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Read for those who hear voices at night! Voices in my head, what to do? I hear different voices

Imperative hallucinations are when a person begins to hear other voices in his head. It is believed that only people with various mental disorders begin to hear voices, but a recent study showed that sometimes completely healthy people experience voices.

Voices in the head are verbal deception, they have no external stimulus and arise exclusively in the thoughts of a mentally ill person. Voices can use a commanding or pleading tone to encourage a person to take certain actions.

When not suffering from any mental disorders a person begins to hear a voice in his head, this causes ambiguous reactions from others. Some say it's initial stage schizophrenia, others consider it a common phenomenon (for example, mediums or psychics who can communicate with the world of the dead).

Until recently, experts believed that sounds arising in the head were a symptom mental disorder and people who start to hear something need urgent medical care.

To understand the unusual phenomenon, experts from Durham University in England interviewed more than 150 people online. All survey participants were specially selected - each of them periodically experienced auditory hallucinations.

After analyzing the survey results, experts found that 26% of participants had no complaints about mental problems. More than 80% heard more than one voice in their head. Of the total number of participants, 70% had reported imperative hallucinations with characteristic features, while 60% simultaneously experienced tactile hallucinations along with auditory hallucinations (such participants noted that while a voice appeared in their head, a feeling of heat and tingling passed through their body, as if they were being touched by some object). Often these kinds of hallucinations were painful and rough. During the study, experts found that such tactile hallucinations are associated with trauma suffered in the past.

The survey created by experts aimed to find out what people feel during attacks of auditory hallucinations. As it turned out, most of Participants experienced fear, anxiety, indifference, and some fell into depression. But 1/3 of the participants amazed the group of specialists - they noted that during the imperative hallucination their mood increased, they felt joy, and an overwhelming feeling of happiness came.

Regarding such a phenomenon as auditory hallucinations, almost all experts believe that this state requires emergency medical attention because early stages the disease is easier to cure, otherwise such hallucinations can lead to serious consequences, dangerous not only for the patient, but also for his environment, in particular, we're talking about about suicide or murder.

Psychiatrists often see patients who have hearing loss (hearing “voices”). Patients themselves almost never talk about this; moreover, it is not easy to identify the presence of “voices”. Auditory hallucinations are observed in patients chronic alcoholism, and not only during alcoholic delirium (delirium tremens); with some intoxications they can also be present in patients with manic-depressive psychosis. Unfortunately, not all patients come to the attention of psychiatrists, despite the presence of mental disorders. Like other patients, they deny the presence of voices, but the doctor should know that in all cases of perception of voices, patients necessarily experience psychosensory disorders and auditory hallucinations (voices).

It is not easy for relatives to suspect such a perception disorder in their loved ones, because not all patients talk to their voices out loud, most of them do it mentally, however, in general, the patient’s altered behavior and condition sooner or later still become noticeable, and then someone one of his relatives takes him to the doctor. Of course, in practice, none of the patients say that they hear voices, but this can be indirectly guessed from the patient’s behavior, when during a conversation it is noticeable that he seems to be listening to someone and is not paying attention to the doctor until won't listen to the end. At home and in hospitals, people with auditory deception from such threatening, unpleasant voices try to protect themselves by covering their heads, plugging their ears with cotton wool, and their fingers.

Most voices of a frightening nature tell patients that if they tell anyone that they communicate with gods, alien inhabitants, then some kind of misfortune may happen. Sometimes the voices directly threaten: if you tell, I will set you on fire, or you will not pass the exam. They intimidate children especially easily, and often, with the most benevolent and gentle questions, children may sometimes burst into tears, tears may appear in their eyes, but they will not admit that there are voices, that they are communicating with someone. Most often, voices “say” that if you tell about us, your mother or the person to whom the child is most attached will die. Out of fear of losing these people, children remain silent, but the same behavior is found in adolescents and adults.

In order to gain their trust, votes are often given by so-called useful tips, - what to do to make this or that event take place, they are even told in lessons or given various kinds of predictions that come true. And thus, over time, patients fall into obedience to them, because the voices provide them with a lot of evidence: “Well, everything that I said has come true, now try to tell about me and you will see - one of your loved ones will die.” Voices, even of the most pleasant content, cannot but disturb patients, since they appear not at the request of the patient, but whenever they want. And even the best voices, according to patients, bother, irritate, frighten, and upset the patient, but the patients themselves have an ambivalent attitude towards the voices.

In general, all behavior of patients is characterized by duality, or ambivalence, conflicting desires, thoughts, and feelings. Voices can also be threatening or, conversely, soothing. Some patients say that although they find it a little scary to communicate with these voices, they sometimes turn out to be useful because they teach them good deeds- clean the house, take care of yourself, attend school, college, go to church, pray. Some voices can be narrative - telling some real or fictitious stories, although when examining them it turns out that these are always some kind of experiences of the person himself.

Voices can be antagonistic or, conversely, benevolent, or even indifferent. Patients can hear both dialogues, arguments, and monologues. Imperative (commanding) voices are especially dangerous. Since the patient is practically unable not to carry out their orders, this becomes one of the options for 100% zombification. As a rule, commentary voices appear first. As the name suggests, they comment on everything the patient does. The appearance of commentary voices is a very alarming sign, prognostically unfavorable, since these voices will soon transform into imperative ones, and such patients are extremely dangerous to take on ambulatory treatment- They are required to have 24-hour supervision. At any moment, under the influence of voices, these patients can do something irreparable to themselves or to others.

I’m tossing from side to side in bed, tired from the buzzing of thoughts in my head, from an aimlessly lived day and suffering from insomnia for a long time... A light breeze takes over my consciousness, and the buzzing of thoughts and thoughts falls silent. A long-awaited dream...

Suddenly, at the most peaceful moment, very clearly and suddenly male voice calls me by name and asks something.

"A?! What?!"- I jump up in horror. The body is shaking, the heart is jumping out of the chest. I don’t understand what’s happening... Sticky sweat glued me to the wrinkled sheet.
This happens every night. Scary to go to bed. It’s hard to deliberately delay bedtime for fear of sudden, incomprehensible voices. It frightens, it’s stressful, it doesn’t give you peace.

Feeling crazy

I was one of those people who was able to “talk to people” without opening my mouth. It is not even necessary that the interlocutors themselves be present. I talked to them in my head. Sometimes they spoke on their own without my “invitation.”

I had the "ability" to play music without actually playing it. She's in my head. Now the classical music is circling in a big way, now the rock is screaming and rumbling. The chaotic mixture of internal dialogues mixed with music caused terrible discomfort. This made my head feel heavy and buzzing, as if there was a swarm of voiced thoughts in my head.

Strange things were happening in my apartment. From time to time rustling sounds or sounds of falling dishes and the creaking of a door were heard. Or a loud male voice might call me from the kitchen. When I came to the kitchen, the voice called again, but from the room...

At some point I realized that I was hearing voices in my head. The sounds and voices were so realistic that they were frightening. My mind refused to believe it, but the increasing frequency of cases with polyphony in my head forced me to figure out what was happening. And the more I thought about exterminating the voices, the louder and more intense the endless dialogues were scrolling inside.

At night I had dreams. Noisy, mocking, booming. I heard voices and indistinct echoing accompaniment. Half asleep, it was unclear where reality was and where the dream was.

Voice hallucinations

I asked some close friends if they had such conditions. I tried to calm myself down, thinking that everyone normal person hears something like this and there is nothing unusual about it. After asking a couple of friends, I realized: I was hearing voices alone. And you won’t find a person in the world who will understand me and say: "I'm like that myself", - and will tell me the secret truth of the origin of voices.

It became difficult to talk to people. As soon as I asked a question to my interlocutor, I immediately stopped hearing the answer: the internal dialogue resumed and gave absolutely no chance to concentrate. The person speaks and answers me, and at this time I look through him and have been conducting an internal conversation for a long time. Sometimes an attentive interlocutor saw my indifference, my disconnection from the conversation, and happily retreated.

Who would like to communicate with a person who does not listen to you. The reasons for my acquaintances to avoid me are obvious. Have excellent hearing and not hear people. This caused me great internal contradictions. Hearing voices in your head, but not real people.

I hear voices in my head: what to do?

Telling someone, asking for advice about hearing voices is the same as admitting that you are stupid. It's the same as saying: “I’m weird, I hear voices. Don't avoid me, please. I just got a little crazy!”

Day after day, hundreds of dialogues were scrolling through my head, many of them actually sounded. I even answered out loud the questions that were asked to me. From the outside it looked like a dialogue without one interlocutor. But what about it? I have to answer the questions that have arisen - after all, they ask me...

It is well known that those who talk to themselves and hear voices are included in the “lists” of crazy people. In any case, their heads are definitely not right. I am sick - mentally ill - the only thing that arose and became fixed in my understanding.

Today I have no internal annoying dialogues or voices. They are gone forever. Sleep is normal and sufficient. The energy to live and do things appeared. There is no room for apathy. We managed to find the field of activity that fills the voids of the sound vector and gives impetus to mental work. Which, by the way, brings great, indescribable pleasure. Finally, I live.

Whatever worries you, give yourself a chance, come to free online training on system-vector psychology by Yuri Burlan. Register using the link.

Galina Poddubnaya, teacher


General description of the problem

There are quite a few mental disorders that, from the outside, seem like something funny and cheerful, but in reality they are something very serious, causing people a lot of inconvenience. They often ruin life greatly. Voices in the head refer precisely to such mental disorders. How do they manifest themselves? This could be a very ordinary hum in the subconscious or very clear speech. In many cases it is articulate. Psychiatrists have long established that voices in the head often precede serious disorders of consciousness. Are they always recognized as a disease in themselves? No not always. In certain cases, they appear in people who have a completely normal psyche.

Some people consider those who hear them to be mentally ill, while others recognize them as psychics. Both, of course, are extremes. You need to be a little simpler in your judgments. Voices in your head manifest themselves in different ways. By the way, human consciousness always perceives them in a unique way, that is, in each case everything is different. Often the buzz in the head becomes a kind of guardian angel for a person. How does this happen? Words “spinning” in the subconscious, as a rule, give some kind of recommendations, say how best to act in a given situation. There are people who claim that such voices in their heads have actually saved them from serious troubles. They are called intuition. Less often they are equated to the sixth sense. The good thing is that they almost always bring good. There are also voices in

head, causing harm. Once under their influence, a person can begin to injure himself, break something, or even encroach on the health or lives of others. Being under their power, it is not at all difficult to find yourself in psychiatric hospital, in the department for violent people. There are voices in your head that do not recommend doing anything, but simply comment on events or evaluate a person’s behavior. In some cases, they may say something that makes no sense and is completely ridiculous. It's not that uncommon for them to quarrel. It is curious that the voice of someone he knows can settle in a person’s head, for no reason or without reason. He can tirelessly hurl insults or, conversely, compliments.

Why do they appear

Perhaps the most common of all the phenomena under consideration are voices in the head before bed. Why do they arise? Most often, the reason is excessive stress and fatigue of a person. In a day we can

but become so exhausted that the body will be overloaded beyond measure. Promotes their appearance a large number of new emotions. Tired people even answer them in their sleep. There seems to be nothing wrong here, but voices in the head can be one of the first signs of schizophrenia. Like obsessive states, they are able to progress very quickly. Yes, it’s still worth checking with a doctor, since the mental disorders of which they may be symptoms are very serious. In principle, there are no special reasons for concern, since in most cases they are just quirks of our psyche. Just try to reduce your daily load.

Auditory hallucinations are one of the most common symptoms of mental and certain types of somatic diseases: in this condition, the patient may hear voices, noises, sounds that objective reality no, and also my own thoughts.


The cause of auditory hallucinations is often diseases of the central nervous system. At tumor diseases brain in 75-80% of cases, various psychopathologies arise, the manifestations of which depend on the localization of the oncological process. Against the background of stunned consciousness and depression, the patient may notice the appearance of auditory hallucinations when the tumor is located in the temporal lobe. Similar manifestations will occur when an epileptoid focus forms in this area.

In old age, auditory hallucinations are observed with the progression of Alzheimer's disease, various vascular diseases(atherosclerosis, circulatory insufficiency of some parts of the brain).

In psychiatric practice, “voices in the head” occur in a significant number of diseases. First of all, these include hallucinatory-delusional syndromes, schizophrenia, depressive states And . The causes of these disorders have not yet been established.

Alcohol abuse is also a cause of auditory hallucinations, especially during delirium. Most often they are threatening, imposed.


With auditory hallucinations, the patient hears various voices and sounds that do not exist in reality.

If symptoms appear in the form of voices, meaningful phrases, words, then they are called phonemes. But if the patient hears sounds that do not exist in reality (the sound of water, knocking, scratching, the sounds of music), then this type of hallucination is called acoasma.

Auditory hallucinations, like any other, are divided into true and false.

With true hallucinations, the patient hears sounds in the space around him and safely fits them into real world. At the same time, patients are confident in their reality and do not question their veracity.

But false hallucinations occur in most cases inside the patient’s body (voices in the head, stomach), and are characterized by obsession and a feeling of being done.

The most dangerous to the life of the patient and his loved ones are imperative hallucinations, which are imperative in nature.

In this case, the patient always takes the meaning of what is said in “voices” personally. This could be a ban or an order. At the same time, sometimes the message can be radically different from the patient’s intentions or characteristics of his character: to hit someone, kill, harm or injure himself. Patients with such symptoms require a special approach and careful monitoring. As a rule, the cause of such manifestations is schizophrenia.

Also, auditory hallucinations can be contrasting or antagonistic. They are expressed in the fact that the voices in the patient’s head are “divided” into two groups that contradict each other.

Sometimes mentally healthy people may hear non-existent sounds during the transition from sleep to wakefulness or when falling asleep. This is called hypnagogic hallucinations and is explained by the fact that a person’s consciousness slowly turns off and hands over the reins to the subconscious.


Auditory hallucinations are only a symptom of an underlying disease. Therefore, the doctor needs to find out the cause of their occurrence.

In all cases, you should start with collecting anamnesis. Sometimes this is quite difficult to do, because the patient may not maintain a critical attitude to what is happening, he may see the enemy in his doctor and not admit to him that he is upset. In such situations, family members can be interviewed.

To exclude organic pathology, a series of laboratory and instrumental studies. This includes blood, urine and cerebrospinal fluid, computer and magnetic resonance imaging, electroencephalogram.

If an elderly patient who uses hearing aid, then diagnosing the problem needs to start with electronic device. Sometimes it happens that the device malfunctions or interferes.

If auditory hallucinations are a manifestation mental pathology, That clinical diagnosis is set based on the existing positive and negative symptoms.

The doctor can guess the presence of auditory hallucinations and illusions by the patient’s specific behavior. He can listen to something, keep his head half-turned, pause before answering the question posed. When talking with such a patient, the psychiatrist must build the most trusting relationship in order to get a complete picture of the disease.

Therapy methods

Does not exist specific treatment auditory hallucinations. Since this is just a symptom of the underlying pathological condition, then therapy methods are aimed at eliminating it or stopping its manifestations.

All patients are indicated for hospitalization in a specialized department. Treatment is selected individually and in the acute stage is taken under the supervision of the attending physician. You should not self-medicate, especially following the advice of people who are in no way connected with medicine. This can lead to harmful consequences.

In psychiatric practice, auditory hallucinations most often accompany various shapes schizophrenia. In this case, it is prescribed antipsychotic drugs, long and systematic reception which can reduce the likelihood of relapse.

If hallucinations are caused by taking medicines(anticonvulsants, antimigraines and others), then the attending physician should adjust their dosage or prescribe a more acceptable analogue.