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Salt in folk medicine, treatment, use. For influenza, viral and colds. To cleanse the body

Table salt is a white crystalline substance with a salty taste and a slight bitterness. It has long been proven that a person’s well-being is largely determined by what he eats. Nutritionists have found that people living on the sea coast get sick less and among them there are more centenarians. They came to the conclusion that sodium chloride plays an important role in this, because with its minimal amount in the body, a person can develop various pathological processes. In light of this, it is important to consider how stone, sea ​​salt V folk medicine, treatment with it.

Lack of salt will inevitably cause pathology of cardio-vascular system, since the minerals present in this product are vital for human body. With the participation of sodium and chlorine, many biochemical reactions occur. The use of salt causes a lot of controversy and opinions are quite ambiguous.

American experts have found that sodium chloride deficiency causes blood clots, heart and vascular diseases and kidney failure. WITH therapeutic purpose Traditional medicine recommends using rock or sea salt (names on packages), which are rich in many mineral compounds.

Traditional medicine - use of salt

In moderation, about a teaspoon per day, salt is necessary for our body as a medicine. It is needed for the full functioning of many organs: the brain, digestive and cardiovascular systems, as well as for proper metabolism.

The use of salt in folk medicine is recommended in recipes for people with low blood pressure, with syndrome chronic fatigue, it also helps with depression. Due to sodium, it ensures the functioning of cells and maintains water-salt balance. It is part of many biological fluids: interstitial space, tissue fluid.

Abruptly stopping salt use may cause the kidneys to overproduce renin, which will affect blood vessels, as a result they will begin to narrow, which will cause an increase blood pressure. Accordingly, sodium chloride cannot be completely abandoned; it should be used in moderation.

Traditional medicine - salt treatment

Treatment with salt in folk medicine is recommended both by taking it orally and using it externally. Sea or rock salt is suitable for this. I will give a few examples of how traditional medicine uses sodium chloride internally.

For cardiac pathology, as well as for certain diseases digestive tract You can drink kefir with a pinch of salt at night.

If you have belching or overeating, you can drink a glass of tea or milk with the addition of a pinch of sodium chloride.

For sexual impotence, you can use this recipe. Roast hemp seeds and add sea salt in equal proportions. This mixture is recommended to be taken orally, a teaspoon per day.

Table salt – treatment with external use. It is recommended to rinse your mouth saline solution with sore throat, as well as with pharyngitis. To do this you will need a teaspoon of salt per 200 milliliters. warm water.

If you have a cold, you can use this effective recipe. You will need salt in the amount of one teaspoon and a glass of warm water, add five drops of regular alcohol solution Yoda. This drug should be used to rinse the mouth, and it is also necessary to rinse the nasal cavity daily.

For some skin diseases, and also as a rejuvenating agent, you can prepare a healing mixture that should be wiped on the skin. A liter is enough hot water, add two tablespoons apple cider vinegar and the same amount of salt, as well as fifteen milliliters of honey.

Rock salt - use for wraps. To do this, you will need a glass of sodium chloride and a liter of water. They soak a sheet or long shirt in this liquid, wring it out and wrap themselves in it, and then go to bed. In the morning, wipe the skin with a dry cloth, while making massaging movements.

You can prepare a strong solution. This will require 500 grams of salt and a liter of water. They wipe themselves with this liquid, and after thirty minutes they need to take a warm shower to wash off the saline solution.

Grind coarse sea salt in the amount of a tablespoon with 100 grams wheat flour, then add some warm water. The result should be a thick dough. It is recommended to spread it on the affected skin, in particular on areas of eczema, as well as on sore joints, and put a plastic film on top and create a bandage.

Mix salt and honey in equal proportions and use this mixture to rub joints, and it is also useful to rub this mixture into sore gums. In addition, you can add sodium chloride to blue clay when you plan to make applications or compresses with it, in this situation the effect of clay on the body will increase.


Before carrying out salt treatment, it would be a good idea to consult a doctor.

Salts are crystalline substances with an ionic structure. Salt ions are cations of metals or groups of atoms that behave like metals, and anions are acidic residues.

Since ancient times, different peoples of the world have used salts as a seasoning for food and for medicinal purposes. There are the following types of salts: medium (or neutral), acidic, basic, double, mixed and complex.

In nature, salts are often found in the form of clusters. The process of their concentration is usually associated with the work of rivers. River waters carry not only highly soluble but also sparingly soluble salts from the lake and sea. For example, calcium carbonate under the influence carbon dioxide and water goes into solution, imparting hardness to the water. When lakes and seas dry out, large deposits of salts form. The world's largest deposits of potassium salts are located in the CIS (Solikamsk) and in the GDR (Strasfurt deposit). The most powerful reserves of phosphate ores are located in North Africa and the CIS (Khibiny, southern Kazakhstan). Huge accumulations of sodium nitrate are found in America (Chile).

Natural salts

Natural salts are a group of minerals belonging to sulfates, halides, carbonates and boric acid compounds, often easily soluble, forming sedimentary salt deposits. The term “natural salts” is not sufficiently defined, since it unites a very diverse group of chemical compounds, such as natural borites, potassium salts, rock salts, gypsum, soda, etc.

Rock salt is the mineral halite (table salt), the chemical composition of sodium chloride is a rock consisting mainly of this mineral.

Halite occurs in crystals of the cubic system and often forms dense granular masses. Used in folk medicine to rinse the nose for a runny nose.

Potassium salts (potassium salts) are sedimentary rocks, accumulations of various easily water-soluble minerals containing potassium, often together with magnesium, sodium and other elements. The most important minerals are: sylvite, carnallite, kainite, langbeinite, polyhalite, etc.

Sodium bicarbonate is used in medicine as baking soda. When taken orally, it neutralizes hydrochloric acid gastric juice and speeds up the transition of food from the stomach to the intestines. In addition, the secretion of the gastric glands and pancreas is reflexively suppressed.

Baking soda is prescribed for the treatment of gastritis, accompanied by increased acidity of gastric juice, as well as to combat acidosis - it is administered both orally and intravenously. Solutions of baking soda dissolve mucus, so they are used to gargle and rinse the nose.

Participation of salts in metabolism

Mineral salts refer to food products, but unlike proteins, fats and carbohydrates, they do not have nutritional value. The body needs them as substances involved in the regulation of metabolism. N. I. Lunin drew attention to the importance of mineral substances at the end of the last century. In mice fed salt-free food, he observed sudden violations in the body and finally they died.

The role of minerals in the body is very large. It should be pointed out that some mineral compounds are needed to maintain osmotic pressure, others - as plastic material (bone tissue), others - as component enzyme systems, etc. The composition of the tissues of the human body includes almost all elements found in nature.

From compounds of halogens with alkali metals (halogenides) pharmaceuticals are: sodium and potassium chlorides, bromides, iodides. All these drugs have much in common in their production methods and properties, but their effects on the body are different.

Sodium chloride

Sodium chloride is the main component of saline and colloidal saline solutions used as plasma replacement fluids. Sodium chloride is found in the blood and tissue fluids of the body.

Its concentration in the blood is 0.5%. The main role of sodium chloride is to ensure constant osmotic pressure of the blood. If there is a deficiency of sodium chloride in the body, it is administered intravenously or subcutaneously in the form of a 0.9% aqueous solution, called isotonic. Its introduction aligns and normalizes osmotic pressure blood. Hypertonic solutions of sodium chloride (3% now, 5%, 10%) are used externally for compresses and lotions during treatment purulent wounds. Due to the osmotic effect, these solutions promote the separation of pus from wounds. Sodium chloride is also used for baths, rubdowns, and rinses for diseases of the upper respiratory tract.

Potassium chloride

Potassium is the main intracellular ion, while sodium is the main extracellular ion. The interaction of these two ions plays important role in maintaining cell isotonicity. The main indication for the use of potassium chloride is a violation heart rate, especially in connection with intoxication with cardiac glycosides, which is associated with depletion of myocardial cells in potassium ions. Potassium chloride is also used in cases of hypokalemia, which occurs when long-term use diuretics.

Bromides are used as sedatives. The calming effect of bromine preparations is based on their ability to enhance inhibitory processes in the cerebral cortex. According to I.P. Pavlov, bromides can restore the balance between the processes of excitation and inhibition, especially when increased excitability central nervous system(CNS). Therefore, bromides are used for neurasthenia and increased irritability.

Iodides are used as iodine carriers for hyperthyroidism, endemic goiter. If food or water does not contain enough iodine, as happens in some mountainous areas, a disease appears in the population - cretinism or goiter.

Salts of manganese acid

Salts of manganese acid or permanganates are also important for medicine, in particular potassium permanganate, which, due to its strong oxidizing properties, is used as a good disinfectant. Potassium permanganate is used as antiseptic externally in aqueous solutions of various concentrations for washing wounds, gargling, in gynecological practice, for skin burns. To obtain manganese compounds, including permanganate, the natural mineral priolusite is used.

Sulfur compounds

The following sulfur compounds are used: sodium thirosulfate, sodium and magnesium sulfates.

Sodium thiosulfate

Sodium sulfate

This salt received its name from the name of Glauber, who discovered it, who first obtained this salt in 1658 by reacting table salt with sulfuric acid. In nature, sodium sulfate occurs in the form of various double salts, from which, after purification and recrystallization, pure Glauber's salt is obtained. Glauber's salt is used in medicine for constipation, as a laxative orally, 15-30 g per dose. This salt can also be prescribed as an antidote for poisoning with lead salts, which produce insoluble precipitates.

Magnesium sulfate

Magnesium sulfate was first obtained in 1665. It began to be used as a medicinal product at the end of the 17th century. in England, where it was extracted from the waters of Epsom mineral springs (hence its original name - bitter, or Epsom salt). Magnesium sulfate is widely distributed in nature in the form of kieserite or epsomite (bitter salt), which are constant companions of rock salt. Large deposits of these salts are located in Siberia, the Caucasus, and Kuban. The waters of the Caspian Sea are rich in magnesium sulfate.

Magnesium carbonate

Basic magnesium carbonate is used as an astringent and antacid. Prescribed orally 1-3 g at increased acidity gastric juice and as a mild laxative. Included in tooth powders.

Salts of group V of the periodic table of Mendeleev

Compounds of nitrogen, arsenic, bismuth (group V) are of interest to medicine periodic table Mendeleev).

Sodium nitrite

Sodium nitrite may be natural origin. It is formed from ammonia from rotting organic matter. Synthetically it turns out as by-product in the production of nitric acid. Sodium nitrite is used as a vasodilator for angina, migraine or subcutaneously. For subcutaneous injections it is usually used in ampoules in the form of a 1% solution. Sodium nitrite is also used in cyanide poisoning.

Sodium arsenate

Sodium arsenate is prepared by oxidizing arsenous anhydride to arsenic pentoxide, which is then treated with sodium carbonate. It is prescribed as a general tonic and to stimulate hematopoiesis in cases of poor nutrition, anemia, and neuroses.

Salts of group IX of the periodic table of Mendeleev

Among the compounds of group IX elements, lead is used in medicine. In nature, it is more often found in the form of sulfur compounds, less often in the form of salts.

The use of lead in medicine is based on its astringent and cauterizing properties. These properties are due to the fact that the lead cation, like the cations of other salts heavy metals, can bind to proteins.

The resulting metal albuminites are astringent in small doses, and cauterizing in large doses. Lead compounds have been used in medicine since ancient times. Currently, lead oxide, used to make lead plaster, average lead acetate salt (lead acetate) and basic lead acetate salt (lead vinegar) have retained their importance. In medicine, lead oxide is used to make a plaster, which is called a “simple lead plaster” and is used for purulent-inflammatory skin diseases, boils, etc. In addition, lead oxide is used in solutions for burns and eczema. It is also used to make lead vinegar.

Salts Group III Mendeleev's periodic table

Of the Group III elements, boron is of medical importance. Free boron was first obtained in 1808 by the French chemist Gay-Lussac. This is a fairly common element. Currently, about 90 boron-containing minerals are known. In nature, it occurs mainly in the form of oxygen compounds.

For example, boron is part of boric acid, which is contained in the water of hot volcanic springs. Boron compounds, along with iodides and bromides, are also found in oil drilling waters of Absheron. Of the many natural salts boric acid is best known as borax, or tinkal. In medicine, boron compounds are used in the form of boric acid and borax, which have disinfectant properties. Boron is one of many trace elements that play a specific role physiological role in organism. It is known that boron metabolism in the body is to some extent related to potassium metabolism. It has been established that boron is not only necessary for plant organisms, but also plays an active role in the animal body due to interaction with a number of biologically active compounds - carbohydrates, a number of enzymes and hormones.

Sodium tetraborate

Sodium tetraborate occurs naturally in a free state. Used as a 1-2% solution for gargling, in ointments and powder.

Salts of group II of the periodic table of Mendeleev

Of the elements of group II of the periodic table they have calcium value, magnesium, barium.

Due to its high chemical activity, calcium is found in nature only in a bound state. Particularly common are deposits of calcium carbonate salts CaCO 3 (chalk, limestone, marble), dolomite, gypsum, anhydrite and CaO 4, phosphorite, apatite, and fluoride apatite. All these calcium compounds, especially carbonates, are sources for obtaining calcium medications, and marble is most often used for this purpose as the purest material free from impurities. Calcium plays an important role in the functioning of the body. It is part of dental and nervous tissues, bones, muscles, and blood.

Calcium ions enhance the vital activity of cells, promote the contraction of skeletal muscles and heart muscles, they are necessary for the formation bone tissue, blood clotting occurs only in the presence of calcium ions. Calcium salts used in medicine include burnt calcium sulfate (in dental practice), precipitated calcium carbonate, calcium chloride and salts of organic acids (calcium glycerophosphate, calcium gluconate). Solutions of calcium salts relieve itching caused by allergic condition, therefore they are classified as anti-allergic substances.

Mercury has been known since ancient times. Relatively little common. Occasionally it is found in native form, interspersed in rocks, but is mainly found in the form of a compound with sulfur - cinnabar. This mineral bright red and is used as paint.

The following mercury salts are used in medicine: mercury dichloride, sublimate, mercury amidochloride, mercury oxycyanide, mercury cyanide.

  • Corrosive sublimate. It is very poisonous, so it is not used internally. Solutions of mercuric chloride: 1:1000, 2:1000 are used to disinfect linen, clothing, washing walls, and patient care items.
  • Mercury amide chloride. Mercury amidochloride is poisonous and should not be used internally. Used in 3-10% ointments for various lesions skin, also used in for cosmetic purposes.
  • Mercury oxycyanide. The solutions have a strong antiseptic effect and do not irritate mucous membranes to the same extent as sublimate. This makes it possible to use solutions of mercury oxycyanide in a concentration of 1:1000 as a disinfectant for washing for gonorrhea, conjunctivitis, etc.
  • Mercury cyanide. Mercury cyanide is used to treat patients with syphilis, as well as disinfectant in solutions of 1:1000 and 1:20000.

Salts of group I of the periodic table of Mendeleev

Copper sulfate and silver nitrate

Of the salts of elements of group I of the periodic table, copper sulfate and silver nitrate are used. The use of copper sulfate is based on its antiseptic, astringent, cauterizing effect, silver nitrate is also based on its antiseptic and cauterizing effect. Solutions are prescribed orally for gastric ulcers and chronic gastritis.

Plant minerals

Microelements and health

Healing mud and minerals

Table salt (sodium chloride NaCl) is a crystalline substance white, easily dissolves in water, combines salty taste with a slight bitterness. Since time immemorial, coarse rock salt, fine sea salt, iodized salt, etc. have been used to improve the quality of food. It has long been proven that our well-being largely depends on what we eat. Nutritionists have noticed that among people living on the sea coast, there are more long-livers and they get sick less. Table salt plays an important role in this. The topic of our conversation today is treatment with table salt.

Medicinal properties of table salt

In the European culinary tradition, salt is pure chloride sodium, while the Japanese, who have held the lead in life expectancy for decades, recognize only sea salt, which includes half of D.I. Mendeleev’s table. Moreover, they add it only to already prepared food, since not all elements can withstand heat.

In moderate quantities (a little more than 1 teaspoon per day), table salt is necessary not only to improve taste, but also as a medicine. The body requires it for brain function. gastrointestinal tract, cardiovascular system and normal metabolism. Hypotonic patients need it, it helps with chronic fatigue syndrome and depressed state.

Since salt contains sodium, which provides normal functioning cells, then refusing to eat salt can lead to impaired activity nerve cells, decreased insulin production, increased blood levels of the hormone renin, causing spasms capillaries and blood clot formation. Therefore, refusing table salt increases the risk of sudden stroke and heart attack. Table salt treatment is widely used.

Our great-grandmothers knew healing and medicinal properties salt and treated many diseases with it, so even today folk treatment with salt is still popular.

Table salt (or sodium chloride) undoubtedly plays an important role in the vital processes of the human body. Treatment with table salt is necessary to maintain water-salt balance, is a component of tissue fluid that fills intercellular and intertissue spaces. It is included in the enzyme systems of gastric juice involved in the digestive process.

Organs such as the heart, brain and kidneys react sensitively to changes in the amount of salt. When there is a lack of sodium in the body, the kidneys begin to intensively produce renin, which affects vascular tone ( small vessels rapidly narrow), resulting in increased blood pressure, which causes necrosis of areas of the brain (stroke) or heart muscle (heart attack). Table salt also ensures the synthesis of pancreatic insulin.

Treatment with table salt: the best recipes

Treatment with table salt for sprains

Applications are useful for relieving pain from sprained ligaments.

Required: 1 tsp. salt, 1 tsp. flour, water.

Preparation. Mix salt with flour, add a little water to the mixture, knead a stiff dough, roll it into a sausage.

Application. Wrap the sore spot with the resulting tourniquet and place it on top. compress paper and wrap it in a warm scarf.

Keep until the condition improves, repeat the procedure if necessary.

Treatment with table salt for radiculitis and osteochondrosis

Required: 1 kg. rock salt, 1-2 tbsp. l. mustard powder, 50 ml of water.

Preparation. Add powder to salt, mix with water, heat the product to 50 °C.

Application. Apply the mixture to the area under the diseased vertebra and on both sides of it, cover with special paper for compresses or polyethylene, and wrap with a scarf. Keep the mixture until it cools, then rinse your lower back warm water and dry with a towel.

For 2 hours do not go outside and do not lift heavy objects, preferably sore spot wrap again in a warm scarf.

Treating colds with table salt

If you have a cold, sore throat, or stuffy nose, you should pour salt, heated in a frying pan, into woolen socks, put them on and wear them throughout the day. Salt can be used in another way for prolonged sore throat, runny nose, chronic bronchitis, tonsillitis and laryngitis.

Required: 1 kg salt, 1 tbsp. l. mustard powder, 1 tbsp. l. pepper (or ginger).

Preparation. Mix salt with spices, heat the mixture in a frying pan to approximately 60 °C and pour into a bowl.

Application. Put on thin cotton socks, then dip your feet in the mixture of salt and spices, bury them like in the sand on the beach, wait until the mixture cools. Repeat the procedure 3-5 times a day.

Treatment with table salt chronic sinusitis

Required: 1 tbsp. l. salt, 200 ml chamomile infusion.

Preparation. Dissolve the salt in the infusion.

Application. Rinse with solution maxillary sinuses once a day for a week.

In autumn and winter it is better to carry out the procedure 2 times a day. Also, heated bags with hot salt should be placed on the maxillary sinuses.

This “dry” compress of heated salt is very effective for rheumatism and myositis.

Contraindications to treatment with table salt

Treatment with table salt can be harmful in some cases. U healthy people Abuse of salt can cause hypertension - increased blood pressure, increase the risk of myocardial infarction, and provoke the development of osteoporosis. It is contraindicated in case of weakened cardiac activity (after a heart attack or as a result of myocarditis and rheumatism), obesity, renal failure(especially with glomerulonephritis), stomach ulcers and duodenum, hysteria. An excess of table salt negatively affects vision, increasing the risk of developing cataracts.

For hypokinesia biliary tract And heavy menstruation traditional healers Recommend 2 times a day. Eat 1 g of salt a day, but do not drink for at least 1 hour.

Doctors do not recommend overusing table salt. Indeed, on early stage development man did not know it. Let's just say that wild animals do well without salt, and today there are some tribes whose vocabulary does not have such a concept.

A contraindication to the use of iodized salt in food is hyperfunction thyroid gland(increased functional activity). Reducing the amount of salt (not adding enough salt to prepared foods) is recommended for people suffering from overweight bodies, if available cardiovascular diseases, especially hypertension heart, kidney diseases.

Types of salt used for treatment

There are several types of salt: refined table salt, sea salt, iodized salt, black salt and dietary salt. Each of the above types of salt is significant in its own way.

Sea salt is found both in nature and on store shelves and pharmacies. It contains many minerals and trace elements. Wide use received baths with sea salt, which help speed up metabolic processes in tissues, relaxation after exercise. They have exfoliating and decongestant properties and are used in anti-cellulite programs.

Using special industrial methods, the sodium content in dietary salt was reduced, but it was enriched with potassium and magnesium, which are necessary for the health of the heart and blood vessels.

Iodized salt contains iodine, which is extremely necessary, especially for children, as it is responsible for good memory, mastering the material in class is necessary for normal operation thyroid gland. Mental retardation is one of the most serious and dangerous consequences of iodine deficiency.

Black (or Thursday) salt has a reddish tint due to the iron it contains. Traditional treatment Thursday salt is used in the treatment of kidneys. Its medicinal value is traditional medicine consists of its mild laxatives and diuretics. People who know the secrets of Ayurvedic knowledge use black salt to restore natural processes functioning digestive system, as well as to increase intellectual abilities.

The use of salt in folk medicine

In the distant land of Ethiopia, where every grain of salt for a long time was worth its weight in gold, salt was used as a monetary unit (until the 19th century).

Of course, it is necessary to use table salt in food, but always in reasonable quantities. If necessary, you should replace the regular salt in the salt shaker with one enriched with fluorine or iodine, if the content of these elements in the soil and water in your area of ​​residence is reduced. The salt consumption rate is 5-6 g per day (about 1 tsp). It should be taken into account that a person receives a significant part of this norm together with meat, fish, bread, and vegetables.

Naturopaths (proponents of eating as much natural products nutrition) believe that the human body does not need additional salting of food.

External use of table salt deserves special attention. Traditional treatment with table salt is also used in skin treatment. Regular table salt can be used for cosmetic purposes, making scrubs and exfoliants from it to deeply cleanse the top layer of skin. Salt perfectly removes the layer of keratinized, dead epidermal cells, allowing younger skin cells to “breathe.” Exfoliation using salt should be done 1-2 times a week depending on your skin type. Sea salt is useful to add when taking baths to improve the functioning of the nervous system, all organs and tissues due to the restructuring of metabolic processes in cells and intercellular spaces.

Sea salt. The foundation of health. Return the body's most important microelements Tatyana Kogan

2.2. The use of sea salt in folk medicine

In folk medicine, there are many treatment recipes where sea salt is used. Its beneficial properties are used both for the prevention and treatment of many diseases. For this purpose they use salt solutions and baths, do salt rubbing and rinsing, compresses, inhalations and lotions. Sea salt is quite affordable and economical.

In order to use sea salt as a medicine, no special skills or any complex devices are required. It is only important that before starting treatment with sea salt, be sure to consult with your doctor so as not to harm your own health.

We need edible sea salt not only to improve taste, but also for the following conditions:

Chronic fatigue syndrome;


Stress and nervous disorders;

High blood pressure;

Dehydration of the body;

Metabolic disorders;

Colds of the ear, throat, nasopharynx, upper respiratory tract;

Diseases of the musculoskeletal system (arthritis, arthrosis, etc.);


Pain when spraining ligaments.

In addition, sea salt has proven to be an excellent preventive measure for diseases such as brain diseases (sodium ensures the normal functioning of cells), diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, capillary spasms and blood clots.

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Mask of cottage cheese and sea salt: 1 tablespoon of cottage cheese is mixed with 1 tablespoon of sour cream or cream and 1 teaspoon of sea salt. Rub everything until smooth, apply the mask to the face for 15–20 minutes, then rinse with warm water.

Salt and its use in folk medicine: recipes and techniques

Specialists from different areas It is increasingly argued that salt is harmful to health and there are many ways and techniques.
However, the opposite is also undeniable - salt has mass useful properties Salt is also used in folk medicine to treat a long range of diseases.

Treatment of skin diseases with salt

For acne on the face

The method of treating acne and inflammation on the face is also based on the same property of salt. Often inflammatory processes are related to the fact that skin infected with a special type of mite.
None cosmetical tools can’t cope with this scourge, and not everyone medical drugs this is possible.
But regular salt quickly solves the problem. The patient's facial skin is steamed with hot lotions or steam, and then rubbed generously with salt.
The salt should be rubbed in with gentle movements so as not to irritate damaged skin. Salt may dry out the skin slightly, but the tick will be defeated.
Your skin will soon become clean and healthy.

Helps with a runny nose

Another irreplaceable quality of salt is that it retains heat excellently. Salt is an excellent alternative to a heating pad for various diseases. When you have a runny nose, traditional healers advise warming your nose with bags of hot salt.