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How many days can an infant take fenistil? Cheaper analogues. Side effects and special instructions

The drops are produced in a bottle made of darkened glass, its volume is 20 ml, and a dropper dispenser is attached to the bottle. In appearance, the drops should be colorless, transparent and practically odorless.

Fenistil is an antihistamine. It effectively and quickly (only 15 - 45 minutes will pass before the first results appear) eliminates allergic symptoms and various types of itching.

For children this drug Can be taken from breastfeeding one month old(Not earlier). Available in pharmacies without a prescription. However, up to 1 year of taking this medicine, specialist supervision is required.

Fenistil is prescribed for infants when allergic reactions(for food, medicine, etc.) and allergic diseases(for urticaria, hay fever and others), is good for relieving itching in eczema, dermatosis, chicken pox, rubella, insect bites, burns. Sometimes the drug is prescribed as a prevention of allergies during vaccination (before and after, to reduce the risk of an allergic reaction).

It is prohibited to use the drug for glaucoma, sensitivity to the components of the drug, for various diseases associated with the lungs and bladder.

IN in rare cases after infants take the drug, side effects are observed: nausea, drowsiness, dry mouth, rash, breathing problems, dizziness and headache, agitation, decreased blood pressure, convulsions.

If the baby is full-term and has a normal weight for its age, then it is recommended to take it 3 times a day - from 1 month. up to 1 year, 3 – 10 drops; from 1 to 3 years, 10 - 15 drops; from 3 to 12 years, 15–20 drops.

Fenistil has a rather pleasant taste. Therefore, you can give it to your baby directly from a spoon or add it to warm (but not hot!) baby food shortly before feeding. Adding the drug to hot food will lead to a loss of its medicinal qualities.

The drug eliminates only the symptoms directly, but is not able to influence the cause. To avoid recurrence of allergic reactions, it is necessary to calculate and eliminate the cause.

The drug can be stored for 3 years. Avoid exposure to dampness, light, and high temperatures.

Analogs for Fenistil in the form of drops include the following drops: Zirtec, Zodak, Parlazin, Telfast, Suprastin, Diazolin. If you are taking any of these medications, you should consult your doctor, as not all of them are approved for use in infants.

The price of Fenistil drops ranges from 41.4 to 68.46 hryvnia, but depending on the region of sale, various markups and other factors, it may differ in one direction or another.

Svetlana: My child (10 months) has a terrible allergy to the bites of mosquitoes, midges and other insects. It is impossible to keep him at home all the time, and the street, especially in the evening, is full of mosquitoes. But that’s okay, recently we went to the river to swim, and there, as you know, there are a sea of ​​biting creatures. And my poor fellow, no matter how hard he smeared himself, was bitten by midges. We arrived home, I gave him Fenistil, and within an hour nothing was itching anywhere and the bites themselves became invisible. Previously, we also used this drug on the advice of a doctor, and it always helped.

Valeria Ivanova: Fenistil helped us. There was a rash on the legs, apparently a reaction to the administration of the mixture. We took fenistil for 2 days on the recommendation of the pediatrician, all symptoms disappeared. After stopping the drug, the allergy did not appear again; apparently, the body got used to it. And no side effects I personally didn't notice. The main thing is that it helps quickly.

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Now let’s figure out how to give Fenistil to a baby, find out the side effects and principle of action. Young children should receive many vaccinations against various diseases. Vaccinations are often accompanied by an allergic reaction to the vaccine. To avoid this, the doctor prescribes the antihistamine drug Fenistil before the DTP vaccine.

Vaccinations intended for newborns are often accompanied by severe allergic reactions that are dangerous for children. child's body. Even the most experienced doctor cannot guarantee that your child does not have this predisposition.

In order to avoid possible consequences and an antihistamine is prescribed. Medicine should not be given to a child without consulting a doctor. The doctor sets the following indicators:

  • dose of the drug;
  • time of receipt;
  • duration.

Most often, antihistamines are prescribed before vaccination for children who experience the following allergic reactions:

  1. Rashes on the body in the form of urticaria and whooping cough dermatitis.
  2. Dermatitis or eczema as a response to an injection or vaccination.
  3. Reaction to food and medications.
  4. Allergic rhinitis.
  5. After vaccination, redness and itching appear.

If the child does not have such manifestations, then he does not need Fenistil drops. If there is a reaction: the doctor will prescribe a drug to relieve allergy symptoms. Since Fenistil acts on the symptoms that arise after vaccination, it must be taken after vaccination.

Before vaccination, each child is examined by a doctor for the presence of diseases. The injection will not be given if the baby is weakened, has a fever, snot flowing, or has a cough. Special attention The doctor devotes attention to babies from three to six months. It is during this period that DPT vaccination should be carried out in three stages. Vaccination will help prevent such diseases in the future. serious illnesses, How:

  • diphtheria;
  • whooping cough;
  • tetanus.

A proper approach to vaccination will protect against negative consequences after vaccination. What do I need to do? Take blood and urine tests, be examined by a pediatrician and other doctors (if necessary), give Fenistil as prescribed by the pediatrician. During an epidemic, vaccination cannot be done. Hot and cold weather is also contraindicated. These three points will guarantee against the body’s adverse reaction to the vaccine.

To prevent side effects such as rash or hives after vaccination, the child remains cheerful and healthy, the drug Fenistil is prescribed. Previously we used Suprastin, but it causes more adverse reactions in a fragile body. Therefore, doctors abandoned it in favor of Fenistil for DTP vaccination.

But if the child does not have allergies, parents usually refuse antihistamine therapy. Pediatricians play it safe and prescribe medicine to everyone without exception. Therefore, the mother herself needs to weigh the pros and cons; if in doubt, you can consult another doctor for advice. But unless absolutely necessary, it is better to refuse the drug.

For ease of use, the manufacturer produces an antihistamine in three forms:

  • Drops for oral use for newborns from 1 month.
  • Capsules for oral administration children from 12 years old.
  • Gel for external use for symptomatic treatment.

The doctor decides which form to use after an examination. Choosing a drug on your own is dangerous for the baby’s health. The most convenient form for infants is drops. Once in the body, they block histamine receptors, which cause unwanted reactions. Thus, itching and redness disappear. The drops are colorless and odorless, they taste sweet, so the child will not feel disgust when taking them.

For a baby, drops can be added to breast milk or a formula bottle. But it is important not to heat it, because when heated, the healing properties will disappear.

The dosage of the medicine is calculated individually; the calculation is made by the pediatrician based on the baby’s height and weight. Also taken into account individual characteristics body. Parents need to know about possible reactions on the active substance from the child’s body in order to be prepared for this. Often the reaction manifests itself in:

  • disorders gastrointestinal tract- nausea;
  • the occurrence of dizziness;
  • dry throat and sinuses;
  • temperature increase;
  • lowering blood pressure;
  • dilation of the eye pupils.

All listed side symptoms appear in children with an overdose of the drug. Incorrect calculations will cause damage to a small organism. If one or more signs are detected, the baby should be given a drink Activated carbon. When using any medicine, you should consult your doctor and read the instructions for use.

Many mothers wonder: how many drops per day should a child be given? The instructions for use state that the medicine is given to babies in the form of drops:

  1. From 1 month to a year in a single dosage of 3-10 drops three times a day.
  2. From one to three years, 10–15 drops three times a day.
  3. From 3 to 12 years, 15–20 drops three times a day.

20 drops of Fenistil contain 1 milligram of dimethindene.

After taking the drug, you do not need to drink water. Usually the medicine is prescribed 5 days before vaccination and 3-5 days after it. In this way, the body will resist allergic reactions caused by the vaccine. But this is an approximate dosage regimen; doctors give individual recommendations after examination.

There are conditions in which Fenistil is contraindicated for use:

  • Infants are up to 1 month old.
  • Sensitivity to the active substance - dimethindene.
  • Breast-feeding.
  • Bronchial asthma.
  • Pregnancy (especially the first trimester).
  • Hyperplasia.

If your child has one or more of the conditions described above, you should tell your doctor. He will stop taking the medicine or adjust the dose. But if taking an antiallergic drug is not necessary, then it is better to refuse the medicine. If the baby does not have an allergy, he does not need Fenistil.

Sometimes doctors simply play it safe by prescribing medicine for adverse reactions after vaccination. Many parents also fear for their child and place responsibility on the drug and doctors.

Before vaccination, an antihistamine is prescribed by a doctor for those children who have severe allergic reactions to medications or food. Fenistil removes allergic manifestations, thereby freeing the body from unnecessary stress before vaccination. And as you know, vaccination is also huge pressure on the body.

After vaccination, Fenistil is continued to be given to the child for three days. The dose is adjusted by the pediatrician. The medicine is taken after vaccination to reduce the allergic reaction to the body. It is known that the vaccine after DTP vaccinations causes fever and skin rashes, and if the baby is allergic, then taking antihistamines simply necessary. But after using Fenistil, the doctor will not see the results of the vaccination, because they will be washed away by the action of the drug.

With the advent of a new member in the family, not only the amount of troubles, but also problems are added. Allergies are the most “popular” problem among infants. They are no longer protected by their mother's inner world“and have not yet adapted to the new life, so they react differently to new diapers or eaten chocolate.

Fortunately, medicine does not stand still, and today there are effective and efficient means to combat allergic reactions. One of these helpers is Fenistil for infants. It is available in different dosage forms, but specifically for infants, drops are the optimal solution. Let's talk about the properties, features and contraindications of the drug in more detail.

Drops effectively fight all allergic reactions, be it rash, itching or just redness. The drug belongs to a series of antihistamine drugs and confidently displaces its predecessors - Tavegil and Suprastin.

The medicine is safe and approved for children with infancy, but not from the first days, but from the second month of life.

  • It is effective for food allergies
  • Used for prophylaxis during vaccinations
  • Facilitates the progression of infectious diseases: rubella, chickenpox, measles, etc.
  • Fenistil is prescribed for insect bites
  • It is part of the treatment for diathesis.

Both adults and children have different bodies, so side effects cannot be ruled out. In general, Fenistil drops for infants are well tolerated and do not create unnecessary problems. However, hypersensitivity or individual intolerance to the components of the drug can lead to the following side effects:

  • drowsiness or hyperarousal
  • nausea and dizziness
  • headache
  • skin rash
  • swelling
  • cases of sleep apnea
  • muscle spasm

That is why the task of parents is to carefully monitor their child, and if problems arise, immediately stop taking the drug and consult a doctor.

Contraindications for taking the medicine include:

  • Babies up to one month old
  • Premature babies up to three months
  • Presence of individual intolerance to the components of the drug
  • Any form of bladder disease

It is forbidden to increase the dosage arbitrarily, and if such a situation occurs, it is necessary to urgently emergency measures to detoxify the body, maintain respiratory and cardiovascular systems. In case of overdose, the child may experience fever, convulsions, chills, hallucinations, increased heart rate, and urinary retention.

Only a doctor can prescribe the correct dosage for your baby’s age and weight. The manufacturer offers the following calculation: for each kilogram of the child’s weight – two drops of medicine. But daily norm for children under one year of age is no more than 30 drops. As a rule, the drug is taken from two to 7-10 days. The shorter this period is, the better.

The daily dose indicated by the doctor should be divided into several doses and added to the baby’s bottle with milk or formula. If your baby only eats the breast, you can dilute the product in a spoon. boiled water. It is strictly forbidden to dilute the drug in hot food. In general, children willingly accept treatment, since Fenistil has a pleasant taste.

The drug is taken before vaccination for 3-5 days before the vaccination itself. As a rule, children under one year of age are prescribed 4-5 drops of medicine a couple of times a day. But for toddlers from one to three years old, the norm increases to 10 drops twice a day, after three years it reaches 20 drops twice a day.

The final price varies depending on the region. Each seller calculates an individual markup based on the costs of transportation, storage of the drug, rental of premises, etc. But the average price for Fenistil drops for infants ranges from 270 to 320 rubles.

Fenistil drops are one of the drugs that relieve symptoms various types allergies. Negative reactions to stimuli occur in children of different ages. Most often red spots, itchy skin, swelling of tissues, irritation of the mucous membranes of the nose and eyes appear in babies under 1 year of age due to weak immunity, hypersensitivity body.

Symptoms of urticaria, dermatoses, and food allergies cause a lot of problems for children discomfort. Pediatricians and allergists often prescribe effective remedy Fenistil in the form of drops to eliminate negative signs. Find out how to use Fenistil drops for allergies, how quickly the drug works, read reviews from parents.

Composition and release form

Features of the drug:

  • medicine - modern analogue popular antihistamines (Suprastina, Tavegil);
  • active ingredient– dimethindene maleate;
  • auxiliary components - sorbitol, water, sodium hydrogen phosphate and others;
  • drops are a transparent substance, practically odorless, with a mild, pleasant taste;
  • there are no impurities;
  • 1 ml of anti-allergy drops contains 1 mg of dimethindene;
  • the liquid is in dark glass bottles;
  • the container is equipped with a convenient dropper;
  • package volume – 20 ml.

Action and result of application

Fenistil drops relieve allergic reactions by blocking cell receptors susceptible to histamine. The drug minimizes most of the effects of histamine on the vascular wall.

Result of application:

  • capillary permeability decreases;
  • are decreasing painful sensations, the transmission of nerve impulses slows down, skin itching weakens;
  • the number of spots in urticaria and dermatoses decreases;
  • tissue swelling decreases;
  • the child sneezes less often, nasal congestion due to allergic rhinitis decreases;
  • lacrimation stops with conjunctivitis.

Indications for use

The antihistamine is effective for the following diseases and conditions:

  • allergic;
  • medicinal and;
  • hay fever;
  • itching due to childhood diseases (rubella);
  • eczema;
  • insect bites.

At mild degree household and sunburn Another form of the drug, Fenistil-gel, relieves skin itching well.


The medicine has restrictions for use:

  • angle-closure glaucoma;
  • and other lung diseases;
  • excessive sensitivity to dimethindene and other components of the drops;
  • age up to 1 month.

Important! Fenistil is a potent drug that is actively absorbed into the blood. The composition cannot be used not only by newborns, but also by expectant mothers. Also, drops and gel are prohibited during lactation.

Possible side effects

Some children develop negative reactions while taking allergy medication:

  • drowsiness or overexcitation;
  • swelling, increased number of rashes;
  • dizziness;
  • anxiety;
  • headache;
  • excessive dryness of mucous membranes;
  • In children under 1 year of age, cases of holding their breath (night apnea) have been recorded.

What to do:

  • go to the minimum daily dosage (many parents note the effectiveness of this measure);
  • If new rashes, swelling, or shortness of breath appear, stop using allergy drops;
  • give your baby a sorbent (Enterosgel, activated carbon) and an age-appropriate laxative for speedy elimination potent drug from the body;
  • It is recommended to drink plenty of fluids and avoid fatty foods;
  • Fenistil drops are not suitable for children under one year old? Never buy new drug before visiting a pediatrician and allergist.

Instructions for use and dosage

Do it right:

  • for allergic reactions in babies, dilute the drops with breast milk;
  • For “artificial” babies, add the medicine immediately before taking it to the bottle with baby food. In a short period of time, the drops will not have time to heat up very much in the warm liquid;
  • an option for older children - give anti-allergy drops from a teaspoon before meals;
  • the medicine has a slightly noticeable, sweetish taste; there are no problems with use in children of different ages.

Reception frequency:

  • three times a day, regardless of age;
  • Offer your child Fenistil drops before meals.

Dosage of Fenistil drops:

  • babies from 1 to 12 months – from 3 to 10 drops;
  • children from 1 year to 3 years – from 10 to 15 drops;
  • age from 3 to 12 years – from 15 to 20 drops;
  • from 12 years – from 20 to 40 drops.

Duration of therapy:

  • the course of therapy is prescribed by an allergist. Monitoring the child’s condition while taking an antihistamine is mandatory. Only a doctor can tell you how long to take an antihistamine;
  • the shorter the course, the less inhibitory effect the medicine has on the central nervous system.

Note! A volume of 1 ml is 20 drops of an anti-allergy product. This amount of liquid contains 1 mg of dimethindene.

special instructions

Please note important points:

  • a potent antihistamine actively affects the body and requires strict adherence to the daily dosage;
  • It is prohibited to combine Fenistil with drugs that depress the central nervous system. This category includes antidepressants, sleeping pills, anticonvulsants, and other antihistamines;
  • Fenistil drops should not be heated or diluted with hot water;
  • if side effects develop, reduce daily dose: Most often, negative signs disappear. In case of severe reactions that significantly worsen the child’s condition, stop taking the medicine and consult a doctor to prescribe another antihistamine.


Pediatricians strongly recommend not to exceed the indicated dosage for a certain age. A potent antihistamine has side effects. In case of overdose negative manifestations intensify, additional signs are added.

Exceeding the daily norm provokes:

  • lethargy;
  • tachycardia;
  • inhibition of central nervous system activity;
  • convulsions.

What to do:

Additional Information

Useful information about Fenistil drops:

  • store the antihistamine at temperatures up to +25 degrees;
  • keep the medicine away from children;
  • the drug is available without a prescription;
  • keep the bottle in a cardboard package to avoid exposure to sunlight;
  • drops against allergies in children are valid for 3 years;
  • manufacturer - pharmaceutical company Novartis Consumer Health S.A., Switzerland.

Compared to some allergy medications, Fenistil drops are reasonably priced. The price of Fenistil drops in a 20 ml bottle varies depending on the name pharmacy chain and region – 370–410 rubles.

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Analogues of antiallergic drugs

If side effects develop, a pronounced reaction of the central nervous system to the action of the drug Fenistil, the allergist will prescribe another remedy, an analogue of Fenistil. Pick up suitable medicine It’s quite difficult for babies under 1 year old.

It is important to consider the age of the young patient. The problem is that many effective antihistamines are recommended for children six months and older.

Please note the following points:

  • effective Erius syrup (active ingredient desloratadine), less likely to cause side effects, suitable from 12 months;
  • an inexpensive analogue of Fenistil - Agistam tablets (active ingredient loratadine) are approved for children from 2 years of age;
  • Suprastinex drops (active ingredient - levocetirizine dihydrochloride) are allowed from 2 years, tablets - from 6 years;
  • Zyrtec drops (active ingredient - cetirizine dihydrochloride) are suitable only from 6 months.

This is why parents should, if possible, prevent allergic reactions in infants. It is important to carefully monitor the nutrition of a nursing mother (if natural feeding) and the diet of an “artificial” baby, especially in the first six months of life. Remember: many allergy medications have long list side effects.

Fenistil is one of the safest and most effective antihistamines. This medicine came to us quite recently, replacing the slightly outdated Suprastin and Tavegil.

Fenistil is modern drug , which can be used even by newborns. It is prescribed to children who have reached one month to overcome allergic symptoms.

Composition of the medicine

The main substance that is part of the drug is dimethidene maleate. 100 ml of medicine contains about 0.1 g of the active main substance. Fenistil is produced in the form of gel and drops.

Indications for use

Do not abuse the drug and use it at the first symptoms of a rash. Perhaps this is just a slight irritation and reaction of the skin to clothing or the ambient temperature, which has nothing at all to do with allergic processes in the child’s body.

Positive effects on the body

Fenistil is used to treat or relieve itching for urticaria, measles, rubella, mosquito bites, smallpox or common dermatoses due to allergic foods.

Fenistil also helps well with serum sickness and allergic reactions after vaccination or vaccinations. This is an indispensable item in the first aid kit of any mother during the first days of her baby’s birth.

How dangerous (and is it dangerous?) is the drug for newborns?

About 90% of parents who used the drug Fenistil expressed their opinion about it positive side. Most often this was due to the fact that the effect of the drug is very active and manifests itself quickly.

Fenistil is able to relieve all allergic symptoms from a baby within an hour, relieve itching and pain, which cause discomfort and anxiety to the baby and parents. Quite often, parents use drops during an allergic rash.

The gel becomes indispensable when a child is bitten by an insect. It perfectly relieves all irritating signs - itching, redness, swelling and brings the skin to ideal condition.

The drug has been tested and analyzed many times, which has proven its safety for use in newborns and children.

Contraindications for use

Like any drug, Fenistil may have contraindications, which are very rare, but still appear. First of all This medicine should be used after consulting a doctor.

Only a pediatrician who knows the body of a newborn patient well can give a prescription or advice on purchasing this drug.

Medicine Contraindicated in children with hypersensitivity, chronic diseases, diseases urinary system or lungs.

Side effects

Among main side effects You may experience severe drowsiness, dry throat and mouth, nausea, dizziness, swelling or muscle spasms.

Such symptoms are very rare, however, you should not forget about them and carefully monitor the child’s behavior and condition after taking the drug.

Dosage and duration of taking the drug

A drug Available in drops and gel form, therefore, application and dosage may vary significantly depending on the method of application.

If the child takes the medicine in liquid form, then the daily dose should be no more than 30 drops.

You should use Fenistil three times a day, applying from 3 to 10 drops per dose. The exact amount of medication can be found by calculating the child's weight.

On average, the drug is calculated in the ratio 1 kilogram of weight = 0.1 mg of the drug. For example, with a weight of 7 kilograms, a child needs 7 kg x 0.1 mg = 0.7 mg of Fenistil per day.

1 mg equals 20 drops, so the child needs 14 drops per day, which should be divided into three doses.

Thus we see what smaller child weighs, the dosage and more accurately we give him the drug. Taking Fenistil can continue until allergic signs completely disappear.

If after 6-7 days of treatment the signs have disappeared only partially, you should consult a doctor for further advice.

The gel can be used in a thin layer on the area affected by itching or allergies, several times a day. Fenistil gel should be used until symptoms disappear completely.

For newborns, it is best to use the gel. If it does not completely eliminate all signs of allergy, then drops are used.

The daily intake of drops may vary depending on the age of the child. Children from 1 to 3 the dose is increased to 45 drops per day. From 3 to 12 years daily intake reaches 60 drops.

Newborns kids drops are best added to baby food just before the feeding process. For older adults, the medicine can be given undiluted in a measuring spoon.

The drug Fenistil should not be added to or diluted in hot drinks or food.

Effective analogues of Fenistil (what can replace the drug?)

If side effects occur, you can turn to other antihistamines that have existed on the pharmacological market for decades.

These are drugs such as Zyrtec, Claritin, Telfast And Erius.

These drugs act more gently on the body of newborns. They do not have such a strong effect on the nervous system and receptors of the body.

There are also European drugs that you can find here if you wish. However, in European countries they are not recommended for use by children under 12 years of age.

Many mothers know how difficult it is to find safe drug to relieve allergy symptoms in infants. Most medications are approved for use from the age of six months and older. Fenistil drops are the only drug with an antiallergic effect that can be given to babies at 1 month of age.

The medicine quickly removes itching, swelling, redness, helps mothers treat atopic dermatitis, food allergies, eliminate the consequences of insect bites, relieve irritation of the epidermis in children. How to properly give Fenistil drops to a baby? Are there any contraindications and side effects? The answers are in the article.

Composition and release form

Dimentindene maleate is the active component of antiallergic drops for infants and children under 12 years of age. Active substance quickly narrows capillaries, reduces histamine production, and exhibits an active antipruritic effect.

The drug contains 96% ethanol, liquid sorbitol, purified water, and other ingredients. The drug causes drowsiness in many children.

Drops with antiallergic effect are in a convenient bottle. It is easy to measure the required amount of the drug thanks to the dropper dispenser. The volume of allergy medicine is 20 ml.


The drug exhibits the following properties:

  • antiallergic;
  • antipruritic;
  • painkillers;
  • a sedative effect develops.

See the list and rules for use on the skin of adults.

How to treat allergic urticaria in adults? Actionable options therapies are described on page.

Features of the effect on the body:

  • The antiallergic effect of the drug Fenistil drops in some children is noticeable after a quarter of an hour. In most young patients, allergy symptoms subside after 30-45 minutes;
  • the components of the drug only eliminate negative symptoms, but do not cure the disease;
  • the remnants of the drug are excreted in urine and bile;
  • The optimal duration of taking an antiallergic drug is 7 days. If after this period the signs of an allergic reaction do not completely disappear, you need to visit your pediatrician and allergist again for consultation. A more extensive examination of the child will be required.

Indications for use

  • and other dermatitis of various types;
  • after a negative response to food components, medications, after insect bites;
  • throat irritation due to pharyngitis, colds;
  • various manifestations;
  • redness, itching, pain after household and sunburn;
  • elimination of skin signs infectious diseases: rubella, chickenpox;


The drug should not be given in the following cases:

  • low weight of the baby, the child was born premature;
  • intolerance to dimentindene or additional ingredients;
  • chronic pathologies gallbladder and lungs;
  • bronchial asthma;
  • hypersensitivity in the baby.

Important! Age limit - 1 month. In exceptional cases, it is possible to take an antiallergic drug to newborns.

Instructions for use and dosage

The frequency of administration and dosage are determined by the pediatrician depending on the severity of the symptoms and the age of the young patient. It is mandatory to take into account the baby’s weight: per kilogram of body weight, you are allowed to take no more than 0.1 mg of the active substance. Daily dosage needs to be divided into three steps, exceeding the limit is prohibited.

Rules of application:

  • Do not mix the medicine with hot liquid;
  • the best option is to give the baby the required number of drops undiluted or add to warm breast milk(in a bottle)/to the nutritional formula;
  • In the first days of admission, you need to monitor the child: sedative effect in some children it causes the development of sleep apnea;
  • if you are prone to drowsiness, you need to divide the single dose: give part of the drops before bed, the second half of the drug - before morning feeding.

Frequency and dosage of Fenistil drops:

  • age from 1 to 12 months. Give the child 3 to 10 drops three times a day;
  • from one to three years - from 10 to 15 drops in the morning, afternoon and evening;
  • age 4-12 years - higher dosage: three times a day from 15 to 20 drops.
  • per 1 kg of weight, 0.1 mg of active ingredient is sufficient;
  • active ingredient in an amount of 1 mg is 20 drops.


  • the child weighs 5 kg, age - 4 months;
  • daily dosage: 0.1 mg of active substance x body weight (5 kg). It turns out 0.5 g mg of dimentindene or 10 drops;
  • You need to take the antiallergic drug three times a day. It turns out 10:3 = 3 drops per dose.

Using Fenistil drops before vaccination

Many pediatricians prescribe safe, effective drug to reduce the risk of side effects and allergic reactions before vaccinations. It is important for parents to coordinate actions with their local doctor.

  • Start taking medication for preventive purposes 5 days before the vaccination date;
  • after vaccination, give an antiallergic drug for another three to five days;
  • The optimal frequency of administration is morning and evening;
  • To prevent a negative response from the body, 4-5 drops are enough for infants up to one year old, from 12 to 24 months - 10, after three years - 20 drops are enough.

Side effects

A study of the effect of dimentinden on the body showed that the antiallergic drug Fenistil in the form of drops rarely causes negative reactions. Severe manifestations have been recorded in isolated cases.

Learn about the symptoms and treatments for allergies in adults.

How does a protein allergy manifest? cow's milk in a baby and how to treat it, read the page.

Most often, children experience the following symptoms:

  • dry mouth;
  • drowsiness;
  • headache;
  • muscle spasms;
  • overexcitement;
  • nausea;
  • swelling of tissues;
  • skin rashes.

On a note! Careful monitoring of the baby's reaction to the antiallergic drug Fenistil will help prevent the development of side effects. If there are negative changes in the child’s well-being or behavior, you should consult a doctor.


Do not exceed the recommended dosage: the drug often causes drowsiness, and sudden holding of breath (night apnea) is possible. For this reason, you must strictly follow the norm and measure the amount of liquid using a dropper dispenser.

It is not difficult to recognize an overdose: the child develops negative signs:

  • flushed face;
  • convulsions occur;
  • fever develops;
  • the child is overexcited and does not sleep well;
  • difficulty urinating;
  • blood pressure decreases.

How to eliminate the consequences of an overdose? For negative symptoms after excessive use of an antihistamine show as soon as possible child to the doctor, If the symptoms are severe, especially in babies under one year old, call an ambulance.


The antiallergic product was produced in Switzerland. Pharmaceutical company Novartis offers effective, sufficient safe remedy to eliminate allergy symptoms in the youngest patients.

The price of Fenistil drops is quite high - from 430 to 500 rubles for a 20 ml bottle of the drug. If allergies occur in children aged 1 month, parents have no choice: other antihistamines are not suitable for such young patients.


For use in early age The pharmaceutical industry offers a limited list of antihistamines. At the age of 1 month, you can give Fenistil drops and apply Fenistil-gel to the affected areas of the skin. Medicines eliminate skin itching, anesthetize problem areas, and calm the little patient.

From 4 months:

  • Advantan (cream).

From 12 months:

  • (drops).
  • (syrup).
  • Cetirizine (drops).
  • Erius (syrup).
  • (drops).

Analogs of Fenistil drops, approved for use from 2 years of age:

  • Suprastinex (drops).
  • Xyzal (drops).
  • (syrup).
  • (syrup).

Allergy in childhood most often manifests itself as a reaction on the skin, therefore, to eliminate its symptoms, drugs with local action in the form of gels or ointments. One of the popular medications is Fenistil Gel, which is a very popular antihistamine. Is it possible to use it in childhood and how to do it correctly?

Release form and composition

The drug is produced in aluminum tubes packed in a cardboard box. On sale in pharmacies are tubes containing 30 or 50 grams of gel. Inside the tube of such a medicine there is a transparent gel-like substance, colorless and almost odorless.

The main component of this medicinal product Dimetindene maleate acts, of which 100 grams of gel contains 100 mg, that is, its concentration is 0.1%. Additional compounds are water, sodium hydroxide, propylene glycol, carbomer, benzalkonium chloride and disodium edetate.


Fenistil Gel has an antiallergic local effect.

It helps eliminate itching and relieves irritation caused by an allergic reaction. In addition, the gel has a local anesthetic effect and a slight cooling effect.

The gel is absorbed quite well by the skin and begins to act after application within a few minutes, and maximum effect from the gel is observed after 1-4 hours. Wherein active substance is absorbed into the blood in an amount of up to 10%, due to which side effects from its use occur much less frequently than with Fenistil in drops.


WITH for preventive purposes Fenistil gel can be used after vaccination, and before vaccination the child is given this drug in drops for 3-5 days. Although many doctors believe that such preparation for vaccination is not necessary if the baby is prone to allergic reactions, some parents prefer to play it safe and use Fenistil.


The use of Fenistil Gel is contraindicated in the following situations:

  • If the child is less than 1 month old.
  • If a child is diagnosed with a closed-angle form of an eye disease such as glaucoma.
  • If the child has an intolerance to any component of the gel.
  • If the child's itching is caused by cholestasis.
  • If the skin lesions are very extensive.

Features of application

  • The affected skin is treated with Fenistil Gel two to four times a day.
  • The gel is applied in a thin layer only to the affected areas.
  • When treating your face, it is important to prevent the drug from getting into your eyes, as well as oral cavity child.
  • The gel should not be applied to a large area of ​​skin, especially if it is bleeding and inflamed.
  • After lubricating the skin with gel, you should avoid direct sunlight.
  • At severe itching or in case of extensive skin lesions, antihistamines are prescribed orally at the same time.
  • Treatment is continued until the symptoms of skin lesions disappear.
  • The medicine should be stored in a place where a child cannot reach it. In this case, the storage temperature should not exceed +25°C.
  • If allergy symptoms do not go away after using Fenistil Gel within 3-4 days, you should consult a doctor. You also need to consult a doctor in a situation where the use of the gel has increased the severity of symptoms.
  • When using Fenistil gel, you need to remember that it is only symptomatic treatment allergies, so at the same time you should identify allergens and try to exclude their contact with the child’s body.

Can it be used for newborns?

Fenistil, produced in the form of a gel, like the drug in the form of drops, is not used in infants during the neonatal period, especially in those who were born ahead of schedule. The use of such medications is permissible only in children over 1 month old, however, even in infants who are already a month old, the use of antihistamines such as Fenistil should be very careful.

A doctor should prescribe Fenistil to babies under one year of age, since this medicine has its own contraindications and often causes adverse reactions.


In 90% of cases of using Fenistil in gel form, parents respond positively to it. They emphasize that the product quickly removes red spots, swelling, itching, rashes and other manifestations of allergies. The drug is also praised for its fast action when treating mosquito bites.

However, in some cases, parents note that Fenistil gel does not help. This situation often occurs with non-allergic rashes, for example, with abrasions and other mechanical irritations of the skin. Also, many complain that the effect of the drug is not long-lasting, forgetting that such a gel does not eliminate the cause of the allergy, but only relieves its skin manifestations.

Among the side effects of Fenistil Gel, parents often note dry skin and burning. Itching and rash at the site of application of the drug occur very rarely, but such cases do occur.

Cheaper analogues

Prices for Fenistil gel in different pharmacies vary between 330-550 rubles per 30 gram tube and 450-700 rubles per 50 gram package. And therefore, many mothers are interested in whether it is possible to replace such a drug with a more affordable analogue.

The following medications are suitable to replace Fenistil Gel in case of allergic reactions with severe itching and rash:

  • Zyrtec– an antiallergic medicine prescribed to children from 6 months of age in drops and from 6 years of age in tablets.
  • Zintset- an antihistamine in syrup, which is given to children over 2 years of age.
  • Tsetrin– a highly effective allergy drug, produced in syrup (prescribed from 2 years of age) and in tablet form (prescribed to children over 6 years of age).