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Dandelion honey with a white coating. Dandelion jam “Sunny”. Dandelion honey – what is it, beneficial properties

27.12.2016 4

Uses of dandelion folk medicine has been known for a long time. Almost all parts of the plant are used to cure many diseases. The most pleasant and delicious recipe Dandelion honey is considered. We will describe its benefits and harms, the beneficial properties of the plant and the product made from it in more detail.

What is this product?

It is generally accepted that honey is a product created by bees in the process of their life. But dandelion has its own characteristics - its nectar is bitter, and not every bee wants to collect it. Therefore, it is almost impossible to find ideal dandelion honey as a beekeeping product.

Most often this is the name given to jam made from these sunny flowers. Appearance it resembles honey because it has a sunny yellow color, thick consistency, sweet in taste and has the aroma of flowers. At the same time, dandelion honey, the benefits and harms of which have been known to people for a long time, is used in medicinal purposes. There are many recipes for making dandelion honey at home.

How to collect flowers?

To give honey from dandelions medicinal effect, you should correctly approach the collection of the plant itself. However, dandelion root or stems are rarely collected. Most often they are limited to the flower itself, sometimes with a peduncle, sometimes without it, depending on the specific cooking recipe. It is important to adhere to the following rules:

  • You need to collect flowers in the month of May, when they bloom at their maximum.
  • Choose environmentally friendly areas for collection, where there are no exhaust gases, factories or other pollution. It is best to do this in a meadow far from the city, near a river, away from the highway.
  • It is important to do this not in rainy weather. It is believed that a correctly collected flower has stood in the sun for at least a day in the absence of precipitation.
  • So that the flower is completely filled with the necessary nectar and useful qualities, it should be collected during the day when it has fully opened. You should not take half-opened buds.
  • It would be more correct not to pick the flower, but to carefully cut it.
  • Before preparing anything from the flowers, they must be washed. But this should not be done under running water, and you should not wash it too vigorously, since you need to remove excess dust, and not the pollen and nectar itself. After all, they are the ones who give the plant medicinal properties.

The benefits of dandelion and its honey

Dandelion honey has many beneficial properties. It is valued for curing various diseases:

  1. Normalizes blood pressure, having a beneficial effect on the condition of blood vessels.
  2. Helps the normal functioning of the liver and gallbladder, helping to cure some diseases associated with these organs.
  3. Thanks to the rich vitamin composition Dandelion honey can boost immunity and restore a person’s strength after serious illnesses.
  4. It helps cleanse urinary tract, reducing rice urolithiasis and other diseases of these organs.
  5. Dandelion honey also does a good job of cleansing the intestines and blood of toxins and other toxic substances.
  6. Due to large quantity Magnesium and potassium in its composition, such a product has a beneficial effect on the cardiovascular system, reducing the risk of any heart disease.
  7. The B vitamins in its composition help restore the nervous system, relieving the effects of stress and calming.
  8. Dandelion honey can lower blood cholesterol levels.
  9. An excellent choleretic and laxative - due to this you can get rid of many problems with gastrointestinal diseases.
  10. The anti-inflammatory effect is important for colds and viral diseases. Dandelion honey can cure any symptoms and underlying causes of flu, colds and viral infections.
  11. Helps remove phlegm, which is especially valuable for viruses and bronchitis.
  12. Such a product can even reduce asthma symptoms and help a person normalize breathing.
  13. Dandelion honey reduces pain, especially pain from arthritis, osteochondrosis and other joint diseases.
  14. It is also valued in cosmetology, since when used in creams and masks it can improve the condition of skin and hair and create a rejuvenating effect.

How to prepare a healing product?

You are unlikely to find dandelion honey on sale. And yet this is not a problem, since the product will be much more valuable if it is made at home. There are a few simple recipes, which always results in a healthy treat.

  • Pour water over 400 flowers and let stand for a day. Then we drain this water and add clean, preferably spring water in a volume of 0.5 liters. Boil them for 20 minutes over low heat. After this, add a kilogram of sugar, two grated lemons along with the peel and a teaspoon citric acid. Now stir it all well, bring it to a boil again and let it simmer over low heat for no more than five minutes. Then we filter the flowers, and the remaining syrup can be boiled again for about two minutes.
  • An even simpler way to make honey is to give half a liter of water per 100 flowers. Boil over low heat for 15 minutes and let it brew for 24 hours. Then add a kilogram of cane sugar and boil for another 10 minutes.
  • You can also use lemon in the recipe, then it will benefit final product there will be even more. So, you need to boil the flowers for two hours. We take 300 ml of water per 100 flowers. Infuse the decoction for at least 12 hours, then filter. To the remaining broth add lemon juice (half or whole, to taste) and half a kilo of sugar. Mix everything and boil for another two hours.
  • If you really want to get honey, and not jam, then there is a recipe without heat treatment, using natural honey. To do this, take the entire dandelion flowers, with stems, and grind them in a blender. Then they mix it all with natural flower honey. The concentration should be 1.5 kg of honey per thousand flowers. You can take a little less dandelions if you don’t like the bitter taste. It is useful to add 50 grams of pollen to the resulting composition. Thus, you will get a real elixir of health.
  • The jam will be more flavorful if prepared according to the following recipe. Take 300 dandelion flowers, half a liter clean water, 15 leaves of cherry, currant, raspberry or other aromatic fruit leaves, a kilogram of sugar and lemon. At the same time, we select only flowers from dandelions, and cut the lemon whole, without peeling the peel. You can even add a few clove stars for extra flavor. Cook this entire mixture for 15 minutes over low heat and leave for at least a day. It is better to add sugar to the cooled and strained broth. After adding sugar, you should boil it again for up to half an hour, until it begins to thicken.
  • 300 dandelion flowers are poured with water and allowed to boil for 3 - 4 minutes. Grate the lemon along with the zest and add to the broth. Allow the mixture to brew for about 6 – 8 hours. At this time, you need to prepare the sugar syrup itself separately. To do this, use 100 ml of water per 1 kg of sugar. When the dandelion decoction has infused, it should be strained and mixed with hot sugar syrup. All together you need to boil again for 20 - 25 minutes.
  • The original recipe also involves the use of fragrant herbs, which will give the product a special aroma and incredible benefits. To do this you need half a liter of water, 400 grams of dandelion flowers, 1.2 kg of sugar, half a lemon, or rather the juice from it, and herbs. Choose any herbs that you like. This could be raspberry or cherry leaves, as we described earlier, or it could also be branches of lemon balm, mint, etc. First, cook the sugar syrup. Add the washed dandelion flower heads to this syrup and boil them for 20 minutes. At the very end, add lemon juice. Towards the end of cooking, the desired herbs are added for flavor and greater benefits. Finished product filter and pour into jars.

There are many more ways to make dandelion honey in various ways. The main thing is that you like the taste of the result. Just remember that the longer you keep flowers and herbs on the fire, the less beneficial substances remain in them.

Video: dandelion honey.

Harm and contraindications

Any plants have not only beneficial properties, but also contraindications for use. After all, the concentration of various natural substances in them is much higher, and therefore not everyone can use such a delicacy without harm to the body.

  1. Since this honey is made using sugar, diabetics should not consume it.
  2. This honey will also be dangerous for obese people.
  3. If you are allergic and have a particularly severe reaction to pollen, then such a product is also contraindicated for you.
  4. Particular care should be taken when using dandelion honey to treat children - since the product is a strong allergen, it is strictly contraindicated for children under three years of age.
  5. During pregnancy and breastfeeding, you should not experiment with new products. Therefore, eat a small amount of dandelion honey only if you have eaten it before.
  6. Refuse this remedy It is also worth it for those who have problems with indigestion. After all, such honey can cause even greater relaxation of the intestines.
  7. Hypotensive people should also not use it, because normalization of blood pressure often occurs in the direction of its reduction when consuming a dandelion product.
  8. Anyway serious illnesses internal organs before you start self-treatment folk remedies, it is better to consult an experienced doctor.

Syrup from medicinal plants– this is not only a tasty delicacy, but also a good helper for keeping the body in good shape. People have long been convinced of the healing properties of jam, so they try to prepare a popular product. What is dandelion honey and how to make it? Let's look at the benefits and harms of the product, and also consider effective ways cooking


Many domestic gardeners perceive the plant as a weed, but its effect on the human body is known all over the world. It is used in cosmetics and folk medicine, and the Chinese add raw materials to national dishes. Of course, dandelion syrup is not as effective as bee nectar, but it contains important vitamins(in mg per 100 g of product):

  • C – 18;
  • E – 2.4;
  • beta-carotene – 3900;
  • choline – 24.

In addition, dandelion jam contains macroelements (potassium, phosphorus, calcium) and minerals (iron, zinc, copper) necessary for the body to function. One hundred grams of sweetness contains 190 kilocalories, it contains a minimum of fat (0.14 g) and protein (0.6 g). If you are afraid of carbohydrates, then there are not as many of them as in other desserts - only 48 grams.

Beneficial features

Many people are accustomed to the fact that they can only be treated with the help of bee nectar. However delicious dessert made from yellow flowers is also not inferior in properties to the popular product.

Vitamin therapy

What are the benefits of dandelion honey for humans? The presence of ascorbic acid in the composition helps the normal functioning of connective tissues and bone formation. Beta-carotene is responsible not only for vision, but also for skin renewal. The substance PP is involved in all metabolic processes and reduces cholesterol levels.

A combination of vitamins B and E controls the development of the body at the cellular level. The components increase resistance to cancer, improve immunity and hormone production. The benefits of dandelion honey are that it protects reproductive functions and the nervous system. By the way, for the prevention of scurvy or in the treatment initial stage a popular product is also prescribed.

Iron is responsible for the formation of hemoglobin and carries oxygen through the veins. Calcium not only helps in bone formation, but also improves blood clotting. Potassium and magnesium are essential for healthy functioning of cardio-vascular system. Of course, the syrup contains few components for treatment, but regular use will provide normal work body.

For colds

People who have problems with immunity need to eat one tablespoon of sweets for breakfast every day - it will help activate protective functions bodies. The first results are visible a week after starting treatment.

The benefits of dandelion honey have also been noticed in the treatment of viral and colds. Doctors recommend tea with syrup during mass epidemics and to destroy pathogenic bacteria. Warm liquid with a spoon of the product helps reduce the temperature and enhances the separation of sweat.

In addition, honey jam is a good panacea in the fight against bronchitis. Active ingredients soften cough, help the lungs clear mucus and soothe the respiratory system. By the way, dessert is prescribed to reduce asthma attacks and relieve pain.

For cardiovascular problems

Dandelion honey is a good remedy for cardiac diseases. A unique combination of vitamins and minerals nourishes the body's main muscle. With regular use, you can relieve discomfort in the chest area.

Having a slight diuretic effect, honey syrup removes from the body excess liquid, which allows you to reduce high blood pressure. By the way, sweetness will help during arterial surges during menopause. The product relieves anxiety and improves sleep as effectively as natural bee nectar does. Many patients take a sunny dessert with their favorite product at night.

From other problems

Dandelion honey has a positive effect on the functions of the liver, kidneys and reproductive system. The unique composition of the jam will enhance the effect medicines for splitting and removing stones. The mild choleretic effect allows the drug to be used in the treatment of hepatitis and cholecystitis.

Widely used to treat dysbiosis, colitis, and is also used as a laxative.

Honey syrup is indicated for recovery after surgical intervention. Petals filled with nectar activate the natural regeneration of the body, helping to heal damaged tissues. If you are not allergic to pollen medicinal flower, then bandages soaked in the strained substance are applied to the wounds.

A combination of vitamins and minerals helps support the body in good condition. This unique ability is used in the treatment of sexual dysfunction and diseases reproductive organs. Dandelion honey not only restores correct work body, but also helps to increase sex hormones.

In addition to treatment, sweetness is used in cosmetology. Active substances products help fight rashes and regenerate damaged skin. The syrup is spread on the face to remove facial wrinkles, and water solution used as a cleansing lotion and rinse to strengthen hair.

Harmful properties

Dandelion honey has a number of contraindications that are worth remembering. Prohibitions are not the whims of doctors, but real recommendations and warnings. People who do not pay attention to taboos can pay with their health.

  1. Allergy. If you have a negative reaction to pollen of any plants, then you should not experiment with syrup. Sometimes rejection occurs from an excess of additives - aromatic herbs, spices or fruits. To prevent dandelion honey from causing harm, we advise you not to exceed the minimum dose.
  2. Weight problems. Despite all the beneficial properties, the product contains sugar, which is quickly stored as fat. We advise people who are obese to avoid medicinal dessert.
  3. Diabetes. Another terrible disease, which is not friendly with sweet medicine. With this disease, glucose is more of an enemy than a panacea.
  4. Gastrointestinal diseases. For ulcers, acute gastritis and diarrhea, dandelion honey is harmful. Irritant effect on mucous membranes digestive system causes unpleasant symptoms(nausea, pain, heaviness) and activates dormant ailments.

You need to pay attention to the environmental component of the product. If raw materials grew near highway or chemical production, flowers have almost no beneficial properties left. The poisons have penetrated into all parts of the plant, making it unfit for consumption.


There are many interesting recipes to make dandelion honey at home.


Our grandmothers also cooked this delicious syrup, so we recommend starting with it. It retains all the healing properties that make the product as useful as possible. Need to take:

  • 300 pcs. colors;
  • 2 glasses of water;
  • 1 kg sugar;
  • lemon.

To make honey from dandelions, you need to free the plant heads from rosettes and stems, rinse thoroughly in cold water and dry on a cotton towel. The raw materials are placed in a saucepan, filled with half the water and boiled for three minutes. Citrus slices without peel are added to the semi-finished product and removed from the stove.

The liquid is infused for 8 hours, after which it is filtered through gauze. Then syrup made from sugar and remaining moisture is carefully added to the future dessert. The product is simmered over low heat for half an hour, after which it is poured into sterilized jars and sealed with lids.


Dandelion honey recipes have been modified, acquiring new flavors. One of the popular ones is the option with fragrant herbs. To prepare the product you will need:

  • 400 pcs. flowers;
  • 2 glasses of water;
  • 1.2 kg sugar;
  • half a lemon;
  • raspberry and currant leaves;
  • lemon balm branches.

Syrup is made from liquid and sand. The plant baskets are freed from greenery, washed, dried, and then filled with a sweet component. Place the raw materials on low heat for 20 minutes, stirring gently with a spoon. Squeezed citrus juice is added to the jam before removing from the stove.

  • 100 pieces. flowers;
  • 1 glass of bee nectar;
  • cinnamon.

To make dandelion honey tasty, you need to carefully sort through the baskets. The heads are cleaned of greens, twisted through a meat grinder and covered with natural raw materials. Spices are added to the filled petals, mixed and left in the jar under the lid. The drug does not need to be boiled, but is consumed in the same way as a bee product.

The medicinal properties of the syrup will become an indispensable assistant in therapy. The recommendations discussed in detail the strengths and weak sides sweet medicine, and also told best recipes dandelion honey.

Common dandelions, which many people mistake for a weed, have a whole range of useful components. They can be eaten in different ways, for example, by making dandelion honey, the benefits and harms of which are described below. This natural medicine capable of healing various ailments.

Natural and artificial honey

Natural dandelion honey is collected by bees. He has bright color and rich aroma. But the nectar of this yellow flower is bitter, and if there are other flowering plants nearby, the bees avoid the dandelions. That's why natural honey It’s hard to find one of these flowers, and it won’t be cheap. Although it is a storehouse of vitamins and minerals.

But such a product can be prepared in the home kitchen, without the help of bees. The recipe for dandelion honey is not complicated, and the process does not take much time. But the benefits of the treat are difficult to overestimate.

Useful product

Energy value 100 g of product is 190 kcal. Tea with such a delicacy will invigorate and give strength.

What are the benefits of dandelion honey? This natural spring vitamins and microelements important for the body. Mineral composition Dandelion honey is impressive:

  1. Phosphorus – helps to study and work, has a beneficial effect on the condition of teeth.
  2. Calcium strengthens bones and muscle tissue in organism.
  3. Magnesium is involved in vital processes in tissues and organs.
  4. Potassium is the “main” vitamin for the heart and brain.
  5. Sodium – promotes normal growth young body and helps maintain the elasticity of blood vessels.
  6. Iron regulates the level of hemoglobin in the blood.
  7. Manganese will help fight fatigue and drowsiness, and even drive away depression.
  8. Zinc – improves skin condition and has a beneficial effect on cells throughout the body.
  9. Selenium is one of the main enemies of oncology.
  10. Copper – promotes proper growth and the development of body cells.

Not every vitamin syrup from a pharmacy can please you with such a rich composition. A few spoons of this tasty drug a day will help the body fight stress and viruses.

In addition to minerals, dandelion honey also contains a whole bunch of vitamins:

  • Kholin
  • Beta carotene.

This is natural vitamin bomb. Vitamin C will help fight infections, strengthen the immune system and strengthen bones. Vitamin A has a beneficial effect on eye health. B vitamins strengthen the nervous system and promote cell regeneration. Vitamin E is called the “vitamin of youth”; its use improves the condition of the skin. Vitamin PP helps reduce cholesterol levels.

These are just the main components of healthy dandelion honey. But how many more are included? medicinal product and benefits the body!

Regular use 4-5 tablespoons of this honey per day helps reduce blood pressure, removes toxins from the body, supplies the body with a complex of vitamins, helps to gently cope with the problem of constipation, relieves migraines and helps fight stress.

Tea with this honey will give strength and strengthen the nerves, help fight colds and viral diseases. The product also helps normalize microflora and strengthens the walls of blood vessels. The components included in its composition improve bone structure and prevent the development of osteochondrosis.

Can dandelion honey cause harm?

Despite the fact that the benefits of dandelion honey are obvious, it can still cause harm.

Those who have a reaction to bee products should also use dandelion honey with caution. To make homemade honey, flowers rich in nectar and pollen are used, hence it should be consumed in reasonable quantities.

It is better for children under 5 years of age to refrain from such a tasty delicacy so as not to provoke diathesis.

In diabetes, the consumption of sweet foods is limited, and honey is very sweet product.

Weight problems are another reason to give up dandelion honey. It improves appetite.

If dandelions are collected near roads or in an environmentally polluted area, then such dandelion honey will do more harm than good.

Gastrointestinal disorders are another reason to give up sweet medicine. The fact is that dandelion honey is a laxative. Yes, and in case of stomach diseases, it can cause discomfort.

Dandelion Honey Recipes

There are many recipes for making dandelion honey, the beneficial properties and contraindications of which are described above. The recipe can be changed to your liking by adding various components that will make the already useful product even more valuable.

In any case, first you need to prepare flowers for honey. They need to be collected away from roads, away from the metropolis.

Dandelions, like a sponge, absorb all pollution from the atmosphere and soil. That is why the place where flowers are collected is so important.

Large, blossoming, healthy inflorescences without signs of disease are suitable for honey. Only yellow flowers are included in the product, without stems or other green parts. They need to be washed thoroughly under running water. Better yet, soak for three hours to remove all possible contamination.

Dandelion honey with lemon

To prepare it you will need 300 blooming flowers, 1 large lemon, 1 kg of sugar, 0.5 liters of water.

Wash and dry the flowers. Pour a glass of water, bring to a boil and boil for 3 minutes. Remove from heat. Add chopped lemon, peeled if possible. Leave to steep for at least 6 hours. Then strain and thoroughly squeeze the boiled flowers. For further work you only need liquid.

Boil syrup from a glass of water and sugar. Add flower infusion. Boil for half an hour. Pour into sterilized jars and seal.

The result is dandelion jam, the color and consistency of which resembles honey. Perhaps that's why they call it that? This recipe can be varied by adding mint or currant leaves, pieces ginger root or cloves. In each case, you will get a fragrant and healthy product.

Dandelions with honey

Honey lovers will appreciate this recipe. The collected flowers must be prepared as described above and dried well. Then grind in a blender or pass through a meat grinder. Place in prepared jars and fill with fresh liquid honey. All! No heat treatment, but so many benefits!

It is not at all difficult to prepare dandelion honey at home, the benefits of which are great and the harm is minimal. This delicacy will improve your health and mood, and save on medications from the pharmacy.


Beauty recipes using dandelion honey. The benefits and harms of dandelion honey

407 dandelion honey

Dandelion is a weed plant that has been known to each of us since childhood. However, it is popular not so much because of its attractive “airplanes”, but because of its usefulness and wide application in folk medicine. Special healing properties possesses honey from this flower.

Dandelion honey – what is it, beneficial properties

Everyone knows that honey is made with the participation of bees, who make it from the nectar of various flowers. But dandelion has a bitter taste, so bees do not choose it as a base for their product. And it is almost impossible to collect mononectar from dandelions alone, since there are no huge fields of this plant. It is more often found mixed with other herbs.

As a result, people learned to make dandelion honey themselves. This product is considered to be ordinary dandelion flower jam, boiled with sugar or based on natural bee honey, with various additives. The usefulness of this drug is beyond doubt:

  • a storehouse of vitamins and minerals;
  • a good immunostimulant during colds;
  • useful for gastrointestinal diseases;
  • helps strengthen circulatory system;
  • calms the nervous system;
  • widely used in the beauty industry.

What are the benefits of dandelion honey? Medicinal properties, distinctive features

Many honey lovers are interested in whether there is honey without dandelions? Natural dandelion honey made by bees is a very rare product, and therefore quite expensive, and its homemade analogue is a medicine available to everyone. Differs from other species in its unique composition who took everything into himself useful material from the plant itself:

  • vitamins A, C, PP, E, group B;
  • bitter glycosides: taraxacerin and taraxanthin;
  • saponins;
  • magnesium, phosphorus, iron and calcium salts;
  • inulin;
  • organic acid glycerides;
  • arnidiol and faradiol;
  • medicinal mucus and resins.

Thanks to these components, characteristic only of dandelion flowers, leaves and roots, honey from it is useful for people with diseases of the kidneys and liver, heart and blood vessels, for colds and ARVI. With its help, as complex therapy, treat asthma and bronchitis, use for rejuvenation and getting rid of skin problems.

If the drug was made on the basis or with the addition of natural bee honey, then its composition will be enriched with all useful components from herbs, the nectar of which was collected by little workers. For example, iodine, selenium, various antioxidants and amino acids and many other minerals and vitamins valuable for the body.

Characteristics of dandelion honey, Wikipedia

Almost any type of honey contains dandelion nectar. However pure product This plant has its own characteristics that distinguish it from other varieties. This plant blooms for quite a long time from May to September, so it is considered an excellent honey plant. Bees are more active in landing on flowers in late spring and early summer. The honey is thick and viscous with an excellent vitamin and mineral complex.

Characteristic Description
Color Golden yellow
taste Tart, sweet with bitterness
Smell Strong, sharp
Crystallization Very fast
Sugaring Fast, 2-3 months
Calorie content 191 kcal
Squirrels 0.6 g
Fats 0.14 g
Carbohydrates 48 g
alimentary fiber 2.9 g
Water 89.8 g
Ash 1.2 g
Potassium 232 mg
Calcium 140 mg
phosphorus 42 mg
magnesium 24 mg
sodium 44 mg
iron 1.8 mg
manganese 0.23 mg
zinc 0.28 mg
copper 0.12 mcg
selenium 0.3 mcg
vitamin A 342 mcg
vitamin B1 0.13 mg
vitamin b2 0.18 mg
vitamin b5 0.06 mg
vitamin b6 0.16 mg
vitamin b9 13 mcg
vitamin C 18 mg
vitamin e 2.44 mg
vitamin k 551.4 mcg
vitamin PP 0.51 mg
choline 25 mg
beta carotene 3940 mg

All values ​​in the table are given per 100 g.

Dandelion honey, the benefits and harms of which are determined by the complex of vitamins and minerals it contains, is recommended to be used to treat many ailments and diseases. So, vitamins C and E - powerful antioxidants, vitamin A supports vision, calcium and phosphorus are responsible for bone tissue person. Considering each element separately, you can understand why this elixir of life is useful.

Both natural honey and home-brewed honey are suitable for treating diseases. For each ailment there is a specific recipe and scheme for using this healing product. Therefore, it is better to make jam yourself than to buy it from someone. After all, dandelion honey is often sold as the wrong variety, or you can buy last year’s heated honey, which contains absolutely no beneficial substances.

Dandelion honey: beneficial properties, indications, contraindications

Like any medicine, dandelion honey has beneficial properties and contraindications. But if there are not very many of the latter, then there are a huge number of options for prescribing for various diseases.

Colds and diseases of the ENT organs

This drug is especially useful during periods of exacerbation of colds and flu due to its anti-inflammatory effect and the presence of antioxidants. In this case, dandelion flowers drenched in regular bee honey will be useful.

  1. The flower petals collected and cleared of stems and corollas must be ground in a blender, transferred to a jar, added honey and mixed. Should be taken with tea or milk.
  2. Amber delicacy is also useful for bronchitis or asthma. And during the period of exacerbation viral diseases It is recommended to dissolve 1 tbsp. l. honey in warm water and take 1 spoon before meals in the morning. Taking 2 dessert spoons of this delicious medicine every 2 hours will help get rid of a cough.

Gastrointestinal diseases

What are the benefits of dandelion honey for illnesses? gastrointestinal tract? It helps restore the liver, reduces stomach acidity, and has a good choleretic effect.

  1. For example, to treat chronic constipation, it is recommended to drink 200 ml of milk with 1 tsp dissolved in it before going to bed. dandelion honey.
  2. To improve intestinal function, make an infusion of 1 tbsp. l. mixed in equal parts nettle and yarrow leaves and a glass of water. After 2 hours, add 25 g of dandelion jam to the strained liquid and take 2 tablespoons 4 times a day.
  3. To cleanse the intestines, mix 1 part of crushed corn silk and 2 parts of honey and consume 1 teaspoon before meals up to 5 times a day.

Diseases of the cardiovascular system

Since this amber medicine strengthens the walls of blood vessels, it is very useful to use it for various diseases hearts. At elevated level cholesterol, it is advised to constantly consume dandelion honey, which will help remove and free blood vessels from cholesterol plaques. Additional favorable moment there will be a decrease blood pressure and its normalization.

Recovery nervous system after stress

Dandelion honey is an excellent soothing and tonic. It can be added to tea or consumed in pure form, drinking warm water or milk thistle infusion.

Beauty Recipes

Dandelion honey is very often used in for cosmetic purposes to create various masks for the face, hair and body. It is also very good as a massage product.

Effective mask for acne is easily made using dandelion honey.

Mix 1 tsp. potions with 1 tbsp. pea flour and apply the resulting mixture to problem areas. After 10 minutes, rinse with warm water. This composition has an anti-inflammatory effect and soothes the skin.

For hair, it is better to use dandelion flowers and leaves in pure dried form, and honey will help well as an addition to cosmetic procedures. To improve skin condition, it will be beneficial to take this medicine on a regular basis as a supplement to green tea or milk.

Very useful for getting rid of age spots and giving your facial skin freshness, massage with dandelion honey. Penetrating into the deep layers of the epidermis, it turns out medicinal effect not only on the upper layers, but also on the circulatory system and Airways.

Before the procedure, you need to wash your face with warm water and cleanse your face with tonic. Warm up the skin a little, and then apply a thin layer of honey with massaging movements in a circle. The skin around the eyes should be avoided. You need to start from the forehead, moving down to the neck. Then massage the skin for 6 minutes. Then wash off the mask with warm water.


Dandelion honey can bring not only benefits, but also harm. The most common contraindications are:

  1. Possibility of occurrence allergic reactions. This happens in cases where a person is allergic to pollen.
  2. Diabetes and obesity are also the main reasons for limiting the consumption of this delicacy.
  3. People suffering from pancreatic diseases should avoid this medicine.
  4. Due to the laxative effect, regular use of this medicine is not possible. frequent diarrhea.
  5. Children under 2 years of age should not be given honey. large quantities due to the risk of allergies. But given the good healing effect, it’s not forbidden to try a little. And if there is no response to it, treatment can be continued.

However, there is an absolute ban on taking this medicine does not exist. Honey in small quantities will only bring benefits.

How to identify real dandelion honey?

Unfortunately, without careful laboratory research It is impossible to determine the naturalness of dandelion honey. Therefore, to be absolutely sure of the quality of the product, it is better to make honey from dandelions, the recipe for which has been known for a long time. A composition based on bee treats with the addition of freshly picked dandelion flowers. To collect this plant, you must follow a number of rules:

  • the most suitable month for collecting is May, when dandelion blooms most intensely;
  • it must be collected in ecologically clean areas where there are no highways, factories and other factors that pollute the air;
  • flowers should be cut, not picked;
  • collection should be carried out in dry weather, so that there is no rain for at least 2 days;
  • the flower bud must be fully opened;
  • The flowers should be washed very carefully with warm water so as not to wash away the beneficial pollen and nectar.

If you make dandelion jam, be sure to take into account the fact that exposing the flowers for a long time heat treatment not worth it. They may lose all beneficial properties and substances.

Dandelion honey, the medicinal properties of which are described in the article, is an extremely useful and indispensable product that can be made at home. For many diseases, including cancer, this drug will be the most effective medicine in the family medicine cabinet. And its small list of contraindications makes this delicacy not only tasty, but also the most frequently consumed at any age.


Dandelion honey - benefits and harms

Dandelion honey is a truly unique product. In our country, dandelion is considered by many to be exclusively a pretty weed that grows almost anywhere. But in fact, dandelion is a medicinal plant, the benefits of which for the body are invaluable, because this flower contains many vitamins and elements necessary for human health. That's why daily use One teaspoon of dandelion honey will provide excellent support for the body. But since honey is still a very controversial product, dandelion honey has both benefits and harm, so before introducing it into your diet, you need to fully study its properties.

Composition of dandelion honey

It’s worth noting right away that dandelion honey can be either natural or artificial. Natural honey is, of course, honey collected by bees. Typically, this honey contains nectars from other plants in addition to dandelions. Artificial honey or, as it is also called, dandelion jam. It is prepared from dandelion flowers, sugar and lemon juice. At the same time, and most importantly, dandelion retains its beneficial properties during heat treatment. So artificial dandelion honey has the same benefits as natural honey. And the calorie content of the products, in principle, will be almost identical, despite the absence of cane sugar in natural honey.

Beneficial properties and contraindications of dandelion honey

Dandelion honey contains many vitamins and elements necessary for to the human body. B vitamins, calcium, potassium, phosphorus, vitamin C, iron, carotene, choline, tocopherol, nicotinic and ascorbic acid.

Dandelion honey will be an excellent help during colds and viral diseases. It reduces fever and calms respiratory organs, softens cough and promotes an expectorant effect. That is, it significantly speeds up the healing process. Moreover, thanks to its antiseptic properties, dandelion honey is a wonderful preventive remedy. Even doctors recommend including it in your daily diet during seasonal outbreaks of viral and colds.

Also, dandelion honey improves metabolism in the body, normalizes the nervous system and generally has sedative property. So a spoon of dandelion honey at night will significantly improve your sleep. For girls, a pleasant advantage of this product is that it helps improve the condition of the skin and hair.

The beneficial properties of dandelion honey don’t stop there. It will be very useful in the diet of people suffering from hypertension, as it regulates blood pressure, strengthens the walls of blood vessels and normalizes blood circulation. It also has a good effect on the functioning of the liver, kidneys and genitourinary system.

But, like any product, dandelion honey has both benefits and harms. It is a fairly strong allergen, so it should be introduced into the diet of children, nursing mothers and allergy sufferers with caution. People suffering from gastritis, gastroduodenitis and peptic ulcers stomach, since some components of dandelion honey can have an irritating effect on the gastric mucosa, thereby causing an exacerbation of the disease. But in general, there is nothing bad to say about dandelion honey. The main thing is to use it in moderation and then it will only benefit the body and improve health.

Dandelion is a weed plant that has been known to each of us since childhood. However, it is popular not so much because of its attractive “airplanes”, but because of its usefulness and widespread use in folk medicine. Honey from this flower has special healing properties.

Dandelion honey – what is it, beneficial properties

Everyone knows that honey is made with the participation of bees, who make it from the nectar of various flowers. But dandelion has a bitter taste, so bees do not choose it as a base for their product. And it is almost impossible to collect mononectar from dandelions alone, since there are no huge fields of this plant. It is more often found mixed with other herbs.

As a result, people learned to make dandelion honey themselves. This product is considered to be ordinary dandelion flower jam, cooked with sugar or based on natural bee honey, with various additives. The usefulness of this drug is beyond doubt:

  • a storehouse of vitamins and minerals;
  • a good immunostimulant during colds;
  • useful for gastrointestinal diseases;
  • helps strengthen the circulatory system;
  • calms the nervous system;
  • widely used in the beauty industry.

What are the benefits of dandelion honey? Medicinal properties, distinctive features

Many honey lovers are interested in whether there is honey without dandelions? Natural dandelion honey made by bees is a very rare product, and therefore quite expensive, and its homemade analogue is a medicine available to everyone. It differs from other species in its unique composition, which takes all the beneficial substances from the plant itself:

  • vitamins A, C, PP, E, group B;
  • bitter glycosides: taraxacerin and taraxanthin;
  • saponins;
  • magnesium, phosphorus, iron and calcium salts;
  • inulin;
  • organic acid glycerides;
  • arnidiol and faradiol;
  • medicinal mucus and resins.

Thanks to these components, characteristic only of dandelion flowers, leaves and roots, honey from it is useful for people with diseases of the kidneys and liver, heart and blood vessels, for colds and ARVI. With its help, as a complex therapy, they treat asthma and bronchitis, and use it to rejuvenate and get rid of skin problems.

If the potion was made on the basis or with the addition of natural bee honey, then its composition will be enriched with all the useful components from the herbs whose nectar was collected by the little workers. For example, iodine, selenium, various antioxidants and amino acids and many other minerals and vitamins valuable for the body.

Characteristics of dandelion honey, Wikipedia

Almost any type of honey contains dandelion nectar. However, the pure product from this plant has its own characteristics that distinguish it from other varieties. This plant blooms for quite a long time from May to September, so it is considered an excellent honey plant. Bees are more active in landing on flowers in late spring and early summer. The honey is thick and viscous with an excellent vitamin and mineral complex.

Characteristic Description
Color Golden yellow
taste Tart, sweet with bitterness
Smell Strong, sharp
Crystallization Very fast
Sugaring Fast, 2-3 months
Calorie content 191 kcal
Squirrels 0.6 g
Fats 0.14 g
Carbohydrates 48 g
alimentary fiber 2.9 g
Water 89.8 g
Ash 1.2 g
Potassium 232 mg
Calcium 140 mg
phosphorus 42 mg
magnesium 24 mg
sodium 44 mg
iron 1.8 mg
manganese 0.23 mg
zinc 0.28 mg
copper 0.12 mcg
selenium 0.3 mcg
vitamin A 342 mcg
vitamin B1 0.13 mg
vitamin b2 0.18 mg
vitamin b5 0.06 mg
vitamin b6 0.16 mg
vitamin b9 13 mcg
vitamin C 18 mg
vitamin e 2.44 mg
vitamin k 551.4 mcg
vitamin PP 0.51 mg
choline 25 mg
beta carotene 3940 mg

All values ​​in the table are given per 100 g.

Dandelion honey, the benefits and harms of which are determined by the complex of vitamins and minerals it contains, is recommended to be used to treat many ailments and diseases. Thus, vitamins C and E are powerful antioxidants, vitamin A supports vision, calcium and phosphorus are responsible for human bone tissue. Considering each element separately, you can understand why this elixir of life is useful.

Both natural honey and home-brewed honey are suitable for treating diseases. For each ailment there is a specific recipe and scheme for using this healing product. Therefore, it is better to make jam yourself than to buy it from someone. After all, dandelion honey is often sold as the wrong variety, or you can buy last year’s heated honey, which contains absolutely no beneficial substances.

Dandelion honey: beneficial properties, indications, contraindications

Like any medicine, dandelion honey has beneficial properties and contraindications. But if there are not very many of the latter, then there are a huge number of options for prescribing for various diseases.

Colds and ENT diseases

This drug is especially useful during periods of exacerbation of colds and flu due to its anti-inflammatory effect and the presence of antioxidants. In this case, dandelion flowers drenched in regular bee honey will be useful.

  1. The flower petals collected and cleared of stems and corollas must be ground in a blender, transferred to a jar, added honey and mixed. Should be taken with tea or milk.
  2. Amber delicacy is also useful for bronchitis or asthma. And during periods of exacerbation of viral diseases, it is recommended to dissolve 1 tbsp. l. honey in warm water and take 1 spoon before meals in the morning. Taking 2 dessert spoons of this tasty drug every 2 hours will help get rid of a cough.

Gastrointestinal diseases

How is dandelion honey useful for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract? It helps restore the liver, reduces stomach acidity, and has a good choleretic effect.

  1. For example, to treat chronic constipation, it is recommended to drink 200 ml of milk with 1 tsp dissolved in it before going to bed. dandelion honey.
  2. To improve intestinal function, make an infusion of 1 tbsp. l. mixed in equal parts nettle and yarrow leaves and a glass of water. After 2 hours, add 25 g of dandelion jam to the strained liquid and take 2 tablespoons 4 times a day.
  3. To cleanse the intestines, mix 1 part of crushed corn silk and 2 parts of honey and consume 1 teaspoon before meals up to 5 times a day.

Diseases of the cardiovascular system

Since this amber medicine strengthens the walls of blood vessels, it is very useful to use it for various heart diseases. If you have high cholesterol levels, it is recommended to constantly consume dandelion honey, which will help remove and free blood vessels from cholesterol plaques. An additional favorable point will be a decrease in blood pressure and its normalization.

Restoring the nervous system after stress

Dandelion honey is an excellent soothing and tonic. It can be added to tea or consumed in its pure form with warm water or milk thistle infusion.

Beauty Recipes

Dandelion honey is very often used for cosmetic purposes to create various masks for the face, hair and body. It is also very good as a massage product.

Effective acne mask Easily made with dandelion honey.

Mix 1 tsp. potions with 1 tbsp. pea flour and apply the resulting mixture to problem areas. After 10 minutes, rinse with warm water. This composition has an anti-inflammatory effect and soothes the skin.

For hair It is better to use dandelion flowers and leaves in pure dried form, and honey will help well as an addition to cosmetic procedures. To improve skin condition, it will be beneficial to take this medicine on a regular basis as a supplement to green tea or milk.

Very useful for getting rid from pigment spots and giving the skin freshness massage with dandelion honey. Penetrating into the deep layers of the epidermis, it has a medicinal effect not only on the upper layers, but also on the circulatory system and respiratory tract.

Before the procedure, you need to wash your face with warm water and cleanse your face with tonic. Warm up the skin a little, and then apply a thin layer of honey with massaging movements in a circle. The skin around the eyes should be avoided. You need to start from the forehead, moving down to the neck. Then massage the skin for 6 minutes. Then wash off the mask with warm water.


Dandelion honey can bring not only benefits, but also harm. The most common contraindications are:

  1. Possibility of allergic reactions. This happens in cases where a person is allergic to pollen.
  2. Diabetes and obesity are also the main reasons for limiting the consumption of this delicacy.
  3. People suffering from pancreatic diseases should avoid this medicine.
  4. Due to the laxative effect, regular use of this medicine is not possible if you have frequent diarrhea.
  5. Children under 2 years of age should not be given honey in large quantities due to the risk of allergies. But, given the good healing effect, it’s not forbidden to try a little. And if there is no response to it, treatment can be continued.

However, there is no absolute ban on taking this drug. Honey in small quantities will only bring benefits.

How to identify real dandelion honey?

Unfortunately, without careful laboratory testing, it is impossible to determine the naturalness of dandelion honey. Therefore, to be absolutely sure of the quality of the product, it is better to make honey from dandelions, the recipe for which has been known for a long time. A composition based on bee delicacy with the addition of freshly picked dandelion flowers will be especially good. To collect this plant, you must follow a number of rules:

  • the most suitable month for collecting is May, when dandelion blooms most intensely;
  • it must be collected in ecologically clean areas where there are no highways, factories and other factors that pollute the air;
  • flowers should be cut, not picked;
  • collection should be carried out in dry weather, so that there is no rain for at least 2 days;
  • the flower bud must be fully opened;
  • The flowers should be washed very carefully with warm water so as not to wash away the beneficial pollen and nectar.

If you make dandelion jam, be sure to take into account the fact that you should not subject the flowers to long-term heat treatment. They may lose all beneficial properties and substances.

Dandelion honey, the medicinal properties of which are described in the article, is an extremely useful and indispensable product that can be made at home. For many diseases, including cancer, this drug will be the most effective medicine in the family medicine cabinet. And its small list of contraindications makes this delicacy not only tasty, but also the most frequently consumed at any age.