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Mistletoe tincture. Description of the mistletoe plant with photos - use in traditional medicine recipes

The plant is found in Western and Central Europe, as well as Malaya and East Asia. In Russia, the plant grows in the southern regions of the Black Earth Region, but is extremely rare in other regions. The medicinal properties of the plant are recognized not only by folk, but also official medicine. Used to obtain medicines leaves and young shoots of the plant.

Chemical composition of mistletoe

The medicinal properties of white mistletoe, like any other medicinal plant, depend on what chemical substances are included. Since the plant is used not only in folk, but also traditional medicine, then it is very well studied. The following substances beneficial to humans have been identified in white mistletoe: gamma-aminobutyric acid, choline, acetylcholine, terpenoids, ursulinic acid, betulinic acid, rhamnetin, caffeic acid, chlorogenic acid, tyramine, lupanin, flavonoids, quercetin, histamines, mucus, biogenic amines, gum, trace elements and vitamins. All components in the plant complement each other’s action, which is why mistletoe is particularly powerful medicine from many diseases.

Contraindications to taking medications based on mistletoe

It is not always possible to use preparations prepared from the plant. Mistletoe is poisonous plant, because of which violation of contraindications can be very expensive. It is strictly forbidden to take medications from mistletoe when the following diseases and conditions are present:

  • period of bearing a child;
  • lactation period;
  • children's age (up to 14 years);
  • reduced arterial pressure(hypotension);
  • asthenia;
  • thyroid insufficiency;
  • allergic reaction to the plant.

In addition to observing contraindications, it is important to remember that an unauthorized increase in the concentration of drugs prepared from mistletoe, as well as prolonging the duration of therapy, is not allowed, as this can easily lead to an overdose toxic substances, which are sufficient in the plant. If an overdose does occur, you should immediately seek medical advice. medical assistance, because otherwise the consequences could be very serious and dangerous. Ideally, in order not to harm yourself when using medications based on mistletoe, you should first consult with your doctor, since the effect of the plant on the body is very strong.

What does mistletoe help with?

The unique composition of the plant makes it an excellent cure for many diseases. Today, the shrub has been studied in detail, and it is prescribed as a remedy: sedative, restorative, hemostatic, analgesic, antitumor, regenerating, vasodilator, tonic, anti-sclerotic and anti-inflammatory. Since all components of mistletoe complement each other, preparations based on it turn out to be powerful and are used in various fields of medicine.

The use of white mistletoe in the treatment of oncological diseases. Today it has been scientifically proven that a plant-based medicine can high efficiency slow down development cancerous tumor, and when treated with initial stage and completely stop its growth. In addition, mistletoe helps prevent metastasis, which greatly increases the effectiveness of treatment. For this reason, the plant is used in complex therapy illness. However, it is important to remember that it is unacceptable to replace traditional treatment cancer using mistletoe alone.

The plant will also be useful for diseases nervous system such as hysteria and neurosis. Medicines prepared from mistletoe can relieve stress, restore sleep and normal work nervous system. In case of epilepsy, the plant helps to significantly reduce the frequency of attacks and their strength, and sometimes (with mild form diseases) and completely removes them. For this reason, a number of pharmacies medicines for diseases of the central nervous system, components from mistletoe are included.

The ability of the plant to stop bleeding has been known for a long time. Therefore, mistletoe is used to eliminate pulmonary, intestinal and hemorrhoidal bleeding of weak and medium intensity ( heavy bleeding is treated only in a hospital setting and is often surgically). By quickly thickening the blood, mistletoe preparations allow the rapid formation of a blood clot, which will clog damaged vessels and stop bleeding.

The property of the plant to dilate blood vessels allows it to be used to get rid of high blood pressure, as well as vascular and cardiac spasms. Mistletoe also allows you to quickly strengthen the heart muscle, and therefore is recommended for use during the recovery period after a heart attack and stroke.

As an effective anti-inflammatory drug, medications based on mistletoe are used in the treatment of diseases musculoskeletal system. Already after the first dose of the medicine, the patient, thanks to the analgesic properties of the plant, experiences a significant improvement in his condition, and after completing the full course of treatment, even complete healing or relieving the exacerbation.

Mistletoe will also be useful in the treatment of diseases such as pulmonary tuberculosis and bronchial asthma. Due to the fact that the plant relieves inflammation and dilates blood vessels, the nutrition of the tissues of the bronchi and lungs improves, which significantly increases local immunity and the body itself begins to very effectively get rid of the tuberculosis pathogen. Bronchial asthma, which occurs due to sluggish, unremovable inflammation, subsides, since mistletoe is a powerful anti-inflammatory agent, which is more effective than most medications.

The plant is also used for diseases gastrointestinal tract when a phenomenon such as diarrhea occurs. Medicines based on mistletoe have excellent astringent action and therefore stop loose stools in an extremely short time.

You can also use mistletoe to get rid of worms in the intestines and liver. The components in the plant lead to the rapid death of pests in the body and their eggs, making it possible to get rid of them in an extremely short time.

Mistletoe is also used in gynecology for excessive menstrual bleeding and during menopause. Also, sometimes doctors prescribe a plant-based composition to eliminate uterine fibroids and cervical erosion, as part of complex treatment pathology.

Mistletoe also helps in preventing vascular atherosclerosis by removing it from the body bad cholesterol, which causes the formation of plaques on inside vascular wall, which causes circulatory failure. Marked interesting feature plants: mistletoe helps dissolve existing plaques, and therefore it can be used not only for prevention, but also for the treatment of atherosclerosis.

Externally, compositions based on white mistletoe are used as an analgesic, antiseptic, regenerating and anti-inflammatory agent that can relieve wounds and trophic ulcers, as well as cracks in the skin, boils and burns. At correct use With this medicine, healing occurs very quickly, and at the same time, due to the fact that the components of the plant soften the tissue, scars do not form.

How to use mistletoe correctly

There are several ways to prepare medicine from mistletoe. The choice depends on the disease.

Decoction for general strengthening and external use for wounds and ulcers

Pour a dessert spoon of plant material into a glass of just boiled water. Heat to a boil, boil for 2 minutes and leave covered for 30 minutes. Next, strain. Take a tablespoon 3 times a day.

If the medicine is used to treat skin lesions, rinse with it. sore spot 2 times a day, and also make lotions with broth at night until complete recovery.

Oral administration is carried out for 2 weeks.

Infusion to eliminate problems with the central nervous system

Pour 2 teaspoons of plant material into a glass cold water, leave for 12 hours. Filter thoroughly through gauze and drink a tablespoon after meals: 2 times a day for mild disorders; 3 times a day – for severe ones. The duration of treatment is selected by the doctor individually for each patient.

Composition for douching for female diseases

Pour 2 tablespoons of mistletoe into a liter of just boiled water. Warm in a water bath (15 minutes) and leave covered for 45 minutes. Strain. Use for douching morning and evening, diluting warm water by 1/2 volume. At least 200 ml of the composition should be used per procedure. The duration of treatment, depending on the disease, can range from 2 weeks to 2 months.

Preparation of medicinal raw materials

The plant can be purchased at the pharmacy in a form prepared for preparing home remedies, or you can collect it and dry it yourself. The collection of mistletoe should be carried out in autumn and winter, since at this time the damage to the plant will be minimal, and it can soon be used again to obtain plant raw materials. You only need to harvest young shoots along with leaves, cutting off no more than 1/4 of the entire mass of the plant. The shoots can be broken off at the junction with the old branch or you can use pruning shears. It is necessary to dry the collected plant materials by spreading them in a thin layer on a cotton cloth in a dark, ventilated room. It is also allowed to use electric dryers, drying harvested shoots in them at minimum temperatures. Harvested mistletoe should be stored in linen bags or hermetically sealed containers in a dry, dark place for no more than 2 years. If the raw material changes its color, smell or becomes moldy during storage, then it is necessary to throw it away, since it will do nothing but harm.

Under no circumstances should you collect mistletoe near highways, within large metropolitan areas, or near industrial plants. The plant reacts sensitively to the environmental situation, absorbs exhaust gases, which affects the medicinal properties bush. It is better to collect mistletoe in late autumn or winter. Some sources indicate that collection should be carried out in the spring, but this is incorrect, too young shoots have not yet gained strength, concentration useful substances there is little in them. The raw materials for harvesting are new shoots ( last year) and leaves. Fruits for homemade The use of medications is not recommended. Young stems are easily torn off and move away from the main trunk without any problems. That is why collecting shoots is not difficult, even if the mistletoe nest is located high. To do this you will need a long hook or pruning shears.

After collecting, young shoots and leaves must be thoroughly dried; they are left on paper in a well-ventilated place. Before storing mistletoe for long-term storage, the raw materials must be thoroughly dried, otherwise the future medicine will begin to rot and mold. If you are going to prepare an infusion or decoction, do it immediately without drying the shoots. Dried raw materials should be stored in canvas bags in a dark and cool place.

How to prepare medicine from mistletoe?

The plant is widely used in pharmacology; it is used to prepare various shapes medications. Dried mistletoe can be bought at a pharmacy; the essence of the plant is often used in treatment. This is a natural extract that has a potent effect; you can drink this medicine only as prescribed by a homeopathic doctor. In addition, mistletoe can be presented in the form of compressed tablets.

At home, mistletoe medicine is either a decoction or an alcohol tincture. Each of dosage forms has its own characteristics and advantages. The decoction is quickly prepared and can be used in treatment on the same day. But the infusion is perfectly stored; one bottle of alcoholic medicine will last for a long time. Preparing a decoction is not difficult - you need to pour boiling water over three tablespoons of dry raw materials and let it brew for at least an hour; it is better to brew the decoction in a thermos. Ready decoction Store for no more than three days, drink half a glass in the morning and evening.

The tincture is prepared with alcohol or vodka. Take a dark glass bottle and fill it with raw materials, fill it with a high-proof drink and leave it in a cool place for 25-30 days. Shake the bottle periodically to make the tincture more concentrated. When the medicine is ready, it should be strained and stored in the refrigerator. Storage time is 3-4 months, drink the infusion 25 drops several times a day. But what does mistletoe cure?

Since ancient times, mistletoe has been considered a miraculous plant that has been used for various diagnoses. Mistletoe tincture has always been in the traveling suitcases of any doctor and healer. But for what disorders is mistletoe used today?

Remember that mistletoe is a potent plant that has not only beneficial but also poisonous properties. Mistletoe berries are incredibly toxic if ingested fresh they can cause diarrhea, vomiting, nausea and even severe intoxication. Before use, be sure to read the negative sides this plant.

Among the main contraindications for the use of white mistletoe is the possible toxicity of the drug. Because of this, mistletoe cannot be treated during pregnancy, children, the elderly, or women during lactation. If you are using mistletoe-based medicine for the first time, start with small doses to monitor the body’s reaction, as allergies or individual intolerance to the plant may occur. If there are serious disorders of the central nervous system, you cannot drink mistletoe without the approval of a neurologist; be sure to consult your doctor in advance. You should not take medicine from mistletoe if you have low blood pressure - the plant will only worsen hypotension. Since medicines based on white mistletoe have sedative effect, you should not use decoctions and tinctures for weakness, nervous apathy, or depression. In addition, concentrated medicines from white mistletoe affect the reaction rate; they should not be used in treatment if you drive a car or are involved in highly concentrated work.

In order not to experience the toxicity and poisonousness of mistletoe, you must carefully observe the dosage of the medicine taken, not to exceed acceptable standards, don't drink mistletoe long time throughout the month, etc. Even after you've touched fresh berries mistletoe, you need to wash your hands as soon as possible. Medicine is, of course, prepared from berries, but this will require special knowledge in the field of botany and pharmacology. Preparations based on the berry are made strictly according to the recipe, under industrial conditions.

Since ancient times, mistletoe has been endowed with miraculous and even secret meanings, used in magical rites and religious rituals. Most often, mistletoe was considered a symbol of goodness and reconciliation. If you see a mistletoe bush above the doors of a house, rest assured that the owners will greet you friendly. When enemies clashed under the mistletoe tree, they had to abandon the battle that day. In the world modern technologies And potent drugs mistletoe is also popular and in demand. Use mistletoe correctly and you will get only benefits from the plant!

Video: mistletoe decoction for hypertensive patients

Nowadays, when any disease appears, we rush to the hospital. After a visit to the doctor, we go to the pharmacy and buy the expensive drugs prescribed, not knowing what to overcome of various origins illness can be helped traditional medicine. The latter offers a lot of recipes, some of which contain mistletoe. ABOUT beneficial properties This plant will be discussed today.

Mistletoe: composition

Preparations based on mistletoe are effective in treating many ailments. Traditionally, young leaves and shoots are used. We will tell you how to take it below, but now it’s time to figure out what determines the effectiveness of these remedies. Perhaps you yourself have already guessed that the secret lies in the composition of mistletoe.

It has been proven that the branches and greenery of this plant contain carbohydrates, alcohols (including cetyl, pinite, quebrachite), fatty acid, bitter and saponin-containing substances, flavonoids, organic acids, amino acids, resins, tannins, alkaloids, oleanolic and ursulic acids, viscotoxin, acetylcholine, A-viscol, B-viscol, viscerin, vitamin C, choline, beta-carotene, a large number of micro- and macroelements.

Beneficial properties of mistletoe

ABOUT positive impact It would be useful to talk about each of the substances that make up mistletoe separately. However, we will not do this, but will report on the beneficial properties that characterize the plant as a whole.

Mistletoe is famous for:
wound healing,
diuretic actions.

Often, preparations based on mistletoe are used to treat:
gastrointestinal, pulmonary, nasal, hemorrhoidal and uterine bleeding,
early menopause,
kidney diseases,
intestinal atony,
arthritis, rheumatism, osteochondrosis, neuralgia,
angina pectoris
bronchial asthma,
pulmonary tuberculosis,
atherosclerosis and many other diseases.

Due to the fact that mistletoe is characterized by a calming effect, it is often recommended to treat epilepsy, hysteria, increased excitability. Mistletoe is effective for loss of strength, dizziness and in old age.

Mistletoe: contraindications

Treatment with mistletoe is contraindicated in several cases - during pregnancy, low blood pressure (hypotension) and individual intolerance.

Long-term use of drugs based on mistletoe can cause intoxication of the body, therefore it is not recommended to carry out treatment with these drugs without breaks for more than two months.

Mistletoe: application

Mistletoe infusion for various types of bleeding

Pour 15 grams of mistletoe into a glass of boiling water. It is recommended to strain the cooled infusion. Take one spoon of infusion 3 times a day half an hour after meals.

Infusion of white mistletoe malignant tumors, hypertension and hyperthyroidism

Place two tablespoons of chopped shoots and leaves of mistletoe in a thermos and pour one and a half cups of boiling water. Seal the lid tightly and leave for 12 hours. After the specified time, the infusion should be filtered.

Take 2 tablespoons of infusion a quarter of an hour before meals three times a day. The general course of treatment is 4 months; every 23 days of taking the infusion, it is recommended to take a week break.

Mistletoe decoction for asthma, tuberculosis, kidney inflammation, hemorrhoids, hypertension and atherosclerosis

Pour a tablespoon of chopped mistletoe shoots into a glass of boiling water. Place on the fire and cook for a quarter of an hour. Strain the broth and, adding boiled water, bring the volume to the original volume, i.e. up to 250 ml.

Take one tablespoon 3 times daily with meals.

A decoction of mistletoe prepared according to this recipe will also be effective for hemorrhoidal, gastrointestinal and pulmonary hemorrhage. The dosage regimen is similar to that described.

Mistletoe for bleeding, gynecological and oncological diseases

Mix powdered mistletoe shoots and honey in equal proportions.
Take two grams of the prepared mixture no more than three times a day.

Mistletoe for leucorrhoea and cervical erosion

Grind 60 grams of young shoots of white mistletoe and pour a liter of boiling water over them. Place on the fire and cook for 15 minutes. After the broth, you need to leave it for 45 minutes, strain it and add half a liter of warm boiled water to it.

Mistletoe for hemorrhoids, early menopause, heavy menstruation, cervical erosion and uterine fibroids

Pour 60 grams of crushed mistletoe shoots into a liter of water. Simmer the mixture for five minutes over low heat. After the broth has cooled slightly (after 20 minutes), it must be filtered and poured into a bath filled with warm water (not higher than 37 degrees). It is recommended to take such a bath for no longer than 20 minutes.

Mistletoe tincture to increase potency

Pour a glass of 70% alcohol into 20 grams of crushed leaves and shoots of mistletoe. Place in a warm, dark place for two days. After the specified time, it is recommended to strain the tincture and take 20 drops three times a day.

Mistletoe belongs to the family Beltaceae, the genus Mistletoe, and is its most famous representative.

Botanical features of the plant

With the help of sucker roots, mistletoe takes sap from the host tree, receiving water and minerals from it.

In the fifth year of its existence, in March or April, the witch's nest blooms for the first time with small yellow-green flowers. They are located at the ends of the shoots in numbers from three to six. Mistletoe is a dioecious plant. The male flower is larger than the female one. The plant is pollinated by small flies, for which the peculiar smell of the flowers of this shrub is attractive. In September or October, quite large white spherical false berries with one seed ripen - up to one centimeter in diameter. Berries decorate the bush all winter.

The main role in the propagation of mistletoe belongs to birds, which feed on its berries. The berries, which are not completely digested in the stomach of the birds, fall on the tree and stick to the trunk. The root that emerges from the seed has the shape of a circle-suction cup; thanks to it, the seedling attaches to the tree, then produces a rod shoot, which, growing through the bark of the tree, is fixed in the wood and begins to nourish the sucked plant. Young plants acquire leaves only in the second year.

Usually the branches of a bush are no thicker than a pencil, but in old bushes that have reached the maximum age of forty years, their thickness can reach up to five centimeters.

In the fifth year of its existence, in March or April, the witch's nest blooms for the first time with small yellow-green flowers

Composition of mistletoe

This plant has a very complex composition.

  • Acids: gamma-aminobutyric acid, ursulinic acid, coffee acid, betulinic acid, chlorogenic acid, ascorbic acid, oleanolic acid
  • Alcohols: pinite, quebrachite.

In addition, it contains propionylcholine, acetylcholine, choline, viscerin, alpha and beta viscol, viscalbite, thiamine, rhamnitin, quercetin, biogenic amines, resinous substances, mucus, minerals, vitamins. Poisonous viscotoxin causes some contraindications for its use.

Gallery: white mistletoe (25 photos)

The healing properties of mistletoe (video)

Places of growth and harvesting features

Mistletoe is a fairly common plant.

Habitat of mistletoe

The vast majority of species of this plant live in countries with tropical and subtropical climates. Mistletoe is found in Europe. It is she who grows in Russia. Often found in the south of the country, less common in the middle zone. It is found in Ukraine, Belarus and even in the Baltic states. In the Far East, colored mistletoe grows with fruits of yellow or red-orange color.

Preparation of medicinal raw materials

For treatment, only young parts of plants, both branches and leaves, are harvested. The most best time for preparations – from November to April. Branches are broken off or cut off. Pieces of raw material about twenty centimeters long are laid out in a layer no thicker than five centimeters. Dry in protected from direct sun rays premises. They must be well ventilated. The humidity of properly dried raw materials does not exceed ten percent. Store finished raw materials in tightly closed glass jars or bags, but not plastic ones. Shelf life up to three years. Previously, raw mistletoe was stored in clay pots tied with thick cloth. It was believed that under such conditions it preserves healing properties up to twenty-five years of age.

Only young parts of plants, both branches and leaves, are harvested for treatment.

The benefits and medicinal properties of white mistletoe

People have been using mistletoe to heal themselves for many centuries. The unusual appearance of this plant has formed a special attitude among people towards it. She was considered not only strong medicinal plant, but also a talisman against dark forces. In a number of European countries various rituals are associated with it. At one time in England it was a New Year's symbol, until it was replaced by the Christmas tree.

People have been using mistletoe for centuries.

In domestic medicine, there are officially approved preparations containing mistletoe: Viscalen And Omelen used as a vasodilator for hypertension, and Akofit treats neuralgia.

In folk medicine, the scope of application of this plant is much wider. It can have the following effects:

  • hypotensive;
  • anthelmintic;
  • cardiac stimulant;
  • hemostatic;
  • diuretic;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • antisclerotic;
  • anticonvulsant;
  • pain reliever;
  • astringent;
  • soothing;
  • anticonvulsant;
  • antitumor;
  • antiviral.

Mistletoe can be used for many diseases, but one must remember that unrefined preparations can be toxic.

How to prepare a decoction of mistletoe (video)

Mistletoe is far from a harmless plant. When treating with it, you must strictly observe not only the dosage, but also the duration of taking mistletoe-based medications. The viscotoxin found in mistletoe is very similar in action to the cardiotoxin in cobra venom. Its target is the cell membrane, it literally explodes cells from the inside. But in small doses it stimulates the immune system and increases the number of killer cells in cancer patients. There are diseases and conditions in which Taking mistletoe preparations is absolutely contraindicated:

  • individual intolerance to the drug, causing allergic reactions;
  • children under fourteen years of age;
  • women expecting a child;
  • nursing mothers;
  • insufficient thyroid function;
  • asthenic conditions;
  • tendency to low blood pressure.

Mistletoe is far from a harmless plant

Using mistletoe for weight loss

Losing weight is the dream of many modern women. You can try using mistletoe preparations for this. They are able to adjust metabolism, increase diuresis, and cleanse the intestines and other organs of toxins. There is information that Mistletoe preparations regulate appetite and normalize hormonal status.

However, mistletoe preparations do not help everyone lose weight. Some people who have lost weight may simply have a placebo effect. Most likely, the effect of the drug is purely individual and selective. But it is impossible to know in advance whether the drug will help or not. So it's worth a try. The plant can be taken as tea, decoction or infusion.

Instructions for use:

  • Tea. Prepared from half a teaspoon of herbs and a glass of boiling water. After 15 minutes, you can drink the tea, adding honey or lemon to taste. Take 20 minutes before meals four times a day.
  • Infusion. Prepared the day before, take a tablespoon of dry herbs without top and a glass of boiling water. In the morning, everything is filtered and finished boiled water volume up to one and a half liters. Twenty minutes before meals, take one hundred milliliters of infusion.
  • Decoction. Prepared from a teaspoon of raw materials and half a liter of water. The product simmers for a quarter of an hour after boiling. Take one hundred milliliters half an hour before meals five times a day.


    The collection of raw materials for medicinal purposes should be carried out only in environmentally friendly regions. Mistletoe must not be picked from damaged or infected trees. The ideal time to collect is winter and autumn, but it is sometimes done in early or mid-spring. Young shoots need to be plucked along with the foliage. They are easily separated from strong tree branches. The plant nest can be removed with pruning shears.

    To dry the collected plants, they are laid out in a thin layer. You can leave raw materials in the attic or other well-ventilated area. It must be stored in a fabric bag, in a room without light and moisture. Every year the blank will have to be updated.

    Beneficial features

    Medicines based on mistletoe have the following effects:

    • calm down;
    • relieve pain;
    • eliminate inflammatory processes;
    • prevent the development of atherosclerosis;
    • stop bleeding;
    • accelerate the healing process of wounds;
    • dilate blood vessels;
    • improve kidney function;
    • tone;
    • reduce blood pressure;
    • strengthen the entire body;
    • prevent the formation or development of tumors.

    The beneficial properties of white mistletoe are associated with its unique composition. It contains mucous substances, choline, flavonoids, organic acids, micro- and macroelements, vitamins, and alkaloids.

    Treatment of diseases and contraindications for use

    Mistletoe is used to treat diseases:

  1. 1. Oncological diseases. Anti-cancer properties mistletoe was discovered at the beginning of the 20th century. It has been proven that products based on it stop the development of atypical cells. Due to this, mistletoe is used as an anti-relapse, immunomodulatory and strengthening agent. Particularly useful is mistletoe, which grows on birch trees.
  2. 2. Pathologies central department nervous system. The remedy calms and helps with hysterical conditions. It also eliminates headaches, seizures, and is used in the treatment of epilepsy.
  3. 3. Bleeding. The healing properties are used for hemorrhoids, as well as pulmonary, uterine and gastrointestinal bleeding.
  4. 4. Diseases of cardio-vascular system. The herb is recommended for use when high blood pressure, angina pectoris, during recovery after a stroke. Mistletoe remedies strengthen the heart muscle and dilate blood vessels.
  5. 5. Pathologies of the musculoskeletal system. It is recommended to use mistletoe for osteochondrosis, arthritis, gout, and rheumatism.
  6. 6. Diseases respiratory system. For asthma and tuberculosis, it is best to use mistletoe, which grows on pine or oak.
  7. 7. Gastrointestinal diseases. The product has an astringent effect, so it helps with diarrhea. Mistletoe is also used as an anthelmintic along with other herbs. The plant helps get rid of roundworms and pinworms. Mistletoe is used to treat intestinal atony and stimulate digestive tract motility.

Medicinal raw materials are useful for women who have heavy periods, uterine bleeding, cervical erosion, uterine fibroids. The product also helps during the premenopausal period. The herb can be consumed internally, and products based on it can be used to impregnate tampons and douches.

Mistletoe Remedies Prevent Atherosclerosis and Accumulation bad cholesterol. They improve metabolic processes, especially when diabetes mellitus. Medicines based on this plant are used to treat ulcers, wounds, rashes, and boils. Juice can be used to treat areas of sore joints, lymph nodes, tumors. The medicine can be instilled into the ears, or made into baths for hemorrhoids.

In cosmetology, a decoction is used to rinse hair in order to improve it. appearance and accelerating growth. Medicinal raw materials are also suitable for problem skin. It acts as an antiseptic, removing inflammation, irritation, and acne.

Mistletoe has contraindications. It should be used with caution by children, as well as women during pregnancy and lactation, as the herb is poisonous. People who suffer from diseases digestive system and kidneys, epilepsy and other diseases of the central nervous system in chronic form, you must first consult your doctor. If used incorrectly, they appear side effects in the form of allergies or poisoning. Therefore, before using the products, you should study the instructions for mistletoe-based preparations.

Herbal remedies based on mistletoe

At the pharmacy you can purchase ready-made herbal remedies from mistletoe:

  1. 1. Essence. Sold as homeopathic remedy Viskum album. Homeopaths prescribe it for neuralgia, neuritis, neuroses, convulsions, myalgia, spasms, menopause.
  2. 2. Herbal tea. Mistletoe is sold as pure form, and with various additives in the form of green tea or other herbs. Typically, raw materials are packaged in filter bags. The product is used as food supplement. It helps strengthen the immune system, stabilize blood pressure, improve the condition circulatory system, heart, nervous system, metabolism, strengthens overall tone.
  3. 3. Alcohol tincture. It is prepared from young shoots and leaves. The drug is less common than dry raw materials. You should take 1 tsp of alcohol tincture. three times a day.
  4. 4. Dry medicinal raw materials. It is sold in pharmacies in different packages.
  5. 5. Tablets. This form of medicine is quite rare. It belongs to the group of dietary supplements. It is prohibited to take pills without a doctor's permission due to their high toxicity.

Traditional medicine recipes

You can prepare other medicines yourself at home. Most popular recipes:

  1. 1. Infusion. Intended for oral and external use. For cooking you need 2 tsp. dry raw materials, pour one cup of cold water and leave for 12 hours, then filter. You need to take this medicine 2-3 times a day, 1 tbsp. l. after meal. It is prohibited to increase the dosage. Otherwise, vomiting, nausea, dizziness, and abdominal pain may occur.
  2. 2. Decoction. Intended for oral and external use. You need to pour 1 dessert spoon with 250 ml of boiling water and bring the mixture to a boil. Then leave for 30 minutes and filter. This medicine should be taken 1 tbsp. l. three times a day. The product can be used externally for abscesses, inflammation of the lymph nodes, joint pain, tumors, and neuralgia. In the decoction you need to moisten gauze, folded several times, and then apply it to the affected area of ​​the body.
  3. 3. Alcohol tincture. It is prescribed to strengthen the immune system, when gynecological diseases, nervous disorders, during the rehabilitation period after serious illnesses. Alcohol tincture quickly relieves any pain. To prepare it, you need to pour 50 g of raw material with 500 ml of vodka or alcohol. The glass container with this mixture should be left in a dark room for a month, and then the liquid should be strained. The medicine should be taken 30-40 drops 3-4 times a day. The product must be dissolved in a small amount of water.

Mistletoe and linden are used for weight loss. Decoctions should be consumed morning and evening. They are prepared as standard: 1 tsp. raw materials are brewed in a glass of boiling water. The product reduces weight due to its diuretic and cleansing effect, normalizes metabolic processes and functioning endocrine system. Before use, you should consult your doctor.