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Use of dead bees. Properties of bee chitosan. How to prepare an alcohol infusion with dead fruit

  • 1. Composition
  • 2. Medicinal properties
  • 3. Application
  • 4. Dead bees for weight loss
  • 5. Recipes
  • 6. Contraindications

After wintering, beekeepers clean the hives and collect dead workers from the bottom. This collection is called dead bees. There are two types of pestilence - summer and winter. The lifespan of bees is quite short, so this medicinal product is not rare.

Dead bees, the benefits and harms of which are not known to everyone, are considered the richest natural storehouse of unique medicinal qualities. Scientists have proven that this product has excellent biochemical potential, which is successfully used to improve human health.

Not just any bee pestilence is used for treatment. Only dried, fresh, without any signs of mold or decomposition product is suitable for traditional therapy.

Plunging into history, you can see that they were exploited in medical purposes death of bees back in the 16th-17th centuries. Even then, books indicated the treatment of many diseases with this method, among which were dropsy, dysentery, abdominal cramps, rheumatism, gout, urolithiasis, etc.


The bodies of dead bees contain a large number of components of honey, propolis, pollen, wax, which have healing qualities for humans.

The main valuable element of the product is chitin. This substance helps restore the biological balance of the entire organism as a whole, which occurs due to regulatory metabolic processes, stimulating immunological resistance to microbes, viruses, infections, etc.

Also, dead bees are popular in folk medicine due to the presence of melanin, chitosan and heparin in its composition. The latter helps suppress inflammatory processes, stabilize blood pressure, improving hematopoiesis and vascular condition. Heparin is often included in medications, intended for the treatment of pathologies of the liver, blood, kidneys, and heart.

Chitosan is a high-quality lipotropic substance. That is, it takes part in the binding and breakdown of fats, which is why dead bees for weight loss are considered effective and safe means. This element also lowers cholesterol levels, relieves painful sensations heart, allows you to cleanse the intestines, reduce the amount of absorbed toxins. Chitosan is able to activate the function thyroid gland, heal burns and wounds, improves the synthesis of intestinal vitamins.

Melanin has radioprotective qualities, binds and removes toxic substances, heavy metals, and salts. It should also be noted that the bee’s body contains many trace elements, including sodium, potassium, iron, barium, phosphorus, calcium and others.

Medicinal properties

Few people know what cures bee death. Let's look at the main medicinal properties bee bodies:

  • bactericidal;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • antispasmodic;
  • pain reliever;
  • immunostimulating;
  • diuretic;
  • anticonvulsant;
  • antitoxic;
  • choleretic;
  • stabilizes blood pressure;
  • adaptogenic;
  • slows down aging;
  • regulatory function, etc.

The beneficial properties of dead bees can be enhanced by skillfully combining them with other beekeeping products, as well as phyto-additives, oils, and natural preparations.


Treatment with bee death can be done with a natural product (that is, using powdered bodies), as well as by mixing it with water, alcohol, oil, honey, etc. The product is most often used in the form of alcohol tinctures, steams, decoctions, ointments, which can be used both orally and externally.

It is considered appropriate to prescribe the drug in complex therapy for diseases of the heart (heart attack, angina), kidneys, blood vessels, diabetes, prostate adenoma, prostatitis, thyroid, pancreas. Experts advise taking this remedy for treatment purulent processes, mental illness, atherosclerosis.

Counts effective means death due to oncology. It prevents the development of various tumors, activates immune system to fight this terrible disease.

It is considered effective for use in diseases of joints, muscle tissue, skin, teeth, as well as for strengthening the immunological functions of the body, preventing viral diseases, and increasing human performance.

It should be noted that dead bees are considered an excellent assistant for weight loss, the effectiveness of which is due to the presence of chitosan in the composition.
This substance helps reduce absorbed fats from food.

Dead bees for weight loss are usually used in the form of a tincture or decoction, the effectiveness of which is quite high. They contribute not only to weight loss, but also improve the health of the entire body.

Dead bees for weight loss

Tincture. It helps cleanse the stomach and intestines, normalizes metabolic processes. To prepare, take half liter jar bees and pour vodka 10 cm above the bodies. Close the lid and leave for 15 days in a dark place. Shake daily. Take the tincture half an hour before meals, one tablespoon at a time. Course of use – 3-4 weeks.

A decoction based on bee bodies. This remedy reduces appetite, burns adipose tissue, helps to normalize the balance of nutritional components in the body. It is prepared as follows: pour 5 tablespoons of dead meat with a liter of boiling water and simmer for several hours (2-3 hours) over low heat. Then you need to cool and strain. Take the decoction one tablespoon in the morning and evening for three weeks.


  1. Preparation of ointments for the treatment of psoriasis and eczema. To do this, you need to take half a glass of olive oil and three teaspoons of crushed bees. Heat the oil in a water bath and add 3 tsp. bee powder. On sore spot It is advisable to apply warm. The resulting mixture is capable of destroying bacteria, fungal spores, and viruses.
  2. Ointments for joints, muscles, treatment of migraines, hyperthyroidism, etc. You will need 200 ml of olive or flaxseed oil and 4-5 tbsp. death. To prepare the ointment, grind the dead fruit into powder. Fill it with well-heated oil. Mix everything thoroughly. Be sure to store the mixture in the refrigerator. It is worth warming up before use. Rub vigorously until completely absorbed.
  3. Prostate adenoma, tumors. It is necessary to place 2-3 tablespoons of bees in a bottle with dark glass and fill it full with high-quality vodka. The bottle should be wrapped in a dark cloth and left for 20-25 days in a warm and preferably dark place. It needs to be shaken daily. After the expiration date, be sure to strain the tincture and pour it back into the same bottle.
  4. Alcohol extract. Used to stabilize blood pressure, diseases of the heart and blood vessels, kidneys, and cerebral arteries. To obtain the extract, you need to pour two glasses of vodka into a spoonful of powdered dead fruit. Infuse for 2 weeks, take 20 drops after meals for 2 months.

Dead bees - unknown in wide circles remedy. The use of bee pestilence for a long time was considered witchcraft; sometimes true and much more often false contraindications were attributed to the pestilence. What kind of medicine is this, and how to use it correctly? Let's figure it out together!

What is bee death?

Dead bees are the corpses of bees that are collected in apiaries and stored for future use. There is pestilence, death or scree of bees in the apiary all year round, but the maximum amount is collected during spring cleaning and preparing hives for honey seasons.

IN medicinal purposes Not all bee pests are used, but only those that are perfectly preserved: dry, odorless and moldless. In bodies dead bees contains a unique substance – chitin, which, according to some scientists, is capable of removing radionuclides from the human body.

The following beneficial properties of dead bees can be identified:

  1. Bactericidal.
  2. Antispasmodic.
  3. Immunomodulatory.
  4. Anticonvulsants.

Bee pestilence is also used for treatment and prevention diabetes mellitus, to reduce blood cholesterol levels. It ensures the rapid removal of toxins from the body, which reduces the risk of developing gastrointestinal diseases.

The very composition of the dead bees seems to be created to restore metabolism in the human body. Therefore, death is actively used to treat obesity and with simple diets. But when using podomor, you cannot eat whatever you want uncontrollably: not a single poison or chitosan is able to completely block and bind the absorption of lipids.

Why bee pestilence is useful: 5 most valuable chemical complexes

First source useful substances– this is the bee’s body itself.

The body stores all the products that bees produce and collect: royal jelly, honey, pollen, propolis, small shares of wax.

Chitin as the main active substance of bee pestilence

The chitin coating of bees contains a high content of chemicals such as heparin. Heparin is used to treat blood disorders such as poor clotting or when there is a risk of blood clots. In pharmacology, the process of extracting heparin appears to be a complex procedure, and the resulting heparin is very expensive, making it virtually unavailable. It is more convenient and much cheaper to use bees to treat pestilence.

Note that chitosan obtained at home from bee pestilence is much more active than that contained in the shells of crustaceans. Chitosan from the integument of bees is able to bind and break down fats, which is especially important for the treatment of high cholesterol, obesity, and atherosclerosis.

Unique bee venom

Third active substance bee pestilence is bee poison. The poison has been used for a long time, and then this remedy was forgotten. Studies have erroneously proven that bee venom, once inside the body, loses its activity under the influence of a gastric enzyme. This theory was soon refuted: the protein of the bee's yawl is partially absorbed, and the second part enters the blood.

Moreover, the venom from bee pestilence is heat-resistant and does not lose its beneficial properties for 50 minutes when heated and frozen (from -60 °C to +115 °C).

Bee fat as a storehouse of useful components

Bee fat - and it is also found in the sea of ​​bees - has its own unique chemical composition surpasses even fish fat. Bee fat is completely absorbed by the body, but does not cause sharp jumps blood sugar levels. Fat also has a high content polyunsaturated acids that do not affect cholesterol.

Fifth complex - dietary fiber

Most high concentration dietary fiber is observed in the spring, because the bees survived the winter by stocking up on useful substances. That is why dead bees are harvested at this time.

Dietary fiber has the following effects on the human body:

  1. Improves gastrointestinal functions.
  2. Remains of internal deposits are removed from the body: toxins, excess uric acid, substances resulting from metabolic disorders, dead cells.
  3. They help remove everything that has entered the body from the outside. This includes medications, alcohol, salts, and pesticides.
  4. They are an excellent sorbent.

How to take tincture from dead bees?

The dosage of alcohol tincture depends on age - 1 drop per 1 year of life. So, if you are over 28 years old, then you need to drink 28 drops in the morning and evening. Please note that it is not recommended for children under 3 years of age to take it, as they may develop an allergic reaction.

You need to drink the alcohol tincture of Podmora for 30 days, take a break for 1 month and repeat the course. During the break, it is allowed to take any beekeeping product for medicinal purposes.

How to take dead food in its pure form?

Podmor can also be taken in pure form. To prepare it, the bodies of the bees are poured onto a baking sheet and placed in the oven for 10–15 minutes. After drying, the dead fruit is ground in a coffee grinder and poured into a dry glass jar.

You need to start taking this remedy before meals with a minimum dose (this is 1/6th of a teaspoon), gradually increasing the norm to 1 teaspoon. Dried dead meat has a pleasant smell, somewhat reminiscent of the aroma of fried sunflower seeds. If unpleasant sensations arise, then the crushed dead fruit is simply mixed with clean water or milk.

Another option for preparing a medicinal mixture: fry 15 grams of bee bodies in vegetable oil, cool. Use the remedy 2 times a day after cooling, with milk.

Recipes for preparing medicines from dead animals

The most famous type of medicinal poison is an alcohol tincture. The recipe for the original tincture is as follows:

  1. The dead fruit is poured into a one and a half liter bottle so that it takes up 1/3 of the container.
  2. Then the bee bodies are poured with 1 liter of pure homemade moonshine.
  3. Infuse the mixture for 15 days, then filter, squeeze out the dead fruit through cheesecloth and mix the fiery liquid with an equal amount of water 1:1.

Cryopowder from dead bees

Pour dry dead fish into a 200 ml glass, add 1 tbsp. a spoonful of pure honey. Place the mixture in a warm place for 24 hours, during which time the bees’ bodies will be saturated with honey. After soaking, they are poured onto a baking sheet and dried in the oven for 15 minutes until the dead meat becomes crispy. The resulting waste is crushed.

Medicine for muscle and joint pain

The ointment is recommended to be applied for pain in muscles and joints, and to prepare it you need to mix 4 tablespoons of dried dead grass with 200 ml of oil. It is better to take olive or linseed oil; if they are not available, then sunflower oil is used.

Before applying to the affected area, the ointment is heated in a water bath.

Podmor decoction that will help you lose weight

In principle, 1–2 tablespoons of alcohol tincture will be enough to normalize carbohydrate and lipid metabolism. After all, bee venom increases body temperature by 1–2 degrees, thanks to which metabolism accelerates.

You can prepare a simple “tea”: pour 2 tbsp. spoons of dead water 0.5 liters of boiling water, leave the mixture in a thermos for 12 hours. Or another recipe that does not require insisting: 2 tbsp. Boil spoons of dead meat for 30 minutes in 1 liter warm water.

Decoctions prepared according to these recipes are taken 100 ml before breakfast. A weekly weight with the right menu can be up to 5 kg.

Contraindications and harm that bee pestilence can cause

We found out that bee pestilence is a useful and valuable medicine. But for some people it is not recommended to use pestilence. 2% of all people in the world suffer from allergic reaction to bee venom, another 1% are intolerant to any bee products, including honey.

The bodies of dead bees have a full range of components: honey, pollen, royal jelly - in a word, all the products that produce bee families. Mora contains heparin, which is strictly contraindicated in cases of bleeding, impaired kidney or liver function, or leukemia.

Medicines prepared from bee pestilence are contraindicated in case of heart failure, after a recent heart attack, or in case of mental illness.

Even when dead, bees do not cease to benefit humans. Beekeepers collect them, dry them and turn them into so-called dead animals. Treatment with this bee product is not included in the list traditional methods, however, its healing effect cannot be denied. Let's find out what exactly caused it.

Every dead bee is a storehouse of useful microelements. The composition of the ground product includes:

  • honey, pollen, royal jelly, propolis, wax and particles of other bee products
  • chitin
  • melanin
  • apitoxin, better known as bee venom
  • alimentary fiber

The benefits of bee products in the composition are obvious. They contain vitamins (A, B, C, D, E, H, K), microelements (potassium, magnesium, iron, calcium and others), organic acids (formic, citric, oxalic and others) and many others healing substances. Thanks to them, the use of dead bee tincture and other products based on it is strong immunity, a powerful boost of energy every day and excellent performance.

Article on the topic: Treatment with bees: how does it happen?

The chitinous cover of little toilers is a source of heparin and heparinoids. These are chemical compounds that help normalize heart function and blood flow. Therefore treatment bee pestilence effective in case of pathologies of the liver, kidneys and blood vessels. This element also promotes the removal of radionuclides and metal salts. Its healing effect on work has been proven endocrine system.

In combination with melanin, chitosan breaks down fats. This helps reduce blood cholesterol, which is a preventive measure various diseases: from obesity to atherosclerosis.

Article on the topic: What are the benefits of a bee sting?

Scientists call the fat in the body of a dead bee a product even more valuable than fish oil. IN this moment its healing properties are being researched. However, it became known that it is thanks to this component that treatment with bee death is possible for diabetics. It helps foods digest and does not cause fluctuations in blood sugar levels.

Dietary fiber helps cleanse the body of toxins, waste, and excess cholesterol. In addition, they free from external “pollutants”: pesticides, salts, antibiotics, etc.

So, let's summarize. The combination of all of the above components makes the medicine from dead bees effective for the prevention and treatment of diseases:

  • cardiovascular system (hypertension, hypotension, varicose veins, thrombophlebitis)
  • gastrointestinal tract(colitis, gastritis, ulcer, cholecystitis)
  • pancreas and thyroid glands
  • kidney
  • liver
  • eye organs (myopia, conjunctivitis, cataracts, glaucoma)
  • respiratory system(pneumonia, tuberculosis, bronchitis, asthma)
  • nasopharynx (sore throat, sinusitis, otitis media, laryngitis)
  • oral cavity
  • musculoskeletal system (arthrosis, arthritis, pain in joints and spine)
  • genitourinary system in men (prostatitis, prostate adenoma, cystitis, impotence, infertility)
  • female reproductive system(uterine fibroids)
  • skin (wounds, scars, ulcers, neurodermatitis, psoriasis)

Contraindications to tincture of dead bees and other products based on it include: heat(from 38 degrees), as well as syndromes of cardiac, vascular, hepatic, renal or respiratory failure.

Article on the topic:

Folk recipes

There are several recipes for making dead bees. It can be consumed in its pure form, fried, infused in alcohol or water, ground, boiled and much more. We will tell you about the most popular folk recipes for the treatment of various ailments.


The easiest way to improve your health is to consume the product in its pure form. You can buy dried or fried dead meat. In the first case, the beekeeper will provide you with the product ready for use; there is no need to further process it.

Article on the topic: Dry bee dead: how to use?

To prepare roasted bee product, you need to grind one teaspoon of dead bees. Pour 50 ml of unrefined milk into a heated frying pan. sunflower oil. Fry over medium heat for a few minutes. Be sure to cool before use.


One of the most effective recipes for external use - steam. The entire cooking process will take you only 15-20 minutes. You need: pour 100 grams of dead food hot water in a ratio of 1:2. Please note: the water temperature should be no more than +80 degrees. Leave for 15 minutes.


Decoction according to your own healing properties resembles a tincture of dead bees, but is recommended for those for whom alcohol consumption is contraindicated. To prepare you will need: pour 2 tablespoons of dry bee product into a saucepan. Pour 500 ml of warm water and bring to a boil. Then cook over low heat for 2 hours.


Among the recipes for treating bee death, the most popular is alcohol tincture. For the purpose of prevention, you can use the following preparation option: pour one tablespoon of dry bee product with 200 ml of 60-degree alcohol. Infuse the mixture in a dark container for 3 weeks. Shake the contents every day. In some cases, for the treatment of serious diseases, it is recommended to increase the proportions of vodka to 1:1. That is, a glass of dead food per glass of alcohol. The cooking rules are the same.


Recipes for bee death also include the possibility of preparing an ointment for subsequent external use: one tablespoon of dry bee product should be thoroughly ground with 100 ml of Vaseline until a homogeneous mass is obtained.


It is not enough to prepare each of the above remedies according to the right recipe. It is also necessary to know how and in what doses to use them.

Dry dead should be taken one pinch twice a day. This should be done half an hour before meals. Gradually increase the dose to one teaspoon. This will help cleanse the body and remove toxins.

Treatment roasted bee product follows the same rules. This method Particularly effective in case of vision problems.

Article on the topic: Honey vs cataracts: the victory will be sweet!

Raspar helps externally - with varicose veins, migraines, mastitis and various skin diseases. Wet the gauze well with it and apply it to the affected area. The procedure can be repeated 4-5 times a day.

Decoction strengthens the immune system, has a tonic effect on the body, normalizes the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, liver, genitourinary and other systems. How to use the water tincture of Podmor:

  • internally - take one tablespoon 2 times a day: half an hour before breakfast and before bedtime
  • externally - in the form of lotions or compresses, applied to the sore spot 3-4 times a day

The course of treatment is one month. Between them it is necessary to take breaks of similar duration.

Increased cholesterol levels, liver problems, prostate adenoma, tuberculosis - in these and many other cases it will help tincture of dead bees with alcohol . Take it as follows: you need to divide your age by two. As a result, you will get the number of drops that you should take at a time. For example, if you are 30 years old, then you need to drink 15 drops at a time. They can be diluted with a small amount of water. Use twice daily immediately after meals.

The full course is one month. Between them it is necessary to take breaks of 2-3 weeks.

It will help with pain in the joints and spine, with various skin diseases, and varicose veins. ointment which should be used externally. It is recommended to warm up the product a little before use. Apply a thick ball onto the affected areas and rub in with gentle massaging movements.

Article on the topic: Treatment of joints with bee death

Please note that the above dosages are approximate. Before taking dead bees, we strongly recommend that you consult with your doctor.


All of the above products should be stored in the refrigerator, out of the reach of children. But each of them has its own expiration date:

  • steaming - 2 days
  • decoction - up to 3 days
  • alcohol tincture - up to 12 months
  • ointment - up to 3 months

Article on the topic: How to store bee products: instructions and expiration date

This method has both its fans and opponents. In any case, you will never know which group you belong to until you try. Perhaps this bee product will be a happy relief from health problems for you.

Video "Death bees: how to prepare and use?"

    1 day ago Dear subscribers. We will be glad to see you in our new store in Krasnoyarsk, st. Lenina 153.⚠️ Natural honey from Siberia from @24medok.ru Beekeeping products Cold pressed oils Natural cosmetics Coffee Tea Herbal infusions Gift sets We ship throughout Russia. For any questions, write to direct. 2803-800. Whatsapp/Telegram +79135765545 We accept online orders. We will be glad to see you in our stores: Krasnoyarsk, Paris Commune St. 9, Novosibirskaya St., 5. Lenina 153

    6 days ago You can buy from us different kinds nuts drenched in Siberian honey. Cedar, almond, forest, Walnut, pumpkin seeds, ginger root. Everything is thoroughly washed. There is never too much nut, so it takes up 99% of the volume in the jar. Jars from 100ml to 350ml. Our addresses in Krasnoyarsk: - Novosibirskaya, 5 (since 2012). - Paris Commune, 9 (since 2014). - Lenina, 153 (new address). - Online 24honey.ru

    1 week ago Sweet clover honey with beebread 7% 1kg.-830₽ Natural honey from Siberia from @24medok.ru It is considered high-grade honey. Sweet clover honey is loved all over the world. Has a subtle floral aroma. High taste qualities. Sweet clover honey helps with all pulmonary, acute respiratory diseases. Received from case frames. With addition bee bread. Perga - natural biostimulant. Under the influence of bee bread, blood supply to the lower body and peripheral organs improves, so it is used to increase potency, treat male infertility, and prostate adenoma. Benefits based on the color of honey. Sweet clover honey is light yellow in color. Refers to light varieties of honey. Recommended for cardiovascular diseases, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, diseases of the respiratory system. Suitable for eye drops. Benefit based on medicinal properties plants

    2 weeks ago Spring is coming. There is very little left, which means soon the bees will leave their winter palace and begin searching for food. Coltsfoot is one of the first spring honey plants in Siberia, providing bees with pollen and nectar. Grows in large numbers along coastal cliffs. It blooms very early - in early or mid-April and blooms for 15-20 days. Tussilago (mother) farfara (stepmother) L.. #skorovesna #motherstepmother #coltsfoot #honey plant #Siberia

    After the spring flight, while cleaning the hives, beekeepers collect dead bees - this is what they are. There are usually two types of death: winter and spring-summer. The natural life expectancy of bees is short: in summer no more than 40-45 days, and in winter up to 9 months. Even under the most favorable conditions, up to 0.5 kg of bees die in each colony during the winter.

    Death has been treated since ancient times

    Dead bees are a strong healer

    About amazing properties Few people know bee death, and even those often consider it something of a healer’s potion, and treatment with it has long been considered a deception. Only recently have scientists proven that dead bees, like all biologically active bee products, are a rich natural storehouse of medicinal unique substances. It has high biological potential and can be successfully used for human health. This is not a drug, based on it have not yet been developed biologically active additives, however, the effectiveness of death is undeniable and confirmed by doctors. Galen, the famous ancient Roman physician, also used bees crushed in honey for carbuncles, gum disease, toothache, to ease teething infants, to restore hair growth. The ancient Roman thinker Pliny pointed out that the ashes of burnt bees mixed with oil - good remedy from many ailments. Ash mixed with honey was used for eye diseases, for hair growth and strengthening. Bees boiled in honey were used for dysentery, bee decoction was used as a diuretic.

    In English medical books of the 17th century, dried and crushed bees are recommended to be taken orally with milk and wine for dropsy, rheumatism and as a solvent. urinary stones; bees in honey - for cramps and cramps in the stomach, bloody diarrhea, for the treatment of ulcers, ulcers and weeping lichens.

    Healing properties of deadwood

    Summarizing the literary heritage and the few so far clinical observations, the following biological aspects of the use of dead bees can be distinguished: anti-inflammatory, bactericidal, analgesic, antithrombotic, antitoxic, antispasmodic, antisclerotic, lipotropic, radioprotective, diuretic, choleretic, immunomodulatory, adaptogenic, antitumor, regenerative, gonadotropic, anticonvulsant, improving circulation and tissue trophism, stabilizing arterial pressure, letivizing all types of metabolism, regulating the functioning of the heart, kidneys, gastric tract, endocrine system, slows down aging.

    The healing properties of dead bees are enhanced and enriched when skillfully combined with other biologically active bee products, as well as herbal remedies, fruit and vegetable additives, vegetable oils and others natural products. Wide range The physiological effect of dead bees (which will undoubtedly be replenished with new scientific and practical data) is due to active, valuable biological complexes.

    All beekeeping products are in the body of a bee

    Bee venom is not afraid of heat

    The body of a bee includes almost all the components of honey, pollen, royal jelly, propolis, wax (amino acid, minerals, vitamins, enzymes, hormone-like substances), which have healing properties. The chitinous cover of a bee contains valuable chemical substances: heparin and heparinoids, which suppress inflammatory processes, stabilize blood pressure, have healing effect on the blood system, the condition of blood vessels. This is a more powerful biologically active substance than crustacean chitosan. Its positive role in the regulation of all types of metabolism (carbohydrate, protein, vitamin, mineral, water-salt), restorative, anti-inflammatory, adaptogenic, tonic effect, as well as the ability to regulate the functions of the endocrine and nervous systems has already been proven.

    Bee venom is not afraid of heat

    Bee venom containing the body of a bee has long been used for medicinal purposes. Then this method was forgotten, since for a long time it was believed that bee venom, taken orally, is completely inactivated by digestive enzymes. But in 2003, domestic scientists proved that proteins bee venom They are only partially destroyed in the gastrointestinal tract and can penetrate from it into the blood in the form of active oligopeptides, which exhibit almost all the physical effects of small doses of poison.

    Properties of bee chitosan

    • Adsorbs toxins from the intestinal contents that are formed during the digestion process and protects the circulatory system.
    • Binds heavy metal salts.
    • Enhances the proliferation of bifidobacteria, which heal the intestines.
    • Is a stabilizer food products, suppresses mold.
    • Improves intestinal, liver and kidney function.
    • Reduces blood cholesterol levels.
    • It has a wound-healing effect, bactericidal and antitumor activity.
    • Increases immunity and has an antiallergic effect.
    • Absolutely safe and compatible with the tissues of the human body.

    Bee venom is heat-resistant: it tolerates freezing and heating up to +115 degrees for 60 minutes, so the effect of apitoxin (bee venom) is completely preserved in bee dead after heat treatment (decoction, steam, cryopowder).

    Bee fat will help a person

    By using dead bees with universal conductors - honey, plant and other extractants - you can achieve sufficient penetration active ingredients through the skin.

    Recently, the attention of scientists and doctors has been attracted by bee fat, since, according to some data, it is superior in value to fish oil. Bee fat contains a more complete complex of polyunsaturated fatty acids and only plant sterols without cholesterol sterols. It is easier to digest and does not lead to sharp fluctuations blood sugar levels. Bee fat can serve as a raw material for the synthesis in the human body of a group of eicosanoids - potent regulators of many body functions that reduce the risk of cardiovascular diseases, maintain the state of the immune system, promote the healing of damaged tissues, and provide pain control.

    The bee's body contains large quantities of dietary fiber, which improves the secretory function of the gastrointestinal tract. These are excellent sorbents that free the body from endogenous toxins (products of impaired metabolism and inflammation, excess cholesterol, uric acid, obsolete and damaged cells) and exogenous (salts of heavy metals, radionuclides, pesticides, herbicides, alcohol, medications).

    Who can benefit from drugs from the dead?

    Currently, more than 10 preparations are recommended, prepared from dead bees in the form of decoction, steam, alcohol tinctures, ointments, extracts, powders and other forms. They can be used internally and externally. The manufactured drugs can be used to treat heart diseases (coronary sclerosis, angina pectoris, myocardial infarction) and blood vessels, varicose veins, thrombophlebitis, obliterating arthritis, cerebral vascular damage, kidney diseases (urolithiasis, nephritis), endocrine glands(thyroid, pancreas, genital), prostate gland (adenoma, prostatitis), with purulent septic processes (mastitis, panaritium, furunculosis), autonomic dysfunctions, diseases of the skin, muscles, joints, teeth, gums, sexual disorders, vision problems, hearing, memory, immunodeficiency. Dead bees are also used to prevent diseases and general strengthening body, increasing mental and physical performance, during recovery from illnesses and operations, when working and living in unfavorable environmental conditions, to slow down the aging process, in weight correction programs, to strengthen and grow hair.

    Thus, dead bees are a promising beekeeping product for strengthening and healing the human body.

    Recipes for preparing preparations from dead bees

    According to available scientific and practical information, drugs made from dead animals have virtually no contraindications for use: they do not cause pronounced manifestations allergies and others adverse reactions, are relatively simple to manufacture and store, convenient to use and have low cost.

    The recipes published below were developed by experienced apitherapists who have been using them for treatment for many years with great success.

    Decoction of dead bees

    For prostate adenoma, decreased immunity, sexual disorders, for general strengthening of the body. The effectiveness of treatment is quite high and amounts to 80-90%. Sometimes treatment can last for a long time (0.5 - 1 year).

    Recipe: Grind 10-15 g of dead meat thoroughly, pour 500 ml boiled water, bring to a boil and cook over low heat for 40-60 minutes. Cool at room temperature for 1-2 hours. Strain through cheesecloth. To enhance the effect and improve taste, add 2 tbsp to the filtrate. spoons of honey and 1 tsp. Spoon 20-30% alcohol propolis. Take a tablespoon 1-2 times a day on an empty stomach for a month. After 6 months, the course of treatment can be repeated.

    E.A. Ludyansky

    Steaming of dead bees

    Used for mastitis, felon, varicose veins, atherosclerosis of blood vessels lower limbs, thrombophlebitis, migraines, neurological diseases.

    Recipe: Pour 100g of dead meat with a small amount of very hot water. Leave for 15 minutes. Squeeze the resulting mass lightly through cheesecloth. Place a triple layer of gauze on the affected area, on top - a bundle with wrung out bees, cover with cellophane, secure with a bandage and leave until cool.

    E.A. Ludyansky, N.N. and G.G. Davydovs

    Decoction of dead bees for the treatment of epilepsy

    Recipe:Grind 2 handfuls of dead bees, add 4 cups of boiled water, evaporate in a pressure cooker until the volume is halved. Cool, strain. Take immediately after meals according to the following scheme: 2 weeks – 1 tbsp. spoon 3 times a day, 2 weeks – 2 tablespoons 3 times a day, 2 weeks – 3 tablespoons 3 times a day. Break 3 months; then drink for 1 month with breaks of 4,5,6,7, 8,9,10,11 months. Preventive courses should be carried out for 1 month a year.

    Liniment (ointment) from dead bees

    Use for joint and muscle pain, diseases of the joints of the lower extremities, migraines, thyrotoxicosis, neurological diseases.

    Recipe:Mix 3-4 tablespoons of bee dead powder, ground into powder, with hot vegetable (preferably olive or linseed) oil. Store in a dark glass bottle in the refrigerator. Rub in for pain (pre-heat).

    E.A. Ludyansky

    Alcohol tincture

    Recommended for stabilizing blood pressure, for cardiovascular diseases, kidney diseases, cerebral vessels, varicose veins, endocrine and neurological diseases, for various forms asthenia, metabolic disorders, obesity, sexual disorders such as frigidity and impotence, for the prevention of dementia, increasing the activity of immune forces, to alleviate common ailments.

    Recipe:Pour a glass of dead bees into 0.5 liters of vodka in an enamel saucepan, close well and heat over low heat for 10 minutes, then cool and pour into a dark glass jar with a lid. Leave for 10-12 days, shaking daily. Take 1 hour. spoon once a day.

    Powder from bees and drones

    Can be used for dietary nutrition, improving body tone.

    Recipe:Dry and chop the bee bodies. Add powder to salads, cereals, etc. a pinch 1-2 times a day.

    A.K. Rachkov

    Honey composition from dead bees

    From eye diseases.
    Recipe: 1 tbsp. A spoonful of dead bees is burned on a fine mesh to create ash. This ash is mixed with one spoon of liquid honey. Add 100 ml of boiled water to this mixture. Filter through gauze and use as eye drops.

    V. V. Shibaev


    Recipe: Add 1 tbsp to a glass of dead bees. spoon of liquid honey, mix well, leave for one day so that the bees’ body is saturated with honey. Then dry over low heat until crisp, and after cooling prepare the powder. Take a pinch orally 3 times a day 20 minutes before meals. Use for diseases specified in this material. This drug has been used for 8 years, for which I receive quite positive reviews. At first I tested this drug on myself and my relatives.

    V. V. Shibaev

    Bees and their metabolic products are unique natural medicines. Honey is very helpful for nasopharyngeal diseases. Dead bees also have healing properties. You should not throw away valuable materials that can be used to cure various diseases. Before use, you should understand why you need to use podmor and what the contraindications are.

    Dead bees are collected dead insects

    Dead bees are dead insects collected during the year. Bees live for a short period. Therefore they are collected in summer time in the apiary or in the field, as well as after winter.

    In the first months of spring, evidence is cleaned up after long frosts. About 0.5 kg of dead bees remains on the bottom every year. It is at this moment that they collect greatest number material for tinctures and compresses.

    A mass of nutrients remains in the body of a deceased bee - honey, propolis, royal jelly, and the remains of collected pollen. But the most important ingredient is the insect's own chitinous covering. The latter consists of important microelements:

    • Glucosamine
    • Bee venom
    • Chitosan
    • Heparin
    • Melanin

    Tinctures, compresses, ointments, as well as powder for diluting various combinations are made on the basis of the dead plant.

    But not every dead individual is suitable. Before preparing medicinal material, each bee should be carefully examined. It should not be rotten, moldy or have an unusual smell. If there are such signs, collected material is deleted.

    Only fresh dead meat is used. To prepare medicine from bees, the following procedures are carried out:

    1. Bee corpses are passed through a large sieve or a colander is used. With the help of these devices, garbage is sifted out.
    2. The resulting ingredients are dried over a heater or in an oven at a temperature of no more than 40-500C.
    3. For storage, dried drug components are placed in fabric bags with a dense structure.
    4. Storage is carried out in the freezer of a refrigerator or in a room with good ventilation and periodic airing.

    When deadstock are collected in the spring or during the summer, the medicines for which they are used also differ. The most valued is the autumn death. In the summer, insects gain volume, they contain a lot of useful substances and. Therefore, deceased individuals are used to make tinctures.

    In spring, bees are severely exhausted over the winter months. They contain less useful components, A more products vital activity, unsuitable for internal use. Therefore, spring death is effective only when treated externally.

    The impact of death on the human body, its healing qualities

    Dead bee helps to normalize the functioning of the heart muscle

    Thanks to the components contained in the bee's body, the produced medicines effectively help in the treatment of various diseases. The totality of components contained inside the bee and biological complexes have a positive effect on human internal organs during treatment.

    • Normalizing the functioning of the heart muscle
    • Increasing the body's defenses and functions
    • Cleansing the patient's lymph
    • Stimulating the work of blood vessels

    If you use all the resulting ingredients in combination, they have a huge impact on the human body. The following properties of the elements contained inside insects are distinguished:

    • Antioxidant effect - allows you to accelerate the process of regeneration of the upper layers of the epidermis, while inhibiting their natural aging.
    • Stimulates accelerated exchange substances, restores normal metabolism.
    • Stabilizes hormonal levels.
    • Removes existing waste and toxins from internal organs.
    • Strengthens the immune system and increases resistance to viruses and infections.
    • It has bactericidal properties, a disinfecting effect, a disinfectant and antiviral effect.
    • Improves the condition of body tissues (bone and cartilage), joints.

    Individual components extracted from the body of a dead bee have their own effects on internal organs. Chitin quickly heals and eliminates pain. Using it for burns of the mucous membrane or acting on skin, restoration of damaged tissue occurs.

    Manufactured medicines based on chitin promote cleansing blood capillaries, regulate the functioning of the thyroid gland, normalize the fat balance. The melanin contained in bees eliminates signs of intoxication in case of poisoning of varying severity.

    Heparin promotes normalization and participates in the process of blood formation. under the influence of heparin they are cleansed and toned.

    Thus, drugs created on the basis of dead bees are able to fight many diseases of human internal organs. The effect of use in most cases is noticeable within a week. But before use, you should find out whether it is possible to use medicines based on bee death or whether it is better to refuse.

    Indications for the use of dead bees

    Dead bees can be used in the treatment of varicose veins

    To keep their body in excellent condition and not worry about approaching old age, many use medicines based on dead bees. Treatment with dead bees is recommended for the following diseases:

    • Prostate adenoma, problems with sex life in the stronger sex. When using a decoction of dried bees with honey, heated to body temperature, inflammation in the prostate gland is blocked. In this way it is possible to cure prostatitis, increase male potency, relieve nervous excitement. Therapy lasts at least 4 weeks.
    • Copes with hormonal disorders - regulates the production and improves the balance of sex hormones, affects the pancreas and thyroid gland. For treatment, a tincture of dead individuals in alcohol is used. The duration of therapy and dosage are determined by the attending physician.
    • For diseased joints - arthrosis, bursitis, arthritis. With the help of compresses and ointments, inflammation of individual areas and painful sensations are relieved. By using an alcohol-based rub, the mobility of the affected joint is noticeably restored.
    • Skin diseases - furunculosis, small scratches, burns, acne are well suited to treatment with ointment based on dead bees. Inflammation from burns quickly subsides if you apply compresses using a decoction.
    • Migraine, headaches - rubbing the temporal area using ointments and alcohol extract helps. A compress is applied to the forehead from steamed bee corpses.
    • , thrombophlebitis - warm compresses with bee steam have a strong effect on the condition of blood vessels.

    Thus, bee death is quite common medicine. It affects almost all internal organs. If used in controlled dosages, it is possible to cure a large number of diseases without the use of medications.

    How to take dead bees in the form of a compress, ointment, tincture, powder. Homemade recipes

    One of the options for using dead bees is an alcohol tincture

    Pure dead fruit is not used for medicinal purposes. It should first be sorted out, removing debris and unusable insect corpses. To obtain an effective drug, you should undergo a sub-mortem heat treatment and drying.

    Dead bees in the form of decoctions and tinctures are recommended for administration inside the body. Sometimes recipes use fried carcasses or powder. These ingredients are mixed with other components. Alcohol tinctures of dead bees, as well as ointments and steamings are necessary for external use.

    You can prepare it at home healing agent based on the following recipes:

    1. Compress – 100 gr. dry bees are filled with boiling water, a volume of 0.5 liters. The infusion should be kept for no more than 20 minutes in a dark place, under a closed lid. The broth is filtered through gauze placed in a sieve. Then collect all the material in cheesecloth and squeeze the liquid into a glass. Spread the resulting steamed dead bees over the gauze area, applying it to the inflamed area. Cover the top with a bag and woolen cloth. Leave it on your foot until it cools down.
    2. Alcohol tincture – 250 gr. dead insects are immersed in 0.5 liters of alcohol, poured into an enamel container, covering the top with a lid. Preheat for 15 minutes. Cool and transfer to a glass container with a tight lid. Leave for 2 weeks, shaking the liquid occasionally. Reception – 1 time in 24 hours, 0.5 tbsp. inside.
    3. Ointment – ​​dry bees are ground to a powder. The volume of bees is taken such that it is possible to get 4 tbsp. Flour is combined with olive oil, heated to a warm state. The ingredients must be kneaded until a homogeneous mass is obtained. After this, the consistency should be infused in a dark place with a low temperature for 3 days. Store the resulting ointment in a glass flask in the refrigerator. In case of inflammatory processes, rub generously into the painful area;
    4. Medicinal powder – 250 gr. bee dead mixed with 2 tsp. liquid honey. Mix thoroughly. The components are left for a day so that the dead meat is saturated with a nutritious consistency. The next day, dry over low heat. After cooling and drying, the entire mass must be ground into powder. The substance is consumed 10-15 minutes before meals, 0.5 tsp. no more than 3 times a day.

    Watch a video on how to prepare dead bee tincture:

    Thus, when exposed to prepared infusions and compresses, the treatment of various diseases gives positive results. The main thing is that you need to strictly follow the dose prescribed for therapy. But before use, do not refuse to consult a doctor.

    Contraindications and harm of bee death

    Angina pectoris at stage III and above is a contraindication for the use of dead bees

    Dead bee carcasses contain a large amount nutrients, microelements and . Medicines based on the components of dead bees have positive results during therapy.

    But when using decoctions and compresses, you should not forget about contraindications. Therefore, it is recommended to visit a doctor before use. Accurately determine whether there is a prohibition for use. Cannot be used in the following situations:

    • The last stages of development of tuberculosis
    • Thrombus in deep

      It is recommended to use insecticide-based therapy only after undergoing a full examination. The test results will reveal the full picture of the disease. Only when installed correct diagnosis there is an opportunity to use means for treatment.

      How to use Podmor for varicose veins

      When treating varicose veins, you can use compresses based on dead bees

      - an unsightly and painful disease. To eliminate signs of varicose veins, you can use products produced by killing bees. Ointments for external use and decoctions do the best job.

      For people prone to varicose veins (with a genetic predisposition), it is advisable to use the ointment from the age of 30. As preventive procedure lubricate the calf areas of the legs once a week.

      In addition to rubbing in the ointment, a compress made from dead meat has a great effect on the protruding nodular veins.

      Infuse the decoction for no more than 20-25 minutes and drain. During this period, insect bodies have time to become saturated with moisture and steam. After this, the bee carcasses should be laid out in an even layer on gauze and applied to the inflamed area.

      A piece of polyethylene is placed on top and wrapped with a woolen scarf. A pleasant warmth spreads over the painful area.

      While heat emanates from the compress, vasodilation is stimulated. The process allows the blood flow to move along with increased force circulatory system. In addition, surface capillaries absorb the released nutritional components.

      Long-term use of compresses and ointments in combination with drug treatment allows you to completely get rid of inflammatory process superficial veins. Treatment is productive only in the first stages of the disease.

      Thus, for varicose veins it is recommended Special attention give to vessels and capillaries. They must be strengthened by any possible means, to prevent their fragility and permeability.