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Medicines for the treatment of intestinal dysbiosis. What groups of drugs are there for intestinal dysbiosis? Treatment of severe dysbiosis

If not all of us, then most of us have encountered such an ailment as dysbiosis. Dysbacteriosis is especially common in young children - infants, as well as in people who use in their diet poor nutrition. Dysbacteriosis is also a consequence of:

  • uncontrolled use of antibiotics, which leads to the destruction of beneficial bacteria of the intestinal microflora, due to which the intestines cease to function correctly;
  • past intestinal infections (dysentery, salmonellosis), operations on the stomach and intestines, diseases of the digestive system (gastritis, intestinal diseases, peptic ulcer, cholelithiasis, pancreatitis), which contribute to the weakening of the immune system of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • Malnutrition contributes to the occurrence of gastrointestinal problems. intestinal tract, constipation and diarrhea, improper digestion and absorption of food;
  • general decrease in the body's immunity.

All these factors contribute to changes in the composition of intestinal microorganisms and lead to the appearance of dysbiosis. This is due to the fact that there are fewer beneficial bacteria - bifidobacteria, lactobacilli, bacteroides - and more bad ones. Dysbacteriosis can be prevented and cured by taking drugs against dysbiosis: the intestinal biocenosis is not fatal, and it is quite possible to live with it, but it is difficult, since not only the processes of the gastrointestinal tract are disrupted, but also general well-being.

Probiotics and prebiotics

For the prevention and treatment of dysbiosis, drugs are used, divided into probiotics - drugs with a high content of bacteria that stop the proliferation of pathogenic microbes, and prebiotics - substances that promote the favorable reproduction and growth of microflora. Prebiotics and probiotics, in turn, are divided into groups depending on their basis.

Probiotics based on lactobacilli

Drugs from this subgroup come in tablet form - Lactobacterin, and powder forms - Acylact, Biobakton. There are also rectal suppositories- Acylact suppositories. Suppositories, unlike the powder form of Acylact, do not have negative influence on beneficial bacteria in the intestines. These drugs combine well with antibiotics, however, being single drugs (drugs that include only one medicinal enzyme), they do not provide comprehensive healing and protection of microflora in cases of complex types of dysbacteriosis.

Probiotics based on bifidobacteria

The oldest medicine of its kind, however, it has a huge variety medicines. The range of this type of probiotics includes Bifidumbacterin forte tablets (not compatible with antibiotics for simultaneous administration medications), and powders - Probifor. Bifidumbacterin is also available in the form of suppositories for rectal use and concentrated suspension. Tablets and rectal dosage forms Bifidoprobiotics are not recommended for children under three years of age; in other cases, consult your doctor.

Probiotics - a combination of bifidobacteria and lactobacilli

Florin Forte is this type of probiotic in powder form. The drug can be taken by both children and adults. For infants, the drug, according to determined by the doctor dosage, mixed with breast milk or a mixture, adults take it with meals. The medicine must be stored at a temperature no higher than +10° and no lower than 0°. The ideal storage option would be a refrigerator. The medicine should not be taken with certain types of antibiotics that affect incorrect operation Florin Forte (consult your doctor). Linex also has a similar set of bacteria. It is also enriched with the bacterium Enterococcus faecium, which helps to have a complex effect on the microflora. The drug can be taken together with antibiotics, does not need to be stored in the refrigerator and is approved for use by pregnant and nursing mothers. In addition, Linex has no age restrictions. For infants, the powder from the capsule should be dissolved in warm boiled water.

You need to know that these drugs contain eubiotics in high doses Therefore, for people with severe immunodeficiency or predisposed to allergies, the use of the drug is possible only after prior consultation with a doctor and in a dosage determined by him.

Probiotics based on bifidobacteria in combination with other bacteria

The most widely known drug for dysbiosis from this group of probiotics is Bifikol in powder form, which also includes Escherichia coli bacteria. In addition to Bifikol, this group includes Bifiform, which, in addition to the bacteria mentioned, contains Enterococcus faecium. For complete passage gastrointestinal tract and reaching the intestines, the drug is available in the form of capsules with a protective shell that allows it to remain stable in an acidic environment. A significant advantage of Bifiform is its compatibility when taken with antibiotics, which Bifikol cannot boast of. Bifiform is not recommended for children under two years of age. If you insist on using this particular drug, and your child is not yet two years old, consult your doctor.

Prebiotics based on lactulose

The action of these prebiotics is based on the breakdown of fructose-galactose disaccharide into low molecular weight organic acids in the microflora of the large intestine, which causes a decrease blood pressure and suppression of the activity of harmful intestinal microflora. Representatives of this group of prebiotics are: Duphalac (syrup and powder), Portalac, Normaze syrups, Romphalac. Prebiotic of this type allowed infants, pregnant and lactating women. Contraindicated for people with galactose intolerance, fructose intolerance, rectal bleeding and intestinal obstruction. Patients with diabetes mellitus can take the drug only with the permission of the attending physician.

Prebiotic preparations

This group includes drugs that regulate the balance of intestinal microflora. Medicinal representatives of this group: Hilak Forte (contains lactobacilli Lactobacillus acidophilus and helveticus. The drug contains lactic acid, which can restore acidity in the gastrointestinal tract. Hilak Forte also contains short-chain fatty acids, which are responsible for the restoration of intestinal microflora, promote better recovery epithelium of the intestinal wall and equilibrate the water and electrolyte balance. Hilak Forte has no age restrictions in the treatment of intestinal dysbiosis, and is compatible with antibiotics.

Complete list of drugs for dysbiosis

The above drugs are not the only drugs of their kind against dysbiosis. Drugs from the following list will also help in treating the disease:

The best among the best

Undoubtedly, all the drugs for intestinal biocenosis described above provide prevention or even eliminate dysbiosis. But, as already mentioned, some drugs have their own disadvantages, for example, incompatibility with antibiotics or the inability to use drugs in infants. What drug for dysbiosis is the best* of its kind? To identify the best, you should analyze the most popular drugs for dysbiosis according to the following list:

  1. the presence of a capsule shell (the capsule shell prevents the drug from dissolving before it enters the intestine);
  2. contraindications;
  3. side effects;
  4. interaction with antibiotics;
  5. use during pregnancy and lactation;
  6. age restrictions;
  7. storage method.

Lactobacterin (tablets and powder)

Acylact (tablets, suspension)




Hilak Forte

*- best drug among those participating in the analysis

According to the analysis, we can conclude that the best drug for the treatment and prevention of dysbiosis is undoubtedly the drug Linex, Hilak Forte is in second place, Lactobacterin and Biobacton share third place, Probifor is in fourth place, and Acelact is in fifth place. BifidumBakterin is the last, sixth place among drugs for the prevention and treatment of dysbacteriosis.

Thus, you need to approach the treatment of dysbiosis thoroughly and head-on. These medications should be taken only as directed by a doctor and in accordance with the dosage prescribed by him.


These drugs are those that contain substances that enter the intestines simultaneously with food, but are not digested there, but create the nutrient medium necessary to normalize the flora.

This group of prebiotics consists of:

  • galactose;
  • lactulose;
  • fructose isomers;
  • other oligosaccharides.

Of course, this substance is contained in large quantities cereals (corn, wheat, chicory, garlic and onions) and dairy products. However, if they are sufficient to prevent dysbiosis, then doctors still prescribe these drugs for treatment.

Effective prebiotics include:

  • Duphalac - in powder, syrup;
  • Lactusan – syrup, tablets;
  • Normaze;
  • Portalak;
  • Romphalac;

The latest forms of drugs are available in the form of syrup.


These are drugs that contain live bacteria.

There are:

1. Monocomponent, which include one of the representatives of the obligate or accompanying microflora. These include:

  • Lactobacterin - powder, tablets and suppositories;
  • Bifidumbacterin - available in dry form, in ampoules and bottles, in the form of powder in bags or capsules, as well as suppositories;
  • Colibacterin – powder;
  • Biobakton – suppositories, tablets;
  • Gastrofarm - tablets;
  • Colibacterin – powder in bottles;
  • Bifilong.

These medications must be taken for 4-6 weeks.

2. Polycomponent. The second name is that symbiotics contain simultaneously several representatives of obligate flora. This group of drugs consists of:

  • Acipol - capsules;
  • Acylact - suppositories;
  • Bifiform Baby (drops),
  • Bifiform Baby (sachet, tablets);
  • Bifiform enteric capsules;
  • Linex - capsules;
  • Bifacid - capsules;
  • Bifikol - in dry form in bottles;
  • Omniflora.

The course of taking these drugs is two weeks.

3. Antagonists. Bacteria that are not related to obligate flora, however, can also suppress the development of opportunistic bacteria. This group consists of the following drugs:

  • Biosporin - in bottles;
  • Baktisubtil - capsules;
  • Sporobacterin – suspension;
  • Bactisporin – ampoules;
  • Enterol – powder in sachets and capsules;
  • Flonivin B – gelatin capsules.

The duration of this treatment does not exceed seven days.

4. Combined probiotics. They contain representatives of obligate (accompanying) flora and substances that have an immunomodulatory effect. These drugs include:

  • Acipol – tablets and capsules;
  • Bioflor – suspension;
  • Kipacid - tablets;
  • Bifiliz - powder and rectal suppositories.

Taking these drugs varies within 10-14 days.

5. Synbiotics. This is a combination of prebiotics and obligate flora. These drugs:

  • Biovestin-lacto - emulsion in glass bottles;
  • Bifido-bak – capsules;
  • Laminolact - dragee.

The course of treatment with them is at least three weeks.

However, it must be emphasized that probiotics do not colonize the gut, as this is not their task. At the same time, they are able to provide excellent competition to facultative flora, suppressing its development and restoring balance.

True, when severe forms dysbacteriosis, this is absolutely not enough. In this regard, it is necessary to resort to the use of antimicrobial drugs.

6. Intestinal antiseptics. P preparations that suppress the development of pathogenic flora in the intestines, while having virtually no effect on normal microflora. This group of drugs is not absorbed in the intestine. Antiseptic drugs Treatment of intestinal dysbiosis is:

It is worth noting that this group of drugs also includes antibacterial drugs - antibiotics. However, they are prescribed exclusively for established forms of the disease and with strict consideration of the sensitivity spectrum of microorganisms. There are four main types of microorganisms that cause intestinal imbalance:

Drugs for staphylococcal dysbiosis

  • Erythromycin – enteric-coated tablets;
  • Levomycin – tablets;
  • Gentamicin – powder.

Drugs for Proteus type of disease

  • carbenicillin - powder in vials;
  • gentamicin – powder for intramuscular solution;
  • kanamycin – powder for solution in vials, powder for intravenous and intramuscular use;
  • benemycin - capsules.

Drugs for Klebsiella type

  • amikacin – powder for intramuscular use in vials, powder in ampoules;
  • Brulamycin – solution for injection;

For Pseudomonas dysbacteriosis

  • gentamicin – powder for the preparation of solutions for intramuscular injections;
  • carbenicillin powder.

Candidiasis type of dysbacteriosis is treated with

  • amphotericin B;
  • Diflucan - capsules.

Bacteriophages are viruses that can infect a specific type of bacteria. As a rule, they are combined with antibacterial drugs or used as alternative treatment. These drugs are taken for intestinal dysbiosis either orally or as an enema. They, just like antibacterial drugs, are divided into types of bacteria that caused the development of the disease.

However, one should not forget that required list Only a doctor can prepare medications for dysbacteriosis. After all, only he can see how your disease progresses and, based on the tests and your characteristics, the doctor will be able to draw up the necessary course of treatment. Only then will effective drugs against dysbiosis be called as such.

It often happens that after a course of antibiotics, problems with the intestines begin. And in this case there is no doubt about the development of dysbiosis. Antibiotics - strong drugs, which destroy not only pathogenic microflora, but also beneficial bacteria necessary for proper operation this system. There is only one way out of this situation - to take a course of pills. A huge number of drugs have been developed for intestinal dysbiosis, differing in price, characteristics and purpose. Typically used complex therapy, which includes several multidirectional medicines, one way or another having a positive effect on the suppressed beneficial intestinal microflora.

What is dysbiosis?

This condition is a microflora disorder associated with a change in the composition of bacteria. It is also called dysbiosis. Intestinal dysbiosis is not an independent disease, but occurs only as a result of some other pathology, that is, it is exclusively secondary. The disease causes a lot of discomfort in the stomach and intestines, and therefore must be treated special drugs. Their action is aimed at normalizing the balance of beneficial microflora by replenishing the deficiency with appropriate groups of bacteria.

How is the correct therapeutic plan drawn up?

Before prescribing tablets for intestinal dysbiosis, the doctor examines the patient to identify the cause that led to the pathological condition. It lies not only in taking antibiotics, but can also be associated with intestinal infections (dysentery, influenza, salmonellosis), chronic diseases gastrointestinal tract V acute period(hepatitis, pancreatitis, cholecystitis), constant stress, climate change, unbalanced diet, work in hazardous industries, and so on. In this case, it is important to eliminate the root cause. If necessary, medications are prescribed whose action is aimed at eliminating inflammatory processes in the gastrointestinal tract and restoration of intestinal motor functions. Enzyme replacement medications may also be recommended.

Secondly, tablets for intestinal dysbiosis are selected. With their help, as is already known, the composition of the microflora is corrected. In this case, based on the doctor’s findings obtained through appropriate tests, antibacterial drugs, bacteriophages, intestinal antiseptics, probiotics and prebiotics are selected. They promote growth normal microflora, which “kills” the pathogenic one. Additionally, immunomodulators can be prescribed, the main purpose of which is to restore and strengthen the body's defenses.

How do tablets for intestinal dysbiosis help cope with this condition?

As a rule, dysbiosis is characterized by a number of unpleasant symptoms such as diarrhea or constipation, nausea, vomiting, flatulence, allergic skin reactions, as well as symptoms of intoxication, expressed by headache and general weakness. Often other diseases arise against its background. This is due to a decrease in the body's defenses. All this is the result of the action of pathogenic organisms, which are normally destroyed by beneficial microflora. To return the intestines to normal condition and restore its functions, you need to take appropriate medications. Today there are a lot of them on the pharmacological market. Depending on the group of the drug, the drugs have different effects therapeutic effect both on the intestine itself and on its bacterial composition. Some help normalize the function of the walls of the small and large intestines. Others inhabit the microflora necessary groups beneficial bacteria. Still others act as intestinal antiseptic, inhibiting activity pathogens. And the fourth group of drugs for intestinal dysbiosis helps to increase the body’s protective function.

Probiotics contain natural cultures of microorganisms, while prebiotics are nutritional supplements, created on the basis of natural fibers that are not digested by the stomach. They go straight into the intestines, where they remain for the existing “good” microflora to feed on. Antiseptics, or help reduce the composition of bacteria with increased colonization of the intestines. All this has a positive effect on the condition of this organ, contributing to its recovery.

List of tablets for intestinal dysbiosis in adults

As already mentioned, there are many drugs developed to treat this pathology. Each has its own role and purpose. In addition, they are available in the form of tablets, powders, suspensions and drops. Most popular in different pharmacological groups are:

  • Enzymes that help digest food: Pancreatin, Mezim, Creon.
  • Probiotics: “Linex”, “Acipol”, “Bactistatin”, “Lactofiltrum”, “Bifiform”, “Maxilak”.
  • Sorbents: “Filtrum”, Activated carbon.
  • Antimicrobials are antibiotics whose purpose is to destroy pathogenic microflora: “Amoxiclav”, “Amoxicillin”, “Levomycetin”, “Ceftriaxone”.
  • Antibacterial agents: “Nystatin”, “Metronidazole”, “Fluconazole”, “Piobacteriophage”, “Bacteriophage”.
  • Antiulcer drugs: "Omez" (with increased acidity stomach).
  • Antispasmodics: Duspatalin (against pain in the intestinal area).
  • Antidiarrheal drugs: Smecta, Hilak Forte.
  • Sorbents: "Polysorb".
  • Probiotics: “Bifidumbacterin”, “Normobakt”, “Evitalia”.
  • Adsorbents: “Almagel”, “Enterosgel”, “Phosphalugel”.

As you can see, there are many drugs that can be prescribed for dysbiosis. The appointment is made only by a doctor and only after receiving the results of the relevant tests. A whole range of remedies is selected and a diet is recommended (treatment table No. 4 according to Pevzner). Along with this, to avoid intestinal dysbiosis from antibiotics, probiotic tablets are prescribed, which must be taken throughout the course of therapy. Doctors usually recommend Linex, Bifidumbacterin, Laktofiltrum, Acipol. These drugs are very popular and have earned the love of the people, as can be seen from the reviews of each of them.

Popular prebiotics

Along with probiotics, this group of drugs remains the most frequently prescribed for the treatment of the pathology in question. Prebiotics are medicines that contain natural fibers that enter the intestines and provide food for beneficial microflora.

One of the most popular drugs in this group is Duphalac. It is created on the basis of lactulose, therefore it is contraindicated for those who have an individual intolerance to this substance, as well as fructose. Like many other drugs that affect the intestines, it is prohibited when intestinal obstruction and rectal bleeding. Duphalac, when entering the body, decomposes into disaccharides, turning into low molecular weight acids. As a result, blood pressure normalizes, which leads to suppression of the activity of pathogenic microflora.

Another popular drug for the treatment of intestinal dysbiosis in adults is Hilak Forte. It is created on the basis of lactobacilli, lactic acid and fatty acids. Helps normalize acidity levels and promotes the growth of beneficial microflora. It also contains enterosorbents that “block” the movement of toxic substances and then remove them.

Popular probiotics

According to patients, the most effective are Linex and Bifidumbacterin. The second drug already exists enough long time, and has mostly only positive reviews. By the way, its cost is much lower than that of many other products. Tablets for intestinal dysbiosis in adults and children “Linex” and lyophilisate “Bifidumbacterin” are monocomponent drugs, that is, they contain only one type of bacteria. But there are several million of them! Beneficial bacteria, entering the body, begin a quick fight against pathogenic microorganisms. These drugs are safe for use at any age and are recommended even for pregnant women and infants, and there is no risk of developing an allergic reaction.

Popular antibacterial drugs

These are drugs that are prescribed in case of infectious etiology of the disease. Drugs for intestinal dysbiosis caused by pathogenic bacteria, are selected on the basis of a laboratory and bacteriological study. Analysis of the data obtained helps determine the sensitivity of bacteria to a specific drug. For example, “Ersefuril” and “Enterofuril” help well against enterococci and Proteus. Azithromycin and Clarithromycin successfully fight staphylococci. Pseudomonas aeruginosa is suppressed by Kanamycin, and candidiasis is suppressed by Fluconazole. Since there are many antibacterial drugs, and each has its own role, it is difficult to choose the best one in this group. However, all the medications listed here are quite effective if selected and used correctly.

Popular immunomodulators and enterosorbents

Prescribed in addition to the main therapy. Enterosorbents are medicinal group, characterizing the ability to remove from the body toxic substances. They also make their contribution to the treatment of intestinal dysbiosis in adults - drugs in this group will be an excellent addition to the main therapy. The most popular are “Polysorb”, activated carbon, “Enterosgel”, “Filtrum”. They are prescribed for a short period of time, no more than 14 days.

Immunomodulators help speed up the restoration of intestinal microflora. Prescribed exclusively by a doctor. It is recommended to give preference to products of natural origin: tinctures of propolis, echinacea, lemongrass or eleutherococcus, “Immunal” and “Dibazol”. As can be understood from the name of this group, they stimulate an increase in the body’s defenses, help develop or strengthen existing immunity to various infections.

Rating of effective drugs for dysbiosis

It is difficult to name the best drug for intestinal dysbiosis, since everything depends on the etiology of this pathology. If we talk about probiotics and prebiotics, you can consider the option of using symbiotics - a group of drugs that includes medications consisting of both the first and second components. “Maxilak” is rightfully considered one of the best. It consists of 9 microorganisms that effectively cope with dysbiosis, and also help with problems in the functioning of the immune and respiratory systems. The ranking of the best symbiotics also includes:

  • "Normospectrum";
  • "Maltidophilus";
  • "Filtrum-ST Bifidoback";
  • "Bactistatin";
  • "Lactofiltrum".

As for prebiotics, the best drugs for intestinal dysbiosis in adults are recognized as:

  • "Duphalac";
  • "Portlak";
  • "Romfalak";
  • "Normalase";
  • "Hilak Forte".

Best probiotics:

  • "Linex";
  • "Bifidumbacterin";
  • "Bifiform".

There are also combination probiotics:

  • "Acipol";
  • "Kipacid";
  • "Florin Forte".

In addition, Imodium and Loperamide can be included in this rating as means to help get rid of spasms. And “Smecta” and “Enterosgel” are engaged in restoring intestinal motility; in addition, these are excellent sorbents. All 4 drugs are aimed at eliminating diarrhea and its unpleasant symptoms.

For some people, drug reviews can be a determining factor. Treatment of intestinal dysbiosis is a serious process that must be approached seriously, paying attention to every nuance. By the way, the main contraindications to taking medications aimed at treating this pathology are allergic reactions as a result of intolerance to the components of the drug. The most pronounced effect of this effect is found in liquid form. But they are considered more effective. But drugs in tablet form are inferior in effect, but are safer.

Many patients recommend the use of lyophilisates for the preparation of suspensions for oral administration. These are, for example, “Bifikol” and “Bifidumbacterin”. As for the cheapest tablets for intestinal dysbiosis, the list includes Lactobacterin, Biovestin, Probifor, Biobakton and Florin Forte. According to experts, they are not inferior in efficiency to their expensive counterparts.

Also in patient reviews you can see recommendations regarding taking the drugs “Hilak Forte”, “Narine”, “Baktisubtil”, “Biovestin”. In general, all the drugs that were discussed in the article are in good demand and are effective in the fight against dysbiosis, and this is the main thing. Many of them don't call allergic reactions, and therefore can be used even by allergy sufferers in the treatment of the disease.

It is important to remember that treatment of intestinal dysbiosis with tablets, lyophilisates or suspensions can take a long time, and for a lasting result it is required A complex approach. However, most drugs cannot be used for longer than 14 days, others - more than a month. This once again confirms that the development of a therapeutic plan should be carried out by the attending physician. He is obliged to prescribe the appropriate tests to the patient, and not choose drugs “according to the steepness”, based on own experience and not taking this pathology seriously. With this approach, it is better to contact another specialist.

In conclusion, I would like to note that although dysbiosis in medicine is not considered a disease as such, it still requires treatment, if only because it causes a lot of inconvenience to a person. At the same time, self-medication in this situation should be excluded, since the purchased drug may simply turn out to be ineffective if the reason lies, for example, in intestinal infection. And even if it helps, there will soon be a relapse - the primary pathology has not been eliminated. In any case, to understand which pills to take for intestinal dysbiosis, you need to undergo an examination. It will allow you to identify the cause and strike precisely in its direction. A bacteriological study will also help determine which bacteria are missing in the intestines so that selection can be made based solely on this data. Then the therapy will be as effective and correct as possible.

Intestinal dysbiosis is one of the most common and controversial diseases. This unfavorable process is ambiguous for the simple reason that medical specialists have not yet come to a consensus whether this phenomenon a disease in its classical sense, or is it nothing more than a symptom complex. In accordance with average statistical data, most doctors are inclined to the second option.

At the same time, the results of qualified studies have proven that taking certain drugs (mainly, of course, antibiotics) leads to an unfavorable change in the balance intestinal microflora, creating optimal conditions for the propagation of opportunistic microorganisms. As a result similar condition can lead to very serious problems, for example, secondary immunodeficiency. But let’s not scare you like that: with a timely and competent approach to the treatment of dysbiosis, tangible complications can be avoided - under any circumstances, this will be much easier and faster than working on restoring immunity in the future.

The main components of both therapeutic and preventive programs regarding intestinal dysbiosis in adults are preparations of the probiotic and prebiotic groups. The former includes bacteria that contribute to the inhibition of the vital activity and reproduction processes of pathogenic microorganisms. The latter are necessary to restore normal microflora. In accordance with the characteristics of the main active components, prebiotics and probiotics are classified into several categories. You are invited to find out more about this.

Attention! The material does not indicate specific daily dosages of drugs and the required duration of treatment. Firstly, this information should always be clarified in the instructions - depending on the manufacturer, provisions in this regard may vary. Secondly, in order to avoid possible complications and be able to count on the maximum effectiveness of treatment, consult your doctor before starting to use any drug. The specialist will select the product that is best suited specifically for your case. For the most part, medications for dysbiosis are taken 2-3 times during the day with food.

With lactobacilli

Produced in powder and tablet form. The most popular drugs of the first group include, for example, Biobakton and Acylact, the second is Lactobacterin. Also, probiotics with lactobacilli are sold in the form of suppositories intended for rectal administration. These are preferable for the reason that they do not harm the “native” healthy intestinal microflora.

Probiotics with lactobacilli can be taken together with antibacterial drugs, but it is important to understand the fact that drugs in this group do not provide a comprehensive health effect - these are single drugs, which in fact are useless in the presence of complex type dysbiosis.

With bifidobacteria

The most traditional and familiar to most citizens representative of the probiotic family. This category includes a wide range of medications.

One of the most popular remedies is Bifidumbacterin forte. Also sold in concentrated suspension and suppository formats. Among the powders with bifidobacteria, Probifor can be noted.

Important! The possibility of simultaneous use of such probiotics in the form of suppositories and tablets together with antibiotics is excluded.

Complete solutions

Probiotics against dysbiosis, made with the simultaneous use of lacto- and bifidobacteria, are very effective.

An example is Florin Forte - this drug is available in powder format and is suitable for use by both adults and young patients. Adults take it with meals.

Important! So that Florin Forte maintains his useful action, observe the correct storage conditions for the drug: the temperature should be between 0 - +10 degrees. A regular household refrigerator will work great. Florin Forte is incompatible with certain antibiotics. In a relationship at this moment You need to consult individually with your treating specialist.

A drug sold under the name Linex has a similar effect. The product provides comprehensive positive action on intestinal microflora. The medicine can be taken in parallel with antibacterial therapy. The drug does not need to be stored in the refrigerator. A significant advantage of Linux, in addition to all others positive qualities, is the possibility of its use by patients during pregnancy and breastfeeding. Age limits regarding this tool not installed.

Important! Probiotics, which simultaneously include bifidobacteria and lactobacilli, traditionally contain a significant amount of eubiotics. This point makes them contraindicated for use by patients with a predisposition to various kinds allergies or those suffering from severe immunodeficiency. In such circumstances, the possibility of treatment with drugs of this category should be previously discussed with the doctor.

With bifidobacteria and supplements

Another category complex drugs. This group of drugs includes bifidobacteria and other useful elements. Examples include medications such as Bifikol and Bifiform. The first is sold in powder format, the second in capsules. Among the significant advantages of Bifiform, it is worth noting its good compatibility with antibacterial drugs. Bificol does not have this advantage.

Prebiotics for dysbiosis

With lactulose

Drugs in this group promote the decomposition of fructose-galactose disaccharide. As a result, it turns into low molecular weight acids. The latter are localized in the large intestine. As a result, blood pressure normalizes with concomitant suppression of activity harmful microorganisms.

Among the well-known representatives of this category of prebiotics are the following drugs:

A significant advantage of such prebiotics is the possibility of their use by pregnant patients and women during the feeding period. The product is contraindicated for use in patients with fructose and lactose intolerance. Also, citizens suffering from intestinal obstruction and prone to rectal bleeding should refrain from taking such drugs. Caution should be exercised by people with diabetes - in their case, the possibility of taking prebiotics with lactose must be individually clarified by a doctor.

Prebiotic drugs

This product contains lactobacilli, lactic acid (actively normalizes acidity levels), short-chain fatty acids (significantly contribute to the normalization of microflora, as well as the water-electrolyte ratio and other important processes).

Hilak forte is approved for use together with antibacterial drugs. Age restrictions do not apply to the product.

Choosing the best drug: comparative characteristics

Each of the medications mentioned above is a time-tested, effective remedy that has won a good reputation and respect from consumers. Along with this, any medicine has its own contraindications and disadvantages. How to choose the most optimal remedy that would both help and not cause significant harm? You can find this out in the following table.

Table. Comparative characteristics of drugs

Capsular shell (a plus, because it prevents the drug from dissolving before it enters the intestines)AbsentAbsentAbsentAbsent
ContraindicationsThe drug is contraindicated for use in patients with candidiasis and individual intolerance / hypersensitivity regarding any componentsLikewiseLikewiseLikewise
Possible Adverse EffectsSigns of allergiesLikewiseLikewiseLikewise
Compatibility with antibacterial drugs+ + + +
Possibility of use by pregnant and lactating womenReception possibleAfter consultation with your doctor+ As prescribed by the doctor

Such drugs as Probifor, Hilak Forte and Linex deserve special attention. They have no obvious contraindications and side effects, combine well with antibiotics and can be taken by pregnant patients and nursing mothers. Linex, in addition to all of the above, also has a capsule shell. Summing up comparative characteristics, we will arrange the considered funds in the form of a list - from the best (1st place) to the worst (last place).

Be healthy!

Video - Cure for intestinal dysbiosis

Intestinal dysbiosis (ID) is pathological condition associated with disruption of intestinal microflora. The number of lactobacilli and bifidobacteria is reduced to a critical level. Harmful microorganisms begin to actively reproduce. The consequence of a decrease in the number of beneficial bacteria and the predominance of pathogenic microbes is the disruption of work digestive tract.

In the absence of therapy, the level decreases protective functions the body, and failures occur in vital systems. Intestinal dysbiosis can develop independently or accompany the progression of other pathologies. On initial stages microflora disturbance occurs in a latent form. Therapy of dysbacteriosis involves the mandatory use of special medications.

1. Causes and symptoms of intestinal dysbiosis in adults

Can provoke numerous factors. Common causes of pathology are diseases of the digestive tract, decreased immunity, exposure to external negative factors, progression of inflammatory or infectious processes in organism. Uncontrolled use of antibiotics increases the risk of microflora disruption.

Causes of intestinal microflora disorders:

2. Treatment of intestinal dysbiosis in adults

Drug therapy is aimed at restoring the balance of intestinal microflora, destroying pathogenic microorganisms, and improving overall functional state digestive tract and increasing the body's protective functions. The treatment regimen is always individual and depends on the clinical picture of the patient’s health condition.

Mandatory in the list of drugs are prebiotics, probiotics, antiseptics, bacteriophages and immunomodulators.


Prebiotics contain indigestible food particles. The components stimulate the growth and activity of certain groups of beneficial bacteria. Due to their influence, the functional state of the digestive tract is improved and restored. Prebiotics are not digested in thin section intestines. The additional effect of these substances is aimed at suppressing pathogenic microflora.

Examples of prebiotics:


Probiotics are a group of drugs containing special types of microorganisms. Substances have a detrimental effect on harmful bacteria and accelerate the process of restoration of intestinal microflora. Products can be monocomponent, multicomponent or combined.

Antagonists and synbiotics are considered separate types of probiotics.

Peculiarities different types probiotics:


Intestinal antiseptics are a type of antibiotics. Unlike other types of drugs, this group of drugs quickly affects pathogenic microorganisms and actively suppresses their vital processes. Does not occur when using antiseptics negative influence on intestinal microflora. The products destroy only pathogenic microorganisms.

Examples of antiseptics:

  • Ofloxacin;
  • Entrofuril;
  • Ciprofloxacin.


Distinctive feature medicines from the group of bacteriophages is the ability to penetrate a bacterial cell and gradually destroy it. The basis of such funds is special groups viruses. Such components are harmless to the body. Their action is aimed only at specific types of pathogenic bacteria.

Examples of bacteriophages:

  • Streptococcal bacteriophage;
  • Inesti bacteriophage.


The purpose of using immunomodulators in treatment is to increase local immunity. In most cases, such drugs are prescribed at the final stage of therapy. Taking them on your own is prohibited.

At correct use immunomodulators consolidate the effect of treatment and create good prevention repeated deviations in the state of the intestinal microflora. The digestive tract becomes less susceptible to negative factors.

Examples of immunomodulators:

  • Levomisole;
  • Decaris.

3. Diet for dysbiosis

Correction of diet is a mandatory stage of treatment. Special diet at the initial stage of pathology, it can completely get rid of the problem. The list of medications in this case will be minimal. Completely excluded from the diet harmful products nutrition that can provide negative impact on the digestive system (provoking, excessive gas formation, irritation of the mucous membranes, disruption of bowel movements and other gastrointestinal abnormalities).

Basic principles of the diet:

  • dishes should be prepared only by cooking, steaming, stewing;
  • Fatty, fried, salty, spicy foods are excluded from the diet;
  • food is consumed 5-6 times a day;
  • nutrition should be balanced, fractional;
  • Alcohol is strictly prohibited;
  • cannot be consumed fresh vegetables and fruits;
  • It is forbidden to introduce legumes, mushrooms, canned food, sausages into the diet, fatty varieties meat and fish.

Treatment of severe dysbiosis

A diet for severe cases should be followed not only until the period of microflora restoration, but also for the purpose of prevention. It is not possible to eliminate a complicated form of pathology only by adjusting the diet. Therapy is carried out by combining diet and special groups drugs. The severe form is in most cases accompanied by the development of vitamin deficiency and anemia. The patient's diet must contain a sufficient amount of vitamins and beneficial elements.

To replenish their supply, special vitamin complexes are additionally prescribed.

4. Rating of medications for dysbiosis

Among the assortment pharmaceutical drugs For treatment, several varieties can be distinguished, widely used in medical practice. These drugs have proven themselves to be effective means to restore the microflora of the digestive organs. Most of them are suitable for use in adult patients and children.

Video on the topic: Treatment regimen for intestinal dysbiosis after antibiotics (in adults).

Lactobacterin is a medicine based on live lactobacilli. The medication normalizes the functioning of the digestive tract, restores microflora and increases local immunity. The drug is suitable for use by pregnant women and children younger age. Additionally, the drug has a beneficial effect on metabolic processes in the body. Lactobacterin is produced in the form of tablets, solution, powder and suppositories. Price - 80 rubles.

Enterol belongs to the category of antidiarrheals used in therapy. The medicine has antitoxic and antimicrobial effect, improves intestinal enzymatic function. The main forms of release are capsules and powder. The drug is suitable for treating children from one year of age (the contents of the capsule can be removed and dissolved in water). The indication for the use of Enterol is diarrhea of ​​any etiology. Price - 300 rubles.

Bifindumbacterin contains live bifidobacteria. The drug is active against a number of pathogenic microorganisms. Components from its composition increase the body's resistance, normalize digestive and metabolic processes, and restore the balance of intestinal microflora. It is permissible to use the drug in cases caused by infections and pathologies of a bacterial nature. Price - 60 rubles.

Linex is a drug based on lebenin (live lactic acid bacteria) intended to restore intestinal microflora. The drug can be used in the treatment of pathology, as well as for the purpose of prevention. Release forms: capsules and powder. The drug is suitable for use during pregnancy, as well as for young children. The drug destroys pathogenic and opportunistic microorganisms, restores the enzymatic activity of the digestive system, and increases local immunity. Price - 290 rubles.

Probifor belongs to the group of probiotics. The drug restores the balance of intestinal microflora, normalizes the condition of the mucous membranes of the digestive tract, and increases the body's resistance to infections. Available in capsule form. When the medication eliminates the symptoms of diarrhea, flatulence, takes part in the regulation metabolic processes. Suitable for use during pregnancy. Price - 360 rubles.

Polysrb is included in the category of universal sorbents. The drug is particularly effective in the treatment of diseases caused by toxic effects on the body. The main effects of the drug are detoxification and sorption effects. The components of the powder bind and remove from the body not only toxins, but also many types of harmful microorganisms. Additionally, the drug restores the balance of intestinal microflora. Price - 130 rubles.

The action of Hilak Forte is aimed at actively restoring the microflora of the digestive tract. The drug stimulates the synthesis of intestinal epithelial cells, restores pH, normalizes the balance of electrolytes and water. It is permissible to use the product when infectious lesion Gastrointestinal tract. The additional effect is aimed at relieving digestive system disorders and destroying some pathogenic microorganisms. Price - 170 rubles.

Iberogast belongs to the category of funds for plant based, intended for the treatment of disorders in the digestive system of various etiologies. The drug has anti-inflammatory properties, eliminates smooth muscle spasms, and tones intestinal motility. Taking the medication ensures the restoration of microflora. The product should not be used to treat children under eighteen years of age. Price - 170 rubles.

Enterofuril is antimicrobial agent With wide range actions. The drug destroys the membranes of microbial cells, helps accelerate the process of restoration of microflora, and reduces the toxic effects of pathogenic microorganisms on the digestive system. Release forms: capsules and suspension. The second type of medication is intended for younger patients. Price - 240 rubles.

5. Suppositories for pathology

For treatment, you can use not only drugs in the form of tablets, capsules, powder, but also suppositories. Suppositories differ in pharmacological properties, composition and principle of use. Suppositories can be vaginal or rectal. The second category of drugs is used for therapy. A distinctive feature of medications in this group is their local effect.

Medicines penetrate faster into the lesion pathological process without affecting other body systems.

Examples of suppositories for the treatment of dysbiosis:

  • antibacterial suppositories (Viferon, Levomycetin, Kipferon, Genferon);
  • suppositories containing probiotics (Lactonorm, Bifinorm).

6. Folk remedies for getting rid of dysbiosis

Effective folk remedies For treatment there are herbal medicine recipes. Herbal components according to some pharmacological properties are not inferior to pharmaceutical drugs.

Decoctions or infusions are prepared based on herbs. The scheme for their preparation is not complicated. In most cases, a teaspoon or tablespoon of dry raw materials is poured with a glass of boiling water, infused for 20-30 minutes, filtered, and consumed several times a day.

Examples of folk remedies:

  • a decoction based on dill seeds, peppermint and eucalyptus leaves (also eliminates symptoms of flatulence);
  • products based on flax seeds, buckthorn bark, plantain seeds, dandelion (restore the process of bowel movements);
  • lemon balm, St. John's wort, chamomile (antiseptic, analgesic effect);
  • oak bark, bird cherry, St. John's wort (remedies used to eliminate);
  • infusion of burdock seeds, calamus root, chamomile (anti-inflammatory effect).

7. Forecast

Adequate therapy allows you to completely restore the state of the microflora. If the pathology provokes complications, then at the initial stages of development they can be eliminated with drugs for symptomatic treatment. An integral part of the course of treatment is diet. In the absence of timely treatment, dysbiosis

Deals with functional organic pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract in children from 0 years old, inflammatory diseases colon: Crohn's disease, UC, gastroduodenitis, gastritis, gastroenterological forms food allergies, primary and secondary malabsorption syndrome.