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Radish - beneficial properties and contraindications, traditional medicine recipes. Useful properties of black, white and green radish. Radish recipes for coughs and colds

Winter is not encouraging with vegetable abundance, but radish is quite an affordable vegetable at this time of year. On store shelves you can find different varieties of radish: black, green, white, and although the main ones beneficial features All types of radish are the same, slight differences still exist. You should understand why radish is useful and what the differences are between its varieties.

IN Kievan Rus black radish was a staple food and was also used to treat many diseases.

In the old days, when no one knew about such a concept as immunity, sailors always took root vegetables with them on trips, as they noticed that frequent consumption of them reduced the risk of catching a cold while sailing.

The homeland of green radish is the south of the Mediterranean. In these parts it is also valued for its taste and beneficial medicinal properties.

In Japan, white radish is the number one vegetable. The Japanese prepare soups, salads and side dishes from it and are firmly convinced that their high life expectancy is directly related to this vegetable. What exactly is radish good for? Let us list its main properties.

Useful properties of radish

1.The vegetable is rich in potassium salts, which cleanse the body of waste metabolic products.

2. Significant fiber content improves the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.

3. Phytoncides in high concentrations have positive influence on intestinal microflora.

4. Contains vitamins: carotene, B9, K, retinol, ascorbic and nicotinic acid, tocopherol, essential oils, valuable enzymes, essential oil.

5. Of the microelements, potassium is the leader. The root vegetable contains a lot of: zinc, iron, phosphorus and magnesium.

Radish. Medical influence

  • Radish juice is useful for thinning phlegm and is considered one of the most effective medicines for colds and coughs;
  • Contains insulin, which lowers blood sugar and is useful for diabetes;
  • Increases acidity in the stomach, treats gastritis due to low acidity;
  • Suppresses the development of putrefactive processes, antiseptic. Used for treating and healing wounds;
  • Stimulates the functioning of the gallbladder;
  • Contains a large amount of potassium, supports the cardiovascular system;
  • Diuretic, reduces swelling;
  • Activates the digestion process;
  • Stimulates appetite;
  • Healthy black radish juice is used to prevent cancer.

Radish calorie content

What radish is one hundred percent beneficial for is its low calorie content - 36 kcal per hundred grams of product. Despite all the benefits of radish and the small amount of calories in diet menu it is not included, since the root vegetable increases appetite.

How to choose a radish

The healthiest thing about radish is its juice. The juicy vegetable produces delicious salads, and in the treatment of diseases, the juiciness of the radish plays a major role, because it is the basic ingredient for the preparation of medicinal compositions.

  • From root vegetables of approximately the same size, choose the heaviest and densest. By these signs you can determine that there is a lot of juice in it.
  • The radish tail should be undamaged.

What is the difference between different varieties of radish?

  1. White and green root vegetables are very similar in their chemical composition and mild taste.
  2. Black radish is denser and tougher. It has a sharper, bitter taste.
    Concentration active substances it is higher than green and white, so it is more often used in folk medicine than in cooking.
  3. It is not advisable to include black radish in your daily menu for people with chronic diseases Housing and communal services even in the stage of complete remission, in this case white radish (daikon) is more useful.

Radish with honey to treat cough and bronchitis

Recipe 1. Juice is required for the course of treatment. The root vegetable is crushed into small slices and covered with sugar, which stimulates the release of juice. Drink 1 tbsp on an empty stomach. l. 3-4 times a day, children should reduce the dose to 1 tsp.

You can get more juice (and much faster) by grating the vegetable and squeezing the pulp through cheesecloth.

Recipe 2. Radish brings great benefits in treatment severe forms bronchitis. Juice and honey are mixed in a 1:1 ratio. To do this you need to cut top part radish, make a hole in it (partially scrape out the pulp), fill the hollow with honey, and cover it with the top. Leave for 5 - 6 hours.

Stand out honey juice carefully drain and drink 1 tbsp on an empty stomach. 3-4 times a day. In the evening, add a couple of teaspoons of honey to the hollow to obtain the next portion of the medicinal mixture. The juice is released for about three days.

Treatment of gout, osteochondrosis

In the treatment of gout greatest benefit brings black radish juice, in which the most high concentration active substances, although green can also be used. When the disease worsens, compresses are applied from a mixture of juice and finely grated pulp.

Treatment of joint pain, radiculitis

This is a well-known proven recipe traditional medicine. It is a complete replacement for expensive pharmaceutical products.

Recipe . Add a little vinegar (one teaspoon) to 100 grams of fresh juice and use it as a rub several times a day.

Treatment of constipation

Recipe . It is useful to take slightly warmed radish juice every day, which acts on the body as a mild laxative.

Treatment of eczema, skin diseases

In the seeds of the root vegetable, the concentration of active substances is even higher than in the juice. The beneficial properties of radish are used to treat skin diseases and injuries, such as eczema, hematomas, bruises.

Recipe . Wrap the crushed black radish pulp in gauze. The pulp should be juicy. Apply to the problem area for 15 minutes.

Radish for anemia

For low hemoglobin, this is the number one recipe.

Recipe . Radish, beet and carrot juice are mixed in equal parts, and the same amount of liquid honey is added to the resulting mixture. Drink one tbsp on an empty stomach. l. three times a day.

The use of radish in cosmetology

What is useful about radish besides its use for treating diseases is that it is one of the best remedies for use in home cosmetology. Its juice has a pronounced disinfectant and lightening effect.

Against age spots and freckles. Not only the juice, but also the seeds of radish are useful for solving some cosmetic problems. Alcohol tincture is an effective lightening agent against age spots and freckles. 1 tbsp. l. seeds pour 1 tbsp. vodka. Leave for 10 days in a dark place. Filter. Wipe with a cotton swab in the morning and evening until a lasting effect is obtained.

Anti-acne mask. Add a little liquid honey to the finely grated gruel and mix. Apply 10 times every other day.

From dark circles under the eyes. Cut a crescent from a cotton pad and soak it in juice. Squeeze lightly and place under the eye area for 15 minutes.

Contraindications and harm

Despite the undoubted beneficial properties of radish, there are a number of restrictions on its use.

  1. Radish juice has an aggressive effect on the lining of the stomach, increasing its acidic environment. Contraindicated for any diseases of the gastrointestinal tract against the background of increased acidity.
  2. Secondary heart diseases.
  3. It is forbidden to use after a heart attack.
  4. Liver diseases in the acute stage.
  5. Kidney disease - glomerular nephritis.
  6. Pregnancy.
  7. Children under 1 year.

Green radish is a healthy, vitamin-rich root vegetable whose homeland is called Uzbekistan. There are many varieties of root vegetables: white and black radish, daikon, close relative radish. Why is it useful? green radish and where it is used - we will discuss it in this article.

Calorie content and chemical composition

The nutritional value:

  • - 1.9 g;
  • fats - 0.2 g;
  • carbohydrates - 6.5 g.

Calorie content: 35 kcal/100 g.

Chemical composition:

  • vitamins: , PP, carotene;
  • minerals: iron, sulfur;
  • essential oils;
  • amino acids.

What are the benefits of green radish for the body?

The green root vegetable primarily carries great benefit for the digestive organs: helps produce the necessary for metabolic processes And digestive tract enzymes; cleanses the body of cholesterol, removes toxins; prevents constipation. Besides, low calorie content defines the product in the list of dietary products that help reduce and maintain weight. Choleretic and diuretic effect improves the functioning of the liver, kidneys, and gall bladder. Regular consumption is beneficial for diabetics, heart patients and hypertensive patients.

The product lowers blood sugar levels, helps strengthen blood vessels, the potassium in the composition lowers blood pressure and improves the functioning of the heart muscle, and iron normalizes hemoglobin levels. Retinol and carotene improve vision function, strengthen bones and muscle tissue, together with ascorbic acid raise protective functions body, which is especially useful during seasonal diseases. The benefits of these vitamins in strengthening are known hair follicles, restoring hair structure, strengthening nails, nourishing the skin. The health of our bones and teeth is supported by phosphorus and calcium, and brain activity, circulatory and nervous system

- sulfur, iron, sodium, which are also present in radish. Did you know? The largest root crop was grown by a resident Japanese island

Kyushu, the weight of the radish was 29 kg 600 g. A record of the record is in the Guinness Book of Records.

Can pregnant women eat?

Essential oils contained in the root vegetable tend to accumulate and are slowly excreted. During pregnancy, this fact can lead to uterine tone, which, in turn, threatens miscarriage. Therefore, it is better for pregnant women to use less aggressive treatments and vitamin products.

What can be done and what can be combined with

  • In cooking, the root vegetable can be combined with many products in different dishes: salads with fresh vegetables
  • : , greens;
  • main courses with and;
  • in warm salads with chicken, beef and veal;
  • a popular dish among the Slavs: okroshka;
  • soup with radish in meat broth;
  • Radishes are salted, fermented, and preserved for the winter in salads.

- sulfur, iron, sodium, which are also present in radish. IN Ancient Greece Among the gifts offered to Apollo, there were always root vegetables: carrots, beets and radishes.

How to use for medicinal purposes: recipes

When using the root vegetable in medicinal purposes It is important to know some rules: Fresh Juice is too concentrated, it can burn the skin and mucous membranes, so it is advisable to dilute it, or boiled water, or other components.

For cough and sore throat

To treat cough, use radish with honey: cut off the top of the root crop, cut out part of the pulp, making a depression. Honey, preferably flower honey, is placed in the resulting hole and covered with cut honey. top part and leave for seven hours. During this time, honey will absorb beneficial properties along with the juice. This mixture is taken thirty minutes before meals, two or three times a day, a teaspoon.

For gout

To treat joints with rheumatism and gout, compresses are made: juice squeezed out of crushed pulp is diluted with vodka and salt in equal parts and the resulting mixture is applied for half an hour. Then the skin should be lubricated with baby cream to relieve possible irritation.

For swelling

To relieve swelling, 500 g of crushed pulp is poured with a liter of water. The resulting mixture is boiled over low heat for ten minutes, then cooled and filtered. The drink is drunk throughout the day instead of water.

For constipation

A cocktail of radish and pumpkin juice in equal proportions, with the addition of a teaspoon of honey, will help empty the intestines. Drink the drink in the morning and evening until the problem is eliminated.

How it can be used for cosmetic purposes: recipes

IN cosmetic recipes radish exhibits the following properties:

  • normalizes the functioning of the sebaceous glands;
  • dries out oily skin;
  • cleans and disinfects;
  • improves blood flow to the upper layers of the epidermis, thereby improving complexion.

Important! Homemade radish masks should not be used on sensitive skin.

For hair

To strengthen damaged or weakened hair, use rinses with thinned-out red juice. herbal decoction(chamomile, nettle) one to one. You need to rinse for a month after each wash.

For face

Mix a tablespoon of chopped root vegetable mass with egg white(the juice from the pulp should be squeezed out first). Apply the resulting mixture to the skin, excluding the skin around the eyes, for fifteen minutes. Then wash off warm water and apply cream. This mask will help eliminate shine on oily skin and tighten pores.
For combination skin Use the following whitening and tone-evening mask:

  • squeezed pulp - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • lemon juice - 0.5 tbsp. l.;
  • olive oil - 0.5 tsp.
The mixture is applied to the skin for twenty minutes and washed off with warm water. Nourishing mask for dry skin: mix equal parts radish pulp and sour cream. Apply for twenty minutes to previously cleansed facial skin. Rinse off with warm water.

Important! After grinding the product into a paste, you need to let it sit for 5-10 minutes before mixing with other ingredients. After this, test for an allergic reaction on the skin of the wrist. If there is damage to the skin of the face, the mask should be discarded until recovery.

How to choose when purchasing

You need to choose a medium-sized root vegetable; the younger it is, the healthier it is. The peel should not be dry and wrinkled; to ensure freshness and juiciness, just pierce the peel with your fingernail.

How to store at home

In a private home, a large supply of the product is stored in sand in the cellar. In an apartment, put it in the refrigerator on the vegetable shelf. Thus, it can be useful for two to three months.

Contraindications and harm

Strict contraindications for use:

  • stomach diseases (gastritis, pancreatitis, ulcers, enterocolitis, etc.);
  • liver and kidney diseases;
  • diseases of the small and large intestines.
Use with caution, after consulting a doctor, for the following conditions:
  • increased stomach acidity;
  • heart diseases;
  • flatulence.

Before eating radish fresh It is advisable to scald it with boiling water, this will reduce the effect essential oils on the mucous membrane. It is not recommended to consume more than 150 g of product per day. Today radish is somewhat forgotten, but among our ancestors it was very popular due to its nutritious and healing properties. Root vegetable dishes were served even at royal tables. Benefit from regular use The product is difficult to overestimate, but you should not get carried away with it, especially for medicinal purposes.

An absolutely useless and tasteless root vegetable - such is the fame the radish has gained today. Its benefits and harm to the body are assessed using the example medicinal properties. Many people know that its juice, mixed with honey, is a good remedy for coughs, but at the same time irritates the gastric mucosa and provokes exacerbations. chronic diseases Gastrointestinal tract. Of course, this is not all.

Composition of bitter root vegetable

It’s not for nothing that in Rus' there was a radish on the table almost every day. The benefits and harms of foods were then learned empirically; people observed, compared, and evaluated which plants, herbs, and root crops allowed them not only to be satisfied, but also to resist diseases. Today we already know that radish contains vitamins A, PP, C, E, almost the entire group B. There are healthy fiber, lipids, organic acids, enzymes and amino acids. The richest composition minerals: salts of iron, calcium, potassium, magnesium, iodine and phosphorus - will help you stay full of energy even in the depths of winter.

Phytoncides are a separate line. They are caused by sulfur-containing substances: methyl mercaptan, minirin, anthocyanins. In addition to enriching the body with useful substances, vitamins and minerals, radish helps cleanse it of bacteria and viruses, which significantly reduces the risk of contracting colds.

Different types of radish

Today we know red, green, white and black radishes. Their benefits and harms have long been studied, and now we will take a closer look at how they differ from each other. Black radish is considered the most useful, but it is very tough and bitter. Although if you cook it correctly, it will reveal the whole flavor bouquet. But it is usually successfully used for treatment. Its juice destroys bacterial cells and perfectly heals wounds, ulcers and pustules. But she's only good for healthy people, all diseases gastrointestinal tract are a direct contraindication.

White radish is a salad variety, although it is also very spicy. However, flavored with dressing in the form of mayonnaise, sour cream or vegetable oil, it becomes a wonderful snack, which will also help resist colds. White radish contains a large amount of phytoncides, which effectively destroy pathogenic bacteria and strengthen the immune system.

If you can't stand it spicy food, then green radish would be a good alternative. Its benefits and harms are well balanced; the root vegetable is suitable for almost all people, except those who are overweight. It has a fairly neutral taste, it contains less bitterness and, accordingly, phytoncides, but quite a lot useful substances. Its juice stimulates the production gastric juice, and therefore increases appetite.

This variety has many names: green, “lobo”, Chinese, Margelan radish. Since the variety ripens very early, it is also called summer. Seed stores are always ready to offer a wide range of seeding material from different agricultural companies. Choose the most well-known brands, even if they are more expensive - high germination will pay off all costs. If you like the taste of spring vegetables, then green radish is your choice. The benefits and harms have already been discussed above. This variety is safe even for people with liver, kidney and heart problems. Only individual intolerance may prevent you from enjoying this wonderful root vegetable.

Green manure plant

Another variety is This plant does not form roots, but is nevertheless a valuable crop. Oil is extracted from its seeds, and the plant itself is used as a fodder crop (silage and green fodder). Another use case for this amazing plant- disinfection and fertilization of fields. A plot of depleted or contaminated soil (nematodes, rot) is sown with annual radish, and during the flowering period the plants are plowed. Thus, the soil is enriched with nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium and calcium.

Use in folk medicine

We have all been familiar with the taste of radish with honey since childhood. Exactly this folk remedy is the best remedy From cough. Absolutely safe and at the same time incredibly effective. Even if you can replace it with jam or sugar. This remedy can be used to improve lactation.

Radish is known for its choleretic and diuretic properties; it can be used for cystitis, painful, frequent or, conversely, delayed urination. It is often prescribed for gynecological problems, scanty or too heavy menstruation, frequent delays.

Compresses made from grated radish are well suited for quickly resolving bruises, treating contusions and rheumatism. If your tooth hurts and you can’t get to the dentist urgently, rinse your mouth with radish juice. And most importantly, this root vegetable normalizes metabolism and is widely used for obesity. You need to take a third of a glass of juice three times a day before meals, and the result will not be long in coming.


The vegetable can be consumed by everyone in small quantities, but if you are thinking about introducing radish into your regular diet, you should ask your doctor for advice. In particular, organic heart diseases are contraindications, severe lesions liver and kidneys. It is worth severely limiting the consumption of radish if you have diseases of the gastrointestinal tract: gastritis, enterocolitis, ulcers. Even if there is no history of such diseases, be sure to listen to your feelings. Pain, burning in the stomach and others unpleasant symptoms should be a reason to refuse delicious

Radish in cosmetology

Masks made from grated radish and sour cream are used to deeply cleanse, nourish and whiten the skin. This simple folk remedy can be a real salvation for those who want to get rid of freckles. Radish juice is used as an effective hair growth activator.

Brief conclusions

This is a simple and now almost forgotten radish. The benefits and harms to your body will depend on you. If you suspect diseases of the heart, kidneys, liver or gastrointestinal tract, then either reduce consumption to a minimum and carefully monitor your well-being, or completely abandon this product. If there are no contraindications, radish will be an excellent source of vitamins, will help diversify the table and protect yourself from colds.

The famous root vegetable called radish came to our region from Mediterranean countries. Residents Ancient Rus' it was often grown and eaten. What are the benefits of radish for men, women and children? The vegetable was highly valued not only for its pleasant taste, it helped to recover from various ailments and provided the body with a huge amount of micronutrients. Various lean but satisfying dishes were prepared from the root vegetable.

Useful properties and contraindications of radish

Radish belongs to plants of the cabbage family. It is grown oblong, round, oval shape. Today, white, green, black, red (radish), radish, and daikon are often grown. The fruit itself is consumed; salads and soups are prepared from its young tops. Useful plant used boiled, fried, added to vegetable and meat dishes. Radish is a healthy root vegetable, but there are several contraindications to its use. The plant should not be eaten if:


Green radishes are not often found in stores and markets, but they are worth finding and purchasing. The most famous varieties of this root vegetable: watermelon, Margelan radish (Chinese). The green vegetable contains a large amount of nutrients. What vitamins are in radishes? The Chinese root vegetable is rich in vitamins A and B, which strengthen the visual and nervous systems and are responsible for improving metabolism in the body. Green radish performs following functions:

  • a boiled or fried vegetable acts as a kind of catalyst for the digestive process;
  • helps strengthen the immune system due to the fact that the green root vegetable contains calcium, potassium, and phosphorus salts;
  • significantly improves teeth and human bones due to calcium and iron;
  • The calorie content of green radish is low, so the vegetable is great for weight loss;
  • cleanses the body of bile well;
  • improves the functioning of the stomach and the whole digestive system;
  • stabilizes blood sugar;
  • helps cleanse the body of toxins and waste;
  • often used for colds and infectious diseases.


Black radish, as can be seen in the photo, differs from other varieties in its rich unusual color. This is not the only feature of this cultivated plant. The root vegetable has a slightly specific but pleasant taste. In addition, it is no less useful than green radish. Organic acids “live” in the culture with a black peel and aromatic core, mineral salts, enzymes, phytoncides. This plant is recommended to be used for traditional therapy, because it is very rich in potassium, sodium, phosphorus, iron and other benefits. Black radish has many benefits:

  • is responsible for normal work intestines;
  • strengthens immune system and the body as a whole;
  • black radish – excellent medicine against bronchitis;
  • relieves a person from edema, removing excess liquid from the body;
  • often plays a role effective drug for the prevention/treatment of atherosclerosis;
  • Black radish oil improves appetite and stimulates the digestive process.


A storehouse of vitamins plus a juicy, pleasant taste - this is white radish. This nutritious vegetable contains sodium and potassium salts, fiber, healthy vitamins C, B1, B2, essential oils, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, amino acids and many other equally useful substances. Many adherents of traditional medicine advise using radish white For preventive measures and treatment of digestive system disorders. The main qualities of this cultivated plant are:

  • increased appetite;
  • troubleshooting problems intestinal system;
  • eating white root vegetables is effective fight with constipation;
  • treatment of chronic reduction of the lumen of blood arteries (atherosclerosis), cholelithiasis;
  • healing damage skin;
  • normalization of the functioning of the liver, kidneys, gall bladder, stomach;
  • white radish is responsible for “smooth” carbohydrate, protein, and fat metabolism in the body.


Another famous and tasty variety of cultivated root vegetable is Daikon (Japanese radish). The long-shaped white vegetable is constantly used by chefs and for cooking. healing agents traditional medicine. Daikon has a considerable supply of nutrients: magnesium salts, potassium, phosphorus, iron, and also contains beta-carotene, many vitamins C and B. Nutrients This variety of radish makes it possible to:

  • effectively resist the appearance and proliferation of bacteria, reliably protect it from various infections;
  • rid human body from toxins, waste, free radicals, heavy metals;
  • thoroughly cleanse the kidneys, liver, dissolve stones in these organs;
  • improve overall health and restore strong immunity.


Red radish is useful in the same way as previous varieties of cultivated vegetables. This type of root vegetable is rich in a huge amount of vitamins, minerals, contains essential oils, salts, coarse fiber and so on. The main functions of red radish are:

  • treatment various diseases;
  • relief from constipation and other intestinal problems;
  • improved digestion;
  • used for the treatment of certain pathologies of the kidneys, liver, and gall bladder;
  • quickly rids the body of excess fluid;
  • significantly strengthens the body's defense mechanisms;
  • supplies all organs with all necessary nutrients;
  • Recommended for consumption in the presence of anemia.

Benefits of radish

Many people wonder how different varieties of radish are useful for a child or a pregnant woman? Is it worth eating this vegetable when children's body not yet strong or weakened by bearing a baby? Often, radishes of any variety are recommended to be eaten even by a child, especially for therapeutic and prophylactic purposes. Find out more detailed answers in the continuation of the article.

For children

A child over 5 years old is not prohibited from eating a little white, red or green radish. Vitamins are simply necessary for a growing body. For therapeutic measures Doctors sometimes advise parents to purchase a certain type of vegetable (black root vegetable). This folk remedy gives a chance to gently get rid of colds and phlegm in the lungs, creating a powerful expectorant effect.

Treatment of cough with radish in children is carried out according to two main recipes, for which honey is useful. You can do this: cut off the top part of the root crop, remove inner part, putting a few spoons of honey there. Bee product It will “squeeze” the juice out of the vegetable, which is what we need for home antitussive therapy. The second way to extract juice: cut the radish into pieces, pour honey. The medicine can be given to children one teaspoon (5 milligrams) six times a day. Important: you need to check in advance whether the child has allergic reaction for honey

During pregnancy

How are different radishes useful for a pregnant woman? Eating dishes prepared from this plant compensates for the lack of vitamins, microelements and other substances that female body gives to the growing fetus. During pregnancy, radish is recommended for consumption while carrying a baby, but you need to eat it as carefully as possible, so to speak, without fanaticism.

This vegetable contains a lot of essential oils, and they can negatively affect a woman’s condition (for example, increase uterine tone). If future mom feels great, pregnancy is proceeding without problems, then a small amount of radish will not hurt. When the doctor identifies complications or a threat of interruption, it is better to abandon the root vegetable until childbirth and the end of the lactation period.

Video about black radish with cough honey

Radish is a well-known root vegetable that is consumed raw and also used to prepare various sauces and seasonings. known since time immemorial. Due to the fact that it does not spoil before winter, it can serve as an excellent assistant in the fight against vitamin deficiency in winter period, when our body needs vitamins so much.

The benefit of radish is that it has a beneficial effect on the condition of the stomach and intestines, thanks to the dietary fiber it contains.

It is also great for improving intestinal flora.

In addition, the beneficial properties of radish are that it can be used for swelling varying degrees, at urolithiasis, as well as for atherosclerosis and colds.

To people suffering high blood pressure, it is useful to eat this vegetable, because

that the substances contained in it are able to cleanse blood vessels and remove “bad cholesterol”.

The calorie content of radish is small, only 35 kilocalories per 100 grams of product. Per 100 grams of product there are about 6.7 g of carbohydrates, 0.2 g of fat, 2 g of protein. Due to its low calorie content and the ability to remove excess fluid from the body, harmful substances and waste, it contributes fast weight loss. Therefore, eating radish in dried, raw or boiled form will help those who want to lose a couple of extra pounds.

The main beneficial properties of radish are manifested due to the content large quantity vitamins such as C, A, E, B1, B2, B5, B6, PP, beta-carotene. In addition, it contains the following important microelements, like iodine, calcium, potassium, copper, fluorine and iron, in addition, fiber. Radish is not only tasty, it is also very healthy. To preserve nutrients and vitamins, it is recommended to consume it raw.

For diseases of the gallbladder and liver, it is good to drink fresh juice from this vegetable, which is also useful for kidney diseases, including urolithiasis. Radish juice is used as a rubbing composition for joint pain and intercostal neuralgia, and it is also used for rinsing purulent wounds and ulcers. And compresses help well with gout.

The properties of radish are also used in home cosmetology. Ancient recipes based on it they help in removing freckles and age spots. Radish masks with sour cream help in the fight against aging skin. A massage of the scalp with rubbing of its juice helps strengthen and improve the condition of the hair.

But, despite the fact that radish is very beneficial for the body, it should be used with caution. People suffering from the disease duodenum and stomach ulcers, you should exclude this vegetable from your diet. Also to those who suffer increased acidity stomach, you should stop eating radish.