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What to do if your heart hurts from a hangover. For athletic people, heart pain is a sign. Heart hurts from a hangover

Imaginary patients mistake any discomfort in the sternum for heart pain. The fatal conclusions are groundless: dozens of diseases cause pain in the chest. So what do you have and what to do if your heart hurts?

Heart pain can occur for many reasons.

What to do if you have heart pain

There are several main reasons why the heart may hurt. Each of them deserves special attention.

In a teenager

Teenage heart pain is not the norm and you need to know what to do if it hurts. We are talking about regular complaints when attacks are not provoked by anything.

Potential diagnoses for systematic pain are not always cardiac:

  1. VSD or vegetative-vascular dystonia. Age-related pressure surges, pain on the left or in the armpit area appear for no reason - signs of VSD. Obligatory medical supervision and treatment so that in adulthood the disease does not develop into hypertension.
  2. Problems with the spine. Curvatures of the spine, in particular scoliosis, osteochondrosis, are often a concern in the form of aching pain in the chest. Symptoms are often present even in adult patients.
  3. Pathologies of the nervous system or gastrointestinal tract. Gastritis in early age, biliary dyskinesia, inflammation in the pancreas - the gastrointestinal tract and heart are located closely. This leads to incorrect conclusions about the source of pain.
  4. Pericarditis, abnormal coronary circulation, and Blandt-White-Garland syndrome manifest as chest pain radiating to the neck, shoulders, or jaw. It hurts to breathe and my left hand goes numb.
  5. Postcardiotomy syndrome or postoperative. A third of children after heart surgery experience anxiety after a few weeks. Blunt pain in the chest.

Heart pain may occur due to a curved spine

We do not take into account cardioneuralgia in adolescents - increased sensitivity in a child to stress and anxiety. The disease “outgrows”, but in the meantime stress is overcome with valerian, herbal tea and positive emotions. Almost 90% of teenagers have a stabbing heart, 95% have discomfort in the upper part of the heart muscle, 80% feel discomfort in the chest due to anxiety. A sharp change in situation and events usually brings cardiac function back to normal.

Common causes of pain in young people are lack of kartinin and physical inactivity. The diet includes red meat and dairy products, and they do preventive cardio exercises.

What to do?

But what to do if it’s serious? Alcohol tincture valerian, motherwort or Corvalol 30 drops, Validol under the tongue, Nitroglycerin tablet - first aid for a teenager. Call an ambulance immediately. A heart attack has become “younger” to 16-18 years old, so the risks are high.

Validol will help relieve pain

To prevent and maintain teenage heart disease, there are many delicious recipes that are happy to be included in the diet. For example, raisins. It is enough to eat a handful of berries in the morning (you can add them to breakfast) for a month.

Prepare a mixture in a blender from lemons (3-4 pieces), hazelnuts (a handful) and honey (1 l). Leave for 48 hours in the refrigerator and take 1 tbsp. l. before meals. Well - liter jar mixtures per year.

Heartache from worries

Nervous overstrain in 80% of cases in men aged 30-50 years it ends in myocardial infarction. A woman's heart is a little more resilient. Estrogens strengthen the muscles of the heart, and the tendency to cry out an insult relieves overexertion.

How to recognize an attack? Cardioneurosis differs from ordinary angina by increased excitability of the patient, hot flashes, severe sweating, headache, fainting and dizziness. There are sleep disturbances, a period of rest in the background bad mood, arrhythmia.

Cardioneurosis is characterized by headache and dizziness

The pain in my heart is slowly growing. The patient complains that there is aching and pressure in the chest. It hurts to breathe or your chest tightens. It aches monotonously, systematically.

What to do?

Cardioneurosis will not go away on its own, like ordinary stress. Treatment is primarily with rest and bed rest.

A course of medications is required:

  • with a calming effect (Persen, Novo-Passit);
  • to increase the threshold nervous excitability(Teralen, Amizil);
  • restoratives for the central nervous system (Diazepam, Trioxazim).

Persen has a calming effect

Herbal remedies are good folk remedies. Buy or prepare yourself:

  1. 3 tbsp. l. hawthorn berries, 2 tbsp. l. motherwort herb, 1 tbsp. l. mix oregano. For 400 ml of boiling water you need 1 tbsp. l. mixtures. Leave in a thermos for several hours. Drink half a glass before meals.
  2. 2 tbsp. l peppermint and three-leaf mint, 1st each - hops and valerian are mixed into a collection. Reception and preparation are similar.

Myocardial infarction with cardioneurosis is insidious - an instant attack against a background of calm takes you by surprise.


Heartache from a hangover - normal phenomenon. The body is full of toxins. Poisoning affects organs and systems. The blood is saturated with the remnants of alcohol breakdown, which enriches the heart. In the fight against toxins, the body suffers from a lack of vitamins. Hence pain, weakness, malaise, arrhythmia.

Toxins in the body can cause heart pain

What to do?

Eliminating heart pain means defeating poisoning.

If you have a tightness in your chest, help:

  • warm shower (not contrast shower - it injures blood vessels during a hangover);
  • loading dose of adsorbents and Aspirin (activated carbon - 1 tablet per 1 kg of weight);
  • rest, sleep;
  • fortified diet (light and frequent snacks are healthier for an overworked liver).

Aspirin will help relieve pain

Hangovers are never easy. Accelerates the elimination of poisons physical activity. Do exercises at a gentle warm-up pace, if your condition allows.

It is better to prevent than to deal with the consequences. Before the feast, drink a raw egg or drink fatty foods. Fat neutralizes alcohol, and protein coats the walls of the stomach. It is recommended to drink homemade kvass and dried fruit decoctions when you have a hangover. The right way quench your thirst and fill yourself with vitamins. It wouldn't hurt to take some B vitamins.

During pregnancy

Carrying a child is double stress for the body. Malaise during pregnancy is common, because every day female body changes are happening. Pain in the heart occurs from an uncomfortable posture, smoking, poor nutrition, fatigue and excitement, stuffiness and weather changes. Temporary inconveniences are not dangerous. A young mother must heal herself with rest and a pleasant pastime.

It’s time to sound the alarm when there is a pain in the chest with a rebound in the arm, shoulder, chin coupled with swelling of the legs. Weakness and shortness of breath, headache indicate an urgent visit to the doctor. Symptoms are similar to gestosis or anemia. The health of mother and child is at risk.

Heart pain during pregnancy is a dangerous phenomenon

Cardiomyopathy is another potential diagnosis. Inherent in the third trimester and postpartum period. A serious threat to the blood circulation of mother and child, up to premature birth.

What to do?

The only case when you cannot provide first aid to yourself is pregnancy. Tablets and alcohol drops are prohibited. Provide fresh air and call a doctor.

If there are problems with the heart muscle, a pregnant woman is prescribed Riboxin, Kratal, Panangin, and valerian tablets.

Riboxin is suitable for getting rid of heart pain during pregnancy.

Heart hurts and left hand goes numb

Chest pain spreading to the arm with numbness is a common symptom. There are enough reasons. A similar condition occurs even after drinking coffee.

It is worth considering what the reason for your complaint is:

  • ischemic disease;
  • pre-infarction condition (sometimes this is the only symptom!);
  • atherosclerosis;
  • cerebral stroke;
  • osteochondrosis;
  • inflammation of the brachial nerve;
  • uncomfortable position of the hands (tight clothes, bag on the shoulder);
  • physical overload of the hands;
  • carpal tunnel syndrome (hypodynamia and long hours at the computer).

Frequent sitting at a computer can lead to carpal tunnel syndrome.

Neurological diseases begin with numbness of the hands:

  • diabetes;
  • brain problems;
  • vitamin B12 deficiency;
  • hypothyroidism;
    heavy metal poisoning;
  • alcoholism (especially after drinking) and others.

What to do?

The field of guesswork is wide. Self-medication is short-sighted and dangerous.

First of all, go for a complete heart examination:

  • cardiogram;
  • springboard test;
  • echo and phonocardiogram;
  • X-ray.

To identify the problem you need to do a cardiogram

Pain in the heart and difficulty breathing

Signs of most heart diseases, but most characteristic of three dangerous diagnoses.

Beyond the symptom pre-infarction condition, difficulty breathing with heart pain is a sign of thromboembolism - blockage of an arterial branch or the artery itself with blood clots. It is characterized by a cough, sometimes with blood, often palpitations and causeless rapid breathing.

Heavy breathing and heart pain are signs of dangerous diseases

Cardiac asthma is another risk area for people with heart defects, pathologies, suffered a heart attack. Cough with pinkish sputum, swelling of the fingers and lips with a bluish color, difficulty breathing - symptoms a few days before an exacerbation, an asthma attack.

After training

Athletes don’t always pay attention if they feel hot or have chest pain after exercise. They blame it on fatigue. Pain is a signal that the body needs help.

For athletic people, heart pain is a sign of:

  • prolonged physical stress;
  • neuralgic problems of the musculoskeletal system;
  • development of heart disease.

Pain in the heart after exercise is not always a sign of fatigue

For example, intercostal neuralgia is a frequent visitor to a trained person. Muscle spasms during exercise cause pain. If you experience chest pain, stop exercising. If upon palpation a source of pain is found on the ribs or back, then the problem is in the muscles.

First aid for heart pain

The attack can be alleviated at home before the doctor arrives. This method of providing assistance will be relevant in any situation.

Open the windows, remove the person’s clothing, and expose the chest. Drop Valocardin into a glass of water, give Nitroglycerin, Cardiomagnyl, Validol and individual heart medications, give an injection (only the one prescribed previously).

Monitor your pulse. We do not recommend heating, cooling, or using cold and hot shower, if the cause of the attack is not known.

Chest pain is not always cardiac. The most reliable prevention of heart disease is activity, positive emotions, nutrition and regular examinations.

Drinking alcoholic beverages has a negative impact on human health. The next morning you get a hangover from drinking. It is characterized by disorder and dysfunction of many organs. People often complain that their heart hurts after drinking alcohol. This symptom is always scary, but is not necessarily a sign of a life-threatening condition.

The effect of alcoholic beverages on the cardiovascular system

With moderate consumption, the ethanol contained in alcohol is easily eliminated from the body and does not have a destructive effect on it. Moreover, in small quantities it can even be useful. It dilates blood vessels, which leads to a decrease in blood pressure.

The danger is that no one knows the exact dose at which alcohol begins to cause harm. This could be 50 ml of wine or 200 ml of vodka.

During metabolism, ethanol is oxidized to acetaldehyde, which is very toxic.

Moderate alcohol consumption has no significant effect negative influence on the heart. But there is a decrease in the strength of heart contractions against the background of an increase in their frequency.

With prolonged intoxication with acetaldehyde, protein synthesis is disrupted. This leads to a decrease in blood clotting factors. The regenerative ability of tissues is suppressed, and dystrophic changes in heart. Swelling occurs and compression occurs coronary vessels, hypoxia (oxygen starvation) occurs.

The totality of all processes ends in cardiosclerosis and myocardial hypertrophy.

Ethanol also flushes potassium and magnesium from the body. Their deficiency causes pain and disturbances in the heart after alcohol.

Large doses of alcohol lead to narrowing of the arteries. With regular use, this threatens to develop hypertension. And the higher the pressure, the more load on the heart.

Heart disease due to alcohol

The toxic effect of acetaldehyde causes irreversible changes in the myocardium. Frequent and systematic drinking leads to poor circulation. As a result, the nutrition of the heart muscle deteriorates.

Alcoholic myocardial dystrophy is the result of prolonged drinking or regular binges. A person does not suspect the development of the disease for a long time. Sometimes it can sting in the heart area. The first symptoms appear after 5-10 years. They are always associated with alcohol intake.

Often after drinking, your heart hurts and your blood pressure rises. Tachycardia, shortness of breath, and a feeling of lack of air occur. The person gets scared, stops drinking for a while, and his health improves.

If binge drinking continues, the disease develops.

The legs swell, shortness of breath increases, arrhythmia increases, and a cough appears. This typical signs heart failure. Against the background of cardiopathy, pathologies of the liver, kidneys, and brain occur.

Severe myocardial dystrophy leads to impaired microcirculation in the vessels and oxygen starvation of all organs. At this stage, the prognosis is extremely unfavorable, death is inevitable.

There is no consensus among doctors about the effect of alcohol on the occurrence of other heart diseases. But in the presence of such pathologies, any alcoholic drinks are contraindicated.

Heart hurts from a hangover

Hangover syndrome- This is the result of acetaldehyde intoxication.

This condition is characterized not only by dysfunctions digestive system, but also a violation of vascular tone. The person’s face turns red, arrhythmia appears, and weakness occurs. With a hangover, your heart hurts, your pulse quickens, and your blood pressure rises. There are difficulties with attention and coordination of movement.

With an exacerbation of osteochondrosis or intercostal neuralgia, there is often pressure and pain in the chest. Pancreatitis or gastritis can also manifest as discomfort in the left hypochondrium. The next day all these symptoms disappear. But with heart pathologies, complaints can only intensify. And treatment takes place in a hospital setting.

For any form of hangover, a person should take a sorbent, a drug that absorbs toxins. The simplest and most effective is activated carbon, which is always in your home medicine cabinet. We recommend 1 tablet per 10 kg of weight.

If your heart hurts the next morning after drinking, Corvalol or Validol will help. They will relieve pain and calm the nerves. But with strong alcohol intoxication or during a period of heavy drinking they should not be taken. In this case, the drug Mexidol is recommended. It is used to treat withdrawal symptoms.

Can be treated with folk remedies.

Chamomile tea tones, mint calms the heartbeat and helps with insomnia. Rosehip decoction is indispensable for digestive disorders and also has a mild diuretic effect. Alternative medicine practices meditation to restore health.

A contrast shower normalizes vascular tone. Fresh air and moderate physical activity will fill the body with oxygen and restore good health. But this only fits healthy people with a slight hangover.

Heart patients, elderly and drunkards similar procedures not recommended. They can cause a sharp spasm of blood vessels and aggravate the situation. In this case, it is better to stay in bed.

How to ease your heart's work after drinking alcohol

Usually people complain of heart pain, tachycardia, and rhythm disturbances after drinking alcohol. Help depends on the severity of the symptoms, but first of all, it is necessary to avoid alcoholic beverages. It is necessary to distinguish between dangerous conditions requiring urgent hospitalization and ordinary manifestations of intoxication.

Alcohol causes heart rate to increase to 90 beats per minute. There is a feeling that your heart is pounding and jumping out of your chest. This natural reaction body, and no medications are needed. When increased to 100 beats per minute, you can take Corvalol (no more than 60 drops per dose).

Be sure to measure arterial pressure, because hypertension increases the load on the myocardium. High blood pressure can be reduced with antihypertensive drugs(anaprilin, dibazol). After this, the heart will not beat so hard and the pain will go away.

Acetaldehyde causes dehydration, making the blood viscous and making it harder for the heart to pump it. Therefore, it is necessary to drink a lot of fluid.

If you suspect a myocardial infarction or an attack of cardiac asthma, you need to take a nitroglycerin tablet under the tongue and immediately call an ambulance.

When to call an ambulance

Symptoms that give rise to serious fears for a person’s life and require calling an emergency team:

  • Dull pain in the heart or behind the sternum, radiating to the left, less often the right arm and shoulder blade;
  • Cold sweat, shortness of breath, difficulty breathing;
  • Loss of consciousness;
  • Arrhythmia, when the patient thinks that the heart is stopping, fear of death;
  • Blueness (cyanosis) of the face or nasolabial triangle;
  • Severe weakness, chills, trembling throughout the body;
  • Unbearable headache and high blood pressure that do not go away after taking antihypertensive drugs.

Before the ambulance arrives, first aid must be provided.

The person should be placed in horizontal position, unbutton the top buttons on the clothing. Provide access to fresh air (take it outside, open a window). If possible, give a nitroglycerin tablet. Or replace it with Valocordin. 30 drops per piece of sugar and put under the patient’s tongue.

Prevention of heart disease

Moderate and irregular consumption of alcoholic beverages will not cause serious problems in the body. But frequent use and especially chronic alcoholism are a direct path to illness and reduced life expectancy.

Try to exclude bad habits and learn to take care of your body. It will certainly thank you feeling good. Healthy image life, proper nutrition, regular physical activity – best prevention heart diseases.

Alcohol is a strong toxicant for the cardiovascular system. Many people have a question: if your heart hurts from a hangover, what to do to reduce unpleasant symptoms. Such manifestations cannot be ignored, as they may indicate not only a reversible vascular reaction during a hangover, but also problems of the cardiovascular system.

To understand what needs to be done for heart pain from a hangover, you need to understand what happens to the cardiovascular system in this state.

What is a hangover from a physiological point of view?

When drinking alcohol, toxic breakdown products - acetaldehydes - accumulate in the body. Their accumulation increases when the liver cannot cope with its detoxification function. Special enzyme liver alcohol dehydrogenase is responsible for the complete breakdown of alcohol in the body.

Acetaldehyde is a substance toxic to the body. That is why a hangover is accompanied by poor health, weakness, pain, and changes in the functioning of organs and systems. Acetaldehyde, being cardiotoxic, leads to deterioration of cardiac function. On the other hand, after long drinking bout the vasodilating effect of alcohol stops, which affects the tone of blood vessels, including those that supply blood to the heart.

Spasm of the coronary vessels most often causes pain with a hangover or after heavy drinking.

Why your heart hurts from a hangover needs to be found out individually in each situation and then done everything possible to solve the problem.

How does a hangover affect the functioning of the heart and blood vessels?

The body reacts to the effects of toxins (alcohol breakdown products):

  • dysregulation of vascular tone (the face turns red or pale);
  • deterioration of blood supply to the heart muscle;
  • deficiency of vitamins and microelements that are responsible for the normal functioning of blood vessels and the heart (B vitamins, potassium, magnesium);
  • arrhythmia.

If your heart hurts during a hangover, the following symptoms may also appear:

  • difficulty breathing;
  • increase or decrease in blood pressure.

It should be noted that beer hurts the heart during a hangover as often as when drinking strong drinks. The ethyl alcohol contained in beer is no different from that contained in other alcoholic beverages.

In addition, beer contains a lot of harmful impurities, fusel oils. Considering that this drink is usually drunk in very large quantities, its effect on the heart is even more destructive than that which accompanies drinking stronger drinks.

It is known that with regular consumption of beer, the heart muscle increases in size, the internal chambers expand, and irreversible changes gradually develop (cardiac dystrophy). If after drinking beer there is pain in the heart due to a hangover, what to take and what to do to alleviate the condition must be decided depending on the problem.

Effect of alcohol on the heart

How does a heart problem manifest itself?

After heavy drinking, the heart hurts often due to a developed heart rhythm disorder or spasm of the coronary vessels. Everyone should know what to do in such a state.

Alcohol is a substance that almost always causes arrhythmia varying degrees expressiveness. It can be called a leader among arrhythmogens. Mild cases in the form of individual extrasystoles can manifest only as mild discomfort and tingling; in most cases, nothing needs to be done.

But more severe cases(, paroxysmal tachycardia) are accompanied by a violation general condition- development of fainting, severe dizziness and other things. Such situations with a hangover threaten the patient’s life, and what must be done is to call a cardiology ambulance team.

Angina pectoris

Spasm of the coronary vessels during a hangover leads to disruption of the blood supply to the myocardium. Such attacks can be regarded as angina pectoris. They are characterized by compressive or pressing pain behind the sternum, which can extend into left hand or a spatula.

What to do if an attack of pain due to angina pectoris during a hangover is prolonged, is not relieved by medications and manifests itself very intensely? Read about it below.

Non-cardiac causes of pain in the heart area

Diseases of other organs can also cause a feeling of pain in the heart area during a hangover. Cardiac pathology is most often confused with peptic ulcer stomach and pancreatitis due to the similarity of pain localization. What to do in such a situation to reduce pain is decided only after examination and finding out the cause of the pain.

Stomach ulcer

A stomach ulcer usually begins with a burning sensation. Subsequently, the pain intensifies, can become diffuse, and often appears at night. It hurts less after eating food or drinking warm drinks. A hangover can cause an exacerbation of an ulcer; the pain syndrome in this pathology is very similar in localization to pain in the heart area; what to do in such a situation will be determined by the results of the examination.


A hangover may occur after drinking alcohol with a fatty snack. acute pancreatitis. This condition is accompanied by acute girdle pain in the epigastric region spreading to left side chest and the patient may have the wrong question: if your heart hurts from a hangover, what should you do?

Pancreatitis is often misdiagnosed as a heart problem because it hurts on the left side of the chest.

What can you take when binge drinking?

When your heart hurts after a binge, what to do and what to take to stabilize the condition, you need to decide as quickly as possible. For decreasing negative impact products of the breakdown of ethyl alcohol on the heart and blood vessels, what is very useful to do is drink more liquid. Positive Action Drinking will help with a hangover:

  • mineral water without gas;
  • low-fat kefir;
  • dried fruit compote;
  • natural juices (tomato, orange);
  • homemade kvass.

To compensate for the loss of minerals responsible for the normal functioning of the heart, you can take Asparkam or Panangin.

What can you take after a binge if your heart hurts:

  1. If the hangover is accompanied by the heart, you need to take a nitroglycerin tablet under the tongue. If this does not help, then after 15 minutes you can re-use nitroglycerin. If it still hurts behind the sternum, then the first thing to do is call an ambulance.
  2. If an attack of arrhythmia occurs during a hangover, it helps. If the arrhythmia continues to persist while taking antiarrhythmic drugs, the following must be done: urgently call an ambulance.

Is it possible to get a hangover to relieve heart pain?

At the moment of occurrence after binge drinking discomfort and complaints that there is pain in the heart, some patients, not knowing what to do with a hangover, try to alleviate the condition with an additional dose of alcohol. In case of alcohol dependence, this action can bring temporary relief, but after this the effect of ethyl alcohol on the heart and blood vessels is further aggravated.

In the future, heart attacks will be more severe, for successful treatment It is necessary to do everything to get rid of alcohol addiction.

If you have a hangover and your heart hurts, you definitely need to go to a specialist for an examination.

The appearance of heart pain immediately after drinking alcohol is quite atypical. As a rule, the heart hurts from a hangover, which, as noted above, is associated with a reflex narrowing of the coronary vessels and the cardiotoxic effect of acetaldehyde.

An exact answer to why the heart hurts immediately after drinking alcohol can only be given by a full examination. Often these pains are not cardiac, but are caused by gastroenterological problems, the pain from which is localized in an atypical way.

Useful video

For more information on the effects of alcohol on the heart, watch the following video:


  1. Alcohol, when consumed frequently, has a destructive effect on the heart and blood vessels.
  2. With a hangover, the heart hurts not from alcohol, but from wear and tear on the cardiovascular system.
  3. Visiting a cardiologist is something anyone should do if their heart hurts from a hangover, regardless of the cause.

Article reading time: 2 minutes

What to do if your heart hurts from a hangover

Why does my heart hurt after a hangover?

Pain in the heart is caused by diseases of the cardiovascular system, decreased vascular tone, neuroses and psychoses.

The effect of alcohol on the heart muscle is such that it always causes pain in it. Even consumption small doses alcohol in the morning can cause pain in the heart area. Acute inflammation internal organs is often manifested by a feeling of pain in the chest. An inflamed liver and stomach can cause pain, which can easily be confused with heart pain from a hangover. Acute inflammation of the pancreas, which occurs due to alcohol abuse, can radiate into the chest, and it will seem like heart pain. Only a doctor after an examination can determine the cause of pain. The main causes of heart pain are angina pectoris, ischemic heart disease, neurosis, arrhythmia. Heart pain from a hangover occurs most often in men of working age who suffer from a hangover in the morning.

The main complaints are the following:

  • discomfort in the heart area;
  • heartbeat;
  • interruptions in heart rhythm;
  • lack of air.

After examination, doctors can make the following diagnoses in this case:

  • arterial hypertension;
  • hypotension;
  • hypertensive crisis;
  • fainting;
  • cardiopsychoneurosis;
  • sinus or paroxysmal tachycardia;
  • extrasystole;
  • paroxysm of atrial fibrillation;
  • heart failure;
  • coronary insufficiency;
  • unstable angina;
  • heart attack

Severe heart pain that appears can result in the death of the patient from a massive heart attack.

Why does a hangover cause heart pain?

A hangover occurs after severe alcohol intoxication. It is accompanied by acute nervous psychovegetative disorder, increased excitability, mental and physical weakness, and pain.

During a hangover, the human body is characterized by vegetative sensations such as nausea, vomiting, shortness of breath, palpitations and heart pain. The severity of the condition is determined by the strength of the alcohol consumed, the amount of alcohol consumed and the presence of chronic diseases that worsen at the time of intoxication. The occurrence of pain in the heart is a common reaction of the body to alcohol intoxication.

How to distinguish development is deadly dangerous condition from hangover symptoms

A hangover often blurs the picture of the disease, because general intoxication of the body can cause exacerbations of chronic diseases and the development of a large number of pathological processes. Acute diseases associated with intoxication require emergency medical care. Often even experienced doctors find it difficult to make a diagnosis during a hangover and shift responsibility to the instrument readings.

If the ECG device shows a picture of the disease, the patient is hospitalized and treated.

To determine whether the symptoms that appear are dangerous, all manifestations of hangover syndrome must be divided into three groups. First, include those symptoms that are typical for everyone who suffers from a hangover. The second group includes symptoms of those chronic diseases that necessarily worsen during intoxication. All new sensations that manifest themselves in severe form require consultation with a doctor.

How do severe heart diseases progress?

The development of severe cardiac pathologies begins with a change in the rhythm of heart contractions. This phenomenon is called arrhythmia. It often accompanies a hangover, and the heart behaves unusually. Arrhythmia can manifest itself as a sinking heart or palpitations. Sometimes some squelching sounds are heard in the area of ​​the heart. It is impossible to determine exactly whether such an occurrence of symptoms is dangerous or not at home without special equipment. Only an ECG, which in some cases requires special conditions, can show the full danger of the developing condition. If the hangover syndrome becomes very bad, arrhythmia begins, which is accompanied by symptoms such as:

  • severe weakness;
  • fainting;
  • fear of death;
  • dizziness;
  • pain in the heart area;
  • shortness of breath due to difficulty breathing.

Then you should call an ambulance and, without going into details, name the symptoms that bother the sick person. It is good to refer to severe pain in the heart muscle and a short-term loss of consciousness. In such cases, a medical team arrives to provide cardiac care. She is equipped with a portable ECG machine and will be able to quickly make a diagnosis and deliver to the hospital on time.

Heart failure and hangover

Heart failure occurs when the ability of the heart muscle to contract is weakened. In this case, the human body is no longer provided with the required amount of blood. Such a deficiency can develop at the end of the first or second week of binge drinking. Heart failure manifests itself as sudden suffocation, most often at night, and this condition requires urgent medical attention. The development of pulmonary edema against the background of heart failure is especially dangerous for human life.

Symptoms of pulmonary edema may include:

  • the appearance of foamy sputum Pink colour on the lips;
  • pronounced blueness of the skin;
  • severe shortness of breath;
  • profuse cold sweat.

What to do if such symptoms begin to appear? To provide first aid, you need to sit the person in a chair or on a bed, placing pillows under the back so that the head does not fall back. Ice should be placed on the head in the form of a circular ice compress, and tight bandages should be applied to the limbs, but so that the arteries are not constricted. Place your feet in a basin of hot water, put nitroglycerin under your tongue, calculating a dose of 0.5 mg for every 70 kg of body weight, after wetting your mouth warm water to increase the solubility of the drug. Ambulance health care must be provided very quickly.

All these terrible incidents happen to people who are on a drinking binge. long time. If there are no similar symptoms with a hangover and pain in the heart, then the cause is a violation vascular tone.

Vascular tone disorders are the main cause of heart pain with a hangover

If you have a hangover, your heart hurts, your face is red, you feel weak, you have rhythm disturbances, then this is a violation of vascular tone. Vessels always react to metabolic disorders that occur during general poisoning with ethanol breakdown products. The change in tone is accompanied by pain. It is this property of the blood vessels that makes medical workers lenient towards the complaints of people who, with a hangover, complain about pain in the heart.

Alcohol has the ability to provoke rhythm disturbances. Even with a moderate hangover, tingling in the heart area, mild pain and discomfort may be observed. If the hangover is severe, because the day before alcohol abuse exceeded the norm several times, then the sensations will be very vivid and unforgettable.

How to calm your heart?

From the very morning, at the first signs of a hangover, you should take some kind of adsorbent on an empty stomach. The simplest one is activated carbon. It is taken at the rate of 1 tablet per 10 kg of weight. It will remove intoxication by collecting all the poisons and toxins in the intestines, bring them out and ease the hangover.

Traditional medicine recommends a contrast shower, which will raise tone and improve blood circulation. Active physical activity normalizes metabolism, speeds up the elimination of toxins, increases hormonal metabolism, which will alleviate the condition of a patient with a hangover. Fatty dense foods, brines, pickles and plenty of drinking will help fill the deficiency of vitamins and microelements and fill the body with water. What's the best thing to eat when you have a hangover? Give preference to meat broths and fermented milk products. When thinking about what to eat, you can safely choose sour cream; it can relieve stress just as well as alcohol. hangover syndrome and will only bring benefits to the body. Drinking alcohol with a hangover is very harmful, especially if the body is already completely poisoned with alcohol.

What drinks are especially good for a hangover?

Drink plenty of fluids helps remove toxins from the body and normalize well-being. Choose from hot drinks green tea, which is able to relieve intoxication. If you add mint and lemon to it, then such a drink will relieve attacks of nausea and replenish vitamin C reserves, which the body needs during a hangover. Good cold drinks include tomato, orange, and banana juices. If there is homemade, well-fermented kvass in the house, then this drink will quickly return you to normal state health.

It contains a lot of biological active substances, acids, vitamins. It stimulates the heart, invigorates, improves vascular tone. But live homemade kvass has these properties, and not the surrogate in bottles from the supermarket. Homemade dried fruit compotes contain a huge amount of acids, electrolytes, and microelements. All of them help normalize the acid-base balance and restore metabolism. Glucose and fructose in the compote restore the damaged carbohydrate metabolism.

You should get out of a hangover with the help of folk remedies and medicines recommended by the attending physician. If any painful sensations appear for the first time, contact the clinic for an examination and treatment. A severe hangover requires the attention of a narcologist. Call him to your home, and after the inspection he will carry out therapeutic measures that will ease your condition.

Why does my heart hurt after a hangover?

A hangover is a punishment for those who drink alcohol uncontrollably. But in fact, this is poisoning, in which absolutely all systems of the body suffer: liver, kidneys, pancreas, central nervous and, of course, cardiovascular.

Depending on age, weight and individual characteristics Everyone's body experiences a hangover differently, but the symptoms remain the same for everyone:

  • severe headaches and a feeling of heaviness;
  • nausea;
  • thirst and dry mouth;
  • dizziness;
  • increased sensitivity to bright light and sounds;
  • discomfort in the chest - in the area of ​​the heart.

Why does my heart hurt after a hangover?

Causes of heart pain during a hangover

Let’s immediately make a reservation that chest pain during a hangover does not always mean that it is the heart that hurts. These may be “echoes” of the reaction of the liver, pancreas or stomach to the negative effect of toxins and breakdown products of alcoholic beverages on them.

Ethyl alcohol contained in alcoholic beverages is a strong arrhythmogen (arrhythmia stimulant). As alcohol decomposes and is absorbed into the blood, it affects the body, causing a number of disturbances in the coordinated functioning of organs. And one of these disorders is a failure of cardiac tone (coronary vessels), manifested in rapid heartbeat and arrhythmia, causing weakness and redness of the facial skin.

This happens due to the fact that alcohol “washes out” the B vitamins, magnesium, and potassium necessary for the proper functioning of the heart, and at the same time also dehydrates the body. That is why the heart begins to “protest” against such an irresponsible attitude of the owner towards his own health, and this “outrage” of the organ is manifested by the feeling:

  • discomfort,
  • tightness in the chest,
  • accelerated heartbeat,
  • difficulty breathing,
  • interruptions in heart rhythm.

In addition to the “hangover bouquet,” horse racing joins blood pressure and increased heart rate. All this leads to a deterioration in the blood supply to all organs, and most importantly to the brain. From here it’s a stone’s throw to a stroke. Such disruptions in the functioning of the heart can even lead to fatal outcome.

Why does my heart hurt after drinking alcohol?

Alcohol in minimal quantities has a beneficial effect on some conditions therapeutic effect, however, large volumes of strong drinks have a detrimental effect on the human body. After drinking alcohol, your heart hurts the next day - that's enough common condition that requires help.

If such a condition occurs, you should consult a doctor for advice and, if necessary, undergo diagnostic examination. Chest pain is a warning sign of a dangerous condition and, if left untreated, can be fatal in some cases.

Why do heart pains appear after a hangover or after a binge?

Why does your heart hurt after drinking alcohol? Any alcoholic beverage is very quickly absorbed into the body when it enters the stomach. After about 6-7 minutes, alcohol already circulates through the bloodstream and remains there for up to 8 hours, while penetrating all organs and tissues. There is a change in blood pressure, the pulse quickens to 100 or 120 beats per minute when normal indicators from 70 to 80.

The first organ to take the hit is the liver. The breakdown of alcohol occurs in the liver cells and with increased amounts of alcoholic beverages, the organ cannot cope with the load. Further, incompletely purified blood flows to the heart, causing disruption of its functioning.

After drinking alcohol, a feeling of pressure, discomfort or pain occurs in the chest (if this occurs, immediate medical attention is required). This condition occurs due to an imbalance in the work of the heart muscles, partially inhibited by the effects of alcohol and an inadequate vascular response.

Painful sensations can arise not only from the alcohol itself, but also from the destructive effects of toxic impurities contained in alcoholic beverages.

If there are chronic diseases in the body, taking large doses of alcohol also causes a disturbance in the general condition after alcoholic drinks, causing their exacerbation and, as a result, pain of varying intensity in the heart area.

There is a feeling of pressure, discomfort or pain in the chest after drinking alcohol

Different types of pain and what they mean

The first harbingers of absence normal operation the heart is manifested by the following sensations:

  • hard breath;
  • dyspnea;
  • cardiopalmus;
  • heart rhythm disturbance;
  • feeling of pressure in the chest;
  • swelling;
  • cyanosis of the face (due to bad work heart and lack of oxygen).

Fluctuations in blood pressure, irregular heart rhythm, and the presence of large amounts of alcohol and toxins in the body cause pain in the heart of various types:

  • aching (indicates a heavy load on the heart muscle);
  • piercing (are harbingers severe conditions requiring immediate medical attention);
  • pressing and other types of pain (indicating changes in blood pressure and the presence of alcohol intoxication).

What and how can you help, taking into account what the person has drunk?

Do I need to do something if my heart hurts from a hangover or wait it out. Painful sensations not only cause discomfort, but also require urgent detoxification therapy. There is an urgent need to reduce:

  • blood alcohol volume;
  • amount of toxins;
  • wandering substances of decay in the body.

Such measures can be carried out at home, and if the condition is complicated, medical institutions. If your heart hurts or aches for a short time (about 2-3 minutes) and there are no other recurring pain symptoms, you can get help at home.

What you can take - drugs such as Activated Charcoal (at the rate of 1.5 tablets per 10 kilograms of a person’s weight), Atoxil, White Charcoal (based on a person’s weight) or others similar drugs. Also take 1.5 mg of vitamin C one time or drink green tea without sugar with lemon and mint. It will be useful to drink dried fruit compote, homemade kvass, tomato or orange juice.

Homemade dried fruit compote contains a whole complex useful substances:

  • glucose and fructose, which partially restore carbohydrate metabolism in the body;
  • electrolytes and acids, also balancing them;
  • microelements.

Drink enough fluids, and if severe swelling a diuretic at the same time as 2 tablets of Asparkam, so that the heart does not suffer from a lack of potassium (it is washed out together with diuretics).

When your heart hurts frequently and sharply after drinking alcohol, you need to consult a specialist (therapist, cardiologist, narcologist) to carry out procedures to reduce intoxication in the body. In some cases, emergency medical care in a hospital setting may be needed.

If a person feels unwell and his heart hurts after binge drinking, then it is imperative to consult a doctor.

What to do and what not to do?

If you have a hangover and feel various pain sensations in the heart area, it is not recommended to perform certain actions:

  • no need to engage in sports or intense training;
  • You can’t take hot baths (just not hot showers);
  • there is no need to eat too much fatty and peppery food;
  • accept medical supplies without consulting a doctor or without knowing exactly your blood pressure (blood pressure);
  • ignore severe stabbing pain in the heart;
  • If your condition worsens, you cannot not consult a doctor and endure it.

You should not take medications without consulting a doctor or without knowing your exact blood pressure.

Calling a doctor

Why does the heart hurt after a hangover? This is a frequently asked question. The main reason for this condition is a change in the functioning of the entire cardiovascular system, which occurs due to the effects of alcohol, excessive load on all organs and the presence of chronic diseases.

For minor pain in the heart area, you can take one of the following drugs: Validol, Corvalol, Valerian in therapeutic doses without independently changing the standard dose of medications.

Is it possible to drink alcohol to stabilize a hangover – definitely not. It only makes you feel worse and can cause severe health problems.

If there are no changes in the condition towards improvement or if pain increases, it is necessary to urgently take the patient to the hospital or call an ambulance.

Help before doctors arrive

The patient is placed in a horizontal position on the right side, and the legs are raised above the level of the heart. This can significantly reduce the load on the heart muscle and partially reduce blood pressure. You can give sweet tea to drink.

In a critical condition, the patient’s life depends on the speed of his delivery to the hospital

It is necessary to provide maximum access to fresh air (open windows and doors) to large quantity oxygen entered the heart muscles. Clothing should not restrict the neck and chest. You need to put cool napkins or towels on the back of your head and forehead; you can add a little 9% vinegar to the water for a compress. There should be silence in the room.

The patient is delivered to the medical facility in a lying position on a stretcher without sudden changes in position. If the patient has a history (past) of chronic diseases related to the heart or other organs, you should inform your doctors about this so that you can more quickly select medications with the desired effect.

In a critical condition, the patient’s life depends on the speed of his delivery to the hospital and the beginning of medical procedures.

How to prevent changes in the heart muscles?

Chronic constant or periodic drinking conditions critically affect the condition of the heart muscles. They are depleted, their structure is disrupted, which creates a rhythm disturbance or causes the formation of ischemic areas (infarction). Heart failure gradually develops, which cannot be fully restored after drinking alcoholic beverages for about 3 years.

Alcohol addiction can be reduced by seeking help from appropriate specialists and, if all recommendations are followed, it can be completely eliminated.

What to do to reduce the risk pathological changes The attending physician will tell you in detail. It is important to reduce the amount of alcoholic beverages taken and change your lifestyle: increase your stay fresh air, play sports, rationally distribute physical activity throughout the day, consume more often diet food(reduce fatty, salty, peppery foods).

Timely preventive actions and providing assistance during periods of heart pain attacks will help avoid critical conditions and save the patient’s life.

Heart hurts from a hangover - what to do, prohibited methods of treatment

Usually people with a hangover have heart pain. alcohol addiction. This is also possible with one-time consumption of a large amount of alcohol. The symptom is caused by the effect of ethanol on the body. High intensity of the sign and regular occurrence indicate the presence of cardiac pathologies. The latter can arise from various reasons, including those not related to alcohol intake.

Causes and mechanism of pain development

Heart pain is one of the signs of a hangover. The main effect of ethanol on the body is to increase blood pressure. Its sharp jump provokes vasospasm. This negatively affects the functioning of the heart, causing pain.

For people who do not have health problems, this symptom absent or weakly expressed. The risk of its occurrence during a hangover increases under the influence of factors:

  • heart rhythm disturbances - develop against the background of decreased vascular tone, which during a hangover causes the heart to beat at a different frequency and frequency;
  • Regular alcohol consumption increases the amount of toxins in the blood and liver cells, disrupting liver function. circulatory system;
  • vitamin deficiency - a lack of magnesium and potassium negatively affects the functioning of the heart, reducing its impulse;
  • pancreatitis, gastritis and stomach ulcers - deterioration of the digestive process slows down the removal of ethanol from the body, which puts a strain on the blood vessels.

The course of cardiac pathologies is accompanied by symptoms outside of the hangover syndrome. When drinking alcoholic beverages, the signs of disease intensify.

Severe heart pathologies

Heart disease is rarely asymptomatic. The presence of disorders can be judged by the signs that occur not only with a hangover, but also in the normal state of the body. Symptoms of heart pathologies:

  • weakness;
  • dizziness;
  • dyspnea;
  • pulling or sharp pains in the chest;
  • the appearance of fear of death;
  • semi-fainting state;
  • increased or slowed heart rate;
  • heart rhythm disturbances.

These symptoms of a hangover may indicate the course of the following diseases:

  • arrhythmia;
  • tachycardia;
  • angina pectoris;
  • bradycardia;
  • heart failure;
  • disturbance of vascular tone.

Such pathologies can provoke myocardial infarction, ischemia and others. serious illnesses. The risk of their development increases directly when drinking alcohol and during a hangover.

Cardiologist: it is arrhythmia that is considered the precursor of many cardiac pathologies. Alcohol abuse aggravates its course.

helping to soothe pain

Heart failure

Heart failure syndrome can occur with prolonged alcoholism or for reasons not related to alcohol intake. In any case, its manifestation intensifies with a hangover. Signs of the syndrome are most intense in alcoholics and people who have used alcohol once large dose alcohol.

The danger of the disease lies in the development of irreversible negative consequences in internal organs. Complications occur when there is insufficient blood circulation due to weakness of the heart muscle.

Symptoms of pathology with a hangover:

  • blue discoloration of the skin;
  • dyspnea;
  • cold sweat;
  • foam on lips.

Heart failure develops suddenly. This usually happens at night. The patient begins to breathe heavily, as if suffocating, and there is a feeling that there is something pressing in the chest area. Before the doctor arrives, you need to sit him in a comfortable position, his head should remain upright. Placed on the forehead cold compress, are applied to the limbs elastic bandages. It is allowed to take nitroglycerin under the tongue.

Disturbances in vascular tone

Violation of vascular tone is the most common cause of heart pain during a hangover. It develops when metabolism is impaired due to the presence of ethyl alcohol in the body. Manifested by the following symptoms:

  • facial redness;
  • heart rhythm disturbances;
  • weakness;
  • pain in the heart area.

The pathology is dangerous due to the appearance sharp jump blood pressure. The latter can provoke the development of acute cardiovascular diseases.

Prohibited actions

If you have heart pain due to a hangover, you should not:

  • engage in physical labor;
  • attend sports training;
  • take hot baths and contrast showers;
  • stay in baths, saunas, steam rooms;
  • getting hungover can bring temporary relief with further aggravation of cardiac pathology.

Cardiologist: any physical activity increases blood pressure. If you have pain during a hangover, it is dangerous for complications to develop.

All of these situations lead to increased stress on cardiovascular system. It can increase the intensity pain and provoke the development of heart disease. To eliminate the symptom, it is necessary to use methods that reduce the effect on blood vessels.

Ways to get rid of pain

At severe pain in the heart you need to call an ambulance. Low-intensity symptoms can be eliminated independently using home remedies. After the hangover disappears, you need to see a doctor to diagnose the functioning of the cardiovascular system.

Pain relief methods acceptable at home:

  • avoiding the consumption of strong tea and coffee, chocolate;
  • taking a large amount of liquid, optimally mineral water;
  • adoption of a horizontal position;
  • being in the fresh air or intensively ventilating the room;
  • suppression of vomiting, which can increase the pain symptom.

Drugs that help soothe heart pain during a hangover:

If these means are not able to help within half an hour, then you need to call an ambulance. All pain relief tips should be followed before her arrival. It is prohibited to take any medications on the advice of relatives. In case of emergency, you can ask the dispatcher for permission to take this or that medication. He will tell you what else the patient can do to relieve pain. To do this, you need to list the remaining symptoms of a hangover.

Oversaturation of a person with toxic substances after heavy consumption of alcoholic beverages causes a hangover, accompanied by headaches, nausea, weakness, and dizziness. Alcohol toxins, moving freely through the veins of the body, provoke a rapid heartbeat, a painful feeling in chest where the heart is located.

Can a hangover cause heart pain?

Alcohol poison, which accumulates in the human body while drinking “hot” drinks, has a detrimental effect on various vital important organs: brain, liver, pancreas, circulatory system. Penetrating with human blood into the heart, it contributes to the formation of prolonged aching pain in the cardiac region. The heart cannot cope with resistance to alcohol toxins and signals a person about a critical condition and the inability to overcome them naturally.

Ignoring such sensations is dangerous for the health of any person. Ethanol and its breakdown products, which appear in the body during a hangover, are a strong arrhythmogenic substance. They cause heart palpitations and disrupt normal mode work to contract the myocardial muscle. It is this effect of alcohol toxins that provokes the appearance of aching, tingling pain in the cardiac region.

Excessive and frequent consumption of alcoholic beverages contributes to a rapid heartbeat, the appearance of pain syndrome, which is hazardous to health and can be fatal.

Causes of pain

  1. Toxins.

Any alcoholic drink contains ethyl alcohol. It is the breakdown products of alcohol that make up main reason intoxication of the whole body. The liver, processing ethyl alcohol, produces acetaldehyde, which is several tens of times more toxic than alcohol itself. When alcohol enters the body in large quantities, the liver produces an excess amount of acetaldehyde. Human enzyme systems cannot cope with its processing into acetic acid, and this toxin accumulates in the blood, which weakens the function of blood vessels. The weakening of their tone leads to drowsiness, dizziness, and lethargy. At this time the heart does not receive enough nutrients, pain appears.

  1. Irregular heartbeat.

Oxygen starvation heart muscle, associated with a decrease in the tone of blood vessels, leads to disruption of the periodicity of heart contractions. Minor deviations from the usual rhythm are felt by a slight tingling sensation in the heart area. The increased change in heart rate causes severe heart pain, which can be fatal.

  1. Deficiency of minerals and vitamins in the body.

The microelements potassium and magnesium are responsible for metabolic process in the heart muscle, supplying it with energy. The lack of these elements reduces the cardiac impulse, causing failure of heart contractions, the appearance painful sensations in the heart, which can lead to heart failure. Alcohol abuse contributes to the additional removal from the body of not only these minerals, but also calcium, B vitamins, which contribute to normal functioning the entire human circulatory system. Oxygen starvation of the heart and decreased tone of the myocardial heart muscle are the consequences of excessive alcohol consumption. They cause unpleasant pain in the heart.

Is it dangerous when your heart hurts from a hangover?

Regularly ignoring “hangover” heart pain and continuing to drink alcohol leads to irreversible processes in the body. A person alone is not able to determine the complexity of the entire disease in the presence of heart pain. Therefore, you should know the first signs due to which you need to contact a medical institution for a full diagnosis of the disease:

  • sharp and unrelenting pain in the heart;
  • frequent fainting;
  • dizziness that is difficult to bear;
  • against a background of increasing pain;
  • dyspnea;
  • decrease or increase in blood pressure.

The occurrence of these symptoms with constant fear death is an excuse to call an emergency ambulance.

Prolonged heart pain from a hangover can be signs of more complex diseases:

  1. Angina pectoris.

Impaired blood supply to the myocardial muscle due to spasms of coronary vessels during a hangover is defined by traditional medicine as coronary heart disease or. Squeezing or squeezing pain in the chest are signs of such an illness.

  1. Heart failure.

Insufficient receipt of nutrients by the myocardium during a hangover serves as a source of destabilization of cardiac muscle contraction. All human organs receive useful substances and oxygen in reduced quantities, which inhibits their functions. Heart failure manifests itself as sudden suffocation, often at night, accompanied by a change in facial skin color, cold sweat and severe shortness of breath.

  1. Arrhythmia.

Toxic substances formed after the breakdown of alcohol always cause arrhythmia of varying degrees. Ignoring its first signs leads to more complex diseases:,.

  1. Disorder of blood vessel tone.

The constant presence of alcohol breakdown products in the blood leads to a decrease in the metabolic process at the cellular level of blood vessels. Their function is impaired, and heart disease appears. Representatives traditional medicine claim: a short-term change in the contraction and relaxation of the walls of the coronary vessels during a hangover is the main cause of tingling in the heart and minor discomfort in the chest.

What to do?

In this case, it is necessary to take all measures to quickly remove toxins from the human body. Best and most affordable way– reception activated carbon at the rate of 1 tablet per 10 kg of body weight. This will help free the intestines from accumulated toxic substances.

Drinking plenty of fluids will not only relieve a hangover, but also soothe increased heart rate and pain, and restore fluid balance in the body. Green tea is effective in this case, helping to remove toxins. Adding mint and lemon will help replenish the body with vitamin C and eliminate nausea. A good result is obtained by drinking cold tomato, orange juice, kvass homemade. These drinks, rich in vitamins and acids, stimulate the functional activity of the heart and blood vessels.

To restore acidic and alkaline balance It is beneficial for the body to drink cold dried fruit compote, rich in microelements, fructose, glucose, which improve metabolism at the cellular level and the absorption of carbohydrates.

If a hangover is accompanied by a dull and squeezing pain in the heart area, you can take a nitroglycerin tablet, placing it under the tongue, after moistening it oral cavity clean water.

A pill can help with arrhythmia during a hangover.

Breathing exercises, a walk in the fresh air helps improve heart function, activates blood circulation in all organs, normalizes metabolic processes, restores the metabolic process, impaired generous intake alcohol.

Prohibited actions

  • do not do heavy physical work, sports intensive training;
  • categorically do not take hot baths, cold or contrast showers, do not visit all types of baths, saunas, steam rooms;
  • Do not get hung up even with beer, as this brings temporary relief and contributes to the further development of the hidden disease.

The appearance of heart pain from a hangover is the first call about the need to visit a doctor. Only a professional, based on a complete diagnosis, can prescribe correct treatment. Abuse of drinks containing alcohol when heart disease applies irreparable harm own health and sometimes leads to premature death.