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Severe dysbacteriosis. Folk remedies can also help. Symptoms in infants under one year of age

Intestinal dysbiosis is a very “mysterious” disease. On the one hand, doctors claim that such a diagnosis does not exist: this is not a disease, but just a symptom complex. On the other hand, the same doctors confirm that antibiotics and other factors harmful to humans shift the balance intestinal microflora in favor of harmful and opportunistic pathogens at the expense of beneficial microorganisms. And this is the path to development secondary immunodeficiency, which is easier and more logical to prevent by eliminating intestinal dysbiosis in a timely manner, rather than then restoring immunity and “raking up” the results of its decline.

What is intestinal dysbiosis?

For normal functioning The body always contains bacteria in a certain balance. Particularly abundantly populated by microflora digestive tract– in its absence, effective food processing and absorption are impossible nutrients in the intestines. Slim department The intestines and stomach cavity do not have bacterial contents; all the necessary microbes live in the large intestine.

These are about 500 different bacteria, which, while in optimal quantity and in a balanced ratio, ensure the functioning of the intestines in correct mode. The basis of intestinal biomass is made up of anaerobic bifidobacteria and aerobic lactobacilli.

Microorganisms living in the intestines ensure the functioning of cholesterol, fat, protein and carbohydrate metabolism, many bacteria are directly involved in the synthesis of some vitamins (B, K, folic acid and biotin), and in general microflora is important for adequate immune resistance to adverse factors.

It is from the correct balance of the intestinal “population” that produces substances that stimulate immune reactions, depends effective work lymphatic system. Otherwise, a person becomes vulnerable to numerous infectious challenges. Some bacteria work to destroy toxins, adsorbing them from the intestines, and with their deficiency, processes of self-poisoning of the body begin.

Another consequence of the onset of dysbacteriosis is the “runaway” of all kinds of mushrooms, rods and pathogenic microbes, which in the presence of an overwhelming amount of “good” microflora behave quietly, but when it decreases, they begin to multiply, causing various diseases, and not only in the intestines.

Development of the disease

A condition when the presence of disorders in the intestines is already completely obvious to the patient does not arise immediately. The imbalance increases gradually, and according to its strength, 4 degrees of dysbiosis are distinguished:

  1. The initial stage is often characterized asymptomatic or weak pronounced manifestations. At this stage, the decrease in the level of healthy flora is still insignificant, and pathogenic organisms are just beginning to “raise their heads.” If the disease is caught at this stage, its development can be stopped and quickly reversed.
  2. The 2nd degree of dysbacteriosis already represents the beginning of pathological processes. Beneficial bacteria can no longer cope with the onslaught of the “enemy” flora, which rapidly multiplies and causes the first inflammatory “bells” in the intestines. These are digestive disorders, to which the patient does not yet attach much importance.
  3. Stage 3 – the process is “in progress”, when the infection affects the intestinal walls, and digestive problems become pronounced. Symptoms of inflammation can no longer be ignored, since they cause great discomfort to the patient.
  4. At level 4 of disease severity, changes in the microflora are already so large-scale that extraintestinal disorders are added to dyspeptic disorders (nausea, bloating, diarrhea or constipation). Since the functioning of the intestines is disrupted, beneficial food elements are practically not absorbed in it, a person begins to experience weakness, anemia and other signs of incipient exhaustion of the body. At this time, the immune system also suffers, and the patient begins to be attacked by viruses and bacteria, developing fungal diseases, allergic reactions, etc.

Causes of microflora imbalance

Why does a shift in the balance of gut bacteria suddenly occur at one point or another? It is not always possible to find an exact answer to this question. There is only a list of factors that, presumably, can give impetus to the development of dysbiosis.

It is worth noting that all these reasons lead to the so-called secondary dysbiosis, when microflora disturbances are a consequence external factors And pathological processes inside the body. Primary dysbiosis, when the intestines are initially seeded with the wrong flora, occurs only in young children.

Symptoms of dysbiosis

So, by what signs can you suspect that you have dysbiosis? First of all, these are various dyspeptic disorders and stool disorders.

Intestinal dysbiosis in adults: treatment regimen

Treatment of dysbiosis is carried out in stages and consists of the following:

  • Destruction of pathogenic microflora.
  • Colonization of the intestines with beneficial bacteria.
  • Achieving the right balance and maintaining it at a normal level.
  • Then it is necessary to restore optimal intestinal function and correct the immune status.

This should be done by a gastroenterologist. To begin with, determine which flora predominates in the intestines (types of “unleashed” pathogenic microbes), and the deficiency of which specific beneficial microorganisms needs to be replenished. This determines what medications will need to be taken. Everything is far from being as simple as they show in advertising: I took Linex, and my intestines are healthy. Dysbacteriosis requires long-term and complex treatment, and each case of the disease is individual.

Treatment of intestinal dysbiosis in adults - drugs

At the first stage of getting rid of dysbiosis, it is necessary to cleanse the intestines of foreign flora. For this purpose, drugs are used aimed at destroying certain types of microorganisms in small intestine. These can be antibiotics of various pharmacological groups (tetracycline, penicillin, cephalosporin, metronidazole), antifungal drugs (for yeast dysbiosis).

Drugs such as Bactisubtil, Enterol, bacteriophages and others help suppress harmful microbes in the large intestine. At this stage, it is also recommended to take sorbents, which will absorb and remove everything unnecessary from the body.

Bacterial preparations - probiotics - allow you to seed the intestines with the correct flora. These are Bifidumbacterin, Lactobacterin, Linex, Bifiform and others, but when choosing a medicine you should focus not on advertising, but on the doctor’s recommendations, since only he knows which ones beneficial microbes you need to add.

The colonized microflora must be “fed”, for which Duphalac, Lactofiltrum, Hilak-Forte are prescribed - prebiotic preparations that contain substances that stimulate the growth of intestinal bacterial mass.

Diet for dysbiosis

By itself, successful treatment intestinal problems impossible without normalization of nutrition. An unbalanced diet is one of the factors that provokes dysbiosis. Therefore, follow the rules therapeutic diet necessary from the first day of treatment of the disease.

Dysbiosis is not a disease; it is an imbalance of the intestinal microflora, which occurs under the influence of various factors, and yet treatment of dysbiosis is necessary. Up to 20 types of different bacteria, both beneficial and harmful, live in our intestines.

If the advantage of lactobacilli and bifidobacteria over staphylococci, E. coli, and various fungi remains, then the body works harmoniously and has high immunity. If there is an excess of pathogenic microbes, intestinal functions are disrupted, and then we talk about dysbiosis. Read more about the treatment of dysbiosis in our article.

Causes of dysbiosis

What determines the ratio of “beneficial” and “harmful” microbes in the body? The main reasons are:

  • gastrointestinal diseases (pancreatitis, ulcers, gastric dehydration);
  • uncontrolled use of antibiotics;
  • alcohol abuse;
  • unfavorable environment.


Bloating, which persists for almost a day, pain and colic in the intestines, constipation or swamp-colored diarrhea with a pungent odor and particles of undigested food.

Sometimes flatulence is accompanied by nausea, apathy, weakness, and rapid heartbeat.

If measures are not taken to eliminate the cause of intestinal problems, then salmonellosis, dysentery, and decreased immunity may develop.

How to treat dysbiosis

The main task in the treatment of dysbiosis is the destruction of microorganisms harmful to humans, cleansing of poisons and toxins contained in the body, and repopulating the microflora with beneficial bacteria.

For this you will need strict adherence diets and an arsenal of folk remedies, from which everyone will find what suits them best.


The diet includes vegetables and fruits, which contain large amounts of fiber. These are apples, carrots, beets, pumpkin, greens. But it is better to consume them after heat treatment, because in their raw form they will cause fermentation in the intestines.

Add onions and garlic to every dish that suits your taste, as they cope well with putrefactive processes in the body.

Should be established drinking regime, the volume of water drunk should be at least one and a half liters per day.

Will bring great benefits to the body dairy products: kefir, fermented baked milk, yogurt, yoghurt should always be on your menu.

The number of meals should be increased to five times, but try to take small portions so as not to overeat.

Completely exclude fried and fatty foods, baked goods and confectionery sweets, sparkling water, smoked and pickled foods. Such food causes fermentation and rotting of food residues in the intestines.

Steamed, boiled or baked dishes will benefit.

There are many folk recipes talking about how you can treat it successfully at home.


They have different effects, so you need to know the reason that caused the microflora imbalance.

To destroy pathogenic flora in the intestines, you need to use antimicrobial herbs. These include:

  • the color of chamomile, St. John's wort and sage;
  • eucalyptus (leaves);
  • coltsfoot (tops with flowers);
  • calamus (rhizome).

These same herbs relieve inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract. Fruit drinks made from sour berries: cranberries, blueberries, raspberries, strawberries also have a bactericidal effect.

For diarrhea, the following are used: burnet root, pomegranate skin, oak bark, bird cherry berries, which give an astringent effect.

If the problem is constipation, then to relieve intestinal cramps and to stimulate stool, you need to take seeds of dill, anise, fennel, and mint leaves.

All herbs are brewed the same way: a tablespoon of raw material per 200-250 ml of boiling water, kept in a water bath for 15 minutes. A glass of infusion is divided into three parts and a third of the glass is taken half an hour before meals.

Herbs can be taken in different combinations, combined to create an individual collection.

To destroy pathogenic flora, you should take one of the following fees for a couple of weeks:

  1. Oak bark, gray alder cones, bird cherry berries are taken in equal quantities. A tablespoon of the mixture is poured into a glass of boiling water, then it must be kept in a water bath for 15 minutes. After cooling, the infusion is taken throughout the day in arbitrary proportions, several sips at a time. You need to drink a glass of this medicinal drink per day.
  2. Chamomile, caraway fruits, blueberry and bird cherry leaves and berries. Take equal parts of all ingredients, brew and use in the same way as in the first recipe.

After you have destroyed pathogenic microbes, you need to cleanse your body of toxins. For this purpose, one of two corresponding fees is applied.

For diarrhea

For diarrhea: take 3 parts of knotweed herb, arnica and bird cherry flowers, 2 parts of chamomile and yarrow, 1.5 parts of sage and 1 part of violet. 2 tablespoons of the mixture are steamed in a thermos with 0.5 liters of boiling water. Take 100-150 grams before meals (30 minutes) in the morning, lunch and evening.

For constipation

For constipation: mix 4 parts flax seed with 3 parts hay and 2 parts joster fruits (berries). Pour boiling water (500 ml) into a couple of tablespoons and leave on low heat for 20 minutes. They are accepted in the same way.

The colon cleansing process takes 2-3 weeks.

Final stage Treatment of dysbiosis is the colonization of the intestines with beneficial bacteria. Here the emphasis should be on fermented milk products. You can include the use of lacto and bifid medications.

Treatment with garlic

Garlic is a natural antioxidant. It can be consumed one clove per meal on an empty stomach at the beginning and end of the day. There is no need to chew it, take it with water or kefir, like a tablet. You need to do this for 10-15 days.

This treatment is not suitable for people with stomach ulcers or duodenum, renal failure, mucosal erosion.

Treatment with honey

Nature has given us a wonderful antibiotic. Honey has antimicrobial, healing, anti-inflammatory properties. It has a beneficial effect on intestinal motility, gently restoring its peristalsis. Similar action has propolis, which has an immunostimulating effect.

2 times a day after morning and evening reception During meals, you should drink a glass of water, in which you should dissolve a teaspoon of propolis honey. The course of treatment is 45 days.

Well-proven methods include treatment with horseradish root. Pour 300 grams of grated root into a liter of water at room temperature and leave for 24 hours. Then strain the infusion and take 5 ml no more than three times a day, this is a teaspoon.

Rapid improvement occurs when treated with dill. Grind the plant seeds and mix with an equal amount olive oil. Take a teaspoon before meals. Heartburn and belching go away, bloating disappears, and stool returns to normal almost after a few days.


This is an extreme way to get rid of dysbiosis, but the most useful. For several days you need to drink water without taking any food.

You need to come out of fasting gradually, starting to take soft fruits. Bananas are great for this purpose. On the second day, vegetables are added, on the third - porridge. Food should be taken in small portions, avoiding overeating.

Of course, traditional methods work slowly, but they bring undoubted benefits. Knowing how you can cure intestinal dysbiosis at home folk ways, you can choose the most suitable one for yourself.

An imbalance between beneficial obligate and opportunistic facultative intestinal flora is called dysbiosis. In obvious or hidden form, it probably developed in every person - after infections, treatment with antibiotics or during exacerbation of stomach diseases, pancreatitis, cholecystitis. We have already looked at it, now let's talk about treatment. Is it necessary to treat intestinal dysbiosis and, if so, how? We'll tell you in this article.

Dysbacteriosis is a syndrome that develops as part of the underlying disease, which, first of all, needs diagnosis and treatment - be it dysentery or peptic ulcer stomach, chronic stress, poor nutrition, antibiotic use.
At mild degree microbial imbalance, eliminating these causes will be enough for the intestinal flora to return to normal. In addition, to speed up recovery processes, a functional diet, pre- and probiotics are recommended.

Functional diet

To promote the proliferation of “useful” flora in the intestines, it is necessary to enrich the diet with fruits, vegetables and dairy products.

For normal height and reproduction of obligate flora are necessary alimentary fiber and pectin, which are found in vegetables, fruits, cereals and algae, as well as amino acids - arginine, glutamine, which soy milk is rich in, in particular. Dairy products enriched with them - kefir, cottage cheese, yogurt - help to compensate for the deficiency of bifidobacteria and lactobacilli.


This is the name for substances that come with food, are not digested in the intestines, but serve as a nutrient medium for obligate flora. These include inulin, lactulose, galactose, fructose isomers, and other oligosaccharides. They're in enough large quantities are found in dairy products and cereals - in particular, wheat and corn, onions and garlic, chicory. At the pharmacy you can buy duphalac (lactulose preparation) or dietary supplements containing oligosugars of natural or artificial origin: (normaze, lactusan, prebio).


These are preparations containing live cultures of bacteria.

  1. Monocomponent: the composition includes one of the representatives of obligate or accompanying microflora (bifidumbacterin, lactobacterin, colibacterin). The duration of treatment is from 4 to 6 weeks.
  2. Multicomponent (symbiotics): they contain several representatives of obligate and accompanying flora (bificol, bifiform, linex) - the duration of the course of treatment is about 2 weeks
  3. Antagonists: bacteria that do not belong to the obligate flora, but are capable of suppressing the growth of opportunistic flora (enterol, bactisubtil, bactisporin) - the duration of treatment with such drugs is usually 5, maximum 7 days.
  4. Combined: in addition to obligate or accompanying flora, they contain substances with an immunomodulatory effect (atsipol, bifiliz) - 10-14 days.
  5. Synbiotics: a combination of obligate flora and prebiotic (bifido-bak, laminolact, maltodophilus) - at least 3 weeks.

Probiotics are not able to colonize the intestines - this is not their task. They compete with facultative flora, thereby suppressing its growth and restoring the lost balance.
But this turns out to be insufficient when severe dysbacteriosis when the amount of obligate microflora is reduced. In this case, antimicrobial drugs come to the rescue.

Intestinal antiseptics

These drugs are practically not absorbed in the intestines, suppress the reproduction of pathogenic flora, with almost no effect on the main flora.

  • Intetrix is ​​a drug consisting of three quinolone derivatives. The course is prescribed for 3-5 days, 2 capsules 3-4 times, it is recommended to drink plenty of water.
  • Nifuroxazide (enterofuril, ersefuril) is a drug from the nitrofuran group; adults are usually prescribed 200 mg. 4 times a day for a week.

Antibacterial drugs

They are prescribed only for established forms of dysbacteriosis and strictly taking into account the sensitivity spectrum of the microorganism.

  • Staphylococcal - macrolides (clarithromycin, oleandomycin), semisynthetic penicillins (oxacillin, amoxicillin), and lincomycin.
  • Proteus and modified forms of Escherichia coli - the most effective nitrofurans, described in the group of intestinal antiseptics, can be prescribed sulfa drugs(sulgin, phthalazole) and nalidixic acid derivatives (nevigramon).
  • Enterococci - semisynthetic penicillins (apicillin), macrolides (erythromycin), chloramphenicol.
  • Pseudomonas aeruginosa - aminoglycosides (gentamicin, kanamycin), carbenicillin, polymyxin.
  • Candidiasis – amphotericin B, lamisil, diflucan.


These are viruses that infect certain type bacteria. They can be combined with antibacterial therapy or use as alternative treatment. Bacteriophages are taken orally or as enemas.
Currently produced: staphylococcal, proteus, pseudomonas, coliproteus bacteriophages.


Multivitamin complexes will help replenish vitamin deficiency caused by dysbacteriosis.

Since obligate flora synthesizes water-soluble vitamins and participates in the absorption of vitamins A, E, D, dysbiosis inevitably leads to hypovitaminosis. For its treatment, multivitamin preparations (decamevit, multitabs and others) are prescribed.

Immunomodulators and biostimulants

Since dysbacteriosis is always impaired local immunity, these drugs can both reduce the number of colds and speed up the process of restoring microbial balance.
Drugs used plant origin– tincture of echinacea, eleutherococcus, lemongrass; propolis extract.

Symptomatic treatment

  • – sorbents and astringents, antispasmodics and antidiarrheal drugs.
  • – osmotic laxatives (Forlax), xylitol and sorbitol, Vaseline oil, herbal laxatives, lactulose, antispasmodics (no-spa or duspatalin) for spastic constipation, choleretic drugs.
  • For allergic reactions - antihistamines(Zyrtec, Claritin).
  • For neurasthenic conditions - sedatives (persen, valerian).

Recent medical debates about whether dysbiosis should be treated ended with a decisive: “Treat!” Modern drugs allow you to bring the microbial balance back to normal quickly and effectively. A reasonable approach to the use of antibiotics and a rational diet can be a good prevention of such conditions.

Which doctor should I contact?

A gastroenterologist treats intestinal dysbiosis. Consulting a nutritionist will be of additional benefit.

About the probiotic Linex and its analogues

Today, treatment of intestinal dysbiosis with folk remedies is considered effective method, which has practically no side effects and has a beneficial effect on the body. Restore beneficial flora without medications possible with the help of certain herbs, foods and berries. They contain medicinal substances, which improve conditions for the growth of beneficial bacteria, destroy pathogenic microorganisms and provide the intestines with the fiber necessary to ferment food. Such methods allow you to cure dysbiosis at home and normalize work gastrointestinal tract without leaving half the contents of your wallet at the pharmacy.

Intestinal dysbiosis is very appropriate to eliminate traditional methods, characterized by accessibility and the absence of harmful effects.

Types of home treatments

Herbal medicine copes well with intestinal diseases caused by microflora imbalance. Herbs have a powerful antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effect, killing pathogenic flora without affecting healthy bacteria. In addition, some plants have a mild enveloping effect, which allows you to quickly heal damaged mucous membranes. Treatment with folk remedies such as dairy products and bee products, garlic, Jerusalem artichoke and strawberries has proven to be excellent.

Medicinal herbs

The best bactericidal herbs for the treatment of dysbiosis are St. John's wort, mint, calamus root, chamomile, anise infusion, sage and coltsfoot. Plants such as St. John's wort, mint, yarrow and calendula have an anti-inflammatory effect. Infusions based on them eliminate irritation of the mucous membranes and dyspepsia, improve general state due to complex action.

Enveloping agents include infusions of marshmallow, elecampane, flax seeds, oats and angelica. Regular use These infusions will effectively eliminate the symptoms of irritable bowels and accelerate the regeneration of the mucous membranes of the gastrointestinal tract. They will reliably protect its weakened walls from various irritating factors and impact harmful substances that enter the body with food.

In order for the oat infusion to have the maximum healing effect, you need to infuse it until mucus appears.

Dysbacteriosis is often accompanied by such unpleasant symptoms like diarrhea and nausea. Medicinal herbs will come to the rescue in this case too, since many of them have a good fixative and antiemetic effect. Tannins are found in bird cherry, burnet and oak bark, decoctions of which will remove painful sensations, will eliminate acute inflammation and accelerate the regeneration of mucous membranes. If dysbacteriosis causes constipation, you should drink a decoction of herbs that have a mild laxative effect - anise, dill, senna, fennel or mint.

Honey and propolis

Honey and propolis have long been known for their beneficial and healing qualities, which are appropriate for the treatment of dysbiosis.

Honey helps restore beneficial intestinal flora, since the various substances in its composition are famous for their anti-inflammatory, bactericidal and healing properties. It affects staphylococci, streptococci, fungi and other pathogenic microorganisms without affecting beneficial lactobacilli and bifidobacteria. This natural folk remedy has a beneficial effect on gastrointestinal motility and gently relieves constipation or diarrhea. A large number of enzymes that honey contains improve digestion and have a general strengthening effect on the body.

You can also additionally use propolis, which has a powerful antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effect. For example, suppositories with propolis will help with irritation of the rectum, relieve inflammation during exacerbation of hemorrhoids and improve the immunity of the colon mucosa. Propolis accelerates the healing of rectal fissures and has a pronounced anesthetic effect.

Garlic with kefir

Treating dysbiosis with garlic is another popular method that effectively treats this common disease. Garlic is not as tasty as sweet Honey, but its phytoncides have a powerful antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effect. Daily use A clove of garlic for 10-15 days will eliminate the symptoms of bloating, and adding fresh kefir to the treatment will significantly enhance the effect of this natural antibiotic.

Garlic therapy for dysbiosis cannot be carried out if you have been diagnosed with renal failure, gastric ulcer, duodenal ulcer or erosion of the gastrointestinal tract.


Dairy and fermented milk products effectively normalize the beneficial intestinal flora, since they contain a large number of lactobacilli. Without them, the gastrointestinal tract cannot function normally, and pathogenic bacilli multiply in it at the speed of light. To cope with dysbiosis, you need to drink fresh dairy and fermented milk products every day, which do not contain antibiotics, which are often added to extend shelf life. The only exception in this case is whole milk, which in case of dysbacteriosis is better replaced with goat milk. Nutritionists recommend treating an imbalance of beneficial microflora with ayran, acidophilus and kefir, supplementing them with probiotics and prebiotics in particular advanced cases.


If you don't suffer from allergies, it's delicious. wild strawberry will help your intestines cope with putrefactive processes in it. Its antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties effectively eliminate fermentation in the gastrointestinal tract. A large amount of microelements will have a beneficial effect on erosive lesions mucous membranes, accelerating tissue regeneration and increasing resistance to irritating factors.

Jerusalem artichoke for adults and children

Earthen pear copes well with problems in the intestinal microflora.

Jerusalem artichoke or earthen pear treats dysbacteriosis well, normalizing the balance of microflora and improving the activity of the gastrointestinal tract. This plant is suitable for both adults and children over a year old. A large number of organic polyoxyacids in the composition of Jerusalem artichoke normalizes enzymatic digestion of food and neutralizes aggressive free radicals. Ground pear increases the digestive system's resistance to activity pathogens and creates favorable conditions for the proliferation of bifidobacteria in the intestines.

In combination with probiotics, Jerusalem artichoke eliminates the manifestations of dysbiosis 7 days faster than with standard drug treatment without this plant.

The human body is a habitat for many microorganisms, bacteria, microbes. According to scientists, the bacteria living in the intestines outnumber their own human cells. About five hundred species of bacteria live in the intestines, assisting in the digestion process, producing vitamin compounds, and also displacing pathogenic competitors, creating a specific habitat.

Dysbacteriosis is special pathology Gastrointestinal tract, causing a lot of discomfort. When signs are detected of this disease It is necessary to seek help from a doctor in time and begin treatment. Today, a huge amount is produced medicines, intended to eliminate the symptoms of dysbiosis. They differ in the active substance they contain, cost, duration of use and other characteristics. You should not choose your medications on your own. Treatment should be prescribed by a doctor, taking into account the test results, the severity of the pathology and individual characteristics body. Find out more about You can find out in the article on the topic.

Tablet drugs are conventionally divided into the following groups:

  • Probiotics – help normal intestinal flora reproduce faster, increase immunity;
  • Antibacterial drugs – eliminate the main provoking factor of pathology, namely harmful microorganisms.

Before prescribing treatment, the doctor must find out the cause of the disease. It is often provoked coli, staphylococcal, enterococcal and candiomycosis infections.

Used to treat dysbiosis the following drugs: Intetris, Enteroseptol, Pimafucin and Polysorb, Enterol, Levomycetin, Nystatin and Furazolin, Iberogast. These medications are affordable and high efficiency. It is important to remember that the treatment regimen for dysbiosis is prescribed by the attending doctor after full diagnostics and determining the sensitivity of a specific pathogen.

To treat dysbiosis in adults, you can take the following tablets:


These include Pepidol, Polysorb, activated carbon and Polypefan. These sorption preparations promote the binding of toxic substances and also prevent the active spread of putrefaction processes in the intestines. The course of treatment suggests using these remedies at the initial stage.


Most common enzyme tablets against dysbacteriosis: Digestal, Polyzym, Mezim and Panzinorm Forte. They help normalize digestive process, digestion of food, as well as absorption of nutrients in the gastrointestinal tract.

BS based on a live strain

For effective treatment dysbacteriosis you will need such remedies as Enterol, Bificol, Colibacterin, Baktisubtil. Their use is indicated at stages 1 and 2 of pathology. They are made from living microorganisms that create healthy intestinal microflora.


The best drugs for dysbiosis: Narine, Bifiform, Linex, Bifidumbacterin, Lactobacterin. Such probiotics are a broad group of medications that can be taken during any stage of the disease. The tablets contain strains with beneficial microorganisms, normalizing microflora and eliminating pathological microorganisms.


Normaze, Duphalac and Hilak Forte form a favorable environment for the existence of beneficial bacteria in case of dysbacteriosis. It is important to note that they do not contain strains of microorganisms. They can be taken at any stage.

Restoring motor function

For dysbacteriosis, it is recommended to take the following drugs: Immudon, Duspalatin, Meteospasmil, Trimetad. They contribute rapid recovery intestinal motility and peristalsis, which eliminates symptoms such as flatulence, loose stool and bloating.


This group of drugs includes Dekaris, Levomizole. These medicines normalize local immunity of the gastrointestinal tract. It is advisable to take it at the final stage of the treatment course to consolidate the effect.

Intestinal epithelium stimulator

The best remedy for dysbacteriosis from this group is Essentiale. This drug stimulates the functioning of epithelial intestinal cells, relieves painful attacks colic and spasms.

The listed drugs cope well with the imbalance of intestinal microflora. It's important to remember that complex treatment prescribed by a gastroenterologist.

The best medicines against dysbiosis

There is a huge amount pharmacological agents, designed to restore intestinal microflora.

The most effective drugs:


It is produced in the form of powder and tablets that do not have a capsule shell. It is not recommended to take it if you have hypersensitivity or candidiasis, as there is a risk of developing allergies as a side effect. Can be taken with antibiotics. There are no contraindications for use during pregnancy. Important condition- Keep refrigerated.

Is antidiarrheal drug, which effectively normalizes the intestinal microflora and controls its composition. Enterol can be classified as one of several pharmacological groups: antidiarrheal, normalizing intestinal flora, anthelmintic and antimicrobial. Enterol is produced in the form of capsules, powder for suspensions and solutions. It is allowed to drink during pregnancy. It can be given to infants, but very carefully.

Release form: solution in ampoules, powder. The drug is incompatible with antibiotics. Do not use for candidiasis and hypersensitivity. Permitted for use in the treatment of children from the age of three, during pregnancy and lactation. Keep refrigerated.


There are no side effects or contraindications; they are produced in capsule shells. If you have dysbacteriosis, Linex can be taken in parallel with antibiotics. There are no observed age restrictions. Store at a temperature of 25 degrees Celsius in a dry place.


Produced without a capsule shell. There are no side effects or contraindications, which is a significant advantage. Good compatibility with antibiotics is observed. Can be used during breastfeeding and pregnancy. Allowed to be given to children from six months of age.

This drug has a sorption effect. Polysorb is produced in the form of a powder, which is intended for preparing a suspension. Possible allergic reaction. As for side effects, constipation is very rare. Polysorb is stored at a temperature of 25 degrees in a dry place out of reach of children. Effect: binds and then removes toxic substances, microbial endotoxins and bacterial allergens from the body.

Hilak Forte

There is no capsular membrane. It has no side effects or any contraindications. Can be taken with antibiotics during lactation and pregnancy. Suitable for all ages. Normalizes the functioning of the digestive system and restores the balance of nutrients intestinal flora. Storage temperature is at least ten degrees.

This remedy helps well with dysbiosis. Iberogast is a collection of medicinal herbs and plants that have a tonic, antispasmodic effect on the gastrointestinal tract. Iberogast normalizes smooth muscle tone without disrupting healthy peristalsis. Usage this drug may have side effects: nausea, vomiting, diarrhea. Available in the form of drops.


The medication has antimicrobial properties broad action. It is used in treatment infectious pathologies and diarrhea. Active substance– nifuroxazide. Enterofuril is extremely effective for dysbacteriosis. Release form: suspension, capsules. Contraindications – increased sensitivity, age up to one year. If absolutely necessary, you can drink it during pregnancy.

Before using medications, you should consult your doctor.

Candles for pathology

Treatment of such a disorder can be treated not only with solutions, capsules, tablets, but also with suppositories. It is important to note that suppositories for dysbiosis have different composition: probiotics, antibiotics. Method of application: vaginally or rectally. This form has a significant advantage - enhanced local influence, thanks to which the normalization of the flora is carried out faster and more efficiently.

Rectal suppositories are designed to normalize the intestinal microflora of children and adults. There are two main groups – probiotics and antibiotics. As for antimycotic and antibacterial suppositories, these include:

  • Prostopin, Genferon;
  • Anuzol and Procto;
  • Levomycetin, Apis;
  • Kipferon, Nilegan.

Application does not cause side effects. The maximum effectiveness of the drug is observed in pathology of any stage. Do not use during pregnancy.

Probiotic suppositories:

  • Lactonorm;
  • Bifinorm;
  • Lactobacterin.

These drugs supply the intestines with beneficial bacteria and help restore healthy flora.

The suppository form has much more advantages and effects than tablets and capsules.

As for bacterial suppositories, they are usually used in the treatment of female vaginosis, which is of a bacterial nature. The goal is to restore the vaginal microflora. Antibacterial suppositories: Betadine, Terzhinan and Polygynax. These drugs help suppress fungi and pathogenic bacteria, preventing the development of trichomoniasis. Contraindication: pregnancy.

Suppositories with probiotic complex: Gynoflor, Atsilakt, Labilakt, Vagilakt. Helps restore healthy vaginal microflora after using antibiotics, when weak immunity, thrush and diabetes.

There are many drugs available for the treatment and prevention of pathologies such as dysbiosis. To drug treatment was effective, you need to visit a doctor, take the appropriate tests and strictly adhere to his instructions.