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Black radish - beneficial properties and contraindications. Green radish: what is useful, what helps, how to use

Radish - biennial or perennial, which belongs to the Brassica family. It has a large amount of vitamins and nutrients, so it is used to treat many diseases. Thanks to its properties, radish does not spoil until winter. This allows you to store it at home and use it to combat vitamin deficiency in winter period time.

Types of radish

There are many varieties of radish. The most A popular root vegetable is radish. It, in turn, is divided into several subspecies.

Black radish is a fairly large black root vegetable with white flesh inside. Weight ranges from 300 grams to 2 kilograms.

White very popular in Asia and Europe. This root vegetable has a large number of beneficial properties, so it is added to various vitamin salads. It has a pronounced pungent taste. They are responsible for this special substances- phytoncides.

radish very good for health, thanks to the content of a large number of vitamins and beneficial properties. It is widely used in folk medicine and cosmetology.

A vegetable crop whose roots are eaten. It is small in size, approximately 2.5 cm in diameter, covered with thin skin of red or Pink colour.

A root plant that differs from other types of radish in the absence of mustard oils. It can reach a length of more than 60 cm and weigh more than 500 grams.

Chemical composition

Among all types of seed radishes, black and green ones are most often used to treat diseases at home. They are rich in vitamins and microelements.

It is the most useful of all types, due to its balanced chemical composition.

The nutritional value 100 grams of black root vegetable has the following indicators:

  • Calorie content - 36 kcal;
  • Proteins - 1.9 g;
  • Fats - 0.2 g;
  • Carbohydrates - 6.7 g;
  • Alimentary fiber- 1.6 g;
  • Water - 88 g.

Benefits of black radish

Black radish contains a lot of useful substances, necessary for the body person to maintain or improve health. At the same time, there are very few contraindications to taking the vegetable.

Black radish contains:

  • Vitamins - A, B, C, E, PP, beta-carotene;
  • Microelements - potassium, calcium, sodium, iron, phosphorus, magnesium, iodine;
  • Amino acids;
  • Glucosides;
  • Cellulose;
  • Phytoncides.

Beneficial features:

Radish treatment

In folk medicine, radish is highly valued due to its beneficial properties, large amount of vitamins and microelements. During treatment various ailments You can use the pulp, juice or seeds of the root vegetable. Most often the vegetable is used for treatment colds. The root vegetable is grated and mixed with honey or salt. You can also squeeze the juice and take only that. Now let's consider various recipes with healthy black radish.

For cough and bronchitis

Black radish is used because it has many beneficial properties. For cooking healthy recipe You need to take one black radish root vegetable, cut out the core to make a depression. Add 20 grams there. sugar and pour 30 ml of honey. Cover the vegetable with cellophane and let it brew for 2 hours. Next, pour the resulting juice into a glass. You need to take 1 tablespoon 4 times a day for one week.

For the cardiovascular system

Due to the high potassium content in black radish, it is recommended for consumption by people with hypertension and vascular diseases. The vegetable cleanses blood vessels and eliminates excess cholesterol. To prevent atherosclerosis, you need to take 2 tablespoons of vegetable juice 3 times a day. And for arrhythmia - 1 tbsp. l. 3 times a day.

To improve digestion

For anemia

To treat anemia, you need to prepare a mixture of the juices of the following vegetables:

  • Beet;
  • Carrot.
  • Preheat oven to 100 degrees Celsius;
  • Pour the resulting mixture into a ceramic bowl;
  • Place in the oven;
  • Reduce temperature to low and simmer this mixture 3 hours.

You should take the medicine 2 tablespoons 3 times a day for a month.

For hypertension

Black radish with honey helps with hypertension. To prepare medicine from a healthy vegetable you will need:

  • 1 tbsp. l. radish juice;
  • 1 tbsp. l. carrot juice;
  • 1 tbsp. l. cranberry juice;
  • 200 grams of honey.

All ingredients are mixed and taken 1 tsp. an hour before meals.

With stagnation of bile

To stimulate the secretion of bile, you should take 400 grams of black radish juice. To prepare the juice, you will need a root vegetable, which must be peeled, grated on a fine grater, and the resulting juice squeezed out. You need to drink juice starting from 100 grams. Gradually increase the dosage to 400 grams daily before bedtime. The course of treatment is 6-8 weeks.

For joint pain

An excellent assistant is black radish juice. Freshly squeezed root juice should be taken 1 teaspoon 3 times a day, an hour after meals.

For weight loss

Due to its low calorie content, radish is recommended for weight loss. It perfectly breaks down starch and eliminates the feeling of hunger for a long time. The vegetable has a large amount of useful substances, vitamins and minerals. They are quickly and easily absorbed by the body. To prepare a dietary salad, you need to grate the root vegetable, pour cold water and hold for 15 minutes. Then add 4 tablespoons hot water and cook until soft. Next, cool the radish, add honey and allspice.

Application in cosmetology

Radish is rich in vitamin C, which has an antiseptic effect. Due to this, the vegetable is used in cosmetology to prepare various masks. The juice of the root vegetable is used as a facial toner. This helps to achieve vasoconstrictor effect and improve complexion.

For cooking lotion against acne you will need:

Squeeze out the chopped radish, mix the resulting juice with mineral water, add 4 drops of tea tree ether to them. Pour the resulting mixture into a bottle. You should wipe your face 2 times a day.

For anti-aging mask you will need:

  • Aloe juice - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • Green tea- 1 tbsp. l.;
  • Chopped radish.

Mix the ingredients and apply the resulting mask to your face for 15-20 minutes. Wash off warm water.

For moisturizing mask take 1 tbsp. l. grated radish, mixed with 1 tbsp. l. sour cream. Apply the resulting mixture to your face for 10 minutes. Rinse off with warm water.

Contraindications for black radish

For all its usefulness, radish can become both a helper and an enemy. It is not advisable to use it for people suffering from certain diseases of the stomach, heart and kidneys. Before use, you should consult a doctor. Use is strictly contraindicated for people after a stroke, heart attack, with liver diseases, myocarditis, cardiosclerosis, with stomach or intestinal ulcers, during pregnancy, lactation.

Radish - a vegetable revered by man since time immemorial, is attractive for its unique composition And widespread use. After reading the article, you will learn which properties of radish are especially beneficial for the human body and how to use these properties.

Description and types of radish

Radish is an annual and biennial plant belonging to the cabbage family. The probable “progenitor” of the modern radish is the wild radish, which still grows on the Mediterranean coast.

Currently, many varieties of this vegetable have been developed, which differ in shape, color, ripening period, growing conditions and even taste.

For cosmetic purposes, black radish began to be used in Ancient Rus':

  • Radish juice is great for whitening facial skin, removing age spots and freckles.
  • Hair masks are made from radish to prevent hair loss and eliminate dandruff.
  • A face mask made from radish will eliminate signs of skin aging and premature aging.
  • Black radish juice mixed with egg yolk, makes facial skin less oily.

Radish is an extraordinary vegetable with many medicinal qualities:

  • Since radish contains a lot of fiber and improves intestinal function, it is used to treat diseases of the stomach and intestines: such as gastritis, enterocolitis and constipation.
  • Radish with honey - excellent remedy against cough, so radish juice mixed with honey is used in the treatment of bronchitis, asthma and catarrh of the upper respiratory tract.
  • Due to the property of radish to thin the blood and reduce cholesterol levels in the blood, it is popularly used in the treatment of cardiovascular diseases.
  • Radish relieves pain - therefore, a compress of grated radish pulp is simply necessary during periods of exacerbation, for people suffering from joint diseases - arthritis and arthrosis.
  • Radish - indispensable assistant in the treatment of genitourinary disorders, skin diseases, and insect bites. Its use for cancer prevention is due to its ability to remove toxins from the human body.

However, in addition to the fact that radish is a unique vegetable that has no analogues, you should also remember about the harm that can be caused to the body if it is used incorrectly. Firstly, radish should be used only for preventive purposes and to alleviate the disease. chronic diseases. At acute diseases, inflammation of organs and tissues, radish should not be used.

Secondly, radish cannot be used as food for the following diseases and conditions:

  1. Diseases digestive system such as stomach ulcers and duodenum, hyperacid gastritis.
  2. Diseases of the biliary tract.
  3. Severe heart and kidney diseases.
  4. Gout.
  5. Individual intolerance.
  6. Allergy.
  7. Pregnancy.

Thirdly, when using radish as medicine, you should also Special attention Pay attention to your own feelings, and it is best to consult with your doctor.

In order for the radish to retain all the beneficial substances it contains, it must be stored correctly. Autumn and winter varieties are more suitable for storage. And in order for the radish to be stored longer, it is necessary to carefully sort it out - it is better to preserve root vegetables without holes, cracks and stains. The tops are cut 1-2 cm from the root crop, and the radish itself must be clean. Only after such simple manipulations can it be sent for the winter.

You can store vegetables in the basement, cellar and even on the loggia.

If the radish harvest turned out to be good, then it would be better to store it in the basement or cellar. To prevent the radish from withering until spring, the conditions at the storage location must be observed: ventilate the room, keep the humidity at about 80%, and the air temperature +1.+2 degrees.

Radishes are usually stored in wooden boxes with holes drilled in them for ventilation. Slightly damp sand can be poured into the boxes. After the vegetables have been sorted, they are placed in boxes. During the storage period, it is necessary to carry out an inspection at least once a month to check for the formation of rotten vegetables, which are removed from the box.

If the harvest is not so rich, then it is stored on a glassed-in loggia or balcony. To do this, the radish is placed in a bag and carefully covered with a blanket. This type of storage has its drawbacks - when the air temperature is below 0 degrees, there is a risk that the crop will freeze, so at such moments they bring the bags into the apartment. Radishes can also be stored in the refrigerator, first placed in a container with holes for ventilation, but the shelf life is no more than a month.

More information can be found in the video:

Radish is a root vegetable from the cruciferous family. It comes in several types, differing in shape, color and taste. The pulp has a juicy, crispy and fibrous structure. The taste of the vegetable is spicy, sweet and pungent at the same time.

Depending on the variety, the radish harvesting season varies. White and red varieties are available in spring and summer, while black and purple radishes are resistant to low temperatures, so it can be collected in autumn or even early winter.

Radish can be eaten raw or cooked. It is boiled, steamed, baked and pickled. Sometimes the leaves of the vegetable are eaten, which have a mustard taste. The beneficial properties of radish allow the vegetable to be used not only in cooking, but also in medicine.

Composition of radish

Radish contains many vitamins, minerals and antioxidants. Composition of radish in accordance with the recommended daily norm presented below.


  • C – 48%;
  • B6 – 4%;
  • B9 – 3%;
  • AT 12%;
  • B5 – 2%.


  • potassium – 8%;
  • copper – 5%;
  • iron – 4%;
  • calcium – 3%;
  • phosphorus – 3%.

Calorie content of radish – 14 kcal per 100 g.

The medicinal properties of radish help maintain liver health, strengthen the immune system and protect the heart from diseases.

For joints and bones

Vitamin C in the vegetable strengthens bones and joints. Radish is useful in treating arthritis and osteoporosis.

In addition, radish contains substances that protect cells bone marrow from the influence of toxins.

For the heart and blood vessels

Radish improves blood circulation and fat metabolism in the body. It stimulates the liver, which absorbs cholesterol before it is deposited on the walls of blood vessels. This reduces the likelihood of developing cardiovascular diseases.

Radish – good source potassium It helps reduce arterial pressure and tension on the blood vessels, expanding the blood flow rather than increasing its pressure.

The vegetable is one of the foods with low glycemic index, so it is beneficial for people suffering from diabetes. Radish regulates the absorption of sugar in the blood and protects against sudden spikes in insulin.

For the lymphatic system

Eating radish helps strengthen blood vessels. It contains vitamin C, which is involved in the production of collagen. The substance protects blood vessels from damage, relieves tension and reduces the likelihood of developing atherosclerosis.

For the brain and nerves

Radish is a source of potassium, selenium and magnesium, which are essential for maintaining chemical balance in the brain. Its use restores electrochemical balance, increases mental activity, improves memory and concentration, preventing the development of Alzheimer's disease.

For the bronchi

Radish helps relieve congestion in respiratory system, so it is beneficial for asthmatics and those suffering from bronchial infections and sinus problems. The vegetable reduces irritation of the nose, throat, respiratory tract and lungs, which can be caused by colds, infections or allergies.

For the gastrointestinal tract

The antioxidants in radishes help remove toxins from the body, thereby maintaining the required pH level in the stomach. This prevents bloating, gas, diarrhea and constipation. The fiber in radishes improves digestion and helps you lose weight.

Radish improves liver function. Vitamins, calcium and magnesium in its composition improve the flow of bile, supporting the enzymatic activity of the liver.

For hormones

Excessive thyroid secretion, known as hyperthyroidism, can be normalized by radish. Rafanine in the vegetable regulates the functioning of the thyroid gland and prevents hormone imbalance.

For kidneys and bladder

Radish is a natural remedy for kidney and gallstones. It relieves pain caused by stones, eliminates inflammation and burning during urination, cleanses the kidneys and suppresses infections in the genitourinary system caused by excess toxins.

For skin and hair

Radish cleanses the blood and removes all types of toxins and waste from the body. As a result, the condition of the skin improves. The vegetable contains a lot of vitamin C, which is involved in the fight against aging. The antioxidants in radish prevent pimples and blackheads and also reduce marks caused by skin infections.

The vegetable improves blood circulation, nourishes and strengthens hair roots and eliminates excessive hair loss. Radish can be used to treat dry or oily scalp. It helps control sebum production and gives hair extra shine.

For immunity

Radish contains many antioxidants that can control the formation of free radicals in cells and tissues. Isothiocyanates in vegetables can cause death cancer cells, eliminating the possibility of their reproduction. For this reason, radish is considered a natural anti-cancer agent.

The vitamins in radish strengthen the immune system and fight viral diseases such as colds, flu and ARVI.

Benefits of black radish

The two common types of radish, black and white, have more than just external differences. Despite the similarity in composition, some of their properties differ. The beneficial properties of black radish help control blood pressure and protect against respiratory diseases.

Radish is a vegetable known in the world since ancient times; several thousand years ago, ancient healers already widely used its healing properties. Nowadays, this vegetable is also widely used in folk medicine. Doctors recognize the beneficial properties of radish and recommend using it in the treatment and prevention of many diseases.

Usually this vegetable is not consumed in pure form. In our country, radish is traditionally added to salads or a mixture of its juice and honey is made for medicinal use. Radish is very popular in eastern countries, there it is pickled, stewed, fried and soups are made from it.

Useful properties of radish

Radish salad increases appetite and stimulates production gastric juice.

The most common are several varieties of radish. Some of them, for example, green or white radish, do not have the bitter aftertaste that is characteristic of black variety. But it is the black radish, which has a pungent and even bitter taste, that is especially valued in folk medicine, although most varieties of this vegetable are almost the same in chemical composition.

Radish is rich in vitamins, especially in ascorbic acid, retinol and B vitamins. By mineral composition radish is superior to many other vegetables; it contains large quantities of potassium, calcium, sodium, magnesium, phosphorus, iron, copper, zinc, etc. It contains quite a lot of fiber, organic acids, and gives black radish a piquant pungency essential oils and phytoncides.

Radish for colds and immunity

Undoubtedly, radish is one of the healthiest vegetables for our immunity. The vitamins included in its composition will help increase the body's resistance to infectious diseases, which is especially necessary in the autumn-winter period. Considering the fact that radish is perfectly stored all winter without losing all its beneficial properties, it is simply irreplaceable during seasonal epidemics. This product will help replenish the supply of vitamins and minerals for vitamin deficiency.

Vitamin C, which is part of this vegetable, is one of the powerful antioxidants, which help the body maintain its youth longer and protect against the development of cancer.

Since ancient times, black radish itself and its juice have been used to treat colds, especially bronchitis, pneumonia and other ailments accompanied by cough. The substances that make up radish have antibacterial, bactericidal, anti-inflammatory and expectorant effects. It is better to use for medicinal purposes fresh vegetable or its juice, since heat treatment destroys some of the beneficial substances.

How to cook radish with cough honey?

Recently, the recipe for preparing radishes with honey, the effectiveness of which has been tested for centuries, has been undeservedly forgotten. For medicinal purposes, it is better to use black hot radish. The addition of honey, which is also known for its beneficial properties, makes this natural medicine truly unique.

There are many recipes for making this natural medicine, which will help both adults and children cope with the disease. Moreover, the bitterness black radish You can hardly feel it in it.

In order to quickly prepare radish with honey, you need to grate it fine grater one peeled medium-sized fruit and squeeze out the juice through cheesecloth. You need to add honey to it at the rate of 50 g of honey per half a glass of radish juice (the amount of honey can be changed to taste).

Our ancestors prepared the medicinal mixture differently. They took an unpeeled medium-sized radish, cut off the top, which subsequently served as a lid, and cleaned out the middle of the fruit, but so that the walls remained quite thick. The resulting depression was filled approximately halfway with honey and covered with a cut-off lid; the radish was left in this form for several hours. The whole secret is that after 3-4 hours the cavity is filled with radish juice, which is mixed with honey - the medicine is ready. You can use one radish to obtain juice several times.

It is recommended for adults to take black radish juice with honey 4-6 times a day, 1 tablespoon, and for children over 3 years old, 1 teaspoon 3 times a day. When giving this remedy to a child, you need to take into account the allergenic properties of honey.

Benefits of radish for the digestive system

Radish promotes good digestion due to the fact that it contains fiber, which not only stimulates intestinal motility, but also removes accumulated waste and toxins from it. The substances contained in this vegetable have an antibacterial effect and inhibit growth pathogenic microorganisms. In addition, black radish juice was previously used for the prevention and treatment of helminthiasis and infectious diseases digestive system.

The substances contained in radish have an antispasmodic and choleretic effect; it is recommended to be eaten for cholecystitis and dyskinesia biliary tract. There is evidence that black radish juice helps dissolve gallstones. However, when cholelithiasis use radish in medicinal purposes only after consultation with a doctor.

Eating this vegetable improves appetite and increases the production of gastric juice, which also helps improve digestion. Substances contained in radish stimulate fat metabolism, so it is useful for obese people to eat it. Moreover, the calorie content of radish is very low - 100 g of the vegetable contains only 36 kcal.

The benefits of radish for the heart and blood vessels

Radish is one of the natural remedies for the prevention of cardiovascular diseases. The minerals included in its composition are necessary to maintain normal myocardial contractility. Vitamin C, which is quite abundant in radishes, helps improve elasticity vascular wall. It is also necessary for normal hematopoiesis, since without it it is impossible to fully absorb iron from various foods.

Eating radish helps normalize fat metabolism and lowering cholesterol levels in the blood, so it is useful for the prevention of atherosclerosis.

Radish is also used in the treatment of infectious diseases of the urinary system, since it has not only an antibacterial, but also a diuretic effect. Externally, radish juice and gruel from it with the addition of salt, honey or vodka are used in the form of compresses, lotions or rubbing in the treatment of (rheumatism, arthritis, radiculitis, gout, etc.), myositis and neuralgia.

Radish damage

Radish is one of the products that should be consumed in moderation. Despite all its beneficial properties, it should not be abused. It is enough for an adult to eat 100-150 g of radish several times a week. Excessive use may lead to digestive disorders (bloating, flatulence, abdominal pain, diarrhea). If you have not eaten this before healthy vegetable, then it’s better to start introducing it into your diet in small portions.

You can’t eat radish and its juice when increased acidity gastric juice, exacerbation of gastritis, peptic ulcer, cholecystitis, pancreatitis, as well as acute inflammatory diseases intestines.

It is recommended to use radish only for external use and not to consume it internally. You will have to exclude this vegetable from your diet when organic lesions kidneys (glomerulonephritis, etc.) and of cardio-vascular system(for example, previous myocardial infarction, damage to the heart valves, etc.).

Radish during pregnancy and lactation

Despite the fact that radish is a product that enhances the production of breast milk, it is recommended to use it with caution during lactation, since this vegetable can cause colic in the baby. But it should be remembered that in this case it is necessary to take into account individual characteristics body. It is possible that moderate consumption of radish or its juice by a nursing mother will not affect the child’s well-being, but breast milk It will only become more useful.

It is not recommended to give radish, including its juice, to children under 3 years of age, since the substances included in its composition can irritate the delicate mucous membrane gastrointestinal tract child. You should start giving radish juice to children, even for medicinal purposes, with very small quantities, observing the body’s reaction.

TV show “Examination of things. OTK" on the topic "Radish. Let's understand the varieties:

Since ancient times, black radish has been used in folk medicine. The healing properties of this wonderful root vegetable were well known to the ancient Egyptians. Hippocrates also appreciated them. He used it to treat dropsy and many lung diseases. The ancient Greeks used radishes to combat different types cough, normalized digestion and even treated eye diseases. Interesting fact: black radish and garlic were included in the daily diet of the Egyptians, who were involved in the construction of the pyramids, to prevent various diseases.

Black radish is a close relative of cabbage. Don't be surprised, it belongs to the Brassicaceae family. This amazing root vegetable is not included in the register of medicinal raw materials, but at the same time even official medicine recognizes the medicinal properties of radish and recommends including the vegetable in the diet, and using it along with traditional therapeutic agents in the treatment of many ailments, which we will discuss below.

The miracle root vegetable is still widely used today in the treatment of many ailments. Black, which is well studied today, is a native of Asia. This is a biennial plant up to 80 cm high. Today, annual varieties have also been bred. For medicinal purposes, it is better to use medium-sized fruits. They contain the most large quantity minerals and vitamins.

Biochemical composition

Radish is rich in microelements and vitamins. It contains carbohydrates and proteins, essential oils and minerals, glucosides. In addition, the root vegetable is rich in sodium and potassium, phosphorus and iodine, iron and magnesium, calcium and others useful substances. It also contains the main vitamins: B, A, C and E. One hundred grams of black radish contains only 16 calories.

Beneficial features

It should be said that the main medicine based on a bitter vegetable - black radish juice. The benefits of this substance have been proven by modern scientists. In its composition, radish is close to the known natural remedies- fresh onions, garlic, bee honey. And sometimes its bactericidal properties surpass them. This is explained by the high content of large amounts of glycosides and essential oils in the vegetable.

In addition, the antimicrobial substance lysozyme was found in radish. He is capable of destroying harmful microorganisms: mycobacteria, pertussis and diphtheria bacillus, Staphylococcus aureus and streptococcus. With the help of a root vegetable that has a pungent and harsh taste, you can rid the body of harmful substances, viruses and bacteria. Potassium, which is large quantities contained in radish, normalizes water-salt metabolism, freeing the body from excess liquid. The root vegetable is a mild laxative and diuretic in its action.

Black radish juice: effects on the body

The beneficial effects of this substance are difficult to overestimate. Judge for yourself:

So, you consulted with your doctor and decided to use black radish juice for treatment. How to cook healing agent? This can be done in two ways. Let's look at each of them.

First way

Wash medium-sized root vegetables well under running water and grate them together with the peel. Roll up the gauze in several layers, place the grated vegetable on it and squeeze out the black radish juice. If you have been diagnosed with bronchitis or other inflammation of the respiratory tract, then do not rush to throw away the pulp remaining after squeezing the juice: it can be used instead of mustard plasters.

Distribute the pulp (in gauze) and place it on the chest (bypassing the heart area), cover with plastic and then with a towel and leave it until the skin turns slightly red. Typically this procedure takes no more than 15 minutes. Before and after the compress, drink a tablespoon of juice, which can be mixed with honey (1:1). The medicine will taste better and its healing properties will increase.

Second way

Sugar and honey perfectly draw out the juice of black radish. Wash the root vegetable, cut off the top, and then use a knife or spoon to remove the central part of the pulp, making a deep hole. Pour sugar into it or pour honey. Juice begins to be produced after two to three hours. Pour it into an enamel or glass container, and again add honey or sugar to the hole. It is advisable to consume the juice immediately. In order not to wait long for the next portion of juice, make several of these fruit cups at once.

Cough treatment

Black radish juice is used to treat many respiratory diseases. For coughs, a mixture of juice and honey is most often used. It tastes good and is very useful medicine Not only adults, but also children welcome it with pleasure. It will help not only cure a cough, but also restore a “shallow” voice, eliminate a sore throat, as well as symptoms of bronchitis.

To obtain the medicine, use the second method described above. But in this case, only natural liquid honey should be used to fill the cavity in the root vegetable. One root vegetable usually lasts for several days. Then the root crop will wither and the juice will no longer be released. If the cough does not stop during this time, use another fruit.

Chronic cough

That's what doctors call the lungs, chronic bronchitis, smoker's cough, etc. And in this case, a medicine containing black radish juice will help you. A composition that is very easy to prepare will help you get rid of your cough. To do this you will need:

  • badger (or lamb) fat;
  • bone marrow (preferably from lamb bones);

Fat, brain and honey are taken 250 grams each. Add 100 ml of black radish and ginger juice to them. The fat must be melted in a water bath, and then add the remaining ingredients to it and put on water bath for about thirty minutes. Then the composition must be cooled at room temperature and transferred to glass jar with a tight-fitting lid. Store in the refrigerator on the bottom shelf. Take 1 tablespoon (tablespoon) on an empty stomach. The product should be mixed in half a glass of hot water or milk.

Treatment of children

It is no secret that when a child gets sick, parents try to use the most effective and safe means. If a child develops a cough, it is necessary to immediately show him to a doctor. When will the diagnosis be made, along with the traditional therapeutic treatment you will also need black radish juice. Children can take it from the age of three. Radish with honey is an excellent remedy for treating all types of cough in children. It tastes very good, so even sick children, who are usually capricious, willingly take it.

Black radish juice is known for its powerful expectorant effect and speeds up the process of mucus separation. This sweet medicine is safe for children because it is made from natural products. The only limitation to its use may be an allergic reaction to one of the ingredients. The medicine is prepared in the same way as for adults.

Black radish juice: how to drink?

Use of radish juice in the treatment of other diseases

Traditional healers successfully use black radish juice to treat many diseases. We will present you only the main, most effective of them.


Wash the root vegetable thoroughly and, without peeling, grind it on a grater or using a blender. Squeeze out the juice through two or three layers of gauze and wipe the body of a cold person with it at night. Be sure to wipe your feet too. Put the patient in pajamas and socks. Before going to bed, you should drink the remaining juice, diluted with warm boiled water (1:1). For taste, you can add a spoonful of natural honey.

We treat sore joints

Squeeze 300 g of juice from the grated root pulp, mix it with 200 g of liquid honey, add 100 g of vodka and one teaspoon of salt to this mass. At joint pain you should take 50 g of this daily healing composition in the morning on an empty stomach. In addition, it is necessary to rub it into sore joints. If you feel discomfort after taking the product, stop using it internally and use it externally only.

Stagnation of bile

This disease is treated in two stages, and not only the juice is used, but also the cake left after its preparation. Ten kilograms of black radish should be washed and grated (along with the peel). Since the volume is significant, you can use a juicer.

Add honey to the cake remaining after squeezing the juice at the rate of: per 1 kg of pulp - 300 grams of honey. Place a press on this mass and put the container in a warm place for fermentation.

At the first stage, start taking pure radish juice, a teaspoon after each meal. Increase the dose every day, gradually bringing it to 100 ml. During treatment, avoid spicy and sour foods. Carefully monitor your condition: if pain in the liver appears (tolerable), treatment should not be interrupted, just place a warm heating pad on the liver.

When all the squeezed juice is finished, proceed to the second stage. Now you need to take two tablespoons (tablespoons) of fermented pulp during meals until it runs out. This course is recommended to be carried out twice a year.


This is an insidious disease that does not make itself felt for a long time. Very often, official medicine offers operational solution this problem. Traditional healers claim that black radish juice works wonders for gallstone disease. It helps cleanse gallbladder from bilirubin sediment and dissolve the formed stones. And its use in for preventive purposes prevents the formation of new stones. We offer you three ways to treat this disease.

Radish juice

Every day after meals you should take one hundred grams of freshly squeezed radish juice. You should take 400-500 ml per day. Treatment continues for at least two weeks. This remedy can only be used if you are not bothered by pain in the liver area.

Radish and honey

Many people do not like radish juice in its pure form. Mix it with honey. Add 80 ml of honey to 100 ml of juice. The mixture is prepared immediately before administration. The course of treatment is at least thirty days.

Juice mixture

To 180 ml of juice add 50 ml of beetroot and carrot juice. Mix them before use, and drink the entire volume at once. Treatment continues for fifteen days.

For hypertension

Grind in a meat grinder and blender one medium-sized root vegetable of black radish, red beets and add 200 grams of cranberries. Squeeze the juice from the resulting mass and mix it with 200 g of high-quality cognac. Store this product in a cool place. Take one spoon (tablespoon) one hour before meals.

Dissolving stones

If you have been diagnosed with kidney stones, try drinking fifty milliliters of radish juice after meals for two months.

Runny nose and sinusitis

Everyone knows how painful a regular runny nose can be, not to mention this serious illness like sinusitis. Traditional healers recommend putting three drops of black radish juice into each nostril.

General strengthening agent

And this remedy is suitable for anyone who feels a loss of strength and fatigue, especially in the spring. It can be used daily in the morning: to a quarter glass of juice, add three quarters of a glass of chilled boiled water. A spoon of natural honey will improve the taste of the product.


To cleanse the walls of blood vessels from “bad” cholesterol, you need to consume a tablespoon (tablespoon) of juice three times a day every day. In addition, include in your diet raw radish, cut into slices and watered with unrefined sunflower oil. In this case, it is better not to use salt.


As you can see, there are many healing properties has black radish juice. This remedy also has contraindications and cannot be ignored. These include:

  • increased acidity;
  • stomach ulcer;
  • previous heart attack;
  • some kidney diseases;
  • heart defects.

The use of radish juice for gallstone disease requires caution and constant monitoring medical workers, you should not use this remedy to treat children under three years of age. You should completely avoid all preparations based on radish juice if you are prone to allergic reactions and loosening of stools.

Despite the fact that radish in its pure form rarely causes allergies, treatment with its juice should begin with small doses(1 tablespoon) and, of course, only after prior consultation with your doctor.

There is no official information yet on how black radish affects the body of a pregnant woman and nursing mother. The benefits and harms of juice in this case have also not been established, so it is better to refrain from using it.

Today we talked about medicinal properties black radish juice. But many doctors and traditional healers We are sure that in order not to inform too many serious problems For health reasons, it is enough to eat black radish in winter and spring, preferably raw.