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Folk remedies for increasing immunity in children: methods and recipes for folk methods of strengthening the body. Quick treatment of a runny nose in a child with folk remedies

In the arsenal of pharmaceutical expectorants there are many drugs with questionable effectiveness and unproven safety. Therefore, some mothers try to protect their children from similar drugs. They know that there are equally useful folk remedies for coughs for children that can quickly relieve cold symptoms without risk to health.

Features of cough treatment with folk remedies in children

What is the danger of using pharmaceuticals From cough? For the most part, doctors prescribe mucolytics to children - drugs that thin out sputum. But similar treatment absolutely not justified under the age of 3 years.

Small children have a characteristic structure of the bronchi. If the sputum thins, it drops more easily. The infection, instead of going out, penetrates further into the lungs. And when taking the wrong medications, bronchitis and pneumonia occur.

Cough treatment folk remedies gives a softer effect. As a rule, all these techniques help not only fight the underlying infection, but also strengthen the immune system.

For dry cough: with expectorant action

A dry cough in a child indicates the onset of the disease. It just means that the infection has already penetrated the respiratory tract, but the reaction has not yet followed. In this case, you need to do everything possible to help the mucous membranes work fully, to transform the cough into a productive one (with sputum discharge).

In case of stagnation of sputum, inhalations help. Moist air with a medicinal component relieves irritation from dry mucous membranes and makes the ciliated epithelium work more fruitfully. Hairs of the mucous membrane active movement drive the infection out. The transition of a cough from dry to wet indicates the beginning of recovery.

Treatment efficiency is increased by:

  • humid indoor air;
  • the temperature in the room is no more than 20°C;
  • drinking plenty of fluids.

Frequent use of small amounts of pure warm water or other drinks helps moisturize mucous membranes, thin and separate sputum.

With phlegm

If sputum is released when you cough, it means that the mucous membranes are actively cleared of infection. A wet cough may persist for another 1-2 weeks after recovery.

When separating sputum, you must still adhere to the drinking regime. Do not allow the mucous membranes to dry out and the secretions to stagnate in the lungs.

Children's cough has many causes and treatments. In addition to medications prescribed by a pediatrician to treat a child, there are many traditional medicines. Their effectiveness has been tested repeatedly, and soft action, minimum contraindications and side effects make folk remedies widely used.

Egg potion

Egg mixture can cure even the most severe cough that cannot be treated with modern medicine. This recipe is known to many grandmothers, who at one time quickly put anyone on their feet. This recipe can cure even severe bronchitis! Much time has passed, but this ancient folk remedy is still used to treat coughs.

To prepare the egg mixture, you must first boil a glass of milk. Then add a tablespoon of butter and honey. In addition, add well-beaten egg yolk and just a little bit of soda, about 1/4 teaspoon. This is a very effective remedy, not only for coughs, but also for bronchitis, laryngitis and tracheitis!

Another milk based recipe. In ancient times, a very simple folk recipe was used to treat cough in children, which is still relevant today. Although the recipe is simple, it is very effective in treating cough, as after the first use you feel relief. First, bring half a liter of milk to a boil. When the milk boils, remove it from the heat and add one tablespoon pine buds. Let it brew for an hour and you’re ready to drink. You need to drink the decoction throughout the day. That's all. Then repeat the procedure as necessary.

Lemon with honey and glycerin is a better cough remedy

This excellent recipe even helps with coughs, the cause of which is not always possible to find. Finding its ingredients is not difficult, their cost is quite affordable, which does not affect the effectiveness at all.

Algorithm for preparing a cough remedy:

    A medium-sized lemon is thoroughly washed with a brush and several punctures are made on its peel.

    Cook the prepared lemon for 5 minutes over low heat and cool.

    Squeeze juice from lemon using any in an accessible way. The most convenient way to do this is with a citrus juicer.

    Add 25 ml of glycerin (2 tbsp) to the resulting juice, stir these ingredients in a glass with a volume of at least 250 ml.

    Fill the remaining volume of the glass to the brim with liquid honey and mix thoroughly.

    Infuse the resulting product in a cool place for 2-4 hours.

The frequency of use and the dosage of the medicine received depends on the severity of the child’s condition and the intensity of the cough. If for an adult the volume of a single dose is 1 tbsp. l., then for children this dose is reduced by half. A mixture of honey, lemon and glycerin is used either half an hour before meals, or 2 hours after it, about 2-3 times a day. A severe cough can be stopped with this recipe, taking the remedy 4-7 times a day.

You can speed up the preparation of this remedy if you do not boil the lemon, but pour boiling water over it and grind it with a blender until it becomes mushy. Honey and glycerin in this case remain in the same proportions.

Useful properties of the recipe:

    Stimulating immunity with a loading dose of vitamin C;

    Reducing the intensity of cough by moistening the throat with glycerin;

    Neutralization of infectious agents with honey, a natural antibacterial agent.

Contraindications for use remedy: allergic reactions for any ingredient increased acidity gastric juice.

Treatment of cough in children with onion decoction

This recipe was used back in the last century, but this has not lost its relevance.

Preparation of onion broth:

    Chop 2-3 medium sized onions, peeled, and place them in a shallow pan.

    Pour milk over the onions and boil them until soft.

    Add honey to the warm broth at the rate of one teaspoon for every 200 ml of liquid.

Directions for use: 1 tbsp. l. every hour for 1-3 days until complete disappearance acute symptoms. An alternative to this recipe can be onion honey. To prepare it, boil 2 whole medium-sized onions in sugar syrup (1 glass of sugar per 1 liter of water). During the boiling process, the broth should reduce by half. Half a glass of this onion honey is a dose for one-time use, excellent remedy from old bronchitis.

Black radish with cough honey

For this recipe, ordinary black radish is used; just find a small copy of this vegetable. It is washed with a brush, the core of the vegetable is cut out with a knife so that a bowl-shaped recess is obtained. The removed core can be discarded or used as an improvised “lid”, and 1-2 teaspoons of honey can be placed in the recess. It is absolutely not necessary to fill the recess with honey to the brim, since the secreted juice, the most valuable substance, will then pour out of the recess.

For stability, place the radish in a glass or jar and leave for 4-5 hours at room temperature. After the specified time, juice will be released in the recess and mixed with honey. Dosage for children – 3-4 times a day, 1 tsp, adults increase therapeutic dose doubled. The course of treatment with black radish juice is from 1 to 2 weeks. The same vegetable is used several times, with a fresh portion of honey added to the cavity.

Best remedy for colds:

Alternative recipe for radish with honey

In this recipe, only the form of using black radish changes. To prepare it you need to take 2 copies average size, peeled and cut into small cubes or bars. They are placed in a jar in layers, adding 1-2 tablespoons of honey between each layer until the container is completely filled.

Over several days spent in the refrigerator, a syrup of radish juice with honey is formed in the jar. It is drained and used for its intended purpose in the same dose as indicated in the previous recipe.

Milk with pine cones

One liter of milk and a pine cone is all that is needed to prepare this traditional medicine recipe. A thoroughly washed pine cone is boiled in milk for 1-2 hours over medium or low heat. The milk obtained as a result of this boiling healing properties, pour into another container.

Every 2 hours, take a quarter glass (6 tablespoons) of this remedy. Bitterness and bad taste the medicine is removed by adding honey (4-5 tablespoons).

Treatment of cough in children with mustard cake and honey

Ingredients such as honey and mustard can be used to prepare medicine three different ways.

1 recipe

    Chopped mustard beans – 1 tbsp;

    Honey – 1 tbsp;

    Table vinegar - 2 tbsp. l.;

    Sunflower oil – 1 tbsp. l.;

    Flour – 2 tbsp. l.

All ingredients of the recipe with the exception of flour must be mixed in a deep bowl and place the mixture on water bath until it reaches a temperature of +40+50?C. Add flour to the heated mixture of ingredients and knead the dough.

The resulting cake is applied to the chest or back in a certain sequence:

    A layer of gauze soaked in water and wrung out is placed on the body. Its size should be several millimeters larger than the application area.

    Place a layer of cling film on the gauze or compress paper a few centimeters more than a layer of gauze.

    A flatbread of dough with mustard and honey is placed on a layer of film.

    Thick cloth and cotton wool are placed on the cake.

    Secure the compress to the body with a scarf for 6-8 hours.

    After completing the procedure, wipe the skin of the back or chest with a soft, dry cloth.

For complete cure It is enough to make 3-4 compresses. When performing such compresses on children's skin, you need to carefully monitor its condition, avoiding irritation. Redness and irritation of the skin is a signal to stop the mustard-honey application. The affected areas are treated with baby powder.

2 recipe

Ingredients for preparing the medicine:

    Sunflower oil – 3 tbsp;

    Solid goat fat– 3 tbsp;

    Mustard powder - 3 tbsp;

    Honey - 3 tbsp;

    Vinegar - 3 tbsp.

The specified amount should yield 3 identical cakes. They are placed on the chest (1 piece) and on the back (2 pieces) in the projection of the lungs. Mustard-honey cakes are attached to the body, it is advisable to leave them overnight. After 5 sessions of use, even a severe cough in a neglected state goes away.

3 recipe

Ingredients for preparing the medicine:

    Dry mustard;

    Aloe juice;

  • Any visceral fat.

All components of the recipe need to be taken 1 tbsp, mixed and heated in a water bath. If there is no fat, it can be replaced with any vegetable oil(olive, corn, sunflower). The cake is placed on the chest, excluding the area of ​​the heart, or on the back in the projection of the bronchi on the gauze. Cover the top of the compress with a layer of gauze and plastic oilcloth and wrap it warmly.

For achievement therapeutic effect It is enough to repeat this procedure 1-2 times. Burns with this compress are not possible; only a slight skin reaction is observed, which turns a little pink. All three compresses very quickly eliminate cough in children caused by infection or inflammation.

With complex treatment colds in children accompanied by a severe cough, simultaneously with complex treatment use proven traditional medicine. Not worth replacing traditional methods folk remedies, they serve only as an addition to the medications prescribed by the pediatrician. Contraindications must be taken into account individual characteristics child's body.

Other folk recipes for coughs

Recipe No. 1. Barley decoction remarkably softens and coats the throat. It is prepared from 20 grams of ground grains and 1 glass of water. The resulting mixture is infused for 5 hours, then boiled for 10 minutes. It is recommended to take it 1 tbsp. up to 6 times a day.

Recipe No. 2. At prolonged cough take a lemon and boil it whole for about 10 minutes. Then, after cutting, squeeze out the juice well, mix with 2 tbsp. l. glycerin and, transferring to a glass, add honey to the top. Take the resulting product 1 tsp. three times a day. If the cough is severe - 2 tsp. (before lunch, after lunch, at night). When improvement occurs, you can reduce the intake again to 1 tsp. in a day.

Recipe No. 3. You will need to take equal parts olive oil and honey and then mix. The resulting mass should be taken up to four times a day, 1 tsp.

Recipe No. 4. A well-known remedy for the treatment of inflammation of the bronchi and trachea is the ordinary potato inhalation. Small potatoes with skins are boiled, after which the water should be drained and, covering your head with some kind of light blanket, inhale the steam from the pan for a quarter of an hour. Then wrap yourself in a blanket and go to bed.

Recipe No. 5. If you have whooping cough, bronchitis, or cough, it is recommended to drink black radish juice with honey. How to get juice from radishes? Take a well-washed large radish, cut off the top and take out 1/3 of the pulp, pour honey into the resulting container. The tail is lowered into a glass of water, and the cut part is covered with thick paper or a cut-off radish cap, and stands for 5 hours.

Then the resulting juice is drained, and honey is poured into the radish again. And this procedure is repeated for three days, after which the radish usually dries out. A ready juice drink 1 tbsp. before meals.

Recipe No. 6. Radish juice should be mixed with sugar. 7 medium pieces of black radish are cut thinly, sugar is poured on top and left for 8-10 hours. The resulting juice is taken 1 tbsp. each hour.

Recipe No. 7. A severe cough with attacks, as well as hoarseness, can be eliminated by taking black currant juice (1 part) with honey (1.5 parts). Use this remedy should be 1 tbsp throughout the day. 3 times.

Recipe No. 8. To relieve cough with bronchitis, tracheitis, and also to quickly thin sputum, drink healing decoction viburnum. To obtain a decoction, mix 100 grams of viburnum berries with a glass of honey. It is advisable to use this product in 2 tbsp. l., washed down with plain boiled water up to 5 times a day.

Recipe No. 9. Attack severe cough can be alleviated with an infusion of calamus roots. Take 1 tbsp. roots per 200 ml of boiling water. The resulting mixture must be consumed 2/3 cup before meals, 30 minutes before meals. It is recommended to drink up to 500 ml of this wonderful infusion per day.

Recipe No. 10. A dry cough is quickly softened by an infusion of coltsfoot. This infusion is easy to prepare: you need to take 1 tbsp. collection and pour 200 ml of boiling water. After infusion, the product should be taken every hour, 1 tbsp.

Recipe No. 11. Easy-to-use inhalations using a decoction of oregano and coltsfoot herbs or a soda solution are very effective. For getting best effect add essential oils(eucalyptus, menthol).

Recipe No. 12. Cold cough can be perfectly treated with a mixture of milk, butter (1 tsp), soda (1/4 tsp) and mineral water. All ingredients are mixed, after which the resulting product can be consumed hot, the effect will be noticeable almost immediately.

Old cough

To cure an old cough, you need to make compresses from the following solution. Take a tablespoon of dry mustard, flour, honey, sunflower oil and 1.5 tablespoons of vodka. Mix everything thoroughly and heat it up, not on gas, but in a water bath. Place this solution on gauze and make a compress on your throat in the place where it hurts the most. Place cellophane on top and secure with a warm scarf. This compress needs to be done for several days in a row.

In the first 10-12 years of life, human immunity is at the stage of formation. The child adapts to viruses, “earning” further immunity to these infections from diseases.

Children's groups in kindergartens and schools are the most favorable environment for the spread of viruses. Folk remedies help without side effects increase the body's resistance to disease.

When are they needed?

99% of all viral infections that children suffer from are ARVI, that is respiratory infections that affect the respiratory system.

The bacilli penetrate the mucosal cells, become one with them, and the cells themselves begin to produce new infected cells. Antiviral drugs are designed to stop this production. Traditional recipes support the immune system and help the body resist infection.

You can’t let the disease go away in the hope that it will “go away on its own.” It is necessary to fight viruses, since otherwise ARVI can cause complications in the fragile children's body. The most frequent complications: otitis, tracheitis, laryngitis, bronchitis, .

They happen when a virus encounters bacteria that live in cells. The viral infection turns into a bacterial infection and is often treated only with antibiotics.

These diseases develop faster in children than younger child, those faster infection penetrates deep. Children under two years of age are at greatest risk.

One of the most dangerous complications– these are spasms of the respiratory tract (stenosis of the larynx with laryngitis, obstruction with bronchitis); also, due to the nasal septum not fully formed, swelling of the nasal mucosa quickly develops.

Therefore it is important to start antiviral therapy from the very beginning of the disease, to children's immunity quickly dealt with the viral infection.

In addition to ARVI, there are other viruses that are not so rare and are familiar to everyone: chickenpox, herpes (read the article about the treatment of herpes on the lips), rotavirus ( stomach flu) and others.

For these infections, antiviral drugs are powerless. In addition to treating symptoms and stopping acute condition You can only take restorative drugs.

Best Recipes

Folk remedies have been used for decades and more than one generation has seen their effectiveness with their own eyes. If pharmacy antiviral drugs- the reason for constant debate about effectiveness, and they are also addictive, the good thing about folk remedies is that they help everyone, always (with very rare exceptions).

Vitamin C

This is a good immune stimulant; it will increase the body's resistance to the virus. The simplest and available products, rich in vitamin C are lemon and rosehip. Lemon can be put in tea or finely chopped and mixed with honey or sugar, and eat 1-2 spoons several times a day. Can be brewed as a drink and drunk warm.

Onions with honey

For ARVI symptoms, a mixture of onions and honey helps a lot. A medium-sized onion needs to be grated (or grind in a blender until mushy). Add 3 teaspoons of honey to the onion. You can even add candied honey; it will melt when mixed with onions. The mixture is eaten on a spoon several times a day.

"Medicinal milk"

Heat the milk. It must be warm, but in no case hot. Add half a spoonful of butter to warm milk, dissolve and drink slowly, in small sips. If you have a cough, you can add half a teaspoon of soda to the milk and butter; it thins the mucus.


Honey is a natural anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial agent, in addition, it softens sore throat and soothes irritated mucous membranes. You can simply eat honey with spoons, you can put it in tea instead of sugar, you can mix it as in the recipes above - with lemon, with onions, with milk.


You need to brew chamomile flowers and gargle with the decoction, add the decoction to tea or drink several sips throughout the day. Chamomile relieves inflammation well. Read about the beneficial properties of chamomile.

Drink plenty of warm drinks

This recommendation is almost always prescribed by doctors in addition to medications. Weak tea with lemon and/or honey, rosehip, chamomile, compotes, fruit drinks - all these drinks relieve inflammation, stimulate the immune system and “wash” infection from the body.


Good natural antiviral agent. You can eat garlic with bread, or rub bread with garlic, or add garlic pulp to your food.

Salt and soda

In a glass of warm water, dilute half a teaspoon of salt and soda. This mixture relieves inflammation and acts as an antimicrobial agent.

Nasal rinsing

Every hour it is advisable to rinse your nose with regular saline solution purchased at the pharmacy. Children do not know how to do full rinsing, so it is enough to instill half a pipette of saline solution into each nostril. It's simple saline solution, which moisturizes the nasal mucosa and “washes away” the infection.

Tea with raspberries

This recipe could be classified as a warm drink, but raspberries are a real storehouse of beneficial properties for viral infection, and tea with raspberry jam - perhaps the most effective remedy with ARVI. Raspberries work as a natural immunostimulant, relieve inflammation, warm the throat, and help reduce fever.

Dry mustard

As soon as your nose starts to tingle and your throat gets scratchy (the first manifestations of ARVI), you need to pour a little dry mustard into your socks at night; it will warm your feet well. This recipe should not be used by children under 3 years of age.

Iodine mesh

Helps well with the first viral runny nose (when literally water pours out of the nose) iodine mesh on the soles of your feet. This grid can be made even for children under one year old.

For the prevention of viral diseases

Before your child gets sick, you can take regular, simple steps preventive measures which should become a way of life.

They will strengthen the general condition of the body and increase resistance to viruses.

  • Provide fresh and moist air in the home where the child lives. It is necessary to regularly ventilate the room. You can humidify the air using a humidifier, and if this is not possible, then hang wet sheets, splash water, and place bowls of water around the room. This is especially true in winter; radiators dry out the air, the mucous membranes in the nose and mouth dry out, and the child becomes an easy target for viruses.
  • Dress children according to the weather. For healthy child It's better to be slightly cold than to overheat. But your feet should be warm and dry.
  • Don't overfeed, but make sure your child drinks a lot. But drink not sweet juices, but compotes, herbal or rose hip decoctions, clean water, weak tea.
  • Provide children sleep-wake pattern. The child should eat and sleep at the same time. This is useful not only for general condition body, but also for the nervous system.
  • Include in your daily diet onions and garlic, as well as honey.


Parents must understand that when treating children they need to be as attentive as possible and monitor any changes in the child’s condition. Best treatment– this is a set of measures and a golden mean.

It’s great when you can cope with the virus without the help of drugs, but if the child’s condition does not improve, then you should not give up pharmaceutical medications.

Watch the video about the treatment viral diseases folk remedies:

Treatment for cough is not about eliminating it as quickly as possible, but about relieving it. A dry cough needs to be made wet, sticky sputum- liquid. This can be achieved not only with the help of medications. There are folk remedies for coughs for children that effectively cope with this task.

Since ancient times, coughs have been treated with various folk remedies. Every family has traditional grandmother's cough recipes. It is important to take into account the individual characteristics of the child and his age. The remedy that successfully treated the neighbor's boy may not always help your child. IN best case scenario- it will simply be useless, and at worst, it will do harm. Traditional methods of treating cough in a child are used only when he has been examined by a pediatrician.

About the benefits of drinking

The most good remedy for coughs for children - plenty of warm drinks. If a child does not have enough fluid in the body, the blood becomes thicker. And if the blood is thick, then the mucus in the respiratory organs will also be thick. Drink plenty of fluids thins blood and phlegm, quickly removes toxins from the body during illness. Treatment of cough in children at home consists of sufficient and varied drinking regime. What can you give your child to drink?

In order for the body to lose less fluid, the air in the room should be about 20°C and the humidity from 50 to 70%. If these conditions are not met, the child will drink a lot, but also sweat excessively, which leads to constant loss of moisture.

The most popular folk methods

Our grandmothers and great-grandmothers used these methods. Many of the folk remedies are supported modern medicine. And along with drug treatment, the doctor often prescribes folk recipes cough medicine for children.

Dry cough

Treatment of dry cough in children with folk remedies includes many in various ways. All of them are aimed at making a dry cough productive, that is, wet. It is also important that the child begins to cough up any accumulated mucus.

  • Famous radish with honey. You need to make a hole in the radish and put a little honey there. Radish juice with honey should be given three times a day, a teaspoon. You can grate the radish, squeeze the juice out of it, add 1 teaspoon of honey.
  • Infusions from medicinal herbs . Thyme, plantain, marshmallow, yarrow, elecampane, coltsfoot, violet, fennel, pine buds, caraway - all these medicinal plants have expectorant and mucolytic effects. That is why they are so actively used in pharmacology for the production of syrups, drops, and tinctures. You can make infusions at home from several herbs at the same time, or you can brew each herb separately. Most effective means is a decoction of plantain leaves.
  • Breast fees. They can be purchased at the pharmacy. There are 4 options breast fees. No. 1 includes coltsfoot, oregano, marshmallow; in No. 2 - coltsfoot, licorice root, plantain leaves; in No. 3 - marshmallow, licorice, sage, pine buds, anise; in No. 4 - calendula, violet, mint, wild rosemary, licorice, chamomile.
  • Hot milk . To prepare this famous folk remedy for coughs in children, it is better to take goat’s milk. In a glass of hot boiled milk you need to melt a piece of butter, put honey there, and a little soda on the tip of a teaspoon. The drink is not very tasty, but effective. You need to drink it in small sips so that the oil envelops and the soda promotes the appearance of phlegm. Butter can be replaced with cocoa butter, which can be purchased at the pharmacy. You can use alkaline sparkling water instead of soda. It is better to take before bed.

Before treating cough in children with folk remedies, you should consult a pediatrician. It is important that the method used is effective for the type of cough and does not harm the child’s health. You need to be very careful when using alcohol-based compresses: they can burn you. delicate skin child or baby may be poisoned by alcohol vapor. The child may have allergic reactions to grass, honey, berries, and essential oils. This also needs to be taken into account.

Moist cough

Treatment wet cough in children, folk remedies should promote the rapid removal of sputum. If there is a lot of mucus in the lungs, and the child does not cough it up, this can lead to stagnation of phlegm and inflammation of the lungs. What methods can be effective for this type of cough?

  • Ginger tincture. Steam a tablespoon of chopped ginger in 2 cups of boiling water. Then you need to strain the broth. Give ¼ cup after meals four times a day. You can also add lemon juice to the broth.
  • Radish juice with milk and honey. Cooled boiled milk and radish are mixed in a 2:1 ratio. One teaspoon of honey is added. Give 1 tablespoon after meals.
  • Oat tincture. A glass of unpeeled oats (you can buy it at a pet store) needs to be boiled in 1 liter of milk and left in a water bath for 3 hours. Then strain, give ½ glass half an hour before meals.
  • Aloe juice. When combined with honey and lemon juice, it is considered an effective expectorant folk remedy. Aloe is famous for its anti-inflammatory properties, is considered a natural immunomodulator, it cannot be used in pure form. Folk remedies for coughs in children based on aloe should be given with great caution to children under 3 years of age.
  • Inhalations. The most effective are steam inhalations with the addition of thyme, coltsfoot, and menthol.

It is important to know: if sputum is already cleared well and the cough is productive, there is no point in giving your child folk remedies for cough, as well as expectorant syrups.

What can help?

  • Physical exercise. If the child runs around a little, he will easily begin to cough up the remaining phlegm. Active games will only be beneficial.
  • Water procedures. After a bath, which can be considered an inhalation procedure, children begin to cough up the remaining mucus.
  • Fresh air . The most best inhalation, which you can think of. Walking while coughing is not prohibited, but rather encouraged.
  • Drainage massage. It will help get rid of any remaining phlegm.

More about steam inhalations

They are most often used for dry coughs, when there is little sputum or it is too viscous and the child cannot cough up. The main objective of these procedures is to improve blood supply to the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract, moisturize them and evacuate excess mucus. Steam inhalations are often prescribed for pharyngitis, tracheitis, laryngitis, bronchitis, tracheobronchitis.


It is prohibited to use steam inhalations based on medications without a doctor’s prescription. Instead of a container of water, you can use a kettle as an inhaler. To do this, you need to make a cone out of thick paper and insert it into the neck of the teapot. Then you won't have to cover yourself with a towel. It’s even better to buy a nebulizer - a special device for inhalation.

7 rules for the procedure

For any inhalation, you need to remember these important points.

If the child is small, safety precautions during steam inhalation should be observed as much as possible. If the procedure seems like an “execution” to him, this event can be carried out in game form. Inhalations are prohibited for infants. The baby can easily get a burn to the respiratory tract.


  • In front of everyone purulent processes . Contraindications: discharge of purulent sputum when coughing, tonsillitis, sinusitis. Heat promotes the proliferation of pathogenic bacteria, so steam inhalation may worsen the condition.
  • If laryngotracheitis is suspected ( false croup) . If the child has dry barking cough and difficulty breathing, call urgently ambulance. In this situation, nebulizer inhalations with saline or mineral water room temperature.
  • At elevated temperature . Inhalation will further increase the temperature.

More about drainage massage

Drainage massage is a good cough remedy for children over one year old. Drainage will also be useful for infants who cannot cough up sputum. Every mother can independently master the simplest elements of drainage. At lingering cough It’s better to invite a massage therapist who will do the drainage professionally. How to do this massage correctly?

  1. Lay the baby down so that the buttocks are higher than the head. You can place a pillow under your stomach or place your baby on your lap.
  2. Make stroking movements on the back. Movements should be in the direction from bottom to top.
  3. Perform tapping on the back with your fingertips. You need to tap on the sides along the spine without touching it. An option for tapping with fingertips can be tapping with the edges of the palms.
  4. Lie down for 30 minutes after the massage. The child should be covered with a warm blanket. Sputum may begin to drain during the procedure or 10–30 minutes after drainage.

It is advisable to give an expectorant or inhale 30 minutes before the massage. You can do this procedure three times a day for 3–5 minutes. Drainage should not be done if the child has a fever. All movements should be intense, but without the use of force. It must be done with special delicacy drainage massage infants.

How to cure a child’s cough using folk remedies? This question is appropriate only when the baby has been examined by a pediatrician and prescribed basic drug treatment. It is important to determine the type of cough and the source of inflammation in the respiratory tract. And only a doctor can do this.


It is probably impossible to find someone today who has never in their life experienced what a cough is. Moreover, many people have to spend a huge amount of effort and time to get rid of this disease, not to mention money. But before you run to the pharmacy for medicines, it is worth trying to use folk cough recipes for children and adults.

Types of cough

The start of treatment should be preceded by clarification of the cause. After all, we are not always talking about a cough resulting from a cold or some kind of infection, and accordingly, not in all cases it can be eliminated at home. The use of folk remedies can eliminate the following types of cough:

Wet. It is characterized by cyclicity and stops after removal of sputum, resulting in relief. This cough resumes with the accumulation of sputum. It should be treated with mucus-thinning agents, for the preparation of which you can use folk recipes for coughs for children.

Dry. People call it a “barking” cough. It appears at the beginning of the disease. In this case, it is necessary to induce expectoration of sputum.

Folk recipes should not be used for such types as spastic, whooping cough, nocturnal, prolonged, appearing with physical activity, as well as psychogenic.

Moist cough. Traditional medicine recipes

The main task in the fight against wet cough is to facilitate the discharge of sputum. This is most difficult to achieve with a child's cough, since the sputum in children is more viscous than in adults. It is important that the mucus from the child’s bronchi is removed as quickly as possible, since it is the center for the development of bacteria.

There are the following folk cough recipes for children:

1 tbsp. a spoonful of chopped figs is poured with 300 ml of boiling water, the mixture is simmered over low heat for about 10-12 minutes, then it should be strained, cooled and given to the child 100 ml after meals;

Mix cooled boiled milk in a ratio of one to two, add 1 teaspoon of honey and consume 1 tbsp. spoon after eating;

Place a medium-sized onion cut into pieces in a saucepan, add 500 ml of milk, boil and leave for four hours, take the product every four hours; Similarly, you can prepare a drink from garlic (5 cloves).

Each recipe for a severe cough given above can be used to treat not only children, but also adults.

Dry cough - what is the best treatment?

When dealing with dry cough, there are some peculiarities. However, traditional medicine is not powerless here either. A hot decoction of dates helps very well in this case. To prepare it, you need to take about 10 dates, add 0.5 liters of water and cook for 30 minutes. In many cases, after such treatment, the dry cough stops.

Traditional recipes also involve treatment with chocolate butter, which can be prepared as follows: place 3 tbsp in a saucepan. spoons pork fat, 100 g of butter and melt them, then add 3 tbsp. spoons of cocoa and 100 g of chocolate. Cool the mixture and spread it on bread, eat 4-5 times a day. It is best to drink this unique delicacy for a child with water. warm milk with a pinch of soda. Children especially like this treatment, because, unlike numerous mixtures, decoctions and infusions, this oil is very tasty.

When considering folk recipes for dry cough, it is also worth mentioning one more remedy. To prepare it, add water to a medium-sized lemon and simmer over low heat for 10-12 minutes. Then remove the lemon and cut it in half, squeeze out the juice, add 2 tbsp. spoons of glycerin and honey to a full glass. Take 2 teaspoons three times a day.

Treatment of cough with coltsfoot

Coltsfoot is also widely popular in the treatment of cough. This plant, thanks to the substances contained in its leaves (acids, glycosides, polysaccharides, carotenoids, mucus, tannins), has an excellent expectorant effect. In addition, it reduces pain when coughing, disinfects and has an anti-inflammatory effect. ethnoscience cough recipes containing coltsfoot offers the following:

  • 1 tbsp. Pour a spoonful of plant leaves with water (200 ml) and, stirring, heat for 15 minutes on steam. Then cool, strain and dilute with boiling water to 200 ml. Take 100 ml. Daily dose should be 300-400 ml.
  • Fresh flowers should be poured with alcohol in a ratio of one to one and left for a week in a dark place. Take 30-35 drops orally before meals. It is worth noting that this remedy can only be used to treat cough in adults.

Traditional recipes for the treatment of cough in young children

Treatment of cough at home in children under 3 years of age requires great attention. Not every folk recipe can be used in treatment small child. The most popular among people are freshly squeezed juices of vegetables such as carrots and cabbage. carrot juice infants should be given after mixing it with sugar syrup in a 1:2 ratio. And it should be diluted with sugar syrup in a 1:1 ratio.

Good effect when eliminating children's cough can be achieved using an infusion of pine buds, for the preparation of which you need to add 1 tbsp. spoon of pine buds into a saucepan and pour 500 ml of milk over them, bring to a boil and leave. Give the child 50 ml of infusion every 1-2 hours.

Some folk cough recipes for children involve the use of remedies that should not be taken orally, but should be rubbed on the baby’s chest and back. It's about O badger fat. After rubbing the child, you should wrap him warmly so that he sweats, and then be sure to change into dry underwear.

Cough recipes using onions

Onions are also great for coughs. Folk recipes could not do without this root vegetable, because it is indispensable in the treatment of coughs and colds, as well as in the prevention of the latter. For treatment, you need to mix the juice of two medium onions with 100 g of sugar and cook the mixture for 10 minutes, cool it, add 2 tbsp. spoons of honey, take 1 teaspoon several times a day.

There is an easier way to prepare an onion cough remedy. You need to chop the onion and put it in a jar, sprinkle it with sugar. Let it sit for several hours, then feed the child with the released juice in a dosage of 1 teaspoon three times a day.

An onion decoction prepared as follows is also effective: place 1 liter of water, 2 onions in the skin, 200 g of sugar in a saucepan, stir and cook for an hour over low heat. Take 100 grams warm, 50 grams is enough for children. Children will surely like these folk recipes for coughs, since such medicines are sweet, despite the slightly pungent taste of the onion itself.

Traditional recipes using black radish

Numerous beneficial properties Black radish also has it. It is not at all difficult to find a recipe for cough, and such remedies can be used in the treatment of both adults and children.

So, there are the following recipes:

  • Rinse the radish thoroughly and use a sharp knife to make a hole in it, removing some of the pulp. The resulting cavity should be filled with honey and allowed to stand for 24 hours. Take 1 teaspoon in the morning, lunch and evening.
  • Peel the radish and cut into small cubes, then place it in a pot and sprinkle with sugar. Place in the oven and bake for two hours, then strain and give the patient 2 teaspoons before meals.
  • Wash and peel 6-7 radishes. Cut the vegetable into thin slices and sprinkle with sugar. After 10-12 hours, juice will be released. After this, the black radish itself is no longer needed. For coughs, the recipe recommends taking only the secreted juice 8-10 times a day.

Traditional recipes for the treatment of cough in adults

Adults can use both traditional recipes indicated in the treatment of cough for children, and many others. For example:

  • A tincture made from wormwood. To do this, you need to pour 20 g of wormwood with 500 ml of vodka or alcohol and let it brew. The best way The one that has been infused for the longest possible time is considered, but 24 hours is usually enough for this. Should be taken three times a day, 1 tbsp. spoon.
  • Hot mixture of pepper roots and white wine. It is prepared by boiling these two ingredients in the following proportions - 250 ml of wine and 60 g of pepper roots. Drink 4 times a day.

Drinks that help effectively fight cough

When treating both dry and wet cough, children and adults need to drink as much as possible. These can be any drinks, as long as they are warm. A drink made from ordinary hot milk and alkaline mineral water in a 1:1 ratio is effective in combating cough. It is better for young children to drink milk with figs. Warm tea with or raspberries has an anti-inflammatory effect.

It's good to drink a variety herbal infusions and decoctions. For example, a decoction of birch leaves, wild rosemary herb, oregano, nettle and birch buds, a decoction of common viburnum, which, by the way, is also an excellent expectorant. A decoction of viburnum fruits prepared with 200 g of berries and 1 liter of water also has a positive effect.

Inhalations at home

Traditional recipes for the treatment of cough also include This method does not require special knowledge or drugs, you just need to add chamomile, thyme, sage to boiling water, baking soda and eucalyptus oil and, covered with a towel, breathe in the steam that is released. The advantage of inhalation is that useful material, having entered the body in the form of vapor, they immediately begin to have a beneficial effect on the inflamed areas.

Folk recipes for coughs for children and adults are presented quite widely, but what helps one person is powerless when fighting another person’s illness, and this is worth keeping in mind and not despairing after the first failure. In any case, most folk remedies cannot harm to the human body, unlike numerous pharmaceutical drugs.