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Incomplete duplication of the right kidney. What is incomplete duplication of the left kidney?

Probably everyone, even children, knows where the kidneys are and what role they play in our body, but here’s what they are kidney hs? Simply put, this is the renal pyelocaliceal system. The importance of the penis for the body is due to the fact that it is responsible for the accumulation and excretion of urine.

If we talk a little about anatomy, then the urine that is formed in the kidneys further accumulates in the pelvis. In general, urine could have an aggressive effect on the pelvis, but this does not happen due to the fact that it is lined from the inside with a mucous membrane, which is impermeable to urine.

The pelvis also contains smooth muscles, which, like the movement of waves, promotes the movement of urine further along the urinary canal. In fact, the heart is the most important and well-coordinated system of our body, which works without interruption. If for some reason some part of the system is disrupted, then the domino principle is triggered and problems arise with the urinary canal. Let's consider various pathologies chls and let’s figure out what they mean and how to deal with them.

ChLS pathologies

Like any disease in our body, problems from collecting system can be either congenital or acquired. If the disorders arose from birth, then experts usually talk about defects of both the pelvis and the ureters. Both anatomical structures are closely related, so defects always affect both units of the urinary system.

There are such congenital pathologies:

  • hydronephrosis. To put it simply, this is an expansion of the member. With hydronephrosis occur. Hydronephrosis is often secondary process developing against the background of a stricture, that is, narrowing, of the ureter, or expansion occurs as a consequence of ureteral reflux, when part of the urine is thrown back;
  • stricture. In some cases, the penis may narrow slightly, and sometimes complete fusion occurs;
  • doubling of personnel The pathological process is associated with the fact that the number of pelvis, ureters and calyces increases.

Dilatation of the maxillary joint

As a rule, dilatation is a result of improper formation of the kidneys during intrauterine development of the fetus. Often, due to improper positioning of the kidneys, a bend occurs, which causes the development of stenosis - the main cause of dilatation.

But, as statistics show, the pathological process is not always congenital; sometimes the problem can be acquired, for example, due to blockage of the ureter with large stones. As a result urolithiasis, urine is not completely eliminated, so stagnation occurs. There are also cases when stagnation of urine was provoked by neoplasms of a malignant and benign nature.

Clinical picture

Kidney enlargement does not have characteristic symptoms specifically for this pathology, but there are some signs that may indicate the development of dilatation:

  • pain in the area lumbar region back or groin;
  • frequent false urges to urination;
  • urine comes out slowly;
  • the appearance of blood in the urine;
  • bloating;
  • pain is often bilateral;
  • with a unilateral lesion, the pain from the diseased organ will be much more intense.

Treatment of the disease begins with an accurate diagnosis, which first of all involves general analyzes blood and urine, as well as an ultrasound scan. Very often, dilatation is discovered purely by chance during ultrasound diagnostics. This study helps to identify deformation not only in an adult, but also in a fetus. It's important to find good clinic With experienced specialist, which will make the correct decryption.

Due to the fact that the pathological process is associated with stagnation, treatment should be started as early as possible. Unexpressed expansion is much easier to treat. An untreated disease can lead to serious complications, among which are: hydronephrosis, pyelonephritis and even renal failure. So, inaction can even lead to death.

The treatment process is aimed at eliminating the provoking factor that led to dilatation

As for preventive measures, experts recommend the following:

  • proper balanced nutrition;
  • drinking enough water;
  • compliance with hygiene procedures;
  • herbal medicine to strengthen the immune system;
  • undergoing medical examinations, in particular an ultrasound, where you can see the norm or identify structural changes;
  • avoid hypothermia.

Doubling the heart rate

Pathology can be complete, which is rare, and incomplete. has become quite common. Doctors do not classify the pathological process as a disease, since it does not have specific signs. Still, it makes a person more vulnerable to various kinds of inflammatory processes.

If we talk about provoking factors, the main reasons include the following:

  • ionizing radiation;
  • lack of vitamins and microelements in the body;
  • bad habits;
  • some medications.

People can live their entire lives with a double kidney and not even know it.

When did the doubling form? right kidney or the left kidney, the organ is emptied, but only partially. This may cause complications inflammatory in nature:

  • reverse flow of urine;
  • accumulation of urine in the pelvis and its retention.

When doubling on the left or right, lumbar pain appears on the abnormal side. In addition, other symptoms may occur:

  • increased body temperature;
  • swelling;
  • frequent colic;
  • increased blood pressure;
  • general weakness.

As for treatment, doctors do not treat doubling itself, and if inflammatory complications arise, then, as a rule, antibacterial therapy is prescribed, and antibiotics should be broad-spectrum. If colic occurs, patients are prescribed medicinal herbs and analgesics. If drug therapy does not produce results or hydronephrosis has developed, then you may need surgical intervention.

Cleft renal pelvis is a congenital and very rare malformation.

If we touch on the topic anatomical structure, then the renal pelvis is designed in such a way as to accumulate and remove urine. Sometimes the pelvis can split and double.

Most often, the pathological process occurs in girls. Cleavage is not accompanied by the appearance of characteristic clinical symptoms.

Splitting of the pelvis can be dangerous due to the following complications:

  • hydronephrosis;
  • reverse flow of urine;
  • inflammatory processes.

Another common complication of bifid renal pelvis is pyelonephritis, which may cause the following symptoms:

  • swelling;
  • lower back pain;
  • disturbance of urine outflow;
  • arterial hypertension;
  • hyperthermia.

In case of splitting, a course is prescribed antibacterial therapy, and symptomatic treatment. If serious complications occur, surgery may be required.

Hydronephrosis is the most common pathology of CFS.

Chronic disruption of the outflow of urine provokes the development of an increase in the size of the kidney. Provoking factors are the following:

  • urolithiasis, in which a stone clogs the calyx or pelvis;
  • a neoplasm that can block the lumen of the ureter or interfere with the normal outflow of urine;
  • kidney injuries;
  • advanced inflammatory processes.

So, what happens when the outflow of urine is disrupted. It all starts with the fact that the pressure in the cups and pelvis increases, which leads to their expansion. If the renal parenchyma is involved in the process, the joint begins to deform and irreversible atrophic changes occur.

Tumor processes

Statistics show that tumors appear in the right kidney. When the tumor grows rapidly, expansion and deformation of the entire collecting system occurs.

Besides lumbar pain and blood in the urine, specialists are alarmed by intoxication symptoms, namely:

  • nausea;
  • vomit;
  • weakness;
  • lack of appetite;
  • weight loss.

Ultrasound and CT will help visualize the tumor

The problem can also be detected by palpation examination, during which the doctor probes the space-occupying formation. As for treatment, it is selected by the doctor and depends on the stage pathological process and what structures are involved.

So, the heart is the most important structure of our body, on which human health depends. Unfortunately, for a number of reasons, pathological processes can develop, which often complicate life dangerous diseases. Early diagnosis is the key to your health. Don't let the problem get worse, as it will only get worse.

Main organ of the urinary system human body are the kidneys. Unfortunately, doctors are increasingly recording such an anomalous phenomenon in children as the bifurcation of one of them. This pathology does not pose a threat to life, but can become a prerequisite for the formation of other diseases.

Anomaly or disease?

Bifurcation is a condition characterized by complete or incomplete division of the pyelocaliceal system (PSS) of the organ into two parts. Most often it affects one of the kidneys, but it can affect both organs of the pair.

To see what a bifurcated kidney looks like and understand what it is, it is enough to carry out a simple diagnosis, for example, ultrasound: the affected kidney looks like two fused kidneys, each with its own renal artery.

The forked kidney is noticeably enlarged. In the case of incomplete bifurcation, the CL remains intact; with complete bifurcation, it turns into two independent systems with separate ureters - the main and accessory ones. The latter can independently grow into the cavity of the bladder or connect with the main one before entering the bladder. If two ureters merge, then a narrowing is formed at the point of their connection, which can cause disruption of the outflow of urine and its return into the pelvis. This course of the disease can threaten hydronephrosis - expansion of the cups and pelvis - and subsequent atrophy of the renal parenchyma.

There are several anatomical variants of kidney duplication


The reasons for the formation of bifurcation are due to factors that disrupt the gene apparatus, the structure of chromosomes and the process of cell division. These include:

  • use by the expectant mother hormonal drugs during pregnancy;
  • exposure of the embryo to ionizing radiation;
  • exposure to strong chemicals on a woman’s body during pregnancy;
  • lack of vitamins and minerals.

Also, intrauterine pathologies are associated with the transmission of damaged chromosomes from parents to the unborn child. According to statistics, for every 150 babies there is one with a forked kidney, and girls are susceptible to this anomaly 2 times more often.


Surprisingly, many people with a forked kidney live without knowing it until one of them manifests itself. concomitant diseases(pyelonephritis, hydronephrosis, urolithiasis). The symptoms of the latter are the symptoms of bifurcation:

  • pain in the lumbar region;
  • painful urination;
  • elevated temperature;
  • weakness;
  • vomiting and nausea;
  • swelling;
  • hematuria (blood in the urine);
  • azotemia (excess nitrogenous products in the blood);
  • hypertension.

The listed symptoms can appear either individually or together, depending on the form of the disease.

As a rule, kidney duplication is asymptomatic and is detected incidentally during examination for another reason.


Bifurcation is a disease that has no external pronounced signs. It can only be diagnosed using instrumental methods:

  • ultrasound examination;
  • magnetic resonance urography;
  • cytoscopy;
  • computed tomography.

Incomplete bifurcation is often accidentally discovered during a routine CT scan of the kidneys. Complete diagnosis can be made by cytoscopy upon detection of the third ureter.


If a bifurcated kidney is detected in a child, he is prescribed conservative treatment, designed to exclude the possibility of complications, and regular monitoring of the condition of the kidney and general well-being child.

The bifurcation of the kidney itself is not considered a disease, but if associated complications develop, the doctor will prescribe a course of treatment.

For pyelonephritis, the patient takes antibacterial drugs, for nephrolithiasis - antispasmodics that prevent the formation of stones, and warm baths so that the kidney stone can more easily pass through the excretory tract. It is imperative to follow a diet that includes foods that help break down and remove kidney stones.

In case of acute hydronephrosis, surgical intervention is necessary, and in case of complete kidney dysfunction, its removal is necessary.

Hydronephrosis of the kidney is a serious complication of its doubling


Although kidney bifurcation in itself is not dangerous, it must be remembered that it threatens the appearance of severe concomitant diseases. That is why a woman during pregnancy needs to lead a healthy lifestyle, avoid sources of ionizing radiation, monitor her diet and take special vitamins and minerals. In addition, it is extremely important to maintain a drinking regime and limit salt intake.

The use of hormonal drugs during pregnancy is contraindicated.

A bifurcated kidney is not a death sentence; moreover, it may have absolutely no effect on the life of a person who cares about his health. To eliminate the risk of developing a bifurcated kidney in a child, expectant mothers need to be careful and follow the above recommendations.

March 17, 2017 Doctor

Kidney duplication is the most common type of anomaly urinary tract. Such an anomaly is not a pathology; as a rule, its presence does not cause a person any particular inconvenience, but the doubling of an organ is dangerous with the risk of developing other more serious diseases.

By external characteristics the pathology is fused 2 internal organs. In this case, the duplication of the vascular and parenchymal parts does not always occur; most often, its lower part is functional. Duplication can be unilateral or bilateral, complete or incomplete - all this is a conditional division, which is associated with the presence of its own vessels, as well as the ureter in the daughter kidney.

With complete doubling of the internal organ, each of the daughter kidneys is equipped with its own pyelocaliceal system, as well as a ureter, which opens the way to bladder. When incomplete, the ureters merge into one, which opens a “passage” to the bladder. It often happens that the daughter ureter does not merge with the main one, but it opens in the intestine or vagina. If the latter anomaly occurs, then the person will be found to have urine leakage.


Most often, the anomaly develops in the prenatal period, when the embryo is actively developing inside the mother. Medical statistics indicates that girls are more susceptible to this anomaly, and out of 150 newborns, one of them has a pathology. In most cases, duplication of only one kidney is observed (82%), but bilateral duplication also occurs (12%).

The main reasons may be:

  • Genetics;
  • Taking potent hormonal drugs by a pregnant woman (especially in the 1st trimester);
  • Exposure of a pregnant woman to ionizing radiation;
  • Lack of vital vitamin or mineral components in a woman’s body during pregnancy;
  • Avitaminosis;
  • Poisoning of the body with potent drugs;
  • Abuse of alcoholic beverages;
  • Smoking during pregnancy.

Incomplete kidney duplication does not pose a particular threat to humans. It even happens that a person lives with congenital anomaly and is completely unaware of its presence, and it is discovered only during a medical examination of a completely different disease.

Complete doubling of the kidney is dangerous due to its possible complications, among which we can especially highlight:

  • Pyelonephritis is an inflammatory process of the urinary tract with damage to the pelvis, cups and renal parenchyma;
  • Hydronephrosis is a violation of the process of urine outflow, in which urine is retained and accumulates in the renal pelvis;
  • Urolithiasis is the process of formation of sand and stones in the organs of the urinary system;
  • Tuberculosis;
  • Kidney neoplasm;

Types of kidney duplication

As mentioned above, the anomaly can be complete or incomplete.

  1. Complete - instead of one internal organ, two are formed, each of which has an underdeveloped pelvis. Each of the pelvis is equipped with its own ureter, which flows into the bladder at a different level.
  2. Incomplete doubling of an internal organ - in medical practice This anomaly is more common than the one described above. The anomaly can appear on both the left and right kidneys, while an enlargement of the internal organ is clearly observed, its upper and lower parts are clearly visible, each of which is equipped with its own artery. During the development of the anomaly, the pyelocaliceal system continues to remain unified.

In addition, the anomaly can appear on either the left or right kidney.

  • On the left kidney - it does not pose a serious danger to humans, the anomaly is not equipped negative symptoms and is often discovered during a random medical examination;
  • On the right kidney - the anomaly also does not pose a serious threat to humans, in the process of formation internal organ accepts an enlarged size.


It's important to note that characteristic features Anomalies appear only with complete doubling of the internal organ and appear in the form of:

  • Extensions upper paths urinary;
  • The occurrence of infections in the urinary canal;
  • The appearance of the process of reverse outflow of urine from the ureter;
  • Manifestations of pain in the lumbar region from the side where the anomaly occurs;
  • Increased body temperature;
  • General weakness;
  • The appearance of a cloudy shade in the urine;
  • Increased blood pressure;
  • Painful process of urination;
  • Urinary incontinence.

These signs can appear both together and separately. The activity of symptoms directly depends on the form of the disease and on general condition human body.


In order to clinically determine the duplication of the kidneys on both sides, the patient must undergo the following examinations:

  • Cystoscopy;
  • Ascending urography;
  • Radiography;
  • Magnetic resonance urography.


An anomaly of both kidneys does not pose a serious danger to a person, but it can be accompanied by unpleasant complications, which is why it is necessary to recognize the disease in a timely manner and, if necessary, begin the required treatment.

If the anomaly does not bother the person, then drug therapy not required. In this case, constant monitoring by a doctor is important. Treatment of internal organ duplication must be carried out if complications occur.

  1. Upon joining inflammatory process a course of taking anti-inflammatory drugs, as well as antibacterial agents is indicated;
  2. For urolithiasis, antispasmodics, painkillers and phototherapy (kidney collection, decoctions of medicinal herbs) are prescribed.

Surgery is indicated in severe stages of hydronephrosis, as well as in the presence of diseases that are not amenable to drug therapy. If possible, surgeons try to preserve the internal organ. A kidney is removed only if it loses its functionality.

Stories from our readers

“I was able to cure my KIDNEYS with the help of simple remedy, which I learned about from an article by a UROLOGIST with 24 years of experience, Pushkar D.Yu...”

One way or another, when a double kidney is detected, a person must follow the most important basics that will help maintain his health and not provoke possible complications:

  • Lead a healthy lifestyle;
  • Refuse bad habits;
  • Monitor the quality of food;
  • Be more careful and careful when taking certain medications;
  • Do hardening;
  • Do light exercise.

To summarize all of the above, it can be determined that kidney duplication is not a pathology; such an abnormal condition does not pose a threat to human health. A common question among young people is whether they are accepted into the army with this diagnosis? Replying to this problem, it is necessary to determine that kidney duplication, not complicated by the presence of another pathology, is not an obstacle to enrollment in the ranks of conscripts.

But if the pathology is diagnosed in a woman, then she needs to plan her pregnancy in advance. Throughout the entire pregnancy, she must be observed by a doctor, regularly undergo prescribed examinations - urine and blood tests, ultrasound of the kidneys, urine testing according to Nichiporenko. Pregnancy is strictly contraindicated for a woman renal failure and if there are clear indications for surgery.

Tired of fighting kidney disease?

SWELLING of the face and legs, PAIN in the lower back, CONSTANT weakness and fatigue, painful urination? If you have these symptoms, there is a 95% chance of kidney disease.

If you don't care about your health, then read the opinion of a urologist with 24 years of experience. In his article he talks about RENON DUO capsules.

This is a fast-acting German remedy for kidney restoration, which has been used all over the world for many years. The uniqueness of the drug lies in:

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  • German capsules eliminate pain already during the first course of use, and help to completely cure the disease.
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Kidney duplication in a child is a fairly common pathology, discovered by chance during a routine examination or during the diagnosis of any disease. A double kidney develops in the early intrauterine period in fairly large quantity children (1 in 300 cases among boys and in 150 cases among girls). In the vast majority of cases, the developmental anomaly affects only one organ, but in 10-12% of cases, duplication of both kidneys occurs.

General information about kidney duplication

Kidney duplication involves the growth of an additional organ (or part) to the main kidney from below or above. In addition, there is a distinction between complete and incomplete doubling kidneys:

Kidney bifurcation itself is not considered a pathology as long as the accessory organ is healthy. With incomplete doubling, this usually happens, and the patient may never know about his anatomical feature. However, often unusual morphological structure provokes various diseases organs. Among them:

  • kidney tuberculosis;
  • pyelonephritis;
  • urolithiasis disease;
  • hydronephrosis;
  • nephroptosis;
  • tumors.

A double kidney does not develop in early childhood child and especially in adult life. Its formation occurs in utero for one of two reasons: or teratogenic effects.

Usually, neither partial nor complete doubling of the kidney is manifested or felt by the patient. However, if an inflammatory or other pathological process occurs in an organ, symptoms characteristic of the normal course of the pathology appear:

  • long-term, incessant headaches;
  • pain when urinating or difficulty in this process;
  • weakness;
  • nausea;
  • cloudy urine or urine of an uncharacteristic color;
  • heat;
  • lower back pain on one or both sides.

Diagnosis of anomaly

Kidney duplication can only be determined using hardware diagnostics. Unfortunately, most patients with this feature of the body are not aware of the dangers that may await them in the event of damage to an additional kidney. The point is that on its own extra organ It is low-functional and can be easily damaged by leading an unhealthy lifestyle, abusing medications, or receiving an accidental injury. The consequences, in this case, will certainly affect the main part of the organ, and this will have an impact on the entire body.

The abnormality can be detected by ultrasound using contrast agent(color Doppler mapping). With this method, the patient is injected with one or more contrast agents - substances that, passing through vascular system, are clearly displayed on the diagnostic device. This is necessary in order to distinguish one vascular system from another and understand the structure of the additional organ.

Radiography with a contrast agent works approximately the same way, with the only difference being that ultrasound can be repeated as often as desired (the device does not have a negative cumulative effect), and radiography is usually carried out in in case of emergency for lack of an alternative. Radiography using a contrast agent in the case of diagnosing kidney disease is called the ascending urography method.

The cystoscopy method is a method of examining the orifice of the ureters by introducing into urethra special catheter with LEDs. Using this method, the doctor can trace the opening of the ureters and understand the structure of the organs.

Most modern way, allowing you to repeat the examination with virtually no contraindications and obtain a highly accurate result - MRI. Magnetic resonance imaging (used independently or with the introduction of a contrast agent) not only demonstrates the morphological structure of the urinary system of a particular patient, but also allows you to track its work over time. The examination using this method can be repeated at any frequency, and at the same time it takes little time to process, which makes MRI almost universal in medical practice.

Thus, diagnosing kidney duplication does not require highly specialized laboratory methods– a hardware examination is sufficient, which does not take much time and practically does not cause discomfort to the patient.

Prevention and treatment

First of all, it should be said about the prevention of the appearance of renal anomalies. If the expectant mother is expecting the birth of a child, and among her relatives or relatives of the child’s father there is a person with a kidney anomaly, you should keep this in mind and carry out early age hardware diagnostics to detect anomalies. Its presence will determine some aspects of the life of the unborn child and some features of his drug treatment.

In addition, the expectant mother should avoid harmful effects, especially on early stages pregnancy, because in best case scenario this threatens the doubling of the kidney, and in the worst case, developmental defects and systemic disorders.

A person who has been diagnosed with kidney duplication should warn all his or her attending physicians about this feature before prescribing treatment in order to avoid drug poisoning. In addition, to reduce the potential risk of kidney disease, you should review your diet and adhere to healthy image life. Hypothermia and kidney injury should be avoided if possible.

There is no treatment for kidney duplication, because This feature of the body is not a pathology. Treatment is prescribed only if the pathological process develops in accordance with the normal course of the disease. They do not seek to remove a kidney without significant indicators for such an operation. The patient is prescribed symptomatic treatment to normalize impaired body functions.

If there is an inflammatory process, the patient is prescribed antibiotics; if stones appear, analgesics and antispasmodics are prescribed, and surgery is prescribed if necessary.

If the patient has nephrolithiasis, he requires physical therapy in the form of warm baths and administration antispasmodics. If you have any kidney disease, you should follow a special diet and carefully monitor your health. In any case, you should give up bad habits and traumatic sports.

Kidney duplication is neither a pathology nor a device for enhancing the functioning of the urinary system. This is an anomaly that has its own characteristics of functioning and is associated with certain risks for the patient. That's why the best way cope with this feature - identify its presence as early as possible and adhere to a healthy lifestyle in order to avoid possible complications.

One of the most common anomalies in the development of organs of the urinary system is a double kidney. This anomaly is always congenital and forms in the first trimester of pregnancy, during active organogenesis. There are so many factors predisposing to this anomaly that it is not possible to single out any main one. Anomalies associated with the development and functioning of the kidney can be different, so urologists distinguish between duplication or the presence of an additional kidney.

What is doubling?

The term doubling usually means the presence of a bud that is much larger in volume and size. normal kidney, which is associated with improper formation of the urinary system during intrauterine development. When doubling on the part of the abnormal kidney, a significant increase in its lower pole can be distinguished. This is where the additional part is located. A condition in which the lower pole of an abnormal kidney is much larger than normal is called incomplete kidney duplication.

Doubling most often occurs in females, and it is not always possible to suspect this anomaly in a newborn, since the peculiarities of the functioning and development of many organs and systems do not allow assessing the entire clinical picture.

Often, a double kidney does not bother a person at all, who can live his whole life with it without learning about the pathology. However, in some cases, a double kidney may be a factor in the development of diseases of the urinary system.

This photo shows the main shapes

Incomplete doubling

Incomplete or partial doubling is most often detected on the left side; an explanation for this fact has not yet been found in medicine, but the fact remains a fact. IN in rare cases doubling occurs on both sides. Incomplete doubling of the left kidney differs from complete doubling in that in this case the ureters from the regular and accessory kidneys merge into a single one and flow into the bladder together. With incomplete doubling, each of its parts is supplied with its own blood supply. renal artery However, the pyelocalyceal system remains unified.

Full doubling

With complete doubling, there is a complete anatomical division of the pyelocaliceal system of the anomalous kidney, but the parenchyma of the organ remains partially connected and they have a single capsule. Complete duplication of the right kidney is somewhat more common than the left one.

Causes of abnormalities of the urinary system

The reasons for kidney duplication are very diverse, as mentioned above, the abnormal development of the urinary system occurs under the influence of a large number of different factors such as external environment, as well as the characteristics of the functioning of the mother’s body during pregnancy. The nature of the anomaly is multifactorial and the main components of the incorrect formation of the abdominal system are:

  • impact on the mother's body various types ionizing radiation even in the smallest doses;
  • lack of vitamins, macro- and microelements in particular folic acid, magnesium and selenium;
  • application medicines with the presence of a teratogenic effect on the body of a pregnant woman;
  • presence of bad habits associated with the use of tobacco products and alcoholic beverages, is dangerous not only for the mother, but also for the child.

There are also a dozen more factors that contribute to the activation of genetic errors and significantly affect pregnancy. It is worth noting that the maternal body and the developing fetus are most sensitive to all factors during the first trimester, when tissue differentiation occurs and the formation of the main organs and systems occurs; it is at this moment that the most unpleasant consequences for a child.

Timely and thorough pregnancy planning is the key to children’s health


The double organ does not cause any specific symptoms. Incomplete doubling may be completely asymptomatic and detected only with preventive diagnostic examination. Sometimes it happens that a person lives with an abnormal kidney, when it is double, all his life, without ever learning about the peculiarities of the functioning of his own body. But with complete doubling, the picture is completely different; often, over time, urodynamic disturbances begin to form in the pyelocaliceal system of one of the organs, which leads to the formation of pathological processes.

Due to disturbances in urodynamics in the abnormal kidney, the most a common complication is the development of the inflammatory process in the pyelocaliceal system. Less commonly, reflux occurs, i.e., the reverse flow of urine from the ureters, which leads to the development of hydronephrosis and urolithiasis.

The most common symptom which a patient with an anomaly experiences is pain syndrome. The pain is localized in the lower back and is aching character, which is associated with inflammation and subsequent swelling. In addition to pain, general weakness, swelling and fever may occur.

How to detect doubling

Doubling is rarely detected in a newborn, and even more so in a fetus, since the structure of their organs is still immature. Kidney duplication in a child can be detected starting from 8-9 years of age, when the organ systems are already fully formed and correspond to an adult body. Almost always, doubling becomes an unexpected finding during a diagnostic study, sometimes not at all related to the urinary system. The most informative research methods are ultrasound diagnostics And CT scan. These research methods make it possible to confirm the anomaly with 100% probability and determine complete or incomplete organ duplication.

To clarify the diagnosis, a patient with such an anomaly can undergo ascending urography and cystoscopy. Directly during a cystoscopic examination, the urologist can determine the orifice of the ureters, which will confirm the complete separation of the two kidneys.

Pregnancy and doubling

If a woman planning a pregnancy knows about her urinary system anomaly, she should approach pregnancy planning more responsibly. Doubling is not a contraindication to pregnancy, but in some cases pregnancy can provoke inflammatory diseases in an abnormal kidney.

It's no secret that during pregnancy, along with the growing child, the uterus also enlarges, which leads to compression and displacement of organs abdominal cavity, and since they are located in the retroperitoneal space and are fixed, they cannot normally move. Pregnancy can lead to compression of the abnormal kidney and disruption of its functioning. When planning a pregnancy with a double kidney, a woman should undergo a thorough examination of the urinary system and follow all recommendations of the attending physician and obstetrician-gynecologist.

Kidney doubling and conscription into the army

Doubling does not exempt the conscript from mandatory military service , this means that conscript category “B” gives him the right to serve in troops with limited physical activity. WITH double kidney They are recruited into the army in such troops as communications and engineering, which do not require serious stress on the body. In some cases, the diagnosis of a double kidney may exempt you from compulsory service, but this requires significant complications from the abnormal kidney, so chronic pyelonephritis a conscript may be issued a military ID of category “B”.

Treatment of a double kidney

In the absence of any significant symptoms and the clinical picture of complications with an abnormal kidney, you can live without exposure this state no correction. With incomplete doubling, the risk of complications is minimal and such a patient can live a calm and full life without treatment. If during diagnostic study Serious morphofunctional changes in the pyelocaliceal system have been identified, then this condition becomes a reason for specialized treatment.

Treatment consists of prescribing the patient a planned surgical intervention– heminephrectomy. During heminephrectomy, a retroperitoneal access to the abnormal kidney is formed and the most altered part of the kidney is excised, followed by suturing of the surgical wounds.

When the abnormal part of the organ is removed, urodynamics in the kidney are normalized and the clinical picture of any complications gradually disappears. It is very important to follow all recommendations of the surgeon and the attending physician in postoperative period, since the kidney is a very delicate organ and rehabilitation takes quite a long time. Correction of diet and drinking regime allows you to speed up the recovery stage and quickly move on to a full life.