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Which mineral water is best for inhalation for a child? All the nuances of inhalation with mineral water

Experienced otolaryngologists say that the best remedy Moisture is the cure for a sore throat. Inhalations with mineral water indicated for children and adults, they significantly speed up the process of treating colds inflammatory diseases throat and respiratory organs.

They can be cold and hot, alkaline and acidic, with or without a nebulizer. Read to the end to understand everything and do everything right!

Types of inhalations

Depending on the method of inhalation and the equipment used, inhalations using mineral water are divided into:

  • Hot (steam), which do not require medical devices;
  • Cold(the liquid is in a nebulizer and is delivered into the throat under pressure in the form of very small particles);
  • Cold ultrasonicse(carried out in conditions medical institution under the supervision of specialists)

Based on the combination of manipulation conditions, accessibility and effect, nebulizer cold inhalations are the most optimal:

  1. They can be given to children from birth, including weak and premature children;
  2. Convenient supply of liquid promotes proper irrigation of the nasal cavity and pharynx;
  3. Depending on age, health status and doctor’s indications, decoctions of medicinal herbs can be added to mineral water.

Which mineral water is suitable for inhalation

The composition of mineral waters offered for sale is not the same. There are two types of water and, depending on it, two types of inhalations:

  • Alkaline inhalations useful for the throat (for laryngitis, tracheitis), bronchi (for bronchitis), for the nose (for sinusitis, sinusitis, runny nose). The viscosity of sputum is reduced, neutralized acidic environment inflamed mucous membranes;
  • Acid inhalations indicated for dry cough: due to improved blood supply in the upper respiratory tract, the separation of viscous sputum and its discharge are improved.

Alkaline mineral waters include:

  • "Essentuki No. 4" and No. 17
  • "Slavyanovskaya"
  • "Smirnovskaya"
  • "Martin"
  • "Borjomi"
  • "Sairme"
  • "Dilijan"
  • "Luzhanskaya"
  • "Polyana Kvasova"
  • "Svalyava"

The main features of alkaline mineral waters are a high content of bicarbonates and sodium salts, a pH value of seven and above.

Acid mineral waters include:

  • "Naftusya" No. 2
  • "Narzan"

This group includes mineral waters whose pH is less than 7.

How to do inhalations with mineral water correctly

Using a nebulizer

Indicated for colds, nasal congestion, cough, inflammatory processes in the nasopharynx and ligaments, bronchial asthma, sinus inflammation, allergies.

The procedure is safe for both adults and children at any age; it is recommended during pregnancy as an alternative to medications.

  • For cold inhalations using a nebulizer, you need to let the water drain out - to rid it of gas. To do this, leave the bottle open for several hours. To speed up the process, mineral water can be poured into a wide-necked container and stirred;
  • Water for inhalation should not be cold (30-40 0);
  • The amount of water required for one manipulation depends on the nebulizer model;
  • The frequency of procedures is no more than once per hour.

Before each use of the nebulizer, the mask and flexible parts must be treated with an antiseptic: alcohol solution, hydrogen peroxide, chlorhexidine. The mask must be age-appropriate and suitable in size - fit snugly to the skin of the face, covering the nose and mouth.

It is not recommended to take inhalations immediately before bedtime, since sputum production increases and sleep will not be complete due to coughing.

Hot inhalations

If you don’t have a nebulizer, but inhalations are necessary, you can do them using a saucepan or bowl with a wide neck. The benefits in this case will be the same, but hot inhalations are contraindicated for young children due to the danger of burning the upper Airways hot steam. In all other cases they must be done with caution.

  • Mineral water is heated to 50-60 0 in a saucepan or bowl;
  • the patient bends over the dishes, covering his head with a terry towel, and inhales the steam through his mouth and nose;
  • The duration of the procedure is 4-5 minutes.

You can add herbal decoctions (chamomile, calendula, plantain) to mineral water.

Infants Do hot inhalations as follows:

  • heated mineral water is placed near the crib out of reach;
  • cover the crib and bowl with a towel so that the baby inhales the steam

Manipulation must be carried out under strict adult supervision.
The general rules for performing inhalations are: voice rest for 30 minutes after the procedure and the need to stay in the room for 30-60 minutes. It is especially important not to go outside after hot inhalations, so as not to aggravate the patient’s condition.

Inhalations with mineral water – accessible remedy treatment that allows you to quickly alleviate the patient’s condition, cope with cough and sore throat. It is important to follow the rules of inhalation to achieve the desired effect.

Inhaling mineral water is useful for both adults and children who are sick with symptoms of cough and runny nose. This is a great addition to drug therapy, as well as treatment folk remedies for those who prefer to do without medications, including for choking during attacks, for coughing. Improvement usually comes already on the first day of treatment. But you should understand when you can give inhalations with mineral water in a nebulizer to children for cough, as well as what kind and for how long.

How effective are inhalations using mineral water?

Inhalations with mineral water are used because of its many qualities. First of all, these are useful mineral trace elements and compounds balanced for humans. There is a complex of calcium and sodium, magnesium and potassium, as well as sulfates with compounds. All of them are beneficial for the human body and are irreplaceable. It is an alkaline mineralized liquid that is suitable for children, both infants and schoolchildren. In the process of evaporation, it is better absorbed through the mucous membranes, as well as active struggle against viral foreign organisms, infections, with an improvement in the healing process.

Until the first inhalers for home use appeared, water was used in the form of rinses. Physiotherapy also focused on this type of therapy. However, the very need to go to medical institution During the period of illness, doctors were already inclined to believe that there was practically no benefit left from the therapeutic effect. Now, even at home, inhalation of mineral water for asthma relieves asthma attacks.

Which mineral water to use for inhalation with a nebulizer

It is important to know which mineral water for inhalation can be used at home to ease breathing. After all, specialists for a long time in various hospitals at the water sources themselves have been practicing procedures and methods of treatment with inhalation mineral water nebulizer.

Alkaline inhalations involve the use of inhalation with original mineral water:

  • Essentuki 4
  • Borjomi
  • Other brand as recommended by a doctor

To find out exactly which mineral water is best for inhalation if you have an existing diagnosis, you need to check with your doctor.

What properties are there in a particular source?

Natural springs with healing waters are located in the Caucasus and Carpathian mountains, as well as in the Novgorod region (Staraya Russa). So, each mineral water has its own medicinal features that you use in your treatment. Suitable waters for the procedure:

  • carbonic acid
  • radon
  • hydrogen sulfide

“Essentuki 4” is able to penetrate into the respiratory tract as deeply as possible, after which there is an outflow of mucus and pain relief. It is important to understand which mineral water should be used in a specific situation, that is, for inhalation with mineral water for children.

You can inhale “Essentuki 17” during inhalation for a dry cough from a steam inhaler. Medicines, including mineral water, are heated inside it. We talk about the features of the device in the article below. In the meantime, it’s worth remembering that carbon dioxide inhalation may be suitable for adult patients. Children do not need excess carbon dioxide. The doctor will also tell you whether this option can be used.

To withdraw carbon dioxide, pour the mineral water inside the vessel and stir until all the bubbles disappear.

What do inhalations with mineral water in a nebulizer provide?

The main thing this hike gives is safety, simplicity, and benefits. As a result of the procedure, the mucous membrane is effectively moisturized, accumulated snot is easily removed, and breathing becomes easier. The speed of recovery, as well as the disappearance of problematic symptoms, subsequently depends on the correctness and regularity of the procedure.

As already noted, inhalation therapy is safe for a child or an adult. It will not cause an allergic reaction, it proceeds comfortably and without pain. However, mineral alkaline water for inhalation with a nebulizer supplied to the hearth inflammatory processes during inhalation with Narzan promotes:

  • when you have a runny nose, remove nasal congestion, from irritation of the mucous membranes,
  • from rhinitis, laryngitis;
  • softening and removing phlegm;
  • preventing attacks in asthma patients
  • effective relief from symptoms and colds
  • comfortable recovery from bronchitis, an inflammatory condition in the lungs.

What to use for the procedure?

In the case of patients with frequent bronchitis, colds and viral diseases, and when coughing is an inseparable symptom of all colds, at home an inhaler is simply necessary. It is important to understand what types of devices there are before purchasing:

  • Ultrasonic nebulizer machine good suitable for a child for inhalation on chronic cough. A nebulizer with ultrasound operates silently and is also mobile, because the energy source can be ordinary batteries. This allows you to not interrupt treatment and use the device even during emergency trips. Then you can breathe through a nebulizer with medicinal mineral water for inhalation.
  • Compressor inhalers are noisy, however, this makes it possible to more effectively treat tracheitis, colds, and bronchitis. It is important to understand how to do inhalations correctly.
  • Steam devices heat the composition of water, like any other substance, within 57 0 C. This is convenient at a time when the infection is localized in the upper part of the respiratory tract. The steam will do its healing work, which will be noticeable from the first use.

How to do inhalations in a nebulizer with mineral water

You should understand how to properly inhale with mineral water, because at the moment of inhalation of the most finely sprayed minerals there should be healing effect. To do this, you should adhere to the following rules:

  • T 0 C: If the temperature in a child, as well as in older patients, increases by more than 1 degree from normal, there will be no benefit from the procedure for the patient. However, more suitable treatment Inhalation with mineral water in a nebulizer will be carried out for children. There the maximum permissible value is 38.5 degrees.
  • Dosage: the norm for a nebulizer is 5 ml, enough for 5 minutes of spraying. These are the basics of how to breathe mineral water through a nebulizer for a child, the dosage of which is less than an adult.
  • Time: about an hour and a half should pass after eating. The standard time for inhalation is up to 3 minutes for children, 5 or more minutes for children over 5 years old. Then the baby won't feel bad. You inhale the aerosol for 10 minutes.
  • How often: at the height of illness, the procedure is performed at intervals of 2-3 hours. Later - 2-3 times a day.
  • The mask must be disinfected regularly between your child and yourself.
  • For a runny nose, breathe through the nose during inhalation with mineral water in a nebulizer, but through the mouth for laryngitis and other ailments.
  • Upon completion, you need to be indoors without leaving the heat for an hour. It is during home manipulations therapeutic effect manages to save.

If you combine these simple rules, inhalations made with a nebulizer will be beneficial and bring speedy recovery. It is worth learning more about temperature in the case of steam inhalation. If you do not have an inhalation device, you need to pour 200 ml of water into a container, heat it on fire to 45-48 0 C. Breathing under a towel should continue for 2.5 minutes.

Duration of procedures

How many days to wait until recovery occurs depends on individual characteristics treatment. A couple of days is enough for relief. A complete cure occurs faster if additionally applied herbal infusions, medicinal syrups.

Inhalation is a treatment method that is based on inhalation of medicinal components. It is used to relieve cough, runny nose, and sore throat. Effective for inhalation. Reviews indicate that the procedures can speed up recovery. The rules of the procedure and the choice of water are described in the article.


Is it possible to do inhalations with mineral water? These procedures are effective. The sooner you start, the faster the results will be noticeable. Therefore, at the first sign of a cold, you should start inhaling several times a day, and then you don’t have to worry about complications.

The procedures are performed:

  1. With ARVI.
  2. Rhinite.
  3. Bronchial asthma.
  4. Laryngitis.
  5. Tracheitis.
  6. Bronchitis.
  7. Pneumonia.
  8. Sinusitis.
  9. Pneumonia.
  10. Tuberculosis.
  11. Fungal infections of the respiratory organs.

Mineral water can treat not only a cough, but also a runny nose, and for bronchial asthma the procedures are considered important part successful treatment. According to reviews, this method of therapy was recommended to many by doctors.

Features of the procedure

Mineral water contains many minerals, salts and other chemical components, necessary for the human body. These include essential microelements such as calcium, magnesium, sodium and potassium. When they enter areas of inflammation, they eliminate bacteria and viruses, make breathing easier and remove mucus. According to reviews, the procedures can relieve sore throat and inflammation in the lungs and bronchi.

Thanks to inhalations with mineral water in a nebulizer, useful components are quickly absorbed into the blood compared to other medications, without causing negative impact on the stomach. The patient recovers quickly.

Mineral water has the following advantages:

  • affordability;
  • safety;
  • allergies excluded;
  • used at any age;
  • does not lead to addiction or side effects.

The water has therapeutic properties:

  • softening dry cough and removing phlegm;
  • effective moisturizing of the mucous membrane;
  • relieving irritation of the nasal mucosa, accelerating the treatment of a runny nose;
  • eliminating cold symptoms.

Entering through the device, small particles of steam penetrate the respiratory tract. Alkali protects against development bacterial flora, acting as an antiseptic.

Water selection

In sanatoriums and boarding houses located near healing springs, carbon dioxide, radon, hydrogen sulfide waters. Each of them has its own characteristics. At home, the following mineral water is used for inhalation:

  1. "Essentuki" - No. 17, No. 4.
  2. "Borjomi".
  3. "Narzan".
  4. Other stamps from the Caucasus, Carpathians, Novgorod region.

Using medicinal waters For an inhaler, carbon dioxide must be removed. The liquid is poured into large capacity and stir occasionally. You can leave the bottle open for 1-2 hours. The temperature should be 38 degrees.

Which mineral water is best for inhalation? All of these brands of products help in treatment. According to reviews, inhalations with Essentuki mineral water are among the most effective. The procedures are the same for any brand. The result will be positive in any case.

Types of water

Mineral water inhalations for coughs and runny noses can be performed using the following types of water:

  1. Carbon dioxide. They contain a high concentration of carbon dioxide compounds formed in the liquid by a natural method for a long time, until the water has no beneficial features.
  2. Radon. Includes salts of rare metals that have an anti-inflammatory effect, suppress the activity of bacteria, viruses, and mold spores.
  3. Hydrogen sulfide. Promote the expansion of the bronchi, moisturize dry mucous membranes, and restore natural gas exchange.

Some waters are used only in hospitals, while others can be purchased at a pharmacy for affordable price. According to some pulmonologists, inhalations with Borjomi and Essentuki therapeutic effect like breathing sea air.

Difference between waters

The difference between them lies in the composition. For example, Borjomi has a rich chemical formula With high concentration alkaline elements. In Essentuki No. 17 and 4 there is more mineral salts calcium, sodium, potassium.

Which mineral water is more suitable for inhalation depends on the ailment. For a dry cough, it is better to choose Borjomi mineral water. And “Essentuki” is excellent for prevention and saturation of the bronchi with valuable minerals and trace elements. Borjomi also perfectly moisturizes dry mucous membranes. It can be used at any age without serious restrictions and contraindications.

What is a nebulizer?

This is a special device used to perform its main task is considered to be transformation liquid medicine into an aerosol cloud and delivering it to the site of inflammation without affecting other internal organs.

To perform the procedures, saline solution, water for injection, mucolytic and expectorant agents, and antispasmodic medications are usually used. According to doctors, mineral water is effective. The medicine must be prescribed by a doctor. And you can carry out the procedures yourself.

Types of inhalers

Before performing inhalations with mineral water in a nebulizer, you need to select the type of device. They are:

  1. Steam. They are used to treat diseases of the upper respiratory tract, but cannot work with essential oils.
  2. Ultrasonic. Effective when chronic illnesses, are convenient due to their small size, operate on batteries, and are silent.
  3. Compressor. Helps with tracheitis, bronchitis.

During the procedure, it is necessary to breathe correctly (inhale during the procedure) for maximum penetration of small particles of minerals.


How to do inhalations with mineral water? The procedure is carried out according to following rules:

  1. You must first open the bottle and release the carbon dioxide.
  2. It is necessary to observe the dosage that is provided with the use of this type of device.
  3. Procedures cannot be performed when high temperature.
  4. You need to start the procedure 1.5-2 hours after eating.
  5. The water must be heated to 38 degrees, and the maximum heating is 45 degrees. If the indicator is high, a burn is likely.
  6. If a runny nose is being treated, then inhale slowly and deeply through the nose. And to treat the throat, inhale through the mouth. To cure a child, you must first train him to perform the procedure correctly.
  7. Inhalation provides complete peace of mind respiratory system(do not talk, drink or eat for an hour).
  8. After each procedure, the mask must be disinfected according to the instructions. Properly performed inhalations provide positive effect leading to recovery.

When coughing

Mineral water inhalations are effective for coughs in children and adults. It is better to choose compression and ultrasonic devices. Inhaling water particles helps with cough, which occurs with bronchitis. Inhalations with mineral water are prohibited for pneumonia. For 1 procedure you will need about 5 ml alkaline water. You need to inhale through your mouth. The procedure is performed for 5 minutes 3 times a day.

During pregnancy

Can pregnant women inhale mineral water? This treatment method is considered safe for runny nose, sore throat, and cough. If a woman has no other contraindications that limit the implementation of therapy, then mineral water will not harm. Vice versa, timely treatment moisturizes the mucous membrane, gives a feeling of relief, stops serious consequences.


The effect of the procedure depends on the temperature of the solution. According to the thermal characteristics of inhalations there are:

  1. Wet - up to 30 degrees.
  2. Warm and humid - 30-40 degrees.
  3. Steam - from 40.

If the child is under 1 year old, then it is advisable to use the first option. Water is supplied by a nebulizer. From 1 year you can perform warm-moist inhalations with Borjomi. Steam procedures for young children are undesirable, as there are increased risk burn of the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract.

Frequency and duration

How long do inhalations last for a runny nose or nasal congestion? Alkaline procedures are performed every hour, but you need to maintain a specified time period after eating. The result is a refusal to use nasal drops. Between procedures you need to wait 2-3 hours. Duration alkaline inhalations for adults it is 10-15 minutes.

Children under 5 years of age need to spend 3 minutes for procedures, and for older people - 7-10 minutes. 1-2 procedures are required during the day. For children under one year old, it is advisable to perform wet inhalations (temperature up to 30 degrees), and for older children - warm-moist inhalations (up to 40 degrees). Steam, as we have already said, is better not to perform.


You should not prescribe treatment on your own; it would be wiser to listen to your doctor. The patient cannot objectively assess the condition, and also be sure that there are no purulent foci. The consequences of this procedure are related to this.

TO adverse events include non-compliance with water temperature. Heating it to a boil may cause burns to the mucous membranes and face. Taking into account contraindications and following all the rules helps prevent complications that manifest themselves in the form of heart problems, high blood pressure and nervous system disorders.

Inhalations promote relaxation and calm. Needs to be renewed this state, lie down, do not drink or eat. Don't go outside right away.

How to care for your inhaler?

For a nebulizer, like for any medical device, requires competent care. This determines the outcome and safety of therapy. Before the procedure, you need to wash and dry your hands. After this, you need to wash the nebulizer by disassembling it into parts.

The device must be boiled or disinfected if indicated in the instructions. According to storage rules, there should be no water in the device. Assembly is carried out before use.

Hot inhalations

In the absence of a nebulizer, inhalations are performed with a saucepan or container with a wide neck. Such procedures are also useful, but they cannot be performed on small children due to the risk of burns to the upper respiratory tract by steam (an acceptable method of performing the procedure will be described below). In other cases, inhalations are not contraindicated. They are performed according to the following rules:

  1. Mineral water heats up to 50-60 degrees.
  2. A person needs to lean over the container, covering his head with a terry towel, and he can inhale the steam.
  3. The duration of the procedure is 4-5 minutes.

Add to mineral water herbal infusions- chamomile, sage, calendula, plantain. Hot inhalations are performed as follows:

  1. The water is heated and placed near the bed.
  2. Cover the crib and bowl with a towel to inhale the steam.

The procedure must be carried out under the supervision of an adult. General rule When performing inhalations, voice rest is considered half an hour after the session. You need to stay in the room for about an hour. Inhalations with mineral water are affordable and effective means to get rid of cough and sore throat. It is important to follow the rules of the procedure, and then an excellent effect is expected.


Whatever mineral water is used for inhalation, precautions must be taken. It is important to follow all steps indicated in the instructions. You still need to follow the dosage. U this method There are many limitations to treatment:

  1. Procedures cannot be performed for sore throat, inflammation and pulmonary edema.
  2. Inhalations are prohibited for frequent nosebleeds and heart failure.

The procedures are not performed for diseases of the heart, blood vessels, or VSD. If you are pregnant, you must obtain your doctor's approval before starting treatment. It is necessary to complete the procedures when the heart rate increases, heavy sweating, darkening in the eyes. Sometimes appears severe dryness in the mouth or salivation. Minor side effects are considered harmless, but if they cause severe discomfort, then you should not perform inhalations.

After the procedure, sputum may be discharged profusely, and the cough may intensify, which is considered normal occurrence. This usually disappears after 30-40 minutes. But when the cough or runny nose worsens over the next 2-3 days, you need to consult a doctor. Such phenomena may confirm the development of dangerous complications.

Thus, mineral water for inhalation is considered an effective treatment. But you still need to consult a specialist. Properly administered therapy can quickly improve your well-being.

Mineral water is a treasure trove useful substances, especially minerals, so necessary to the human body. This is especially felt during periods of illness. The salts that mineral water is so rich in have a detrimental effect on the proliferation of pathogenic microorganisms.

An undeniable advantage is the ability to use mineral water for any age, at any time of the year and does not cause allergic reactions. The respiratory tract is most often susceptible to all kinds of diseases. If you believe the statistics, the most effective way to prevent and treat respiratory diseases is a nebulizer.

Knowing the amazing composition of water, a reasonable question arises: is it possible to use mineral water in a nebulizer? In the prevention of respiratory diseases, mineral water for inhalation with a nebulizer has long been a favorite.

Nebulizers for inhalation with mineral water

This “medicine” (we are talking about water) is easy to use, however, it is worth knowing how to breathe mineral water through a nebulizer.

Firstly, for what diseases and for what prevention is nebulizer therapy with mineral water carried out? This includes all colds that affect the upper respiratory tract. For example, bronchitis, asthma, a common runny nose, the consequences of pneumonia.

It is worth using Borjomi and Essentuki mineral water purchased at a pharmacy. This is due to the fact that they greatest number salts that promote rapid recovery.

To carry out inhalations through a nebulizer with mineral water, you must follow a number of rules:

Two hours before the procedure, it is necessary to measure the required volume of water for one inhalation, pour it into a nebulizer flask and allow the gases to escape.
Before starting the procedure, make sure that all components of the installation have been disinfected and thoroughly dried.
For one procedure, adults need 7 ml of mineral water, and children 4 ml. The duration of one procedure for adults is no more than 10 minutes, and for children no more than 5 minutes.
Manipulations with the nebulizer should be carried out no earlier than 1.5 hours after meals; the time before meals is correspondingly the same.
Body temperature should not exceed 37°.
For children under 5 years old, the number of procedures should not be more than 2; for 5-12 years old no more than 4, over 12 years old up to 8 times a day.

A poorly treated or ignored cold in the upper respiratory tract can descend lower. One of these diseases can be tracheitis. This cold usually occurs in combination with other diseases: pharyngitis, laryngitis, etc.

Inhalations with mineral water using a nebulizer for tracheitis are also indicated if the rules described above are followed. So, let's move on to the main reasons:

So, to summarize, a nebulizer for inhalation with mineral water is The best decision in the treatment and prevention of diseases associated with the respiratory system, which is ideal for both newborns and adults.

Inhalations with mineral water in a nebulizer are a gentler and no less effective alternative to grandma’s pots of hot potatoes.

It's modern and available method treatment of asthma and colds.

Mineral water is usually replaced with saline solution - both of these drugs are prescribed when resorting to natural water and in cases where it is not possible to see a doctor.

Mineral water for inhalation: which is better? Benefit

Water from natural sources For inhalation therapy universal and safe. Having a natural composition, it does not have side effects and is suitable for use at home.

Usually, sick people do not experience any discomfort when inhaling its smallest particles. The action is soft, and the result is obvious.

A compressor inhaler converts liquid into a fine aerosol. The smallest particles of mineral water enter the respiratory tract and have a therapeutic effect:

  • for colds;
  • when coughing;
  • with a runny nose;
  • for asthma;
  • for sore throat.

This procedure softens the mucous membranes of the trachea irritated by coughing, reduces inflammation, promotes the rapid removal of mucus from the bronchi, and makes breathing easier. On the second day of treatment, positive dynamics can already be observed.

Store shelves are replete with bottles of natural water from different sources. Buyers often have a question: which one is better to use for an inhaler?

Mineral water varies according to chemical composition and degree of mineralization. Waters are used to treat respiratory diseases:

  • radon;
  • carbon dioxide;
  • hydrogen sulfide.

In this case, the liquid should be slightly or moderately mineralized.

Commonly available brands include:

  • “Borjomi” (hydrocarbonate-sodium);
  • “Narzan” (sulfate-hydrocarbonate sodium-magnesium-calcium);
  • “Essentuki No. 4” (alkali-salt);
  • “Staraya Russa” (sodium chloride).

How to properly inhale with mineral water in a nebulizer?

Like any medical procedure, inhalation must be carried out in accordance with certain rules.

It is necessary to release all gases from the bottle in advance. To do this, it is enough to keep the container open for at least two hours. It is more convenient and reliable to remove the lid and leave the water overnight. If time is running out, you can pour the liquid into a glass and stir it vigorously with a spoon.

Source: website

After the last meal It should take at least an hour and a half.

When using an inhaler you need to pour the required amount of liquid into the reservoir (usually 5 ml, but the volume may vary depending on the technical capabilities of the device), put on a mask and turn on the device.

For a runny nose, nasal inhalation is required, What are nasal cannulas used for?

For respiratory diseases They use masks that allow you to inhale through your mouth and exhale through your nose.

Silence is gold. In this case it is actual wisdom. During the procedure you need to focus on proper breathing ( deep breath, hold your breath for two seconds and exhale completely), and put off talking until later.

To avoid dizziness Due to frequent deep breathing, you need to periodically pause the procedure for a while.

Finally, rinse your mouth cool water(temperature not higher than 30 0 C), after using the mask, be sure to wash your face.

After the procedure you cannot eat or drink In one hour. At this time, it is better to refrain from talking.

The device requires careful cleaning and sterilization of individual parts, otherwise the treatment may cause further more harm health.

If you don’t have a nebulizer at hand, you can perform inhalation. To do this, you need to heat the liquid in a saucepan, bend over the container, cover your head with a towel and inhale the medicinal vapors.

The temperature of mineral water should be between 40 0 ​​C - 50 0 C - since colder medicine will not be effective, and hot vapors can lead to burns of the upper respiratory tract.

After respiratory therapy, preferably within 2-3 hours refrain from smoking and walking outdoors. The latter is especially important in the cold season - heated airways become very vulnerable when there is a sharp change in temperature.

It is worth noting

Patients often ask whether inhalations can be done at fever. The instructions for using nebulizers usually state that it cannot be used at temperatures of 37.5 0 C and above.

An exception may be situations where the perceived risk from the procedure is lower than if it were abandoned. But these decisions should only be made by a qualified specialist.

How many minutes and how many times a day should I do it?

Inhalations for adults are carried out for 7 - 15 minutes. Up to 4 procedures can be performed per day. It is important to remember that after physical activity At least an hour must pass before treatment.

The number of procedures in children is reduced to 1-3, depending on the age and severity of the disease.

It is important that there is a pause of 6 hours between inhalations.

To treat both cough and runny nose, you can inhale with alkaline mineral water, and then with eucalyptus. But if you can breathe mineral water through a nebulizer, then for inhaling vapors medicinal herbs Only a steam appliance or the same “grandmother’s saucepan” will do.

Why can’t you use herbal infusions and decoctions in a nebulizer?

It is important to remember here that the essence of the work of this modern technology is the delivery of the drug in crushed form to the lungs.

When preparing herbal decoctions at home, it is very difficult to determine the dosage that will be medicinal and will not cause harm. In addition, microparticles of grass are uninvited guests for the lungs.

Concerning essential oils– they can also cause harm if their field of activity is transferred from the mucous membrane to the lungs.

In addition, the use of drugs, sterile saline or high-quality mineral water that are not specifically designed for the nebulizer will sooner or later lead to equipment failure.

Inhalations with mineral water in a nebulizer for children

The use of a nebulizer for children requires separate consideration. The possibility and necessity of its introduction into the therapeutic regimen must be discussed with the attending physician in each specific case.

For example, children's pediatrician Komarovsky, widely known in the parent circle, considers the use of ultrasonic nebulizers appropriate only for diseases of the lower respiratory tract.

For a child under 5 years of age, it is not advisable to carry out procedures longer than 3 minutes, and there should be no more than 2 of them per day.

Mineral water inhalations in children are prescribed for coughs with tracheitis and laryngitis. Breathing therapy with Berodual is often used to treat bronchitis. This solution is dosed according to a specific scheme and is not suitable for self-medication.

How much to pour medicine into the reservoir, the pediatrician will tell you. Usually this is no more than 5 ml.

It is important not to forget about the rules for the proper use of this treatment method:

  • mineral water is used without gases;
  • There should be an hour break between meals and inhalation;
  • you need to pause before talking and going outside after a treatment session;
  • The child should have no contraindications to the procedure.

During pregnancy

It is very difficult for pregnant women to fight colds. Firstly, interesting situation reduces immunity, directing the body’s full potential to the development of the baby.

Secondly, the majority medicines is prohibited at this time.

Inhalations during pregnancy - affordable and safe remedy treatment of colds, but even these should be carried out in accordance with the doctor’s prescription. Future mom must be sure that there are no contraindications to them and will not harm the child.
Using mineral water in a nebulizer does not cause complications and significantly facilitates breathing, which has a beneficial effect on both the woman and the fetus. Give preference better than water with a low degree of mineralization (Borjomi, Esentuki No. 2, Narzan).

We must not forget that the gases from the bottle must first be released!

Increased cough after inhalation

The essence of this procedure is to liquefy mucus and promote its removal. Therefore, if your cough intensifies after inhalation with mineral water, do not worry. Usually after productive coughing and sputum removal, he calms down.

In cases where the disease has taken a new wave and therapy does not provide visible improvements, it is necessary to contact your doctor and adjust the treatment regimen.


Despite the obvious benefits of this method of treating colds, in some cases it is contraindicated:

In addition, caution should be used when using this type of treatment if you are prone to nosebleeds.