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Hemostatic collagen sponge. Possible adverse reactions. Similar drugs, synonyms

The tooth extraction procedure always involves bleeding. It usually stops on its own after some time. However, in some cases, bleeding can take a long time, and it becomes necessary to forcibly stop it. There are many ways to stop bleeding, for example, a hemostatic sponge has a good hemostatic effect. When using this tool, you must take into account existing indications and contraindications.

What is a hemostatic sponge?

A hemostatic sponge is an effective hemostatic agent that is widely used in various fields of medicine, in particular in dentistry after tooth extraction. It has sorbent and antiseptic properties, simultaneously stopping the bleeding and protecting the wound from getting into it pathogenic bacteria. In addition, the product promotes rapid healing of damaged socket tissue.


After tooth extraction, the product is used not only to stop bleeding, but also to prevent the development of possible inflammatory complications in case of complex surgical intervention, such as wisdom tooth extraction (see also:). In a routine procedure for removing a unit of dentition, a collagen hemostatic sponge is used to stop bleeding.

After surgery, when development is possible inflammatory process in the socket, doctors recommend the use of a special alveolar compress “Alvostaz”, which also has the shape of a sponge. It has hemostatic and antiseptic properties and is used for the prevention and treatment of alveolitis.

Release form

The hemostatic sponge is a pressed dark yellow powder with a mild odor. acetic acid. Sponges are produced in the form of square plates measuring 50x50 mm or 90x90 mm and have a dry porous elastic structure. At production, they are placed in tightly closed plastic bags, and then packed individually into cardboard packages.

The sponges absorb liquid well, while swelling slightly. They do not dissolve in cold water and organic substances, but are subject to partial dissolution in water having a temperature above 75 degrees. Pressed plates are made from a collagen solution obtained from the skin and tendons of large cattle. Substances such as nitrofural and boric acid.

One of the most effective is Alvostaz, which is packaged in plastic jars of 30 soaked medicinal solution hemostatic sponges measuring 1x1 cm. It is produced in 3 versions and contains eugenol, iodoform, thymol, lidocaine, tricalcium phosphate and propolis.

How does it work?

The hemostatic agent is used topically for wound packing and has wide range actions, including:

  • bleeding stop;
  • protecting the wound from the development of bacterial infection;
  • relief of foci of inflammation;
  • relief from painful sensations;
  • preventing swelling of the gum tissue;
  • accelerating the healing of the hole.

The effect of the product continues for several hours after tooth extraction. After a certain time, the collagen sponge placed on the wound in the gum is completely absorbed.

How does the hole heal after tooth extraction?

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After applying a collagen sponge to the socket extracted tooth After a few minutes the blood stops. The product is left in the wound until it resolves on its own; on average, this process takes 2-3 weeks. During this time, the wound begins to heal.

Complete restoration of damaged tissue occurs much faster than it would have been achieved without the use of a hemostatic sponge.

Instructions for using sponges in dentistry

Each product package contains detailed instructions on its use, which must be strictly followed to avoid complications. The use of a hemostatic sponge has its own nuances and features. A doctor should prescribe such drugs, taking into account contraindications and possible side effects.

Side effects

Using a hemostatic sponge after tooth extraction, like any other medication, may be associated with the development of an allergic reaction. To avoid this, before prescribing the drug, the doctor asks the patient about any cases of individual intolerance to any medicinal components. When using a hemostatic sponge, there is also a possibility of re-infection of the wound in the gum.

Available contraindications

The product can cause allergies, so the use of a hemostatic sponge is prohibited in case of individual intolerance to its components. It should also not be used for arterial bleeding from large vessels. With great caution, this drug is prescribed to stop bleeding in children.

Application procedure

After removing the sponge from the bag, it is applied to the socket of the extracted tooth. After 3-5 minutes, the bleeding stops, the sponge is saturated with blood and fits tightly to the edges of the wound. If bleeding continue, it is recommended to place another one on top of the first sponge. After the bleeding has completely stopped, the sponge must be secured using a U-shaped suture. To enhance therapeutic effect Wetting the sponge with a thrombin solution is indicated.

The use of Alvostaz alveolar compresses has its own characteristics. Before using them, the wound is cleaned with warm saline, after which the doctor suctions it out with a pipette. The contents of the bottle with Alvostaz are applied to the wound in the gum, and then pressed down with a piece of sterile gauze for several minutes. If necessary, a gauze swab is left in the hole, but not longer than a day.

The doctor must warn the patient that the gauze should not be removed - after a while it will be rejected on its own. If tissue damage is severe, it may be necessary to repeatedly replace the tampon.

A hemostatic sponge is an antihemorrhagic agent (i.e., hemostatic) intended for local application. Available in the form of plates 7 mm thick in two sizes - 50x50 mm and 90x90 mm.

Pharmacological action of the hemostatic sponge

The hemostatic collagen sponge consists of a solution of collagen, which is obtained from the naked split of cattle hides, boric acid and furatsilin.

The drug is a porous dry mass yellow color, having a faint odor of acetic acid. The hemostatic sponge perfectly absorbs liquids, swelling slightly and increasing in size. The drug is insoluble in water and organic solvents, and is resistant to temperatures not exceeding 75 o C. If the sponge gets into a humid environment with more high temperature its concentration and dissolution occurs.

According to the instructions, the hemostatic sponge affects the blood clotting system, as well as the process of tissue regeneration. When applied to a wound, the product is completely absorbed. When the sponge comes into contact with a surface that is bleeding, platelet aggregation and adhesion occurs, which leads to the rapid cessation of capillary-parenchymal bleeding.

The collagen in the hemostatic sponge is biodegradable, that is, gradually absorbed in the human body over 4-6 weeks. This allows the drug to be installed directly at the site of use without subsequent removal. The products of collagen lysis (biodegradation) affect wound repair processes - they stimulate them, which accelerates the wound healing process.

Boric acid and furatsilin contained in the hemostatic collagen sponge have antimicrobial and antiseptic effects.

Indications for use of hemostatic sponge

The sponge is effective means to stop bleeding from the nose, from the sinuses of the dura mater, as well as during dental interventions, injuries skin, bedsores, otitis media, eye injuries.

Hemostatic sponge is used for filling various defects parenchymal organs (after liver resection, for example) and closure of the gallbladder bed.

Methods of using hemostatic sponge

The hemostatic sponge is used locally to pack the wound. Remove the drug immediately before use, observing all necessary rules antiseptics. After this, the sponge is applied to the bleeding site, pressing against it for 2 minutes, or the surface of the bleeding is tamponed, followed by bandaging. After the sponge is saturated with blood, it fits tightly to the wound.

To close areas of the liver or gallbladder bed after cholecystectomy, a sponge must be placed in the damaged cavity. If the effect is not achieved, you can apply a second layer of hemostatic sponge. After the bleeding has stopped, the sponge should be secured with a U-shaped suture.

In order to stop bleeding from the vascular suture, the bleeding site can be covered with a sponge. After the bleeding has stopped, there is no need to remove the drug, since the sponge is completely absorbed.

The amount of sponge used and the size are selected in accordance with the volume of the cavity and the parameters of the surface being treated.

Side effects

The instructions for the hemostatic sponge indicate that during or after use, an allergic reaction or secondary infection may occur.

Contraindications for use


There have been no cases of overdose with Hemostatic Sponge.

Additional Information

The hemostatic sponge must be stored protected from direct contact sun rays place at room temperature. The shelf life of the drug is 5 years from the release date indicated on the packaging.

The sponge is sold from pharmacies without a doctor's prescription.

Consisting of a mass of porous structure, the consistency of which is elastic and soft collagen, the hemostatic sponge has a yellow color and a faint vinegary odor. It is characterized by excellent absorption of liquids, accompanied by slight swelling. Cold water and organic solvents do not dissolve the sponge; it is also capable of maintaining itself unchanged at temperatures up to 75 degrees. Higher temperatures and increased humidity cause changes in the sponge and can partially dissolve it.

Hemostatic sponge instructions

The instructions for use of the Hemostatic Sponge provide the patient with recommendations for its correct use.

Form, composition, packaging

The drug is produced in the form of plates, the size of which is 10X10 cm or 5X5 cm. They are prepared from a collagen solution, which is obtained from the tendon or skin of cattle.

The constituent components of the drug are the amounts of boric acid and furatsilin necessary for the composition of the sponge.

The hemostatic sponge preparation is packaged sterilely. They are packed in ten pieces in a thick cardboard box.

Storage period and conditions

The drug can be stored for five years provided it is kept in places protected from light with air temperatures ranging from 10 to 30 degrees.


From the pharmacological side, the drug has an adsorbent, antiseptic and hemostatic effect. It also has a stimulating effect on the process of tissue regeneration.

Indications for use of hemostatic sponge

  • for capillary bleeding (from the nose, after dental intervention, from the sinuses of the dura mater of the brain);
  • in case of skin damage, otitis media or bedsores;
  • in order to fill a defect in a parenchymal organ, for example, after partial excision of the liver or removal of the gall bladder.


Collagen hemostatic sponge application

The hemostatic sponge is used exclusively locally by applying a tampon from it to the bleeding wound. If it was not possible to stop the bleeding, another layer of material should be applied. When the bleeding has stopped, the sponge should not be removed, but rather it should be secured. Then it will completely dissolve.

Hemostatic sponge for nosebleeds

When bleeding from the nose, the Hemostatic sponge helps stop the bleeding, and also acts as a sorbent and antiseptic, stimulating tissue restoration.

Apply the sponge tightly to the bleeding site and check after a few minutes to see if the blood has passed. If necessary, apply another plate. After the blood has completely stopped, secure the sponge (U-shaped fixation).

Hemostatic sponge after tooth extraction

After tooth extraction, the Hemostatic sponge is capable of helping the patient if he needs to stop bleeding. In addition, the sponge will promote an adsorbent and anti-inflammatory effect. While waiting for a preventive result, you can place a sponge in the hole of a newly extracted tooth.

Side effects

The use of a hemostatic sponge may lead to re-infection or the development of allergies.

Drug interactions

The effect of the drug will be enhanced if thrombin is used to wet it.

Hemostatic sponge with Ambien analogues

Analogues of the drug in the form of a collagen hemostatic sponge are some drugs with similar effects:

  • Ambien,
  • Pamba,
  • Goombix.

Hemostatic sponge price

The cost of the drug varies depending on the size of the plates and units in the package. It ranges from 85 to 740 rubles.

Hemostatic sponge reviews

Reviews about the hemostatic sponge preparation are very few, but each of them characterizes the material exclusively with positive side. Let's look at a few reviews that we received quite recently.

Victoria: The child came from kindergarten and when talking with him, I heard some nasality in his voice. It turned out that his nose started bleeding during the day and the teacher put a hemostatic sponge in his nose. Indeed, by evening the child was breathing normally and upon examination nothing foreign was found in the nasal cavity. An interesting drug. Although I had no idea about its existence before.

Marina: Not long ago I found myself in a rather ridiculous situation when my elderly mother started bleeding from the nasal cavity, and everything I knew to help in this situation did not work. I had to resort to calling an ambulance. The brigade arrived only twenty-five minutes later. During this time, the woman lost a lot of blood, and I myself was not in the best condition. The nurse calmly rolled up a small swab and placed it right on mom’s nose. A few minutes later the blood calmed down and they showed me our savior in the form of a collagen sponge and taught me how to use it.

Hemostatic sponge is a remedy used for bleeding of various origins.

Release form and composition

They produce a hemostatic sponge with Ambien in the form of a hygroscopic lyophilized porous white mass with a yellow-brown tint, possessing specific smell, in glass bottles of 0.8 g.

The product contains plasma from donated blood human with the formation of a fibrin clot and Excipients– calcium chloride hexahydrate and amben.

They also produce hemostatic collagen sponges in the form of porous yellow relief plates, 9x9 cm in size and 5 to 9 mm thick, in blisters of 1 pc. Each of them contains 0.98 g of collagen, 0.0125 g of boric acid and 0.0075 g of furatsilin.

Indications for use

A hemostatic sponge is used in the following cases:

  • Nosebleeds;
  • Trophic ulcers;
  • Parenchymal and capillary bleeding;
  • Otitis;
  • Bedsores;
  • Damage to the skin.

The drug is also used for bleeding in patients with liver cirrhosis, thrombocytopenic purpura, leukemia, Osler-Rendu syndrome, hemorrhagic thrombocytopathy and chronic nephritis.


The drug is not prescribed for hypersensitivity to the components included in its composition.

The use of the hemostatic sponge is contraindicated in cases of purulent wounds, arterial bleeding and pyoderma.

Directions for use and dosage

The hemostatic collagen sponge is removed from the packaging immediately before use, observing the basic rules of asepsis. It is then placed and lightly pressed against the bleeding area for several minutes. Can be applied over the product bandage. After the sponge is saturated with blood, it will fit tightly to the bleeding surface.

In cases of damage to the gallbladder bed, as well as areas of parenchymal organs, a collagen sponge is placed directly into the damaged area.

If applying the product does not stop the bleeding, apply another layer on top of one layer. When the bleeding is stopped, the sponge is fixed with a U-shaped suture, after which the operation is performed in accordance with accepted techniques.

Due to the fact that the hemostatic collagen sponge, when it gets into the area of ​​damage, completely dissolves over time, in cases of bleeding from the vascular suture, it is used to cover the bleeding area and leave it.

The size and quantity of sponge used is determined based on the area of ​​the bleeding surface.

The hemostatic sponge with Ambien is removed from the bottle with a sterile instrument. Next, after quick drying, using a gauze ball, pieces of the product are pressed onto the bleeding surface for 3-5 minutes.

In cases heavy bleeding the drug should be pressed against the bleeding surface with a tool with a flat polished surface. It is not recommended to use a gauze ball, since its removal will entail the removal of part of the product.

It is allowed to spray the crushed sponge using a sprayer or syringe, as well as use it in combination with a tampon for loose tamponade of the cavity. In such cases, the tampon should be removed after 1 day.

Side effects

In some cases, the remedy causes allergic reactions. The instructions for the hemostatic sponge also indicate that secondary infection is possible when using it.

special instructions

The drug does not affect the ability to drive vehicles and complex machinery.

When using the hemostatic collagen sponge, it is important to take into account that its effect is enhanced by additional wetting in a thrombin solution.


Synonyms for the product are not released. Analogs of the hemostatic sponge include Hemostatic Pencil, Kaprofer, Ivisel, Tissucol Kit, Tachocomb, Feracryl, Zhelplastan and Natalsid Polygemostat.

Tradename: hemostatic collagen sponge

International generic name(INN):

Dosage form: sponge

Compound: per 1 g of the drug: collagen, substance-solution 2% - 49 g (0.98 g of dry collagen), nitrofural (furatsilin) ​​- 0.0075 g, boric acid - 0.0125 g.

Description: yellow plates with a specific smell of acetic acid, with a relief surface, with a porous structure, thickness from 5 to 9 mm.

Pharmacotherapeutic group: hemostatic agent for local use.
ATX codeВ02ВС07

Pharmacological properties
The drug provides local hemostatic and antiseptic effect, stimulates tissue regeneration. A sponge left in a wound or cavity is completely absorbed. When a hemostatic collagen sponge comes into contact with a bleeding surface, platelet adhesion and aggregation occurs, which leads to a rapid stop of capillary-parenchymal bleeding. Collagen undergoes biodegradation - gradual resorption in the body over 3-6 weeks, which allows the material to be left at the site of application without subsequent removal. Products of collagen biodegradation (lysis) stimulate wound repair processes, accelerating wound healing. The boric acid and nitrofural contained in the sponge have an antiseptic and antimicrobial effect.

Indications for use
as hemostatic agent for capillary and parenchymal bleeding from:
hard sinuses meninges;
bone marrow canal;
alveolar socket after tooth extraction;
parenchymal organs (in particular, after liver resection);
gallbladder bed after cholecystectomy.

increased individual sensitivity to the components of the drug. Intolerance to drugs of the nitrofuran series (nitrofural, furazidin, nitrofurantoin, furazolidone, nifuratel, nifuroxazide). Arterial bleeding. Purulent wounds, pyoderma.

Pregnancy and lactation
There are no contraindications for use during pregnancy and lactation.

Directions for use and doses:
The sponge is removed from the packaging immediately before use, observing the rules of asepsis. Apply to the bleeding area and press against it for 1-2 minutes or tightly pack the bleeding surface, followed by bandaging. After soaking in blood, the sponge fits tightly to the bleeding surface. To close damaged areas parenchymal organs (liver) or gall bladder bed after cholecystectomy, the sponge is placed in the damaged cavity. If the bleeding does not stop, you can apply a second layer of sponge. After the bleeding has stopped, the sponge is fixed with a U-shaped suture. Further operation is carried out according to accepted methods. To stop bleeding from the vascular suture, the bleeding area is covered with a sponge. After the bleeding has stopped, the sponge is not removed, as it subsequently completely dissolves. The size and quantity of sponge used is selected according to the size of the bleeding surface or the volume of the cavity.

Side effects
Allergic reactions are possible.

cases of overdose have not been described.

Interaction with others medicines :
the hemostatic effect of the sponge is enhanced if it is additionally moistened with a thrombin solution.

Release form:

Release form:

sponge dimensions (50±5)x(50±5) mm, 1 pc. and (90±10)x(90±10) mm 1 pc. Packed hermetically in two-layer bags made of polyethylene film, or in containers made of polyvinyl chloride film and aluminum foil with a heat-sealable coating, or from films: polymer, "Poliform", "Plastiplen" and laminated paper, or only from films: polymer, "Poliform" , "Plastiplen".
Sponge with a diameter of (11±1) mm, 10, 20, 30 pcs. Packed in blister packs made of... PVC films and aluminum foil with heat-sealable coating.
Blister packaging or two-layer bag made of; polyethylene film or container along with instructions for use are placed in a cardboard box.
For medical institutions, two-layer bags made of polyethylene film or containers of 10, 20, 30 pcs. together with instructions for use in a quantity equal to the number of primary packages, place a cardboard box in a group package.

Storage conditions:
in a dry place, protected from light, at a temperature of 10 to 30°C.
Keep out of the reach of children.

Best before date:
5 years. Do not use after the expiration date stated on the package.

Conditions for dispensing from pharmacies:
over the counter.

Manufacturer/organization accepting consumer complaints:
OJSC Luga Plant Belkozin,
Russia 188230, Leningrad region, Luga, Leningradskoe highway, 137 km