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Peony alcohol tincture. Medicinal properties and pharmacological action. Peony tincture in the treatment of gynecological diseases

Peony extract is sedative, which is made from the rhizomes of the plant of the same name in the form of tablets or tinctures. Tablets are taken with various nervous disorders, sleep disorders, phobias. good effect from this drug is observed under heavy loads, both physical and psychological. Let's clarify how effective the Peony Extract drug is, reviews, instructions, what they say about it.

Peony extract - instructions for use

What is the composition of Peony Extract?

Peony extract tablets are made from processed rhizomes and the green part of the elusive peony. This plant is found in some parts of Siberia, in China, Mongolia. Now it is listed in the Red Book, as it belongs to endangered species. This plant contains toxic substances, but in small doses they are able to have a healing effect on the nervous system.

The composition of the tablets includes acids - salicylic and benzoic, as well as essential oils, flavonoids, glycosides, alkaloids and tannins, which are found in the root and stems of the plant.

What is the effect of Peony Extract?

Peony extract tablets act on the central nervous system, providing a sedative effect. This drug is able to remove nervous tension, stress, and also possesses in small degree antioxidant, anticonvulsant and antihypoxic action. Peony extract strengthens cell membranes.

What are the indications for use of Peony Extract tablets?

In addition to the sedative and hypnotic effect, peony extract in tablets is successfully used in complex treatment. various diseases. It is prescribed for the following violations.

1. Violation metabolic processes, problems with the digestive tract.
2. In the presence of various emotional and mental disorders.
3. To stabilize sleep.
4. Under heavy loads.
5. With increased irritability.
6. To improve performance.
7. In complex treatment female diseases associated with the appearance of neoplasms - cysts, polyps.
8. As a general tonic.
9. Women in the period hormonal disorders caused by menopause.
10. Girls with severe premenstrual syndrome.
11. With convulsive syndrome.
12. For headaches of unknown etiology, tablets can be prescribed as an analgesic and antispasmodic.

What are the contraindications for the use of the Peony Extract medicine?

Peony extract (tablets) instructions for use prohibits the use in such cases:

If signs of individual intolerance to the drug are obvious.
Children up to 12 years old.
During pregnancy.
People with high acidity.
At low pressure, it is not recommended to take peony extract.

Warnings, special instructions

When enough long-term treatment this drug may experience inhibition of reactions. This information is important for people managing vehicles and those working in mechanized production.

Due to the tonic effect that this drug has, it is not recommended to take it orally for girls when planning conception. Peony extract can tone the uterine muscles and provoke a miscarriage for early dates pregnancy.

1 tablet of peony extract contains more than 0.2 grams of carbohydrates. People suffering diabetes should take this into account if they plan to start taking this drug.

Taking medication with other medications

If you are taking any medications, you should consult a doctor before starting treatment with peony extract. This medicine may increase the effects of certain medicines, such as sleeping pills, antispasmodics, and sedatives.

Does Peony Extract have any side effects?

Side effects from taking peony extract are rare, most often they can occur with an overdose. With individual intolerance, urticaria, itching, swelling may occur. In other cases, nausea, vomiting or upset stool. Drowsiness and lethargy are most common, this is due to the sedative effect of the drug.

What is the use of Peony Extract tablets, dosage?

Peony extract drink 1 tablet 2 times a day for 3-4 weeks. Take the medicine half an hour before meals with water. After a full course, they always take a break (10 days), after which, if necessary, the treatment is resumed.

About peony extract (tablets) - reviews:

Marina speaks positively about the peony extract. According to her, the girl began to take it because of problems with sleep and excessive irritability that arose against the background of spring beriberi. She says that the medicine does not act immediately, the effect becomes noticeable after 2-3 days, but it works very gently, the mind remains clean and clear from it.

The user Gregory was dissatisfied with the treatment. He believes that the depressant should act instantly, moreover, after taking a thirty-day course, he did not feel much improvement in his condition, except that he constantly wanted to sleep.

This medicine has vegetable origin, so it has a rather mild effect on the nervous system. IN severe cases it is recommended to take it along with other medicines, but complex treatment can only be prescribed by a doctor.

An evasive peony tincture is a sedative drug. sedative and hypnotic effect is the main indication for use. As part of complex therapy the drug is used to treat vegetovascular disorders, disorders of a neurasthenic nature and as anticonvulsant. The healing effect reduces clinical manifestations irritability, prolonged depression and chronic fatigue. Besides, in traditional medicine tincture is used to treat ulcers, wounds and burns, taken to prevent viral diseases and failures in cardiovascular activity.

Medicinal properties

The tincture of the evading peony (another name for the plant is Maryin root) is sold in the category of sleeping pills and sedatives. It has a reliable sedative effect in neurosis and prolonged depression. The tool is not a traditional chemical medicine, however, its healing effect on human health is determined by its comprehensive nature. Clear brown liquid specific smell. Due to its healing effect, it is considered indispensable tool V home first aid kit.

Special properties tinctures apply to almost the entire body:

  1. 1. It is recommended for functional disorders central nervous system. Healing components of the drug relieve seizures increased anxiety and irritability. Normalizes sleep and has a calming effect on stressful situations. Restores strength in chronic fatigue syndrome. The remedy is indicated for the elimination of convulsions of any origin and localization.
  2. 2. In alternative medicine used to treat gynecological problems.
  3. 3. Peony tincture is recommended for dysfunction of the digestive system. Useful for people with diagnosed gastritis with low acidity. Eliminates symptoms of diarrhea and intoxication, blocks gastric and intestinal spasms. It is prescribed for loss of appetite.
  4. 4. The drug is indicated for the treatment of organ diseases respiratory system. Eliminates clinical manifestations of dry cough, bronchitis, tracheitis, asthma, pneumonia. Thanks to systematic reception allows you to prevent the risks of hypoxia, normalizes blood circulation and saturates the blood with oxygen.
  5. 5. Peony tincture is recommended when there is a risk of dehydration. The use of a healing composition allows you to normalize water-salt metabolism.
  6. 6. Restores disturbed metabolism in the body.
  7. 7. It is used for the treatment of wounds, erosion and ulcers as an antiseptic, antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory agent.

Natural antibiotics, which are part of the tincture of the evading peony, can be used to stop the development of inflammatory and viral processes. At correct application lowers arterial pressure. The unique components of the plant allows the use of the drug in order to prevent alcoholism. Revealed a beneficial effect on the scalp and hair growth with regular rubbing. As an external agent, it is also used to eliminate skin dermatitis.

The composition of the drug

In modern pharmacology, three forms are produced medicinal plant:

  • dried crushed raw materials in portion packs;
  • extract in the form of tablets;
  • alcohol tincture.

The tincture has a higher consumer demand than other forms of the plant, which is due to its universal application. In addition to oral administration, the drug is used externally. In this form, the product has a longer shelf life. Presented in the pharmacy medicinal tincture evasive peony consists of leaves, flowers, stems, roots of the plant in 40% alcohol. Chemical composition finished product next:

  • essential oils are shown to normalize metabolism and improve digestion;
  • glycosides - components that activate the work of the heart and blood vessels;
  • organic acids are necessary for the full functioning of the systems of the human body;
  • tanning components contribute to the correct and uninterrupted operation of all organs and systems;
  • antibiotics are important for suppressing the reproduction of pathogenic microbes and viruses.

Extract useful plant produces a comprehensive healing effect. Most healing substances accumulate in peony roots. When using the drug, it is important to remember that the evading peony is recognized as poisonous. Therefore, the use of raw materials for self cooking tincture is not recommended. Violation of the optimal level of the ratio of constituent components can lead to critical damage to the body, including poisoning.

How to take the remedy

In modern medical practice the main purpose of peony tincture is the correction of neurotic conditions various etiologies. The main effect is to provide a sedative effect. Available in pharmacies without a doctor's prescription. Elimination of the symptoms of insomnia, a sedative effect, restoration of emotional stability - all this can be achieved by taking the remedy correctly.

Regular use of the tincture improves general state during periods of heightened emotional and physical activity. According to patient reviews, if you systematically take the tincture in the minimum dosage, you can improve the assimilation of information and normalize biological rhythms.

For achievement maximum result indicated to use the drug for a month. Basic therapeutic effect comes in 7-10 days from the beginning of reception. In accordance with the instructions for use, optimal dose medication should not exceed 30-40 drops at a time. The remedy should be diluted in a quarter glass of water and drunk 10-20 minutes before meals. For treatment, it is recommended to use the remedy three times a day, for the purpose of prevention - once a day.

It is not recommended to use the tincture on your own in treatment, it is important to consult a doctor to determine the optimal dosage and duration of use. The beneficial properties of the drug in case of an overdose can be toxic effect on the patient. Therefore, it is always recommended to take a break. At regular use the drug every 3-4 weeks, it is important to take a break in treatment for ten days.

Alcohol tincture of peony, instructions for use of which, as a rule, are printed on pharmacy packaging, is used to treat neurosis, vegetovascular disorders, insomnia and many other diseases. The information presented here will help to understand in more detail who and how to drink the tincture, so as not only not to harm, but also bring maximum benefit to the body.


In fact, the flower that served as the basis for the tincture is known not only under the name of the evading peony (Paeonia anomalia, but also Maryin root). This plant, the most common in Siberia and Asia, is listed in the Red Book. Organic substances with the most beneficial properties are found in the stems and roots of the plant. First of all, the peony is rich in:

  • essential oils that normalize the functioning of the central nervous system and have a calming effect;
  • glycosides (or, as they are also called, vegetable carbohydrates), which perfectly strengthen the cardiovascular system;
  • flavonoids, whose positive effect most noticeable during menopause, against the background of reduced level estrogen;
  • in addition, salicylic and benzoic acids, which are part of this plant, are natural anti-inflammatory and antibacterial substances.

Moreover, the quantity useful minerals any plant can envy, since the peony contains an almost complete set of all the salts and nutrients that the body may need.

peony flower

The tincture of the evasive peony itself is made from its grass and roots based on a 40% solution ethyl alcohol. It looks like a light brown liquid with a characteristic odor. Produced in dark glass bottles. Store it as recommended by the instructions for use, should be in a cool dark place, preferably in the refrigerator.

Peony tincture should be drunk with caution, strictly under the supervision of a doctor. This is due to the fact that the composition includes substances that increase stomach acidity and can dramatically lower blood pressure.

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As mentioned above, there is the following indications for taking the tincture:

  • with violations of the central nervous system, namely neurosis, insomnia, stress reactions;
  • in case of imbalance of the autonomic nervous system, for example, during seizures vegetative dystonia or the presence of neurotic conditions;
  • hypertension or other cardiovascular disorders like coronary disease;
  • at severe symptoms menopause;
  • as a sedative for epilepsy.

In order to know how to take peony tincture, it is necessary to proceed from which of the indications for use in each case. Any medicine has contraindications, and in the case of peony tincture, this statement is especially true, because the benefits and harms of this drug largely depend on individual characteristics organism.

Peony tincture for treatment

With uterine fibroids ( benign tumors) or diseases of the cervix, 1 teaspoon of tincture, diluted with water, is prescribed in the morning, afternoon and evening with meals. The course of treatment lasts 1 month, after which a break is made and a consultation with a doctor about possible positive changes is carried out. If any are present, after a two-week break, treatment can be continued, otherwise it is better to stop taking the drug.

For the treatment of cardiovascular diseases, the dosage of the medication is 30-40 drops per glass of water (twice a day for 2 months). It will be possible to repeat the course of treatment in six months.
As a sedative for insomnia and neurotic states instructions for use recommends dissolving 40 drops medicinal product in glass boiled water and take before bed.


Before you start taking the tincture, be sure to read the list, which lists the contraindications to taking this drug. If you find your case in this list, at least first consult with your doctor about the possibility of taking a tincture.

So, who is contraindicated in tincture? First of all, people with arterial hypotension, i.e., those with systolic blood pressure below 100 mmHg. Tincture can further reduce this indicator, which will lead to a deterioration in well-being.

Do not take tincture for people with arterial hypotension

Do not take the tincture to people who have had liver and kidney diseases, in particular, with chronic hepatitis it is better to stop taking this drug altogether, because active substances in the composition of the tincture, to a greater extent, they give a load on the liver cells.

When hypersensitivity to the components of the tincture, the manufacturer warns about such side effects like sleepiness, feeling general weakness, allergic manifestations in the form of a rash on the skin, itching. In addition, this drug enhances the effect of sedatives and sleeping pills, as well as drugs with antipsychotic and antidepressant effects.

In addition, pregnant (or only planning pregnancy) women, nursing mothers, children under the age of 12 are at risk.

Features of the effect of tincture on the children's body

For children, the use of peony tincture is not only not recommended, but rather is classified as a contraindication. In connection with complex composition drug, its effect on children's body as yet insufficiently studied. In this case, some toxicity of the plant itself indicates the unpredictability of the consequences for the child's body.

As a sedative, peony tincture for children is also not intended.

The instructions do not say anything about the children's dosage, and exceeding the norm, even for an adult, is fraught with backfire. When allergic reaction the effects may be more pronounced than just a rash or itchy skin.

If the child has already been given peony tincture, the instruction strongly recommends especially carefully monitoring the general condition of the child's body and his blood pressure. Even small doses can lead to an apathetic state, a decrease in the perception of information (especially for schoolchildren), in some cases, fainting is possible if the pressure will drop too harsh. In addition, the ability of peony tincture to stimulate the secretion gastric juice may irritate the mucous membrane of the child's stomach. This, in turn, is fraught with nausea, vomiting and abdominal pain.

How to take tincture for children

Whether such problems are offset by the perceived benefits to the child is not yet known: studies have not confirmed beneficial effect Peony tinctures for children's body.

In addition to those already listed useful applications given medicinal product, there is another area where peony tincture brings tangible benefits. In cosmetology, this remedy is used as a hair strengthening agent, eliminating dandruff, as a component for skin rejuvenating agents.

So, for example, to increase the density of hair, cosmetologists recommend drinking peony tincture 1 teaspoon daily. To eliminate dandruff and high fat content hair experts suggest rubbing heated peony tincture into the scalp three times a week, washing off the product after 10 minutes warm water. If you rinse your hair after washing with a small amount of water with the addition of 2 tablespoons of the same tincture, the hair will become shiny and less dirty.

However, there are caveats here as well. Since the alcohol base can dry out the skin excessively, it is better for women whose skin and hair are naturally prone to dryness, it is better to refrain from using the tincture in cosmetic purposes. In addition, it does not hurt to conduct an allergy test before using the tincture.

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Peony tincture is used in evidence-based and traditional medicine as a sedative. Indications for use:

  • anxiety disorder, insomnia, reduced concentration;
  • convulsions, paralysis and paresis, diseases of the nervous system;
  • low acidity of the stomach, atonic constipation, gastritis against the background of disorders in the gallbladder and pancreas.

Peony tincture has contraindications, you can not use this remedy for the treatment of diseases of the stomach and intestines without consulting a gastroenterologist. The instruction says that the remedy increases the acidity of gastric juice. If a patient has gastritis due to increased, and not low acidity, then the use will cause harm to health and cause a deterioration in well-being. Peony tincture is used as a remedy for the treatment of gynecological and endocrinological diseases in women. Indications for use:

  • heavy premenstrual syndrome, painful spasms of the uterus;
  • complicated climacteric and postmenopausal syndromes, emotional lability, hysteria;
  • disturbances in the work of the psyche, as a result of changes hormonal background.

In women after 45 years, with menopause, the frequency increases gynecological diseases. Peony tincture is prescribed for the prevention of inflammatory processes in the uterus, fallopian tubes and vagina. Indications for use:

  • violation of the microflora of the vagina;
  • cysts, fibroids, polyps of the uterus and ovaries.
  • course duration - 4 weeks, then a break of 1 week, the course can be repeated.

If the patient has a sensitive mucous membrane of the stomach and intestines, the peony tincture is diluted with a glass of water. The application does not take place before meals, but after.

Peony is cultivated as an ornamental flowering plant, in landscape design it is used to decorate gardens and parks. Medicinal properties plants have made it popular in the field of evidence-based and traditional medicine. The benefits of the root were discovered in Ancient Greece, ancient healers did not know the chemical composition of the plant, but prescribed the use of a decoction of the crushed root to treat the nervous system with hysteria, epilepsy and other systemic disorders. Appearance plants: perennial grass, up to 50 cm high. The leaves are large, oval shape with prominent veins. It blooms in June-July with voluminous double flowers of different shades of pink. The root is harvested from plants of the second year of life, the collection takes place in the fall. Drying in a special oven and grinding gives raw materials that do not harm the body. Proper preparation is a guarantee that the drug will be useful, poor-quality raw materials are harmful and can cause poisoning. What are the healing properties of peony tincture:

  • acts as an antispasmodic, relaxes smooth muscles;
  • acts as a diuretic and diaphoretic, removes toxins;
  • sedative properties, soothes and relieves overexcitation;
  • expectorant, choleretic properties, helps to cleanse the bronchi and enhance the functioning of the glands internal secretion;
  • antibacterial properties, stops inflammatory processes and causes damage to pathogenic microorganisms;
  • hemostatic properties, normalizes blood composition and metabolism.

Peony tincture normalizes metabolism, has a beneficial effect on blood composition. Proper use in accordance with the dosage does not cause harm. Alcohol tincture is sold in every pharmacy and is inexpensive. The use of this traditional medicine is especially relevant for women who are difficult to tolerate PMS or who have recently experienced menopause. During abrupt changes in the hormonal background, it seriously worsens general well-being, there are pains in the lower abdomen, headaches, anxiety, weakness, insomnia. Patients react acutely to any changes in environment, exhibit emotional lability. Many women experience neurosis at the age of 45-50; peony's sedative properties can be used to maintain mental balance.

What diseases does it help?

Neurasthenia, anxiety disorder in menopause, neurosis, hysterical syndrome, menopausal and postmenopausal syndromes, premenstrual syndrome.

To normalize metabolism, to stimulate immune system and to increase the body's resistance.

For insomnia, as a sedative, to smooth hormonal changes among women.

From gynecological diseases: inflammatory processes in the pelvic organs in women.

To prevent baldness, as an anticonvulsant.

Scope of peony tincture

Peony tincture contains everything beneficial features the medicinal plant itself. The composition includes:

  • Essential oils, which normalize metabolism during menopause, support the functioning of the endocrine glands. Medicinal substances stimulate the liver and pancreas, increase intestinal motility. Indications for use: constipation and reduced acidity of gastric juice. Benefit essential oils consists in strengthening the walls of blood vessels, normalizing the tone of capillaries.
  • Starch and glycosides, which have a beneficial effect on energy metabolism. Indications for which peony tincture is prescribed - reduced insulin synthesis, elevated level cholesterol.
    Metabolic disorders often lead to obesity, weight gain. In patients over 45 years of age, cholesterol forms dangerous atherosclerotic plaques, leading to narrowing and rigidity. blood vessels. The homeostatic properties of peony help prevent atherosclerosis and heart disease. The benefits of glycosides are antibacterial and diuretic.
    Potential harm to urinary system may be with urolithiasis.
  • Tannins and organic acids that improve bowel function. Peony tincture is prescribed for removal nervous tension precisely because of the organic acids included in the composition.
  • Alkaloids, natural vegetable poisons, which are part of the tincture, in case of an overdose, are harmful. In the recommended dose, the benefits of alkaloids are manifested in the analgesic and antispasmodic effect, the substances reduce the activity of the central nervous system.

Instructions for pharmacy tincture contains full information on the scope of the drug in evidence-based medicine. In order not to cause harm to health, you need to use the properties of the plant for its intended purpose, do not use more often than the recommended frequency. Benefit for emotional state noted from the first dose.

Before starting a course of treatment, you need to consult with a specialist in the disease from which the patient intends to be treated. Application under the guidance of a competent doctor will help you immediately find out your contraindications and choose the optimal dosage. How to take peony tincture, general recommendations:

  • single dose dose for an adult - 30-40 drops;
  • multiplicity of reception - 3 times a day;
  • time of admission - 30 minutes before meals.

Use for menopause medicinal products need after consultation with a gynecologist-endocrinologist. Peony enters drug interaction with replacement drugs hormone therapy, therefore, if the patient is simultaneously taking another drug, you need to discuss the dosage with your doctor.


Instructions for pharmaceutical preparation contains contraindications, peony tincture is not used to treat:

  • children under 12;
  • during pregnancy and lactation;
  • at hyperacidity gastrointestinal tract;
  • with hypotension and hypotension.

Contraindications common to all plants - you can not use in case of an allergic reaction and intolerance to the components that make up the composition. Allergy causes red small rash on the skin, itching, burning, indigestion is possible.

I will say without further ado - I have become somewhat nervous lately. Well, not directly, of course, to throw tantrums, and fight in epilepticus, but just settled inside unpleasant feeling constant voltage, although there are clear prerequisites for similar states was not observed.

Blame it all, apparently, difficult transition period, the end of winter, the beginning of spring… The sun, where is the sun?…. From time to time I began to notice myself that many things irritate me, although before I did not pay any attention to them at all, sometimes tears began to well up in my eyes for some very insignificant reasons, or even without them at all. I also had problems falling asleep, I could toss and turn in bed for a long time, “chewing” the same thoughts ...

Realizing the situation, I realized that urgently needed to take some measures to own salvation. I went to the pharmacy and thought a little, bought (no, not another cream-mask, ... although I still grabbed the shampoo) a complex of vitamins, glycine and peony extract in tablets. I made a vow to myself that if after 10 days my condition does not improve, then I will go straight to the doctor and without unnecessary reasoning.

So, peony extract.

IN medical purposes the herb, roots and rhizomes of the Deviating Peony, which in folk medicine is called Maryin root, are used. Thanks to his chemical composition It has a sedative (calming) and anticonvulsant effect on the body. In folk medicine, it is used for colds, dysentery, and as a means of normalizing metabolism.

I think many people know the peony tincture, which is still sold in pharmacies. It costs a penny, and the calming effect gives a good one. I personally cannot take the tincture for the following reasons:

I drive a car and the tincture contains alcohol

I don’t like alcoholic drinks in general, so if there is an opportunity to avoid them, I do it with pleasure.

My impressions:

For the first two days, I did not observe any special changes in my condition, which was not surprising for me, it’s herbal preparation, and not some armor-piercing chemistry.

Then I began to notice that I was gradually becoming calmer, many moments that had previously provoked me to express emotions simply remain on the sidelines. Yes, and in general mental condition became more harmonious, peaceful, stable. I became myself.

At the same time, a state of stupefaction does not arise, as after taking, for example, Novo-Passit (it acts on me in a strange way, as if they hit me with a dusty bag from around the corner and after that I try to recover), my head remains absolutely clear. Throughout the day, there was no sleepiness either.

Due to the fact that this is a herbal preparation, a course intake is necessary, only then it makes sense. The action manifests itself gently, gradually, but at the same time confidently and it persists after the end of the recommended course, which is 30 days. If necessary repeated courses, they are possible after a 10-day break.

I took the tablets 2 times a day - in the morning before breakfast and in the evening about 1 hour before bedtime, and immediately before bedtime - 2 tablets of glycine under the tongue. Sleep returned to normal. I fell asleep and fall asleep quickly and without unnecessary, unnecessary thoughts.

Of the contraindications to taking peony extract in tablets, I would like to highlight:

Pregnancy (has a tonic effect on the myometrium, i.e. the muscles of the uterus) and breastfeeding

Allergy (if peony preparations have not been previously used, then for several days it is necessary to monitor the reaction of the body)

Children under 12 years of age should not use this drug.

It is released from a pharmacy without a doctor's prescription, the cost is 60-70 rubles for 30 tablets. 2 packs are required per course.

The peony helped me to regain myself - myself, but in no case do I impose this treatment regimen on anyone, we are all very different and it is better to consult a doctor before using the drug.

Take care of yourself and be healthy!