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Demodectic mange or subcutaneous mite in dogs: treatment at home, symptoms and visual photos. How to remove subcutaneous ticks from a dog

Having an idea of ​​the causative agent of the disease, notice alarming symptoms it will be much easier, which means it will be provided on time four-legged friend necessary help.

Adults reach a size of 7 mm and are fixed on the animal’s skin with a proboscis that forms the oral apparatus. Habitats: forest, field, swampy area.

  1. Internal, scabies

The most common type of arachnid. The main condition for infection is direct contact with a pet.

  1. Subcutaneous Demodex cains

Signs of demodicosis

The last type is microscopic organism, causing the development of demodicosis, habitat - the body of a warm-blooded animal, human hair follicles. It causes damage to the liver, lungs, stomach, and intestines of an animal; when it gets inside, it forms entire populations.

Distinguished by its negligible size, the microscope makes it possible to see an individual with a flattened body, tapering towards the tail, reminiscent of the structure of a ciliate. Tenacious limbs provide speed of movement within the epidermis.

This form of scabies is not an independent disease, since it manifests itself as a result of immunodeficiency, hormonal imbalance and against the background of other infections.

Cause and forms of the disease

Veterinarians have not yet come to a consensus regarding the causes of the disease, because not every dog ​​suffers from it. Most experts consider the main culprit of infection to be the genetic predisposition of animals.

To understand what it looks like subcutaneous mite in dogs, it is necessary to have an understanding of the clinical forms of the disease, including:

Localized form

The risk group includes pets under the age of 2 years. The peculiarity of the course is that a certain area of ​​the body is affected, excluding the appearance of secondary symptoms. The disease manifests itself as thinning fur on the face and front paws. The affected areas of fur resemble moth-eaten areas in appearance. Veterinarians usually predict a quick recovery, since this form of the disease is highly treatable;

Generalized form

The onset of the disease is characterized by symptoms of a localized type, gradually transforming into a generalized type. It manifests itself as simultaneous damage to several areas of the body, including the paws. The complexity of the current possible complications determines the age of the pet: young puppies tolerate the disease much easier than an adult dog.

The development of juvenile mites, which arise spontaneously, is determined by the degree hereditary predisposition, since the disease is provoked by recessive genes. Therapy is accompanied by a number of difficulties.

Subcutaneous mites in an adult animal are difficult to treat. Great importance has what particular illness activated it. Characteristic symptoms may manifest themselves as a result of oncology, metabolic disorders, endocrine pathologies, steroid therapy. The occurrence of a generalized type excludes the cause of genetic predisposition.

Predisposition pet to infection with subcutaneous mites, as well as a previous disease, are serious reasons for sterilization.

VIDEO: Dermatologist for cats and dogs. How to treat demodicosis

Features of the disease

The appearance of a dog tick is a sign of direct contact between a healthy and a sick dog; often the infection of the mother becomes the cause of illness in the puppies. The period of 6 months - 2 years becomes the most dangerous time in the life of an animal, since the risk of infection increases many times over. This is due to weakened immunity of puppies, the reasons for the decrease immune defense may be different:

  • absence balanced nutrition;
  • teething;
  • docking of ears, tail;
  • previous injuries;
  • stress;
  • the presence of other harmful microorganisms in the flora of the body of a growing animal.

Demodicosis is selective regarding the breed of the animal, preferring pugs, bulldogs, dachshunds, sharpeis, boxers, and German shepherds. All these dogs are united by the genetic load of the breed and the presence of short hair. Short hair allows you to itch unhindered and infect injured areas, spreading the infection further. It is the breed that sometimes determines the effectiveness of treatment. On the body of Shar Pei, which initially have a weak immune system, the disease can leave serious injuries, severely damaging the skin.

Main symptoms

Symptoms of the disease appear:

  • itching, which causes great discomfort to the dog. Trying to get rid of discomfort, the pet itches non-stop, scratching the itchy skin until it bleeds;
  • hair loss. An alternative to partial baldness of the face, hind legs, and abdomen can be incessant itching. Some breeds are not prone to hair loss. Therefore, if the dog has not changed in appearance, but scratches itself a lot, the cause of this behavior may be a subcutaneous mite;
  • irritated state. Constantly itchy skin will ruin the friendly mood of even the most harmless animal. The dog begins to demonstrate aggressive behavior.

General signs of subcutaneous mites in dogs:

  • Scabs and crusts form;
  • the body secretes exudate on the skin;
  • the affected areas of the skin acquire an intense pink tint;
  • skin density increases, skin covering becomes hard and wrinkled;
  • appetite decreases;
  • weight loss;
  • weakness, apathy, anemia (characterize advanced disease), secondary pathologies may develop.

The characteristics of the course of the disease are determined by the form of infection - scaly or pustular. In the first case, you can observe thickening of the skin, the appearance of folds, and the formation of characteristic scales. Bald areas change color, becoming dirty gray or rusty. The skin may burst, and the resulting wounds begin to secrete a serous pinkish fluid. The scaly form is characterized by the absence of severe itching.

In the pustular form, which is characterized by a more severe course of the disease, the appearance of inflamed blisters of an intense red hue is characteristic. Gradually, inflammation transforms into pustules - ulcers. Opening the ulcers provokes the release of foul-smelling fluid, which tightens the skin.

The dog quickly loses strength, and the cause of the animal’s death is sometimes blood poisoning.

To understand how to treat subcutaneous mites in your pet, you will need to visit a veterinary clinic. Staging accurate diagnosis- specialist competence. Since the disease has symptoms reminiscent of other canine ailments, an analysis is necessary - skin scraping and subsequent microscopy of the animal’s biomaterial. The owner's help should be limited to giving the dog an antihistamine to partially relieve the symptoms of itching and an immediate visit to the veterinarian.

VIDEO: Demodicosis - causes, symptoms, treatment

Treatment methods

The original cause of the disease continues to be a source of controversy among doctors. In most cases, an aggravating factor in the weakening of the animal’s body is a change in hormonal levels.

Ticks in dogs with strong immune system, start less often.

  1. Local treatment of affected areas previously washed with special gentle shampoos and acaricidal emulsions. Drugs are selected individually. Well proven products:
  • Chlorophos ointment 2%,
  • Bytex 1%,
  • means ASD-3 (0.3%).

The primary course is limited to 7 treatments, a week break is taken, then the procedure is repeated.

Along with medications and ointments, they give the pet Karsil to reduce Negative consequences for the liver

Most appointees medications highly toxic, a common side effect is decreased liver function. The prescription of Karsil is due to the need to support the liver during treatment.

  1. A complete, high-protein, fortified diet. Veterinarians' recommendation - replacement regular feed specialized, providing the possibility of feeding animals suffering from subcutaneous mites.

Folk recipes

Garlic and oil

A mixture of crushed garlic is poured with almond oil (ratio 1:2), then placed in a dark place, infused for 4 days. Weekly daily treatment of the affected areas is necessary. Remember: excess garlic has a toxic effect, almond oil can dry out the skin.

Kefir and sulfur

Prepare a mixture of kefir (liquid sour cream) and black sulfur (3:1 ratio). Leave in a warm place for 2-3 hours, treat the skin with the mixture daily, and then wash it off thoroughly. Sulfur can burn and dry out the skin.

This is a guarantee quick relief condition of the animal and reducing the risk of unpleasant consequences.

VIDEO: Dogs have demodicosis. Medicines and syringes needed

Subcutaneous mites in dogs are also called demodicosis. Its abnormal growth is the reason why the prevalence of this skin disease is very high. In this case, any mammal, including humans, can carry the tick, but humans, cats, cattle or horses suffer from the disease much less often than dogs. Note that it is not contagious in itself.

Subcutaneous mites in dogs, what should I know about them?

The disease caused by the subcutaneous mite is called Demodex canis. The favorite habitats of the provocateur are hair follicles and sebaceous glands. The products of cell breakdown serve as a delicacy for him.

Once on a dog's skin, a tick can live for only about an hour, but before it reaches the surface of a host organism, its life cycle is 25-30 days. All four phases of this cycle can be identified by scraping the pet's skin.

There are the following forms of ticks:

  • spindle-shaped eggs;
  • six-legged larvae;
  • eight-legged larvae;
  • eight-legged adults.

The mechanism of the disease is not entirely clear to this day. It is only known that a huge number of animals are carriers of small colonies of ticks, and you can “feel” their presence on yourself only if the colony is in hair follicles has grown to unimaginably large numbers.

Symptoms of a tick bite

  • The affected skin is inflamed, characterized by redness, papules (dense rash nodules), pustules (pustules), acne, peeling skin and alopecia (hair loss in some areas).
  • Itching is possible, but it develops if hair loss does not occur. The dogs are then usually diagnosed with an allergic reaction. It is also supported by the presence of red spots or ulcers on the paws and face of the animal.
  • It is worth drawing a clear line between two completely different clinical forms demodicosis: juvenile (up to two years) and adult (from two years).

A number of dogs are susceptible to infection with juvenile subcutaneous mites:

  • Afghan hounds;
  • Boston Terrier;
  • boxer;
  • Dalmatian;
  • chihuahua;
  • English bulldog;
  • Doberman Pinscher;
  • American Pitbull Terrier;
  • German Shepherd;
  • Old English Sheepdog;
  • pug;
  • Shar-Pei;
  • American Staffordshire Terrier;
  • collie.

The mite can be localized (processes occur in a limited area) or generalized (distributed throughout the body). An individual prognosis and treatment are selected for each condition.

The localized form affects only one area of ​​the body. This form is benign and self-limiting; it can include from one to several areas. It is characterized by redness and hair loss, usually in the area of ​​the muzzle and paws. Upon joining bacterial infection the development of pustules or dry areas of the skin is observed, and sometimes all at once - depending on the degree of damage.

The prognosis is favorable. Spontaneous remission for a period of 3-8 weeks is not uncommon: it occurs in 90% of cases and does not depend on the course of therapy. The remaining 10% of animals develop a generalized form.

The fact that your pet is unlucky to be one of ten will be indicated by the presence of lesions in several areas of the body at once (usually the paws are affected). The list of breeds susceptible to the generalized form is as follows:

  • pit bull;
  • bulldog;
  • Boston Terrier;
  • beagle;
  • collie;
  • Doberman;
  • boxer;
  • dachshund;
  • Dalmatian;
  • Shar-Pei;
  • Shih Tzu.

This form is heavier than the first. Whether a generalized form will develop or everything will turn out to be localized, big influence have: genetic predisposition, immune status (high risk of disease after prolonged steroid therapy), as well as the presence endocrine diseases(Cushing's syndrome, hypothyroidism, cancer).

Even if your pet's recovery is successful, it is strongly recommended to have it sterilized.

What to do? Dog bitten mite!

First of all, you need to contact a veterinary clinic and prepare necessary information to clarify the medical history: the age of the animal, past illnesses and their characteristics, other ailments.

To identify concomitant ailments, the animal will be prescribed a general urine and blood test, ultrasound, and stool examination. For further successful treatment You should follow your doctor's instructions.

How delete tick?

Alas, you cannot do this on your own. You need to understand that mites in dogs and other animals are located in the hair follicles, which cover the entire surface of the skin. Conservative treatment(i.e. drugs), which the doctor will prescribe, is aimed at restoring the immune system and eliminating subcutaneous mites.

You cannot treat your pets without consulting qualified specialist. Only he can pick the right medications that can really help. Remember that therapy has greater effect, if carried out in a complex: the problem must be eliminated not only from the outside, but also from the inside.

So-called acaricides (ivomec, amitrazine) are often used - these products are aimed at eliminating subcutaneous mites. Local processing skin is produced with antiseptics (solution salicylic acid, fucorcin) and local acaricides (amitan, acarabor).

IMPORTANT! Quite often, demodicosis is confused with otodectosis (ear mites in dogs) - this various diseases. The first very rarely reaches the ears, and the second “specializes” in affecting them. Treatment for ear mites differs from the treatment regimen for subcutaneous mites, which means that the “help” provided may be ineffective and even dangerous. To clarify the diagnosis, be sure to consult a veterinarian.

Canine sarcoptic mange is one of the most common diseases of this series, which can infect all animals that have direct contact with a sick dog. In addition, the causative agent of the disease is dangerous for other domestic animals, as well as humans. In this article, we will answer the most common questions asked by pet owners who are faced with this type of disease in their pets.

General information about the disease

Two forms of mange are common in dogs. These are sarcoptic mange, caused by Sarcoptes scabei, and demodicosis, caused by Demodex Canis. We talked about demodicosis in detail in one of our previous articles, and now we will focus on sarcoptic mange. It's worth noting that cats can also become infected similar disease, however, the form that is most often found in this species of animals belongs to the type of notoeroses, which are caused by other types of scabies mites.

Female sarcoptic mites are twice as large as male ones. After fertilization, males and females remain on the surface of the animal’s skin, while females burrow into the upper layers of the skin, forming long tunnels. The pet's reaction to this activity and the mite's waste products includes severe itching, scratching, and the formation of inflamed areas, often complicated by a bacterial infection.

Dogs of any age can become infected, but sarcoptic mange is most common in young animals.

How do dogs get infected?

Sarcoptic mange is usually spread by close contact between a dog that has mites and a healthy animal. This method of spread is similar to the one by which head lice infestations occur in children. Dogs that spread infections often show little or no signs of infection. Sarcoptic mange can also be spread by contact with objects, such as bedding and equipment, that the dog has direct contact with. Scabies mites usually do not survive without an animal host for more than 2-4 days.

Sarcoptic mange usually spreads where a large number of Poorly maintained dogs are kept in cramped conditions, such as animal shelters, boarding kennels and pet stores. The disease is also transmitted in grooming salons through towels, clippers and improperly disinfected cages. The mother can infect her puppies at any time, so the litter from such a bitch will unsanitary conditions are also the main source of the disease.

Clinical signs of the disease

Most often, sarcoptic mange prefers places with thinner coats, since the skin here is usually softer. It is convenient to burrow into it quickly to begin laying eggs. Because dogs perceive and evaluate environment With the help of the sense of smell, lesions often begin in the head region, making the edges of the ears and the face the main areas for scabies, where the first clinical signs develop. The elbows and abdominal areas are also areas that become infected in the early stages of the disease.

These mites stimulate severe skin irritation, which causes the pet to constantly itch without stopping. No other disease, including chronic disease, can cause such intense itching as sarcoptic mange. The animal itches constantly, no matter where it is, including at night.

As the disease progresses, white crusts begin to develop irregular shape, which are very typical for sarcoptic mange. They are more often seen on the edge auricle dogs. When these changes appear, the diagnosis is no longer in doubt. However, not all animals develop these typical crusts.

Bacteria and yeast often take advantage of this unhealthy situation and develop purulent inflammation, which combines a strong, musty odor, seborrhea appears. These secondary infections and waste products of the tick also cause inflammation of the lymph nodes, which increase in size and become painful on palpation. In addition, pets often lose weight, and the pet's skin may become thickened with pigmented folds and wrinkles.

There are cases with the greatest superficial enlargement of lymph nodes, weight loss and general weakness.

The diagnosis of subcutaneous mites in dogs relies only on a professional examination in a veterinary clinic, since it is necessary to exclude a lot of diseases with similar clinical signs and symptoms. Sarcoptic mange is easier to diagnose when crusts are still present on the animal's skin. When scraped from the animal's body and suspended in oil, live mites are usually highly visible and easy to see with a microscope.

However, once the animal has been bathed and thoroughly cleaned with dry towels, ticks may be difficult to come by, especially if complete absence crust on the skin. In this case, the situation often requires obtaining several deep scrapings, which are subjected to careful microscopic studies. The presence of at least one living tick allows a diagnosis of sarcoptic mange to be made. The animal's feces are also examined, since the dog often swallows ticks while biting its fur. An antibody test (ELISA) is also used to identify Sarcoptes.

In particular difficult cases the presence of itching, but the inability to find mites in skin scrapings and using other methods, veterinarians may perform a skin biopsy to histological examination. The type of inflammation that is subsequently observed in these samples may be suggestive of a sarcoptic etiology for scabies.

When the mite cannot be found, many veterinarians give pets medications that can cure mange. If the dog shows sharp recovery within 2-4 weeks, it becomes clear that scabies was the problem.

Symptoms of sarcoptic mange are similar to those seen with canine food or atopic allergies.

By giving an acaricide (medicine that kills ticks) you can differentiate allergic manifestations from scabies. It is especially important to rule out sarcoptic mange before the animal is prescribed scabies-suppressive doses of corticosteroid medications.

Treatment methods for subcutaneous mites in dogs

Fortunately, a large number medicines eliminate sarcoptic mange mites. In earlier times, oil products were more often used, which clogged respiratory system tick, that's how they killed him. For example, even motor oil could be used for this purpose, but the use of such products should not be carried out at home.


Because it can be toxic in some pets and in some situations, it should only be given after consultation with a veterinarian. In addition, when used in parallel treatment of fleas, ivermectin can be a very toxic agent, so only a veterinarian should prescribe such complex therapeutic regimens.


This product works well to eliminate sarcoptic mange mites. The dosage frequency for treating infected dogs is usually given higher to prevent infestation.

Moxidectin (Advantage)

Advantage appears to be effective in the treatment of sarcoptic mange, although this remedy is intended for the treatment of flea infestations and some types of helminthiasis.

Amitraz (Mitaban)


Sulfur preparations are an equally effective acaricidal agent, which is often used in the fight against sarcoptic mange and demodicosis, also through bathing. But it is worth noting that such remedies are better suited against notoedrosis or for very small puppies.


This treatment product helminthic infestations also effective in eliminating sarcoptic mange mites.

How to prevent the disease?

Monthly treatments with Selamectin drops will prevent the development of subcutaneous mites in dogs. Some other avermectin-based topical flea and worm medications can also prevent sarcoptic mange, but they are currently in veterinary practice are used less frequently.

Sarcoptic mange usually requires close contact between an affected and a healthy animal for infection to occur. Ticks are quite limited in their ability to move over distances, so they do not survive long outside the body of their host. To prevent the development of the disease in dogs, contact of the dog with large established groups of dogs should be avoided. This is especially true for puppies under one year of age.

Infection of other animals and people

If a person has direct contact with a pet that suffers from sarcoptic mange, itching with to varying degrees activity.

These human infestations from dogs with sarcoptic mange mites are temporary (1-2 weeks), but the affected areas itch very badly and unpleasantly. They usually form on the arms, neck and torso, and are more common in young children who are often in contact with sick dogs.

If your dog has been diagnosed with mange or there is reason to suspect it, e.g. severe itching she, it is necessary in any case to use gloves when handling an infected pet and to prevent children from coming into contact with it. Personal items should be processed in a hot wash cycle. However, it is still better not to allow unnecessary contact with a sick animal, but to keep it on a leash in a designated corner if the dog is kept in an apartment.

Also, all objects with which the sick dog has direct contact should be treated. The better hygiene conditions are created for her during the treatment of sarcoptic mange, the more effective the therapy will be.

Every dog ​​has subcutaneous mites (another name is demodexes), but they do not always manifest themselves. What triggers the development of the disease? What are the signs and how to treat subcutaneous mites in a dog? More about this in the material below.

The disease occurs in two forms:

  • scaly (another name is squamous);
  • pustular (another name is pyodemodecosis) - may be a consequence of the scaly form or an independent disease
According to statistics, the disease most often develops in young pets under 2 years of age (juvenile demodicosis), since it is during this period that the animal’s immunity has not yet strengthened.

Attention! According to its prevalence, the disease can be localized (local) and generalized (general).

Symptoms of demodicosis in dogs manifest themselves differently depending on the type of disease:
Scaly demodicosis
– the most light form. Round bald patches appear on the dog's body (usually on the face and paws). The skin in these areas turns slightly red and may become rough and cracked.
With pustular demodicosis the skin swells, pustules form on it (their color can be yellowish, brownish-red or even black), from which pus is released. If an infection is added to the disease, pyoderma occurs, which leads to the formation of ulcers. The skin itches a lot, becomes wrinkled, moist, thick, and smells unpleasant. The skin on the head (ears, muzzle, eyebrows) and paws of the animal is primarily affected.

Symptoms of subcutaneous mites in dogs with a localized form- these are 4-5 lesions (no more), and their diameter does not exceed 2.5 cm. In other cases, demodicosis is generalized. In order to make a diagnosis, the veterinarian examines the animal, then performs a deep scraping from the affected area of ​​the skin (the upper layers of the epithelium are removed with a scalpel until blood appears and placed on a glass slide). The resulting tissue is examined under a microscope. If 1-2 individuals of subcutaneous mites were found in the scraping, the procedure is carried out again to confirm the diagnosis.

Folk remedies

Treatment of demodicosis in dogs is allowed as an addition to the traditional regimen. folk remedies. Here are a few recipes: Pour celandine roots sunflower oil in a 1:1 ratio, then heat for 3-4 hours at a temperature of 50 degrees and filter. The mixture is applied to mite-affected areas of the skin once a day. Sour apples or juniper berries are ground and then applied to problem areas. To wash a dog suffering from demodicosis, use tar soap. Can be applied to affected skin Birch tar.

Attention! The use of folk remedies must be agreed with the doctor who is observing the pet.

Dog disease - subcutaneous tick

Among the diseases of dogs, Demodex subcutaneous mite is the result of abnormal growth of this same mite. This tick itself is not contagious, but every animal, including humans, is a carrier of it. It rarely appears as a disease in humans, cats, horses and large animals. cattle. This type of tick lives in sebaceous glands and hair follicles and feeds on the decay products of the cells of the host body. If a tick somehow gets onto the surface of the skin, then its life lasts no more than an hour, and in general, the entire life cycle mite lasts 25-30 days and is divided into four stages:

  1. Spindle-shaped eggs.
  2. Six-legged larvae.
  3. Eight-legged larvae.
  4. Eight-legged adults.

Today, it is still not completely clear why in some dogs, when scrapings are taken, small colonies of these mites are found, while in others, mites multiply in very large quantities.

Subcutaneous ticks in dogs - symptoms

So, what are the symptoms of subcutaneous ticks in dogs? Firstly, if your pet gets sick with subcutaneous mites, it becomes very irritable and avoids contact with you in every possible way. In addition, the tick causes a disturbance in thermoregulation and the dog begins to feel chills that do not go away even in the warmth. If your dog has a scaly subcutaneous mite, the symptoms of the disease will appear on the animal's skin. Red areas covered with bran scales cover the dog's skin and over time form crusts that fall off along with the fur, and the animal, troubled by the itching, tries to gnaw these lumps from its own fur and scratches the skin until it bleeds. If your dog has a pustular form of the disease, the subcutaneous mite in the dog will be expressed by such symptoms as the appearance of pustules on the skin, which, bursting, dry out on the fur and ooze bad smell. Against the background of these signs, the animal may develop bacterial or fungal infection, which can lead to exhaustion of the animal or blood poisoning, and subsequently to death.

Signs of subcutaneous mites in dogs

The main ones in dogs, affecting the sebaceous glands, hair follicles, deep layers of skin and advanced stages, even internal organs are wounds that emit an unpleasant odor, local hair loss, compactions under the skin, severe peeling of the skin. In addition, you may notice that the dog is shaking as if from cold, even despite the high air temperature outside or indoors. The dog may begin to scratch its skin before deep wounds and try to gnaw these places with your teeth. In addition, signs of subcutaneous mites in dogs are often accompanied by other diseases that occur due to damage to the dog’s skin by the mite. So, your pet may have dermatitis or hyperkeratosis.

Treatment of subcutaneous mites in dogs

If a subcutaneous tick is detected, the dog urgently needs help. At the first suspicion that your pet has a subcutaneous tick, you need to seek help from a qualified veterinarian. At the veterinary clinic, the doctor will first collect anamnesis, then prescribe a series of tests that will help determine exactly what type of subcutaneous ticks your pet has, and then Depending on the type of tick, the doctor prescribes treatment. Unfortunately, on initial stages It is extremely difficult to notice the disease and start treatment on time, and already the second stage is quite painful for the animal. Subcutaneous ticks in dogs are treated medicines acarecides, which are capable of destroying entire colonies of subcutaneous mites, and Aversectin ointment is prescribed to improve the condition of the skin. Along with these medications, your doctor will usually prescribe liver support medications, since medications that kill mites are toxic and can harm your dog's liver.

Veterinarians call the subcutaneous tick one of the most difficult diseases of all pets walking on the street. With the onset of spring, all insects wake up and, of course, they are hungry; the most common disease is ticks on dogs.

Juvenile demodicosis


The causative agent of the disease

Veterinarians distinguish 3 types of ticks on dogs:

  1. External. They are 5-7 mm in size and are attached to the skin with their proboscis. They can become infected in the forest, field and swamp.
  2. Internal or mites scabies. The most common. You can infect your pet only through direct contact, and sometimes they spread to people.
  3. Subcutaneous or demodectic. Not contagious to humans, but causes severe consequences in pets. All dogs have it, but the disease only manifests itself in cases of immunodeficiency and external irritation.

Demodex cains under a microscope

What does a tick look like?

The external mite looks like little bug. After eating, it reaches a size of up to 1 cm, so it can be examined at home. Often such a tick on a dog looks the same as on a person: first there is a red spot, then a black dot appears - the butt, which increases within 2-3 weeks.

Once any type of tick is discovered on a dog, treatment must be started immediately. This disease brings, in addition to enormous discomfort, also complications to the internal organs.

Subcutaneous mites in dogs insufficient treatment could lead to where major complications from simple infections to encephalitic inflammation of the brain, and signs of complications are sometimes not visible. Pets who have had encephalitis tick, recover, but all body functions cannot be fully restored.

How does infection occur?

Dog ticks are signs of direct contact with another dog infected with the disease, often transmitted from mother to puppy. Pedigree short-haired dogs are most susceptible to bites, especially: pugs, boxers, bulldogs, german shepherds, dachshunds, sharpeis and bulldogs.

Experts distinguish 2 types of demodicosis caused by subcutaneous mites:

  1. Youthful. It appears in dogs under 2 years of age and has a clear localization in one or several up to 5 small lesions on the body.
  2. Generalized. It occurs in dogs over 2 years of age predisposed to this disease and covers several parts of the body, usually including the paws.
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Based on the nature of the course and manifestation of a tick bite, there are: the following types lesions:

  • scaly - the mildest course of the disease;
  • papular has a nodular appearance measuring up to 6 mm;
  • pustular is characterized by the appearance of purulent pimples;
  • mixed.

Removing ticks from fur

Symptoms of the appearance of subcutaneous mites

How can you tell if your dog has been bitten by a tick? What are the symptoms of subcutaneous ticks in dogs?

  1. The first symptom will be that the dog is constantly itching.
  2. The skin first turns pink, then turns red, and wounds, scabs, pustules and cracks appear on it.
  3. Hair falls out in clumps, sometimes the dog bites it off itself. This also includes baldness in the forehead, eyebrows, eyes and paws.
  4. The tick is on the dog, then an unpleasant odor begins to emanate from it, concentrated near the infected areas.
  5. General malaise of the dog, refusal to eat or even being ignored by the owners. Sometimes dogs become irritable and even aggressive.
  6. Thermal balance is disturbed and the dog usually feels very chilly.

Symptoms of a tick bite are localized in the folds, as well as the paws and face. In these places, it is necessary to carefully examine the dog for the presence of any type of ticks, including encephalitis, which, if detected, must be removed immediately.

Diagnosis of the disease

Important questions: how to protect your dog from ticks? How to diagnose and treat a tick bite?

The disease can only be diagnosed in veterinary clinic by submitting a special scraping. You should contact a specialist at the first manifestation of symptoms of the disease.

In summer and autumn, after walking in an unfamiliar or poorly known area, be sure to examine the dog. Typically, mites immediately appear between the pads on the paws, face or in the folds in the form of redness and irritation. Later they take on the appearance of dermatosis or allergic reaction, it is impossible to identify a small tick at home.

If there is a suspicion of delayed treatment, the veterinarian should take a scraping, take feces for culture, general tests urine and blood, and will prescribe an ultrasound to identify complications.

Juvenile demodicosis on the paw


What to do if your dog is bitten by a tick? Of course, carry out treatment: go to a specialist at the first symptoms, if you know how, you can remove the tick yourself, if not, just help the dog by treating it with antiseptics (furatsilin).

Juvenile decomecosis

Possible complications

Encephalitis appears only a few weeks after the bite, usually 2-3 weeks. Therefore, it is imperative that the scraping is taken in the clinic and checked for encephalitis.

The list of complications from a tick bite includes heart, The lymph nodes, kidneys, stomach, liver, which are responsible for the destructive effects of the disease. To check the functioning of organs, they carry out laboratory research and ultrasound.

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Video “Demodicosis in dogs”

The video explains in detail about the subcutaneous tick on a dog and its symptoms.

Demodex mites, or subcutaneous mites, are found on every dog. But signs indicating their presence do not always appear. - The disease is not contagious, but it is difficult and long to treat. The pathology causes a lot of inconvenience to both the animal and its owner.

Reasons for the development of subcutaneous mites in dogs

In the presence of a pathological source from the outside, the disease progresses in animals suffering from immunodeficiency.

Most often, dogs become infected in May-September. To a greater extent, demodicosis affects young animals from six months to 24 months.

The infection is caused by an infected dog, and the tick is transmitted through direct contact.

Other reasons for the development of demodicosis include:

  1. Presence of pinworms.
  2. Rickets.
  3. The presence of infectious pathologies.
  4. Long-term treatment with antibiotics.
  5. Surgical interventions.

Veterinarians distinguish between juvenile and generalized demodicosis.

Provocateur mites live in the hair follicles of the skin and sebaceous glands. Size adult ranges from 201 to 260 microns.

Mites live in the hair follicles of the skin.

The main symptoms of demodicosis in dogs include:

  • impaired thermoregulation;
  • dropping out coat;
  • skin redness;
  • presence of an unpleasant pungent odor;
  • constant itching.

The behavior of a sick dog changes dramatically. The animal becomes restless and tries to avoid contact with the owner. Appetite is usually not affected.

The dog becomes restless.

Sometimes the first warning sign is the appearance of a strong “dog” odor from the skin . It gradually intensifies.

Main forms of the disease

Demodicosis occurs in 2 forms: pustular and scaly.

What unites them common feature - hair loss in certain areas of the animal’s body. There is roughness and redness of the skin.

Redness of the dog's skin is observed.

Most mild form The disease is scaly. Small bald patches form on your pet's paws and face round shape. The skin that has changed color becomes rougher and cracks.

Pustular form of subcutaneous mite

The pustular form is characterized by the appearance of pustules.

Their shade varies from yellow to black. But more often reddish pustules form. When joining demodicosis infectious process, development of pyoderma is observed. It promotes the appearance of ulcers. The skin becomes moist and wrinkled. The dog's limbs, muzzle, ears and eyebrows are primarily affected.

With the pustular form, the skin becomes moist.

With a localized form, there are no more than 5 lesions. Their size does not exceed 25 mm. In other cases, we are talking about generalized demodicosis.

Are subcutaneous ticks transmitted to humans from dogs?

People with very weakened immune systems are at risk. In this case, a tick transmitted by a sick dog can live under human skin for only 1 cycle. Then he dies.

People with weakened immune systems are at risk.

Treatment of subcutaneous mites

Treatment for subcutaneous mites in dogs should be comprehensive.

Severe forms of pathology lead to damage internal organs animal.

First of all, this concerns the lymph nodes, stomach, and heart.

Use of external products

The drug Amidel-gel will relieve the dog of painful symptoms.

You can relieve your dog of painful symptoms using drops such as:

  1. Prazicide-complex.
  2. Tsidem.
  3. Amit-forte.
  4. Acaromectin.
  5. Ivermec spray.
  6. Amidel-gel.
  7. Decta.
  8. Dana-ultra.


Typically, injections are prescribed to an animal with a pustular form of the tick.

The medicine is injected both subcutaneously and into the muscle of the sick dog. Injections such as Aversectom K&C and Eprimek are prescribed.

The course of treatment with injections ranges from 7 to 10 days.

Treatment at home

Therapy for demodicosis at home involves:

  • strengthening the immune system;
  • liver protection;
  • local processing;
  • hypoallergenic food.

The dog should be given hypoallergenic food for nutrition.

Can be used acaricidal shampoos, ointments . During the initial therapeutic course, 6-7 treatments are carried out. After a 7-day break, you need to do a second approach.

Liver prevention

Almost all drugs against subcutaneous mites negatively affect liver function.

In order to support the functioning of this organ, the veterinarian prescribes the use of Karsila. Sometimes this remedy gives by-effect. The dog's urination increases. In some cases it is observed.

The drug Karsil is intended to support the dog's liver.

It is advisable to feed a sick animal special food. If your pet eats only “natural” food, then he needs to be given chicken or turkey meat. In order to reduce the load on the liver, it is recommended to reduce portions. It is better not to give treats until remission occurs.

Use of folk remedies

It is allowed to treat a sick dog with folk remedies. For demodicosis they usually use:

  • tar soap;
  • celandine roots;
  • juniper fruits.

tar soap It is advisable to carry out 1–2 times/7 days. The use of birch tar is allowed.

Juniper fruits recommended to use together with sour apples. They need to be thoroughly rubbed, then applied to problem areas.

Celandine roots are poured vegetable oil in proportions of 1 to 1. Then the medicine needs to be heated for 3-4 hours at a temperature of 50 grams and strained well. The product is applied to affected skin 1 time/24 hours.

First of all, it is necessary to exclude contact pet with stray dogs.

When walking, you should not let your dog off the leash.

When walking, do not let your pet off the leash. If possible, you should avoid places where stray animals are located.

Your puppy should be vaccinated as early as possible.


A female dog that has been found to have a tick must be sterilized.

Bitches that have been found to have subcutaneous mites must be sterilized, since the risk of transmitting the pathology to the litter is very high. The operation is prescribed only after completion of the full therapeutic course.

Video about demodicosis in dogs

Signs of subcutaneous mites in dogs are often similar to symptoms skin diseases bacterial and fungal in nature:

  • , sometimes so strong that the animal scratches itself into blood.
  • , on early stage noticeable in areas with short hair – muzzle, ears, hind legs, stomach, genital area.
  • Anxiety, aggression – illnesses causing itching extremely painful for the dog.
  • In advanced stages - weakness, development of secondary pathologies.

Before treating an animal, the true root cause must be determined. Most subcutaneous mites are microscopic in size, so making a diagnosis by eye is highly not recommended. Having discovered suspicious symptoms, you need to give the dog an anti-drug - it partially relieves the itching and show the animal to the veterinarian.

Note! Some skin diseases have characteristics, but most of them are very similar and the only correct method of diagnosis is skin scraping.


Important! Veterinarians often prescribe Essentiale Forte as a therapy for the liver. The method is not guaranteed to be useful, since the drug contains substances that provoke the activity and reproduction of the pathogen.

  • Hypoallergenic diet and antihistamines – abrupt change diet is not recommended, but is necessary for demodicosis. The animal is transferred to a specialized industrial feed premium quality. Many manufacturers produce food for dogs suffering from demodicosis. Antihistamines slightly, but reduce itching.

Important! A sudden transfer from natural to industrial feeding can cause dysbiosis; it is recommended to give the animal special nutritional supplements With .

Very important! Detomax and its analogues are called “lethal injections” in dog breeding circles - some pets are simply not able to tolerate such aggressive therapy. However, the instructions clearly state the clinical indications, including demodectic mange, which gives veterinarians a reason to prescribe the drug “all the time.” Be careful!

Developed prophylactic drugs there is no such thing as demodicosis. Complete care and feeding are also not guarantees. Many pets have a genetic predisposition to the disease, so affected individuals are discarded from breeding.