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Bad habits. Rejection of bad habits. Healthy lifestyle, giving up bad habits

A healthy lifestyle is not compatible with bad habits. The use of tobacco, alcohol, and drugs is among the risk factors for many diseases that negatively affect human health and is not compatible with regular physical exercise. exercise and sports.

If you think about it, the very essence of the voluntary introduction of obviously harmful chemicals or foreign chemicals into your body is some kind of savagery for a normal civilized person.

About the dangers of smoking.

Smoking is one of the most harmful habits for human health! It is harmful because of its commonness, prevalence, apparent harmlessness, and because of the tolerance of others.

Smoking is actually the distillation of tobacco and paper under high temperature. This releases a large amount of harmful substances that enter the body (nicotine, hydrocyanic acid, ammonia, carbon monoxide, resinous and radioactive substances).

The respiratory and cardiovascular systems bear the brunt of chronic smoking. The impact of tobacco smoke on the respiratory system leads to irritation of the mucous membranes of the respiratory tract, causing inflammatory processes in them, accompanied by coughing, especially in the morning, hoarseness, and the release of dirty gray sputum. Elasticity is impaired lung tissue and pulmonary emphysema develops. Smokers are 10 times more likely to get lung cancer.

Smoking causes a constant increase in the heart rate of a smoker up to 85–90 beats/min at rest, when the norm is 60–80 beats/min. This leads to an increase in the total work of the heart per day by 15–20%. The transport of oxygen in the cardiovascular system is significantly reduced, limiting its entry into cells, tissues, and organs. The heart muscle suffers from this.

Inhaling tobacco smoke increases blood pressure by 20–25%, which accelerates the rates of negative processes in the work of the cardiovascular system, which are observed in older people, and often in your peers.

Smoking leads to disruption of the endocrine glands, adrenal glands, thyroid and sex glands. Among men, 11% of infertility cases are caused by smoking. It has a negative effect on digestion; smoking is often used as a substitute for time-consuming meals. The appetite of smokers decreases, because nicotine has an inhibitory effect on the contractile and motor functions of the stomach and intestines, which leads to deterioration of digestion, disruption of metabolic processes, damage to the gastric mucosa, and contributes to the development of gastritis, gastric ulcers, and duodenal ulcers. The liver and pancreas suffer. All this does not appear immediately, but accumulates day after day. But negative consequences await everyone - some sooner, others later.

Stopping smoking during pregnancy will not save the fetus from exposure to the accumulated chemical components contained in tobacco. Smoking during pregnancy is unacceptable - the mother smokes, and the fetus also smokes. This contributes to the threat of miscarriage and causes severe toxicosis.

Passive smoking.

When we are in a room where people smoke, we inhale air that contains 50% of the substances produced during smoking. After some time, we may notice signs of nicotine intoxication: headache, dizziness, rapid heartbeat, increased fatigue, decreased performance. Therefore, smoking is prohibited in in public places.

About the dangers of alcohol.

Folk traditions: “Let's be healthy!”, “A little for your appetite!”, “Let's have a drink and everything will pass!”, “On your way!” etc. This is where the complexity of the problem of alcoholism lies.

There is a disruption in the functioning of the digestive and metabolic organs. By irritating the gastrointestinal tract, alcohol causes a disruption in the secretion of gastric juice, which leads, as with smoking, to the development of gastritis and stomach ulcers. Digestive diseases are 18 times more common among drinkers. Fatty liver, then cirrhosis, in 10% the appearance of cancer. diseases.

The pancreas is affected, the load on the cardiovascular system and respiratory system increases. With relative rest, the load is similar to the reaction to significant physical activity. voltage. People addicted to alcohol are 4 times more likely to have respiratory system diseases. The functioning of the excretory system (kidneys and sweating) worsens. The gonads suffer - spermatogenesis decreases, gradually impotence. There is a decrease in the content of the most important vitamins B, PP, C, A, E, and the body’s resistance to infections decreases.

Under the influence of alcohol, serious changes occur in mental sphere. Immediately after drinking alcohol, a pronounced phase of excitement (euphoria) occurs. People become cheerful, sociable, talkative, courageous (inhibitory processes in the central nervous system are disrupted), sexual processes are stimulated, but the feeling of shame is muffled. There is an illusion of increased performance. In fact, mental performance decreases (speed and accuracy of thinking, attention deteriorates, many mistakes are made). Physical performance deteriorates, coordination and speed of movements decrease. And after the phase of excitement comes the phase of depression.

Alcohol consumption leads to loss of social activity and withdrawal into a circle of selfish interests. The quality of life in general decreases. Relationships with others take on a conflictual nature, and gradual degradation of personality occurs. The concepts of “honor”, ​​“conscience”, “duty” lose their meaning. Falsehood, boasting, tactlessness, and rudeness appear. A person is not able to overcome his illness on his own - he needs honey. help.

This stage occurs most quickly and acutely in women. Men and women are alcoholics, the main culprits in the birth of children with external and hidden mental disorders and physical deformities. Even practically healthy parents may have stillborn, defective children if conception occurred during a period of intoxication.

Rejection of bad habits

Associated with other components of a healthy lifestyle:


Regular physical activity;


Fruit and vegetable nutrition is one of the means of combating bad habits; a dairy-vegetable diet helps to quit smoking and alcohol. Strict adherence to normal sleep using existing techniques (warm baths, quiet evening walks, self-hypnosis, etc.). And of course exercise and sports. They will give information about the degree of harmfulness of any doses of alcohol and tobacco! This is an additional motivation to refuse them.

Quitting drugs.

It is only from this position that it is necessary to approach the problem of drug addiction; there is no point in talking about the rapid transformation of a thriving young man into NOTHING.

Modern drug addiction (in the form of smoking, inhalation, ingestion, subcutaneous, intravenous) has nothing to do with the humane goals of medicine.

The root causes for trying drugs are different, but most often the stupidest for this deadly infection. Friends try and there’s nothing terrible... Experience a feeling of bliss, weightlessness, etc. But no one tries to lick prussic acid! This is instant death. Drugs are also a quick death, but somewhat delayed in time.

The euphoria phase is followed by a state accompanied by weakness, apathy, and a feeling of weakness. Tears, nausea, vomiting, muscle pain, fear, heavy sleep. Objectively, the negative impact of drugs on the cardiovascular and respiratory systems, impaired urination, the appearance of rashes and various itching, convulsions. After the effects of a significant dose of drugs, a feeling of death, dreams with nightmares, aggressive behavior, and depression appear. Sudden exhaustion of the body, mental disorders, memory impairment, the appearance of persistent delusional ideas (similar to schizophrenia), infertility. General degradation occurs 15–20 times more often than with alcohol abuse.

Most students know this, as well as the fact that drug addiction treatment is extremely difficult. Therefore, the best thing is not to try drugs. Elderly and old drug addicts - no! Think about it!

It is not so easy to give up what we are used to - even if it has a detrimental effect on our health, condition, and so on. People tend to get used to various things, regardless of how much they really need them, how valuable they may be - we just get used to it and that’s it. Think about some absolutely groundless habits that you, nevertheless, cannot cope with. And probably everyone has more than a dozen of them.

Some people cannot even, for example, move their toothbrush to the other side - this causes them severe discomfort. Which is talking about some serious things. And it’s especially frustrating when you can’t cope with bad habits. It would seem that we understand all the destructive effects - but no, we continue again and again to do what only hinders us in our lives - and we just can’t stop. So how can you take it and deal once and for all with bad habits? How to get rid of bad habits? Let's try to figure this out in a little more detail - after all, having overcome them, we will take another step towards healthy life without unnecessary problems.

What bad habits can there be?

When we talk about bad habits, we first of all think about, say, smoking or alcoholism. Less often - drug addiction. But there are many more bad habits. We bite our nails, don't go out of stores, spend too much money, and so on. And all this is harmful, although varying degrees, but it has no advantages.

Why do habits happen?

Before you unlearn bad habits, you need to understand the nature of their origin. Usually a problem arises when you need to compensate for the lack of something in life. For example, you are bored and have nothing to do - and, instead of doing something pleasant and productive, you mistakenly give preference to a harmful option, which only harms yourself. Another common cause is stress. We are nervous, and therefore we panic and begin to switch to something - and we cannot say that it is something good. And then we can’t refuse it.

Sometimes we succumb to the harmful influence of others. For example, we smoke to look fashionable, we buy things we don’t need to keep up with our friends, and so on. But this doesn’t make us any happier. But fighting bad habits takes energy and lowers our mood, so there is nothing good in it when we cannot give up some negative things.

We are trying to find an alternative

Now let's look at methods on how to deal with bad habits. If you don’t want to do something, then sometimes it’s very difficult to stop doing it - a void forms in the place where just recently there was such a habitual activity. But it was precisely this emptiness that was one of the characteristic causes occurrence of a problem. Let's try to occupy her somehow. Think about what hobby would truly make you happy man, what you have an inclination for and what you can pay enough attention to. It is best to make a list of small but pleasant things that will allow you to occupy yourself in those moments when you are again drawn to your destructive activity. Sometimes the activity may not even be very pleasant - for example, overload yourself with work - and you will be too distracted, and then gradually the attraction to your habit will disappear.

Don't let yourself be provoked

If someone provokes you to do something that you don’t want to do at all, don’t give in to it. In some situations, it is even better to limit communication with this person - at least until he understands that you do not want to further aggravate what you are trying to fight.

Realize all the harm

Write down all the negative impacts of your bad habit. Perhaps it harms your health, your budget, upsets your loved ones - or maybe all at once? Keep this list in front of you and think - is the game worth the candle? And is it better to refuse?

Take action together

Another interesting method how to deal with bad habits. Find a friend who has exactly the same addiction as you - and say that you want to quit it together, say that it will be easier for you to do it together. This method will indeed be simpler in moral terms, it will turn into fun game, and you will also have moral support - and then you will deal with the problem quickly enough, giving up bad habits will become easier.


Giving up bad habits is a very labor-intensive process, sometimes even completely exhausting. But you can - and should - gradually move away from them, work on yourself, try to achieve maximum progress in this. We must clearly understand all the harm that these habits bring. It’s not for nothing that they were given the not very pleasant epithet “harmful” - there is nothing good about them.

If you try, but you just can’t cope, then you need to ask for help - and definitely do it. You can start with your loved ones - ask them to control you, not let you do what you personally would like to stop doing. For many no better method than the help of other people.

If there is no progress with loved ones and relatives, then it is better to contact a specialist. Naturally, this applies primarily to truly serious bad habits. If you feel that they are affecting your life in an extremely negative way, do not hesitate to turn to professionals and do not skimp on it. Still, living without such negative things is much simpler and more pleasant, no matter how you look at it. That’s why getting rid of various bad habits is so important.

The importance of a healthy lifestyle

Have you noticed that when relatives or Good friends congratulate each other on some significant holidays, then first of all they wish good health? This is by no means just a banal wish that we constantly hear from people close to us, because every person knows that health is the most important value of life. It cannot be acquired for any benefit, but it can be constantly improved and strengthened, protected and developed.

Many people think that skipping breakfast will shed a few pounds, but the opposite is true! Thus, metabolism slows down and our body begins to accumulate excess fat reserves. Solution: Eat frequent, clean, and smaller meals. Unfortunately, this is an often forgotten habit that is extremely important. Drinking fluids speeds up your metabolism and helps eliminate harmful toxins.

How many liters of water should you drink per day?

You can use this calculator to calculate your daily recommended water intake.

Excessive eating late at night

In addition, consumption of heavy foods and overconsumption are not rewarded. Many people have a habit of quelling stress or anxiety by eating something sweet. It goes without saying that this habit only leads to weight gain.

Health is influenced by many factors such as good food, personal hygiene, proper hardening, physical activity and, of course, complete absence bad habits. Alcohol, tobacco and drugs destroy not only the body, but also inner world a person, make him hostage to habit, deprive him of the most important and valuable thing that can be - happiness, because it is impossible without wellness and a positive outlook on life.

Solution: Keep an eye on stressful situations and avoid eating under stress. Find ways to control stress. Effective ways are: training, meditation, adequate sleep. Well, you already know how to eat, and you can start working on eliminating these bad habits.

An important and always relevant topic is a healthy lifestyle, which we want to lead, despite many obstacles or excuses. In a special material on this topic, we will present our philosophy of a healthy lifestyle, which includes ten simple steps. This is by no means normative, but it is broadly applicable. The tips we have chosen for you are universal and suitable for anyone who has decided to live better today.

The influence of bad habits on the body

Everyone should understand that bad habits cause many diseases. They reduce productivity, shorten life expectancy, negatively affect the health of future children, and cause both physical and psychological dependence. When abstaining from nicotine or alcohol, it feels like something is missing. A sudden need awakens to rush to the store and buy the desired pack of cigarettes or alcohol. But often people who suffer from a harmful habit do not even realize how harmful the effect it has on their body. Although there are also cases when a person realizes what danger he is exposing himself to, and, as a result, he gives up his habit.

Lifestyle with changing eating habits

The solution may have been a long time coming and has changed many times, and perhaps this article can make you look at your health with new eyes. The point of everything we do is to make you feel better and healthier. The only thing you want is the desire for a healthy lifestyle.

If you want to inspire other family members to live a healthy lifestyle, share them with recommendations you love. They will follow you when they notice your determination. And because good condition not only done in the kitchen, but spend more time in nature. Increase physical activity is a great solution and will bring positive results for your healthy lifestyle.


Tobacco is psychoactive drug, acting like a drug and causing addiction. Every time you inhale tobacco smoke, you inhale about 3 thousand chemicals such as nicotine, tar and toxic gases (hydrogen cyanide oxides, carbon oxides, nitrogen oxides, etc.) that damage living tissues. When tobacco is burned, it produces tar, which contains substances that cause cancer. chronic bronchitis and diseases respiratory organs. Nicotine is an alkaloid that is considered a highly toxic substance, and it is the reason for such a strong addiction. It quickly enters the bloodstream and within a couple of moments is distributed throughout the body, due to which the nervous system is strongly stimulated, blood pressure increases, skin temperature decreases, and vasoconstriction occurs. What “wonderful” effects!

What are the bad habits that are interfering with your healthy lifestyle?

Food safety is very important to your healthy lifestyle because many people suffer from foodborne illnesses or poisonings every year. There are cleansing or detoxification methods that can help get rid of harmful elements.

It has been established that over the past 15 years several negative trends have emerged related to the health of the population of Bulgaria. Low consumption of fish, raw fruits and vegetables in winter and spring, low consumption of whole grains, lack of vitamins and minerals, necessary for the body for a healthy lifestyle, increase the consumption of unhealthy foods, animal fats and foods containing sugar. Prudent eating combined with movement will help you set the right path to a healthy lifestyle.

However, scientists have proven that smokers increase the risk of lung cancer by 10 times, esophageal cancer by 3 times, larynx by 17 times, and oral cavity by 10 times. Just think about these numbers!


Skin color changes, hair and nail structure deteriorates,
Bad breath, bad teeth,
Rotting of the gastrointestinal tract,
Increased risk of stomach ulcers
Susceptibility to cancer.

You should forget about late-night hearty eaters after 22 hours and cut out alcohol from your social entertainment plan. All of this will put a strain on the liver, kidneys, digestive system and your body in general, which is meant to rest at that time. Many people ignore or simply don't have the time to prepare a delicious and healthy breakfast to get their day off to a good start. Don't make this mistake - start with a bowl or combined with a glass of fresh juice for a new and healthy lifestyle.

What is the path to a healthy lifestyle?

Breakfast should be your first responsibility at the start of the day. and fruits are much healthier compared to sweets, saturated fat and unsuitable for a healthy lifestyle. If you have the ability to plan your meals, you will feel much more relaxed and confident while keeping your blood sugar levels normal. Focus on low-fat or low-fat products for salads and meat dishes; for grain products and rice - whole grains are an excellent option for a healthy lifestyle. And it will surprise you with its beneficial properties and great taste: dairy products can be low in fat and salt and should not be excluded from a healthy lifestyle. Egg consumption is allowed - they have a balanced composition and high biological value: replace animal fats when cooking. Other healthy fats- these are fish containing specific polyunsaturated fatty acids. The latter reduce the risk of arrhythmias, blood clots and reduce the risk of cardiovascular diseases. Avoid carbonated drinks and confectionery products, which are high in refined sugar. Replace them with fruits and vegetables rich in minerals and plant fibre, a complex change will occur if you include exercise every day. To make a complete transition to a new healthy lifestyle, pay attention to your weight, blood pressure, hormonal disorders and joint diseases. These are the most common problem areas that deserve priority in a healthy lifestyle plan. Consider hydration and fluid intake, especially during summer period. Recommended for vegetables or fruits with minimal sugar and syrup content. Aromatic drinks are absolutely from the menu for a healthy lifestyle, aiming to include in your daily food products that will help normalize all functions and control weight. Throw out all fatty meats and sausages from the refrigerator, as well as skim milk, be confident and calm. Even if you are tempted by something, it is not fatal - we are all human, and we make mistakes, but we do not allow sins to persist.

  • Use the power of those that are very suitable for morning feeding.
  • For a healthy lifestyle, small changes make a big difference.
Bonus commission - if you are sick, do not neglect your role in the treatment process.


Alcohol is made up of molecules that dissolve in water and fat, causing it to be quickly absorbed into the bloodstream and distributed throughout the body, including the brain. Absorption begins from the mucous membrane of the mouth, then in the mucous membrane of the stomach, and absorbs the bulk of the alcohol small intestine. Alcohol slows you down nervous system, has a detrimental effect on brain activity, disrupts the function of brain cells, and prevents nerve impulses from spreading normally. Over time, irreversible damage to brain structures and damage to cortical cells of both hemispheres occurs. Alcohol destroys the lining of the stomach, has terrible effects on the liver, and weakens and wastes muscles. In men, the level of sex hormones decreases, which threatens impotence, and in women, monthly cycle and infertility may occur.

In such situations, combination tablets also help to recover as quickly as possible. We wish you patience and motivation to pursue a healthy lifestyle because it is the best thing you can do for yourself. The site team takes care of a wide range of products suitable for a truly healthy lifestyle.

If you are regularly exposed to stress, you will only get hurt. You need a mental break and so do you. Your mind will be on top, but your body will not follow this trend. That's why you should train throughout the year, but don't push yourself too hard to avoid injury.

It is also important to know that:

Drinking alcohol shortens life by about 15 years
Blood sugar levels are disrupted
Leads to loss of attention and memory, mental problems, mental development and personality degradation,
Immunity is destroyed
In case of pregnancy, it leads to irreversible consequences for the baby and all future generations.

Read the correct diet for Sagittarius HERE. Make sure, however, that your brain has a break so that you can use it wisely when needed and not overburden it with unnecessary burdens. Generally, the Sagittarius sign has a strong immune system that can easily cope with health problems. Naturally, however, no priestesses can protect someone from unreasonable actions and stupid behavior.

You conquer new heights, maintain good health and even improve it. Your body will be strong and strong. Be careful, however, that you do not get injured during training, especially if you are overly intense or overestimate your abilities. If you suffer from a sprain, know that it will take a long recovery period.


This psychotropic substances, which synthesize chemically or extracted from natural sources. Whatever the method of their manufacture, the consequences are always the same - complete destruction of the human body. When the effect of the drug ends, the person begins to experience completely opposite sensations, for example, euphoria is replaced by depression, if the drug increased the tone, the effect will be fatigue.

These Sagittarius natives who are lazy about sports and do not exercise are under threat from another aspect. They will be more easily susceptible to cold and upper respiratory infections. Plan your free time properly. Don't indulge in bad habits as they will weaken your body and can be quite destructive to your health which you will only regret later. That's why you think about your decisions. Even the most powerful immune system can be destroyed if you do something harmful to yourself.

This may cause serious problems, for which Venus is responsible. Keep in mind that even the sweetest defenders are not 100% protected from some dangerous diseases. This is especially true for Sagittarius women, while Sagittarius men are more likely to avoid such diseases and infections.

Drugs are highly addictive, and if the dose is reduced or completely abandoned, they will cause seizures, insomnia, muscle pain, respiratory and vascular spasms, nervousness and psychosis.

Consequences of drug addiction:

Pustular infections,
Heart failure,
Abscesses appear at the injection site,
Phlebitis of veins, etc.

Zodiac Sagittarius should not neglect safety rules at work. There is a risk of harm caused by your own negligence. This marks a new sporting success for both professional athletes and training enthusiasts. On the other hand, however, you should not be fanatical in sports activities, so as not to harm yourself.

For Have a good mood We present to all of you a video collection with performances by Bulgarians, representatives of Sagittarius. Cardiovascular diseases associated with smoking. Reliable research shows that approximately half of regular smokers die prematurely from diseases directly caused by their malignant habits, and half of them end up in middle age during the period of their greatest development. creativity. Tobacco smoking is one of the most serious pollutants humanity has ever encountered.

Rejection of bad habits

Analyzing all of the above, we realize that bad habits not only leave an indelible mark on the health of the person himself, but also cause suffering to those around him. Smokers poison not only themselves with their smoke, but also all those who are nearby, and these are, as a rule, people close to them. Alcoholism destroys families and causes the patient to degenerate, and drug addiction entails such monstrous consequences that they cannot be listed. But you can get rid of any habit; you only need two main things - desire and willpower. There are many medical centers that can help in overcoming these passions, and why destroy yourself if the world offers us many alternatives in the form of sports, physical exercise, self-knowledge and self-improvement. It is better to lead a healthy lifestyle, giving up bad habits will only benefit you...

Just as there is a disease in the body,
There is also a lifestyle disease.

Bad habits are one of the biggest problems modern society. Smoking and alcohol abuse are the most dangerous bad habits and bring enormous harm not only to those suffering from these habit-diseases, but also to the people around them and society as a whole.

Bad habits: SMOKING
Smoking is one of the most common bad habits. Experts increasingly attribute this habit to drug addiction. Smokers inhale combustion products into their lungs and saturate the body with a whole range of toxic substances. In addition, all these nasty things are inhaled by people around the smoker, and very often these are also children.

Bad habits: ALCOHOLISM
Alcoholism has long gone beyond the concept of a bad habit; alcoholism is a disease. With alcoholism, not only the functioning of the human body is disrupted, but also psychological processes leading to irreversible personality degradation. Treatment of alcoholism requires the participation of doctors of various specializations, including psychologists.


Very often, people who suffer from bad habits do not know about the impact of these habits on health or do not realize the dangers that alcohol and tobacco pose. And there are often cases when a person, simply realizing the harm he is doing to himself and others, gives up bad habits.

The effect of smoking on human health:

  • The structure of nails and hair deteriorates, skin color changes.
  • Teeth turn yellow and weaken, bad smell from mouth.
  • The smoker's blood vessels become fragile and inelastic.
  • Tobacco smoking contributes to the rotting of the gastrointestinal tract.
  • The risk of stomach ulcers increases.
  • Oxygen metabolism in the body is disrupted and, as a result, blood purification becomes difficult.
  • Nicotine increases blood pressure.
  • The likelihood of strokes, heart attacks, angina pectoris and other cardiovascular diseases increases. vascular system.
  • The protection of the respiratory tract is impaired, as a result of which smokers are more susceptible to diseases of the throat, bronchi and lungs, and also suffer more severely from these diseases.
  • Smoking contributes to the development of cancer.
  • Smoking by pregnant women has a very negative impact on the health of the child. Very often, such children are developmentally delayed and get sick more often.

The influence of alcohol on human health.
In Russia, about 700 thousand people die from alcohol every year. This is the population of one large city. This is a scary statistic... Alcoholism affects people from all social strata of the population, regardless of gender, age, education and financial status. Women and minors are most at risk of alcohol dependence.

  • The body's immune system is destroyed.
  • The activity of the liver, which has the main cleansing function in the body, is disrupted.
  • The functioning of the digestive organs is disrupted, which leads to serious illnesses esophagus, stomach, pancreas.
  • The regulation of blood sugar levels is disrupted.
  • Alcohol inevitably leads to diseases of the cardiovascular system, because alcohol destroys red blood cells (red blood cells), which no longer perform their functions correctly.
  • Drinking alcohol during pregnancy leads to severe consequences for the child, and also has a detrimental effect on all subsequent generations.
  • Alcohol shortens a person's life by 10-15 years
  • Alcohol disrupts the functioning of the nervous system and leads to loss of memory and attention, problems of mental development, thinking, psyche, and very often to complete personality degradation.
  • The main “impact” of alcoholic drinks falls on the brain. Alcohol leads to the destruction of the cerebral cortex and the death of entire sections of it.

Fighting your bad habits is not easy, because fighting yourself is a difficult matter. If you realize that tobacco and alcohol are harming your life and the lives of those around you, then make every effort to cope with this harmful addiction. Read literature, watch programs, contact specialists and you will definitely find a method and cope with this task.

Prevention of bad habits among children and adolescents.
It is more difficult to eradicate the bad habits of adults than the habits of teenagers. Teenagers perceive and assimilate information more easily. Therefore, parents should not despair if their child has become dependent on bad habits. Of course, it is better to prevent such situations and reduce the likelihood of occurrence to a minimum, by talking about the dangers of bad habits, introducing physical education and sports, developing creative abilities, and so on. Unfortunately, in our country, the promotion of a healthy lifestyle among children and adolescents is at a rather low level, so this work falls entirely on parents.

Smoking and drinking alcohol are bad for everyone individual person and for the whole society. By giving up bad habits, you make a choice in favor of health, happiness and longevity!

Stop smoking

Tobacco itself is a toxic plant. For employees Agriculture, who grow tobacco, have observed health problems associated with this, as well as with the fact that when growing tobacco, harmful pesticides are often used in the production tobacco products(cigarettes, cigarettes, chewing tobacco) in order to reduce the cost, additives, additives and materials are often used, the composition of which is not disclosed by the manufacturers.

As a result, tobacco smoke contains about 70 carcinogens and many other mutagenic and toxic substances. Tobacco consumption (active and passive smoking, chewing, sucking and sniffing tobacco products) is associated with the development of severe chronic diseases including malignant neoplasms, respiratory diseases (chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, emphysema, bronchitis), cardiovascular diseases (myocardial infarction, stroke, atherosclerosis, hypertension), hearing loss, cataracts inflammatory diseases stomach. In addition, tobacco consumption contributes to infertility, miscarriages and impotence.

It has been established that smoking accelerates the aging of the skin and the body as a whole, which, as research shows, may be due to oxidative stress and telomere shortening caused by tobacco smoking. According to statistics, tobacco consumption is the leading cause of death (10% of adult mortality, 5.4 million people) and disability in the world. The number of people dying from tuberculosis, HIV/AIDS and malaria is less than the number of people dying due to the consequences of smoking. In Russia, according to WHO data, about 400 thousand people die annually from pathologies caused by smoking. More than half of deaths (63%) are due to diseases of the circulatory system, because Smoking causes systemic and often irreversible damage blood vessels. According to Russian studies, smoking reduces life expectancy by 8–12 years.

There is a misconception that passive smoking- that is, being close to smoking man– does not harm health, but scientific data show that this is not so. Even if there is only a faint smell of tobacco, this means that there are toxic, mutagenic and carcinogenic substances in the air, and when breathing they enter the body of non-smokers. Thus, quitting smoking is an important condition maintaining health throughout life, and especially in older ages. Tobacco consumption causes a powerful addiction, which, according to experts, is comparable to heroin. In this regard, it is best not to try it at all and under no circumstances resume tobacco consumption (do not relapse) after quitting it.

Residents of Russia who want to quit tobacco can seek advice by calling the free state tobacco cessation hotline: 8-800-200-0-200. It should be emphasized that the majority of those who quit smoking did so on their own without any support or drug therapy. The success rate of each individual attempt to quit smoking is, on average, about 3%.

The basis of tobacco addiction is nicotine addiction. Various methods nicotine replacement therapy ( chewing gum, patches and intranasal aerosol) increase the likelihood of long-term tobacco cessation in people who decide to quit smoking by 1.5-1.7 times. Nicotine replacement therapy drugs are prescribed for a long time, at short intervals throughout the day, taking into account the cigarette smoking regimen. The drugs are well tolerated by patients and, as a rule, do not cause side effects. Combination different forms Nicotine replacement therapy increases the likelihood of quitting tobacco.

The drug varenicline, prescribed by prescription, interacts with nicotinic receptors, blocks the effect of nicotine, but at the same time stimulates nicotinic receptors, due to which a person does not get pleasure from smoking, and at the same time, the symptoms of “withdrawal” are significantly weakened. Taking varenicline increases the likelihood of lasting success by 2-3 times compared to quitting tobacco on your own, while a larger dosage of varenicline is more effective.

Withdrawal symptoms ( discomfort after tobacco cessation) weakens the prescription antidepressant bupropion, which increases the likelihood of successful tobacco cessation by 1.5 times. Hypotensive and sedative Clonidine (clonidine) also reduces the severity of withdrawal symptoms when quitting tobacco and increases the likelihood of success by approximately 2 times. At the same time, its use is accompanied by significant side effects, including dry mouth and lethargy. Varenicline and bupropion can affect a person's psychological state, and therefore in cases of anxiety or mood changes, it is necessary to seek other forms of support.

Along with widely used drugs, the drug plant origin cytisine, whose action is in many ways similar to that of varenicline. Some estimates suggest that taking cytisine doubles the likelihood of successfully quitting tobacco. At the same time, studies on the effectiveness of cytisine in smoking cessation are few, which requires further study.

The effectiveness of acupuncture as a smoking cessation aid has been fairly well researched. This method increases the likelihood of quitting smoking for a long time by no more than 5%, that is, at the placebo level. The effectiveness of methods other than those described has not yet been confirmed.

Electronic nicotine delivery devices also use nicotine, and therefore manufacturers of such “ electronic cigarettes» They are often promoted as smoking cessation devices. However, there is no reliable evidence that such devices can be used to prevent or treat tobacco dependence.

Meta-reviews of as-yet-sparse studies suggest that electronic nicotine delivery devices may be as effective as nicotine replacement therapy in promoting cigarette cessation or reduction in cigarette consumption. At the same time, clinical trials showed that 29% of e-cigarette users continued to use them within a year, while for nicotine patches this figure was only 8%. Thus, there is concern that e-cigarette use is preventing cessation. nicotine addiction.

As for the safety of electronic nicotine delivery devices, the picture here is contradictory. The vapor released by e-cigarettes often contains some harmful substances, such as nitrosamines, carbonyl compounds, but their concentration is tens and hundreds of times less than in cigarette smoke. At the same time, as a result of the use of low-quality materials by manufacturers of “electronic cigarettes,” the aerosols of some electronic nicotine delivery devices contain dangerous nanoparticles of silicon and metals in concentrations higher than in tobacco smoke. Thus, it is better to choose other methods of quitting tobacco until the safety requirements of e-cigarettes are established and their effectiveness is reliably proven.

Anti-tobacco legislation, including bans on smoking in public places, increases in excise taxes and prices tobacco products, banning advertising and promotion of tobacco consumption, graphic warnings on cigarette packs - all this significantly increases the number of people quitting smoking.

There is no evidence to support concerns that quitting smoking may be harmful in any situation. Quitting smoking is not harmful, but on the contrary, it is vitally important during pregnancy to prevent miscarriages, prematurity and preserve the health of the unborn child. In operated patients, quitting tobacco before surgery reduces the risks purulent complications and therefore recommended.

It should be noted that quitting cigarette smoking can lead to weight gain, especially in the first three months after quitting tobacco. If this is not desirable, you can prepare by planning to switch to a diet that is lower in calories and more active image life.

Overall, according to the World Health Organization: People of all age groups who have already developed smoking-related health problems can still benefit from quitting.

Advantages of people who quit tobacco compared to those who continue to smoke:

If you quit smoking within 30 years, your life expectancy increases by about 10 years.
If you quit smoking at around age 40, your life expectancy increases by 9 years.
Those who quit tobacco around age 50 have a 6-year increase in life expectancy.
Quitting smoking at age 60 will increase your life expectancy by 3 years.
Quitting smoking after developing a life-threatening illness, such as a heart attack, reduces the likelihood of developing another heart attack by 50%.

Refusal overuse alcohol

Alcohol abuse carries serious risks to human health and life, while main danger represents the consumption of large doses of alcohol at one time. The World Health Organization defines alcohol abuse as consuming more than 60 ml in one event. pure ethanol (ethyl alcohol, anhydrous alcohol) for men and more than 50 ml. for women at least once a month.

60 ml. ethanol corresponds to 150 ml. vodka, 500 ml. wine, 1.3 l. beer.
- 50 ml. ethanol corresponds to 125 ml. vodka, 417 ml. wine, 1.1 l. beer.
- Consuming more than 100 ml. ethanol at a time (250 ml. vodka, 0.83 liters of wine, 2.2 liters of beer) are in a very high risk zone.

Finally, a lethal dose of alcohol is a single dose of 400 ml. ethanol, which corresponds to 1 liter. vodka, 3.3 l. wine and 8.9 l. beer. It is obvious that dangerous doses are consumed much faster in the form strong drinks and have a drink lethal dose It is impossible to drink alcohol while consuming beer or wine. It is therefore not surprising that studies show much higher mortality risks among consumers of hard liquor. For example, a study by the Research Institute of Carcinogenesis of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, which covered 200 thousand Russians in Tomsk, Barnaul and Biysk for 15 years, showed that consumption of more than three bottles of vodka per week increased the risk of death for men aged 35-54 years by 119% and by 28 % for men aged 55-74 years. At the same time, consumption is low alcoholic drinks had no such effect on the mortality rate.

Another study, covering more than 10 thousand Russians over a period of more than 20 years, showed that frequent consumption of vodka shortens life by an average of 9-10 years. Cross-country studies also show disastrous high level mortality in countries where residents drink predominantly strong drinks, which is not observed in countries where wine or beer are predominantly popular, or in non-drinking Muslim countries. As a result, the mortality rate in Russia is much higher than in very poor, but not strong alcohol-drinking countries such as Tajikistan, Yemen, Pakistan, Bangladesh or Honduras. In Russia itself, male mortality is lowest in poor but non-drinking Muslim regions. Studies of forensic medical examination data in a number of regions of Russia have shown that a high percentage of deaths from cardiovascular diseases have increased content alcohol in biological fluids.

Thus, it is better to avoid consuming alcohol in dangerous doses (more than 50-60 ml), avoid feasts with the consumption of strong drinks, and especially in undiluted form.

Scientists have studied chemical composition and the toxic properties of illegal and surrogate alcohol consumed by Russians. Most of the samples do not contain additional toxic impurities, and most importantly toxic substance is ethanol. However, in 2014, about 4% of poisonings from alcohol-containing liquids in Russia still involved methanol, isopropanol and other alcohols. At the same time, among consumers of ultra-strong alcoholic surrogates based on ethyl alcohol without other impurities, the mortality rate is 7-8 times higher compared to even consumers of vodka, due to very high concentration ethanol (60% or more). In this regard, consume illegal and surrogate alcohol, especially not intended for internal consumption or not implying large doses(medicinal tinctures, antiseptics, perfumes and cosmetics, technical fluids, ethyl alcohol, medical ethyl alcohol, etc.) is extremely dangerous.

Alcohol-related mortality includes deaths from external reasons, including from alcohol poisoning, murders, suicides, injuries, drownings, fires, frostbite, falls. The higher the blood alcohol concentration, the more difficult for a person control the situation, not to mention the risk of loss of consciousness when alcohol intoxication. Frequent hypothermia, decreased immunity and general inattention to one’s health lead to the fact that mortality from pneumonia among alcohol abusers is much higher than average. The issue of the connection between alcohol consumption and cardiovascular diseases, including heart attacks, strokes, as well as various complications associated with atherosclerosis and thrombosis, deserves special attention.

A large number of studies show that among those who consume alcohol moderately - up to 30 ml of ethanol per day and without episodes of abuse, as mentioned above - compared with not at all drinking people the mortality rate from cardiovascular diseases is slightly lower, which means the overall mortality rate is lower, since cardiovascular diseases are the most common cause of death. Moreover, as a person’s alcohol consumption increases (over 30 ml per day), the risk of death, including from cardiovascular diseases, increases by geometric progression. Epidemiological studies are currently underway to determine the proportion of alcohol-related deaths in the structure of cardiovascular deaths in Russia. (Site Editor's Notes: Surely high mortality rate among non-drinkers, it is also associated with the fact that people do not drink alcohol not of their own free will, but for medical reasons)

Critics of the “cardioprotective effect” of small doses of alcohol point out that it may be a consequence of the presence in non-drinking subgroups - people with poor health, as well as people who quit drinking due to alcohol problems, and some studies confirm this. However, this argument does not explain the dose-dependent effect of reducing the risk of cardiovascular events among light drinkers. In addition, the only way to reliably prove the health effects of any intervention is through clinical trials, not observational studies that have shown reduced mortality among light drinkers followed for years. For ethical reasons, there have been virtually no clinical trials of alcohol (only as part of the Mediterranean diet study).

Among light drinkers it is recorded reduced level blood clotting, which may explain the observed effect. At the same time, when consuming high doses With each new dose of alcohol, the risk of thrombosis increases, and therefore - heart attacks, hemorrhagic strokes, loss of vision, liver failure, vascular dementia(dementia), etc. These risks especially increase against the background of high blood pressure during alcohol intoxication and hangover. In addition, we must remember that even small doses of alcohol increase the risk of developing cancer of the throat, mouth, digestive system, breast, rectum, as well as injuries, cirrhosis of the liver, pancreatitis, and finally, the development of alcohol dependence.

Health implications severe forms alcoholism are truly deplorable, starting with alcoholic cardiomyopathy (bovine heart), and ending with the degradation of brain tissue and associated dementia. If you give up alcohol, these effects are partially reversible.

CAGE Test for Alcoholism and Alcohol Abuse

Have you ever thought about reducing the amount of alcohol you drink?
Do you feel irritated when people criticize you for drinking?
Have you ever felt guilty about drinking too much?
Have you ever drank alcohol to get your energy up in the morning or after a hangover?

Answering “yes” to two or more of these questions indicates a drinking problem.

There are many methods for treating alcoholism, but this issue has been studied much less thoroughly than, for example, tobacco addiction. At the same time, it is clear from research that almost any therapeutic support for a person is significantly better than no support at all. People with alcohol dependence may be advised to try various forms of alcoholism treatment, avoiding, of course, those that are risky or too costly, since there is no proven connection between the cost and effectiveness of treatment. Self-support groups such as Alcoholics Anonymous or teetotal organizations that promote sober living can help those wishing to give up alcohol due to alcohol addiction.

Among the psychotherapeutic forms of support, cognitive-behavioral therapy, aimed at understanding destructive behavior patterns, and motivational interviewing, aimed at comparing the goals that a person sets for himself with the harm of alcohol abuse, are effective. Increased efficiency has therapy with some medicines from the point of view of both the effectiveness of quitting alcohol and reducing its consumption. These include drugs that normalize brain biochemistry by reducing excess release of the neurotransmitter glutamate, such as low doses of the drug acamprosate (25-200 mg).

The effectiveness of opioid receptor antagonists such as naltrexone and nalmefene has been proven. These drugs reduce the likelihood of relapses and alcohol consumption by reducing cravings and pleasure from drinking alcohol. The drug disulfiram, used in the form of tablets or a subcutaneous implant (coding), which causes discomfort when drinking alcohol, also has a certain effectiveness.

Antiepileptic drugs topiramate and valproic acid are promising, but so far little studied in terms of effectiveness and safety for the treatment of alcoholism. The effectiveness of antidepressants and antipsychotics for the treatment of alcoholism has not been proven. All the drugs described have serious side effects and contraindications, and can only be taken as prescribed by a doctor.

Interesting Facts about how you can quickly and painlessly get rid of any unwanted habit. We will talk in detail about what actions help improve the quality of life, describe the basics of psychological self-tuning, how to learn […]

Interesting facts about how you can quickly and painlessly get rid of any unwanted habit. We talk in detail about what actions help improve the quality of life, describe the basics of psychological self-tuning, and how to learn to understand yourself. Thanks to our step by step instructions, everyone can understand how to give up bad habits and add better personal qualities to themselves.

Rejection of bad habits

Every person has habits and this is not always bad, because many of them are good. For example, daily exercise or brushing your teeth in the evenings, can such habits be called bad? But there are addictions that destroy a person every day, spoil his image, status and environment. For example, smoking, drug or alcohol addiction have a very detrimental effect on a person.

In order not to spoil your life and the lives of your loved ones, you need to give up these bad habits. It’s very easy to talk about refusal, but a huge number of people fail to do this. Weak willpower, exposure to environmental conditions that break the incentive, the wrong approach or any other reason will not allow a person to give up habits.

How to deal with bad habits?

First, you need to understand why and why you are doing this. Each case has a justification, for example, frequent nervous breakdowns, stress, problems can be very easily covered up with the help of alcohol. By identifying the beginning of any problem, you can find new approach to her decision.

No one should force you to quit, and you should not do it on a dare. You need to approach refusal independently and thoughtfully. You must weigh all the “pros” for you and the objective “cons”. On simple example with smoking, positive aspects You can only call relaxation from another smoked cigarette, but the disadvantages include a lot of things:

  • poor health for yourself and others;
  • significant monetary costs;
  • spoiled style, image, smell and appearance in the eyes of others;
  • bad example for the environment;
  • breakage due to long intervals.

Do such things have any good in them? You need to analyze what your bad habits give and take away.

To make it easier to get rid of any dependency, you need to create the necessary conditions in life. To do this, distance yourself from all things that remind you of the action. If everyone goes to smoke, then stay and be alone for five minutes. Otherwise, the impact at one moment can break your willpower, which may weaken over time or due to current situations, but this cannot be allowed.

At first it will become more and more difficult to restrain yourself, but at one point you won’t even notice how this craving and desire has disappeared. The main thing is to hold on and not let anything break you.

Also realize that you are an example to your children and loved ones. Adolescence is very dangerous period, in which you should be as close as possible to the child and should help in realizing what is considered bad things. If you cannot quit a bad habit yourself, the child will definitely notice this, and you will be lower in his eyes than you could be.

How to properly get rid of bad habits?

The first step is very obvious, you need to quit this adverse action. You need to do this as soon as you decide. Waiting for Monday, birthday or New Year is simple self-deception. If you decide to quit this business, then there shouldn’t be a last time. Quitting an unwanted activity once and for all, completely and irrevocably, is a fail-safe mechanism that will allow you to understand how to give up bad habits and will immediately push you to take new steps in developing your personality.

At such a moment, a very strong mood for correction prevails, and you feel that your will is unshakable. After some time, everyone's mood subsides, and they begin to visit bad thoughts about one last time. That's when the real struggle began.

It is very difficult to break the habit of something, especially after many years of living with any habit. But one “last” time may be enough for the process to start again, and quitting the second time will be even more difficult. After all, you will understand that all the painful stages of withdrawal lie ahead.

If you start doing something new, but you understand that it is harmful, then it is better to quit this activity immediately. In the very first times, a habit does not have time to form, and giving it up is much easier than in the future. Your sense of self-preservation must work correctly, so everything that relates to harmful influences must be rejected.

Evaluate yourself as a person, think about what you become because of your habit. Problems need to be solved, not hidden behind alcohol or anything else. You need to be beautiful and slim, and not overeat because of frustration about this. You should not have the “herd instinct”. If it’s customary to drink a glass of champagne on New Year’s Eve, but you don’t want to, but everyone around you insists, then don’t give in. Even little things like this will set you apart from everyone else.

Come up with an activity that will contradict your bad habits. Sports contradicts almost everything, since it implies daily development And good health. But bad food, alcohol, drugs, the desire to lie on the couch and the like cannot exist together with sports. The pleasure you get from the results in a new activity will be much stronger and more useful than from an old harmful attachment.

There are a huge number of good habits and there is a good alternative to everything bad. If you refuse, the financial component will not suffer any changes, and may even improve. Bad habits are usually expensive when you consider the cost of implementing them and the cost of dealing with the consequences over time. long period, then huge sums will come out.

Absolutely anyone can quit a bad habit at any stage if they really want to. It is difficult to adjust yourself and understand this desire, because the further the habit gets into the body, the more difficult it is to think about it. Therefore, it is better not to even start. Reconsider your views on life and behavior, think about what needs to be changed and act.