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Creon 10000 what time to take. Creon - important characteristics. Creon - contraindications and special instructions

To ensure that the food that enters the body is digested faster, doctors recommend using dozens of medications. Which one to give preference, choose yourself, having previously coordinated your actions with the doctor. Creon is one of the medicines that is suitable for use by both adults and infants. It all depends on the number of units indicated on the pack. Based on this, you can get a qualified answer to the question - how to take Creon?

How does the drug work?

Creon is sold in capsule form, so you don’t have to “enjoy” the bitterness of the components that make up the product. Based on the fact that it is prescribed to people of different ages, there are several ways to take capsules orally.

  • Take a glass of water and drink the capsule. The fact is that the substance begins to act only under the influence of gastric juice. Hence the conclusion that the capsule must simply be swallowed;
  • Infants are unlikely to know how to swallow, so it is better for them to pour Creon into a spoon and pour it into their mouth with a small amount of water and make sure that the child swallows the medicine. In this case, you should not be afraid that the granules will dissolve in oral cavity. They will safely reach the stomach and there, under the influence of enzymes, they will begin their work.

Features of taking the drug orally are associated with the specific action of the components. Since they do not dissolve in the mouth, they must be “delivered” directly to the stomach. There is an opinion that Creon is being chewed. This is not worth doing, because in this situation the benefit of the drug is reduced to zero. And don't forget to take the capsules before meals. Doctors usually prescribe it three times a day - morning, lunch and evening. For a severely weakened digestive system, this is often prescribed - use the medicine before each meal. And it doesn’t matter whether you enjoyed the “pie” or ate an apple. In any case, all the nuances should be discussed with the doctor.

For what diseases is it taken?

The fact that Creon is drunk when there are problems from outside digestive system, It's clear. Another thing is that there is a list of diseases when medicine is used to alleviate the patient’s condition.

When should you not use it?

Besides positive impact Creon on the body there are cases when it is worth abandoning it. Because in this case you will get more harm than benefiting yourself.

  • On acute stage pancreatitis, you should stop taking the medicine. In this case, active enzymes, when an exacerbation begins, will do more harm than good;
  • Exacerbation of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. In this case, you should also refrain from taking the medicine so as not to aggravate the situation;
  • If you are sensitive to the components that make up the product, using Creon capsules is strictly contraindicated. If you neglect this rule, you risk getting an allergic reaction, which will have a detrimental effect on your skin. general condition body.

There are few contraindications. The main thing is to learn to listen to your body, then the result of treatment will be much higher than blindly following instructions. In any case, do not forget to consult your doctor, who, if unpleasant consequences will help you adjust your appointment.

Side effects

To avoid troubles while taking the drug and not to ask the eternal question - how to take Creon - you need to carefully monitor the body's reactions to the introduction of additional enzymes.

Analogues of the drug

We know that Creon contains pancreatin. Look at the pharmacy for products that are similar to ours. Just don’t forget to ask your doctor about a replacement; after all, there are minimal differences between the medications:

  • Drugs from the Mezim group;
  • Pancreatin;
  • Festal;
  • Penzital;
  • Pancreazim.

To get the maximum benefit from taking Creon, we recommend following your doctor's instructions. Do not allow yourself to act independently in matters such as maintaining your own health. If they appear side effects, inform your doctor, who will help you adjust your treatment.

Video about gastrointestinal problems

In this video you will learn about the effects of Creon on the gastrointestinal tract:

Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract are quite often associated with pancreatic secretory deficiency. Digestion at the intestinal stage occurs with the help of enzymes produced by the pancreas and cells of the small intestine mucosa.

When there are not enough enzymes, the entire digestive process is disrupted. The amount of enzymes can be restored with the help of medications.

A frequently used drug is Creon. The German drug is able to restore intestinal microflora and stabilize the digestive process.

1. Instructions for use

A detailed description of the regimen for taking Creon is provided in the instructions for the drug. The dosage and total duration of the course of therapy depend on the type of disease present, the patient’s age and other nuances. In some cases, the treatment regimen is drawn up in accordance with individually. The instructions also contain information about the composition of the drug, its composition, pharmacological properties and indications for use. A separate paragraph provides data on possible contraindications And side effects.

pharmachologic effect

Creon belongs to the category of enzyme preparations, the main pharmacological property which is improved performance digestive tract. Accept medicine It is recommended not only for chronic inflammatory processes in the pancreas, but also for pathologies at the genetic level (cystic fibrosis).

The drug is widely used in oncological practice (in the treatment of pancreatic cancer or during the rehabilitation stage after operations).

Properties of the drug:

Indications for use

As replacement therapy Creon is used in cases of:

  • pancreatic cancer;
  • insufficiency of the endocrine function of the pancreas;
  • pancreatectomy;
  • Shwachman-Diamond syndrome;
  • neoplasms due to ductal obstruction;
  • decreased enzyme formation function in older people.

As a treatment for digestive dysfunction, Creon is used in the following cases:

  • bilinary obstruction;
  • cholestatic hepatitis;
  • progressive growth of bacteria in small intestine;
  • total gastrectomy;
  • the appearance of consequences of cholecystectomy;
  • fragmentary gastrectomy;
  • presence of liver cirrhosis;
  • disorders in the terminal intestine.

The drug Creon is prescribed as an additive to help ease the digestion process in cases of poor nutrition ( overuse fatty and high-calorie foods).

Creon is prescribed to patients who have undergone surgery partial removal intestines or stomach in the postoperative period.

Mode of application

Creon should be taken orally during or after meals. The medicine should be swallowed and washed down with sufficient quantity of water.

The dosage and amount of the drug is prescribed by the doctor individually, based on their diagnosis and characteristics of the disease.

Dosage of the drug in the presence of cystic fibrosis in terms of the amount of lipase:

  • children under 4 years old - up to 1000 units. per kilogram of weight;
  • children over 4 years old - 500 units. per kilogram of weight.

Take the medicine with every meal. If you have difficulty swallowing, you can open the medicinal capsule and add the granules to liquid food.

For adults, the drug is prescribed daily in amounts from 10,000 to 25,000 units. per kilogram of weight, depending on the characteristics of the disease.

In case of disorders of the pancreas, the dosage of Creon is determined based on the results of steatorrhea and the course of the disease: 10,000 units. per kilogram of weight.

To prevent constipation due to taking the drug, you should drink plenty of fluids throughout the day.

You should not change the dosage of the drug yourself, as this can lead to undesirable consequences.

Composition, release form

Creon is available in soluble gelatin capsules:

  • active ingredient - pancreatin;
  • additional components - marogol, hypromellose phthalate, triethyl citrate, dimethicone, titanium dioxide, paraffin, alcohol.

Depending on the number of lipase units, the drug may have release options:

  • Creon 10000 (150 mg. active substance, lipase activity - 10,000 units, amylase - 8,000 units, protease - 600 units). Available in quantities of 10 or 25 pieces. in an aluminum plate, or in quantities of 20 or 50 pieces in a plastic bottle;
  • Creon 25000 (150 mg of active substance, lipase activity - 25,000 units, amylase - 18,000 units, protease - 1000 units). Available in quantities of 10 or 25 pieces. in an aluminum plate, or in quantities of 20, 50 or 100 pieces in a plastic bottle;
  • Creon 40000 (400 mg of active substance, lipase activity - 400,000 units, amylase - 25,000 units, protease - 1600 units). Available in quantities of 20, 50 or 100 pcs. in a plastic bottle.

The drug is sold in cardboard packages with instructions attached.

Interaction with other drugs

Drug interactions between Creon and others medicines was not observed. Tests for joint use were not carried out with alcohol.

It has been noted that the drug can slightly reduce iron absorption. If necessary, an additional course of iron supplements is prescribed.

Creon is able to reduce the effect of Acarbose.

2. Side effects

Most frequently identified side effects the use of Creon is expressed in changes in the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract:

  • nausea reflexes;
  • formation of strictures in the area of ​​the ileocecal region (with long-term use V large doses Oh).

In addition, the following reactions may occur:

Important! If side effects occur as a result of taking the drug, you should immediately stop therapy and consult a doctor for advice.

A qualified specialist will be able to change the dosage or prescribe another drug to continue treatment.


Significantly exceeding the prescribed dosage can provoke pronounced side effects. To eliminate the negative reaction of the body, symptomatic treatment is used. Regular overdoses can change the composition of the blood and cause the development of hyperuricemia and hyperuricosuria.

If you suspect Negative consequences exceeding dosages must be carried out laboratory test biological material.

Possible consequences of overdose:

  • attacks of uncontrollable vomiting and nausea;
  • excessive drooling;
  • constipation and signs of bloating;
  • discomfort in the gastrointestinal tract varying degrees intensity;
  • allergic reactions(only with hypersensitivity to the drug);
  • sharp pain attacks localized in the abdominal area.


  • acute inflammation of the pancreas initial stage development of the disease;
  • intolerance to the components of the drug;
  • pancreatitis in chronic form.


Caution during pregnancy is due to the fact that clinical trials There have been no studies on the effects of the drug on pregnant women.

In this regard, it is recommended to take Creon during pregnancy strictly under the supervision of a doctor and in small doses.

  • If you have any symptoms of the disease, you should immediately consult a doctor. You can view a list of gastroenterology clinics on our website
  • You will be interested! The article describes symptoms that make it possible to suspect early stages presence of liver diseases
  • You may also be interested in learning more about treatment various diseases gastrointestinal tract

3. Special instructions

Impact on the ability to drive vehicles and operate machinery

The medication does not disrupt the speed of natural psychomotor reactions.

Pregnancy and lactation

The use of Creon during pregnancy is possible only if there are special indications (the risk to the fetus should be minimal). It is recommended not to take the drug during lactation.

Use in childhood

In case of liver dysfunction

The manufacturer does not indicate the nuances of using the drug for liver dysfunction.

If kidney function is impaired

There are no special indications for the use of the drug in kidney pathologies.

Conditions for dispensing from pharmacies

Over-the-counter release from pharmacies.

4. Storage conditions and periods

Kreon 25000, Kreon 40000 - store for three years.

Keep the opened packaging in a sealed condition.

Video on the topic: Creon - an expert solution to digestive problems

5. Price

The average cost of a drug is the sum of the average price of the drug in the regions of the country.

Average price for the drug in Russia

  • Creon 10,000 - 290 rubles per bottle of 20 capsules of the drug;
  • Creon 25,000 - 560 rubles per bottle of 20 capsules of the drug;
  • Creon 40,000 - 1,370 rubles per bottle of 50 capsules of the drug.

Average price for the drug in Ukraine

  • Creon 10,000 - 96 hryvnia per bottle of 20 capsules of the drug;
  • Creon 25,000 - 226 hryvnia per bottle of 20 capsules of the drug;
  • Creon 40,000 - 1,220 hryvnia per bottle of 50 capsules of the drug.

6. Analogs

By content active component Creon has analogues that are enzyme preparations: Gastenorm forte; Mezim forte; Festal N; Pangrol; Panzinorm ; Pancreatin; PanziCam; Hermital; Pancrelipase; Penzital; Gastenorm; Enzistal -P; Micrasim.

Drugs may differ in release form, price, content of auxiliary components, and manufacturer.

It is highly effective in the treatment of chronic pancreatitis. Creon facilitates the digestion of fats, proteins and carbohydrates, which in turn improves the digestion process. As a rule, Creon is available in the form of capsules that contain enteric microspheres.

When should you take Creon?

The main indications for the use of the drug Creon are as follows:

What does a Creon capsule contain?

Creon 10000 contains:

Dosage and method of use of the drug Creon

Creon is available in the form of enteric capsules yellow color. The dose of the drug Creon is selected individually depending on the severity of the disease, as well as the amount of food and the age of the patient.

Creon capsules

For adults, the average dose of Creon is from 10,000 to 25,000 IU, that is, 1 capsule of Creon 10,000 or 1 capsule of Creon 25,000 (calculated per lipase units). For adults, the minimum dose of Creon should be 20,000 (during the main meal - breakfast, lunch and dinner) and 10,000 during the intake light food. In some cases, it is possible to increase the single dose of Creon to 50,000. For convenience, you can use various shapes Creon drug: Creon 10000, Creon 25000, Creon 40000.

Creon for children:

Average dose is less than 10,000-15,000 IU Recommendations for using the drug Creon in capsules: Creon capsules are taken orally. When entering the stomach, the Creon capsule dissolves within 2-3 minutes. Half of the single dose of Creon should be taken before meals, and the rest of the drug should be used during or after meals. If you have difficulty swallowing Creon (for children younger age or elderly patients), the capsules should be carefully opened, and the microspheres of the drug should be added to food or taken with liquid. Under no circumstances should you chew Creon capsules. Creon capsules should be swallowed whole with plenty of water.

Creon and cystic fibrosis

For cystic fibrosis, the initial dose of Creon for children under 4 years of age is 1000 IU for each meal. For children over 4 years old, the dose of Creon is 500 IU. The dose of Creon for cystic fibrosis should not exceed 10,000 IU per day.

Use of the drug Creon during pregnancy and lactation

The use of Creon during pregnancy and breastfeeding has not been adequately tested. The drug Creon can be used by pregnant women or nursing mothers only under the supervision of a physician.

Special instructions for the use of the drug Creon

No effect of the drug Creon on the ability to drive vehicles was found. The drug does not have negative impact on nervous system human body. When using several drugs orally, the interval between taking 2 drugs should be at least 5 minutes. Creon should be used only after consulting a doctor. The drug Creon should be stored out of the reach of children.

In what cases should Creon not be used?

Creon is not recommended for use if the patient is hypersensitive to the drug or its components. In addition, the main contraindications to the use of the drug Creon are acute pancreatitis, as well as chronic pancreatitis in the acute stage.

What are the main symptoms and treatment of an overdose of Creon?

The use of large doses of Creon in some patients (especially in patients with cystic fibrosis) leads to the appearance of strictures (narrowings) of the ileum and cecum. For cystic fibrosis, the dose of Creon should not exceed 10,000 IU. Most often, the main signs and symptoms of an overdose with Creon include: hyperuricemia (increased levels uric acid in the blood) and hyperuricuria (increased levels of uric acid in the urine). If the above symptoms are present, first of all it is necessary to discontinue the use of the drug Creon. Then, to prevent the drug from being absorbed into the human body, it is necessary to induce vomiting artificially. In order to reduce the absorption of the drug Creon, the patient must undergo gastric lavage. Before doctors arrive, the victim should be given something to drink. Activated carbon.

Side effects when using the drug Creon

The most common side effects when using the drug Creon include: diarrhea, constipation, nausea, stomach discomfort. Extremely rare: allergic reactions (atopic dermatitis, anaphylactic shock, urticaria, Quincke's edema). As a rule, when using the drug Creon, side effects are mild and appear quite rarely.

Interaction of the drug with other drugs

There is no data on the interaction of the drug Creon with other drugs.

Expert opinion of the Polismed Medical College

We have collected frequently asked questions and prepared answers to them

How to take Creon for adults

Hello, I have chronic pancreatitis, the doctor prescribed me to take Creon 25, 1 capsule three times a day. But the pharmacy only contains Creon 40. How should I take it? It is best if you check this question with your doctor, but if this is not possible, then it is better to take Creon 40,000, 1 capsule 2 times a day. Since it is impossible to calculate the equivalent ratio of enzymes contained in Creon 25000 to Creon 40000. But the enzymes in them are the same. Just a different relative percentage and quantitative composition. At the first opportunity, notify your doctor about this, and if necessary, he will adjust the dose himself.

How to properly give Creon to a baby

My baby is 4 months old severe dysbacteriosis. Frequent diarrhea, intestinal bloating, after an examination the pediatrician recommended taking Creon, tell me the subtleties of taking Creon infant? There are no special subtleties, it is important to follow normal rules. The drug must be given with every meal. Take better capsule 10000 units. Give a child 1000 units of Creon per 1 kg of weight, that is, if at 4 months the baby weighs 5 kg, then half the contents of the capsule must be added to the food. There is no need to let your child “chew” the capsule. You can mix Creon with breast milk. Your child also needs to drink plenty of fluids.

Is it possible to use Creon during pregnancy?

How should Creon be given to a child?

Dear College of Medicine, is it possible to give Creon to a 5-year-old child to improve digestion? What is the best dose to do this? If Creon was prescribed by a doctor, then you can. Usually the doctor himself selects the dose. You need to calculate 500 units per 1 kg of child’s weight per appointment. If the child weighs 15 kg, then the dose of Creon is 7500 units. Two thirds of a capsule 10,000 units. Don't forget about drinking plenty of fluids. You can take Creon three times a day, during breakfast, lunch and dinner. The duration of taking Creon should be determined by the attending physician.

How long can you take Creon?

I have chronic pancreatitis, I have been taking Creon 40,000 for a year now. How long can it be taken and will it cause harm? You should discuss the duration, dose and frequency of taking Creon for pancreatitis with your doctor. Creon can be used once, as a course or continuously. It all depends on the severity of the disease and its course. Sometimes it is necessary to take it constantly, but adjust the dose. During remission - decrease, during relapse - increase. Sometimes it can be combined or replaced with other drugs.

The composition of the drug Creon 10000, 25000 and 40000 includes the main component: .

Additional components: , liquid paraffin, methylhydroxypropylcellulose phthalate, dibutyl phthalate, dimethicone 1000 , iron oxide red, black and yellow, gelatin and titanium dioxide.

Release form

Creon 10000, 25000 and 40000 are available in capsule form. In this case, the capsules are packaged in blisters of 10 or 25 pieces or in bottles of 20 or 50 pieces. Blisters can be packed in packs of 2 or 4 each.

pharmachologic effect

This drug is able to compensate for the deficiency in the pancreas.


This enzyme preparation, as Wikipedia indicates, is intended to improve digestive processes. The pancreatic enzymes included in its composition promote the breakdown of proteins, fats and carbohydrates, leading to complete absorption into the small intestine. The main substance pancreatin is also the INN of the drug.

According to the abstract, the capsule shell easily dissolves in the stomach, resulting in the release of many mini-microspheres. Thus, mini-microspheres are mixed with intestinal contents, improving the distribution of enzymes within the intestine.

Indications for use of Creon

The main indications for use are:

  • carrying out replacement treatment with insufficient exocrine function of the pancreas accompanying the disease - cystic fibrosis, pancreatectomy, pancreatic cancer, gastrointestinal duct obstruction due to neoplasms, Shwachman-Diamond syndrome, as well as in elderly patients;
  • symptomatic treatment of digestive disorders during partial gastrectomy, total gastrectomy, biliary obstruction, cholestatic hepatitis , terminal pathologies and bacterial overgrowth in the small intestine.


The drug Kreon is not prescribed for:

  • acute form;
  • high sensitivity to the drug;
  • exacerbations of chronic pancreatitis.

Side effects

The use of the medicine causes side effects only in in rare cases. This may appear: , gastrointestinal discomfort, nausea .

Creon capsules, instructions for use (Method and dosage)

Instructions for use Creon 10000 recommends prescribing them to small patients. In general, this drug of any quantity of units is taken orally. Dosage selection is carried out individually and depends on age, severity of the disease and type. It is usually recommended to take part of the medicine before meals, and the rest with food.

At the beginning of treatment, tablets are prescribed in a dosage of 10,000–25,000 units. When it is necessary to reduce steatorrhea and maintain optimal patient condition, the dose may be increased. IN medical practice patients can receive an average of 20,000–50,000 units of EP lipase.

During the treatment of cystic fibrosis, the dosage is determined depending on the weight. For example, when treating small patients under 4 years of age, 1000 lipase units per kg of weight are prescribed, and over 4 years of age, 500 lipase units per kg of weight with each meal. For many patients daily dosage should not be more than 10,000 units per 1 kg of weight.

Instructions for use Creon 25000 recommends taking it in the treatment of other conditions that may be accompanied exocrine insufficiency pancreas. In this case, the dose is set taking into account individual characteristics patient, for example, how much digestion is disturbed, how much fat is in the food, and so on.

Instructions for use of Creon for children contain detailed description, how to give to children with difficulty swallowing. To use this drug for children, the capsules must be carefully opened. The internal contents are mixed with liquid or food that does not require chewing. It must be remembered that such mixtures cannot be stored, so take them immediately after they are prepared. It is forbidden to crush or chew mini-microspheres and add them to sour foods- this can destroy their shell, which protects them from the effects of gastric juice.

Instructions for use Creon 40000 recommends taking this drug for adult patients. Its dosage also depends on the severity of the disease and the personal characteristics of the patient. The duration of use must be determined by the attending physician.


In cases of overdose, it develops hyperuricuria or hyperuricemia.

Their manifestation can be eliminated by discontinuing the drug and carrying out symptomatic therapy.


No drug interactions with other drugs have been established.

special instructions

There have been cases when patients treated for cystic fibrosis received pancreatin in high dosages, which caused colitis, strictures of the cecum and ileum.

For this reason, it is necessary to monitor the dose, especially when Creon 40000 is prescribed. It is also necessary to monitor the appearance of any symptoms and changes that occur in abdominal cavity. In addition, you should immediately find out how to take Creon to 10,000 adult patients and not exceed its dosage.

Terms of sale

Over the counter.

Storage conditions

Storage of capsules is permissible at room temperature, out of the reach of children.

Best before date

Creon during pregnancy and lactation

Data on how safe it is to take Creon medicine for and , are missing. This applies to any pancreatic enzymes in general. Therefore, the use of the drug is permissible only when the expected benefit from treatment for the mother significantly exceeds the likely danger to the fetus or baby.

Creon for children

An enzyme preparation is prescribed to children when they need to improve digestion. The recommended daily dosage of Creon 10,000 for children is divided into several parts and taken with each meal.

When prescribing it, parents need to immediately find out from the doctor how to take Creon for children, since the dose is prescribed taking into account the baby’s weight.

It should be noted that reviews for the child are very ambiguous. Some mothers report the effectiveness of the capsules, but there are also reviews about the uselessness of this medicine.

Creon for babies

When this drug is prescribed to children, many parents immediately have questions: what is Creon and what is it taken for? It is known that the gastrointestinal tract of newborns develops over a certain period of time. Therefore, even small deviations in the diet for infants can cause problems.

Also, mothers begin to worry about how to give capsule medicine to their infant? In fact, the pediatrician explains all this in detail and describes the instructions for the drug. It should be noted that Creon 10000 is usually prescribed for newborns, indicating the dosage, regimen and duration of therapy.

Reasons to prescribe capsules for newborns are:

  • constant colic;
  • or diarrhea with particles of undigested foods;

By the way, reviews from parents show that the question of how to give this medicine to a baby is not a problem at all. Many mothers are confused by the effect of the drug, since its effectiveness is not always evident.

Analogues of Creon

Level 4 ATX code matches:

The main analogues of Creon 10000 and other units: , Gastenorm, PanziKam, . However, this does not mean that each of them is an equivalent substitute.

It should be noted that the price of analogues can be very different and cannot incline towards the purchase of one or another medicine. The question of what can replace treatment should be clarified with a doctor. Especially when the medicine is selected for children under one year of age.

Creon or Pancreatin - which is better?

Despite many similarities, each of these drugs has significant differences. But if you know what the difference is, you can do it right choice when purchasing a medicine.

If we compare how Creon differs from, then the first is the release form. Pancreatin is available in tablets. The second difference is the concentration of the active substance, which in Pancreatin is presented in arbitrary content.

The effect of drugs is also different - Pancreatin already acts in the stomach and therefore does not fully perform its function, which is why it is considered less effective. Although its cost is much lower.

Thus, based on these data, each patient will be able to decide which drug to choose.

Hermital or Creon - which is better?

The compositions of these drugs are quite similar, but are less effective due to the type of active ingredient. Creon mini microgranules easily mix with the contents of the stomach, significantly improving physiological digestion, while other products have a somewhat delayed effect.

Which is better - Creon or Micrasim?

These products are almost identical in everything, but they differ in the dosages of their components.

For example, it contains 320 mg of pancreatin. In addition, it is a medicine domestic production and costs less.

Therefore, when prescribing this drug, it is important to take into account the high content of the enzyme, since such a difference is noticeable and can lead to complications in the digestive tract.

Creon or Panzinorm - which is better?

Another absolute analogue is. It is produced by the KRKA brand from Slovenia. This medicine is also used in the treatment of enzyme deficiency.

It is believed that each of them has equal efficiency, and which drug is suitable for treatment, you need to choose yourself, but still on the recommendation of a doctor.

Reviews about Creon

This drug is quite popular and is discussed on various forums. Reviews about Creon 10000 are especially common, which is prescribed to young children suffering from digestive disorders. Although many mothers do not understand what Creon tablets are for, they try to treat their baby with it.

It is interesting that reviews of Creon 10000 for infants are markedly ambiguous - while some mothers report that the treatment helped them quickly get rid of problems, others call it the most useless medicine. However, it does not cause harm to the child.

Patients are also actively discussing Creon 25000, which is prescribed to patients with digestive system disorders. Numerous reviews of Creon 25000 on forums are also very mixed. While some take it for complex disorders of the digestive system, most take it in cases where problems arise with digesting “heavy” food. One way or another, this allows you to improve the condition with insufficiency of exocrine pancreatic function and other disorders.

By the way, there are reports that some adult patients refuse to use this drug due to the fact that it is produced from pork pancreas. In rare cases, you can find stories about unwanted action this drug, in the form of heaviness and discomfort in the stomach, pain in the gall bladder.

Undoubtedly, patients for whom this drug brought the desired effect and helped reduce symptoms serious illnesses digestive system, they are not going to refuse to take it. An important point The therapeutic course is to follow a diet with the use of healthy foods and normal nutrition. With this approach, you can maintain your own health and prevent the development of complications.

Creon price, where to buy

The price of Creon depends on the number of units and the number in the package.

The price of Creon 10000 in Ukraine is 113-118 UAH. You can buy tablets in Moscow for 230-300 rubles, in St. Petersburg the cost is similar. This is the medicine chosen for children.

The price of Creon 25,000 capsules for 20 pieces is approximately 590 rubles.

The price of Creon 40,000 for 50 pieces starts from 1,300 rubles.

When you need to find out how much a particular form of the drug costs, you should contact the help desk of your nearest pharmacy.

  • Online pharmacies in Russia Russia
  • Online pharmacies in Ukraine Ukraine
  • Online pharmacies in Kazakhstan Kazakhstan


    Creon 40000 capsules 400 mg 50 pcs. Abbott [Abbott]

    Creon 25000 capsules 300 mg 20 pcs. Abbott [Abbott]

    Creon 10000 capsules 150 mg 20 pcsSolway Pharmaceuticals

    Creon 10000 enteric capsules 150 mg 50 pcs. Abbott Abbott [Abbott]

  1. When should you take Creon?
  2. What does a Creon capsule contain?
  3. Dosage and method of use of the drug Creon
  4. Use of the drug Creon during pregnancy and lactation
  5. Special instructions for the use of the drug Creon
  6. In what cases should Creon not be used?
  7. What are the main symptoms and treatment of an overdose of Creon?
  8. Side effects when using the drug Creon
  9. Interaction of the drug with other drugs
  10. Expert opinion of the Polismed Medical College
Creon is an enzyme preparation that is used as replacement therapy for insufficient function of the (exocrine) pancreas. Creon is highly effective in the treatment of chronic pancreatitis. Creon facilitates the digestion of fats, proteins and carbohydrates, which in turn improves the digestion process. As a rule, Creon is available in the form of capsules that contain enteric microspheres. The main indications for the use of the drug Creon are as follows: Creon 10000 contains:
  • 10000 IU lipase, 8000 IU amylase, 600 IU protease
  • Creon 25000 contains:
  • 25,000 IU lipase, 18,000 IU amylase, 1000 IU protease.
Creon is available in the form of yellow enteric capsules. The dose of the drug Creon is selected individually depending on the severity of the disease, as well as the amount of food and the age of the patient. For adults, the average dose of Creon is from 10,000 to 25,000 IU, that is, 1 capsule of Creon 10,000 or 1 capsule of Creon 25,000 (calculated per lipase units). For adults, the minimum dose of Creon should be 20,000 (during the main meal - breakfast, lunch and dinner) and 10,000 during the meal. In some cases, it is possible to increase the single dose of Creon to 50,000. For convenience, you can use various forms of the drug Creon: Creon 10000, Creon 25000, Creon 40000. The average dose is less than 10000-15000 IU. Recommendations for the use of the drug Creon in capsules: Capsules of the drug Creon are taken inside. When entering the stomach, the Creon capsule dissolves within 2-3 minutes. Half of the single dose of Creon should be taken before meals, and the rest of the drug should be used during or after meals. If it is difficult to swallow the drug Creon (for young children or elderly patients), the capsules should be carefully opened, and the microspheres of the drug should be added to food or taken with liquid. Under no circumstances should you chew Creon capsules. Creon capsules should be swallowed whole with plenty of water. For cystic fibrosis, the initial dose of Creon for children under 4 years of age is 1000 IU for each meal. For children over 4 years old, the dose of Creon is 500 IU. The dose of Creon for cystic fibrosis should not exceed 10,000 IU per day. The use of Creon during pregnancy and breastfeeding has not been adequately tested. The drug Creon can be used by pregnant women or nursing mothers only under the supervision of a physician. No effect of the drug Creon on the ability to drive vehicles was found. The drug does not have a negative effect on the nervous system of the human body. When using several drugs orally, the interval between taking 2 drugs should be at least 5 minutes. Creon should be used only after consulting a doctor. The drug Creon should be stored out of the reach of children. Creon is not recommended for use if the patient is hypersensitive to the drug or its components. In addition, the main contraindications to the use of the drug Creon are acute pancreatitis, as well as chronic pancreatitis in the acute stage. The use of large doses of Creon in some patients (especially in patients with cystic fibrosis) leads to the appearance of strictures (narrowings) of the ileum and cecum. For cystic fibrosis, the dose of Creon should not exceed 10,000 IU. Most often, the main signs and symptoms of an overdose with Creon include: hyperuricemia (increased levels of uric acid in the blood) and hyperuricuria (increased levels of uric acid in the urine). If the above symptoms are present, first of all it is necessary to discontinue the use of the drug Creon. Then, to prevent the drug from being absorbed into the human body, it is necessary to induce vomiting artificially. In order to reduce the absorption of the drug Creon, the patient must undergo gastric lavage. Before doctors arrive, the victim should be given activated charcoal to drink. The most common side effects when using the drug Creon include: diarrhea, constipation, nausea, stomach discomfort. Extremely rare: allergic reactions (atopic dermatitis, anaphylactic shock, urticaria, Quincke's edema). As a rule, when using the drug Creon, side effects are mild and appear quite rarely. There is no data on the interaction of the drug Creon with other drugs. We have collected frequently asked questions and prepared answers to them. Hello, I have chronic pancreatitis, the doctor prescribed me to take Creon 25, 1 capsule three times a day. But the pharmacy only contains Creon 40. How should I take it? Answer from the Medical College It is best if you check this question with your doctor, but if this is not possible, then it is better to take Creon 40,000, 1 capsule 2 times a day. Since it is impossible to calculate the equivalent ratio of enzymes contained in Creon 25000 to Creon 40000. But the enzymes in them are the same. Just a different relative percentage and quantitative composition. At the first opportunity, notify the doctor about this; if necessary, he will adjust the dose. My 4-month-old child has severe dysbiosis. Frequent diarrhea, intestinal bloating. After an examination, the pediatrician recommended taking Creon. Tell me, what are the subtleties of taking Creon for an infant? Answer from the Medical College There are no special subtleties, it is important to follow the usual rules. The drug must be given with every meal. It is better to take a capsule of 10,000 units. Give a child 1000 units of Creon per 1 kg of weight, that is, if at 4 months the baby weighs 5 kg, then half the contents of the capsule must be added to the food. There is no need to let your child “chew” the capsule. You can mix Creon with breast milk. Your child also needs to drink plenty of fluids. Answer from the Medical College Dear Medical College, is it possible to give Creon to a 5-year-old child to improve digestion? What is the best dose to do this? Answer from the Medical College If Creon was prescribed by a doctor, then it is possible. Usually the doctor himself selects the dose. You need to calculate 500 units per 1 kg of child’s weight per appointment. If the child weighs 15 kg, then the dose of Creon is 7500 units. Two thirds of a capsule 10,000 units. Don't forget to drink plenty of fluids. You can take Creon three times a day, during breakfast, lunch and dinner. The duration of taking Creon should be determined by the attending physician. I have chronic pancreatitis, I have been taking Creon 40,000 for a year now. How long can it be taken and will it cause harm? Answer from the Medical College You need to discuss the duration, dose and frequency of taking Creon for pancreatitis with your doctor. Creon can be used once, as a course or continuously. It all depends on the severity of the disease and its course. Sometimes it is necessary to take it constantly, but adjust the dose. During remission - decrease, during relapse - increase. Sometimes it can be combined or replaced with other drugs.


How to take Creon 10,000 for adults and children

Creon 10000 is a unique medicine that is used for disorders of the digestive system not only in adults, but also in children.

Today, every third person suffers from stomach problems. Poor nutrition, alcohol abuse and fatty foods, excess weight– the most common causes of disorders in the digestive system.

Incorrect eating behavior causes insufficiency of exocrine pancreatic function. Normally, juices are secreted in the amount necessary for the digestion of food, but if they deviate, a deficiency of vitamins and serious problems with health, the solution of which requires the use of an enzyme preparation that normalizes the digestive process. Creon 10000 is one of these medications.

Main characteristics of the drug

This medicine looks like this: hard two-color capsules in a gelatin shell, inside of which there are minimicrosphere granules of light brown color.

One capsule of Creon includes: 150 milligrams of pancreatin (from the pig pancreas), 10,000 units of lipase, amylase, proteolytic enzymes.

Creon 10000 is an enzyme agent that is used for insufficient production of enzymes by the pancreas. Suitable for treatment for both children and adults.

The drug gradually dissolves in gastrointestinal tract, and minimicrospheres with enzymes are mixed with the contents of the intestine and contribute to their better redistribution. In the small intestine, the membrane dissolves and enzymes are released, subsequently breaking down proteins, fats and carbohydrates. Thus, due to enzymes, our body is saturated with useful substances and microelements.

Indications for use

Insufficient exocrine function of the pancreas in children and adults, caused by all kinds of diseases of the digestive system, as well as:

  • cystic fibrosis;
  • pancreatitis;
  • gastrectomy;
  • pancreatic cancer.

Use by children

The drug Creon for children is prescribed for a lack of enzymes as a result of disturbances in the physiological development of the digestive system. There are complaints of stool instability, increased gas formation, heaviness after eating, belching, etc. Such children eat little, are sickly, and are underweight. Creon 10000 helps improve food digestion due to the enzymes it contains - compounds that take part in the breakdown process nutrients: proteins, fats and carbohydrates down to the smallest that enter the bloodstream.

Even the smallest children - infants - can be given the drug Creon. It is considered the safest and most acceptable remedy for them.

How to take medicine for a baby? Creon 10000 is prescribed by a doctor in small doses for a short period of time to avoid disruptions in the natural functioning of the pancreas. When prescribing, the degree of the disease and the age of the child are taken into account.

If at all Small child If you are unable to swallow such large capsules, pour the contents into milk or baby food. Make sure the liquid is not too hot! Divide the daily dose of the drug into 3 parts and give it to the baby for the first time - before meals, the second time - during meals, and the third time - after meals.

This tool usually well tolerated by children. In rare cases, side effects may occur; it depends on the characteristics of the individual person’s body. It is important that it is prescribed for children with allergies.

Results after use

With systematic treatment with Creon, positive changes in digestive processes and complete absorption are observed. useful substances. Children quickly gain weight, intestinal dysfunction is eliminated, flatulence disappears and intestinal colic.

Reviews from mothers about the use of Creon by their children confirm its effectiveness and benefits. They distinguish Creon among other enzyme medicines and note the solution to digestive problems: eliminates painful stomach problems, normalizes stool, eliminates belching.

How to use

Dosing Creon involves taking into account individual factors: intensity of disturbances in food digestion and composition of food consumed, person’s weight. Children under 4 years of age are prescribed 1000 units per day. lipase per kilogram of weight. Children from 4 to 12 years old 500 units. for every kg. Adult patients 10,000-40,000 units. with every meal.

Take the drug orally, while eating or after a meal. Swallow the tablets whole, do not crush or bite them - this will damage their enteric coating and cause mucosal irritation. Take capsules with plenty of liquid, especially if you are dehydrated.

If swallowing is difficult (in older people), it is necessary to open the capsule and mix the contained minimicrospheres with a soft, sour-tasting food or drink it with an acidified liquid. Similar products include: yoghurts, juices, jelly. Do not store food mixed with medicine, but eat only freshly prepared food.


Individual intolerance to components, in which the doctor prescribes similar enzyme preparations, inflammation of the pancreas, aggravated or acute pancreatitis. IN similar cases deterioration of the patient's condition can be observed.

At long-term treatment children with Creon, consult a specialist regularly.

Side effects are very rare. However, there are complaints of abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting, constipation and diarrhea, rash and itching, and allergies.

After prolonged use, you can quickly gain overweight body, so you must adhere to the diet prescribed by your doctor.

When using Creon by children, no particular side effects were found, and if any occurred, they were similar to the reactions of adults.

Storage conditions

Creon 10000 is available without a doctor's prescription. The drug should be stored in a tightly closed container, the temperature should not exceed 30 degrees, the shelf life is about two years. The opened package is no more than six months old. Keep out of reach of children.

Some features

The drug does not affect the ability to drive. The effect on the fetus and the course of pregnancy have not been studied. Combination with other drugs has not been studied.

In patients with cystic fibrosis taking large quantities Pancreatin preparation revealed strictures of the colon and cecum. If you notice unusual changes in the abdominal area, immediately undergo a medical examination.


Many medications have analogues - products with similar components in the composition and providing a similar effect. therapeutic effect. Creon has these: Mezim, Festal, Pancreatin.

Analogs and original drug have a price difference. The cost of analogues is much cheaper, but doctors advise using Creon. This can be explained by the precise ratio of medicinal components and the absence of bile acid in the composition, therefore such drugs are more effective and can be taken by people with diseases of the biliary tract.


Creon - analogues. Cheap drug substitutes

Publication date: 2017-01-05

You can often hear the phrase: why Creon? Analogues of the drug are cheaper! Really, why? What’s so special about it, besides the fact that the price is “biting” (the price of one package is about 290-400 rubles)? Firstly, it is worth paying attention to the country producing the drug. The product is produced in Germany, a country that is highly scrupulous when it comes to quality. And quality products, as you know, are always expensive.

(I suggest you familiarize yourself with the collection, which contains not only useful, but also inexpensive and delicious dishes with pancreatitis).

The second feature is the “design” of the drug itself. Exactly the design! After all, this is not just a coated tablet or a substance protected from instant destruction gastric juice via gelatin capsule. Most of all, the capsule is similar to the fruit of a pomegranate tree, where each individual berry has a separate shell-“wrapper” in addition to the peel common to the entire fruit.

Cluster munitions are built on the same principle. But, unlike them, the “explosions” here are purely peaceful: having passed through the stage of dissolution of the common (for the entire dose) gelatin capsule during the passage of the stomach, the substance bypasses the pylorus and enters the duodenum (DDC) in the form of mini-microspheres. And this is where the second “wrapper” for the active substance comes in handy, protecting it from destruction by the even more caustic duodenum juice, consisting of bile and pancreatic juice.

Thanks to the tiny, specially selected size of the microspheres, the substances they contain begin to act instantly. Moreover, it is activated directly inside the coma of chewed and partially digested food by the stomach. Therefore, you don’t have to swallow the medicine as an independent act, but simply mix the medicine with food.

Indeed, for some people (children, for example - and the instructions for using Creon are also provided with the item “dosage for children”) and in special cases Just swallowing the medication is already a problem. Since the capsules of the drug are in a “mini” format, the ease of its use is another reason to use it for treatment. And this is the third argument in favor of this particular remedy that restores health and joy of life.

Yes, but in the composition of the substance - unlike analogues of Creon 10000 - there are phthalic acid compounds, phthalates, known for their destructive power - including on offspring? This is true, but their content is ordinary water from the water supply is much higher - if in the preparation it is 4.1 or 8.2 mcg for modifications of 10,000 and 25,000, respectively, then in 1 liter of drinking water this dibutyl phthalate content is about 200 mcg.

The last argument is the active drug substance itself. This is pancreatin high degree mechanical and chemical purification - its purity could serve as a standard for pharmaceutical products. And therefore, in terms of “targeting” and “conscientiousness”, the work of more natural - obtained from animal raw materials - analogues of the dosage form (in particular, analogues of Creon 10000) is noticeably inferior to it.

Mezim or Pancreatin – which is better?

To answer the question: mezim or pancreatin - which is better? – several arguments should be taken into account. Natural pancreatins are natural animal slaughter raw materials, not too thoroughly technically and chemically purified from substances that are not necessary for food fermentation (and therefore ballast) - from animal proteins and other substances that can lead to an allergic reaction.

In addition to the possibility of allergization of an already suffering body, its “ballast-laden” and therefore more “clumsy” structure also results in a lower degree of its participation in the digestion process, especially in relation to fats. But in the breakdown of proteins and starch, the power of the first remedy is greater.

As for the situation with adverse reactions and contraindications, then the question is: mezim or pancreatin, which is better? – there are no significant differences between them (they are similar). As you can see, the nuances here are so subtle that the question of preferring one medication to another must be decided by the doctor. Based on the analysis of the conducted necessary research.

Instructions for use of Creon: dosage for children

The drug can also be used by children suffering from exocrine hypofunction - pancreatic insufficiency - as a multienzyme agent to achieve maximum absorption in the small intestine of fats, proteins and carbohydrates broken down by it. Because the American Agency for Quality Control and Safety of Medicines and Products has confirmed the absolute safety of using the product even by newborn children.

As for the dosage, the frequency and volume of the dose taken is determined by the doctor, based on the volume and composition of the food the patient usually takes and the effect obtained, as well as the stage and form of the gastrointestinal tract disease. The patient must comply with the main condition to achieve the effect of treatment - take the microcapsules correctly.

Correct means:

  • without opening them, and in particularly difficult cases - adding them to liquid food that does not require chewing or a liquid with a pH of no more than 5.5 (not too high level acidity);
  • without storing, but immediately consuming food with mini-microspheres mixed in it

How to take Creon 10,000 for adults?

In addition to the dosage for children, the instructions for use of Creon tell you how to take Creon 10,000 for adults. Based on it, adults should take Creon 10,000 with at least three meals, observing the dose prescribed by the doctor (both the total daily dose and for each dose separately).

It is also necessary to remember: an adult started taking Creon 10000, as soon as this happened, the risk of developing gout increases significantly - active substance helps to raise the level of uric acid in the blood and tissues. But in some cases, for example, with chronic pancreatitis, the risk of developing gout is much lower than the risk of developing a cancerous process in the pancreas.

It should be noted that this happens when used for a sufficiently long time and uncontrolled - doctor’s supervision is necessary not only in the “children’s” case, but also in the “adult” case! And also - in addition to the dosage for children - the instructions for using Creon contain information about the chemical ingredients included in the form, honestly informing that it contains compounds that lead - with long-term use - to impaired absorption of iron into the blood from the food consumed, so you should be concerned on the prevention of anemia.

When treating for cystic fibrosis - or in other cases of taking more than 10,000 IU of lipase per day per kg of body weight - it is also recommended to monitor for unusual phenomena in the abdominal cavity and notify the attending physician about them.

The same instructions inform about the safety of using the product for the driver. vehicle or for managing the operation of any mechanisms.

So why are analogues of the drug Creon cheaper? The answer to this question is the quintessence of all of the above, which allows us to draw a logical conclusion: because the dosage form with this name has not only been thoroughly tested and approved by scrupulous German experts, but has also earned the trust of the patients themselves.


Creon - instructions for use

Creon is a drug used for replacement therapy when the pancreas does not produce enough enzymes to break down food.

Creon is made from pork pancreatin. The drug is produced in the form of two-color capsules, which are filled with beige mini-microspheres. These minimicrospheres are covered with a shell that dissolves when ingested, releasing a large number of smaller mini-microspheres, the shell of which is split only in the intestines, releasing the active substance. This complex structure The drug allows it to better mix with the contents of the stomach and enter the intestines in this form, and there the released enzymes begin to exhibit amylolytic, lipotic and proteolytic activity.

Creon contains a complex of substances similar to natural pancreatic inclusions. Each capsule of the drug contains a certain amount of enzymes, and the dosage fixed in the name indicates the amount of lipase in the composition. Thus, the name Creon 25000 “speaks” that 1 capsule contains 25,000 units of lipase.

Types produced by Creon:

Creon 10,000 - capsules containing 150 mg of pancreatin, which has enzymatic activity (10,000 units of EP lipase, 600 units of EP protease and 8000 units of EP amylase);

Creon 25,000 - capsules containing 300 mg of pancreatin, which has enzymatic activity (25,000 units of EP lipase, 1000 units of EP protease and 18,000 units of EP amylase);

Creon 40,000 - capsules containing 400 mg of pancreatin, which has enzymatic activity (40,000 units of EP lipase, 1,600 units of EP protease and 25,000 units of EP amylase).

The granule core contains macrogol 400, the granule shell consists of hypromelose phthalate, cetyl alcohol, dimethicone 1000 and triethyl citrate. The capsule shell contains gelatin, iron oxide, titanium dioxide and sodium lauryl sulfate.

Creon application

Due to its promotion of the breakdown of fats, carbohydrates and proteins, Creon is prescribed for replacement therapy against the background of a lack of enzymes for:

Chronic pancreatitis;

Cystic fibrosis;

Condition after gastrectomy;

Condition after pancreatectomy;

Shwachman-Diamond syndrome;

Pancreatic cancer;

Duct obstruction due to neoplasms;

IN old age.

Creon is also used for symptomatic treatment at:

Partial gastrectomy;

Conditions after cholecystectomy;



Cholestatic hepatitis;

Liver cirrhosis;

Total gastrectomy;

Pathologies of the small intestine;

Overgrowth of bacteria in the small intestine.

In children the drug is used:

In case of severe syndrome of impaired functioning of the pancreas due to its underdevelopment;

How aid, with dysbacteriosis, accompanied by active reproduction of pathogenic microflora in the intestines;

Occasionally to relieve colic and defecation disorders in infants.

Creon instructions for use

The prescribed treatment regimen depends on the type and severity of the disease, as well as the patient’s diet. To ensure ease of use, Creon is available in three types, which differ in the content of the active substance and, as a result, in enzymatic activity.

It is necessary to take Creon with any meal, be it main or additional.

Capsules should be swallowed whole with plenty of water. If the patient cannot swallow the capsule, then it is allowed to open it and mix the contents with liquid food or water. Storing the drug in this form is prohibited and should be taken immediately.

During therapy with Creon, it is necessary to increase the amount of fluid consumed to prevent constipation.

On average, adults are prescribed 10,000 to 40,000 units of lipase per meal.

Since there is not enough information about the effects of Creon on the body of a pregnant woman and the fetus, taking it during this period is not recommended. Breastfeeding women can take the drug, as it does not have a systemic effect on the body.

Creon does not interact with other medications taken.

Creon 10000 and Creon 25000

Creon 10,000 is usually used by adults, 2 capsules with the main meal and 1 with each snack. Daily dose it can be from 4 to 15 capsules.

Creon 25,000 at the beginning of treatment is used similarly to Creon 10,000, and then the dose begins to be gradually reduced at positive results treatment.

Side effects

The most common side effect is abdominal pain. Constipation, diarrhea, nausea, and allergic reactions are much less common.

Creon for children

IN childhood Prescribe Creon 10,000, selecting the dose individually for each child. It is recommended not to exceed 10,000 units per 1 kilogram of the child’s weight per day. At the same time, the dose for 1 dose is calculated for children under 4 years of age - 1 thousand lipase units per 1 kg of weight, and upon reaching 4 years of age - 500 lipase units per 1 kg of weight.

It is advisable to swallow the capsules whole during meals with a sufficient amount of water. But children are allowed to mix the contents of the capsule with liquid food or water, since children often cannot swallow a whole capsule.

Rarely and only when there is a proven need, the use of Creon is also prescribed for infants. In this case, the doctor must very carefully calculate the dose, taking into account the child’s weight and severity enzyme deficiency.

Creon analogues

Various manufacturers medicines A large number of Creon analogues are produced. Among them, the most famous are: Pancreatin, Mezim Forte, Gastenorm Forte, Panzinorm, Pankrenorm, Ermital. When choosing a drug from the list of analogues, you must study their instructions to clarify possible differences in the regimen of use, contraindications, side effects, etc. You should know that the advantage of Creon is the structure of mini-microspheres, which mix much better with food and exert their effect much faster and with better quality.

Creon price

Creon can be found in any pharmacy in Russia and Ukraine. In this case, you will not be required to provide a prescription from a doctor.

Prices for the drug in Russia:

Creon 10000 (20 capsules) – 280-304 rubles;

Creon 25000 (20 capsules) – 567-588 rubles;

Creon 40000 (50 capsules) – 1360-1420 rubles.

Cost of medicine in Ukraine:

Creon 10000 (20 capsules) – 97-125 hryvnia;

Creon 25000 (20 capsules) – 184-238 hryvnia;

Creon 40000 (20 capsules) – 230-276 hryvnia.

Creon reviews

I'm suffering chronic pancreatitis from early childhood. I haven’t tried anything during this period. Creon suited me best. Thanks to it, pain quickly passes during an exacerbation of the disease.

The pediatrician prescribed the use of Creon when the baby was 3 months old, as she suffered from diarrhea and the milk was not completely digested. I gave it to her for 10 days, mixing it with expressed breast milk. After this treatment, a repeat stool analysis was already excellent. I didn't have to use it anymore.

I treated my grandmother’s cholecystitis with Creon, since the gastroenterologist said that Creon, and not its analogues, is best suited for older people. After a 2-week course of treatment, my grandmother felt much better. So we were satisfied with the drug and it was worth the money spent.

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