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Indian onion - medicinal properties and use in folk medicine. Indian onion treatment - healing properties

Many people are interested in cultivating medicinal plants at home, such as Indian onion, medicinal properties(tincture is effective for many diseases) which has been poorly studied by official medicine. People call it differently: Mongolian and poultry and hellish root.

This perennial can replace an entire arsenal medications and rid the body of various ailments. Long-term knowledge of folk aesculapians about the poultry plant made it possible to use it in different areas medicine.


The growing area is quite extensive, the plant is found in Africa, Asia and the Mediterranean. Not so long ago, in the 60s, Indian onions were imported into Russia. The plant belongs to the lily family. You can recognize it by its long, wide green leaves and cord-like rhizome white and a large bulb covered with small scales.

Propagated vegetatively and by seeds. It is easy to care for and grows well even in small pots on the windowsill. Flowering occurs closer to winter. Maximum healing power the poultry plant gains only in the second year of flowering. IN alternative medicine All its parts are used: leaves, bulb, inflorescences.

Chemical composition

Unfortunately, scientists have not yet been able to thoroughly examine Indian onions. The medicinal properties (the tincture is mainly used in the form of compresses and lotions) of the plant remain a mystery to many. However, doctors were able to find out that the bulb and leaves contain a colossal content of toxic alkaloids. The main role of the substances is to stimulate amino acid metabolism. It is known that these elements have a stimulating effect on the central nervous system and have an analgesic effect.

IN large doses In such cases, such onions are very dangerous and provoke a number of unpleasant symptoms (nausea, diarrhea, vomiting). Due to the fact that the plant is toxic and poisonous, it has many contraindications, but it has many more beneficial properties. Phytoncides were found in the juice of the plant; they improve blood circulation and produce an anti-inflammatory effect.

Poultry is rich in organic acids, essential oils, amino acids and microelements. Availability unique composition suggests that this onion variety has bactericidal properties. It is used in the fight against pathogenic microorganisms. Decoctions and infusions from the leaves help relieve a person from herpetic infection, skin pathologies and even cancer.

Indian onion in folk medicine: indications

Lovers of indoor plants know firsthand that the hellish root purifies the air from harmful bacteria, so many people plant it in pots. Also, this variety of onion has wound-healing, antimicrobial and analgesic properties, due to the presence of phytoncides. Healers use it for migraines, skin lesions, joint diseases and toothache. The juice of mature leaves is applied to whiskey - the result is immediate.

The pain subsides in a matter of minutes. To secure therapeutic effect, it is advisable to carry out the procedure regularly. Indian onion (photo of the plant in the article) successfully treats influenza, sore throat, acute respiratory infections and strengthens the body's defenses. As aid it is used for autoimmune and malignant pathologies.

Medicine for pain syndrome

If you have Indian onions growing at home, a photo of which can be studied in the material, then wait until the leaves ripen, then cut them off and rub them well until the mucus comes out. Rub a few drops of juice into sore spot. You may feel a slight tingling and burning sensation, which will go away quickly.

Therapeutic mucus is widely used for joint diseases and radiculitis. In a similar way, they get rid of infectious and mechanical skin lesions (cuts, swelling, abscesses, tumors, insect bites, rashes). Indian onion will help eliminate warts and mastitis (of any etiology). Treatment is daily, in the form of compresses. A bandage or gauze soaked in alcohol tincture (1:20) is applied to the diseased area of ​​the body and left for two hours.

For radiculitis

Crush the Chinese onion leaf thoroughly, rub the released juice on your lower back and wrap it in a woolen cloth. The effectiveness of this method is time-tested.

Alcohol tincture of Indian onion

The use of plant liquid is indicated for arthrosis and osteochondrosis. Cut or buy fresh leaves, chop them and pour pharmaceutical alcohol- proportions 1:20. The solution should be left in a closed glass or porcelain container for ten days.

After time, filter the liquid and store in cool room. Grind the prepared raw materials cervical region and sore joints. The number of sessions should not be less than five.

Water decoction

You will need poultry plant, it needs to be thoroughly crushed, transferred to a ceramic container and filled with warm boiled water - 1:10.

Second preparation option: plant materials and water in a similar ratio are placed on water bath and cook for 10 minutes, stirring all the time. Then the leaves should be squeezed out and returned to the infusion - the prepared medicine should be stored strictly in dark glass.

Indian onion will help eliminate pain and discomfort. Use in medicine is indicated only for external use. It is advisable to apply compresses or lotions before going to bed.

Baths for arthritis

Add to warm water one hundred grams baking soda, half a kilogram of crushed leaves of hell root and sea ​​salt. Lie in the bath for 15-20 minutes. A pleasant procedure will help relax muscles, relieve pain syndrome and inflammation.

Warming oil balm

The following set of components will be required: olive (1 g) and fir (0.5 mg) oils, Vishnevsky ointment (1 g) and Indian onion. The medicinal properties (tincture and balm have the same effect) of such a remedy will manifest themselves in a powerful analgesic effect. You need to take literally a pinch of leaves, mix all the ingredients and store for no more than three days, and only in the refrigerator.

Ointment for compresses

Combine 30 ml of the finished tincture with three proteins, rub the mixture on the joints, cover with plain paper and wrap in a scarf made of natural wool. Leave for a couple of hours, after which remove the compress and wrap the limb again with a scarf.

Skin benefits: homemade cosmetics

Homemade cosmetical tools can give odds to any cutting-edge drugs. Firstly, they are safe, and secondly, they give amazing results. Indian onion, whose medicinal properties (tincture prevents the production of sebum) has a tonic effect, helps improve blood flow, make the skin smooth, velvety and elastic.

With the help of lotions and decoctions, you can smooth out shallow wrinkles and significantly improve the quality of the epidermis. But before using the prepared product, you should check your skin for a reaction. Apply a drop of lotion to the elbow area. If you feel a strong burning sensation, discomfort and redness, dilute the tincture with water.

Let's move on to the recipe: crush a pinch of leaves and flowers of the plant in a wooden mortar or coffee grinder, pour in 100 ml of vodka. Pour the contents into a dark glass jar and leave for a month. Shake the mixture every three days. Through specified period filter and refrigerate. Wipe cleansed skin prone to oiliness and inflammation.

For dry skin types, it is recommended to fill it not with vodka, but with red wine without sugar or plain water. It is forbidden to rub chopped Indian onions. Vodka tincture can only be used after consulting a specialist.

Antiseptic solution

The product has tonic and anti-inflammatory properties. Kills germs and refreshes. Made from fresh petals and 96% alcohol - 1:20. Infuse for about 30 days in a dark room. Then the infusion is diluted with boiled water. The drier the skin, the more liquid you need to add. You need to wipe your skin with the infusion in the morning, after washing your face. Indian onion will prevent rashes and speed up regeneration. Treatment with the plant is not a panacea, but its therapeutic effectiveness is quite high.

Contraindications and precautions

Since the properties of the plant have not been fully studied, doctors do not recommend self-therapy in order to avoid negative phenomena. It is strictly forbidden to use any poultry-based preparations for persons with hereditary pathology, associated with blood clotting problems (hemophilia), since the substances contained in the composition increase blood flow.

For this reason, formulations based on Indian onions cannot be used for heavy bleeding And open damage skin. IN pure form the juice causes blisters, severe itching and rashes, so wear gloves when preparing preparations. If a drop of plant mucus gets on your skin, lubricate it with sea buckthorn oil.


All presented folk recipes have stood the test of time, according to people's reviews, they have shown good results. According to the patients themselves, after a course of treatment the pain in the spine went away, and some managed to get rid of acne forever. How true this information is is unknown.

The main thing is not to forget what it contains toxic substances Indian onion. or water must be prepared in strict proportions and used under the close supervision of a physician. According to some reports, it is used internally to improve heart function. It is consumed diluted in a dessert spoon 30-40 minutes before meals three times a day. It should be used with extreme caution, as the liquid is toxic!

Indian onion is quite popular in folk medicine. It is used in different forms and helps fight various problems with health.

The medicinal properties of Indian onions became known not so long ago. Previously, it was better known as a houseplant. In Siberia they call it chinese onion, but none of the names indicate the origin of the plant. In fact, its homeland is Africa.

The official name of the Indian onion is poultry-tailed onion. The plant belongs to the genus Poultry plant, some representatives of which are widely known in our area. The peculiarity of the Indian onion is a very large onion, which almost completely comes to the surface and in many ways resembles the most common one, onion. But in fact, this plant has nothing to do with traditional bow, and you can’t eat it.

In cereals official medicine this plant is still not recognized, although traditional healers have long and successfully practiced the use of Indian onions.

Beneficial features

The beneficial properties of Indian onion can largely be explained by its rich composition. It includes the substance colchicine, which is not large doses is very beneficial for the body. It also contains a number of its derivatives, such as glycoside and thiocolchicine, which contains sulfur. It is thanks to alkaloid substances that Indian onions are beneficial for the body.

The biologically active components in the composition have a local anesthetic effect, so poultry can be used in the fight against rheumatic and joint pain, for migraines, sprains, bruises. The juice of the plant helps fight inflammation and accelerates wound healing, which can largely be explained by its disinfectant properties.

The alkaloid colchicine is famous for its antitumor properties, that is, it can inhibit the growth of malignant neoplasms. However, its drawback, which makes medicine treat Indian onions with caution, is high level toxicity. That's why beneficial features Indian onions can be safely used in medicinal purposes, but you need to do this carefully, competently and moderately.

What does it cure?

There are many conditions for which Indian onion can help. Here are some of them:

Contraindications and possible harm

Initially, it is worth noting that indoor application Indian onion, when self-medicated, can cause serious harm. There are drugs intended for oral administration, but they can only be used under the strict supervision of a specialist.

And when used externally, products based on Indian onions are also not so safe. The substance colchicine in large doses can provoke leukopenia. The fact is that it can penetrate extremely easily through mucous membranes and skin. Therefore, long-term use of products based on Indian onions is unacceptable. They must be applied in courses and breaks must be taken between them.

When using onion juice, be careful not to get it in your eyes. If this happens, you need to rinse the mucous membranes of your eyes. big amount water and drip with an anti-inflammatory agent.

Indian onions are strictly contraindicated for those who suffer from hemophilia. There is also individual sensitivity to the drugs. To avoid a negative reaction, test the reaction before using the product. To do this, a drop of plant juice or preparation must be applied to inner part elbow and wait a while. If noticeable inflammatory reactions, the product must be replaced with another or its concentration reduced by diluting it with water.

In folk medicine, Indian onion is used in the form of tinctures, infusions, and decoctions. Its juice and gruel are used, and you can use it to cook various ointments and balms.

Methods of application

As already mentioned, Indian onions can be used in different dosage forms. It is important to take into account the age of the plant. For medicinal purposes, it is good to use Indian onions under two years old, since they contain the concentration of valuable active ingredients maximum. Also keep in mind that if you need the bulb, the plant will need to be destroyed.

When preparing preparations with poultry, do not use metal utensils or tools. When preparing infusions, remember one rule: the higher the alcohol concentration, the less cortsikhin is extracted as a result, since this component is poorly soluble in alcohol. Because of this, alcohol tinctures are less toxic than water-based products. The following recipes based on Indian onions are known in folk medicine:

  • Indian onion gruel. Designed for compresses. The leaves of the plant are pounded in a plastic mortar. Compresses can be used for rheumatism and radiculitis; they help relieve pain for those suffering from arthritis and arthrosis. It is not recommended to apply the paste to unprotected skin - this can cause a burn. It is recommended to cover it with a couple of layers of bandage first.
  • Juice. The juice of the plant is squeezed out of a pre-prepared pulp. You can store it in a sterilized container in a cool place for up to five days. The juice can be used for applications for the same diseases as compresses. It also helps. To do this, you need to apply it to the gum of the tooth that hurts. You can also use tampon.
  • Infusions. Indian onion infusion can be prepared using hot or cold methods. In the first case, you need to chop a piece of Indian onion leaf, place it in a thermos and pour a liter of boiling water. Let it brew for two hours. You can also pour the raw material into a glass boiled water, cooled to about 20 degrees, leave to brew for 12 hours. The infusion is also prepared in a water bath. Raw materials are poured cold water, simmer for 15-20 minutes, then pour into a thermos and infuse for 40 minutes.
  • Decoction. To prepare the decoction, you need to boil the chopped Indian onion leaf in 1.2 liters of water over low heat for half an hour. After the broth has cooled, it can be used.
  • Alcohol tincture. To prepare it, you need to take an onion about five centimeters in diameter with leaves and an arrow. Pour a liter of vodka into it and leave in a warm place for three weeks.
  • Kerosene infusion. A kerosene-based product helps patients. To prepare such an infusion, you need to take onion leaves with a total length of 50 centimeters, chop them, pour in a mixture of 250 ml of purified kerosene and the same amount vegetable oil. Leave to infuse for 9-14 days.
  • Ointment. This remedy can be used for rubbing in arthritis, radiculitis and other similar diseases. The base is 50 ml of lanolin, which must be mixed with two tablespoons of honey and poultry leaf pulp.
  • Indian onion balm. This balm is also called Chinese. It can be used to treat festering wounds and to combat joint diseases. First you need to melt a small piece beeswax in four tablespoons of sea buckthorn or other vegetable oil. Let cool, then add a tablespoon of kerosene and two tablespoons of Indian onions. Mix everything well, add the yolks of two eggs and mix everything to get a homogeneous consistency.

You need to take into account that Indian onion cannot be the main method of treatment. It's better to use it like ambulance to remove severe pain. Still, no one canceled traditional medicine and remedies that are aimed at eliminating the cause, and not just the symptoms of the disease. To improve effectiveness, you can combine Indian onions with other popular medicinal products, both folk and traditional.

Indian onion or brandushka is a perennial plant, widespread in Mediterranean countries, mainly America, China and India. For its medicinal properties, the plant is considered sacred in Germany. The plant is widespread in the country and its use, as well as recipes, are passed down from generation to generation. Now, like several decades ago, Indian onions have bactericidal and disinfecting properties. Today there are 500 varieties of plants in the world, with individual representatives differing appearance from their predecessors.

Thanks to folk properties the use of Indian onions is advisable in medicine, floristry and feng shui. In the latter, grass is used as a plant that attracts peace, comfort and harmony. Indian onion is a patron in business, favorable for career and success at work. Additionally, the plant brings optimism, vitality, energy, prosperity and love of life. Florists use Indian onion as a beautiful ornamental plant in original compositions.

Externally, the grass resembles an ordinary onion. It has green bulbous, cord-like white roots. The lifespan of the bulb is 25-30 years; periodically large hanging leaves grow from it, curling into a tube at the end. Flowering of the plant begins in November-December, the first flowering begins 2-3 years after planting, depending on climatic conditions.

The beneficial properties of the herb are due to its inclusion in various active substances vitamins, minerals and acids. The composition of Indian onions includes:

  • alkaloids;
  • colchicine;
  • thiocolchicine;
  • sulfur;
  • glycosides;
  • flavonoids;
  • acids;
  • essential oils – contained in the leaves.

Since the plant contains glycosides, which are organic solids, the use of tincture helps eliminate many diseases nervous system. The glycosides contain a large number of glucose, beneficial for the thyroid gland.

Flavonoids, also included in the composition, have yellow, are mainly found in the leaves, as well as the juice of the flowers. The medicinal properties of the herb make it possible to use it to eliminate many diseases. In this case, a tincture of alcohol or cognac is mainly used.

Indian onion, what does the tincture treat?

The beneficial properties of the plant are determined by its rich composition. Thanks to flavonoid acids and essential oils the herb is effective for the following diseases:

  • gout;
  • joint pain;
  • arthritis. At chronic course The disease will be helped by a tincture based on the leaves of the plant, prepared during flowering;
  • bruises;
  • diseases of veins, arteries, blood vessels;
  • haemorrhoids;
  • warts;
  • myositis;
  • osteochondrosis;
  • radiculitis;
  • herpes;
  • toothache;
  • bronchitis;
  • pneumonia;
  • asthma;
  • boils and ulcers;
  • cuts and wounds.

The use of vodka tincture makes it possible to speed up the healing process, causing fast action. The preparation of such decoctions and infusions is easy and does not cause difficulty in execution.

Tincture, medicinal recipes

Indian onion has wide application in the preparation of medicines, decoctions and tinctures. You can infuse the herb with alcohol or vodka, or use cognac and moonshine. The alcohol-based drug is easy to prepare and store. The storage duration in some cases reaches 1-2 years.

Required ingredients:

  • Indian onion – 1 piece;
  • peduncle – 1-2 leaves;
  • diluted alcohol - 1 liter.

All ingredients must be carefully cut into small pieces and placed in glass jar. Mix everything and pour diluted alcohol, closing the jar with a lid. Place the container in a dark place, preferably in a cool place; a cellar would be an ideal option. After 2 weeks, the tincture should be shaken and used. The beneficial properties of the product show themselves during the treatment of salts in the joints.

Recipe ingredients:

  • Indian onion – 1 piece;
  • peduncle – 2 leaves;
  • alcohol – 700 ml.

Chop everything thoroughly, put it in a glass jar and cover with a lid for a month. Place the container in a dark, cool place; after infusion is complete, the tincture is filtered and all excess is poured into plastic bottle. The use of the product is effective in relieving joint pain and bone bruises.

Ingredients for tincture:

  • Indian onion – 1 piece;
  • peduncle – 2 leaves;
  • alcohol - how much will go in;
  • poultry plant – 2-3 leaves.

Wash the leaves of the poultry plant thoroughly, separate from the main plant, and chop. Chop all the other ingredients finely and put everything in a jar or bottle. Pour the ingredients with alcohol in a ratio of 1:3, respectively. The tincture can be used 2 weeks after preparation. The healing properties of the infusion show themselves for joint pain. After rubbing the product, the pain goes away within 15 minutes. Rub the patient with meta 3-5 times a day.

Required ingredients:

  • onion leaf – 2 pcs;
  • eucalyptus oil – 20 grams;
  • alcohol 80% - 50 grams.

Preparing the medicine is simple; first, the leaves are kneaded in a mortar, then they are mixed with other ingredients and mixed in a glass bottle. Infuse the product for 7-12 days with the lid carefully closed. The tincture is used by applying it to a sore spot. The healing properties will be more pronounced if after application the area is covered with a wool cloth.

  1. Radiculitis.
    Rub the tincture from the plant for a minute, wrap in warm wool. The next morning the symptoms disappear. The course of treatment is 10 days.
  2. Otitis.
    Moisten a cotton swab in a water infusion of herbs and place it inside the ear.
  3. Bites.
    After washing, lubricate the wound with alcohol tincture to prevent further irritation, allergies and infection. The main advantage of the tincture is its complete healing of the wound without scars or marks.
  4. Gout, arthritis, rheumatism.
    Lubricate the bandages with the tincture and make wraps. Thoroughly rub the product into the affected area, then wrap it in a warm blanket.
  5. High blood pressure.
    At night, wipe the spine area with the tincture for 60 days.
  6. Mastopathy.
    A tincture based on the leaf is rubbed onto diseased areas of the chest. Beneficial properties appear after 2 weeks of use.
  7. Toothache and headache.
    Lubricate the back of the head, the oral cavity, mainly the gums with the tincture. First dilute the tincture.
  8. Bronchitis.
    Rub alcohol tincture in the chest area. The method can only be used when there is no elevated temperature bodies.
  9. Warts.
    Onion tincture will help remove the unpleasant growth; to do this, you need to lubricate the dead area with the infusion.

Contraindications for use

Despite the beneficial properties of the herb, there are also contraindications. There are cases of individual intolerance and allergic reactions per plant. Herbal tinctures have their own contraindications; in general, they cannot be used:

  • hemophilia is the first disease during which it is strictly forbidden to use a tincture from the plant. The substances contained in the plant cause blood flow, which in case of disease negatively affects the blood vessels, breaking them. In some cases, neoplasms occur.
  • It is important to take precautions; when using products from the plant, you should use rubber gloves, since inside the plant there is high concentration plants. If a rash occurs at the site of application of the tincture, you need to change the ingredients and dilute the product with water. If changing the medication does not have an effect, you should stop taking it altogether and consult a doctor.
  • If the plant accidentally gets into your eyes, rinse them with plenty of water and apply anti-inflammatory or cleansing drops.

Before starting treatment medicine and tincture, it is important to consult a doctor. Only he can carry out necessary examinations and prescribe or prohibit the use of the drug.

Indian medicinal onion (Chinese onion, ornithischium caudatum) has recently taken root on the windowsills of indoor plant lovers. It is often compared to another plant - the Golden Mustache, as it has also gained respect and good fame wonderful doctor. Having appeared in our country about 40 years ago, the plant became known to amateur flower growers, but its pharmacological properties are not yet very well known to specialists. Although a lot of information has been collected on the use of Indian onions in the treatment of many diseases.

For example, many doctors are convinced that the plant has a pronounced analgesic effect. To do this, you need to cut a fresh leaf, rinse it with water, gently rub the sore spot with it and a short time the pain subsides. You can learn more about the plant from the article “Indian onion: treatment, application, tincture, medicinal properties.”

Medicinal properties of Indian onion

As we have already said, the plant has pain-relieving properties. This is due to the fact that the plant contains active substances which stimulate blood flow. Therefore, it is used to treat bruises, abscesses, and joint pain. When the onion is applied to the sore spot, a slight tingling sensation is felt.

However, it should be remembered that Indian onion is poisonous, so it should not be taken orally. And after external procedures, you should wash your hands with soap.

After the procedure of rubbing into the skin, these properties of the plant make themselves felt. Many people feel a tingling, burning sensation of varying intensity. But this should not be a reason to stop treatment. After a short period of time discomfort pass.

Application of Indian onion

Indian onion juice is also successfully used for headaches and to treat colds and flu. It works quickly and effectively. Relieves pain, eliminates cold symptoms. Even after the first procedure, significant improvement may occur, but most often this effect is temporary. Therefore, even if relief occurs, the procedures should be repeated.

For acute respiratory infections, it is best to rub the juice of the plant on whiskey, the location lymph nodes, frontal part head, chest, wrap yourself in a woolen scarf and cover yourself with a blanket.

To treat diseases, Indian onions should be used for a long time and systematically. It is especially good to use the medicinal properties of the plant in combination with other medicinal products.

It is also interesting that the Indian onion itself is able to “tell” whether it can help in treatment or not. If, when applying its leaf to a sore spot, a burning or tingling sensation is felt, it means that the treatment has begun. If there are no sensations, then treating with onions is useless.

Indian onion treatment

* Many healers claim that treating chronic radiculitis with the help of a plant gives excellent results. To do this, you need to pick a leaf, wash it and very quickly rub the juice of the plant on your lower back. Wrap yourself in a clean cloth and tie a woolen scarf on top. To avoid burns, keep this compress for no more than 2-3 minutes.

* To get rid of acne, pimples, bruises, eczema and other skin diseases, grind the leaf of the plant to a paste. Immediately apply it to the affected area of ​​the skin and wrap it in a clean napkin. The procedure time is no more than 5 minutes. Monitor your feelings. If the burning sensation is severe, remove the compress sooner.

The healing properties of Indian onion will also help with rheumatism, external tumors, lumps, and growths. To do this, prepare a decoction. Chop the plant, add a small amount of cold water, cover with a lid, and leave overnight. In the morning, place on the stove, bring to a boil, but do not boil. Cool, strain, use as a rub.

* To treat joint diseases, prepare a medicinal tincture. Grind the leaves of the plant, pour vodka in a ratio of 1:10. Leave for 2 weeks in a dark place. Strain and rub the product on sore joints. Store the tincture in the refrigerator.

* There is another recipe medicinal tincture from Indian onion. The healing properties of this remedy are used for salt deposits, radiculitis, gout, and abscesses. Indian onion and its tincture will perfectly relieve itching from insect bites.

To do this, rinse the plant bulb thoroughly, chop it, put it in a glass jar, pour 1 tbsp. vodka, close tightly, put in a dark place for a month. Then strain the product, pour into a bottle, and close tightly. Be careful! Label the bottle so that no one accidentally drinks from it. The tincture is poisonous and can only be used for external use.

Before you start using this remedy, be sure to consult your doctor to rule out any contraindications. Be healthy!

Many people who are adherents of traditional medicine grow this interesting plant, like the tailed poultry or Indian onion. This flower is valued for its pronounced medicinal properties. Therefore, it is often made from various tinctures and ointments. To grow this plant in the garden or at home, you need to know some of the nuances of its cultivation. It's about them we'll talk In this article.

To grow Indian onions, you first need to know what soil is suitable for it. This plant should be planted in an earthen mixture prepared from the following components:

  • coal;
  • sand;
  • leaf and turf soil.

Indian onions can be grown both in open ground and in flower pots. When growing a flower in open ground, you need to choose a site where there is no sun. It is better to plant the plant in the shade of trees. Planting of planting material outside is carried out only after the soil has warmed up well. A prerequisite for planting is the absence of frost.

The bulbs need to be buried only halfway into the ground. Only the root part of the bulb must be placed in the ground. If it is large enough, then its top should rise slightly above the soil level.

If the planting was carried out during the warm summer period, then the bulb will germinate well and form many small children around it, which can be used for further propagation.

Since the poultry plant has a developed root system, it is not fertilized after planting.

In addition to bulbs, seeds can be used as planting material. Before planting, Indian onion seeds need to be stratified. This procedure carried out over 3-4 months. To get bulbs from seeds, you need to do the following:

  • soak the seeds;
  • after that they are removed to a cold place where the temperature is -4 degrees. Under such conditions, the seeds should remain for a couple of weeks;
  • then they are sown in containers (flower pots, boxes, plastic cups, etc.). They must be filled with moist soil.

Seeds are planted in spring or summer. Seed germination occurs within 6-8 months. When the first few leaves appear, it is necessary to pick the seedlings. Transplanting young bulbs into open ground carried out only after a year.

Also, poultry grass can be immediately grown as indoor plant. It thrives in plastic pots. At home, the flower pot must be placed on the north and north-east windows.

Video “Poultry transplant”

The video explains how to properly transplant a plant into another pot.

Caring for Indian onions

Indian onions, wherever they grow, have simple care. The main condition for it active growth and development is the shadow. Therefore, it is imperative to avoid direct contact with the plant. sun rays. In this regard, the poultry plant should be planted on the northern side of the site, giving preference to well-shaded areas.

Caring for a poultry farmer consists of the following points:

  • watering. This flower needs to be watered quite often. It is necessary that the soil is always moist;
  • for growing in summer, the optimal temperature for the plant is considered to be +20-22 degrees. But in winter period it is reduced to +10-12 degrees. At this temperature, dug up bulbs should be stored, as they will not germinate under such conditions;
  • fertilizers During growth and development, the plant must be fertilized periodically. For these purposes you can use various options feeding.

In the spring, when the leaves of the Indian onion begin to dry out a little, they are pruned. After it, the plant will begin to grow. In summer, if the flower is grown in flower pots, then it can be taken out to the balcony or veranda.

The flower should also be replanted periodically. If the tailed poultry plant is grown in open ground, then it does not need replanting. This procedure is usually carried out in the spring. It should be carried out once every two to three years. Planting bulbs in open ground after wintering is also done in the spring, when the weather is warm outside and the soil has warmed up sufficiently. The optimal time for planting bulbs in open ground is considered to be the beginning of May.

Plants that are grown in open ground should definitely be dug up for the winter. Some gardeners store the dug bulbs in the refrigerator, after placing them in a plastic bag. The bulbs can also be covered with dry moss or placed in peat. Or you can simply plant them in a flower pot and care for them in the winter like a houseplant.

As you can see, the poultry plant is a rather unpretentious plant that can be planted both in open ground and in flower pots. At the same time, its medicinal properties will remain pronounced in both cultivation options.

Reproduction methods

Indian onion can be propagated in the following ways:

  • sowing seeds;
  • children who are separated from the adult bush;
  • dividing the bulb.

Propagation by seeds is possible both when growing poultry in the garden and at home. But getting seeds at home is difficult, since you have to pollinate the flower with your own hands. Artificial pollination of the ornithischium caudate is carried out only in the second year of the flower’s life. In open ground pollination is carried out by bees. If you set indoor flower on an open balcony, then you can hope for pollination with the help of insects.

Seed collection should be carried out when the fruit capsule formed after flowering becomes completely dry. They are sown in special containers. Before planting, the planting material must be prepared for planting. Plants grown from seeds can be planted in a permanent place of growth only two years after sowing the planting material.

Most in a simple way Indian onions can be propagated using baby bulbs. Due to its ability to form children, the poultry onion is sometimes also called “pregnant onion.” Under the shell of the mother plant, small bulbs appear. Their number can vary over a fairly wide range: from 2 pieces to 2 dozen.

During the growth process, the baby bulbs tear the scales of the parent plant and separate from it. They have the ability to take root independently. The emerging young plants do not need to be immediately separated from the mother plant. This should be done only when the children have formed their first real roots. They usually take up to two weeks to form.

You don’t have to wait for the children to separate on their own. It is necessary to forcibly separate children in the spring. Each separated bulb should be planted in the ground with the pointed end up.

Also, gardeners and flower growers sometimes propagate Indian onions by dividing the bulb. For these purposes, you should use a fairly large onion, the diameter of which is at least 5 cm. It is cut into two parts. In this case, it is necessary to cut off its roots. The onion, cut in half, should remain dormant for a couple of days. After this, the halves need to be planted in pots and watered well until the first shoots appear.

Despite the fact that this flower can be propagated by three different ways, children remain the most popular option. This is truly the easiest method to implement and does not require much time and effort. And the result is almost always positive.

Medicinal properties

Indian onion has pronounced medicinal properties. Therefore, it is often planted, both in open ground and at home. Medicinal properties characteristic of the leaves, bulbs and arrows of the plant. To be more precise, medicinal properties are characteristic of the juice of the ornithischium caudate. The juice of this flower looks like a colorless, odorless mucus. The medicinal properties of Indian onions begin to appear two years after planting the seeds or bulbs. At the same time, the medicinal properties of the plant only increase with age.

The beneficial properties of juice are due to the presence of a large number of different active substances in it. The medicinal properties of poultry plant include the following effects:

  • wound healing;
  • antiseptic;
  • anesthetic.

To get what you want healing effect, it is necessary to monitor the growth and development of the plant. For example, arrows that grow up need to be broken off periodically. At the same time, their length should be approximately 15-20 cm. For medicinal purposes, it is best to use large and mature leaves. In this case, you can even use those leaves whose edges have dried out a little.

Has the most clearly grown medicinal properties Fresh Juice. In addition, they show up well in tinctures prepared with alcohol or vodka. When the juice of the plant or tinctures prepared from it comes into contact with the sore spot, a burning sensation and a slight tingling sensation will appear. As a result of this effect, blood flow to the diseased area improves.

Remember that Indian onions are exclusively medicinal plant, which are with us familiar onions apart from external similarity, it has nothing in common. Although the plant belongs to the Onion family. At the same time, the poultry plant is a poisonous flower. Therefore, when treating with its juice, it is necessary to adhere to a certain concentration. Otherwise, an overdose is possible, which will negatively affect general condition health of the patient.

In folk medicine, there are a large number of different recipes for preparing medicine from the juice of the poultry plant. When preparing such a medicine, you must strictly follow the instructions and strictly follow all instructions. Tinctures prepared from Indian onion juice can be used both externally and internally.

Medicines prepared from Indian onions help get rid of many ailments, including fungal diseases skin diseases and even radiculitis.

Thus, many gardeners and flower growers advise growing poultry grass in the garden or at home, as this plant has distinct medicinal properties. Indian onions will be an excellent addition to your garden or home.

Video “Properties of the sighting device”

How to prepare onion tincture is shown in the video.