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Treatment of bunions on the feet at home. Alternative treatments. At the initial stage of the disease

The main reasons for the formation of a lump in thumb the following:

  • regularly wearing shoes that are too tight and uncomfortable (the foot in this case takes on an anatomically incorrect position and becomes deformed);
  • hereditary factor;
  • lower limb injuries;
  • age-related changes in the body;
  • hormonal imbalances leading to disruption of metabolic processes;
  • the presence of diseases of the musculoskeletal system (for example, flat feet, osteoporosis);
  • excessive body weight;
  • intense stress on the legs (for example, prolonged standing);
  • congenital anomalies of the foot;
  • endocrine pathologies (for example, diabetes mellitus).

Specified unfavorable factors do not always lead to a problem, but significantly increase the likelihood of its development.

Treatment tactics

There is no universal pill that can eliminate pathology once and for all. However, drug therapy is one of important points complex treatment bumps on your feet. It includes the use various means and ways to prevent further development of the disease and eliminate its symptoms.

These methods include:

  • taking medications prescribed by a doctor;
  • regular exercises to restore the anatomically correct position of the foot;
  • use of special orthopedic structures;
  • use of traditional medicine.

However, a positive effect from such treatment is possible only when the pathology is in the early stages of development. If we're talking about O neglected form disease, the patient requires surgery.

Drug therapy

Medicines used to treat bunions near the big toe have a symptomatic effect, i.e. allow you to eliminate the characteristic manifestations of the disease and alleviate the patient’s condition. Most often, the patient is prescribed to take several medications at once, having different directions of action and forms.


The patient is prescribed medications various groups. This:

  • analgesics for pain relief;
  • non-steroidal drugs to reduce inflammation and swelling of tissues;
  • hormonal medications for severe pain and extensive inflammation.

Topical products

Various gels and ointments are also part of the complex of therapeutic measures. Most often, the patient is prescribed medications such as:

  • local anti-inflammatory drugs that remove toxins and harmful microorganisms from the source of inflammation, helping to eliminate it;
  • irritating ointments that help normalize nervous regulation of the affected areas;
  • warming medications to restore blood circulation and metabolic processes in the affected area;
  • antibacterial ointments (most often they are prescribed if there is suppuration in the area of ​​the lump);
  • pain-relieving ointments.


If the disease is accompanied by the release of exudate and its accumulation in the synovial bursa, and the fluid itself contains an infectious agent, in this case the patient needs mandatory antibacterial therapy. Drugs with antimicrobial effect, administered by injection directly into the affected area. This allows for higher treatment efficiency.

Set of exercises

By performing simple gymnastics, you can achieve positive effect in the treatment of cones. Thus, the patient is recommended to walk alternately on his toes, heels, and the outer lateral surface of the foot for several minutes every day. Walking on the inner surface is prohibited, as this can lead to further damage and worsen the course of the disease.

Sitting on a comfortable surface, it is recommended to stretch your legs in front of you, and then pull your toes as far as possible, holding them in this position for several seconds. It is also recommended to use small items. You need to scatter them on the floor and try to pick them up with just your toes. To prevent deformation, you can take a bottle, fill it with water and use your feet to roll it across the floor in opposite directions. Perform for 10 minutes. 2-3 times a day.

Use of orthopedic structures

Competent therapy involves the systematic use of special orthopedic insoles and arch supports, which are installed in shoes. While at home, the patient can wear a bandage - a special design that is placed on the big toe. Their use allows you to fix the finger in an anatomically correct position and prevent further development of the deformity, align the phalanges and reduce the manifestations of the disease.

Traditional treatment recipes

It is important to remember that it is impossible to use traditional methods of therapy as an alternative to the main treatment prescribed by a doctor, since this will not only not give desired result, but can also aggravate the situation. Thus, folk recipes It is permissible to use only after consultation with a doctor and only as additional therapeutic techniques.

Foot baths

It is best to take baths at night, and after the procedure the patient is recommended to apply warming ointment to the damaged area and put warm socks on his feet. For the treatment procedure, it is better to use sea salt, but if you don’t have it, you can get by with regular table salt. To prepare the solution, salt is added to moderately hot water at the rate of 100 g of product per 3 liters of liquid. The legs are lowered into the liquid and held until the water cools down. After the procedure, wipe dry, apply warming ointment with massage movements, and wrap warmly. To enhance the anti-inflammatory effect, you can use chamomile decoction instead of water to prepare the solution.


Potato compress has healing properties. You need to take a small root vegetable, peel it, and chop it thoroughly. The resulting paste is applied to the sore finger, a piece of polyethylene is placed on top, and the compress is secured with a bandage. Put woolen socks on your feet and leave the compress on for several hours.

A compress on the area of ​​cones can be made from a herbal decoction. Burdock root, yarrow and St. John's wort are mixed in equal parts. Pour 25 g of the mixture into a glass of boiling water and leave for 5-10 minutes. The strained broth is ready for use.

IN medicinal purposes Clay is often used. The product in powder form can be purchased at the pharmacy. They're scamming him hot water until it becomes thick sour cream. The mixture is smeared on the finger, wrapped in polyethylene, and the feet are wrapped warmly.

Homemade ointments

At home, you can prepare various healing ointments. An egg-based option is considered an effective remedy. To prepare such an ointment, take 1 egg with a white shell. Pour vinegar over it and leave for 2 weeks. After this time, the egg is taken out, its softened shell is mixed with 10 g of turpentine. The resulting ointment is used to treat the sore finger.

To prepare the product according to the following recipe, you will need to take 30 g of camphor, crushed hot pepper, 10 g bodyagi. The ingredients are mixed together, add 30 g of ammonia and 100 g ethyl alcohol. The resulting mixture is applied only to protruding bones, avoiding contact with other areas of the skin.

Herbal decoctions

Such drugs are used for oral administration. You can prepare bean broth. To do this, pour boiling water over the bean pods, heat over low heat for 20 minutes, after which the broth is left to steep until it cools. Add honey to the product (2 cups per 3 liters of liquid), leave for 2 weeks. The product is taken daily, 1 glass. You can divide this amount into several doses and use throughout the day.

A decoction of wormwood is also known to have positive properties. To prepare it, take 3 tbsp. product, pour a liter of boiling water. Infuse for 24 hours, after which 1 glass is taken orally. Chamomile decoction, which can be taken as tea, also has a calming effect, especially in evening time and before bed.

When we talk about a painful bone on the foot, it means hallux valgus. What is the disease, and how can you alleviate the suffering? Let's look together at the causes of the disease and find out whether it is possible fast treatment bunions on the foot at home.

What is hallux valgus deformity?

The problem of the appearance of a protruding bone is familiar mainly to female representatives. The reason for this is insufficient elasticity of the ligaments and weakness bone tissue. A lump appears on the inside of the foot at the base of the big toe, which causes severe aching pain, especially when wearing shoes. The appearance of a large bunion on the feet can be aggravated by the inflammatory process of soft tissues, swelling and increased body temperature. The big toe noticeably deviates inside the foot, which causes great trouble for the person.

A progressive disease can lead to complete disease, which will noticeably affect walking. Except painful sensations which can ruin your life, crooked toes have an unaesthetic appearance. It becomes impossible to wear your favorite shoes, and great difficulties arise in choosing new models.

Why do bumps appear?

Treatment of a big bunion on the foot requires serious attention and consultation with an orthopedic doctor. Otherwise, the pain will worsen over time and surgery may be required.

Medicine names several probable causes of the disease:

  • joint pathology (bursitis, arthrosis, flat feet and others);
  • genetic predisposition;
  • disruption of the endocrine system;
  • osteoporosis - bone fragility;
  • overweight;
  • incorrectly selected shoes;
  • foot and leg injuries;
  • birth defects or complications from severe neuromuscular diseases;
  • improper organization of nutrition.

An X-ray in three projections will help determine the degree of deformation and the presence of concomitant diseases (arthritis, cyst, etc.).

Treatment methods

Surgical intervention is performed in complex advanced situations when conservative measures no longer provide the desired effect. Correction of deformity occurs through excision of the damaged joint, followed by fixation with screws or plates. Surgery definitely solves the problem cosmetic problems, but does not exclude the occurrence of subsequent complications. In addition, the rehabilitation period can last up to six months, making the patient’s life more difficult.

Treatment of a bunion at home is recommended to begin with leveling the deformation and reducing the protruding bunion using various orthopedic devices: instep supports, orthopedic insoles, interdigital inserts, bolsters, ties. After a long time hiking It is useful to take warm foot baths with massage of the metatarsal bones.

Preventive measures

To avoid a critical situation, you should start treating bunions on your toes as early as possible. First of all, you need to stop wearing narrow, hard shoes and high heels. Regular foot exercises, relaxing massage, and walking barefoot on uneven surfaces help improve the tone of the foot muscles. In addition, vigorous physical activity prevents the development of arthritis and

Particular attention should be paid to the appearance of bones in children and adolescents. The cause of the bump may be flat feet. The presence of painful symptoms can lead to poor circulation, and subsequently to the development of early osteochondrosis. Therefore, children's shoes should be of high quality and comfortable. Preference should be given to models with a rounded toe and a stable low heel.

Preventive treatment for bunions at home also includes healthy eating. Alcohol, coffee, chocolate, and hot spices should be excluded from the diet. Preference should be given to fruits and vegetables. You should drink plenty of liquid, preferably tea or still water.

Traditional medicine services

In addition to preventive measures and therapy prescribed by an orthopedist can be recommended traditional treatment bones on the feet. In most cases the means alternative medicine relieve pain and reduce foot discomfort. The effectiveness of the impact is explained healing properties natural products that form the basis of folk recipes.

Let's consider the most common and time-tested methods of combating hallux valgus.

Salty help

Table salt has a pronounced antipyretic and anti-inflammatory effect, reliably disinfects and disinfects. This is the simplest and most affordable pain reliever that can be used

Treatment consists of prescribing a two-week course of salt foot baths. The water temperature should be at body level - no more than 36.6 o C. It is better to use coarse salt for the procedure, because fine salt (such as “Extra”) does not have many useful qualities due to special processing. Fifteen minutes every day is enough for the severity of the pain to decrease and the inflammation of the bone to decrease. After a week's break salt treatment should be repeated again. In some cases, three or four courses of therapeutic baths may be needed.

If the disease is in its initial stage, then salt procedures are the fastest way to treat a bunion at home. The folk method can not only stop the development of the disease, but also reduce the bumps in a short time.

Ice salt

Good effect gives when combined with ice. This product promotes complete resorption. Ten days of use are enough and you will forget how much the bones on your feet hurt. Treatment is carried out with a mixture of coarse salt and finely crushed ice, which must be applied to the sore spot and pressed with a towel for several minutes. In winter, clean snow can be used instead of ice.

A strong burning sensation will be felt on the skin, which is worth enduring, because a positive result will not be long in coming. As soon as the discomfort intensifies, you need to remove the ice and, without washing off the remaining mixture, cover sore spot gauze. The top of the leg is wrapped in a warm scarf. The compress can be left until the morning. If the burning does not stop, then the bandage should be removed and the bone should be lubricated with sea buckthorn oil.

Healing properties of iodine

It has long been known that iodine is universal remedy preventive and medicinal properties. Can't do without it folk medicine when a bone in your foot bothers you. Treatment with iodine must be carried out over a long period of time and methodically, and then the result obtained will be pronounced and sustainable.

Be sure to wash your feet before the procedure warm water and wipe them dry. Lubricate the affected areas with camphor oil, and cover the top with oil to avoid possible burns. It is better to carry out useful procedures before bedtime. After two weeks, the growth of the bones will stop.

Another successful treatment option is using iodine. To do this, you need to buy medical bile at the pharmacy. First, you need to apply a mesh of iodine to the bone, and then lubricate the sore spot with a layer of bile and cover with a thin film. The top of the leg should be tied with gauze and insulated with a terry sock. The compress is left overnight, and in the morning the remaining bile is washed off with warm water without soap. If you do compresses every day for a month, you will no longer be bothered by the bunion on your foot.

Iodine treatment can also be combined with other useful substances. Interaction with salt has a good effect. Warm fifteen-minute baths are recommended every evening before bed. Ten drops of iodine and two tablespoons of salt, dissolved in one liter of water, can relieve pain and inflammation in the joint for a long time.

If you add 5 aspirin tablets to 10 drops of iodine, you get a “pharmacy cocktail”. It is useful for them to treat the bunion at home for three days. Reviews from many people who have tried the iodine remedy agree that the three-day procedure should be repeated after 10-12 days. This will consolidate the resulting effect and relieve you of painful manifestations for a long time.

On summer days, do not miss the flowering period of dandelions - they can also be a good help when a protruding bone on your foot bothers you. Treatment requires preliminary preparation healing composition. The yellow heads of dandelions are crushed and dried in the sun. Then add a little iodine so that it completely covers the flowers. The resulting mixture must infuse for at least four days. A mesh of the resulting composition is applied to the dry, steamed skin of the legs. The procedure must be carried out every evening for two weeks.

The benefits of chicken eggs

Treating a bunion at home with an ointment made from a chicken egg gives good results. It will take two weeks to prepare the medicine - this is how long an egg soaked in vinegar (9% concentration) should lie until the shell is completely dissolved. Then it is removed from the acid and ground with a tablespoon of unsalted pork fat and ten grams of pharmaceutical turpentine.

Rendered lard can be replaced butter or Vaseline. The result is a healing ointment that needs to be applied to sore spots every evening. To enhance the effect, you can alternate the medicine with iodine networks.

Bone tar

We invite you to consider another specific treatment method. Some people claim that even advanced rheumatism can be healed with tar obtained from bones, not to mention such a simple thing as a bunion.

The treatment, reviews of which are not very clear, consists of long-term calcination of animal bones (chicken or beef) in a clay pot. The container needs to be buried halfway in the ground, and then covered with firewood and set on fire. The tar obtained as a result of prolonged heating is used in the form of compresses.

Bee helps

Used for rubbing into affected joints Bee Honey, which is preheated in a water bath. The use of compresses based on softened propolis also gives a good effect. You can replace it with alcohol tincture from the pharmacy. Soft gauze is generously moistened with liquid and applied to the sore spot overnight. Cover the compress with cellophane on top and put on a warm sock.

Potato peelings

Treating a bunion at home with potatoes is also excellent remedy. A paste of raw grated potatoes is applied to the sore spots or steam baths are prepared for the feet. This happens as follows.

Potato peelings are poured with a small amount of water and boiled for a quarter of an hour. The resulting decoction is added to hot water, in which the sore feet are then steamed. After the procedure, it is useful to apply the boiled husk directly to the seeds. The procedure should be carried out for at least half an hour, after which the legs should be covered with a warm blanket. If you regularly steam your feet with potato broth for one and a half to two weeks, the pain will soon go away and the bones will begin to dissolve.

Fish days

A very good ancient method of treatment was discovered by ancient fishermen. To relieve inflammation and heal from deformities, it is useful to apply pieces of fresh fish to sore joints. You can use any species caught in a river or lake. You should not take frozen fish, because it has practically no healing properties.

A compress of fresh fish pulp is applied to the sore spot, bandaged tightly to the sore joints, and left overnight. In the morning, the foot is washed with water to remove the unpleasant odor.

Treatment should be repeated every night for a week, after which take a break for two to three days. Repeating the therapeutic course consolidates the effect obtained for a long time. Unfortunately, the proposed healing method may not be available to all people today. In this case, we recommend that you pay attention to other methods of traditional medicine.

Rice diet

In addition to various compresses and healing ointments, you should not forget about nutritional features. It is very useful to follow a diet that promotes cleansing connective tissue. The most common and accessible remedy is rice. It is used to cook crumbly porridge without oil or salt. Dark rice varieties are pre-soaked overnight in cold water. In the morning it is thoroughly washed and boiled in large quantities water. Once a week you need to have a fasting day and eat only rice porridge, washed down with rosehip decoction. Diuretic effect a fasting menu will help remove salts from the body uric acid and preventing the appearance of joint deposits.

Another variant rice diet suggests eating two tablespoons of boiled rice every day on an empty stomach. The rest of the day you can eat in the usual way, only increasing consumption clean water. Rice cleansing should be carried out for at least one month and repeated periodically throughout the year.

And finally

The traditional treatment program for stones can include the use of herbal decoctions and herbal tinctures. Good helpers The following plants and fruits will become: sage, chamomile, calendula, birch buds, ginger root, elderberries, lingonberries and many others.

Always remember that the beauty and health of your feet are in your hands. In order not to suffer from pain in the future and not wonder how to cure bunions, try today to take all measures to prevent the development of hallux valgus.

Many people consider bunions, which are very common in women, to be a problem that is inherited. But this is not true. The word "bones" has an analogue in Greek, which translates to “small bumps, hills or heaps.” Perhaps it is related to Latin word bunio, meaning "increase". Bunion development is usually the result of unnatural stress on the joints of the big toe. When you use your leg in a way that is not intended by nature, it creates repetitive twisting that should not exist. This constant (even if sometimes very tiny) turning when walking ultimately disrupts the function of bones and joints, increasing the load on them, causing friction and swelling.

How to remove a bunion at the initial stage at home?

Is it possible to remove a bunion that appears on your foot at home? I can definitely say - yes, it is possible, if the bone has just begun to grow. Firstly, in order to get rid of a bunion that appeared on the leg at the initial stage, you need to reset excess weight, if there is one. Secondly, switch to comfortable shoes and eat less salt.

Treatment of bunions with folk remedies

In folk medicine there are also methods to combat Hallux Valgus, which were used even before the advent of modern medical supplies. It is important to note that bunions cannot be completely cured using traditional methods at home alone, but they can serve as aids.

To remove the bone, you need to add half a glass of salt to hot water, lower your feet and keep in saline solution until it cools completely. At least four such courses will need to be conducted at weekly intervals. By the way, my mother always tried to go to the sea once a year. She sat down on a large stone and dipped her feet into salty sea water saturated with iodine. And then for a year I made baths with sea salt purchased at the pharmacy. This significantly improved the condition of the legs;

To prepare this folk remedy, you need to take pieces of honey, coat the sore spots on your legs and cover with a dry bandage, and put on socks on top. We leave our feet in this state, warm, all night. But it is recommended to do this procedure only three times;

In Siberia, pieces of fresh fish are placed and wrapped in the bones at night, and fir oil is rubbed into them during the day;

To remove the stone, young potatoes are grated, placed on a finger, a film is placed on top and secured with a bandage for half an hour.

To remove a bone that has appeared on your leg at home, you need to infuse dandelion flowers in medical alcohol for 2 weeks. After this, the alcohol tincture must be filtered and a few drops of iodine solution added to it. At night, you need to make a compress from this tincture, and then cover it with warm, preferably woolen socks. Iodine promotes the resorption of unnecessary cartilage tissue, from which the bone is formed.

Sea salt baths are also one of the well-known folk remedies for treating problems with bones and joints at home. In addition to the fact that with the help of such baths you can stop bone growth, they also help relieve tension and fatigue.

Hydrogen sulfide mud is used for many diseases associated with the musculoskeletal system. Using its warming properties, you can speed up the regeneration process. It also helps restore joint elasticity and bone structure.

With the help of the active components that fir oil contains, you can stop the development and increase bone growth, and also slightly reduce the protruding bone in size. Fir oil used after taking warm foot baths, and rubbed in with intense massage movements.

These were the most popular methods of dealing with bones among the people. thumbs legs But, no matter how effective these methods, or any others, adequate treatment and the diagnosis should be carried out by a specialist. In order not to harm yourself and your health, the first thing you do when bunions appear on your feet is go to the doctor and decide with him how to remove bunions on your feet forever!

Physiotherapy for bunions

There are many effective physical therapy methods that can help your legs relax and relieve pain. All these procedures will help relieve the condition of your feet:

  • mud treatment;
  • ultrasound;
  • baths;
  • electrophoresis.

Anti-inflammatory drugs selected by a doctor will also help eliminate the inflammatory process: creams, ointments, tablets, injections, gels.

Orthopedic splints for bunions

With their help, you can remove a bunion on your foot at the initial stage. Your doctor will decide how long your leg will remain in the splint. Splints will help both at the very beginning of the disease and postoperative period, as they fix the foot.

Getting rid of a bunion surgically

The operation involves sawing off the salt build-up from the bone. After surgery, you will need time to recover, possibly by strictly following bed rest.

And then you will have to take care of your feet for the rest of your life, completely avoid wearing shoes with heels, follow a salt-free diet, do gymnastics and massage.

Why does a bone grow on my foot?

Bone pain on big toe

A bunion is an overgrowth of tissue, or swelling, along the medial edge (the side closest to the center of your body) of the big toe. This bone change and soft tissue swelling reduce joint mobility to the point where the big toe cannot be pointed forward or away from the other toes. As the bone grows, swelling of the joint makes it stiff. The thumb becomes stuck in a position where it is turned towards the little finger. This position of the joint and big toe is called hallux valgus, or hallux valgus deformity of the first toe.

Over time, the thumb may become so pulled toward the little finger that it is perpendicular to the other fingers. Hallux valgus not only impairs the function of the foot, but can also make walking very uncomfortable, especially if the tissue on the side of the joint develops into a protruding bunion.

The incidence of bunions is difficult to measure, but according to statistics, they occur in 0.9% of the global population, 28.4% of adults and up to 74% of older people. Although the numbers vary depending on the approach taken, the general trend in the medical literature shows that bunions are more likely to affect women and the elderly.

For those of you who, looking at your bunions, remember that your mother’s feet looked very similar, it’s easy to say: “Yes, my “bones” are, of course, hereditary.” However, virtually nothing is known about hallux valgus in the days when people walked barefoot. Research on “foot mechanics” has actually become research on “foot mechanics of regular shoe wearers.” How can you tell if this disease is genetic?

Fortunately, little data was collected on the barefoot population at the beginning of the 20th century, as these people were just beginning to wear shoes. Their foot length and toe angle were measured. Although some measurement methods are now outdated, the values ​​obtained from this study indicate that in the barefoot population, cases of knuckles occurred in approximately 3% of cases. Perhaps some of these 3% of people have “knuckles” as a result of improper loads (using the joint in the wrong position)!

Genetics, however, may play a role in the quality of collagen in the tissues that support the joint in any given person. Some people have diseases in which collagen is contained in smaller proportions. If you think this is your case, know that problems occur in all joints, not just the big toe.

Shoes as a factor in the appearance of bunions

In most cases, the appearance of a bunion is preceded by a long-term displacement of the big toe (which is typical for lovers of narrow shoes) or improper load on the joint, which causes the growth of tissue that moves the big toe.

Shoes that are too narrow and have a high heel increase stress on the forefoot and are often the cause of foot problems. When your foot is clenched tightly, the muscles between the toes that pull them together become very tight. Start with daily stretching of your fingers, paying special attention to your thumb. To restore muscle length and joint mobility, you can tuck your fingers between your toes. If the angle of the big toe is quite significant, take time to gently stretch it away from the rest of the toes.

Incorrect position feet - the cause of the appearance of bunions

Now let's imagine that you have never worn traumatic shoes. In fact, let's pretend you've never worn shoes at all. There are other reasons for the appearance of bunions.

As mentioned earlier, the deployed position is quite common. This causes the foot to develop a habit of moving from side to side instead of the normal back and forth. Using the ankle sideways causes the weight to move not from the tip of the big toe, as in a normal gait, but along the side of the joint, which causes the big toe to be loaded incorrectly. Simply put, when the foot is turned out, the “bone” area is slammed into the ground with every step!

Remember that the side of a joint is a side. Walls do not have the same load-bearing qualities as a foundation. When you walk with your feet turned out, you are resting on your joints, or “walls,” rather than on a foundation. Your body responds by building up these “walls,” resulting in the bulging or swelling that you may notice as “knuckles” develop.

You may think that your knuckles are hereditary because one of your parents (usually your mom) probably has them too, as does her mom and her mom... Remember, though, that in In addition to genetics, the list of things that are passed down from generation to generation also includes family habits - features of gait and choice of shoes.

The main reasons for the appearance of bunions on the foot:

  1. Excessively turned out feet when walking put undue stress on the big toe joint, leading to an injury commonly referred to as bunioning.
  2. A joint position in which the big toe is severely rotated is called hallux valgus.
  3. Studies conducted among the shoe-wearing population show that bunions are more likely to occur in women and older people.
  4. Studies of non-shoe wearing populations show that hallux valgus is much less common in these people than in shoe wearers - only about 3%.
  5. Wearing tight shoes for long periods of time affects the soft tissues responsible for stabilizing the big toe joint.
  6. Small changes in habits (simple exercise, proper footwear, and changes in gait) can have an immediate impact on how the big toe joint is loaded.

How to get rid of a bunion on your big toe?

Just as hard as you helped your “bones” form, you can relieve them and train the corresponding muscle groups so as not to strain the side of the problem joint.

First, to get rid of bunions at the initial stage, stop wearing shoes that are too narrow for your feet. Even good level collagen does not guarantee that you will not have bones. This means that when you regularly squeeze your toes together, the joint has no way of resisting. If your feet are wider than your shoes, you damage the big toe joint.

Secondly, to remove a bunion at the initial stage, pay attention to the position of the foot when walking. If you want to give your tissues a chance to recover after years of abuse, you need to change the way you walk.

A few simple exercises for posture and acquisition healthy habits can save you from many years of needless suffering!

In order for the treatment of bunions with folk remedies to be effective, you need to choose the right remedy. To do this you will need to see a doctor. After a general examination, either additional tests are prescribed to confirm the diagnosis or treatment. Big toe deformity is a common disease, so treatment should be taken very seriously. Popular remedies include sea salt, burdock and dandelion. In general, the simplest things at hand can be the cure.

How to remove bunions on your feet at home?

The effectiveness of traditional methods

(valgus deformity of the foot) does not bother a person in the first stages. But as soon as it appears, you need to urgently take action. In the initial stage, traditional medicine will help to quickly eliminate the defect. If the treatment is started, then complex therapy, or even surgical intervention, is indispensable. The patient's foot is completely deformed and strong pain, which complicates the process of movement.

Folk recipes

Foot deformity can be treated with folk remedies only in the initial stage. In order to do this, it is enough to understand a little about herbs, because each plant has unique healing properties. And everyday means at hand also become an indispensable medicine. You can achieve the desired result, namely getting rid of a protruding bone, in many ways.

Egg and vinegar

Remedies for bunions can be made at home. For the ointment you will need:

To prepare the ointment, pour vinegar into the egg.
  • egg;
  • vinegar essence;
  • pharmaceutical preparations such as turpentine;
  • rendered lard.

Cooking method:

  1. You need to take a faceted glass and completely place the white egg.
  2. Pour vinegar to the very top.
  3. Place in a dark and cool place. And leave for at least 2 weeks until the shell dissolves.
  4. Discard the egg shell. And add 10 g of turpentine and 1 tbsp to the mixture. a spoonful of lard (can be replaced with fat, oil, petroleum jelly).
  5. Stir until smooth.
  6. Rub the prepared ointment into the bone.
  7. For enhanced effect It is recommended to alternate the ointment with iodine. Apply every other day.

Kerosene and soap

Cream will help cure bunions on your feet. To prepare, all ingredients must be thoroughly mixed until a homogeneous consistency is obtained. Not recommended for use when the skin on the little finger or thumb becomes dry. An ointment is prepared from the following components:

  • kerosene, 50 ml;
  • soda - 1 teaspoon;
  • ¼ laundry soap;
  • sunflower oil - 50-70 ml.

You can make a decoction from the roots of madder that normalizes metabolic processes.

When a bone grows, you need to slow down this process, and then smooth out the skin from the growth. Treatment of bunions without surgery is possible using a decoction of madder herb. The plant is getting better metabolic processes and removes excess uric acid. To prepare the drink, you need to have 1 teaspoon of plant roots and 1 glass of boiling water. Combine and boil in a water bath for 10 minutes. Then strain. Drink 2 times a day, 0.5 cups.


Alignment of the bone on the foot is possible with the help of such medicinal plants like dandelions. For the recipe you need to have 100 g of inflorescence and iodine. The flowers need to be crushed in advance, placed in a container (for example, a jar) and filled to the very top with iodine. Cover the mixture and send it to infuse for 4 days in a dark and cool place. You need to smear this medicine on the bone: rub until the skin absorbs everything. It is recommended to apply an iodine grid on the leg before the procedure.

Medical bile

You can purchase pharmaceutical medications. Canned bile is used to reduce formation. To begin with, the mesh is made with iodine, and then only medical bile is used. After application, wrap your foot in cling film and secure it with a bandage, and put on warm socks. The compress is best done before bedtime. After waking up, take a shower. You need to treat the bone with these methods every day for 1 month.

Sea salt

Treatment with sea salt baths helps a lot with this pathology.

Treatment with folk remedies helps fight the emerging bone and, in case of pain, eliminate these symptoms. Such effective medicines include salt, preferably sea salt. There are such methods of treatment with folk remedies:

  • For the procedure you need to prepare a large basin. Add salt and warm water there. Take the bath for about 15 minutes. Afterwards, wipe your feet dry. Use for 2 weeks, repeat again after a week break.
  • You need melt water (can be obtained from collected snow). Dissolve salt. And perform the procedure as the previous one, but only for up to 5 minutes.

Getting rid of bones with iodine

Iodine is a very popular medicine to fix a bone. If your legs hurt or your joints become inflamed, it is recommended to apply a mesh to the affected area. This is such a unique disinfectant product that it is used for many diseases, even to get rid of fungus. To remove hallux valgus, you first need to apply camphor oil, and then make a mesh. This drug treatment It is also used for other pathologies.

Burdock with pharmaceutical turpentine

Removing hallux valgus is also possible with turpentine, which can be purchased at a pharmacy. You will also need fresh leaves burdock or burdock. The leaves are treated with a pharmaceutical product and then applied to the lower leg and foot. Perform the procedure carefully to avoid burns. A film is wrapped over the leaves and secured with a towel. This technique takes a long time - 3 months, but it can reduce symptoms.

Potato peelings are useful for preparing medicinal baths.

Traditional treatment using potatoes will help remove seeds. A decoction is prepared from the vegetable and a bath is taken. To do this, you need to collect freshly cut peels. Place it in a saucepan, add water and after boiling, cook for another 15 minutes. Soar your feet for at least 30 minutes. Duration of therapy is 2 weeks.

It is important that there is ankle-deep water in the basin, otherwise the procedure will not work. desired effect.

Red clay

The product is sold in pharmacies and cosmetics supermarkets. For the procedure, you cannot use any clay, only red. It has a regenerating effect and, thanks to its high mineral content, restores blood circulation, metabolism and removes toxins. Goes better with sea salt. To get a mask, you need: 250 ml of water, 50 g of clay and 1 tbsp. l. salt. Mix everything thoroughly and add 5 drops of turpentine. Then apply it to the sore spot and hold until the clay dries.

Compress with urine

Non-traditional folk remedies recommend using your own urine for treatment. A slightly specific form of treatment, but at the same time it has been used since ancient times. If a bone hurts, rashes or acne appear, this remedy will be effective. You need to make a compress with urine: apply it to the affected area and constantly make sure that the fabric is damp. Under no circumstances should you rub. When evaporated, the constituent substances have a beneficial effect on the healing process.

Other recipes

To treat the disease, you can use melted honey.

During the treatment process, you can use many available means, the main thing is that there are no contraindications to them. Some ideas for treating bunions:

  1. Whole prunes. Dried fruits are boiled in milk. Then divide it in half and remove the pit. Apply to the sore area. Change the prepared halves within 30 minutes so that they are always warm.
  2. Honey. The product is used in melted form. The deformed area is lubricated for a month at night.


“Dimexide” is the name given to pills for bunions. Together with Dimexide it is recommended complex therapy With traditional methods. The medication has an anti-inflammatory effect. And “Chlorophyllipt” from a bone on the foot has a bactericidal effect. Can be used for other purposes than "Pomorin" - toothpaste, with which they are trying to straighten the formations.

Other methods and prevention

Among other techniques, a device such as a laser is used. Particular attention should be paid to the choice of shoes. Also among the new products are therapeutic socks. You can do self-massage, but only as prescribed by your doctor. Fasteners are very often used. But with the help of a corrector you can only stop the development of the deformity, but cannot cure it.

A bunion is a common female problem, which over time develops from an aesthetic defect into a painful disease. Only surgery can get rid of a bone in its advanced state, but at the initial stage it can prevent the growth of a lump and the appearance of pain possible using home remedies.

When to use home remedies

Get rid of bunions at home without using surgical methods it's only possible early stage development of the deformity, that is, until the appearance of pain and noticeable deviation of the thumb to the side.

Since deformation can occur for various reasons, for effective treatment if a lump appears near the big toe, you need to seek advice from.

The formation of a bone can be provoked by:

  • genetic predisposition (congenital weakness of muscles and ligaments);
  • improperly distributed load on the foot (occurs in some diseases and is present in flat feet);
  • foot injury;
  • wearing uncomfortable shoes (narrow, high heels).

The height of the heel affects the distribution of the load on the foot. With a heel height of 2-4 cm, the weight is distributed evenly between the rear and forefoot. As the heel increases, the weight is gradually transferred to the forefoot (with a 9 cm heel, 7/8 of the weight falls on the toe).

Will assess the degree of deformation and help you choose shoes and equipment preventive exercises, which in combination with traditional methods will not allow the bone to become inflamed and increase in size.

How to treat a bunion at home

Orthopedic devices that are effective for treating bunions have appeared relatively recently, and before their invention, big toe deformity was treated with a variety of home remedies. Many traditional methods really help prevent the growth of bones on initial stage diseases, so they can still be used alongside orthopedic treatment or for preventive purposes.

If a bunion appears on your big toe, home treatment includes:

  • lubricating a protruding lump various ointments and mixtures;
  • applying compresses;
  • medicinal baths for legs;
  • ingestion of decoctions and tinctures;
  • special diet;
  • selection of orthopedic shoes;
  • use of orthopedic products;
  • therapeutic exercises and massage.

Traditional methods of treatment

To treat a bunion with folk remedies, you can use the following mixtures:

  • One raw chicken yolk and ½ teaspoon regular salt. The mixture is whipped until foam forms, applied to a piece of gauze and applied to the bone overnight. This composition can be used regularly.
  • Iodine, ammonia and castor oil in a 1:1 ratio. Apply the mixture as effective remedy to relieve pain, these substances have virtually no effect on bone reduction. This composition should be applied at night.
  • Iodine and vinegar. A mixture is prepared from 5 drops of iodine and a teaspoon of vinegar, applied to the entire forefoot.
  • Dry mustard, bodyagi and machine oil, which are taken a tablespoon each and mixed with two tablespoons of turpentine. This mixture is applied daily (to improve the results, it is recommended to take madder tincture during this period).
  • Iodine with aspirin and lemon. 5 aspirin tablets crushed into powder are poured into a bottle of iodine (10 ml) and mixed. You can add freshly squeezed lemon juice to the mixture. You need to apply the mixture to the bone before going to bed, and put on a warm sock on top. In the morning, the treated area is washed with warm water and soap. The mixture with lemon is applied for 3 days in a row, and then a break is taken for a week.
  • Eggs, vinegar, turpentine and melted butter lard. An egg with a white shell is placed in a jar, filled with vinegar and placed in a dark place for 2 weeks. Then the egg shell is removed from the jar, and 10 grams of pharmaceutical turpentine and one tablespoon of rendered lard are added to the resulting liquid (lard can be replaced with Vaseline, butter or other animal fat). The mixture is applied every other day; it is useful to alternate it with an iodine mesh.
  • Ammonia and ethyl alcohol, camphor, bodyaga and red hot pepper. To prepare a mixture of ammonia, camphor and pepper, you need to take 30 grams each, and bodyagi - 10 grams, and pour all these components into 125 grams of ethyl alcohol. The mixture turns out to be very hot, so only the bump on the leg itself is smeared with it before going to bed (kept until the morning). The foot in the treated area should be wrapped in a bandage, and a sock should be put on top.
  • Honey, melted in a water bath. Apply without adding additional ingredients.
  • Honey mixed with pharmaceutical magnesium sulfate (1 tablespoon each) and a teaspoon of iodine. The mixture is applied for 3-4 hours a day.
  • Honey, flour and propolis in equal proportions. Apply to the affected areas for several hours.
  • Shark oil and bay leaf (such components are contained in the ready-made cream Shishka Stop).
  • Vaseline, water and iodized salt. Apply at night.
  • Sea salt, mustard powder and honey. The ingredients are taken in equal quantities. The affected area is treated daily with a thoroughly mixed mixture and the foot is wrapped in cling film for 12 hours. Treatment lasts a month.

At home, you can try to get rid of a bunion on your big toe using original products, which are used as ointments. Such means include:

  • Toothpaste “Pomorin”, which is used to lubricate well-steamed bumps on the legs.
  • Morning (“hungry”) saliva, which is rubbed into a bulging bump on the foot.
  • Natural animal bile (chicken, cow, pig), which is used to lubricate the area of ​​the thumb deformity 2-3 times a day.

You don’t have to look for animal bile at the market—you can buy medical bile at a pharmacy.


In folk medicine for the treatment of injuries and diseases musculoskeletal system Compresses are actively used to eliminate inflammation, pain and discomfort, as well as reduce swelling. You can also treat the bunion near your big toe with compresses at home. For compresses the following are used:

  • Dry powder ground in a coffee grinder bay leaves(5 pieces), which are poured into a jar and poured ammonia. The mixture is infused for 2 weeks. Gauze soaked in infusion is applied to the bone overnight and tied with a bandage.
  • Crushed dried dandelion flowers in the amount of 100 grams, which are filled with 1 bottle of iodine. The product is infused for 4 days in a dark place. The finished tincture is applied in the form of a net to pre-steamed legs.
  • Burdock leaves, smeared with pharmaceutical turpentine. For a compress, you need to choose large leaves that can be wrapped around the foot. The top of the sheet is wrapped with a thin plastic film and a warm cloth. This compress is used for 3 months.
  • Chopped garlic in the amount of 100 g, which is mixed with 100 g of seeds horse chestnut and wood (methyl) alcohol. For one compress, take half of the resulting mixture, soak a napkin with it and place the napkin on the bone for 20 minutes. The procedure is carried out within 15 days.
  • Prunes boiled in milk. Dried fruit is opened and applied hot inside to the protruding lump. The cooled fruit is replaced with a hot one; in general, the procedure takes 30 minutes.
  • Propolis, which is flattened, is applied to the deformed part of the foot for 15 minutes.

Folk remedies used in the treatment of bunions include:

  • Kalanchoe leaves. Large leaves of the plant are placed in the refrigerator overnight, then scalded with boiling water and beaten for better release of juice. The leaf treated in this way is applied to the cone and secured with a bandage, held until it dries. This compress is used for 2 weeks.
  • Walnut leaves, which are filled with iodine-vodka solution (one drop of iodine is needed for 50 grams of vodka). This remedy must be infused for 24 hours, after which the liquid is drained, and the leaves are placed in gauze and applied 2 hours before bedtime to the bump on the foot. The leaves are fixed with a bandage, the compress is removed before going to bed. You can use nut leaves for 2 weeks, then take a break for a week.
  • Flaxseed (2 tbsp), which is ground in a blender and mixed with melted beeswax(3 tbsp) until smooth. The mixture is applied for 2 hours a day.
  • Dried lilac flowers, which are infused in cold water, tightly sealed, for 10 days (in a ratio of 1:10). The infusion is used to wipe the deformed part of the foot.
  • Sorrel. The sheets are ground into a paste and applied to the cone for a couple of hours.
  • Elderberry, the flowers of which are compacted into a half-liter jar and filled with vodka. You need to insist for 3 weeks, and the jar needs to be shaken daily. The bone is lubricated with infusion 4-6 times a day.

In the spring-summer period, the deformed area can be wrapped daily or every other day with washed coltsfoot leaves. The leaves are fixed with cling film, the feet are wrapped in a warm cloth.

To make the bunion on the big toe disappear, traditional treatment also offers

  • Dead apple. The damaged part is cut off and applied to the cones for 2-3 hours.
  • Blue bow. The vegetable is finely chopped, placed on gauze and applied to the bump daily for 6-10 hours. After the compress is removed, an iodine mesh is applied to the bump. Treatment lasts a month.
  • Rice water (rice is cooked without salt), in which gauze is soaked. Apply like a regular compress.

Important: Iodine, which is included in many recipes, is often recommended to be applied as a mesh, but the skin in the area of ​​deformation is usually thin and inflamed, so iodine in its pure form can cause a burn. For application iodine grid For bunions, it is recommended to first steam the foot in a medicinal bath, then apply camphor oil to protect the skin from burns, and only then paint the mesh with iodine.

Unusual compresses

To treat a lump on the foot near the big toe with folk remedies, you can use not only plants, but also products of animal origin for compresses. If a bone in your foot hurts, use folk remedies such as:

  • Freshly caught river fish. For treatment, one compress is not enough, so cut up carcasses need to be frozen and thawed one per day. The fish carcass is applied to the affected area on both sides (encircling the deformed area in a semi-ring) and secured with a bandage. The leg is wrapped in polyethylene and a warm cloth over the bandage and left overnight. This treatment method can be used until complete recovery.
  • An egg infused in wine vinegar until the shell dissolves (you need to infuse in a dark place). The egg is removed from the solution, the film is pierced, the yolk is separated from the white and mixed with vinegar and pharmaceutical turpentine (100 g) until smooth. The resulting mixture is placed in a cool and dark place. Then, to prepare a compress, take ½ liter hot water and dissolve 250 grams of salt in it. The bone is rubbed saline solution, after which the egg mixture and parchment paper are applied to it. Next, the foot is wrapped in woolen cloth. The compress is applied before bed and removed only in the morning; the procedure is carried out for 2 weeks.

To prepare the mixture, the egg in the vinegar solution must become transparent.

For a compress when treating a bump on the leg, the following is also used:

  • Tar. 250 gr. 50 grams of tar are poured. alcohol and leave for 24 hours in a dark and cool place. The mixture is applied to a cotton swab and applied to the deformed part of the foot overnight. The tampon is fixed with a bandage and covered with plastic film on top. The treatment lasts 2 weeks, then a break is taken for a week and the procedure can be performed again.
  • Red clay. Clay in the amount of 50 g. mixed with 15 gr. sea ​​salt, poured into a glass boiled water and mixed with 5 drops of turpentine. The thoroughly mixed mixture is applied to the pine cone and left until it hardens. The clay is washed off with warm water. Red clay can also be diluted with a decoction of chamomile, comfrey and calendula to the consistency of sour cream and applied to the bone for 2 hours every day.
  • Blue clay. For the mixture you need 4 tbsp. l. clay and pre-prepared hot nettle decoction. The mixture is kept for steam bath 10 - 15 minutes and applied to gauze folded in several layers, which needs to be wrapped around the entire foot. Apply a film over the gauze and keep the compress for 20 minutes. Apply 3 to 5 times a week. Blue clay can also be poured with a decoction of oak bark (3 liters of boiling water per 100 grams of bark), but this mixture does not need to be applied to the feet; it is used as a foot bath (keep until the mixture cools). Used several times a month.
  • Mumiyo. 20 gr. Shilajit powder is mixed with 2 teaspoons of animal fat (rendered lard, badger fat etc.) and 1 teaspoon of cinquefoil alcohol tincture. The compress is applied for 5 hours.

After drying, the clay compress is washed off with warm water.

If there is a lump on the feet near the big toe, treatment with folk remedies can be quite exotic. Includes use:

  • earthworms, which are collected and wrapped with a cloth to the bone overnight, putting a warm sock over the compress;
  • earthworms, which are closed in a jar for several days, after which the resulting mucus is applied to the affected area like a regular ointment.

Baths and infusions for oral use

To remove a bump on the foot near the big toe at home, it is recommended to do medicinal foot baths. For this you can use:

  1. Salt and iodine. Add 2 tbsp to a liter of warm water. salt and 10 drops of iodine, and immerse the feet for 15 minutes. Regular use of an iodine-salt solution relieves pain and helps to reduce the size of the bone. After 2 weeks of treatment, a short break is needed.
  2. A decoction of a small amount of potato peelings (about 200 g). The peelings are boiled for 15 minutes, the broth is poured into a basin and slightly diluted with water until warm, after which the feet are immersed in the basin until the broth cools. You can do this bath for no more than 10 days.
  3. Pine needles (dried or fresh). For 2 tbsp. You will need 200 grams of pine needles. boiling water The broth needs to be boiled for 15 minutes, then it is diluted with water until warm.
  4. Salt, chamomile and elderberry. The feet are steamed in hot water (a pack of salt is placed on a bucket of water), after which bags of chamomile and elderberry flowers, previously soaked in warm water and well wrung out, are applied to the bones. Dry chamomile and elderberry are taken in equal proportions. The feet are bandaged for fixation.

Removal of bunions at home also helps with the following remedies that should be taken orally:

  1. Infusion of lingonberry leaves (for 1 tablespoon of lingonberry leaves you need 200 ml of hot water). The leaves are infused in a thermos overnight.
  2. An infusion of sedge that effectively eliminates pain in the area of ​​deformity. At 2 tbsp. l. dry sedge take 200 ml of boiling water, infuse until warm and drink ¼ glass three times a day for a long period.
  3. A decoction of madder that helps remove excess uric acid. For 1 tsp. madder root take 1 glass of hot water and boil the decoction for 10 minutes in a water bath. Take 1/2 cup twice a day when cooled.
  4. Celery root infusion. 2 tbsp. pour 200 ml of coarsely grated root cold water and leave for 3 hours. Take 1/3 cup before meals three times a day.
  5. Infusion of lemon balm, St. John's wort, linden and elderberry (2 tbsp each). 1 tbsp. The herbal mixture is brewed with a glass of boiling water, infused until warm and drunk before meals twice a day.
  6. A mixture of cranberries and onions. 0.5 kg of fresh or frozen cranberries is passed through a meat grinder along with 200 g. Luke. The mixture is placed in a dark place for a day, then 1 kg of honey is added to it. The mixture is stored in the refrigerator, taken 20 minutes before meals, 1 tsp. three times a day.

Drink lingonberry leaf infusion three times a day instead of tea.

To get rid of a bunion at home, you also need to eat right. In addition to exclusion from the diet harmful products When treating this pathology, it is recommended to eat rice prepared according to a special recipe once a week.

Dark rice is soaked overnight, boiled in the morning without oil or salt and eaten throughout the day. On the same day, drink rosehip decoction (up to a liter per day). This diet helps remove salts from the body, which helps restore the foot.

It is rarely possible to completely remove a bunion at home using folk methods alone, so the treatment methods listed above must be combined with therapeutic exercises and wearing special orthopedic devices.

Orthopedic shoes

To effectively treat bunions near the big toe at home, it is necessary to eliminate constant injury to the big toe from shoes. To do this you need to give up:

  • high-heeled shoes (maximum heel height should be 3-4 cm);
  • narrow shoes that tighten the forefoot;
  • ballet shoes and models with flat soles (ugg boots, etc.), since shoes without heel lift also contribute to the development of big toe deformation.

The best option is special orthopedic shoes, which eliminate the factors that provoke the growth of bones. These shoes:

  • prevents the development of transverse flatfoot;
  • Reduces increased pressure on the big toe by supporting the arch of the foot;
  • helps the toes to position themselves correctly inside the shoe;
  • distributes the pressure when walking over the entire foot so that it does not fall on one point (it is in the incorrect distribution of pressure that the danger of high-heeled shoes);
  • promotes proper blood circulation in the foot.

The advantages of modern orthopedic shoes include:

  • release of comfortable and at the same time stylish models;
  • the presence of preventive insoles that follow the shape of the foot;
  • some models have bulges and perforations that massage the foot when walking;
  • making the sole from lightweight polyurethane, due to which shocks are well absorbed when walking (not all manufacturers have such a sole);
  • stable, low and wide heel;
  • availability of sizes and sub-sizes, as well as the ability to choose the fullness of the foot (allows you to choose shoes to suit individual characteristics feet);
  • the ability to make an individual order (for example, the Norita brand makes shoes taking into account individual foot measurements and intertoe distances).

If you have difficulty purchasing special orthopedic shoes, but want to remove a bunion from your big toe at home, you can also choose regular shoes, taking into account the basic preventive requirements.

If you have a bunion on your foot, shoes:

  1. It should be made entirely from natural materials that allow the model to wear out quickly. The best option is soft smooth skin or suede. You should not buy patent leather shoes, as they are too hard and will injure your feet.
  2. Should have a heel of 3-4 cm (a wedge heel is possible). The sole should not be thin, but should bend and have shock-absorbing properties.
  3. Must have a firm back, wide rounded or rectangular nose. Both in winter and in summer shoes fingers should be positioned freely.
  4. Must have an orthopedic insole that will give the joint of the big toe a normal position and will prevent the development of further deformation.

Insoles designed to correct the position of the big toe can be:

  • Fleece, leather, wool, velor and cork, but most often they are made from several materials at the same time. Combined insoles retain heat well, are antibacterial and breathable, and also provide a good orthopedic effect.
  • Frame and frameless. The choice of one option or another depends on the patient’s level of activity ( active people Frameless insoles are recommended, not causing fatigue legs).
  • Drop-shaped (they are placed under the metatarsus), half-insoles (support the transverse arch) and half-insoles for high-heeled shoes.

Pick up orthopedic insoles and shoes should be a specialist who, if necessary, will take measurements to make individual shoes.

To treat a bunion near the big toe at home, shoes must have a rigidly fixed intertoe separator. Since ordinary shoes do not have such separators, you can use special ones to separate your toes. orthopedic products.

Orthopedic products

Treatment with folk remedies for bunions goes well with the use of:

  • Interdigital rollers and instep supports (bursoprotectors). They can be fixed on one finger, have an inter-finger separator and additional fastening on the second finger. There are silicone and gel-fabric. The action of all these protectors is aimed at keeping the fingers in the correct position when walking.
  • , which can be silicone, gel, fabric, hinged and rigid. Most braces are designed to prevent further growth of the bunion on the foot, since these orthopedic devices reduce the load on the big toe joint and protect the bunion from friction and subsequent inflammation. Rigid fixators (orthopedic splints), when used regularly, help return the thumb to its normal position.

All of these orthopedic products can be purchased at a pharmacy or on specialized websites (it is recommended to first compare prices for a specific orthopedic product).

Since not all pharmacies offer correctors and fixatives for the treatment and prevention of bunions, patients often make such products on their own.

The simplest fixative is made from a sterile bandage and an ice cream stick. An ice cream stick is pressed firmly against the foot standing firmly on the floor in the area of ​​the protruding bone and the foot is well fixed with a bandage. This reduces the load on the joint, the foot visually straightens, but this design does not have a sufficient degree of fixation, and the stick sooner or later moves out of place.

At home, they also make a bandage from a plastic bottle and a splint. To do this, a curved piece is cut from a plastic bottle and applied to the problematic part of the foot. A bandage is applied over the plastic for fixation and a track guard is put on. This type of bandage also does not provide a tight fit.

They also sew a bandage from thick and wide rubber. Two strips are cut from a piece of dense and elastic fabric, and two tight bracelets are sewn from them - for the thumb and for the ankle. The bracelets are put on the leg and tied together with a well-tensioned rubber strip. This type of bandage reduces the load on the joint, but is inferior in quality to branded bandages.

All homemade correctors are not capable of adjusting the degree of deviation of the thumb and do not provide reliable fixation, so they can be used temporarily (until the purchase of a well-thought-out orthopedic design).

Using medications at home

Treatment of a bunion near the big toe with folk remedies includes:

  • Application medical supplies in the form of a compress. For example, medicinal compresses include a mixture of Chlorophyllipt and Dimexide in a 3:1 ratio, which is used to rub the affected area.
  • The use of hydrogen peroxide internally (according to the theory of doctor Neumyvakin, the author of several hypotheses that official medicine did not recognize). According to Neumyvakin’s recipe, you need to dissolve 3 drops of 3% peroxide in ½ glass of water and drink this solution three times a day 1.5 hours after meals. The number of peroxide drops increases by 1 drop every 3 days (up to 8 drops). After 2 months, add 10 drops to the solution and drink it for another 3 months.
  • Application of Polimedel film. This polymer film is a source of a relatively strong electrostatic field, which promotes the activation of physiological processes in the area of ​​its influence. When using it, blood circulation in the problem area improves, swelling disappears and stops inflammatory processes. Has no side effects.

Therapeutic exercises and massage

A properly performed massage for a bunion helps relieve muscle tension, eliminate swelling and pain, and improve blood circulation, which increases the effectiveness of other treatment methods.

Massage the bones after therapeutic baths (feet should be well steamed).

Preparation for massage includes:

  • applying a warming ointment or cream to the feet;
  • placing the feet on a cushion or pillow, which reduces the pain that occurs when rubbing the feet.

Massage stages:

  1. The foot is clasped with the palm of your hand and rubbed thoroughly. Then each phalanx of the toes is rubbed separately.
  2. The plantar part of the foot is massaged in a circular motion. Very carefully, with strong pressure, the lower arch, where corns and calluses form, as well as the heel area is massaged.
  3. After the warming rubbing, the foot must be fixed with four fingers, and the thumb at this time, with pressure, must move up and down along the sole of the foot, and make circular movements around the bone.
  4. Next, one hand covers the foot, and the second – the base of the ankle, and circular movements of the foot are performed in both directions in turn. In this case, you need to occasionally arch your foot and move your big toe outward.

The foot should be well warmed up to move the big toe to the side.

If you hear a crunch when you move your finger, the joint is back in place.

Important: Do not use excessive force when retracting your finger. If pain occurs, you need to perform gentle stroking movements to relax the foot.

For effective treatment, it is also important to do every day - grab a pencil and other objects from the floor with your toes, bend and straighten your toes (as if clenching into a fist), roll a plastic bottle with water with your foot along and across, etc.

If home treatment does not have the desired effect and the bone continues to grow and hurt, you need to consult an orthopedic doctor.