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1 signs of anorexia. There are two types of behavior in anorexia nervosa. How does anorexia begin?

Anna Mironova

Reading time: 7 minutes


There are 2 main types of beauty. The first is sweet and gentle: plump rosy cheeks, clear white skin, large expressive eyes and round shapes. The second is elegant and sexy: exquisite sunken cheeks, distinct beautiful cheekbones and a slender body... It is the latter image that anorexia patients are guided by.

However, if professional makeup artists, stylists and photo proofreaders have a hand in the appearance of models, then girls deprived of this knowledge and experience become victims of their own trap. Read also: .

Anorexia disease - types of anorexia

When suffering from anorexia, which can be caused by various factors, experts distinguish following forms:

  • Mental anorexia occurs in mental disorders that are accompanied by loss of hunger. For example, with schizophrenia, paranoia or advanced stages of depression. In addition, it may appear after the use of psychotropic substances, for example, long-term use alcohol.
  • Symptomatic anorexia is only a symptom of a serious somatic illness. For example, for diseases of the lungs, stomach and intestines, hormonal system and gynecological disorders. Thus, refusal to eat during acute respiratory infections of moderate severity or alcohol intoxication occurs due to special adaptive reactions an organism that focuses energy on healing rather than on digesting foods.
  • Anorexia nervosa (psychological) similar to psychic only in name. The first difference is that the patient deliberately limits himself in food and is afraid of gaining weight by more than 15%. The second difference can be considered impaired perception own body.
  • Drug-induced anorexia appears as a result of exceeding the dose of an antidepressant, anorexigenic substance or psychostimulants.

Causes of anorexia in women - what is the trigger for the onset of anorexia?

Most cases of anorexia in women are associated with the following personality traits:

  • Dislike, which is based on low self-esteem. If children do not feel loved, they begin to evaluate themselves inadequately. Therefore, it is very important to praise your children and increase their self-esteem.
  • Nervousness provokes refusal to eat. The more stress, the less the need for food. It happens that a person even forgets and gets out of the habit of eating.
  • Loneliness exacerbates the problem, while hanging out with friends helps you be social and resilient to everyday stress.
  • The desire to prove superiority may be caused by unhappy love or divorce. Usually it occurs according to the “diet-hunger strike-illness” scheme.
  • Stereotypes, breaking down unstable children's concepts of health and beauty.

The first signs of anorexia, symptoms of anorexia in women - when to sound the alarm?

Among the first signs of anorexia in women you may notice the following:

  • Restricting or refusing food;
  • High physical activity along with minimal nutrition;
  • Thin subcutaneous fat layer;
  • Flabby or atrophied muscles;
  • Flat stomach and sunken eyes;
  • Brittle nails;
  • Loose or tooth loss;
  • Pigment spots on the skin;
  • Dryness and hair loss;
  • Hemorrhages or boils;
  • Low blood pressure and irregular pulse;
  • Dehydration;
  • Irregularity or cessation of menstruation;
  • Decreased sexual desire;
  • Unstable mood;
  • Depression;
  • Pallor.

The disease anorexia damages all organs and tissues because it occurs irreversible changes at the cellular level. The cell does not receive building material (protein) and ceases to perform its functions, which leads to incurable disease of organs and systems, including disability. It is very important not to miss the onset of anorexia, because urgent measures will help prevent serious consequences.

When confirming the diagnosis of the initial stage of anorexia, you must follow a balanced high-calorie diet, gradually introducing more complex foods into the diet.

The website warns: self-medication can harm your health! The diagnosis should only be made by a doctor after an examination. Therefore, if you notice symptoms, be sure to consult a specialist!

A negative consequence of this eating disorder is uncontrolled weight loss, leading to protein-energy deficiency and the appearance of various concomitant serious diseases of a mental, neurological, somatic, endocrine, and oncological nature. Often, particularly severe cases of anorexia end in death. It is very important to recognize a fatal disease in early stage and return a person to a full life.

The causes characteristic of anorexia should be named. All of them can be formed into several large groups:

The medical group of causes of anorexia includes some serious illnesses internal organs, including a tumor of the hypothalamus, in which the human body is depleted due to disorders associated with the absorption of food.

For psychological anorexia, the causes have a slightly different direction. This may include:

  • problems communicating with others;
  • low self-esteem due to rejection of your body;
  • dissatisfaction in love;
  • perfectionism and many others.

The unformed personality of a teenager with a fragile psyche often falls into the web of illness.

The emergence and development of mental anorexia is facilitated by various mental disorders: delusions, depression, schizophrenia, etc.

Causes of anorexia social sphere should be sought in society itself. Currently, concepts such as beauty and thinness are equated. The concept of beauty is constantly dependent on body weight. The image of an ideal figure measuring 90x60x90 is widely promoted by television, the Internet, and fashion magazines. Manifestations of anorexia are especially common in girls and young women who strive to lose weight and become as close as possible to their ideal.

2 Stages of the disease

Before considering the symptoms of the disease in detail, you should understand its stages. Scientists identify 3 main stages in the development of anorexia:

The dysmorphophobic stage is the initial stage that a patient with anorexia goes through. She has thoughts about having excess weight. It seems to her that others notice this and laugh at her, which makes her depressed. A patient with anorexia begins to lose weight by practicing all kinds of diets. But, unable to withstand the acute feeling of hunger, she often breaks down, emptying the refrigerator at night.

In the dysmorphomanic stage, a patient with anorexia is probably already confident in her obesity and dreams of an ideal figure. Depressive state replaced by activity and readiness to fight extra pounds. The patient, secretly from others, uses various means: diets, fasting, physical activity, medications that suppress appetite. After a sudden breakdown, she can use cleansing enemas and artificial vomiting.

The cachectic stage threatens the patient with anorexia with death. Gradually she develops persistent disgust to food. The body stops accepting any food. The patient's weight decreases by almost 2 times, but she does not notice it. Negative irreversible transformations begin in the body, and dystrophy of the most important organs develops. Blood pressure and body temperature drop, and the pulse slows down noticeably. Only an experienced psychiatrist can save the patient from imminent death.

3 Signs of the initial stage

It is very important not to miss the moment when anorexia begins. At this time, the patient's health suffered minor damage. Here, the main role in detecting the disease is given to relatives, friends, acquaintances, because the girl or woman herself does not admit the presence of the disease.

It is worth mentioning the first signs of anorexia, which should alert others. These include:

  1. Fear of getting fat. The main topic of conversation for a patient with anorexia is the problem of excess weight and means of getting rid of it: all kinds of diets for weight loss, physical exercise, dietary supplements, etc.
  2. Changing the way you eat. Various variations in food consumption can be used: only vegetables and fruits, cut into small pieces, or only liquids, a significant reduction in portions, etc.
  3. The belief that you are overweight in general or in any part of the body. The ability to constantly prove to others the need to lose weight to get an ideal figure.
  4. Refusal to eat, the use of various excuses and tricks: stomach pain, fatigue, etc. Despite this, a patient with anorexia is able to prepare various dishes for others and spend a long time in the kitchen.
  5. Frequent release from consumed food by inducing vomiting or using an enema.
  6. Exhausting physical training and sports, pursuing only one goal - to lose weight.
  7. Limiting your social circle. Fear of having to eat at various events and fixation on discussing problems with overweight force the anorexic patient to spend most of her time alone.

Knowing how the disease begins, and suspecting the first signs of a loved one, you need to persuade him to seek help from a professional psychologist.

4 How the pathology progresses

While not everyone can identify the first signs of anorexia, the symptoms of an advanced disease are visible and understandable to everyone. The patient inadequately assesses her condition even when exhaustion becomes life-threatening.

The main signs of anorexia in women are complete failure from food and significant weight loss in a short period of time.

You can note general symptoms anorexia:

  • feeling of guilt when consuming food in any quantity;
  • panic fear of gaining weight;
  • sleep disturbance;
  • decrease in body temperature and blood pressure.

As the disease progresses general state The patient’s health deteriorates, the coordinated work of the body’s main systems collapses.

You can make out the following additional symptoms of anorexia, which has gone quite far:

  1. Many serious diseases develop due to the fact that the patient’s body does not receive the necessary nutrients, vitamins, minerals, fats, carbohydrates, and proteins for a long time. More often than others, people suffering from anorexia experience serious disturbances in the functioning of the kidneys, endocrine system, central nervous system, gastrointestinal tract, develop osteoporosis, iron deficiency anemia, etc.
  2. Severe fatigue, weakness, frequent fainting. This is due to a lack of energy due to a semi-starved state for a long time.
  3. The skin becomes pale and acquires a bluish tint. Normal skin microcirculation is disrupted.
  4. Serious changes occur in the emotional sphere of the patient: irritability appears, sharp changes mood, memory is impaired.
  5. Hormonal disruption in a woman’s body, leading to the cessation of menstruation.
  6. The condition of hair and nails noticeably worsens. Due to a lack of minerals, vitamins and nutrients, they become dull and brittle.
  7. Violation of the body's electrolyte balance occurs due to the body's failure to receive magnesium and potassium in full. In particular severe cases signs of cardiac arrest can be diagnosed.

If the development of the disease is not stopped in a timely manner and proper treatment is not started, the patient may pass the point of no return, reaching the cachectic stage of anorexia, which means degeneration of internal organs and leads to death.

Thus, knowing the causes and main symptoms of anorexia, it is important to be attentive to yourself and others, promoting correct eating behavior in order to prevent the occurrence of this dangerous disease.

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The first signs of anorexia

Anorexia is a mental illness and is a form of addiction in the body. Only this dependence is reversed.

If the addictions we know: from alcohol, smoking and drugs, encourage the craving for constant use of “drugs,” then anorexia has the opposite attraction.

To enjoy, on the contrary, you do not need to eat food and the longer, the better.

Moreover, the first signs of anorexia may go unnoticed by others.

When starving, survival mechanisms are activated, which lead to self-immolation of one’s own reserves.

First destroyed fat cells, then muscle tissue, and lastly bone tissue suffers - this is already the terminal stage of anorexia.

When muscle tissue is destroyed, substances are formed that completely block appetite. The person feels so good that not only does he not want to eat, but he cannot see food in any form.

The release of your own endorphins and enkephalins in such large quantities is reminiscent of drug or mild alcohol intoxication. It is very difficult to get rid of this type of addiction, which does not require financial investment.

Since such addiction often begins in adolescence, parents need to be able to recognize the first signs of anorexia in order to stop the disease at its initial stage.

Stages of anorexia

Like any addiction, anorexia develops in stages: from initial to final.

Dysmorphophobic – a feeling of irregularity in the structure of one’s body, the fullness of which interferes with the decision of social adaptation among peers.

It seems to patients that everyone only thinks of them as “fat, clumsy ugly people.” Patients become fixated on their own weight and calorie counting.

A craze for diets begins, turning into fasting. At this stage, patients have an appetite and after hunger strikes begin to eat heavily, especially at night, when no one sees them.

During this period, patients begin to enjoy fasting and resort to special methods to get rid of food that accidentally entered the body.

In public you have to drink large amounts of water or pretend to eat.

Terminal stage - no appetite.

Accidental eating leads to vomiting without special exercise.

The stomach receptors are atrophied and cannot perceive food. Dystrophy develops, which leads to cardiac arrest.

How does anorexia begin?

There are two types of behavior with anorexia:

  1. Restrictive – manifested by limiting portions of food and refusing it.
  2. Cleansing - the patient eats food, but then induces vomiting, takes laxatives and diuretics.

A person sets himself a goal: to lose weight by any means, including complete fasting.

It is important not to miss the time when anorexia begins, the initial stage of which is no different from the usual desire to reduce weight to normal.

When the first stage of anorexia develops, the conviction to eat food as expected no longer works.

Therefore, you should pay attention to the child’s behavior. The following changes should raise concerns:

  • the child begins to rapidly lose weight and weighs 25% less than the age norm;
  • counts the amount of food in calories - this is already the beginning of anorexia;
  • incorrectly perceives his image in the mirror - the child thinks that in some places there is more fat than necessary, although in reality nothing of the kind is noted;
  • in girls, menstruation stops during adolescence;
  • statements about the dangers of eating food are increasingly appearing, although weight in anorexia is 85% of the age norm.
  • Having noticed such deviations in the child’s behavior, it is necessary to strengthen control over his behavior: when he gets up from the table, what he does, why he goes into the yard or locks himself in the bathroom, whether diuretics and laxatives disappear from the home medicine cabinet.

    Finally, whether his clothes are falling off.

    A little attention to your own child will help prevent such serious mental disorder, like the disease anorexia, the treatment of which is very problematic.

    It is she who gives impetus to the internal conflict of the central nervous system

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    Even a thorough examination does not always reveal the exact cause of the disease.

    Anorexia: causes, stages, symptoms, treatment

    This is a disease to which a person dooms himself; in fact, he himself organizes it. Anorexia nervosa (under this name it is included in the international classification of diseases) is a meaningful and deliberate refusal to eat, purposeful weight loss beyond all reasonable limits. This is an obsession, a behavioral disorder, so the characteristic “nervous” is very appropriate here.

    Anorexia nervosa is common in young girls during puberty (rarely in boys: nothing is impossible in this world); with age, the likelihood of developing anorexia decreases. The disease manifests itself as an obsessive phobia of being overweight, forcing you to sharply reduce your diet and preventing you from taking a sober look at yourself from the outside. The number of people with anorexia has increased significantly over the past quarter century. This was greatly facilitated by the introduction into the immature teenage souls of the cult of slender fashion models, forcing thousands and thousands of unlucky followers from the pages of fashion magazines to adapt the phenotypic characteristics of thousands and thousands of unlucky followers to their appearance.

    Causes of anorexia

    Don't expect any specifics here, because... There are more than one or two theories trying to explain the reasons that provoke a mental disorder in the form of anorexia. The vulnerable soul of a teenager keeps many secrets. During this period, serious physiological and psychological changes occur in the body; there is such a phenomenon as a disharmonious teenage crisis, i.e. exaggeration of one’s problems and experiences. Thus, the seeds of potential anorexia are planted in fertile soil. And here it is more appropriate to talk not about the causes, but about the factors that can provoke the development of the disease:

    • hereditary factors. Scientists have found that there is a special gene that induces a tendency towards anorexia. In the presence of other unfavorable factors (psycho-emotional overload, unbalanced diet), carriers of this gene with a larger share are likely to develop anorexia nervosa. Of no small importance is the presence in the family of people who suffered from anorexia, depressive disorders or alcoholism;
    • physiological factors (excess weight, early start menstruation);
    • personal factors (low self-esteem, self-doubt, feelings of inferiority, perfectionism). Anorexics are characterized by such character traits as excessive punctuality and accuracy;
    • sociocultural factors. Anorexia is more common in developed countries, where the primary needs of the population are fully satisfied, and the desire to comply with fashion trends and aesthetic trends comes to the fore.

    Stages and symptoms of anorexia

    In its development, anorexia goes through 4 stages.

    The initial stage lasts from 2 to 4 years. It lays the foundations of those overvalued and delusional (this is a psychiatric, not an abusive term) ideas that will later lead to such disastrous consequences for the body. The patient is dissatisfied with his own appearance, and this is due to actual changes in it, which is characteristic of puberty. The positive opinions of others have virtually no weight for a potential anorexic. A careless remark, on the contrary, can give rise to a mental disorder.

    The beginning of the next stage - anorectic - can be identified by the patient’s active desire to correct his own imaginary shortcomings, which leads to a significant loss of body weight (up to 50%), the development of somatohormonal abnormalities, and a decrease or cessation of menstruation.

    A variety of methods are used to lose weight: exhausting exercise in the gym, limiting the amount of food consumed, taking laxatives and diuretics, enemas, artificially induced vomiting, smoking, and excessive coffee consumption.

    The anorectic stage is followed by the cachectic stage of anorexia, in which somatos prevail hormonal disorders. Menstruation stops completely, no traces remain of the subcutaneous fatty tissue, and dystrophic changes skin, cardiac and skeletal muscles, the heartbeat slows down, blood pressure drops, body temperature decreases, due to a decrease in peripheral blood circulation, the skin turns blue and loses elasticity, the patient constantly feels cold, nails become brittle, hair and teeth fall out, and anemia develops.

    Even in the phase of extreme exhaustion, patients continue to refuse good nutrition, being unable to adequately look at oneself (literally and figuratively). Mobility is lost, and the patient spends more and more time in bed. Due to water-electrolyte imbalance, convulsions are possible. This condition without any assumptions, it should be recognized as life-threatening and forced inpatient treatment should begin.

    Anorexics constantly consider themselves fat. The last stage of anorexia is the reduction stage. In essence - the return of the disease, its relapse. After therapeutic measures, weight gain is observed, which entails a new surge of delusional ideas in the patient regarding his appearance. His previous activity returns again, as well as the desire to prevent weight gain using all the “old” methods - taking laxatives, forced vomiting, etc. It is for this reason that anorectics, after leaving the cachectic stage, must remain under constant supervision. Relapses are possible within two years.

    Treatment of anorexia

    As a rule, treatment of anorexia begins at the junction of the anorectic and cachectic stages (of course, ideally it should begin much earlier and with an emphasis on the psychological component, but the patient in the preliminary stages of the disease simply does not fall into the hands of a doctor). In the cachectic stage, treatment sets itself three main goals: to prevent irreversible dystrophy and restore body weight, to prevent massive fluid losses, and to restore electrolytic balance in the blood.

    The treatment regimen is bed. The diet is increased gradually, dividing food into small portions: a sharp increase in calories overloads digestive tract. After eating, the patient should not be allowed to burp.

    To increase appetite, insulin is administered daily. Sometimes a 40% glucose solution is added intravenously to insulin. Over time, appetite increases, which makes possible increase calorie intake.

    Gradually the patient is transferred from bed to normal mode. The psychological component of treatment consists of taking tranquilizers, psychotherapy sessions and (sometimes) hypnosis.

    Anorexia: what kind of disease is it, first signs, types and stages, treatment

    Over the past 5 years, the number of patients diagnosed with anorexia has increased almost 10 times! 40% of them are teenagers aged 11 to 16 years, another 35% are models, actresses and other public people. In connection with such a catastrophic situation, numerous studies began to be conducted in the United States and Western European countries on this disease, which annually leads to nervous and physical exhaustion, and also claims the lives of thousands of people around the world.

    It's time to find out what kind of deviation this is, what are its causes and mechanisms of development, and most importantly, whether it can be treated and how effective modern therapeutic methods are.

    What it is?

    Anorexia is not just a disease. In all reference books it is listed as a syndrome. The difference is that the mechanisms of development of the latter have not yet been studied well enough and are the subject of close study by scientists around the world. In this regard, the effectiveness of treatment methods for such pathologies is questioned and is not guaranteed. Indeed, psychotherapy, which is today the main tool in the fight against this disease, does not produce positive results in all cases.

    The essence of anorexia is a lack of appetite, despite the body's need for nutrients. Most often, a person consciously refuses food due to a mental disorder against the background of internal complexes about his own figure and excess weight. By accustoming themselves not to eat, constantly exhausting the body with diets, patients bring the body and psyche to complete exhaustion. Much less often, this happens unconsciously and is dictated by the presence of other, no less serious diseases (for example, schizophrenia, intoxications of various kinds, cancer, etc.).

    Along with bulimia, anorexia is considered an eating disorder. According to many models, they suffered from both at the same time, although the manifestations of these diseases are completely different.

    Bulimia is characterized by uncontrollable hunger pangs. After long and grueling diets, patients break down and eat huge amounts of food at once. And after they realize what happened, they become ashamed of such behavior. This leads to artificial induction of vomiting, abuse of laxatives and enemas, just to get rid of consumed food. Then the everyday life of grueling diets begins again until a new breakdown.

    Anorexia is not characterized by such attacks of hunger; with this diagnosis, appetite is almost completely absent. And if with bulimia the body occasionally, but still receives and even manages to absorb at least some nutrients during such breakdowns, then here exhaustion is diagnosed much earlier, and more deaths are noted.

    Interesting fact. In the course of research, scientists have established a connection between the type of eating disorder and the character of the person who suffers from it. People who are emotionally unstable and impatient and find it difficult to control themselves are prone to bulimia. Among anorexics, on the contrary, there are many closed and stubborn people who find it difficult to prove something. This explains the difficulty of treating the latter.


    The reasons are so varied that in some cases it can be extremely difficult to identify them. Most often, depression is the main provoking factor, but this formulation is not enough for successful treatment. Psychotherapy digs much deeper and seeks to identify more root problems.


    Age factor: adolescents and young adults are at risk, and the lower bar has been falling lower and lower in recent years. Excess weight in childhood, leading to problems with the environment (pressure from parents, calling names by classmates).

    The presence of a negative example in the family: relatives with anorexia, bulimia, compulsive overeating or obesity, as well as those suffering from depression, alcoholism, drug addiction. Tensed relationships in the family, too strict parents, because of which the child strives to meet high standards and becomes depressed if he does not live up to them. Lack of parental attention.

    Wrong eating habits: eating unhealthy foods in large quantities, not following a diet.

    Low self-esteem, self-doubt, internal complexes, feelings of inferiority. Perfectionist-obsessive personality type. Mental illnesses, neurological pathologies. Parents' divorce. The formation of personality when a teenager tries to prove to himself and others that he has willpower and can consciously refuse food in order to meet the expectations of society.

    Hobbies, interests, profession requirements: actors, models, musicians, singers and other public people.


    • alcoholism, drug addiction;
    • aneurysm;
    • anemia;
    • Addison's disease;
    • gastritis, pancreatitis;
    • helminths;
    • hemochromatosis;
    • hepatitis, liver cirrhosis;
    • hypopituitarism;
    • hormonal dysfunction;
    • zinc deficiency;
    • dysfunction of neurotransmitters responsible for eating behavior (dopamine, serotonin, norepinephrine);
    • prolonged coma;
    • malignant tumors;
    • leukemia;
    • lymphoma;
    • excess weight;
    • neurosurgical operation;
    • digestive problems, gastrointestinal diseases;
    • early onset of menstruation in girls;
    • sarcoidosis;
    • diabetes mellitus type I;
    • Kanner, Sheehan, Simmonds syndromes;
    • thyrotoxicosis;
    • brain injuries;
    • schizophrenia;
    • eclampsia.


    Not so long ago, genetics was practically not considered as one of the possible causes of anorexia, considering the latter a purely mental and social syndrome. However, not so long ago (in 2010) large-scale studies were conducted in the United States, which involved not only patients with this diagnosis, but also their closest relatives of at least 2 people. The DNA responsible for feeding behavior was studied. The results surprised many: obsessions with losing weight and refusing to eat were often determined at the chromosomal level. They found a gene for brain-derived neurotrophic factor, which differed from the others in its sensitivity to this disorder.

    It is involved in stimulating appetite and satisfying hunger in the hypothalamus, and also controls the level of serotonin in the body. Researchers have concluded that people may be genetically predisposed to anorexia. This consists in the inheritance of dysfunctions of neurotransmitter systems, a certain personality type and a number of mental disorders. Moreover, in most cases, such heredity may not manifest itself throughout life. But as soon as she receives a push from the outside (illness, depression, powerful drugs, long-term diet) - manifests itself in all its “glory”.

    And others

    Uncontrolled use of anorexigenic drugs for the purpose of losing weight. A side effect of using certain medications - hormones, psychostimulants, glucocorticosteroids.

    Single stressful events that occurred 4-6 months before the onset of the eating disorder: this could be the death of a loved one or physical (sexual) abuse.

    Dream of becoming a model. An obsession with thinness, which is perceived as the ideal of modern beauty. Persistent promotion of certain beauty standards in the media, passion for social networks.

    Facts, facts... Sad statistics blame the family for everything, claiming that anorexia is rooted in childhood. As practice shows, teenagers suffering from this disorder have seen enough of their mother (aunt, sister) losing weight and have not been taught to eat properly.


    There are different types of anorexia. Due to the fact that the mechanisms of its development have not yet been fully studied, medical circles adhere to several classifications of this syndrome. They are based on the factors that provoked its appearance.

    • Somatogenic (primary) - develops against the background of other physical pathologies and diseases.
    • Functional-psychogenic (secondary) - caused by stress and mental disorders.
    • Neurotic - strong negative emotions lead to powerful stimulation of the cerebral cortex.
    • Neurodynamic - inhibition of the appetite center in the hypothalamus due to strong stimuli of a non-emotional nature (most often pain).
    • Neuropsychiatric (anorexia nervosa or cachexia) - persistent, conscious refusal of food, sharp limitation of the amount of food consumed, caused by a mental disorder.
    • Medicinal - develops against the background of taking anorexigenic drugs for the purpose of losing weight; it can be a side effect of other medications (most often antidepressants, psychostimulants, hormones).
    • Mental - a mental disorder accompanied by loss of appetite: develops against the background of schizophrenia, paranoia, and advanced stages of depression.
    • Symptomatic - a sign of a serious somatic disease: lungs, gastrointestinal tract, hormonal system, in the field of gynecology;
    • Nervous (psychological) - conscious restriction of oneself in food, fear of weight gain, distorted perception of one’s own body.

    For different types There are different codes for anorexia in the ICD. Correct and accurate diagnosis allows you to choose the most effective treatment methods in each individual case.

    Clinical picture

    At first, people with anorexia do not seem like that, because today most women diet and care about their own weight. Is it possible to suspect a model who strives to achieve ideal body parameters using all kinds of methods of an eating and mental disorder? After all, this is her profession, and she must look good and take care of her own body. But over time, when a person can no longer stop and continues to lose weight, it is impossible not to notice.

    The very first signs of anorexia:

    • BMI falls below the normal value of 18.5;
    • refusal to eat;
    • weight and figure become an obsession (with nervous form diseases).

    It is impossible to say exactly at what weight anorexia begins, because this is too individual a parameter, which also depends on height. For example, 44 kg for a height of 154 cm is still the norm, but the same body weight for a height of 180 cm is already a pathology. Therefore, first of all, BMI is calculated and compared with normal indicators. If he has dropped below the bottom bar, it’s time to sound the alarm.

    Determination of body mass index:

    I (BMI designation) = m (body weight in kg) / h 2 (height in meters).

    Common symptoms for all forms:

    • discomfort after eating;
    • muscle weakness and cramps;
    • low body weight, which only decreases over time;
    • limiting food intake under any pretext;
    • refusal to get better;
    • constant feeling of cold and chills due to poor circulation;
    • fear of food;
    • depressed, depressed state;
    • phobia of excess weight.

    This is just the beginning. Over time, the patient’s condition worsens more and more, and this is noticeable in his appearance, health and broken psyche.

    These symptoms are characteristic primarily of anorexia nervosa:

    • apathy;
    • insomnia at night and drowsiness during the day;
    • fast fatiguability;
    • depression;
    • looking at your naked (or in underwear) body in the mirror for a long time;
    • daily weigh-ins;
    • unhealthy fascination with topics related to weight;
    • incorrect goal setting: “I want to lose weight from 45 kg to 30 kg” (and this is with a height of 180 cm);
    • mood instability;
    • refusal general techniques food (for example, teenagers do not go to the school canteen and, under any pretext, do not attend family meals);
    • lack of appetite;
    • complete eating disorder: they eat either only standing, or only crushed, pureed foods, or only cold, or only raw, and other oddities;
    • irritability, aggressiveness, constant feeling resentment towards others;
    • decreased libido;
    • social isolation, cessation of communication.
    • Alopecia;
    • pale or yellowish skin;
    • bleeding gums, caries, tooth loss and decay;
    • weight loss, dystrophy muscle mass, unhealthy thinness;
    • splitting and brittleness of nails.
    • Algodismenorrhea;
    • anemia;
    • gastritis;
    • dizziness;
    • delay physical development in adolescence and childhood: growth stops, girls’ breasts do not enlarge and menstruation does not occur, boys’ genitals do not develop;
    • leukopenia, leukocytosis;
    • hormonal imbalance;
    • fainting;
    • cessation of menstruation in women;
    • gallbladder problems;
    • indigestion;
    • spontaneous vomiting reflex after meal;
    • failure of the liver and kidneys;
    • cardiac arrhythmia;
    • thrombocytosis;
    • endocrine disorders: amenorrhea in women, impotence in men, increased cortisol levels, insufficient production of thyroid hormone, problems with insulin secretion;
    • enterocolitis.

    Unlike other diseases, anorexia is insidious in that the patient himself, due to mental reasons does not realize the disease and does not see even its most striking symptoms. His consciousness is so permeated with obsessive ideas that even among the bones covered with skin (this picture is observed in the last stages), he manages to see folds of fat.

    Through the pages of history. In Soviet psychiatry, anorexia, in its clinical manifestations and treatment methods, was practically equal to another mental illness - schizophrenia. Nowadays medicine has moved away from such an understanding of the syndrome, but they have not stopped comparing these two conditions. Recently, cases of schizophrenia developing against the background of anorexia have become more frequent (a person is delusional with obsessive ideas about his body and the excess weight from which he allegedly suffers).


    Doctors call three stages of development of anorexia with their corresponding symptoms.

    1. Dysmorphomanic (initial) stage

    • Looking at your body in the mirror for a long time, often with the doors locked.
    • Obsessive thoughts about one's own inferiority.
    • Restrictions on food, searching for and following the most stringent diets.
    • Depressed state, anxiety.
    • Constant conversations about food, diets, models.
    • Weight loss is not yet critical, but already noticeable.
    • The fasting continues and does not end: the patient does not agree to all the persuasion of loved ones to improve nutrition, believing that he is leading a normal lifestyle.
    • Inadequate assessment of the degree of one’s weight loss (considers one’s weight to be normal).
    • Refusal of sexual activity.
    • Noticeable weight loss of 20%.
    • Complete loss of appetite: the patient may not remember to eat all day.
    • The first signs of concomitant diseases appear: hypotension, bradycardia, alopecia, adrenal insufficiency.
    • With nervous forms of anorexia, excessive physical activity is also added to the diet.
    • Reducing the volume of the stomach.
    • Deficiency of vitamins and microelements.
    • Dystrophy of the body and internal organs.
    • Violation of water and electrolyte balance.
    • Unhealthy thinness, weight loss by 50% of the original value.
    • Dehydration.
    • Swelling of the whole body.
    • Inhibition of the functions of almost all body systems.

    As a rule, the first stage proceeds almost unnoticed and, with timely support from loved ones, may not develop further into a pathological condition. But the latter often ends in death (sometimes due to suicide) and is very difficult to treat. Even if a person manages to get out, the consequences will haunt him throughout his life.


    The main diagnostic tool for detecting the disease is the anorexia test, whose name is “Attitude to Eating.” The first part consists of 26 general and easy questions. The second is only 5, but they involve monitoring your own eating behavior over the past 6 months. This method has several significant disadvantages, due to which it is not always possible to rely on it for an accurate diagnosis.

    Firstly, in most cases the patient cannot objectively assess his own eating behavior. Accordingly, he cannot truthfully answer the questions in the text.

    Secondly, this test predominantly detects anorexia nervosa, while all other types require additional diagnostics.

    This test can be taken by absolutely anyone online. For a more accurate diagnosis, various studies may be prescribed:

    • blood, stool and urine tests;
    • gastroscopy;
    • MRI of the head;
    • sigmoidoscopy;
    • X-ray contrast examination of the digestive tract;
    • esophagomanometry;
    • X-ray;

    The last resort will be a consultation with a psychotherapist. Through an interview and based on laboratory results, he makes a final diagnosis, determines the stage and prescribes treatment.


    Comprehensive treatment of anorexia involves the use of a variety of techniques. Not all of them show high efficiency, but with careful adherence to medical instructions and a positive attitude of the patient himself, recovery occurs (albeit not as quickly as we would like). This is a rather complex disease, so at the first symptoms you should immediately contact a psychotherapist. Only they can pull the patient out of the hole into which he has fallen.

    • Visualization of the final result: the patient is told in detail about the consequences of anorexia.
    • Cognitive restructuring: combating negative thoughts and obsessions.
    • Controlling your own behavior.
    • Correction of distorted consciousness.
    • Monitoring: the patient records his eating behavior in full detail, on the basis of which conclusions are drawn and errors are eliminated.
    • Increased self-esteem.
    • Resolving family conflicts (in the treatment of anorexia in children and adolescents).
    • Exercise therapy for the formation of a beautiful body (the purpose of the exercises is to build muscle mass).
    • Bed rest.
    • Diet therapy.
    • Creating motivation for recovery.
    • Emotional and physical support from family and friends.
    • Vitamin complexes.
    • Neuroleptics.
    • Selected vitamins and microelements: folic and ascorbic acid, B12, iron, zinc, magnesium, calcium, potassium.
    • Drugs that increase appetite: Elenium, Frenolon, Pernexin, Peritol, anabolic steroid like Primobolan.
    • Tablets for normalizing metabolism: Polyamine, Berpamin.
    • Antidepressants: Zoloft, Coaxin, Ludiomil, Paxil, Fevarin, Fluoxetine, Chlorpromazine, Cipralex, Eglonil.

    With the permission of your doctor, you can use various folk remedies at home to restore normal appetite. However, you need to be extremely careful with them. Some herbs are too aggressive for various organs and systems that are already affected. Therefore, watch for contraindications for each such recipe.

    Calming (drink before bedtime):

    Appetite stimulants (drink half an hour before each meal):

    Treatment must be comprehensive. Even well-proven psychotherapy does not always work and give the desired effect without the same antidepressants (for the nervous form of the disease).

    It is a fact. Experts say that it is impossible to cope with anorexia on your own. Patients, even if they understand that not everything is all right with them, cannot force themselves to eat normally. This is due to the fact that their ideas about food and weight are too distorted and require professional correction.

    To overcome anorexia, the patient himself needs to make a lot of effort. It is not enough to strictly follow medical recommendations; you need to overcome yourself every day and change your own consciousness and attitude towards yourself. This is incredibly difficult and requires support from family and friends. A few tips will speed up your recovery.

    First of all, with anorexia, you need to normalize your diet. If possible, consult with a nutritionist who has a medical education: he can create an individual menu for the near future, taking into account the characteristics of the course of the disease.

    Every 2-3 days you need to increase the daily calorie content of food consumed by 50 kcal until it reaches the norm - kcal for women and kcal for men, and this is the lower bar. With the same consistency, it is necessary to increase the portion sizes of naga.

    For the first 2 weeks, the basis of nutrition should be liquid and pureed dishes, crushed foods, and drinks. Next, vegetables and fruits (in any form) are gradually introduced into the diet. In another week it will be allowed protein food(boiled chicken breast, eggs, milk, seafood), minimum carbohydrates (oatmeal, brown rice), small amount natural sweets(dried fruits and honey).

    Formation of new eating habits: adherence to the regime, fractional meals, calculation of the balance of dietary supplements and daily caloric intake, refusal of harmful foods.

    Without normalizing your diet, it is almost impossible to get rid of anorexia. And this point can be realized only after correction of the patient’s consciousness and personal orientation.

    Physical activity in advanced stages of the disease is excluded. You will need to join the sport gradually, with the permission of your doctor.


    Unfortunately, many of the consequences of anorexia will haunt a person throughout his life, even if the disease is completely cured. Recovery of the body can take from 6 months to several years.

    The most common complications are:

    • alopecia;
    • arrhythmia;
    • rapid, abnormal weight gain up to obesity;
    • dystrophy;
    • slow metabolism;
    • impotence, decreased libido, infertility;
    • obsessive-compulsive disorder;
    • osteoporosis;
    • serious digestive problems;
    • reduction in brain mass.

    If we talk about forecasts, then a fatal outcome is quite possible. Death from anorexia occurs either due to failure of vital organs or due to suicide.


    If a person recovers from anorexia and returns to normal image life, he will still have to constantly fight this syndrome. As practice shows, even psychotherapy does not guarantee complete recovery. In 30% of cases the disorder returns. To prevent this from happening, you need to carry out prevention:

    • see a psychotherapist;
    • follow the principles of proper nutrition;
    • monitor your BMI so that it does not go beyond the normal range;
    • avoid stressful situations;
    • exercise moderately;
    • actively communicate;
    • find a hobby you like (preferably not modeling).

    Even if an anorectic managed to be cured, he is simply obliged to comply with these preventive measures to avoid relapse of the disease. Doctors warn that repeated failure in most cases ends in death.

    Special cases

    Although anorexia is most often diagnosed in teenage girls and young women, it affects both children and men. The course of their illness varies somewhat.

    Anorexia in children occurs completely differently than in adults. The main difference is in the mechanism of its development. For them, it is primarily a somatogenic disorder, which is diagnosed against the background of other diseases. These could be basic allergies, thrush, stomatitis, worms, otitis media, rhinitis and other diseases that so often affect children of different ages.

    Therefore, if there is a long and persistent refusal to eat with a persistent decrease in weight in a child, parents should first of all send him for a full medical examination, identify the disease and treat it. After this, with the help of psychotherapy, anorexia in most cases is completely cured.

    Male anorexia is very similar to childhood anorexia. This eating disorder in them is also caused primarily by a special physiological state. Psychogenic causes are rarely noted because representatives of the stronger half of humanity are accustomed to restraining their emotions and not showing them.

    Their nervous system is still stronger in relation to excess weight. If men discover it, they do not rush to induce vomiting or go on a diet. Some go to the gym, others continue to calmly sip beer in front of the TV. That's the solution to the problem. According to statistics, among those who suffer from anorexia, only 5% are men, and 3.5% are initially sick with mental disorders.

    According to statistics. Among men suffering from anorexia, more than 50% are schizophrenics, and another 25% are of non-traditional sexual orientation. Having a type of psyche that is as close as possible to that of women, and distinguished by a reverent attitude towards their own appearance, the latter get used to going on newfangled diets and deliberately refusing to eat.

    Additional Information

    For prevention, as well as during treatment in the initial stages, they can be used illustrative examples what this disease leads to. To do this, patients are given relevant books to read (mostly biographical ones) and watch films (fiction and popular science) on this topic.

    • A. Kovrigina. 38 kg. Life in “0 calorie” mode.
    • A. Nikolaenko. Deadly diet. Stop anorexia.
    • A. Terrina. Happinnes exists! The story of my struggle with ANO.
    • E. Goncharova. Anorexia. The disease of our time, or Why you shouldn’t chase fashion.
    • J. Wilson. Girls in pursuit of fashion.
    • Justine. This morning I stopped eating.
    • I. K. Kupriyanova. When is it dangerous to lose weight? Anorexia nervosa is a disease of the 21st century.
    • I. Kaslik. Skinny.
    • K. Panic. NRXA, I love you!
    • K. Reid. I'm slimmer than you!
    • M. Tsareva. A girl with hungry eyes.
    • Portia de Rossi. Unbearable Lightness: A Story of Loss and Growth.
    • S. Sussman. Dieting.
    • F. Ruse. 0%.
    • Anorexia (2006).
    • Battle for Beauty (2013).
    • God Help the Girl (2014).
    • Weight (2012).
    • Hunger (2003).
    • To the Bone (2017).
    • Ideal figure (1997).
    • For the Love of Nancy (1994).
    • When Friendship Kills (1996).
    • The Bony Hand of Beauty (2012).
    • Beautiful (2008).
    • The Best Girl in the World (1981).
    • First love (2004).
    • Life, Interrupted (2009).
    • Superstar: The Karen Carpenter Story (1998).
    • Dance is more valuable than life (2001).
    • Thin and Thick (2017).
    • Thin Life (2017).

    Famous people who died from anorexia

    • Ana Carolina Reston - Brazilian model, 22 years old;
    • Debbie Barem - British writer, died at 26;
    • Jeremy Glitzer - male model, 38 years old;
    • Isabelle Caro - French model, 28 years old;
    • Karen Carpenter - American singer, 33 years old;
    • Christy Heinrich - American gymnast, 22 years old;
    • Lena Zavaroni - Scottish singer, 36 years old;
    • Luisel Ramos - Uruguayan model, 22 years old;
    • Mayara Galvao Vieira - Brazilian model, 14 years old;
    • Peaches Geldof - British model, journalist, 25 years old;
    • Hila Elmaliah - Israeli model, 34 years old;
    • Eliana Ramos is a Uruguayan model, 18 years old.

    Over the past few years, anorexia has taken a huge number of people hostage, most of whom are teenage girls with an unbalanced psyche. The danger is that many patients refuse to consider themselves as such and do not voluntarily undergo treatment. All this ends not only in dystrophy and protein-energy deficiency - deaths with such a diagnosis have become far from uncommon. Statistics showing an ever-increasing number of people suffering from this syndrome makes us think about the standards of beauty imposed by society, the victims of which are primarily teenagers.

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    The information on the site is provided for informational purposes only. Do not self-medicate.

    Anorexia. Causes, diagnosis and effective treatment of the disease.


    The site provides background information. Adequate diagnosis and treatment of the disease is possible under the supervision of a conscientious doctor.

    Prevalence of anorexia

    Causes of Anorexia Nervosa

    The theory is based on sexual, physical changes that happen in adolescence. Teenage girls are unhappy with their appearance(roundness of shape, growing breasts).

    Risk factors in the development of anorexia

    Possible dysfunction of neurotransmitters (serotonin, dopamine, norepinephrine) responsible for eating behavior.

    The process is more important than the result. Fear of returning to normal eating and a challenge to those who want to force them to eat normally.

    Stages of anorexia nervosa

    • Pre-anorexic – thoughts about one’s own inferiority and ugliness appear in it, associated with imaginary fatness. The mood decreases, the patient searches for the ideal diet.
    • Anorexic – constant fasting. Body weight decreases. Patients feel satisfied and tighten their diet even more.
    • Cachectic – irreversible degeneration of internal organs develops. It usually occurs 1.5-2 years after the start of stage 1. Weight loss is more than 50% of ideal body weight.

    Symptoms of anorexia

    Patients with anorexia refuse to eat with their family or in public places.

    Some patients cannot refuse to eat food. Patients eat

    large portions of food at night, and then induce vomiting, take diuretics (diuretics), laxatives to lose body weight.

    Girls develop vellus hair on their face and back.

    Diagnosis of anorexia

    Hormone analysis thyroid gland: decreased levels of hormones in the blood.

    Treatment of anorexia

    1. Avoid dystrophy (massive weight loss), as it is irreversible

    2. Prevent dehydration (massive loss of water from the body)

    3. Restore the balance of electrolytes (Na, Ca, K, Mg) in the blood.

    The diet begins with a meal of 500 calories, divided into 6 servings, since a sharp increase in calorie content can lead to overload of the gastrointestinal tract. It is important not to let the patient burp after eating. To avoid vomiting, they resort to medication - most often subcutaneous injection of atropine.

    In some cases they are used intravenous injections 40% solution of glucose and insulin in a certain proportion.

    Gradually the calorie content of food is increased. A high-calorie diet is prescribed 6 times a day.

    After the patient has gained 2-3 kilograms, they move on to the next stage.

    Family therapy aims to improve family relationships.

    How does anorexia begin in teenagers? What are the first signs of the disease?

    • Dissatisfaction with your figure. Often teenagers are confident for no reason that they are overweight. Fear of obesity becomes an obsession. This topic constantly comes up in conversations. A teenager studies information about weight loss techniques and communicates on forums for losing weight.
    • Obsessive thoughts about food and counting calories. The teenager chooses only low-calorie and low-fat foods.
    • Unusual eating behavior:
      • using small plates;
      • cutting food into very small pieces;
      • swallowing food without chewing;
      • hiding food from oneself.
    • Refusal to eat. Radical diets - on baking soda, on juices, cucumbers.
    • Losing weight with:
      • excessive exercise;
      • laxatives or diuretics;
      • diet pills, appetite suppressants, fat burners.
    • Changes in behavior
      • secrecy;
      • loss of friends;
      • drowsiness or insomnia;
      • irritability or depression;
      • wearing baggy clothes to hide extreme thinness;
      • complaints of a constant feeling of cold associated with poor blood circulation; cold hands and feet.
    • Appearance changes
      • sunken eyes;
      • puffy face;
      • hair becomes dull, breaks, falls out;
      • skin is dry, yellowish, flaky;
      • nails peel and break;
      • growth of vellus hair throughout the body;
      • protruding ribs, collarbones;
      • swollen joints that seem too large against the background of emaciated arms and legs.

      Despite the obvious signs of the disease, the teenager ignores significant thinness and other symptoms of anorexia.

    • General hormonal disorders. In teenage girls they manifest themselves as disturbances menstrual cycle and absence of menstruation for more than 3 months.
    • Significant weight loss not associated with disease. There are 2 ways to determine the critical weight.
      • Reducing body weight by 15% from the minimum acceptable level, which is found using the formula “height minus 110”. For example, for a girl 172 cm tall, the minimum permissible weight is 62 kg. 15% in this case is 9.3 kg. 62-9.3=52.7 kg. If a girl 172 cm tall weighs less than 52.7 kg, this is a sign of exhaustion.
      • Body mass index less than 17.5. Body mass index is the ratio of a person’s weight and height. To calculate it, use the formula I = m / h 2. Where m is body weight in kilograms, and h is height in meters. For example, a teenage girl has a weight of 50 kg and a height of 165. Then the calculation of the body mass index will look like this: 50: (1.65x1.65) = 18.3 According to the norms, the threshold level beyond which anorexia is diagnosed is not yet passed

    How to help loved ones with anorexia? Having noticed the first signs of anorexia in teenagers, try to establish contact with the child, this will make it easier for you to persuade him to start treatment.

    • Don't be a regulatory body. Don't count the calories you eat, but reward every meal. Get ready dietary dishes, which you will select together with a nutritionist or on your own.
    • Listen without criticizing. Support is important for a teenager. To recover, he needs to feel that he is not alone, that he is loved and accepted for who he is.
    • Don't criticize appearance. Phrases: “What have you done to yourself?! Look what you look like!” can break the fragile connection established between you and the patient. The teenager will lose contact with adequate people and will begin to look for support on forums for losing weight, where anorexia is considered a “great achievement.”
    • Don't shout or show your anger. Anorexia - nervous disease, often based on self-hatred and the inability to manage one’s emotions. Avoid threats: “If you don’t eat, you’ll end up in the hospital.” Your anger will only worsen the patient’s condition and provoke refusal of treatment.
    • Avoid conflicts in the family. Quarrels between parents often crystallize into anorexia in children.
    • Convince you to see a specialist. If the threshold of exhaustion has not been crossed, then there is no need to go to the hospital and consultations with a psychologist and diet correction will be sufficient. As a last resort, you can consult a psychologist yourself, without the knowledge of the patient.

    Prevention of anorexia is based on normal self-esteem and a healthy lifestyle. It is better to start it in early childhood.

    • Don't focus on diets. In a family where the mother is extremely concerned about her appearance, losing weight and dieting, the topic of being slim is extremely discussed. In this case, the daughter’s risk of developing eating disorders also increases.
    • Encourage your teenager to exercise daily. Sports and dancing improve your figure and mood. Physically active people are different mental health, tend to objectively evaluate themselves and the surrounding reality. However, among adolescents who are professionally involved in sports, the percentage of patients with anorexia is very high, which is associated with the assumption that excess weight worsens athletic performance.
    • Form the right attitude towards food. By telling your child “you’re fat” or “stop eating,” you create a negative attitude towards yourself, which often results in anorexia. You shouldn’t praise your child for overeating: “well done, he ate the same portion as an adult.” Do not reward your child with food for good deeds and diligent study. Don’t teach people to “eat away” troubles.
    • Help your teenager lose weight. If your child is truly overweight, then support his desire to lose weight. The first task is to explain that it is important not only to lose weight, but also to stay healthy. To do this, you need to adjust your diet and increase physical activity. The ideal rate is considered to be a loss of 0.5-1 kg per month. Proper nutrition and exercise should become an integral part of life. But the few kilograms lost during the diet will quickly return as soon as he switches back to his usual diet.
    • Teach your child to love himself. Each person is unique and no body features prevent him from achieving success and being happy. Praise your child for his successes and achievements.

    Anorexia in adolescents is especially dangerous and quickly leads to exhaustion due to the fact that the body's fat reserves are very small. Therefore, it is so important to seek help from a specialist in a timely manner.

    What are the consequences of anorexia?

    • Disorders of the central nervous system associated with insufficient brain nutrition
      • prostration;
      • decreased performance;
      • decreased concentration;
      • memory impairment;
      • family conflicts;
      • mood swings;
      • social self-isolation - avoids communication;
      • alcoholism;
      • depression;
      • thoughts of one's own uselessness and suicide.
    • Decreased immunity
      • frequent colds accompanied by purulent complications(otitis, sinusitis);
      • exacerbation of chronic diseases;
      • periodic styes;
      • frequent stomatitis.
    • Osteoporosis. Violation of mineral metabolism leads to the fact that calcium is washed out of the bones and they become brittle. Density reduction bone tissue leads to young girls having bones like those of 70-year-olds.
      • frequent fractures, among which fracture of the femoral neck is especially dangerous;
      • pain along the spine, attacks are possible acute pain associated with vertebral deformation;
      • stoop, decrease in height by 3 cm or more.
    • Hypoglycemia. A decrease in blood glucose concentration below 2.5 mmol/l, caused by fasting, significantly impairs the functioning of the nervous system. Vascular function deteriorates and cerebral edema develops. Its manifestations:
      • increased agitation, feeling of fear;
      • hallucinations;
      • convulsions;
      • coma.
    • Hypokalemia. A decrease in the level of potassium ions in the blood during anorexia is associated with the abuse of diuretics. Potassium deficiency leads to disruption of muscle cells.
      • heart fluttering, chest pain;
      • muscle weakness;
      • muscle pain;
      • intestinal obstruction;
      • paresis and paralysis.
    • Cardiac dysfunction associated with impaired contractility of the heart muscle. In severe cases, the development of acute heart failure can be fatal.
      • bradycardia - slowing down heart rate, slow heart rate below 60 beats per minute. Heart rhythm disturbances can cause cardiac arrest;
      • decreased blood pressure, which is accompanied by severe weakness.
    • Hormonal disorders. Decreased secretion of hormones by endocrine glands
      • the level of stress hormones increases, which is expressed in hysterics and depression;
      • the level of female sex hormones decreases - disappearance of menstruation, infertility;
      • the concentration of thyroid hormones that regulate metabolic processes in organism.
    • Impaired kidney function. Disturbances in salt metabolism lead to an increase in the concentration of salts in the urine. As a result, sand and stones form in the kidneys. Parallel developing dystrophic changes in the kidney parenchyma lead to acute renal failure - a sudden disruption of all kidney functions (filtration, secretory and excretory). Without urgent provision assistance may result in death.
      • the appearance of sand and kidney stones;
      • swelling of the face and limbs;
      • severe pain in the lower back.

    Complications of anorexia are reversible only in the initial stages, so as soon as you notice signs of the disease, seek help from a specialist.

    How to cure anorexia on your own?

    • Help identify the causes of the disease;
    • Teach to adequately perceive your body and the attitude of others;
    • Get rid of the fear of food and the fear of gaining weight;
    • Increase self-esteem.

    What diet is needed for anorexia?

    2. It is worth starting with eating a small amount of food, gradually increasing portions.

    3. A vegetarian diet with a caloric content of 1400 kcal, which provides weight gain of 0.3 kg per week. A low-calorie diet lasts 7-10 days. Then they switch to a higher calorie diet.

    4. It’s better to start with diluted juices and liquid food. Gradually, you can introduce mushy foods to avoid discomfort in the mouth.

    5. Meals should be small and frequent, approximately 5-6 times a day. In this way, it is possible to avoid the feeling of fullness in the stomach and the discomfort associated with delayed gastric emptying.

    6. Organize drinking regime, since patients who abuse laxatives, diuretics, or induce vomiting often suffer from dehydration. However, it must be taken into account that swelling may occur when feeding is resumed.

    8. Patients who refuse to eat are given tube feeding, when food is introduced through a tube directly into the stomach. It is often supplemented by intravenous administration of nutrient solutions.

    9. The diet is compiled individually, taking into account what foods the patient, in his opinion, is able to tolerate. The menu is based on table No. 11 according to Pevzner.

    To increase appetite, it is recommended to drink a little sour fruit juice before meals, 2 tbsp. L cabbage juice, suck a slice of lemon, drink an infusion of wormwood or calamus root. Mild spices and herbs are added to dishes, which also improve appetite.

    • fatty meats and fish - pork, lamb, mackerel;
    • fatty rich broths;
    • vegetables containing coarse fiber– eggplants, peas, radishes, spinach;
    • pickled vegetables and mushrooms;
    • confectionery with cream;
    • strong coffee.

    Why do they say that anorexia is fatal?

    The most common causes of death in anorexia are:

    • extreme exhaustion and dystrophy of internal organs;
    • dysfunction of vital organs (kidneys, liver);
    • arrhythmia, which can cause cardiac arrest;
    • disturbance of electrolyte metabolism;
    • secondary infections (pneumonia, tuberculosis) developing against a background of weakened immunity;
    • suicide.

    How are anorexia and bulimia related?

    • Patients are dissatisfied with their weight - they consider themselves fat and strive to lose weight;
    • They hide their behavior from others;
    • They do not admit that they have disabilities;
    • They do not notice the symptoms of the disease;
    • Periodically experience acute attacks of hunger;
    • Cannot stop despite obvious signs of illness;
    • Abuse laxatives, diuretics, diet pills;
    • Bring your body to exhaustion;
    • Resist treatment.

    In 20% of cases, bulimia develops against the background of anorexia. At the same time, patients refuse to eat, but at least 2 times a week they experience bouts of gluttony, when they indiscriminately absorb any food. This breakdown is often followed by inducing vomiting. Sometimes they try to get rid of the calories they eat by other methods: intense exercise, laxatives.

    • Psychodynamic psychotherapy - reveals the reasons that caused deviations in eating behavior;
    • Behavioral therapy - normalizes the attitude towards your body and food intake.

    In some cases, hospitalization may be required.

    • Significant weight loss;
    • Metabolic disorders;
    • Severe depression;
    • Suicidal tendencies;
    • Ineffectiveness of outpatient treatment.

    Photos of patients with anorexia

    How does anorexia occur in men?

    • Anorexia in men is often associated with various mental disorders - schizophrenia, neuroses.
    • Men don't talk about their desire to lose weight. They are more secretive, unlike women who constantly discuss ways to lose weight.
    • Men are more purposeful, they firmly adhere to their promise to refuse certain foods. They are less likely to have eating disorders.
    • A large percentage of sick men refuse food for ideological reasons. They are supporters of body cleansing, raw foodism, veganism, sun-eating or other nutritional systems.
    • Anorexia affects not only young men who strive to meet the standards of beauty, but also men over 40 who are interested in methods of cleansing the body and various spiritual practices. You can often hear phrases from them that “food is an obstacle to mental development”, “refusing food prolongs life and purifies the spirit.”
    • The character of the patients is dominated by asthenic and schizoid traits, in contrast to women, who are characterized by hysterical traits.
    • Delusional ideas about imaginary fatness sometimes serve as a distraction for a man. At the same time, he tends not to notice real physical defects, which sometimes disfigure his appearance.

    Factors that provoke anorexia in men

    • Growing up in a single-parent family in an atmosphere of excessive care from the mother. The boy is afraid that as he gains weight, he will grow up and lose the love of his family. By remaining thin, he tries to avoid responsibility and hardships adult life. Such men continue to live with their parents into adulthood.
    • Critical statements from others regarding excess weight. This can cause psychological trauma.
    • Participation in certain sports that require strict control over body weight - sports dancing, ballet, running, jumping, figure skating.
    • Professions related to show business - singers, actors, fashion models. People employed in these professions sometimes pay excessive attention to their appearance, which causes thoughts about their own imperfections and excess weight.
    • Self-punishment. Boys and men work themselves to the point of exhaustion, reducing the feeling of guilt for undiagnosed aggression towards the father or forbidden sexual desire.
    • Schizophrenia in one of the parents, the tendency to which is inherited. The risk of anorexia nervosa is high in young men whose parents suffered from anorexia, phobia, anxious depression, and psychosis.
    • Homosexuality. In specialized publications, a cult of lean male bodies is created, which encourages young men to refuse food.

    The manifestations of anorexia in men and women are largely similar. In 70% of patients, the onset of the disease occurs at age. If parents failed to notice and stop them, then the symptoms slowly increase.

    • Painful attention to one's appearance.
    • The tendency to eat normally once and then starve for weeks.
    • Tendency to hide food. To convince relatives that the patient is “eating normally,” he may hide or throw away his portion of food.
    • Decreased sexual interest and potency, which is analogous to female amenorrhea (lack of menstruation).
    • Traditional methods of losing weight include refusing to eat, excessive exercise and vomiting, enemas, and colon therapy. However, morbid attachment to vomiting is less common than in women.
    • Unmotivated aggression. Rude attitude towards close people, especially parents.
    • Refusal to be photographed. Patients argue that their “fullness” is more noticeable in photographs.
    • Hypochondria. A man is overly concerned about his health and suspects that he has serious illnesses. Natural sensations (especially the feeling of fullness in the stomach) seem painful to him.
    • Changes in appearance appear after a few months - weight loss (up to 50% of body weight), dry skin, hair loss.
    • The tendency to alcoholism is an attempt to cope with emotions and drown out thoughts about food and losing weight.

    At first, losing weight causes euphoria. There is a lightness and a feeling of victory when the appetite has been curbed, which causes deep satisfaction in the patient. Over time, appetite disappears and the body's resources are depleted. Cheerfulness is replaced by irritability and chronic fatigue. The way of thinking changes, delusional ideas are formed that cannot be corrected. The body becomes painfully thin, but the man continues to perceive himself as fat. Brain malnutrition affects the ability to think clearly and process information. Prolonged abstinence from food leads to organic lesions brain

    • psychoanalysis;
    • behavioral therapy;
    • family psychotherapy with the patient's relatives.

    2. Drug treatment. Medications can only be prescribed by a doctor, and the dosage depends on the severity of the symptoms of the disease.

    • Neuroleptics Clozapine and Olanzapine are used for the first 6 months of treatment. They promote weight gain and reduce delusions regarding obesity. The dose of the drug is determined individually. After achieving a therapeutic effect, it is gradually reduced. If an exacerbation occurs, the dose is increased to the initial dose.
    • Atypical antipsychotics Risperidone and Risset eliminate the negative manifestations of the disease, but do not reduce performance or interfere with work and study. Take medications constantly or only when symptoms of the disease occur. Treatment with atypical drugs can last from 6 months to one and a half years.
    • Vitamin preparations. B vitamins normalize the functioning of the nervous system, helping to eradicate the root cause of the disease. Vitamins A and E improve the production of hormones, promote the restoration of the skin and its appendages, as well as the mucous membranes of internal organs.

    3. Reflexology (acupuncture). During sessions, reflex points are affected, which stimulates appetite and restores impaired metabolism.

    Anorexia in a child, what to do?

    • Parents feed the child, forcing him to eat too large portions. As a result, an aversion to food is formed.
    • Monotonous diet, which creates a negative attitude towards food.
    • Transferred severe infectious diseases– diphtheria, hepatitis, tuberculosis.
    • Psycho-emotional stress - sudden acclimatization, death of a loved one, parental divorce.
    • The abundance of unhealthy and sweet foods in the diet disrupts digestion and metabolism.
    • Excessive care and control on the part of parents. Often found in single-parent families, where a child is raised without a father by his mother and grandmother.
    • Dissatisfaction with one's appearance, which is often based on parental criticism and peer ridicule.
    • Hereditary predisposition to mental illness.

    What are the signs of anorexia in a child?

    • Eating disorders - refusal to eat or a certain set products (potatoes, cereals, meat, sweets).
    • Physical signs include weight loss, dry skin, sunken eyes, dark circles under the eyes.
    • Behavioral changes – sleep disturbances, irritability, frequent tantrums, decreased academic performance.

    What to do if you notice signs of anorexia in a child?

    • Make eating an enjoyable experience. Create comfort in the kitchen. While your child is eating, find a few minutes to sit next to him and ask him how the day went, what was the most pleasant event today.
    • Start eating healthy as a family. For example, instead of pies, cook baked apples with cottage cheese, instead of frying potatoes or fish, bake them in foil. Focus not on the fact that this will make you lose weight, but that proper nutrition is the basis of beauty, health and vigor. Being slim is just a pleasant consequence of a healthy lifestyle.
    • Follow family rituals related to food. Bake meat according to your grandmother's recipe, marinate fish, as is customary in your family. Share these secrets with your child. Rituals make the child feel like he is part of a group and give him a sense of security.
    • Go shopping together. Make a rule: everyone buys a new, preferably “healthy” product. It could be yogurt, exotic fruit, the new kind cheese. Then you can try it at home and decide whose choice is better. This way you instill in your child the idea that healthy food brings pleasure.
    • Don't insist on your own. Give your child a choice, strive for a compromise. This applies to all aspects of life. A child who is overly controlled in everything takes control of what is left to him - his food. Avoid categorical demands. If you think it's cold outside, don't shout at your daughter to put on a hat, but offer your child an acceptable choice: a headband, a hat, or a hood. The same applies to food. Ask what the child will like, offering a choice of 2-3 acceptable dishes. If your daughter flatly refuses dinner, move lunch to a later time.
    • Involve your child in the cooking process. Watch cooking shows together, choose recipes on the Internet that you would like to try. There are a huge number of tasty and healthy low-calorie dishes that do not increase the risk of gaining weight.
    • Encourage dancing and sports. Regular physical training increases appetite and promotes the production of endorphins - “happiness hormones”. It is advisable that the child exercise for his own pleasure, since professional activities aimed at winning competitions can provoke a desire to lose weight and cause anorexia and bulimia.
    • Consult a cosmetologist or fitness trainer if your child is unhappy with his appearance and weight. Children often ignore the advice of their parents, but listen to the opinions of unfamiliar experts. Such specialists will help you create a proper nutrition program that improves skin condition and prevents excess weight gain.
    • Listen carefully to your child. Avoid categorical judgments and do not deny the problem: “Don’t talk nonsense. Your weight is normal." Give reasons for your reasons. Calculate the formula together ideal weight, find the minimum and maximum values ​​for this age. Promise to help fight for beauty ideals and stick to your word. It is better to prepare a diet soup for your child than for a rebellious daughter to fundamentally skip a meal consisting of a high-calorie roast.
    • Find areas where your child can self-actualize. He should feel successful, useful and indispensable. To generate interest in various types activities, attend various events with your child: exhibitions, competitions of dance groups and sports competitions. Encourage him to try his hand at a wide variety of sections and clubs. Give sincere praise for every small achievement. Then the teenager will take root in the idea that success and positive emotions can be associated not only with physical attractiveness. And new acquaintances and vivid impressions will distract you from thoughts about the imperfection of your body.
    • Help your child receive complete and comprehensive information. If your child wants to stick to a diet, then find detailed instructions on this topic. Be sure to familiarize yourself with the contraindications and read about the dangers and consequences of this diet. For example, it has been proven that supporters of protein diets are at risk of cancer. The more your child knows, the better protected he will be. Thus, due to a lack of understanding of the full danger of the problem, many girls stubbornly search the Internet for advice on “how to get anorexia?” In their minds, this is not a serious mental illness, but an easy path to beauty.

    Remember that if over the course of 1-2 months you have not been able to correct your child’s eating behavior, then seek advice from a psychologist.

    How to avoid relapse of anorexia?

    • Take medications prescribed by your doctor. Strictly follow the dosage and duration of use. If you notice that all your thoughts are related to food and losing weight, then you need to tell your doctor about it. He will adjust the dose of medication, which will avoid exacerbation of anorexia.
    • Don't diet. Don't set any restrictions for yourself - eat a little of everything. Create a nutrition program for yourself that will include all the foods you need for health. From healthy foods and dishes, choose those that you like and include them in your menu. Your diet must include sources of protein (meat, fish, dairy products, cheese), vegetables, fruits in any form and grains.
    • Eat small meals every three hours. A small amount of food regularly entering the body will help you not to constantly think about food, restore the functioning of the digestive system and improve metabolism. It will be better if you make a menu in advance and keep the food you need for the day in the refrigerator. It can be fruits, yogurt, cottage cheese, boiled meat, baked vegetables, cheese, juice with pulp. Don't give up sweets completely.
    • Don't watch fashion magazines or fashion shows. Don't compare yourself to models. Many of them suffer from anorexia and bulimia, and cannot be an example for you.
    • Pamper yourself. The reward should not be food. This could be new clothes, manicure, pedicure, SPA, massage, visits to master classes or tickets to events that interest you.
    • Communicate with people and don't isolate yourself. Attend group therapy classes, meet with friends. Surround yourself with people who are interested not only in your appearance, but also in your inner world. Cut off contacts with friends who are constantly losing weight and dieting. Do not visit forums and sites dedicated to this topic.
    • Find yourself a hobby. Art therapy is widely used to prevent exacerbations. If you don’t know where to start, go to a handmade store, where there is now a huge selection of goods for creativity.
    • Avoid stressful situations. Change your behavior so that you avoid conflicts and don’t get upset over little things. Stress can give rise to negative thoughts, which makes it tempting to stop eating again.

    Scientists agree that anorexia is chronic disease, which is characterized by periods of calm and relapses. This food addiction has been compared to diabetes mellitus: a person must constantly monitor his condition, follow preventive measures, and when the first signs of the disease appear, begin drug treatment. This is the only way to stop the return of anorexia in time and prevent a relapse.

    Hello! Dieting is a bad thing. I have always said this and will continue to say this. And not only because any restriction in food is stress for the body. The danger here also lies in the fact that, having become addicted to diets, you may not notice How does anorexia begin?

    And this is already very dangerous condition, which in the most severe cases can lead to death. So what are the signs this disease and what to do to prevent serious consequences?

    When food is declared the enemy

    According to scientific data, a person can live without air for 5-10 minutes, without water - 8-10 days, but without food he can live as long as 70 days. From these statistics, only one conclusion arises - if fasting is not stopped in time, the person will die.

    Therefore, if your loved ones and friends show signs of refusing to eat, you should pay close attention to this - it is quite possible that they have the initial stage of anorexia and they need help. Even if they themselves don't know about it.

    After all, what is anorexia? This is a syndrome in which a person has a complete lack of appetite, while his body has a clear need for food.

    There are many reasons for its occurrence. Not all of them are as dangerous as you might think, but they are still worth talking about.

    Reasons for fasting

    The list of them is very long, these include, in particular, diseases of the digestive system, various infectious and metabolic diseases.

    This also includes depression, drug addiction, AIDS, cancer and a whole bunch of other serious illnesses, the treatment of which is carried out exclusively by medical specialists.

    Today we will talk about this form of refusal to eat caused by the desire to lose weight, which is called

    Anorexia nervosa . This is the first thing that is usually meant when talking about this diagnosis. It is characterized by the patient's deliberate refusal to eat.

    A person consciously strives to lose weight and is pathologically afraid of gaining it. Moreover, he perceives his physical fitness in a distorted form - he imagines fat even where there is none.

    About how to bring yourself before her, the film star probably knows Angelina Jolie , who has repeatedly frightened her fans with her painful thinness. This condition is also familiar to adherents of diets like the one I talked about in the article. . How does it manifest itself specifically?

    Invisible Enemy

    The danger of the syndrome is that at first it means almost nothing. First signs Anorexia is also difficult to replace because those susceptible to it usually carefully hide it. That is, they deliberately engage in self-destruction.

    Experts, by the way, consider anorexia to be a type of self-harm - deliberate damage to one's own body. And although the patient has no desire to commit suicide, such a person is partly mentally ill.

    He will not tell everyone that he refuses to eat - if he does this, it is nothing more than blackmail or a desire to attract attention.

    Why is food outlawed?

    Don't expect exact reasons to be listed here. Only a specialist psychologist can understand the experiences of a teenager (namely, they are more susceptible to this disease).

    The period of personality formation is a very difficult time psychologically, and any experiences and problems, and sometimes just a careless remark about appearance, can become the seeds that fall on fertile soil for anorexia.

    To risk factors , meanwhile, it is customary to include:

    • Age - science psychology puts him in one of the first places. The risk group includes teenagers - young girls aged 12-16 years, maximum up to 26 years - they make up about 80% of all cases. The remaining 20% ​​are older men and women.
    • Family is also the sad leader on this list. Problems in the family, difficulties in relationships with loved ones, the presence of alcoholics among relatives, or powerful, authoritarian people, or those who suffer from depression - all this increases the risk of the syndrome.

    • Personal – excessive demands on oneself, desire to be perfect, low self-esteem, feelings of inferiority, lack of self-confidence. This point includes a mental disorder such as body dysmorphomania - a pathological belief in the presence of some kind of figure defect. Dissatisfaction with one's visible parts of the body leads to isolation, reluctance to advertise one's feelings and, on the contrary, to a great desire to correct this deficiency with available means. So food is outlawed.
    • Cultural ones are an obsession with slender models and the desire to be like them.
    • Physiological - the presence of excess weight or, for example, the early onset of menstruation.
    • Genetic - although there is a minimal probability of inheriting a tendency to refuse food, it still exists. It can appear under unfavorable conditions - for example, due to stress or an improper diet.

    Stages of approaching death

    The title is loud, but correct. The earlier you notice the problem, the easier it will be to avoid serious complications. If you don’t catch it in time, it will be much more difficult to cope with the disaster.

    • The initial stage can last up to 4 years.

    It is called dysmorphophobic and is characterized by increased worries about one’s appearance. The patient thinks that she is too fat, clumsy, and that this attracts increased attention from others. At the same time, someone may appear (often an actress, model) whom you want to imitate.

    • The second stage, anorexic, is the “transition to action.”

    Girls diligently lose weight, losing up to 50% in weight. Gradually, there is a rejection of different food groups, fats, carbohydrates, and proteins are removed. Laxatives or appetite suppressants are used.

    • The third stage, kakhetic, appears, as they say, in all its glory.

    All sacrifices made on the altar of weight loss give their results - fatty tissue decreases, the skin becomes thinner, gastrointestinal diseases, body temperature decreases, blood sugar and blood pressure drop. Physical activity decreases, apathy and severe fatigue appear. This stage is an alarming signal that the patient must be taken to a doctor immediately.

    Until trouble strikes

    Since it is easier to prevent the problem than to treat it later, it is worth understanding what the first signs of anorexia are.

    The most obvious one is probably a terrible reluctance to get better. Constantly telling yourself that “I’m fat” and refusing to accept the fact that the needle on the scale shows normal weight. But, I repeat, girls who are prone to refusing food are usually very inventive - most often, they are silent.

    And while relatives are busy solving their problems, they throw lunch and dinner off their plates into the toilet and drink diuretics and laxatives. Therefore, it is worth paying attention to other symptoms.

    Signs of psychogenic anorexia also include:

    • A sharp decrease in body weight (by several kilograms per week)
    • Constantly counting calories in a dish, lack of appetite. Frequent refusals to eat with the excuse “I’m not hungry,” or “I’ve already eaten there.”
    • Sudden urge to exercise. On the one hand, sport is good, but if a person exposes himself to excessive physical activity, this is a reason to be wary.
    • Poor sleep, low blood pressure.

    • Increased irritability, touchiness, hysteria, frequent and inexplicable attacks of bad mood, anger, depression.
    • Brittle hair and nails, pale skin.
    • Fast fatiguability.
    • Menstrual irregularities.
    • Reduced body temperature – below 36 degrees.
    • Use of various laxatives, diuretics, and antidepressants.
    • Constantly looking for new ways to lose weight - fad diets, tiny plates, rare meals, small portions. And outbursts of anger in response to attempts to explain that this is harmful.
    • Reluctance to admit illness. Like drug addicts and alcoholics who stubbornly consider themselves healthy, anorexics also refuse to consider themselves as such. Moreover, I repeat, they also hide it in every possible way.

    How to cure

    In severe stages of this neuropsychic disease, the most important thing is no self-medication. Only an experienced doctor can help here, because this problem psychological . Methods such as psychoanalysis or hypnosis can be useful here.

    For a complete treatment You will need the help of both a psychotherapist and a nutritionist. It is important to establish proper nutrition, because after long fasting It is very difficult to remove the body from prolonged stress.

    What to remember

    I want to summarize our serious topic today with equally serious conclusions.

    • Diets are harmful. Under certain factors, it can lead to a persistent and conscious refusal to eat, which will inevitably lead to anorexia.
    • The first signs of this dangerous disease can be difficult to recognize - patients, as a rule, diligently hide their pathological addiction to losing weight. In addition, adults are often immersed in their own problems and do not notice the difficulties of the puberty period of their offspring.
    • The disease can be treated at home only in the first stage. If the diagnosis worsens, you should immediately consult a doctor.

    Be healthy, don't forget about proper nutrition and subscribe to my blog updates. See you again in new articles!

    Learn about eating disorders. It is very easy to judge people with anorexia. Perhaps such a person is not so easy to understand. Understanding the reasons why eating disorders occur can help you be caring and attentive to your loved one.

    Understand the risks associated with anorexia. Anorexia can lead to serious health problems. The disease is most common among women, especially those aged 15 to 24 years. In this age category, the mortality rate from anorexia is 12 times higher than from other causes of death combined. In 20% of cases, anorexia can lead to death. In addition, it can cause serious problems:

    • Lack of menstruation in women
    • Lethargy and fatigue
    • Inability to regulate body temperature
    • Slow or irregular heart rate (due to weakened heart muscles)
    • Anemia
    • Infertility
    • Memory loss or confusion
    • Disease of certain organs
    • Brain damage
  • Find a good time to talk to the person alone. An eating disorder is a reaction to more complex personal and social problems. You may feel awkward discussing this issue with someone. If you decide to discuss the behavior with the person, be sure to do so in private and at an appropriate time.

  • Use "I" to convey your feelings. If you are talking to someone who has anorexia, use “I” instead of “you.” For example, you could say, "I've been noticing something lately that's really bothering me. I love you and I'm worried about you. Can we talk?"

    • Your loved one may become defensive. He may deny the problem. He may accuse you of interfering in his personal life. You can reassure your loved one and tell them that you care about them and want them to be happy.
    • For example, don't say, "I'm just trying to help you" or "You should listen to me." After such words, a person is unlikely to want to listen to you.
    • Instead, you can say, “When you're ready, I'd like to talk to you,” or “I love you and want you to know that I want to help you.” Let the person make his own choice.
  • Don't blame the person. Using the pronoun “I” will help you with this. In such circumstances, it is very important not to blame or judge the person. Exaggerations, threats and accusations are unlikely to help a person cope with the problem.

    • For example, avoid phrases like "You're making me worry" or "You need to stop acting like that."
    • Avoid phrases that may make a person feel guilty. For example, don't say things like, "Think about what you're doing to your family" or "If you really cared about me, you wouldn't do that." People with anorexia may already feel shame about their behavior, and saying such things may only make the problem worse.
    • Don't threaten the person. For example, avoid phrases like "You will be punished if you don't eat better" or "I will tell everyone about your problem if you refuse to get help." This can only make the problem worse.
    • Don't rush your loved one. He will likely need some time to reflect on your words.
    • Repeat that you are not judging or criticizing your loved one.
  • Anorexia(Latin anorexia nervosa) is a disorder associated with the conscious refusal to eat in order to optimize one’s own body weight. Anorexia, the symptoms of which are considered significant weight loss, is typical for girls during puberty. In most cases, the patients are girls. The causes of the disease are not fully understood.


    The first mentions of anorexia are found in the works of French psychiatrists at the end of the distant 18th century, when the first symptoms of anorexia in girls were described. The main feature of the disease was a persistent reluctance to eat. This condition was later given the name anorexia nervosa or mental anorexia. Described by various scientists, they had the same clinical picture, which is characterized by three successive stages:

    • Gastric - patients reduce the amount of food they eat due to subjective complaints of discomfort in the digestive tract.
    • The stage of struggle, the essence of which lies in the patient’s false conclusion that limiting food intake helps get rid of discomfort in the abdominal cavity.
    • The cachexia stage is the final stage of anorexia, in which the patient is bedridden due to a critical decrease in body weight.

    Subsequently, the interpretation of the components of the clinical picture changed, which is evidenced in the works of domestic psychiatrists, who began to actively study the symptoms and signs of anorexia in the middle of the last century.

    In Europe, it is customary to classify anorexia nervosa as a psychosomatic disease. According to statistics, the disease occurs in 1.2% of girls, of whom eight out of ten are under the age of 25.


    Despite constantly updated data on the disease, it is still not possible to accurately answer the question of what causes anorexia. In the development of pathology, there are several groups of factors that can have a predisposing influence on the onset of the disease.

    Predisposing factors:

    • Genetic. Recent information about the human genome has made it possible to identify chromosomal loci that increase susceptibility to anorexia nervosa. The disease manifests itself after exposure to significant emotional stress and constant errors in nutrition. In the absence of provoking factors, a person with such gene material remains clinically healthy.
    • Biological. Scientists include abdominal obesity, early onset of menstruation, and endocrine pathology in this group of factors. The key point is an increase in the concentration of certain lipid fractions in the general bloodstream.
    • Family. The risk of developing anorexia nervosa is significantly higher in families with mental disorders. Having relatives who abuse alcohol or drugs also increases the likelihood of the disease.
    • Personal. Anorexia nervosa affects certain personality types. The desire to meet society's standards and lack of self-confidence contribute to the development of psychosomatic illness.
    • Age and gender. The most significant factor for the development of anorexia nervosa is puberty life. Very rarely the disease develops after 25 years. In terms of gender, there is a significant predominance of female patients.
    • Culture. Residence in a region where the criterion female beauty is slimness, affects the nutritional pattern of the population. At the same time, teenagers try to meet these standards by refusing normal nutrition.


    The clinical picture of anorexia nervosa includes the initial manifestations and the actual clinical symptoms of the disease.

    Initial manifestations

    Initial symptoms of anorexia appear in patients long before the main clinical manifestations. Patients may be concerned about:

    • Emotional lability. Mood changes occur very quickly, sometimes even without visible external reasons.
    • Irritable attitude towards others. This applies to behavior among peers and can extend to adults. People who are overweight are subject to the most criticism.
    • Lack of restraint in behavior, often provoking conflict situations.
    • Aggression, over time turning into apathy.

    Under the influence of minimal psychotraumatic factors, such as troubles in the family or at school, first sexual experience, death of close relatives, divorce of parents, moving to another city, etc., the initial manifestations progress. Symptoms of anorexia begin to appear, which are characteristic of the disease and make it possible to differentiate various psychogenic pathologies.

    Clinical picture

    A pronounced change in the patient’s attitude towards eating appears after hearing comments from others about being overweight. The patient’s reaction may be to reduce portions of dishes or refuse any foods. In addition, changes in behavior are observed:

    • The teenager carefully monitors nutritional value food intake, trying to choose the least calorie foods.
    • When trying to force-feed, he may throw away or hide the food offered.
    • Often forcibly induces a gag reflex or flushes the stomach big amount water to cleanse the digestive tract.
    • Takes food in small portions, chewing it for hours.

    Excessive activity of patients is also noted. They constantly do physical exercise, do homework several times, and spend minimal time sitting or lying down.

    Characteristic signs of anorexia in girls are changes in posture and an aggressive attitude towards fat people. The first symptom appears due to the use of tightening bandages or corsets. At the same time, the stomach is deeply retracted, the shoulders are pulled back, the head is thrown back slightly. Aggression manifests itself in the form of verbal incontinence even towards relatives.

    It is worth noting that patients with the first signs of anorexia retain a feeling of hunger, but it is persistently ignored. Subsequently, the appetite is dulled and the patient does not feel the need to eat.

    At the anorexic stage of the disease, depressive symptoms begin to develop. This is expressed in feelings of anxiety, worsening mood, and attempts to minimize contact with other people. Initially, such symptoms appear before meals, and subsequently on an ongoing basis. If, according to the patient, the weight loss is insufficient, thoughts of suicide are possible.


    Studying patients suffering from this psychosomatic disease, doctors came to the conclusion that most of them had a developmental conflict. This was expressed in the girls’ reluctance to move into the period of maturity. The appearance of periodic menstruation, the development of mammary glands and other signs of puberty were considered alien and unnecessary by patients. Refusal to eat has been interpreted by researchers as a defense against maturation and a fight against femininity. It took the form of a phobic fear of normal food. It is worth noting that with such symptoms of anorexia in women, no significant somatic or endocrinological diseases were identified.

    Quite typical for patients with anorexia is the level intellectual development. Almost all of them show excellent results in education, showing high capacity for work and activity in the learning process. Due to this, patients with anorexia appear to be socially adapted, but upon detailed examination, a lack of communication with peers is revealed. Girls prone to this mental illness try to be invisible, minimizing contact with classmates.

    At home, children are obedient, actively help in everyday life, sometimes independently redoing the work assigned to them several times before receiving best results. The atmosphere of perfectionism that permeates family relationships also affects the child’s desire to have an ideal body weight.


    It is extremely difficult to predict the further condition of a patient with such a psychosomatic illness. Some patients experience a stable recovery with full weight gain, while others have an undulating course of the disease, where after a period of remission a recurrence of symptoms may occur. Timely treatment, begun at the first symptoms of anorexia, restores metabolic processes. However, dystrophic changes to which internal organs, primarily the liver, undergo, significantly increase the risk of developing functional multiple organ failure.

    It is worth remembering that anorexia occurs from the influence of various factors, the influence of many of which has not been fully studied, therefore adequate preventive measures have not been developed.

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