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Magne b6 when to take. Composition, release forms and varieties of Magne B6. The three most important systems in the human body

In this article you can find instructions for use medicinal product Magne B6. Feedback from site visitors - consumers - is presented of this medicine, as well as the opinions of specialist doctors on the use of Magne B6 vitamins in their practice. We kindly ask you to actively add your reviews about the drug: whether the medicine helped or did not help get rid of the disease, what complications were observed and side effects, perhaps not stated by the manufacturer in the annotation. Analogues of Magne B6 if available structural analogues. Use for the treatment of magnesium deficiency in adults, children (including infants and children under one year old), as well as during pregnancy and breastfeeding. Composition of the drug.

Magne B6- magnesium preparation. Magnesium is vital important element, which is found in all tissues of the body and is necessary for normal functioning cells, participates in most metabolic reactions. In particular, it is involved in the regulation of the transmission of nerve impulses and muscle contraction.

The body receives magnesium through food. A lack of magnesium in the body can occur when the diet is disrupted (including when following reduction diets) or when the need for magnesium increases (with increased physical and mental stress, stress, pregnancy, use of diuretics).

Pyridoxine (vitamin B6) is involved in many metabolic processes and in the regulation of metabolism nervous system. Improves the absorption of magnesium from the gastrointestinal tract and its penetration into cells.


Magnesium lactate dihydrate + Pyridoxine hydrochloride + Excipients(Magne B6).

Magnesium citrate + Pyridoxine hydrochloride + excipients (Magne B6 Forte).


Absorption of magnesium from the gastrointestinal tract is no more than 50% of the dose taken orally. In the body, magnesium is distributed mainly in the intracellular space (about 99%), of which approximately 2/3 is distributed in bone tissue, and a third is in smooth and striated muscle tissue. Magnesium is excreted primarily in urine. At least 1/3 of the administered dose of magnesium is excreted in the urine.


Release forms

Film-coated tablets (including Forte form).

Oral solution (in ampoules, sometimes mistakenly called syrup).

Instructions for use and dosage

Film-coated tablets: adults are recommended to take 6-8 tablets per day; children over 6 years old (body weight more than 20 kg) - 4-6 tablets per day. The daily dose should be divided into 2-3 doses. The tablets are taken with meals with a glass of water.

Oral solution: adults are recommended to take 3-4 ampoules per day; children over 1 year (body weight more than 10 kg) - 1-4 ampoules per day. The daily dose should be divided into 2-3 doses. The solution from the ampoules is dissolved in 1/2 glass of water to be taken 2-3 times a day with meals.

The average duration of treatment is 1 month.

Treatment should be stopped after normalization of magnesium levels in the blood.

Self-breaking ampoules with Magne B6 do not require the use of a nail file. To open the ampoule, you should take it by the tip, after covering it with a piece of cloth and break it off with a sharp movement.

MagneB6 Forte

The tablets should be taken whole with a glass of water during meals.

Adults are prescribed 3-4 tablets per day, divided into 2-3 doses.

Children over 6 years of age (with a body weight of about 20 kg) are prescribed a dose of 10-30 mg/kg per day (0.4-1.2 mmol/kg per day), that is, 2-4 tablets per day, divided into 2-3 reception.

The duration of treatment is on average 1 month.

Side effect

  • stomach ache;
  • constipation;
  • diarrhea;
  • nausea, vomiting;
  • flatulence;
  • allergic reactions to the components of the drug.


  • severe renal failure (CK< 30 мл/мин);
  • phenylketonuria;
  • children under 6 years of age (for tablets, including Forte);
  • children under 1 year of age (for solution);
  • fructose intolerance;
  • syndrome of impaired absorption of glucose or galactose;
  • sucrase-isomaltase deficiency;
  • hypersensitivity to the components of the drug.

Use during pregnancy and breastfeeding

Clinical experience with the use of the drug in a sufficient number of pregnant women has not revealed any adverse effects on the occurrence of fetal malformations or fetotoxic effects.

Magne B6 can be used during pregnancy only if necessary, on the recommendation of a doctor.

Magnesium penetrates into breast milk. The use of the drug should be avoided during breastfeeding.

Use in children

Contraindicated in children under 6 years of age (for tablets); children under 1 year of age (for solution).

special instructions

With concomitant calcium deficiency, magnesium deficiency in the body should be eliminated before taking calcium supplements.

At frequent use laxatives, alcohol consumption, and during intense physical and mental stress, the need for magnesium increases and the risk of developing magnesium deficiency in the body increases.

When using the drug in patients with diabetes, it should be borne in mind that film-coated tablets contain sucrose as an excipient.

Please be aware that the oral solution contains sulfite, which may cause or aggravate allergic and anaphylactic reactions in patients at risk.

The drug in tablet form is intended only for adults and children over 6 years of age. In children younger age The drug is recommended for use in the form of an oral solution.

Impact on the ability to drive vehicles and operate machinery

Does not affect.

Drug interactions

With the simultaneous use of Magne B6 and preparations containing phosphates and calcium salts, the absorption of magnesium from the gastrointestinal tract may significantly decrease.

Magnesium preparations reduce the absorption of tetracycline, so it is recommended to observe an interval of 3 hours before taking Magne B6.

Magnesium weakens the effect of oral thrombolytic agents and reduces the absorption of iron.

Pyridoxine, which is part of Magne B6, inhibits the activity of levodopa.

Analogues of the drug MagneB6

Structural analogues according to active substance(magnesium preparations, including in combinations):

  • Additive Magnesium;
  • Asparkam Farmak;
  • Beauty tabs Elegant with calcium;
  • Vitrum Mag;
  • Vitrum forte Osteomag;
  • Magne B6 forte;
  • Magnelact;
  • Magnelis B6;
  • Magnerot;
  • Magnesium Plus;
  • Multi tabs Active;
  • Osteocare solution;
  • Panangin;
  • Pikovit Complex;
  • Supradin Kids Junior.

If there are no analogues of the drug for the active substance, you can follow the links below to the diseases for which the corresponding drug helps, and look at the available analogues for the therapeutic effect.

The human body contains approximately 25 g of magnesium. It is needed for the proper functioning of the nervous system, conductive nerve complexes of the heart, protein synthesis, and strengthening the immune system. Magnesium dilates blood vessels, lowering blood pressure, and slows down the hypertrophy of the heart muscle caused by arterial hypertension.

Magnesium dilates blood vessels, lowering blood pressure, and slows down the hypertrophy of the heart muscle caused by arterial hypertension.

A unique feature of this microelement is its ability to exhibit an anti-stress effect, creating a favorable psychological mood.

Vitamin B6 transports magnesium into the cell, enhances its absorption into gastrointestinal tract. It increases the amount of trace element inside red blood cells, which is often reduced in sufferers hypertension. Vitamin B6 is necessary for normal functioning nerve tissue and synthesis of neurotransmitters that promote good mood: serotonin and norepinephrine.

What is B6 for?

According to the instructions, the drug must be taken in case of an existing magnesium deficiency, or in conditions requiring its increased consumption. According to Russian researchers, a deficiency of this element in the diet is present in 70% of the population, American scientists say about 72%.

In order to understand why magnesium deficiency is manifested by disruptions in the functioning of almost all organs and systems, you need to understand what functions it performs.

Clinical manifestations of a deficiency of this microelement can be grouped according to predominant functional disorders.

Increased cell excitability

Magnesium ions provide a resting phase for both nerve and muscle cells. Their deficiency disrupts the exchange of microelements on cell membranes and leads to cells becoming overexcitable.

  1. Hyperexcitability of nervous system cells leads to sharp fluctuations mood, anxiety, tearfulness, insomnia.
  2. An increase in the activity of cardiac muscle cells causes tachycardia and arrhythmias associated with the appearance of additional foci of excitation in the heart.
  3. Overexcitability of skeletal muscle cells causes muscle pain in the neck, back, muscle tension headaches, and cramps. calf muscles, spasms of small muscles of the hands (writer's cramp, obstetrician's hand)
  4. Increased excitability of vascular smooth muscle cells causes an increase in blood pressure and resulting headaches.
  5. Hyperexcitability of smooth muscle cells internal organs leads to abdominal pain periodic pain in women, stool disorders, when constipation is replaced by diarrhea, broncho- and laryngospasms, in pregnant women it provokes uterine hypertonicity, cervical spasm during childbirth.

Disorders of energy reactions

Magnesium is involved in all metabolic processes, being part of more than 300 enzyme complexes responsible for energy reactions in the body - carbohydrate and ATP metabolism. Its deficiency causes heat exchange disturbances - chilliness. Lack of energy provokes rapid fatigue during normal physical and mental stress.

Disorders of neurotransmitter metabolism

Magnesium is needed for correct exchange neurotransmitters - substances that ensure the transmission of impulses between neurons.

  1. Disturbances in the metabolism of catecholamines - dopamine, adrenaline, norepinephrine - are the most important link in the pathogenesis of “diseases of civilization”: ischemic heart disease, arterial hypertension, diabetes mellitus 2 types.
  2. Disorders of serotonin metabolism lead to depression, anxiety, obsessive thoughts, decreased memory, attention, mood, impaired libido.
  3. Metabolic disorder gamma-aminobutyric acid leads to a lack of voluntary attention, hyperactivity, physical manifestations of anxiety (lack of air, palpitations), and a decrease in long-term memory.
  4. Disruption of dopamine (dopamine) metabolism leads to a lack of energy, low level motivation, concentration problems, depression.

One person may exhibit different groups of symptoms.

To determine magnesium deficiency, you can use a special test.

What causes magnesium deficiency?

Magnesium deficiency may occur primarily due to genetic characteristics the body, when, with a normal content of magnesium in the blood plasma, its penetration into cells is difficult. Secondary deficiency may be associated with lifestyle and nutritional characteristics:

  1. Reduced magnesium intake;
  2. Malabsorption in the gastrointestinal tract;
  3. Enhanced excretion;
  4. Endocrine disorders;
  5. Increased need for magnesium.

Reduced consumption

Typical for most modern people. A diet primarily consisting of potatoes, meat or poultry, and dairy products is unable to become a sufficient source of microelements. The main sources of magnesium in the diet are “hard” water, fresh herbs, grapes, and freshly harvested nuts. Filtration of water reduces the amount of trace elements contained, heat treatment food leads to the formation of insoluble salts that are unable to be absorbed in the intestines; storing nuts does not reduce the magnesium content, but reduces its bioavailability.

Reduced magnesium intake can also occur due to diets: both due to a decrease in the volume of food, and due to a change in its nature, when the list of “allowed foods” is limited. Fashionable low-carbohydrate diets almost completely exclude foods containing this element from the diet.

Magnesium-rich foods.

Reduced intestinal absorption

And again the most common reason– modern dietary habits. Excess fat in food, typical of fast food, disrupts the absorption of magnesium in the gastrointestinal tract. The same thing happens with excess protein, calcium, and alcohol.

  • Prolonged diarrhea;
  • Dysbacteriosis;
  • Chronic duodenitis;
  • Enterocolitis;
  • Crohn's disease;
  • Nonspecific ulcerative enterocolitis;
  • Resection of part of the intestine.

Enhanced elimination

May be a consequence of diseases such as:

  • Gastrointestinal disorders;
  • Nephrotic syndrome;
  • Renal acidosis;
  • Kidney pathology caused by diabetes mellitus.

Also, some medications cause increased excretion of magnesium:

  • Non-potassium-sparing diuretics;
  • Laxatives;
  • Hormonal contraceptives;
  • Cytostatics;
  • Cardiac glycosides;
  • Glucocorticoids.

Endocrine disorders

Magnesium deficiency is typical for metabolic syndrome manifested by weight loss, decreased glucose tolerance, and arterial hypertension. It is also characteristic of type 2 diabetes mellitus, characterized by increased content not only sugar, but also blood insulin. Also, magnesium deficiency occurs in conditions such as:

  • Hyperthyroidism (excess thyroid hormones);
  • Hyperaldosteronism (excess aldosterone synthesized by the adrenal cortex);
  • Hypercatecholaminemia (excess catecholamines synthesized by the adrenal medulla);
  • Hyperparathyroidism (excess parathyroid hormone of the parathyroid glands).

An increased need for magnesium occurs when:

  • Stress (according to the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, 80% of Russian citizens live in a state of chronic stress);
  • Active growth (children and adolescents);
  • Increased physical activity;
  • Increased sweating (hot countries, hot workshops, steam room hobby);
  • Pregnancy.

How to use magnesium B6?

Since this microelement slowly accumulates in the body, magnesium B6 should be used for at least two months in a row - provided that the patient is under 40 years old and does not suffer chronic diseases. Patients over 40 or with chronic pathology You need to take the medicine for at least six months. If the need to use magnesium is caused by emerging neurological disorders or depression, you need to use the drug for at least a year in a row. In case of osteoporosis, the use of magnesium B6 becomes lifelong.

Magnesium B6 and cardiovascular diseases

A lack of magnesium in the diet increases the likelihood of arterial hypertension. Prescribing magnesium B6 to patients with hypertension at a dosage (in terms of ions) of 240-960 mg per day led to a decrease systolic pressure on average by 18.7 mm. rt. Art., diastolic - by 10.9 mm. rt. Art.

Residents of regions with “soft” water, with a reduced content of microelements, are more likely to develop myocardial infarction and sudden coronary death. Inside the myocardial cells of patients who died from cardiovascular pathology, magnesium content is reduced by half compared to healthy people.

Addition of magnesium at a dosage of 100 mg/day. reduces the likelihood of ischemic stroke by 8%.

Taking the drug significantly slows down the development of atherosclerosis even in people who do not follow a diet. 15 years after correction of magnesium deficiency became a state matter in Finland and a special program was introduced, the number of myocardial infarctions decreased by half.

Magnesium B6 and pregnancy

You can find out the likelihood of magnesium deficiency during pregnancy using the following test:

If necessary, make up for the deficiency, daily dose for pregnant women is 10-15 mg of magnesium per kg of weight per day. Taking magnesium B6 during pregnancy reduces the likelihood of the threat of miscarriage, the occurrence of premature birth and the birth of children with reduced body weight.

In pregnant women with arterial hypertension who took the drug, the frequency of gestosis was 3 times lower than in the control group, the frequency of use of antihypertensive drugs decreased 4 times, and the frequency of pyelonephritis decreased 6 times. These women did not experience fetal hypoxia during labor and the Apgar scores of the newborns were on average higher than in the control group.

Magnesium B6 and children

The age at which magnesium B6 can be used is limited by the form of release of the drug. It is believed that children under 6 years of age have difficulty taking tablets, so the tablet form is only allowed for children over this age. You can use the solution for oral administration from 1 year of age, with a child’s body weight over 10 kg. Depending on weight and need, use from 1 to 3 ampoules per day (5-10 mg of magnesium per kg of body weight per day, 100 mg in one ampoule).

A sufficient amount of magnesium in the body increases the child’s adaptive capabilities under stress caused by entering into kindergarten, school, change of children's group.

In children with ADHD, taking the medication for a month reduced the level of anxiety, aggression, and improved concentration.

In what dosages should I use magnesium B6?

Normally, about 400 mg of magnesium should be supplied from food daily (5 mg per kg of body weight/day). In case of deficiency, the need for this microelement increases to 10-15 mg/kg/day, the same need for it in pregnant women. Children need 5-10 mg/kg/day.

In preparations containing magnesium B6, the instructions for use provide the following content of magnesium ions:

  • Magne B6 – 48 mg;
  • Magnesium B6 Evalar – 48 mg;
  • Magvit (Belarus) – 50 mg;
  • Magnelis B6 (Russia) – 48 mg;
  • Magnistad (Russia) – 48 mg;
  • Magnesium plus B6 (Russia) – 48 mg;
  • Magnicum (Ukraine) – 48 mg;
  • Magne B6 solution – 100 mg per ampoule;
  • Magne B6 forte – 100 mg.

Thus, taking into account the intake of microelements from food and water, adults need 6 to 10 magnesium B6 tablets per day, children 4-6 tablets per day. Take the medicine 2-3 times, always with water (at least a glass). An ampoule of solution for oral administration should be diluted in half a glass of water, taken one 3 times a day.

When not to use Magnesium B6

Despite all the benefits of the drug for the body, there are conditions when its use is contraindicated:

  • Individual intolerance;
  • Phenylketonuria;
  • Renal failure when creatinine clearance<30 мл/мин;
  • Fructose intolerance (for dosage forms containing sucrose);
  • Insufficiency of the enzyme sucrase-isomaltase (similar);
  • Glucose-galactose maladsorption syndrome;
  • Use simultaneously with levodopa;
  • Tablets should not be used in children under 6 years of age, solution - up to 1 year.

special instructions

It is not recommended to take the medicine simultaneously with calcium supplements - as already mentioned, calcium reduces the absorption of magnesium. If necessary, first restore the balance of magnesium, and only then restore calcium.

Overdose of magnesium B6

If the kidneys are functioning normally, it is impossible to create an excess of microelements and water-soluble vitamins (B6) in the body: the excess is excreted in the urine. If kidney function is reduced, magnesium may accumulate in the body, which manifests itself:

  • Drop in blood pressure;
  • Nausea, vomiting;
  • Decreased reflex activity, inhibition up to coma;
  • Impaired breathing up to paralysis;
  • Decreased urine output up to anuria;
  • Heart failure.

Antibiotics from the aminoglycoside group sharply increase the toxicity of magnesium.

With a long-term overdose of vitamin B6, the following may occur:

It can be replaced by Russian analogues, such as Magnesium Plus B6, Magnestad, Magnelis, made in Russia. Another domestic drug, Magnesium B6 Evalar, is available both in tablet form and in the form of syrup in a 100 ml bottle, approved for children over three years of age. There are also analogues from neighboring countries - the Ukrainian Magnikum and the Belarusian Magvit.

Magnesium preparation.
Product: MAGNE B6®

Active substance of the drug: Magnesium lactate, magnesium pidolate, pyridoxine
ATX encoding: A12CC30
KFG: A drug that replenishes magnesium deficiency in the body
Reg. number: P No. 013203/02
Registration date: 03.13.07
Owner reg. credential: SANOFI WINTHROP INDUSTRIE (France)

Magne b6 release form, drug packaging and composition.

White film-coated tablets, oval, biconvex, with a smooth shiny surface. Film-coated tablets 1 tab. magnesium lactate dihydrate 470 mg, which is equivalent to the content of Mg2+ 48 mg pyridoxine hydrochloride 5 mg
Excipients: sucrose, heavy kaolin, acacia gum, carboxypolymethylene 934, talc (magnesium hydrosilicate), magnesium stearate.
Composition of the tablet shell: acacia gum, sucrose, titanium dioxide, talc (magnesium hydrosilicate), carnauba wax (powder).
10 pieces. - blisters (5) - cardboard packs.
The solution for oral administration is clear, brown in color, with a caramel odor. Oral solution 1 amp. magnesium lactate dihydrate 186 mg magnesium pidolate 936 mg, which is equivalent to the total content of Mg2+ 100 mg pyridoxine hydrochloride 10 mg
Excipients: sodium disulfite, sodium saccharin, cherry-caramel flavor, purified water.
10 ml - double-ended dark glass ampoules (10) - cardboard inserts (1) - cardboard packs.

The description of the drug is based on the officially approved instructions for use.

Pharmacological action of Magne b6

Magnesium preparation. Magnesium is a vital element that is found in all tissues of the body and is necessary for the normal functioning of cells and is involved in most metabolic reactions. In particular, it is involved in the regulation of the transmission of nerve impulses and muscle contraction.
The body receives magnesium through food. A lack of magnesium in the body can occur when the diet is disrupted (including when following reduction diets) or when the need for magnesium increases (with increased physical and mental stress, stress, pregnancy, use of diuretics).
Pyridoxine (vitamin B6) is involved in many metabolic processes and in the regulation of nervous system metabolism. Improves the absorption of magnesium from the gastrointestinal tract and its penetration into cells.
Serum magnesium content from 12 to 17 mg/l (0.5-0.7 mmol/l) indicates moderate magnesium deficiency; below 12 mg/l (0.5 mmol/l) indicates severe magnesium deficiency.

Pharmacokinetics of the drug.

Suction and distribution
Absorption of magnesium from the gastrointestinal tract is 50% of the dose taken orally. In the body, magnesium is distributed mainly in the intracellular space (about 99%), of which approximately 2/3 is distributed in bone tissue, and a third is in smooth and striated muscle tissue.
Magnesium is excreted primarily by the kidneys. Magnesium present in urine averages one-third of ingested magnesium.

Indications for use:

Established magnesium deficiency, isolated or associated with other deficiency conditions, accompanied by symptoms such as increased irritability, minor sleep disturbances, gastrointestinal cramps or rapid heartbeat, increased fatigue, pain and muscle spasms, and a tingling sensation.

Dosage and method of administration of the drug.

Film-coated tablets: adults are recommended to take 6-8 tablets/day, children over 6 years old (body weight over 20 kg) - 4-6 tablets/day. The daily dose should be divided into 2-3 doses. The tablets are taken with meals with a glass of water.
Oral solution: adults are recommended to prescribe 3-4 ampoules/day, children over 1 year (body weight more than 10 kg) - 1-4 ampoules/day. The daily dose should be divided into 2-3 doses. The solution from the ampoules is dissolved in 1/2 glass of water to be taken 2-3 times a day with meals.
The average duration of treatment is 1 month.
Treatment should be stopped after normalization of magnesium levels in the blood.
Self-breaking ampoules with Magne B6 do not require the use of a nail file. To open the ampoule, take it by the tip, after covering it with a piece of cloth and break it off with a sharp movement.

Side effects of Magne b6:

From the digestive system: rarely - abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting, flatulence, constipation.
Other: possible allergic reactions.

Contraindications to the drug:

Severe renal failure (creatinine clearance less than 30 ml/min);
- phenylketonuria;
- children under 6 years of age (for tablets);
- children under 1 year of age (for solution);
- fructose intolerance;
- syndrome of impaired absorption of glucose or galactose;
- sucrase-isomaltase deficiency;
- hypersensitivity to the components of the drug.
The drug is prescribed with caution for moderate renal failure, because there is a risk of developing hypermagnesemia.

Use during pregnancy and lactation.

The use of Magne B6 during pregnancy is possible only according to indications and under medical supervision.
The use of the drug should be avoided during lactation (breastfeeding). Magnesium is excreted in breast milk.

Special instructions for the use of Magne b6.

When using the drug in patients with diabetes, it should be borne in mind that film-coated tablets contain sucrose as an excipient.
It should be borne in mind that the oral solution contains sulfite, which may cause or worsen allergic and anaphylactic reactions in patients at risk.
With concomitant calcium deficiency, magnesium deficiency in the body should be eliminated before taking calcium supplements.
With frequent use of laxatives, alcohol consumption, and intense physical and mental stress, the need for magnesium increases and the risk of developing magnesium deficiency in the body increases.
When using tetracycline and Magne B6 together, a 3-hour interval between doses of these drugs should be observed.
Impact on the ability to drive vehicles and operate machinery
The drug does not affect the ability to drive vehicles and other activities that require high concentration and speed of psychomotor reactions.

Drug overdose:

With normal kidney function, oral magnesium does not cause toxic reactions. Magnesium poisoning can develop in kidney failure. Toxic effects mainly depend on serum magnesium levels.
Symptoms: drop in blood pressure, nausea, vomiting, depression, slowed reflexes, ECG distortion, respiratory depression, coma, cardiac arrest and cardiac paralysis, anuric syndrome.
Treatment: rehydration, forced diuresis. In case of renal failure, hemodialysis or peritoneal dialysis is necessary.

Interaction of Magne b6 with other drugs.

With the simultaneous use of Magne B6 and preparations containing phosphates and calcium salts, the absorption of magnesium from the gastrointestinal tract may significantly decrease.
When taken simultaneously, magnesium preparations reduce the absorption of tetracycline.
When used together, magnesium weakens the effect of oral thrombolytic agents and reduces the absorption of iron.
Pyridoxine, which is part of Magne B6, significantly inhibits the activity of levodopa.

Terms of sale in pharmacies.

The drug is approved for use as a means of OTC.

Terms of storage conditions for the drug Magne b6.

Film-coated tablets should be stored in a dry place, protected from light, at a temperature not exceeding 25°C. Shelf life: 2 years.
The oral solution should be stored in a place protected from light at a temperature not exceeding 25°C. Shelf life: 3 years.
The drug should be stored out of the reach of children.

It plays an important role in the human body. Magnesium B6 - what is this element needed for? It is necessary for the functioning of the heart, liver, kidneys, and is also important for bones and muscles.

A lack of magnesium can lead to pathological conditions, and replenishing this substance will help eliminate serious health problems. To eliminate magnesium deficiency in the body, the effective drug Magne-B6 is prescribed.

Let's consider the following questions: the benefits of this medicine, how to take magnesium B6, what analogues exist, what role does Magnesium B6 play during pregnancy, instructions for use for children, approximate and also whether there are side effects and contraindications of this drug.

Magnesium B6 - what is it for, benefits for the body

Typically, magnesium is contained in the human body in an amount of approximately 25 g. The daily norm of the element for women is 300 mg, for men 350 mg. During pregnancy and lactation, women should receive between 925 mg and 1250 mg.

Magnesium is involved in processes such as protein synthesis, regulation of metabolic processes and cholesterol levels, maintaining the functions of the heart muscle, removal of harmful substances, phosphorus metabolism, and regulates cell growth. Helps prevent urolithiasis and prevent the development of atherosclerosis. The good functioning of the nervous system depends on magnesium; its deficiency can cause irritability and anxiety.

Since many elements are more effectively absorbed and give better results in certain combinations, drugs are created with this in mind. Thanks to vitamin B6, magnesium is better absorbed from the digestive system and penetrates into cells. In addition, this vitamin has a positive effect on metabolic processes and the nervous system. The complex of magnesium and vitamin B6 quickly and effectively improves the functioning of the heart and nervous system.

So, Magnesium B6 - what is it for? Its use is indicated for conditions such as:

Is it possible to replace Magne-B6 treatment with something? This question arises when you are interested in the price of the drug. The cost of magnesium B6 medicine depends on the manufacturer - a foreign one costs more than its Russian-made counterpart.

Since the combination of this element and vitamin is quite popular, finding Magnesium B6 analogues with a more affordable price or convenient dosage is not at all difficult. There is a large selection of this medicine.

The international name of the complex is Comb drug. Various analogues of the drug are also registered under this name. The Russian substitute for Magne-B6 is called Magnelis B6.

In the pharmacy chain you can find analogues of the Hungarian manufacturer - “Beres Magnesium Plus”, Ukrainian production “Magnicum” and Polish analogues “Magnefar B6” and “Magvit”. All analogues have different prices.

Magnesium B6 - why is it needed for pregnant women? Already planning a pregnancy in advance, a woman can take Magne-B6. Doctors recommend doing this to prevent and eliminate some problems associated with the state of the mother’s cardiac and nervous systems. It is especially important to take the drug if a pregnant woman has heart problems.

This medicine is important to take during pregnancy. Magnesium is necessary for the normal and proper development of the fetus. As we said above, without a sufficient amount of Mg in the body, the nervous and other systems will not be able to function normally during pregnancy.

In addition, Magne-B6 relieves muscle tension, so it can be prescribed for cramps and increased uterine tone that threaten the baby. As the fetus grows, a pregnant woman's need for magnesium increases, so this drug will effectively compensate for the Mg deficiency.

It is worth noting that although Magne-B6, when used correctly, does not have any negative effects, it should be prescribed to a pregnant woman by a doctor after an examination.

In what cases is it indicated to take the medicine during pregnancy:

  • For complaints of mood swings, irritability, poor sleep.
  • With severe early toxicosis.
  • To reduce fatigue.
  • For cramps of the calf muscles, as well as tingling and numbness of the limbs.
  • With high uterine tone, which can lead to spontaneous abortion.
  • For spasms and intestinal colic.
  • Poor nutrition causes a lack of vitamins and microelements in the body.
  • For hair loss.
  • Intense fetal movement in the last months of pregnancy may indicate oxygen starvation due to magnesium deficiency.

Magnesium B6 for children

Magnesium B6 - what is it for children?

The medicine is available in the form of tablets, as well as a solution in capsules. Children are prescribed Magne-B6 only after examination and identification of a severe deficiency of this substance.

Mg deficiency in children manifests itself in increased excitability, anxiety attacks, and insomnia. The child reacts nervously to stressful situations and may experience muscle spasms and tachycardia. After restoring the required level of the element, children become calmer, more attentive and sleep better.

The drug can be given in tablets to children from 6 years of age, in the form of a solution from 1 year. Exactly what dosage the doctor will prescribe for the baby depends on the state of his health and the magnitude of the existing Mg deficiency in the body.

Magnesium B6 - reviews

Reviews about taking the drug are almost always positive. Below are some of them.

Arina writes: “I take a drug from Evalar, which is much cheaper than its analogues. My health has improved noticeably. My depression goes away faster and easier, I’m not so irritable.”

Anastasia says: “I felt a strong heartbeat during pregnancy, and my general condition left much to be desired. There was severe toxicosis. The doctor prescribed MagneB6 for me and all the unpleasant symptoms are a thing of the past! Yes, this complex for pregnant women is very useful.”

Zinaida, 25 years old: “My gynecologist prescribed me to drink Magne-B6 in the first trimester of pregnancy, explaining that this would help prevent many pathologies. “I took it for more than a month along with folic acid and vitamin E. I noticed that my nerves became stronger and there were no side effects.”

Lyudmila responds: “The drug Magne-B6 is very expensive, although the composition is nothing special. I prefer to buy cheaper analogues with the same composition and I feel great!”

Alla, 35 years old: “Once I noticed my heart palpitations. The doctor advised me to take Magne-B6 for 3 months, 2 tablets per day. Within a short time after the start of treatment, heart function returned to normal. Among the side effects, I can note that in the first days of taking the medicine there were abdominal pains.”

Ekaterina, 30 years old: “In the last months of pregnancy, I started having cramps in my calf muscles at night. On the recommendation of a gynecologist, I started drinking Magne-B6. After a couple of weeks of taking the drug, the seizures completely disappeared. The complex not only saved me from night pain, but also brought great benefits to my health. I didn’t have any side effects during treatment.”

Magnesium B6 - instructions for use, price and dosage

To achieve a successful result and avoid side effects, specific indications and correct adherence to the use and dosage of the drug are very important. How to take Magne-B6 correctly depending on the patient’s age, children and pregnant women? First, let's look at the forms in which this drug is available.

Release form Magne-B6

Magne B6 is available in two pharmacological forms:

  1. Tablet form in different packages of 30 and 50 pieces, there are also effervescent tablets. Composition of film-coated tablets: 470 mg magnesium lactate dihydrate (48 mg magnesium) and 5 mg pyridoxine hydrochloride.
  2. Magnesium B6 in ampoules (10 ml) in the form of a liquid solution for oral administration, which has a characteristic caramel aroma and brownish color. Solution composition: 936 mg magnesium pidolate (100 mg magnesium), 10 mg pyridoxine hydrochloride, 186 m sodium lactate dihydrate.

Magnesium B6 - what is it for and how to take tablets correctly

The standard dosage of the medicine, as a rule, is: for adults and children over twelve years of age - for deficiency 6-8 tablets, for spasms 4-5 tablets; children over 6 years old - 2-5 tablets per day.

The usual course of treatment can last for a month. It is recommended to take the tablets with meals or immediately after the next meal. Try to drink them with plenty of clean water (at least a glass).

How to dilute the medicine in ampoules and drink the solution

To obtain a solution, you need to dilute one ampoule of the product in half a glass of warm water. Take the solution with meals. The dose depends on body weight and age.

Average norm for an adult: 3-4 ampoules per day. Child over 1 year old and weighing less than 10 kilograms: 1-3 ampoules. Children under 6 years old are prescribed gel in a tube - 5 g once a day, up to 12 years old - 10 g, and children over 12 years old - 15 g.
In any case, the dosage must be prescribed by a doctor; never start taking the drug without consulting a specialist.

How to take Magne B6 during pregnancy

Pregnant women with magnesium deficiency are prescribed 2 tablets three times a day, and for prevention, 2 tablets 1 time a day.

Side effects and contraindications

Strict adherence to the rules in the instructions reduces the likelihood of side effects to a minimum. If a negative reaction to Magne B6 occurs during use, you should stop drinking it and consult a doctor for advice.

Side effects of the drug may include nausea, vomiting, skin and other types of allergies, constipation or diarrhea, flatulence, abdominal pain, paresthesia, peripheral neuropathy.

Among the contraindications the following can be noted:

  • Severe renal failure. There is a risk of drug poisoning.
  • Hypersensitivity to the components of the product.
  • Diabetes. The tablets may contain sucrose.
  • Phenylketonuria.
  • Age up to 6 years for taking tablets.
  • Syndrome of impaired glucose absorption.
  • Period of taking laxatives.
  • Fructose intolerance.
  • Sucrose-isomaltose deficiency.
  • Increased physical activity.
  • Abuse of alcoholic beverages.
  • Breastfeeding time. The drug passes into breast milk and can cause an excess of certain substances in the baby’s body.

So, we examined in detail the drug Magnesium B6 - what it is needed for, its role, analogues and rules of administration. Take care of your health!

Magne B6- a magnesium preparation used to replenish magnesium deficiency in the body.

Magnesium is a vital element that is found in all tissues of the body and is necessary for the normal functioning of cells and is involved in most metabolic reactions. In particular, it is involved in the regulation of the transmission of nerve impulses and muscle contraction. The body receives magnesium through food. A lack of magnesium in the body can occur when the diet is disrupted or when the need for magnesium increases (with increased physical and mental stress, stress, pregnancy, use of diuretics). Pyridoxine (vitamin B6) is involved in many metabolic processes and in the regulation of nervous system metabolism.

Pharmacological properties

Pharmacodynamics. Vitamin B6 improves the absorption of magnesium from the gastrointestinal tract and its penetration into cells. Instructions for use: serum magnesium: from 12 to 17 mg/l (0.5 - 0.7 mmol/l) indicates moderate magnesium deficiency. - below 12 mg/l (0.5 mmol/l) indicates severe magnesium deficiency.

Pharmacokinetics. Absorption of magnesium in the gastrointestinal tract is no more than 50% of the dose taken orally. 99% of magnesium in the body is found inside cells. Approximately 2/3 of intracellular magnesium is distributed in bone tissue, and the other 1/3 is in smooth and striated muscle tissue. Magnesium is excreted primarily in the urine. At least 1/3 of the administered dose of magnesium is excreted in the urine.

Indications for use Magne B6

Established magnesium deficiency, isolated or associated with other deficiency conditions, accompanied by symptoms such as: increased irritability, minor sleep disturbances; gastrointestinal cramps or; increased fatigue, pain and muscle spasms, tingling sensation.

Directions for use and doses

Before taking the drug, you should consult your doctor. Film-coated tablets: Adults are recommended to take 6-8 tablets per day. Children over 6 years old (body weight more than 20 kg) 4-6 tablets per day. Oral solution. Adults are recommended to take 3-4 ampoules per day. For children over 1 year of age (body weight over 10 kg), the daily dose is 10-30 mg/kg and equals 1-4 ampoules. The daily dose should be divided into 2-3 doses, taken during meals with a glass of water. The solution in ampoules is dissolved in 1/2 glass of water to be taken 2-3 times a day with meals. The average duration of treatment is 1 month. Treatment should be stopped immediately after the level of magnesium in the blood normalizes. ATTENTION: Self-breaking ampoules with Magne B6 do not require the use of a nail file. To open the ampoule, take it by the tip, after covering it with a piece of cloth, and break it off with a sharp movement.

Features of application

Information for patients with diabetes mellitus: film-coated tablets contain sucrose as an excipient. In cases of concomitant calcium deficiency, magnesium deficiency should be corrected before supplemental calcium is administered. With frequent use of laxatives, alcohol, intense physical and mental stress, the need for magnesium increases, which can lead to the development of magnesium deficiency in the body. The ampoules contain sulfite, which may cause or worsen allergic-type reactions, including anaphylactic reactions, in patients at risk. The drug in tablet form is intended only for adults and children over 6 years of age. For young children, the drug is recommended in the dosage form of a solution for oral administration. Influence on the ability to drive a car and other mechanisms. Does not affect.

Side effects

Allergic reactions to the components of the drug. Gastrointestinal disorders: abdominal pain, constipation, nausea, vomiting, flatulence.

Interaction with other drugs

The simultaneous use of drugs containing phosphates or calcium salts can significantly reduce the absorption of magnesium in the gastrointestinal tract. Magnesium preparations reduce the absorption of tetracycline; it is recommended to wait 3 hours before using Magne B6. Magnesium weakens the effect of oral thrombolytic agents and reduces the absorption of iron. Vitamin B6 inhibits the activity of Levodopa.


Hypersensitivity to the components of the drug, severe renal failure (creatinine clearance less than 30 ml/minute), phenylketonuria, children under 6 years of age (for tablet dosage form) and up to 1 year (for solution), with fructose intolerance, impaired glucose absorption syndrome or galactose or sucrase-isomaltase deficiency. With caution: In case of moderate renal insufficiency, as there is a risk of developing hypermagnesemia.


With normal renal function, oral magnesium does not cause toxic reactions. However, magnesium poisoning can develop in cases of kidney failure. Toxic effects mainly depend on serum magnesium levels. Symptoms of overdose: decreased blood pressure, nausea, vomiting, depression, slowed reflexes, distorted electrocardiogram results, respiratory depression, coma, cardiac arrest and cardiac paralysis, anuric syndrome. Treatment: rehydration, forced diuresis. In case of renal failure, hemodialysis or peritoneal dialysis is necessary.

Questions and answers on the topic "Magne B6"

Question:Hello! Can a three year old child be given Magne B6. Prescribed by a neurologist. We have ROC CNS.

Answer: Magne B6 is contraindicated for children under 6 years of age, BUT! only for tablet dosage form. For children under 6 years of age, it is usually prescribed in the form of an oral solution, but if prescribed by a doctor, it is permissible to split the tablet and give it in parts.

Question:Hello! What are Magne V6 analogues?

Answer: This medicine has a fairly extensive range of structural analogues. They all contain some combination of magnesium. Among them are: Additiva Magnesium, Asparkam Farmak, Magnesium Plus. You can also name such drugs as Multitabs Active, Osteokea solution, Panangin. You can replace Magne B6® with Pikovit Complex and Supradin Kids Junior.