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Preparation for surgery under general anesthesia. How to prepare the body for surgery


Let's start with what is especially close to me. If the surgical field is in the head and neck area, then perform sanitation two weeks before surgery oral cavity to remove a possible source of infection. Remember that the mouth is its breeding ground. Fill carious cavities, remove what needs to be removed, clean tartar from teeth, treat bleeding gums, etc. Those who have been taking Enap or similar drugs for a long time should be especially careful, as they cause overgrowth of the gum mucosa. Accordingly, secret shelters are created for oral microflora. If it is not possible to go to the dentist, then at least carry out a course of systematic mouth rinses at home. Prepare two solutions: the first - from salt (1 tsp per glass of water) and soda (1/2 tsp per glass of water); the second - from tanning and anti-inflammatory herbs (oak bark, sage, chamomile - take equal parts per glass of water). Rinse your mouth with each solution 4 times a day, alternating them.

The infection can lurk not only in the teeth, but also in the throat. More precisely, she is “sitting” there for sure. Take fresh leaf aloe (2 cm), squeeze it into a glass of water and gargle 3-4 times a day. Repeat the procedure daily for 7 days before surgery.

Both of these procedures are also important if the operation is performed under general anesthesia or general anesthesia.


Let's clarify the terms. The term "anesthesia" - the Greek - "insensibility" is translated as loss of sensation. It can be local and general. Local anesthesia is achieved by introducing substances (novocaine, lidocaine) that block the functioning of nerve endings. Everyone who had teeth removed experienced it. A more complex version of local anesthesia is subdural anesthesia. In this case, the anesthetic is injected under the hard meninges spinal cord. This is disabling dorsal roots spinal cord. As a result, organs located below the injection site stop sending nerve impulses to the central nervous system(CNS) to the center of pain. With this anesthesia, the patient does not feel pain and is in contact with the surgeon.

The term anesthesia is Greek - numbness, numbness is translated as general anesthesia. In this case, the person receives substances that turn off his central nervous system and falls into a pharmacological deep dream, accompanied by loss of consciousness, analgesia (pain relief), relaxation of skeletal muscles and inhibition of reflex activity. It is no longer possible to communicate with such a patient. Anesthesia can be inhalational (the patient inhales a substance - nitrous oxide, fluorothane, halothane, ethyl ether, etc.) and non-inhalational (drug intravenously). With shallow anesthesia, the administration of drugs that cause immobilization is required, which paralyze the respiratory muscles, and such patients require artificial ventilation. The entrance to the lungs is through the mouth and oropharynx. Therefore, putting them in order is a strict necessity.

Substances used for anesthesia are destroyed and neutralized by the liver. At the same time, the paths of their neutralization intersect with the metabolic paths of alcohol, which itself was once used for these purposes (remember L. Tolstoy’s “War and Peace”, the scene of the amputation of Anatoly Kuragin’s leg). Anesthesiologists know that drunk people go into anesthesia slowly, difficultly and violently. Therefore, refrain from the desire to go out for the last time.


In addition, in the pre- and postoperative period you will have to rework a large number of various medications, and your liver will do this. So try to put it in order. A month before surgery, take a preventive course by taking the drug “Karsil” or “Essential-ale”. The artichoke preparation “Hofitol” is very good. You can prepare a collection of medicinal plants yourself, which should include choleretics, cholekinetics and cholespasmolytics. Choleretics stimulate the formation of bile: calamus, birch, immortelle, knotweed, coriander, corn silk, calendula, tansy, wormwood, mint, burdock, radish, rowan, chicory, rose hips. Cholekinetics improve the functioning of the gallbladder: vegetable oils(especially corn and olive), the same calamus and immortelle, as well as lingonberries, cornflower, oregano, rhubarb, thyme. Cholespasmolytics relieve spasm of the extrahepatic biliary tract: arnica, valerian, elecampane, St. John's wort, lemon balm, mint, calendula, sage.

The main thing to remember is: the healthier your liver, the less worries your resuscitators will have.

The breakdown products of cut tissues and all applied medications will be excreted through the kidneys. Therefore they must be in perfect order. The simplest collection for preventive purposes: birch (leaf) - 3 parts, flax (seed) - 1 part, bearberry (leaf) - 5 parts, horsetail (grass) 5 parts. Pour 4 tablespoons of the mixture into 1 liter of boiling water and leave in a thermos for 2 hours. Drink 100 ml 6 times a day for a month.


Infection of a sutured wound is more likely the longer it is. Your protection is your immunity. If the operation is not related to organ transplantation, it makes sense to stimulate it. The mildest way to do this is with the tincture of Echinacea purpurea. Moreover, I recommend to you the domestic drug from the company Galenapharm, since at a low price it is very effective.

You can use the drugs Immunal or Arbidol. The drug "Ingaron" is interesting. You can go a slightly different route, not only stimulating the immune system, but also increasing the overall adaptive capacity of the body. Plants containing adaptogens are suitable for this. This could be our native burdock and elecampane or the more exotic goldenseal (Rhodiola rosea). Experiments on animals have already proven that preoperative use of adaptogens facilitates the course of the postoperative period.

Some would-be specialists recommend “cleansing the body of toxins” before surgery. The fact is that the concept of “slag” does not exist either in medicine or in biology. These are inventions of illiterate trade swindlers. No need for experiments. Eating a lot of raw vegetables or repeated enemas can change your condition so much that the operation either has to be postponed or done for urgent reasons.


Now let's talk about what to take with you. It is quite difficult to give recommendations on this issue without knowing where you will be treated - in a district hospital or in a Central Clinical Hospital. Let's focus on the conditions of a city hospital in an average provincial town. Except personal experience, we will also use the recommendations of Dr. V.K. Kovalev, published in the book “An operation is coming.” In any case, you need to take the necessary toiletries. Please note that both men and women may need a razor to prepare the surgical field.

It is better to find out the issue with the dishes in advance. Sometimes they give you a plate, sometimes they don’t. In any case, a mug (or better yet two), a tablespoon, a teaspoon and a sharp knife will not hurt. Don't forget scissors, thread and needle. Boilers are not welcome by the administration, but it is difficult to do without them. Now there are very convenient mugs that have a heating coil built into the bottom. If it works, then buy it. It's safer. You should not boil water in glass jars, as they may burst. It's better to avoid getting burned.

If your hospitalization will last more than a week and there are difficulties with visiting relatives (they live far away, are sick, etc.), then think about the fact that socks, handkerchiefs and other small things tend to get dirty. In addition to toilet soap, take a piece of laundry soap.

Most often, the most basic things like toilet paper are forgotten. IN summer period mosquitoes and flies will get you. Grab a fumigator with odorless plates, which will make life much easier.

If the operation is large in volume (something like coronary artery bypass surgery), then it is advisable to bandage the legs to reduce the likelihood of blood clots elastic bandages. Therefore, it is also better to purchase them in advance (each length is at least 1.5 m).

Now about the clothes. Think not so much about your own appearance, so much about convenience.

Do not forget that in the hospital, unfortunately, there is always a chance of catching some kind of infection in addition to your illness. Therefore, try to avoid woolen items. If they are necessary, then try to wear something smooth and easy to wash over them. It is best if you can leave this woolen item in the hospital. And you won’t take the infection home, and you’ll do a good deed for someone homeless.

If your operation involves prolonged bed rest, you will have to use a duck and bedpan. Alas, this does not always work out neatly. In the hospital they should give you oilcloth and a diaper, but nurses and nurses will grumble about a dirty diaper. Take disposable sheets and you will feel calmer and easier. It also makes sense to take your own oilcloth. Somehow it's more pleasant. Just don’t take a kitchen one, but buy a medical one at the pharmacy: a couple of pieces will be enough (about the size of a ½ sheet).

In general, if possible, it is advisable to practice how to use the bedpan and duck before surgery at home or in the hospital. For some this is a serious problem. This is especially necessary for men with prostatitis or prostate adenoma. It is possible that they will not be able to urinate lying down at all. Be sure to warn your doctor about this. In this case, you will need a catheter, and it is better to have it placed by urologists or resuscitation specialists, who have to do this often.

Shvyrkov Mikhail Borisovich, Doctor of Medical Sciences

General anesthesia is prescribed to the patient if it is impossible to avoid it during the operation. local anesthesia for complete pain relief. Hundreds of thousands of people go through this procedure every day. Proper preparation for anesthesia will help reduce the likelihood of complications, both during and after surgery. The patient is required to strictly follow the recommendations that will help him prepare for the upcoming test physically and psychologically.

In many cases surgical intervention, it is impossible to do without general anesthesia. Despite its relevance and necessity, such anesthesia still remains not entirely subject to human will. Medicine cannot give a 100% guarantee that this artificial sleep will not have negative influence. An honest and open dialogue between the patient and the anesthesiologist is important when planning an operation, which should be prepared in advance.

Back in the middle of the last century, anesthesia before surgery was associated with a risk to the patient’s life. Today, thanks to a huge leap in the development of all branches of medicine, as well as due to the use advanced technologies, there is no longer any need to talk about mortality due to anesthesia. However, there remains a small potential for health hazard human brain(possible mental impairment).

Almost everyone who has to go through this procedure experiences fear, sometimes turning into panic. But, since there is no alternative to such anesthesia, it is necessary to use all available possibilities to achieve maximum safety. To do this, before anesthesia, it is important to prepare your body in accordance with established rules and the individual requirements of the attending physician. If you do everything as the anesthesiologist advises, you can reduce the likelihood of complications.

The advantages of general anesthesia include such factors as the patient’s lack of sensitivity to the surgical procedures being performed, and the patient’s absolute immobility, allowing surgeons to work with concentration and without tension. In addition, a person under general anesthesia is completely relaxed, which allows doctors to work even with hard-to-reach vessels and tissues, without wasting time. Another advantage is that the patient’s consciousness is turned off during the operation, and therefore there is no fear.

In some cases, anesthesia is accompanied by side effects such as attention disorder, nausea, vomiting, disorientation, pain and dry throat, and headaches.

These discomfort are temporary in nature, and their intensity and duration can be adjusted if you prepare for the upcoming operation as required by the doctor, for example, by not eating or consuming water for several hours before the procedure.

Preparing for surgery

It is important to properly prepare for surgery under general anesthesia. Depending on the complexity of the upcoming surgical intervention, the general health of the patient and many other factors, the preparation time can vary from 2 weeks to six months. During this time, the patient sometimes develops a persistent fear of surgery and anesthesia, which is fueled by stories from other patients or anonymous testimonies read in the tabloid press.

The anesthesiologist, together with the surgeon who will operate on the patient, should have an informative conversation with precise instructions on what you can eat and drink a month before the operation, a week before it and on the day of it. In addition, the patient must be examined by other specialized doctors who study his state of health and also give him useful tips by adjusting, for example, smoking, weight, lifestyle, sleep.

Even before a short and simple operation under general anesthesia, at least the following examination of the patient’s health condition is carried out:

  • blood test (general);
  • urine test (general);
  • blood clotting test;
  • general analysis urine.

It is important to tell the truth about how you feel. If the patient was properly preparing for surgery, but a few days before the operation he noticed an increase in temperature or an exacerbation of a chronic disease, for example, gastritis, the attending physician should know this! At feeling unwell the patient's operation is necessarily postponed.

Fear of surgery under anesthesia

Feeling afraid of anesthesia or a surgeon’s scalpel is normal and should not be ashamed. To reduce feelings of anxiety, you can seek help from a psychologist. In many developed countries, each patient is required to be consulted by such a specialist before surgery, and if necessary, consultations can be multiple. In our country, few clinics and hospitals can boast of such an opportunity, so patients themselves sometimes have to ask their doctor for a referral to a psychologist or psychiatrist for a conversation.

It is believed that the patient’s psyche is traumatized already in the clinic, when the doctor recommends to his ward surgical treatment. Even then, fear begins to occupy a dominant position in a person’s consciousness. The one who will surgery, needs the sensitivity of medical staff.

Every patient without exception should be reassured and encouraged. If the patient shows a particularly intense feeling of fear (cries often, talks about death, sleeps and eats poorly), he needs urgent consultation with a psychologist. In the preoperative period, most patients are in dire need of preparation for surgery, not only medicinally, but also psychologically. There are several areas of mental support for patients:

  • training of children and elderly people;
  • preparation for emergency surgery;
  • preparation for planned surgery.

Fear is a strong emotion, which in this case plays a negative role, preventing the patient from adjusting to a favorable outcome of the operation.

Since the consequences of anesthesia depend not only on the anesthesiologist, but also on the patient, you should carefully consider your own emotional experiences and promptly see a specialist to restore mental balance. You can be afraid of anesthesia or the outcome of surgery, but still live full life, without poisoning it either to yourself or loved ones. To do this, you should prepare for the operation psychologically and physically, controlling not only what you can eat or drink, but also what you can and should think about.

Psychological attitude

First of all, you should give up ostentatious bravado and admit to yourself: “Yes, I’m afraid of anesthesia.” Every patient who is about to undergo major surgery experiences fear. This normal condition, since a person is used to controlling work own body, and the thought that he will be helpless inspires fear and anxiety. In addition, there is fear for the consequences of anesthesia and the success of the operation itself. Such anxiety is normal if it is not constantly present and does not disrupt the patient’s usual rhythm of life.

To psychologically prepare for an operation under anesthesia, while experiencing fear, you can do auto-training, yoga, and meditation. It is enough to master the technique of proper relaxation and breathing in order to feel peace of mind and peace. Breathing exercises and a positive attitude will help overcome fear and panic.

Physical training

Besides psychological aspect, body preparation is important:

  • The anesthesiologist and the attending surgeon should know about all medications taken (even about 1 tablet of aspirin);
  • you should tell your doctors about your recent previous diseases and allergic reactions;
  • You cannot hide diseases suffered in the past that are popularly considered indecent (syphilis, gonorrhea, tuberculosis);
  • you should not eat or drink 6 hours before surgery;
  • It is advisable to quit smoking 6 weeks before the appointed date;
  • must be removed from the mouth removable dentures and piercing;
  • needs to be removed contact lenses And hearing aid(in the presence of);
  • Decorative varnish is removed from the surface of the nails.

A week before surgery, you should eat foods that help cleanse the intestines of toxins and gases. If you prepare correctly, the body will tolerate anesthesia easily and without complications. A competent approach and following the instructions will help you not to be afraid of the upcoming procedure and will allow you to restore strength after the operation.

Plastic surgery is a serious surgical intervention, even if a person just wants to fix his nose, lips or something else. There is always a risk of complications. To keep them to a minimum, it is important to carry out proper preparation. Then the result will be expected and pleasant.

Read in this article

Tests that will be required before any plastic surgery

Typically, the surgeon will schedule the date of surgery approximately one to two weeks after the first consultation. During this time, the patient must undergo a full medical examination to identify risks, allergic reactions, contraindications. Analyzes show general state the client’s health and what problems he has. Before the operation, you must undergo the following tests:

  • General clinical blood and urine tests. They are valid for two weeks.
  • Coagulogram - examination for coagulation and prothrombin. The analysis is necessary to exclude the possibility of bleeding during surgery. If clotting is poor, the doctor may refuse to perform it. IN as a last resort a course of medications is prescribed to correct the indications. Valid for a month.
  • Analysis for blood group and Rh factor. It is needed for an emergency emergency situation for blood transfusion. Valid for three months.
  • Blood chemistry. This study carried out to identify diabetes mellitus. For this disease, surgical interventions are not recommended due to the high risk of complications. The analysis also shows the level of bilirubin, creatinine, urea, ALT and AST, the amount of potassium, sodium, total protein. Valid for two weeks.
  • ECG – electrocardiogram of the heart.
  • Fluorographic examination. It is valid for a year.
  • Blood tests for the presence of HIV, hepatitis C and B, syphilis. Valid for three months.
  • Consultation with a phlebologist. Your doctor will determine the risks and may recommend wearing compression stockings during surgery.
  • Additionally, depending on the type of plastic surgery, consultation with a gynecologist, mammologist and breast ultrasound is required.

Depending on the results of the medical history, the doctor may prescribe more tests or develop individual plan preparation for surgery. Sometimes you have to undergo a course of treatment and eliminate bad habits. The main task of a qualified surgeon is to bring the patient to the maximum healthy condition for surgery, compensation for all chronic diseases.

In addition, you should comply special diet– do not eat fatty, salty, spicy foods, do not drink drinks with caffeine or other stimulants. It is useful to include more fruits and vegetables, light protein foods in the menu. It is important to completely abandon alcoholic drinks, since they worsen the effect of anesthesia.

In addition, they contribute to increased blood pressure. It is also recommended that a week before the operation, establish a calm and measured lifestyle, go to bed on time, do not catch a cold, do not succumb to stress, and walk more.

  • Before surgery, it is useful to take vitamins E, A and an increased amount of C. When performing plastic surgery on the chest or abdomen, it is useful to add iron to the diet. This will help you recover faster later.
  • Do not take aspirin, coagulants or oral contraceptives, hormonal drugs. They affect the properties of the blood and can provoke bleeding or, conversely, thrombosis.
  • Be sure to tell your doctor about all medications that were prescribed within the last two months.
  • You cannot go to the solarium or to the beach the day before. The skin should have a natural shade.
  • It is also important to temporarily avoid cosmetic products with a lifting effect.
  • You need to eat your last meal before plastic surgery 12 hours before. In this case, food should be as light as possible. On the morning of the operation, you should not have breakfast, you should not even drink water or tea if general anesthesia is planned.

What to do before surgery on this day

Day plastic surgery is very responsible. The patient must follow all the surgeon's instructions. Depending on the type of operation there is different recommendations regarding behavior.

On the face before contouring and other interventions

Any plastic surgery is performed on an empty stomach, therefore last time You can eat 12 hours before the procedure. But you can’t overeat either. Eating should be light. On the day of surgery, you should not have breakfast, snacks, or even drink anything.

In the morning you are allowed to take a shower, but without aggressive detergents. You can only use those recommended by your doctor. You need to come to the clinic for surgery as soon as possible. natural form, you cannot use cosmetics. It is also important to remove polish and any other coating from your nails. If a person wears contact lenses, they should not be worn that day, or they can be removed right before the intervention.

On the day of surgery you need to come to the clinic at compression stockings, you can put them on already in the hospital. This measure helps to avoid complications from the venous system.

It is important to take care of how you can get home after surgery. Some interventions require a very short stay and are often released a few days later.

To learn how to prepare for plastic surgery on the eyelids and face, watch this video:

On the vagina

The operation can be performed under either general or local anesthesia. The method of pain relief is selected by the doctor. Like any other operation, colporrhaphy is performed on an empty stomach. In addition, to facilitate the recovery phase and minimize complications the day before, it is necessary to do an enema to cleanse the intestines.

In the morning you need to take a shower and remove all hair from the genital area. You should not put any medications into the vagina or douche the day before.

Before breast surgery

In addition to the above recommendations general, when preparing for mammoplasty there are some nuances. In the morning you need to take a shower and shave armpits need to be done carefully so as not to damage the skin. Epilation is not recommended. The use of deodorant and perfume on the day of plastic surgery is prohibited.


You must come to your appointment without makeup or manicure, without jewelry or piercings. You can't eat in the morning. It is also important to bring comfortable clothing: slippers or flip-flops, button-down tops to avoid raising your arms.

Before removing the abdominal apron

This type surgical intervention implies all of the above recommendations during preparation. An important point is to maintain a stable weight after the procedure. Also on postoperative period need to stock up compression garments on the abdominal area.

On the day of the operation, you should not eat or drink; you should definitely take a shower and shave your body hair at the operation site (if there is any, for example, along the linea alba). You should not wear makeup or makeup; it will have to be removed before surgery.

Preparing for plastic surgery is an important step. The quality of the result depends on the seriousness of the patient’s approach. Many prohibitions and recommendations are simple and do not require special training or skills. If you neglect this stage, you can cause serious damage to your health and increase the likelihood of complications.

Useful video

For information on preparing for plastic surgery to tighten the skin after losing weight, watch this video:

In order to even elective surgery passed without complications, it is necessary to properly prepare for it. How to do it?

An anesthesiologist-resuscitator at the St. Petersburg Institute of the Human Brain says: Russian Academy sciences

Natalya Viktorovna Kirsanova.

If you were offered an operation and you agreed to have it, then the first thing you need to do is try to calm down as much as possible. You have already taken the main step - you have given your consent. Now you will need all your concentration and diligence to help not only yourself, but also your attending physician and operating surgeon.

Do not forget that excessive worries are essentially emotional stress, which cannot pass “unnoticed” by the body. Such stress causes an exacerbation of all chronic diseases, in other words, it destabilizes the body. And a prolonged nervous state can even lead to a perverted effect of medications.

The importance of psychological preparation is difficult to overestimate. There is no need to dramatically change the daily rhythm of life, behavior and habits. Many doctors, for example, are categorically against the patient quitting smoking on the eve of surgery. This useful undertaking should have been taken up earlier - 3-4 months before the operation. When you quit smoking, the “cough reflex” changes, and bronchial mucus continues to be produced by the body in excess. This disrupts sputum production, which can lead to the development of various postoperative pneumonia. Although smokers are still more susceptible to them than non-smoking patients. Nutrition should be complete, with increased content proteins, vitamins, microelements, energy-valuable components. Required active image life - walking, running, physical exercise– in accordance with age and health status. This way you will train your body before the upcoming serious test.

A month before surgery, start taking vitamins and iron supplements, since any, even the simplest operation is accompanied by blood loss. For the same reason, you should not have surgery during your period. Calculate the time of the operation so that it falls in the first half of the cycle, closer to the middle, when the body's recovery abilities are best expressed.

In addition, you need to remember that after the operation, your menstrual cycle may shift, and your period may come earlier or slightly later than you expected. Don't be alarmed. This normal reaction body to outside interference. Menstrual cycle It will normalize in a couple of months.

In addition to the purely psychological, preparation for surgery also consists of a set of various laboratory tests and research. They are necessary, first of all, for your own safety. Test data can help the anesthesiologist and surgeon assess your health and readiness for surgery.

The first thing you need to do is check your blood. The most common is clinical analysis blood. It is taken from the finger morning time and preferably on an empty stomach. This analysis looks at the level of hemoglobin, erythrocytes - red blood cells, their ratio - the color indicator of blood. If these indicators are reduced, it means you have. It must be dealt with before surgery with the help of iron supplements, as it may cause serious complications and poor healing in the postoperative period.

In the same analysis, the number of leukocytes is examined. Their increased level speaks of inflammation. This is a contraindication for elective surgery. A low platelet count is an indicator of poor blood clotting and a risk of bleeding.

Very important biochemical analysis blood. In order for the indicators to be reliable, an “empty stomach” is a prerequisite. This analysis reflects the functioning of the liver, kidneys and pancreas. To determine blood coagulation parameters, a coagulogram is studied. Deviations in it can threaten bleeding or, conversely, the formation of blood clots after surgery.

A general urine test is also given. It shows how the kidneys work. For the analysis to be reliable, you must take a hygienic shower immediately before performing it. Before any operation, it is necessary to determine the blood type and Rh factor, as well as conduct a test for C and B, and HIV infection. And the gynecologist will need a smear for flora and gonococci.

If your heart is “playing up,” then you can’t do without an ECG and consultation with a therapist, who must give permission for the operation. If you are planning an operation on the abdominal organs, then you need to do an ultrasound of the abdominal cavity.

if you have chronic diseases, then you must obtain permission for the operation from all the doctors who are observing you, and undergo a course of preventive treatment in advance.

If you have high blood pressure and you accept antihypertensive drugs, then during the operation, as well as in the early postoperative period, they are canceled, leaving only diuretics. The narcotic drugs you take during anesthesia and the painkillers you will be given after surgery will themselves lower your blood pressure, and additional medications Not needed.
In the case of diabetes, the blood sugar level is corrected, and during the operation and early postoperative period, all medications are replaced with insulin. A week before surgery, to avoid bleeding, medications that thin the blood are also discontinued. These include heparin, aspirin, Plavix, and warfarin.

If you've ever been bothered peptic ulcer, and all your treatment is limited to following a diet, even in this case, fibrogastroscopy and the prescription of antiulcer drugs will be required before surgery. For example, ranitidine.

Any operation is stressful for the body, against the background of which even long-forgotten sores can worsen. Don't forget to go to the dentist and get rid of a. Untreated teeth are the source of chronic infection and can cause various postoperative complications.

If you have had an acute respiratory infection, then the operation can be done only two weeks after recovery. If there was, then for full recovery it will take a month. And before the operation, in terms of preparation, you need to take an x-ray chest. If you have recently had a heart attack, it is better to postpone the operation for six months.

At the hospital, an anesthesiologist will talk to you before the operation. He will assess how ready your body is for surgery, what type of anesthesia is better and safer for you. If you are taking any medications, be sure to tell your anesthesiologist. This also applies to oral hormonal contraceptives,

which many women forget about, not counting them as medications.
This is due to the fact that most drugs, in addition to their main effect, also have side effects, which need to be taken into account, and when joint use change their activity and duration of action.
For example, regular aspirin affects blood clotting, and sedatives can change the body's response to painkillers. Don't be afraid to get too detailed. Honest and thorough answers will help you manage anesthesia and surgery in the best possible way, prevent complications and ensure a quick recovery.

When packing, don't forget your passport and travel insurance policy. health insurance. Without these documents, you will be denied hospitalization. If you have a voluntary medical insurance, then be sure to tell your doctor about this. He will need to contact your insurance coordinator to discuss the expected scope of your treatment and agree to pay all medical expenses.

In the hospital you will continue all the above recommendations. Also you must learn the complex breathing exercises that need to be performed during the resuscitation period.

You need to practice and “walk small” while lying down, which you will have to do on the first or second day after the operation. And this is far from a simple task, as it seems at first glance. So, preparing properly for surgery is not easy, but it is very important for everything to go well.

Marina Bondarenko

"Women Health"

Today we will talk about:

Any operation- This is stress for the body. Many people are mistaken when they think that the success of the operation lies entirely on the shoulders of the doctor. This is a common misconception. Much also depends on the actions of the patient himself on the eve of the operation. What do you need to know when elective surgery is ahead? Will tell you about Medicine.

Surely many people do not even suspect that proper preparation to the operation and subsequent compliance with the rules postoperative regimen have important for the health of the patient. If a person does not adhere to certain rules that all patients preparing for surgery must strictly follow, the doctor may cancel it. In addition, such a negligent attitude towards your health can significantly change the work of the anesthesiologist for the worse; he may make a mistake and choose the wrong method of anesthesia and the drugs used for you. Therefore in all medical institutions doctors strongly advise you to adhere to strict rules for the preoperative and postoperative period.

Before entering the department

You will see when you learn that preparations begin weeks or even months before you are admitted to the hospital wing. Here everything depends on the patient himself, because the doctor will not be able to constantly monitor the patient’s lifestyle and ensure that he follows all his instructions. So, what is required of the patient before entering a medical facility:

I. General information

1. Before the operation, you must put your body on alert, that is, be as healthy as possible. Due to cough and ARVI, a specialist may well undergo surgery if your condition seems unsatisfactory to him. However, what should those who suffer chronic illnesses? Together with the doctor, achieve stable remission by the date for which the operation is scheduled.

2. Should be abandoned bad habits: from smoking, alcohol, taking drugs. It is best to avoid smoking cigarettes one and a half months before surgery. Drinking alcohol on the day of surgery is strictly prohibited, because for a long time Anesthesia does not work. In addition, it negatively affects the work of many internal organs. And you need your heart, kidneys, and liver to work at full capacity.

3. Try to lead healthy image life and eating right. Be sure to include vegetables, fruits, lean meats, and dairy products in your diet (unless you have personal recommendations from a doctor). If the specialist said that you need to lose a pair extra pounds Before you lie down on the operating table, it’s better to listen to him. Obesity leads to frequent complications. A patient who maintains his body in good shape endures the postoperative period much easier than one who does not monitor his weight. Of course, you shouldn’t indulge in sweets, fast food, fatty and salty foods before surgery.

4. It is also better not to go under the knife with loose teeth and weak crowns. The fact is that the anesthesiologist must ensure patency during the operation respiratory tract. It sounds paradoxical, but your tooth can simply get lost. It will be worse if you swallow it.

5. Prepare all medications you take in advance. Doctors cannot know about every pill that makes you feel better. Be sure to tell your doctor about all the medications you take. If you resort to alternative medicine(propolis tinctures, various decoctions and ointments) - the doctor should also know about this.

II. Personal items

1. Everything Jewelry(earrings, bracelets, rings, etc.) should be left at home. There is no need for you to wear them during surgery. They can interfere with specialists during work and even injure your skin.

2. You should be careful about what to take with you to the hospital. First, don't forget about toiletries (soap, towel, toilet paper, shampoo, washcloth, etc.). You should also take your shaving accessories with you. If you lie in paid clinic, you may not need them, but in regular city hospitals it is better to bring everything with you, including utensils. Be sure to bring 1-2 mugs, a cup, a spoon, a fork, a knife, a boiler or small teapot, and tea leaves. Don't forget scissors and thread and needle. It is better to wear comfortable clothes made from natural materials. Please note that it may get dirty or torn, so it is advisable to bring already worn clothes.

3. You will have enough free time before the operation. To calm down and distract yourself, take several books, magazines, Board games(chess, checkers, dominoes). Don't forget your phone or tablet. Take care of chargers. If your child is undergoing surgery, allow him to take his favorite toys into the department.

Before anesthesia

I. Hygiene and appearance

1. If you have not had any instructions from your doctor, be sure to take a shower with soap the evening before the morning surgery (or the afternoon before the evening surgery). Water procedures will help cleanse your skin of impurities invisible to the eye, which will reduce the risk of infection.

2. Don't forget to brush your teeth in the mornings and evenings.

3. Before the operation, your skin should be cleansed of foundation, powder and makeup. It is not allowed to lie down on the operating table with a manicure, because the varnish may interfere special device read data about the patient's breathing.

4. Piercings, earrings, lenses, hearing aids should also be left in the room.

5. If the operation will be performed on a part of the body where there is hair, it should be thoroughly shaved before the operation. Your doctor should tell you about this. If no recommendations have been received from him, do not use the razor. You can make microscopic cuts that can easily become infected.

II. Food and medicine

1. Everything medications The medications you take must be agreed upon with your doctor and anesthesiologist. This is very important question, because even Viagra can provoke a critical fall blood pressure And sharp deterioration the patient's condition during the operation.

2. If you are allowed to take any medication several hours before surgery, it is better not to take it with liquid.

3. The morning before you have surgery, you are not allowed to eat or drink any liquids, including drinking water. It is extremely important that your stomach is empty during surgery, otherwise your life will be in real danger.

III. Psychological side affairs

1. Excitement and fear before an operation, even one planned in advance, is a normal human reaction that should not be embarrassed. In order not to worry and feel comfortable, try to collect as much competent information as possible about how such operations are carried out. Read a book, listen to your favorite music. If you are haunted by a persistent feeling of fear, talk to the doctor who will perform the operation.

After operation

After a successfully completed operation, the patient still has to recover from anesthesia. Gradually, muscle sensitivity will return to him and he will regain consciousness. To eliminate medications, the body will need time and concentration. Doctors say that patients recover from anesthesia in 4-5 hours. After that, about another 10-15 hours are spent half asleep. This reaction is completely normal and should not bother you or your loved ones.

What you need to know

  • After anesthesia, you need to spend at least a day in a quiet environment: you cannot run, jump, play active games, work with children, etc.;
  • It is prohibited to handle any devices that can harm your health (chainsaw, lawn mower, etc.);
  • after anesthesia, you should not drive, because your reaction speed will be noticeably slower, you may fall asleep while sitting in the driver’s seat;
  • do not take any medications other than those prescribed by your doctor;
  • alcohol (including beer, cider, cocktails, etc.) should be excluded for at least a few days, allow the body to recover and rest from the stress experienced;
  • if you were discharged from the hospital after anesthesia (a minor operation was performed), ask a friend or relative to monitor your condition for 24 hours and tell the doctor if you get worse;
  • Limit yourself in food and drink for the first 3-4 days; your diet should consist of broths, porridges with water, yoghurts, mousses, toast bread.

For the operation to be successful, do not forget that you must be directly involved in its preparation. Compliance with doctors' instructions will help avoid possible risks and complications.

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