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Doberman: description of the breed and features of raising a wayward dog. Doberman: characteristics of the breed Characteristics of the Doberman breed

Not everyone will decide to get a dog, especially if there are children in the house... And also one that is suitable for military operations. But is it worth worrying so much when there is a faithful and reliable assistant– Doberman?

General Character Traits of Doberman Pinschers

By nature, Dobermans are very loyal and caring animals. They have undeservedly received a bad reputation. Using them as guard dogs in concentration camps, in German military operations, a myth was created that Dobermans are very aggressive. But is this really so?

Let's start describing the character of the Doberman with the fact that it is “an affectionate lapdog in the body of a horse.” After all, in reality everything is much simpler: a beautiful and stately animal, very smart (compared to most dogs), infinitely devoted to its owner. The dog quickly becomes a member of the family.

The character of the Doberman breed reflects the fighting qualities of the dog. But this is only partly true. Having chosen the owner, the dog remains faithful to him forever, no matter what danger threatens. Any threat posed by others will be nipped in the bud with an angry warning roar, but not with an attack. They will never bite a person without warning.

Once in a new home, the dog becomes an inseparable full member of the family and already protects its home, its children, and its property. But when general characteristics There are slight differences between the character of an animal by gender. When choosing a dog, try to take into account precisely these features in the behavior of animals.

What is the difference between Doberman girls?

It has long been noted that the character of Doberman dogs is distinguished by loyalty and intelligence. These are real defenders of home and family. "Vigilance" is their motto. Any violation of the owner’s territory is a danger that must be stopped.

The character of the Doberman girl is very affectionate and gentle. She will play with children and demand attention and care. But when borders are violated, people are immediately divided into friends and strangers. Even guests, according to the bitch, can be a threat. So don’t be surprised if she keeps watch nearby and guards with half an eye.

And how dobermans show character in the family! As you understand, these are very smart animals that independently distinguish bad from good. Doberman girls can scare the enemy and drive them away or attack. At the same time, these soft creatures will be friends with other animals and fool around with the owner.

Character of Doberman boys

Due to the peculiarities of the breed and character, Dobermans require training, constant training and exercise. Beautiful and stately males choose the “leader of the pack” and follow their owner without complaint. When building a relationship with your pet, you need to show that your intellectual level is higher and you are in charge.

The character of the Doberman boy is distinguished by his ardor and temper. This playful baby will follow you on your heels and carry out all your orders. Next to its owner, the “devil’s dog” turns into a faithful friend and helper.

When choosing a dog, look for a friend and family protector, not an aggressor. And Dobermans will show themselves in all their glory in this capacity. These dogs not only become friends and helpers, but family members with a unique character. Dobermans – smart dogs and devoted friends.

Doberman Pinschers are popular because of their stately appearance. appearance. Their character is not easy - in order to raise a pet, the owner will need to make a lot of effort. When thinking about buying a dog of this breed, you need to rely on your strength and training experience.

The history of the breed goes back to the end of the 19th century. There is little information about it - the creator did not keep records about the progress of selection work. The sequence is guessed only in the change external characteristics ancestors of Dobermans.

Breed characteristics

Dobermans are distinguished by their proud posture, capricious character, high level intelligence. A dog is primarily assessed not for its individual characteristics, but for its compliance with breed standards. You can study them in the table.

Table - Doberman breed standard

Evaluation parameterCompliance with standard
Head- Strong, in the form of a blunt wedge;
- wide, smoothly rounding into the neck
Cheekbones- Wide;
- distinct, but not heavy
Teeth- White;
- in full set;
- proportional in size
Nose- Rectangular;
- wide
Eyes- Oval;
- not too large
EarsDocked, in shape isosceles triangle with a sharp tip
BodySturdy, rectangular shape
Neck- Muscular;
- long;
- no loose skin
Withers- Wide;
- clearly expressed
Back- Short;
- wide, with a slight slope towards the pelvis
Rib cage- Protruding from all sides;
- muscular
Croup- Slightly raised;
- rounded
Limbs- Slightly pulled back hind legs, perpendicular to the ground - front;
- smooth, with wide hips, short, strong claws
Tail- Set high;
- docked to two vertebrae

The breed standard is important when purchasing a purebred Doberman from a nursery with further participation in exhibitions. Dogs that fully meet all criteria are allowed for breeding. For people who want a pet “for themselves,” other characteristics of the breed are more important.

  • Height. Male - 68-72 cm, female - 63-68 cm.
  • Weight. The body weight of a male is 40-45 kg, of a female - 32-35 kg.
  • Color. Black and tan, red-red, red-brown (chocolate), blue, white (cream).
  • Lifespan. From ten to 13 years.
  • Character. Friendly, excitable, loyal. This is an alert and energetic animal.
  • Intelligence. The dogs are smart and easy to train.
  • Security and guard potential. Dobermans are good guards, always ready to protect their owner.

The Doberman has no varieties - the differences are only in color. The standard color is black with red-brown markings. Blue and white Dobermans are less common.

Advantages and disadvantages

Buying a dog should be a serious and informed decision. Before choosing this particular breed, you need to familiarize yourself with its pros and cons. They are described in the table.

Table - Positive and negative qualities dobermans

Origin history and interesting facts

The founder of the breed is Friedrich Louis Dobermann. The tax collector decided to create a dog that would serve as a guard and bodyguard. No records or reports were kept during the selection work - it is impossible to establish exactly which breeds were used. There is evidence of the acquisition of two Old German pinschers. Presumably, blue mastiffs, herding dogs, greyhounds, and Manchester terriers could have been used during selection.

Friedrich Louis Dauberman did not have special education and professional experience, but after about 20 years of work he managed to achieve certain results. Initially, the breed was very different in characteristics from modern Dobermans. The dogs were clumsy, stocky, and aggressive. They were brought in to protect the territory and work in the police. After the death of the creator of the breed, it was given the name Doberman Pinscher. Interestingly, this is the only case in the history of breeding when a breed was named after its creator.

Otto Geller continued his work on improving the breed. He sought to reduce aggressiveness and adapt the breed to a wider range of people. He managed to achieve a change in appearance and character traits. Dobermans have become obedient, devoted protectors to their owner.

Dobermans have a feature that owners should always remember. Increased excitability and the desire to protect the owner from any danger can cause unpleasant situations. For example, a dog may grab the hand of a stranger who decides to pat the owner on the shoulder.

Dobermans are considered relatively unpretentious dogs, but like any breed, they require time and attention. To maintain health and an attractive appearance, the dog is provided with complete care.

Pet care

The breed is large in size - you need to accustom your pet to hygiene early childhood. An adult dog may react aggressively to procedures that are unpleasant for it.

  • Walks. Dobermans need long, active walks, regardless of the weather or time of year. Lack of exercise has a negative impact on your pet's health.
  • Wool. Dobermans have short fur and no undercoat. The shedding is insignificant. Once a week, the coat is wiped with a damp cloth or combed with a stiff brush. Bathe as needed - once every two months is enough. Enjoy special shampoos, after bathing, wipe the fur dry with a towel.
  • Ears . The ears are cleaned regularly to remove wax buildup. Lack of ear care leads to the development of otitis media.
  • Teeth . Dobermans are taught to brush their teeth with early age. They use special brushes and paste - they are sold in veterinary pharmacies. Lack of dental care leads to the formation of stone - it is removed in veterinary clinics.
  • Claws. The ends of the claws are carefully trimmed with a nail clipper. The procedure is carried out independently or when visiting a veterinary clinic.

Feeding with natural products

Many owners prefer to feed their pet natural food. It is believed that variety in food better satisfies the dog's need for nutrients ah, it has a positive effect on her condition gastrointestinal tract. Compose balanced diet not so easy. Useful and harmful products are given in the table.

Meat products- Beef without fat, scalded with boiling water;
- offal in moderation
- Pork;
- ground meat;
- cutlets;
- sausages
Dairy- Cottage cheese;
- natural fermented milk products
FishBoiled seafood with bones removed in advanceRiver
Porridge- Oatmeal;
- millet;
- buckwheat;
- rice
- Barley;
- semolina;
- corn
Plant products- Cabbage;
- carrot;
- non-sour apples;
- green salad;
- parsley;
- zucchini
- Spinach;
- rhubarb;
- grape;
- potato

One to two month old puppies are fed six times a day. At the age of three to four months, the frequency of feedings is reduced to three to four times, by the age of five months - to two or three. The daily portion is gradually increased.

Even a well-balanced natural diet cannot always satisfy a dog’s need for vitamins and minerals. Additionally, the pet is given special vitamin supplements.

Feeding dry food

High-quality dry food completely covers the dog’s nutritional needs and relieves the owner of the need to plan a daily diet. Dobermans belong to active dogs- they need large quantities easily digestible protein. Only high-quality professional feed can provide it. The table lists recommended, acceptable and undesirable foods for this breed.

Table - Dry food suitable for Dobermans

Transfer from natural nutrition They do not switch to dry food right away. Within two to three weeks, part of the portion of natural food is replaced with dry food. Gradually familiar products completely excluded from the diet.

Puppy development and vaccination schedule

Attentive owners regularly weigh and measure their pet. Stunted growth and slow weight gain indicate health problems or lack of nutrients in the diet. Optimal weight and height indicators for of different ages are indicated in the table.

Table - Proper development doberman puppy

Age in monthsMale weight, kgBitch weight, kgMale height, cmBitch's height, cm
1 3,8 3,5 27 22
2 8,7 7,8 40 33
3 14 12,3 49 43
4 18,5 16,5 56 50
5 22,5 20,3 60 55
6 26 23 64 58
7 27,8 24,5 66 60
8 29,5 25,6 68 62
9 31,2 26,6 69 64
10 33 27,5 70 65
11 34 28 71 65
12 35 29 72 65

Must be held preventive vaccinations against distemper, rabies and other dangerous diseases of dogs. For each puppy, the exact time of vaccination is determined by the veterinarian, taking into account its health and development. Approximately the vaccination schedule is as follows.

  • At seven to eight weeks of age. Vaccinations are carried out against plague, parvovirus, leptospirosis, adenovirosis, parainfluenza of the second type.
  • At the age of one year. Vaccination against the listed diseases is repeated. Additionally, they are vaccinated against rabies.


Training a Doberman is a process similar to raising a child. This breed does not tolerate tedious repetition and cruelty. Before starting classes, you need to earn the dog’s trust and establish close contact with it. The consistency of education plays a big role - you cannot punish and praise for the same action.

A Doberman puppy is energetic, active, and cunning. Excessive softness of the owner leads to the formation of an uncontrollable, wayward character of the dog. Wrong well behaved dog She feels like the master herself and can show aggression towards family members.

Obedience is taught to puppies from an early age. Dobermans good memory, learning ability. The only problem that arises during training is that they are easily excited and quickly distracted. Dog training is turned into a game. The first lesson is carried out in a familiar environment, after physical exercise - the puppy should be a little tired.

Socialization of the puppy is considered a mandatory procedure. From an early age, he is taken for walks to unfamiliar places, taught to calmly respond to car alarms, other dogs, cats, strangers. The first command for a Doberman is “be patient.” It is important to train your dog’s self-control in any situation.

Physical punishment is not encouraged. But to openly dominant individuals of the breed it is allowed to use non-rough physical methods influences - pressing to the floor, jerking the leash. Excessive cruelty is unacceptable - it leads to the formation of cowardly-aggressive behavior.

Ear and tail docking

Ear cropping is considered a mandatory procedure according to breed standards. After this, they are less susceptible to mechanical injuries and perceive sounds more acutely. Tail docking is performed primarily for aesthetic reasons.

Duration of the procedure

The dog tolerates the docking procedure most painlessly at the age of six to seven weeks. The wound heals faster, and after the anesthesia wears off, the puppy immediately returns to its normal life - eating, playing, frolicking. The later docking is performed, the more difficult the pet’s experience of the operation.

Kennels usually sell puppies that have already been through all necessary procedures- vaccination, ear and tail docking. All that remains for the new owner is to “adjust the ears” and give them the position characteristic of the breed.

The wound along the edge of the ear is treated daily with brilliant green, and the ears are positioned using a metal frame - a “crown”. Fixing the structure on the head consists of five steps, carried out in the following sequence.

  1. The metal frame is bandaged. Wrap the metal with cotton wool and a bandage so that hard material did not injure the skin.
  2. Makes strong ties. A wide bandage is used to secure the crown. It can be replaced with an elastic band or a strip of fabric.
  3. Install the structure on the top of the head. Take the end of the ear and lift it to the top bar of the structure. The ear is fixed with adhesive tape on the outside and inside of the crown.
  4. The crown is fixed. The procedure is repeated on the other side. A correctly fixed structure is kept level, the ends of the ears are at the same level.
  5. A ribbon is tied under the throat. The puppy should wear the crown for about a week. After a week, the crown is removed, the ears are allowed to rest for a couple of hours, and they are put on again.

Tail docking is carried out early - at three to ten days of age. In newborn puppies, the vertebrae are soft - the cupping procedure is almost painless, the tissues heal quickly. Cupping is allowed up to six months of age under general anesthesia.


There is no need to rush into mating a Doberman. Sufficient time should pass from the moment of the first heat to the onset of pregnancy. If you do not plan to regularly produce offspring from your dog, then you can do without mating at all. This will not affect the health of the Doberman, but will improve the character - interest in opposite sex will gradually fade away.


The first heat begins at a year and a half. Before mating, the dog must be shown to a veterinarian to make sure that it is physically mature and capable of producing healthy offspring.

Mating is carried out on the eighth to tenth day after the start of estrus. A dog's readiness to mate is reflected in a change in behavior. She flirts with male dogs or shows aggression towards them. Sometimes the dog becomes nervous and reacts sharply to touching the back just above the tail.

Mating is carried out on the territory of the dog. For reliability, it is necessary to re-knit the next day. Only dog ​​owners should be in the room - the presence of strangers is undesirable.


After mating, the dog is provided with enhanced care - its diet is carefully monitored, and it goes for a lot of walks. If the dogs' stool has not been tested for worm eggs, the bitch is given anthelmintic drugs two weeks after mating.

From the moment of the expected pregnancy until the end of the dog's feeding of puppies, calcium gluconate is added to its diet. Pregnancy in Dobermans lasts 56-66 days. In the second half of pregnancy, you should not burden the dog physical exercise- long run, active games, classes on the sites.

Signs of pregnancy in Dobermans appear only from the fifth week - the nipples swell, the nipples turn pink, and mucous discharge from the vagina appears. Until this moment, they focus only on indirect signs- lethargy, change in appetite. Closer to the sixth week, a slight increase in the abdomen becomes noticeable. The dog's behavior changes - it builds a nest, prepares for upcoming birth. But this does not yet indicate the fact of pregnancy.

Confidence appears in the seventh or eighth week, when fetal movement is clearly palpable. It is possible to say for sure that a dog is pregnant only two to three weeks before giving birth.

In the fifth to eighth week after estrus, Dobermans sometimes develop false pregnancy. The dog's nipples swell, she begins to build a nest, place toys under herself, and take the position of a nursing mother. Milk may leak from the nipples. This is a difficult period for the dog, she needs help - veterinarians prescribe sedatives, dairy products are completely excluded from the diet.

Diseases and treatment

Genetically healthy puppies at good care They grow up to be strong dogs and live long. But the breed is prone to a number of hereditary diseases. The most common diseases are the following.

  • Joint dysplasia. Characterized by underdevelopment of the hip and elbow joints. As a preventive measure, the menu of a pregnant bitch includes more products with calcium content.
  • Wobbler syndrome. Manifests itself in chronic subluxations, dislocations and displacement of the cervical vertebrae.
  • Von Willebrand-Jurgens syndrome. A blood disease associated with platelet pathology. Characterized by a clotting disorder.
  • Hypothyroidism. Insufficient production of thyroid hormones.
  • Cardiomyopathy. A group of diseases manifested in chronic or acute heart failure.
  • Stomach bloating. Poor nutrition leads to expansion of the stomach and volvulus.

All hereditary diseases They have a severe course and are not always treatable. It is recommended to regularly show the Doberman to a veterinarian and follow the diet to avoid health problems.

TOP nicknames

The Doberman is a beautiful, proud dog. She needs to choose a name that matches her appearance. The table shows the most common nicknames for the Doberman breed.

Table - Popular nicknames of Dobermans

First letter of nicknameBitchMale
A- Aurora;
- Iris;
- Astra;
- Ada;
- Asha
- Alf;
- Agate;
- Aramis;
- Ike;
- Arch
B- Bella;
- Buffy;
- Bona;
- Beta
- Boomer;
- Bruce;
- Bucks;
- Blues
IN- Vienna;
- Vega
- Viscount;
- Waltz
G- Gerda;
- Gella
- Green;
- Grand
DDiana- Dorset;
- Dakar
TO- Krista;
- Candy
- King;
- Casper
L- Linda;
- Lady;
- Lyra
- Louis;
- Lear;
- Lance
M- Myrtle;
- Mega
- Maurice;
- Mars
O-RPoly- Oscar;
- Ronnie
WITH- Stacey;
- Sophie
- Slice;
- Styx
T- Tiana;
- Taiga
- Troy;
- Terry
UUrsa- Uri;
- Ulf
Sh- Sherry;
- Shella
- Shah;
- Chateau
E- Esta;
- Ellie
- Elvis;
- Andy
YU- Yuna;
- Utah

Photo review

As you can see from the photos of representatives of this breed, small puppies are funny, and adult dogs are proud and elegant. At any age, Dobermans feel noble blood. They are always alert, ready to protect their owner.

The Doberman is a dog that was named after its creator. There are a fairly small number of breeds in the world that owe their name to a specific person who participated in their discovery. The beautiful Doberman dog is very elegant, stately, graceful, has quick response, power.

Individuals of this breed are super working dogs; they have an impeccable reputation when working with the police, performing the role of security guards, etc.

History of the breed

This breed was formed in Germany at the end of the 19th century. However, at that time individuals of this breed were called Thuringian Pinschers.

Regardless of the fact that the formation of these dogs occurred relatively recently, there is no exact information about the origin of this breed. The information that Doberman bred these dogs is not recorded anywhere; for this reason, the history of the dogs is based solely on speculation and their similarity to other breeds.

The idea of ​​breeding a suitable service dog arose in the Doberman at the moment when he, occupying the proper position of night policeman and tax collector, realized that no breed could fully satisfy his requirements. He wants to have a hardy, intelligent and alert dog of medium size and smooth fur.

F. L. Doberman always visited dog shows, where he was looking for an animal that could give rise to the dog he dreamed of. It is assumed that in the early stages of the crossbreeding process, shepherd dogs were used.

However, debates about who exactly are the ancestors of this breed continue to this day. Dobermans act as the focal point positive characteristics, which are characteristic of different breeds.

The first name of this breed was changed in 1894, and these dogs began to be called Doberman Pinschers. In the middle of the 20th century, the final official name breed - Doberman.


The excellent Doberman breed is characterized by strength and elegance at the same time. The height of the dogs is slightly above average, there is no obvious massiveness or coarseness. Individuals of this breed are superbly built and very graceful. The breed is characterized by a predominant black or dark brown color. There are rusty and tan marks on the chest, in the throat area, on the cheekbones, near the eyes, on the limbs and thighs.

Individuals of this breed, about whose temperament there are numerous rumors, alarm some, and cause admiration for others. However, these dogs will not leave anyone indifferent.

These dogs perfectly combine tenderness, love, protection and hunting qualities. Representatives of the breed are involved in the life of their owner and his family and always want to be aware of what is happening. For these dogs, absolutely everything that surrounds them acts as personal property. It is this attitude that can explain the incredible desire to protect and provide protection.

The entire Doberman dog breed is characterized by the following qualities:

  • vigilance;
  • power and intelligence;
  • fearlessness;
  • limitless energy;
  • lack of aggression and ferocity.

This is the result of the activities of breeders who corrected the dog’s disposition, directing it to be more peaceful and friendly. Individuals of this breed get along well with children.

At the same time, if a dog senses danger, instead of good nature, determination, courage, and readiness to protect its owner with all its might immediately appear.


Diseases of individuals of this breed are caused mainly by genetic defects. Healthy dogs live more than 15 years. The owner's main task in this case is to regularly visit the veterinarian. Representatives of the breed are predominantly diagnosed with:

  • allergies;
  • diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  • hereditary diseases;
  • narcolepsy.

Specifics of maintenance and care

When a Doberman puppy appears, caring for it takes a significant amount of time, both from the owner and from members of his family. If the house is Small child, then it is necessary to make a reservation about the pet so that they, completely by accident, do not cause harm to each other. Even an adult should lift an animal exclusively with 2 hands: under chest and by the hind legs. This will provide protection against your pet falling.

Finding himself in a completely new environment, separated from his mother, the puppy will whine a lot for a couple of nights. As experts recommend, in this situation it is best not to take your pet into your bed, since in the future it will not be easy to wean the animal from this. However, there is still a way out: you need to put a bottle of water in the place where the baby sleeps. warm water, which is wrapped in a woolen blanket. Such a warm lump will remind the puppy of the warmth of his mother.

Doberman dog, the characteristics of the breed indicate that it can become great friend and companions, both for adults and for children, can be kept both in an apartment and in a house.

Adults of this breed do not require any special care. A short-haired dog should be combed once a week with a special brush or rubber mitten to remove dead hairs. Your pet should be bathed once every three months. In this case, you need to dry the wool thoroughly with a towel.

List of regular hygiene measures, consists of trimming nails, examining and cleaning ears, eyes, and teeth. It is not uncommon for representatives of the breed to have their tails and ears cropped. This makes caring for your pet even easier.

The Doberman needs significant exercise. Slow walks are not suitable for him; exclusively active entertainment and constant training satisfy the dog’s need for movement.

Individuals of this breed are afraid of significant frosts and heat. It is necessary to constantly ensure that your pet, especially a puppy, does not lie down on a cold floor covering. If the animal is in an outdoor enclosure, it should stay in the shade. Walking in the heat should also be avoided. Although the character of the Doberman is such that he wants to run, play and have fun in any weather.

Individuals of this breed are unpretentious in nutrition. You can feed them ready-made feed or natural food. The main thing is that the pet does not overeat and receives the required amount of nutrients.


Raising representatives of the breed is a fairly responsible process, which is directly related to socialization. From the moment the animal appears in the house, it is necessary to consistently introduce it to each member of the family, guests, and strangers.

The dog must have the opportunity to contact other pets and animals during walks. The owner should introduce the dog to different situations, for example, with transport, large crowds of people. This is how the animal can learn to calmly relate to everything that surrounds it, without showing aggression.

A detailed description of the Doberman breed indicates that individuals of this breed have very developed intelligence, for this reason they are easy to train. However, in the process of communicating with an animal, you cannot punish it, express aggression and anger, since the pet may move away from the owner and stop trusting him.

The external characteristics of a dog are not yet a reason to get one. Before you buy yourself a quadruple friend, it is worth understanding the character, features of training and maintenance of the breed. In our article we will talk about the Doberman, and at the same time we will refute several myths about these dogs.

Doberman - official a dog that combines elegance and strength. From the very beginning, when this breed was bred, it faithfully served people. From the police, firefighters, rescuers - everywhere there was work for this brave breed.

Formation of the rock

It is impossible to fully understand the character of a dog without knowing which breeds were used in breeding work.

The founder of the creation of these dogs was Carlos Doberman, in honor of which it received its name. The foundation of the breed was the so-called “butcher’s dogs,” or Rottweilers, as they are commonly called today. Unfortunately, there are no exact records of the criteria by which dogs were selected, but it is reliably known that the main quality of breeding should be excellent obedience and protection of the owner.

Breeds such as the herding dog, the now defunct Thuringian Shepherd and the Wemorian hunting dog were also involved in the selection work.

The fully formed breed was recognized only after the death of its creator in 1898 and the name of the breed was changed from Thuringian Pinscher to Doberman Pinscher.

Gallery: Doberman (25 photos)

Lean, with good muscles, long limbs - Dobermans attract everyone's attention. The muzzle is slightly elongated with blurred features, the ears are high-set and erect; by the way, their shape has changed throughout the existence of the breed. The chest is wide and deep, with a sloping croup and prominent withers. The dog weighs from 40 to 45 kg, and its height at the withers is from 68 to 72 cm. Males are much larger than females.

The nature of the breed can depend on many factors. Let's see what characteristics it consists of:

  • Character is the main traits that are inherent in all representatives of a given breed. In other words, this is totality psychological traits and physical qualities. It is almost impossible to influence these qualities.
  • Temper is one of the components of character, it can be adjusted. This includes the attitude towards other people, the Doberman's aggressiveness, friendliness and distrust of strangers.
  • Personality is a characteristic of each individual dog. Here we can talk about the peculiarities of her mentality and behavior.

And if we take into account that their blood contains an admixture of Rottweilers and Pinschers, then we can expect such manifestations as:

  • passion and determination;
  • strong hunting instinct;
  • devotion to family;
  • high intelligence;
  • distrust of strangers;
  • protection of the borders of their possessions;
  • courage.

Each dog will be different. Even if there are two dogs in the litter with the same temperament, then personal qualities they will be completely different.

Manifestation of aggressiveness

You can often hear that Dobermans - evil dogs, But actually it is not. A real Doberman is always gentle with his owner and his family, and a child is as dear to him as his own puppy, especially if it is a female. Males will also take every possible care of the youngest member of the family and will not let a stranger near him.

The aggressiveness of this breed, unless, of course, it is a situation where it is necessary to stand up for the owner, suggests that the breeder could only pursue material gain. Dogs exhibiting genetic instability of the psyche, as well as aggressiveness, should be eliminated from the breeding process. But unscrupulous breeders, in order not to miss their profits, neglect this. They turn a blind eye to the fact that if the puppy shows aggression towards humans and other dogs, reacts to external stimuli hostility - he is a potential killer, and not the calm Doberman he should be.

The second reason for aggressiveness is improper upbringing. If a person severely punishes a puppy from infancy or develops a fighting disposition in it, this will not lead to anything good, since the dog will believe that aggressiveness is a normal reaction.

Doberman is a very smart dog, he perfectly understands what they want from him. Easy to train, gets along with other dogs in the family. Loyal to his owner, he does excellent guard duty.

In order for a puppy to be kind and subsequently acquire self-control, the owner must understand that training and socialization are necessary. Even if the main reason for getting the dog is security.

Dobermans have practically no undercoat, so the ideal place for him to live would be an apartment, but in no case an aviary. This breed needs physical exercise and long walks. To quickly wean your puppy from furring in the apartment, you need to walk him 5-6 times a day, gradually switching to walking him twice a day. Easy to care for, it is enough to comb the fur once a week with a soft massage mitten and wipe with a damp cloth.

Doberman - devoted friend And faithful defender to your family. Distrustful of strangers, he is very gentle with his own. Always be on guard - you don’t have to worry about the safety of your property. If we talk about how long Dobermans live, it depends on the quality of food, care and physical activity. On average 12−15 years.

There is a common belief that Dobermans are aggressive and ferocious dogs. This is fundamentally wrong.

Modern representatives of the breed are distinguished by strength, elegance, grace, and devotion. But they are only suitable for a trained owner who knows how to properly raise a pet.

Everything or almost everything about Dobermans in detailed review Further.

The breed is named after its creator Friedrich Louis Dobermann, which is extremely rare in cynology. He was a German tax collector. Due to my dangerous profession, I wanted to breed a service dog for escort and protection.

He kept no records of his work as a breeder. Therefore, it is not known for certain which breeds and in what sequence participated in the development of the new service dog. It is confirmed that the creator used (then they were called pinschers), herding dogs such as Shepherds, Blue Danes and English Mastiffs.

So, in the 70s of the 19th century, he bred an animal with a fearless and ferocious disposition - the Thuringian Pinscher. After the death of the creator of the breed, its name was changed to Doberman Pinscher. Soon only his last name remained in the name.

Otto Heller became a follower of Friedrich Dobermann. He worked to reduce natural aggression. Thanks to him, we know these pets as they are now. The range of their use is no longer limited to security and search services.

In 1897, Geller founded the first breed club. At the beginning of the 20th century, the breed was widespread in the USA, England, Canada and Russia, where it was used for police work. In 1960 it received international recognition.

Exterior description

FCI standard No. 143 dated 02/14/1994 “Dobermann”.
Group 2 “Pinchers and Schnauzers, Molossians, Mountain and Swiss Cattle Dogs.”
Section 1 “Pinchers and Schnauzers”.
Height at the withers: for males 68 – 72 cm, for females 63 – 68 cm. Medium height is desirable.
Weight: for males approximately 40 - 45 kg, for females approximately 32 - 35 kg.

Doberman breed standard:

  • the muzzle is narrow, similar to a blunt wedge;
  • cheeks are always plump, sagging or bulging is excluded;
  • medium sized eyes, brown color, shape – oval; brown representatives have lighter eyes;
  • the ears are straight and set high, standing up;
  • the description of the Doberman Pinscher breed requires docking of the tail and ears;
  • the fore and hind limbs are muscular, powerful, long and straight;
  • the elbow joint is not everted, the paw pads are round and resemble those of a cat;
  • the coat is short and hard, there is no undercoat;
  • Acceptable color is black or brown with tan in strictly defined places: on the muzzle - cheekbones and eyelids, on the chest and throat, on inside hips and paws.

Attention! The breed is distinguished by endurance, grace and elegance, speed and elegance.

How long do Dobermans live? Life expectancy at proper care ranges from 12 to 15 years.

How to choose a Doberman puppy? It is better to buy a puppy from a breeder or kennel owner who can choose a puppy to suit your taste and give advice on maintenance. In addition, having seen the producers (mother and father), it is easier to imagine what the puppy will be like.

Breed lovers are united by regional clubs, and the secretary of a similar club in your city can connect you with breeders who have offspring for sale.

Doberman: breed characteristics, abilities and skills

Modern Dobermans combine courage, strength, intelligence, irrepressible energy, tenderness and love for the owner, and are included in the. They are ideal protectors. Their pathological desire to protect and protect makes everything that surrounds them their personal property. They get along well with children.

Important! In any danger, the pet's good nature will be replaced by courage and determination to protect the owner.

This is a strong, vigilant watchman, although he is not averse to lounging by the fireplace next to his owner. Usually the Doberman copes with any opponent, he is considered one of the best guard dogs in the world. He behaves somewhat arrogantly, but takes his work seriously, picks up the scent well, and makes an excellent search dog.

Doberman Pinscher: The breed's characteristics include a tendency to dominate, which is why they do not get along well with other animals. They are constantly collected, observant, and do not impose their company.

Because of leadership qualities and the wayward nature of the Doberman and must begin from a very early age. Training a Doberman at home should be from a position of strength, the owner should be in charge,

Attention! When training, you should never use force, otherwise the dog will become embittered.

Characterized by a wary attitude towards strangers, so when walking you need to keep your pet on a leash or muzzle. Dobermans practically do not bark; they warn of an attack with a low guttural growl.

Proper care and maintenance of the Doberman can be provided both in the house and in a city apartment. The breed needs to communicate with humans, so keeping your pet on a chain is not advisable.

If you do not devote enough time to your pet, this will negatively affect the character. It is necessary to devote time to walks and physical training. Their strength and health are in movement.

Caring for your pet is very simple. It is enough to comb the wool once a week. You need to bathe once every three months; you can get by with wiping with a wet towel. They shed little.

The animal's eyes and ears should be examined regularly and cleaned as needed. To prevent dental diseases, special bones are given.

Feeding the Doberman

The easiest way to organize the animal’s nutrition is dry ready-made food. It is preferable to choose reputable brands of premium class and above. Don't skimp on food for your pet - this is how you give him a healthy life.

What to feed a Doberman at home? If natural food is chosen, then the diet adult dog must consist of at least 50% meat. The remaining amount is cereals, vegetables, dairy products.

Important! When feeding natural food, it is necessary to supplement the diet with vitamins and microelements.

Advantages and disadvantages

The advantages of this beautiful and proud animal include its loyalty and love for the owner, attitude towards children and his excellent protective qualities.

However, the irrepressible energy of the Doberman must be curbed puppy age guide. The pet needs training, long walks and a lot of attention. When communicating, the owner needs to be the leader, otherwise the dog will get out of control.

Representatives of the breed, especially males, tend to show aggression towards strangers. It is not recommended to start this breed inexperienced owners.

The Dobermann is a born guardian originally from Germany. True friend and a companion for a strong and kind owner.

Additionally, check out the video about the Doberman dog breed: