdose of this drug is almost impossible.

Succinic acid is a substance that vivo contained in the composition of succinates, salts and anions present in every cell of any organism, in the metabolism of which respiration is present. Including in the human body.

Succinates in the cell are responsible for all metabolic processes: cellular respiration, breakdown of fats, proteins, carbohydrates and their transformation into energy. Besides, succinic acid blocks free radicals and reduces acidity.

Therefore, the presence in the body of a sufficient amount of this substance promises health and longevity. After all, it is the abundance of energy that the body receives that gives a person youth and good health.

Experts say that the cause of aging, and most of the diseases associated with it, is a lack of succinic acid in the body.

In our country, succinic acid is known primarily as good remedy to relieve a hangover.

Experts have proven that the cause of excess weight is stagnation and deposition of fats in the body. Succinic acid is responsible for the timely breakdown of fats in the cell, as well as for the metabolic rate in general.

Therefore, if you accelerate metabolism, including the process of splitting fats, a person will begin to lose weight faster, and products and preparations based on succinic acid will help in this.

Succinic acid increases the body's stamina, which helps to withstand longer physical exertion - an indispensable stage of training.

But you need to understand that succinic acid does not act as an energy drink or a dope, it does not cause super abilities and inhuman strength, but only contributes to the natural and healthy functioning of the body, eliminating painful fatigue and loss of strength.

Important to remember! Succinic acid is indicated for use by adults for weight loss as a nutritional supplement.

And this means that if, using succinic acid, we continue to lead a sedentary lifestyle, eat fatty foods and overeat daily, a person will best case not get better, but not lose weight.

Natural sources of succinic acid

In nature, succinic acid is found in:

  • oysters and other seafood;
  • cheeses;
  • kefir;
  • rye pastries;
  • curdled milk;
  • brewer's yeast;
  • table wines;
  • cane sugar;
  • turnip;
  • seeds.

A healthy person gets enough succinic acid from food, but a person suffering from excess weight will need large doses of this substance, which are contained in preparations and nutritional supplements.

Interesting fact! Doctors note that in the modern rhythm of life, obtaining succinic acid by regular consumption of food products containing it is not always possible. Before, life was more measured.

The lack of self-propelled transport and mechanized equipment forced people to walk more and apply their own physical strength at work. For these actions, the body of our ancestors expended more energy, and required its replenishment due to a plentiful meal.

The man of the beginning of the last century ate much more food than now. And naturally replenished reserves essential trace elements, including succinic acid.

Nowadays, from sitting at a computer and driving a car, one does not get hungry in order to eat as many foods containing succinic acid as needed. Biologically come to the aid of modern man active additives that contain natural trace elements.

Succinic acid preparations that can be used for weight loss

Based on succinic acid, preparations are produced:

  • Tablets, or powder "succinic acid", indications for use by adults - weight loss, stress relief.
  • Mexpiridol and its analogues- restore cell membranes, prevent the oxidation of fats. Can be used as auxiliary drug to fight obesity.

Contraindications to the use of drugs such as Mexidol and other analogues of Mexipridol in adults - a violation of the liver and kidneys

Be careful! The drug "succinic acid" is a biologically active food additive, which is allowed in our country, and is harmless. It contains a substance extracted from amber, or its synthesized analogue.

And mexpiridol and its analogues are drugs that can be taken only in consultation with a doctor. In addition to a beneficial effect on the body, it also has a number of contraindications.

What results should be expected from the use of acid?

Succinic acid, although indicated for use by adults for weight loss, has a different effect on the body. In fact, it does not "burn" fat, but eliminates a number of related overweight symptoms with which to overcome obesity is extremely difficult.

Acceleration of metabolism - reduces appetite, as the body is more quickly saturated with the nutrients it needs. Losing weight without changing the structure of nutrition is impossible - which certainly causes stress, which succinic acid eliminates.

Succinic acid is not a magic tool for weight loss, but only a good auxiliary element

Obesity can be the cause of diabetes. Fat people are at risk. Succinic acid prevents this disease by promoting the production of insulin by the body.

Due to its auxiliary properties for weight loss, in the preparations "succinic acid", indications for use by adults are weight loss.

But this drug is not a magic pill. But it only works when correct application in combination with other recreational activities.

The use of succinic acid for weight loss

Succinic acid is shown to be used for weight loss only if certain intake patterns are followed. There are 3 of them:
Application scheme 1From tablets or powder of succinic acid, you need to prepare a solution, at the rate of 1 gram of the drug per 1 glass plain water.
The prepared solution should be consumed on an empty stomach half an hour before meals.
Rinse your mouth well after taking it.
This scheme is unacceptable for diseases gastrointestinal tract.
Use the drug daily for no more than 1 month.
Application scheme 2Take tablets in pure form 3 times a day after each meal, 2-3 tablets weighing 0.25 grams.
In the absence of side effects during treatment, the course of treatment can be extended for another month.
Application scheme 3It differs from the scheme of application 2, only in that after 3 days of admission, 1 day of a break should be taken. The break should be without heavy physical exertion and with unloading food.

Opinions of nutritionists on the use of acid for weight loss

Like any nutritionist, be very careful with dietary supplements and drugs. complex action from many diseases.

Medical preparations, including mexspirilol, do not contain only succinic acid, and in none of them is it an active ingredient.

Direct destination medical preparations based on succinic acid - the fight against depression and strong alcohol poisoning. Therefore, nutritionists recommend succinic acid for weight loss with caution.

But nutritionists confirm the beneficial effect of succinic acid on human endurance, so succinic acid is indicated for use by people who prefer diets with physical activity.

Can succinic acid harm the body

Succinic acid is indicated for use for weight loss, and dietary supplements containing it are considered harmless to healthy adults. But this is only true if the drug is taken correctly.

The lack of succinic acid can be one of the reasons for the development of various ailments in humans. But in itself, its deficiency does not cause a person any discomfort. What can not be said about an overdose.

Contraindications - who should not use succinic acid for weight loss

Taking acid is contraindicated for people of the following categories:

  • with an allergic reaction to the drug;
  • suffering from gastritis, ulcers and other acute illnesses gastrointestinal tract;
  • if diagnosed - angina pectoris, and other cardiovascular diseases;
  • if diagnosed with glaucoma;
  • if the diagnosis is urolithiasis.

Succinic acid is indicated for adults to use for weight loss, and has no specific contraindications for pregnant and lactating women. But it is not recommended to use it in this case.

Pregnancy and lactation, when the body needs additional sources useful substances, not the most best time for weight loss.

Acid should be used for weight loss after consulting a doctor in combination with other drugs and physical activity. And if the effect is not achieved as quickly as you want, you should not increase the dose yourself.

If there are contraindications, it is better to refrain from using succinic acid and use alternative means. And when using it is necessary to strictly adhere to the scheme of reception.

Useful video about the benefits and use of succinic acid. Incl. and for weight loss

Succinic acid. Indications for use in adults:

Succinic acid and weight loss. Effects in different areas of life:

Succinic acid is a preparation made from natural raw materials obtained during the processing of amber.

Release form

Succinic acid has the appearance of a white, crystalline powder with a pronounced lemon taste. The drug belongs to the group of metabolic medications with pronounced antioxidant and antihypoxic properties.

Produced in the form of tablets. The main active ingredient is acetylaminosuccinic acid.

Pharmacological properties

Succinic acid has a beneficial effect on the body and improves cellular respiration. Improves the saturation of liver cells with oxygen by 60 times.

When using the drug, the process of formation of free radicals is stopped, which have a harmful effect on tissues and cells. The tool also has a pronounced antioxidant effect, raises the tone of the body, improves immunity, reduces the feeling of fatigue and irritability, and also increases libido, both in men and women.


  • Comprehensive treatment of joint diseases. Under the influence this drug the activity of succinates increases, which, in turn, leads to an increase in local blood circulation. Such an effect contributes to the washing out of accumulated salts, which leads to the removal inflammatory processes in the joints and tissues of the body.
  • The drug affects the functioning of the venous valves and restores local blood circulation, so it is often used in the treatment of varicose veins. It is also often used in the treatment of the following diseases: inflammation of the palatine tonsils, fatty degeneration liver, cirrhosis and bronchial asthma.
  • Treatment cholelithiasis- Stimulates the destruction and removal of stones from the body.
  • Against the background of the use of the drug, the level of succinates increases, which helps to prevent the development of coronary disease. The drug is useful in atherosclerosis and other cardiovascular diseases.
  • In therapeutic practice, it is used in the treatment of renal and gastric pathologies, as well as for the prevention and treatment lung diseases. Often used as an antidote for poisoning with lead, mercury, arsenic. When using the drug during pregnancy, its ability to restore the process of oxygen saturation of tissues and protect the fetus from viral infection was noted.
  • Thanks to his natural origin Succinic acid is able to have a therapeutic and prophylactic effect in the treatment of type 2 diabetes mellitus. The drug helps to activate the process of insulin production in the body and normalize metabolic processes.
  • The drug is often used as aid during treatment oncological diseases. The ability to eliminate toxicosis, which can occur during chemotherapy and radiotherapy or in case of poisoning of the body with substances formed during the decay of the tumor, was noted. A good effect is given by complex use with glucose and means that promote the removal of toxins. Such complex treatment activates the body's ability to suppress the toxic effects of free radicals and other harmful substances.
  • Among other things, it is used in the treatment alcohol addiction. The fact is that it activates the process of disintegration of alcohol in the blood, due to which hangover syndrome withdrawn in the shortest possible time. According to narcologists, when using this drug, the patient's craving for alcohol is significantly reduced, and the condition of the liver and blood composition are also significantly improved.
  • It is an effective antidepressant and can be used both for the treatment of depressive conditions and for the prevention of their development. When using this drug, patients can more easily cope with fears, irritation and negative emotions. Also when using this tool increases resistance to stressful situations and strengthens the nervous system of patients.

Instructions for use of succinic acid (method and dosage)

Tablets should be taken after meals with plenty of water. The dosage is calculated individually, taking into account the age of the patient and the nature of the disease. In most cases, the drug is taken in the following dosages:

  • children under the age of 5 years - three times a day, half a tablet;
  • children aged 5 to 12 years - 1 tablet twice a day;
  • patients over 18 years of age - three times a day, 0.5-1 tablet.

The average duration of the course of treatment is 30 days. After the first course of treatment, take a break and, if necessary, conduct a second course of treatment with the drug.


Contraindicated in case of individual intolerance to the components of the drug. It is also contraindicated for the treatment of patients with the following diseases: glaucoma, angina pectoris.

Application during pregnancy

Contraindicated for the treatment of toxicosis on later dates pregnancy.

Side effects

IN rare cases against the background of the use of the drug may develop various manifestations allergic reactions.

Succinic acid (sodium succinate, butanedioic acid) is a key biochemical molecule. Nature uses it for energy metabolism in plants, human tissue and animals. It has been used for centuries as an analgesic and natural antibiotic.

Succinates are natural regulators of body processes. The need for them arises with increased stress: both physical and emotional. Acid is unique in that it accumulates only in those areas that need it, bypassing healthy cells and tissues.

It can be purchased in pharmacies in the form of tablets. It is a colorless crystalline solid and is a product of amber processing. How useful is succinic acid and how important is it for the human body?

Amber is an antioxidant that can help with disorders heart rate It improves blood circulation and the functioning of the urinary system.

A proven fact - succinic acid has positive influence on the restoration of the nervous and immune systems, increases the body's resistance to infections, and also helps to compensate for the loss of energy in the body and brain, increasing attention, concentration and reflexes and reducing stress.

The use of succinic acid prevents the development of neoplasms, reduces sugar and neutralizes kidney stones. With varicose veins, butanedioic acid eliminates inflammation, restores blood circulation, and as a result, veins are restored.

Succinic acid is one of the natural acids found in foods such as broccoli, rhubarb, sugar beets, unripe gooseberries and grapes, fresh meat extracts, various cheeses, and sauerkraut.

All of these products have very distinct and noticeable flavors which may be due in part to the enhancement of taste by small amounts of naturally occurring succinic acid.

Succinic acid is an acidity regulator and also a flavoring agent. It can be present in sweets, baked goods, etc. In addition, it is present in oysters, hard cheeses, yoghurts, sunflower seeds, strawberries, wine, hawthorn, nettles.

The required amount of acid for an adult is 200 mg per day. And if a person does not eat enough food with acid, then he needs to use it as a food supplement.

Indications for use

The use of succinic acid should be agreed with the attending physician. Generally indications are:

  • chronic stress conditions in humans;
  • heart disease and other diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  • anemia;
  • radiculitis;
  • diseases of the reproductive system;
  • allergy;
  • asthma;
  • SARS, influenza, colds (complex forms) - including in children, pregnant women;
  • acute bronchitis;
  • fibroids, tumors (development prevention);
  • oncological diseases as an antitoxic agent;
  • hangover, alcoholism;
  • taking vitamins, drugs to reduce their toxic effects;
  • taking food supplements;
  • disease prevention in the elderly.

This substance is considered harmless, but, despite this, you should not self-medicate. Before you start taking, you should consult with your doctor. The specialist may prescribe a course of tablets or a solution. It is usually recommended to start with 500 mg in the morning with plenty of water.

As soon as the effect is noticeable, daily dose can be reduced to 200 mg per day. If there is no improvement, then the dose should be increased, but also after consultation with your doctor.

Excessive consumption of succinic acid can harm health, not improve it, so it is recommended to be monitored by a doctor. And read the instructions for use.

Succinic acid: contraindications

In some people, this substance can cause severe heartburn or irritate the walls of the stomach, in addition, the drug not recommended for people diagnosed with:

  • ulcers of the gastrointestinal tract (the substance can lead to an increase in the secretion of gastric juice);
  • hypertension, glaucoma, coronary heart disease (the drug may increase blood pressure);
  • individual intolerance, drug allergy.

Weightloss remedy

In bodybuilding, and as a weight loss aid, sodium succinate is the number one helper. Acid normalizes the functions of organs, has a beneficial effect on the entire body, and it, in turn, fights excess weight. People not only lose weight, but are also treated in the process of taking.

It improves metabolism, cleanses the body of toxins and waste products at the cellular level. This increases the level of oxygen and energy in the cells; increases resistance to stress, increases the body's resistance to stress and reduces fatigue during exercise.

The duration of the course is agreed with the doctor.

Succinic acid in oncology

In Moscow, at the Institute of Biophysics, studies were conducted with the participation of volunteers: in addition to the use of acid, the subjects followed a diet, consumed herbs, complexes of vitamins and minerals, health drinks. The results were processed over several years.

It was found that the use of succinic acid stops the growth of tumors, and different ones: cancer of the ovaries, mammary glands, cervix, colon.

With the use of standard methods of treatment - operations, chemotherapy, radiation, and in addition acid - the chances of a cure increase by 2-3 times. It also helps to alleviate conditions associated with toxicosis after chemotherapy.

This substance helps to cope with acne, normalizes cells, stimulates and activates metabolism, removes toxins, restores elasticity and freshness of the skin, complexion. Improves nutrition of skin cells, reduces scars, bags under the eyes, reduces wrinkles.

Grind 2 tablets of succinic acid, pour the resulting powder with 1 tablespoon of water, mix. Apply to the face (avoiding the eyes), do not rinse, the mixture should be completely absorbed. Repeat every week.

In addition, succinate peels are popular in cosmetology. They are indicated for people whose skin is prone to acne, as well as sensitivity and rosacea. Peeling strengthens blood vessels and restores blood microcirculation.

The frequency of the procedure depends on the type of skin. It can be carried out in a beauty parlor, or you can do it yourself. This tool is effective in the fight against cellulite, it helps to even out the skin texture and reduces stretch marks.

Succinate molecules are injected subcutaneously, which allows you to influence the problem locally.

It enhances metabolic processes in cells. Injection is the most effective, as it affects the deep layers of the skin. Used in conjunction with hyaluronic acid, activating metabolism in cells.

Interaction with other drugs

The compatibility of sodium succinate with other drugs has been proven. It can be taken with many medications, but it reduces the effects of barbiturates and anxiolytics.

Use during pregnancy

During pregnancy, the body experiences severe stress, and here butanedioic acid will be an assistant and savior. It helps to increase the oxygen metabolism of the body and provides nutrients to the unborn child. Reduces predisposition to stress and anxiety.

Accelerates the excretion of toxins from the body. Reduces the risk of anemia. Use during pregnancy and lactation is recommended by doctors in small doses, not more than 250 mg per day.

Before use, consultation with a treating specialist is necessary.

Taking pills inside helps to improve the structure of the hair, their condition, accelerates growth and prevents hair loss.

In addition, you can supplement the use of tablets with external use. You can add the crushed agent to the rinsing balm. Or apply to the hair, after washing the head, having previously dissolved 3-4 tablets. You can also add the product to the shampoo.

It is recommended to mix crushed tablets with olive oil, apply to clean hair, hold for 10-15 minutes, like a mask, covering your head with a towel, then rinse. You can carry out this procedure once a week until the hair acquires a healthy, radiant appearance and stops falling out.

Succinic acid - unique remedy, which is used both in medicine and cosmetology, helps to fight serious diseases, has a preventive effect, has an effect on different functions body: both physical and psycho-emotional.

But you should always remember that acid, like any remedy, may have contraindications, so it is recommended to consult a doctor before taking succinate.

Mother of two children. I'm leading household for more than 7 years - this is my main job. I like to experiment, I always try various means, ways, techniques that can make our life easier, more modern, richer. I love my family.