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What is alcoholic cirrhosis of the liver and how quickly it can kill. Can beer cause cirrhosis of the liver?

Unfortunately, drinking beer is not mistakenly considered hazardous to health. To understand how this drink affects the body, in particular the liver, you need to know about the processes occurring in this organ. Therefore, a short excursion into theory.

Basic liver functions

The liver is the largest organ in the body. Its weight ranges from 1.2 to 1.5 kg.

Functions performed by the gland:

  • production of bile for the breakdown of fats and fat-soluble acids entering the human body with food;
  • protection circulatory system from pathogenic products of protein metabolism, bacteria, allergens, poisons and toxins that enter the body one way or another;
  • glycogen production;
  • synthesis of some hormones and enzymes;
  • regulation of lipid metabolism;
  • participation in the process of production of certain vitamins and substances, and their accumulation.

Conclusion: the role of the liver in the functioning of the body is enormous. Up to 20 million occur in it per minute. chemical reactions. The workhorses are 310 billion cells called hepatocytes.

Can beer cause cirrhosis of the liver?

The alcohol content in beer is low. But the problem is that this intoxicating drink, as a rule, is not drunk in 200 ml doses. A single dose ranges from 0.5 to 2 liters. Therefore, translated into pure alcohol, a person drinks up to 100 ml of it at a time. Now it’s not difficult to imagine what can happen to the main cleansing organ when drinking beer every day.

The liver, through enzymes, breaks down alcohol that enters the body. Negative consequence This process is a change in the fat balance in the liver cells. It is known that the liver is the only organ that can independently restore its damaged cells. But drinking alcohol every day prevents this. Thus, more and more fat cells are formed, and this leads to obesity of the entire organ. This process called fatty degeneration. It is natural that the iron becomes unable to perform all its functions. This disease is called alcoholic hepatitis. Lack of treatment for hepatitis is a direct path to cirrhosis.

The next step in case of uncontrolled regular use beer is fibrosis. This is an irreversible process of degeneration of healthy cells into connective tissue. When normal cells are extensively replaced by connective tissue, cirrhosis is diagnosed.

Drinking beer even more harmful than taking vodka (in terms of pure alcohol). The fact is that during the production of beer, during the fermentation process, fusel oils, which have a very negative effect on hepatocytes. When making vodka, these oils are largely eliminated through multi-stage purification. And they remain in the beer.

Thus, cirrhosis of the liver and beer are the final and initial links of the same chain. A beer drink consumed more than 2 times a week in a volume of more than 1 liter is a serious provoking factor for the development of cirrhosis.

Is it possible to cure cirrhosis?

Cirrhosis is a severe disease in which the liver cannot perform its barrier and other essential functions. Innovative effective techniques treatment, timely access to a doctor is a guarantee of preserving the life and working capacity of the patient.

Treatment of cirrhosis is a complex effect on the liver medications, following a strict diet and limiting physical activity.

It must be remembered that even the most effective treatment will not give results without stopping the consumption of alcohol, including beer.

Alcoholic cirrhosis of the liver is the most severe form alcoholic illness. Its essence boils down to the fact that normal functioning cells (hepatocytes) die under the toxic influence of alcohol, and in their place an inelastic fibrous tissue, similar to a scar. Toxic liver cirrhosis will not develop due to one-time use small dose alcohol - systematic intake of it is necessary large quantities. The disease develops in approximately 10% of people who drink alcohol uncontrollably, but changes at the stage of cirrhosis are already irreversible.

Causes of the disease

Alcoholic cirrhosis of the liver does not develop in a day or even a year. It is diagnosed in individuals who systematically abuse alcoholic beverages for 8-12 years. This figure depends on many factors - frequency of binge drinking, gender, genetic characteristics, as well as the type, strength and quality of alcohol. In particular advanced cases Cirrhosis can develop over several years.

Alcohol and heredity

Identical doses of alcohol can cause different consequences, even if other conditions are the same. Doctors associate this fact with the innate activity of enzymes that are responsible for recycling ethyl alcohol. There are 5 such enzymes in total, and it depends on them what proportion of alcohol consumed will be excreted from the body, and what will turn into toxic acetaldehyde, which will destroy the liver.

In addition to genetic material, the likelihood of developing alcoholic cirrhosis of the liver is influenced by the standard of living, the patient’s environment and the culture of drinking alcohol in the family. In addition, statistics indicate that most often monozygotic twins suffer from alcoholism together. This rate is lower among dizygotic twins.

The effects of alcohol on men and women

The increase in alcoholism among women is associated with the progression of their role in society. Female representatives can drink alcohol on an equal basis with men, which does not cause condemnation. However, physiologically their body is unable to absorb ethanol in full. The gastric mucosa contains an enzyme that is involved in the metabolism of ethyl alcohol, and in women it is inactive. For this reason, it is not processed and excreted from the body, but forms toxins that destroy liver cells.

Female alcoholism often leads to more serious consequences than male

In addition, women rarely seek medical help for alcoholism. Their loved ones and relatives also do not sound the alarm, since this disease is more often associated with men. Patients with toxic cirrhosis of the liver are admitted to the hospital in the final stages, when changes in the tissues are already irreversible. Moreover, after a course of therapy, they experience breakdowns more often than after treatment for alcoholic cirrhosis of the liver in men.

Alcoholic cirrhosis and nutrition

Toxic cirrhosis is the last stage of alcoholic liver disease. The rate of its development is influenced not only by the doses of alcohol consumed, but also by other factors. It is noted that the likelihood of this disease is highest with poor nutrition, especially with a deficiency of protein in the diet. The first signs of liver damage appear against the background of a lack of proteins and vitamins, an abundance of fatty, fried foods and fast food. Alcohol intoxication provokes further destruction of hepatocytes.

TEST: What is the condition of your liver?

Take this test and find out if you have liver problems.

Other reasons

  • with non-alcoholic hepatitis of any origin;
  • with metabolic disorders;
  • for inflammatory and ulcerative diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

When taking any medications, you also need to consider their compatibility with alcohol. In addition to a short-term deterioration in health, unacceptable combinations can provoke intoxication of the body and have a detrimental effect on the liver.

How much alcohol do you need to drink to develop cirrhosis of the liver?

The main factor that plays a role in the development of toxic cirrhosis is the duration of alcohol intake, and not its one-time use. The body is able to cope with incoming ethanol, but its processing products tend to accumulate in the liver. Therefore, alcoholic cirrhosis of the liver develops within 10-15 years with daily intake of even a small amount of alcohol.

The permissible amount of alcoholic beverages differs for representatives of different genders. The critical dose for men is 40-60 g of pure ethanol per day, for women - 20 g. If the body regularly receives alcohol in larger quantities, it is not able to cope with its processing. Fatty liver degeneration, hepatitis, and finally alcoholic cirrhosis develop.

Ethanol is present in alcoholic beverages in different concentrations. The table provides data on permissible quantity their various types that will not cause signs of alcoholic cirrhosis.

Ethanol in small quantities does not harm the liver if consumed 1 or 2 times a week. However, the problem with most alcoholics is that they cannot control their dosage. Alcoholism is a disease that requires significant self-control. It is best to avoid any amount of alcohol and prefer other drinks. Non-alcoholic beer contains a minimal percentage of alcohol and can serve as an alternative to the classic recipe.

Pathogenesis - how does alcohol affect the body?

Alcoholic cirrhosis is the last stage of liver damage caused by ethanol. First, the liver cells manage to produce specific enzymes in sufficient quantities, and it is completely eliminated from the body. If you take it regularly in abnormal amounts, the enzymes cannot cope with this task, and toxic acetaldehyde is formed during the processing of alcohol. He determines Negative influence alcohol on the human body.

Cirrhosis is the final stage of alcoholic liver disease

At the cellular level, acetaldehyde produces a number of negative effects:

  • interferes with the normal course of redox reactions in liver cells;
  • increases the susceptibility of hepatocytes to harmful influence free radicals;
  • provokes lipid peroxidation reactions, which occur with the destruction of functional cells;
  • disrupts the structure of important cellular elements: microtubules, mitochondria and nuclei.

First develops from alcohol fatty degeneration liver. This is a syndrome associated with lipid metabolism disorders in which fat accumulates in normal cells. Then the process includes inflammatory reactions, and is developing alcoholic hepatitis. If you continue to drink alcohol, the first manifestations of cirrhosis occur: tissues die and are replaced by dense connective tissue.

There is an alternative option for the development of cirrhosis - fibrosis. In this case, it appears bypassing the first stages of fatty degeneration and cirrhosis. Doctors believe that lactic acid plays a leading role in this mechanism, which affects specific fat-storing Ito cells. They turn into fibroblasts, which resemble a scar in structure. In addition, increased collagen synthesis is observed in liver tissue instead of normal hepatocytes.

If the disease is detected at the first stage, it can be completely eliminated with medications and diet. An alcoholic is rarely able to realize his problem on his own, so provide him with medical care and monitoring the treatment process is the task of his loved ones and relatives. Over time, the task only becomes more complicated, and rarely do any patients manage to live with liver cirrhosis for more than 5 years.

Forms of alcoholic cirrhosis

There is a Child-Pugh classification of toxic cirrhosis, which determines the severity of the disease. Based on the results of ultrasound and blood tests, as well as clinical manifestations, you can select from 1 to 3 points on a special scale. Next, the points are summed up, and based on the resulting value, the class of the disease can be determined. These data make it possible to predict how long different patients with liver cirrhosis will live.

Options Points
1 2 3
Ascites (presence of fluid in abdominal cavity) No Slightly A large number of
Brain damage No Easy stage Severe stage
Bilirubin in blood, µmol/l Less than 34 (2.0) 34-51 (2,0-3,0) More than 51 (3.0)
Albumin, g More than 35 28-35 Less than 28
PTI (prothrombin index) More than 60 40-60 Less than 40

Interpretation of results:

  • 5-6 points - class A, or compensation stage. This is the first stage, in which life expectancy can be up to 15-20 years.
  • 7-9 points - class B, or subcompensation stage. In this case clinical manifestations cirrhosis are pronounced, frequent exacerbations and bright pain syndrome. The patient's life expectancy is 5-7 years. The mortality rate is up to 30%.
  • 10-15 points - class C, or stage of decompensation. Symptoms of alcoholic cirrhosis of the liver are pronounced, complications develop. With such a diagnosis, a patient can live from 1 to 3 years, the probability is fatal outcome for liver transplantation - up to 82%.

The disease is also usually classified according to the extent of damage to liver tissue. He can be:

  • small nodular - small areas of cirrhosis are formed in the parenchyma;
  • large nodular - large cirrhotic lesions;
  • mixed, if scar lesions of different sizes are formed.

Cirrhosis is distinguished from fibrosis by the severity of liver damage. If during fibrosis its structure is preserved, then cirrhosis destroys the normal structure in the form of lobes and lobules.

Symptoms of the disease

Signs of liver cirrhosis in alcoholics do not appear immediately. Over the course of several years, replacement normal tissue on scar tissue can occur unnoticed. Then the organ cannot cope with the toxins that enter the body, and the first symptoms appear.

Jaundice is a symptom that occurs when the flow of bile is impaired

General symptoms

Intoxication affects all organ systems and causes a general deterioration in the patient’s well-being. The first signs will not be specific, but will only indicate the presence pathological process in organism:

  • permanent increase in body temperature by 0.5-1 ᴼС;
  • insomnia and other sleep disorders;
  • fatigue, decreased performance;
  • weight loss;
  • frequent mood changes.

The patient may experience pain in the right hypochondrium, but the liver is not visually enlarged in size. Accurate diagnosis at this stage it can only be diagnosed based on the results of an ultrasound and blood test.

Liver failure syndrome

Over time, symptoms appear that indicate liver cirrhosis:

  • pain in the right hypochondrium;
  • an increase, and over time, a decrease in the volume of the organ;
  • nausea, flatulence, vomiting of intestinal contents;
  • jaundice - yellowing of the skin and mucous membranes;
  • the appearance of spider veins on the skin;
  • “drumsticks” - thickening of the joints of the terminal phalanges of the fingers;
  • Dupuytren's contracture is an anomaly of the tendons of the hands, which leads to impaired mobility;
  • enlargement of salivary glands.

Some patients develop encephalopathy associated with the entry of toxins into the brain. It manifests itself as loss of orientation in space and time, and changes in mood. If the disease progresses, there is a possibility of hepatic coma.

Portal hypertension

This term means high blood pressure in system portal vein. The walls of blood vessels weaken, and internal bleeding. Clinically, this phenomenon is manifested by characteristic symptoms:

  • vomiting with blood from gastric and intestinal bleeding;
  • black stool with bleeding from the intestinal veins;
  • stool mixed with bright blood (bleeding from hemorrhoidal veins);
  • ascites - dropsy of the abdominal cavity;
  • "jellyfish head" syndrome - the abdomen is swollen due to the presence of fluid, veins are clearly visible on it;
  • enlarged spleen.

Treatment at this stage will no longer be effective. The disease is accompanied by constant pain in the liver and prevents normal life patient.

A characteristic symptom of liver cirrhosis is the accumulation of free fluid in the abdominal cavity

Cardiovascular failure

Liver cirrhosis affects all organ systems, including the cardiovascular system. The walls of blood vessels become brittle and the heart cannot cope with the stress. The patient is diagnosed with:

  • decreased blood pressure;
  • tachycardia;
  • shortness of breath when moving;
  • heart rhythm abnormalities;
  • pain in the heart area.

Increased vascular permeability is manifested by swelling. The symptom intensifies when it is impossible to carry out normal physical activity.


In many cases, the diagnosis can be made based on characteristic clinical signs, as well as based on the results of a patient survey. First of all, you need to determine whether you have been drinking alcohol for a long time. The doctor also reviews the medical history to identify possible accompanying pathologies. Past liver diseases of various origins are important.

The diagnosis can be confirmed by ultrasound and blood tests. These diagnostic methods will reveal;

  • enlargement of the liver, changes in its structure;
  • enlarged spleen;
  • in the blood - increased activity of liver enzymes (ALT, ALT), bilirubin levels, erythrocyte sedimentation rate; decrease in the number of red blood cells.

The main thing is to find out the etiology of toxic cirrhosis. The fact of alcohol intake may be kept silent by patients, but it is especially important in diagnosis. The patient's accompanying person can provide this information to the doctor.

Treatment methods

At the stage of cirrhosis, there are few ways to cure the disease. In some cases, transplantation is performed from a healthy donor, but this method also has contraindications. During surgery, mortality can reach 80%. Before surgical intervention It is necessary to completely eliminate alcohol for a period of 6 months or more.

The only method of preventing disease is healthy image life and compliance with alcohol consumption standards

In other cases, it makes no sense to treat the disease. All manipulations are aimed at prolonging life and relieving symptoms, but not at complete recovery. The patient is prescribed:

  • detoxification infusions;
  • hormonal anti-inflammatory drugs;
  • hepatoprotectors;
  • diuretics to relieve swelling.

Diet is important. Alcohol in any doses is contraindicated for the patient throughout his life. You should also exclude fatty and fried foods, salty and smoked foods, carbonated water and drinks. The diet should contain large quantities of protein, vitamins and minerals.

Prevention and prognosis

The only measure to prevent the disease is proper consumption of alcohol. In this case, it is worth paying attention not only to the amount of alcohol, but also to the quality of the drinks. Liver disease can also be prevented if you watch your diet. The diet should contain a sufficient amount of protein, vitamins and microelements. You should reduce your consumption of fatty, fried foods, carbonated drinks alcoholic drinks. If cirrhosis develops, treatment will not imply complete recovery. Therapy is aimed at maintaining the patient's life and delaying death. IN different cases the patient can live from 1 to 15 years with this diagnosis.

Toxic cirrhosis of the liver develops on last stage alcoholic illness. This dangerous pathology, which is characterized by complete destruction of the organ, intoxication of the body, and disruption of the functioning of all systems. It is completely impossible to cure, but some patients undergo a liver transplant. This operation allows him to prolong his life and get rid of the symptoms of cirrhosis, but it is not available to all patients. Treatment of alcoholic cirrhosis of the liver in any case involves complete failure from alcoholic drinks, otherwise the prognosis will be disappointing.

Abuse of alcoholic beverages over time leads to the development of pathologies in the structure of the liver - cirrhosis. Toxins affect organ cells, which causes the death of hepatocytes. It is difficult to answer unequivocally about the cause of the occurrence and development of pathology. Factors that influence the rate of development of the disease include genetic predisposition, lifestyle, the presence of other bad habits, diet, intake medical supplies, general health.

How much should you drink before cirrhosis?

Regular alcohol consumption for 15 years or more leads to the development of extensive liver damage. Organ cells are destroyed when consuming pure alcohol (ethanol) for men - 40-60 g, for women - 20 g almost daily. In women due to differences from men hormonal levels liver cells have an increased sensitivity to alcohol toxins, and therefore their destruction occurs faster. Damage occurs regardless of the type and quality of alcoholic beverages consumed. The only thing that matters is the ethanol content of the drinks.

Diffuse liver damage due to alcohol consumption accounts for about a third of all cases of organ disease. In men, the disease is observed twice as often as in women. This is due to the fact that the male part of the population still abuses alcohol more often and more.

The process of tissue destruction occurs simultaneously with fibrosis, when the tissue gradually becomes rougher and scars form. Small nodules of the resulting tissue form roughened areas, which changes the structure of the organ. Healthy tissue is getting smaller. The organ gradually stops normal functioning. Scar growth is also caused by fibrosis, but in this case it does not occur. structural changes organ. The main difference between alcoholic cirrhosis and other organ pathologies is the destruction of tissue structure and damage to the lobes responsible for the proper functioning of the organ.

Causes and pathogenesis of the disease

The main cause of the disease is uncontrolled long-term use alcohol. For active development severe defeat tissue requires the influence of several factors simultaneously - intoxication of the organ with alcohol, genetic disposition, deficiency of proteins and vitamins, consumption of spicy and fatty foods. The proliferation of pathogenic tissues leads to the fact that the liver ceases to cope with the functions of producing blood, proteins, and detoxifying the body.

Pathology goes through the following stages of development:

  • the liver stops producing enzymes for processing ethanol;
  • the walls of the organ become overgrown with fat (fatty hepatosis);
  • liver cells - hepatocytes - die;
  • protein formation is suppressed, as a result the cells swell and the liver increases significantly in size;
  • the tissues of the organ are rebuilt - the cells are not restored, instead of the dead ones, connecting structures appear.

Alcohol processing products cause membrane damage, disruption of the structure of blood vessels, the development of adhesions and nodes, and hepatic hypoxia. As a result, the normal functioning of the liver is lost irreversibly with a fatal outcome in the end.

What forms does alcoholic liver damage have?

Organ damage under the influence of alcohol toxins is distinguished by the nature of the development of the disease and the severity of the dysfunction of the organ.

Form of alcoholic cirrhosis

What is it characterized by?

By functional disorders:


the structure of the tissues has changed, but the symptoms are not yet expressed. The liver is functioning normally. Only a biopsy can reveal pathology.


symptoms gradually appear - health worsens, urine darkens, gums bleed, spider veins on the skin. The form is easy to diagnose.


a serious stage of failure in which the organ ceases to function - synthesize proteins, neutralize alcohol toxins, and secrete bile. Fluid accumulates in the peritoneum, ascites appears, and internal stomach bleeding, the brain is affected by toxins. Only transplantation can save the patient’s life at this stage.

By the nature of the lesion:

small nodular (micronodular)

small scars less than 3 mm in diameter.

macronodular (macronodular)

large nodes in the tissue structure up to 5 cm.


outbreaks connective tissue have different shapes and sizes.

Symptoms of liver cirrhosis from alcohol

From the onset of the disease to the appearance of the first symptoms, five or more years pass. Among the first signs of the disease are:

  • asthenia - deterioration in performance, weakness, drowsiness;
  • weight loss;
  • upper pressure not higher than 100;
  • redness of the palms;
  • spider veins.

As the process of dysfunction of the liver continues, the salivary glands enlarge, the network of capillaries expands, a jaundiced tint of the skin and sclera of the eyes appears, and muscles atrophy.

In alcoholics, signs of cirrhosis are accompanied by the following digestive problems:

  • flatulence;
  • nausea;
  • rumbling;
  • fluid accumulation;
  • pain in the umbilical area;
  • increase in the size of the spleen.

In men with liver cirrhosis, alcohol causes testicular function to atrophy and erectile dysfunction. The first signs of the disease in women are amenorrhea or dysmenorrhea. With complete abstinence from alcohol, the symptoms weaken and the patient’s well-being improves. In another case, hepatic encephalopathy may occur, accompanied by damage to brain cells and nerve fibers. Connective tissue nodes can form malignancy- carcinoma.

Methods used for diagnosis

Identification and further treatment The doctor is a gastroenterologist. At the stage of subcompensation and decompensation, diagnosis no longer causes difficulties.

Methods for diagnosing liver cirrhosis from alcohol:

General inspection:

· collecting complaints about pain;

· physical examination, palpation, tapping;

· lifestyle analysis (presence of chronic, genetic diseases, medication use, bad habits, contact with chemicals);

· mental condition.

Laboratory methods:

· general blood analysis ( reduced rate erythrocytes, hemoglobin, platelets);

· blood biochemistry;

· coagulogram (slow blood clotting);

· markers of hepatitis from the virus;

Urinalysis (assessment of kidney function and urinary system);

· fecal analysis (detects poor digestion of fat and coarse fibers).

Instrumental methods:

· Ultrasound of the peritoneal organs (structure and size);

· puncture of liver tissue;

Spiral tomography (x-rays of different tissue depths);

· internal examination of the surface of the esophagus, stomach;

· elastography (ultrasound analysis, alternative to biopsy).


The basis of therapy is complete cessation of alcohol consumption. Until the patient undergoes social and medical rehabilitation from alcohol addiction. The goal of therapy is to compensate for the lack of proteins, vitamins, and minerals in the body.

Nutritional adjustments are required. For alcoholic liver damage, diet No. 5 is recommended:

  • exclusion of fatty, smoked, spicy, fried foods;
  • limited consumption salt;
  • 5-6 meals with a total calorie content of 2800 kcal per day;
  • consumption of proteins, vitamins (A, B, C, K), microelements (zinc, selenium, magnesium).

Conservative methods include taking medications:

  • hepatoprotectors (activate the activity of liver cells);
  • adenomethionine (protect cells from destruction, stimulate recovery, improve bile ducts);
  • ursodeoxycholic acid (prevents tissue death);
  • vitamin complexes;
  • artificial analogues of adrenal glands (localize inflammation, spread of scar tissue);
  • drugs that block the action of substances that cause protein breakdown.

With the development of complications of pathology in other organs, symptomatic treatment is required:

  • an increase in the size of the spleen;
  • increased pressure of the collar vein;
  • accumulation of fluid in the peritoneum;
  • hepatic encephalopathy (brain dysfunction).

If liver function cannot be restored, last resort- This is the transplantation of part of an organ from a relative. The condition for the operation is the complete exclusion of alcohol-containing drinks at least six months before the transplant.

Prognosis and prevention

A complete cure for liver cirrhosis caused by alcohol is only possible with an organ transplant. This is available to a few patients due to high cost, technical complexity. Classical therapy helps the patient stop organ destruction and delay the onset of severe complications, incompatible with life. At the stage of decompensated alcoholic cirrhosis, life expectancy is up to three years. In men, symptoms of liver damage are less severe than in women.

TO severe consequences organ damage includes:

  • peritonitis (inflammation of the peritoneum);
  • ascites;
  • varicose veins of the esophagus;
  • disturbances of consciousness;
  • infertility;
  • diseases of the stomach and large intestine.

More information about alcoholic cirrhosis in the video:

To prevent and prevent alcoholic cirrhosis, it is important to give up alcoholic beverages and maintain balanced diet, promptly treat alcoholic hepatitis.

Remember: alcoholism is life-threatening! Be healthy.


The liver is the largest organ human body. Its mass reaches 1500 g - approximately 1/50 of the mass of the entire body. Anatomically, the liver has two lobes - right and left. The right lobe is almost 6 times larger than the left.

The liver acts as a filter in the human body.

Aversion to work as a symptom of illness

THE HERO of Jerome K. Jerome's book "Three in a Boat and a Dog" once went to the London public library, took medical directory, read it, found all sorts of ailments in myself and came out of there a deeply sick person. Among all other diseases, he identified the presence of liver problems by the main symptom - “aversion to work.” On the one hand, this may seem funny, on the other hand, the compiler of the reference book apparently knew a lot about diagnosis, since, oddly enough, often the only complaint in liver diseases is asthenic syndrome, that is, decreased performance, weakness, excessive drowsiness.

Reluctance to do something may be the only thing, but characteristic feature. Another thing is that it is nonspecific and occurs in a host of other diseases. If we talk seriously about the symptoms that clearly indicate liver disease, this is jaundice, itchy skin, baldness, redness of the palms, in women - disorder menstrual cycle; heaviness in the abdomen, nausea, belching, unstable stool.

In the later stages, there may be an enlargement of the abdomen due to the accumulation of fluid in it (ascites), darkening of the urine (it becomes the color of beer), discoloration of stool, and subcutaneous bleeding. In order not to lead to similar condition, you need to take care of yourself at the first unfavorable symptoms. In this sense, the liver is a grateful organ - with proper care, it recovers well, and healthy cells can work for themselves and their injured comrades.

What happens with cirrhosis? A healthy liver consists of hepatic lobules. With cirrhosis, a change in the structure of the liver occurs, the liver contains a large amount of connective tissue, and nodules appear instead of lobules different sizes, overgrown scar tissue puts pressure on blood vessels, as a result, blood circulation is impaired. The loss of normal liver cells leads to the fact that the liver is unable to synthesize proteins and other substances needed by the body, as well as neutralize toxins, that is, to perform its functions.

What will help to make a correct diagnosis? First of all, a visit to a gastroenterologist, who, in addition to a visual examination, can use the following diagnostic methods:

  • a biochemical blood test that will show an increase in liver enzymes and an increase in the amount of bilirubin;
  • Ultrasound of the liver and other abdominal organs will reveal changes in the size and structure of the liver, the presence of fluid in the abdominal cavity;
  • gastroscopy is useful for assessing the condition of the esophageal veins and determining the risk of bleeding;
  • blood test for markers of viral hepatitis;
  • in some cases, a liver biopsy is performed (for this, under local anesthesia use a special thin needle to pierce the skin directly above the liver and remove a piece of tissue);
  • examination of liver vessels (angiography, splenoportocavagraphy) using a special contrast agent under X-ray control is necessary when planning surgical treatment.

It's never too late to quit drinking

The most common causes of liver cirrhosis are alcohol abuse and viral hepatitis(primarily hepatitis B and C). Less commonly, they include poisoning with toxic substances (for example, toadstool venom, some medications), diseases of the gallbladder and bile ducts accompanied by prolonged jaundice.

Increased pollution environment, increased consumption of various preservatives, alcohol, and uncontrolled use of medications increase the load on the liver.

According to experts, the next 10 years will be marked by growth chronic pathology liver associated with hepatitis C virus.

Regarding the effect of alcohol on the liver, if we talk about “normal” drinking people and high-quality alcoholic beverages, the time that must pass from the start of consumption until the development of liver disease depends on many factors. Firstly, it depends on how much a person drinks, and secondly, who drinks - a man or a woman. In a woman, other things being equal, the disease will develop faster and at lower doses. It is believed that for men the maximum permissible dose is 60 g of pure alcohol per day: this is 3 bottles of beer, or 3 glasses of dry wine, or 3 glasses of vodka. The liver cannot process anything beyond this without causing damage to itself. In women, liver damage can develop even with constant intake of 20 g of alcohol per day.

On average, at least 8-10 years pass from the beginning of systematic drunkenness to the appearance of classic alcoholic cirrhosis. In women and adolescents, this period may be shorter - about 5 years. Alcohol lesions liver for a long time may be asymptomatic. A person drinks and drinks until the liver is no longer able to pump blood through itself, stagnation occurs in the portal vein system, increased pressure in it and, as a result, ascites - accumulation of fluid in the abdomen. Often, patients come to the doctor for the first time only at this stage - the stomach has begun to enlarge due to the fact that fluid has appeared there. This is very important symptom and a serious prognostic sign. Often, if ascites appears, the patient’s life expectancy is several years. If a person does not stop drinking, this gap will rapidly shrink. However, if the patient can be convinced to give up alcohol, then despite the fact that he came to the doctors already at the stage of ascites, they can observe him for 10 or more years without further deterioration. Why? Because he stops drinking, there is no progression of the cirrhotic process, and restoration of liver function under these conditions may well occur. Therefore, it is never too late to quit drinking alcohol.

How to protect your liver?

There are quite a lot of MEDICINES on the market. Some of them stimulate the production of essential phospholipids - substances necessary to restore the integrity of liver tissue. Others already contain essential phospholipids in finished form, and natural origin, easily absorbed by the body.

Even if the process in the liver ends with recovery, the damage still does not go away without a trace and can make itself felt by a certain functional inferiority, one or another degree of hepatic dystrophy. To avoid this, your doctor may recommend hepatoprotectors - drugs that help the liver restore its structure and protect it from adverse influences. Now on our pharmaceutical market about 30 types of hepatoprotectors: herbal, homeopathic, synthetic. Most drugs plant origin, including homeopathic ones. Doctors prefer to prescribe them because these drugs wide range actions, minimum quantity side effects and reasonable price.

As for liver cirrhosis specifically, the results of its treatment are both disappointing and encouraging. The impaired architecture of the liver in cirrhosis is never restored, but the ability of liver cells to recover is so good that even with cirrhosis, liver function can be improved.

Of course, only a doctor can choose the optimal treatment regimen for a particular patient, but a lot depends on the patient himself. It is important how he will behave during treatment, whether he will be able to follow all the recommendations as planned drug treatment, as well as diets, etc. If you are diagnosed with liver cirrhosis, carefully follow your doctor’s advice. In addition, take care of yourself: rest as soon as you feel tired. Do not lift weights: a sharp rise in pressure in the abdominal cavity can provoke gastrointestinal bleeding. Monitor the frequency of your stool (the optimal frequency of stool is 2 times a day).

Treatment is necessary because the complications of liver cirrhosis are very serious. Hepatic encephalopathy- brain damage from toxic products that are not neutralized by the liver as a result of its damage. It can manifest itself as various disorders of consciousness, intellect, behavior, and neuromuscular disorders. Another possible complication- ascites - accumulation of fluid in the abdominal cavity. In addition, patients with liver cirrhosis are more susceptible to bacterial and viral infections than healthy people. The most common infections in these patients are respiratory tract and urinary system.

What can a patient with liver cirrhosis complain about?

  • Increased fatigue.
  • Losing weight.
  • Various disturbances of consciousness and behavior (decreased concentration, daytime sleepiness, disrupted night sleep, etc.).
  • Decreased appetite and abdominal discomfort (bloating, feeling quickly full while eating).
  • Jaundice (yellow coloration of the skin and sclera).
  • Lightening or discoloration of stool, darkening of urine.
  • Stomach ache.
  • Swelling of the legs and (or) an increase in the size of the abdomen due to free fluid in the abdominal cavity (ascites).
  • Bleeding: nasal, gastrointestinal, gum, hemorrhoidal, and subcutaneous hemorrhage.
  • Frequent bacterial infections(respiratory tract, etc.).
  • Decreased sexual desire.
  • In men, gynecomastia (enlarged mammary glands) is common.
  • It is advisable to avoid the use mineral waters containing sodium.
  • Since alcohol contributes to the development of liver cirrhosis, its consumption in any form or quantity is prohibited.
  • If there is fluid retention in the body (edema, ascites), it is necessary to limit intake table salt up to 0.5 g per day, liquids - up to 1000 - 1500 ml per day. Ideally, food should be cooked without adding salt. Salt-free bread, crackers, cookies and crispbreads, as well as salt-free butter are consumed.
  • Seasonings like lemon juice, orange zest, onion, garlic, salt-free ketchup and mayonnaise, pepper, mustard, sage, cumin, parsley, marjoram, Bay leaf, cloves and yeast extract (low salt) help make dishes more palatable.
  • Any products containing baking powder and baking soda (cakes, biscuits, cakes, pastries and regular bread) are excluded.
  • Excluded are pickles, olives, ham, bacon, corned beef, tongues, oysters, mussels, smoked herring, fish and canned meat, fish and meat pate, sausage, mayonnaise, various jarred sauces and all types of cheeses, as well as ice cream.
  • Salty canned foods are excluded.
  • 100 g of beef or meat is allowed poultry, rabbit or fish and one egg per day. One egg can replace 50 g of meat.
  • Milk is limited to 1 glass per day. You can eat low-fat sour cream.
  • You can eat boiled rice(without salt).
  • Any vegetables and fruits are allowed, fresh or in the form of dishes prepared at home.