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What time is best to get up in the morning. What time is best to wake up? What time should you go to bed to wake up refreshed and well-rested? How to learn to go to bed on time

Everyone knows the feeling when a hated alarm clock pulls you out of your sweet sleep. interesting moment. It takes you a long time to come to your senses, to understand where you are, and you feel overwhelmed all day. But fortunately, there is a way to always wake up easily.

As you know, during sleep a person alternates two main phases of sleep: fast and slow sleep. Good night sleep consists of 5-6 such complete cycles. Scientists calculated the duration of each of them, which made it possible to calculate the period of time when the body will be in the phase REM sleep. It is at this time that it is easiest to wake up.

On average, a person falls asleep in 15 minutes, so if you need to wake up at 6 am, your best bet is to go to bed at 20:45 or 22:15. Using this table, you will find out what time you need to go to bed in order to wake up refreshed. right time:

We hope this little trick will help you wake up easily and in good mood. Sweet dreams and pleasant awakenings to you!

Usually healthy person 7 hours is enough to get enough sleep.

If sleep and nutrition are healthy and correct, then after sleeping for 7 hours, a person should wake up on his own.

Midnight is a time of rest for all nature, since the sun is at its lowest position. The sun is responsible for the laws of time, so the daily routine and diet are closely related to solar activity.

What time should you go to bed?

The best time for sleep and rest is from 21-00 to 00-00.

Before midnight, 1 hour of sleep counts as 2 hours, which is confirmed even by modern scientists.

At this time, the human nervous system rests.

To verify this, you can conduct an experiment:

Take it and go to bed at 21-00, and then wake up at 1-00 or 2-00 at night.

And you will feel that you have completely slept.

In the east, many people live according to this regime.

They sleep at this time, and at other times they go about their business.

At other times, the nervous system does not rest. And if you didn’t sleep at this time, then you can sleep for at least 12 hours in a row, but your psyche will never rest.

As a result, laziness, apathy, and drowsiness will occur.

What time should you get up in the morning?

From 2-00 to 6-00 Vata is active, which gives enthusiasm and cheerfulness.

What energy acts for the period of time in which a person wakes up, then the effect of such energy throughout the day will be felt by him.

Therefore, you need to wake up between 2 and 6 am and the person will be under the influence of vata energy – cheerfulness – all day long.

In the east this time is called the time of the Saints. At this time, people who are tuned to spiritual development and self-awareness. Early in the morning you naturally want to think about the sublime.

And such a person is capable of thinking about the sublime all day long and being joyful. He also becomes far-sighted and his intuition develops well.

Japanese scientists also conducted research on the time before sunrise and found the following:

In the pre-dawn time, special sun rays, which cause special effect in the body.

At this time, the body works in two modes: night and day, that is, in passive and active modes.

And it is precisely the switching from night mode to day mode that occurs at this time.

In other words, it is these rays that switch these modes.

But if a person is sleeping at this time, then this switching does not occur.

Then it acts in a weakened mode all day. Then he struggles with sleepiness all day because he is in the wrong mode. Hence the constant use of coffee and tea, which are mild narcotic substances.

Also, this time period (from 2 to 6 hours) is excellent for cleansing the body.

And if a person wakes up early, then his body is naturally cleansed and freed from toxins.

Distribution of materials is permitted only with reference to the source.

Probably, our grandmother advised each of us in childhood to wake up early. Few people listened. But even in adulthood it is not easy, but extremely useful. Especially if you are trying to lead healthy image life or at least do something useful for your health. So the question “what time to wake up in the morning” is by no means idle. Below I will name 5 benefits of waking up early according to Ayurveda - an ancient system of traditional Indian medicine. This may surprise someone, but Ayurveda fully agrees with our Slavic grandmothers :-). And at the same time with modern scientific research and the arguments of medicine...

1. What time do you wake up in the morning? The earlier, the more active Vata dosha

The benefits of Vata dosha are active in the early morning. According to Ayurveda, if you divide the night into three parts, then the last third is dominated by Vata dosha. So it makes sense to wake up early to reap its benefits.

Vata dosha is responsible for body movements, including its flexibility, as well as for the functioning of the senses, that is, in the early morning the senses are heightened to the limit. Mental activity Vata also activates: the ability to understand in the morning is increased, you are full of enthusiasm. In addition, active Vata promotes normal operation hormonal system– is responsible for the proper level of secretion and release of hormones, enzymes, etc. Vata injects energy into all organs and systems of the body.

In general, a balanced Vata in the morning keeps the body and mind in optimal condition. It would be a pity not to take advantage of this, wouldn’t it?

2. What time do you wake up in the morning? The sooner, the more beneficial the exercises

Early morning is best time for training, no matter what it is about. Whether you practice yoga, morning jogging or gym exercises, the benefits of an early workout will be greater. According to Ayurveda, morning is the ideal time for both physical exercise, and for pranayama - breathing techniques, and even for prayer!

3. What time do you wake up in the morning? Brahmi Muhurta

Brahmi Muhurta is the time one and a half hours before dawn, or rather, 1 hour 36 minutes. If you get up when it begins, you will have health, happiness, and spiritual enlightenment. Only at this time of day is Sattva - goodness, the most harmonious, balanced and creative state - diffused in nature. Charge it up for the whole day - what could be better?

4. What time do you wake up in the morning? Biological clock

The body lives according to its own schedule, according to its own biological clock, which determines our biorhythms. This schedule covers everything, including when and what hormones and enzymes to secrete. The production of certain substances in our body is subject to a daily rhythm. Some require daytime, others require only nighttime. The body is predisposed to be active during the day and sleep deeply at night. By waking up early, you provide a great service to all organs and systems of your body, maintaining their health. If you find it difficult to go to bed in hours sufficient to sleep until dawn, this only indicates that you have a sleep disorder, and it needs and can be treated.

5. What time do you wake up in the morning? Hormone cortisol

Early morning is the time when the secretion of the hormone cortisol is maximum, and without any stress (during the day, cortisol is also produced, but in response to stress, in order to protect against it). This hormone is very important because it improves carbohydrate metabolism, promotes the breakdown of fat molecules, increases the level of platelets and red blood cells in the blood, optimizes liver function, strengthens the immune system, etc. Cortisol stimulates cardiovascular system, increases the ability to concentrate, has pronounced anti-inflammatory properties. This is one explanation why waking up early stimulates the healthy functioning of all organs of the body. By the way, cortisol ensures a rush of blood to the muscles, that is, see point 2 and... lay out your yoga mat early.

However, you need to keep in mind that cortisol levels going off scale are dangerous for the body. As they say, everything is good in moderation. So don't wait too long to eat breakfast after your morning workout - this will deprive cortisol of its destructive power.

I think that these 5 reasons are already enough to answer the question: what time should I wake up in the morning? In fact, there are many more such arguments... Even the morning sun is much more beneficial! Dangerous ultraviolet elements that threaten premature aging and even cancer, appear later.

There are two types of carcinogenic ultraviolet rays: UVA and UVB. The first is always active, from sunrise to sunset, even in cloudy weather. And the second, UVB, is a product of direct sunlight during peak hours of the day, from 10 to 16, and rays of this type are much more powerful and harmful. But while you're enjoying your sunrise walk, your body is absorbing vitamin D in the absence of harmful UVB rays!

“Schedule” of dosha activity

The day will be productive and will be lived with great pleasure if we do not interfere with the doshas to manifest their properties.

From 2 to 6 am Vata is activated. Waking up at this time means being alert and energetic all day.

From 6 to 10 am - Kapha time, peace of mind. But waking up at this time is fraught with a feeling of lethargy and laziness in the body.

Day from 10 to 14 - Pitta period, when productivity is at its highest.

From 14 to 18 Vata acts again- this is the most favorable time for self-expression and creativity.

From 18 to 22 - Kapha again, it's time to rest and get ready for bed.

That's why it makes sense to go to bed tonight so you can fall asleep before midnight. This is how the body will recover best.

By the way, good sleep A glass of milk with a pinch of cardamom and nutmeg helps.

What time is best to wake up?

Now we should dwell on the issue of ascent. It turns out that there are patterns associated with our well-being and even with fate, which directly depend on the time a person gets up. Vitality mind, mind and our body is directly related to the time of rise. Therefore, we will now discuss these relationships in detail:
2-3 nights

If a person gets up from 2 to 3 a.m. without mental or health problems, then in this case he is able to make significant progress along the path of self-awareness. At this time, the activity of the Sun is still very weak, but the Moon continues to act on our mind quite strongly. As a result of this, the mind is naturally in a state of peace and tranquility. In such early morning hours it is very favorable to pray and think about God. However, those people who prefer to get up at this time will have a fairly sensitive psyche and are not recommended to stay in crowded places for a long time. Therefore, such an early rise is recommended for clergy and people detached from ordinary worldly life. About the life schedule wise people somewhat shifted, confirmed in Bhagavad Gita 2.69

“What is night for all living beings is the time of awakening for those who control themselves; when all living beings awaken from sleep, night falls for the sage engaged in self-contemplation.”
3-4 am

Those who are able to get up between 3 and 4 am also have enough strength to understand their spiritual nature. At the same time, their mental sensitivity is not so high as to lead a detached lifestyle. However, when rising at this time, it is recommended to engage only in spiritual practice. This is due to the fact that so early time intended specifically for these purposes only. For people who adhere to this schedule and perform their morning prayer every day, time has a big surprise in store - the deep secrets of the soul will be revealed to them. The only condition is that they should try to communicate more with holy people and less with those whose consciousness is polluted by sinful activities.
4-5 am

If a person starts his day from 4 to 5 in the morning, then he is able to turn from a pessimist into a deep optimist. It is at this time that the Earth is in a state of optimism. All songbirds, being in goodness, feel this and just at this time begin to sing in different voices. Those people who are actively awake at this time are capable of being good poets, composers, musicians, singers, as well as simply optimistic people. Getting up early is always associated with joy, as in this optimistic song: “Curly, aren’t you happy about the cheerful sound of the whistle? Don’t sleep, get up, curly..." This time is also not yet intended for active work. Having gotten up during this period of time, you can read spiritual books, pray or wish happiness to all people. At this time, religious people, experiencing great happiness, sing the glory of the Lord and conduct their services.
5-6 am

People who are able to get up every day from 5 to 6 in the morning will be able to have energy throughout their lives. Moreover, their ability to defeat any disease is quite strong. You can also continue to engage in spiritual practice and the best thing is to memorize prayers or some necessary information. At this time, the Sun is not yet active, but the Moon is no longer active, so the mind becomes very sensitive to any information and it is quickly stored in memory.
6-7 am

Those who get up between 6 and 7 am get up after the Sun. This means that they do not recognize the laws of time, but still try not to sleep too much. Their tone will be somewhat lower than we would like, and their business will not go completely badly, but with obvious mistakes. Their health will be more or less, but this does not apply to critical life situations. That is, someone who tends to get out of bed at this time will not have a sufficient reserve of both physical and mental strength.

Man must wake up before the Earth...

Before the Earth means before 6 hours solar time. This is necessary in order to mentally have time to adopt her current mood. Only in this case the weather will not cause us all kinds of disturbances associated with magnetic storms etc. By doing this, a person adapts to the current mood of the Earth. But if he is still sleeping at 6 am, then there will be no such adaptation. Therefore, anyone who gets up after 6 o’clock in the morning will no longer be able to be a true optimist, his joy will not be natural, not natural, not sunny, but artificially caused and strained.
7-8 am

If a person gets up from 7 to 8 in the morning, then he is guaranteed to have a lower mental and physical tone than is destined for him. Thus he is wasting his time.
Therefore, all day long he will have either fuss or a feeling that he does not have enough energy, strength, or concentration for successful activities. Those who get up at this time have a tendency to hypotension, migraines, decreased appetite, decreased immunity, a passive life position, low acidity in the stomach and enzyme deficiency in the liver. And if life forces them to overcome a state of lack of energy every morning, then nervousness, fussiness, overexertion appear, and vice versa, a tendency to excessive appetite, increase blood pressure, increased acidity, inflammatory processes in the body.

8-9 am

Those who are in the habit of getting up between 8 and 9 a.m. are undoubtedly no longer able to overcome their character defects and usually have some bad habits. Also, rising at this time promises to face great difficulties in life, chronic and intractable illnesses, disappointments and failures. It will always be difficult for such people to correctly assess the situation and make the right decision. They won't be able to do right choice in life and will follow the lead of events, not having the strength to change anything in their lives.
9-10 am

Those people who “manage” to sleep until 9 am and get up from 9 to 10 will encounter in their lives depression, apathy, unwillingness to live, disappointment in their fate, fears, suspiciousness, and anger. And also with uncontrollable habits, accidents, rapidly progressing serious illnesses and premature disability or premature aging.
Allow me, dear reader, not to explain the results of getting up even later; I hope that the main pattern is clear to everyone. However, if someone wants to experiment what will happen to a person who regularly gets out of bed, for example, from 10 to 11 in the morning, then I want to warn you that you need to have special endurance in order to manage to “lose” in bed before this time.

From Torsunov's lectures

The physiology of sleep is the same for everyone, but some people easily wake up early in the morning, and for others early awakening becomes real torture. To create all the conditions for healthy sleep, it is important to understand what time you need to get up in the morning and why it is so difficult to train yourself to wake up at the “right” time.

There are generally accepted norms that say that you need to wake up between 6 and 8 am. But larks and owls will not agree with this. Each chronotype has its own limits on the optimal time to wake up. They are determined by the biological clock, which depends on many factors: lifestyle, genetics and type of employment.

There is a widespread belief that the best time to get up in the morning is summer dawn, 5-6 am. Also, many will agree that you need to wake up only when the body wants it. More the best option There will be an individual schedule taking into account sleep phases, chronotype, health status and lifestyle. Rest is needed to restore the body's strength, so this physiological need loses its meaning if a person forces himself to wake up at a certain time.

You can use a useful sleep calculator, it calculates right time awakenings, taking into account sleep phases, duration and time of falling asleep. But the “smart” device does not take into account the genetic need for sleep, which affects the result.

For some people, 4 hours is enough to get enough sleep and feel good, while others need more than 10 hours. This also depends on age: newborns need at least 12 hours a day for normal development, children and adolescents sleep less, the body is full of strength and recovers quickly. In an adult, the sleep schedule is maximally adjusted, and about 8 hours are required; in older people, rest is reduced to 5-6 hours.

To choose the optimal time to wake up, you need to calculate the duration of each sleep phase. The time received will correspond to healthy sleep, and this will be enough for wellness in the morning. Now all that remains is to train your body to fall asleep at a certain time in order to wake up at the desired morning hours.

Determination of chronotype

There are three human chronotypes: larks, owls and pigeons. It's determined by character daily activity. Chronotype explains the alternation of activity at night and during the day.

Based on your chronotype, it is easy to determine what time you need to get up and when to go to bed correctly.

  • Larks. They wake up easily in the morning, increased physical and mental activity is observed in the first half of the day with a characteristic decline in the afternoon. They go to bed very early, which surprises owls.
  • Owls. They wake up late on their own, after 10 am. Activity occurs in the evening and at night. People go to bed late when larks have already gone through several phases slow sleep.
  • Pigeons. This is an intermediate type, the "pigeon man" may periodically exhibit characteristics of an owl and a lark.

Larks tend to wake up at 5-7, owls at 10-12, pigeons at 7-9 in the morning.

Sleep phases

The next important step in determining the best time to wake up is the phases and how they affect a person’s well-being in different times awakening. The main division occurs into slow and fast sleep. Slow has four subphases with different durations.

Stages of slow-wave sleep:

  1. The first phase lasts 15 minutes and is known as napping.
  2. The second phase lasts 25 minutes, the work of internal organs slows down.
  3. The third and fourth phases last about 40 minutes and are the main part of healthy sleep.

In the fast phase, the body is completely relaxed, but begins brain activity. Dreams seen during this phase are well remembered. The heart rate increases, eyeballs actively moving. The fast phase takes up approximately 20% of the total rest time.

Sleep begins with the 1st phase of slow-wave sleep and reaches the 4th, which takes about 2 hours. This is a complete cycle that must be repeated at least 4 times. It follows from this that you need to get up in the morning 8 hours after entering the first phase. If a person is used to going to bed between 11-12 pm, you need to get up at 7-8 o'clock.

Relationship between well-being and the awakening phase

Waking up without an alarm clock is accompanied by vigor, the person feels completely rested. Such a dream can be considered complete. The amount of time a person sleeps, provided he feels well in the morning, is considered the individual norm. Awakening occurs in the beginning slow phase when the body is ready to be awake, but has not yet entered into fast phase. If you are forced to wake up in the slow-wave sleep phase, you will feel tired, and the body will take a long time to restore muscle activity.

Waking up during REM sleep, you can notice headache and slight fogginess of consciousness, but colorful dreams will be remembered better.

There is a theory that people who are constantly woken up by an alarm clock during the slow phase deep sleep, prone to various neuropsychic disorders. Using knowledge about the duration of each phase, you can reduce the rest time and wake up at a certain moment - at the stage when the body is ready for this.

How to get enough sleep in 15 minutes

There are several ways to get enough sleep short time. Similar techniques have been practiced for a long time; many famous artists and writers who had to work for a long time practiced short sleep of 20 minutes several times a day or 4 hours 2-3 times a day. This helped to quickly restore strength and begin a new stage of work with “fresh” thoughts. It is difficult to judge whether this affected health, because many other factors must be taken into account.

The proposed methods can negatively affect health; it is recommended to resort to them rarely, when there is really a need.

How to get enough sleep quickly and wake up at a given time?

  1. Rest for 15 minutes. This is an invention of Leonardo Da Vinci, who belongs to those creative people who managed to get enough sleep short term. He rested for 15 minutes every 4 hours. The essence of this method is simple, but not everyone can master it. For many, it is difficult to force yourself to fall asleep, and this only works when you are very tired. This method is harmful to health, because the minimum time for one phase is at least 1.5 hours. The Da Vinci method completely deprives some important phases for the body, which threatens a decrease in protective forces, the appearance chronic diseases and mental disorders.
  2. Rest for 20 minutes. Involves falling asleep in a certain position. You need to lie on your stomach, turn your head to the left, bend one leg and press it to your stomach, put your hand straight along the body. This method is complemented by a cup of coffee immediately before bed. Caffeine kicks in after 20 minutes and acts as a natural alarm clock. Those who practice such a dream believe in it positive action on the cardiovascular system.
  3. Soldier's method. The alarm clock is set for 30 minutes, after waking up it is reset for another half an hour, this is repeated 4 times. People who try this method note a boost of energy within 6-7 hours.

To wake up at the right time, it is important to organize your sleep correctly. You should rest in a ventilated room; before going to bed, it is recommended to take a warm shower and have dinner 3-4 hours before bedtime. It is important that the sun's rays do not enter the room; blinds or curtains should provide good protection from street lighting. A person will quickly fall asleep and wake up at the right time if there are no extraneous sounds and the eyes are not irritated by bright light.

When for certain reasons you have to rest in a lighted room, the resource site recommends using a sleep mask, it will create additional conditions For falling asleep quickly and quality rest.

There are “smart alarm clocks” that know what time you need to get up. They are able to determine the sleep phase by movements, heart rate and other indicators. "Smart alarm clock" has an error, but anyone can try it. This device is very sensitive, and its results can be affected by accidental awakening at night, extraneous sounds from the street, or a barking dog. It is possible that smart alarm clock will not work at the most appropriate time, but if the person is sleeping peacefully and everyone is present characteristic features each phase, the device can be a good helper.

But no smart alarm clock can calculate the best time to wake up in the morning as accurately as human brain. The body itself will tell you what time to go to bed and when to wake up; you just need to create the conditions for healthy sleep. And with hard training and desire, any lark can turn into an owl - and vice versa.

Many people face the problem of lack of sleep. Getting up every morning to go to work is absolute hell. If you are interested in the question of how to learn to go to bed earlier, then this article is for you. For more than half of humanity, going to bed early is a real problem. The inhabitants of the planet are chasing big money, sacrificing their sleep and health. In addition, the body receives full recharge only during sleep. No amount of yoga, massage or relaxation sessions will help restore all your energy.

If a person goes to bed every evening, but cannot fall asleep for a long time, he is worried about the question: “How can I learn to go to bed early?” But before answering this question, some details need to be explained. There are several types of people. The former can get enough sleep in 4 hours, while the latter can only get enough sleep in 8. First, determine which type you are. Of course, you need to remember that a person is programmed to sleep for about 8 hours. People are also divided into: First, it will be difficult to go to bed early and it will be equally difficult to wake up early. Larks, on the other hand, can go to bed early without any problems. In some countries, they take this feature into account and allow people to come to work not in the morning, but after a person has had enough sleep. The main thing is that the work is done on time.

There is a theory that all sleep is divided into stages. Each stage lasts 1.5 hours. That is why sleep should be a multiple of 1.5 hours. That is, 3 hours, 4.5 or 6, etc. If you wake up after 6 hours, by the end certain cycle, then waking up will be normal and even cheerful. But if you wake up after 7 hours, when the next stage of sleep is in full swing, it will be very difficult. The eyes will open, the body will still sleep.

How to go to bed early?

Another answer to the question of what time to go to bed in order to wake up refreshed is introspection and the development of habits. To determine how much sleep your body needs, you need to go to bed and wake up on your own. Write down on a piece of paper how long you slept. The next evening, repeat your measurements. Continue this for a few days and calculate average duration your sleep. Knowing this will help you go to bed on time and wake up with ease. To make sleep come quickly and easily, do not overeat before sleep. At night you can drink a glass of milk or eat a piece of fruit. It is also better not to watch TV or use the computer before going to bed. It is best if you take a bath and drink herbal tea at night. You can read a book before going to bed, but not for very long.

Plan your future day!

If you can't go to bed early and are wondering how to get to bed on time, there is one more tip. It is necessary to plan your daily routine in the evening. Plan as many things as you can do. But remember: don’t put off until tomorrow what you can do today. Leave the most important things for the morning, they will stimulate awakening. If there are things you don't like, leave them until last. In the morning, do only what will be pleasant for you.

How to get used to the regime?

There is another category of people. This includes those who go to bed early, but cannot fall asleep for a long time and, therefore, have difficulty waking up. They are concerned about the question: The answer is very simple. You need to accustom yourself to a routine. Every day you need to go to bed 15-20 minutes earlier and wake up the same way. Gradually, you will train your body to fall asleep and wake up at the right time for you. Another important advice: the regime must be observed constantly, even on weekends. This may seem funny to you, because weekends are the only time you can get enough sleep. Know that if you have a routine, you will always feel cheerful and get up easily in the morning, even without an alarm clock.

To get out of bed easily, you need to fall asleep with positive emotions and plans for tomorrow. If before going to bed you think about how you don’t want to go to work, or that you won’t get enough sleep anyway, your body will take note of this, and therefore waking up will be really difficult. And if you plan a lot of things in the evening, cook yourself something tasty for breakfast, then waking up won’t be too difficult.

What should an alarm clock be like?

Set your alarm clock to music that is not too loud. It is better if it gradually increases. Loud music can negatively affect nervous system, and you will wake up in a bad mood. If all these tips don't help you, set several alarms in a row. You can also move your alarm clock away from your bed. In order to turn it off, you will need to get up, and you will definitely wake up. Just after turning off the alarm, do not go back to bed, otherwise you may fall asleep and sleep through important things.

Some people deliberately set the alarm clock 5-10 minutes earlier than the desired time, so that they can then relax in bed. Psychologists say that this is not necessary. It’s better to get a full 10 minutes of sleep and then wake up. You need to get up immediately after the alarm, otherwise you might fall asleep again later. After sleeping, you should immediately open the curtains. will reduce the production of the sleep hormone - melatonin - and you will feel cheerful. If you wake up very early, when it is still dark outside, you need to turn on the light in the room. In addition, buy bright curtains and colored glasses for the kitchen. Place red apples in a vase. Vibrant colors will act on you in the same way as daylight. You can also purchase a light therapy lamp. They are sold in stores medical equipment. If you sit under such a lamp for at least 20 minutes, the body’s production of the sleep hormone will decrease. Such devices are even used to treat depression.

Water is the source of life!

It's better to start a new day with water. Immediately after waking up, drink a glass of water; it tones the body and energizes you for the whole day. During breakfast it is better to drink juice or green tea. If you are a coffee lover, then you need to drink it at the end of breakfast. Otherwise, it may cause an increase in blood pressure.

In general, it is advisable to sleep with the window slightly open, but this is not always possible. Scientists have calculated: if you simply ventilate the room before going to bed, then close the window and go to bed, after 2 hours the air in the room becomes stale. Therefore, open the window immediately after getting up and do a few deep breaths. Oxygen will help the brain wake up.

Sex is the best start to the day!

Sexologists say that best start of the day is sex. In the morning, the body is as relaxed as possible, and the pleasure will be unforgettable. In addition, after sex, the hormone of joy is released, which will last you throughout the day.

What food should you start your day with?

In order to wake up easily, do not drink alcohol or coffee at night. They are classified as stimulants that affect sleep.

You need to eat carbohydrates for breakfast, they will help your brain wake up and start working. In addition, you need to consume B vitamins and magnesium. Walnuts and sea buckthorn have a positive effect on the nervous system and stimulate the production of serotonin, the hormone of vigor.

Many people are used to waking up from energy drinks. Remember - this has a negative impact on your health. Energy drinks disrupt sleep and cause spasms blood vessels, reduce attention and memory. Therefore, it is better not to drink them at all, especially in the morning.

You can drink coffee in the morning, but not too much. Coffee lovers also have health problems. Their hands shake and their sleep is disturbed. But if you know when to stop and drink 1-2 servings a day, there will be no problems.

Daytime nap

Sometimes people need nap. It can last from 40 minutes to 1.5 hours. For example, in Japan there are special rooms for employees of institutions, etc., where people can relax during lunch. It should be noted that the Japanese have a high life expectancy and the same productivity.

What to do if you suffer from insomnia?

There is a world record - a person did not sleep for 11 days. But ordinary people already after three days of insomnia people begin to go crazy: the body is exhausted, the functioning of the nervous system is disrupted, the person loses attention and memory, and after 3-4 days without sleep, hallucinations may appear. If you have sleep disturbances, you should consult a doctor. This could be a therapist or a neurologist. There are specialists who deal with sleep problems - somnologists, but there are very few of them and it is very difficult to get an appointment with such a doctor.

Cannot be accepted sleeping pills Without a doctor's prescription, they have a negative effect on the nervous system. They also cause problems with attention - this is especially dangerous for those who drive a car.

In order to wake up easily in the morning, be cheerful and all cheerful day, you need to go to bed on time.