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Melt water benefits and harm to the body: properties, preparation, treatment. Freezing water in plastic bottles

The human need for life-giving moisture is great. The need for its regular use in each sphere of life forces us to look for new sources with pure drinking water. Talaya is one of them. To use it as drinking water, it is important to know the rules of purification and preparation for use.

Structure and beneficial properties of melt water

According to the formula known since school times, water consists of one hydrogen atom and two oxygen atoms, but the molecules can be connected to each other in different ways. IN ordinary water they are located chaotically and, entering the human body, form new bonds with molecules of other substances just as chaotically. In melt water they create a clear crystal lattice, interact more intensely and quickly with other substances, forming new bonds.

The unique structure of melt water does not contain any impurities, there are no calories, fat and cholesterol. This is due to her beneficial features. This liquid helps:

  • acceleration of metabolic processes in the body;
  • losing weight and cleansing the body by removing toxins from it;
  • strengthening the immune system;
  • blood purification, which allows faster circulation nutrients;
  • improving well-being and increasing human performance;
  • increasing activity brain activity person;
  • improving sleep quality.

Drinking melt water also helps in the prevention of certain diseases, in particular:

  • helps reduce blood cholesterol levels;
  • gives an excellent effect in the treatment of skin diseases;
  • solves endocrine problems;
  • helps normalize the functioning of the digestive system.

Cooking at home

One of the simplest and available ways The preparation of melt water is as follows:

To purify water at the first stage, you can also use special filters or dishes equipped with a filtration function.

In a water molecule, hydrogen can be represented in different ways: by isotopes of protium (light, clean and healthy water), deuterium (“dead” and heavy, saturated with heavy metal compounds) and tritium (water with radioactive properties). Only protium water is suitable for human consumption. There is a method by which melt water can be given protium properties so that it becomes light and useful for the human body.

Unlike protium water, heavy water freezes at a temperature of 4 degrees, so after freezing it requires special treatment:

  1. Remove the water from the freezer an hour after the first ice appears. The percentage of heavy water in the total volume is only 3%, and it freezes first.
  2. Remove the first ice from the container using a spoon or tongs.
  3. Place the released water back into the freezer.
  4. Wait until the entire volume of water freezes.
  5. Once the ice is ready, turn it into melt water possible in the same way as described above.

There is another unique way to make light and crystal clear melt water:

  1. Purify and prepare the water according to the algorithm described in the first method and place it in the freezer.
  2. After an hour, take out a container of water and remove the first ice.
  3. Then place the container back in the freezer.
  4. After 50-60% of the water has frozen, remove it from the refrigerator, pierce the ice and drain the part of the water that is not frozen in the center into the sink.
  5. Leave the remaining ice in the container to thaw at room temperature.

Turbid areas in frozen melt water are a sign that it contains remaining harmful impurities and heavy metals. Such ice must be removed.

Video: How to make melt water at home

Method of use

Melt water is consumed immediately after defrosting in small portions, warmed to room temperature. After 16-18 hours, it loses its beneficial properties and does not differ from ordinary settled tap water. In addition, its use for cooking does not make sense, since melt water loses its beneficial properties at temperatures above 37 degrees.

Ice of pure melt water is ready for defrosting and consumption

Precautionary measures

Any clean container is suitable for settling water: a bottle, a deep plate, a bowl, a jar, a saucepan, a can.

During the heating and boiling process, it is better to use an enamel container, glass (thermal glass), if it has heat-resistant properties or is suitable for use in microwave oven, or made of stainless steel. It is not recommended to use utensils made of iron, because this metal easily gets into chemical reactions with melt water.

In addition, freezing water in a metal container is inconvenient because it quickly and tightly freezes to other objects. Best choice for freezing plastic container– it will not allow water to be absorbed specific smell freezer compartment and will prevent accidental debris and excess frost from getting into the ice. You should not use an enamel container, because over time it may lose its attractiveness; cracks and chips may appear on the enamel (both inside and outside). Glassware is also not suitable because it may not withstand the pressure of ice in the freezer and may crack or burst.

It is believed that melt water, as a pure and structured substance, should only bring benefits. But there are conditions under which it can harm the human body:

  1. Water prepared from street snow. Within the boundaries of a populated area, you cannot use snow or ice to prepare melt water due to the content of harmful substances in it, which are saturated with emissions from various enterprises, car exhaust gases, and city dust.
  2. Repeated boiling. Tap water contains chlorine, which helps people neutralize harmful microorganisms and bacteria. Repeatedly boiling tap water promotes the development of oncological diseases, since chlorine, when reacting with organic substances, is capable of forming compounds, causing the appearance and growth of cancer cells.

Not a single biochemical process can occur without the participation of water in the human body. She participates in metabolic processes, carries essential nutrients throughout the body, ensures cell growth and even maintains body temperature stability. Anyone can get the necessary clean and healthy liquid, which is melt water, at home.

The quality of the water entering our homes is quite questionable. This liquid can be used for household purposes, but whether to take it orally is a question. We have to resort to various methods H2O purification. One of the methods that has proven itself many years ago is freezing.

The benefits and harms of melt water have not been studied by scientists for very long. But during this time, experts found answers to many questions. Today they tie healing properties liquid not with the presence of the “holy spirit” in it, but with the presence of a special structure and positive energy.

Our ancestors drank melt water from natural sources and had good health and energy. They were less likely to suffer from various infectious and heart diseases.

With the advent of conveniences right in the house or apartment, people have forgotten that this elixir will help extend years of life and keep a clear head. But in vain, because melt water not only has a positive effect on the immune system, improves metabolism and treats certain diseases, but also strengthens the body in general. With its help you will forget about various ailments, stress and blues.

Melt water has a special crystalline structure. The latter is quite harmonious, as close as possible to the golden proportion triangle. This water can easily change your mood environment. If you prepare the liquid with love, joy, thoughts about a prosperous future, the crystals will seem to “absorb” this energy and then transfer it into the body.

When it enters the internal environment of a person, H2O easily penetrates into cells. Thanks to its unique structure, it seems to heal the water that is already present in the tissues. This “jewelry” work contributes to full restoration forces and establishing system functions.

Positive effect on the body

Water is an essential substance for normal life person. If the body receives enough good water, then the systems function at full strength and prevent various infections. Otherwise, the population often gets sick, and illnesses become chronic.

Based on the above, we can conclude that the presence in the body of pure natural water fully in itself is the prevention of a number of diseases. And if it is melted H2O, then the recovery will accelerate significantly.

The substance has the following properties:

  • increases resistance to diseases;
  • relieves any allergies;
  • removes toxins and waste at the cellular level;
  • improves water-salt metabolism;
  • increases performance, tones the body and gives strength;
  • rejuvenates;
  • improves memory;
  • eliminates insomnia.

Melt water is successfully used for weight loss, because it, together with toxic substances and waste, can remove 2-3 kilograms. If you drink liquid 30 minutes before meals, it will help activate all digestive processes and complete absorption of nutrients.

Melt water in the treatment of diseases

Water itself is not a cure for all ailments. But it helps to get rid of them. First category – vascular problems. Taking melt water allows you to change the qualitative composition of the blood, optimize heart function, and facilitate the flow of varicose veins veins, prevent the development of thrombosis and break down cholesterol.

The substance has proven itself very well in eliminating skin diseases of an allergic nature: psoriasis, eczema, neurodermatitis, toxicoderma and others. To improve your well-being, you need to drink several glasses of melt water a day along with the main treatment. In just 3-4 days unpleasant symptoms disappear, and the disease enters a regressive stage.

It should be noted positive influence water on gastrointestinal tract. Elixir regulates acid-base balance, helps in digestion processes. When drinking water during colds and viral diseases Cough and wheezing quickly disappear, and the blood composition returns to normal.

Is there any harm from melt water?

The only point that needs to be paid attention to is the purity of the liquid being frozen. Water should be taken from a reliable source, preferably filtered. It is better not to boil, since the heat-treated substance will not bring any benefit to the body.

It is not recommended to use natural snow or ice from the street, especially in the area of ​​industrial cities. It contains a huge amount of harmful impurities. Another caveat is that you won’t be able to cook food with melt water. It loses its beneficial properties at temperatures above +37 0C.

How to use water correctly?

If you want to use water to improve your health or lose weight, you should not immediately replace the entire volume of liquid with it. Start with 100 ml per day and increase to an average of 500-700 ml.

Experts say that the maximum benefit will come from the volume, which is calculated in the proportion of 4-6 ml per 1 kg of body weight. Fill the rest with filtered or bottled water.

How to make melt water?

Preparing the elixir may at first glance seem like a painstaking process. But it is better to adhere to all these actions so that your efforts are not in vain.

So, let's describe the main stages:

  1. Take clean water. Pour it into a container so that the liquid does not reach the top. Remember that if the glass freezes completely, it may burst. If you don’t want to miss this moment, use food-grade plastic as a reservoir. It is better to refuse metal utensils as a vessel.
  2. Place the container in the freezer. After 1-2 hours, a crust with ice will form on the surface. It needs to be removed. This is the so-called heavy water, which crystallizes at a temperature of +3 0C. After manipulation, return the tank back.
  3. Preparation generally takes 8-10 hours for 1-1.3 liters of water. During this time, about half or slightly more of the water volume will freeze. The rest will be in the form of liquid that needs to be drained. It contains harmful impurities of metals and salts.
  4. Leave the ice container at room temperature. The elixir retains its healing properties for 8 hours.

If you make melt water this way, it will bring a lot of benefits to the body. It is known that A.D. Labza used a substance prepared in this way and cured himself of atherosclerosis of the heart and brain.

For all women who care about their health and slim figure, it will be useful to learn about the properties of melt water, how to prepare melt water at home, and how you can use melt water for weight loss.

Properties of melt water

The phrase “melt water” does not hide any homeopathic secrets: when a piece of ice or a mountain of snow melts under the influence of heat, a puddle of melt water remains in its place. Meltwater remains after the melting of icebergs and ice shelves over the oceans. Melt water is often found in the zone where glaciers are washed away, where the level of their snow cover decreases. In addition, melt water can result from volcanic eruptions.

And it turns out that drinking this water is much healthier than ordinary water.

The main beneficial property of melt water is that it does not contain harmful impurities that are added, for example, to tap water for its purification, and its molecular structure is particularly ordered, which makes it a source of additional energy reserves.

Another useful property of melt water is that it accelerates metabolic processes in human body. This is achieved due to the size of the melt water molecule: it is smaller than the ordinary water molecule, making it easier to penetrate the cell membrane. Unlike melt water, tap water, which we, of course, do not drink in pure form, but we still use it for cooking, consists of molecules different types, the size of many of which does not allow them to pass freely through cell membranes. Consequently, these molecules do not participate in metabolism. Therefore, when following a water diet, it is often not simple water that is used, but melt water.

The benefits of melt water

Due to the peculiarities of its molecular structure, melt water has certain health benefits for the body of any age. The benefit of melt water is primarily that its use helps the body fight the aging process. In the human body, the process of cell replacement does not stop for a second. At the same time, old, outdated cells prevent the formation of new ones. The benefit of melt water is that due to the metabolism it accelerates, dead cells leave the body faster, and young cells come to replace them.

This process causes the strengthening immune system and improving the functioning of all organs. Another benefit of melt water is that it can significantly reduce cholesterol levels in the blood. Regular consumption of melt water has a beneficial effect on brain activity and performance. Melt water has a positive effect on the recovery processes in the body; with its help, you can cope with the symptoms of allergic and dermatological diseases. And of course, drinking melt water has a beneficial effect on digestion, which means the benefit of melt water is that it can help you lose extra pounds. But more on this below.

How to prepare melt water at home

There are several ways to prepare melt water at home. The most common one is as follows. Needs to be filled out ordinary water liter container (it is better to choose plastic dishes for this, since glass can crack in the freezer) and put it in the freezer. After turning the water into a piece of ice, the container must be removed from the freezer so that the ice cube thaws. The most common is not always the most effective, and this method is just such a case. The melt water that we obtained in this way is not completely purified from harmful impurities.

Another way to prepare melt water at home: the container filled with water must be placed back in the freezer, but there is no need to wait until the entire volume of water turns into ice. Freeze until the first ice crust forms. This ice needs to be separated and liquidated; it contains the bulk of harmful impurities, including deuterium. The water that remains in the container should be kept in the freezer until most of it turns into ice.

Now you need to get rid of unfrozen water, which also contains impurities, but of a different kind. The remaining ice, when melted, will give us clean melt water that can be consumed. It should be borne in mind that to prepare melt water you use tap water; it must sit for several hours so that dissolved gases leave it.

If you are planning to prepare melt water at home, you need to learn a number of things. Firstly, it is better to put water in the freezer in plastic containers. Metal utensils will interact with water, reducing its effectiveness, and glass may burst due to low temperatures.

Secondly, when you get melt water at home, use it in its pure form, do not add any flavoring additives to it.

Thirdly, unfortunately, you cannot prepare anything from such water, because when melt water is heated above 37 degrees, it loses its beneficial properties. It's best to just use it for drinking. Fourthly, it is obvious that you need to store melt water in a container with a tightly screwed lid, otherwise the water will absorb foreign odors. Finally, when you defrost ice, don't try to speed up the process by heating it, you're not helping the melting water, you're only making it worse.

Melt water for weight loss

The idea of ​​using melt water for weight loss is based on its properties, which accelerate metabolism. The methods may be different, but they all, in one way or another, repeat the same advice - periodically drinking melt water throughout the day. For example, drink a glass of melt water before each meal.

Some experts on the use of melt water for weight loss recommend drinking one glass in the morning on an empty stomach, and in the afternoon and evening before meals, after which do not consume either water or food for an hour.

Remember that it is best to use melt water for weight loss that has just been thawed. It is at this moment that its beneficial properties are at their maximum.

Melt water stands out among the types of “special” water. Even skeptics recognize its merits.

It is pure, biologically active, in a word, very useful. And it's easy to prepare. Especially in winter. It would seem - I froze the water, then defrosted it, and the healing product is ready.

But if everything is so simple, where did the numerous theories and recipes for melt water come from? And, most importantly, which recipe should you follow?

The difficulty also lies in the fact that many theory creators declare all other methods of preparing melt water not only useless, but also harmful. And this gives rise to doubts.

What should you consider when choosing a melt water recipe? You can take the system of any of the gurus as a basis and calmly follow it. Faith matters too.

Can you be guided common sense and a basic course in physics and chemistry. And the result will be no worse.

Melt water: preparation

The process of preparing melt water is simple, but still somewhat different from the expected “froze-thaw”.

The main feature is that when preparing melt water, you need to leave only the healthiest (or most harmless) water. That is, exactly the water that freezes at 0°C.

What is needed for this?

Water needs to be poured into a container and left in the cold. It is clear that glass containers are not suitable for this - they can crack. It is convenient to freeze water in plastic containers. Something like this:

They say that The most delicious melt water is obtained when frozen outside. But, it is still more convenient to freeze water in the refrigerator. In this case, it is enough to time the water freezing to the desired state once and just use it. The temperature outside is still unpredictable, so you may simply not have time to do everything you need to do. To prevent a container of water from freezing to the bottom of the freezer, you just need to place a sheet of plywood or cardboard under it.

To make melt water as useful as possible, you need to remove the first ice. This is the water that froze at a temperature of about +4°C. Why is this water dangerous? Because it contains some harmful impurities. For example, it is at this temperature that water containing the “heavy” isotope of carbon, deuterium, freezes. The so-called heavy and semi-heavy water is completely unnecessary in the body. Even if there is negligible amount of it in tap water, it is still better to get rid of it. The first ice to be discarded can be up to 10% of the total water volume.

After removing the first ice, you can (but not necessarily) pour the water into another container. And then wait until it freezes half to two thirds remaining water.

Water that has not had time to freeze contains various salts. Moreover, not only hardness salts, but also salts of various heavy metals. At the moment when everything needed water frozen, you can simply take out the resulting ice and melt it at room temperature.

Another subtlety: the formed ice can be rinsed under running water until transparent. This also helps remove impurities.

If the chosen container does not allow this, you will have to punch a hole in the ice through which all unfrozen water can be drained. Because this water contains various salts, it is sometimes called brine. The fact that water containing salts freezes at temperatures below zero can be easily verified experimentally. Just place two small containers in the freezer - one with clean water, and the other, for example, with a solution table salt. And note the freezing time.

So, the whole process of making melt water is to leave only the ice that formed at 0°C, and then let it melt at natural conditions(no heating).

If you missed the time and the water froze completely, there is still a chance to get clean water from this ice. Take a close look at the structure of the ice. It will turn out to be heterogeneous: part of the ice is transparent and homogeneous, and part is white or even yellowish, and seems to be loose.

Anything that is opaque contains impurities. These pieces of ice simply need to be removed before defrosting. How? Break it off with a hammer (it's quite easy) or rinse it off under running water. hot water.

Even if you do not attribute any special properties to melt water, purification from various salts and other impurities already makes it an order of magnitude healthier than ordinary water.

As for the biological activity of melt water, there are some features.

In particular, its usefulness lasts only a few hours and is maximum at the moment when the ice has just melted and small pieces of ice are still floating on the surface of the water.

For getting melt water with maximum biological activity you can use this method:

  • Before freezing, bring the water to a boil, but do not boil. That is, remove from heat immediately after the first signs of boiling appear;
  • then the water must be cooled very quickly. In winter, this point does not raise any questions - you can simply take the pot of water outside or onto the balcony. In summer you can use a water bath. That is, place a pan of boiling water in a larger container filled with cold water or even ice cubes. As you hopefully remember, you cannot put hot water in the refrigerator, much less in the freezer;
  • then repeat the process already described above: remove the first ice, let it freeze 1/2 - 2/3, drain the remaining water, rinse the ice and let it melt at room temperature.

This melt water recipe is more labor-intensive, but it has its advantages. With the help of all these operations it is possible to imitate the path that water takes in nature. Evaporation, cooling, freezing, thawing.

But nature has its own way of obtaining melt water - simple and effective. Maybe it's easier prepare melt water from snow? Theoretically, this is possible. Moreover, it is believed that such water is even better than that obtained from ice, since it has a completely special structure. But the problem is that preparemelt water can only be obtained from clean snow. Not only in cities, but also in small populated areas there's a problem with that.

Find what you think is ideally clean snow and try to melt it. Film on the surface of the water bad smell, dirt visible even to the naked eye indicates that the water is not suitable for use. If the water turns out to be clean, consider yourself lucky. Although, without analyzing the water, it is difficult to judge that it does not contain any dangerous impurities.

Therefore, it is better to use simple and proven methods.

Melt water: benefits

Freezing water - inexpensive and sufficient effective method cleaning it. Even from this point of view, melt water is many times more useful than ordinary tap water, even if it has been settled and boiled.

And this is one of the most important reasons, explaining the beneficial properties of melt water. They could be listed for a very long time, so let’s just name the main ones:

  • activation protective properties the body, that is, increasing immunity;
  • acceleration of metabolic processes;
  • improving the functioning of the digestive system;
  • beneficial effects on the heart and blood vessels;
  • removal of accumulated salts and waste from the body.

These properties are good in themselves. But taken together, they lead to very important and, most importantly, pleasant results. In particular, improving well-being and rejuvenating the body.

It is also known that people who drink melt (glacial) water live a very long time.

There is another view on the beneficial properties of melt water.

In particular, it is believed that after freezing, water acquires a special cluster structure.

It is also indicated that water after freezing is much better absorbed by the human body.

In addition, melt water is considered biologically active. This property lasts at room temperature for about 8 hours and disappears when heated.

How long does melt water retain its beneficial properties?

Opinions on this issue, as usual, differ. Some even claim that this water is useful only in the first 3-4 minutes after thawing.

The numbers 8 o'clock, 12 o'clock, 20 o'clock are also called.

Since the benefits of melt water are explained by several factors, many of which are simply not measurable, there is, of course, no evidence for the correctness of one or another theory.

Therefore, based on the average results, it can be stated that melt water should be drunk throughout the day. If the water preparation system has already been used, special problems this won't happen.

And for those who prefer only the freshest melt water, we can recommend freezing it in small cubes in special molds. You just need to clean each cube of “wrong” ice - mechanically or under running hot water.

And of course, melt water will remain clean in any case, even if its shelf life is slightly exceeded.

How to drink melt water

You can drink defrosted water, for example, as medicine. That is, in compliance certain rules. Let's say, drink 1 glass of water in the morning, before meals, and one in the evening, before bed.

Theoretically, it is possible to replace all drinking water with melt water. Many healers advise using it this way. There is only one “but” here. Namely, the question of whether weakly mineralized water washes salts out of the body has not yet been fully resolved.

You can cook with melt water. Even if its “special” properties disappear when heated, it remains purified.

Melt water for weight loss

Melt water is now popular for weight loss. You can prepare it using any of the methods described above, the only difference is in the method of use.

If melt water is used for weight loss, you need to drink at least 4 glasses of this water before each meal.

The water should be cold, with a temperature of 5-10 degrees. It’s good if small pieces of ice float on it. Such water, as already mentioned, has the highest biological activity. But the point is not only this, but also the fact that heating water to desired temperature The body spends a decent amount of calories.

It would be very nice if melt water was the only means for losing weight. But any problem requires comprehensive solution, and excess weight is no exception.

Melt water will help the body get rid of excess weight and activate metabolism. But a reasonable approach to nutrition, physical activity, in a word, healthy image it will not replace life.

This applies not only to losing weight, but also to improving the health of the body as a whole. Melt water will help you gain health, but, of course, it is not enough to solve all problems.

For humans, as for all living beings, water is of great importance. All metabolic processes occur in an aquatic environment. The body consists of 75% water. To a person About two liters are required daily clean water to replenish its reserves in the body. Water quality is put first. Researchers consider ideal water melting. She has special composition. It does not contain harmful impurities that ordinary tap liquid is famous for. The structure of melt water is similar to natural spring water. This liquid has a beneficial effect on humans, as numerous experiments and studies have shown.

To understand the benefits it brings, you need to understand its structure. Melt water is considered structured. After freezing and thawing, its particles are arranged in a certain order.

This is why the liquid becomes useful qualities. Back in 1999, Russian researcher S.V. Zenin proved that melt water is a hierarchy of clusters (formations in the form of crystals), which consist of 57 molecules.

They interact with each other using free hydrogen bonds. Many experts believe that such water can have a beneficial effect on human health.

The liquid is obtained following natural technology. The formula for obtaining it is quite simple: slow freezing, removing impurities and thawing.

Under natural conditions, melt water is obtained from mountain glaciers. It has long been known that people living in the mountains and constantly drinking melt water have good health and are long-lived.

At home, you can get the same water, which will be no different from natural water. A sip of melt water tones better coffee, tea and any medicine.

The purest water is an ideal liquid for the body. It saturates cells with life-giving moisture and restores normal metabolic processes.

Properties of melt water:

  • invigorates, refreshes, saturates with energy, tones;
  • improves metabolism;
  • quickly displays harmful substances from the body;
  • reduces blood cholesterol;
  • increases immunity;
  • helps eliminate chronic diseases;
  • rejuvenates;
  • promotes weight loss;
  • relieves hypertension and vascular disorders;
  • helps to quickly get rid of acute respiratory infections and acute respiratory viral infections;
  • improves overall well-being;
  • eliminates skin diseases(neurodermatitis, dermatitis, etc.).

Melt water is not a cure for all ailments. It only helps the body restore normal functioning.

By receiving high-quality and structured water, the cells themselves begin to work correctly. The purity of water has the most beneficial effect on body functions.

Updated intercellular fluid, toxins are eliminated, which helps restore health. As practice shows, people who regularly use melt water become healthier and more efficient.

They experience increased brain activity and productivity. U individuals the time required for sleep is reduced. They only need 4 hours to recover..

Before preparing melt water, it is useful to filter it. Find out how to choose the most effective water purification!

Radon baths are a very beneficial procedure for health. Read all the information about these procedures, about indications and contraindications, the most necessary, important and useful information!

How is melt water harmful? ^

This water does not have any negative effects. If you prepare it incorrectly, it will simply turn out to be useless, like ordinary water.

Harmful to health heavy metals and some organic matter, which are present in untreated water. Drinking heavy water can make you feel worse. Therefore, melt water should be prepared following the recommendations given below.

The benefits of melt water for weight loss ^

Reset overweight consuming melt water is quite possible. After all, the healing liquid removes harmful substances (impurities and toxins) from the body. To lose weight, you need to take melt water daily in unlimited quantities.

In addition, it is important to adhere proper nutrition. Fatty, sweet, spicy, salty and smoked foods should be excluded. Fast food, coffee, carbonated drinks and alcohol are also prohibited.

Instead of junk food must be consumed fresh vegetables, fruits and greens. Juices and tea can be eliminated by replacing them with melt water. After a week of this diet, you will feel much better. Excess weight will begin to disappear little by little.

How to make melt water? ^

To prepare the liquid, take glass or enamel containers. You can use plastic, but some researchers claim that plastic releases harmful substances when frozen.

If you use a glass container, then you must strictly monitor the state of freezing water. After all, when the liquid freezes completely, the glass breaks.

Method No. 1
Pour purified water into the container. This could be tap water that has settled and passed through a filter. Place the container with water in the freezer.

After 40 minutes, a thin film of ice forms on the surface of the water. It must be removed, as it contains harmful deuterium.

Next, the container must be placed in the freezer again. After 9-10 hours the water will almost completely freeze. The liquid will only remain in the middle. It must be drained and the ice placed at room temperature. The liquid you drain contains heavy metals.

Sometimes it forms something like a ball, which is located in the very middle of the ice. If you catch this moment, then the dishes can be removed from the freezer.

Pierce the top ice with a knife and drain the liquid from the “ball”. After the ice has thawed, the rest of the water can be drunk.

The duration of freezing may vary, depending on the depth of the water container, as well as the power of the freezer.

Method No. 2
Water is prepared using the same method as in the first case. You remove the deuterium and put the dishes back in the freezer. But if you wish, you can wait until the water in the container freezes completely.

Method No. 3
If the water freezes completely, harmful substances can be removed under running hot water. Dishes with ice should be placed under the stream. Point it at the cloudy ice. It will disappear, and only transparent ice will remain in the container, which is suitable for obtaining melt water.

Method No. 4
This method involves freezing water that has almost been brought to the boiling point or to the “white key”. The water temperature is no more than 94 degrees.

After this, the liquid is quickly cooled by placing the container in a bowl of very cold water. Next, the liquid is placed in the refrigerator and completely frozen. Defrosting occurs similarly to method No. 2, when an island of white ice. They throw it away and drink the remaining water.

Important nuances ^

When consuming melt water, we must not forget that its biological activity is declining. Some experts claim that it becomes a normal liquid in 12 hours after defrosting.

Others increase this period to a day. It is best to take melt water immediately after preparation.
The most effective liquid is one in which small pieces of ice still float.

It should be drunk in small sips, enjoying the refreshing taste. Drinking such water is not only healthy, but also very pleasant. It has an unusual taste that cannot be described in words.

You cannot heat melt water, nor defrost it using hot water. Otherwise, it will lose all its beneficial properties.

Of course useful species water is not limited to melt melt. Find out how it is used and how useful it is for treating this particular disease!

Want to know what water temperature should be when bathing a newborn? Answers, the most necessary, relevant and useful information!

And also about bathing newborns. It is produced in a special bath, and you will learn everything about how to choose and buy such a bath here: create ideal conditions for your baby!

Reviews from people who drink melt water ^

Users leave good comments about melt water. If it is prepared correctly, then the benefits from it are simply invaluable. Many people notice improvements after regular use such a liquid.

Don't expect miracles. Water does not help immediately after the first dose. To mark any positive effects, it must be drunk regularly for many months. Besides, important has a way of life.

If a person drinks alcohol, drinks a lot of coffee or smokes, then the benefits of melt water will be minimal. Harmful products in the diet are also negated positive traits liquids.