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Useful properties and contraindications of sweet clover honey. Sweet clover honey - beneficial properties and contraindications, how to distinguish it from a fake, what it looks like

Nature created unique product– honey, whose effect on the human body is truly comprehensive. However, its different types differ somewhat from each other in their beneficial properties. For example, linden honey best treats colds, acacia honey best treats gastrointestinal diseases, and sunflower honey best treats colds. cardiovascular diseases. Some of them, due to their unique chemical composition, have unique healing properties. Sweet clover honey belongs to such varieties.

Features of sweet clover honey

After pumping, sweet clover honey is amber, almost transparent, sometimes with greenish or greenish-golden hues. The color scheme depends on the type of sweet clover and the composition of the soil on which it grows. Once candied, it has a consistency similar to whipped cream (from yellow clover) or lard(from white sweet clover). The color resembles melted butter.

The aroma is light, pleasant, with a hint of vanilla. It does not interrupt other odors, and therefore it is widely used in the confectionery industry for baking and making various drinks as a flavoring agent. Thanks to it, special varieties of vodka, various liqueurs and some fruit and berry wines acquire a pleasant taste and aroma.

Taste qualities are determined by the type of sweet clover from which the bees collected nectar. Honey obtained from white flowers has a brighter and richer taste. Slightly bitter. Sweet, but not cloying. The aftertaste is long and vanilla. Yellow sweet clover gives the taste a more delicate and slightly viscous character. Also with bitterness. It should be noted that the taste characteristics of this type of honey are considered standard - there are no taste peculiarities or cloying.

In terms of sugaring, two directly opposite processes are observed. Honey from yellow sweet clover crystallizes very quickly due to great content glucose. Therefore, you can try it in liquid form only in the apiary. It should be pumped out on time, since the crystallization process may begin in the honeycombs, which will make it impossible to remove it. The white trefoil product is candied very slowly, forming a viscous, cream-like mass of milky color.

Sweet clover honey has a varied composition. It contains more than 300 components, including about 60 complex, sometimes unique, compounds.

These are vitamins, acids, enzymes, minerals and nitrogenous substances, fructose, glucose and monosaccharides.

In addition, the bee product contains alkaloids, fungicides, hormones and lipids. Distinctive feature is the presence of vitamins A (carotene), B1 (thiamine), B4 (choline), which are not found in the vast majority of honey varieties, as well as coumarin, a substance with anti-inflammatory properties used in the treatment of joint diseases, and glycosides that suppress the growth of tumor cells.

Honey is very nutritious. Nutritional value of 100 g is 309-314 kcal, which is due to the high content of glucose (36%) and fructose (39-40%). The presence of 81% carbohydrates and 0.8% proteins in the absence of fat ensures complete and rapid digestibility.

Calorie content.

Thanks to its standard organoleptic characteristics and high nutritional value, this type of honey is highly popular among varieties. Its sales in the world account for 50-70% of the total.

About honey plant

The properties of honey depend on which plants the bees collect nectar and pollen from. Nectar gives bees carbohydrates, and they get protein from pollen. Therefore, plants that provide both types of bribes are called honey plants, and only pollen - pollen plants.

Sweet clover is an ideal honey plant. Its productivity is 200-300 kg/ha with wild plants and up to 600 kg/ha from cultivated sweet clover. For comparison, here is the performance of other honey plants:

  • lungwort – 30 kg/ha and above;
  • rapeseed, buckwheat – 80 kg/ha;
  • white clover – 100 kg/ha and above;
  • acacia – about 1000 kg/ha.

White clover (Melilotus albus) and yellow clover ( Melilotus officinalis) – two-year herbaceous plant with a tall, strong and branched stem reaching 1.5 m in height. Grows as a bush. The leaves are trifoliate, which is why in many places it is called trefoil. White or yellow small flowers are collected in narrow, drooping elongated racemes. Each inflorescence has from 40 to 80 flowers.

Blooms from June to September (45-50 days). Due to the abundant release of nectar (one flower releases 0.08-0.15 mg of sugar), it has another name - medun. It grows everywhere. It can be found on roadsides, on the bottom and slopes of ravines and gullies, near railway, on the slopes of hills and small mountains.

The homeland of sweet clover is Europe, or rather Russia. On South Russian Empire it was used as green manure (green manure). In the mid-18th century, he very quickly conquered North America. At first, as a very powerful and malicious weed, and since 1789, as a cultivated plant. Sweet clover yellow honey plant takes first place among legumes by area of ​​crops (9-10%). An annual variety was also bred here.

The origin of the name has two explanations. According to one of them, the name comes from the words “donnoy” - the Old Russian name for gout and “bottom”, which doctors of that time called diseases abdominal cavity in its lower part. The plant was used to treat these diseases. Hence the name.

The second says that the sweet clover got its name because it likes to grow at the bottom. Usually in the spring, with streams of melt water, they are washed out from the bottom of ravines and gullies. nutrients. In such conditions, other plants practically do not grow. Only the sweet clover lives and develops well there. Its long and strong roots not only extract macro- and microelements from all available places, but also protect the ravines from further erosion.

How to distinguish a fake from the original

It is almost impossible to find sweet clover honey on supermarket shelves, since it is quite rare in Russia. You can only purchase it at fairs or online. It costs much more than a product made from linden or buckwheat. The desire to make money pushes many to falsify a natural product. The counterfeit product lacks beneficial and medicinal properties. There are two ways to falsify:

  • sell under the guise of sweet clover honey, honey from rapeseed or alfalfa;
  • dilute the original product with cheaper varieties, flour, chalk, sugar syrup, etc.

When buying sweet clover honey, it is difficult for a non-specialist to distinguish a natural product from a substitute by color and consistency. In this case, taste and aroma come to the rescue. Therefore, honey should always be tasted.

The strong vanilla smell, brightly hitting the nose, like eau de toilette, speaks of alfalfa honey, to which the appropriate flavoring has been added. Natural sweet clover nectar gently envelops the nose, playing with all shades of vanilla.

The taste of rapeseed honey is too cloying and there is no vanilla aftertaste. Taste will also help identify falsification of honey. IN natural product There is always a bitterness in the aftertaste. If there is a lot of acidity or bitterness, or an aroma that is unusual for this variety, then you should resort to a simple test.

Layering indicates a mixture with other varieties. The natural bee product is immediately absorbed into the skin when rubbed between your fingers.

Molasses in honey can be determined using distilled water and alcohol. Honey in their mixture (3 parts water and 4 alcohol) forms a clear sediment after stirring. Cloudy sediment indicates molasses.

A solution of honey and water in a ratio of 1 to 2 will help determine the presence of chalk. Its impurity will boil after adding vinegar.

Starch and flour will help identify iodine. Honey adulterated with these additives turns blue when it comes into contact with iodine.

It is better to purchase sweet clover honey at the fair, since online purchasing provides more opportunities for various scammers to profit from counterfeits. If there is no other way to buy this product other than the Internet, then you should at least protect yourself a little. To do this, you need to make a small, trial purchase of honey. Only after making sure of its purity can you purchase the required quantity.

Useful and healing properties

Found honey from sweet clover nectar wide application V Food Industry and cosmetology. However, its features are most clearly manifested in the treatment various diseases, which cannot be treated with other types of honey.

The presence of glycosides has a resolving effect on benign tumors. It is indispensable for the treatment of men with prostate adenoma.

Phytohormones eliminate disorders menstrual cycle. During menopause, it relieves fatigue and irritability, improves appetite.

Coumarin is a powerful anticoagulant that prevents blockage of blood flow. Therefore, sweet clover honey is used to treat thrombophlebitis. Also, coumarin in the form of honey lotions or compresses helps with joint inflammation, rheumatism and gout.

The rich enzyme composition restores the intestinal microflora, which normalizes digestion and eliminates flatulence. With the help of sweet clover honey, hemorrhoids are treated and constipation is combated. Having diuretic properties, it is useful for kidney disease.

Regular use in very small doses enhances lactation in nursing mothers.

Sweet clover honey, like all other types of product, has antiseptic and antibacterial properties. He is also a powerful tool restoration of the immune system.

How to use

Sweet clover honey more like a medicine than a treat. Therefore there is it in large quantities should not be, because it is possible side effects as allergic reactions, drowsiness, weakness, diarrhea. There are no special schemes for how to take it. There is an acceptable daily norm– 50 g (1 tablespoon), for adults, and one teaspoon for children. Doctors recommend taking it before meals. It is advisable to drink it with water.

Nursing mothers should take this delicacy a dessert spoon after each feeding to ensure good lactation milk. Increasing the dose threatens allergic reactions in the baby.

During colds or viral diseases It is advisable to increase the norm by 2 times.

The ability of sweet clover honey to inhibit the process of absorption by the body from urine useful substances and salts, due to which they are excreted with urinary fluid while simultaneously accelerating the process of its formation, requiring constant replenishment of the body with water. This will help you avoid dehydration.


Possessing unique medicinal properties, sweet clover nectar processed by bees, however, dramatically expands the circle of people for whom it is contraindicated:

  • allergy sufferers to legume products;
  • With poor clotting blood;
  • having a tendency to bleed;
  • those on a milk diet;
  • for liver diseases.

This product should not be taken with tea or dietary supplements that enhance the diuretic process. It is not recommended to take it before going outside. Problems with the stomach or bladder can start at the most inopportune moment.

The beneficial properties of sweet clover honey (see photo) have been known for a long time. They are due to the vitamins and microelements contained in its composition, which heal and strengthen our body. Sweet clover honey also has contraindications, but more on them below.

Sweet clover honey is rightfully considered one of the the best varieties honey with excellent medicinal qualities and taste.

Composition of honey collected from sweet clover

The composition of sweet clover honey includes B vitamins, carotenes,. Microelements: boron, calcium, silicon, lithium, nickel, fluorine, zinc and others.

Having tried it once Bee Honey sweet clover, you will undoubtedly remain a fan of it forever, for its aroma, unique taste and ability to improve your mood.

Honey from sweet clover flowers is obtained when bees collect nectar from sweet clover.

Main characteristics: it has a color from watery to pale yellow, a not too viscous consistency, an aroma that is quite weak and sweet (can convey the smell of the flowers themselves).

Honey from sweet clover flowers has a sweet taste, sometimes tart and vanilla flavor. The product is collected in every region of Russia during the summer. This honey from sweet clover flowers can crystallize over several months, resulting in a milky or creamy appearance. Its consistency becomes ointment-like, rarely fine-grained.

And that’s all about it – honey from sweet clover flowers

The color of the honey, its quality, and, of course, the benefits it can bring to the body depend on the flowers of which plant it is collected from.

Sweet clover (“sweet clover”) is one of the medicinal plants that is unpretentious to growing conditions and the best honey plant. When collected from sweet clover flowers, all the benefits of the plant are preserved. Sweet clover blooms for a long time (July - September) and abundantly, bees collect a lot of nectar, so buying sweet clover honey is not a problem. Although you can also run into a fake with vanilla flavorings and sugar syrup.

Sometimes it is mixed with other summer varieties and dubbed " meadow«.

How to distinguish sweet clover honey - recognize it when purchasing

There are two varieties of flowers - white and yellow in color, and there are also two types of sweet clover honey.

Honey collected by working bees with white flowers, has a transparent white color (possibly light amber), delicate and pleasant to the taste, with a subtle aroma of vanilla. It has a richer and more pronounced taste, but is less healthy than honey collected from flowers yellow color , which has a slight bitterness and a peculiar aftertaste. But it is precisely this that beekeepers consider the most valuable and useful.

In sweet clover honey, the fructose content is up to 40%, which leads to the fact that sweet clover honey does not completely crystallize, but only turns into a viscous mass of white or yellow color, thick consistency. Children often associate it with condensed milk.

Due to its characteristic color and consistency, this honey is difficult to confuse with other varieties, except rapeseed. The main differences are the more sugary taste of rapeseed honey and the absence of vanilla smell.

Due to high energy value sweet clover honey can very quickly lead to human body in tone, and monosaccharides entering the blood are great food for the mind.

Sweet clover honey - beneficial properties

So, what is the benefit of sweet clover honey?

  • Due to the content of dicumarol in sweet clover honey, which thins the blood, it is ideal for the prevention and treatment of thrombosis and helps maintain the tone of the walls of blood vessels.
  • Sweet clover honey is good for maintaining the immune system; its use becomes especially important in the fall. winter period(during seasonal epidemics).
  • It is indispensable in the treatment of diseases of the upper respiratory tract (tonsillitis, pharyngitis, laryngitis, tracheitis), helping to alleviate the pain of an inflamed throat.
  • Sweet clover honey is used for treatment; its intake improves sputum discharge. Would be great to combine for cough treatment this type honey with black radish juice.
  • For pneumonia, it is included in compresses applied to the chest and back area at night. It is often recommended for tuberculosis infection.

It is believed that sweet clover honey is the most beneficial for the female body.

  • To avoid loss of nutrients from a woman’s body during pregnancy due to the development of the fetus in the body expectant mother, it is enough to consume one spoon of sweet clover honey at the end of the meal.
  • When breastfeeding a baby, taking honey helps increase the amount of milk secreted in nursing mothers. Teas made from herbs that stimulate production breast milk, drink sweet clover with honey. And as a compress, this type of honey will help cope with stagnation of milk and incipient mastitis.
  • It is recommended to use it during the period, as it helps to normalize hormonal background, reduces the risk of hysterics and nervous disorders.
  • There is no more harmless sleeping pill than honey. For insomnia and neurasthenia, you can drink a drink at night consisting of a glass of warm water and 1 spoon of honey diluted in it. Decreases when eating honey nervous tension, is more effective when taken at night; a spoonful of honey is also washed down with chamomile tea to complete the calming effect.
  • It is believed that it helps a lot;
  • The drink not only calms and causes deep sleep, but also gently regulates intestinal function and relieves flatulence.
  • Stimulates appetite in children.
  • The beneficial properties of sweet clover honey include its antispasmodic, diuretic and laxative properties, used in the treatment of diseases of the stomach, intestines, liver and kidneys.
  • Improves the condition of patients with gout and arthritis.
  • The antiseptic properties of honey are used externally in the treatment of inflamed or purulent wounds, burns by applying a compress.

The composition of vitamins in sweet clover honey is wider than in other types of honey, and therefore it is actively used in cosmetology, as it promotes skin rejuvenation. It is included in cosmetic masks for face and tonic.

The juice mask is highly praised fresh cucumber and the described honey - the skin is nourished, rejuvenated, and toned. They turn pale dark spots, expression lines are reduced.

Will appreciate beneficial features sweet clover honey and our hair - after regular rinsing with honey water, it becomes thicker and healthier.

Contraindications for taking sweet clover honey

Along with a lot of useful properties, sweet clover honey, like any other product, also has contraindications for use.

  • This applies to those with allergies to honey and legumes (,), since the sweet clover, from whose flowers honey is collected, belongs to the legume family.
  • It should be taken with caution by people who have problems with the pancreas and should be completely limited to patients with diabetes.
  • Due to its high calorie content, it should not be taken by those watching their weight or on weight loss diets.

Even if not special contraindications, take sweet clover honey to obtain maximum benefit and health promotion is needed in small quantities.

Donnikovy flower honey - bee product upper class and quality, it is not for nothing that it is considered first-class. It has a lot of useful properties, and its taste is worthy of the nectar of the gods of Olympus.

This is an unusual variety, its color is almost white, which is very rare, and its taste has vanilla notes. Bees collect nectar from white and yellow sweet clover.

This nectar has a mild odor and a very mild taste. But collected with white plant, it conveys all the colorfulness and versatility taste sensations and there are indescribable notes of vanilla in it.

Yellow sweet clover honey is in great demand, because it is incredibly nutritious and healthy, and its medicinal properties exceed the boundaries of what is possible.

How to recognize a miracle treat?

The color of sweet clover honey is very light, light yellow, almost transparent, and after the crystallization process it becomes milky white. Very often it is confused with rapeseed, although these are completely different things.

Sweet clover honey is considered the standard among all its relatives, and in the USA it makes up the bulk of sales. And it's not strange! After all, this is the best and most elite variety!

Beneficial features

IN modern world It's very difficult to stay completely healthy. Poor ecology, constant stress and tension, all this greatly complicates human life.

Sweet clover is a medicinal plant in itself, just imagine how many useful and medicinal qualities a honey product made from it has! It is used for both outdoor and internal use. It has anti-inflammatory and antispasmodic effects, cleanses Airways and relieve swelling. For insomnia, high blood pressure, neuroses and migraines - he is the number one assistant!

Honey from medicinal clover truly unique and useful! It can induce lactation (milk production) in nursing mothers! It is because of this property that women are advised to take it as food after childbirth, and before childbirth, during pregnancy, too.

I don’t know whether you would classify these properties as useful, or vice versa - not entirely, but sweet clover honey is also a good laxative and diuretic.

For heart diseases it too best helper- dilates blood vessels, replenishes blood supply, eliminates cardiac edema and normalizes blood pressure.

How to use?

Well, how else can you use honey from medicinal clover? Of course - for food! Those with a sweet tooth will be pleased; they have never tasted such a delicious delicacy. But this is not his only advantage.

Honey to the rescue

Hmm...On purpose, so on purpose! For hemorrhoids, an enema can be made from a solution (20-30 percent) of sweet clover honey. Or take baths with it added.


Adding a little honey and mixture medicinal herbs When taking a bath, you will significantly rejuvenate your skin, making it soft and silky.

Saving veins

WITH varicose veins veins are fought as follows: sweet clover honey is mixed with garlic in a ratio of 250/350 grams. The mixture is infused for a week and then taken three times a day an hour before meals.

From all this it becomes clear that sweet clover nectar is not only a tasty and nutritious dessert, but also an indispensable item in the home medicine cabinet. .

If you have tried this variety at least once in your life, then you will forever remain its most devoted fan and will never cheat on it, because it is so healthy and unique.

Now you know that sometimes it is better to trust natural natural products than to be treated with all kinds of chemicals, which only pollute the body. Choose the best! Choose your health!

Video - how bees collect nectar

It is considered very useful variety for both adults and children. This variety has big amount beneficial properties and is widely used in folk medicine and cosmetology. And in this article we will learn how to distinguish the real white honey from clover from counterfeit, how it is useful and what contraindications it has.

Taste and appearance

Sweet clover "amber" very pleasant and delicate smell with a slight hint of vanilla. The taste depends entirely on what flowers the bees collected the nectar from. Which was collected from white flowers - a bright and rich taste, but its healing qualities weaker. The taste collected from the yellow sweet clover is not so bright, viscous with slight bitterness, but it is the nectar from yellow flowers has greater utility. Freshly extracted honey is typically white or light amber in color. Crystallizing, it acquires White color.

How is sweet clover mined?

As already mentioned, sweet clover honey is extracted from yellow and white sweet clover. This plant, also known as the wild one, belongs to the family and is one of the best summer honey plants. It blooms throughout the summer, so bees collect its nectar throughout the season. It can be found in various wastelands and ravines. And some beekeepers plant this plant purposefully, near their apiaries.

Did you know? Ground flowers and leaves of yellow sweet clover are added to coffee along with cinnamon.

Chemical composition

Sweet clover “amber” contains:

  • fructose - from 40 to 50%;
  • glucose - from 45 to 55%;
  • maltose - from 3.5 to 4.2%;
  • sucrose - approximately 0.5%.
100 g of product contains 74.7 g of carbohydrates, 0.8 g of proteins, and its calorie content is 315 kcal. Also included in this bee treats includes vitamins B, PP, K, E and C.

Beneficial features

Sweet clover, as a plant, has a large number of beneficial properties and, accordingly, honey from it is also very useful, it contains a huge amount of nutritional and medicinal properties. It is very useful in the treatment of atherosclerosis, helps get rid of shortness of breath, has antispasmodic, anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, immunostimulating, diuretic, analgesic and sedative effects. Sweet clover is recommended for women to take during pregnancy and lactation, as it is rich in vitamins.

Important! During breastfeeding, you should pay attention to the child’s reaction; if an allergy occurs, you should stop using it and contact your pediatrician.

Application of honey

Sweet clover nectar reveals its usefulness in almost any form, be it an eaten spoon of pure honey or some kind of mixture. But still, the most effective results are obtained with proper treatment and prevention using recipes that have been tested over the years.

In folk medicine

  • Sweet clover has a positive effect on the functioning of the stomach and intestines, so medicine based on it is often taken to normalize the level of acidity in the stomach. The recipe for this medicine is very simple - 1 spoon of bee treat is diluted in 120 ml of warm water. If the acidity is low, the solution should be drunk 10-20 minutes before meals, and if increased acidity in 50-60 minutes.
  • To improve kidney function, it is recommended to dilute 3 tablespoons of nectar in 250 ml of birch sap. This mixture should be taken three times a day. And to cleanse the kidneys, they also add corn silk.
  • Recipe for cystitis. You should mix one spoonful of honey and then wash it down with a decoction of bearberry and take this medicine twice a day for five days.
  • If a person suffers from insomnia, he can drink a spoonful of honey diluted in warm water. It helps to calm down nervous system and thus helps improve sleep.
  • In case of poor lactation, young mothers need to eat one teaspoon of sweet clover nectar before meals.
  • For the treatment of bronchial and pulmonary diseases A tablespoon of honey should be diluted in the juice of one black radish and this mixture should be taken one spoonful a quarter of an hour before meals.

Important! When adding honey to tea or just water, the temperature of the liquid should not exceed 60°C, otherwise the nectar will lose all its beneficial qualities.

In cosmetology

Sweet clover “amber” is used in cosmetology for treatment skin diseases, cleansing and improvement general condition skin. For washing, it is dissolved in warm water. Procedures with such a solution help remove boils, pimples, blackheads, and remove excess fat from the pores.

For problem skin It would be useful to use a mask based on sweet clover and fresh clover. Take 0.2 kg of grated cucumbers and 1 tsp. nectar and mix. This mask moisturizes and disinfects the skin well.

How to distinguish a fake?

When choosing sweet clover honey, pay attention to its color and thickness. Crystallized “amber” has a white color that resembles melted butter or lard. Its structure is homogeneous with small, barely noticeable crystals. Also please note Special attention by smell, it should have a light vanilla aroma; if it has a strong vanilla aroma, then you are most likely looking at alfalfa honey with the addition of vanilla flavoring.

The riches of nature are incalculable. Did you know that there are over a hundred different varieties honey? There are as many types of honey as there are honey-bearing plants in the world, that is, those that secrete a sweet liquid - nectar. One of the most wonderful gifts of nature to man is sweet clover honey.

The beneficial properties of sweet clover honey have absorbed all the benefits medicinal clover. This plant has been used since ancient times in the treatment of many diseases. You can buy sweet clover honey not only for therapeutic effect, but also in order to enjoy its truly unique taste. Today, many have rightfully appreciated the unusual taste and aroma of this type of honey. Many beekeepers consider sweet clover honey to be first-class. In order to get this honey, many people specially export hives from bee families on fields planted with sweet clover. According to their own physical properties This variety belongs to the light varieties of honey. It comes in several shades: from light brown to beige, which depends on the type of sweet clover from which it was collected (white or yellow), as well as what other meadow or field herbs and flowers got into the honey along with the sweet clover nectar. After all, it is not possible to control the flight of a bee, and 100% monofloral honey does not exist in nature. Honey collected by a beekeeper from one apiary, but from different hives, will always be different.

Having bought sweet clover honey, you will appreciate its extraordinary properties: a delicate aroma reminiscent of summer, and a sweet taste filled with the specific taste of sweet clover. This type of honey contains both glucose and fructose, so it is very well absorbed by the body. In many countries of Europe and America, sweet clover honey is used due to its beneficial properties. in great demand in the market by the population.

You can buy sweet clover honey at the end of July in liquid form and amber color. As it is stored, it will begin to change: thicken and acquire lighter shades. The crystals of this honey are usually medium-grained.

Since the sweet clover itself belongs to the family medicinal plants, then honey is believed to have the same beneficial healing properties. Most often, it is recommended to use sweet clover honey for cardiovascular diseases. In folk medicine, it is recommended to use it for hypertension and atherosclerosis, heart failure, arrhythmia, etc. It is also useful for colds, flu, sore throat, ARVI, as it has expectorant and antimicrobial properties. Sweet clover honey has soothing properties, which makes it indispensable for insomnia, prolonged headaches, nervous overstrain, stress, chronic fatigue syndromes.

The beneficial properties of sweet clover honey do not end there. In folk medicinal recipes It can often be found as a pain reliever. It was used in conjunction with propolis and herbal tinctures in the treatment of various purulent diseases and boils, skin cuts and burns. The methods of application were very diverse: external rubbing, poultices, compresses, warm baths.

In the old days, midwives and midwives fed women in labor and nursing mothers with sweet clover honey, since honey allowed short time will restore the body's strength and replenish lost energy, in addition, this type of honey stimulated lactation, that is, the secretion of milk in women in the postpartum period.

Sweet clover has diuretic properties. The benefits of honey collected from sweet clover flowers are invaluable for many diseases. genitourinary system. It was also used for severe flatulence together with chamomile infusion, for pain in the kidneys, cystitis and inflammation of the prostate.