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Evil dog. The most evil dog: about some breeds

Dachshunds and Chuhuahuas can show the greatest aggression towards humans, but this should not be considered a pattern.

There are a lot of aggressive breeds.
In any of the presented breeds there are positive and negative aspects, but they are all equally evil.

Dangerous - it's about American pit bull terriers

These dogs are prohibited for purchase in several European countries and in some US states, as they top the list of the most evil in the world. The American pit bull terrier earned its fame as a bloodthirsty predator capable of causing fatal injuries to humans only in the late eighties, when the fighting dog began to be used in baiting people.

Pit bull terrier puppies were not designed to guard or attack humans. They are fighting animals; a properly raised animal is absolutely indifferent to people. But if the puppy is deliberately made angry, set against people, then the pit bull’s psyche is deformed, the dog becomes extremely dangerous in some situations for others and for the owner.

  • Height: from 47-56 cm.
  • Weight: from 27-37 kg.
  • Color: except merle color, any color.
  • Price: from 18,000 rubles

Serious and incorruptible Rottweilers

The power and strength of these magnificent animals is felt when you first meet and look at a Rottweiler. The dog has impressive muscles, as if it were all made of trained muscles. A huge mouth with terrifying teeth and a serious, energetic look complete the portrait of a born guard.

The Rottweiler's anger and aggressiveness were specially cultivated in preparation for service in the police or army, so they need adequate education. At overdevelopment Out of anger, a Rottweiler can become uncontrollable and aggressive, including when males begin to feel their strength.

  • Height: 57-66 cm.
  • Weight: 35-60 kg.
  • Color: black and tan.
  • Price: from 15 to 33 thousand rubles.

One of the most evil - Perro de Presa Canario

The third place in the ranking of the most evil dogs is occupied by the Dogo Canary. Stunningly beautiful when he listens intently to something. These dogs have gracefulness, swiftness big cat When they begin to move, large, strong animals have an instantaneous reaction. They were bred as a herding dog, a guard dog, a fighting dog, and few can withstand the attack of the Presa Canario.

But the aggressiveness and anger of the Dogo Canarios, with proper education, are aimed exclusively at intruders and children, they are friendly and loyal, and adore their owner.

  • Height: 56-65 cm.
  • Weight: 41-52 kg.
  • Color: sand, maybe brindle.
  • Price: from 38 to 73 thousand rubles.

Angry and menacing - this is a merciless Caucasian Shepherd

The fame of the Caucasian Shepherd as a vicious, indomitable animal has its reasons. The breed was bred to protect herds, fight wolves and robbers, therefore huge, fluffy dogs have a warlike character high level aggression towards strangers and animals. Caucasian Shepherds do not need comfortable conditions apartments: these are working dogs that need serious exercise.

There is no need to specifically cultivate anger in dogs; after a year they become so large and aggressive that it is impossible to cope with them without proper training.

  • Height: 61-68 cm.
  • Weight: 42-62 kg.
  • Color: red, brown, gray.
  • Price: from 14 to 37 thousand rubles.

The top distrustful pets are occupied by Fila Brazilero

A breed bred for the sole purpose of being aggressive towards humans, the Fila Brasileiro was used in its homeland to bait slaves on plantations. These are such vicious dogs that even if they show aggression in the ring, the judge does not disqualify them, and the Brazilian standard recommends that the judge not touch the dog.

A truly guard breed, representatives of which are difficult to control in public places, Fila behaves softly and submissively with family members. But anyone stranger in the eyes of this dog, he is an enemy who must be destroyed.

  • Height: 60-75 cm.
  • Weight: from 40 kg.
  • Color: brindle, one color, except gray and white.
  • Price: from 45,000 rubles.

Japanese sumo wrestler is the best Tosa Inu in the world

Silent serious dog with the character of a real fighter, possessing an incredible gift: during a fight with an enemy, do not bite, do not tear him, but only press him to the ground - this is the Japanese Tosa Inu. Related to the Molosser breed, these dogs were bred specifically for fighting, but amateurish training can make the Tosa Inu dangerous for people.

Representatives of the breed have a very negative attitude towards other dogs and strangers, and can suddenly attack when faced with a real or perceived threat. An interesting pattern is observed: Japanese dog breeds have more high class than dogs of European breeding.

  • Height: 55-60 cm.
  • Weight: from 40 kg.
  • Color: red, brindle (since 1997), fawn.
  • Price: from 48,000 rubles.

The owner of a chow chow who doesn't know how to joke

Beautiful, fluffy, calm dogs From the outside they look completely harmless, but chow chows are among the ten most aggressive breeds, and most often the aggression is directed at the owner and family friends. This is explained by the fact that the character of the Chow Chow is unique and very different from the character of most representatives of the canine family.

All representatives of the breed have no sense of humor, do not know how to joke and are huge owners. No one can encroach on things that belong to him, and the dog deals quite harshly with anyone who gets in his way.

  • Height: from 46-56 cm.
  • Weight: from 23 kg.
  • Color: black, red, gray, brown.
  • Price: from 18 to 38 thousand rubles.

The best fighters and guards are the Central Asian Shepherd

Possessing enormous height and weight, Asian Shepherds are able to deal with a wolf and protect the territory entrusted to it from the encroachments of enemies. Silent, angry dogs love to let their prey get closer, without barking to reveal their presence, and then deal with it instantly.

The attack of this seemingly slow animal is always lightning fast: Asians instantly turn from a calmly sleeping dog into a monstrous, enraged fury. Due to his enormous physical strength and ability to pretend to be good-natured, Central Asian Shepherd considered an extremely dangerous breed.

  • Height: from 65 kg.
  • Weight: from 50 kg.
  • Color: black, white, red, spotted, brindle.
  • Price: from 15 to 60 thousand rubles.

The most explosive and extremely temperamental of them all is the Doberman Pinscher.

A breed bred as a service breed, focused on apprehending and searching for criminals, is the Doberman Pinscher. Their striking feature is their indomitable, explosive temperament; they are constantly on the alert, impetuous, and merciless. The choleric temperament forces Dobermans to be constantly ready to attack, and their great physical strength requires regular training.

The danger of representatives of this breed lies in a sudden attack on the enemy, and dogs often mistake an imaginary threat for a real one. In most cases, Dobermans' spontaneous attacks on people are not provoked excessive aggression, but the wrong behavior of a person. Well-mannered dogs will never allow themselves to attack the owner, limiting themselves to indignant loud barking.

  • Height: 63-72 cm.
  • Weight: 32-45 cm.
  • Color: brown, black and tan.
  • Price: from 23,000 rubles.

Ranked by cruelty: Dogo Argentino

Dogs of this breed are prohibited from being kept in some countries; the Dogo Argentino is considered dangerous to humans and domestic animals. The breed, bred in Argentina, is the pride of this country, and its representatives can easily cope with any opponent.

Snow-white powerful dogs, protecting their territory, do not need encouragement or special education, they have the instinct of a hunter. In Argentina it is used for hunting large game and protecting territories, and is not considered dangerous or inadequate.

  • Height: 60-68 cm.
  • Weight: 45-55 kg.
  • Color: white only.
  • Price: from 45,000.

There are pros and cons to any dog ​​breed when choosing to purchase a puppy. But large ones vicious dogs require responsible upbringing. They are not suitable as a pet for children, people with weak character or unstable psyche.

Selection criteria

Every reader understands that any dog ​​can show aggression and attack a person. This does not depend on the breed or size of the animal, but on certain circumstances. A lapdog or Yorkshire terrier will growl and even bite if you take away a treat from him.

What then can we say about Rottweilers, who have highly developed guard qualities?

What criteria are used to determine the viciousness of dogs? Scientists have included in the list of aggressors representatives of those breeds that, according to observations, are most prone to unexpected and violent attacks, demonstrating destructive behavior, showing unmotivated asociality.

Unexpected facts

Chow chows and dachshunds are considered good-natured animals that are safe to keep. Indeed, they are calm and balanced, but there are cases where a chow-chow attacked its owner only because he forgot to feed it, and a dachshund crippled a 33-year-old man, taking revenge for shouting.

In general, according to the University of Pennsylvania, dachshunds are the most aggressive dogs! Such conclusions were made on the basis of statistics according to which every 12th dachshund attacks not only strangers.

It is quite clear that this depends not only on the size of the animal or the strength of its jaws, but also on the determination of the dog, as well as the fighting qualities of a representative of a particular breed. The totality of these and other indicators can be summed up in one word - ferocity.

This dog is perhaps the strongest in the world - the weight of individual individuals (males) reaches 90 kg, and its jaws can easily bite tibia large ungulates. There is a known case when in Karelia a Caucasian Shepherd dog single-handedly killed a pack of wolves that had previously terrorized a remote village. The dog got loose at night and ran off for a walk, and in the morning his owner found the “Caucasian” surrounded by scraps of fur and bones of gray predators. In his teeth he squeezed the neck of a seasoned she-wolf, who, apparently, lived longer than the rest. Today it has been reliably established that the ancestor of the Caucasian Shepherd is the Tibetan Great Dane, which in turn descended from large wolves. However, looking at these huge dogs, you involuntarily begin to think that the true ancestor of the “Caucasians” is, after all, a bear. The Caucasian Shepherd belongs to the category of companion dogs, and not aggressive fighters or hunters. She has a fairly good-natured disposition and will never rush at a person first, unless it is a specially trained animal. Therefore, despite its impressive strength, the “Caucasian” only rounds out the top five most ferocious dogs in the world.

4. Boxer

In 4th place in our ranking is the boxer - hunting and guard dog. It is distinguished by its fearlessness and powerful jaws, which inflict terrible injuries on its prey. Modern boxers are descended from the Dutch breed "Bullenbeiser", which translates as "bull biter". In Rus', where the breed was popular among nobles, these dogs were called “bulldogs.” And after crossing them with English bulldogs, very successful dogs appeared - boxers. The dogs received this name because of their unusual habit of fighting not only with their teeth, but also with their front paws. One of the main characteristics of the breed is its pincer bite. It allows the boxer, who has grabbed the victim, to literally hang on him. Cases have been recorded when it was not possible to tear a dog away from a hated enemy even after the death of the dog. Death grip inherited from the bulldog and square shape muzzle allows boxers to rip pieces of meat from their enemies, and then simply wait for them to bleed to death. It is no coincidence that Boxers are called sports dogs for their will to win and the highest fighting qualities.

The third place in our top is taken by the Rottweiler. This is a very serious dog, classified as a guard dog, but it is also one of the strongest fighting dogs in the world. The ancestor of the Rottweiler is the black Swiss sheep, and the breed received its name thanks to the German city of Rot Weil, where it finally took shape. Most Rottweilers are friendly and behave calmly even with strangers. However, it is in this breed that, although rarely, uncontrollable outbursts of rage are noted and in this case the Rottweiler deals with the victim with lightning speed. For example, not so long ago, near Chelyabinsk, a Rottweiler killed an eight-year-old child, instantly biting his neck. The dog was shot, and the motives for such behavior are not fully understood. They may be related to the white spots in the breed's origins. According to one hypothesis, in the old days Rottweilers were trained to guard black slaves, and some dogs perceive certain gestures as an attempt to escape, which prompts them to aggression. Due to their strength and agility, Rottweilers are actively used in dog fights. It is believed that, other things being equal (weight, height, level of training), these dogs have preferable chances in confrontation with Alabais and Dobermans. But in a fight between a Rottweiler and a pit bull, the chances of winning are approximately the same.

The bull terriers we put in second place were bred in the mid-19th century in England by breeder James Hincks. His goal was to create an ideal fighting breed, since it was at this time that bullfighting was banned in Britain, entertainment for the people and ordinary people switched to rat-baiting shows and dog fights. The breeder achieved a brilliant result by crossing a bulldog, a terrier and a Dalmatian, resulting in a muscular dog with a characteristic elongated muzzle. The Bull Terrier is distinguished by its insane courage, death grip, agility, immunity to pain and, oddly enough... intelligence. Yes, yes, contrary to the stereotype, the bull terrier does not rush at everything that moves, but treats the owner and members of his pack (that is, family) with reverence and tenderness. The idea of ​​the irrepressible aggressiveness of the bull terrier arose because of his attitude towards other dogs. Indeed, being a born fighter, he instinctively perceives dogs (especially males) as enemies and competitors with whom he must definitely fight. In such fights, this rat-like baby is able to defeat even much larger individuals, so it legitimately takes second place in the ranking of the most ferocious dogs.

But we put pit bull terriers or, in common parlance, pit bulls, in the honorable first place. These dogs have a bad reputation because there are many cases where they killed people. Not long ago in Nizhnevartovsk a pit bull gnawed its throat to his own master, and it all started with fun game which turned into a tragedy. This breed is so dangerous that it is prohibited for keeping and breeding in many countries of the world, including Soviet Union. Pit bull terriers were bred on the basis English bulldogs about three hundred years ago. It was supposed to be a strong and aggressive guard dog, but the breed turned out to be so ferocious that pit bulls were subsequently actively used in dog fighting. As practice has shown, only a few dogs can resist them in the arena or in a street fight. There are some chances against a pit bull, except for representatives of the above-described breeds from this rating. And even then, before the Caucasian Shepherd gets angry, in order to truly aggressively confront the pit bull, he will have time to tear out her Adam’s apple, which often happens during dog fights. The Pitbull is a born fighter, ready to fight at any time of the day or night. Despite their increased aggressiveness, these dogs are actively used by the military, customs officers and even special services. Without a doubt, this is not only the most ferocious, but also one of the most intelligent dogs peace. Pit bulls have a well-deserved reputation as ruthless killers, so you should stay away from them and think ten times before getting such a dog at home.

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At the dawn of his evolution, man sought to domesticate wild animals. One of the first was the wolf, the ancestor of our modern dogs. By breeding new breeds, scientists strive to achieve the strength and endurance of these formidable rulers of the wild.


Have the researchers been able to obtain desired results? Is there such a breed that could defeat the indomitable forest lord? This question can be answered by studying in detail the ranking of the strongest dog breeds in the world.

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The most strong breeds dogs



Bull Terrier(terrier family)- means "Bull", bred in Great Britain. Very well proportioned. An active, friendly breed, but outbursts of aggression are uncontrollable. The Bull Terrier is devoted to its owner and is easy to train. The breed is recognized as the strongest in the world.

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Staffordshire Terrier (Amstaff) - a mixture of terrier and bulldog, bred in the USA. The muscles are very well developed. They have a unique ability to distinguish odors. Animals are incredibly loyal and do not feel pain at all. With the right approach, they are well trained.



Boxer- a mixture of Bullenbeiser and Bulldog, the breed was bred in Germany. Smooth-haired, large dog. Balanced and loyal, loves children, very playful. Requires constant physical activity, is an excellent watchman.
The Boerboel is a European fighting breed that was once brought to Africa. A large breed characterized by aggressiveness. If you don't train a dog, it can constantly attack a person. Their breeding is prohibited in Denmark.



Dogo Argentino - a mixture of ten breeds, bred in Argentina. Despite their muscular body and menacing appearance, the animals are very smart, docile and calm. They are not a fighting breed. The main purpose is hunting and protection.



Rottweiler - service breed, bred in Germany. A large, strong dog with strong character. Fearless animal, inquisitive, gets along well with children.



Great Dane - a service breed, bred in Germany. A very large animal with an incredibly kind character, for which the dog received the nickname “gentle giant”. The breed is absolutely not aggressive, rather lazy. Excellently trainable.



Siberian Husky - a service breed, bred in the USA. The ancestors are the Far Eastern local dogs. By external signs the animals are very similar to wolves. Distinctive feature are the eyes different colors. They do not accept training; they can only be trained through play. Interesting! Although the USA is the officially registered country where it was bred this breed, the actual homeland of the husky is Russia.



Doberman pinscher - a service breed, bred in Germany. An elegant and strong animal, it has incredible responsiveness and fearlessness. This earned him the nickname “devil’s dog.” The dogs are aggressive, but can be trained successfully.



Dogo Canario - guard breed, bred in Spain. Despite the dog's rather menacing appearance, it is not aggressive. Very smart, dexterous, and becomes attached to its owner for the rest of its life.



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Shar Pei- An ancient Chinese breed, previously widely used as a fighting breed, but over time it turned into a universal one. This is an intelligent, strong and calm animal, attached to its own and distrustful of strangers. Shar Peis need special training because they can be too aggressive towards other dogs.

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Rating strong dogs The world, of course, does not end there. Its most prominent representatives are presented here. But let's return to the wolves. Is a dog strong enough to defeat a wolf? Hardly! We also need the primitive anger that drives wild animals at the moment of mortal combat. But what about anger among representatives of the canine family? What dog breed is considered the most evil in the world?


The most evil dogs in the world



Staffordshire Terrier - a guard breed bred in the USA. A downed, muscular animal. Has strong character, tries to please his master. But he has a pronounced hatred for strangers and is very dangerous.

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Pakistani Mastiff or Gul Dong- fighting breed, bred in Pakistan. Incredibly muscular and flexible. A very aggressive, almost uncontrollable animal. Cannot be trained. The dog is capable of attacking.

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Pit bull terrier - a fighting breed bred in the USA. Very developed muscles. These animals are strong-willed, passionate, and have a strong fighting spirit. It's quite easy to lose control of this animal. It is capable of attacking and is therefore prohibited for breeding in many countries.

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Brindisa fighting - a little-known fighting breed, bred by the Albanian mafia. Obtained by crossing four various breeds. External data is not pinned. By nature, dogs are violent, aggressive and ferocious. Complex in nature, uncontrollable. They have no special attachment to their owner.

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Caucasian Shepherd - guard breed, bred in the Caucasus. This breed is more than two thousand years old. According to legend, they come from ancient state Urartu. A large, long-haired animal with a ferocious character. The breed requires special training, without which the dog is capable of attacking.



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Rottweiler- guard breed, bred in Germany. A large, strong animal with a strong-willed character. These animals are very hardy and love to work. The protected area is considered personal space. They are among the most evil breeds, but only in relation to strangers.

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Doberman Pinscher - guard breed, bred in Germany. The animal is of medium height, strong and muscular. Has an amazing sense of smell and instinct. Attached to the owner's family. In relations with strangers, the dog is vicious and uncontrollable.
It would seem that anger and aggressiveness large breeds dogs is understandable. But what about studies that show that such breeds as Chihuahuas and dachshunds are not inferior in aggression, and maybe even exceed it? But they are one of the smallest. Yes, the wolves should think about this. But the eternal dispute between dogs and wolves will probably never end. Determining the strongest and most vicious dog breed, as it turns out, is not so easy.

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Indian Mastiff (Tibetan Mastiff, Tibetan Molosser) - This is a very ancient breed of dogs, they are powerful and strong specimens, capable of withstanding a serious opponent and surviving in quite harsh conditions environment.


The power and strength of these animals has become a household word. They can become wonderful companions and comrades, but if you want to have them as pets, take into account their personality and physique. Indian Mastiffs are quite demanding animals. They should be given a lot of attention; they require appropriate living conditions - a lot of free space.


Also remember that most representatives of this breed will decide for you who is your friend and who is your enemy, and while protecting you and your property, they are capable of reacting aggressively even to your friends.


As the famous song says, “A dog only bites because of a dog’s life...”. As a rule, the character of a dog depends on the upbringing and attitude of the owner towards it, but there are breeds of dogs that have fighting qualities “in their blood”. These dogs must be handled with the most care, with great patience, without allowing yourself to raise your voice when training, or, worse, hit the dog. The most dangerous dog breeds include the Staffordshire Terrier, Doberman Pinscher, Pit Bull, Rottweiler, Bull Terrier, German Boxer, German shepherd, Pakistani Mastiff, Chihuahua, Chow Chow.

A dog of this breed - born guard, the protector of the home, therefore treats guests with distrust, demonstrating his dissatisfaction with a growl. The dog recognizes only members of its family, allowing them to caress and stroke it. Under no circumstances should strangers do this! The Staffordshire Terrier can mistake a friendly gesture from a stranger for aggression and use its sharp fangs. A dog of this breed is not only an excellent guard, but also a tireless fighter who will fight until victory. The dog's favorite technique is to grab his opponent by the throat, gradually squeezing his jaws.
The Staffordshire Terrier needs an owner who is decisive and confident in his abilities, who will keep the dog “on a short leash.” Otherwise, this dog will feel like the master of the situation and will dictate its terms to people.

Like a dog guard breed, the Doberman is characterized by such character traits as fearlessness, self-confidence, instant reaction to any sound, insight, keen hearing, keen sense And high speed running. At the same time, a Doberman (especially a female) can be impulsive, intolerant of others - both people and animals, and sometimes show discontent and aggression.

Many people believe that the Doberman Pinscher is a very aggressive and vicious dog by nature. But that's not true. The Doberman is very attached to its owners, and with all its might it demonstrates its love and tenderness to them. But as soon as the dog feels a threat to its owners (for example, a conversation with a neighbor in high notes), it is immediately ready to defend itself. Therefore, you only need to walk your dog on a leash and always wear a muzzle. But since the dog of this breed is unusually smart, it does not rush into battle immediately, but first assesses the situation.

American Pit Bull Terrier

This dog has long been used for brutal dog fighting and hunting large ungulates. Because of his complex nature, the pit bull is banned in some European countries, as well as in Australia. In Germany, strict records are kept of all dogs of these breeds, and owners must regularly pay a fee for their maintenance. Those who are just planning to get a pit bull need to obtain permission from the police station.

The character of this dog depends entirely on its upbringing.. It is unacceptable to shout at the puppy or hit him - he will certainly remember this and may take advantage of the opportunity in the future to take revenge for childhood insults. This dog's memory is excellent. At the same time, with proper upbringing and proper training, the pit bull will remain a friendly, playful and inquisitive dog.

At the same time, owners who deliberately instill aggression in a puppy (ostensibly for protection) are inflicting on themselves disservice. A pit bull that cannot control its emotions may attack them themselves.

These strong, hardy dogs need an owner who is strict but fair, who can put the dog in the right framework and discipline it. As a rule, Rottweilers choose only one owner from family members, to whom they are selflessly devoted. But the dog also treats other family members with good nature. But the Rottweiler does not favor strangers, so it is better for friends and acquaintances to keep their distance from him. The dog may mistake any careless movement of the guest for an attack on the owner’s property. The dog treats pets condescendingly, especially if it has become accustomed to them since childhood. puppy age. But on a walk he can show aggression towards other dogs and cats, bursting into deafening barks and rushing towards the animal with far from friendly intentions.

This is a fighting breed dog, whose ancestors participated in bloody dog ​​fights, rat baiting, and hunting large animals. Therefore, the character of this dog is truly gladiator. The Bull Terrier is brave, even reckless, independent, active, but at the same time capricious, loves affection and attention to his person. If the owners love their “fighting” pet, often pet it, and praise it for its success in training, then the bull terrier will respond to them with friendliness and devotion. But you need to be prepared for your pet’s activity, restlessness, curiosity, and its ability to poke its nose everywhere. Long walks in the fresh air will help moderate the activity and mischief of a bull terrier.

This dog is often used for security purposes, so it can be found in car parks and guarded warehouses. Boxers' ancestors were used for bear baiting, thanks to their ability to close their jaws on an opponent's throat and hang on until they fell lifeless. The watchdog qualities of a boxer, with proper upbringing, are combined with friendliness towards household members, spontaneity, and touchiness. The boxer is very smart, and therefore knows how to achieve what he wants. This breed is considered dangerous due to the boxer’s distrust of strangers, upon seeing whom he begins to bark loudly and break loose from the chain.

Despite its balanced, friendly nature, the German Shepherd, like any other large breed of dog, can be very dangerous if handled incorrectly. There have been cases when a shepherd dog attacked its owners who shouted at it for some offense. You need to be careful if there are small children in the house. Puppies of this breed are very playful, and they may well choose a child as an object for play. At the same time, the puppy will play with the baby, as with his peers-puppies, biting and pouncing to throw him to the floor.

This dog is fearless, it subtly senses any hostility towards itself or towards its owner. Therefore, she can attack an ill-wisher without warning. Aggression can be shown towards people who are intoxicated.

This breed, developed in Pakistan, is still used in that country for hunting and dog fighting. This dog is very strong and resilient, has a powerful physique and a distrustful character. The Pakistani Mastiff is a rare and little-studied breed, but has become known as one of the most dangerous breeds dogs in the world. If they don’t like something, they immediately rush to defend their rights. An inexperienced owner will not suit the Pakistani Mastiff; only a firm hand can raise him correctly. You cannot have other animals in the house where the mastiff lives.

This dog radiates good nature and calmness with its entire appearance, but the character of the Chow Chow is very complex. Good-natured with family members, the dog can bite a stranger who has the temerity to pet it, or attack him, trying to crush him under himself.

It ranks tenth in the ranking of the most dangerous dogs, not so much because of its harmfulness and tendency to aggressive behavior, but because of its unbalanced character. Indeed, sometimes it is difficult to understand why a dog sitting good-naturedly on its owner’s lap suddenly begins to growl and bite painfully. Dog handlers explain this imbalance gene mutations breeds

Dog handlers in many countries around the world are unanimous in the opinion that most often the reason for the aggressiveness of dogs lies in humans, namely, in the improper upbringing of four-legged pets. Common mistakes include insufficient socialization, frequent and unreasonable punishment of the pet, short and inactive walks, and attacks from ill-mannered children. But not only these factors explain the behavior of the most angry dogs. Many breeds are on this list due to genetic predisposition.

Dominance aggression – the desire to become the leader of the “pack” – occupies a leading place among various types dangerous behavior. Owners of representatives of large breeds make active attempts to control such manifestations, but owners of medium-sized dogs do not. Although most bites and attacks on people are related to small dogs. Therefore, the list of the most evil breeds Dogs in the world include four-legged pets of various sizes.

South African Boerboels are powerful, large and dominant dogs. They are formidable and loyal guards who will always bark when a stranger approaches. Making excellent use of their enormous size and strength, they selflessly protect the owner and the entrusted territory.

Representatives of this breed get along well with other animals in the family and get along quite well with children. But as soon as they leave their home, they expand the boundaries of the territory they protect. They are aggressive towards other four-legged animals, and given the fact that their weight adult can reach up to 90 kg, the result of their attack can be serious injuries and even the death of an animal. Aggression can be either territorial, possessive, or dominant. If the owner cannot take a leading place in the hierarchy, then his pet will very quickly get out of control and turn into a monster.

In some countries, these fighting dogs are prohibited from breeding.

The pit bull is a representative of the fighting breed, whose aggressiveness over the past many years they have tried to reduce at the genetic level. Pitbulls are tireless fighters with a steely fight. Outwardly, they are often compared to the American Staffordshire Terrier, but representatives of this breed have a so-called fighting spirit, excitement, which makes them especially dangerous to other dogs and people.

Excitement during a fight allows them to act at the edge of their physical capabilities. Courage and extreme courage best characterize these dogs. Pit bulls are of the dominant type: if they are handled incorrectly or brought up gently, situations may arise aggressive behavior pet.

The Caucasian Shepherd is a common and very popular service dog, which is actively involved in the protection of various objects. Caucasians are enterprising, vigilant and distrustful of others. A well-trained dog can emerge victorious in a fight even with a group of attackers. He is able to sneak up unnoticed from behind and attack with lightning speed if he has identified a person as a trespasser on his territory. Shepherds react especially negatively to unbalanced people who are prone to scandals or are in drunkenness. It is not recommended to have a Caucasian for people who will not be able to dominate her and devote enough time and money to raising her.

Rottweilers are reliable and powerful service dogs in their constitution. They have a calm character and a balanced psyche. And yet, they also made it to the top of the most aggressive breeds. This is explained by their intolerance and anger towards other dogs. Rottweilers also do not tolerate scandals in the family well; a tense emotional situation can become a catalyst for aggressive behavior.

The dog is quite wary of all strangers, so puppies must not only be socialized in a timely manner so that aggression does not increase with age. And as an adult, it is recommended to gradually accustom your pet to friends and family acquaintances.

Fila Brasileiro are excellent bodyguards and very dangerous dogs. They are usually characterized by a severe character and increased aggression. The breed is characterized by natural distrust and protective instincts. They are capable of rushing to defend their owner and territory with particular fury if they feel threatened. Phil quickly assesses the degree of danger, and then reacts harshly and mercilessly to the current situation. They make their own decisions even before the owner’s order. Such independence is very dangerous for others.

Fila may react by growling or barking even when someone tries to speak or touch them. They instinctively attack vital points of the body. Among photos of other evil breeds, they occupy an honorable place due to their powerful bones and proportional physique.

The Chow Chow rightfully ranks among the most evil dogs in the world. They are one of the oldest breeds in the world and are genetically very close to wolves, which explains their behavior. Many are misled by their original plush appearance. They are actually quite aggressive creatures. Especially if the owner, when training, emphasizes the development of security skills, the chow begins to fiercely protect everyone he loves. Chow chows warn approaching strangers with a throaty growl that they should not do this. A determined dog will attack the enemy at the slightest provocation.

An outburst of rage towards other animals on the street can occur suddenly, so the owner must constantly closely monitor his pet. If a Chow Chow gets into a fight, he will selflessly fight to the end.

Bull Terriers are dangerous fighting dogs with a very extravagant character. Their mood changes at lightning speed depending on their lively temperament. It is important to socialize dogs as early as possible, since the fear of the street inherent in many puppies of this breed gives rise to aggression and activation of natural instincts.

Representatives of this breed are quite loyal to people, but they are not always friendly towards other four-legged brothers. They are characterized by a high degree of conflict towards their own kind. Moreover, they attack without any warning signs. Bull Terriers were bred exclusively as a fighting dog with low sensitivity to pain, steel jaws, a compact powerful body, fearlessness and ferocity when participating in specialized fights.

The American Staffordshire Terrier is a breed that was bred to produce an aggressive and courageous dog. Severe and tough amstafs rarely leave anyone indifferent with their impressive appearance and physical strength. Low threshold pain and absolute fearlessness make them the most dangerous opponents in battle. These true fighters were created for battles and bloodshed. Nowadays they are used mainly to guard private houses, however, the fighting past due to genetics is still evident in the breed. Amstafs have a contradictory character; they are brave, selfless, distinguished by lightning-fast reactions and ruthlessness. They are rightfully included in the top of the most evil dogs in the world.

The Dogo Canario is a powerful fighting breed with a high degree of aggressiveness. Great Danes belong to the average phenotype, they are proportionally built and have a strong strong bone structure. The dog has a huge physical strength, therefore it poses a threat to both other four-legged animals and people, especially if the Great Dane has not been trained correctly.

Great Danes clearly define the boundaries of a protected area or environment. They love calm and strive for total control. Therefore, the invasion of strangers is perceived negatively by Canarian dogs and does not bode well for the trespasser.

The Hungarian Kuvasz is a good guard and shepherd with a very interesting and impressive appearance. But this breed did not become widespread due to the difficult nature of its representatives. In terms of the complexity of her temperament, she can be compared with Caucasian Shepherds and Rottweilers. To reduce the degree of aggressiveness when raising Kuvasz dogs, socialization before the age of 3 years is very important.

This ancient herding breed is characterized by fearlessness and a high degree of devotion to its owner. Proud and moderately distrustful, Kuvasz become rude and harsh when mistreated. In addition to a hypertrophied sense of ownership, they are distinguished by a strong independence, so it is especially important to systematically work with a dog handler to correct their freedom-loving disposition, which quickly turns into aggression.

Not included in the top 10, but worthy of mention

Below we describe breeds whose evil disposition is not as pronounced as that of dogs that took an honorable 10 places in our ranking, but it is worth talking about them.


Despite their compact size, these burrowing dogs are serious danger for others. Statistics collected around the world say that every 5 dachshunds have tried to attack other four-legged animals or strangers at least once in their life. Cases of attacks on owners, although less common, are also present.

This breed of dog cannot be called very dangerous for humans. As with other participants in this rating, we're talking about about the pet’s tendency to show aggression due to genetic factors. As a rule, unwanted behavior in dachshunds is associated with human harshness and improper puppy training methods.


Papillons are the living embodiment of the statement about appearance being deceptive. These are charming decorative dogs They give the impression of being kind and calm creatures. In fact, the degree of aggressiveness of Papillons is very high. When contacting this breed, you should especially be wary of children. These small dogs quickly become irritated, do not tolerate disrespectful treatment and bite painfully.

The increased viciousness is also explained by the strong jealousy of pets towards their owner. They always sensitively guard their owners and attack strangers or other dogs if they think their owner is in danger.

Jagdterrier is German hunting terrier, a breed bred in the 30s of the twentieth century, specifically for hunting. The small size of jags should not mislead others about their friendliness and easy-going nature. Jagdterriers can rightfully lead the top of the most evil small dogs.

They are absolutely fearless and resilient, and treat any stranger with extreme caution. Representatives of this breed will protect their owner even at the cost of their own lives. You can try to reduce their aggressiveness through early socialization and persistent and firm training.

These tireless hunters can chase and attack animals many times their own size; once they smell game, they will never let it go. Strong teeth and steel muscles turn Jagdterriers into living weapons. Lack of education and a dominant owner are the main mistakes of yagd owners, which can cost them dearly. If the family already has a small dog or other small pet, it is not recommended to get a Jagd Terrier. Their acute hunting instinct can lead to tragedy even during play.


Spaniels are bright representatives aggressive dogs small size. In the case of this breed, we can talk about a genetic predisposition to uncontrolled aggression. This is especially true for male Cocker Spaniels and Springer Spaniels. Males of uniform color are prone to attack not only other animals, strangers, but even on their own owners. It is almost impossible to correct this rage, if it is clinical in nature rather than behavioral.

However, most often the viciousness of spaniels is associated with improper upbringing, unbalanced nutrition, stress and fear. By adjusting these points and with the help of an experienced dog handler, the increased aggressiveness of spaniels can be eliminated.

Jack Russell is a high-speed dog whose main purpose is to chase and drive the animal. She is ready to chase literally anything that moves. Small size is often compensated by a difficult character and increased aggression. For a terrier, the reason for an attack can be a sidelong glance from a stranger, a loud voice, or simply a person’s leg hanging from the sofa.

Dogs of this breed need a lot motor activity per day, ideally several hours-long walks. Not all owners have this opportunity; as a result, the unspent energy of the four-legged animal is transformed into open anger towards others.

In the video you can often see angry Jack Russell dogs chasing various animals. It is important to wean terriers from chasing cats and other living creatures, since as a result of such a chase the pet itself may suffer.