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How to treat gases in the intestines. How to get rid of increased gas formation in the intestines? Getting Quick Relief

Formation of intestinal gases – physiological process, which normally does not cause much discomfort. Problems arise when it is too intense, causing painful bloating (flatulence) and reducing quality of life. Understanding the mechanism of gas formation in the intestines helps to avoid this - the reasons, how to get rid of painful symptoms and preventive measures became the topic of our conversation today.

The mechanism of excessive gas production may be pathological (caused by a serious illness) or non-pathological:

Non-pathological causesPathological causes
aerophagia – swallowing a large volume of air during fast food, talking, smoking;
consumption of highly carbonated drinks;
the presence of foods in the diet, causing fermentation in the gastrointestinal tract (whole milk, beans, cabbage, apples, black bread);
inactive lifestyle.
imbalance intestinal microflora;
insufficient secretion or rapid destruction of enzymes;
poor absorption of gases from the intestines due to local circulatory disorders;
insufficient intestinal motility;
tumors, adhesions, accumulation of dense feces and other obstructions within the intestines.

Flatulence caused by non-pathological processes can be easily eliminated. If excessive gas formation is caused by a disease of the gastrointestinal tract (gastrointestinal tract), competent diagnosis and A complex approach to treatment.

What diseases does it indicate?

If the symptoms of excess gas formation are not associated with eating habits, lifestyle or aerophagia, they may indicate the presence of the following pathologies:

  • dysbacteriosis;
  • pancreatitis;
  • hepatitis, cirrhosis, bile outflow disorders;
  • chronic constipation;
  • ulcerative lesions of the stomach and intestines;
  • inflammation in the intestines (colitis, enteritis);
  • peritonitis;
  • portal hypertension ( high blood pressure in the hepatic and inferior vena cava);
  • intestinal obstruction;
  • haemorrhoids;
  • appendicitis;
  • helminthiasis;
  • intestinal infections;
  • neoplasms in the intestines;
  • hormonal dysfunctions;
  • impaired absorption of glucose and galactose;
  • celiac disease (gluten intolerance).

According to medical statistics, excessive gas formation accompanies 85% of pathologies of the digestive system.

Symptoms of gas formation in the intestines

The process of active formation of gases inside the intestines is accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • gurgling in the stomach;
  • feeling of fullness and bloating;
  • frequent and abundant flatus - release of gases from the lower part of the large intestine.

At severe bloating Spasms and colic often occur in the lower abdomen, caused by overstretching of the intestinal walls. Acute flatulence may be accompanied by a feeling of nausea, weakness, stomach pain, and belching with an unpleasant odor. If increased gas formation appears as a result of any disease, the picture is complemented by the symptoms of this pathology.

Diagnostic measures

If you complain about flatulence, you should contact a gastroenterologist. It is he who will be able to establish the real reason increased gas formation and develop treatment tactics.

Diagnostic measures for complaints of flatulence include the following methods:

Examination methodThe essence and purpose of the survey
Palpation, auscultation and percussionAssess the nature of swelling, size and position of organs abdominal cavity, identify foci of swelling, and by the presence of murmurs, suspect or exclude appendicitis, intestinal obstruction, ascites and portal hypertension.
General blood analysisBy the number of leukocytes and ESR, determine the presence of inflammation, intoxication, infections, tumors.
Blood chemistryBased on the concentration of organic compounds in the blood, determine possible problems with bile secretion and liver, intoxication (poisons, alcohol), helminthic infestations.
CoprogramBased on the results of a laboratory study of stool, get an idea of ​​the functioning of the enzymatic system, acidity, bleeding, helminthic infestations, the presence of fungi, protozoa, and the condition of the pancreas.
Bacterial culture of stoolAssess the nature of the intestinal microflora and detect a bacterial infection.
UltrasoundVisually assess the condition of the digestive organs, detect tumors, adhesions, foci of inflammation, cysts, gallstones and fecal stones, infiltrates.

In some cases, an X-ray of the intestine may be required. X-rays also reveal tumors, adhesions, accumulations of fluid, gases and feces, intestinal obstruction.

Based on the data obtained, the doctor makes a final diagnosis and prescribes treatment.

How to get rid of gases?

If bloating is not caused by a disease of the gastrointestinal tract, you can get rid of gases at home without resorting to medical help.

Drug treatment

First aid for flatulence is provided by means from the groups of adsorbents, prokinetics, defoamers and enzyme preparations:

Drug nameGroupDosage and ApplicationContraindications
"Smecta"AdsorbentStir 1 sachet in 100 ml of water, drink 3 times a daychronic constipation;
intestinal obstruction;
osmotic diarrhea;
impaired absorption of glucose and galactose.
"Motilium"ProkineticDissolve 1 tablet under the tongue and wash down with waterliver and kidney dysfunction;
bleeding in the intestines, perforation;
intestinal obstruction;
heart rhythm disturbances.
"Passengers"Prokinetic1 tablet half an hour before meals 3 times a dayintestinal obstruction;
pregnancy and lactation;
age up to 5 years;
perforation and bleeding in the stomach and intestines.
"Espumizan"DefoamerChildren under 6 years old – 25 drops 3 times a day.
Children over 6 years old and adults – 2 capsules 3 times a day after meals.
intestinal obstruction;
intestinal obstruction.
"Festal"Enzyme preparation1-2 tablets after mealshepatitis;
intestinal obstruction;
stones in gallbladder;
age up to 3 years.
"Pancreatin"Enzyme preparation1-2 tablets with mealspancreatitis;
intestinal obstruction;
acute hepatitis.

In case of severe bloating, accompanied by spasms and colic, you should take an antispasmodic. “No-shpa” is suitable for this purpose - 2 tablets 2-3 times a day for an adult or 1 tablet for a child under 12 years old.

If after taking medications the condition does not improve within half an hour, calling an ambulance cannot be postponed.

Diet for flatulence

If you are prone to flatulence, it is not enough to get rid of gas once. To prevent the problem from returning, it is advisable to monitor your diet and follow a certain diet.

  • eat slowly, chewing well;
  • divide meals into small portions and eat 5-6 times a day;
  • Avoid snacking on the go;
  • do not eat too hot or cold food;
  • separate main courses and desserts at intervals of 2 hours;
  • observe the drinking regime.

Normalization of diet should be supplemented with lifestyle correction. Good digestion is promoted by adequate sleep, moderate physical activity and reduced stress.

Permitted and prohibited products

Get rid of frequent bloating the correct one will help the abdomen heat treatment products. If you have flatulence, you will have to give up fried foods and steam food more often. You can also boil it, stew it or bake it in foil.

You can avoid increased gas formation by avoiding foods that provoke putrefactive processes and fermentation in the intestines:

  • fresh black bread;
  • whole milk or cream;
  • legumes;
  • some vegetables and herbs (radish, cabbage, tomatoes, spinach, onions, garlic);
  • simple carbohydrates ( confectionery, ice cream, chocolate);
  • pearl barley and millet cereals;
  • some fruits (fresh apples, grapes, gooseberries, kiwi, pears, dates);
  • carbonated drinks, beer and strong alcohol;
  • mushrooms.

Sometimes, if you are prone to aerophagia (swallowing air), it makes sense to stop using chewing gum.

For flatulence, it is recommended to include light foods in the menu that can improve intestinal motility:

  • baked fruits;
  • dried wheat bread;
  • dairy products;
  • buckwheat grain;
  • boiled or baked potatoes, beets, carrots.

For meat, preference should be given to veal, rabbit, chicken and turkey fillets. Eggs can only be scrambled or soft-boiled. It is better to choose low-fat fish and cook it steamed or in the oven.

Folk remedies

You can often relieve symptoms of flatulence using mild herbal-based folk remedies.

The following recipes have a proven effect:

  • Brew fennel, cumin, dill or carrot seeds (1 tablespoon) in 200 ml of boiling water. Leave covered for 2 hours. Drink the infusion during the day, 50 ml every hour.
  • Brew chamomile (1 tablespoon) with 200 ml of boiling water. Leave covered for 2 hours. Drink 100 ml infusion 4 times a day.
  • Brew dry mint (1 tablespoon) and valerian root (1 teaspoon) with 250 ml of boiling water and keep in a thermos for 3 hours. Drink the infusion 0.5 cups 4 times a day.

It is better to refrain from using such remedies for gases as potato juice, wormwood infusion or a mixture of soda and lemon.

They can affect the acidity of the stomach, and without medical supervision, the consequences of such self-medication can be unpredictable.


To prevent the development of flatulence, it is enough to follow the above nutritional rules and undergo regular medical examinations. If you find signs of pathology of the digestive organs, do not ignore them, but consult a doctor.

Bloating in itself is not dangerous, but if it occurs too often, it makes sense to take a full examination. Early detection of any disease increases the chances of a full recovery.

It’s not a pleasant feeling when gases begin to accumulate in the intestines and the stomach begins to rage. The problem is familiar to many and before starting treatment, it is important to understand its cause.

Most often, such an imbalance in the intestines occurs due to non-compliance with the diet or the development of an inflammatory process in the digestive tract. Knowing the symptoms and provoking factors, it will not be difficult to get rid of gas formation in the intestines.

Causes of gas formation in the intestines

The reasons for severe and increased gas formation in the intestines can be different: not so dangerous, when you just need to reconsider your diet, or quite serious factors in the development of the inflammatory process in the gastrointestinal tract and other diseases, for which it is necessary to consult a doctor and undergo a full diagnosis.

Normally, intestinal gases should be excreted in a volume of up to 1.5 liters per day. If there is a violation, the volume increases almost 2 times, foul-smelling gases begin to escape, are released into the intestines in abnormal amounts, and make sharp sounds or flatus, which indicates a dysfunction in the digestive system.

A common cause of gas formation in the intestines is swallowing air during inhalation or with food.

The mechanism of gas formation, provoked by one factor or another, leads to the uncontrolled release of gas in the digestive system. Patients develop:

  • pain in the intestines from gases;
  • signs of nausea and vomiting;
  • flatulence;
  • diarrhea;
  • intestinal gases composed of air swallowed by a person, mixed with foods, drinks and microorganisms.

As this content accumulates in the intestines, an imbalance is created, the stomach becomes distended and swollen, and serious discomfort appears. The situation may be aggravated bad habits, smoking, alcohol abuse, improper eating dry or on the run, poor circulation or failure of metabolic processes.

Food begins to move through the gastrointestinal tract with difficulty; swallowed bacteria and viruses lead to gurgling, rumbling, bloating and colic. As a result, feces accumulate due to the inability to quickly exit, and foul-smelling gases begin to pass away.

Types of flatulence

The type of flatulence directly depends on the provoking factors of its development. The main types include:

  • circulatory, contributing to impaired blood circulation in the intestinal walls;
  • high-altitude, arising against the background of exposure to changes atmospheric pressure;
  • degestive - with a lack of secreted bile and food enzymes, leading to disruption of the digestive processes;
  • dietary - with the accumulation of microbes involved in the digestion process, and leading to disruption of the microflora;
  • microbial - when infected with intestinal, anaerobic, streptococcal bacillus, leading to dysbacteriosis;
  • mechanical - increased against the background of the development and reproduction of helminths, leading to bloating, stretching of the walls of the rectum, accumulation of gases and even development, when shapeless petrified feces begin to pass, colic and pain in the lower abdomen are observed;
  • nutritional - in case of swallowing air with food;
  • dynamic, occurring against the background of decreased peristalsis, the inability to push food masses through the intestines in full, leading to the activation of fermentation processes and, ultimately, the accumulation of gases.

What causes gas in the intestines?

One or a combination of factors provokes gas formation in the intestines.

As a rule, flatulence occurs due to:

  • insufficient production of enzymes;
  • incomplete breakdown of food;
  • production of gas bubbles against the background of the development of enteritis;
  • violations of the volume of bifidobacteria and lactobacilli in percentage terms;
  • reproduction anaerobic bacteria, leading to gas contamination, a decrease in the number of contractions in the intestinal walls;
  • accumulation of food waste in the body;
  • low atmospheric pressure, which leads to severe gas pollution in the abdomen, impaired peristalsis and absorption in the intestines;
  • liver diseases, which are no longer able to fully neutralize all emissions in the intestines;
  • violations of swallowing functions, when a person swallows gases along with food;
  • taking a number of foods that release large amounts of gases during digestion in the stomach - grapes, potatoes, legumes, beans, fresh bread, dairy foods - all this causes fermentation, impaired intestinal absorption, and the inability of liver cells to neutralize the contents.

The intestines simply do not have time to empty themselves in a timely manner, which leads to the accumulation of feces, stretching of the walls, swelling, and bloating of the abdomen.


The accumulation of gases in the intestines leads to obvious signs flatulence, which indicates impaired motility and intestinal functions and causes unpleasant symptoms:

  • bloating;
  • belching when the contents are thrown back into the stomach;
  • increased gas formation after eating;
  • the appearance of sounds in the stomach when mixing products;
  • followed by diarrhea due to constant accumulation of gases in the intestines;
  • pain and cramps in the abdomen;
  • distension of the intestinal walls, when a distended intestine is diagnosed diagnostically;
  • motor impairment;
  • general weakness, insomnia, worsening mood, apathy, lethargy.

Risk factors

People at risk of developing gas in the intestines:

  • those who abuse smoking, alcohol, carbonated drinks, sweet foods, and baked goods;
  • eating improperly, on the run, on dry food;
  • not following a diet;
  • constantly swallowing air when eating or drinking;
  • those who abuse high-carbon foods;
  • often taking beans and beans.

In addition, the problem is caused by microorganisms. When they enter first the stomach and then the intestines, they inevitably lead to fermentation processes and gas formation.

Which doctor should I contact if I am worried about gas?

If symptoms begin to appear frequently and disrupt the usual rhythm of life, then it’s time to contact a gastroenterologist, get tested, and undergo diagnostic procedures. It is important to understand that by triggering gas formation and not taking any measures, you can greatly complicate the situation, acquire a serious illness and even oncology.


If one of the symptoms described above appears, do not hesitate to go to the clinic. Of course, such an ailment can be individual in nature and it is enough to establish proper nutrition during gas formation in the intestines, and everything will return to normal.

However, if there is constant gas in the intestines, unpleasant symptoms have become regular, bother you at night, make you nervous and have already led to shyness just to appear in public and in society, then in order to avoid the development of serious inflammatory processes in the intestines, it is necessary to undergo diagnostics.

The specialist will first conduct a visual examination of the gastrointestinal mucosa using an endoscope by inserting a tube with a camera and a lighting device into the cavity.

  • delivery of bacteria that can lead to infection in the intestines;
  • biopsy to take tissue samples for study;
  • colonoscopy, which is performed by inserting a tube with a camera into the cavity of the large intestine;
  • general and biochemical analysis blood;
  • carrying out special tests to identify percentage between useful and pathogenic microflora in the intestines, which can lead to severe dysbiosis.

Treatment for bloating

Many people with flatulence are interested in how to treat bloating and how to eliminate increased gas formation in the intestines at home. You can deal with these problems using proper nutrition and lifestyle changes.

If non-drug approaches are not able to radically alleviate the patient’s condition, medications must be used. The choice of the appropriate drug is made by a doctor who takes into account the causes of bloating.


Proper nutrition - main method fight against bloating and this is what you need to try before treating bloating with medications. It's no secret that certain foods increase the formation of gases in the intestines. Their use leads to a worsening of bloating symptoms.

These products include:

  • Beans.
  • Cabbage.
  • Legumes (peas, soybeans).
  • Cauliflower.
  • Broccoli.
  • Lentils.
  • Brussels sprouts.
  • Raisin.

When they are consumed, the stomach begins to swell more. TO increased gas formation Eating insoluble fiber, which is found mainly in whole grain products, can also lead to this.

Patients with bloating should try:

  • Eat small portions, spreading your meals throughout the day. Instead of three, you can try eating five times a day.
  • Eat more slowly, without haste.
  • Avoid eating foods that overstimulate the intestines, and avoid fatty and fried foods.
  • Drink enough water.
  • Limit consumption of coffee and tea.
  • Reduce consumption of alcoholic and carbonated drinks.

Scientists have found that in people with bloating, foods containing short-chain carbohydrates (monosaccharides, disaccharides and oligosaccharides) may worsen the condition. These substances are poorly absorbed into small intestine and are quickly fermented by bacteria, releasing large amounts of gases.

Foods rich in short chain carbohydrates:

  • Apples.
  • Artichoke.
  • Artificial sweeteners.
  • Beans.
  • Cashew nuts.
  • Cauliflower.
  • Dried fruits.
  • Garlic and onion.
  • Corn syrup.
  • Ice cream.
  • Mushrooms.
  • Pistachios.
  • Watermelon.
  • Products made from wheat, barley or rye.

Low chain carbohydrate foods:

  • Almond, coconut, rice and soy milk.
  • Bananas.
  • Blueberry.
  • Carrot.
  • Cucumbers.
  • Grape.
  • Oats.
  • Potato.
  • Spinach, kale and other leafy vegetables.
  • Tangerines.
  • Tomatoes.

Antifoaming agents

One of the first medicines, used to treat flatulence and bloating, was the antifoam agent Simethicone, which is a silicone derivative and surfactant. Scientific research has shown that Simethicone, which is active substance a number of drugs, significantly reduces the frequency and severity of symptoms of bloating in patients with irritable bowel syndrome and other functional diseases digestive tract.

Simethicone is an antifoaming agent that reduces the surface tension of gas bubbles, causing them to coalesce into larger bubbles. This allows gas to pass out of the intestines more easily. Simethicone does not reduce or prevent the formation of gases in the digestive tract; it improves its elimination from the intestines.

This drug has been used successfully for many years to treat bloating in adults and children. Side effects from its use in recommended doses are very rare.


The most famous enterosorbent is Activated carbon. It is a black powder that has excellent absorption properties and can limit the toxicity of many chemical substances, falling into digestive tract. Activated carbon is often used for poisoning.

The drug can absorb not only toxic substances, but also less harmful acids and gases that accumulate in the intestines. They can cause stomach upset and bloating. Activated carbon tablets absorb these gases, thereby reducing the symptoms of flatulence.

Activated carbon and other enterosorbents can absorb beneficial nutrients with the same effectiveness as toxins. Therefore, these drugs should not be taken for the purpose of permanent treatment bloating. It is necessary to carefully follow the doctor’s recommendations regarding the dose and frequency of taking enterosorbents.

Side effects of these medications may include vomiting, abdominal pain, and diarrhea. It is also recommended to take a break of several hours between taking enterosorbents and any other medications.

Treatment with such drugs is most often prescribed for a combination of bloating and diarrhea.

Medicines that affect intestinal motility

They can be divided into two groups:

  • enhancing agents (prokinetics);
  • agents that weaken motor skills (antispasmodics).

Prokinetics are traditionally used to treat bloating. They increase the frequency and strength of contractions of the intestinal muscles without disturbing their rhythm. Metoclopramide and Domperidone are most often prescribed, but the effectiveness of these drugs for flatulence remains low.

The drugs used for irritable bowel syndrome - Linaclotide and Lubiprostone - are more active. These medications are best used to treat a combination of bloating and constipation, as they are potent.


Sometimes bloating is caused by an overgrowth of pathological bacteria in the intestines. In such cases, doctors may prescribe treatment with antibiotics, which are not absorbed into the bloodstream from the digestive tract. Rifaximin is most often used in such situations. Studies have shown that taking this drug significantly improves the condition of patients with bloating due to irritable bowel syndrome. Since any antibiotic can cause serious side effects, the course of treatment with them should be as short as possible.


Change normal composition Intestinal microflora can lead to bloating, so many doctors believe that restoring it with probiotics will alleviate the condition of patients with this problem.

Bifidobacteria and lactobacilli are considered the most useful. Most often, patients with bloating are prescribed Linex, Hilak, Enterozermina, Biosporin.


If bloating is accompanied by abdominal cramps, antispasmodics may help. Some patients consider these drugs to be the main method of treating cramping pain and bloating, while for others they do not help at all. These drugs include Drotaverine (No-shpa) and Mebevirine.

Herbal preparations

The most famous carminative plant origin are dill seeds. Modern Scientific research, studying the properties of this product, showed that the high content of volatile oils is responsible for these beneficial properties. The substances anethole, fenchol and estragole have antispasmodic and anti-inflammatory properties, due to which they relax the intestinal muscles and allow gases to leave it. Volatile oils are also believed to stimulate excretion and improve digestion.

Examples of preparations based on dill seeds:

  • Plantex.
  • Dill water.
  • Baby Calm.

Traditional methods of treatment

Many people firmly believe in traditional methods of treatment. They are often interested in how to cure bloating in the abdomen and intestines at home without the use of medications.

Treatment of bloating in adults folk remedies can be effective, especially with proper nutrition.

The means used include:

  • Dill seeds. You can chew a few seeds after each meal or brew tea from 1 teaspoon of seeds and drink 2 times a day.
  • Peppermint. Contains menthol oil, which has an antispasmodic effect. You can chew fresh mint leaves or make Mint tea and drink it 2-3 times a day.
  • Ginger. Contains several active substances, including carminative compounds that help with bloating. You can brew tea from 5-6 thin pieces of ginger, add a little honey and lemon to it, drink 2-3 times a day.
  • Chamomile tea. Has anti-inflammatory and antispasmodic properties.

Treatment of bloating in newborns

The accumulation of gases in the intestines is the main cause of colic in young children. Newborns may swallow air when they eat, suck on a pacifier, or cry.

Treatment and prevention of bloating in newborns includes the following measures:

  • Changing the baby's position during feeding. It is necessary that its head is above the level of the stomach. It is important to ensure that when artificial feeding the child did not swallow air from the bottle.
  • Burping air is one of the easiest ways to combat bloating in newborns. After feeding, you need to carry the baby upright for several minutes.
  • Replacement nipples for feeding. To reduce air swallowing, use nipples with a small hole.
  • Massage the tummy, bending the legs towards the stomach.
  • Changes in diet. Some parents give their kids fruit juice, which is poorly absorbed. You should carefully study the mother's diet if the child is on breastfeeding. Dairy products and caffeine should be excluded from it.

If these tips do not help your child get rid of bloating, your doctor may prescribe medication. The most commonly used are Simethicone and preparations based on dill seeds. In case of lactose intolerance ( milk sugar, which is found in dairy products and formulas artificial nutrition) may require a lactose-free diet or the use of lactase preparations (an enzyme that breaks down lactose).


The accumulation of gases in the intestines is directly related to poor nutrition. It’s not for nothing that they say that a man is what he eats. To avoid troubles of this kind, you need to eat foods that help reduce signs of flatulence and do not lead to constipation, gas accumulation, bloating and pain in the abdomen.

In order to prevent constipation, diarrhea, the development of infectious diseases and malignant tumor(which forms sooner and later if you abuse harmful products) in the intestines you need:

  • get used to eating right;
  • avoid snacking on the run and do not eat dry food;
  • drink clean water;
  • stop drinking alcohol, smoking, carbonated drinks;
  • do gymnastics and dose physical activity;
  • Avoid eating gas-forming foods;
  • It is advisable to eat in small portions and more often - up to 6 times a day;
  • Do not swallow food in large pieces; this can lead to swelling of the intestinal walls and infection with viruses and bacteria.

Life is movement, and the human body is what it eats. A diet to avoid the development of flatulence and the accumulation of gases in the intestines is an important component of the entire treatment process.

Most often, the problem of increased gas formation in the intestines can be solved by normalizing nutrition, quitting smoking and excessive alcohol consumption, and including at least minimal exercise in your daily routine. physical activity. If all these measures do not bring relief, you should consult a doctor, because increased gas production can also be a symptom. serious illnesses.

A delicate problem Excessive accumulation of gases in the intestines worries many people. It is manifested by symptoms of bloating, rumbling sounds, and cramping pain due to a feeling of distension in the intestinal loops. The combination of these symptoms is called flatulence. Flatulence is not a separate serious disease. It can occur as a one-time deterioration of the condition due to the consumption of stale food or an unusual combination of foods. But frequently recurring symptoms of flatulence over a long period of time are a consequence of disturbances in the functioning of the digestive system.

What is flatulence, why does a large accumulation of gases appear in the intestines?

When proteins, fats and carbohydrates are broken down in the intestines into nutrients for absorption through capillaries into the blood, a process of natural gas formation occurs. This is a normal physiological process in which the activity of bacteria located inside the intestine is accompanied by the release of gases (nitrogen, oxygen). With normal functional indicators of the gastrointestinal tract, the volume of gases does not exceed 600 ml during the day. They come off naturally, do not have a strong odor and do not cause discomfort to humans.

In the case when the volume of gases in the intestines exceeds 900 ml within one day, unpleasant phenomena in the abdominal area begin to increase in the form of distension, rumbling, persistent bloating appears, and gases pass poorly. If the excreted gases have an unpleasant, pungent odor, this is a consequence of disturbances in the intestinal microflora, in which bacteria dominate, emitting many specific gases (for example, hydrogen sulfide).

Factors that contribute to increased gas production:

1 insufficiency in the secretion of gastrointestinal enzymes;

2 overuse food, rich in fiber and carbohydrates;

3 violations motor activity intestines;

4 abuse of carbonated drinks;

5 simultaneous consumption of foods in the wrong combination (fish and milk, meat and fruit);

6 psycho-emotional disorders and stress conditions, because nervous system controls the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.

Some factors include the state of pregnancy, in which an increase in the volume of the uterus may be accompanied by compression of the intestinal loops, which complicates the natural passage of accumulated gases.

Symptoms and signs of flatulence, large accumulation of gases in the intestines

Where do gases come from in the intestines? The intestines react to the increased release of gases in it with symptoms that cause a lot of inconvenience to patients and disrupt the usual rhythm of their lives. Painful sensations in the form of cramping attacks have varying intensity, spread to the entire abdominal area, most often localized in the left and right hypochondrium. The pain is caused by the pressure of excess gases on the intestinal walls. Due to the swollen intestines, the diaphragm rises, squeezing other organs.

Symptoms of excess gas in the intestines:

1 feeling of fullness in the stomach;

2 bloating;

3 sounds of bubbling, “pouring” of food mass, rumbling;

4 hiccups, belching;

5 attacks of nausea due to digestion problems;

6 cramping pain localized in the upper and lower abdomen;

7 constipation, diarrhea;

8 release of gases accompanied by sound;

The state of flatulence is characterized by cyclical manifestations: when the gases pass, some relief is observed, but after a while the gases accumulate again, the stomach swells again, and attacks of pain are repeated.

Causes of flatulence, why do gases in the intestines torment you?

Why do gases form in the intestines? There are many reasons that lead to increased formation of gases in the intestines. The two main categories include:

1 single manifestation of flatulence in healthy people;

2 symptoms of flatulence due to diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

The phenomena of flatulence can occur in completely healthy people against the background of an irrational diet, a single consumption of low-quality products, or swallowing air while eating. Other reasons include functional disorders in the digestive system, as a result of which the intestinal microflora or its motility (motor functions) suffers. This is often associated with a number of gastrointestinal diseases (gastritis, pancreatitis, colitis).

What causes excessive gas accumulation in the intestines? Let us note the main reasons:

1 aerophagia (swallowing air);

2 use certain types products;

3 violations of the normal digestive process, resulting in the formation of remains of poorly digested food;

4 intestinal dysbiosis;

5 disorders of enzyme secretion;

6 disturbances of intestinal motility (difficulty in moving food mass);

7 deviations of digestive functions from the norm due to nervous tension.

Aerophagia is the entry of excess air into the digestive tract during eating. Sometimes air escapes through the esophagus and oral cavity out, and it turns out to be a belch. Sometimes, along with food, it enters further into the intestines. This happens when a person eats quickly “on the go”, chewing food poorly, talks a lot while eating, or washes down food with soda. Swallowing air is not dangerous, and in the absence of functional disorders from the gastrointestinal tract, air is removed from the body naturally. More often than others, increased gas formation is caused by the consumption of certain foods. These include carbohydrate-containing foods and foods high in starch and fiber. Carbohydrates promote fermentation processes, causing the formation of gases, so the consumption of sweets must be controlled.

What foods can lead to the formation of gases in the intestines and the development of flatulence?

List of products that contribute to increased gas formation:

1 fruits, sweets;

2 dairy products, especially in combination with baked goods;

3 cabbage (white cabbage, Brussels sprouts, broccoli), legumes, potatoes;

4 carbonated drinks.

Existing disturbances in the digestion process or a lack of enzymes lead to the fact that part of the food remains undigested and is not broken down into the necessary components absorbed into the blood. These residues begin to decompose in the intestines, causing fermentation and gas accumulation. Intestinal dysbiosis is an imbalance of its microflora, when, for one reason or another, the amount beneficial bacteria decreases significantly. This activates fermentation and enhances the activity of flora, releasing carbon dioxide and hydrogen sulfide in large quantities. Because of this, gases become sharp, bad smell. Disturbances in intestinal motility negatively affect the movement of feces and cause difficulties in removing them from the body. In this case, the decomposition process is aggravated, which causes additional gas formation.

The constant accumulation of gases is fraught with further intensification of symptoms even in the absence of necessary treatment may be complicated by arrhythmia and increased heart rate. Swollen loops of intestine push against the diaphragm and can cause compression vagus nerve. Undigested food remains that remain in the intestines for a long time can cause a state of intoxication due to decay products. And this could lead to worsening general condition throughout the body in the form of fatigue, lack of appetite, and depressive mood. Finding out the causes of flatulence helps to establish the right treatment tactics and eliminate the problem of intestinal gases.

How to determine the cause of gas accumulation, diagnosis of flatulence

When flatulence occurs occasionally, you need to analyze your diet. With some effort, it is possible to identify a certain relationship between the consumption of certain foods and the appearance of symptoms of flatulence. To eliminate the problem, it is enough to exclude these products and increased gas formation in the intestines can be avoided. To establish the causes of persistent manifestations of flatulence, it is necessary to undergo a series of examinations, including diagnosing possible abnormalities in the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. A doctor’s consultation begins with a thorough examination of the patient and collection of his complaints. Palpation of the abdomen during flatulence usually reveals spasmodic areas of the intestine, upon which the patient experiences painful sensations. Tension of the abdominal muscles is not observed during flatulence; it is more characteristic of the presence of an inflammatory process.

To assess the severity of the process and exclude serious diseases, the patient is prescribed the necessary examinations from the following complex:

1 examination of the abdominal organs using an ultrasound machine;

2 x-ray examination;

3 endoscopic examinations of the gastrointestinal tract (fibrogastroduodenoscopy, colonoscopy);

4 laboratory research(blood test, stool test);

5 carrying out various types of tests (lactose tolerance test, hydrogen breath test, test to determine stool acidity).

Ultrasound, X-ray diagnostics and endoscopy can identify organic pathological changes in the gastrointestinal tract (ulcers, cysts, tumors). Laboratory methods help detect functional disorders. A blood test makes it possible to determine the presence inflammatory processes. A coprogram, which combines physical and chemical analysis of stool, can provide a greater information picture in the study of increased gas formation. When examining stool under a microscope, the following is revealed:

1 change in color, consistency;

2 absence or presence of a specific odor;

3 remains of dietary fiber and undigested foods;

4 availability hidden blood, mucus, pus;

5 presence of helminth eggs;

6 the presence of bilirubin, neutral fat, starch.

The coprogram in combination with other studies helps experienced specialist differentiate a range of diseases. For example, when chronic pancreatitis stool may have a paste-like consistency; in peptic ulcers, stool takes on the appearance of small lumps (“sheep” feces) due to the spastic state of the organs, and in colitis, mucus and pus are found. Helminthic infestations are dangerous due to the waste products of helminths, which cause intestinal dysfunction and intoxication of the body. Biochemical studies blood tests can detect abnormalities in liver function. A decrease in the level of bile production disrupts the digestion process, food is not completely digested, and gases are formed.

Tests are indirect elements of diagnosis. For example, a lactose tolerance test is carried out to determine lactose deficiency, as a result of which drinking milk is fraught with excessive gas formation. After conducting a comprehensive examination, the doctor determines treatment tactics to eliminate the problem. advanced education gases

What to do, how to get rid of gases in the intestines, treatment of flatulence?

The first step to eliminating increased gas formation is to review your diet. This includes eliminating certain foods and monitoring problematic combinations in dishes.

You should consume with caution:

1 all types of sweets;

2 legumes;

3 fruits (best eaten in a separate meal);

It is recommended to give preference to stewing and boiling meat and vegetables. It is better to replace tea and coffee with herbal infusions that help improve digestion. You should avoid chewing gum (contains sorbitol).

How to get rid of gas accumulation in the intestines? Medical therapy carried out taking into account individual characteristics patient and includes:

1 removal of the main symptoms;

2 treatment of diseases that cause flatulence;

3 warning of gas formation.

What to do if gases form in the intestines. As a means of reducing pain, drugs that relieve intestinal spasms (Drotaverine or No-shpa) are prescribed. Enzyme deficiency is compensated for by taking Pancreatin, Mezim and other enzyme preparations. Dysbacteriosis is treated with the help of beneficial bacteria that populate the intestines. These include a number of probiotics: Linex, Acipol, Bifiform. For problems with constipation and weakness of motor skills, the following are prescribed: Senadexin, Duphalac, Glycelax, suppositories with a laxative effect. To reduce the manifestations of intoxication of the body, the use of sorbent drugs is indicated: Activated carbon, Enterosgel, Atoxil. However, they cannot be used for a long time, since sorbents remove many useful substances from the body. In the absence of serious illnesses, manifestations of increased gas production can be managed traditional methods. Wide Application received decoctions from the seeds of dill (fennel), anise, caraway, as well as mint and chamomile tea. The delicate problem of gas accumulation in the intestines is completely solvable with a responsible and attentive attitude towards your body.

You can understand that this is exactly what is happening by discomfort in the abdomen, it becomes swollen, and sometimes painful sensations appear. A large accumulation does not pose a serious danger, but the problem must be treated. How to cope with gases in the intestines yourself, and whether this can be done, will be discussed further.

Causes of gas emission

The accumulation of gases in the body occurs for various reasons:

  1. Conversation while eating. In this case, excess air is swallowed, which is not absorbed by the intestines, but settles in it.
  2. Emotional stress. During a strong stress state, food reaches the lower gastrointestinal tract faster and does not have time to be digested.
  3. Quick snacks. Poorly chewed food is not completely digested, causing gas formation.
  4. 3-4 days before the start of menstruation, women suffer from flatulence.

Gases can provoke products that tend to cause fermentation, these include:

Rye bread, kvass, beer - they cause fermentation.

  1. Some fruit and vegetable products: apples, potatoes, cabbage, beans, etc.
  2. Dairy products if a person is lactose intolerant.
  3. Sugar in large quantities causes fermentation.
  4. Water with appropriate bubbles.

Finally, walk in place, raising your knees high.

Traditional methods against gases

If gases do not leave the intestines, you can use methods traditional medicine:

  • Dill. Dill-based products are given even to small children. The decoction is prepared simply: grind a spoonful of plant seeds in a coffee grinder and pour in 1.5 cups of boiling water, leave for 3 hours. Drink the prepared infusion during the day in 3 doses. You need to drink before main meals.
  • Chamomile. It has antispasmodic and anti-inflammatory properties, and also relieves pain. To remove gas in the stomach, you need to take a spoonful of flowers and pour 200 ml of boiling water. Let it brew a little, strain and drink 100 ml 4 times a day.
  • Caraway. Brew a spoonful of plant seeds with a glass of boiling water and let cool. Drink half of the resulting infusion at one time before a meal. Acts as an antispasmodic, prevents rotting and fermentation of food in the gastrointestinal tract.

Fennel, coriander, ginger, mint and other plants also effectively fight gases in the intestines.

Treatment with medications

If gases are difficult to pass from the stomach of an adult, there are reasons for this. Sometimes you have to get rid of them using medications. Especially if there is gurgling, pain with contractions. Then treatment must be carried out in two directions. The first is to find the root cause and eliminate it if possible. The second is to eliminate as much as possible and counteract its accumulation.

If gases from the abdomen do not pass well, medications can be used in treatment:

Only by finding out the reason why the accumulated gases do not escape can you prescribe the correct treatment:

  • If they cannot be removed due to tumor growth, then surgery is performed.
  • When blisters constantly collect and the problem intensifies, the patient is prescribed Cerucal.
  • When the cause is a change in intestinal microflora, then symptomatic drugs and lactobacilli, which restore microflora.
  • If the cause of flatulence is constipation, then measures to eliminate it are prescribed.

First and safe means For quick disposal Espumisan is considered for gases in the intestines. It is given to children from the first days of life for severe colic. You can drink it if you know exactly the cause of flatulence or as prescribed by your doctor.

Treatment with diet

When gas accumulates in the stomach, you need to know how to get rid of the problem forever by eliminating certain foods from your diet. You need to find out what you have and try not to use them. Each person has his own provocateur of advanced education. Some suffer from flour products or sweets, but others can’t stand it fried foods And meat products. If you have an accumulation of gas in your stomach, then you need to avoid foods that have a lot of fiber. These are the following products: all legumes, Rye bread, all citrus fruits, fruit and berry products, tomatoes and onions.

Gas and gurgling in the stomach

Intestinal flatulence (the presence of gases in it) is a fairly common phenomenon that occurs when a significant amount of gas accumulates in the intestines. This happens as a result of overeating or eating a large amount of foods containing fiber. During each day, about 600 ml of gases pass through the rectum in people. Excessive formation of gases occurs when the amount of gases released is much higher than normal, and there is also discomfort and pain when they are released.

A variety of factors lead to the bubbling of gas in the stomach. These may also be disturbances in the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, diseases of the digestive system, limited production of enzymes necessary for digesting food, as a result of which some of its fragments end up in the lower parts of the stomach. The lower sections of the intestine contain microflora that are not suitable for high-quality digestion of the food entering there, as a result of which it decomposes and sours, which is the cause of gas production.

Very common cause The occurrence of gas formation and seething in the abdomen can be considered impaired intestinal motility and lactose intolerance. Flatulence can also occur due to frequent stress.

Gas in the stomach: causes

The most common cause of gas formation in the abdomen is aerophagia - involuntary swallowing of air during inhalation. Aerophagia is stimulated by smoking, chewing gum, increased salivation, which results in increased breathing through the mouth, the development of hysterical conditions, as well as irritation in the intestinal area. The nature of the food consumed is also of great importance in the formation of gas in the abdomen.

Strong gases in the stomach are formed as a result of eating the following foods:

Liquids containing soda or carbon dioxide, as well as sweet carbonated drinks;

Legumes (lentils, peas, beans, beans) due to the presence of raffinose in their composition;

Various vegetable crops (asparagus, all kinds of cabbage, radishes, pumpkin and radish);

Dairy products containing lactose (this applies to people with a deficiency of lactase, which breaks it down, or complete absence such);

Fruit juices and fruits containing a variety of fructose and sorbitol;

Bread, potatoes and other carbohydrate foods that contain starch.

In general, the reason for the formation of gases, as already mentioned above, is the accumulation in the stomach of swallowed air released during digestion carbon dioxide and other gaseous substances, either released by bacteria or being the end products of the breakdown of consumed food.

Why does gas collect in the stomach?

The accumulation of gases in the abdomen can be caused by soluble dietary fiber(pectins). They are found in large quantities in fruits and vegetables, primarily in apples, pears, apricots, quince, carrots, pumpkin, turnips, black currant. When dissolved, pectins form colloidal solutions; when they reach the colon, they release gas, breaking down in it. This explains the strong rumbling in the stomach when eating a large number of apples or apricots. However, you should not completely eliminate these foods from your diet. The thing is that pectin fibers are very beneficial for the body in general and for the intestines in particular. Fibers formed by foods of plant origin help coat the intestinal mucosa, thereby healing all ulcers and cracks present there, and also contribute to the neutralization and removal of salts from the body heavy metals. All this is of great importance, especially if we take into account the environmental situation that has developed in this moment. Pectins have a strong protective effect in the presence of a source of radioactive contamination.

Too active intestinal peristalsis causes rolling attacks of pain, which either go away or intensify again. This may occur due to the presence of a large amount of gases in the intestines, the process infectious lesion or the effects of stress on the body. In the medical lexicon there is such a term as acute stomach, which means so severe pain that the patient is vomiting, the body muscles are tense, the temperature rises above 38 degrees. Often, in such a patient’s condition, suspicions of peritonitis, ruptured appendix and pancreatitis are justified. A patient in this condition should absolutely not be given an anesthetic, since this will only confuse the attending physician. Only calling an ambulance with subsequent hospitalization of the patient and placing him on hospital treatment may be an appropriate measure.

A situation may arise that the pain in the abdomen does not go away over time and becomes constant, sharp and cutting. Such pain can be a symptom of pancreatitis, stomach ulcers, cholelithiasis and inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract. Pain may be associated with food ingested and the release of significant amounts of gases during its fermentation and digestion. The frequency of pain, its nature, location and strength are also important. All these factors have vital importance when determining the methods by which this pain should be relieved.

Gas in the stomach after eating

It is quite difficult to find a person who does not like to eat delicious food, since tasting your favorite dishes is a very pleasant activity. However, unfortunately, this is not always useful, since overeating results in heaviness in the stomach, accompanied by bloating, as a result of the stomach being filled with gases.

As a result of research conducted by scientists, the main types of foods that cause fermentation in the stomach have been identified. This condition is caused by:

Dairy products (milk, all kinds of ice cream);

Products of poor digestibility (soybeans, beans, corn);

Various types of hard nuts (walnuts, peanuts, pistachios, pine, cashews);

Certain types of fruits and vegetables (cabbage, pineapple, radishes).

Also, in addition to eating the above foods, the appearance of gas in the stomach after eating can be the result of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (erosive bulbitis, intestinal infection, intestinal colitis). According to the well-known truth, all abdominal organs are responsible for digesting food. Digested food first of all enters the stomach, so it is already initial stage Taking it, ulcers and gastritis give a feeling of discomfort.

If pancreatic enzymes are secreted in insufficient quantities, as a result of pancreatitis, enteritis, digestive processes are disrupted and the load on other organs increases. The presence of chronic diseases of various parts of the intestine, such as dysbiosis, polyps, intestinal obstruction, and intestinal irritation, causes the appearance of a large amount of gas in the abdomen and the fermentation of unprocessed masses. If a similar situation arises, it makes sense, first of all, to consult a competent doctor in order to determine the exact cause of the formation of gas in the stomach after eating, so that the prescribed treatment is correct.

Constant gas in the stomach

The constant presence of gas in the abdomen causes a feeling of fullness in the abdomen, which is accompanied by pain, diarrhea and gurgling in the abdomen. As a result of the accumulation of gases in the intestines, the stomach is displaced and absorbed food may be refluxed from the stomach into the esophagus, which causes a sweetish taste in the mouth and frequent belching.

Constant gases in the abdomen cause an increase in pressure in the digestive tract, which results in stretching of its lower sections and spasm of others, which causes colic in the abdomen. In general, flatulence is often accompanied by the emission of gases with all sorts of sounds and smells, which negatively affect the quality of the surrounding social environment.

The most common reason for the constant presence of gas in the stomach, its bloating, is swallowing air while eating or chewing food too quickly, aggravated by the consumption of carbonated drinks. When liquids contained in gases enter the digestive tract, they become concentrated in its various parts, which causes bloating.

Strong gas in the stomach

In addition to the reasons mentioned above, strong gases in the abdomen can be formed as a result of gases formed in the lumen of the cecum, as well as the diffusion of gases in the circulatory system.

Presence of gases in gastrointestinal tract It is always natural, however, if their concentration becomes higher than 200 ml, flatulence occurs.

The gases that accumulate in the stomach are foam, which consists of many bubbles connected to each other by viscous mucus. In the event that the intestinal mucosa is covered with foam, parietal digestion becomes difficult, and, consequently, gas resorption is impaired.

Severe gas formation in the abdomen can occur for the following reasons:

Lack of enzymes. This factor is the cause of flatulence in infants and those who suffer from pancreatitis, duodenitis, gastritis and other diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, in lower sections which fermentation and rotting of undigested food occurs;

Disturbed microbiocenosis of the colon. This phenomenon may be caused by the effect of alcohol on the balance of microelements in the colon. Alcohol intoxication causes serious changes in the intestinal microflora, negatively affecting the absorption of microelements. The result is an increased accumulation of gases in the intestines, which causes their fermentation, accompanied by the release of gases to the outside.

Gas in the stomach: symptoms

Bloating is the main symptom of gas in the intestines. The accumulation of gases in the abdomen is often accompanied by attacks of pain, which in this case has the nature of contractions. In certain cases, increased gas content in the intestines may be accompanied by vomiting and nausea. Even more common symptoms are belching, constipation and diarrhea. The stomach is bursting, there is rumbling in it, while the person experiences a feeling of general discomfort and anxiety. There may be a feeling of transfusion of something in the stomach. This can happen either due to poor digestion of the food eaten, or as a result food poisoning. In the event that sour belching occurs, you should induce vomiting or use an enema with the addition of chamomile infusion, because sometimes, only this can help eliminate the symptoms of gas in the abdomen.

Gas in the stomach, what to do?

In order to eliminate this adverse event, like gas in the stomach, you should carefully monitor your own diet. Most often, it is an improperly balanced diet that is the reason why gases accumulate in the intestines. If the diet has been normalized, but the problem remains, its solution should be sought in intestinal dysfunction, a lack of bacteria necessary for its normal functioning.

In order for the diet to be structured correctly, any coarse, poorly digestible fiber should be removed from it. It is contained in products such as gooseberries and grapes, cabbage, beans, asparagus, peas and beans. In addition, it is necessary to eliminate all carbonated drinks, kvass and beer from consumption, since they all contribute to the development of stomach turmoil.

Products of fermented milk origin, such as kefir, yogurt, and fermented baked milk, are useful. All kinds of porridges, in particular buckwheat and wheat, help to get rid of gases. Good boiled vegetables are carrots and beets. Fried meat is not very desirable; it is also preferable boiled. White bread with bran is also useful.

There are a fairly large number of traditional medicines that help fight intestinal problems that arise as a result of its filling with gases. In this case, it is recommended to use infusions of coriander, dill, cumin and chamomile. In case of gas formation in the stomach, it is recommended to drink an infusion of chamomile, lemon balm, pepper shaker, and catnip. If increased gas formation occurs in the small intestine, it is recommended to drink all of the above teas, adding dill to them. If flatulence is observed in the large intestine, the use of peppermint and ginger is recommended.

Gas in the stomach, how to get rid of it?

In some cases, in order to get rid of gases formed in the abdomen, special medications, reducing flatulence. These include adsorbent agents: activated carbon, smecta. Antifoam agents (simethicone and dimethicone, which are organosilicon compounds), carminatives (fennel oil and fruits, chamomile flowers and caraway fruits) are also effective. Espumisan significantly reduces foaming in the intestinal lumen. It is inert and does not perform the function of absorbing drugs and food components. In the gastrointestinal tract, the drug is not absorbed, is not digested by microorganisms, and does not have a significant effect on the biochemistry of absorption and digestion. However, as a result of reducing the gas content in the intestinal cavity, espumisan indirectly affects the stabilization of digestive functions. The drug performs its function well long-term use, suitable for the treatment of any pathology excessive gas formation. Contraindications include intestinal obstruction of a mechanical nature, hypersensitivity to all kinds of medicinal components. There are restrictions on the administration of espumisan to children, the elderly, pregnant women and nursing mothers.

Medicines for stomach gas

There is a sufficient number traditional medicines to eliminate gas in the stomach. These include:

Flaxseed infusion. It is prepared by infusing two tablespoons of flaxseed for two hours. Take two tablespoons 3-5 times a day and a quarter glass at night;

Chamomile flowers. Effective when taken as an infusion for the treatment of inflammatory processes in the intestines, colitis, flatulence and gastritis. Chamomile color is mixed with a glass of boiling water and used as a drink three times a day, two tablespoons;

Grass night blindness. As a tincture, it is taken orally to treat flatulence; it is also effective for constipation and liver diseases. To prepare the infusion, two tablespoons of the herb are poured with half a liter of boiling water. Should be used three times a day, half an hour before meals.