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How to cure stuttering in a 5 year old child. Late onset of speech. New theory in the development of stuttering

Stuttering in children is a violation of the tempo-rhythmic aspect of speech, provoked by convulsions in the respiratory, speech and vocal apparatus. The pathology can be congenital or occur when the body is exposed to various unfavorable factors. It is possible to get rid of the problem with the help of a medical and health complex and systematic sessions with a speech therapist. Parents should know why stuttering may occur in a 4-year-old child, what is the norm of speech in preschool age, and how to prevent the development of pathology.


Highlight the following types stuttering in children depending on the form of seizures:

  • tonic stuttering is characterized by prolonged and strong muscle contraction, which causes speech delay;
  • clonic stuttering in children is characterized by the fact that several short-term convulsions are observed at once, which cause involuntary repetition of individual sounds and syllables;
  • a mixed form is diagnosed if two types of disorders are combined.

Depending on the course of stuttering, the following types are distinguished:

  1. constant stuttering – pathology is present when various forms speech and in all situations;
  2. wave-like stuttering may periodically disappear and appear;
  3. recurrent stuttering, disappearing for long time, appears again.

There are two clinical forms stuttering:

  • the neurotic form develops as a result of mental trauma or too early active introduction of a second language of communication;
  • neurosis-like stuttering in children is diagnosed with organic brain damage and is much more difficult to treat.

When choosing treatment, the form of the pathology, the nature of its course and the personal characteristics of children with stuttering are taken into account.

Causes of stuttering in children and adolescents

There may be various external and internal factors, affecting the body. If stuttering is diagnosed in children aged 2-3 years, the reason most likely lies in disorders of the functioning of the brain. Congenital causes stuttering in children can be caused by:

  1. Pathologies of pregnancy. Fetal hypoxia may occur during intrauterine development. In addition, they can cause illness various infections mothers during pregnancy and intrauterine infection fetus
  2. Problems during childbirth. Stuttering may appear after severe labor activity and hypoxia. In addition, during childbirth the baby could receive injuries that would subsequently affect normal operation brain. Often the cause of stuttering is the birth of a child before the due date.
  3. Heredity. If one of your close relatives suffers from stuttering, then there is a high probability of such a pathology appearing in the baby. The genetic factor underlies the determination of the reasons that provoked stuttering.
  4. Individual characteristics of the body. The likelihood of a speech disorder is much higher in those children who have a choleric temperament. This is due to increased excitability and nervousness of choleric people.

In some cases, stuttering can be acquired and this occurs for the following reasons:

  • Psychological trauma. Can provoke a violation severe stress or fear. In addition, this pathology is often detected in children who lack attention or, on the contrary, are too spoiled.
  • Unfavorable climate in the family. Frequent scandals and quarrels between parents in the family, as well as physical punishment. Often this pathology appears in children who spend too much time in front of the TV or at the computer.
  • Past pathologies. Stuttering can occur after illnesses such as meningitis, encephalopathy and brain injury. Sometimes the underlying pathology is influenza, ARVI and diabetes.
  • Physiological processes. Become natural cause Diseases up to 5 years can be caused by the immaturity of the cerebral hemisphere and its work in test mode. Such disorders do not require correction, since they go away on their own as the baby grows up.

In some cases, children develop a false stutter when they imitate adults who suffer from such a defect. Pathology can also develop in left-handed students whose parents try to artificially teach them to write with their right hand.

Signs and symptoms

The following symptoms may occur when stuttering:

  1. when trying to pronounce a sound in the middle of a word, a convulsive syndrome occurs;
  2. long pauses appear in the middle of a word between sounds;
  3. There are syllabic-sound repetitions and unnecessary pauses in the middle of the word.

With such a speech disorder, the child becomes more nervous, aggressive and whiny. When trying to pronounce a word, he encounters failure, so he is very worried about his defect. Medical practice shows that the disease may be accompanied by problems with sleep, the appearance of nocturnal enuresis, and disturbances of appetite and digestion.

Parents need to notice signs of a speech disorder as early as possible and seek advice from a specialist. The sooner corrective work is started, the higher the chances of completely eliminating the disease.


To make a diagnosis, the child is examined by specialists such as a neurologist, speech therapist, pediatrician, child psychologist and psychiatrist. The patient’s medical history, heredity and characteristics of psycho-speech and motor development are necessarily studied. In addition, the time of onset of speech problems and the circumstances that provoked the disease are clarified. In progress diagnostic measures Attention is drawn to the following indicators:

  • form, localization and frequency of speech spasms;
  • features of speech rate, voice and breathing;
  • the presence of concomitant speech and motor disorders;
  • the child's attitude towards his illness.

The child’s condition must be examined phonemic hearing, sound pronunciation and lexico-grammatical structure of speech. To establish organic damage central nervous system such diagnostic procedures, such as MRI of the brain, EEG, EchoEG, rheoencephalography.

Treatment of pathology is carried out jointly with a speech therapist, pediatrician and psychologist. The pediatrician's task is to eliminate concomitant diseases, strengthening child's body and prevention of colds. The baby is prescribed treatments such as massage, swimming pool and electrosleep.

The main task of a psychologist is to help the patient choose the right model of behavior in society. It is necessary for the child to learn to feel comfortable in any situation and not be afraid to communicate with others.

In classes with a speech therapist, the child needs to learn to speak without tension and correct defects in the pronunciation of sounds and syllables. In addition, work is underway aimed at teaching clear articulation and. Together with the speech therapist, the child performs exercises, and then consolidates the acquired skills in phrases.

A special place in treatment is given, with the help of which it is possible to make the voice more natural and free. These exercises increase mobility vocal cords and train the diaphragm. Depending on the degree of the defect, a course may be prescribed acupressure, when a specialist acts on special points on the face, legs, back and chest. To restore the nervous regulation of speech, it is necessary that classes be carried out systematically. Stuttering songs for children help make speech smoother and teach them to pronounce words without pauses.

In case of serious mental and nervous disorders may be prescribed, which includes taking tranquilizers and anticonvulsants. The following medications are usually prescribed:

  1. Pantogam;
  2. Mydocalm;
  3. Haloperidol;
  4. Tenoten;
  5. Phenibut.

Such drugs may only be taken as prescribed by a doctor and in strict accordance with the attached instructions.

Methods for treating stuttering at home

Parents need to know that the most optimal period for treatment of speech disorders is up to 7 years of age.

For adults it is necessary:

  • monitor the child’s daily routine and strictly adhere to it;
  • create a favorable psychological atmosphere in the house;
  • communicate with the child as much as possible and do it in a friendly manner;
  • increase the baby’s immunity and strengthen his health;
  • Limit TV viewing and computer games.

It is recommended to walk with your child in the fresh air as much as possible and it is advisable to exclude competitive gambling. Adults need to prepare for the fact that the course of therapy will be long, because coping with stuttering is not so easy.

As soon as a child shows signs of stuttering, it is imperative to show him to a specialist. All activities with the child must be systematic and long breaks are not allowed.

You are not allowed to choose medications on your own and start giving them to your child without consulting a specialist. The fact is that with the acquired nature of the disease anticonvulsants and tranquilizers can further worsen the condition and worsen brain function.

Throughout the course correctional work the child should be in a calm and friendly environment without conflicts and quarrels.

Preventive actions

Prevention of such speech disorders consists of creating conditions for a favorable pregnancy and caring for the mental and physical well-being of the child. In addition, it is necessary to monitor the baby’s speech development and select the right educational and entertainment material, taking into account age.

To prevent relapses of stuttering, it is necessary to adhere to all the prescriptions of the speech therapist at the stage of correctional work and after it. In addition, you need to create a favorable environment for the child. home environment for its full and harmonious development.

Parents, looking at their children, rejoice at their successes and achievements. Everything seemed to be going its way, and suddenly the child began to stutter. The first thing that immediately comes to mind is that the baby is just playing around. It’s good if this is so, but what if these are the first “swallows” of a big problem?

Types of stuttering

But first, let's talk about what it is. Logoneurosis is a speech defect that manifests itself in a violation of the rhythm and rate of breathing. This pathology is associated with compression of various parts. It is most often observed in children from two to five years old. This period is the peak of speech development.

Types of logoneurosis depend on the causes:

  • Physiological stuttering. Associated with past diseases: complications caused by encephalitis, birth injuries, organic disorders subcortical parts of the brain, overwork, exhaustion of the nervous system.
  • Mental. It is a consequence of fright, fear, mental trauma, stress, correction of left-handedness.
  • Social. This type is most often the reason why a child begins to stutter at age 4. Factors contributing to the appearance of logoneurosis include: overload of speech material, inattention of parents, excessive severity and rigor in education, imitation of peers.

Forms of stuttering

To understand what and how to get rid of, you should study your “enemy”. Let's find out what forms of stuttering there are.

  1. Like speech spasms.
  • Clonic - repetition of individual sounds, syllables or words.
  • Tonic - long pauses in conversation, prolongation of sounds. The child's face is very tense, the mouth is tightly closed or half-open.

Clonic and tonic forms can occur in the same person.

Inspiratory stuttering appears during inspiration. Expiratory - on exhalation.

2. Due to the appearance of pathology.

  • Evolutionary. Appears in children aged two to six years.
  • Symptomatic. Can occur at any age. The cause is diseases of the central nervous system, such as traumatic brain injury, epilepsy and others.

Let's talk about the types of evolutionary stuttering in more detail and start with...


If a child began to stutter at the age of 2, most likely, he was influenced by factors of a neurotic nature. Of course, not only at this age children are susceptible to this pathology neurotic reasons. This age lasts up to six years.

During this period, speech development and motor functions correspond to age or may be slightly ahead of it. During emotions, at the beginning of a conversation, clonic convulsions can be noticed in children. The child refuses to communicate or is very worried before the performance. In addition, there are symptoms such as anxiety, moodiness, fear, mood swings, and impressionability.

These signs intensify with overwork.

It is very difficult for such children to adapt to a new team, especially in kindergarten. But this does not prevent them from communicating with peers and adults.

Children with a neurotic type of stuttering always perform small movements fussily and imprecisely. They are well oriented in space and have well-developed fine motor skills.


The reason is a malfunction of the brain. Such children get tired very quickly, they get irritated over trifles and look “uncollected.” Some may have a movement disorder.

If a child began to stutter at the age of 3, and his behavior corresponds to the above symptoms, this can be associated with psychological trauma that arose during intensive speech development.

Gradually the stuttering gets worse. This is especially noticeable if the child has suffered from an illness or is very tired. Speech and motor functions develop on time or with a slight delay.

Children do not worry about their illness. The situation in which they may find themselves or the environment does not have any influence on the frequency of stuttering.

Such children gesticulate a lot and have poorly developed facial expressions. During a conversation, unusual facial movements may appear.


My child started to stutter, what should I do? This is the first question that worries parents. But before answering it, you should understand the cause of this disorder. Most often, this may be a violation of the interaction between articulatory movements and the speech center. Sometimes the baby’s thoughts can get ahead of the motor system. And the reason for this is the following factors:

  • Emotional stress. Fright, anxiety, fear and even positive emotions.
  • Diseases transferred to early childhood. Such as typhus, whooping cough, measles, diseases of the throat, larynx, nose.
  • Head injury or simple bruise.
  • Excessive mental activity.
  • Birth trauma or stress experienced by a pregnant woman.
  • Abnormal psycho-emotional situation in the family.
  • Imitation of peers.

Now we will consider each of the factors influencing speech in groups. Let's talk in more detail about why the child began to stutter. Let's consider internal and external factors.

Brain dysfunction

For what reason does it occur? this pathology? Most often, these difficulties are associated with genetic changes. If a child begins to stutter as soon as he speaks, most likely you need to look for problems in the functioning of the brain. To the factors causing pathology, can be attributed to:

  • infections in the prenatal period;
  • heredity;
  • oxygen starvation of the fetus;
  • trauma during childbirth;
  • premature birth.

External factors

If a child began to stutter at the age of 4 or a little earlier, then the reasons should be sought in external environment. The problem could be caused by the following factors:

  • Infections of the central nervous system. It's about about meningitis and encephalitis.
  • Brain injuries. It could be a concussion or bruise.
  • The child's cerebral hemispheres are not yet functionally mature. Stuttering for this reason goes away without medical intervention.

  • Lack of insulin (diabetes mellitus).
  • Problems with the top respiratory tract and ears.
  • Diseases leading to weakening of the body.
  • Associated ailments: nightmares, enuresis, fatigue.
  • Psychological trauma: fear, stress and others.
  • Parents speak quickly, which contributes to the incorrect formation of the child’s speech.
  • Wrong upbringing. The child is either pampered too much or demands a lot from him.
  • Imitation of peers and adults.

TO external factors can be attributed to the family situation. If the baby feels good with mom and dad, he feels the care of his parents, then he will not have problems with speech. If everything happens the other way around, then the child will become tense due to frequent conflicts, and a stutter will appear.

The child began to stutter sharply

If you find that your child suddenly begins to stutter, psychological trauma is most likely to blame. Maybe someone scared him, or maybe he got a large number of information that I could not sort out into pieces.

If you think that the reason for this condition of the baby is a visit to kindergarten, then leave the child at home for a few days. Do it with him breathing exercises. This contributes to the formation of smooth speech without skipping. Be sure to attend several massage sessions with your child.

If a child only sometimes tries to insert an extra syllable or sound into a word during a conversation, then there is no need to worry for now. The kid is experimenting. If such experiments became a common occurrence, then it’s time to go to a specialist.

If no more than two months have passed since the first stuttering, the effect of treatment will occur earlier. This period is considered the initial stage.

The child is three years old

The child began to stutter at the age of 3, what to do in this case? The main thing is not to panic and follow the following recommendations:

  • Try to get your baby to talk less. Be sure to answer his questions, but don’t ask him them yourself.
  • If possible, refuse to visit kindergarten. Don't take your baby to visit, avoid large cluster people, stop your child from watching cartoons.
  • Give preference to board games and drawing. These classes will help develop fine motor skills. To calm the nervous system, the child can sing to slow music and dance.
  • Contact the specialists. Classes with a speech therapist and a visit to a neurologist will be helpful.
  • Do not point out to your child that a particular word is pronounced incorrectly. He may get squeezed and the situation will get out of control. Try to speak smoothly and avoid mistakes in words during a conversation.

The baby is four years old

The child is 4 years old. I started stuttering, what should I do? And again the same advice - no panic. The baby will look at you, understand that something is wrong with him, and begin to worry. IN this period this is not necessary at all.

IN preschool institutions from the age of four they are given so much information that the brain small child"bursts" from overload. A child comes home from kindergarten very tired. The result of the situation is speech impairment. If there is a problem, try:

  • Walk with your child in the fresh air every day.
  • Do not allow him to watch TV or play computer games.
  • It is advisable not to take him to kindergarten.
  • Follow the regime. The baby should go to bed on time in the evening and be sure to rest during the day.
  • Create a normal atmosphere in the family for your child. Stuttering can return after any stressful situation.
  • Be sure to visit specialists: a speech therapist and a neurologist.

Has your child started to stutter? Don't worry, everything can still be fixed. Listen to the advice of a psychologist:

  • If your baby has difficulty speaking, be sure to maintain eye contact with him.
  • Do not interrupt the baby under any circumstances. Let him finish his speech.
  • Try to speak slowly yourself. Stop after every question you ask.
  • Talk to your child only in short and simple sentences.
  • Try not to ask your child many questions. This way he won't feel much pressure coming from you.
  • Don't spoil him or give him any privileges. He shouldn't feel that he is being pitied.
  • Family life must comply with rules and regulations. No chaos or fussiness.
  • The child should not be very tired or overexcited.
  • Try not to show your feelings. Children feel this well. This feeling begins to depress them. With this condition of the baby, the effectiveness of treatment decreases.


A full examination was carried out. The reason why the child began to stutter has been established. It's time to start treatment. Full recovery can only occur if:

  • regular classes;
  • perseverance;
  • desire;
  • implementation of all recommendations.

Treatment must be comprehensive.

  • Professional correction. Using certain programs, a speech therapist-defectologist can eliminate primary and secondary disorders speech. The correction program for each child is selected individually.
  • Massage. For these purposes, you need an experienced children's massage therapist. The basic rules of massage include a slow pace, an atmosphere of calm and comfort, soothing music, and the warm hands of a specialist. The main goal of the procedure is muscle relaxation.
  • Medicines. They are appointed only in severe cases(disorder of the nervous system and psyche). Sedatives and anticonvulsants are used.
  • Ethnoscience. Soothing decoctions are used. Motherwort, valerian, nettle juice and others will help relieve tension.
  • Play activities at home. They train and consolidate the skills learned from specialists.
  • Breathing exercises - develops proper breathing. Consists of exercises that combine short, sharp breath and movement.

Parents should know that only complex treatment will help your child get rid of speech impairment. And if a child begins to stutter, you must make every effort to help your child.

Stuttering or logoneurosis is a violation of speech function, which is characterized by a violation of the rhythm of speech, expressed in frequent repetitions or prolongation of sounds/syllables/entire words, as well as in frequent interruptions or hesitant formation of speech. In fact, childhood stuttering cannot be called a disease, since the main reason for the appearance of such a speech disorder is convulsive tension muscle fibers speech apparatus. It occurs in children of different ages: from 2 years to 8 years. Also occurs in adults, but due to the lack of treatment for stuttering in childhood. What are the causes and treatment of stuttering in children?

First of all, we note the opinion of Dr. Komarovsky on this issue. Evgeniy Olegovich Komarovsky makes it clear that when the first signs of stuttering appear in children, parents should visit a qualified specialist who will certainly determine the cause of the problem and prescribe necessary procedures. You shouldn’t rush to the computer or go online in search of “magic techniques” from no less “magical guys and aunts” who offer such methods for a small fee.

It should be noted that stuttering can become a serious problem for a child in the process of socialization and adaptation in a children's group. As you know, children are cruel to other children who are different from them. This can manifest itself in the baby’s mimicry and ridicule, which directly affects his perception of the outside world and behavior in general, reducing his self-esteem and developing an inferiority complex.

According to statistical data, this defect is registered less frequently in girls than in boys. Experts associate this with the higher psychological stability of girls. In addition, stuttering can manifest itself in cases of emotional stress experienced by children when speaking in public, stress, etc.

Causes of stuttering in children

The reasons for the appearance of logoneurosis in a child at the age of 2 years, at the age of 3 years or 7 years can be divided into physiological and psychological. TO physiological reasons relate:

The psychological causes of logonervosis are most significant for children aged 6 years and above, since at this time the child goes to school. A new stage of life, saturated with a huge amount of new information, a new environment, a change in the attitude of parents towards the child - all this can become the basis for the development of stuttering. However, to psychological reasons also include situations that may affect children 1 year of age or slightly older. The most common psychological reasons are:

Child starting school life, may be facing a common problem associated with left-handedness. As you know, teachers and parents are trying to retrain their child. This, of course, can be done, but without unnecessary persistence and abuse of authority, since such retraining can also cause stuttering in children.

It is important to understand that earlier signs stuttering will be identified in the child and parents will seek help from qualified specialist, the greater the chance of eliminating the defect and the subsequent normal development and formation of the baby in the social environment.

In fact, treatment can be divided into 3 categories: medical, corrective and mixed. A trip to “grandmother”, which in no case can be regarded as real view helping a child is better to neglect.

It should be understood that stuttering treatment is a common endeavor between specialists and parents, and parents play no less a role. If the cause of stuttering is not related to damage to the central nervous system or brain, then treatment is carried out by a speech therapist. The speech therapist assesses the overall picture, determines the type of stuttering, prescribes the necessary procedures and works together with the child. The specialist conducts classes with children and also gives recommendations for doing exercises at home.

One of the common methods of treating stuttering is breathing exercises, which allow you to create the necessary conditions for a normal respiratory rhythm, and also tone the organs of the speech apparatus. In general, such exercises have a beneficial effect on respiratory system and have an additional relaxation effect.

It is useful to include moderate amounts in the child’s life rhythm. physical exercise(eg walking, cycling, swimming, dancing, etc.). If one or both parents join the child in doing this, it will be even better, as the child will enjoy spending time with the parent(s).

Acupressure techniques have a beneficial, stimulating effect on the central nervous system. However, you must first ensure that the specialist is qualified. In addition, today various computer programs, allowing the formation of fluency of speech due to the synchronization of the speech and auditory centers of the brain.

Treatment with medications is, perhaps, additional measure, prescribed by a neurologist or psychotherapist (psychiatrist, depending on the cause of stuttering). There are no tablets for the treatment of logoneurosis in a child in nature. Medicines have a stabilizing effect on nerve centers. Anticonvulsants and sedatives are prescribed. Decoctions and infusions of herbs can be used as sedatives.

Not an unimportant element successful treatment is to maintain the optimal rhythm of the day:

As we said above, an important component of treatment for stuttering is the correct approach to the child from the parents. First of all, it is recommended to create a soft psychological environment within the family circle.

Parents should not focus their children's attention on the problem. This will only make matters worse; the child may withdraw into himself. Parents' anxiety and nerves contribute to the depression of the baby's psycho-emotional state. You should also protect your child from negative attitude from peers, and if this is impossible to do for some reason, then it is necessary to have a conversation and make it clear to the child that these ridicule should not be paid attention to. If this does not help, then it is necessary to exempt the child from attending preschool during the therapy period.

Note. Older children (schoolchildren) are more easily amenable to correction of views. During the conversation, such children should be pointed out to their capabilities and uniqueness, both from the outside appearance, and in terms of talents and skills.

Parents and other family members (if any) should adhere to the following recommendations:

  • It is necessary to let the child speak. Even if it takes a long time, it doesn't matter. It is important to make it clear that you are listening carefully and understand. And under no circumstances should you finish the thought for him;
  • Eliminate scandals and unnecessary fuss within the family circle;
  • Conversations between family members, especially with the baby, should be smooth and slow, with all sounds pronounced. It is best to use short, specific sentences and phrases when communicating with a little “stutterer”;
  • You should not listen to loud music, and also keep the TV on all the time;
  • It is recommended to teach poems and children's songs with your baby;
  • You should not let your child know that he is special. This is especially true for concessions in the discipline adopted in the family;
  • Long, difficult-to-learn words should not be taught to your child. And if you decide to teach, then you should not put pressure on him when he fails to pronounce them;


It should be added that some cases of stuttering can go away on their own, without the influence of psychologists and neurologists. Such cases are associated with the lack of a psychological barrier in children in communicating with peers and parents; children do not try to close themselves off from communication. But this is not always the case, and in some cases, treatment for stuttering takes quite a long time.

Stuttering in children most often occurs between 2 and 5 years of age, when mental development significantly ahead of the physical apparatus, including the speech apparatus. Stuttering manifests itself in frequent repetition individual letters from a word. At the right approach treatment of stuttering in children is carried out at home and without special problems.

Why does a child stutter?

If a child stutters, there must be a reason for this. Stuttering in children under 5 years of age can be acquired or congenital. With a congenital disease, there are a number of main reasons:

  • damage to the subcortex center of the brain, which is responsible for speech function;
  • genetic inheritance;
  • birth injuries;
  • infectious diseases (meningitis, typhoid, encephalitis, measles, whooping cough).

Acquired stuttering in children over 2 years of age can occur for the following reasons:

  • the child experienced severe fright;
  • recent psychological shocks and experiences;
  • fears of children (fear of the dark, spiders, closed spaces, etc.);
  • the baby is often overexcited;
  • physical punishment from parents;
  • fast and unclear speech of parents;
  • lack of love and emotional contact;
  • imitation of stuttering children, which turns into an uncontrollable process;
  • lack of vocabulary.

All these reasons are different, but they are mainly related to the nervous system and brain, which directly affect speech development. Therefore, stuttering in children from birth to 6 years of age manifests itself differently, which means treatment is selected by specialists treatment center individually.

Symptoms of the disease

Stuttering is pathological disorder speech disorder, which manifests itself in involuntary pauses during speech, while individual syllables or sounds are often repeated. This reaction occurs due to seizures muscular system larynx, tongue, lips, pectoral muscles, diaphragm. During stuttering, a child cannot utter a single word for a long time, which leads to anxiety and emotional stress.

Stuttering most often occurs in children between 2 and 5 years of age. Boys are four times more susceptible to this disease than girls. The very first symptoms are hesitant speech with constant repetition of words, which is accompanied by visible tension. IN adolescence stuttering intensifies and reaches its peak.

Therefore, if you notice the first symptoms, you should immediately consult a speech therapist or pediatrician. The most favorable period for treatment is when the child is under six years old. During this age range, children respond best to treatment.

Video “The Ultimate Victory over Stuttering”

Sequential treatment

All parents who are faced with this problem have a question: how to cure stuttering in a child? Stuttering in children is treated with a complex technique, which includes drug treatment, classes with a speech therapist and neurologist. High-quality comprehensive treatment can be obtained in a specialized center for the treatment of stuttering in children aged 3 to 6 years.

In a specialized center, the doctor prescribes sedatives to strengthen the nervous system. They are prescribed so that treatment with a speech therapist and psychologist is most favorable. In some cases, the doctor may prescribe anticonvulsants, which are aimed at relieving tension in the speech center.

Some progressive medical institutions practice hypnosis. According to doctors, hypnosis can be used if the child is over 10 years old. Hypnosis has a very good effect on Broca's center. Broca's center is located in the brain and is responsible for the correct and clear reproduction of speech.

If your child stutters, you can help develop speech with new technique"conducting". This technique is based on enhanced activation of another motor center, which is achieved with the help of active movements hands and fingers, while breathing should be calm and regular.

If stuttering is severe, you can use relaxing baths and procedures general strengthening speech, acupuncture. But the doctor prescribes these procedures for children over 6 years old.

Eighty percent of success depends on sessions with a speech therapist. They must be regular and last at least 10 months. You can learn to speak correctly if you treat treatment with full responsibility. You need to set a goal to teach your child to speak confidently without hesitation. If, after 4 months of classes with a speech therapist, the child still stutters, then you can and should contact another specialist. Remember that the health of your baby depends on the right choice of doctor.

Do not underestimate home treatment. If children are under 5 years old, stuttering can be treated with folk remedies and at home. Folk remedies include treatment with herbs and medicinal mixtures. Here are a few of the best medicinal fees that have a positive effect on the speech center:

  • a collection of herbs lemon balm, licorice, sweet clover, calendula flowers, birch leaves in equal parts, drink this infusion to the child 3-4 times before meals;
  • a collection of rose hips, hops, cumin, birch leaves, dandelion root, mint, wormwood, dried cucumber, violet, and woodruff. Apply 3-4 times a day, 100 ml;
  • a collection of herbs: nettle, chamomile, valerian and mint. Drink the infusion 3 times a day for a month.

Another folk remedy Can be recommended for children over 5 years old. If you need to activate speech development without resorting to medications, use a mixture of honey and mummy, 1 teaspoon of honey per mummy tablet. This remedy is kept in the mouth without swallowing for as long as possible. The procedure should be repeated 2 times a day for 2 months.

If a child is being treated at home, then parents must strictly adhere to a number of rules. Treatment, first of all, must begin with ourselves. According to research results, it is parents who, in 85% of cases, are the cause of stuttering in the younger generation. Therefore, you should not be nervous about work; in this case, your child’s health should come first.

The main principle during treatment is complete absence stress and any experiences not only in the child, but also in his environment as a whole. Protect him from various fears and worries. It is possible, and sometimes necessary, to exclude violent cartoons, loud music, and non-children's films (action films, horror).

If a child is afraid of the dark or afraid to be alone in the room, doctors categorically do not recommend ridiculing or increasing fears. It's okay if a child who is over 6 years old sleeps in bed with his parents. In this case, the doctor recommends explaining and sorting out all the fears, and showing how they can be avoided.

Teach your child to speak slowly and while exhaling, try to speak more clearly and more slowly yourself. This way he will follow your example. Listen calmly, do not rush, give him time to collect his thoughts, do not interrupt. To consolidate classes with a speech therapist, you should arrange special games at home. Sing your favorite songs together, this helps strengthen and develop the speech center.

Organize performances for the whole family. Such public performances will help you get rid of embarrassment and unnecessary stress when communicating with peers. If home treatment methods do not bring results throughout the year, you can consult an orthopedist. Incorrect posture and stooping affect the decrease in lung volume, increasing pressure on the diaphragm, all these factors affect the speech center. In such cases, the doctor prescribes a series of therapeutic massages.

When treating at home, do not forget about healthy way life. Take more walks with your whole family in the fresh air, do exercises with your child, exclude them from the diet harmful products(sweets, chocolate, chips, soda), eat more vegetables and fruits. There are a number of products that have a beneficial effect on speech. These include:

  • cottage cheese, sour cream, yogurt and other fermented milk products;
  • linseed oil in pure form or as a supplement;
  • fish oil capsules or fatty sea ​​fish(mackerel, halibut, sea bass);
  • sauerkraut with green onions, it can be seasoned with oil.

All of these products contain important vitamins and micronutrients such as vitamin F, Omega 3 fats, calcium and phosphorus. All of them contribute to a beneficial effect on speech development. Remember that the child needs to drink 250 ml clean water per 1 kg of its weight.

Treating childhood stuttering at home is not easy. Tell your child that you need to train hard in order to achieve a positive result. You can train your respiratory organs with special breathing exercises. With the help of such gymnastics, you can avoid spasms of the speech center.

To improve the outcome of treatment at home, praise more often, never scold, and hug your child more. After all, parental love and patience can cure any disease. Healthy children grow up in calm and emotionally balanced families.

Video “Elena Malysheva. Treatment of stuttering"

The TV show “Living Healthy with Elena Malysheva” helped many people cure their ailments. In the next issue you will learn how to quickly cope with stuttering in children and what you will need to do this.