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What do big ears on a man say? Chronicles of the Ascension. Slavny and other avatars in LiveJournal

Chinese healers were convinced that human ears were as unique as fingerprints. Moreover, they are a kind of “control panel” of the body. There are 150 points on the surface of the ear, each of which is responsible for the functioning of a specific organ, gland or system. Experts can tell you about a person what he hides from others, including his character traits.


Physiognomists have long learned to determine the level of human intelligence by the position of the upper line of the ear. Yes, our ears reveal our mental abilities. Everything is very simple here: if the line of the ear is at the level of the eyebrows, this indicates high intelligence. Location at eye level indicates average mental abilities, and if the ear line is below eye level, then the person has low level intelligence.

Ears pressed tightly to the head also indicate a subtle mind. Lump-eared people are considered inquisitive and open-minded, although they are poor at analytical thinking. It is worth noting that geniuses have wide, sloping, thin ears. A long earlobe speaks of wisdom and spirituality (it’s not for nothing that Buddha is depicted with a long earlobe that touches his shoulder).

Just don’t run after people you know with a ruler and label them as narrow-minded and limited people. Physiognomy is not recognized as valid scientific method, so these conclusions are just speculation.


What else can the shape of your ears tell you? If a person’s ears are different from each other, this indicates mental and physical disharmony. Usually it is very difficult to communicate with such people, they quickly switch from one topic to another, and there is nothing to say about mood swings.

Cunning and longevity

If a person has ears that are pointed upward and slightly protruding (the so-called “fox ears”), he can be characterized as stubborn and cruel, and anything can be expected from him. They always act selfishly, guided solely by their own interests. These people are smart and cunning; it’s not for nothing that artists used to depict sorcerers and vampires with exactly this shape of ears.

Large ears with an elongated auricle and a thickened lobe indicate longevity. 85% of people over 90 have ears like this. It is believed that what longer lobe ear, the longer a person will live. And if he also has a red one, he will definitely live more than a hundred years.

Treason and independence

If the shape of a person’s ears is flat, with the inner rim turned outward, and covered with light down, the person in front of the interlocutor is a preoccupied and voluptuous person. He is prone to betrayal and is distinguished by enviable inconstancy in all spheres of life.

They talk about independent people. Such a person will never adapt to those around him and watch what others are doing. He will not care about public opinion, a clear conscience and his own understanding of what is good and bad - that is what he focuses his attention on. Naturally, this behavior brings a lot of problems, but it is worth it.

If a person has only his right ear protruding, then work always comes first for him - he is independent, independent and businesslike. When protruded left ear, we can say that a person is independent in his personal life.

Excellent student and diplomat

If the ears are pressed to the head so that they almost touch it, it means that in front of you is an obedient and obedient right person. He strictly follows all laws, regulations, written and unwritten rules. You don't need to expect unexpected and extravagant actions from him - he won't even exceed the speed limit. This is a typical conformist, who is also a little cowardly. Although, on the other hand, he will never get into unpleasant situations, he will not have to blush for himself.

If top part The ear is pressed to the head, and the lower one is slightly protruding, which means that the person can without a doubt be called a real diplomat. He will find an approach to any interlocutor and will be able to negotiate terms that are favorable to himself. The ability to put oneself in another person’s place during a conflict and understand it is considered a big plus.

and small

Large ears with clear contours are found in active and purposeful people. A neat and correct sink indicates logic and high intelligence; such people can be trusted.

But if the interlocutor has thick and small ears, then he is a liar and a deceiver. Very changeable, it is better not to start conversations with him about art and high matters - they are incomprehensible and uninteresting to him.

Thin and small ears, on the contrary, speak of refined taste. But if they are too thin, almost transparent, then their owner is very passionate, but at the same time nervous and hot-tempered.

Other forms

Usually absent-minded and vague people have long and narrow ears. It is difficult for them to focus on something specific and make a decision in life. People with pointed ears, like those of cats, are contradictory personalities; it is difficult for them to trust people and make new acquaintances.

To determine the character by the shape of the ears, you need to pay attention to the earlobe. For example, if it is almost absent, then the person has something that he hides behind polite and gentle communication.

If the earlobe is elongated and slightly curved, this indicates the sincerity of the owner. You can always talk to him.


As already mentioned, the ears can show the state of a person's health. For example, a big ear correct form indicates good heredity, good health. Small ones say the opposite.

If the ears are burning, it means that a person has problems with blood vessels, he suffers from high blood pressure, and is very irritable by nature. However, in critical situations he makes almost lightning-fast decisions. When the ears suddenly become cold, hypotension occurs. His mental activity is reduced, he feels lethargic and drowsy almost constantly.

If the color of the ears is dark red, you need to examine the liver, gastrointestinal tract and pancreas. Blueness indicates heart failure, diseases of the bronchi and lungs. If the skin on the ears shines, as if it were covered with varnish, the person has problems with intestinal function. When there are many wrinkles near the ears, it means that the body is exhausted. Are there brown or dark red spots on or near your ears? Diseases of the small and large intestines are possible.

Your earlobes can also tell you a lot of interesting things about your health. Eg, normal size and the color the earlobe speaks of good health, calmness and hard work of a person. If it is too big, it has irregular shape and heterogeneous consistency - a person has a genetic predisposition to oncological diseases. Small or almost absent indicates congenital form mental disability.

If the earlobe is pillow-shaped, thick and soft, then the person is predisposed to obesity, and a decrease in mental activity is clearly visible. A thin and slightly hard earlobe indicates a lack of energy and strength. If there are folds on the earlobe, then the person is predisposed to stroke, heart attack or diabetes. A square earlobe is an indicator of good health and a large reserve physical strength, but at the same time positions the person as an aggressor. If the earlobe acute form, large and elongated, means the person has outstanding mental abilities, he is hardworking and has a large supply of internal strength.

If you know in what ways you can use your ears, in addition to their main purpose, then you can significantly simplify your life. For example, if a person cannot fall asleep for a long time, he needs to put his hand under his ear. The warmth emanating from the palm will give you a pleasant sensation and instantly immerse you in the kingdom of Morpheus.

To relieve stress, you need to massage the top of your earlobe. You need to act on the area where the lobe gradually turns into hard cartilage. You need to massage for 3-5 minutes before going to bed and after conflict situations.

In the old days, healers advised stroking the edges of the ears in the morning in order to wake up faster and immediately get into a working mood. Using three fingers, swipe from top to bottom very slowly. You need to spend 2-3 minutes on this, and then pull your earlobes down, to the sides and up five times. These manipulations will help activate the brain, the person will feel cheerful, confident and ready to make any decision.

Ears have attracted people's attention since ancient times. Beginning with Hippocrates and Pythagoras, philosophers tried to find a connection between a person’s character and his physiognomy. Leonardo da Vinci was at one time interested in physiognomy. And in 1658, the world saw the book of Cardan de Medici, where the types of human faces and their elements were illustrated for the first time. By collecting bits of knowledge, today you can determine who the interlocutor is by looking only at the shape of his ears.

Incredible facts

Did you know that each person has unique not only fingerprints, but also ears.

In physiognomy, the ears represent your health and destiny from the ages of 1 to 14 years. Right ear is an indicator of fate from 8 to 14 years, and the left from 0 to 7 years.

In addition, all earlobes can be divided into two types: free and attached. If you have never paid attention to this, feel the tip of your earlobe - is it attached to your head or not?

Now look at the following image and answer which option is more like yours.

Character by ear shape

1. Loose earlobe – generous and independent

If your earlobes hang freely, you are a free-spirited person who doesn’t get too attached and doesn’t try to live up to society’s expectations. You let life lead you on its intended path and know that everything will work out okay in the end.

Despite your independence, you maintain close relationships with your small circle of people. People with free earlobes devote themselves only to the most important people and things. You definitely live at your own pace, but you are not insensitive.

You always think about others and are ready to give a lot for the sake of your loved ones.

2. Fixed earlobe – confident and purposeful

If your earlobes are attached, then you can be called a self-absorbed person. You are well aware of all your actions and how they can affect others. Nothing escapes your gaze; you pay attention to everything that happens around you. You are confident in your decisions, and your gaze is always directed to the future.

However, there is one danger: you have a tendency to always assume that your opinion is correct. Try to listen to other people's opinions and try to see things from the other person's point of view.

Ear size

Big ears are a sign vitality and longevity. The owners of such ears are lively and energetic. They are more likely to take risks than those with small ears. If your friend big ears, then he or she is likely to be a good listener.

People who have small ears, careful, thoughtful, self-absorbed, but quite purposeful.

Ears medium size they say that a person finds a middle ground between risk and fear. At the same time, a person whose ears are noticeably different in size may face many ups and downs in their life.

Ear shape

Rounded ears indicate sociability, positive person with a rich imagination.

Slightly square shape ears indicates that you are practical, smart, insightful and able to multitask.

If the upper part of the ear is pointed, then such a person is secretive and mysterious. It takes a lot of time to get to know this person better.

Protruding ears speaks of the independent character of a person who does not like to be told what to do. People with this type of ear are stubborn and rarely take advice from others. However, these people easily attract money.

Ear placement

People with high ears(ears are located above the tip of the nose and end at the eyebrows) quickly grasp information, while people with low-set ears(ears are located below the eyebrows and tip of the nose) absorb information more slowly.

Long ears(the earlobes are located below the tip of the nose, and the upper part is above the eyebrows) are a sign of genius.

As a rule, the ears are positioned slightly at an angle (the top of the ear is slightly further than the earlobe), but if tilt angle quite large, its owner is adamant and likes to control others.

Curl auricle

People with rounded curl ears need mental stimulation. They are energetic and love to have a good time.

People with thin curl impulsive, highly enthusiastic and extroverted by nature.

If the curl is very thin, a person will always be concerned with issues of humanity as a whole.


Long earlobes are an indicator of long and healthy life. They also indicate that a person is endowed with an excellent sense of understanding and judgment.

In people with thick earlobes many friends. They are hardworking, and their wealth usually increases over the years. Women with thick earlobes have good luck in marriage and bring wealth to their husbands.

In general very large earlobes- this is a sign spiritual development and high status. If you have long and large earlobes- you will have incredible luck. You know how to enjoy life, and everything in life will come easy to you. Even if you get into trouble, they will always come to your aid.

Human health by ear

    Harmoniously shaped ears and size indicate good heredity and a strong immune system.

    Ears that are too hot or red(even if symptoms appeared suddenly and a short time) may indicate problems with blood pressure and vascular disorders nervous system. People whose ears often burn are prone to aggression and quickly react to any external changes.

    Cold and pale ears may be a sign of dysfunction of the autonomic nervous system, decreased blood pressure, general weakness and decreased brain activity.

    Blueish tint to ears may indicate heart failure (even if other signs are not yet present), pulmonary and bronchial diseases.

    pay attention to dark red or blue ears , which may result from diseases of the stomach and intestines, pancreas or liver.

    If the skin of your ears becomes shiny with brown or dark red spots(a sign of imbalance minerals in the body), this indicates general fatigue and intestinal problems.

    If your ears are pillow-like (soft and thick), a person has a tendency to obesity and decreased mental activity.

    When there are many folds and wrinkles on the ears, this indicates a predisposition to heart disease and blood vessels, including atherosclerosis, heart attack and diabetes.

Points on the ears responsible for organs

Reflexive ear massage has been used in Chinese medicine hundreds of years for treatment various ailments. Did you know that the ears are a reflex map of our body?

According to reflexology, certain areas and points of the ears are connected to the energy centers of our body, known as meridians.

Knowing these points, you can get rid of discomfort, pain and ailments in a matter of minutes. All you need to do is place the clothespin on your ear for 5 seconds or use your fingers to pinch the area indicated by the dot.

Between birth and age fourteen, a person's ears are the most reliable guide to interpreting the future. life path- this is what the Chinese art of face reading teaches us. Generations of SiangMing followers have collected some significant information about the ears.

When reading, faces rely on general rule, the larger the ears, the better the life prognosis. Large, well-defined ears - smooth and round, soft and thick - promise intelligence and long life.

To find out if the placement of the ears is favorable, mentally draw a horizontal line at the level of the eyebrows and another under the tip of the nose. If the ears are located between these two lines, then a bright future is expected. A look in the mirror will stun us: most people's ears are either too high or too low.

If the ears are located above the eyebrow line, there is an opportunity to become famous already in your youth. Although there is no guarantee of the duration of happiness and fame.

For people with low-set ears that do not reach the level of the eyebrows, success in life most often comes late. According to SiangMing, the size and shape of the earlobe can be used to judge the degree of wisdom, and the potency of a man is also recognized by it. People with very large lobes are considered sages in the East. The earlobes are considered ideal if they are large and fleshy. That is, you can count on happiness, wealth and long life.

A Chinese proverb says: the thicker the earlobes, the thicker the wallet. Connoisseurs of the East will notice that in all images of Buddha the extremely large earlobes attract attention. This is understandable, because Buddha is considered a symbol of wisdom, happiness and wealth. However, thick but curled earlobes signal not only a long, glorious life without financial worries, but that this person is inappropriately frivolous with his wealth. He probably got rich too easily. One day he may find out that he is broke.

The Chinese associate small ears with stinginess and excessive greed for gold. By nature, these people are extremely boring, because besides money they have no other interests. In addition, they suffer from depression and rarely experience joy from sex. With fused lobes, the prognosis of Siang Min is unfavorable.

Because of indescribable ambition and petty philistinism, this man ruins his own life.

Adjacent ears

Close-fitting ears indicate a sensitive person, often with the ability to experience extra-sensory perception. It is this character trait that does not allow him to live in peace; he is tormented by forebodings and fears, causing uncertainty when making decisions. People with close-fitting ears between the ages of 20 and 30 are often subject to some blows of fate, but as a result they harden, their ego strengthens, which often becomes the basis for an extraordinary rise.

Tight-fitting ears

To feel confident, these people need both emotional and financial security. If they have achieved this, then they can calmly devote themselves to further professional growth. However, their excessive caution can prevent this, as they will miss chances and time. Owners of tight-fitting ears are very sensual - they are capable of great passion, and they will not hide it.

Yet their love life will be more traditional than original, since the joy of experimentation does not apply to them. strengths. In China they believe that people whose ears fit so tightly to their heads that it is impossible to squeeze a finger through live to a ripe old age.

Protruding ears

Protruding ears most often have scientists or thinkers who constantly strive for new knowledge. In addition, such ears indicate the stubbornness of their owner; anything that does not correspond to his thinking pattern is usually ignored. Such people usually engage only in mental work, neglecting physical exercise, so serious health problems may suddenly appear. These smart guys really need recognition and sympathy. Men, as a rule, seek refuge in strong women from whom protection is expected. In a partnership, they are in a subordinate position, which they are well aware of, but do not publicly admit.

People with protruding ears are responsive and always ready to listen to other people's problems. They have little ambition; it is quite enough for them when their knowledge is recognized and they are shown signs of respect.

High set ears

Highly set ears are located above the eyebrow line, and their most low point located above the tip of the nose. Such ears signal, according to Siang Min, an average level of income

High set ears

This person does not have excessive demands on himself and the world around him. He is businesslike personified; It would hardly occur to him to go out of his way for the sake of a career or luxury. Sometimes he can roll up his sleeves to afford some of life's blessings, but he considers luxury useless.

However, the life of a person with high-set ears cannot be called boring. He lives quite decently, that is, the way he likes.

The Chinese interpretation separately considers the case when, with high ears, the right ear is higher than the left. According to Siang Ming, the man had lost contact with his mother. His parents' marriage is in danger of breaking down, usually due to divorce or the early death of one of them.

Low set ears

People with low-set ears (the top edge of the ears does not reach the line of the eyebrows, and the bottom point is located below the tip of the nose) are for the most part very sociable. Vanity and activity seem simply necessary to them. If they are left alone, they feel deeply unhappy. Their communication skills are especially valued at work, as they fit well into a team.

Small ears

According to Siang Ming, small ears are a sign of great performance. Such a person achieves everything alone and is unable to rely on the help of others. Possessing vanity, he cannot resolve the conflict between the desired and the actual, since the level of his intelligence does not allow him to rise above a certain level. People with small ears are constantly trying to prove to everyone their superior abilities. Such people can be found quite often in journalism and media. mass media. Extremely proactive, he loves movement and bustle. He has a secret passion for tension and worry.

People with small ears, outwardly cold, can show strong passions. But they are unlikely to rush headlong into a passionate love adventure. In their personal lives, they show a greater tendency towards conservatism and expect constancy from their loved one.

Small ears

Big ears

According to Siang Ming, people with large ears have the best prospects. To put it more carefully, large ears indicate great potential for mental and spiritual qualities, but whether a person will show them depends on the totality of life circumstances.

Both men and women with big ears are used to taking responsibility and leadership. These hard workers know how to rely only on themselves. Thanks to these properties, they will be successful in the professional field.

If a person with big ears shows a pronounced interest in the financial side of life, then there is a danger of developing uncontrolled stinginess. Large-eared people are often very straightforward people. As a rule, due to their upbringing, they are distinguished by good manners. These people enjoy trust, and deservedly so. Due to their sociability and love of life, they have many friends, so they rarely spend the evening alone.

Big ears

IN love relationships Harmony is important to them. Without love, their life would certainly be incomplete. They perceive every new connection as the greatest in life. We are hardly shocked by the fact that large ears are found on people who are considered excellent lovers.

Pointed ears

This ear shape indicates quite negative traits character. For example, such people do not have enough emotions and empathy, but most importantly, they are not reliable, so others do not trust them. Possessing great charm, they are accustomed to deceiving others. They often succeed in this because they are not immediately able to recognize the selfish nature of people with pointed ears. Dealing with them is dangerous, as they know how to shamelessly exploit the kindness of others. But people with pointed ears are considered great originals and highest degree inventive. They successfully use their talents in love relationships. If you take into account their almost incredible sensuality, then in eroticism they have no equal.

Pointed ears

Only their capriciousness can repel the opposite sex, which will lead to a break in relations with such a person.

Other ear shapes

Other ear shapes are also worthy of attention, indicating the following personality traits:

Hairy ears

Does not tolerate objections, strives for knowledge, is wasteful, does not realize his talents.

→ Ears

Like other complex human organs, the ear consists of several parts. The outer part, called the shell or outer ear, consists of flexible cartilage covered with skin. Like other Essential Features, the outer ear comes in many forms.
When reading a face, the ear is divided into four parts: the upper rim, which grasps the top of the outer ear; middle rim; an inner rim adjacent to the cheekbone and a lobe.

In Chinese physiognomy, the ear is considered to be the most important bodies- mainly because it says more about a person’s fate than about his character, especially in his youth. It is believed that the left ear determines fate in childhood from one to seven years old, and also reflects the influence of the father. The right ear gives the key to fate from 8 to 14 years and reflects the influence of the mother.
This may not be as strange as it may seem at first glance, because from the ages of 1 to 14, a person’s fate is most often connected with the fate of his parents. As a general rule, the Chinese believe that a person with hard, well-shaped ears during this period has happy childhood to the good things rocked life. If the ears have a bad shape or color, then they say that they reflect a bad home environment and a difficult environment. If such a person's other signs are not favorable and do not indicate that he has determination, intelligence and firmness, then he is likely to fail in life.
As for the details, experience has shown that if the upper part of the ear is above the level of the eyebrows , then the individual has very high intelligence. Such a person may achieve widespread fame and/or exceptional financial success. If the top is above eye level but does not reach eyebrow level , then this means that the person will probably also have significant success, but not so dramatic.
However, if the ear is located below eye level , then it shows that the individual is mediocre. In the worst cases, especially if there is no noticeable rim at the top of the ear, it is very likely that the person will have to fight a truly difficult struggle for existence.
Ear size also has great importance. Large ears are considered good when they are balanced with other factors including thickness, softness, grace of form and radiant coloration of the ear. People with such ears can achieve success. But overly large ears, bad shape, colorless and covered with rough skin, are a sign of an evil personality. As a general rule, ears that are too large and not in balance with other facial features indicate a vain, stubborn nature.
Ears that are smaller than normal and not in balance with the rest of the face indicate a slow-witted and dull person. Such people are easily influenced by others and lack determination and self-confidence.
If a small ear has a rim with a defect, then this indicates a treacherous personality. Unusually small ears in a man of great intelligence who has high forehead, strong eyebrows, powerful eyes, indicate a person who cannot be trusted, prone to violence and often has a criminal nature.
Thin and soft ears with little weight indicate a tendency to unjustified risk in business. Most observations say that ears with a small mass indicate a lonely person. Soft ears with the inner rim turned outward indicate a lustful, voluptuous person who is sexually promiscuous. If such a soft ear is tilted forward, then it indicates a very tolerant person, indulgent, indulgent in pleasure, and sometimes obscenely lustful.
Pointed ears are relatively common, and there are various shapes. Pointed at the apex, they indicate a person of destructive nature and low intelligence. If the ears are pointed and excessively small, then this indicates a stubborn and cruel character.
The rim or edge of the ear must not have any defects. If the rim is small and soft, then this indicates that the person is weak and lacks willpower. If it is round, smooth and balanced with other facial features, then this indicates a happy person, with a wonderful character and close family ties. When the rim, external, internal or middle, is clearly outlined, then this indicates intelligence or early development at a tender age. Ears with very disheveled outer rims - which in the West are called " cauliflower" - indicate a brave, determined person with an independent mind. Such people, in the literal sense of the word, conquer their destiny.
And maybe the most an important part ear when reading a face is the lobe. An ear without a well-formed earlobe falls out of balance. If the lobe is so long that it touches the shoulder ( a rare case, exemplified by Buddha), then this indicates a person of supreme wisdom and spirituality . Chinese physiognomists believe that such a lobe is found among people of noble birth and among unusually powerful individuals from very wealthy families. If the lobe is slightly turned forward and upward, this is also a favorable sign for the character and destiny of a person.
As a rule, ancient texts claim than smaller ear The reader sees the face by looking directly into the person's face, so much the better. This means that the ears should be close to the head. However, if the ears lean back and are almost invisible from the front , then this indicates that the person is vulgar and treacherous. Therefore, care must be taken to distinguish between these two cases.
A person with large, soft, floppy ears extending from the head , can be classified as one of those that is difficult to deal with, especially in middle age. However, if the chin of such a person is well rounded and strong, then he may have great internal energy, which can partially compensate for his heavy nature.
The inner rim of the ear is also an important clue to character. If it bends inward, then the individual is likely to be one of those who represses his emotions. If the inner rim is bent outward, then the opposite is true.
As with other facial features, the question of "color" is of paramount importance when considering the ears. However, pale color, paler than complexion, incomparably better than red. A person with ears of this color is likely to have significant success in life. Yellow or bluish pallor has always been considered a sign of an unhealthy person. Dark color, extending from the ear to the temple, indicates serious illness. Will this disease be the cause short life, depends on balance and proportion with other facial features. And as a general rule in determining fate: ears that tend to be slightly or darker in color than the face indicate negative character and fate.
As with eyebrows moles play a role here too. A dark mole inside the auricle indicates painful litigation in middle age; red mole near the entrance to inner ear is a sign of longevity.
When you first dedicate yourself to the art of face reading, you will immediately identify certain ear prototypes. For example, an obese person with heavy cheekbones is likely to have long, round, large lobes. An average-sized person with thin lips often has poorly rounded ears. A person with a triangular head and a thin face usually has small, thin ears. Although physiognomy may seem esoteric in this matter, you will be amazed to discover how closely the proper reading of a person's face corresponds to his personality and destiny.
As a summary, the table below gives the main guidelines for ear analysis:

To understand a little character of a person based on the shape of his ears, take your ear between thumb and index finger and bend forward. Strong ear cartilage indicates strong kidney energy and a healthy constitution. By at least they shouldn't be too hard. It's best if you can bend it with a little resistance, like spaghetti prepared by AL DENTE. If too elastic hard ears there is a tendency to high blood pressure, while looking thin and almost transparent ears give a weak constitution. Initially, ear cartilage served as a criterion for longevity.

Ear size

The size of the ears can indicate courage and a willingness to take risks. Surely in Las Vegas, according to Lilian Bridges, you can see players with big ears who place large bets when playing poker. People with such ears love to be stuntmen or do risky work and often put their lives on the line. Surely they intuitively feel that they will quickly recover from an accident or injury and, without expressing fear, they believe in their capabilities.

People with small ears usually cautious and indecisive. The Chinese considered children with small ears to be well-mannered because they did not dare to do anything without their parents' consent. Small ears are considered a sign of a weak constitution and therefore weakness in a water sign includes fear. Such people do not take risks, but try to adhere to the rules and instructions. What risks a person can take can be read in three sections. When the ear is wider at the top, this indicates that the person is capable of taking risks in thoughts or finances. Such people can become independent in their work without much fear, because financial security is not so scary for them.

They do not need to have a regular income. People who have ears point up, on the contrary, they have a need for security and it is important for them to have a regular income and a constant official place. When the ears widen in the middle part, then usually such people are happy to take physical risks, such as skydiving, racers, and mountain bikers. They enjoy testing their limits and this stimulates them rather than frightens them. People whose ears taper in the middle will not take risks without certain safety precautions.


I would also like to note that big lobes are, as it were, a guarantor of the future, that is, a predisposition to the fact that it will exist at all. Such people think about their future without fearing it. Often they have light hand"And they thus turn into growth everything they deal with - animals, plants, people or investments. They patiently postpone their pleasures until later in the hope that rewards will come. With such long-term investments as real estate, they often have amazing success. Great The lobes also mean that in old age such people will be provided with care or, thanks to good planning, will be happy.

People with small earlobes They live more in the present tense, that is, they do not bother themselves too much with thoughts about the future and prefer the quick satisfaction of their needs to long-term planning. They want to have today and now, and not later. And yet, at retirement age, they are overtaken by something that they did not take into account. Adherent earlobes typical of those who are closely connected with their family from which they come. At the same time, negative feelings are also possible; their connection remains even if they do not like their family at all or even hate it. Such people find it difficult to move away from their family (by leaving home) or to be purely mentally separated from the family from which they came.

People with free drooping earlobes They are usually more closely connected only with some members of their family from which they come. They are more likely to distance themselves from their family or experience simple indifference. Instead, friends replace or serve as a substitute for family, whom even children call “aunts” or “uncles.” The healthy middle is considered to be the lobes of most people, which are only partially attached to the face. This indicates their ability to connect, which extends both to some members of their family from where they come, as well as to friends who are related to them by kindred spirits. The height at which the ears are located can also tell a lot. To calculate it, a tentative line is drawn from the side to the face from the upper edge of the ear. Often it ends on the forehead, eyebrows, eyes or somewhere on the nose.

It is believed that people know what they want earlier, the higher their ears are located.

High-set ears mean that their owner began working very young. This placement traditionally portends success and fame. After all, those who are already familiar with their work early have a greater chance of becoming famous. Many worldwide famous personalities They have such high-set ears. If the line of the ears ends at the level of the forehead, then such people probably already find their way at the age of 20. When the line from the top of the ears ends at the level of the eyebrows, then at the beginning of 30 years, and at the level of the eyes - at the end of 30 years and at the level of the nose - only at 40 years.

Take for example Ronald Reagan, who had ears set low. He later became famous, and almost all of his roles as a young artist were inconspicuous. And he came to real fame through politics and became president. Classic example late start. Ears pressed close to the head indicate people who can listen well and have good hearing. If their ears stick out, then such people do not really listen to advice and are stubborn in their beliefs. It is usually said about such people that they hear only what they want to hear.