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Maral root use and contraindications. Maral root in cosmetology. The use of Leuzea in official medicine

Greetings, dear readers of the blog site. Today I will tell you about the wonderful medicinal plant called maral root. Altai hunters have noticed since ancient times how in the fall marals (a breed of deer) beat the ground with their hooves during the seasonal rut. This is no accident - they dig up the roots of a plant and immediately eat them. Since then in Siberia medicinal plant called maral root.

Maral root | Leuzea safrolovidnaya | Rhaponticum carthamoides | Asteraceae family

● Plant - its above-ground part is called maral grass, and its roots - maral root. Noticing the behavior of deer, people thought about it and also began to use maral root in medicinal purposes. Later, science proved the tonic property of the plant, which began to be used in case of loss of strength and to restore the body after long chronic diseases.

● People figured out that marals dug up the maral root not in vain - with the help of this medicinal plant they replenished their energy reserves. According to botanical taxonomy, the plant passes under the name Leuzea safrolovidnaya, which is used successfully, as in traditional medicine, and the official one.

maral root

Perennial- maral root - reaches a height of ½ to 1.5 meters, the stem is straight, large pinnately dissected leaves grow on it. The pinkish-purple flowers are placed in inflorescences-baskets at the very top of the stems. The underground part of the plant is well-developed roots with rhizomes. Maral root blooms from July to August.

● The roots of the plant with rhizomes have the best healing properties. They are harvested in the fall. When drying the roots, which are very juicy, you need to cut them finely and dry in a well-ventilated area. The medicinal properties of dried roots are preserved when proper storage up to three years. In the roots and rhizomes of Leuzea, many active and very valuable substances having healing properties.

● Preparations made from maral root are effective in overwork and chronic fatigue, removing it from both physical and mental overload. maral root improves blood circulation, in particular for feeding the central, sometimes prone to exhaustion. Provides regulation (stabilization) of blood pressure, increases heart rate, prevents blood clotting, and hence - thrombosis.

● Favorably affects patients with severe weakness on the basis of the oppressed central nervous system. clinical trials an increase in mental and physical performance with Leuzea preparations, an improvement in blood supply to the muscles, and a slight decrease in blood sugar levels have been proven. Last action due to the presence in the roots of the plant active substance- inulin - possessing insulin-like properties.

● During the surveys of the population, it turned out that Leuzea preparations are the best antidepressants. IN last years maral root began to be used for stimulation immune system when patients take cytotoxic drugs. In such cases, patients are given 25-30 drops of liquid extract 2-3 times a day before meals.

● It will not be a mistake to say that maral root is not inferior to ginseng roots in terms of immunostimulating properties. However, it is recommended that you consult your doctor when taking herbal preparations. The population of Siberia practices reception medicines Leuzei with low blood pressure (hypotension), headaches, chronic fatigue. They also reduce blood clotting, which is why they are successfully used for thrombophlebitis and varicose veins veins in the form of compresses.

● Russian pharmaceutical industry produces liquid extract leuzei safrolovidnaya (maral root). The extract is prescribed 20-30 drops before meals three times a day. Not so long ago, an extract to quench thirst and increase tone was added to the Sayany soft drink.

● To prepare an alcoholic extract of maral root, pour dried roots with 70˚ medical alcohol in a ratio of 1:10, let it brew for 21 days, then strain. Drink tincture of 20-30 drops in one tablespoon of water 2-3 times a day before meals. Instead of alcohol, you can use high-quality 40˚ vodka, but at the same time, in order to get the maximum effectiveness from the medicine, you need to drink not 20-30 drops, but 30-40.

Maral root tincture

● Drink 2-3 times a day 20 minutes before meals, 20-40 drops of maral root tincture in case of fatigue, low blood pressure, after prolonged chronic disease.

● Take 50 ml three times a day. infusion of the roots of leuzea safrolovidny before meals (for 300 ml of boiling water 2 tablespoons of dry raw materials, insist in a warm place for 20 minutes and strain).

● Grind the dried maral root to a fine powder and mix thoroughly with honey in a ratio of 1:9. Take one tablespoon delicious medicine three times a day, as a tonic and tonic.

● Attention: preparations of maral root (leuzea safrolovidny) are contraindicated in patients who have elevated blood and

If you want to read more about leuzea safrolovidnaya (maral root), click on the link>>>

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In the article we discuss the maral root. You will learn what the plant looks like, where it is found and what climate it prefers. We will talk about the beneficial properties and contraindications for the use of maral root. Following our advice, you will learn how to prepare tinctures and decoctions for the treatment of disorders of the cardiovascular, nervous and reproductive systems.

Appearance (photo) maral root Maral root - herbaceous plant family Astrovye (lat. Asteraceae). The plant got its name thanks to deer deer, which eat it, digging it out of the ground with their hooves.

The Latin name is Rhaponticum carthamoides. Other names of the plant: safflower-like leuzea, safflower-like headwort, safflower-like raponticum, safflower-like stemakantha, lower uimon, maral grass.

What does it look like

Leuzea has a horizontal rhizome with multiple processes. The root has a dark brown hue and a characteristic smell of resin.

On average, maral root grass reaches a height of 50–80 cm, rarely grows up to 2 meters. The stems of the plant are hollow and ribbed, covered with fluff.

The leaves are serrated, pinnatipartite, ovate-lanceolate. The leaf plate has a dark green tint.

tubular flowers purple grow in single baskets similar to thistles. The diameter of the basket is from 3 to 8 cm. Maral root blooms from July to August.

The fruits are seeds. Maral root bears fruit from late August to September.

Where does it grow

Maral root is a cold-resistant and light-loving plant, which is found mainly in southern Siberia. It grows in alpine and subalpine meadows, in Central Asia, Western and Eastern Siberia and Altai. Prefers moist soil and does not tolerate waterlogging.

Rhizomes with roots

The roots of the plant are used in folk medicine. In folk and traditional medicine Leuzea rhizome is widely used. Plant raw materials for the preparation of medicines are obtained from it. In pharmacies, you can buy maral root in dry or liquid form - in the form of an extract.

Chemical composition

Maral root contains:

  • tannins;
  • phytoecdysones;
  • inulin;
  • essential oils;
  • gum;
  • coumarins;
  • organic acids;
  • anthocyanins;
  • vitamin A;
  • vitamin C;
  • alkaloids;
  • phosphorus;
  • flavonoids;
  • wax.

Medicinal properties

The medicinal properties and contraindications of maral root are in its saturated chemical composition. Tannins have an anti-inflammatory effect, coumarins thin the blood, inulin lowers blood sugar levels.

Means based on maral root restore strength, effectively strengthen the immune system and saturate the body with vitamins. This is especially necessary in autumn and spring during periods of increased incidence.

Maral root has a beneficial effect on the cardiovascular and nervous systems. Funds based on it normalize arterial pressure, strengthen the walls of blood vessels and eliminate irritability. They are used for migraine, vegetative-vascular dystonia, depression, insomnia.

Maral root is used for treatment and prevention oncological diseases . At systematic reception plant-based products stop the growth of pathogenic cells and destroy them.

Leuzea is equally useful for men and women. She normalizes hormonal background, reinforces sexual attraction and increases endurance.

How to collect

Medicinal raw materials are harvested at the end of summer or at the beginning of autumn, after the fruits have fully ripened. The root is dug up, cleaned from the ground, washed and dried at a temperature not exceeding 60 degrees. Drying in the open sun is acceptable.

Since the plant recovers rather slowly, the next collection can be carried out no earlier than once every 2 years. When harvesting 10 square meters of gauze root thickets, two to four intact plants are left for faster recovery.

Ready raw materials are stored in paper bags in a ventilated area. The shelf life of dried maral root is 3 years.

How to apply

Decoctions, infusions and tinctures are made from maral root. Alcohol-containing tinctures, water infusions and decoctions are prepared on the basis of leuzea at home. They are used to treat hypotension, nervous disorders and depression.

Maral root promotes protein synthesis in the body, it is especially useful for athletes at the recruitment stage muscle mass. Plant-based products accelerate the reflex reaction and increase motor activity.

Leuzea extract is taken not only inside, but also used externally. It effectively heals wounds, eliminates inflammation in muscles and joints, restores bone tissue at fractures.

Maral root is used for cosmetic purposes for skin and hair care. A decoction of the plant is used as a rinse, the infusion is added to face masks. These products have a rejuvenating effect and, with regular use, improve the condition of the skin and hair.

Tincture for men

Maral root for men is useful for increasing potency and sexual desire. Tincture of the plant normalizes the hormonal background and prevents the development of prostatitis and prostate adenoma.


  1. Maral root - 10 gr.
  2. Vodka - 100 ml.

How to cook: Pour crushed maral root with vodka, close the container with a lid and infuse at room temperature for 14 days. Shake the bottle daily. Finished product strain through a cotton-gauze filter and store in the refrigerator.

How to use: For the prevention of sexual impotence, take 20-25 drops 2 times a day before meals. For the treatment of impotence, bring the dosage to 30 drops and take 3 times a day.

Result: Maral root tincture enhances sexual desire and blood circulation in the pelvic organs.

Other Applications

Leuzea infusion is used as a tonic and general tonic. It is useful when nervous disorders, loss of strength and depression.


  1. Maral root - 1 teaspoon.
  2. Water - 250 ml.

How to cook: Grind the maral root, pour boiling water over it, cover and leave for at least 2 hours. Strain the finished drink through a multilayer gauze.

How to use: Take 50 ml up to 4 times a day before meals. The course of treatment is 2-3 weeks.

Result: Infusion has a tonic effect on the body, increases efficiency. At the same time, it normalizes the work of the nervous system, eliminates anxiety and irritability.

Moral root vodka tincture is useful for women with vegetative-vascular dystonia. With regular use, the remedy normalizes the hormonal background and has an analgesic effect during critical days.


  1. Maral root - 20 gr.
  2. Vodka - 250 ml.

How to cook: Rinse and chop the maral root, fill it with vodka and close the lid tightly. Infuse the remedy in a dark place at room temperature for 3 weeks. Shake the container periodically. Strain the finished tincture through a multilayer gauze.

How to use: Take 15-20 drops of tincture 2-3 times a day. The course of admission is 2 weeks.

Result: Means normalizes blood pressure and strengthens the walls of blood vessels. Course reception of tincture eliminates migraines, lethargy and dizziness.

A powder is obtained from the dried maral root. It is mixed with honey and used as a tonic and tonic.


  1. Maral root - 20 gr.
  2. Honey - 180 ml.

How to cook: Pound the maral root to a powdery consistency, add honey and mix until smooth.

How to use: Take 1 tablespoon 3 times a day.

Result: The tool effectively strengthens the immune system, restores strength, eliminating fatigue, lethargy and drowsiness.

Tincture and infusion of leuzea on alcohol

Levzeya insist on vodka, alcohol or moonshine. Consider the recipe for tincture of maral root on alcohol.


  1. Maral root - 100 gr.
  2. Alcohol - 1 liter.
  3. Water - 200 ml.

How to cook: Dilute the alcohol with water, pour the crushed maral root with the resulting liquid and close the lid tightly. Shake the container and put it in a dark, cool place for 2 weeks. Strain the finished drink through a multilayer gauze.

How to use: Take 1 tablespoon 3 times a day before meals.

Result: Maral root tincture lowers blood sugar levels, normalizes blood pressure and has a calming effect on nervous system.

You can also prepare a more concentrated drink based on 90% alcohol. It is used externally for rubbing for muscle and joint pain.


  1. Maral root - 50 gr.
  2. Alcohol - 500 ml.

How to cook: Grind the root of the plant, pour it into a glass bottle, pour in alcohol and close the lid tightly. Infuse the remedy in a dark and cool place. Shake the tincture container periodically. Filter the finished drink through a cotton-gauze filter.

How to use: Rub the foci with the resulting infusion pain syndrome 2-3 times a day. The course of treatment is 3-4 weeks.

Result: The product has an analgesic and anti-inflammatory effect.

Maral root decoction

A decoction of maral root is used to treat hypotension, depressive disorders and chronic fatigue syndrome. This is a less concentrated remedy, so it can be taken for a longer time.


  1. Maral root - 1 tablespoon.
  2. Water - 250 ml.

How to cook: Grind the maral root, fill it with water and put on medium heat. Boil the product under the lid for 30 minutes, remove from the stove, cover with a towel and let it brew for an hour. Ready decoction filter through a strainer. Add boiled water so that the volume of the drink is 250 ml.

How to use: Take ⅓ cup up to 3 times daily before meals.

Result: Decoction dilates blood vessels, normalizes blood pressure, restores strength and eliminates sharp drops moods.

Maral root tablets

Available in pharmacies pharmaceuticals based on maral root in the form of tablets or dragees. They are prescribed as an additional source of vitamins C and E and to restore the function of the sex glands.

Take 2 tablets 3 times a day with meals. The course of admission is 1 month.

Honey from maral root plant

Maral root is an excellent honey plant. In the warm season, the flower releases up to 0.40 mg of nectar. From one hectare of plants, up to 100 kg of the finished product is obtained.

Levzey honey is yellowish-green or white-yellow. It has a sickly sweet taste and rich floral aroma.

The product has a high glucose content, due to which it crystallizes quite quickly. 2 months after pumping, the honey begins to sugar.

Honey with maral root is easily absorbed by the body. It strengthens the immune system, normalizes blood pressure and has a positive effect on potency.


Contraindications to the use of products based on maral root:

  • hypertension;
  • increased intracranial pressure;
  • diseases of the fundus;
  • glaucoma;
  • period of pregnancy;
  • individual intolerance;
  • children's age up to 12 years.


Maral root belongs to the genus Rapontikum (lat. Rhaponticum), the Aster family (lat. Asteraceae), the order Astroflower (lat. Asteraceae). The plant belongs to the Dicotyledonous class (lat. Dicotyledones), Flowering department (lat. Magnoliophyta).


The genus Raponticum unites 23 species of flowering plants. The most common of them:

  • raponticum sickle-shaped;
  • raponticum safflower;
  • raponticum shining;
  • raponticum whole-leaved;
  • raponticum aulieatinsky;
  • creeping mustard.

For more information about the plant, see the video:

Maral root infographics

Photo of maral root, its useful properties and application:
Maral root infographic

What to remember

  1. Leuzea is widely used in both folk and traditional medicine.
  2. Means based on maral root restore strength, effectively strengthen the immune system and saturate the body with vitamins.
  3. In pharmacies, you can buy pharmaceutical preparations based on maral root in the form of tablets, dragees or liquid extract.

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One of the unusual varieties of honey, famous for its useful properties- This is honey maral root. What exactly is this variety useful for, and what medicinal properties it manifests, let's find out together.

Maral root is a unique plant, and it transfers all its unusual qualities to the nectar of its flowers. Being an excellent honey plant, Leuzea attracts many insects, and not only bees, but also bumblebees and ants.

Honey from leuzea is perfectly absorbed, enhances the tone of the body. Maral nectar ripens in warm conditions with moderate humidity (60-70%). In the warm season, the plant releases up to 0.40 mg of nectar per day.

The unusual name of the plant is due to the fact that red deer (marals) are very fond of eating leuzea during the rut. It is this root, as zoologists believe, that enhances the potency of deer and makes them even more active during the period of courting females. On the same basis, similar properties are attributed to honey from maral root - tonic, strengthening, restoring.


The rarity of this variety is due to the rather limited area of ​​\u200b\u200bgrowth of the flower. Leuzea is mainly distributed in Altai, Eastern and Western Siberia as well as in southern Asia. Therefore, the price of such bee product higher than, for example, ordinary linden or flower honey.

From one hectare of a plant at proper care and good natural conditions get up to 100 kg of honey and a considerable amount of perga. To obtain a pure variety, the maral root plant needs large areas.


Depending on the saturation and the predominance of the pure component, the color of the product may vary. In general, the shade of leuzea honey ranges from white-yellow to yellowish-green. Beekeepers say color variation depends on impurities, storage conditions, and even weather when harvested. To prevent the product from discolouration, store it properly, without overheating or freezing. Clean, fresh, freshly harvested mass is highly transparent.

Taste qualities

The taste of honey from leuzea is very delicate, the sweetness is strong, it comes to cloying. It goes well with strong tea, pastries, nuts or lemon. The honey taste and smell of honeycombs is felt very strongly, which indicates high quality substances, about the concentration of useful substances.


Leuzea honey has a wonderful aroma: strong, rich, classic honey. Since the flower itself smells very intense, the product made by bees from its nectar also has a characteristic smell. The aroma can be described as sweet, rich, rich. Having tried such honey once, it will be hard to forget its smell and taste.


Useful and medicinal properties

Leuzea is often compared to Chinese ginseng. No wonder, because this plant and products based on its root treat more than ten diseases. Among them: male infertility, impotence, loss of strength, depression, mental disorders. Honey product maral root regular use improves memory, for the same reason it should be eaten by elderly people with atherosclerosis.

Also, Leuzea delicacy can be given to children during illness or after it - to strengthen immunity, speedy recovery. Sweetness is also useful for women in the period of weight loss, as a rejuvenating agent. And although you can’t eat a lot of it, useful qualities product will certainly have an effect. It is important not only to eat honey, but also to build your diet in such a way as to remove refined sugar from it.

Video "Origin and collection of wild honey"

An interesting video about the origin of the wild bee product, the methods of its collection and the secrets of beekeeping.

Maral root (leuzea) improves blood composition, increases the content of erythrocytes, leukocytes, hemoglobin in it, improves immunity. Preparations based on Leuzei safflower provide blood supply to the central nervous system, regulate blood pressure.

Maral root (leuzea) has a mild vasodilating effect.

Acting as a natural adaptogen, m aralia root (leuzea) has a tonic and restorative action increasing the body's resistance to physical stress and unfavorable factors external environment.

Leuzea safflower (maral root) - Rhaponticum carthamoides is a rare and endangered plant with unique properties. It contains biostimulants - phytoecdysteroids and occupies an outstanding place among other adaptogens in its ability to prevent the onset of the development of many diseases, effectively remove an extremely wide range of pathologies. The use of Leuzea preparations has no age and seasonal restrictions. Security and absence side effects in their use has stood the test of time for five millennia in practice oriental medicine. It is also important that they are perfectly combined with classical medications.

Food supplements from leuzei (maral root) are used as antidepressants and immuno-stimulants, concentrators of mental energy, physical and sexual strength, as anti-shock, anti-pain and wound healing agents.

Substances contained in maral root (leuzei) are the reason anabolic effect in vertebrates, stimulating protein biosynthesis in muscle tissues, are applied as means of high technologies in many branches of medicine.

Maral root (leuzea) used as a stimulant, tonic. When taken, working capacity, endurance, mood and appetite increase, fatigue and a feeling of fatigue disappear. Maral root is also effective in functional disorders of the nervous system, its oppression.

Leuzea (maral root) relieves irritability, headaches, depression and hypotension.

Most effective when applied maral root (leuzea) noted in the treatment of patients with complaints of increased fatigue, Bad mood and decreased appetite, irritability, headache, bad dream, decreased sexual activity, various vegetovascular disorders.

Maral root (leuzea) used for alcoholism and impotence. In addition, strong anti-diabetic properties have been proven. Maral root also accelerates the healing of wounds and fractures.

Leuzea (maral root) valued for its phytoecdysone content - these are compounds that enhance protein synthesis, responsible for its accumulation in the muscles, liver, heart and kidneys. In addition, maral root contains alkaloids, carotene, ascorbic acid. As a result of the use of drugs based on maral root there is an increase in muscle mass, which is very important for athletes and people with high physical exertion.

Leuzea (maral root) has a tonic and stimulating effect. Its main pharmacological properties are an increase in the strength of contraction and performance of muscles, an improvement in blood supply to muscles and the brain.

Maral root (leuzea) used for functional disorders of the central nervous system, loss of strength, mental and physical fatigue, when working in extreme conditions, insomnia, diabetes, chronic alcoholism. With its long-term use, morbidity decreases, self-esteem of health improves, heart rate decreases during physical exertion, static endurance and fine coordination of the hand increase, and mental performance improves. After a single dose of the extract Leuzei there is a stimulating effect on the central nervous system. It also softens the hemodynamic response to physical activity and reduces recovery period after it (less than when taking Eleutherococcus, but more than after taking ginseng).

Leuzea (maral root) widely used in Siberian folk medicine - the inhabitants have long known that deer, deer, cows and horses are looking for this plant and eat it intensively. Siberian old-timers in the last century noticed the beneficial effect maral root (leuzei) and on the human body. People say about this plant that it "raises a person from fourteen diseases and fills him with youth."

Decoction of rhizomes and roots leuzei (maral root) and their alcohol tincture have a good tonic, stimulating effect. A decoction and tincture of maral root relieve the feeling of fatigue and fatigue during physical and mental work, restore vigor, increase appetite, significantly increase efficiency, improve general well-being and enhance the activity of the sex glands (contribute to the restoration of sexual function).

Clinical studies have shown that drugs Leuzei stimulate the activity of the central nervous system, and especially the cerebral cortex, increase endurance to physical activity, reduce the feeling of fatigue, steadily increase blood pressure, slow down the rhythm and increase the amplitude of the heart pulsation, dilate peripheral vessels and increase blood flow velocity.

root decoction Leuzei used in folk medicine as an aphrodisiac in case of general loss of strength after suffering serious illnesses, physical and mental fatigue and in the decline of sexual activity.

Levzeya has been widely used in scientific medicine. It is used in case of loss of strength, general weakness, exhaustion various origins, reduced physical and mental performance, irritability, headache, chronic alcoholism and impotence (sexual impotence).

Preparations maral root (leuzea) necessary to maintain the general tone of the body, eliminate disorders associated with metabolic disorders and menstrual cycle, rehabilitation in postoperative period convalescing after a serious illness.

Reception maral root (leuzea) relieves irritability, neurosis, psychoasthenic conditions, hyperexcitability and lethargy, fear, fright and fear.

An important property maral root (leuzea) is the ability to suppress any pain in the body, at whatever point it is localized.

Efficient use leuzei (maral root) at home for quick sobering with drunkenness, from getting rid of the consequences food poisoning to normalize blood pressure and blood sugar levels, accelerated healing wounds and broken bones.

Leuzea (maral root) it is also recommended for mental workers whose activities are associated with the need to memorize a large amount of information, focus and display accuracy, overcome logical difficulties.

Justified use maral root (leuzea) services emergencies when work must be carried out in a tense psycho-emotional environment associated with the action of strong stimuli, lack of time and lack (excess) of information.

Biologically active additives from leuzei (maral root) designed to gain strength and endurance in professional sports, to build muscle fibers in bodybuilding, maral root preparations improve metabolic processes associated with protein synthesis and energy consumption at the cellular level, which effectively eliminates muscle fatigue during intense physical activity. This is also the reason for burning excess fat in the body.

Along with sports, adaptogens contained in maral root (leuzei) widely used in marine, aerospace and military medicine to overcome exorbitant physical and intellectual loads in a normal healthy person. Allowing you to repeatedly concentrate psychic energy, refining the work of the sense organs and not succumbing to the action of sleep, preparations from leuzei (maral root) can serve as the basis of "fearlessness elixirs".

Maral root (leuzea) - indispensable tool relieve fatigue for mushroom pickers, berry pickers, tourists and summer residents.

beneficial effect on psycho-emotional state personality, cardiovascular system and the dynamic performance of the body is the basis of drugs to improve sexual function and enhance libido.

Leuzea (maral root) is one of the best means to restore and maintain sexual activity, eliminates frigidity and potency disorder. Women improve reproductive functions(ability to conceive and give birth to a full-fledged child).

One of ancient legends says that somehow the hunters found a boy in the taiga. He was so weak and emaciated that he could not move, he could not even speak or raise his head.

The hunters brought him to the village to the local doctor, and he poured a decoction of leuzea roots into the boy's mouth.

A few minutes later the boy jumped to his feet, ran out into the street and began to uproot the trees. They barely calmed him down and convinced him to direct the newfound strength in a useful direction.

The boy grew up to be a real giant and until the end of his days he protected the inhabitants of the village, helping them in everything. And on the hunt, one carried a whole deer, putting the carcass on his shoulders.


As with any medicine, maral root (leuzea) has its contraindications. It is not recommended to take Leuzea during pregnancy and hypertension. In glaucoma, it can cause an unacceptable expansion blood vessels eye fundus. In some cases, when taking leuzea safflower-like (maral root) decreased blood clotting was noted.

Maral root (lat. Rhapónticum carthamoídes) is a perennial herbaceous plant of the Asteraceae family.

In botany, the herb is known as leuzea safflower, raponticum safflower or safflower head; in Siberia, the leuzea is called “maral grass”, and the root is called “maral root”.

This is due to the fact that maral deer are treated with this root and eaten during the mating season. Very actively use leuzea and traditional healers especially in the treatment functional disorders in the sexual area.

Depending on the place of growth, Leuzea reaches a height of 50 - 180 cm. It has a woody, horizontally located, brownish-brown rhizome. The stem is thin, ribbed, which ends in a large, almost spherical basket. The leaves are alternate, deeply pinnatipartite, slightly cobwebbed.

Flowers purple-purple. The fruit ripens in August-September in the form of a brown tetrahedral ribbed achene with a tuft at the top. Flowering occurs in July-August.

maral root in vivo has a limited area of ​​​​growth - these are the Sayans, Altai, and the foothills of the Kuznetsk Alatau, where at an altitude of 1700-2000 m above sea level at the upper border of the forest it sometimes forms continuous thickets. In the forest belt, it grows in fir-cedar light forests, in forest tall grass meadows, near mountain streams.

The stocks of leuzea are depleted, so it is introduced into the culture - this unpretentious plant feels great in almost any climatic zone. Many flower growers, cultivating leuzea on personal plot, with difficulty control it - it grows so much, and any weed will envy the vitality of the plant.

And growing a plant from seeds is quite simple. Before sowing, they are soaked for 12 hours. Then, a groove is made on the prepared bed and the seeds are laid out one at a time at a distance of 35-40 cm, between rows 50-60 cm. With this planting scheme, the leuzea will not have to be transplanted. But sometimes, if there is not enough land, the seeds are sown after 5-7 cm, and in the fall they are planted in a permanent place. The plant blooms in the second year.

Collection and preparation of medicinal raw materials

As medicinal product use the rhizomes of leuzea with roots. Maral root becomes mature and the content of useful medicinal ingredients rises to a maximum at the age of 3, and it is harvested at the end of August and in September after the ripening of its seeds.

It is during this period that the rhizome is dug up, washed cold water, dried for 2-3 days in the open air, cut into thin strips and dried in special dryers at a temperature of about 60 degrees or in the sun.

If the raw materials are dried indoors, then good ventilation must be ensured so that the roots do not become moldy and the raw materials do not deteriorate. Stored in paper bags for 3 years.

If you do not have the opportunity to harvest the leuzea rhizome yourself, you can purchase it at regular pharmacies at your place of residence or in online stores.

Maral root - medicinal properties and uses

At biochemical research carotene, inulin, calcium oxalate crystals, phosphoric acid salts, alkaloids were found in the rhizome of the plant, essential oil, gums, vitamin C, resins, tannins and dyes. It is these components that determine the medicinal properties of Leuzea.

Maral root preparations are used both in folk and in official medicine. They are used as a stimulant, tonic. When taken, working capacity, endurance, mood and appetite increase, fatigue and a feeling of fatigue disappear.

Maral root is also effective in functional disorders of the nervous system, its oppression. Leuzea relieves irritability, headaches, depression and hypotension.

Maral root improves blood supply to muscle fibers, increases blood pressure and heart rate, while reducing the tone of peripheral vessels. Leuzea preparations increase physical and mental performance help lower blood sugar.

Maral root for men helps to cope with age-related depression, increases vitality and energy, activates the metabolism and nutrition of tissues, increases the production of testosterone. Leuzea extract is a part of many preparations for impotence, water decoctions of the root work well.

For women, leuzea is one of the best means for restoring and maintaining sexual activity, eliminates frigidity, and reproductive functions (the ability to conceive and give birth to a full-fledged child) are also improved.

Biologically active supplements from leuzea are intended for gaining strength and endurance in professional sports, for building muscle fibers in bodybuilding, maral root preparations improve metabolic processes associated with protein synthesis and energy consumption at the cellular level, which effectively eliminates muscle fatigue during strenuous physical loads. This is also the reason for burning excess fat in the body.

Maral root preparations are necessary to maintain the general tone of the body, eliminate disorders associated with metabolic disorders and the menstrual cycle, rehabilitation in the postoperative period, recovery after a serious illness, help to cope with alcohol addiction.

Official medicine approved the sale of leuzea preparations in pharmacies - these are tinctures, an extract of leuzea soflorovidny, leuzea in tablets "Levzeya P", dry root. The specific taste and smell of the plant can be felt in the usual Sayany drink.

Maral root - traditional medicine recipes

To prepare medical preparations from maral root at home, no special skills are required. To prepare a decoction, 15 grams of crushed raw materials are poured with a glass of boiling water, decoction warmed up in a water bath for half an hour and infused for the same amount at room temperature. A decoction is taken three times a day, 30 grams before meals. The course of treatment is a couple of weeks.

To prepare an alcohol tincture, 15 grams of raw materials are poured into 100 grams of vodka. Glassware with infusion stands in a dark cabinet at room temperature for two weeks, periodically it needs to be shaken. When the composition is ready, it is necessary to strain it and take 20 drops twice a day before meals.

Men to increase sexual function alcohol tincture deer root should be taken three times a day, 30 drops. The reception lasts two weeks, the same period of time the tincture is taken with spring beriberi and fatigue.

Tones and stimulates the nervous system collection from the roots of leuzea, taken in equal proportions with hawthorn fruits, calendula flowers, plantain leaves, chokeberry fruits. Taken 1 tsp. herbs are mixed with 2 tsp. wild rose and the roots of Manchurian aralia. The mixture is poured with a glass of boiling water and infused for an hour. A glass is drunk in three doses per day.

Maral root powder can also be used as a tonic and tonic. Grind the dried root to a powder, mix with honey in a ratio of 1: 9, grind thoroughly. Take 1 tablespoon 3 times a day.

Leuzea - ​​contraindications and side effects

Like any medicine, maral root (leuzea) has its own contraindications. It is not recommended to take Leuzea during pregnancy and hypertension. In glaucoma, it can cause an unacceptable expansion of the blood vessels of the fundus.

When using Leuzea preparations, there are no side effects, however, due to tonic properties, it is not recommended to take maral root before bedtime, otherwise insomnia is possible. In the presence of chronic diseases, a doctor's consultation is required!