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Sharp pain just above the navel. Pain above the navel and nausea

Pain in the middle of the abdomen provokes various pathological conditions. If the middle of your abdomen hurts, should you worry? And what could this mean?

Pain in the middle of the abdomen, which manifests itself at night and worsens after hunger, is a clear sign, stomach ulcers or ulcers duodenum.

If the pain appeared in the middle of the abdomen and after a few minutes began to spread further - along chest and began to radiate into left hand, then this is pain, indicating a disruption in the functioning of the cardiovascular system.

Pain in the middle of the abdomen occurs in people from overeating, as well as after experiencing emotional shock or stress.

But, in most cases, pain in the middle of the abdomen occurs as a result of gastritis. So how do you understand what discomfort, concentrated in the middle of the abdomen - these are malfunctions gastrointestinal tract.

The cause of pain in the middle of the abdomen is gastritis

The cause of pain in the middle of the abdomen in 80% of cases is gastritis.

So, gastritis is inflammatory process, concentrated on the inner mucosa. It is this pathological process that leads to disruption of the complete functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.

Causes of pain in the middle of the abdomen

Pain in the middle of the abdomen occurs for the following reasons:

  • Stress;
  • Increased emotionality;
  • Depression;
  • Voltage;
  • Violation of the daily routine;
  • Violation of nutritional culture - consumption of fast food, as well as harmful low-quality food;
  • Smoking;
  • Alcohol;
  • Penetration of bacteria Helicobacter pylori into the body;
  • Human autoimmune diseases can provoke inflammation of the mucous membrane;
  • Irregular meals;

Symptoms of abdominal pain

External signs of the disease are:

  • Vomit;
  • Nausea;
  • Heaviness in the abdomen;
  • Pain in the middle of the abdomen.

If you do not pay attention to the symptoms and ignore abdominal pain, this can lead to the formation of a stomach ulcer or inflammation of the duodenum. These diseases will then be much more difficult to eliminate.

Treatment of pain in the middle of the abdomen

Pain in the middle of the abdomen, but below the navel:

  • Cystitis;
  • Endometriosis;
  • Inflammatory process in the pelvic cavity;
  • Uterine fibroma;
  • Benign or malignant formations genitals;
  • Ovarian cancer;
  • Irritable bowel;
  • Aneurysm abdominal aorta.

Women are at risk for abdominal pain. Their discomfort may be directly related to gynecological diseases.

Doctors also provide another list of suspected causes of pain in the middle of the abdomen.

  • Chronic hepatitis;
  • Hernia;
  • Dysbacteriosis;
  • colitis;
  • pancreatitis;
  • pleurisy;
  • diarrhea;
  • erysipelas;
  • cervical erosion.

Patients who come to the doctor very often complain of pain in the upper abdomen. Every person has probably experienced similar sensations. The reasons for such discomfort can be very different.

Let's talk first about pain in the upper abdomen on the right. They occur much more often than in the opposite area, due to the presence of such important organs like the liver and gall bladder. In addition, part of the intestine is located on the right. If any of these organs is injured or diseased, it will hurt top part belly.

Liver damage

Heart failure, infection, and chemical agents cause swelling of the liver, which causes a nagging pain that is felt deep inside and not on the surface. In this case, the discomfort remains constant.

Gallbladder damage

Stones in this organ bad job liver infection can cause pain in the upper abdomen. Painful sensations, unlike those that occur in the liver, are characterized by intensity, causing excessive sweating and even nausea.

Kidney pathologies

As you know, the kidneys are located on the sides, and therefore, if they are damaged, pain most often occurs in the back. However, in case of illness right kidney, the formation of an abscess, stones, abscess in it, blood clot There may be pain in the upper right. If the cause of discomfort is small stones coming out of the kidneys, the pain can be extremely painful, paroxysmal and radiate to the groin area.

Intestinal inflammation

If the part of the intestine that is located in the right region of the abdominal cavity becomes inflamed, a person experiences pain in this area. Similar phenomenon occurs quite rarely. The pain resembles spasms, lasting a couple of minutes, stopping, and then repeating again. Along with this, intestinal dysfunction in the form of constipation or diarrhea may occur.

Pain in left upper abdomen

This area contains the spleen, stomach and part of the intestines. The spleen is located quite close to the surface of the body. If, as a result of a lesion, the organ enlarges, its capsule stretches, which causes pain. Unpleasant sensations aching character can also occur in the stomach as a result of irritation of its mucous membrane due to poor nutrition, drinking alcohol, If pain in the upper left abdomen persists for more than a day, immediately visit a doctor - this condition may indicate an ulcer or even stomach cancer. But don’t be alarmed, such diseases are rarely diagnosed; most likely, you have developed gastritis. In addition, discomfort in the abdominal area on the left can be caused by accumulated

Pathologies of the pancreas

There is inflammation stretching across the entire upper zone of the abdominal cavity, which can lead to pain in the left, middle, and right areas belly. Its damage occurs as a result of the development of a tumor, when exposed to toxins, as a consequence of long-term use of steroids and diuretics. The pain in the upper abdomen in such cases is quite sharp, deep, accompanied by a rise in temperature and nausea.

Pain in the middle of the abdomen can appear with a variety of pathological conditions. It can be a consequence of banal overeating or consumption of stale products, as well as a symptom of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

To give an accurate assessment of such a condition, the assistance of a doctor with the appropriate specialization is necessary. To determine the cause of the phenomenon, competent diagnosis is required, since a huge number of organs are localized in the middle of the abdomen, the pathologies of which manifest themselves through different symptoms. Abdominal pain can also be caused by damage to an organ located in a completely different area. In this case, there is so-called radiating or radiating pain.

Pain in the middle of the abdomen may be accompanied by the following: pathological processes occurring in acute or chronic form:

  • intestinal colic;
  • pathologies of the large and small intestines;
  • previous injuries;
  • development of malignant neoplasms;
  • pathological processes infectious nature, for example, dysentery or salmonellosis;
  • inflammation of the pancreas;
  • irritable bowel syndrome;
  • herniation;
  • abdominal vascular diseases;
  • inflammatory process in the abdominal cavity;
  • increased emotionality;
  • depression;
  • experienced tension;
  • irregular meals;
  • abuse tobacco products and alcohol.

This group of organs holds the palm among possible reasons pain in the middle of the abdominal cavity.

Along with abdominal pain, symptoms such as diarrhea, vomiting, general state weakness and lack of appetite. The inflammatory process is caused by bacterial infection, development in the body viral infection, food poisoning, as well as intoxication of the body alcoholic drinks, drugs or helminths.

If the patient is bothered by pain in the middle of the abdomen in the area above the navel, then this symptom can be caused by:

  • stomach problems (such as ulcers);
  • ulcerative lesions of the duodenum;
  • cancer processes in the stomach;
  • gastritis.

Pain localized in the middle of the abdominal cavity below the umbilical zone is explained by the following pathologies:

  • development of the inflammatory process in the bladder;
  • endometriosis;
  • inflammatory process in the pelvic organs;
  • uterine fibroids;
  • benign or oncological tumors genitals;
  • ovarian cancer;
  • abdominal aortic aneurysm;
  • irritable bowel.

In some cases, the situation develops in such a way that pain occurs in the upper abdomen. This scenario is possible if painful sensations projected onto upper section abdominal wall from abdominal organs such as the gallbladder, pancreas, spleen, stomach or liver. Painful sensations in the upper abdomen may indicate pathology spinal column or abdominal walls.

Pathologies of the cardiovascular system (CVS)

Pain in the upper middle of the abdomen can be interpreted as a symptom developing diseases organs of the chest cavity. For example, pain syndrome in the epigastrium or, as they say, in the pit of the stomach may be a sign of myocardial infarction, and pain under the ribs on the right side may be a symptom right-sided pneumonia. The quality in the area of ​​the ribs can be called sharp and chronic form hepatitis A, chronic cholecystitis, pancreatitis, acute pneumonia or acute heart attack myocardium.

Diseases of the cardiovascular system, which cause pain in the middle of the abdominal cavity, are among the most life-threatening for the patient. This could be, for example, an abdominal aortic aneurysm. Similar condition dangerous due to rupture of the vessel, which will cause severe bleeding in abdominal cavity. At the same time, the patient feels strong pulsation abdominal tissues.

Cancer cell formation

According to experts, during the development of the oncological process for a long time, there are no signs of pathology. Their appearance is facilitated by developed complications of the oncological process, including:

  • compression of nearby organs by a growing tumor;
  • tissue death;
  • bleeding;
  • the appearance of a through hole in the walls of hollow organs.

Complications of this nature usually appear on last stage development of the disease. Pain in the middle of the abdominal cavity can be caused by cancer tumors in the small and large intestines, as well as the pancreas.

As additional symptoms The patient exhibits: a state of weakness, anemia, weight loss, stool upset and bloating. Painful sensations in case of development malignant process are dull and oppressive in nature. The pain does not stop and can spread to other abdominal organs.

Abdominal injury

The stomach may hurt due to trauma, external manifestations which is difficult to notice. An example of an abdominal injury is a strained abdominal wall muscle after excessive exercise.

Along with pain from injuries, the patient may experience minor hemorrhages and tissue swelling. Wherein greatest danger represent damage to the abdominal organs. Such injuries can be caused by bruises, falls, blows from any object, as well as concussions. Can complicate the situation internal bleeding and developed peritonitis. In addition to pain in the middle of the abdomen, symptoms and which are accompanied by heaviness.

What to do if you have stomach pain

Severe pain in the abdomen does not always threaten the patient’s life. However, to avoid complications caused by possible pathology, it is recommended to consult a doctor immediately. More details about You can find out in the article on the topic.

If the painful sensations are not intense and are not accompanied by concomitant symptoms, and the patient feels stable, you can turn to more narrow specialists, including:

  • therapist;
  • gastroenterologist;
  • surgeon;
  • urologist;
  • traumatologist.

When contacting a specialist, it is necessary to talk about the nature of the painful sensations and their exact location. The pain syndrome can be acute or gradually increasing in nature, resemble a dagger strike or resemble. Pain in the abdomen may be accompanied by a rise in body temperature, vomiting, flatulence and bowel dysfunction.

All symptoms play an important role in making a diagnosis and prescribing treatment. If the pain in the middle of the abdomen suddenly stops or becomes less intense, it is necessary to determine the exact cause of the condition.

Only guided by the results of the examination of the patient and his tests, the doctor will be able to prescribe appropriate treatment and relieve the patient of the illness that provoked the pain syndrome.

Pain always takes us by surprise. Unpleasant sensations in the upper abdomen can ruin all plans and lead to real suffering. As you know, the upper abdomen is an area where several vital organs are located, so pain in this place may indicate a number of pathologies - from to.

Note: if the pain lasts more than half an hour, you should immediately consult a doctor, since taking analgesics will only temporarily relieve the symptoms, but will not eliminate the cause of the disease.

Overeating and stomach pain

Overeating is one of the most common and relatively safe reasons abdominal pain. In particular difficult cases it can lead to chronic pain and function failures digestive tract. Frequent consumption of other products containing lactose may result in intolerance to lactose-containing products.

Love to fatty foods can also cause heaviness. Such food provokes increased gas formation, which often leads to damage to internal organs and problems with stool. Abdominal pain associated with overeating is acute and can last 3-5 hours, after which it gradually subsides.

Pain in the upper abdomen: what do they indicate?

Most often, pain under the breasts indicates a dysfunction of the gastrointestinal tract.

Note! The strength and intensity of unpleasant sensations in this area can directly depend on the location of the nerve endings in the damaged organ.

To better understand how pain forms and spreads in this area, it is necessary to become familiar with the different areas of the abdominal cavity. These include:

  • epigastric or epigastric zone - covers the area from the sternum to the navel;
  • left and right hypochondrium– located to the sides of the epigastric zone;
  • mesogastrium - the area around the navel;
  • lateral areas - located on both sides of the mesogastrium;
  • suprapubic zone - covers the lower abdomen to the place where the pubic bones connect;
  • iliac fossa - left and right suprapubic region.

Pain in the epigastric region is not necessarily associated with organs located in the upper abdomen; it can spread here and from other areas. Often it becomes difficult to determine its source.

The nature of pain in the upper abdomen in diseases of the esophagus

If the cause of pain is a dysfunction of the esophagus, then the pathologies most likely affect its peritoneal part. It is 1 to 3 cm long and occupies the area between the stomach and the diaphragm.

Another cause of pain is disruption of the sphincter - the muscle between the esophagus and stomach.

When there is a malfunction of the sphincter, pain is often felt in upper area abdomen 1-2 fingers to the left of center. For other pathologies of the esophagus - in the lower part of the sternum, behind it, at the top of the abdominal cavity. Sometimes it hits you in the back.

The stomach is one of the causes of pain in the upper abdomen

Above and to the right, the stomach is in contact with the liver, and the pancreas is located behind. Some parts of the organ are located near the spleen, intestines and omentum. It is worth noting that the size of the stomach, as well as its relationship with neighboring organs changes depending on whether it is empty or full.

The stomach is connected on each side by sheets of peritoneum, so even the slightest spasms of this organ are accompanied by severe pain in the upper abdomen.

Pain due to spasm and stenosis of the gastric pylorus (sphincter pathologies) is characterized by:

  • aggravated by overeating, after eating, especially solid foods ( usually after 1.5-2 hours);
  • localization slightly lower and to the right of the epigastrium;
  • average intensity and frequency;
  • with sour contents (usually after a heavy meal);
  • belching and...

Since the surface of the stomach is covered with mucous membrane from the inside, and muscle fibers are located between the outer and inner layers, spasms can be evidence of pathologies of the outer layer of the stomach and inflammation of the mucous membrane itself.

The mucous membrane of the stomach contains a huge number of cells that are responsible for the normal functioning of the organ. The most important role During the digestion process, cells that produce hydrochloric acid necessary for the breakdown of food. At normal functioning organ acid does not damage the walls of the stomach, but disturbances acid balance often leads to inflammation of the gastric walls -. In this case, the patient complains of moderate, prolonged pain in the upper abdomen (under the stomach). It is characterized by hunger pains that subside after a small meal.

With the development of destructive changes and the appearance of a defect in the mucous membrane, pain occurs either on an empty stomach or half an hour to an hour after eating. At the same time, hunger pains only intensify with eating. The patient may experience heartburn, vomiting of acidic contents, a feeling of heaviness in the abdomen,.

When the ulcer is complicated by bleeding, the typical picture of pain does not change, but the stool becomes black and liquid, and the vomit resembles coffee grounds.

Perforation of the gastric lining leads to severe tension in the abdominal wall and bloating of the upper abdomen. The pain is unbearable, dagger-like.

How does it hurt in the upper abdomen if the large and small intestines are affected?

The small intestine begins after the gastric section, its walls are formed from smooth muscle tissue. The main task of this system is to continue digesting food and subsequently pushing its remains through the digestive tract.

Spasm of the small intestine can cause abdominal pain, which is called. In this case, cramping pain occurs. Most often - in the middle of the abdomen, sometimes they radiate (give) to the upper parts of the abdominal cavity. In some cases, pain in the upper abdomen is evidence of inflammation of the intestinal mucosa, its ulcerations, and other pathologies of the organ.

As for the large intestine, most of it is located much lower in the abdominal cavity. At the same time, pain in the upper abdomen is often associated with pathologies of the transverse colon located below the stomach. These can be various dysfunctions caused by stretching of the walls and oncological pathologies.

Liver diseases, which may cause pain in the upper abdomen

The liver is located in the upper right part of the peritoneum. She performs a series important functions– excretion toxic substances, formation of bile and proteins, accumulation of glycogen, etc. are developing due to various reasons and can manifest themselves in different ways.

Unpleasant sensations are often associated with an enlarged organ, because it inner surface is devoid of nerve endings, and the destruction of the liver parenchyma is painless. However, the tissue that surrounds the organ is quite sensitive, so when moderate increase organ pain is minor - in the form of discomfort in the right hypochondrium. Its intensification is observed during bends, sharp turns, physical activity.

Severe enlargement of the liver can lead to severe pain. Another reason why the liver hurts is a purulent accumulation (abscess) affecting the outer capsule.

Pathologies of the spleen

The spleen is located in the area of ​​the left hypochondrium. This organ is responsible for immune control of the blood - the accumulation of blood cells, providing protection to the body, etc. Considering that the spleen is covered with sheets of peritoneum on each side, the patient usually feels slight discomfort in the left hypochondrium, caused by an increase in the size of the organ. Acute severe pain are rare.

Palpable pain can be observed with such pathologies as:

Pain in the upper abdomen due to pathologies of the pancreas

The pancreas is located behind the stomach almost completely to the left of the midline of the abdomen. It comes into contact with the peritoneum only with the anterior wall, so painful sensations are felt precisely in this area. Almost all of the gland consists of alveoli, within which a digestive enzyme is synthesized, which activates bile.

At acute inflammation pancreas () the pain is sudden and intense from the first minutes of its appearance, intensifies with movement and deep breath. The main location is the epigastric and navel areas; pain often radiates to the back and hypochondrium. The pain is often accompanied by repeated pain.

Chronic pancreatitis characterized by milder pain, often worse after eating and lasting several hours or even days.

If bile gets inside the alveoli, this can cause necrosis of the walls of the gland, which leads to severe unbearable pain in the upper left abdomen.

Other causes leading to upper abdominal pain

If your stomach hurts in the upper part, this may be the body’s response to any irritants - getting into foreign body, cell necrosis, blood flow disorders. The nature of the pain and its intensity directly depends on the organ or system where inflammation develops. In this case, the following pathologies can be diagnosed:

  • . Pain under the sternum is an atypical location for such a disease. It is not accompanied by other symptoms of gastrointestinal disorders, but paleness of the skin, changes in blood pressure, pulse rate and rhythm, and increased sweating are observed.
  • Mechanical abdominal injuries. The nature and intensity of pain depends on the location of the injury, its intensity, and the degree of damage to the affected organs.
  • Diaphragmatic hernia. Extension hiatus diaphragm can be asymptomatic, sometimes with a slight feeling of discomfort behind the sternum or minor pain after eating in the upper abdomen. When food escapes beyond the diaphragm and such a hernia is strangulated, acute pain occurs, indicating a threat to the patient’s life.
  • . In some cases, the onset of pain is observed not in the iliac fossa on the right, but in the epigastric region. The pain is moderate, and only after 30-60 minutes does it move directly to the location of the appendix and become intense.

Pain in the upper abdomen in pregnant women: what causes it?

Pregnancy is not only a wonderful time of waiting for a baby, but also long months fears, worries and anxieties. At this time health expectant mother requires special attention, so the appearance of even the slightest pain is already serious reason consult a doctor.

Most often during pregnancy, a woman feels sharp pains, which pass quickly. They usually accompany stretching of the uterus, which presses on the peritoneum, causing discomfort. This kind of pain in the upper abdomen in a pregnant woman can intensify with sneezing or a sudden change of position. In this case, you should not immediately take painkillers - just calm down and accept the fact that the body is changing in anticipation of the birth of the baby.

Unfortunately, sometimes it is also threatening. So, sharp unpleasant sensations on early stages may indicate a threat of miscarriage, as well as gynecological problems. In this case, the pregnant woman’s stomach ache, and it seems that contractions are starting.

Important! Pain in various departments abdomen may indicate

Pain in the upper abdomen can be a signal of diseases of the internal organs, which are located in the abdomen. Therefore, if you experience pain, you should definitely consult a doctor, especially if it lasts more than half an hour without a break. He will help deliver correct diagnosis and avoid serious consequences with health.

Binge eating

This can also cause blockage of blood vessels, inflammation of internal organs, and chronic pain.

When a person consumes a lot of milk (containing lactose), this can provoke an allergy, intolerance to milk and its products.

There are foods, especially fatty ones, that cause advanced education gases, and this is also very harmful to the internal organs, which means abdominal pain may occur.

Such pain usually comes on suddenly and can last for several hours and then go away on its own.

Inflammation of the appendix

If your stomach hurts at the top and right, as well as around the navel, the cause may be an inflammatory process in the intestines - in its right part. The cause of abdominal pain can also be inflammation of the appendix.

The culprit of appendix inflammation may be a delay feces which ultimately pass through the rectum. If you do not respond to pain in the upper abdomen in time, the appendix may become even more inflamed over time, its walls stretching and tearing. Then you need it urgently surgical intervention, since a person can die from blood poisoning.

For what other reasons can pain in the right abdomen occur?

The cause may be an inflamed intestine. He turns in an unnatural position for him and twists. Then part of the intestine may become inflamed due to diverticulitis or colitis. And the person may feel pain in the upper abdomen.

The nature of the pain may not be very sharp, constant, aching, these pains are more like spasms. The pain may last for 15-20 minutes, but after half an hour has passed, the pain goes away. Then after some time the pain may occur again.

If this is your situation, you should immediately call a doctor and go for an inpatient examination. Associated symptoms– stool retention or, conversely, diarrhea. These two unpleasant conditions may alternate.

Pneumonia as a cause of abdominal pain

Could pneumonia really be the cause of abdominal pain? It turns out that this is true. But why? Some people experience a cough, fever, and stomach pain after they get a cold. The pain is localized on the right.

But what does this have to do with pneumonia, that is, pneumonia? When a lung becomes infected, it becomes inflamed. And when this inflamed lung touches the diaphragm, it becomes irritated and transmits this irritation to the part of the intestine that comes into contact with it.

This causes pain in the right side of the abdomen. This is how an inflamed lung can affect pain in the upper abdomen - through the intestines, which are located in the abdominal cavity. So, infection in the intestines may be a consequence of infection in the lung.

Ringworm as a cause of abdominal pain

This is surprising, but lichen can also cause pain in the right corner of the abdomen. Especially the lichen that is located inside the abdominal cavity. Moreover, this pain can be localized in any part of the body, because lichen can be located anywhere where there are nerves. Ringworm may appear next to nerve endings, which are found throughout the body.

The virus, which can cause rashes in the nerve area, can remain in the body for years. But implicitly, a person may not know about it. As soon as an infection enters the body, the virus awakens from its sleepy state and internal rashes occur. The trigger for infection can be not only a virus, but also stress, allergies, and other situations dangerous to health.

With rashes inside caused by shingles, the nerves can become inflamed, and this causes severe pain shallow in the peritoneum, almost at the very surface of the skin. In addition to pain, the skin can be very irritable, there may be a burning sensation, itching, which alternates with pain or precedes it. This pain may not subside for 5 days.

The stomach is a hollow organ

That is why it may contain organs and systems that hurt if they have an inflammatory process, chronic diseases, deformation, atrophy or damage.

The stomach (its upper part) may hurt if a person has the following diseases. Gastrointestinal tract

Gastritis, stomach cramps, stomach ulcers, stones gallbladder, violation of its functions.

These diseases may be accompanied by symptoms: nausea, weakness, vomiting, diarrhea.

If a disease of the gastrointestinal tract is accompanied by bleeding, you should urgently call an ambulance, but under no circumstances should you use strong palpation of the pain site, or massage the painful area, as the bleeding may increase.

Wandering pains

Pain can occur in a completely different part of the body, and not in the one where a specific organ hurts. The pain can radiate to some other part of the body, so it can be difficult to determine the diseased organ and the source of the pain by the location of the pain.

Needed additional research to understand the cause of the pain. For example, when a woman has abdominal pain on the left and above, the source of this pain may be the right lung, and not the left. This may be with a diagnosis of right-sided pneumonia.

Stomach pain

When the stomach hurts, the pain can be localized around the navel. Concomitant diseases There may be a stomach ulcer, as well as gastritis, a violation of the level of acidity in the stomach (it is often elevated).

If a person is bothered by pain in the navel area, it may be pain in the duodenum, which is inflamed. The organs responsible for pain around the navel (in the upper abdomen) can be the gallbladder and bladder.

If the left or right side of the abdomen hurts

Pain in the abdomen on the left may indicate that the stomach, colon, or pancreas are not in order.

Abdominal pain on the right and above may indicate an inflammatory process in the gallbladder. Severe pain in this organ means that you need to immediately contact an ambulance, otherwise the pain syndrome may worsen.

The gallbladder, when inflamed, can cause pain not only on the right, but also on the left in the abdomen; the pain can wander throughout the entire area of ​​the peritoneum and bother a person in its central part. Such pain may be a signal that the functions of the duodenum are impaired; the stomach may also hurt with pancreatitis.

Heart and lung diseases

They can also provoke pain in the abdomen - at the top and right or at the top and left. This pain can be very sharp, the person turns pale, he develops cold sweat, lips turn blue, the person suffers from general weakness.

Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract

The stomach and duodenum are located in the abdominal cavity, so they can cause pain in the abdomen, mainly in the upper part. Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract can be very serious, for example, it can be a stomach ulcer with perforation or a duodenal ulcer.

Types of perforation

Perforation is a rupture in the walls of some internal organ, for example, the stomach. Perforation is a possible and very painful and dangerous consequence of ulcers in their chronic and acute form. The localization of pain can be in the stomach or duodenum.

Perforation of an ulcer can be directed into the abdominal cavity (to any part of it; such a perforation is called free). Or the perforation can be directed to the retroperitoneal region, to the tissue, or to the omental bursa (such a perforation is called atypical). This condition is accompanied by acute pain.

Three stages of the perforated ulcer process

The first stage is shock

It lasts for six hours from the moment the duodenal or stomach ulcer perforates. The symptoms are as follows: severe stabbing pain in the upper abdomen. This pain occurs suddenly, in the form of a blow.

The following symptoms are nausea, vomiting, general unstable condition, the person turns pale, breaks out in a cold sweat, and becomes weaker. The patient's lips perforated ulcer in the first stage they turn blue, breathing is intermittent, frequent, difficult, superficial.

The heart beats frequently, sometimes strongly, sometimes weakly, heartbeats become more rare, the heart may hurt along with abdominal pain. At the same time, when they touch it, the stomach hurts even more. The body temperature may not rise at this stage of the ulcer. The stomach sharply retracts, the person breathes through the chest, not the stomach.

The second stage - false well-being

It occurs after the first stage has passed - up to 10 hours, lasts 4 hours.

Abdominal pain becomes much weaker and subsides. The heart begins to beat faster, the body temperature becomes higher, the tongue is dry, the stomach is swollen. A person may suffer from inability to pass gas or stool. The stomach hurts in the upper part.

If you do not call a doctor during this stage, the person may suffer from peritonitis - the diseased organ bursts, the blood may become infected.

The third stage – peritonitis

This stage occurs 10-12 hours after the onset of abdominal pain and perforation of the ulcer. After the stage of pain subsiding and the heart functioning in the stage of peritonitis, a new wave of pain begins and feeling unwell. This stage is characterized by the following symptoms.

  • Severe, rolling waves of abdominal pain.
  • The abdomen is swollen, gases still do not pass.
  • Body temperature becomes higher and higher, reaching 39 degrees and above.
  • The heart begins to beat stronger and more often, and it may hurt.

Where does an ulcer begin?

An ulcer can begin with severe and sharp pain in the upper abdomen. It looks like a knife was stuck into her. True, the pain may gradually disappear. This happens because the ulcer (hole in the diseased organ) is covered by internal organs - the right top part liver or greater omentum.

When an ulcer perforates into the omental bursa, a person does not experience shock, since the pain is not so strong and sharp.

What can pain in the right mean? top corner belly?

There are the liver, intestines (part of it), gall bladder, diaphragm (its right part), as well as the pancreas.

If at least one of these organs begins to hurt, then the pain is felt in the right upper abdomen, it can be quite severe.

If your liver hurts

Pain in the liver can occur due to the fact that this organ swells, becomes inflamed, and the liver lining stretches. The cause may be heart disease, viral or bacterial infections, as well as chemical agents that a person may not even be aware of.

Worms in the liver– if they settle there, the liver swells, this can cause severe pain, nausea, and vomiting.

Hepatitis (A, B, C) - can occur due to infection of the liver by viruses ( viral hepatitis). This name consists of two Greek words - “hepat” - liver, and “itis” - inflammation. Viruses that cause hepatitis are divided into types, hence different name hepatitis – A, B, C.

Hepatitis A

The source of contamination is water from coli and other viruses, or food contaminated with viruses.

Hepatitis B

It is transmitted mainly through blood, this happens through sexual contact, drug addiction, if people brush their teeth with the same toothbrush, infection can also occur in a salon through manicure or pedicure supplies.

Hepatitis C

People can become infected with it when they come into contact with a person with hepatitis, use his needle, or become infected through the blood.

Toxic hepatitis

It can be contracted when a person takes high doses of medications or other substances that may be too toxic or cause allergies. These could be antibiotics, anti-inflammatory drugs, contraceptives, alcohol, homemade chemicals, including detergents, household chemicals. This type of hepatitis is called toxic hepatitis, because the body is oversaturated with toxins.

Where does liver pain come from?

When the heart muscle is too weak, it can be very difficult to pump blood from the veins that pass through the heart. This blood stagnates, in particular, in the lungs, and then the person begins to choke. The lungs stretch and hurt.

The same thing happens to the liver when it stagnates deoxygenated blood. The liver stretches, and then the right upper abdomen hurts. The nature of this pain is not very strong, but the pain is constant, boring, aching, it is felt deep in the abdomen, since the liver is not very close to the surface of the skin. The pain does not subside, does not come in waves - it comes without spasms, evenly, but relentlessly.

Hepatitis test

To determine whether you may have hepatitis, use a test.

  • Have you had shellfish in your diet in the last 2-3 weeks? (may be hepatitis A)
  • Could you use a needle that was used to prick another patient? (may be hepatitis B)
  • Have you ever had alcohol intoxication in the last week or two (hepatitis C is possible)
  • Have you had a blood transfusion in the last week or two (hepatitis C)
  • Do you have yellowing of the skin, whites of the eyes, and your urine has become intensely red or red-brown (hepatitis of any kind)

Gallbladder disease

Gallbladder disease occurs when the liver produces too much bile and backs up into the gallbladder. Bile is very hot in its composition and therefore irritates the walls of the gallbladder, they become inflamed.

If a person has not eaten for a long time or was on a low-fat diet, then bile tends to accumulate in the gallbladder. The intestines also suffer from this, suffering from large quantity bile.

The gallbladder can suffer from problems and pain if there are stones in it.

The liver also responds with additional pain, which can also suffer from excess bile, in addition, if it does not do its job well, its functions are weak.

Gallbladder infection

Pain in the upper right side and in the middle of the abdomen can also occur when the liver and gall bladder are affected by infection.

Risk groups for these diseases are people of any age and any physical activity, as well as gender. Particular danger is faced by women from the group “Over 40”, when they have had several births, whose intestinal function is disrupted due to the formation of gases, who abuse contraceptives.

Symptoms of gallstone diseases do not appear quickly, the pain is slight at first. At first, a person may feel gas, then the stomach becomes bloated, then the stomach may begin to hurt, and this condition can get worse over months or even years. Over the years, pain in the gall bladder can intensify to sharp and dagger-like pain. They become stronger when a person has eaten fatty, sweet, and vegetables that can cause fermentation in the intestines: apples, cabbage.

Symptoms of gallbladder disease and what to do

In the event of an attack of acute pain, you should immediately consult a doctor. It's more dangerous than constant It's a dull pain in the liver, which is also a reason to consult a doctor for examination. Acute pain in the right side of the abdomen, the cause of which is the gallbladder, may be accompanied by increased sweating, nausea, vomiting, and weakness.

Maybe heat, but only in in a rare case when the gall bladder is inflamed. Then the gall bladder becomes inflamed, the temperature rises to 40 degrees, the person shakes, shudders, and has a fever. Pain in this case can occur not only in the upper right, but also bother you under right shoulder blade and in the back at the center of the spine.


Gallstones may be large sizes and small ones. If the stones are smaller than average, they can leave the gall bladder on their own, into the bile ducts through which bile passes into the intestines. This may cause abdominal pain in the form of colic.

They pass in waves and spread throughout the body. Waves of pain arise because stones are pushed through the bile ducts and touch their walls, which can injure them. Then the walls of the bile ducts become inflamed and painful. When the stones come out of the ducts, the person feels better and the pain goes away. And still, in this case, it is necessary to call a doctor to exclude cases of injury to internal organs by stones.

Consequences of stone formation

If the stones come out of the gallstone and pass through the ducts, then there is no need to remove them. But there may be a situation when the stones turn out to be too large and cannot come out on their own, or they sit too firmly in the gallbladder. Then there are several ways to get rid of them. This is the dissolution of stones, extraction (crushing) of stones, or a method of surgical intervention.

If stones block the bile ducts and cannot get out of them, a person's skin and whites of the eyes. This disease is popularly called jaundice. As soon as the stones pass through the bile ducts, the pain subsides and the jaundice disappears, the skin and whites of the eyes return to their usual color.

Pain in the pancreas

They can occur when the pancreas becomes inflamed or develops cancer. This organ, the pancreas, is called pancreas. It is located deep in the peritoneum, so pain in the pancreas is usually felt deep inside, and not at the surface of the skin. The pancreas is located from right to left, so pain in the pancreas can be localized on the right, left, or in the middle of the abdomen.

Compared to other organs located in the abdominal cavity - the gallbladder and liver - the pancreas can hurt much less often. But there are still cases of pain in it.

Attacks of pancreatitis

Such attacks can often bother people who eat too much fatty or fried foods, as well as those who abuse alcohol and have gallbladder pain.

Symptoms of pancreatitis - vomiting, nausea, weakness, increased sweating, and the sweat may be cold. These manifestations of pancreatitis appear differently than manifestations of gallbladder deformity. The pain is localized not in the right upper abdomen, but in the back. It becomes more painful for a person while lying down, and easier while walking or sitting. The greatest relief is in a sitting position, leaning forward. Then the pain subsides.

To make sure that you really have pancreatitis, you need to do additional diagnostic examinations. Needed lab tests blood and urine. Pancreatic enzyme tests are needed. These tests can help determine whether a person really has pancreatitis or a disease with similar symptoms.

Pain in the left upper abdomen

The causes of this pain may be diseases of the kidneys, spleen, intestines (its left part), stomach, pancreas, and also the diaphragm (its left part). The liver and gallbladder are located on the right, therefore, with their diseases, pain is localized on the right, not on the left. True, there are exceptions, and pain in inflamed organs can radiate to the left.

The cause of pain is the spleen

This organ is located quite close to the surface of the skin, so pain in the spleen can cause pain that is not deep. Unlike the pancreas, which is located deep, then the pain radiates to the left upper side, as if from the inside, from the depths. They can also radiate to the spine.

The spleen works very intensively when it eliminates blood cells - red blood cells - from the blood. This process occurs after red blood cells have been developing for a full third of the year - 120 days. Then the red blood cells that are captured by the spleen enter the Bone marrow. Then the spleen becomes inflamed, which makes it larger, its capsule enlarges, the spleen tissue stretches, and pain occurs in it. The spleen capsule becomes soft, loose, and from stretching it experiences overstrain, which increases the pain.

When the spleen can't handle it

The spleen can burst, and then incredible pain occurs in the upper left quadrant of the abdomen. The reason why the spleen bursts may be: serious illness as infectious mononucleosis.

If the spleen is sprained, a person should not engage in vigorous exercise because this increases the risk that it may burst. Also, with mononucleosis, you should avoid heavy physical labor and constant movement during the day. Any injury, blow or fall can cause splenic rupture. That is why the doctor, when examining the spleen by palpation, should not press too hard with his fingers on this organ to avoid damaging it.

It happens that the spleen can rupture without any external influence on her, on her own, under external pressure. What are the symptoms that the spleen is ruptured?

Severe pain in the left upper quadrant of the abdomen, very sensitive skin in the area where it hurts, the skin around the navel becomes bluish. These are signs that a person may have a ruptured or damaged spleen. Bluishness around the navel occurs because blood accumulates in the area due to a ruptured spleen.

The cause of pain on the left is the intestines

Because the colon located along the entire line of the abdomen, the pain can be localized not only on the left, but also in any part of the abdominal cavity. Gases can often accumulate in the intestines, which causes the stomach to swell and the left side of the stomach to hurt. The cause of pain can also be diverticulitis, an inflammatory process in the intestines.

Symptoms, in addition to pain, may also include stool retention, diarrhea, the appearance of blood in the stool, and a temperature of 37 to 38 degrees. Blood in the stool may be due to bleeding in the large intestine (in its lower section). The cause of bleeding can also be hemorrhoids.

Bleeding in small intestine, stomach or upper colon can be recognized by the black color of the stool.

The cause of pain is the stomach

The stomach is located on the left side of the abdominal cavity. Therefore, pain in the stomach is localized on the left. The causes of stomach irritation, and therefore pain in it, can be irritation of the mucous membrane, dyspepsia, gastritis. Also, stomach irritants can be alcohol abuse, smoking, poor diet, frequent use medications, in particular aspirin, which irritates the gastric mucosa.

The nature of the pain is aching, constant, not too strong, but the pain is long-lasting. Side effects such a condition – vomiting, nausea, weakness, sweating (cold sweat).

If pain in the upper abdomen continues for more than a day, you should definitely consult a doctor for additional examination. Maybe, constant pain longer than a day indicate an ulcer, cancerous tumors or gastritis.

In all these cases can serve good help antacid drugs.

Abdominal pain may be caused by a diaphragmatic hernia.

The diaphragm is an organ that serves to separate the thoracic cavity from the abdominal cavity. The diaphragm contains an opening through which the esophagus passes towards the stomach.

The size of this opening can voluntarily shrink or increase as the diaphragm muscles weaken. Then the upper section of the stomach falls out of the abdominal cavity into the chest cavity, this is a violation of its natural boundaries and location. This condition of the diaphragm is called a hernia.

Symptoms of this condition are increased stomach acidity, this acid enters the mucous membrane, which causes irritation of the mucous membrane and pain. The pain may radiate to the left abdomen or to the heart area.

If a person begins to doubt whether he has pain: the diaphragm or the heart, he needs to pay attention to the difference between the symptoms. If a person’s pain intensifies when lying on his back after flexion or extension, it means that the cause of the pain is not the heart, but the diaphragm. In case of heart pain, flexion and extension of the body do not in any way affect the nature of the pain.

If you cannot understand what the nature of the pain is, consult a doctor to clarify the diagnosis. It is necessary to examine the organs that are located in the chest and the organs that are located in the abdominal cavity. Then the exact cause of the pain will be clear.

Is the pain caused by the pancreas?

Yes, it can cause pain in the left upper quadrant of the abdomen. The pancreas is located in the upper part of the abdominal cavity, so its inflammation or damage, as well as infection with toxins, can cause pain on the left side, mild or severe. The pain may radiate to the middle of the abdominal cavity, as well as to its right side. The cause of pain on the left side can also be pancreatic cancer.

At risk for pancreatic diseases with subsequent pain on the left side may be people who smoke a lot, often drink alcohol, and also consume a lot medicines, in particular, steroids and diuretics.

These tools can be used for cancerous tumors, asthma, internal organ transplantation, inflammatory processes during the flow of bile from the bile ducts. Therefore, all these diseases can be the cause of pain in the left upper abdomen. Another serious cause of left abdominal pain may be gallstones or bile ducts. They scratch and damage the walls of the bile ducts, causing them to become injured and painful.

Symptoms by which the pancreas can be identified as the cause of pain may be sharp and severe pain in the left abdomen, which is accompanied by nausea, vomiting, elevated temperature body or area where pain occurs.

At-risk groups

People with gallbladder diseases, pancreatitis, diabetes, alcohol and tobacco abusers, as well as those who take high doses of medications, in particular those with a diuretic effect.

The cause of pain is the lungs

The lungs are organs that can cause pain in both parts of the abdominal cavity, including the left side. When a person has (or is suffering from) pneumonia, viral pleurisy, tuberculosis, or any other disease that can cause irritation or inflammation in the lungs, he may have pain in the left quadrant of the abdomen. The pain in the lungs is not the same as in other organs - it feels as if many small needles have dug into the abdominal cavity. The pain is sharp, sharp, dagger-like.

Painful sensations from pain in the lungs intensify when a person inhales sharply and deeply. Pain in the lungs can also affect the diaphragm, then the pain is localized in the abdomen - any part of it.

Therefore, you need to pay special attention if, after pneumonia, you experience abdominal pain for which you cannot find an explanation. This may be the transfer of infection and irritation from one internal organ to another.

Cause of pain: rib injuries

If a person has injured a rib, the pain may radiate to left side belly. This pain can intensify with increased physical activity, with blows, injuries, even small, strong shocks.

Risk groups include older people whose bones become too brittle and weak, women who are breastfeeding or pregnant (due to calcium loss), women before and after menopause who also suffer from increased bone fragility.

Pain in the right side of the abdomen can be a symptom of pancreatitis, gallbladder disease, kidney stones, and stones in the bile ducts. If the cause of the pain is shingles, then after 6-7 days, small red rashes may appear in the area where it hurts. These rashes run exactly along the line where the person feels pain. From this symptom you can accurately determine that the cause is lichen and not another disease.

The cause of pain is kidney pathology

This may well be when the right upper abdomen hurts. The kidneys are located on different sides of the lower back, so the pain can be localized in both the right and left parts of the abdomen at the top.

Particularly severe pain occurs in the kidneys when they are infected with viruses or bacteria, and a source of pus forms in it. If there are also stones in the kidneys, then the pain can be simply unbearable. A kidney stone that passes can cause a jerking pain that travels down your back in waves. This pain can radiate to the groin, testicle (in men), testis (in men), ovary (in women).