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What you need to eat to stay alert. Top foods that cause fatigue and loss of strength

Every person would like to remain strong and not get tired throughout the day. Busy work schedule, stress, poor nutrition- all these factors affect the level of our vital energy. But we can help ourselves by daily consuming those foods that will naturally help us not get tired and maintain our health. vital energy from morning to evening. See our list natural products, which will help you fight fatigue and stay productive and healthy every day.


While regular yogurt is just good food, increases energy, then Greek yogurt also brings health benefits. He contains more protein, carbs, and healthy fats than regular yogurt, which means you'll feel more energized if you snack on Greek yogurt mid-day. Greek yogurt for breakfast helps fight fatigue and bad mood in the morning. If you're not a big fan of Greek yogurt... pure form, then you can use it in your favorite meals and snacks as a supplement and enjoy all of its beneficial properties without feeling it. You can use it in your favorite fruit salads or fruit smoothies. Many people also use Greek yogurt to season their soups. (Photo: shutterstock).

Berries provide a huge boost of energy and are generally good for your overall health. Berries contain powerful antioxidants that improve the functioning of your body and protect against many diseases. Add your favorite berries to Greek yogurt to feel energized and help you get through any workday task faster. Strawberries, blackberries, blueberries, goji berries, raspberries and cranberries are some of the best natural energy snacks and will help whenever you feel tired. (Photo: shutterstock).

Whether raw or cooked, spinach has many health benefits. Its regular consumption helps protect against osteoporosis, arthritis, heart disease and some types of cancer. Rich in vitamins A, C, K, magnesium, manganese and folic acid, spinach is one of the best energy products, which you can enjoy at any time of the day. You can use spinach in pancakes, omelettes, soups, smoothies and salads. (Photo: shutterstock).

Walnuts boast fantastic beneficial properties for human health. They contain proteins that are beneficial for of cardio-vascular system fats, vitamins and minerals. When it comes to energy-boosting foods— walnuts out of competition. You don't have to eat a lot of nuts to keep your energy levels high—a few are enough to make you feel better, not to mention improve your memory. Try to eat several walnuts at the end of the day - you will not only sleep better, but also wake up refreshed and energetic. (Photo: shutterstock).

5. Melon and watermelon.

Dehydration often leads to exhaustion and fatigue, so it is important that you drink enough water and eat fluid-rich foods throughout the day. Melons and watermelons have incredibly high water content and are low in calories. They also contain many vitamins and minerals, including phosphorus, potassium, calcium, magnesium, sodium, zinc, iron, selenium and many others. Melons and watermelons are also a good source of healthy carbohydrates, which help keep your energy levels high for hours. The next time you feel tired and drained, enjoy a melon salad to boost your vitality and improve your health. (Photo: shutterstock).

A little exotic for our latitudes, but a real health record holder, quinoa is a healthy alternative to oatmeal and other cereals. You can eat it for breakfast, lunch and dinner without worrying about calories and fat. Quinoa also has amazing energy-boosting properties. It's rich in protein and fiber, which will help you have more energy to stay active and productive at work. Quinoa has a great taste and has a pleasant crunch on your teeth. You can use it in your soups and salads and make healthy sandwiches. (Photo: shutterstock).

7. Cereal flakes.

Although corn, oat or wheat flakes are not the most healthy foods of all natural energy dishes, but when you need a quick boost of energy, they are irreplaceable. The cereal contains fiber, healthy carbohydrates, and protein to keep you energized throughout the day. When purchasing cereal, you need to choose one made from whole grains. (Photo: shutterstock).

If quinoa and cereal aren't your thing, you might want to try oatmeal. An eaten portion of oatmeal is processed very slowly, providing the body with a long-lasting boost of energy. A bowl oatmeal with berries, cinnamon and yogurt or milk - this is what you need in the morning to start the day successfully. Cereals are characterized by a high content of essential nutrients, including protein, magnesium, zinc, potassium, copper and manganese. As an added bonus, oatmeal will give you a healthy night's sleep after dinner—you'll sleep better and wake up energized. (Photo: shutterstock).

Scientists have named foods whose consumption causes fatigue and loss of strength, and also contributes to a tired appearance. Let's find out which foods you need to limit in your diet in order to feel cheerful and radiate energy and health.


Alcohol tops the list of foods that contribute to general fatigue, since its consumption first leads to excitement and then sharp inhibition nervous system, which causes drowsiness and a feeling of lack of energy. Even sleep in drunkenness does not provide the necessary relaxation and cannot fully restore strength and energy.


Sweets, which both children and adults love very much, increase the level of glucose in the body, which subsequently falls very quickly. When glucose levels drop sharply, a person experiences a loss of energy.


Flour products

High carbohydrate foods such as baked goods pasta, also lead to the fact that the level of rapidly absorbed glucose in the body changes sharply, which, as a result, causes loss of strength and fatigue.

fried food

Everyone has heard about the dangers of fried food, it irritates the stomach and intestines, in addition, according to scientists, it takes a lot of energy from the body to digest and, as a result, a feeling of fatigue occurs.

Foods that make us look tired

Not always great physical state noticeable in our appearance. Despite wellness or a recent long vacation, sometimes in the mirror we see a tired and exhausted person. A dull face, puffiness, red eyes, uneven skin tone and other signs signal that it's time to rest. It is common knowledge that stressful situations, poor environment, unhealthy lifestyle and insufficient rest can affect a person’s appearance. But these are not the only reasons - a tired appearance can be directly related to what we eat. Here is a list of foods whose consumption contributes to a tired appearance.


Of course, salt should not be completely eliminated from the diet, but foods high in salt tend to lead to dehydration - the body begins to remove excess salt along with water, which makes the skin dry, for this reason a person’s appearance becomes more tired, even despite cheerful well-being and excellent health.

Artificial sweetener

Regular consumption of sugar contributes to the development of inflammation in the body. When replacing sugar with an artificial sweetener, it is important to understand that the latter may be more harmful regular sugar. This is because artificial sweeteners contain aspartame, which can cause joint pain, as well as thirst, which encourages a person to drink. a large number of fluid, which in turn leads to swelling. Some products may be labeled as “sugar free” on their packaging, in which case it is worth reading the product label completely as these products often contain artificial sweetener. Be careful when purchasing chewing gum, carbonated drinks, sweets, jellies - they often contain aspartame in their composition. To satisfy your sweet tooth, it is preferable to eat fruits, berries or their dried counterpart - dried fruits.


Of course, a certain amount of carbohydrates should be present in the diet, but their excess can lead to damage to collagen in the skin. As a result, the skin will not look fresh, radiant and healthy, which will affect general view– he will be more tired. Let us remind you that foods containing carbohydrates: potatoes, pasta, dairy products, White bread, rice, cakes, cookies, brownies, carrots, pastries, chips, peas and other products.

Red meat

You don't have to become a vegetarian to look great. You need to know that eating red meat more than once a week leads to the formation of wrinkles. The fact is that red meat contains carnitine, an excess of which contributes to clogging. blood vessels, which in turn impairs blood circulation and, as a result, disrupts skin nutrition.

Spicy food

There is an opinion that the use spicy food has a good effect on metabolism, but is not at all beneficial for the skin. Such foods can cause irritation and dilation of blood vessels on the face (rosacea), causing uneven skin tone. When the skin on the face looks unhealthy and does not have an even tone, a person looks older than he really is.

Products that give strength and vitality

Agree, in order to look fresh and feel cheerful, you will need to adjust the list of foods included in your diet. In addition to limiting or completely eliminating the above-mentioned foods that contribute to fatigue and a tired appearance, you need to think about what to add to your daily diet to give yourself more vigor and strength. Here are a number of products that give energy, vigor, improve appearance, performance, and concentration.

In order to feel full of strength and energy, you need to add foods to your diet that replenish iron deficiency in the body - this is buckwheat, apples, beans, spinach, pears, persimmons, beets, plums, liver, figs, strawberries, raspberries. In addition, oatmeal, which contains protein, magnesium, phosphorus, and thiamine, increases energy levels; it is preferable to eat it for breakfast. You can add nuts and seeds to oatmeal, which, thanks to magnesium and omega-3 fatty acids in the composition, improve mood, vigor and give strength. Oatmeal has a healing effect on the walls of the stomach, reduces irritation (if any), cleanses the intestines, all this has a beneficial effect on the skin, it not only begins to look good, but also becomes healthier.

It is wrong to think that healthy foods are extremely tasteless. Obviously, the list of foods that give strength and energy is extensive and varied, allowing you to eat not only healthy, but also tasty, and get real pleasure. The statement is true: “we are what we eat,” we just need to add that appearance directly depends on the quality of nutrition. It's never too late to start watching your diet, this will be the first step towards good health and radiant appearance.

In autumn we are more tired than in the warm season. What foods help relieve fatigue faster?

Good nutrition is not just about eating food that keeps you full. Besides correct selection foods can give you a boost of energy, improving your quality of life. If food doesn't relieve fatigue and doesn't give you strength, then you're eating the wrong foods. But fatigue is not just a feeling of discomfort that can be ignored. It can become chronic and increases the risk of developing various diseases.

But there is a way out: there are foods that are rich in nutrients, easy to digest and provide the necessary energy to the body. And from this issue you will learn about ten products that will help you effectively overcome fatigue.

(Total 10 photos)

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1. Oatmeal.

Oatmeal contains magnesium, protein, phosphorus and vitamin B1 (thiamine), nutrients that affect energy levels. These substances make oatmeal an ideal food for fighting fatigue. Be sure to include oatmeal in your breakfast. To make this dish more nutritious, add a handful of nuts or seeds.

2. Yogurt.

Popular and loved by many, yogurt is very healthy. This is a very light product, it is easily digestible. Recent studies have shown that substances contained in yogurt help fight the syndrome. chronic fatigue. It contains beneficial bacteria, which help maintain healthy intestinal microflora and digest food.

But most importantly, they increase the level of tryptophan, an amino acid that helps produce serotonin in the brain, which helps fight fatigue. Low-fat, additive-free yogurt at the start of the day is a great solution!

3. Spinach.

Spinach contains important element– iron, which is necessary for the formation of hemoglobin and oxygen transfer. Iron is also involved in energy production, and iron deficiency accordingly causes fatigue.

Spinach also requires magnesium for energy production and proper digestion. A lack of magnesium leads to depression, seizures, insomnia and loss of appetite. Spinach contains another important element for fighting fatigue - potassium. Potassium deficiency leads to muscle weakness.

You can add fresh spinach to salads, soups, stews, sauces and other dishes.

4. Nuts and seeds.

Nuts and seeds are also good sources of magnesium. The amino acid tryptophan in these products helps healthy sleep. They also provide the body with magnesium, which helps cope with muscle fatigue. But they're also packed with protein, which gives your body energy, and they're also rich in protein and omega-3 fatty acids, which are excellent sources of energy. They also help improve mood and overcome emotional exhaustion.

5. Beans.

Beans, due to the fiber they contain, improve performance digestive system and how the brush removes toxins from the body. This helps a person stay alert. Beans contain manganese and copper, which are necessary for the functioning of mitochondria - energy factories in the body. Magnesium and potassium in beans stimulate blood circulation, and vitamin B1 (thiamine) is involved in energy production. Beans contain iron, which supports immune system, thereby helping to fight fatigue.

Tip: add beans to salads, use as an appetizer or side dish.

6. Fresh mackerel.

Vitamin B12, which is found in mackerel, is necessary for the production of blood cells that carry oxygen. If there is not enough of this vitamin in the body, megaloblastic anemia occurs. If the level of vitamin B12 is normal, there will be enough oxygen in the tissues and we will be full of energy. Only mackerel should not be salted, dried or smoked.

7. Pomegranate.

Contains: vitamins A, B, C, E, P, calcium, magnesium, potassium, manganese, cobalt. Benefits: fills with energy, increases resistance various infections, stimulates appetite. Norm per day: 1 glass of pomegranate juice or eat half a pomegranate.

8. Sprouted wheat grains.

9. Chicken breast.

Chicken meat is a source of iron. Chicken breast is rich in iron. This element is involved in the synthesis of hemoglobin, which carries oxygen to organs and tissues. If there is enough iron in our body, we are active. If there is a deficiency, we suffer from fatigue.

10. Blueberries.

Blueberries improve cerebral circulation. It is advisable to eat it in fresh. But frozen berries in a delicious smoothie (a mixture of berries and, for example, yogurt) will also work.

How to cheer yourself up if you are tired? Which foods give the body real energy, and which only mobilize for a short time? Dr. Holly Phillips on own experience knows what fatigue and depression are, and has developed tips for herself that help avoid them. She gives a list of foods to maintain strength, and also tells whether you should drink juices for weight loss and coffee for fatigue.

You've probably heard the term "superfood". It is often used on brown rice, spinach, yogurt, tomatoes and others. useful things; but have you ever wondered what makes a food a superfood?

It's not about taste, although taste does matter. The bottom line is efficiency: superfoods are not only higher in nutritional value, they also have other properties - they support the immune system, reduce inflammatory processes in the body, stimulate brain function, increase energy reserves, endurance and prolong life. Can you really ask for anything more from a simple meal?

But let's get down to earth: no product will be “super” if it doesn’t taste good: you simply won’t want to eat it. With this in mind, I have prepared a list of ten energy-boosting superfoods that everyone should eat regularly.

10 superfoods against fatigue

Oats. It is perhaps the ultimate superfood because it is rich in fiber, protein, potassium, magnesium and other minerals. Oats are best eaten for breakfast because the fiber they contain digests slowly, keeping your blood sugar levels stable throughout the day. Large-scale studies have shown that oats lower cholesterol levels, which is why they are considered beneficial for heart health.

If you're not a fan of oatmeal (I confess, I'm not), you can sprinkle the oats into cold breakfast cereal or yogurt, or add them to turkey wraps, salads, or even stews for added nutritional value.

Quinoa. These gluten-free grains contain more protein than any other grain. Quinoa is so rich in amino acids (e.g. lysine, cysteine, methionine) that it is considered complete protein(usually these are found only in animal products). The amino acids in quinoa help restore muscles after a workout, while folic acid, magnesium and phosphorus support the body's strength.

Blueberry. In addition to being full of powerful antioxidants and energizing carbohydrates, blueberries contain vitamins A and C, folic acid, potassium, magnesium and fiber. According to research, they, along with blueberry phytochemicals (the beneficial compounds that provide plants with pigment), strengthen the immune system and reduce symptoms of depression by stopping the accumulation of free radicals. Which helps the body and psyche recover faster from stress and cell injuries.

Salmon. Packed with anti-inflammatory omega-3 fatty acids (particularly docosahexaenoic acid, or DHA, and eicosapentaenoic acid, or EPA), which promote heart health, and is an excellent source of protein. The American Heart Association recommends eating fatty fish(eg salmon) at least twice a week.

Regular consumption of fish and fatty acids Omega-3 reduces symptoms of depression and improves cognitive function. The energy-boosting effect of salmon is explained by improved metabolism, including more effective use oxygen in the body during exercise.

Avocado. A source of healthy fats, avocados are loaded with fiber, potassium, vitamins A and E, and folic acid. It is a good source of an omega-3 fatty acid called alpha-linolenic acid. It has a positive effect on metabolic aspects that underlie the heart, particularly blood fat levels and inflammatory markers (such as homocysteine, which often rises with fatigue, resulting in diseases such as diabetes, arthritis and chronic fatigue syndrome) .

Turkey. It is not only low in fat and a good source of protein. Turkey contains the amino acid tyrosine, which increases dopamine and norepinephrine levels. chemical substances brain that improve your attention and concentration. (Don't worry that eating turkey will make you sleepy because of the tryptophan it contains; it has no more of this amino acid than chicken or fish.) It also contains vitamins B6 and B12, which help relieve insomnia and depression and increase energy reserves.

Goji berries. They have been used for 5000 years in Chinese medicine to stimulate energy and mental activity, as well as reducing stress. Goji berries are believed to improve blood flow, allowing energizing oxygen to flow more freely throughout the body. These bright orange-red berries are a concentrated source of antioxidants; They are eaten raw, made into a decoction, or dried like raisins.

Almond. Packed with protein and fiber, these nuts also contain calcium, potassium, phosphorus and vitamin E. They are also a rich source of magnesium, which plays a key role in converting sugar into energy. Not having enough magnesium in your body can sap your energy and cause sleep problems and leg cramps.

Lentils. This plant from the legume family is a powerful source of lean protein, fiber, iron, potassium, zinc and folic acid. Lentils are rich in selenium, a natural mood regulator: studies have shown that a lack of selenium leads to bad mood and reduces energy reserves. The fiber in these mini legumes stabilizes blood sugar levels.

Cabbage. Rich in vitamins C and A, calcium, iron and potassium, it is also an excellent source of protein and fiber - while being very low in calories. In addition, cabbage contains large amounts of flavonoids, phytochemicals with antioxidant properties.

When it comes to nutrition, there is no one-size-fits-all approach to maximizing energy levels for everyone, so you'll have to find your own golden formula that works for you. It may take some trial and error, but if you try to choose foods that are truly healthy, mix the right nutrients, and stick to a consistent eating pattern, you'll find it pretty quickly. best sources food energy that will “refuel” your body with quality fuel and at the same time delight your taste buds.

Coffee: to drink or not to drink? Pros and cons of caffeine

When you're dead tired, caffeine can be an instant antidote, energizing you and helping you focus in those crucial moments. Caffeine, a mild central nervous system stimulant, also increases heart rate, relaxes smooth muscle, increases gastric secretions, and has a diuretic effect.

The positive effects of caffeine include increased levels of neurotransmitters such as norepinephrine, acetylcholine, dopamine, adrenaline and glutamate, which in turn have a positive effect on alertness, concentration, mood and memory, reducing fatigue. Additionally, caffeine may cause a slight increase in metabolic rate, and regular consumption may reduce the risk of Parkinson's disease and type 2 diabetes.

But too much large quantities caffeine becomes an energy-sapping substance. It can increase blood pressure and the secretion of cortisol, cause tremors in the hands and anxiety, and contribute to a delay in falling asleep. Plus, if you have a caffeine addiction (which can develop from coffee, energy drinks and energy bars, as well as “natural” diet pills), the constant waxing and waning of its stimulant effects are often accompanied by mild dehydration and withdrawal symptoms—not a good combination.

This can lead to serious problems with the energy balance in the body. Believe me, I experienced them myself! During my second year of medical school, when I was drinking a pot of coffee a day, I became so immune to caffeine that within an hour or two of taking another drink, I would begin to experience withdrawal symptoms, including fatigue, difficulty concentrating, and headaches.

The energy boost you get from a cup of coffee is not real energy. This is the effect of caffeine, a drug, and it is short-lived. When the effects of caffeine wear off and your body realizes that it has no source of real energy, you are likely to feel exhausted and possibly hungry.

At this point, you probably decide that you need even more caffeine, or you choose to eat, but end up overeating because you are in a state of energy depletion. In either case, the unhealthy cycle, which can lead to further energy drain, begins again.

The lesson is: use caffeine wisely and pay attention to the total amount of caffeine in your diet. For many women, a cup of coffee in the morning is enough, and only occasionally during the day as a stimulant that temporarily increases concentration before an important meeting or long-distance trip.

If you find that you need extra stimulants during the day, it's time to consider other ways to increase your energy reserves: you can take a walk, or take a short nap, or breathe in a stimulating scent like peppermint, or spray your face cold water. Extra caffeine is not the answer.

Freshly squeezed juices: to drink or not to drink? The benefits and harms of juices

Unlike many doctors, I am not a strict opponent of the juice diet. But it is very important not to go to extremes and be aware of what is good and bad about such diets. Here's the main thing: such a diet involves limiting your diet exclusively to fresh fruit and vegetable juices, as well as water for several days or longer. Proponents of juice fasting claim that it cleanses the body, helps lose weight, and also serves as a preventive measure for almost all diseases - from colds to... autoimmune diseases And various forms cancer.

Over the years I have taken a number of different juice courses. My best impressions came from a short (two to three days) course of vegetable juices. (Who would have thought I could eat so many pounds of kale?!) During the fast and for about a week after, I experienced less cravings for fatty and salty foods (suddenly potatoes seemed much less appetizing and cheeseburgers looked like food for dogs). In addition, I began to sleep better and feel a little more alert, as if I had increased my vitamin dose by 4000% (although this was not the case).

But there are also disadvantages. For some people, juice fasting or cleansing is contraindicated. Patients may experience high blood sugar levels from drinking too much fruit juice, and those with kidney disease may suffer from potentially life-threatening electrolyte imbalances. Juice diets will neither help you lose weight nor stop weight gain if you do manage to lose a couple of kilograms. And there is no scientific evidence that “detoxing” helps prevent any disease; in fact, our liver, kidneys and intestines cleanse the body naturally every day.

If you want to try a juice diet, avoid extreme options and don't stay on any of them for more than three to four days. Juice fresh fruits and vegetables yourself or buy freshly prepared juices that have not been pasteurized. Of course, pasteurization potentially kills harmful bacteria, but along with them - beneficial microorganisms and reduces the content of some vitamins and minerals. To get the maximum benefit from a juice diet, you should drink only freshly squeezed juices.

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Very useful article, thanks to the author!
I can also give advice to add more greens, walnuts, drink grape juice to your diet... You can talk a lot, but all these activities should become a system.
There are very good recipe with chronic fatigue syndrome.
Take a glass of peeled walnuts, the same amount of honey and lemon. Grind the nut kernels and lemon, pour in liquid honey, and store in the refrigerator. Take 1 tbsp. spoon 3 times a day for 2 weeks.
Also good effect gives old recipe: 200 ml milk, 1 tbsp. a spoonful of honey and 0.5 tbsp. spoons of dry chamomile inflorescences. Pour milk over chamomile and bring to a boil, dissolve honey, strain, and drink before bed.
Happy and positive attitude to everyone!

Comment on the article "10 Foods That Give Energy. Proper nutrition against fatigue"

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Well, for potency it’s much easier to use something more mundane and simple. I use Detonator cream, smear it on my penis during sex, and my wife moans for several hours without breathing. Both she and I are happy.

11/29/2018 22:13:32, Arturka1112

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The food you eat contains the energy your body needs to carry out daily activities. You can eat foods that give you energy, or those that slow down your vital activity. If you do not want to eat foods that help reduce vitality, read on.

Often we eat because food brings us pleasure. But food should serve one purpose - to provide the body with nutrients (energy). Of course, it's good when food tastes great too, but that's secondary to what it does for your body.

Some foods are better at producing energy than others. For example, if you eat food that contains a large amount simple carbohydrates foods such as bread and pasta, you feel heavy and lethargic. Snacks or desserts high in sugar may give you a burst of energy at first, but you'll soon feel tired. You will feel like you are “squeezed like a lemon”

Luckily, there are certain foods you can eat that will provide more energy to your body.

10 foods that give the body energy


Spinach is a very nutritious product. One serving provides more than half the vitamins you need daily to help you stay active throughout the day. Spinach also contains folic acid, which perfectly helps in the fight against depression.


Many professional athletes use this natural energy booster to help them improve their performance and give them energy.


Many people try to avoid nuts because they are high in fat, but if you don't eat pounds of them, they will benefit your body. Almonds make a great snack or addition to a meal. Gives muscles energy and endurance. Almonds also contain coenzyme Q-10, which gives the body extra energy.


Salmon is an excellent source of protein, which is ultimately energy in itself. It also contains omega-3 fatty acids.


Eggs are extremely nutritious and provide a lot of energy to the body. Some people try to avoid eating eggs due to their effect on blood cholesterol levels. But studies have proven that eggs will not harm your body if you eat only two eggs a day.


Complex carbohydrates, such as oatmeal, give you orgasmic energy for a long time. In addition, you will not feel hungry for several hours. And at the same time, the feeling of heaviness in the stomach will not be felt.

Sweet potato

Just like oatmeal, sweet potatoes are a carbohydrate that will give your body energy for a long time. In addition, it contains vitamins A and C, which helps keep your body and immune system healthy and strong.


Apples are also foods that provide energy. Apples are great as a snack or dessert. Helps you maintain strength and endurance. Apples contain many beneficial nutrients such as vitamin C, which will strengthen your immune system.

Dark chocolate

Dark chocolate improves the ability to think and concentrate. Improves blood flow to the head.


Complex carbohydrate. Gives a large amount of energy to the body.