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English bulldog: description of the breed, its pros and cons, character of the animal. English Bulldog: choosing a puppy What documents are needed for an English Bulldog puppy

If you want to buy an English bulldog, you must understand these animals. This will help you choose a dog that will match the qualities stated for the breed.

To purchase an English bulldog, contact a specialized nursery. You can also purchase a puppy at the official exhibition, which is held by the Russian Cynological Federation. If you purchase a puppy at a bird market or from a private person without breeder status, be prepared that it is simply a cross between several breeds. This dog could become a great companion, however, will not be able to take part in exhibitions.

Now decide what type of puppy you want. Show-class pets are highly valued. They are needed for participation in exhibitions, for breeding, and also have high breed standards. If you need a dog for spending time together, a dog show career for your pet is not of interest to you, then it makes no sense to overpay when purchasing such an animal. Next come the breeding class puppies, which meet the breed standard; they are suitable for breeding, but their price is less than that of the show class. The pet class is lower in classification. Such bulldogs cannot participate in exhibitions, but they become good pets.

Buy an animal at the age of one and a half months, no less. If you want to be sure that the puppy meets the breed standards, it is advisable to adopt it later, for example, at three months.

Don't forget to check the nursery's documents. Each parent of the dog must have a verified pedigree. This will come in handy if you later want to show your dog. The bulldog must have a fully completed “puppy card”, which you can later exchange for a pedigree.

Examine the animal to ensure it matches the breed. At two months the English Bulldog should have quite short legs, wide chest. An overly voluminous belly and long limbs are often a sign of non-compliance with standards. In this case, the coat differs significantly from the normal coat for an adult dog of this breed. It is silky and thin, which cannot be considered a disadvantage of an animal if it is not yet three months old. You need to focus on the behavior of the puppy - the animal should not be too hyperactive or cowardly. A bulldog should normally be phlegmatic and calm.

When choosing an adult dog (more than a year old), check it for compliance with various standards. The height of the dog at the withers should be forty centimeters. An indicator that differs by more than five centimeters is considered a serious defect. Also, the color must comply with the rules - white spots are not allowed on animals of the same color. Other defects that lead to disqualification include a long muzzle and underdeveloped jowls that do not completely cover the teeth. If these defects are present, the dog is best case scenario can be classified as a pet class. If you buy such a dog, it will not be able to produce offspring with a confirmed pedigree.

The appearance of a puppy in the house cannot but be justified for you, the future owners. Puppies bought in one breath, as a rule, do not always have enough happy life. Therefore, I suggest that you answer a few questions for yourself before going to the viewing. Having passed this “test”, you may postpone or reschedule the viewing, but if you are a cultured enough person to call the puppies’ owners back and report this, we will always be grateful to you for this.

So think about it:

  • Why do you need this dog?
  • Does your financial situation allow you to keep a dog?
  • Who will walk the dog?
  • How happy will your household be with your purchase?
  • Gender of the dog (males have a brighter appearance than females).
  • If you have successfully found positive answers, I suggest continuing directly about bulldogs.
  • Do you know the characteristics of the breed? (Bulldogs snore, and not always only in their sleep. Snoring increases in strength and volume with age).
  • The dog is easy to care for and is comfortable for living in an apartment.

What class of bulldog do you want to buy?

  1. Show class: for exhibitions, i.e. You are going to devote a sufficient amount of time to exhibitions (handling classes - exhibition preparation - will be added to the concerns common to all classes of dogs about your new household). A show dog requires regular show training classes. Any dog ​​absolutely loves its owner, especially a bulldog, so you can conduct training sessions with the puppy yourself. And, of course, exhibitions mean not only cups and awards, but also trips and expenses. You must be prepared for this. There is a category of buyers who want the “best”. This class is also for them.
  2. Breed class: for breeding (frequent, but definitely visiting KSU exhibitions once a year to obtain admission to pedigree breeding is not excluded, and you will most likely find the future “bride” or “groom” for your pet there).
    For both of these classes, it is mandatory to have a document of origin, i.e. puppy card of a generally established standard.
  3. Pets class: for yourself, i.e. “on the sofa” (as a rule, when buying a dog inexpensively, the owners still face the problem of mating, and subsequently do not spare money to buy a more expensive puppy). Dogs of this class also have a pedigree, but with the mark “not for breeding use.”

As a rule, when buying a puppy, this clause in the “Purchase and Sale Agreement” will save you from misunderstandings. In many nurseries, potential-show is added to this word. At shows, the puppy’s assessment is “Great prospect.” This, first of all, means that what the puppy received from the breeder must be continued by you with the same tenacity.

The gradation by class is not official, and only an expert or breed specialist can reliably determine the quality of the puppies. Not every litter contains show-class puppies. Confirmation of a show or breeding class from 3 months can be an exhibition rating of “Great Prospect”. Naturally, the price of puppies in a litter may not be the same. It ranges from show to pet class. A puppy, the price of which is relatively low, should arouse your suspicion, since mating “for health” is impossible, because childbirth by caesarean section This is far from good for the dog's health. If you choose a bitch, then do not chase after spontaneously giving birth - daughters do not always repeat the exploits of their mothers and vice versa.

If you decide to go, good luck.

How to choose a puppy?

If you have decided in advance on the parameters (gender, color, temperament, etc.) that your bulldog should meet, then inform the breeder about this. The choice will be easier to make. If you choose a show or breed class dog, then contact a breeder at a club or a professional kennel.

English bulldog puppies are sold by breeders 45 days after birth after registration in the club. At this point, the puppy should have a puppy card and a brand (and/or animal identification chip). You have come to choose a puppy. The picture may be different. The condition of the puppies' mother indicates how she was fed during pregnancy and lactation and what your future puppy received accordingly. In this case, the dog, naturally, must be healthy. Often, bitches begin to shed after feeding their puppies.

Condition and condition of the puppy. A belly indicates the presence of helminths in puppies or poor quality nutrition, which results in neither condition nor health. Why am I dwelling on this in particular? After all, in order for a beautiful and healthy dog ​​to grow up, it is necessary to put in a lot of effort, and every day in its life plays a certain significance. What you can subsequently give to the dog begins with the breeder.

Find out from the owners what and how often the puppies eat, and whether their mother feeds them. Can they eat from a bowl themselves and what? When was the last feeding (if the size of the belly bothers you). The answers to these questions will enable you to formulate an idea of ​​your health. future dog. If you have never kept dogs at home, I recommend inviting one of your friends or acquaintances - dog owners - to view it for a real assessment of the situation.

When choosing a puppy, pay attention to both temperament and activity. Don't buy lethargic, dirty puppies. Don't rely on pity or sympathy. Pay attention to the coat - it should be smooth, without bald spots. There should be no discharge from the eyes or nose. The ears should be clean and the skin should not be red. The puppy must be clinically healthy. If the puppies were sleeping before your arrival, then wait until they are fully awake. Ask the price and its variations in the litter or tell what class or what you need the dog for. An experienced breeder will recommend it, because he knows the puppies better than you. If anything bothers you, postpone the purchase.

Find out if there are documents for the dogs, that is, puppy cards, and whether the brand number on the puppy matches what is written in the document. Look at the photo of your parents and say goodbye. If you really need this dog, then you will definitely come back to us.

While thinking and preparing to buy, I recommend making a list. In it, in two columns, you will write down everything that your pet can or cannot do. In raising dogs, you need to understand only one thing: what is possible once is always possible, and, accordingly, what is impossible now is never possible. Ask all households who are expected to interact with the dog to add additions to the list and not break the rules.

It is very convenient to hang this piece of paper on the refrigerator under a magnet, and if you forgot something, you can always supplement the rules for the most desirable behavior of your future dog.

If you have made a strong-willed decision to purchase a puppy you like, then let us know, as others will probably like it too.

What does a puppy need to buy?

Litter. Bedding for a bulldog should not be too soft or hard. The covering is also important, as leatherette gets hot in the summer and too cold in the winter, and a faux fur covering can cause irritation or allergies. The bedding should be easy to wash regularly so your dog will remain clean. It is advisable that the bedding has sides, as the dog will feel more comfortable in it.

Diapers. Currently, in any pet store you can buy absorbent diapers for animal toileting. Diapers for dogs and puppies are spread on the floor in places where the puppy can empty himself. They come with an attractive scent.

Bowls. Two bowls are needed: for water and for food. Bulldogs eat from bowls on the floor. The sides of the bowl should be high so that the dog does not spill food or spill water while drinking. Choose the size according to the puppy's age. Plastic bowls will still have to be replaced several times throughout the dog’s life. This depends not only on the intensity of eating and growth, but also on your puppy’s inevitable love to chew on something else. The water bowl should always be there, but always remove the food bowl after feeding. To prevent the bowls from “driving” around during meals, place a rubber mat under them.

Toys. Toys can be of any shape, except for spherical ones (they can disrupt the shape of the bite) and those that the puppy can pull with his teeth while holding his paws. They should not be too small, because the puppy may choke.

The materials from which professional companies produce toys are developed specifically taking into account the characteristics of dogs. These toys will be a little more expensive, but the difference can sometimes cost your dog's health. Toys made from natural materials, i.e. Dogs love bones and ears, but they must be given under supervision, as in the process of eating they soften and can stick to the dog’s palate.

Dog care products. Shampoo and conditioner for washing your dog, although it is not recommended to bathe your puppy immediately after rehoming. It is enough to wipe it with a damp cloth. You should not buy food, as the brand will be recommended to you by the breeder.

Choose a secluded place in the apartment where the dog will not be disturbed by resting and there will be no drafts or heating devices.


Nickname As a rule, the puppy already has an official nickname, which is given to him at the club upon activation. If you are lucky and managed to choose your puppy before the activation, the breeder will inform you capital letter future nickname of the puppy. The pet name may be shortened from the nickname (for example, Gabriella Gabi Gabusya Busya) or may not correspond to the passport name at all (for example, Hercules Grisha). Bulldog nicknames are distinguished by their diversity. Many owners call bulldogs by human names, thus expressing their intelligence.


Should you punish your puppy?

Yes. The question is how to do it. A rolled up newspaper will get rid of a fresh problem for a while, but the constant direction of the puppy’s actions with intonation will help you quickly find mutual language. Don't change your rules. Be consistent and tolerant. Talk to your puppy more. Praise for everything that can be praised for. They love it.

Why punish a puppy?

If you played with old slippers the previous evening, then you should not be offended by the puppy for chewing your favorite shoes (for him, these items smell the same). Punishment follows for any manifestation of aggression or disobedience. As a rule, the concept of the structure of dog families will give you the opportunity to better navigate. Let's remember (or re-read) R. Kipling's book "Mowgli". In it we will be interested in the structure of a pack of wolves. Hierarchy is clearly accepted by dogs as the basis of behavior. At the head of the pack is the leader - you! Then males, females, puppies, there is a place for your dog. Try to teach your dog to respect all family members, especially children. As a rule, bulldogs are very fond of children. But children also need to be taught to respect the dog’s resting and eating time. Don't punish the dog in its place. This is her “home” safety. There is also the concept of adequacy of punishment, when the degree of guilt and punishment are equal. Take this into account in your communication.

Does a dog understand human speech?

Regular communication with your bulldog will definitely bring results. Your friends will be pleasantly surprised by the coincidence of the dog’s actions with your phrases in the imperative mood.

The puppy's first days in the house

Do not take your puppy home on the day of vaccination. This will create additional stress for the animal.

On the day you are going to bring the puppy into the house, you need to do a wet cleaning.

After arriving from the kennel, let the puppy look around a little. Do not invite friends and acquaintances until you have been vaccinated and completed post-vaccination quarantine. If the puppy has already been vaccinated (and this depends on the age of the puppy), then still give him the opportunity to get used to the household for at least the first week of his stay in your house. Do not call the puppy all together and do not give him incomprehensible commands. Stick to the list of rules, because you created them yourself. If the puppy can already walk outside, then do not allow strangers to feed or touch him, do not let the dog off the leash, and do not let him meet other dogs. I don’t recommend taking treats for walks; don’t teach your dog to eat outside.

Show the puppy bowls of water (it should be there all the time) and if it’s time to feed him, then feed him. Do not move bowls, feed the dog in a certain place and according to the schedule. Show him his place to rest. If the puppy recovers in an unnecessary place, then remove and place the diaper where he can do it freely. Subsequently, you will learn to determine the time of recovery, and you will carry the puppy to the diaper. Afterwards he will go there himself.


It is necessary to feed and walk according to the schedule. If this is an axiom with walking and feeding (first a walk, then feeding), then the puppy has the right to decide for himself when it comes to games. Try not to actively play with your dog after eating. It’s better to let her chew on a tasty bone. Good mood dogs will be a reward for your efforts, and will indicate that the puppy is healthy.

Collar, leash

You can accustom your dog to a collar quite painlessly by putting on a cord for the first time, in which the puppy will be in the house under your supervision. The lace must be removed when sleeping at night. You need to buy a collar and leash based on the size of your dog. Leather collars with fastenings are convenient. They have holes along the entire length of the collar to increase the size of the collar as the dog grows. Various metal collars are not suitable for a puppy. A medium-sized leather leash or a tape measure for more convenient walking and training are also convenient.


Vaccinations are done according to age veterinarian. Before vaccination, the puppy undergoes an examination general condition health, since vaccination is done only healthy dog. The breeder will inform you about the vaccination schedule. After vaccination, it is not recommended to bathe or overcool the dog.


After completing vaccinations, 10 days later you can start going outside with your dog. To start walking, choose a quiet place where people don’t walk stray dogs, where there is no roadway, and, of course, not on the playground or in the yard.

Each walk with the puppy should be educational and have an educational load. Praise your dog often. Dogs also perceive praise as support. If your dog is confused or frightened by something, calm him down with stroking and intonation. Do not bully your bulldog or encourage aggression. I do not recommend taking treats with you outside, so as not to teach your dog to eat outside. Communicate, guide the puppy’s actions with intonation, and be consistent. A bulldog has a specific appearance, so the reaction of others will be ambiguous (both people and dogs). Try to walk with other dogs as little as possible until the puppy gets used to you. Later you will find a company of other owners whose dogs your bulldog can play with. When choosing company, give preference to dogs that match your temperament. The period of socialization begins at 6 months. During this period, it is necessary to visit more crowded places with the dog on a leash, preparing it for exhibitions, adult life and introducing you to the world around you.


Toilet includes caring for fur and folds, claws, and ears. To care for the coat, it is enough to wipe the dog after a walk with cloth (first wet, then dry). In order to wet a damp cloth, prepare a solution of water and vinegar in advance (1 tablespoon of vinegar per 1 liter of water). The same solution is suitable for wiping folds. After wiping, wipe the folds dry. If the skin in the folds is red or darkened, use talc or baby powder to dry it. During walks, teach your dog to brush himself with a special rubber brush; as a rule, dogs love this very much. You should bathe your dog with shampoo and conditioner at least once a season, after the coat is completely dry, although this can be done more often. You can bathe your dog in an open reservoir only in running water (this will save you from additional problems with health).


Most bulldogs cannot swim. There are "floating" individuals, but this is rather an exception to the rule. But nothing can stop your bulldog from walking along the shore and collecting various “interesting” things in his opinion.


Beware of hot weather, open sun, and lack of drinking water for the bulldog. Don't leave your dog in the car! In hot weather, with heavy continuous breathing, a lump of dense saliva accumulates in the bulldog's throat. It's easy to remove. It is enough to rinse your mouth with a solution of water and citric acid not a strong concentration (can be replaced with lemon juice). IN drinking water You can also add a little of this solution in hot weather. This will reduce the amount of water you drink.

Behind claws You don't need to watch too much. If the paws are positioned correctly while walking on the asphalt, the claws themselves will wear off evenly. During your veterinary examination, ask the doctor to check the condition of your dog's nails.

Ear care includes inspection for damage, redness and amount of wax. Excessive amounts are removed with a cotton swab.


At home, you can teach your dog all the basic commands. To consolidate them, repetition is necessary both at home and on the street. For training in any special courses I recommend contacting professional trainers, which will be recommended to you by the club or the breeder. Don't poison the bulldog. This can lead to irreversible consequences for you and your dog. If you coped with the initial recommendations and everything worked out for you, then congratulations on your new love and interest in life YOUR BULLDOG. We welcome you to our friendly company.

Outwardly, the English Bulldog is stern and unapproachable. In fact, this squat and powerful dog is quite aristocratic, conservative, obedient and calm. But the path to a well-bred and loyal pet always begins with choosing a puppy. In this article we will tell you what criteria you should use to choose an animal, how much English bulldog puppies can cost, how to adapt a new family member to a permanent place of residence, and how to properly care for your pet.

The Bulldog comes from aristocratic England. Experts believe that the dog is a descendant of the Alan (Viking dog) and the Old English mastiff. How to choose the right puppy? Popular colors of the breed are brindle, red, red and white, spotted and dark mask. You can purchase a bulldog at a special exhibition, by meeting its parents and breeders, by contacting the canine federation, which has a list of clubs, or by posting an advertisement.

Even before purchasing, it is advised to decide whether your pet will take part in exhibitions in the future. If yes, then it is worth getting advice from a specialist who is well versed in this breed. If you plan to keep an animal for your hobby, it is important to take it into account external features and character. If you choose a baby at home from a breeder, you should really get to know his mother in order to assess the potential of the future pet. It is necessary to determine the sex of the animal.

Any English Bulldog is a wonderful puppy, but a female will have a more docile disposition, she is careful and easy to train. A male of this breed is less cautious, curious, stubborn, and has a cocky character.

Approximate cost of a puppy

The cost of bulldogs without documents varies between 2.5–5 thousand rubles, and in this case we are not talking about the purity of the breed. The price of a puppy that has everything Required documents, today is about 23–35 thousand rubles. If the owner, guided by his capabilities and ambitions, wants to purchase a future champion and prize-winner of exhibitions from titled parents, he will have to pay about 40–70 thousand rubles for such a pet.

Related article: History of origin and description of the Jack Russell Terrier breed

Adaptation of a puppy at home

The touching puppies of the phlegmatic and imperturbable bulldog are very smart (they can remember about 300 words), loyal, inclined to dominate, but treat other pets with understanding, love children, and grow up to be good protectors. To ensure that your baby’s adaptation to your home goes smoothly, you should establish rules of behavior from the very beginning.

It is recommended to encourage the good character traits of a new family member in the process of upbringing with a friendly tone and goodies. The bulldog loves to please its owner and will remember commands if you treat him well. You need to regularly communicate with the animal and conduct training.

Your pet must be given time to get acquainted with the new territory, family members, and other animals, if any. Early socialization and training are very important for a bulldog, otherwise he is prone to show aggression. From the first days in the house, a pet should know where its place, bowl, and toys are.

Caring for a Small Bulldog

For your baby, it is recommended to purchase bowls for food and water with high edges, a rubber mat under them, and absorbent diapers for toilet training. The bedding should not be too soft or too hard, made of artificial fur or leatherette. A bulldog will need a bedding with a hard side, on which the puppy will be happy to lay his head. You also need to buy shampoo, a cloth for wiping wool, and toys. Feeding puppies after mother's milk should consist of dairy products and milk porridges, lean meat, unsweetened vegetables and fruits.

You decided to get a dog and you liked a cheerful, plump puppy of the breed English bulldog. But how do you choose the puppy, the one that will become yours? First of all, you need to know where to find an English Bulldog puppy.

You can contact the Russian Cynological Federation and they will tell you which cities and clubs have this breed, and give you the addresses. It is better, if possible, to find out when there will be an exhibition where you can see these dogs. Here you can see the best representatives of the breed and meet the breeders. Perhaps it is at the exhibition that you will find a puppy for sale and even see its parents. You can also find advertisements in newspapers or magazines.

And now you already have the addresses, and you are going to look at the puppies. The first question that the breeder will ask you, and before that, perhaps, you have already been asked this at the club: what class of puppy do you prefer, do you want to buy a future champion or just a dog “for the soul”? You must be prepared for these questions.

The fact is that having a dog's pedigree does not guarantee that you are buying a cool English bulldog. Only a specialist can advise you on this or that puppy, which may grow into a champion in the future, provided that you invest a lot of effort, time and money into the dog.

If you are sure that you will never bring yourself to take your dog to shows, you need the "pet" option.

In our country the most early The day when you can pick up a puppy from the breeder is the activation day, which falls on the 45th day from the birth of the puppies. As a rule, puppies are examined directly at the club where the breeder brings them. But this can also happen at the breeder's home. This the best option, because you will be able to see the mother, see where and how the puppies are kept. As a rule, the bitch has a shabby and unpresentable appearance. She is thin, with drawn-out nipples and really with some kind of sad look of a tired mother. Don't be alarmed - this is what any bitch usually looks like after giving birth and prolonged feeding. But despite this, she should look well-groomed.

When the puppies are released to you so that you can choose one of them, do not rush to point to the first one you like. The one who approached you first may simply not suit your character. It’s better to ask the breeder about each of them. All puppies are different, and perhaps it is precisely because of the story about their behavioral characteristics or after observing them for a while you will be able to settle on one of them.

Another question that you also need to decide in advance is whether you want a male or a female? The difference between the sexes in any dog ​​breed is very large. The male is certainly a bright representative of the bulldog breed. In appearance, he is much more interesting and impressive than the bitch. Wider, more powerful, larger. He is always in shape, proud and important. He is not characterized by the empty fussiness of bitches; he has an easy-going character.

It cannot be said one hundred percent that females are more affectionate and loyal. This is just a common opinion, especially since English bulldogs are not very loyal in general. But bitches bleed, as a rule, twice a year and some inconveniences are associated with this. In general, English bulldogs are very concerned about their “private life”, and it is not so easy to walk with an exact dog, which, moreover, is not averse to running away with someone from its “retinue”. In addition, females are usually more cunning than males.

If, presumably, the owner will be walking the dog, one must also take into account the fact that keeping a male dog on a leash is much more difficult.

The fact that a Bulldog bitch will give birth to her own kind is also often a good reason why people choose a bitch. This can happen both because of mercantile considerations - “the bitch will always feed herself”, and because of the simple desire of the owners to tinker with the puppies.

So, the choice is yours.

Be sure to ask what the puppy was fed. If it was dry food, take some food for the first time until you buy it yourself. At the same time, it will be much more difficult for the puppy to endure a change in food and environment.

You can take a small cloth that will smell like the place where he was born, his brothers and sisters. Then the puppy will be more tolerant of separation.

If the dog is not bred, the breeder will give you a puppy card, which you will exchange for a pedigree after your bulldog reaches one year of age. To do this, you may have to visit the exhibition at least once.

I must add that most people who decide to buy a puppy “for the soul” are sure that they will never exhibit it. And they take it only for themselves. But time passes, and they realize that the puppy has already grown into a beautiful and full-fledged dog. “Oh, how I want to show it to everyone!” - this thought often comes to mind. But when you and your pet appear at the club’s exhibition, it turns out that such well-groomed and beautiful dogs A few dozens. And to top it all off, the judge sends your dog to the back of the ring with a “good” rating. How many times have I seen situations like this. Think again about whether you care what your bulldog looks like. If only he were a bulldog?

If the puppy you are adopting is three months old, it is a good idea to ask if the puppy has had any vaccinations. If yes, then it's worth asking veterinary passport, the dates when vaccinations and deworming were done should be indicated there.

And now some advice for those who are planning to adopt an English bulldog for exhibitions or breeding.

First of all, you need to prepare yourself for the fact that it may take more time than you would like. Do not forget that only a specialist from the club will help you choose a puppy with whom you could go to shows in the future. I must say once again that the presence of a pedigree does not guarantee the future high-breeding of the puppy sold to you. Only a person who has been involved in the breed for many years and has extensive practical experience can see him as a champion, and even then without 100% certainty.

Trying to choose a puppy yourself, without the help of a specialist, is unlikely to be crowned with success. Moreover, in any case, a 45-day, or even three month old puppy- it's something like a lottery ticket.

However, it would be useful for any buyer to know what is valued in a dog’s exterior. And which, on the contrary, is a disadvantage in the breed.

To do this, be sure to carefully read the English Bulldog standard. It is better, so to speak, expanded with comments on the shortcomings for each item. And although then you will simply be inconvenient to look for all these shortcomings in this little fat snub-nosed lump who will run out to meet you, you will have to concentrate and try to collect in your memory everything that you read the day before. After all, you choose not only a friend (undoubtedly a friend!), but also the object of your future pride on the exhibition Olympus.

There are four very important features. First, look at the face. The bridge of the nose should be short. Often the crease covers the bridge of the nose, but don't mind it special attention. The “stop” is important to you (see standard), it should be short. When studying the standard, pay attention to what is said about the jaw: “The jaws are wide, massive, square (!), the lower jaw is pushed forward and curved upward (!), forming a well-defined chin.” The puppy should have this too. Lower jaw should not “crawl out”, it should be closed upper lip. Although an English Bulldog puppy, as a rule, does not have this defect (the so-called balcony), it can appear over time, being inherited.

Further, the skull is wide and flat. The ears, if you again read the standard carefully, “...are wide to the sides.” The English Bulldog's ears should not stand on top of the head with the tips slightly drooping. This may seem funny, but it is wrong.

The body is very important. It is desirable that the puppy be square in shape with the croup raised upward.

And the last thing is temperament. The show is not only a dog competition in conformation. This is a show where the innate dignity of your bulldog can simply mesmerize both the expert and the audience. Conversely, cowardice, an eccentric character or malice can bring you such an unpleasant surprise as removal from the ring.

Other defects, as a rule, will not be visible in little puppy, but may appear over time.

"English bulldog" O.V. Shilomagina-Kavun
No part of the article may be reproduced without written permission from the author and the Delta M publishing house.