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Alcoholism and modern methods his treatment

Department of Psychiatry and Medical Psychology MALA named after. I.M.Sechenova

The adverse health and social consequences of alcohol abuse are serious problem modern society. Alcohol abuse is one of the most significant reasons increased mortality, as well as morbidity and decreased ability to work.

The results of more than 80 studies show a link between average per capita alcohol consumption and mortality in the population.

In the United States, alcohol-related deaths account for approximately 5% of overall mortality. IN Russian Federation this figure is significantly higher: according to A.V. Nemtsov (2007), up to 29% of male and up to 17% of female mortality is in one way or another related to alcohol consumption.

The list of major alcohol-associated visceral lesions includes the following diseases:

Alcoholic cirrhosis of the liver
alcoholic pancreatitis
damage to the heart and blood vessels (including disorders heart rate, ischemic disease heart, alcoholic cardiomyopathy)
gastrointestinal bleeding

In addition to the listed internal diseases, alcohol abuse leads to damage nervous system, manifested by numerous neurological and mental disorders (see below).

An increase in population mortality, visceral, neurological and mental disorders accompanying alcohol abuse and a decrease in alcoholism that develops as a result of alcoholism. labor resources turn alcoholism into one of the most expensive diseases for modern society. In the United States, annual economic losses caused by alcohol abuse and alcoholism reach $185 billion. .

Epidemiological data

Alcohol, along with caffeine and nicotine, belongs to the “legal triad” of psychoactive substances (PAS), the use of which (under certain conditions) age restrictions for the purchase of alcoholic beverages and tobacco products) is not punishable by law in European countries.

Unlike prohibited surfactants, many consumers do not associate alcohol with a health hazard. At least 95% of residents of Russia, Europe and the United States drink alcoholic beverages at least sometimes in varying quantities.

Alcoholism is the most common form of addiction to psychoactive substances, requiring medical care and serving as a reason to see a doctor.

Obtaining accurate data on the prevalence of alcoholism in the population is impossible due to the lack of methods for its reliable assessment. According to a number of experts, the proportion of alcoholics in developed countries ranges from 5-12% and is estimated on average at 10%. In Asian and African countries this figure is significantly lower.

Diagnostic criteria

Alcohol abuse, even in the presence of dangerous medical and social consequences, cannot be considered alcoholism in the absence of signs alcohol addiction, including mental and physical components.

In accordance with accepted international standards, the diagnosis of alcohol dependence is currently made on the basis of a statement of a set of formalized criteria provided for by ICD-10 and (in North American countries) DSM-IV.

In accordance with the DSM-IV criteria, to qualify as addiction or dependence on psychoactive substances, including alcohol, it is necessary to state at least three of the following symptoms: 1) tolerance; 2) withdrawal syndrome; 3) persistent desire or unsuccessful attempts to reduce substance use; 4) use of substances in larger quantities than initially expected; 5) violations of social and professional activity, as well as activities aimed at recreation and entertainment; 6) spending a large amount of time required to obtain substances; 7) continued use of substances, despite the problems arising as a result of this use.

We consider the following basic phenomena to be a necessary and sufficient condition for diagnosing alcohol dependence as the basis of alcoholism: 1) alcohol occupies an inappropriately high place in the hierarchy of an individual’s values; 2) the quantities of alcoholic beverages consumed always or in most cases exceed the expected or planned values ​​(loss of control over the dose of alcohol); 3) alcohol consumption continues despite emerging obstacles, opposition from the environment, and the professional and social interests of the individual; 4) alcohol consumption is accompanied by the development of withdrawal syndrome.

The first three criteria reflect the mental component of alcohol dependence, and the last reflects its physical component.
The mental and physical components of alcohol dependence are not equal in terms of their danger and influence on the dynamics and outcome of the disease.
Tolerance to alcohol, physical dependence on it and withdrawal syndrome as the main reflection of physical dependence are not constant. Their presence and severity are determined by the phase states of the disease. During a period of stable abstinence from alcohol, physical dependence disappears.

Mental dependence on alcohol forms earlier than physical dependence and, unlike it, does not disappear even during remission. It is the mental dependence on alcohol (or any other surfactant) that explains the tendency of alcoholism (or any other addictive 1 disease) to an unfavorable course.

Gender characteristics

Alcoholism develops in women 3-5 times less often than in men. However, according to some data, in last years There is a tendency towards a decrease in the difference in male and female morbidity. In particular, it is indicated that if in previous years among schoolchildren and students alcohol abuse was more common among boys than among girls, now these indicators are equalized, and in certain youth subpopulations, drinking girls outnumber drinking boys.

In the non-medical environment, there is a strong idea, shared by some specialists, about the malignant nature and practical incurability of female alcoholism. Other experts (including A.Yu. Egorov and LKShaidukova, 2005) critically evaluate this idea, attributing the opinion about the malignant course of female alcoholism due to stigmatization drinking women.

In our opinion, the idea of ​​the malignant nature and incurability of female alcoholism belongs to the category of clinical myths, but at the same time it cannot be denied that in women this disease proceeds in many ways differently than in men.

Alcohol dependence develops later in women than in men, but is characterized by more rapid progression. Women apply for medical assistance and demonstrate higher adherence to treatment with slightly worse results.

In accordance with our own observations, alcohol abuse and alcohol dependence in women are much more likely to be based on obvious psychological problems than men. Finally, premorbid borderline mental disorders are detected twice as often in female drinkers (60-70%) than in male drinkers (30%).

Alcohol and the nervous system

Systematic or rare, but massive alcohol abuse in all cases without exception leads to damage to the central nervous system (CNS). Along with damage to the central nervous system, damage to peripheral nerves develops (alcoholic polyneuropathy).

Alcohol damage to the central nervous system is characterized by pronounced clinical diversity, which apparently reflects the complexity of the pathogenetic mechanisms underlying alcohol-induced pathological cerebral processes, as well as significant variability in individual types of reactions to alcohol intoxication and associated metabolic disorders.

Modern research shows that alcoholic damage to the central nervous system is based on three main pathogenetic factors:

Nutritional (caused by malnutrition) deficiency of thiamine (vitamin B1)
decrease in gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) content in brain tissue
excitotoxic 2 effects of glutamate

The latter mechanism plays a key role in the development of acute alcohol use disorders and alcoholic cerebral atrophy.

Alcohol abuse leads to increased synthesis of NMDA receptors, the natural ligand of which is glutamate. Alcohol withdrawal syndrome is accompanied by a massive release of glutamate from its connection with receptors and a damaging effect on brain structures. With a relatively favorable course of this process, the effect of glutamate on nervous tissue is of the nature of “biochemical damage,” and in more severe cases, glutamate causes neurodegenerative changes.

Glutamatergic mechanisms play a universal role not only in the formation of alcoholic encephalopathy, but also in the development of other types of cerebral atrophy, including Alzheimer's disease. The antagonistic effect on NMDA receptors and the antiglutamatergic properties caused by it explain the effectiveness of memantine in the treatment of both dementia and - as some studies and ours show own experience- in the treatment of acute alcoholic encephalopathy.

Alcohol-induced damage to the central nervous system includes numerous psychopathological and neurological symptoms.

In our opinion, from the point of view of pathogenesis, alcoholic cerebral disorders can be divided into typical forms, in the development of which the main role is played by the pathogenetic factors described above (and the neurometabolic changes caused by them), and atypical

forms, the genesis of which is largely determined by hereditary predisposition (which is manifested by the presence mental disorders schizophrenic and paranoid spectrum in relatives of patients with alcoholism) and features of the premorbid constitution.

Typical forms of alcoholic damage to the central nervous system include the following states:

Alcohol withdrawal syndrome
hangover seizures ( alcoholic epilepsy)
typical variants of delirium tremens
Wernicke encephalopathy
Korsakov's psychosis
alcoholic dementia
moderate and mild (subclinical) manifestations of cognitive dysfunction

Atypical forms of alcoholic damage to the central nervous system

presented by the following list:

Atypical (endoform) variants of delirium tremens (including oneiric and paranoid delirium described by a number of authors)
alcoholic paranoid
acute and chronic alcoholic hallucinosis
alcoholic delirium of jealousy

The division of alcoholic damage to the central nervous system into typical and atypical forms is by no means only of academic interest. Typical variants of alcoholic cerebral disorders have the following fundamental differences from atypical forms:

Higher share neurological symptoms V general structure painful manifestations (for example, neurological disorders in the structure of Wernicke encephalopathy have a significant predominance over psychopathological symptoms, and alcoholic epilepsy, in principle, is a purely neurological phenomenon)
higher incidence and severity of cognitive dysfunction
pronounced somatic aggravation of acute psychopathological syndromes
high mortality (can reach 8% in delirium delirium and 40% in Wernicke encephalopathy) The noted differences in the course and prognosis suggest fundamental differences in treatment tactics.

Typical forms often require intensive care, and in some cases resuscitation approaches, and goals therapeutic measures are correction of neurometabolic changes and support of vital functions.

Treatment of atypical disorders, the main expression of which is endoform psychopathological symptoms, may not have fundamental differences from the treatment of schizophrenia or paranoid syndromes, and the main treatment for them are antipsychotics.

Treatment approaches

Treatment of alcoholism includes two main stages: 1) relief of acute alcohol disorders; 2) anti-relapse therapy.

Relief of acute alcohol disorders V

First of all, it includes the prevention or elimination of withdrawal syndrome and its complications - hangover seizures and alcoholic delirium.

The drugs of first choice in the treatment of alcohol withdrawal syndrome and its complications are the closest analogues of ethanol, pharmacological effects which are caused by GABAergic activity - benzodiazepine derivatives. From the group of benzodiazepines, diazepam (Relium), chlordiazepoxide (Elenium) and, with slightly less effectiveness, lorazepam (Lorafen) are primarily used in the treatment of acute alcohol disorders.

To eliminate symptoms of alcohol withdrawal and prevent its complications, benzodiazepines are prescribed in fairly high initial doses.

The principle of high initial doses is not always observed in Russian drug treatment practice, which may be explained by doctors’ concerns about the possible risk of side effects. However, clinical practice shows that high doses of benzodiazepines prescribed during acute alcohol withdrawal usually do not pose a significant risk to the health of patients, while the ability of these drugs to eliminate acute withdrawal states and, in many cases, prevent the development of convulsive seizures and delirium tremens does not cause doubts. In those unfavorable cases of complicated alcoholism, when the development of alcoholic psychosis is impossible, timely prescribed benzodiazepines (as well as other means of rational therapy discussed below) can mitigate the course of psychosis and improve its outcome, including, most importantly, increasing the survival rate of patients alcoholism.

A risky treatment approach should be considered intravenous administration diazepam. Individuals who abuse alcohol often demonstrate increased sensitivity of the respiratory centers of the brain to the respiratory suppressive effect of the drug, and intravenous injection diazepam may cause respiratory arrest. It is also important to take into account that the bioavailability of diazepam when administered intramuscularly is relatively low, which is explained by the peculiarities of absorption of the substance at the physiological pH values ​​of skeletal muscles. Thus, intravenous administration of diazepam is risky, and intramuscular administration is not effective enough. However, it should be noted that diazepam, prescribed in sufficient doses, in most cases quickly and effectively eliminates acute manifestations alcohol withdrawal syndrome and parenteral administration of the drug, therefore, there is no clinical need.

To effectively eliminate symptoms of alcohol withdrawal and prevent the development of delirium, diazepam is prescribed in a dose of 10-20 mg, chlordiazepoxide in a dose of 30-60 mg and lorafen in a dose of 2-4 mg. After 1 hour, if there is no desired effect, the drugs are re-prescribed.

Dosages required for maintenance treatment of alcohol withdrawal syndrome or alcoholic delirium are given in table.

Along with benzodiazepines, other GABAergic drugs are used in the alcoholism clinic, namely barbiturates and anticonvulsants- carbamazepine (Finlepsin) and valproate (Depakine).

Along with carbamazepine and valproate, in recent years more and more wide application V clinical practice new anticonvulsants are being found - lamotrigine (Convulsan) and topiramate (Maxitopir). A study of the results of therapy for 125 patients with alcoholism, conducted by E.M. Krupitsky et al. (2009), showed that lamotrigine and, to a slightly lesser extent, topiramate are comparable to diazepam and superior to memantine in their ability to eliminate acute symptoms of alcohol withdrawal.

It should be added to the above data that, unlike diazepam and other benzodiazepines, lamotrigine and topiramate do not cause excessive sedation and do not reduce cognitive function. Moreover, the antiglutamatergic properties of lamotrigine and topiramate suggest an improvement in cognitive functioning similar to (but apparently to a much greater extent) observed with the treatment of cognitive disorders with memantine.

Discovered by E.M. Krupitsky et al. (2009) the properties of lamotrigine and topiramate are classified as off-label effects and do not yet allow these drugs to be considered as an absolute alternative to benzodiazepines in the treatment of acute alcohol disorders, however, further studies confirming their safety and effectiveness may very likely serve as the basis for revision of existing treatment standards.

It must be emphasized that GABAergic drugs (and, with some reservations, glutamate antagonists) are characterized by pathogenetically directed effects and are therefore considered as the preferred means of treating acute alcohol disorders. The use of antipsychotics as alternative medicines for the same purpose is unacceptable for three main reasons: 1) antipsychotics lack the ability to influence the pathogenetic mechanisms underlying alcohol withdrawal syndrome and its complications, and therefore have only an indirect and weak effect on these conditions; 2) neuroleptics increase convulsive readiness, worsen neurological functions and exhibit many other side effects that worsen the condition of patients with alcoholism.

A necessary component of the treatment of acute alcohol use disorders and prevention (or treatment) acute forms alcoholic encephalopathy is the normalization of biochemical processes in the brain with the help of vitamins. Patients are prescribed thiamine (vitamin B 1) and secondarily other vitamins, including pyridoxine (vitamin B 6), cyanocobalamin (vitamin B 12) and nicotinic acid(vitamin PP).

Medical daily dose thiamine is 100 mg. In neurologically aggravated cases, as well as with Wernicke encephalopathy (or with the threat of its development), the required daily dose of thiamine is increased to 300500 mg.

In addition to the listed therapeutic measures, therapy for acute alcohol disorders includes intravenous drip infusion, the goals of which are rehydration and restoration of electrolyte balance (replenishing the deficiency of potassium and magnesium ions).

Among various types For infusion drugs, electrolyte (crystalloid) solutions have optimal characteristics. There is usually no clinical need for the use of polyvinylpyrrolidone (hemodeza) and glucose solutions (except in relatively infrequent cases of hypoglycemia). Moreover, the administration of glucose (as well as any other carbohydrates) requires increased doses of thiamine, the deficiency of which in patients with alcoholism is, as mentioned above, a typical phenomenon. In cases where infusion therapy Although glucose preparations are still prescribed to patients with alcoholism, this therapeutic measure must be preceded by parenteral administration of thiamine.

Effective treatment of alcohol withdrawal syndrome requires adherence to three basic principles: 1) urgent nature of therapy; 2) pathogenetic rationale in the choice of medicines; 3) optimal sequence of treatment measures.

If the first two principles usually do not raise questions, then the last one, in our opinion, requires special comment.

Characteristic medical error is the appointment of infusion therapy without prior administration of benzodiazepines or other GABAergic drugs. Unlike the latter, infusion therapy per se does not have any effect on alcohol withdrawal syndrome, and the administration of glucose solutions without appropriate correction with thiamine can, if there is a predisposition, directly provoke the development of Wernicke encephalopathy.

The main goal of anti-relapse therapy for alcoholism is stable remission of the disease. In cases where patients with alcoholism, despite the treatment, are not able to completely stop drinking alcohol and the designated goal turns out to be unattainable, therapy is supportive in nature, and its goal is to improve the course of the disease, namely to reduce the frequency and severity of alcoholic excesses and prevent binge drinking and mitigating the adverse consequences of alcohol abuse.

Anti-relapse (maintenance) therapy for alcoholism in most developed countries it is carried out using three main drugs: disulfiram, naltrexone and acamprosate.

Disulfiram is a classic means of aversive treatment of alcoholism. The pharmacological activity of disulfiram is based on the irreversible inhibition of the activity of acetaldehyde dehydrogenase, an enzyme that catalyzes the conversion of acetaldehyde to acetate (acetic acid). The accumulation of acetaldehyde in the body under the influence of disulfiram when drinking alcohol leads to the development of “acetaldehyde syndrome”, or disulfiramalcohol reaction (DAR).

DAR is characterized by the following clinical manifestations:

Promotion blood pressure
throbbing pain in the head
blurred vision
nausea and vomiting
shortness of breath and feeling of lack of air

The most a clear symptom GIFT serves as redness skin, but the main manifestation of the aversive effect of disulfiram and its most useful therapeutic effect is the fear of death, which in the case of successful therapy forces a patient with alcoholism to stop drinking alcohol.

The initial (during the first 5 days) daily dose of disulfiram is usually 800 mg. For further maintenance therapy, it is recommended to take disulfiram at a daily dose of 400 mg, usually 200 mg 2 times a day. In some cases, the drug is prescribed at a dose of 800 mg every other day (or 3 times a week).

The duration of aversive disulfiram therapy is usually determined by clinical need. In some cases it is advisable to use short courses in situations that can provoke another alcoholic excess.

Unfortunately, despite the use of any therapeutic approaches, the treatment of alcoholism is characterized by low effectiveness, which is determined by a number of reasons, including poor motivation of patients for treatment and, consequently, their insufficient desire (compliance) to follow medical recommendations. In accordance with the opinion of some experts (the validity of which is confirmed by our own clinical observations), compliance during treatment with disulfiram and, consequently, the effectiveness of therapy can increase significantly when relatives, primarily spouses of alcoholics, monitor the drug intake.

An innovative and very successful dosage form of disulfiram, in our opinion, is water-soluble (“effervescent”) tablets produced by the Actavis company under the classic name “Antabuse”.

The solubility of Antabuse in water in the absence of taste and odor allows the patient's relatives (in the absence of risk serious complications DAR) add the drug to food or drink in cases of potential effectiveness of therapy if the patient refuses treatment.

Thus, each intake of a soluble tablet, unlike a regular one, will ensure a reliable supply of the drug to the patient’s body.

In addition, the rapid release of the drug into the blood, provided by this dosage form, implies the timely development of a clinical effect, which can be of absolute importance in the practice of treating alcoholism.

Antabuse tablets are available in two forms, 200 and 400 mg, which corresponds to the doses noted above recommended for maintenance therapy.

Apparently, many practical narcologists are familiar with a phenomenon that can be defined as the “sinusoid effect” and which reflects fluctuations in the effectiveness of treating alcoholism (and, probably, some other diseases) with the help of different medications. The emergence of a new drug is usually accompanied by an increase in the effectiveness of treatment, including due to the unique placebo component of its action. Then, after the inevitable accumulation of cases of unsuccessful therapy and the formation of a more negative image of the drug or treatment method among patients and their relatives, the effectiveness of treatment decreases, in order to increase again after a few years with increasing interest in the less frequently prescribed and therefore “forgotten” drug. The dynamics of popularity and, to a certain extent, clinical effectiveness of drugs mediated by psychological factors, thus acquires the character of a sinusoid. In accordance with our observations, the popularity and, consequently, the potential clinical effectiveness of aversive therapy for alcoholism is currently experiencing another rise, and the emergence of a new form of disulfiram in the form soluble tablets, of course, can significantly expand the capabilities of practitioners in anti-relapse (maintenance) treatment of alcohol dependence.

Along with pharmacological therapy, psychotherapy and other non-drug approaches are used in the treatment of alcoholism. In accordance with WHO treatment standards, the optimal psychotherapeutic approaches in treatment (as well as other addictive diseases) are considered to be cognitive and behavioral psychotherapy.

It should be noted that the combination of psychotherapy and pharmacological therapy for alcoholism can increase the effectiveness of the latter due to more successful implementation its potential.

1 From English addiction
2 From English excitement “excitement” and toxic “toxic”.


1. Egorov AY, Shaidukova LK. Modern features of alcoholism in women: age aspect. Narcology. 2005; 9:4955.
2. Krupitsky E.M., Rudenko A.A., Burakov A.M. and others. Comparative effectiveness of the use of drugs that affect glutamatergic neurotransmission for the relief of alcohol withdrawal syndrome. Review of Psychiatry and Medical Psychology named after. VMBehtereva, 2009; 1:37433. Nemtsov A.V. Alcoholism in Russia: history of the issue, current trends. Journal of Neurology and Psychiatry named after S. Korsakov. 2007; Alcoholism (supplement), issue 1:37.
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When we pass by a drunk, more often than not we don’t even pay attention to him. Nobody thinks this person needs help. Why is this happening? The answer to this question is simple. This help is not always so desired and in demand. Often in response to an outstretched hand we hear: “I’m not an alcoholic, I don’t need help, I don’t need pity.” This shows how complex the problem of alcoholism is. Alcoholic drinks are one of the most widely used “medicines” in the world for grief, joy, boredom, etc.

Alcohol consumption in Russia has become a huge problem, because today on the streets you can even meet a schoolchild with a can of beer in his hands. Dependence develops instantly and more and more often alcoholics say: “I can quit, but I don’t want to.”

Currently, treatment is carried out at two levels: closed and open systems. It depends on how strong the desire to get rid of this disease is. The main difficulty in helping an alcoholic is lack of motivation. In order to get the result you need:

  • understand the nature of the disease
  • demonstrate the will and desire to get rid of the disease

Treatment methods

Effective methods of treating alcoholism exist, but they must involve the patient’s efforts and desire.
  • Coding
There is an emotional and psychological impact on a person. Under hypnosis, he is instilled with disgust from the strong drink. At the same time, the patient has a feeling in his head that if he uses it, something bad might happen to him (illness, death, etc.). A person begins to fear for his life.
  • Drug treatment
A certain drug is administered under the skin, orally or intravenously. This could be “Esperal”, “Antabuse” (disulfiram), “Torpedo”, etc. When drinking alcohol, they cause various unpleasant sensations: headache, nausea, dizziness, etc.

Drugs for the treatment of alcohol dependence are based only on inducing allergic reactions when drinking alcohol and because they remain in the body for a long time, there is a serious risk that such a reaction will affect the body's conditions and may cause harm. Uncontrolled use of drugs such as Disulfiram, Clomethiazole, Teturam and others can lead to negative consequences, so the drug should be prescribed exclusively by a specialist.

  • Hardware treatment
With the help of a certain device, an effect occurs on the brain, and the centers that are responsible for the attraction to alcohol are “erased.” As a result, a person can fully begin a sober life without consequences and difficulties.
  • Psychotherapy
This is the most effective treatment for alcoholism. It is based on suggestion and awareness by a person of the world of sobriety. This process is the most difficult, but also the most reliable. Recent studies have shown that a full return to normal life after alcohol addiction takes an average of eight to ten years.

The secret to success is complete abstinence from alcohol. Until now, the most common method has been the “sensitivity” method, i.e. medicinal. Currently, drugs are often used only as additional means, because the main problem is in the drinker’s head.

Treatment of alcoholism can only be effective if there is a desire, and specialists will help guide you on the right path. As a rule, treatment is carried out according to an individual program. The body is cleansed, and then there are constant conversations, persuasion, communication with others like you, etc. Each program has its own characteristics and secrets.

Conditions for struggle

These methods of combating alcoholism can relieve the disease if the patient follows several difficult but possible points:
  1. realize the reason
  2. show desire and will
  3. strong motivation
  4. implementation of recommendations
  5. abstinence
At the initial stage it will not be easy, but after a short period of time it will become even pleasant that the winner in this struggle is a person.
Close people should support and help the patient. If there is no desire to get rid of addiction, it is almost impossible. In addition, self-prescribing medications, adding them to food, etc. may even lead to fatal outcome. You should not self-medicate; it is better to contact a specialist and solve the problem with him. There are effective treatments for alcoholism, but best medicine- desire to change your life.

People who become addicted to alcohol are considered “lost for life.” And the main condition for a person who has recovered from alcoholism is the subsequent complete cessation of drinking alcohol. Otherwise, even an insignificant dose of alcohol will negate all treatment and renew the desire to drink many times over.

Every alcoholic can overcome his illness, provided complete change yourself and your attitude towards life. In any case, it is expected to abstain from alcohol during the procedures and after them, in fact, forever. The methods themselves are only the initial step towards this complex process.

The problem of getting rid of alcohol addiction is always solved comprehensively. The main methods of treating alcoholism are conventionally divided into medicinal and psychological effects. In fact, they organically complement each other at all stages, allowing for maximum effect.

Coding is rightfully considered one of the main methods of treatment. It is based on an instilled prohibition that causes fear of drinking alcohol. Its effectiveness is determined by the degree of suggestibility of a particular patient. Despite all the variety of these methods, the most popular options should be noted:

  • With conventional coding, the patient’s psyche is brought to the desired state. At the same time, a certain code is introduced into the subconscious, in the form of a program that improves in certain directions. Ultimately, an indifferent attitude towards alcohol is formed with a simultaneous ban on its use. The ban is based on the threat of harm to physical and mental health in cases of its violation.
  • For neurophysiological coding, electromagnetic pulses with a specific frequency and wavelength are used. They affect specific brain centers, significantly reducing cravings for alcohol, and relieving irritation and depression. The required effect is achieved over several sessions.
  • Electrostereocoding has a more powerful effect on the brain centers that cause cravings for alcohol. After this method, drinking alcohol is extremely undesirable due to possible serious dysfunction of vital organs, even death.

Other methods are also used quite effectively. For example, with the help of acupuncture, there is an effect on biological active points present on the human body. In addition to special needles, the use of lasers, electrical impulses and electromagnetic waves with a certain frequency is allowed. Hypnosis gives good results when therapeutic effect produced during sleep. Sessions are conducted several times to better consolidate the aversion reaction to alcohol.

The most effective methods Treatments for alcoholism include drug effects, using drugs containing tetraethylthiuram disulfide. Among them, the most famous are Esperal and Torpedo. After using these drugs, the discomfort after drinking alcohol increases significantly. Thanks to them, drinking alcohol becomes completely physically impossible, and in many cases carries a mortal danger.

In modern conditions, quite effective methods for treating alcohol dependence have been developed and are successfully used in practice.

For effective treatment of alcoholism, experts advise AlcoLock product. This drug:

  • Eliminates cravings for alcohol
  • Repairs damaged liver cells
  • Removes toxins from the body
  • Calms the nervous system
  • Has no taste or smell
  • Consists of natural ingredients and is completely safe
  • AlcoLock has an evidence base based on numerous clinical studies. The product has no contraindications or side effects. Doctors' opinion >>

    Modern methods of treating alcoholism

    The fight against alcohol addiction often turns into a serious problem, since drinking alcohol up to a certain point is not considered a disease, and the whole process is supposedly under control. Therefore, when sooner or later the realization of the need for treatment occurs, many problems arise associated with the constant use of alcohol.
    The main one is the disruption of the normal functioning of the body after getting rid of alcohol addiction. It's connected with pathological changes, which cannot always be corrected. The sooner treatment begins, the easier it will be to eliminate all the negative consequences caused by alcohol.

    It should be remembered that any modern methods of treating alcoholism do not provide a guaranteed result. The most important thing is that you cannot cure an alcoholic without his desire and will. Even the famous hypnosis is not capable of becoming a panacea that completely removes the craving for alcohol.
    This is due to the unpredictable reaction of the psyche when interfering with its activities. As a rule, people who stop drinking without much desire develop short temper, irritability, and rudeness. Therefore, the proper effect is achieved only if the patient consciously refuses to drink alcohol.

    Plays an important role in treatment medicinal method. There are several groups medicines, intended for certain purposes:

    • Cleansing agents that accelerate the removal of toxic substances from the body and thereby eliminate the need for a hangover.
    • Imitation drugs, evoking feelings severe poisoning alcohol. This medicine is added to alcohol, which is the main disadvantage of this method.
    • Medicines that relieve cravings for alcohol are taken by the patient himself, at his own request. These drugs must be taken under the supervision of a doctor to avoid possible serious consequences.
    • Treatment of alcoholism using the Torpedo method is often practiced, which eliminates further alcohol consumption.

    There are many folk remedies to get rid of terrible addiction. However, all of them must be accepted, taking into account individual characteristics every patient.

    Traditional methods of treating alcoholism

    Along with traditional methods, they are widely used traditional methods alcoholism treatments based on the use of various natural ingredients.

    Most of them are recipes that include self-cooking and the use of these funds:

    Do you still think that it is impossible to cure alcoholism?

    Judging by the fact that you are now reading these lines, victory in the fight against alcoholism is not yet on your side...

    Have you already thought about getting coded? This is understandable, because alcoholism is a dangerous disease that leads to serious consequences: cirrhosis or even death. Liver pain, hangover, problems with health, work, personal life... All these problems are familiar to you firsthand.

    But maybe there is still a way to get rid of the torment? We recommend reading Elena Malysheva’s article about modern methods of treating alcoholism...

    Read completely
    • Honey, which contains a large number of potassium, which is lacking in the body of an alcoholic.
    • Apply various ways liver cleansing, for which there are separate recipes.
    • Effective herbal tea to get rid of strong cravings for alcohol. It contains creeping thyme - 4 teaspoons, wormwood and centaury - 1 spoon each. Dry herbs are carefully crushed. A tablespoon of the dry mixture is poured with boiling water - 1 cup. After two hours of infusion, the product is filtered and becomes ready for use. The general course of treatment is about three months, although relief occurs already in the second week.

    There are others unconventional methods Alcoholism treatments are no less effective. Before using any of them, you must consult your doctor.

    Treatment of alcoholism using the Dovzhenko method

    The essence of this method is the hypnotic and psychological effect on the subconscious during the session. At this time, the patient is awake and not in deep hypnosis; only verbal influence is exerted on him. The therapist’s emotional and vivid speech, supported by examples of the destructive effects of alcohol, gradually leads to the idea of ​​completely giving up alcohol. At the same time, special code words are inserted into the patient’s consciousness, consolidating the result obtained.

    Nowadays, the treatment of alcoholism using the Dovzhenko method, which is based on the method of psychotherapy, is very popular.

    Most reviews about it are only positive. The desired effect is achieved with a person’s conscious desire to quit drinking. Attempts to try to violate these settings will not lead to anything good. This has also been tested in practice and can be seen from patient reviews.

    Thus, all new methods of treatment are possible only with complete abstinence from alcohol. Only in this case positive result will be achieved without serious consequences for the body.

    Alcohol addiction for many people sounds like a death sentence, because they are not able to get rid of this addiction on their own, which negatively affects their entire life and dooms a person to existence. For such people, the only joy in life is the consumption of alcoholic beverages.

    That is why it is very important for both the person himself and his relatives to pay attention to the emergence of addiction in time and take appropriate measures that will help quickly and effectively get rid of the addiction. Such people need high-quality, timely treatment, which can be obtained by visiting a specialized clinic, where doctors use the latest modern techniques and a variety of medications that eliminate addiction in the most as soon as possible. If you need to get quality and affordable treatment from alcoholism, then you should contact our drug treatment center, which is located in Moscow and clarify the specifics of rehabilitation.

    We differ in that our services:

    1. quality;
    2. accessible;
    3. reliable.

    We use a wide variety of coding methods, which the narcologist selects purely individually when working with each patient. In addition, each patient additionally receives the required psychological assistance, which is aimed at quick fix existing dependence. Rehabilitation can be carried out both at home and in a hospital, it all depends on the wishes and personal preferences of the patient.

    The number of courses is also determined purely individually, depending on the severity of the patient’s condition and the method of treatment selected by the doctor. In our Moscow center you can get a whole range of required services at the most reasonable cost. High Quality. We employ only the most the best specialists, so you can have no doubt about the quality of the services provided.

    If you are interested in high-quality and timely treatment for alcoholism, then you should contact our drug treatment center located in Moscow, because we use the latest medical methods and the most acceptable cost of the services provided.

    We use a variety of methods, including the latest modern ones, which have a very strong effect and lead to complete refusal the patient from consuming any alcoholic beverages.

    All our drugs are different:

    1. high efficiency;
    2. quick elimination of cravings for alcohol;
    3. long lasting and reliable effect.

    Many people use a wide variety of remedies to treat alcohol addiction, including folk ones, which in most cases turn out to be completely ineffective and often lead only to an even greater aggravation of the existing problem. You can effectively get rid of addiction only by contacting a special Moscow drug treatment center that uses the latest tools medicine to help with coding and subsequent rehabilitation.

    An experienced doctor will help you get out of binge drinking, but at the same time the person must have his own desire to get rid of the addiction, otherwise coding may not give the required effect.

    We have quality treatment from alcoholism, which is why we provide rehabilitation not only to the regional center, but also to the Moscow region, because we guarantee affordable prices and complete anonymity.

    Effective treatment for alcoholism

    Alcohol dependence has a very detrimental effect on the life and health of every person, because in most cases it leads to the development of very complex chronic diseases and complications. A person suffering from such an addiction is practically not interested in anything and leads a very secluded lifestyle, which negatively affects his psychological health. That is why it is very important to pay attention to the existing problem and seek help from a specialized clinic.

    Treatment for alcoholism can be very diverse, because given time A huge number of methods have been developed that help not only to break binge drinking, but also to get rid of the addiction forever. But when choosing one method or another, it is worth remembering that the person himself must want to get rid of the existing problem, because otherwise there will not be the expected effect.

    Modern therapy does everything possible for the patient to return to a normal, fulfilling life, which is why all the techniques used are constantly being improved and improved. In our drug treatment center, you can get a full consultation on the methods used and choose the most suitable remedy for yourself that will help eliminate the existing problem.

    Initially, we carry out activities that are aimed at completely abolishing alcohol and removing its residues from the body. Then psychologists begin working with the patient, preparing him for treatment and helping him re-adapt to normal life.

    After this, the doctor selects the most appropriate coding method, taking into account all the characteristics of the patient’s body. Everything is carried out on a purely voluntary basis and is built on the complete trust of the doctor and the patient.

    Treatment for alcoholism is a rather lengthy process and often requires effective disposal the existing problem requires more than a month, which is why it is worth having great endurance, both for the patient himself and for his family, and to be patient. In our specialized clinic it is quite possible to get high quality timely assistance, you just need to have the desire to get rid of the addiction and completely trust the specialist. We use only the latest modern methods in our work, which guarantee excellent results.

    Fast and easy treatment for alcoholism

    Alcohol dependence is a very serious chronic disease, the main symptoms of which are a painful addiction to alcohol consumption and the development of very strong mental and emotional dependence.

    In this case, a violation of almost all organs and systems occurs. The patient loses absolutely everything: family, health, work and much more. It is believed that it is impossible to completely get rid of this addiction, but this is not true, because modern medicine has a sufficient number of capabilities and a variety of tools that help cope with the existing problem. It is very important to remember that very often a person who is addicted to alcohol does not recognize the existing problem, which is why he needs the help of others.

    Treatment for alcoholism can be performed in our specialized drug treatment center, which employs the best specialists who provide the required specialized assistance using the latest modern means.

    Every person who seeks specialized help from our specialists will be able to quickly feel the required relief. In addition, he will be able to fully experience moral and psychological support.

    We provide comprehensive rehabilitation, which includes the work of a narcologist and psychologist and carrying out step-by-step work aimed at returning active normal life sick.

    Naturally, this is a rather long process, which implies restoration of full physical activity and adaptation to normal sober life.

    If you are interested in treatment for alcoholism, then you can get a full range of services by seeking help from our specialized drug treatment center, which employs only the most experienced specialists, helping to eliminate all existing problems in the shortest possible time.

    We use several different, most effective methods of coding, as a result of which a person feels a complete aversion to any alcoholic beverages. The drugs used can be introduced into the body in the form of injections, tablets, or sewing certain capsules under the skin.

    We will help absolutely everyone, regardless of the complexity of the disease.

    Hippocrates called alcoholism “voluntary madness.”

    If “alcohol madness” were actually voluntary, then it would probably make the work of doctors much easier. Medicine would no longer be needed at all. It is enough for a person to “get tired” - and he is no longer an alcoholic.

    But in fact, one can only talk about voluntariness and any kind of will at the stage of everyday drunkenness.

    If alcoholism is diagnosed, the patient is almost no longer responsible for his thoughts and actions. They are formed under the influence of pathological attraction. Mental and physical dependence is formed - the brain and internal organs They can no longer function comfortably without the next dose.

    To defeat this terrible disease, modern effective methods of treating alcoholism are needed. Currently, there are schemes that help “pull” a person out of the sticky tentacles of addiction even in the most seemingly hopeless cases. Below we will talk about the main directions and methods of treating alcoholism, which are used in our clinic.

    What effective treatment for alcoholism usually begins with: withdrawal from binge drinking

    We have a separate article on this topic, but here we will list only the main effective methods of treating alcoholism using coding:

    • Filing a capsule with a drug based on disulfiram: Esperal or Torpedo
    • The use of intravenous and intramuscular injection: Aquilong and Algominal
    • Use of opioid receptor blockers in the brain: Vivitrol

    What's the most effective remedy from alcoholism from those listed above? The selection is always carried out individually by the treating narcologist.

    The most effective remedy for alcoholism: Rehabilitation

    Many patients decide that after coding they become healthy. And they are very wrong. The main problem of alcoholism is strong mental dependence and the impossibility of “cultural” consumption ethyl alcohol. The patient recovers ONLY after:

    • he understands that he is sick and realizes the essence of his illness;
    • finds his place in life, becomes necessary and happy (and in many ways this depends on himself!);
    • learns to cope with problems and stress independently, takes responsibility for his life.

    There is no “magic pill”. Detoxification therapy, coding, all, even the most effective, types of filings are just preparation for the final, most difficult and important stage.

    Exists modern technique treatment for alcoholism called "12 steps". It is carried out in specialized rehabilitation centers. Under the guidance of an experienced psychotherapist, the patient re-builds relationships with himself and the world around him. He learns to become aware of his illness. Learns to deal with guilt and other uncomfortable feelings. Understands his goal, decides how he will lead a healthy and full life in future.

    There are no former alcoholics. You can’t get sick, then get sick, wait a couple of years, and start drinking only on holidays, “like everyone else.” From now on, for a person, every tiny drink can become the beginning of something bigger, namely, a relapse and return to the disease.

    Unfortunately, many people perceive rehabilitation in a completely different way. Most often they talk about it as something additional and not obligatory. Of course this is not true. Any narcologist will confirm this.

    Above, we tried to tell you in as much detail as possible about all the methods of treating alcoholism. Most likely, you still have many questions.

    Call us and we will definitely answer and help.

    alcoholism to relatives

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