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Bananas for cough recipe reviews. Honey-banana cough treatment: tasty, healthy, effective How to make a banana for a cough

The use of this wonderful and extraordinary delicious fruit It has long been no longer limited to gastronomic delights. Bananas are widely used for cooking cosmetic masks and nutritional compositions. Using a banana, you can easily restore lost shine and strength to your hair. One of the most amazing abilities of the solar fruit will be good effect in the treatment of cough. Prepare delicious and useful medicine The information in this article will help you learn the features of the “banana” treatment and the little tricks of the recipe.


A real storehouse of vitamins, minerals and useful microelements- banana is famous for its ability to quickly restore strength and energy to a depleted body. The main advantage of this fruit is potassium, which is involved in most human life processes. Its deficiency leads to undesirable consequences, including: rapid fatigue, deterioration of the skin, nails and hair, dysfunction of the cardiovascular system. vascular system, liver and kidney function. Lack of potassium is expressed in periodic muscle pain, cramps and impaired fluid intake. salt balance, and long healing wounds and cuts.

The causes of cough without cold are described.

Bananas have a fairly significant potassium content, so regular use this healthy fruit can reduce the likelihood of such health problems. This delicious therapy also helps with a variety of ailments, ranging from chronic depression and ending kidney problems. Banana is also used to treat cough. Other components also help him in this, which will be discussed in our article a little later.

Read how to treat a wheezing cough in a child.

Basic methods

For treatment, fully ripe, but not loose fruits are selected. The peel and white veins are not involved in cooking; moreover, they can give the medicine an undesirable tart taste.

For any of the proposed recipes, mash the banana with a fork or chop it in any way suitable for you.

The prepared mixture is not stored for a long time, so it is necessary to calculate a single or daily portion. Do not use the mixture the next day unless the recipe calls for it.

You will find a list of medications for dry cough for adults.

Banana “medicines” give a very good effect, but if after a couple of days there is no visible improvement, you should consult a doctor. Such methods cannot completely replace drug treatment

, especially if bronchitis or pneumonia is diagnosed. In these cases, it is best to use banana mixtures as an additional expectorant. You should not use this remedy for wet and productive coughing; it is intended specifically for dry coughs.


Grind one ripe banana into a paste, add half a glass of water and a little sugar (to thicken the syrup). Mix everything well and cook in a water bath. The total cooking time is no more than 7–10 minutes; after the mass darkens, remove from heat and cool slightly. Take hot, can be used in small quantities even for small children.

With honey Grind one ripe banana until mushy, add a tablespoon of honey and cook in a water bath. As soon as the mass darkens (usually after 7–10 minutes), remove the container from the heat and cool.

Take one spoon of the mixture, you need to eat the entire portion per day. Mix chopped banana with one tablespoon natural honey

. The prepared mixture should be taken three times a day, a teaspoon for children and a tablespoon for adults. The product can be stored in the refrigerator. Use for several days until complete recovery.

Mixed with milk

Banana jelly with sugar for cough

Grind the pulp of a large ripe banana and add 1 tablespoon of sugar. Boil a glass of water in a separate container and pour boiling water over the resulting mixture. Then let it sit for at least half an hour and only then the jelly can be taken. It is recommended to consume this jelly half a glass every two hours. Treatment usually does not take more than five days, and significant improvements are noticeable much earlier.

Read how to treat teething cough in children. Treatment with banana helps with dry cough, as well as lingering colds. A little unconventional way , however, is different high efficiency . Additional ingredients in the proposed recipes can cause allergic reactions, so banana mixtures can also be used in. The big advantage will be the absolute safety of the method. This remedy can be used to treat pregnant and lactating women, as well as young children.


This video will tell you how to prepare a banana cough recipe.

You can be treated not only with benefit, but also with taste. Bananas are a fruit that is popular in most countries. But few people know what they have healing properties and they are used in folk medicine. Banana for cough - a recipe that will suit the most fastidious patient.

Banana benefits

Banana is a real storehouse of useful microelements. It provides the body with energy and is recommended for use after physical activity. During illness, this fact is important, because when you cough, there is often no appetite. The main assistants in the treatment of colds will be potassium and ascorbic acid, which these yellow fruits are rich in.

Everyone needs potassium for normal functioning the whole body. Normally, each person should have approximately 250 grams of potassium. Its deficiency affects performance internal organs and immunity. This item can handle many pathogenic bacteria. The presence of potassium in children's body especially important - it stimulates growth and development.

The disadvantage of potassium is that it is not retained in the body. Its reserves must be constantly replenished. Other vegetables and fruits that may be rich in it are not always saturated with it. sufficiently. This is because they can grow in soils that are deficient in potassium. Banana trees do not grow in this area.

Ascorbic acid has an antioxidant effect on the body and activates the production of interferon. It is these properties that explain the benefits of bananas for coughs.

Cough usually occurs due to viral and infectious diseases respiratory tract. Interferon is a protective protein that prevents pathogens from entering the cell. Outside the cell, the virus dies almost immediately. It is interferon that prevents the disease from developing.

Vitamin C enhances the production and effects of interferon. One banana contains a quarter of the daily value for a child under 10 years old. Adults need a little more.

Bananatherapy has many advantages:

  • Availability;
  • Efficiency;
  • No side effects;
  • Easy to prepare.

It is ideal to treat coughs in children with bananas - all recipes have a pleasant taste. In addition, they are combined with medications. Even a child can make this folk remedy for cough at home.

Sweet recipes

Adult patients will like banana recipes for cough just as much as kids. Much the best solution will be combined with other medicinal ingredients.

With honey.

There are two ways to prepare cough medicine with banana and honey.

Method number 1

  • banana;
  • 20 g honey.

Puree the pulp with a fork or strain through a strainer. Add honey, stir and heat over low heat. The banana cough medicine is ready when it turns a dark golden hue.

The only contraindication is an allergy to honey.

Method number 2

Puree the pulp and add water. Heat the mixture over low heat for 10 minutes, remove and add honey.

These recipes help you cure a cough in just a couple of days.

With milk.


  • banana;
  • 200 g milk.

Pour in the grated pulp warm milk. Heat over low heat. This cough remedy can be taken with sugar. Drink half a cup of banana with milk every 2 hours.

With cocoa.

To prepare you will need:

  • banana;
  • 60 g cocoa powder or 20 ml. oils;
  • 200 ml. clean water (non-carbonated mineral water is possible).

Mix pureed banana with cocoa. Bring water to a boil, pour in the mixture and stir.

Bananas were first used to treat coughs in Brazil.

With butter.


  • banana;
  • 200 ml. milk;
  • 50 g. butter;
  • 20 g honey or sugar.

Pour hot milk over the mashed pulp. Add soft butter and mix with honey.

Original recipes

Bananas are used not only in the form of grated pulp with additives. Used in folk medicine unusual recipes, which give the same healing effect.


For preparation you will need:

  • banana;
  • 20 g sugar;
  • 200 ml. still mineral water

Mix banana puree with sugar. Boil water in a separate container. Pour boiling water into the sweet mixture, stir and let stand for 30 minutes.

Drink half a glass of cough jelly every 2 hours. The course of therapy is 5 days.


  • banana;
  • 100 ml. water;
  • 25 g sugar.

Grate the banana pulp and mix with granulated sugar and water. The resulting thick syrup heat over low heat. Drink the mixture hot, half a glass every 3 hours. The most severe inflammation and cough will go away within a week.

Mint and lemon.

For preparation you will need:

  • banana;
  • mint tincture;
  • 20 ml. lemon juice;
  • 50 ml. honey;
  • 200 ml. milk.

Heat milk and honey over low heat. Mix the remaining ingredients with grated banana pulp and add them to warm milk.

This cocktail is especially good for bronchitis, but should only be consumed by adults.

Peel decoction.

  • banana peel;
  • liter of milk;
  • 20 g honey.

Grind clean washed banana peel. Pour milk into a container and add pieces of peel. Wait until it boils, then reduce the heat and simmer for 15 minutes. Ready decoction strain, add honey.

You should drink the medicine one tablespoon every two hours.


To prepare you will need:

  • banana;
  • 20 g sugar;
  • 40 ml. olive oil.

Cut the pulp into small pieces or strips. Bread the pieces in sugar. Fry them in a heated frying pan until golden brown.

In this form, the medicine is taken in the evening, before bedtime.

Reception features

Recipes with banana have contraindications. They cannot be used under the following conditions:

  • age up to 6 months;
  • varicose veins and thrombophlebitis;
  • Increased acidity in the stomach;
  • diabetes;
  • Individual intolerance to other components of the drug.

Such delicious recipes will relieve the patient from cough within a week. But you should understand that bananas alone should not be used for coughs. This remedy is best used as an auxiliary in the main treatment. In this case, recovery will not be long in coming.

Folk recipes are based on the use not only medicinal herbs, but also various fruits. Some tips contain information on how to use banana for cough. It is recommended for an adult or child to add the yellow fruit to drinks and decoctions, and also use it separately.

Indeed, the fruit has a high nutritional value, contains many useful substances and has a pleasant taste. However modern medicine I am skeptical about being treated with such cough recipes.

In contact with

For the economy of many countries, the cultivation of yellow fruits is of great importance. The fruit is not only used for food, but also harvested as livestock feed, canned and exported to other countries. Before you prepare cough medicine from banana, you should familiarize yourself with its properties.

Table. Nutrients per 100 grams of product

The fact that banana cough remedy is effective is highly questionable. However, other benefits of the yellow fruit are quite obvious. The fruit is rich in useful dietary fiber

Banana for cough - a delicious and healthy treat

Can a banana help a cough?

Consuming the fruit in reasonable quantities can provide health benefits. However, using a banana for cough as the main means of therapy is pointless. It cannot treat the underlying disease and does not alleviate the condition. relevant in some cases:

  1. The fruit has a pleasant taste and delicate aroma. Bananas for cough for children can be used as an additional component to give the medicine a sweetness and soft texture.
  2. The fruit has a viscous structure. When crushed, it coats the mucous membrane of the throat, making it easier to swallow.
  3. Improves digestion and helps cleanse the body. There is no point in treating it, but its inclusion in the diet will speed up the elimination of toxins.

Treatment for cough with a banana does not solve the main problem, but it can make the fight against the disease more enjoyable.

It is worth considering that the fruit is quite high in calories and has a high glycemic index. Treating with uncontrolled eating of fruits is unacceptable.


As a rule, cough bananas are recommended for adults and children to chop before consumption. It is best to treat with fruits ground through a sieve or ground using a blender according to the following recipes.

This bee product contains fructose, glucose and many useful elements. Honey is rich in ascorbic acid, it helps improve immunity and has a general strengthening effect.

Banana and honey cough remedy can be prepared using banana puree. To prepare the recipe, it is better to take ripe fruits. Add grated bananas to one tablespoon of honey. Mix the cough remedy, add two tablespoons of water, heat over low heat, but do not boil.

The prescription dosage of the mixture does not depend on the patient’s age. Children and adults need to take bananas for coughs 3 times a day. It is permissible to double the quantity. It is not recommended to eat or drink within 30 minutes after administration.

Warm milk has a soothing effect on the throat mucosa. You can treat children with it over a year old. Options for preparing banana with milk:

  1. Add a glass of warm milk to two grated fruits and mix. Treat by taking 3-4 tablespoons every 2 hours.
  2. Add a glass of milk to the crushed fruit, heat, but do not boil. Treat before bedtime.

These methods describe how to use a banana for cough without a significant investment of time. The recipe for children will be a real delicacy and a godsend for those who are thinking about how to treat their baby. And ?

With cocoa

The recipe recommends treating with a mixture of cocoa and fruit. Chocolate powder contains theobromine. In medicine, the substance is used to treat respiratory diseases. It also has a diuretic effect and accelerates cleansing of the body. Banana cough remedy for children and adults with added cocoa may cause allergic reaction and worsen the condition. Use the recipe with caution.

The banana cough recipe for children is very simple. It is necessary to grind one fruit into a paste, mix with a tablespoon of cocoa powder and dilute with a glass of warm milk. It is better to treat according to this recipe in the morning or daytime hours. Cocoa has an invigorating effect, which can cause sleep disturbances.

Cough medicine with cocoa and fruit should not be taken by patients with diabetes mellitus. In addition, if you are overweight, you should not drink such a drug. The combination of fruit, sugar and cocoa in the recipe is a real calorie bomb.

Boiled banana

It should be noted that heat treatment leads to destruction useful components fetus For example, ascorbic acid decomposes when exposed to temperature. Boiled banana for coughs in children and adults helps soften the mucous membrane and has an enveloping effect.

According to the recipe, the fruit must be crushed, added a couple of tablespoons of water and simmered over low heat for 7-10 minutes. Add honey if necessary. Boiled banana should be taken one tablespoon every 2 hours. This recipe will be more useful for those who need to treat diseases of the gastrointestinal tract or get rid of constipation.


This traditional dish of Russian cuisine has no analogues in the world. It has a beneficial effect on digestion, stimulates urine output, reduces appetite and is itself a nutritious product. Many people recommend treating with jelly made from exotic fruits. There is an opinion that consuming the drink can even relieve bronchitis and the recipe is recommended for children.

Cough banana in the form of jelly is prepared from the following ingredients:

  • one fruit;
  • one glass of water;
  • sugar or honey to taste.

According to the recipe, banana jelly is prepared without the use of starch. The texture of the fruit allows you to do without adding this powder. The fruit must be crushed in a blender, mashed with a fork or grated. Add boiling water to the paste and add sugar or honey.

Banana cough remedy for children and adults should be cooled slightly and drunk. You should not make the drink in large quantities in advance. During storage, it will lose its structure and darken. It is worth treating with jelly every 2-3 hours.

Tincture with mint

Children are recommended to take bananas in this form when they cough, to treat bronchitis and to soothe the throat. The fruit must be crushed, mixed with a glass of milk and boiled for 5-7 minutes. Add a little honey and a spoonful of mint tincture to the resulting mixture. You can purchase a ready-made tincture at a pharmacy. It is worth treating according to the prescription as with syrup, every 2-3 hours, a tablespoon. The drug will make swallowing easier and reduce discomfort in the throat.

How to cook for a child?

You should not treat babies with the suggested recipes without consulting with specialists. In addition, mixtures are prohibited for use on infants under one year of age. Banana with cocoa for cough for children should not be given to children under three years of age.

It is better to give preference to recipes that do not include heat treatment. This will preserve the highest concentration of nutrients in the fruits. Banana cough medicine for children should be discontinued if the condition worsens or if there is no effect within 3-5 days.

Otherwise, you can treat the child according to any of the above recipes or make syrup:

  • one ripe peeled fruit;
  • 1 tablespoon sugar;
  • glass of water.

According to the recipe, place the chopped fruit in a container and place it on water bath for 5-7 minutes. Pour in water, add sugar (can be replaced with honey). Simmer the resulting mixture in a water bath for another 7-10 minutes. Remove the syrup from the heat and cool to room temperature. Treat the patient with a tablespoon every 3 hours. Every day, to treat a cough, you need to brew a new syrup.

The banana came to us from distant tropical countries. He came and took root so much that we cannot imagine our life without him. He became as familiar as apples.

Banana contains a large number of carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals. There is especially a lot of potassium in it.

Due to its high ability to enhance immunity and enveloping properties, the fruit is effectively used to treat coughs in children and adults.

Cough can be different:

  1. Moist, with sputum discharge.
  2. Dry, scratches the throat and irritates the upper respiratory tract.
  3. Chronic, lasting more than two weeks.

For various types of cough, it is also used different treatment. The yellow friend will always come to the rescue.

Cough wet

At wet cough It is important to facilitate the discharge of sputum, restore immunity and consolidate the result. Then the cough will not come back. In this case, the following recipes will help:

  1. Banana with milk and honey. You need to chop 2 bananas. You can use a blender or just use a regular fork. Pour one cup of boiling milk over the puree. Let cool until warm and add one dessert spoon of honey. Consume 3-4 times during the day before meals.

Important: for children under one year of age, honey is replaced with sugar. Children from one to three years old are given one teaspoon of honey.

  1. Banana smoothie with cocoa. Take puree from one fruit. Add three teaspoons of cocoa. Pour a glass of milk over everything and boil. After cooling until warm, add honey. Take warm before bed.

Important: if you start taking the drug for initial stage diseases, cough is cured very quickly.

  1. Banana with plantain tincture. Add boiling milk to the ripe banana puree - half a glass, one spoon of honey and 15 ml of plantain tincture. Take the composition - three teaspoons, after a meal, an hour later.

Important: all mixtures that include alcohol tinctures, suitable for treating adults and children over 12 years of age.

Banana combined with warm milk and honey has a soft, expectorant effect. The product must be taken for 10 days. This contributes complete cleansing bronchi and the cough will not return.

Relief of dry cough

Dry cough is very harmful to the body. It causes a sore throat, can tear ligaments and causes a lot of inconvenience to a person.

People have come up with more than one recipe to alleviate this condition:

  1. Banana puree with mint. Add a glass of hot milk, a teaspoon of mint drops and honey (a tablespoon) to the pulp from one banana. Let the mixture brew for half an hour and drink 20 ml three times a day.
  2. Banana plus butter. Add a spoonful of honey and a small stick of butter to mashed banana with hot milk. Should only be taken warm.

Important: this recipe is good for getting rid of a sore throat.

  1. Banana with honey caramel. The fruit mixed with honey is brought to a boil, stirring constantly. Remove the darkened pulp from the heat and add 100 ml of boiling milk. Warm medicine is given to the child during the day during coughing attacks.

The use of banana-milk mixture reduces the number of coughing attacks. The feeling of soreness and tickling in the throat disappears. Both children and adults will like this product.

At chronic cough It's better to consult a doctor.

Using a folk recipe simultaneously with treatment, you can enhance its effectiveness and speed up recovery.

  • Spiced milkshake. Take a glass of milk. Add 30 ml honey, vanilla, cinnamon and nutmeg. The composition is boiled and left for half an hour. Then add mashed banana. Drink little by little throughout the day.

All banana based recipes are simple. It doesn't take much time to prepare them. You need to use freshly prepared formulations. Take one banana for children, and two for adults.

Important: Children taking banana medicine may experience decreased appetite. It's not scary. Bananas are quite high in calories.

A tropical fruit that is easily digestible and does not cause allergies, but there are a number of contraindications to its use:

  1. Bananas should not be consumed by adults and overweight children.
  2. fruits can cause increased acidity stomach.
  3. Eating bananas increases blood viscosity. It is not recommended for varicose veins and thrombophlebitis.
  4. Fruits should be used carefully by people who have diabetes or have had a heart attack or stroke.

Banana and milk cough treatment recipe consists of inexpensive, available products. All mixtures are easy to prepare. Children and adults enjoy drinking this product. Application folk recipes allows you to get rid of cough, improve your body health and strengthen your immune system.

We are all very familiar with cough. When we catch a cold, we sadly realize that the time has come for bitter potions and synthetic pills. However, just during the cold season, everyone’s favorite fragrant yellow fruit begins to be sold en masse in our stores. Yes, we're talking about about bananas, so tasty and sweet that we do not imagine them as a healing medicine, but we see them exclusively as a delicacy.

Banana with milk - delicious and effective remedy From cough

A banana can be considered a record holder for the amount of potassium it contains, without which our heart muscle quickly breaks down. However, besides this useful substance this aromatic fruit contains many useful elements that make it suitable for treating one of the most common and unpleasant ailments -.

In addition to strengthening muscles and promoting the growth and active development of the body, potassium can prevent the full reproduction of microorganisms. Therefore, foods containing potassium may depress pathogenic microorganisms and promote a speedy recovery.But potassium is not the only thing healing substance, which bananas are rich in. They contain vitamins, microelements, various nutrients, starch, as well as mucous components.

Thanks to them, banana pulp has an enveloping, softening and soothing effect, quickly softens and helps improve the process of expectoration of wet sputum.

There are many reasons for a cough. This is mainly the impact various types infections:

  • Bacterial.
  • Viral.
  • Gribkova.

A cough is usually accompanied by headaches, dryness and itching, a feeling of lack of air, increased and severe weakness. Usually, in such cases, simple home remedies are clearly not enough; complex treatment must be used.

Treatment of the cause of cough with medications depends entirely on what exactly caused it. Application folk remedies helps to cope with the manifestations of the disease, eliminate choking and irritation, sore throat and other manifestations of the disease.If the cough has just begun and is not accompanied by threatening symptoms, you can use one of the traditional methods.

But, if after 2-3 days the cough does not go away, there is a need to review the treatment strategy and switch to more serious active drugs.

Since banana extremely rarely causes negative reactions and has a minimum of contraindications, it can be given to absolutely everyone. Children especially love this medicine, because it is very tasty, sweet, quickly soothes the throat and is not at all like nasty bitter pills.

Banana with milk: recipes and application features

Proper preparation of the medicine is the key to a quick recovery

It is very easy to prepare banana with cough milk. For this:

  • You need to take a fresh, fully ripe, but not overripe fruit, peel it and turn it into a homogeneous pulp.
  • The uniformity of the mixture is important for two reasons: a paste-like mixture quickly gives the desired “jelly-like” structure, and lumps in the mixture can cause nausea in small children and pregnant women.
  • Hot boiled milk is poured into the prepared banana. High Quality and beat the mixture again.
  • It becomes a lush, tasty and aromatic homogeneous drink, which should be consumed 3-4 times a day warm.

You can use bananas and milk in a slightly different form.If you grind a banana into a paste and add honey to it, you will get a thick and very tasty “toffee”.When washing down such a delicious treat with warm milk, the child will not even suspect that he is not eating a delicacy, but real medicine.

Since banana and milk are natural natural products, their use has virtually no restrictions. This tasty mixture is perfect for treating children who cannot take artificial medications just at the sight of a spoon with pharmaceutical syrup, especially a tablet.

The banana-milk mixture has a pleasant sweetish taste, which can be further enhanced by adding a little good natural honey. This product is also well known as powerful tool against cough, therefore, in the absence of contraindications, it can be taken to improve the action of the composition.

If you have previously had problems with your health when consuming bananas or milk, it is better to consult a specialist in advance.

Banana with cough milk has practically no effect, except for the presence of bananas, immunity to milk due to the lack of an enzyme that breaks down lactose and high acidity gastric juice. In all other cases, this mixture works best.